UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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VHT-1 Spartas Veritech Hovertank

One of the lessons learned in the aftermath of the war with the Zentraedi was the increased need for high mobility mecha. Simply put, there would never be enough units to defend every potential target from aggression all the time. While the VF-1 Valkyrie proved adept at rapid response, its light armament often times lead to the rescuing team being cut to pieces by the more heavily armed insurgents. For a while, units composed of various Destroids were organized and sent out on search and destroy missions. Other tactics called for every town to receive one or two Destroids to supplement their civil defense, usually a Spartan and Defender. Ultimately, it was the fact that the Destroids were fairly slow-moving that lead to the shift in emphasis to smaller and faster mecha which had less reliance on heavy artillery. The first unit to fulfill the requirements of good firepower and high mobility was the Spartas.

Designed to be the transforming equivalent of the old Tomahawk-class Destroid in terms of raw power, the new hovertank exceeded everyone’s expectations. Unlike the older Destroids, which had not been designed from the start as multi-role platforms, the Spartas would serve as a battle taxi, recon/scout, rapid reaction counter-offensive vehicle, stand-off direct fire platform and close quarters combat mecha.

Armor-wise, the Spartas mounts good protection. Newly developed advanced composite laminar guards the mecha. Ablative shielding, capable of deflecting energy weapon attacks (laser, particle beam, plasma & ion), was added to the forearms. This gives the hovertank driver the option of parrying energy-based attacks while in Battloid mode. Some of this shielding was also added to the weapons housings, increasing the survivability of the mecha, mostly from preventing cook offs of the 120mm ammunition.

Despite being rather heavily armored, the Spartas is surprisingly agile. Not only does it maintain rather high speeds in all modes, it also has increased mobility due to the jump jets built into the mecha. In Gladiator mode, its least mobile form, it can swivel upon its legs as well as activate its jump jets (built into the feet) to execute a full 180 degree rotation. More than one enemy mecha learned the bitter lesson that a Spartas, even shot at from behind, is not to be easily taken in combat. Lateral and horizontal movement are both capable in all modes, due mostly to the hover jets. While not capable of firing the main gun while moving laterally (usually in Gladiator mode), secondary weapons can be employed (beam rifle, rapid-fire beam cannon).

As a battle taxi, the Transport Mode of the Spartas allows the driver to move to and from the battlefield, mounting or dismounting as needed. This allows for a greater degree of flexibility in combat situations, letting the ATAC troopers (as they are commonly known) serve as mounted infantry in some cases. This is especially useful in MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) as well as other constricted terrains such as the infiltration of an enemy starship. The second function of the Transport Mode was to serve as a reconnaissance vehicle. All ATAC troopers are capable of serving as Cavalry Scouts, moving well ahead of the usual Army formations and behind enemy lines. The final profile of is that of a rapid reaction counter-offensive unit. More than once during the 2nd Robotech War, ATAC squadrons have turned the tide in a ground engagement by being able to rapidly move from one operational area to another. This makes them ideal for Civil Defense as well.

The intermediate form of the Spartas, known as Gladiator (or Guardian) Mode is where the hovertank gets its tank designation. The main gun is utilized often in this mode, mostly for the simple reason it is the most stable. Mounting either a 120mm smooth bore cannon capable of throwing a depleted uranium anti-armor penetrator round down range (among other options) or a 220mm laser-plasma beam cannon (after the -1A1 refit), the main gun of the Spartas is without peer. Whatever target is hit by this weapon rarely if ever survives. The stabilization of the cannon means that the driver can fire while the mecha is in mid-leap. Secondarily, the Spartas does mount a tri-barreled beam cannon, copied from the model mounted on the VF-8 Logan, capable of ground/anti-mecha suppression or even anti-aircraft fire. Woe be to the aerial mecha pilot who gets within range of this weapon.

Close Quarters Combat is the style of warfare most people associate with the mecha created by Robotech science. The Battloid Mode fulfills that role, giving the Spartas the capability of engaging other mecha, or even demobilized full-size Zentraedi, in hand-to-hand combat. Unlike the earlier Valkyrie, whose Battloid profile was at best its least capable function, the Spartas excels in this arena. The heavy armor plating stands it in good, as both the chest (with modest glacis slope) and the arms/weapon housings are shown to be able to withstand a great deal of punishment. One other mission profile that the Battloid mode offered was aerial insertion. Since the jump jets on the Spartas were quite powerful, allowing the mecha to stay aloft high inside the Earth’s atmosphere, those same jump jets allowed for the mecha to be dropped from an transport plane onto a battlefield.

