Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Updated, clarified and slightly improved the Secret Style & Master of Many Styles feat.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Update the Reputation feat with 1 for an Undead fighter
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Banking-the Ultimate in Super-powered Improvement Cost: 3 feats
This feat is going to be the most discussed, power gamers will probably love it, while some GM's might hate it. Simply put depending on your mindset HU uses arbitrary limits on Power lvls, or the power lvls are good for the game or why are some powers so limiting whiles other aren't. This feat is designed for people that find some powers limiting. First let me say while over 75% of my feats are designed for the street lvl or Minor Hero this feat tilts the advantage clearly to the super-powered hero. So why create it for 2 reasons
1. Simply put the game is called Heroes Unlimited, Powers, abilities and additional powers shouldn't be limited
2.While this feat makes or allows the hero to do more with his powers or add more powers it comes with a price. A price that most heroes, probably want to pay and therefore will limit people wanting to take this feat.
OK, having set up the premise for the feat here it how it works. It's called Banking bc that basically what you do, you bank half your experience points in order to improve your powers, the damage your power do or receive more powers. This makes a character someone who goes up in lvl considerably slower than people without this feat, but on the other hand in time you become considerably more powerful than people without this feat. In game terms you basically spend an inordinate amount of time trying to improve your powers, abilities and develop new powers. So instead of going up across the board you sacrifice half your experience points to increase in 1 particular field specifically powers.
For example minor powers that go up automatically per lvl as in Energy Expulsion powers are pretty standard after a set number of dice at first lvl usually between 2d6-4d6 and than you add +1d6 per lvl. ith this feat you could do 1d6+2 or 1d8 per lvl
Cost to improve Minor Powers
To improve on an Energy Expulsion Power requires that the character give up half his experience points he would normally receive for adventuring, combat, role-playing in character or good ideas, ect, for 3 consecutive lvls. After that his EEP will now do 1d6+2 per additional lvl or +1d8 per additional lvl. The GM as the prerogative of making it retroactive to second lvl, myself I don't have a problem with making it retroactive.
Bonus: Should the player character desire he can give up or sacrifice half his experience points for another 3 consecutive lvls, after that his EEP will now do 1d8+2 per additional lvl or +1d10 per additional lvl. The GM as the prerogative of making it retroactive to second lvl, myself I don't have a problem with making it retroactive given the experience sacrificed.
Limitation: Should the character have more than 1 EEP he must specify to the GM which one he's improving, should he wish to improve another he must later on sacrifice another 3 lvl at half experience points to improve it also. No way does this feat improve all of them with 1 sacrifice of half experience pts for 3 lvl that's rule rape pure and simple and not allowed.
To improve the minor movement powers of Flight (all version), Extraordinary Speed requires that the character give up half his experience points for 2 consecutive lvl. After that his Flight power or his ES power will increase by another 5% per lvl.
For example the minor powers of Flight: Wingless & Extraordinary Speed start you off at a speed of 200 mph and each lvl your speed would increase by 20 mph per lvl. But if you use this feat to increase your speed your Flight or ES would go up by 30 mph per lv.
Limitation: Using it in this fashion, all it does is increase your base speed. You don't receive any other plus to attack or other bonus outside of what the power normally gives you.
To Improve the minor powers of Heightened senses (all) & Supervision (all) the range can be increased by 25% per lvl till it max out at double the book value. This requires that the character give up half his experience points for 2 consecutive lvl. In a like manner he must give up half the experience points he would normally have gained for another 2 lvl to improve another Heightened
Sense or Supervision power. In other words each power must be paid off in experience pts sacrifice consecutively.
To improve the minor powers of Extraordinary Physical Strength & Superhuman Strength can be improve on in a similar manner. This basically implies the hero is constantly working out with tremendous weights everyday trying to increase his P.S. In game terms the character gives up half his experience points for 2 consecutive lvl for EPS & he gives up half his experience pts for 3 consecutive lvl for Superhuman Strength. After that his EPS power or his SS power will increase. Every lvl after the player character sacrifices his experience points if he has EPS his P.S increase by+1, if he has SS his P.S increase by +2.
Limitation: Using it in this fashion requires extreme dedication of training a minimum of 4 hrs a day 6 days a week. So be careful if you choose this feat to increase your P.S, b/c failure to constantly work out will stop your forward progress. Any loss of training time that week of 10 hrs or less must be made up the following week spending twice the amount of time working out adventuring be dammed. Losing more than 10 hrs of training time for a week or 15 hrs of training time for 2 weeks causes loss the bonus from the feat permanently. You don't lose any of the bonus P.S you already accumulated but you no longer increase in P.S. each lvl. Should you decide you want to regain the bonus of increase P.S per lvl, will require you to pick this feat a second time and pay the feat cost as if you never had it before.
Cost to improve Major Powers
To cost to improve major powers vary with the powers I don't plan on listing them all but I plan on listing enough that a GM will have general idea on the cost. For example Sonic Speed, Sonic Flight are improved on in a similar manner to Flight & Extraordinary Speed minor power.
To improve the major movement powers of Sonic Speed & Sonic Flight requires that the character give up half his experience points for 3 consecutive lvl. After that his Sonic Flight power or his SS power will increase by 10% per lvl.
For example the major powers of Sonic Flight & Sonic Speed start you off at a speed of 700 mph and each lvl after you paid the full experience pts penalty your speed would increase by 70 mph per lvl.
