Megaversal Recon

1'st edition, Deluxe Revised. Military strategies are the thing to discuss here. Oh yeah and how much damage that land mine will do.

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slade the sniper
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Megaversal Recon

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Recon in the Megaverse

First off, a lot of this material is not new, it has been collated from various sources throughout the Megaverse and the internet and good ideas from other sources and there are some ideas of my own interspersed within as well.
Specifically, I know that I have used ideas from the following places: kitsune, other palladium games. other military games such as Twilight 2000, Battletech, Star Trek by FASA, Cyberpunk, D20 games, other sources and a lot of stuff from posters on the old school like evilmike, ed the coastie, and shotgun. Additionally, a lot posters on these forums have been huge in the ideas and rules mods below such as Deific NMI, Peacebringer, Dominique, Tor, drewkitty~..~, taalismn, beatmeclever, Jeffar, Inscriptus, glitterboy2098, ZINO, jamyz and T-Willard.

Basically, if you like it, it came from somewhere else, if it sucks, it is my fault.

Secondly, the purpose of this book is to take the good stuff about Recon and apply it to the greater Megaverse so that Recon will not die, and the Megaverse may be a more universal.

Additionally, this is an attempt to tie the military aspects of Ninjas and Superspies, Recon, Robotech and Rifts together so that you can play military style campaigns in any setting.

In order to accomplish these goals, I set out to collate data and make changes. In places where I make conversions, I will show I got my math to work. In places where I make changes, I will try to explain the reason for those changes, but all of this is basically just a collection of house rules that will attempt to build Recon into the Megaverse.

Forward and Notes

Character Creation
Military Skill Programs
Espionage Skill Programs
Police Skill Programs
Rogue Skill Programs
MOS list
Unit Quality
New Rules
Stopping Power
Vehicular Damage
Probability of Hit/Probability of Kill (pH/pK)
Damage conversion

Rank Benchmarks
Militant OCC
Child Soldier
Urban Guerilla
Rural Insurgent
Terrorist Cell Leader
Terrorist Financier
Military Forces
Junior Non-Com
Veteran Non-Com
Senior Non-Com
Senior Warrant
Junior officer
Veteran officer
Company Commander
Staff officer
Senior Commander
Senior Staff officer
Special Operations Forces
Young Operator
Senior Operator
Veteran Operator
Private Military and Security Specialists
Deniable Asset
Law Enforcement
Rookie Police Officer-Patrol
Experienced Police Officer-Patrol
Experience Police Officer-Detective
Experienced Police Officer-SWAT
Veteran Police Officer-Patrol
Veteran Police Officer-Detective
Veteran Police Officer-SWAT

Body Armor
Vehicular Armor
Small Arms
Heavy Weapons
Missiles and Rockets
Wheeled Vehicles
Propellor Aircraft
Jet Aircraft

Mission Briefings

Organizational Design
Last edited by slade the sniper on Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:19 am, edited 8 times in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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slade the sniper
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by slade the sniper »

Forward and Notes:
Ok, what you see above is the framework for what I will hopefully be able to eventually work through and make a psuedo netbook...

I got quite a bit done so far...we shall see...

My intent is to use this space as the running list of updates and changes as I make them.

I hope that this is of some use to keep the game alive in spirit if nothing else.

Additionally, if any of this is a bridge too far, too derivative or just...bad, feel free to notify a mod to delete it.


Well, no hate that's good.

I am working on NPCs next. Trying make non-cookie cutter NPCs in Palladium is a rather time consuming process...

17 NOV

I kinda like having my own thread :)

Last edited by slade the sniper on Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:47 am, edited 5 times in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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slade the sniper
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by slade the sniper »

Character Creation
Looking over the skill programs from N&SS and the MOS list from Recon.

Each "skill program" in N&SS is roughly 10 skills, and each MOS from Recon is also 10 skills... So, it would be possible to tag each MOS as a Skill Program. While it can be understood that in Recon, the PCs are not needed to have a wide variety of skills, because the focus of the game was much more narrow than some other RPGs.

Thus, to bring Recon into the Megaverse, would basically make Recon PCs more competent, or make other OCCs in the Megaverse have a more military bent. I actually like this idea as it opens up a lot more capability for Megaverse PCs and military games, especially for some esoteric but valuable skills.

That was sort of what I going with...using Megaversal tables for Education but having the MOSs as skill programs, so if a PC gets a military program, he can pick up one of the Recon MOS as a skill program.

Each of the weapons skills would just become a WP, and everything else stays the same.

Megaversal Conversion
Megaversal Conversions:
Pg 119 Recon

Basic Training adds 30 points to a character's physical S.D.C.
Each MOS is a skill program for N&SS, and add 5 secondary skills and 5 high school skills for normal soldiers.

Use the following for Mercenaries (1d10):
01-02 Survivalist: Hand to Hand: Basic, 3 W.P. (any), 4 Military (RECON), Non-Weapon Skills, 5 Secondary Skills, 5 High School Skills.
03-05 X-Military RECON: Hand to Hand: Basic, 5 W.P. (any), 8 military (RECON), non-weapon skills, 5 secondary (or more RECON skills), 5 high school.
06-08 Military Specialist: Hand to Hand: Expert or Martial arts, 4 W.P. (any), 4 espionage skills (H. U.), or 4 intelligence MOS skills (RECON), 6 military (RECON) non-weapon skills, 7 secondary (or more RECON skills) and 5 high school.
09-10 Mercenary Specialist: Hand to Hand: Expert or Assassin (if evil), 4 W.P. (any), 4 military (RECON) non-weapon skills, 6 secondary (or Merc RECON skills), 3 high school, 6 college skills (2 to 4 years college).

Experience Points:
Recon XP x 11.32287 = Megaversal XP

Level equivalency:
A beginning Recon character is equivalent to a 1st level Megaversal character, although with less skill breadth, but much deeper skill ability.

The characters from Advanced Recon are equivalent to a 4th level Megaversal character (determined by adding up all the skill upgrades, then multiplying by the XP modifier of 11.32287 and seeing how many XP would have been expended…which equals out to 11,421 XP, which is 4th level.

Military Skill Programs
Note that Military: Basic Training must be taken before acquiring any other Military Skill program.

Military: Basic Training
Military Etiquette
W.P. Pistol
W.P. Assault Rifle
W.P. Grenade
Hand to Hand: Basic Military

Military: Advanced Infantry
Radio: Basic
Read Sensory Equipment
Optic Systems
Detect Ambush
Two Military W.P.'s of choice
Hand-to-Hand: Expert Military

Military: Armor & Artillery
Armorer (Field)
Land Navigation
Pilot: Tank and APC
Select 2 Pilot, Basic
Sensory Equipment
Weapon Systems

Military: Combat Aircraft
Aircraft Mechanics
Select One military aircraft vehicle and one Pilot, Advance.
Select 3 Pilot Related.

Military: Airborne
Detect Ambush
Land Navigation
Map Reading
Rope Works
* Note: Pilot Antigrav Suit, Contragrav Pack, or Jet Pack can be
substituted for Parachuting.

Military: Assassin: Overt and Covert
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment

Military: Basic Naval Seamanship
Read Sensory Instruments
Rope Works
Castaway & Shipwreck Survival
W.P. Auto Pistol

Military: C4I
Communications: Basic
Communications: Scrambler
Electronic Counter-Measures
Communications: Satellite Relay
Computer Operation
Read Sensory Instruments
Command Structure Etiquette

Military: Combat Diver
Pilot: Deep Sea Diving
Pilot: Mini-Submarine
Underwater Demolitions
W.P. Harpoon Gun

Military: Combat Engineer
Architectural Design
Demolitions: Disposal
Military Construction
Pilot Combat Engineer Vehicles
Pilot Construction Machinery
Trap Construction

Military: Combat Driving
One of: Pilot: Automobile, Truck, or Tank
Offensive Driving
Detect Ambush
Land Navigation
Read Sensory Equipment
W.P. Vehicle-Mounted Weapons (+1 to Strike)
Weapon Systems (+1 to Strike)

Military: Communications
Radio: Basic
Radio: Scramblers
Electronic Countermeasures
Select two from communications or computers

Military: Counter Terrorism
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Warfare
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Trap/Mine Detection

Military: Demolitions
Demolitions Disposal
Trap Construction
Detect/Remove Traps
Basic Mechanics
Basic Electronics
Read Sensory Equipment

Military: Electronic Warfare
Guerilla Warfare
Psychological Warfare

Military: Guerilla Combat (Counts as Two Skill Programs)
Land Navigation
Wilderness Survival
Strategy and Tactics
Four W.P.'s of choice (Any, including sniper/marksmanship)
Hand-to-Hand Expert Military

Military: Intelligence
Radio Scrambler
Surveillance systems

Military: Mercenary Program (New)
One Physical Skill
Four from among Military, Espionage and/or Communications
Two W.P.'s of Choice
Note: This program is limited to Military Trained, On the Job Trained or Military Specialist.

Military: Military Lawyer
Computer Operation
Law (General)
Law (Military)
Public Speaking

Military: Military Police
Detect Concealment
Find Contraband
Law (General)
Surveillance Systems
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Automatic Rifle

Military: Naval Vehicles
Pilot one naval vessel at +5%
Navigation or Underwater Navigation
Radio: Basic
Read Sensory Equipment
Weapon Systems
One military W.P. of choice (+1 Strike)

Military: Naval Aviation
Pilot Jet Fighter
Pilot Combat Helicopter
Pilot Twin Engine Aircraft
Air to Air Combat
Read Sensory Instruments
Weapon Systems
Wilderness Survival
Castaway & Shipwreck Survival

Military: NBC Warfare
Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (NBC) Warfare
Psychological Warfare
Radiation Technology: Military
Read Sensory Instruments

Military: Night Ops
Optic Systems
1 Military W.P. of choice (+1 Strike)

Military: Officer
Detect Concealment
Land Navigation
Select two Military skills of choice

Military: Pilot
Pilot one military aircraft at (+5%) or two
Air-to-Air Combat
Radio: Basic
Read Sensory Equipment
Weapon Systems
W.P. Pistol

Military: Power Armor Pilot
Land Navigation
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor
Radio: Basic
Radio: Scrambler
Read Sensory Equipment
Robot Combat: Elite: Power Armor
Robot Combat: Power Armor Basic
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

Military: Psychological Warfare Specialist
Computer Operation
Military Intelligence

Military: Public Relations Specialist
Public Speaking

Military: Ranger
Detect Mines & Booby Traps
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Wilderness Survival
pick any two modern/military W.P.s

Military: Recon
Land Navigation
Detect Concealment
Detect Ambush
1 Military W.P. of choice (+1 Strike)
Hand-to-Hand Expert Military

Military: Robot Pilot
Land Navigation
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor
Radio: Basic
Radio: Satellite
Radio: Scrambler
Read Sensory Equipment
Robot Combat: Basic
Robot Combat: Elite
Weapon Systems

Military: SEAL
Detect Ambush
Underwater Demolitions
W.P. Knife (+1 Strike)
1 Military W.P. of choice (+1 Strike)
Hand-to-Hand: Expert Military

Military: Small Boat
Pilot: Motor Boats
Pilot: Sail Boat
Pilot: Select either Warships & Patrol Boats or Hydrofoils or Hovercraft
Read Sensory Instruments
Wilderness Survival

Military: Sniper
Land Navigation
W.P.: Rifle
Optic Systems

Military: Special Forces
(Counts as Two Skill Programs)
Demolitions Disposal
Demolitions: Underwater
Strategy and Tactics
Night Fighting
Trap/Mine Detection
W.P. Knife
W.P. Sub-machinegun

Military: Submariner
Pilot: Submarines
Navigation: Underwater
Read Sensory Instruments
Advanced Deep Sea Diving
Swimming: SCUBA

Military: Technical Officer
Radio: Basic
Read Sensory Equipment
Computer Operations
Select 4 from Communication and/or Computer

Military: Tunnel Rat
Detect Concealment
Detect Ambush
Detect/Remove Traps
Demolitions Disposal
Optic Systems

Military: Urban Combat (Counts as Two Skill Programs)
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Demolitions Disposal
Trap/Mine Detection
Find Contraband
Locate Secret Doors/Compartments
Streetwise Choose Three of the following W.P.s: Knife, Spear (bayonet), Pistol, Shotgun, Submachine Gun, Grenade (throw), or Grenade Launcher.

Military: Weapons Engineer
Armorer/Field Armorer
Electrical Engineer
Mathematics: Advanced
Mechanical Engineer
Weapons Engineer

Full Military MOS Programs
Full MOS’s (usually used ICW an OCC…) but if not, MUST take the Basic Military Skill Program FIRST.
Basic Training / Boot Camp (Army/Marines)
Athletics (General)
Military Etiquette
Military History
Forced March
W.P. Rifle
W.P. Energy Rifle
Radio Basic
Land Navigation
First Aid
Hand to Hand: Basic

Infantry Training
Military Tactics
Military Sign Language
Military Fortification
Wilderness Survival
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Heavy Mega Damage Weapons

Non VT Pilot (jet)
Pilot: Airplane
Pilot : Jet Fighter (specific craft)
Read Sensory Equipment (specific craft)
Weapon systems (specific craft)
Combat flying
Wilderness Survival

Non VT Pilot (Helicopter)
Pilot: Helicopter
Pilot : Military Combat Helicopters (specific craft)
Read Sensory Equipment (specific craft)
Weapon systems (specific craft)
Combat flying
Wilderness Survival

Non VT Pilot (space fighter)
Pilot: Airplane
Pilot : Military: Aerospace Fighters (specific craft)
Navigation: Space
Read Sensory Equipment (specific craft)
Weapon systems (specific craft)
Combat flying
Space Survival

Mechanized Infantry (ASC)
Pilot ASC Power Armor (all)
MECT ASC Power Armor (all)
Military Tactics
Military Sign Language
Military Fortification
Wilderness Survival (Space Survival if TSC)
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Heavy Mega Damage Weapons
Zero G Combat (add if TSC)
Boarding Spaceships (add if TSC)

Mechanized Infantry (UEEF)
Pilot: Motorcycle
Pilot: Cyclone
MECT Cyclone
Pilot: Silverback (add if officer)
MECT: Silverback (add if officer)
Military Tactics
Military Sign Language
Military Fortification
Wilderness Survival
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Heavy Mega Damage Weapons

VT Pilot (all serivces)
Pilot: Airplane
Pilot: Hellicopter (add this skill if AJACs Pilot)
Pilot : VT (one of choice)
MECT: VT (one of choice)
Navigation: Space (add if TSC/TASC/UEEF pilot)
Read Sensory Equipment (specific craft)
Weapon systems (specific craft)
Combat flying
Wilderness Survival (add Space Survival if TSC, TASC, UEEF Pilot)

Destroid / Battloid Pilot
Pilot: Destroid / Battloid (one of choice)
MECT: Destroid / Battloid (one of choice)
Weapon System (specific craft)
Read Sensory Instruments (specific craft)
Wilderness Survival
W.P Pistol
W.P Energy Pistol (generally not issued Rifle)

Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) (ASC only)
This is a tweek of the existing Scout/Reconnaissance MOS
Pilot: Myrmidon
MECT: Myrmidon
Weapon System (specific craft)
Read Sensory Instruments (specific craft)
Electronic Countermeasures
Tracking (people)
Wilderness Survival
W.P Pistol
W.P Energy Pistol (generally not issued Rifle)

