I.s.p. Recovery Rules for BTS2 in need of clarification!!

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I.s.p. Recovery Rules for BTS2 in need of clarification!!

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

Why are there 4 different rules for I.s.p. recovery in BTS2!!

Pages: 32, 131, 169, 211(not to mention each P.C.C.) all have a different rule sets on I.s.p. Recovery that conflicts with each other; so which is the correct set of I.s.p. recovery Rules??!!!!
Page 32 is a hold over from the BTS 1st Ed. : where sleep recovers 2 i.s.p. per hour of uninterruppted rest orsleep. Meditation recovers 4 i.s.p. per hour of uninterrupted meditation.

Page: 131 under the Heading I.S.P. states: Recovery is 1 I.s.p. per hour of sleep and 2 i.s.p. per 1/2 hour ( 2 i.s.p. per 30 minutes or 4 i.s.p. total per hour) of Meditation. I believe this to be the correct (New) "Standard" i.s.p. recovery rate as it matches the rate given under most of the P.C.C. classes. Btw way what exactly is referred to as the "Standard I.s.p. Recovery Rate" compared to Advanced (which I do understand) I.s.p. Recovery Rate.

Also Exactly What is being referenced to as the Meditation Ability(and i.s.p. Recovery Rate. I'masuming its the phychic ability/power) as opposed to the Meditation Skill??? None of which are fully defined well and are not even in the Game Terminology section.

Page 169 says I.s.p. recovery rate is 1 per hour of sleep and 2 per hour of Standard Meditation
(as noted above whatever that really is??) This rule seems to be more related to what's listed on page 211 under the Meditation Skill see below.

Page 211 lists the Meditation Skill (whomever or whatever P.C.C./Arcanist class this is for I Don't know and don't know why there was a need to include this??) The I.s.p. Recovery Rate listed is 2 I.s.p. (for Mediation only of course/No sleep recovery on this one) per hour of meditation and injury recovery rate Increased by 30% ?? (Btw Why is there No increased healing rate listed for the psychic power??)

So could someone in the know please clarify this. I don't know how this got by KS and the Editing Staff?? I'm also Surprised that No one else has noticed this and posted about it thus far!!

Also I'm Crossing my fingers that the Tomb and Arcanum
which both seem to be back on the release schedule will actually make it to publication this time out. But I won't hold my breath!!
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Re: I.s.p. Recovery Rules for BTS2 in need of clarification

Unread post by thorr-kan »

You're right. I've noticed that, but since I'm not playing, I never got around to posting it.
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Re: I.s.p. Recovery Rules for BTS2 in need of clarification

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

thorr-kan wrote:You're right. I've noticed that, but since I'm not playing, I never got around to posting it.

Hey thanks for the confirmation. It sure is strange. I don't know how that got by editing and why no one else seems to of caught it??
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Re: I.s.p. Recovery Rules for BTS2 in need of clarification

Unread post by mrloucifer »

The short answer (as far as I understand it) is this:

-Ignore Page 32; the standard throughout the book is 1 base I.S.P. per hour of sleep and 2 base I.S.P. for standard meditation. The BTS1 version doesn't work the same anymore due to the "base I.S.P." and the math game you can play via "I.S.P. Boosts".
Note:If memory serves the error on page 32 has been forwarded to Palladium to update in the next print.

-The Meditation skill on page 211 is as stands. Not everyone is a psychic, and not every psychic has or can get the psychic Meditation ability, so taking this skill is both a way to increase ISP (if psychic) or to get the Psionic attack bonus while meditating. Note that a psychic who has the psychic ability to meditate can also take the skill to get the psionic attack bonus and healing boost.
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Re: I.s.p. Recovery Rules for BTS2 in need of clarification

Unread post by Scorpion Leader »

mrloucifer wrote:The short answer (as far as I understand it) is this:

-Ignore Page 32; the standard throughout the book is 1 base I.S.P. per hour of sleep and 2 base I.S.P. for standard meditation. The BTS1 version doesn't work the same anymore due to the "base I.S.P." and the math game you can play via "I.S.P. Boosts".
Note:If memory serves the error on page 32 has been forwarded to Palladium to update in the next print.

-The Meditation skill on page 211 is as stands. Not everyone is a psychic, and not every psychic has or can get the psychic Meditation ability, so taking this skill is both a way to increase ISP (if psychic) or to get the Psionic attack bonus while meditating. Note that a psychic who has the psychic ability to meditate can also take the skill to get the psionic attack bonus and healing boost.

Thanks for the information, Good to know. I guess that settles that question, except for the fact how did the BTS 1ed. Rule on page 32 even make it into the book in the first place? Also even if you used that rule I don't see how it gets funky just because of the ISP Boost rule. The only true difference is only recovering 1 isp from sleeping in 2nd ed. Instead of 2as in 1st Ed., mediation recovery actually remains the same. But anyhow at least we now have an answer. Thanks again.
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