The Spartas has served across the galaxy wherever the United Earth Forces took their wars. It was mostly acquired by the UEF's Army of the Southern Cross, though some Space Marine units kept them for boarding action. Individual governments within the UEG acquired them for their militias as well as part of the various colonial planet militias. Following the start of the 3rd Robotech War, an armored driver's station was introduced for all Spartas models serving with Earth forces. The Spartas remained a much sought after piece of equipment for the Invid Resistance on Occupied Earth and it formed a core component of the ERF's ground forces for all three Earth Recapture Missions.

Designation: VHT-1 (A- Officer, B - NCO, & C - Enlisted) or VHT-1A1 (Officer’s Prototype)
Crew: 1 driver
Weight: 26.4 tons (dry)
Power plant: MT 842 Fusion Reactor; 8 Protoculture cells provides the fusion reactor with enough generating power to last approximately 3 months under combat conditions for all but the -1A1. The Officer’s Prototype needs 12 Protoculture cells (due to the power requirements of the 220mm beam cannon) and will last approximately 3 months under combat conditions.
Air supply: In situations where the driver must stay for an extended period of time in Battloid mode, the Spartas has the equivalent of a 2 week air capacity due to recycling.
Cargo capacity: A small arms/stores locker is located in the mecha, allowing the driver to cache items that could be necessary on a mission. This usually includes: 2 weeks freeze-dried rations, 5 gal. water (kept cooled by refrigeration unit), 5 signal flares, waterproof matches, small high intensity flashlight, emergency blanket, 30m of cord, combat/survival knife as well as a Wolverine Assault Rifle, Weasel auto-pistol, 3 magazines for each and 6 Cobalt and/or Frag Grenades.
Ammunition Storage: Both the VHT-1 and VHT-1A1 can store an additional 30 rounds for the 120mm smoothbore in the armored sleeve above the tri-barreled beam cannon assembly. The rounds can be accessed only in Transport or Gladiator modes. They must be moved by hand to reload the main gun.
Black Market Value: If recovered for the Anti-Unification League, a Spartas is generally worth some 2 million Merchant Republic Credits intact and 500,000 damaged. Given the nature of the world economy, the AUL rarely pays in hard currency but instead in barter (weapons, ammunition, land etc).

Transport Mode
Height: 2m
Breadth: 2.7m
Length: 6m
Maximum land speed: 161kph
Jet Assisted Jumps: 20m high and long
Max sustained hover height: 2.3m

Gladiator Mode
Height: 4m
Breadth: 2.25m
Depth: 7.75m
Maximum land speed (leaping/hopping): 13kph
Maximum land speed (hovering): 70kph
Jet Assisted Jumps: 20m high and long

Battloid Mode
Height: 6.2m
Breadth: 4.4m
Depth: 2m
Maximum land speed: 90kph
Hover: 300kph at 10,000m
Jet Assisted Jumps: 75m high and long

Armament Loadout
1 x 36mm tri-barreled beam cannon (fires in Gladiator and Battloid modes)
1 x 28mm beam cannon gun pod (fires in Transport and Battloid modes, rear protection in Gladiator)
1 x 120mm smoothbore (fires in Gladiator and Battloid modes)
1 x 220mm heavy particle cannon (fires in Gladiator and Battloid modes)

1.) 120mm Liquid-Propelled Smoothbore Cannon (VHT-1 only): The main gun of the Spartas until the introduction of the 220mm particle cannon, this weapon devastated its intended target. Capable of utilizing a number of different munitions, the cannon is noteworthy for the fact that all of them are either wire or LiDAR guided. This means that the target could be struck even if it were off-center of the main gun, either above/below or to either side. More than one foe discovered too late that hiding behind battlefield terrain was no sure guarantee of safety. There is enough liquid propellant for 65 shots.

Instead of traditional casing propellant, the Spartas uses liquid stored in a reservoir inside the weapon's housing. There is enough stored for 60 shots. This means all of the shells utilized by this weapon have Improved Combustible Cases, making them artillery-sized caseless rounds. Rounds developed so far include: Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding-Sabot, Multi-Purpose Airburst Flechette, Proton Torpedo and Tactical Nuclear/Light Reflex


1.) 220mm Laser-Plasma Cannon (VHT-1A1 Officer‘s Prototype): When it was decided to upgrade the Spartas, the military brass called for lessening of the logistical tail of their ATAC Regiments. An all energy-weapon platform would allow their units to stay far longer in the field than normal, lengthening the amount of time between re-supply. One of the single most devastating mecha-borne weapons, the 220mm cannon literally destroyed whatever target was struck by its beam.