Aerospace Combat Pilot
Aerospace Fighter (+20%)
Boarding Spacecraft (+10%)
Combat Flying
Mecha Elite Training: Female PA
Mecha: Female PA
Navigation (+15%)
Space Nav (+15%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Zero Grav Combat (+10%)

Guerrilla Warfare Specialist
Camouflage (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Mecha: Male PA
Mecha Elite Training: Male PA
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
Tracking (+10%)
Trap Construction (+15%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
2 x WP

Adv EW (+10%)
ECM (+15%)
Land Nav (+10%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Mecha: Male PA
Mecha Elite Training: Male PA
Mecha: Recon pod
Prowl (+5%)
Pilot Spacecraft: Light/Med (+10%)
Surveillance Systems (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)

Lore: Robotech Masters (+15%)
Lore: Invid (+15%)
History: Tirolian Empire (+20%)
History: Zentraedi (+20%)
Law: Zentraedi (+15%)
Law: Tirolian (+10%)
Language: Tirolian (+10%)
Literacy: Tirolian (+10%)
Military History – Zentraedi (+10%)

Salvage Specialist
Barter (+5%)
Computer Operation (+5%)
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
General Repair (+10%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Recycle (+20%)
Salvage (+20%)
Pilot Spacecraft: Light/Med (+10%)
Jury-rig (+15%)
Physical Labor

Ship’s Operations Specialist
Pilot Spacecraft: Heavy (+15%)
Spacecraft: Capital/Hvy Cap (+15%)
Space Fold Operations (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Optic Systems (+5%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Navigation: Space (+15%)
WP Ship Energy Weapons
WP Ship Artillery

Basic Electronics (+10%)
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
EOD (+20%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
WP Heavy Weapons

Heavy Weapons Specialist
Field Armorer (+15%)
Optical Systems (+10%)
Vehicle Armorer (+15%)
Weapons Systems (+15%)
WP Heavy
WP Heavy MD weapons
WP Shotgun

Mechanized Infantry
Boarding Spacecraft (+15%)
Land Nav (+10%)
Mecha Elite Tng: PA or Battlepod
Navigation Space (+10%)
Mecha: PA or Battlepod (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+15%)
WP Heavy MD weapons

Cold Weather MOS
Camouflage (+20%)
Land Nav (+20%)
Mecha Elite: ASC PA
Pilot: ASC PA
Pilot: Motorcycle/snowmobile (+20%)
Pilot: Tracked (+16%)
Skiing (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Cold Wilderness Survival (+30%)
HtH Martial Arts
WP Knife
WP Rifle

Desert Infantry MOS
Boxing or Kick Boxing
Dowsing (+15%)
Horsemanship: general (+15%)
Land Nav (+10%, +15% in Desert)
Mecha Elite: ASC PA
Pilot: ASC PA
Tracked Vehicle (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Wilderness Survival: Desert (+30%)
WP Heavy MD weapons

Forest Infantry MOS
Camouflage (+30%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Field Surgery (+5%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Mecha Elite: ASC PA
Pilot: ASC PA
Prowl (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
HtH Commando

Marsh Infantry MOS
Camouflage (+20%)
Demolitions (+15%)
EOD (+15%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Pilot: ASC PA
Prowl (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
Wilderness Survival jungle (+25%)
WP Knife
WP Sword
HtH Martial Arts

Mountain Infantry MOS
Evac and Rescue (+10%)
First Aid (+10%)
Skiing (+30%)
Spelunking (+15%)
ME Training: ASC PA
Pilot: ASC PA
Pilot: Motorcycle/Snowmobile (+10%)
Pilot: Jetpack (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Wild Surv (+25% in cold/mountains)
Climbing (+10%)

Amphibious Commando
Camouflage (+15%)
Demo (+20%)
EOD (+16%)
Underwater Demo (+24%)
Pilot: ASC PA
Pilot: Warship/Patrol Boat (+25%)
SCUBA (+20%)
HtH Commando
WP Knife

Recon Escort MOS
Camouflage (+25%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
ME: ASC PA or vehicle
Pilot: ASC PA or vehicle
Prowl (+20%)
Surveillance Systems (+15%)
Tracking: People (+20%)
Wild Surv (+15%)
HtH Martial Arts

Aerospace Veritech Pilot
Combat Flying
ME: Veritech
Pilot: Jet or Helicopter (+10%)
Pilot Veritech (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Space Survival (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+10%)
Zero Gravity Combat (+15%)

Aerospace Fighter Pilot
Combat flying
Navigation Space (+15%)
Pilot: Aerospace Fighter (+25%)
Pilot Jet Packs (+10%)
Pilot Spacecraft Light/Medium (+15%)
Space Survival (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Zero Gravity Combat (+10%)

Damage Control Corpsman
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Chemistry (+10%)
Damage Control/Disaster Response (+20%)
Evac and Rescue (+20%)
General Repair and Maint (+15%)
NBC Warfare (+15%)
Paramedic (+15%)
Salvage (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
WP Axe

Fighter Pilot
Combat Flying
Laser Commo (+10%)
Pilot Airplane OR Jet Aircraft (+15%)
Pilot Helicopter (+20%)
Pilot Jet Packs (+14%)
Pilot: Choice (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)

Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Demo (+15%)
EOD (+20%)
Field Armorer (+20%)
Sensory Equip (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+20%)
WP Starship Artillery
WP Starship Energy Weapons
WP 2 modern of choice

Ship Pilot
Nav Space (+30%)
Pilot: Capital/Hvy Cap Ships (+15%)
Pilot: Spacecraft – Heavy (+20%)
Pilot: Spacecraft – Small (+25%)
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Space Fold Operations (+15%)
Space Survival (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
WP Starship Energy Weapons
WP Handguns OR Energy Pistol

Deep Cover Agent
Computer Hacking (+10%)
Disguise (+20%)
Performance (+15%)
Escape Artist (+10%)
Imitate Voices (+10%)
Impersonation (+20%)
Intelligence (+16%)
Tailing (+20%)
Undercover Operations (+20%)
Wardrobe/Grooming (+12%)

Information Specialist
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Computer Hacking (+30%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Cryptography (+20%)
ECM (+20%)
Laser Commo (+15%)
Research (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
TV/Video systems (+15%)

Surveillance Specialist
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
ECM (+20%)
Military Sign Language (+15%)
Optic Systems (+15%)
Pick Locks (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Surveillance (+20%)
TV/Video systems (+10%)
WP Handgun OR Energy Pistol

Civil Affairs Officer
Barter (+12%)
Creative Writing (+10%)
Language x 2 of choice (+20%)
Literacy of choice (+15%)
Military History (+10%)
Performance (+15%)
Public Speaking (+20%)
Research (+10%)
TV/Video systems (+10%)
Wardrobe/grooming (+15%)

Crime Scene Investigator
Biology (+10%)
Chemistry (+10%)
Chemistry analytical (+10%)
Crime Scene Investigation (+20%)
Damage Control/Disaster Response (+10%)
Forensics (+15%)
Math: Advanced (+6%)
Paramedic (+10%)
WP Handgun OR Knife

Computer Hacking (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Interrogation (+15%)
Psychology (+15%)
Research (+15%)
Surveillance (+10%)
Undercover Operations (+15%)
WP Handgun
WP Energy Pistol

Police Tactical Officer/SWAT
Climb or Swim (+20%)
Demo (+14%)
EOD (+16%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
WP Blunt
WP Rifle
WP Shield
WP Energy Rifle
HtH Commando or Martial Arts or Kick Boxing

Undercover Detective
Disguise (+20%)
Performance (+20%)
Escape Artist (+10%)
Imitate Voices (+10%)
Impersonation (+15%)
Surveillance (+10%)
Undercover Operations (+20%)
WP Handgun OR Knife
WP Energy Pistol

Air Cavalry
Combat Flying
Pilot Airplane (+20%)
Pilot 2 x of choice (+16%)
Pilot Aerospace Fighter (+10%)
Pilot Veritech (+14%)
ME: ASC Veritechs
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
WP Energy Pistol

Battloid Pilot
Land Navigation (+12%)
ME: ALL ASC Battloids
Pilot: ALL ASC Battloids
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+15%)
Wilderness x 1 skill of choice (+5%)
WP Energy Pistol

Basic Electronics (+15%)
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
EOD (+25%)
Jury Rig (+10%)
Underwater Demo (+20%)
Swimming (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+15%)
WP Heavy Military Weapons

Guerilla Warfare Specialist
Camouflage (+25%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Field Surgery (+10%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Tracking: people (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
WP x 2 of choice

Heavy Weapons Specialist
Field Armorer (+20%)
Optical Systems (+10%)
Physical Labor OR Forced March
Recognize weapon quality (+20%)
Vehicle Armorer (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
WP Shotgun
WP Heavy Military Weapons
WP Heavy MD Weapons

Mechanized Infantry
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
ME: 1 x ASC PA or Battloid
Pilot: 1 x ASC PA or Battloid (+20%)
Pilot Tank/APC (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
WP Heavy Military Weapons
WP Heavy MD Weapons

Military Police
Combat Driving
Intelligence (+15%)
Interrogation (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Surveillance (+10%)
Undercover Operations (+15%)
Wrestling OR Swimming (+10%)
WP Blunt
WP Energy Pistol
WP Handgun OR Shotgun

ECM (+15%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
ME: Ground Veritechs
Pilot Ground Veritechs (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Surveillance (+15%)
Tracking: people (+30%)
Track and trap animals (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)

Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Climbing (+15%)
Evacuation and Rescue (+20%)
Escape Artist (+20%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Locksmith (+20%)
Paramedic (+10%)
Pick Locks (+20%)
Prowl (+15%)
Tracking: People (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)

Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Field Armorer (+15%)
Optic Systems (+10%)
Physical Labor
Salvage (+15%)
Vehicle Armorer (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Weapons Engineer (+15%)

Combat Engineer
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Carpentry (+15%)
Electricity Generation (+10%)
Mechanical Engineer (+20%)
Demolitions (+15%)
Military Fortifications (+20%)
Pilot: Tracked vehicles
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Weapons Engineer (+10%)

Combat Journalist
Creative Writing/Journalism (+20%)
History: Zentraedi (+20%)
Lore: Robotech Masters (+10%)
Military History (+20%)
Photography (+15%)
Public Speaking (+15%)
Research (+20%)
TV/Video (+15%)
WP Handgun OR Energy Pistol

Communications Specialist
Advanced Electronic Warfare (+20%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Computer Repair (+10%)
Cryptography (+10%)
ECM (+15%)
Laser Commo (+15%)
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
TV/Video OR Language (+10%)

Field Medic
Biology (+15%)
Brewing (+15%)
Chemistry (+10%)
Chemistry: pharmaceutical (+15%)
Field Surgery (+20%)
Medical Doctor (+10%)
Pathology (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
WP Knife
Xenobiology (+10%)

Veritech Test Pilot
Navigation (+10%)
Combat Flying
Aerospace Engineer (+15%)
Mecha Engineering (+15%)
Electrical Engineering (+10%)
Mecha Pilot: Veritech (+20%)

Electrical Warfare Officer
Advanced Electronic Warfare (+20%)
Navigation (+10%)
Cryptography (+15%)
ECM (+20%)
Laser Commo (+10%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Pilot Jet (+5%)
Navigation Space (+5%)

Line Officer
Naval History (+10%)
Naval Tactics (+15%)
Public Speaking (+10%)
Lore: Zentraedi (+10%)
Theater Warfare of choice (+20%)

Helicopter Pilot
Navigation (+10%)
Combat Flying
Pilot Airplane (+15%)
Pilot Helicopter (+15%)
Pilot Combat Helicopter (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)

Non-variable Fighter Pilot
Navigation (+10%)
Combat Flying
Pilot Airplane (+15%)
Pilot Jet Aircraft (+20%)
Pilot Jet Fighter (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)

First Responder/Paramedic
Aerobic Athletics
Biology (+15%)
Combat Driving
Field Surgery (+15%)
Paramedic (+20%)
Physical Labor
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
WP Knife

Fire and Rescue
Body Building OR Swimming (+10%)
Climbing (+15%)
Damage Control/Disaster Response (+20%)
Evacuation and Rescue (+15%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Paramedic (+15%)
Drive Truck (+10%)
WP Blunt
WP Axe

Aircraft Mechanics (+15%)
Auto Mechanics (+20%)
Basic Electronics (+15%)
Jury Rig (+20%)
Locksmith (+10%)
Physical Labor
Robot Mechanics (+15%)
Vehicle Armorer (+10%)
WP Blunt

Mecha Engineer
Advanced Mathematics (+15%)
Electrical Engineer (+10%)
Mecha Engineering (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+20%)
Robot Electronics (+15%)
Robotechnology Engineering (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Vehicle Armorer (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)

Legionnaire Aerospace Pilot
Navigation (+15%)
Aerospace Fighter (+20%)
Boarding Spacecraft (+10%)
Combat Flying
Navigation (+15%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Spacecraft: Light/Med (+20%)
Space Navigation (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Zero Grav Combat (+10%)

Bioroid Pilot
Boarding Spaceships (+15%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
ME: Bioroid
Navigation Space (+10%)
Pilot Bioroid (+20%)
Pilot Bioroid Gravsled (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Space Survival (+5%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
WP Heavy MD Weapons

Bioroid Terminator
Demolitions (+24%)
EOD (+20%)
HtH Commando
Pilot Bioroid Gravsled (+15%)
WP Energy Pistol
WP Energy Rifle
WP Heavy MD Weapons
WP Starship Artillery
Zero Gravity Combat (+10%)

Heavy Infantry
Armorer (+20%)
General Repair/Maintenance (+15%)
Optical Systems (+10%)
Vehicle Armorer (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
WP Heavy Military Weapons
WP Heavy MD Weapons
WP Shotgun

Internal Security Forces
Crime Scene Investigation (+10%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Interrogation (+20%)
Law: Tirolian (+20%)
Optical Systems (+10%)
Surveillance (+10%)
WP Blunt

Special Forces
Camouflage (+20%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
HtH Martial Arts
Land Navigation (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
Tracking: people (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
WP 3 x of choice

Combat Specialist
Boarding Spaceships (+10%)
Boxing OR Wrestling
Gymnastics OR Kick Boxing
Mecha Combat Specialty: Battloid of Choice
Mecha Elite Combat Training: 2 Battloids of Choice
Recognize Weapon Quality (+10%)
Space Survival
WP Ancient: of choice
WP Modern: 2 x of choice
HtH: Martial Arts

Fighter Pilot REF
Acrobatics (+5%)
Boarding Spaceships (+10%)
Fencing or Aerobic Athletics
Mecha Pilot Specialty: battloid of choice
MECT: 2 x battloids of choice
Pilot: Jet Fighter (+10%)
Pilot: Tank & APC (+20%)
Pilot: Two of choice (+10%)
WP Ancient: 1 x of choice

Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Boarding Spaceships (+20%)
Demolitions (+12%)
Demo Disposal (+10%)
Locksmith (+5%)
Mecha Pilot Specialty: Battloid of choice
MECT: 2 x Battloids of choice
Military Fortifications (+15%)
Military Tactics (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection OR Detect Concealment (+10%)