Limitation: Using it in this fashion, all it does is increase your base running speed or flying speed. You don't receive any other plus to attack or other bonus outside of what the power normally gives you
To improve a 1 part of a major power attack that means a major power that gives you many abilities but an attack that never goes up beyond it starting value, requires that the character give up half his experience points for 4 consecutive lvl. After that the damage he does will increase by damage of the attack die per lv. (For example Create force Field ability number 3 lets you create a Bolt of Force that does 2D6 and then stays there, with this feat after paying half experience pts for 4 lvl would go up 1d6 per lvl, someone with the Energy Absorption power ability number 3 would likewise go up 1d6 per lvl after paying the exp pts penalty. The Sonic Power attack ability number 3 Sonic Boom normally does 1d4x10 and then never go up, with this feat it would go up by 10 pts every lvl after the half exp pts penalty for 4 consecutive lvls is paid).
Finally 1 of the major powers I never understood not improving is Supernatural Strength, yet based on comic books it's the one power constantly being improved upon by heroes with this power. This 1 is a special case it cost 5 consecutive lvl of half exp pts penalty to improve that power, but for this the character with the SS major power can improve his P.S by 1d8 pts every lvl and he can carry 600x his P.S in pounds and can lift 1000x his P.S in pds. Now if a GM wants to boost the power lvl to something closer to comic books, with this feat the character can lift can 1 ton per point of Supernatural P.S and lift 5 tons per pt of Supernatural P.S ( be warned this will allow characters to casually bench press tanks)
To gain 1 additional minor power requires banking half your experience pts for 5 consecutive lvls
To gain 1 additional major power requires banking exp half your pts for 6 consecutive lvls. Nevertheless there's some powers that are more unbalancing then others (all Alter Physical, Invulnerability, Create Force Field, Divine Healing & Regeneration Ultima) requires you bank half your exp pts for 7 lvls.
Prerequisite: People with powers
This feat is going to be the most discussed, power gamers will probably love it, while some GM's might hate it. Simply put depending on your mindset HU uses arbitrary limits on Power lvls, or the power lvls are good for the game or why are some powers so limiting whiles other aren't. This feat is designed for people that find some powers limiting. First let me say while over 75% of my feats are designed for the street lvl or Minor Hero this feat tilts the advantage clearly to the super-powered hero. So why create it for 2 reasons
1. Simply put the game is called Heroes Unlimited, Powers, abilities and additional powers shouldn't be limited
2.While this feat makes or allows the hero to do more with his powers or add more powers it comes with a price. A price that most heroes, probably want to pay and therefore will limit people wanting to take this feat.
OK, having set up the premise for the feat here it how it works. It's called Banking bc that basically what you do, you bank half your experience points in order to improve your powers, the damage your power do or receive more powers. This makes a character someone who goes up in lvl considerably slower than people without this feat, but on the other hand in time you become considerably more powerful than people without this feat. In game terms you basically spend an inordinate amount of time trying to improve your powers, abilities and develop new powers. So instead of going up across the board you sacrifice half your experience points to increase in 1 particular field specifically powers.
For example minor powers that go up automatically per lvl as in Energy Expulsion powers are pretty standard after a set number of dice at first lvl usually between 2d6-4d6 and than you add +1d6 per lvl. ith this feat you could do 1d6+2 or 1d8 per lvl
Cost to improve Minor Powers
To improve on an Energy Expulsion Power requires that the character give up half his experience points he would normally receive for adventuring, combat, role-playing in character or good ideas, ect, for 3 consecutive lvls. After that his EEP will now do 1d6+2 per additional lvl or +1d8 per additional lvl. The GM as the prerogative of making it retroactive to second lvl, myself I don't have a problem with making it retroactive.
Bonus: Should the player character desire he can give up or sacrifice half his experience points for another 3 consecutive lvls, after that his EEP will now do 1d8+2 per additional lvl or +1d10 per additional lvl. The GM as the prerogative of making it retroactive to second lvl, myself I don't have a problem with making it retroactive given the experience sacrificed.
Limitation: Should the character have more than 1 EEP he must specify to the GM which one he's improving, should he wish to improve another he must later on sacrifice another 3 lvl at half experience points to improve it also. No way does this feat improve all of them with 1 sacrifice of half experience pts for 3 lvl that's rule rape pure and simple and not allowed.
To improve the minor movement powers of Flight (all version), Extraordinary Speed requires that the character give up half his experience points for 2 consecutive lvl. After that his Flight power or his ES power will increase by another 5% per lvl.
For example the minor powers of Flight: Wingless & Extraordinary Speed start you off at a speed of 200 mph and each lvl your speed would increase by 20 mph per lvl. But if you use this feat to increase your speed your Flight or ES would go up by 30 mph per lv.
Limitation: Using it in this fashion, all it does is increase your base speed. You don't receive any other plus to attack or other bonus outside of what the power normally gives you.
To Improve the minor powers of Heightened senses (all) & Supervision (all) the range can be increased by 25% per lvl till it max out at double the book value. This requires that the character give up half his experience points for 2 consecutive lvl. In a like manner he must give up half the experience points he would normally have gained for another 2 lvl to improve another Heightened
Sense or Supervision power. In other words each power must be paid off in experience pts sacrifice consecutively.
To improve the minor powers of Extraordinary Physical Strength & Superhuman Strength can be improve on in a similar manner. This basically implies the hero is constantly working out with tremendous weights everyday trying to increase his P.S. In game terms the character gives up half his experience points for 2 consecutive lvl for EPS & he gives up half his experience pts for 3 consecutive lvl for Superhuman Strength. After that his EPS power or his SS power will increase. Every lvl after the player character sacrifices his experience points if he has EPS his P.S increase by+1, if he has SS his P.S increase by +2.
Limitation: Using it in this fashion requires extreme dedication of training a minimum of 4 hrs a day 6 days a week. So be careful if you choose this feat to increase your P.S, b/c failure to constantly work out will stop your forward progress. Any loss of training time that week of 10 hrs or less must be made up the following week spending twice the amount of time working out adventuring be dammed. Losing more than 10 hrs of training time for a week or 15 hrs of training time for 2 weeks causes loss the bonus from the feat permanently. You don't lose any of the bonus P.S you already accumulated but you no longer increase in P.S. each lvl. Should you decide you want to regain the bonus of increase P.S per lvl, will require you to pick this feat a second time and pay the feat cost as if you never had it before.