2.) Tri-barreled 36mm Beam Cannon: The Spartas, like all ground vehicles, has to deal with the very real threat of attack from aerial platforms. To give them a fighting chance, the mecha is outfitted with an identical copy of the Logan’s nose-mounted tri-barreled cannon. Capable of rapid-fire, it serves as ShoRAD (Short Range Air Defense) as well as ground forces/anti-mecha suppression fire. In Gladiator mode this rapid-fire cannon can be used during a lateral move, unlike the main gun, giving the Spartas the capability of counter-fire during a dodge maneuver.

3.) EPR-11 Artemis 28mm Electron Phase Rifle: For Close Quarters Combat the Spartas, like other Veritechs, carries a gun pod. It is capable of both semi-automatic and rapid burst fire. While the Spartas is in Transport mode, the cannon is stored in a scabbard mounted to the hood (it forms the rear skirt in Battloid mode), capable of elevating to 45 degrees.

Addendum: Space Warfare Variant Type
As part of the VHT-1 development phase, it was felt the Spartas should be capable of being deployed into any environment in Transport mode if needed, namely outerspace. Additional thrusters were designed to supplement the hover jets in transport mode, high intensity spotlights and a transparent driver's station cover was added to help give the driver an atmosphere as well as with visibility. This modification was rarely used until the Second Offensive during the 2nd Robotech War.

Addendum: Air/Space Warfare Variant Type
Rarely used during the 2nd Robotech War, the Air/Space Type modification centered around deploying the Battloid Mode Spartas as Jump Infantry and/or a Space Battloid. Building on the already powerful jet pack thrusters built into the mecha, this allowed use in the upper atmosphere, where the Spartas could already operate in Battloid mode, as the blades could operate like control surfaces on an aircraft. Additional thrusters were emplaced on the back and feet, as well as Ajax-style vernier blades at the tips of the back mounted add-on permitted this modification to be used in space.
Last edited by Rabid Southern Cross Fan on Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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With the armored driver's station, would the Spartas be able to operate underwater?
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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You seem to be toggling back between the 105 and 120mm for the main gun. If you intend for it to be a 120mm, then that should have a different model designation from the standard 105mm armed ASC tank.

The change in power plant should also mean a different designation.

However, this has gotten me thinking on something. Perhaps one of the reason so many vehicles on earth were compatible with the UEEF's Protoculture Cannisters is because post reconstruction era vehicles used SLMH Cannisters which fit the same interface. The primary difference being how long the cell could provide useful levels of power. That would make UEEF gear compatible with SLMH too, but the reduced endurance would make it undesirable.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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Jefffar wrote:You seem to be toggling back between the 105 and 120mm for the main gun. If you intend for it to be a 120mm, then that should have a different model designation from the standard 105mm armed ASC tank.

The change in power plant should also mean a different designation.

However, this has gotten me thinking on something. Perhaps one of the reason so many vehicles on earth were compatible with the UEEF's Protoculture Cannisters is because post reconstruction era vehicles used SLMH Cannisters which fit the same interface. The primary difference being how long the cell could provide useful levels of power. That would make UEEF gear compatible with SLMH too, but the reduced endurance would make it undesirable.

This is exactly what I had postulated with Jason Marker after Masters was published. The SLMH Fuel Stack that was used for the Power Armor is in fact a canister that holds SLMH.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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Jefffar wrote:You seem to be toggling back between the 105 and 120mm for the main gun. If you intend for it to be a 120mm, then that should have a different model designation from the standard 105mm armed ASC tank.

Sorry, was a goof I didn't catch. I disliked the idea of the Spartas having a 105mm smoothbore as that has been pretty well superseded on the modern battlefield a while ago.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:
Jefffar wrote:You seem to be toggling back between the 105 and 120mm for the main gun. If you intend for it to be a 120mm, then that should have a different model designation from the 105mm armed ASC tank.

Sorry, was a goof I didn't catch. I disliked the idea of the Spartas having a 105mm smoothbore as that has been pretty well superseded on the modern battlefield a while ago.

I can understand that, but at 26 tons and no muzzle break the VHT may be too light to handle a 120 capable of firing APFSDS at a useful velocity. The 105 fits what I see as essentially a light tank much better in my mind.

Perhaps a electromagnetic weapon, with less recoil due to less propellant gas escaping the muzzle would be a better choice.