Damage Control
NBC Warfare (+15%)
Damage Control & Disaster Response (+15%)
Excavation and Rescue (+15%)
First Aid (+10%)
General Repair & MX (+10%)
Jury Rig (+10%)
Mecha Specialty: VR-040 Cyclone
MECT: Cyclones
Pilot: Tracked and construction vehicles (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
WP Axe
Computer Operations (+5%)
Radio: Basic (+5%)

Heavy Infantry/Heavy Weapons
Boarding Spaceships (+10%)
Boxing OR Wrestling
Mecha Pilot Specialty: VR-050 cyclones
MECT: Cyclones
WP Heavy Military Weapons
WP Modern: 1 of choice
WP Heavy MD Weapons
Zero Gravity Combat
HtH Expert
Pilot Ground Veritechs (+10%)

Infantry Point Man
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Camouflage (+10%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Lore: 1 of choice (+10%)
Mecha Pilot Specialty: VR-030 Cyclones
MECT: Cyclones
Optic Systems (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
WP Modern 1 x of choice

Motorpool Mechanic
Automotive Mechanics (+15%)
Aircraft Mechanics (+5%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Biomechanical Maintenance (+5%)
Combat Driving
General Repair & MX (+10%)
Jury Rig OR Salvage (+5%)
Mecha Pilot Specialty: Silverback
MECT: Silverback
Pilot: Truck (+16%)
Pilot: Tracked & Construction Vehicles (+12%)

Radio Corpsman
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Communications: 1 of choice (+10%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Laser Communications (+15%)
Mecha Pilot Specialty: VR-030 Series Cyclones
MECT: Cyclones
Pilot Motorcycle OR Hovercycle
Sensory Equipment (+15%)
WP Handguns or Energy Pistol

Security/Military Police
Crime Scene Investigation (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Interrogation (+10%)
Mecha Specialty: VR-050 Series Cyclone
Military Etiquette (+10%)
Surveillance (+10%)
WP Blunt
WP Shield
HtH: Expert

Command Officer
History Earth (+10%)
Lore: Invid (+10%)
Lore: Robotech Masters (+12%)
Military History (+20%)
Military Sign Language (+15%)
Military Tactics (+15%)
Public Speaking (+10%)
WP Handguns
WP Energy Pistol
Zero Gravity Combat
Military Etiquette (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)

Boarding Ship (+10%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demo Disposal (+20%)
Demo: Underwater (+20%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert (+10%)
Jury Rig (+10%)
Military Fortifications (+10%)
Mechanical Engineer (+15%)
Swimming (+15%)
SCUBA (+15%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+20%)

Basic Electronics (+15%)
Biomechanical Maintenance (+15%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert (+20%)
Demolitions (+10%)
Demo Disposal (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapons Systems (+15%)
WP Starship Artillery
WP Starship Energy Weapons

Boarding Starships (+15%)
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Combat Driving
HtH: Martial Arts
Pilot Ground Mecha
MECT: VR-050 Cyclone and Super Cyclone
MECT: Silverback
Pilot Automobile OR Motorcycle (+14%)
Pilot tanks/APC’s OR WP of choice
Swimming (+15%)
Zero Gravity Combat

Marine Commando
Boarding Starships (+15%)
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Boxing OR Gymnastics
Demolitions (+10%)
HtH: Assassin OR Commando
Pilot Ground Mecha
MECT: VR-050 Cyclone
Pilot hovercycle OR Motorcycle (+14%)
WP of choice
Swimming (+15%)
Zero Gravity Combat

Detect Ambush OR Detect Concealment (+15%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Prowl (+15%)
Tailing (+20%)
Tracking, People (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
WP Ancient 1 x of choice
WP Modern 1 x of choice
HtH: Martial Arts OR Commando

Special Forces/Espionage
Demolitions (+20%)
ECM (+15%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Interrogation (+15%)
Lore: 1 x of choice (+10%)
Mecha Pilot: VR-040 Cyclones
MECT: Cyclones
Prowl (+15%)
Surveillance (+10%)
WP Knife
WP Modern: 1 x of choice
HtH: Commando

Undercover Ops
Disguise (+25%)
Escape Artist (+10%)
Impersonation (+15%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Language of choice (+15%)
Literacy of choice (+15%)
Pick Lock or Pick Pocket (+15%)
Surveillance (+15%)
Undercover Ops (+15%)
WP Knife
WP Handguns
WP Energy Pistols

Combat Engineer
Carpentry (+15%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Excavation & Rescue (+20%)
Electrical Engineer (+20%)
Fortification (+15%)
Mechanical Engineering (+10%)
Mecha Engineering (+10%)
Protoculture Engineer (+15%)
Truck OR Tracked Construction vehicle (+10%)
Vehicle Armorer (+15%)
Weapon Engineer (+20%)

Communications Officer
Barter (+14%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Computer Programming (+16%)
Computer Hacking (+10%)
Cryptography (+12%)
ECM (+15%)
Language of choice (+15%)
Laser communications (+15%)
Public Speaking OR Performance (+15%)
TV/Video (+25%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)

Engineering Officer
Electrical Engineering (+15%)
Jury Rig (+15%)
Math: Advanced (+16%)
Mecha Engineering (+15%)
Mechanical Engineering (+15%)
Mechanical Skills: 2 x of choice (+15%)
Protoculture Engineer (+15%)
Robotechnology Engineer (+20%)
Starship Engineering (+15%)

Flight Crew Engineer
Aircraft Engineering (+15%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Biomechanical Maintenance (+15%)
Mecha Pilot: 1 x of choice
MECT: 1 x choice
Mecha Engineering (+10%)
Pilot Jet Fighters (+10%)
Reflex System Mechanics (+15%)
Vehicle Armorer (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)

Math: Advanced (+16%)
Navigation (+15%)
Space Navigation (+15%)
Naval Tactics (+15%)
Pilot Spacecraft: Light/Medium (+10%)
Pilot Spacecraft: Heavy (+15%)
Pilot Spacecraft: Capital/ Super Capital Ships (+20%)
Space Fold Operations (+15%)
WP Spaceship Artillery
WP Starship Energy Weapons
Zero Gravity Combat

Medical Officer
Biology (+20%)
Field Surgery (+15%)
Forensics (+10%)
Lab Procedures (+15%)
Medical Doctor (+15%)
Medical skills: 3 x of choice (+15%)
Science: 2 x of choice (+10%)
WP Knife

Science Officer
Computer Programming (+20%)
Computer Hacking (+10%)
Electrical OR Mechanical Engineer (+12%)
Lab Procedures (+15%)
Lore: 1 x of choice (+15%)
Math: Advanced (+16%)
Pilot: 1 x of choice (+10%)
Research (+10%)
Science Skills: 3 x of choice (+15%)

Veritech Alpha Fighter Pilot
Boarding Spaceships (+10%)
Intelligence (+12%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Mecha Pilot: 1 of choice
Mecha Pilot: Veritechs
Mecha Pilot Specialty: Alpha
MECT: Alpha
Navigation (+20%)
Navigation Space (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Zero Gravity Combat

Veritech Beta Fighter Pilot
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
General Repair and MX (+12%)
Mecha Pilot: 1 of choice
Mecha Pilot: Veritechs
Mecha Pilot Specialty: Beta
MECT: Beta
Military Tactics (+10%)
Navigation (+20%)
Navigation Space (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)

Reconnaissance Veritech Pilot
Camouflage (+15%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Intelligence (+12%)
Mecha Pilot: 1 of choice
Mecha Pilot: Veritechs
Mecha Pilot Specialty: Alpha OR Beta
MECT: Alpha OR Beta
Military Fortification (+10%)
Military History (+15%)
Military Tactics (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)

Merc Communications Expert
Computer Operation (+10%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
ECM (+15%)
Optic OR surveillance Systems (+14%)
Radio Basic (+20%)
Cyrptography OR Extra Language (+15%)
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV/Video OR Computer Programming (+10%)

Merc EOD/Demo
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Demolitions (+15%)
EOD (+20%)
Demo Underwater (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
WP Heavy Energy Weapons

Merc Soldier/Grunt
Forced March
Land Navigation (+5%)
Physical 1 x of choice
Pilot 1 of choice excluding power armor, robots or ships (+10%)
WP Ancient 1 x of choice
WP Modern 1 x of choice

Merc Point Man/Scout
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)

Merc Heavy Weapons
Recognize Weapon Quality (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
WP Rifle
WP Heavy Military Weapons
WP Heavy Energy Weapons (incl. rail guns)
WP 2 x of choice OR 2 x Demo skills

Merc Transportation Specialist
Basic Mechanics (+10%) or Combat Driving (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Automobile OR Motorcycle (+20%)
Hovercraft OR Hovercycle (+15%)
Tanks & APCs (+10%)
Trucks (+10%)
Pilot 1 of choice excl power armor and robots

Merc Medic
Brewing (+5%)
Biology (+15%)
Field Surgery (+15%)
Pathology (+10%) OR Chemistry (+10%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Sewing (+10%)

Weapons MOS
Advanced Math (+15%)
Demolitions (+10%)
Demo Disposal (+15%)
WP 4 x of choice

Medic MOS
Biology (+15%)
Field Surgery (+15%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Paramedic (+15%)
2 x medical of choice (+10%)

Technician MOS
Basic Electronics (+10%)
General Repair & MX (+15%)
Research (+10%)
Sensory equipment (+15%)
Technical/Science 4 x of choice (+15%)

Robotics MOS
Computer Programming (+10%)
Pilot: Robot & Power Armor (+15%)
Robot Electronics (+20%)
Robot Mechanics (+15%)
Vehicle Armorer (+5%)
Mechanical/Electrical 2 x of choice (+10%)

Mechanic MOS
Auto Mechanics (+20%)
Basic Electronics (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Locksmith (+10%)
Mechanical Engineer (+15%)
Vehicle Armorer (+10%)
Mechanical/Electrical 1 x of choice (+10%)

Electrician MOS
Advanced Math (+10%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Electrical Engineer (+15%)
Computer Operation (+20%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Computer Repair (+15%)
Communication/Electrical 1 x of choice (+10%)

Communications MOS
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Cryptography (+10%)
ECM (+15%)
Laser Communications (+15%)
Radio Basic (+25%)
TV/Video (+10%)
Communications 1 x of choice (+10%)

Espionage Skill Programs
Espionage: Agent (New)
Hand to Hand: Basic
W.P. Auto Pistol or Revolver
W.P. Rifle or Auto Rifle
Criminal Science/Forensics

Espionage: Assassin (New)
Hand to Hand: Assassin or Ranged Combat: Sniper
Sniper or Toxicology
W.P. Rifle or Auto Rifle
W.P. Auto Pistol
Note: This is only available to Street Schooled, On the Job Training/Trade Schooled, Military and Military Specialist characters. However, if a Street Schooled character wants this program it will take the place of all their normal scholastic skills. It will also automatically give the character the "four known skills known to all regardless of education level." However, they still retain their secondary skills.

Espionage: "Black" Operative (Counts as Two Skill Programs)
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Night Fighting
Optic Systems
Pick any four modern/military W.P.'s

Espionage: Body Guard/Assassin
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Escape Artist
Optic Systems
Sniper (additional +1 to aim)
Surveillance Systems
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
Three ancient or modern W.P.'s of choice

Espionage: Bounty Hunter
Stalk and Capture
Law (General)
Detect Concealment
Detect Ambush
Choose two (2) W.P.'s
Radio: Basic

Espionage: Deep Cover

Espionage: Evasion Specialist
Detect Ambush
Escape Artist
Pick Locks

Espionage: Information Gathering
Computer Operations
Computer Programming
Radio: Basic
Radio: Scramblers
Computer Hacking

Espionage: Spatial Intrusion Engineer (Counts as Two Skill Programs)
Computer Operation
Optic Systems
Pick Locks
Surveillance Systems
Espionage: Surveillance Specialist

Espionage: "Black" Operative
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Blind Fighting
Select two ancient WP

Police Skill Programs
Note: Basic Police Officer must be taken before any other Police Skill Program (except for the Federal Agent).
Police: Basic Police Officer
First Aid
Pilot Automobile or Motorcycle
W.P. Shotgun
W.P. Pistol
Hand to Hand: Expert Self Defense

Police: Air Marshall
Sharpshooter (Pistol)
Police Procedures
Hand to Hand: Quickie Martial Arts

Police: Beat Cop
W.P. Pistol

Police: Bomb Squad Officer
Basic Electronics
Basic Mechanics
Demolitions Disposal
Read Sensory Equipment

Police: Canine Officer
Animal Handling
Detect Concealment
Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons

Police: Detective
Criminal Science
Computer Operation
Police Procedures

Police: Dispatcher/ Communications Specialist
Radio: Basic
Radio: Scramblers
Surveillance Systems

Police: Fire & Rescue
Computer Operation
Physical Labor
Pilot: Truck
Radio: Basic
W.P. Axe

Police: Patrol Officer
Police Procedures (+3%)
Radio: Basic
Computer Operation
Detect Concealment (+10%)
W.P. Shotgun
W.P. Nightstick
Choose either Horsemanship or Bicycle

Police: Police Negotiator
Computer Operation
Police Procedures

Police: Special Weapons And Tactics
Demolitions: Disposal
Strategy & Tactics
W.P. SA/FA Rifle
W.P. Submachine Gun

Police: Undercover Constable
Surveillance Systems
Detect Concealment
Police Procedures

Rogue Skill Programs
Rogue: Black Marketer
Find Contraband
Locate Secret Compartments/Doors
Pilot: Select One
Recognize Weapon Quality
Streetwise: Drugs
W.P.: Automatic Pistol

Rogue: Bootlegger
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical
First Aid
Law (general)
Locate Secret Compartments/Doors
Streetwise: Drugs
Use & Recognize Poison

Rogue: Boss
Hand to Hand: Expert or Martial Arts (pick one)
Streetwise-Criminal Networks
Business & Finance
Choose Two Technical Skills

Rogue: Cat Burglar
Pick Locks
Detect Ambush
Surveillance Systems

Rogue: Computer Hacker
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Computer Hacking
Basic Electronics
Circuit Board Micro-Electronics
Select one Computer Skill

Rogue: Con Man
Pick Pocket
Streetwise-Con Games
Shell Game

Rogue: Criminal
Pick Locks
Select 3 from (Cardsharp, Hacking, Concealment, Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons, Palming, Pick Pockets, Prowl, Safecracking, Seduction, Ventriloquism)

Rogue: Drug Dealer
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical
W.P. Knife
W.P. Pistol
W.P. Rifle, Shotgun or Submachine Gun (Pick one)

Rogue: Enforcer/Bodyguard
Hand to Hand: Expert or Martial Arts (pick one)
Body Building
Boxing or Wrestling (pick one)
Pilot Automobile (+5%)
Pilot Truck (+5%)
W.P. Revolver or W.P. Pistol

Rogue: Entertainer
Public Speaking
Wardrobe & Grooming

Rogue: Fence
Streetwise-Con Games
Streetwise-Illegal/Contraband Weapons

Rogue: Forger
Literacy in one Language
Art: Drawing
Computer Operation

Rogue: Gambler
Gambling (Dirty Tricks)
Gambling (Standard)
Card Sharp
Pool Shark
Streetwise-Con Games

Rogue: Getaway Driver
Automotive Mechanics
Pilot Automobile
Pilot Race Car
Pilot Motorcycle
Pilot One of Choice
Offensive Driving

Rogue: Hit Man
Detect Ambush
W.P. Bolt Action Rifle
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. one of choice

Rogue: Pimp/Prostitute
First Aid
W.P. Knife or Razor
Massage (for Prostitutes)
Athletics (for Pimps)

Rogue: Professional Thief (Modified)
Surveillance Systems
Read Sensory Equipment

Rogue: Safe Cracker
Pick Locks
Security Systems
Surveillance Systems

Rogue: Thug/Two-bit Punk/Hood
Pilot Automobile or Motorcycle (pick one)
W.P. Knife
W.P. Chain
W.P. Pick one of the following; Blunt, Revolver, Pistol, Shotgun

Rogue: Underworld Medic (Counts as Two Skill Programs)
Chemistry: Analytical
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical
Criminal Sciences & Forensics
Field Surgery
Find Contraband
Math: Advanced
MD in Cybernetics
Medical Doctor
Plastic Surgery
Streetwise: Drugs
Torture Methods

MOS list
Military Programs vs MOS Lists:
A Military Skill Program denotes a complete skill package while an MOS denotes the bare bones basics to do a particular job. An MOS counts as ½ of a Skill Program, thus everyone usually picks up 2 MOS OR 1 Military Skill Program. GM’s choice!
Enlisted MOS List
Basic training: MUST Choose this MOS FIRST…
+1 to PE or PS
Military Etiquette +10%
Military History +10%
W.P. Rifle or Pistol
Land Navigation or Swimming +10%
Housekeeping +10%
First Aid
Hand to Hand: Basic

Special Categories:
“Special Duty” – Anything not covered below:
Pick any 3 skills with a +10% bonus

Command Sergeant Major – yes it is its own MOS, this is an E-9 (must be 9th level)
Intimidate +10%
Leadership +10%

Senior Sergeant - Each MOS has one, this is an E-8, (must be 8th level)
Administration +10%
Intimidate +5%

Advanced Individual Training:
Generally provides 3 skills or up to a +30% bonus to a single skill.

