Pepsi Jedi wrote:You're still at the mercy, by and large mages are not intensely trained combat wombats that also just happen to have spells to cast. They aren't going to be as good in a gun fight as the men at arms and are unlikely to be as heavily equipped or have the range of options open to them.
Yup, the base classes in RUE can't even get sniper/sharpshooting far as I know.
That said: the freeness of PPE and being able to use it occasionally instead of armor/ammo probably does make it easier to save up credits for a 4000ft juicer rifle. Course that might be offset by being overcharged by mage-haters, having to pay mercs to protect you from the CS, etc.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Another thing ignored is that a mage has to stop doing everything to cast. If memory serves they can't just fire off a spell. run, blow something up with their rifle, fire off another spell run and dive for cover, etc. They have to stop doing -everything- and concentrate on doing the spell. If you're engaged in combat or even taking fire, you have to stop for an action or two to catch your breath and center yourself before you can try and cast another spell.
RP-wise maybe but mostly left up to GM judgment. The effects of running full-sprint on one's aim or casting (would seem to compromise either) isn't focused on much.
Killer Cyborg wrote:all mages tend to start with rifles in their equipment
Explicitly, or taking liberties with the 'energy weapon of choice' that often shows up? That could just as easily be a laser wand or stun gun.
flatline wrote:Are you claiming that mages are not trained in the use of their starting gear? I would assume that they know how to put it on, how to wear it, and probably how to do simple maintenance like cleaning.
Not necessarily, a character is not guaranteed to have the skill to operate starting gear, that's just something the player usually organizes for their own convenience. Only in cases where it says stuff like "a weapon for each WP" or when we're explicitly told to select a weapon which corresponds with a starting WP skill can we guarantee this.
flatline wrote:I'd wear 15 lbs of EBA when I'm out in the field if there's a significant chance that someone is going to shoot me. Heck, I might wear EBA simply for the air conditioning if it's hot enough out.
I'd be tempted to go for non-environmental due to lower costs and avoiding being a target for wreckage from a cyber-knight. The air-conditioning is tempting though. Albeit... if I had the creds I could get that from a robot vehicle without being as cramped.
Hotrod wrote:Biomancy armor from South America and Millennium Tree Armor from England solve this issue nicely. Another possibility is to take the sewing skill twice (i.e. become a tailor), along with leather working, and tailor your own clothes out of MDC hides.
Anyone recall a book with MD-inflicting needles for this purpose? I think I saw it just can't recall where. Possibly something about using a laser-wand on the 1 MD setting to burn a tiny hole for putting thread through? Where do you get MDC thread? Or is there a way to stitch it so SDC thread is not exposed and will be protected by the hide?