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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

I searched but didn't see it.

The current standing of PB on third party IP, that they have the rights to publish, crossing over into PB IPs like Rifts or Splicers? Official stance please not opinion and a location where I can read it.

Thank you! :)
Last edited by Jefffar on Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rifts

Unread post by Jefffar »

Depends on the leak over and how it's presented.

If you want to talk about the cross over game you ran, great.

If you want to talk about converting stuff so it fits better, not great.

Third party IPs are still the property of the IP holder. The licence held by Palladium is only for Palladium and would not apply to fan creations. Further the licence may specify that the lines can't cross pollinate in any official form.
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Re: Rifts

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

I mean like Writing an Invid Hive and a misfolded Iki in the Arctic circle in a book I'm trying to write for Rifts.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Rifts

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Zer0 Kay wrote:I mean like Writing an Invid Hive and a misfolded Iki in the Arctic circle in a book I'm trying to write for Rifts.

hehe...In the rifts game I'm in right now we just left behind a crashed Tri-Star that seams to have been rifted into the atmo. just below (or just into the inner edge of) the contra-rotation orbital debris.

Then there was a game where my char was a Invid prince that had been in a hive that got rifted to rifts earth (west coast). He was one of 20'ish humanoid invid in the hive at the time.

Then there was the RiftTech world that the 'coming of the rifts' was set off by the Rain of Death. And Azonia was mistress of the moon.
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Re: Rifts

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I mean like Writing an Invid Hive and a misfolded Iki in the Arctic circle in a book I'm trying to write for Rifts.

hehe...In the rifts game I'm in right now we just left behind a crashed Tri-Star that seams to have been rifted into the atmo. just below (or just into the inner edge of) the contra-rotation orbital debris.

Then there was a game where my char was a Invid prince that had been in a hive that got rifted to rifts earth (west coast). He was one of 20'ish humanoid invid in the hive at the time.

Then there was the RiftTech world that the 'coming of the rifts' was set off by the Rain of Death. And Azonia was mistress of the moon.

:lol: Had to laugh at that last one.

Zer0 Kay wrote:I mean like Writing an Invid Hive and a misfolded Iki in the Arctic circle in a book I'm trying to write for Rifts.

As for that, I'm honestly not sure. I know they can't put like "new" mecha and stuff like that in the Rifter, but I don't know about just a scenario. You'd have to ask, I think, someone like Wayne Smith. He would know.
ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=137 Here is a link to ask him.
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Re: Crossovers

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

if its for an official rifts product? they'd probably not be able to do that.

if its for your own personal use or for a unofficial webpage, sure go for it
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Re: Rifts

Unread post by eliakon »

Zer0 Kay wrote:I mean like Writing an Invid Hive and a misfolded Iki in the Arctic circle in a book I'm trying to write for Rifts.

As Jefffar said, the IP is still the property of the IP holder (in this case HG). Thus it would require the (probably unlikely to be granted but who knows) approval of HG if it was for any level of official publication.
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Re: Crossovers

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Zer0 Kay wrote:I searched but didn't see it.

The current standing of PB on third party IP, that they have the rights to publish, crossing over into PB IPs like Rifts or Splicers? Official stance please not opinion and a location where I can read it.

So... this is kind of a grey area, but #6 in the Forums of the Megaverse Rules thread they indicate that adapting intellectual properties not owned by Palladium for inclusion in Palladium games is expressly prohibited.

As others have said, if you're just writing something up for personal use then it's probably OK as long as you don't post the document (or link to it) on the forums here if it contains game stats. If it's something intended for actual publication, I'd bank on Palladium saying "No way", given that Robotech is not a Palladium-owned property (and that even Harmony Gold is only using the intellectual property under license). Considering Robotech stuff is apparently prohibited from publication in the Rifter, I'd guess there's a "no cross-pollination" type agreement in Palladium's license. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: Crossovers

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Thanks guys.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Rifts

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eliakon wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I mean like Writing an Invid Hive and a misfolded Iki in the Arctic circle in a book I'm trying to write for Rifts.

As Jefffar said, the IP is still the property of the IP holder (in this case HG). Thus it would require the (probably unlikely to be granted but who knows) approval of HG if it was for any level of official publication.