Light Infantry
Forced March
WP machineguns

Infantry Scout (usually 3rd level)
Prowl +10%
Land Navigation +10%
Forced March +10%

Mortarman (by type)
WP Mortar

Land Navigation
Forced March

Combat Engineer
Obstacle Breaching
Military Construction

Bridge Crewmember
Build Bridge +30%

Diver – Engineering
Diving +30%

Quarrying Specialist
Demolition +10%

Plumbing +30%

Firefighting +10%

Construction Engineer

Electrical Engineering

Geospatial Engineer
Cartography +10%
Map Reading +20%

Paralegal Specialist

Cannon Crewmember (by type)
WP Heavy or Rocket or Missile
Drive (by vehicle type)
Fire Support

Tactical Automated Fire Control Systems Specialist
Use Computer +10%
Fire Support

Cannon Fire Direction Specialist
Fire Support +10%
Navigation +10%

Fire Support Specialist
Fire Support +30%

Artillery Radar Operator (by type)
Read Sensory Equipment +20%

Artillery Surveyor
Land Navigation +30%

Artillery Meteorological crew

Long Range Air Defense Operator (by type)
WP Heavy +1 (Surface to Air Missile)

Air Defense Systems operator
WP Heavy
Drive (by vehicle type)

Short Range Air Defense Operator (by type)
WP Heavy (surface to air missile)
Forced March

Aviation Specialists: Each of the following is both an MOS and a skill (at +30%)
Aircraft Powerplant repairer
Aircraft Powertrain repairer
Aircraft Electrician
Aircraft Structural repairer
Aircraft Pneudraulics repairer
Aircraft Avionics repair
Aviation Operations specialist
Air Traffic Control operator
Repairer (by aircraft type)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator (by type…tactical for enlisted)
Aircraft Armaments repairer

Special Forces Weapons Sergeant (5th level or higher)
+1 to strike w/ three WP’s

Special Forces Engineer Sergeant (5th level or higher)
+25% to any engineering skill
+30% to Demolitions

Special Forces Medical Sergeant (5th level or higher)
First Aid +50%

Special Forces Communications Sergeant (5th level or higher)
+40% to any Communication skill

Special Forces Ops and Intel Sergeant (7th level or higher)
Military Intelligence +40%

Cavalry Scout
Drive (by vehicle type)

Armored Crewman (by type)
WP Heavy +1
Drive (by vehicle type)

Each of the following is both an MOS and a skill (at +30%)
Information Technology Specialist
Radio Operator/Maintainer
Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager
Network Switching Systems Operator Maintainer
Cable Systems Installer/Maintainer
Multimedia Illustrator
Nodal Network Systems Operator/Maintainer
Microwave Systems Operator/Maintainer
Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
Visual Information Equipment Operator/Maintainer
Satellite Communications Systems Operator/Maintainer
Satellite/Microwave systems chief (must be 5th level)
Signal Support systems specialist
Combat Documentation Production specialist
Telecommunications Operations Chief (must be 5th level)
Visual Information Operations Chief (must be 5th level)

Electronic Warfare Specialist
Electronic Warfare +30%

Military Policeman
WP Pistol
WP Baton

Military Investigator (5th level)
Investigate +10%
WP Pistol

Intelligence Analyst
Military Intelligence +10%

Imagery Analyst
Military Intelligence
Map Reading +10%

Computer Analyst
Computer Use +10%
Computer Hacking +10%

Counter Intelligence Agent
WP Pistol

Interrogate +30%
Interrogate +20%
And language (choose one) +0%

Electronic Intelligence
Electronic Intelligence

Military Intelligence Systems Repairer (for all of their “special” systems)
MI Systems Repairer +10%
Financial Management Technician
Accounting +10%

Psychological Operations Specialist
Psychological Operations

Civil Affairs Specialist
Civil Military Operations

Human Resources Specialist
Management +10%

Human Resources Information Systems Management Specialist
Use Computer

Any Instrument or Singing +10%

Public Affairs Specialist

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

Acquisition, logistics, technology and contracting NCO (must be 5th level)
Contract Law

Chaplains Assistant
Lore: Religion +10%

Metal Worker
Metal Working +10%

Small Arms/Artillery repairer
Armorer +20%

Fire Control Repairer
Electronics Repair +10%

Armament Repairer
Armorer (large) +10%

Repairer: Each of the following is an MOS and a skill
Utilities Equipment Repairer (+10%)
Generator Repairer (+10%)
Construction Equipment Repairer (+10%)
Repairer (by system: tank (M1), mecha (Veritech), artillery (M109), missiles (LRM), etc.) +10%

Each of the following is an MOS and a skill (with a +20%)
Biomedical Equipment Specialist
Operating Room Specialist
Dental Specialist
Patient Admin Specialist
Optical Lab Specialist
Medical Logistics Specialist
Medical Lab Specialist
Nutrition Care Specialist
Radiology Specialist
Pharmacy Specialist
Veterinary Food Inspection Specialist
Preventive Medicine Specialist
Animal Care Specialist
Respiratory Specialist
Health Care Specialist
Mental Health Specialist

Weapons of Mass Destruction Specialist
Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare (tactics)

Recruiter (5th level)
MA +1
Lie +10%

Career Counselor (5th level)
Intimidate +10%
Lie +10%

Truck Driver
Truck Driver +30%

Train Operator
Train Operator +20%

Watercraft Operator
Operate Boat +20%
Navigation +10%

Railway repairer
Railway repair +30%

Ammunition Specialist
Ammunition Identification +10%

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist
Explosive Ordnance Specialist +10%

Logistic Specialist
Logistics +20%

Food Service Specialist
Cook +10%

Mortuary Affairs
Mortuary Science +10%

Pack Parachute +30%

Warrant MOS List
WARRANT OFFICER: Must be 5th level in an Enlisted MOS first.
Basically, pick a skill and add +30% to it OR choose one of following MOS’s:

Utilities Operation and Maintenance
Utilities +30% (know how to run a utility service, electrical, gas, water, etc.)

Geospatial Information Technicial
Cartography +10%

Military Intelligence
Targeting +10% (the skill of matching the system to the target for maximum damage/effects)

Command and Control Systems Integrator
Computer Use +30%

Tactician (type: land, air, space, naval)
+30% to Tactics (type)

Airspace management
Air Traffic Control +30%

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations Technician
Operate Unmanned Vehicle (by type) +30%

Pilot (by aircraft type: helicopters only)
Pilot (by type) +30%

Special Forces
Unconventional Warfare Tactics +10%
+1 to strike w/ 1 WP
Administration +10%

Network Management Technician
Computer network administration +30%

Signal Systems Technician
Any 1 Communications Skill +30%

Legal Administrator
Law +10%

Electronic Warfare Technician
Electronic Warfare +20%

Special Agent – Law Enforcement
Investigate +30%

Area Intelligence Technician (usually by nation)
Area Knowledge +30%

Officer MOS List
COMMISSIONED OFFICER Prerequisite: Must have a college degree (for most modern countries)

Basic Officer Training: MUST Choose this MOS FIRST…
WP Rifle
WP Pistol
First Aid
Hand to Hand Basic or Administration

WP Machineguns
Tactics – Land +10%

Construction +10%

Combat Engineer

Facilities Management
Management +10%

WP Heavy +1 to strike

Air Defense
WP Heavy (Surface to Air Missile) +1 to strike

Pilot Aircraft (by aircraft type)
Air to Air combat OR Air to Ground combat
Replace Administration/Leadership with Weapon Systems
Replace WP Rifle with Aerial Navigation

Special Forces (3rd level)
Tactics – unconventional Warfare +10%

Tactics (armored)
WP Heavy

WP Heavy
Tactics (land)

Any Communication Skill +10%

Military Judge (5th level)
Law +10%

Judge Advocate General
Law +10%

Military Police
Investigate +10%

Military Intelligence
Military Intelligence +10%

Accounting +10%

Psychological Operations
Psychological Operations +10%

Civil Affairs
Civil Military Operations +10%

Human Resources
Management +10%

Chaplain (must already be a cleric)
Lore: Religion +10%

Doctor (of all types…)
NO BONUS, you are a doctor with no malpractice

Dentist (of all types…)
NO BONUS, you are a dentist with no malpractice

Veterinarian (of all types…)
NO BONUS, you are a veterinarian with no insurance needs

Nurse (of all types…)
NO BONUS, you are a nurse with a set schedule and good pay

Lab Sciences
Analyze +10%

Behavioral Science
Psychology +10%

Pharmacy +10%

Aeromedical Evac (must be 5th level)
SPECIAL SKILL: Aeromedical Evacuation – allows the use of all medical rolls with NO negative modifiers for being airborne…

Weapons of Mass Destruction Officer
Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare (tactics) +10%

Functional Areas (must be 5th level as an officer)
These are areas of special training…basically they will give you a +20% bonus to a skill that you already have or a new one based on what your Area is…

Telecommunications systems engineer
Computer Network Operations +20%

Electronic warfare officer
Electronic Warfare +20%

Information operations officer
Information Operations +20% This is the skill of making your viewpoint the reality for everyone else…

Strategic Intelligence officer
Military Intelligence – Strategic +20% This is almost the same skill as Military Intelligence but with a much more broad focus such as the number of tanks a country has, it’s fuel reserves or how many nuclear weapons it has.

Space Operations
Tactics (Space) or Strategy (Space)

Astronaut (must be a pilot of at least 4th level)
Zero G Movement

Professor (of all types…)
Any skill +20%, now you teach it

Area Specialist (by nation)
Area Knowledge +20%

Operations Research/Systems Analysis
Advanced Mathematics +20%

Force Development
Force Generation + 20% This is the skill that is needed to turn Strategy into a reality…this is how to get recruits into the military, trained, equipped and to the front. This is the skill of where to get tanks from, how much fuel they need and how to get it there. This skill deals ONLY with the numbers and not the actual use of the equipment, forces or units.

Systems Development
Any Engineering Skill +10%

Systems Automation
Computer Programming +20%

Simulations Officer
Computer Simulations +20%

Strategic Plans and Policy
Strategy (type) +20%

Any Skill +20%

Additional skills and training:
Every skill, vehicle, weapon or system has some sort of “advanced” course in the military. These courses are anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months or longer in length and will give a flat bonus of up to +20% to a skill…Think TOP GUN. The length of time is dependant on the “complexity” of the skill learned…Air to Air combat tactics is a more complex skill than rappelling and getting out of a helicopter (Fighter Weapons School vs. Air Assault School).

Unit Type
Depending on the Type of Unit the soldier will go to they will usually get one of the following skills:
Airborne - Parachutist
Air Assault - Rappel
Amphibious - Swim
Mountain - Wilderness Survival
Mechanized/Motorized - Drive (vehicle type)

Unit Quality
The quality of a unit will affect the quality of training that they get while there, and sometimes even before:
Poor = -10% to two skills
Below Average = -5% to one skill
Average = No change
Good = +5% to one skill
Excellent = +10% to two skills
Elite = Add two skills AND +10% to two skills to represent the additional training that the unit insists upon.
Last edited by slade the sniper on Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:17 am, edited 8 times in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by slade the sniper »

New Rules
Stopping Power
Stopping Power: This is the amount of SD that is stopped before the object is damaged. Thus an attack that does 55 points of SD hits an object that has a SP of 40. The attack is reduced by 40 points and thus now does 15 points of damage. If the object is also rated in VDC, then only 1 point of VD is done to the object.

If you don't like SP, just ignore it.

Vehicular Damage
Vehicular Damage: This is an intermediate step between SDC and MDC. For VD, an attack has to do 10 points of damage per attack. For bursts, each round has to do 10 points of SD to do 1 VD. An attack that does 9 points of SD does 0 VD. An attack that does 12 SD does 1 VD, as does an attack that does 17 points of SD. An attack that does 27 SD does 2 VD.

If you don't like it, MDC = SDC x 100, VDC = SDC x 10

Probability of Hit/Probability of Kill (pH/pK)
Does anyone else drop the D20 combat rules and run straight % rolls (Recon style) in their megaversal games? I have done it this way since I first played Recon and BRP. I could never understand how other skills were % and combat was d20. I like the % based combat rolls since it allows for more granularity. The Hand to Hand skills in Megaversal just add +5% bonuses per +1 the HtH style grants. Just a random thought.

Having never been a big fan of how most role playing games handle damage, I think that there may be a different way to measure damage, while also increasing lethality and possibly reducing the amount of time that combat takes.
When discussing combat effectiveness, there are two terms that are vitally important, which are probability of hit and probability of kill. When translated into role playing game terminology, we end up with:
Probability of Hit is equal to the skill of the attacker as a percentage
Probability of Kill is equal to the chance that an attack will kill the target.
Probability of Hit needs no further elaboration, as it is already denoted on a character sheet as the weapon skill or the bonus to use a certain weapon.
Probability of Kill is determined by the maximum damage a certain weapon can do divided by the hit points of the target. This will give a number that is converted to a percentage, and if that number or below is rolled on a d100, then the target is destroyed by that attack.
Example: a weapon that does 6d6 mega-damage hits a target that has 300 MDC. 6 times 6 equals 36 divided by 300 equals .12 which equals 12 percent of a kill.
Roll a d100, if less than or equal to 12, then it is a kill. If the roll is 13 or higher, continue as normal. So the 6d6 MD becomes 33 damage (you rolled great) 300 MDC minus 33 equals 267 MDC remaining. The next hit by this weapon against that target will be 6d6 vs 279 MDC equals 36 divided by 279 equals .1348 which equals 13 percent of a kill. Therefore, as the target takes damage, the chance of a catastrophic kill increase.
Always round down.
Have a calculator or a math genius in your games.