In any case, there should still be a designation change to reflect the differences in armamaent and powerplant.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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i would point out that the Spartas, despite the designation it has been saddled with, is not really a tank.

it is much more like the M1128 Mobile Gun System. it is a support vehicle with a few tank derived features. to use an older term it is more of a tank destroyer/assault gun than it is a tank. (in fact it has some spiritual relationship with the M18 Hellcat's of WW2.. )

as a tank it kinda sucks..
in vehicle mode its fast but nearly unarmed. (and what little firepower it does have in that mode is severely restricted in fire arc)
in guardian mode it's basically a semi-mobile gun emplacement. note that in this mode it has the most firepower as well.
in battloid mode it's firepower is restricted (gunpod is the only weapon it can use effectively in this mode..the others, as per the footage, can be used but are unweildy)

this is not the profile of a tank, its the profile of a support vehicle. it can advance quickly between firing points, then deploy to provide supporting fire from its main gun as other units move up into the fight. the battloid mode is basically a self-defense mode for when the enemy gets too close to engage or retreat safely.

we don't see the 15th used this way much i'll admit but given that the 15th is heavily implied to be a "hard luck unit" with a bad reputation, with various oddballs and commander's that are considered unreliable, odds are they were not being deployed per doctrine originally (their first missions in the Spartas units were, IIRC, mostly "behind the lines" stuff like guarding non-vital locations), and as the war progressed they were being thrown into very unconventional situations (from the impression i got, because at first they were considered expendable.. later because they'd shown a reputation for getting results in unexpected situations)
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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glitterboy2098 wrote:i would point out that the Spartas, despite the designation it has been saddled with, is not really a tank.

it is much more like the M1128 Mobile Gun System. it is a support vehicle with a few tank derived features. to use an older term it is more of a tank destroyer/assault gun than it is a tank. (in fact it has some spiritual relationship with the M18 Hellcat's of WW2.. )

Well, one of the promo fliers for SDC: Southern Cross listed the Spartas as the MAHG: Mobile Armored Hover Gun.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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the shadow chronicles RPG fluff actually helps explain why the VHT is less tank and more support gun.. it was originally meant as a recon vehicle with above average combat ability, then feature-bloat occurred that made it less than ideal for the recon role, and it was instead developed as a more combat focused unit. the Myrmidon ended up being created to fill the recon role later. the Spartas VHT deployed so closely after the end of the zentreadi war that odds are it was already being worked on before the zentreadi arrived.. the ASC may well have been one of the biggest users even before they absorbed the UEDF post 2022. they probably had a few prototypes in antarctica base when dolza's attack hit, and pushed surviving engineers hard to get it developed and into production.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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VF-6 Sylphide Veritech Interceptor

With the rollout of the final VF-1 in 2015, the United Earth Forces were left without a successor model to the Valkyrie. The Advanced Veritech Program had failed to deliver the proposed VF-4 on budget which forced a scale back of procurement. Neither the VA-2 Condor nor the VF-5 Thunderbolt were suited to the task of blunting an enemy force by solely engaging them at stand-off ranges. What was needed was a cheaper alternative to the VF-4 that was still a powerful multi-role platform that could primarily act as an Interceptor capable of going exo-atmospheric under its own power but still able fulfill Air Superiority, Anti-Spacecraft and Ground Support missions. Thus the VF-6 Sylphide was born.

The single greatest challenge facing the design team was the radical nature of the transformation sequence. It was only because of advances in materials technology that allowed for the airframe to withstand the stress of the rather intricate variable configuration. Unlike previous fighters, the leg/arm positions are reversed from the norm in Fighter mode, so that the legs formed the top nacelle while the arms formed the bottom. Taking elements of both the Valkyrie and Thunderbolt, the Sylphide combined the transformation styles of both to come up with a rather unique variability. Micronized energy weaponry allowed this fighter to be outfitted with beam weaponry to the exclusion of the earlier slug-throwing types.

Since its an Interceptor, the Veritech has powerful engines capable of propelling the mecha at high MACH speeds intra-atmospheric. In Fighter Mode, the Sylphide truly has no equal among variable fighters in terms of a balance between speed, agility and weaponry. The engines can thrust-vector, allowing it to perform gravity defying feats of aerial acrobatics. This agility makes the Sylphide hard to kill in a dogfight situation. It is capable of engaging an enemy with beyond visual range missiles or closing in and going to beam cannons for dog fighting. With its conformal hard points, the fighter can engage in missile combat even at higher MACH speed, an improvement over the pivoting wing hardpoints of the Valkyrie.