Cost to improve Major Powers
To cost to improve major powers vary with the powers I don't plan on listing them all but I plan on listing enough that a GM will have general idea on the cost. For example Sonic Speed, Sonic Flight are improved on in a similar manner to Flight & Extraordinary Speed minor power.
To improve the major movement powers of Sonic Speed & Sonic Flight requires that the character give up half his experience points for 3 consecutive lvl. After that his Sonic Flight power or his SS power will increase by 10% per lvl.
For example the major powers of Sonic Flight & Sonic Speed start you off at a speed of 700 mph and each lvl after you paid the full experience pts penalty your speed would increase by 70 mph per lvl.
Limitation: Using it in this fashion, all it does is increase your base running speed or flying speed. You don't receive any other plus to attack or other bonus outside of what the power normally gives you
To improve a 1 part of a major power attack that means a major power that gives you many abilities but an attack that never goes up beyond it starting value, requires that the character give up half his experience points for 4 consecutive lvl. After that the damage he does will increase by damage of the attack die per lv. (For example Create force Field ability number 3 lets you create a Bolt of Force that does 2D6 and then stays there, with this feat after paying half experience pts for 4 lvl would go up 1d6 per lvl, someone with the Energy Absorption power ability number 3 would likewise go up 1d6 per lvl after paying the exp pts penalty. The Sonic Power attack ability number 3 Sonic Boom normally does 1d4x10 and then never go up, with this feat it would go up by 10 pts every lvl after the half exp pts penalty for 4 consecutive lvls is paid).
Finally 1 of the major powers I never understood not improving is Supernatural Strength, yet based on comic books it's the one power constantly being improved upon by heroes with this power. This 1 is a special case it cost 5 consecutive lvl of half exp pts penalty to improve that power, but for this the character with the SS major power can improve his P.S by 1d8 pts every lvl and he can carry 600x his P.S in pounds and can lift 1000x his P.S in pds. Now if a GM wants to boost the power lvl to something closer to comic books, with this feat the character can lift can 1 ton per point of Supernatural P.S and lift 5 tons per pt of Supernatural P.S ( be warned this will allow characters to casually bench press tanks)
To gain 1 additional minor power requires banking half your experience pts for 5 consecutive lvls
To gain 1 additional major power requires banking exp half your pts for 6 consecutive lvls. Nevertheless there's some powers that are more unbalancing then others (all Alter Physical, Invulnerability, Create Force Field, Divine Healing & Regeneration Ultima) requires you bank half your exp pts for 7 lvls.
Prerequisite: People with powers
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Extraordinary Awe Factor Cost: 3 feats
This feat is extremely powerful in the hands of an imaginative player, who's into role-playing a bad-ass. But not so much for a power-gamer even-though it gives some nice abilities. To tell the truth this feat borderlines as Major power, there's only 2 reasons I didn't create as a power.
1. The 2 characters that have demonstrated this ability had no powers
2. The second reason while the abilities granted have some combat applications, this feat really shines in a non-combat heavy role-playing environment.
This feat is for people who likes the Awe Factor certain heroes possess, while not necessarily being a Mega Hero. If anyone ever read the Original Watchmen comics where Roshack comes into a bar and eventhough he's outnumbered and outgunned but the gangsters and low life open a space for him understand this feat. In a similar manner Batman more than once comes to a bar full of underworld times and they open a space for him and back away. In another instance during the HA Ha League Hayday there were about 5 Justice League members fighting with Guy Gardner and Batman walked toward them and as they saw is face they backed down and stopped fighting. When he finally got the the person who cause the ruckass he told GUy Gardner (SIT DOWn) in a cold manner. Even-though Guy with his ring was infinitely more powerful he sat down, calm down and shut up. This feat seeks to duplicate such an ability.
In game terms as long as you have no intention of starting combat you can walk into a room of normal people, gangster, mafia types, ect and they can't attack you for 1 rd per lvl. This ability only works for you and at best 1 other person standing and walking next to you, if you have a M.A of 25 or more it affects 1 person besides you, each additional 3 pts of M.A you can add 1 more person at your aura of protection when standing or walking within 5 ft of you. In game terms your EAF feat works like thhe fear spell except there's no saving throw for minions for 1 rd per your character lvl. This feat is only effective for role-playing purpose should you start a fight or try to arrast someone the feat abilitiy immediately goes away. But for the first rd of combat they lose 2 attacks and attack you with a -4 to strike, parry & dodge.
This feat affect 1 minion or normal person for every pt of MA ( for example our hero Dark Eagle with a M.A of 26 could wlk in a dimly lit bar full of gangster and effect 110 people and his sidekick would also be safe from harm as long as he stay within 5ft of DE) if the bar had 120 people the remaining 10 could save vs fear or Awe Factor of 14+1 for every lvl of the hero to a MAX of AF of 19. Now this ability will work on Super-villains also but they get a saving throw and he or she can only effect 1 SV prt every 3 pts of MA rd down.( Therefore DE could only effect a max of 8 SV). This ability can also work on Superheroes in a similar manner as SV but they receive a +2 to sv.