Damage conversion
Ok, first look at the info for Recon and Megaversal damage ratings...
Bottom line, they look similar, oddly enough. Recon PCs have between 30 and 100 “hit points” (referred to HP to allow for commonality of terms), whereas Megaversal PCs have between 10 and 30 hit points, along with several tens of SDC (also between 10 and 30). Therefore a Megaversal PC can have between 20 and 60 combined “hit points.” When comparing weapon damage, however, the higher weapon damage of Recon weapons, appears to makes Recon a deadlier game by far. Two to five rounds of almost weapon in the game is sufficient to kill or severely damage any Recon PC. However, against a standard human PC in the Megaversal system, the same amount of rounds will have the same effect. It is only when dealing with super-powered or technologically empowered PCs that the damage system breaks down. This would occur in either game.

Bottom line: Recon characters have a mathematically similar amount of damage capacity as human megaversal characters.
Going with high end and low end numbers:
30 "HP" in Recon vs 20 "HP" in Megaversal
100 "HP" in Recon vs 60 "HP" in Megaversal

Recon PCs have between 1.5 and 1.6 the amount of "HP" that a Megaversal PC would have

Due to the comparison of hit points in the Recon and Megaversal systems, any weapons damage in the Recon system that are between 1.5 and 1.6 are equivalent in damage to the Megaversal damage. These particular damages are bolded. Overall, the majority of common benchmarks are very similar.

With regard to damage, doing a high end, mean and low end comparison:

Recon 2d10+5
Megaversal 3d6
7/3 = 2.3
15/9 = 1.66 (close to the 1.6 threshold)
25/18 = 1.38

.45 Caliber
Recon 3d10+5
Megaversal 4d6 to 5d6
8/4 = 2
8/5 = 1.6
20/12 = 1.6
20/15 = 1.3
35/24 = 1.45 (close to the 1.5 threshold)
35/30 = 1.16

Recon 4d10+5 to 4d10+15
Megaversal 5d6
9/5 = 1.8
19/5 = 3.8
25/15 = 1.6
35/15 = 2.3
45/30 = 1.5
55/30 = 1.83
Due to the massive disparity in damage in Recon, the comparison between Megaverse and Recon seems to favor the 4d10+5 rating, especially since the short barrelled Colt Commando does not do more damage than the M-16...There is a lot more to it than that (barrel twist, bullet construction, powder type)

Recon 4d10+10
Megaversal 5d6+3
14/8 = 1.75
30/18 = 1.66 (close to the 1.6 threshold)
50/33 = 1.51 (close to the 1.5 threshold)

7.62x51mm NATO
Recon 4d10+10
Megaversal 6d6+3
14/9 = 1.55
30/21 = 1.42
50/39 = 1.28

Recon 4d10+10
Megaversal 7d6
14/7 = 2
30/21 = 1.42
50/42 = 1.19
Underpowered compared the Megaversal equivalent

.50 Caliber
Recon 5d10+15
Megaversal 1d6x10
20/10 = 2
40/30 = 1.33
65/60 = 1.08
The Recon version of this round is, IMO, greatly underpowered.

12 Gauge shotgun
Recon 4d10
Megaversal 5d6 buckshot to 7d6 slug
4/5 = 0.8
4/7 = .57
20/15 = 1.33
20/21 = .95
40/30 = 1.33
40/42 = .95
The Recon version of this is also rather underpowered compared to its Megaversal equivalent

Therefore the PC hit points in both systems are “equivalent” in terms of weapon damage in their respective system. Thus converting the PC from Recon to the Megaversal is simply dividing their stats by 5 to get a Megaversal equivalent, rolling up “new” stats such as PB that are not used in Recon (3d6, 4d6-lowest, however you do it) and to get Megaversal hitpoints just divide the BODY stat by 1.55 (the average between high/low conversion).

Decreasing HP can be done in a few ways...

1. There is no SDC, only HP. This would make combat very, very deadly and something to avoid.
The benefit would be very quick combat so that one or two gunshots, people are usually dead or well on their way. Realistic, but harsh.

2. Critical strikes go directly to HP. This makes lucky shots game changers...instead of doing double damage, or maybe even triple damage, the damage just skips SDC and cuts right to the quick. This makes the game deadly, but also introduces an element of luck that is somewhat mitigated by characters at higher levels having more attacks and a wider crit range so that they are not at the same risk of being crushed by low level mooks. But, facts don't lie and even in a full up armored suit in an armored turret, a critical strike can still put the biggest bada$$ down for the count in one shot. Realistic but heavily dependent on luck

3. Reduce SDC by a factor of 10, or 5 or whatever and add them to HP. This makes PCs tougher than option 1, but keeps the silliness of 100+ SDC PCs in check. Realistic-ish

4. Sometypes of attacks deduct SDC, some types deduct HP. Can be worked with to simulate blunt trauma vs penetrating injuries vs burns vs electrical shock vs etc. While a nice idea, it would be pretty horrible to have each type of damage have some different effect. Realistic but a book-keeping annoyance

5. Leave as is BUT high SDC characters must have a reason! As shown above (in my previous post) a 60 HP+SDC for a top of the line, ultra-tough, high level human man-killer is possible...but there are people that are this good, IRL. Additionally, if you shoot them a few times they will also die. There is a reason that double-taps, controlled-pairs, Mozambique drills, failure drills, etc. are taught. Single shots CAN kill, it is just that they rarely do...and it is best to continue to shoot the target until the target is stopped. This can be represented by a skill, or an additional WP OR each additional shot does additional damage per round, thus if a round does 3d6 damage per round (for a 9mm), then a double tap should do 6d6 damage, and a Mozambique drill should do 9d6 damage... This is really the way to make high level special operations military professionals deadly...the ability to kick out 6d6 damage PER ATTACK, on a called shot to the head...that kills things dead. And if you are using a 5.56mm carbine (M4 or something similar) you can do controlled pairs doing 10d6 damage to the head. When you increase this power to machineguns, the killing power gets a bit silly... four or five 7.62mm rounds doing 6d6+3 each...that is 24d6+12 to 30d6+15 damage per burst.

Granted Palladium does a pretty good job of allowing multi-shot damage to be realistic, but there are really no reasons why NORMAL HUMAN PCs can not be shot and killed very easy in the Megaverse. This system breaks down, obviously when dealing with Juicers, Crazies and Dragons...but that is the point. They were designed to be exceptionally powerful, and deadly. When technology suddenly can make joe bob off the street the physical superior of an Olympic athlete with the accuracy of a sniper carrying a weapon that can normally only be mounted on a vehicle and armored to a level equivalent to a light armored vehicle...then yes, normal bullets and the concept of normal humans has been supplanted by these "super soldiers." Thus, to best super soldiers in conflict, requires something more...
Last edited by slade the sniper on Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:33 am, edited 5 times in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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slade the sniper
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by slade the sniper »

Rank Benchmarks
1) Yes, there a difference between soft skills, grunts and SOF; but that is a function of MOS/OCC and the XP needed to progress NOT the level they are...thus a 6th level Pararescue is at the same level as the 6th level Crypto is at the same level as a 6th level Military Police...but what they are capable of is based on their OCC/MOS.
2) This is based on the idea that the PC/NPC is in a garrison based, peace time military...
3) The more combat time, the higher the level...say a bonus of +1 to +4 levels depending on the intensity and duration of the combat...I can see a +1 level for a year, +2 levels for two years, +3 levels for 4 years and a +4 levels for 16 years of constant warfare (which some people out there should be getting close to...)
4) Is it basic? Is it easy? Yes, and here is why...the US Military is based on an easy, basic system of training and experience in order to progress to the next rank (level), and if you don't progress, then you don't stay in. For those crusty types that are problem children and can't make or keep rank...they can get a bonus of +1 to +2 levels for every time they "should have" been promoted...but it is pretty much up or out...the days of 40 year old sergeants are pretty much gone (except for some National Guard types and prior service guys, but their levels progress much slower, so that it all evens out...

Private E1, level 1, YAY, you finished your basic training
Private E2, level 2, Yay, you finished your advanced training and are showing up at your unit
Private First Class E3, level 3, you know what your unit is supposed to do and can actually do it
Specialist E4/Corporal E4, level 4, congratulations, you are considered to be fully trained at skill level 1 things.
Sergeant E5, level 5, you are now in charge of other soldiers.
Staff Sergeant E6, level 6, you are now a squad leader.
Sergeant First Class E7, level 7, Welcome to being a platoon sergeant, being mother and father to a bunch of kids and a mentor to your subordinate squad leaders
Master Sergeant/First Sergeant E8, level 8/9, you
Sergeant Major/Command Sergeant Major E9, level 9/10

Warrant Officer 1, level 6
Warrant Officer 2, level 7
Warrant Officer 3, level 8
Warrant Officer 4, level 9
Warrant Officer 5, level 10

Second Lieutenant O1, level 1
First Lieutenant O2, level 2
Captain O3, level 3
Major O4, level 4
Lieutenant Colonel O5, level 5
Colonel O6, level 6
Brigadier General O7, level 7
Major General O8, level 8
Lieutenant General O9, level 9
General O10, level 10

Alternate rule for rank (originally posted by Beatmeclever)Pay Skill/Military Etiquette Grade Level
E-1 30%
E-2 35%
E-3 45%
E-4 55%
E-5 60%
E-6 65%
E-7 75%
E-8 85%
E-9 98%

W-1 60%
W-2 65%
W-3 75%
W-4 85%
W-5 90%

O-1 35%
O-2 40%
O-3 45%
O-4 50%
O-5 55%
O-6 60%
O-7 65%
O-8 75%
O-9 85%
O-10 98%

To understand that, it works like this (taken from my RECON house rules):
Most characters start at the lowest pay grade (rank) and work their way up through their performance, dedication, and commitment to duty. Lower ranking characters usually answer to the Non-Commissioned Officer (E-4 through E-9) who, in turn, answers to his or her commanding officer, who also answers to his higher up.

While officers are as varied as people, bad officers usually don’t last long, either being demoted or shuffled off somewhere they can’t do much damage. Bad combat officers tend to have a higher than normal rate of dangerous and sometimes fatal accidents.

The skill level listed with each pay grade indicates the minimum required level the character should have achieved in his Military Etiquette skill in order to hold that rank. During peacetime, this is achieved through performance evaluations and tests. This is not always the case during times of war, as the military suffers loses, the lower ranks are brevetted into the openings in the chain of command. However, most of the time, gaining the next pay grade is done by the book and requires performance evaluations and testing to advance

Militant OCC
Militant: New OCC
Attribute Requirements: There are no attribute requirements for becoming a militant
Starting Age: 12
Base S.D.C.: 25
OCC Skills: Pilot Motorcycle or Truck or Ride Horse
Wilderness Survival or Streetwise
WP Knife
WP Pistol or Rifle
Hand to Hand Basic
Speak Native Language
Secondary Skills: Select any twelve (12) skills from any skill category, but has no skill bonuses. The militant learns what he can, where he can.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one new Secondary Skill at 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th levels. Also receives one new W.P. at 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th levels.
Just as militaries have a rank structure, militants also have a sort of progression of titles with correspondingly greater responsibilities:
Level 1-2: Child Soldier
Level 3-4: Militant
Level 6-7: Veteran
Level 8+: Warlord

Criminal (Gang Member, Organized Crime): New OCC
Attribute Requirements: There are no attribute requirements for becoming a gang member
Alignment: Selfish alignments prevail, although evil are fairly common. Good alignments are possible, but are usually quickly disillusioned and leave gang life as quickly as possible.
Starting Age: 12
Base S.D.C.: 25
OCC Skills: Pilot Motorcycle or Automobile +10%
Streetwise +20%
Pick Lock
2 WPs of Choice from Club, Chain, Sword, Pistol, Knife
Hand to Hand Basic, can be upgraded to Martial Arts for a cost of 3 Secondary Skills
Speak Native Language
Secondary Skills:
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, but at least three must be selected from physical skills and two from rogue skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any (+ 5%)
Electrical: Basic only ( + 5%)
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Automotive only (+ 10%)
Medical: First aid or paramedic (+ 10%), but the paramedic skill counts as two skill selections.
Military: Any
Physical: Any (+ 5% where applicable)
Pilot: Any ground vehicles (+ 10%), no aircraft or boats.
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any (+15%)
Science: Mathematics: Advanced and chemistry
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
The character also gets to select 8 secondary skills from the list above, except from physical and those listed as "None."
Select an additional four at level five. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis (). All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
Wilderness: None
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one new Secondary Skill at 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th levels. Also receives one new W.P. at 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th levels.
Just as militaries have a rank structure, gangs and organized crime also have a sort of progression of titles with correspondingly greater responsibilities:
Generic Gang Ranks
Level 1: Tiny Gangster
Level 2: Young Gangster
Level 3: Young Gangster
Level 4-5: Gangster
Level 6-7: OG
Level 8+: Double OG

Yakuza Ranks
Level 1-4: Shatei
Level 5-6: Kyodai
Level 7-9: one of the advisors (saiko-komon: administration, shingiin: legal advisor, kaikei: accountant) or Wakagashira (first lieutenant) or Shateigashira (second lieutenant)
Level 10+: Oyabun

Triad Ranks
Level 1-4: 49, Ordinary members or Blue Lanterns (uninitiated members)
Level 5-6: White Paper Fan (415), Admin; or Red Pole (426), Enforcer; or Straw Sandal (432), Liaison
Level 7-9: Vanguard (438), Operations Officer; or Deputy Mountain Master (438), Deputy; or Incense Master (438), Ceremonies Officer
Level 10+: Mountain Master (489), Dragon Head, Leader

Mafia Ranks
Level 1-4: Soldiers
Level 5-7: Caporegime
Level 8-9: Underboss
Level 10+: Boss, or Consigliere (advisor)

Child Soldier
Urban Guerilla
Rural Insurgent
Terrorist Cell Leader
Terrorist Financier
Military Forces
Junior Non-Com
Veteran Non-Com
Senior Non-Com
Senior Warrant
Junior officer
Veteran officer
Company Commander
Staff officer
Senior Commander
Senior Staff officer
Special Operations Forces
Young Operator
Senior Operator
Veteran Operator
Private Military and Security Specialists
Deniable Asset
Law Enforcement
Rookie Police Officer-Patrol
Experienced Police Officer-Patrol
Experience Police Officer-Detective
Experienced Police Officer-SWAT
Veteran Police Officer-Patrol
Veteran Police Officer-Detective
Veteran Police Officer-SWAT
Last edited by slade the sniper on Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by slade the sniper »

Body Armor
Modern Armor Stopping Power
This is rated in terms of Stopping Power which reduces damage, as opposed to the standard Palladium Books Armor Rating.
These ratings are assumed to work in conjunction with the ammunition types in the previous post.

Body Armor
Extrapolated from NIJ ballistic certification levels
Class I: SP 6-10, will stop .38 Special
Class II-A: SP 7-12, will stop 9mm
Class II: SP 8-14, will stop .357 Mag
Class III-A: SP 10-16. will stop .44 Mag
Class III: SP 20, will stop 7.62mm
Class IV: SP 40, will stop 7.62mm AP
Experimental High Tech (IV+): SP 60, will stop 7.62mm tungsten cored AP
Experimental Very High tech (Cl IV+): SP 70 to 90, will stop 12.7mm AP @ 500m

The definition for "stop" in regards to body armor to basically keep the bullet external to the body and reduce the depth of impact to 4" or less, but there will still be a large volume of energy transfer.