Like the Valkyrie and Thunderbolt, the Sylphide’s Guardian Mode is useful in situations where VTOL capability is needed, such as the constricted terrain of a city. Hovering or flying, the mecha can engage in combat thanks to the beam weapons built into the nose or the forearms as well as the head unit under the main fuselage. It also allows for the pilot to quickly land in a situation where he is needed on the ground. Also like both the Valkyrie and Thunderbolt, the Sylphide has an unofficial fourth mode referred to as VTOL mode, a sort of half-Guardian with only the legs deployed.

The Battloid Mode of the Sylphide is another area where the mecha performs admirably. With ablative armor and dual beam weapons in its forearms as well as the triple battery of beam cannons mounted in the head, the pilot can call upon a fearsome arsenal in a Close Quarters Battle situation. As a last resort, the pilot can engage in hand-to-hand combat, something anticipated in case the Zentraedi ever attacked the Earth again.

The conformal hard points along the engine nacelles serve the fighter better than internal weapons bays like those found on the Condor and Thunderbolt. Like many of its contemporary fighters, the Sylphide usually mounts medium range multipurpose missiles. A total of ten of these weapon stations cover the fighter, making for a truly impressive amount of ordnance it can carry. Improved energy weaponry allows for a total of nine mounted beam cannons, thus negating the need for a hand-carried gun pod in Guardian or Battloid modes. This makes for greater combat endurance as well as reducing turn-around time and decreasing maintenance on an incredibly complex fighter. It also allows the Sylphide to bring a truly staggering amount of firepower to bear in any combat situation.

Unlike its close cousin, the Thunderbolt, the Sylphide does not utilize the low mass composite laminar that most mecha of their generation. Instead, like the Logan, it utilizes the same light weight alloys that the Valkyrie was built with. This was done not only to reduce the procurement cost of an already expensive fighter, but also to facilitate the high MACH speed the fighter was required to achieve. It is only considered, therefore, a marginal improvement over the armor plating of its antecedent.

Sadly, most Sylphides in the UEF arsenal during the 2nd Robotech War were pitted against Bioroid Assault Frigates whose armor plating withstood all but capital ship scale weaponry. The attrition rate among the Air Force’s most sophisticated machines and pilots was untold. The Invid Invasion saw the pilots and their mecha return to their place of prominence before the UEF was overwhelmed by the battle hungry Invid. Few of these remaining Veritechs survived the Occupation, due to the amount of maintenance necessary to keep them in the field.

The mission to Tirol necessitated the rebuilding of the REF's Interceptor squadrons which had suffered grievous losses in the final battles of the 2nd Robotech War. As a result, both the VF-4 Fury and VF-6 Sylphide were produced in numbers from Space Station Liberty and Equality before the SDF-03 Pioneer reached Tirol. While the Fury would be mostly reserved for Space operations, the Sylphide was again put into use in atmospheric operations where it performed admirably against the Invid Regent's Grappler squadrons and Invid Scorpion Carriers. A modest Service Life Extension in the following years gave the Sylphide a slight increase in armor and speed.

Designation: VF-6
Crew: Pilot only in ACES Mk.III zero/zero ejection seat
Weight: 11.8 metric tons (dry)
Engines: 2 x Monument Motors FH-2011 Fusion Turbines
Powerplant: General Electron MT 842 Fusion Reactor; 16 Protoculture cells provides the fusion reactor with enough generating power to last approximately 3 months under combat conditions.
Air supply: In situations where the pilot must stay for an extended period of time in the Sylphide, there is the equivalent of a 1 week air capacity due to recycling.
Ejection System: If necessary, the pilot can eject from a crippled Sylphide in one of two fashions. Intra-atmospheric, the canopy is blown free and the pilot’s seat rockets out of the plane, deploying a parachute to slow descent. In space, the nose/pilot’s compartment of the fighter will blow free of the craft, deploying a distress directional beacon.
Cargo Capacity: A very small space behind the pilot’s seat is capable of holding a small cache of survival supplies. The usual configuration is: 7 days supply freeze-dried survival rations, inflatable 1-man raft, 2-quart canteen, 3 signal flares, small high intensity flashlight, matches in waterproof case, emergency space blanket, M-25 Wolverine Assault Rifle and 2 magazines.
Countermeasures: Chaff, Flare and Electronic Countermeasures
Black Market Value: If recovered for the Anti-Unification League, the Sylphide is worth some 5 million Merchant Republic credits intact, or 1 million if it is in damaged condition. Given the nature of the world economy, the AUL rarely pays in hard currency but instead in barter (weapons, ammunition, land etc).

