Submissions Peer Review?

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Submissions Peer Review?

Unread post by fbdaury »

Hi, I was just wondering if any of you who have submitted in the past (successfully or not) had someone else on the boards review your material for you prior to submission, and is this allowable? I have an idea for a submission that I think might end up being pretty big (possibly multiple installments) and know that I sometimes lose focus so think it might be a good idea to have someone else go over everything before I submit. :?
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Re: Submissions Peer Review?

Unread post by Fell »

fbdaury wrote:Hi, I was just wondering if any of you who have submitted in the past (successfully or not) had someone else on the boards review your material for you prior to submission, and is this allowable? I have an idea for a submission that I think might end up being pretty big (possibly multiple installments) and know that I sometimes lose focus so think it might be a good idea to have someone else go over everything before I submit. :?

I have shown some ideas to others here prior to using it. More as a, does this look interesting? Then a please edit it.

I would think that you could show/share your stuff with a person you trusted but as far as reviewing it and editing it I'd wonder just how you would give them credit for doing that. Maybe someone else has an idea.

I have often considered doing what Josh Hilden does, pay an editor.

Ultimately I think PB staff end up editing it a lot.

I have a project, future submission, I am working on right now. It's 150 plus pages long (99,000 words long). I break it down into sections. Review sections myself.

I end up writing a super long (roughly 20 pages?) out line as a means of taking notes.

I refer to my out line a lot.

Granted I'm not a pro...I'm sure there are better ways.

In the end I plan on having a friend (an editor) review this bigger project. But I did look into the one Josh uses and she seemed like good option.
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Re: Submissions Peer Review?

Unread post by fbdaury »

Sorry, I guess editing is what it sounded what I was asking about, I guess what I really meant was more of a "Do you think this is cool and does it make sense?" than a "Please edit this for me." But thanks for the feedback- sorry if my initial post was confusing.
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Re: Submissions Peer Review?

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

I have shown my stuff to other people for feedback before. The early stuff was posted to the old Palladium Mailing List before submission. The act on having someone give you feedback should cause no problems with the submission process.

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Re: Submissions Peer Review?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

as long as it is private review and not a public one you should be ok.
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