There are Two IPs involved here. HG's RT and PB's Rifts. Both would need to approve for anything to be published.
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Re: Crossovers

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Palladium books can,t make a Crossover between Robotech and One of ther settings but Us gamers can.
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Re: Crossovers

Unread post by Devjannz »

I had an adventure I came up with a while back (before the Shadow Chronicles came out) where I brought in a old Palladium Books bad guy to put the Robotech team up against: The Mechanoids. Here is the little overview I wrote for it:

"Years ago the Tirolian Empire became locked in a deadly conflict with a small group of invaders from another galaxy. The invaders came without warning and seemingly without reason. They were known as the Mechanoids, a race of cybernetic life forms who along with advanced technologies, had vast psychic abilities at their disposal and were dedicated to the complete and total eradication of all human and humanoid life in the universe. In the early stages of the conflict, the Mechanoids seemed to overwhelm the Tirolians with their powerful psychic abilities, ferocity and insane hatred of humanoid life forms. The Mechanoids would often win a battle by using their psychic powers to take control of the Tirolian battle craft and making them turn on and attack their own forces.

The turning point in the conflict came through the creation of the science of Robotechnology by the Tirolian scientist Zor, made possible by his discovery of a unique energy source which he called Protoculture. It seemed that when a Robotech device was powered by Protoculture Energy, the energy created a psychic bond between it and the mind of pilot and acted as a shield to the psychic abilities of the Mechanoids. This allowed the Tirolians to not only create advanced military battlesuits called Bioroids, but when they combined it with the knowledge of genetic engineering that they had gained from studying captured Mechanoids, it allowed them to create the Zentraedi Military Force. The Zentraedi were a genetically-engineered race of 50ft humanoid giants, armed with advanced Robotech weapons. They would serve as guardians for the Tirolians (who now called themselves the Robotech Masters). The combination of the advances made through Robotechnology and the almost zealot-like devotion to victory that the Zentraedi were programmed with allowed them to defeat the Mechanoids and seemingly eradicate this fearsome foe from the galaxy.

Soon after the war with the Mechanoids had ended a new conflict began. The race called the Invid (from whom the secrets of Protoculture were stolen) attacked the Robotech Masters in retaliation for the destruction of their homeworld, Optera. The conflict with the Mechanoids was quickly forgotten as the Masters focused their attention on their new enemy. When a research facility that housed some of the captured Mechanoids was attacked by the Invid, the Tirolian personnel were forced to flee. One scientist stayed behind to make sure that the captured Mechanoids did not escape. To insure that none of the Mechanoids escaped, they were kept unconscious and placed in stasis in the deepest levels of the facility. All records of their existence were wiped out for fear that someone would attempt to use them and their technology against the Masters. The upper levels of the facility were to be set for self-destruction, but the scientist was killed by an Invid Scout before he could set of the explosives. The facility has remained abandoned all this time waiting for the return of the Robotech Masters. That is until a team of REF Scientists came and took the specimans back to their own base. Little did they know what they ahd brought back with them or what the concequences of those actions might be.

Now a group of REF Military Personnel have come in response to a distress call from the base. What the team sent in to investigate will find when they get there is yet to be seen"
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Re: Crossovers

Unread post by Kagashi »

Ive used the Mechanoids as a Tirolian design prior to the creation of the Zentraedi and the discovery of Protoculture. The Mechanoids story is pretty much intact and the Tirolians tried to destroy them. The Mechanoid survivors left and rebuilt themselves into the Rifts version while the Tirolians discovered Protoculture and cloning and created the Zentraedi. In that same universe, Tirolians are also a lost clan of the Atlanteans (split before Stone Magic and Tattoos) and are part of the bigger Megaverse.

Prior to tSC, I had the return of the Mechanoids be the fourth Robotech War, however, now I simply use Mechanoids as more Haydonite designs, sans psionic powers. It gives me more to work with then two Haydonite mecha and two ships.
I want to see from Palladium:
Updated Aug 2015
-Rifts: Dark Woods/Deep South, Space 110 PA, Scandinavia
-Mechanoids: Space (MDC)
-Robotech: Errata for Marines timeline, Masters Deluxe with SC and UEEF gear, Spaceships
-Updated Errata for post-2006 printings of Rifts books
-Searchable, quality PDFs/E-pubs of current Rifts titles
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Re: Crossovers

Unread post by gaby »

I am more of a Phase world and Heroes unlimited,s fan.
How do you set-up a crossover without one side being overpowered?
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Re: Crossovers

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Same way they did Mechanoids in Rifts. If it was a free gate then they would have overpowered everything. MDC into SDC while keeping MDC... There should only be one. If you want it more like MADOX-01 and less like Gate.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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