Fighter Mode
Length: 12.8m
Wingspan: 12.2m
Height: 3.5m
Max speed at sea level: 1,773 kph
Max speed at 20,000m: 5503 kph

Guardian Mode
Length: 11m
Breadth: 6.5m
Height: 7.7m
Max speed at all altitudes: 650 kph

Battloid Mode
Height: 10.7m
Breadth: 6.5m
Depth: 4m
Max land speed: 140 kph
Max flying speed at all altitudes: 241 kph

Armament Loadout
2 x 1-barreled beam cannons in the wing roots (fire in Fighter and Guardian modes)
10 x 1 conformal hard points (2 on the nacelle exterior, 1 on the interior and 2 on each wing spar)
2 x 2-barreled beam cannons in the forearms (fire in Guardian and Battloid modes)
2 x 1-barreled rapid-fire beam cannon in the head (fires in all modes)
1 x 1-barrel heavy beam cannon in the head (fires in all modes)

Weapon Systems
1.) Wing-root beam cannons (2): The main weapons of the Sylphide in fighter mode, this pair of large bore beam cannons are incredibly powerful. Capable of being fired in both Fighter and Guardian modes, they give the mecha a significant punch in combat. Both sustained rapid fire and long pulse beams are part of the programmed patterns.

2.) Head lasers (2): An evolution of the ROV lasers mounted on the VF-1 Valkyrie, these weapons can be fired in all modes. Unlike the earlier models, these newer lasers are capable of more sustained blasts and are not prone to overheat like their predecessors. These two lasers can be volleyed with head-mounted heavy beam cannon to create a terrific energy blast.

3.) Head-mounted Heavy Beam Cannon (1): Like the auto-cannon built into the head of the VF-1R, this beam cannon is independent of the two head lasers. Instead of a slug-thrower, however, this model uses a heavy beam cannon, one that is similar to the dual-barreled model carried by the Ajax. This gives the pilot a heavy duty energy weapon to bring to bear in all modes. This weapon can be volleyed with the head lasers to create a terrific energy blast.

4.) Forearm blasters (4): Instead of a carried gun pod, the Sylphide utilizes four heavy beam cannons mounted in the forearms for its main offensive armament in Battloid mode. One of the main reasons for the adoption of this system is the fact that it dramatically reduces the turn-around time for rearming the fighter as well as allowing it to remain in combat far longer than earlier models that used slug-throwers.

5.) Conformal Hard points (10): The Sylphide has a staggering ten weapons stations with which to mount ordnance, sensors, fuel stores or other weapon systems. Depending upon the mission requirements, all, some or none of them are utilized. This mostly has to do with the fact that, like the Logan, anything carried would have to be expended or ejected for the mecha to transform into any mode other than Fighter. The two interior nacelle slots can only mount fuel, medium range missiles (usually Python's) or guided bombs. The four hard points on the wings can mount weapon systems, sensors, guided bombs, multi-ejector racks (either short range missiles or cluster bombs) or medium-range missiles (usually Python's). The remaining four hard points on the nacelle exterior can only mount medium range missiles (usually Python's).

Note: The VF-5 Thunderbolt referenced in this piece refers to the Wolfe Eulogy fighter, which Robotech Visions envisioned as a fully realized Veritech. By using the VF-6 designation, the Alpha is reserved for the VFA-11 spot (which is not introduced in deep space until just before The Invid Invasion) and the Beta for VFB-12.
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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VFH-9 Ajax Veritech Fighter/Hovercopter

The need for a dedicated transforming Air Cavalry platform for the UEF Army in the early years following The Rain of Death was realized as the Multipurpose Advanced Assault Hovercopter. Similarly the UEF Air Force's need for a new medium transforming fighter that could deal with the Zentraedi’s Queadlunn-Rau Aerospace Battloid was the objective for Project Auroran. In a radical twist by the UEF High Command, it was decided to meet the requirements of both Fighter and Air Cavalry in one mecha. Thus the Armored Gyro Aerospace Combat System, aka Ajax, was born in the years before the start of The Second Robotech War.

In its Fighter Mode, the Ajax is mostly used in space as a multi-role medium fighter by both the Air Force's Tactical Armored Space Corps and Space Marine's Cosmic Unit. It is capable as both a Fighter, due to its narrow profile, beam weaponry and high agility, as well as Anti-ship platform due to its capability of mounting heavy medium range missiles. The five engines built into the frame (two main and three secondary) give the Fighter good acceleration and excellent control. Since this mecha did not have to achieve high dash speeds, given the Queadlunn-Rau's modest intra-atmosphere speeds, high performance engines were not required. Vernier thrusters built into the edges of the Helicopter blades (which are folded back in this mode) also add to its agility, giving a quick burst when needed.