Finally there's an optional ability the hero can used for color and for laughs. Basically all this feat does is an enclosed man made envioronment force people that would normally attack you, listen or back away from you at least 1 feet per pt of M.A. But depending on the player or the GM these additional abilities can be added. Should you decide to used these additional abilities the duration of the feat last half as long and you affect half the amouth of people, the Gm roll 1d6 to see what happens to each person.
a. They back away & feint when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 14 to resist fainting
b. They back away & start sweating when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 13 to resist sweating
c. They back away & their knees start knocking when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 13 to resist
d. They back away & they pi*s on themselves when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 11 to resist pis**ng on themselves
e. They back away & run away from you at their highest spd when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 12 to resist running away
f. They back away & start shaking or trembling unable to hold anything. They receive a sv throw of 13 to resist trembling
Bonus: People with the Reputation feat (Relentless Hunter of Criminals, Relentless Hunter of Undead, Warrior) can buy this feat for the cost of 2 feats
Limitations: Mega Heroes, Immortals, Greater Supernatural creatures, Gods & Alien Intelligence are immune to this feat.
Final Limitation: People with the reputation of Boy-scout, Diplomat or Innocent can't have this feat.
Prerequisite: P.S, P.E & M.E of 20 or higher plus an M.A of 24 or higher
This feat is extremely powerful in the hands of an imaginative player, who's into role-playing a bad-ass. But not so much for a power-gamer even-though it gives some nice abilities. To tell the truth this feat borderlines as Major power, there's only 2 reasons I didn't create as a power.
1. The 2 characters that have demonstrated this ability had no powers
2. The second reason while the abilities granted have some combat applications, this feat really shines in a non-combat heavy role-playing environment.
This feat is for people who likes the Awe Factor certain heroes possess, while not necessarily being a Mega Hero. If anyone ever read the Original Watchmen comics where Roshack comes into a bar and eventhough he's outnumbered and outgunned but the gangsters and low life open a space for him understand this feat. In a similar manner Batman more than once comes to a bar full of underworld times and they open a space for him and back away. In another instance during the HA Ha League Hayday there were about 5 Justice League members fighting with Guy Gardner and Batman walked toward them and as they saw is face they backed down and stopped fighting. When he finally got the the person who cause the ruckass he told GUy Gardner (SIT DOWn) in a cold manner. Even-though Guy with his ring was infinitely more powerful he sat down, calm down and shut up. This feat seeks to duplicate such an ability.
In game terms as long as you have no intention of starting combat you can walk into a room of normal people, gangster, mafia types, ect and they can't attack you for 1 rd per lvl. This ability only works for you and at best 1 other person standing and walking next to you, if you have a M.A of 25 or more it affects 1 person besides you, each additional 3 pts of M.A you can add 1 more person at your aura of protection when standing or walking within 5 ft of you. In game terms your EAF feat works like thhe fear spell except there's no saving throw for minions for 1 rd per your character lvl. This feat is only effective for role-playing purpose should you start a fight or try to arrast someone the feat abilitiy immediately goes away. But for the first rd of combat they lose 2 attacks and attack you with a -4 to strike, parry & dodge.
This feat affect 1 minion or normal person for every pt of MA ( for example our hero Dark Eagle with a M.A of 26 could wlk in a dimly lit bar full of gangster and effect 110 people and his sidekick would also be safe from harm as long as he stay within 5ft of DE) if the bar had 120 people the remaining 10 could save vs fear or Awe Factor of 14+1 for every lvl of the hero to a MAX of AF of 19. Now this ability will work on Super-villains also but they get a saving throw and he or she can only effect 1 SV prt every 3 pts of MA rd down.( Therefore DE could only effect a max of 8 SV). This ability can also work on Superheroes in a similar manner as SV but they receive a +2 to sv.
Finally there's an optional ability the hero can used for color and for laughs. Basically all this feat does is an enclosed man made envioronment force people that would normally attack you, listen or back away from you at least 1 feet per pt of M.A. But depending on the player or the GM these additional abilities can be added. Should you decide to used these additional abilities the duration of the feat last half as long and you affect half the amouth of people, the Gm roll 1d6 to see what happens to each person.
a. They back away & feint when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 14 to resist fainting
b. They back away & start sweating when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 13 to resist sweating
c. They back away & their knees start knocking when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 13 to resist
d. They back away & they pi*s on themselves when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 11 to resist pis**ng on themselves
e. They back away & run away from you at their highest spd when you glare at them. They receive a sv throw of 12 to resist running away
f. They back away & start shaking or trembling unable to hold anything. They receive a sv throw of 13 to resist trembling
Bonus: People with the Reputation feat (Relentless Hunter of Criminals, Relentless Hunter of Undead, Warrior) can buy this feat for the cost of 2 feats
Limitations: Mega Heroes, Immortals, Greater Supernatural creatures, Gods & Alien Intelligence are immune to this feat.
Final Limitation: People with the reputation of Boy-scout, Diplomat or Innocent can't have this feat.
Prerequisite: P.S, P.E & M.E of 20 or higher plus an M.A of 24 or higher
Last edited by Shadowknight on Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Improved, slightly tweaked the Descendant of The God Feat which was a little weak compared to it's cost. Later on this weak I will include Descendant of the God of Smiting & of Elements.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Improved Version
Descendant of The Gods Cost: 4 feats
This represents someone who inherits special abilities from a GOD like being OR Magical, Supernatural or Demonic Ancestor. In many ways it similar to a Demi God but the bonus are much less. Your bonus depend on your ancestor was. You roll a 1D12 to find out who you ancestor was and what abilities you gained, I made the list as general as possible but you should with your GM roll to find out from what Pantheon you are descended from not just the type of God he represents. While I created 12 Arch types of God my original intent was 12 or 16 Like Gods of Smith, Gods of Thieves ect. If requested I can add another 4 Arch Types or if I ever finish listing all the feats I plan on going back and adding to it.
