glitterboy2098 wrote:actually the more plausible explanation is "there were more and we just didn't see them"
Unless it's established that there are more... that's just supposition. Breetai is the sole example of a commander with that coloration and build, and we see numerous commander types in the series.
glitterboy2098 wrote:hell.. the Zentreadi are clones. odds are there are hundreds if not thousands of copies of each individual in the fleet.
That they are clones does not necessarily entail that they are all identical, genetically... there are cloning techniques that entail the combining of multiple strands of genetic code to create an artificial, but unique, organism.
Also, while there might have originally been multiple copies of individuals in the fleet, the massive attrition involved (to the point of being virtually, if not functionally, extinct per the series) makes it profoundly unlikely that there would be so many examples of the particular build and coloration traits unique to Breetai among a group that was already the rarest Zentradi genotype. There's also a relevant confirmation in the RPG that the Zentradi have been retconned to be larger than humans, with the mention that the Bioroid Interceptor exists in part because the Zentradi were having trouble fitting into the Alpha and Beta. That shouldn't be an issue for a rank-and-file Zentradi trooper, who in the series was no larger than an average human at miclone size.
taalismn wrote:Depending on how it's expected to be parsed, it could be a serial number, 'number x Miriya-clone' , 'Miriya, Variant x of Strain Y of Geneline z, of Baby Factory #m, Daisy Hill Puppy Farm..'
All told, it's just an individual's unique identifier within their fleet... though there are not necessarily multiples of an individual soldier active at the same time, nor does that mean that that genetic baseline has existed for the entirety of their 500,000 year war, or that two individuals off the same genetic baseline are even part of the same numbering sequence.
If the numbering were more information-rich, it'd be too long to be useful... there are literally millions of clone synthesis systems in the Zentradi logistical chain, servicing thousands of main fleets, each with billions of soldiers. They exhibit all the genetic diversity you'd expect from a galaxy-spanning species created by a precursor race for whom genetic engineering was child's play... more so than humanity by a significant margin. They're genetically similar enough to interbreed with humanity, because humanity was also built off the same genetic baseline in
Macross, though a number of the Zentradi's more unique traits appear to be dominant... like unusual skin or hair coloration, greater resistance to physical injury and trauma, and other even stranger traits.
(Of course, the Zor in
Southern Cross also exhibit a number of traits that are not part of baseline humanity as the result of a couple thousand years of exposure to the protozor and the expected genetic drift.)
Virtually none of that, of course, is directly applicable to
Robotech... which, on average, seems to take a much less optimistic view of interspecies romance, and writes off the genetic similarities between species as coincidence.