The Hovercopter Mode’s outward appearance is not too much different from that of its Fighter Mode. Deploying the helicopter blades, the engine assembly moves forward and the beam cannon/arm assembly shifts, placing the cannons to the side of the nosecone. In this mode, the Ajax truly shines as a Ground Attack platform. It's ability to carry either medium range cluster munitions missiles or short range missiles as well as its rapid-fire nose cannon makes it a terror to whatever ground vehicle gets within the pilot’s sights.

With the need to fulfill hovercopter mission requirements, the Ajax incorporates contra-rotating blades. This reduced the noise signature in its hovercopter configuration. The NOTAR (No Tail Rotor) system added three small thrusters where the tail rotor would have been aiding the Ajax in all regime acceleration. Coupled with its on-board limited anti-grav systems makes it far more maneuverable than any known Helicopter ever developed. In space and low-gravity environs, the vernier thrusters in the helicopter blades allow it to move with a grace and agility most would not imagine.

With regards to armament, the Ajax is a heavy hitter in all modes. A nose-mounted 20mm beam cannon, two modular weapons stations and twin wing hardpoints capable of loading multiple types of missile launch bins make it a deadly foe to any mecha engaging it. The loadout for the modular weapons usually consists of a 40mm dual-barreled heavy beam cannon, 30mm single-barreled medium beam cannon and a pair of 250mm Lightning cluster munition missile bins. If extremely heavy combat is anticipated an Ajax can utilize a second dual barreled cannon on the other weapons mount instead. Each of the wing has a pair of hardpoints that can be used to carry multiple types of ordnance: micro-missile bins, a 3-count IRM/LRM pylon or even 9-count multi-ejector bomb racks.

In Battloid Mode, the Ajax is more than capable. Its arm mounted beam cannons stand it in good whether it needs to board an enemy vessel or engage in a city-wide firefight. The use of its wing hardpoint missile pods is not hindered and definitely give it a fearsome firepower on the ground. As a last resort it can rely upon head-mounted point-blank missiles to deter any enemy that attempts to engage it in hand-to-hand. The only deficiency of the Battloid is that it does not mount arm shields like many of its contemporaries. However, its thick armor plating utilizing the same low-mass composite armor that was developed for the Vindicator gives it significant protection. The chest plate, which also forms the bottom in Fighter and Hovercopter configurations, averages a third of a meter at its thinnest point.

Designation: VFH-9 Ajax (A.G.A.C.S.)
Accommodation: Pilot only in ACES Mk.III zero/zero ejection seat
Mass: 11.79 metric tons (dry)
Engines: 2 x Roice FD-1001-A Fusion Engines
Powerplant: General Electron MT 842 Fusion Reactor; 16 Protoculture energy cells provides the fusion reactor with enough generating power to last 3 months under combat conditions.
Air Supply: In situations where the pilot must stay for an extended period of time in the Ajax, there is the equivalent of a 1 week air capacity due to recycling.
Ejection System: If necessary, the pilot can eject from a crippled Ajax in one of two fashions. Intra-atmospheric in Fighter Mode - Zero/Zero: the canopy is blown free and the pilot’s seat rockets out of the plane, deploying a parachute to slow descent. Outer space in Fighter Mode - Forward Fuselage: the pilot's compartment of the fighter will blow free of the craft, deploying a distress directional beacon. The ejection system will not engage intra-atmospheric if the Ajax is in Helicopter mode and the Pilot must attempt an autorotation to land the crippled mecha.
Cargo Capacity: A space behind the pilot’s seat is capable of holding a small cache of survival supplies. The usual configuration is in a Cyclone Top Box: 10 days supply freeze-dried survival rations, 2-quart canteen, 3 signal flares, small high intensity flashlight, matches in waterproof case, emergency space blanket and a M-90 Gallant Blaster w/5 pistol & 2 rifle magazines.
Storage Bay: Built from the beginning to hold an M-195 Tornado Survival Bike (before and during the 2nd Robotech War), it was utilized mostly during the Search for Tirol during the 3rd Robotech War to carry a VR-052 Cyclone plus an EP-37 Heavy Blaster Rifle & 4 magazines. A pair of Cyclone Pannier saddle boxes is packed in as well, containing a full suit of CVR-3 armor. Otherwise, if emptied, it can hold up to 500lbs of cargo.
Countermeasures: Chaff, Flare and Active Radar Jammer
Black Market Value: If recovered for the Anti-Unification League, the Ajax is worth some 4 million Merchant Republic Credits intact or 1 million if it is in damaged condition. Given the nature of the world economy, the AUL rarely pays in hard currency but instead in barter (weapons, ammunition, land etc).