1. Gods of Magic-you receive +4 to I.Q, M.E, P.E, plus 2D4 to Hit Points and 8D6+12 to P.P.E, you also have +2 to your spell STR, +3 to sv vs magic and +3 to save on H.F
2. Gods of Strength-you receive +8 to P.S (which is considered Superhuman if you had normal P.S or Supernatural if you had Extra-ordinary or Superhuman P.S, if you already have Supernatural P.S double the amount of Weight you can lift), +4 to P.P, P.E, plus 10D4 to Hit Points and 1D4 to P.P.E. you also gain +3 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death.
3. Gods of War-you receive +1D4+1 to P.S, to P.P, to P.E, to SPD,+1 additional attack per rd plus 4D8 to Hit Points and 1D6 to P.P.E you also gain +4 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death.
4. Gods of Learning or Knowledge + 8 to I.Q, +3 to P.P,+ 5d4 to I.S.P YOU GAIN 4 Free language of choice, +1 additional Program, +4 to save vs H.F and +2 to sv vs Psionics
5. Gods of Speed-you receive +2 to I.Q, + 1D6+1 to P.P, + 2 to P.E, plus 3D6 to Hit Points, you gain 4 additional attacks once a day and multiply your SPD X4 for 1 minute once a day.
6. All Fathers or All Mothers-you receive +3 to I.Q, + 1D4+1 to M.A, M.E, +1D6 to P.S(which is considered Superhuman if you had normal P.S or Supernatural if you had Extra-ordinary or Superhuman P.S, if you already have Supernatural P.S double the amount of Weight you can lift), P.E, +2 P.B plus 5D4 to Hit Points and 5D4 to P.P.E. you also gain +4 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death
7. Gods of Nature-you receive +3 to ALL stats plus 3d4 to Hit Pts and P.P.E or I.S.P you also gain +3 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death. In addition you sense life is very acute you have cumulative a 5% per lvl of sensing any undead within a 100 ft radius. In additional normal animals not under control( PSionically or Magically) won't attack you or run away from you. ( Guard dogs won't growl or howl or bark at you, deer, wild animals will treat you like a member of their pack, birds will land on your hands or shoulder and sing to you). You're in perfect control of this ability you can shut it off anytime you want so your secret identity won't be compromised. Realize this ability is limited to your self, your team members even standing or walking right next to you will set off alarm from the dog or get attack from a Lion, Tiger or Elephant only you are immune.
8. Gods of Winter-you receive +2 to ALL stats plus 2d4 to Hit Pts and P.E.E & I.S.P you also gain +2 to sv vs Poison, +1 to sv on H.F and +10% on Coma /Death. In addition you are extremelly resistant to the cold and cold weather. You only take half damage from any cold based attacks including Magical or Psionics. You can stay outside without a coat on and suffer no damage from even 0 degree cold for 1 hr per pt of P.E. After that you'll suffer damage like a normal person. Finally you possess a similar form of Animal Empathy similar to that of the God of Nature except your is limited to those of the Frozen North( Polar Bear, Timber Wolf, Snow Owl, Walrus, Penguin, Reindeer, ect) so while a Polar Bear or Timber Wolf won't attack you or won't betray your presence a Grizzly Bear or Grey Wolf would even though they are near identical species.
9. Gods of Smiting-you receive + 4 to P.S which is considered Superhuman for lifting or carrying purpose. In addition you receive +4 to P.E and +2 M.E & SPD plus 3D6 to Ht Pts & S.D.C. You also gain +2 to sv vs Poison,+2 to sv on H.F and +15% on coma/death. In addition you are extremely resistant to the Heat and warm weather. You only take half damage from any Heat, Flame or Plasma based attacks including Magical or Psionics. You can stay on any environment of extreme heat on and suffer no damage from even 125 degree heat for 1 hr per pt of P.E. After that you'll suffer damage like a normal person. 10. Gods of the Earth-you receive +4+2d4 to P.S which is considered Superhuman P.S whenever your feet are touching the ground, this ability will work even if you have shoes or boots on. But won't work in an elevator, in a ship, airplane, air or anywhere where you aren't near the ground. While this ability will work in an office building any floor above the second floor your P.S will only be considered Extra-ordinary, any floor above the 6th floor and your P.S will be considered normal. In addition as long as you are on the ground floor you receive +1d4 to ALL your other Physical Stats, +4d4 to Ht Pts, S.D.C, P.P.E, I.S.P. You also gain +2 to ALL your sv throws and +25% to coma/death.
11. Gods of the Sea-you receive +1d4+3 to P.S which becomes Supernatural when you are at sea, you also receive +1d4+1 P.P & P.E, SPD when you are whiting 25 ft of the sea. Also you possess a similar form of Animal Empathy to that of the Gods of Nature but your is limited to sea based creatures, crustaceans, penguins, walrus or other creatures that spend over 30% of the life at sea.
12. Gods of the Weather- you receive +3 to all Physical Stats but your P.S in any storm (Cyclone, Hail, Hurricane, Rain, Snow, ect) will double and be considered Supernatural. You also receive +2 to ALL sv, + 10 to Hit Pts, S.D.C & +25% to coma/death.
Bonus: Anyone with this feat pays only 1 feat for Unique Weapon or Enhance Lifespanif EL is chosen and you start become frail at 120 yrs old instead of 90 yrs old, also his maximum lifespan is increased to 210 yrs old.
Bonus DOTG 7 Whenever the character is in a Large Natural environment (at least a 1000ft rd) like that a Park, Zoo, Beach, Volcano, Jungle, Forest, Swamp, ect. You gain another +3 to ALL physical stats & another +3d4 to hit pts.