Also, yes, these extrapolations would seem to indicate that megadamage weaponry does exist.

Vehicular Armor
The definition for "stop" in regards to vehicular armor is to achieve a 90% chance of defeating penetration of the mentioned round or explosive charge.

Extrapolated from: STANAG 4569
Vehicular Class I vs KE: SP 20, will stop 7.62mm
Vehicular Class II vs KE: SP 36-40, will stop 7.62mm x 39 AP
Vehicular Class III vs KE: SP 40-50, will stop 7.62mm x 54 AP
Vehicular Class IV vs KE: SP 72-75, will stop 14.5mm AP
Vehicular Class V vs KE: SP 130-250, will stop 25mm APDS
Vehicular Class I vs Explosives: SP 100, will stop grenades, AP mines
Vehicular Class II vs Explosives: SP 200, will stop 6kg HE @ 10'
Vehicular Class IIb vs Explosives: SP 300, will stop 6kg HE center mass
Vehicular Class IIIa vs Explosives: SP 450, will stop 8kg HE @ 10'
Vehicular Class IIIb vs Explosives: SP 600, will stop 8kg HE center mass
Vehicular Class IVa vs Explosives: SP 900, will stop 10kg HE @ 10'
Vehicular Class IVb vs Exposives: SP 1200, will stop 10kg HE center mass

Small Arms Ammunition
Modifiers for modern projectiles
Dual Purpose: ½ SP ½ damage if wearing armor; if no armor damage x 1.5
Armor Piercing: ½ SP, ½ damage
Wadcutter: damage x 1.5, armor x 2, ½ range
Semi‑wadcutter: damage x 1.25, armor x 1.5, 3/4 range
Reverse semi‑wadcutter: damage x 1.5, armor x 2, 3/4 range
Full Metal Jacket: standard damage
Total Metal Jacket: SP ‑ 1
Solid construction : SP ‑ 3
Soft Point: Damage x 1.25, armor x 1.5
Pointed Soft Point: Damage x 1.1, armor x 1.25
Ballistic Tip: Damage x 1.25
High Pressure: Damage x 1.1
Very High Pressure: Damage x 1.25
High Velocity: Damage x 1.25, range x 1.25
Ultra Velocity: Damage x 1.5, range x 1.5
Hollow Point: Damage x 1.5, armor x 2
Fragmenting/Frangible: Damage x 2, will not penetrate any armor or cover
Ramjet ammo AKA "Gyroc": Damage x 2, range x 2
Blended Metal Jacket: Damage x 1.25, armor x 1
Tungsten Core: Armor x 1/3, damage x1/2
SLAP: Armor x 1/4, damage x 1/4
sabot: armor x 1/2, damage x 1/2
Tungsten Core SLAP: Armor x 1/5, damage x 1/2
"spoon tip" AKA Loeffelspitzung: Damage x 1.5
Segmented Bullets: Damage x 2, armor x 2

Heavy Weapons Base Damage
12.7mm/damage = 1d6x10

14.5mm/damage = 1d6+10

20mm/damage = 1d10x10

25mm/damage = 2d6x10

30mm/damage = 2d8x10

35mm/damage = 3d6x10

40mm/damage = 2d10x10

45mm/damage = 2d10x10+20

50mm/damage = 4d6x10

60mm/damage = 3d10x10

70mm/damage = 6d6x10

80mm/damage = 4d10x10

100mm/damage = 5d10x10

105mm/damage = 5d10x10+20

115mm/damage = 5d10x10+50

120mm/damage = 6d10x10

140mm/damage = 7d10x10

155mm/damage = 11d6x10 + 100

64Mj railgun/damage = 1d8x100+50

177mm or 7” gun /damage = 11d8x10

200mm or 8” gun /damage = 10d10x100

255mm or 10” gun /damage = 2d6x100

280mm or 12” gun /damage = 3d10x50

330mm or 13” gun /damage = 2d8x100

355mm or 14” gun /damage = 2d6x100+150

380mm or 15” gun /damage = 3d6x100+50

405mm or 16” gun /damage = 2d10x100

430mm or 17” gun /damage = 2d10x100+100

460mm or 18” gun /damage = 2d10x100+200

Missiles and Rockets

Vehicles: For using these stat blocks, the use of Stopping Power only applies to damaging them with small arms. For using heavy weapons, these stat blocks are benchmarked to use the pH/pK modification located in the rules section.
Wheeled Vehicles
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 18 VDC
4 x Wheels 75 SDC

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 200 VDC
Turret 20 (open top) VDC
4 x Wheels 100 SDC each

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 340 VDC
Turret 135 VDC
4 x Wheels 120 SDC each

Armored Suburban
Stopping Power 20
Main Body 900 SDC
4 x Wheels 100 SDC each

Heavy Armored Suburban
Stopping Power 40
Main Body 200 VDC
Turret 10 VDC
4 x Wheels 100 SDC each

Ford Ranger based Technical
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 145 SDC
Turret 50 SDC
4 x Wheels 50 SDC each

Toyota Hilux based Technical
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 150 SDC
Turret 50 SDC
4 x Wheels 50 SDC each

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 290 VDC
Turret 115 VDC
8 x Wheels 200 SDC each

Stopping Power 30
Main Body 20 MDC
Turret 20 VDC
2 x Tracks 90 VDC each

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 36 MDC
Turret 14 MDC
8 x Wheels 200 SDC each

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 40 MDC
Turret 15 MDC
8 x Wheels 200 SDC each

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 40 MDC
Turret 10 MDC
8 x Wheels 200 SDC each
Weapon 50 VDC

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 35 MDC
Turret 14 MDC
2 x Tracks 140 VDC each
Weapon 70 VDC

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 26 MDC
Turret 10 MDC
2 x Tracks 100 VDC each
Weapon 50 VDC

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 36 MDC
Turret 14 MDC
2 x Tracks 140 VDC each
Weapon 70 VDC

Stopping Power 70
Main Body 70 MDC
Turret 28 MDC
2 x Tracks 280 VDC each
Weapon 140 VDC

Stopping Power 60
Main Body 75 MDC
Turret 30 MDC
2 x Tracks 300 VDC each
25mm Cannon 70 VDC
Tow Launcher 70 VDC

Stopping Power 80
Main Body 100 MDC
Turret 40 MDC
2 x Tracks 400 VDC each
25mm Cannon 70 VDC
Tow Launcher 70 VDC

Stopping Power 60
Main Body 84 MDC
Turret 33 MDC
2 x Tracks 300 VDC each
Weapon 15 MDC

Stopping Power 80
Main Body 120 MDC
Turret 50 MDC
2 x Tracks 400 VDC each
Weapon 20 MDC

Stopping Power 90
Main Body 140 MDC
Turret 55 MDC
2 x Tracks 500 VDC each
Weapon 28 MDC

Stopping Power 90
Main Body 165 MDC
Turret 70 MDC
2 x Tracks 650 VDC each
Weapon 30 MDC

Stopping Power 100
Main Body 195 MDC
Turret 78 MDC
2 x Tracks 700 VDC each
Weapon 40 MDC

Stopping Power 100
Main Body 190 MDC
Turret 75 MDC
2 x Tracks 750 VDC each
Weapon 38 MDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 600 SDC
Main Rotor 250 SDC
Tail assembly 250 SDC
2 x Engines 200 SDC each
2 x Stub Wings 200 SDC each

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 300 SDC
Main Rotor 125 SDC
Tail Assembly 150 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 120 SDC each
2 x Engines 120 SDC each

Stopping Power 40
Main Body 275 VDC
Main Rotor 1000 SDC
Tail Assembly 1100 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 1000 SDC each
2 x Engines 1000 SDC each

Stopping Power 50
Main Body 350 VDC
Main Rotor 1000 SDC
Tail Assembly 1300 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 1250 SDC each
2 x Engines 1000 SDC each

Stopping Power 60
Main Body 400 VDC
Main Rotor 1500 SDC
Tail Assembly 1500 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 1500 SDC each
2 x Engines 1500 SDC each

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 175 SDC
Main Rotor 70 SDC
Tail Assembly 75 SDC
Engine 70 SDC

Stopping Power 20
Main Body 80 VDC
Main Rotor 325 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 300 SDC each
1 x Engines 300 SDC

Stopping Power 60
Main Body 300 VDC
Main Rotor 1200 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 1000 SDC each
2 x Engines 1250 SDC each

OH-58D Kiowa
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 155 SDC
Main Rotor 60 SDC
Tail Assembly 60 SDC
Engine 60 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 100 SDC
Main Rotor 40 SDC
Tail Assembly 40 SDC
2 x Stub Wings 50 SDC each
1 x Engine 50 SDC

Propellor Aircraft
A-1 Skyraider
Stopping Power 10
Main Body 550 SDC
Cockpit 200 SDC
2 x Wings 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 250 SDC
Engines 250 SDC

A-26 Invader
Stopping Power 15
Main Body 800 SDC
2 x Turrets 150 SDC each
2 xWings 300 SDC each
2 x Engines 300 SDC
Tail assembly 400 SDC

O-1 Birddog
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 100 SDC
2 x Wings 40 SDC each
Tail assembly 50 SDC

OV-10D Bronco
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 200 SDC
2 x Wings 80 SDC each
2 x Engines 75 SDC each
Tail assembly 100 SDC

OV-1 Mohawk
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 275 SDC
2 x Wings 110 SDC each
2 x Engines 100 SDC each
Tail Assembly 150 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 1000 SDC
2 x Wings 400 SDC each
4 x Engines 300 SDC each
Tail Assembly 275 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 750 SDC
2 x Wings 300 SDC each
4 x Engines 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 250 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 600 SDC
2 x Wings 350 SDC each
4 x Engines 250 SDC each
Tail Assembly 200 SDC

Jet Aircraft
Stopping Power 5
Main Body 350 SDC
2 x Wings 100 SDC each
1 x Engine 125 SDC
Tail Assembly 100 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 400 SDC
2 x Wings 175 SDC each
2 x Engines 150 SDC each
Tail Assembly 200 SDC

Stopping Power 10
Main Body 1000 SDC
2 x Wings 400 SDC each
2 x Engines 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 300 SDC

Stopping Power 10
Main Body 900 SDC
2 x Wings 375 SDC each
1 x Engines 300 SDC
Tail Assembly 200 SDC

Stopping Power 10
Main Body 1000 SDC
2 x Wings 400 SDC each
2 x Engines 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 200 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 375 SDC
2 x Wings 150 SDC each
2 x Engines 150 SDC each
Tail Assembly 200 SDC

Stopping Power 20
(Special) Pilot’s Compartment SP = 50
Main Body 180 VDC
Cockpit 45 VDC
2 x Wings 40 VDC each
Tail Section 50 VDC
2 x Engines 50 VDC each
Weapon 20 VDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 1300 SDC
2 xWings 500 SDC each
4 x Engines 250 SDC each
Tail Assembly 400 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 550 SDC
2 x Wings 225 SDC each
2 x Engines 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 100 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 475 SDC
2 x Wings 200 SDC each
2 x Engines 175 SDC each
Tail Assembly 100 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 500 SDC
2 x Wings 200 SDC each
2 x Engines 175 SDC each
Tail Assembly 100 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 500 SDC
2 x Wings 200 SDC each
2 x Engines 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 100 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 550 SDC
2 x Wings 225 SDC each
2 x Engines 200 SDC each
Tail Assembly 100 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 375 SDC
2 x Wings 150 SDC each
2 x Engines 150 SDC each
Tail Assembly 75 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 250 SDC
2 x Wings 90 SDC each
2 x Engines 90 SDC each
Tail Assembly 75 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 525 SDC
2 x Wings 210 SDC each
2 x Engines 210 SDC each
Tail Assembly 250 SDC

Stopping Power 10
Main Body 1100 SDC
2 x Wings 450 SDC each
2 x Engines 400 SDC each
Tail Assembly 250 SDC

Stopping Power 5
Main Body 1000 SDC
Cockpit 450 SDC
2 x Wings 450 SDC each
Tail section 450 SDC
4 x Engines 450 SDC each
Last edited by slade the sniper on Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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slade the sniper
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Mission Briefings
The following will be the format of Mission Briefings that I post in here...
Service Support
Command and Signal
Last edited by slade the sniper on Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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slade the sniper
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Organizational Design
The following is taken from and adapted from RIFTS Mercenaries and N&SS. It will require GM approval, but does allow for quite varied builds and player participation.
Other Information:
Each organization should also have a name, insignia and symbol. It's also a good idea to come up with a director, an agent's executive officer, and a few technicians, all as non-player characters. Remember that interesting guards, secretaries, and fellow (or senior) agents can make an agency a lot more interesting.

1. Martial Arts School. A campaign based largely on conflicts between martial artists will have fairly limited organizations. Usually run on a shoestring, these "agencies" will have very few resources and even less political power. 50 POINTS are available.

Squad: 6-12 personnel, personnel are both support and front liners.
60 points, +10 for vehicles and +10 for weapons

2. Crime Buster Agency. An organization dedicated to fighting common criminals and underworld crime gangs. 100 POINTS are available.

Platoon: 20-40 members, some support personnel are also front line troops.
95 Points, +10 for equipment and +10 for vehicles

Free Company: 100-400 personnel, 60% are support.
145 Points, +10 for vehicles, +10 for outfits, +10 for weapons

3. International Espionage Agency. This group is involved in the contest between the world's superpowers (the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.). The "war in the shadows" between national spies and counterspies should be the group's major concern. 200 POINTS are available.

Battalion: 400-1000 personnel, 60% are support personnel
200 points, +10 for vehicles, +20 for budget

4. Superspy Agency. The player characters' main enemies are villains with extraordinary powers, devices and/or skills. Because of this, the organization is generously funded and equipped. 300 POINTS are available.

Brigade/Division: 2000 line soldiers +3000 support personnel up to 10,000 total personnel, 60% of which are support personnel. Generally have some heavy weapons and air support. 1 platoon of specialty agents (up to 5% of the force). Usually moves as groups of sub-units, not as a complete package.
300 points, +20 for budget OR weapons, +20 for outfits

5. Mega-Spy Agency. An agency of this size and power indicates that the role-playing world is extremely dangerous. Most, if not all, of the bad guys also belong to agencies with lots of points. And the opposition will have plenty of skills and powers to test the mettle of the player characters. 400 POINTS are available.

Corps: A multi-divisional army (20,000 soldiers + 40,000 support personnel) up to 500,000 personnel total.
500 Points +20 for vehicles and +20 for budget

NOTE: The points listed are the total available points for all the different agency features. Even with 400 points, selecting an agency feature can be difficult. If no points are spent on a particular feature (A through N), then the agency automatically has the worst level, level 1 (None), in that feature.


A. Outfits. The standard clothing issued by the agency to its members. Replacement of any agency issued outfits is automatic.