Fighter Mode
Length: 9m
Wingspan: 6.9m
Height: 3m
Max speed at sea level: 1000kph
Max speed at 30,000m: 1660kph

Hovercopter Mode
Length: 9m
Wingspan: 6.9m
Height: 3.2m
Rotor Diameter: 7.1m
Max speed at all altitudes: 386kph

Battloid Mode
Height: 8.9m
Depth: 2.5m
Breadth: 2.8m
Wingspan: 6.9m
Rotor Diameter: 7.1m
Max land speed: 100kph
Max speed at all altitudes: 300kph

Main Armament Loadout
1 x Nose-mounted Light Beam Cannon (Fighter/Hovercopter modes)

Modular Armament Loadout
2 x Weapons Mounts: left/right (Fires in all modes)
4 x Wing Hardpoints

Main Weapons Systems
1.) EPC-23 Spathion 20mm Light Laser-Plasma Cannon: Considered to be the main weapon of the Ajax in Fighter and Hovercopter modes, this rapid-fire blaster is capable of cutting through the heaviest of armor. To compensate for but a single barrel, the power level on this cannon is equivalent to two of the older dual beam cannons mounted in the noses of most Veritechs prior to the adoption of the Ajax. This weapon can be volleyed with the dual and single-barreled beam cannons to create a terrific blast of energy.

Modular Weapons Stations
1.) EPC-22 Raptor Dual 40mm Heavy Laser-Plasma Cannon: Mounted on the right arm hardpoint is a dual-barreled beam cannon capable of rapid fire. Like the other beam cannons mounted on the Ajax, this is an especially powerful blaster that can cut through thick armor plating. This weapon can be volleyed with the single-barreled (or optional 2nd dual-barreled heavy beam cannon) and nose mounted beam cannon to create a terrific blast of energy.

2.) EPC-21 Sabre 30mm Medium Laser-Plasma Cannon: Mounting onto the left arm hard point is a single-barrel beam cannon capable of rapid fire. It is considered to be equivalent to many of the carried gun pods of the Army’s Battloids in terms of firepower. This weapon can be volleyed with the dual-barreled and nose mounted beam cannons to create a terrific blast of energy.

Wing Hardpoint Systems
1.) MLOP-6 Micro-Missile Bins (Lightning/Diamondback): A single bin holding up to 6 medium range missiles can be attached to each wing of the Ajax. Loading either Lightning Anti-Mecha Cluster Munition Micro-Missiles, Ragnarok Light Anti-Ship Cluster Munition Micro-Missiles or Diamondback Anti-Mecha First Strike Micro-Missiles, these are the main stand-off range offensive weapons of the Veritech. Each bin mounts to two hardpoints on the wing.

2.) MLOP-15 Micro-Missile Bins (Hammerhead): In place of the MLOP-6 missile bins, the Ajax can substitute them with short range 190mm Hammerhead Micro-Missiles (same as those found on the Condor and Alpha). This was usually done for intra-atmospheric operations during The Invid Invasion and The Search for Tirol. Each bin mounts to two hardpoints on the wing.

3.) Missile Pylon/Multi-Ejector Racks: If the micro-missile bins are not used, pilots can choose to mount three missiles (usually Python's) on a pylon (takes up both hardpoints) or a 9-count guided/unguided bomb multi-ejector rack per hardpoint. This is often done for atmospheric operations. The missiles that can carried by the Ajax are limited to the Python LRM and Stiletto IRM.

Optional Weapons Systems
Grenade Box Protector Armor Mk.IV
Building upon the successful Grenade Box Protector-series of armor systems, the Mk.IV can be deployed with the Ajax. This provides the pilot with a massive array of Diamondback and Hammerhead micro-missiles to use in combat.
8 x 250mm Diamondback MRMMs
Waist (4)
40 x 190mm Hammerhead SRMMs
Upper Chest(2): 8 per pod
Lower Legs (2): 12 per pod
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Nice! Will you be adding the VF-5 Thunderbolt later?
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Rabid Southern Cross Fan
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

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Arnie100 wrote:Nice! Will you be adding the VF-5 Thunderbolt later?

Not sure...maybe. It would technically fall under a mecha of the 2nd Robotech War after all. ;)
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Re: UEF Mecha of the 2nd Robotech War.....

Unread post by Arnie100 »

I'd love to see it. :)
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