Bonus DOTG8 Whenever the character is in a Large Winter environment like Alaska, Greenland, Northern Canada, North Pole, South Pole, Swiss Alps, Siberia, an area where it snows for 2 days or more and it's below 32 degrees. You gain another +3 to ALL physical stats and 5d6 to Hit Pts, P.P.E, I.S.P and double your normal bonus to sv vs Poison,H.F & Coma/Death
Bonus DOTG9 Whenever the character encounter any man made equipment made mostly of metal (at least 60%) he can if he has the skills improve 1 of it's function by 10% plus 1% per lvl. For example if the character was a Hardware Weapon Expert could permanently improve 1 item( the range of a gun or the damage by 10%+1% per lvl rounded down) in this case he could only improve the range or damage not both. He can uses this special only once a lvl.
Bonus DOTG11 You have the swimming skill for free, you can also swim 2x your normal SPD. You can swim at sea for 1 hr per lvl of your P.E before needing to roll for exhaustion or cold. Finally you can dive and survive 3X deeper than someone normally could and hold your breath for 1 minute per lvl as long as you are surrounded by the sea.
Bonus DOTG 12 You receive only half damage from any lighting, or cold based any attacks even if it's magical, if the attack allows a sv throw you only take 1/4 damage if you make it.
Limitation: DOTG1-12]Robotics, Cyborg, Mega Heroes, Immortals, Eugenics, Godlins, Demi Gods can't take this feat. It should go without saying once you gain this feat you also gain an enemy either from another pantheon that's been at war with yours or a distant relative from your Pantheon who's your equal in power and abilities who also hates you because of your relative. Basically to sins of the father or mother falls to the son or daughter.
DOTG 6 Will at least once per lvl be tasked with a quest or a favor from his or her Ancestor. Failure or refusal will result in ALL the bonus from the feat being reduced by Half till the favor or quest is accomplished.
DOTG7 You feel uncomfortable in man made environment, in any large man made environment (like an office building 6 stories or higher, stadium specially one with artificial turf, skating rink, large gov't building, clean room, large hospital, cruise ship, submarine, spaceship, ect) basically anywhere there's very little plant or animal life you lose all bonus the feat give you till you spend at least 1 minute in a natural environment for every 5 minutes you spend in the man made environment. Also this version of the feat can't be taken by Cyborg, Robotic or ANY Hardware character classes. Nor can anyone with any Alter Physical powers outside of Air, Water, Plant, or Light .
DOTG8 You feel uncomfortable in the heat, anytime the temperature outside reach 70 degrees or higher you lose ALL bonus the feat gives you. Anytime the temp reach 90 degree or higher you lose -2 to all stats, saves + you lose -20 to your Ht Pts and S.D.C on top of that you lose 1 attack per rd. Any environment where the temp can reach over 100 degrees like a desert, jungle, swamp in basically feels like hell on earth for you. You lose an additional -3 to ALL physical stats and another 2 attacks per rd, in addition you receive another -3 to ALL sv plus -30 to S.D.C. Finally your character takes double damage from all Flame, Heat or Plasma base attacks.
DOTG10 you feel uncomfortable in the air and to a lesser degree in water. You receive -2 to all your physical stats and sv throw while in a boat, submarine or swimming above water more than 20 ft deep. You receive -4 to all your physical stats and sv throw while in the air, or in a airplane or spaceship on top of this you lose 2 attacks per rd and lose -25 to your Ht Pts and S.D.C
Descendant of The Gods Cost: 4 feats
This represents someone who inherits special abilities from a GOD like being OR Magical, Supernatural or Demonic Ancestor. In many ways it similar to a Demi God but the bonus are much less. Your bonus depend on your ancestor was. You roll a 1D12 to find out who you ancestor was and what abilities you gained, I made the list as general as possible but you should with your GM roll to find out from what Pantheon you are descended from not just the type of God he represents. While I created 12 Arch types of God my original intent was 12 or 16 Like Gods of Smith, Gods of Thieves ect. If requested I can add another 4 Arch Types or if I ever finish listing all the feats I plan on going back and adding to it.
1. Gods of Magic-you receive +4 to I.Q, M.E, P.E, plus 2D4 to Hit Points and 8D6+12 to P.P.E, you also have +2 to your spell STR, +3 to sv vs magic and +3 to save on H.F
2. Gods of Strength-you receive +8 to P.S (which is considered Superhuman if you had normal P.S or Supernatural if you had Extra-ordinary or Superhuman P.S, if you already have Supernatural P.S double the amount of Weight you can lift), +4 to P.P, P.E, plus 10D4 to Hit Points and 1D4 to P.P.E. you also gain +3 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death.
3. Gods of War-you receive +1D4+1 to P.S, to P.P, to P.E, to SPD,+1 additional attack per rd plus 4D8 to Hit Points and 1D6 to P.P.E you also gain +4 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death.
4. Gods of Learning or Knowledge + 8 to I.Q, +3 to P.P,+ 5d4 to I.S.P YOU GAIN 4 Free language of choice, +1 additional Program, +4 to save vs H.F and +2 to sv vs Psionics
5. Gods of Speed-you receive +2 to I.Q, + 1D6+1 to P.P, + 2 to P.E, plus 3D6 to Hit Points, you gain 4 additional attacks once a day and multiply your SPD X4 for 1 minute once a day.
6. All Fathers or All Mothers-you receive +3 to I.Q, + 1D4+1 to M.A, M.E, +1D6 to P.S(which is considered Superhuman if you had normal P.S or Supernatural if you had Extra-ordinary or Superhuman P.S, if you already have Supernatural P.S double the amount of Weight you can lift), P.E, +2 P.B plus 5D4 to Hit Points and 5D4 to P.P.E. you also gain +4 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death
7. Gods of Nature-you receive +3 to ALL stats plus 3d4 to Hit Pts and P.P.E or I.S.P you also gain +3 to sv vs Poison, +3 to save on H.F and +20% on coma/death. In addition you sense life is very acute you have cumulative a 5% per lvl of sensing any undead within a 100 ft radius. In additional normal animals not under control( PSionically or Magically) won't attack you or run away from you. ( Guard dogs won't growl or howl or bark at you, deer, wild animals will treat you like a member of their pack, birds will land on your hands or shoulder and sing to you). You're in perfect control of this ability you can shut it off anytime you want so your secret identity won't be compromised. Realize this ability is limited to your self, your team members even standing or walking right next to you will set off alarm from the dog or get attack from a Lion, Tiger or Elephant only you are immune.