• None. The characters are responsible for their own clothing. No replacements of any kind are available. Agency Cost: None

• Utility Outfits. The agency has a standard uniform for all its employees. This is typically a one-piece coverall, with insignia patches and shoes also provided free. The agency has plenty of replacements, in standard sizes, and also provides free laundry service. Agency Cost: 2 Points

• Open Wardrobe. A complete range of civilian clothes, including disguises and foreign uniforms, is available to any agent of the organization. Quality is comparable to the stuff found in a discount department store or in a cheap mail-order catalog. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Specialty Clothing. Standard armor, protective clothing, pilot outfits, SCUBA gear, plus any other standard outfits, are available. In addition, the civilian clothing is fairly classy, equivalent to what's available hi expensive clothing stores. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Gimmick Clothing. A full range of clothes, including standard armor, plus up to $10,000 per outfit for clothing Gimmicks. The quality is high-fashion, with designer labels in the very latest styles. Agency Cost: 30 Points

• Unlimited Clothing. The agency offers any and all clothing Gimmicks for any standard clothing, uniforms or specialty outfits. Any quality level is available, and the world's top designers are on call to specially make appropriate outfits for any agent. Agency Cost: 50 Points

B. Equipment. This describes all the equipment and supplies provided free of charge by the agency. Replacement of any lost or damaged, agency-issued equipment is automatic. SPECIAL NOTE: Unlike other categories, it is possible to pay points to combine several of the following featured equipments.
For example, by spending 15 Points, an agency would provide both Ninja (#3) and Electronic (#4) equipment as described below.

• None. The characters are responsible for buying and replacing their own equipment. Agency Cost: None

• Cheap Gear. Each character has up to $5000 worth of equipment available for each mission. Note that replacement costs, at the completion of a mission, are subtracted from the amount available for the next mission. Agency Cost: 2 Points

• Ninja Equipment. An unlimited amount of Ninja and Martial Arts equipment is available. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Electronic Supplies and Good Gear. Up to $25,000 worth of sensory and communications equipment is available for each agent. No other equipment is available. Agency Cost: 7 Points

• Medical Equipment: First Aid and Paramedic equipment and pharmaceuticals are available with the capability for minor surgery in an extreme situation: Cost 10 points.

• Medical Clinic: The company has facilities equal to a small clinic with a full time MD, 4 nurses and 2 paramedics with a budget of 1d4+2 million. Cost 20 points.

• Gimmicked Equipment. Each agent has a budget of $30,000 for any and all equipment issued at any one time. Replacement of lost or damaged equipment is automatic, but the total amount of agency supplied equipment can never exceed $30,000. Agency Cost: 30 Points

• Cutting Edge Research: The company has access to cutting edge research and development equipment. The drawback is that they are one of a kind, very limited runs and will not be able to be replaced if they are destroyed. Cost 40 points.

• Unlimited Equipment. Characters can take any equipment, with any gimmicks included, without a budget limit. Note that this does not include clothing or weapons. Requests around half a million dollars or more may be subject to review and final approval. Agency Cost: 50 Points

C. Weapons. This includes all the weapons issued from the agency's armory. Any agency-issued weapons come with an unlimited supply of ammunition. Any expended ammo or damaged weapons are replaced automatically.

• None. The characters must buy their own weapons and ammunition. No automatic replacement. Agency Cost: None

• Ammunition. The agency provides ammunition for character weapons. Agency Cost: 2 Points

• Armed Agents. Each agent is issued one (1) weapon with a maximum value of $1,500. Ammunition is provided free. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Ninja Weapons. Any and all Ninja, Martial Arts and Ancient Weapons are provided. This includes swords, bows, spears and the like. Ammunition is restricted to arrows, shuriken, slingshot pellets and so forth. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Basic Weaponry: All members have a rifle and a backup weapon. Cost 10 Points.

• The Arsenal. Each agent is allowed to choose up to $50,000 worth of weapons, with all appropriate ammunition included. Agency Cost: 30 Points

• Advanced Weaponry: All members have a rifle, a backup weapon and grenades. Also, 1 in 5 has a heavy weapon. Additionally, body armor is common (at least 50% of all personnel) as are vehicles (one vehicle per 10 soldiers). Cost: 20 Points.

• Extensive Weaponry: High quality weapons are issued including 1d4 grenades, rifle and pistol. All personnel have access to body armor. Additionally, the unit has 3d6+6 AFVs or tanks OR 1 AFV per every 5 soldiers, whichever is greater. Cost: 40 Points.

• Unlimited Weapons. Characters belonging to the agency can take any and all available weapons and gimmick weapons, as they are needed. Agency Cost: 50 Points

• Maximum Firepower: The unit is as well armed as any other on the planet. The weapons are of the highest quality and the vehicle to soldier ratio is 2 AFVs or tanks per every 5 front line soldiers. Cost: 60 Points.

D. Vehicles. Transportation provided by the agency to the characters. Also includes information on the agency's fleet of vehicles.

• None. Can you run? Fly? Swim? We sure hope so, because you're not going to get any kind of ride from the agency. Agency Cost: None

• Public Transportation. The agency has no vehicles of its own and sends all agents out via commercial transit facilities. In other words, the characters can take buses, regularly scheduled airlines, trains and ships. It's also possible for the characters to hire taxicabs and rent vehicles, but they have to use their own money and will be reimbursed only if the proper receipts and paper work are done. A rented vehicle
• destroyed by an agent will be paid for by the agency, but may result in a reduction in pay, being prohibited the use of rented vehicles again or a desk job (reserved for reckless repeat offenders). Agency Cost: 3 Points

• Fleet Vehicles. The agency maintains a fleet of standard, unmodified vehicles. Small cars, minivans, small boats and small aircraft are available. All vehicles are the most common and cheapest kind available. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Modified Vehicles. Aside from an unlimited selection of unmodified vehicles (valued at $20,000-$30,000), each agent has $20,000 available for customizing or upgrading his or her own vehicle. The vehicles are of high quality, but are limited to standard production line versions. Agency Cost: 20 Points

• Specialty Vehicles. Unmodified vehicles are available in unlimited quantity and can be fairly expensive. Currently available sports cars and luxury cars are also available. Each agent's car may have up to $200,000 worth of modifications. Agency Cost: 35 Points

• Combat Vehicles: The team has a number of military or paramilitary vehicles such as 2d4 APC/AFV’s, 3d6 tanks and 2 dozen other military type vehicles such as armored trucks, jeeps, etc. Additionally there are 4d4 aerial vehicles such as helicopters (or ½ that number if modern jet aircraft). Comes with 2d4 operators for the vehicles, 12 mechanics and 12 assistants. Cost 30 points.

• Unlimited Vehicles. Any existing vehicle is available, including rare and expensive models (I'll take a 1928 Duesenberg, Model SJ.) Any and all modifications, including one "conversion" per vehicle, are available. Alternately, you can have 3d4+4 heavy tanks, 3d6+6 AFVs, 4 dozen light armored vehicles with weapons, and all vehicles have modern or upgraded weapons and sensors. All have communications equipment. The staff of full time mechanics is doubled from above. Agency Cost: 50 Points

E. Communications. This is a measure of how good the communications network and devices are in the agency.

• None. Characters must use public phones and pay for all calls out of their own pockets. Agency Cost: None

• Basic Service. The agency has telephones, two-way radios (walkie-talkies) and uses regular mail service. No scramblers or bug detectors available. Agency Cost: 2 Points

• Secured Service. All the agency's telephones and radios are equipped with scramblers. Important messages go by bonded, private courier and armored truck services. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Computerized. A computer network links up the various offices of the agency with the central HQ. In addition, all radio and telephone communications have sophisticated computer scrambling available. Special private couriers and armored truck services are also used. Agency Cost: 15 Points

• Satellite Network. Instant communications anywhere in the world is provided through a system of ground-based, microwave transmitters and satellite relay stations. Each and every individual agent is wired with a scrambled, private signal channel. Computer networks and other sophisticated services are employed. Agency Cost: 30 Points

• Unlimited Communications. The agency has a private satellite network with 12 dedicated satellites covering the globe, its own private telephone network, and a private mail carrier system. Plus a worldwide data network serviced by a supercomputer at each main HQ. Agency Cost: 50 Points

F. Offices and Distribution. Just how widespread the offices and personnel of the organization are.

• None. All agency personnel, including the director, work out of her homes. There are no real offices connected with the agency. Agency Cost: None

• Urban. All the agency's offices are crowded into one building in one city. No remote offices. Agency Cost: 2 Points

• National. The agency has offices and field agents in only one country. Offices are in every major city of that country, with field agents in every medium-sized community. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Regional. The agency has offices in all the cities of its own country, and in all the major cities of all neighboring countries. Field agents cover all strategic areas in the home country and in any bordering countries. Agency Cost: 15 Points

• International. Agency maintains major offices in every major city in the world. Has field agents in every capital city, and in most strategic locations. Agency Cost: 25 Points

• Ubiquitous. Every city in the world has an office or a field agent representing the agency. This agency is everywhere, with their people covering every population center of 50,000 or more. Agency Cost: 50 Points

G. Additional Military Power. The amount of military force that the agency can command directly. Note that directly means just that; the agency can order around the unit without needing permission or authorization from any other source.

• None. The agency's main security force is composed of its "own" agents. No additional support is available. Agency Cost: None

• Security Guards. A few hired security guards with revolvers, are all the agency has. Agency Cost: 3 Points

• Militia. The agency can call directly on a 150 man force of national guardsmen. They have access to standard military weapons and equipment. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Private Army. A small unit of 200 experienced mercenaries and combat veterans. They come complete with weapons and equipment. Constantly on duty and ready to be mobilized. Agency Cost: 20 Points

• Strike Force. One of the country's commando battalions, with up to 450 soldiers, is ready to be airlifted to anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. Includes infantry weapons, eight tanks, and four artillery pieces, plus three armed helicopters. Agency Cost: 30 Points

• Major Strategic Force. The agency directly commands a 5,000 soldier force complete with vehicles, aircraft, artillery and shipping. Agency Cost: 50 Points

H. Sponsorship. Exactly who is controlling the agency, providing them with their leadership and their real source of funds?

• NONE. Independent Operatives: They answer to no one and do as they please. Add 10 points wherever desired.

• Secret. No idea who runs the show.
• Add 10 points in equipment, 10 points in Outfits, and 10 points wherever desired.

• Criminal, Small-time bandits: They are actually criminals when crime is more profitable than merc work.
• Add 10 points to Criminal Activity and 10 points wherever desired.

• Criminal, Organized Crime: This is a big time criminal outfit engaged in a large variety of crimes in a larger and more covert scale. Their goals have little to do with warfare, but with the acquisition of power
• Add 20 points to Intelligence Resource, +20 points to Criminal Activity and 10 points wherever desired

• Government: They are sponsored by a government
• Add 20 points in outfits, 20 points in equipment, and 20 points wherever desired

• Front Company: They are a front for some other organization
• Add 20 points to outfits, 20 points to equipment, 20 points to weapons, 10 points to budget and 10 points wherever desired.

• Secret. The player character agents have no idea who is really behind the organization or what hidden motives there might be in their assignments. Agency Cost: None

• Military. The agency is run by a unit of the military that is specifically concerned with military goals. Spying on enemy armies, stealing military secrets, and national security are always top priorities. Agency Cost: 4 Point

• Private Industry. The agency was set up by a private company that expects the organization to show a profit. Industrial espionage is important, as well as gaining information on international trade. May also offer its services (agents) for hire. Agency Cost: 6 Points

• Government. This kind of agency is sponsored by an official government and is covered by the government's legal framework. The group's emphasis can range from fighting crime to internal security (ferreting out moles and traitors in government departments), to external investigation (international
• spying). Agency Cost: 10 Points

• International Organization. Sponsored by an international body, the agency is free to set its own policies and to wage war against internationally distributed networks of criminal activity and terrorism. Agency Cost: 20 Points

• Agent Sponsored. The agents themselves control the agency, and can set policy and choose whatever goals they like. Agency Cost: 50 Points

I. Budget. Reveals the money available, not for regular operating costs, but for any kind of special projects. In other words, how much money is available to "front" an operation. For example, if the agents are ready to trap some drug dealers, this would determine just how much cash the agency could afford
to risk.

• None. No money available for any special projects. Agency Cost: None

• Nickels and Dimes. Up to $10,000 or even $20,000 is available for any one operation. But it better be a success! Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Small Potatoes. Agency can dig up $50,000 to $100,000. Agency Cost: 15 Points

• Large Loans. Agency has up to $ 1,000,000 to kick into any important mission. Agency Cost: 25 Points

• Big Bucks. Agency can get up to $100 million. Agency Cost: 45 Points

• Mega Bucks. Agency has up from $1 to $5 billion available. Agency Cost: 60 Points

J. Administrative Control. This determines just how much freedom the agents have.

• Rigid Laws. All agents must always abide by the letter of the law or face prison. Agency Cost: None

• Loose Laws. Agents can get away with minor violations (traffic offenses, littering) but must avoid committing any serious offenses, like kidnapping, murder, assault, blackmail, etc. Agency Cost: 5 Point

• Free Hand. Characters are free to break most laws in the pursuit of official agency goals. Still liable for damages (can be sued) and will be held accountable for any accidental deaths. Agency Cost: 15 Points

• Agency Protection. The agents will be protected by the agency at all costs, shielded from any legal suits or prosecution.Agency Cost: 25 Points

• License to Kill. Each agent is specifically authorized to break any and all laws in execution of their duty. Murder, assassination, theft and illegal interrogation are all allowed. Agency Cost: 35 Points

• Above the Law. The agency is given authority above the laws of its country. Agents can do anything they wish. Not possible in the U.S., or most Western democracies, but definitely an option in communist, most oriental and third world countries. Agency Cost: 50 Points

K. Internal Security. This is the level of internal infiltration that the agency is vulnerable to. Note that this is the only thing that prevents spies from already having been placed in the organization. It varies according to the agency's security measures. Enemy agents, moles, "turned" employees, and other unreliables can only be prevented with high levels of internal security.

• None. No security. Anyone can walk in or out, and employees are not screened or given security background checks. 25% chance of each and every employee being an infiltrator. Agency Cost: None

• Lax. A security guard at each entrance checks visitors in and out. Identification is simply printed and signed (no pictures or fingerprints). 15% chance of each employee being an infiltrator. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Tight. Alert security guards, electronic/alarms, and electronic picture I.D. cards are all part of the agency's security system. A rigid check of prospective employees reduces the chance of infiltrators to 10%. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Iron-Clad. Every entrance and exit is under constant video monitoring. Everyone entering is checked for fingerprints signature, subjected to a metal detector and must be personally recognized. Only a 5% chance of finding a mole in any office. Agency Cost: 25 Points

• Paranoid. Everybody entering is strip searched, and no one can so much as enter a bathroom without surveillance. Multiple checkpoints and constant personnel checking reduce infiltrations to less than a 3% chance in each office. Agency Cost: 40 Points

• Impregnable. An insanely complicated barrage of tests, signs and countersigns, searches, and (choose one) either X-ray Checking (comparing skeleton/dental patterns to make positive ID), Retinal Scans, or Biochemical (checking a person's blood type and genetic markers for positive identification)
• for each and every person entering any office of the agency. Only a 1% chance of an infiltrator being found anywhere in the agency. Agency Cost: 60 Points

L. Intelligence and Infiltration. A measure of how well the player characters' agency has infiltrated and corrupted enemy organizations as well as the types of intelligence gathering and systems available. There are even attempts at infiltrating friendly or allied agencies (just in case). An important side benefit of external
infiltration is that captured characters may be provided with "accidental" opportunities to escape by friendly infiltrators.