8. Gods of Winter-you receive +2 to ALL stats plus 2d4 to Hit Pts and P.E.E & I.S.P you also gain +2 to sv vs Poison, +1 to sv on H.F and +10% on Coma /Death. In addition you are extremelly resistant to the cold and cold weather. You only take half damage from any cold based attacks including Magical or Psionics. You can stay outside without a coat on and suffer no damage from even 0 degree cold for 1 hr per pt of P.E. After that you'll suffer damage like a normal person. Finally you possess a similar form of Animal Empathy similar to that of the God of Nature except your is limited to those of the Frozen North( Polar Bear, Timber Wolf, Snow Owl, Walrus, Penguin, Reindeer, ect) so while a Polar Bear or Timber Wolf won't attack you or won't betray your presence a Grizzly Bear or Grey Wolf would even though they are near identical species.
9. Gods of Smiting-you receive + 4 to P.S which is considered Superhuman for lifting or carrying purpose. In addition you receive +4 to P.E and +2 M.E & SPD plus 3D6 to Ht Pts & S.D.C. You also gain +2 to sv vs Poison,+2 to sv on H.F and +15% on coma/death. In addition you are extremely resistant to the Heat and warm weather. You only take half damage from any Heat, Flame or Plasma based attacks including Magical or Psionics. You can stay on any environment of extreme heat on and suffer no damage from even 125 degree heat for 1 hr per pt of P.E. After that you'll suffer damage like a normal person. 10. Gods of the Earth-you receive +4+2d4 to P.S which is considered Superhuman P.S whenever your feet are touching the ground, this ability will work even if you have shoes or boots on. But won't work in an elevator, in a ship, airplane, air or anywhere where you aren't near the ground. While this ability will work in an office building any floor above the second floor your P.S will only be considered Extra-ordinary, any floor above the 6th floor and your P.S will be considered normal. In addition as long as you are on the ground floor you receive +1d4 to ALL your other Physical Stats, +4d4 to Ht Pts, S.D.C, P.P.E, I.S.P. You also gain +2 to ALL your sv throws and +25% to coma/death.
11. Gods of the Sea-you receive +1d4+3 to P.S which becomes Supernatural when you are at sea, you also receive +1d4+1 P.P & P.E, SPD when you are whiting 25 ft of the sea. Also you possess a similar form of Animal Empathy to that of the Gods of Nature but your is limited to sea based creatures, crustaceans, penguins, walrus or other creatures that spend over 30% of the life at sea.
12. Gods of the Weather- you receive +3 to all Physical Stats but your P.S in any storm (Cyclone, Hail, Hurricane, Rain, Snow, ect) will double and be considered Supernatural. You also receive +2 to ALL sv, + 10 to Hit Pts, S.D.C & +25% to coma/death.
Bonus: Anyone with this feat pays only 1 feat for Unique Weapon or Enhance Lifespanif EL is chosen and you start become frail at 120 yrs old instead of 90 yrs old, also his maximum lifespan is increased to 210 yrs old.
Bonus DOTG 7 Whenever the character is in a Large Natural environment (at least a 1000ft rd) like that a Park, Zoo, Beach, Volcano, Jungle, Forest, Swamp, ect. You gain another +3 to ALL physical stats & another +3d4 to hit pts.
Bonus DOTG8 Whenever the character is in a Large Winter environment like Alaska, Greenland, Northern Canada, North Pole, South Pole, Swiss Alps, Siberia, an area where it snows for 2 days or more and it's below 32 degrees. You gain another +3 to ALL physical stats and 5d6 to Hit Pts, P.P.E, I.S.P and double your normal bonus to sv vs Poison,H.F & Coma/Death
Bonus DOTG9 Whenever the character encounter any man made equipment made mostly of metal (at least 60%) he can if he has the skills improve 1 of it's function by 10% plus 1% per lvl. For example if the character was a Hardware Weapon Expert could permanently improve 1 item( the range of a gun or the damage by 10%+1% per lvl rounded down) in this case he could only improve the range or damage not both. He can uses this special only once a lvl.
Bonus DOTG11 You have the swimming skill for free, you can also swim 2x your normal SPD. You can swim at sea for 1 hr per lvl of your P.E before needing to roll for exhaustion or cold. Finally you can dive and survive 3X deeper than someone normally could and hold your breath for 1 minute per lvl as long as you are surrounded by the sea.
Bonus DOTG 12 You receive only half damage from any lighting, or cold based any attacks even if it's magical, if the attack allows a sv throw you only take 1/4 damage if you make it.
Limitation: DOTG1-12]Robotics, Cyborg, Mega Heroes, Immortals, Eugenics, Godlins, Demi Gods can't take this feat. It should go without saying once you gain this feat you also gain an enemy either from another pantheon that's been at war with yours or a distant relative from your Pantheon who's your equal in power and abilities who also hates you because of your relative. Basically to sins of the father or mother falls to the son or daughter.
DOTG 6 Will at least once per lvl be tasked with a quest or a favor from his or her Ancestor. Failure or refusal will result in ALL the bonus from the feat being reduced by Half till the favor or quest is accomplished.