• None. The agency has no infiltrations nor has any designated scouts and spies and has to rely on the talents of the individual members. Cost: None.

• Scout Detachment: The company has a scout group to gather information with the skills to do so. Cost: 5 Points.

• Rare Minor Traitor. The agency occasionally manages to pay off some low ranking persons in other organizations. These are usually janitors, clerks or technicians who rarely have any idea of what is really happening where they work. At best, they can give clues. 10% chance in each office of each enemy agency. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Information Source. A critical person who is privy to the enemy agency's secret communications is an agent of the group's agency. This agent is usually a secretary or communications officer who sees about half of all the secret messages. A 12% chance of an agent in each major office of each enemy agency. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• 3. Military Operatives: The company has a team of trained reconnaissance troops that can gather information, infiltrate, confuse and engage in covert operations (average 4th level). Cost: 10 Points.

• Special Military Operatives: The company has a team of trained reconnaissance troops that can gather information, infiltrate, confuse and engage in covert operations, but at higher level of competence than #3 (average 7th level). Cost: 20 Points.

• 4. General Infiltration. The agency has placed infiltrators and moles throughout the enemy agency's structure. There is a 5% chance that each employee of each enemy agency is working with the player characters. Agency Cost: 25 Points

• Blanket Infiltration. Every enemy agent encountered is 5% likely to be secretly working for the group's agency. Agency Cost: 35 Points

• Major Infiltration. Not only is the structure of all enemy organizations filled with informers, but the actual leadership of the opposition has at least one mole among them. Of course, this mole can only be used once, so it's likely that he/she will not be exposed for anything short of global catastrophe. Agency Cost: 50 Points

M. Agency Credentials. Just what is the reputation and authority of the agency? The credentials determine just how much respect the characters' agents can command.

• Hunted. The agency is assumed by the public to be a group of criminals, outlaws, vigilantes, or terrorists. If employed they will make 1d6x10% less than normal. Agency Cost: None

• Scoundrels. The company is viewed with suspicion. They have a reputation for being overly violent and untrustworthy. They may also have a history of being damaging to their employers. They are not actively hunted, but there is a good chance that they will be betrayed. Cost: 1 Point.

• Unknown. No one has even heard of the agency. They get no cooperation and receive no attention. Agency Cost: 3 Points

• Faceless. The group is regarded as just another bunch of government employees sponging off the taxpayers. Cooperation from authorities, particularly police, will be slow and reluctant. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Known. The agency is known as an effective and loyal government agency. Police and local authorities will help in matters that are in their jurisdiction. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Excellent Reputation. The company has a reputation for being reliable, efficient, and lethal. They are known to always fulfil their contracts. They can command 50% to 60% more than normal. Cost: 25 Points.

• Recognized. Agents are known as "good guys" who deserve all the help they can get. Police, foreign governments, and bureaucrats will all help and cooperate fully with any investigations and operations. Agency Cost: 30 Points

• Heroes. Characters are known as bigger-than-life heroes fighting against evil. Any official, and any citizen, will jump at the chance to risk their lives helping the character's agency. They always receive favorable press and are swamped with fan letters. 25% of their enemies will refuse to take a contract against them or flee before combat, increasing to 50% if this company begins very strongly. They make twice as much as normal. Agency Cost: 50 Points

N. Agency Salary. The amount of money received weekly by the player characters. Check the character's O.C.C. for the base salary (it's listed under Income).

• None. Each contract is split into shares and employees are responsible for upkeep with that money. Agency Cost: None

• Freelance. The company pays for only the basics such as food, ammunition and basic supplies, but are paid only $1d4x100 a week for soldiers, and 1d6x100 a week for officers or specialists. Cost: 2 Points

• Pittance. The agency is strapped for money. Agents get just one half of their base salary. The agency runs a 5% chance per week of experiencing a labor strike. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Contractors. Agents are paid at the completion of each assignment. Price can vary, but generally it's 3 times the base salary per job. Agency Cost: 5 Points

• Good Salary. Characters receive exactly their base salary. The job doesn't pay well compared to private industry, but job security is solid. Will often get a 1D4 x $100 bonus for a successful or profitable assignment. Agency Cost: 10 Points

• Excellent Salary. Characters get four (4) times their base pay. They can afford to dress well, eat well, and live upper-class lives. Agency Cost: 20 Points

• Outrageous Salary. Want your characters to hang around with Jackie and Princess Di and the rest of the jet set? This feature pays them twenty times their base salary. Agency Cost: 50 Points

O. Permanent Bases
• None: have no permanent bases and are a nomadic group. Cost: None.

• Partial Headquarters: They have a semi-permanent base located on land that they own or claim. It is little more than some office space, a few apartments, perhaps a few acres of land with tents. Cost: 2 Points.

• Headquarters: The company owns a large tract of land, usually close to a friendly town or city and the entire unit can establish a camp there. There are a few permanent buildings and is considered to be a safe haven for the group. Cost: 10 Points.

• Fortified Headquarters: A permanent headquarters with several permanent buildings including barracks, ranges, garages, conference rooms, storage and arsenals. It has fences and has the equivalent of Internal Security #4. Cost: 20 Points.

• Company Town: The base is an entire town, where 70% of the economy is based on the unit. The town is fortified and may have walls, watchtowers, radars and other security fortifications. There is a home guard force equal to 40% of the total company strength but is not expected to join the unit on deployments. The level of security is equal to Internal Security #3, with #4 in most of the military areas and #5 at vital points. Cost: 40 Points.

• Company City: As #5 but controls an entire city, where 50% of the city is based on the economics of the unit. Security is equal to the same as #5 above. The city is built to be highly defensible. Cost: 60 Points.

P. General Alignment of Personnel: The majority of the unit (80%) falls within the following categories, but there are always exceptions.

• Miscreant and Diabolic. Cost: None.
• Miscreant and Aberrant. Cost: 2 Points
• Anarchist. Cost: 4 Points.
• Anarchist and Unprincipled. Cost: 7 Points.
• Unprincipled and Scrupulous. Cost: 10 Points.
• Scrupulous and Principled. Cost: 15 Points.

Q. Criminal Activity: This is the level of criminal behavior that is allowed or expected within the company. The cost is per individual or group, so that you can buy multiple groups of criminals, and up to as many as four (4) of each type.
• Con Man x 1: An expert fast talker who fools people into financing wild schemes, bad loans, or otherwise parting their money or selling substandard goods. Cost: 5 Points.

• Prostitutes x 3: They typically serve company members but may sell their services for outsiders if allowed. All three of these prostitutes have a PB of 10+2d8, but their MA is only 6+1d6. Cost: 10 Points.

• Bad Medicine (1 x Doctor): An illegal doctor who may be into pharmaceuticals, bad medicine or organ selling. Cost: 10 Points.

• Robbers: The company has an affiliated group of thieves (2d4+2 members) that robs, steals and causes havoc. 50% they are not sanctioned by the unit commanders, but is organized by lower level members. They generally shy away from serious injuries or killings. Cost: 10 Points.

• Smugglers: The company has the services of 1d6+2 smugglers with 1d4+3 levels of experience each. They can buy, sell, and transport illegal, dangerous or scarce materials. Cost: 15 Points.

• Expert Assassin x 1: an evil aligned warrior (1d4+4 levels) that specializes in murder of a particular type. Cost: 15 Points.

• Enforcer x 1: An enforcer (1d4+2 levels) for the company leader that is utterly loyal and exists only to follow his or her orders, and will not shy away from torture, killing, interrogation, and murder of anyone the leader designates, whether they be family, friends, comrades… Cost: 15 Points.

• Special Forces x 2: A pair of expert warriors that can conduct assaults, sabotage, murder and can operate completely autonomously. They are 1d4+3 levels each. Cost: 20 Points.

• Safecracker/Locksmith/Breacher x 1: This is a specialist in getting into places that others consider to be secure whether it is a bank vault, security doors, an underground bunker, etc. Cost: 25 Points.

• Forger x 1: An expert in forgery of any type including passports, papers, ID cards, Credit Cards, invoices, etc and can also work with film and sound. Cost 30 Points.

• Hacker x 1: An expert in electronic crime of all types including cyberwarfare, hacking, electronic surveillance, etc. Cost: 30 Points.

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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by Adventus »

I just had a nerdgasm reading this topic. I am ramping up to run a military supers game. this stuff is awesome.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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I'm glad some of this was of use.

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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Adventus wrote:I just had a nerdgasm reading this topic. I am ramping up to run a military supers game. this stuff is awesome.

I agree, and wish Palladium Publishing would pick this up, either publish it in a Rifter, and in a new book if some form.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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I'm glad someone likes it. I was going to more, but kinda got overly busy...but now that things have calmed down a bit, I may have some time to add to it. I just don't want Recon to become extinct.

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Added a Criminal OCC (for gangs and organized crime) and the level conversion from Recon to the Megaverse.

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by Peacebringer »

I got mentioned twice; I must really know my stuff! One thing I will say is that a vehicle-system can be non-functional without being 100% gone. In CP2020 Maximum Metal, each hit under half the SDC (MDC) is a 30% chance of being knocked out; beyond half the component has a 70% chance of being knocked-out; I would go to by book shelf to verify, but it's getting dark here and I don't have a lamp.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Not all military personnel are trained to climb and rappel should be in specialized MOS/Skill packages
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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I'm dong that annoying thing where I post a comment of no substance or value just so I can come back and find things later. What I've seen so far looks good. Keep it up Slade.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Zer0 Kay wrote:Not all military personnel are trained to climb and rappel should be in specialized MOS/Skill packages

I suppose that you are right...I was going more along the US Army and Marine Corps model...where rappelling was required for everyone.

I did put rappelling down for Air Assault units as a bonus skill they learn.

If anyone wants to make an Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard Basic Training package, please feel free. I will do some research on that tonight.

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Peacebringer wrote:I got mentioned twice; I must really know my stuff! One thing I will say is that a vehicle-system can be non-functional without being 100% gone. In CP2020 Maximum Metal, each hit under half the SDC (MDC) is a 30% chance of being knocked out; beyond half the component has a 70% chance of being knocked-out; I would go to by book shelf to verify, but it's getting dark here and I don't have a lamp.

As for SDC depletion = broken, I would say that using the pH/pK rule is far more realistic. It adds an extra die roll in combat, but has a tendency to actually shorten combat by several minutes, increases drama and alleviates the slow SDC/MDC attrition that comes when using heavy weapons in Palladium.

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Does this work for all services?

Basic Military Training Skill Program (for any service)
Military: Basic Training
Military Etiquette
W.P. Pistol
W.P. Assault Rifle
Hand to Hand: Basic Military

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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slade the sniper wrote:Does this work for all services?

Basic Military Training Skill Program (for any service)
Military: Basic Training
Military Etiquette
W.P. Pistol
W.P. Assault Rifle
Hand to Hand: Basic Military


+Forced March?
+Wilderness Survival (at a reduced % to reflect basic camping techniques)?
You would think swimming, but my coworker joined served on board a ship and got out of the navy without having to swim.
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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I have no idea what the Air Force and Navy teach so I was trying to be as generic as possible.

I don't think the Air Force and Navy do road marches...or teach wilderness survival. Not really sure that they teach HtH Basic either...

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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slade the sniper wrote:I have no idea what the Air Force and Navy teach so I was trying to be as generic as possible.

I don't think the Air Force and Navy do road marches...or teach wilderness survival. Not really sure that they teach HtH Basic either...


I would think all branches of the military teach basic hand-to-hand combat to some to degree. And you're right, wilderness survival wouldn't be a basic military subject. You would have to be a pilot or in some kind of special operations job before you started learning that.

Pistol marksmanship is not commonly taught at the basic level either, at least not in the Army. I was issued a pistol for a brief period in Iraq, and they pretty much just said, "Here, take this." I fired one round out of it, just to see if it worked, and honestly I barely remember ever cleaning it. Just used it occasionally to threaten people.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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Basic Military Training Skill Program (for any service)
Military Etiquette
W.P. Assault Rifle
Hand to Hand: Basic Military

8-12 weeks of military training really isn't all that impressive...

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by turko »

slade the sniper wrote:Basic Military Training Skill Program (for any service)
Military Etiquette
W.P. Assault Rifle
Hand to Hand: Basic Military

8-12 weeks of military training really isn't all that impressive...


Haha.... well, you've "dumbed down" quite a bit of material in order to fit it into a role playing game. If you want to beef it up a little, you could add things like first aid, land nav, other munitions like grenades, claymores, AT4s, etc.... but I'm just going off Army. I don't know what they teach in other branches, so you might not learn any of that in, say, the Navy.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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While I agree with that, I think that I might make a skill called Profession. The skill would incorporate all of the random skills that are not covered in other skills, but at such a low, introductory level that they are not really "skills" in the normal game sense.
The way it would work is the skill has a normal percentage, but all the skill allows you to do is have a flat 10% of that skill or a +0 proficiency bonus in the case of weapons.
This would basically mean that a cop would have Profession: Law Enforcement, a soldier would have Profession: Military. If they needed to do something conceivably connected to their profession (grenades, knot tying, call for fire for Profession: Military; health code violations, out of juridiction criminal penalties, best places for free donughts for Profession: Law Enforcement).

Basically, it will act as a "I remember a three hour block of instruction about this seven years ago" skill.

Ideas, comments?

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by turko »

slade the sniper wrote:This would basically mean that a cop would have Profession: Law Enforcement, a soldier would have Profession: Military. If they needed to do something conceivably connected to their profession (grenades, knot tying, call for fire for Profession: Military; health code violations, out of juridiction criminal penalties, best places for free donughts for Profession: Law Enforcement).

Doesn't Recon pretty much already do that to some extent, though? I don't have my book handy, but isn't there just a skill called "basic training" or something that encompasses everything a soldier would know on a basic level?

Is that the kind of thing you're going for with respect to other professions?
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Re: Megaversal Recon and

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Yes, the skill is called Basic Infantry Training...and it does do that. I was thinking of just relabeling it to Profession: Whatever so that it could basically be exported to pretty much every other sort of Profession: Retail, Profession: Criminal, Profession: etc. could all be viable...all of them using the same mechanic and the same "name".

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by Jefffar »

Maybe a flat skill rather than something that goes up in levels so the character can climb, doesn't need a full minute to reload most infantry support weapons and similar, but doesn't have the abilities of a specialist.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

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I agree with you Jeffar...but a lot of it will have to come down to GM fiat. I would hate to have to do the D20 thing of a million rules to cover ever question that might come up just to argue for 30 minutes with some rules lawyer about some rule that was in errata, then changed in 3.5, but countermanded in the Epic Level handbook, and interpreted in another way in that one splatbook the player has in .pdf at home...

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by Kargan3033 »

Nice, very nice, thank you for your hard work Slade
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by kennethk »

Loving this. As I was in the Air Force, I will sit down tonight and work up an AF specific Basic Training skill program.
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Re: Megaversal Recon

Unread post by slade the sniper »

Looking through my collection, I found that Rifter 76, page 62 gives us the following damage stats:
60mm Mortar
HE 2d8x10 impact, 2d8 x5 to 20’, 3d6 from 21-80’
WP 2d6x5 on impact, 5d6 to 10’, 2d8 from 11’ to 30’

155mm GV5 Howitzer
HE 1d10x100 impact, 2d20x100 to 100’, 1d100x20 to 101x328’

That might be useful for some benchmarks...

My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
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