DOTG7 You feel uncomfortable in man made environment, in any large man made environment (like an office building 6 stories or higher, stadium specially one with artificial turf, skating rink, large gov't building, clean room, large hospital, cruise ship, submarine, spaceship, ect) basically anywhere there's very little plant or animal life you lose all bonus the feat give you till you spend at least 1 minute in a natural environment for every 5 minutes you spend in the man made environment. Also this version of the feat can't be taken by Cyborg, Robotic or ANY Hardware character classes. Nor can anyone with any Alter Physical powers outside of Air, Water, Plant, or Light .
DOTG8 You feel uncomfortable in the heat, anytime the temperature outside reach 70 degrees or higher you lose ALL bonus the feat gives you. Anytime the temp reach 90 degree or higher you lose -2 to all stats, saves + you lose -20 to your Ht Pts and S.D.C on top of that you lose 1 attack per rd. Any environment where the temp can reach over 100 degrees like a desert, jungle, swamp in basically feels like hell on earth for you. You lose an additional -3 to ALL physical stats and another 2 attacks per rd, in addition you receive another -3 to ALL sv plus -30 to S.D.C. Finally your character takes double damage from all Flame, Heat or Plasma base attacks.
DOTG10 you feel uncomfortable in the air and to a lesser degree in water. You receive -2 to all your physical stats and sv throw while in a boat, submarine or swimming above water more than 20 ft deep. You receive -4 to all your physical stats and sv throw while in the air, or in a airplane or spaceship on top of this you lose 2 attacks per rd and lose -25 to your Ht Pts and S.D.C
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Nigh Invisibility Cost: 3 feats
This feat resembles in function like that of the modern version of the Art of Stealth, Hiding & Vanishing in Ninja & Super-spies. While this feat is somewhat powerful since it combines aspect of 3 Arts of Invisibility techniques it also very demanding in it's prerequisite. This feat requires knowledge on how light reflects, defused & is absorbed by certain materials, nature, buildings and how the human eyes tend to work. It works in a similar fashion of the infamous police & federal interrogation room were there's a 2 way glass, the people in the brightly lit room only see their reflection like a regular mirror but the people in the darkened other room can see them clearly through the glass. This feat works on the knowledge on Light wave Physics & Architecture & light and how we look at things. In game terms this feat works in a similar fashion as the Bend Light minor power from HU pg 229 ability #2 except people need a 14+1 every 2 lvl on a D20 to notice you, this represents the fact that you are becoming better at this ability. Your opponent needs to roll a natural 14 or higher on a D20 with only the bonus to Perception helping them. It needs not be said No matter high the needed number to perceive you a Natural 20 will detect you. The bonus +1 every 2 lvls doesn't mean you can attack willy nilly and they can't detect you. This feat comes with a caveat and limitations. Your opponents receive +2 to detect you during daytime in the city, +1 to detect you during daytime on the road, +4 to detect you if someone else in the daylight has already detected you and can direct them where to look, +3 to detect if you are fighting someone in the daylight. This feat really shines in the fog, shadows, ithe dark or at night, your opponents only receive +2 to detect you were there's a fog, darkness or shadow if someone else has already detected you, +1 to detect you if you're fighting someone in the dark or fog. With this feat you receive only the second ability from the Bend Light Minor power.
Bonus: For people who has Master of Many Styles or Secret Style & the Intensive Training & Trained by a Master the feat cost is 2 instead of 3. In addition you gain 10 pts to Chi & Hit Pts. Opponents who can't see you are -5 to strike, parry and dodge against you, people with Heightened Sense or Smell or Hearing are -2 to Strike, parry & dodge against you.
Limitation: While this feat is powerful it comes with some common sense limitations.
1. It only affects the sense of sight. Dogs can still smell you or anyone with Heightened Sense of Smell minor power and you can be detected through sound
2. Pressure sensitive floor or motion detectors will detect your presences
3. If you take half or more of your hit points in a fight you're unable to continue using this ability. At best if you make sv throw vs pain of 16 you can run away and hide but in no way can you use this feat and fight when below half your hit points.
3. It you get hurt in a fight and are bleeding, the blood that falls to the ground or object will indicate there's someone in the room even if you are Invisible. In all 4 circumstances your opponents receive a +5 to now detect you.
4. The character needs a uniform that emphasize blending in the environment, that means dark colors like Black, Dark Blue, Gray or Deep Red at night, White or Off White in a snow covered in environment, various shades of green and some brown in a jungle or forest, Light brown in a desert or swamp, ect. Otherwise your opponents receive +3 to their Perception roll to detect your character.
Prerequisite: The feat Secret Style, Master of Many Styles, Trained By a Master or Intensive Training in addition the skill Biology, Prowl, Light wave Physics, Architecture & Light.
This feat resembles in function like that of the modern version of the Art of Stealth, Hiding & Vanishing in Ninja & Super-spies. While this feat is somewhat powerful since it combines aspect of 3 Arts of Invisibility techniques it also very demanding in it's prerequisite. This feat requires knowledge on how light reflects, defused & is absorbed by certain materials, nature, buildings and how the human eyes tend to work. It works in a similar fashion of the infamous police & federal interrogation room were there's a 2 way glass, the people in the brightly lit room only see their reflection like a regular mirror but the people in the darkened other room can see them clearly through the glass. This feat works on the knowledge on Light wave Physics & Architecture & light and how we look at things. In game terms this feat works in a similar fashion as the Bend Light minor power from HU pg 229 ability #2 except people need a 14+1 every 2 lvl on a D20 to notice you, this represents the fact that you are becoming better at this ability. Your opponent needs to roll a natural 14 or higher on a D20 with only the bonus to Perception helping them. It needs not be said No matter high the needed number to perceive you a Natural 20 will detect you. The bonus +1 every 2 lvls doesn't mean you can attack willy nilly and they can't detect you. This feat comes with a caveat and limitations. Your opponents receive +2 to detect you during daytime in the city, +1 to detect you during daytime on the road, +4 to detect you if someone else in the daylight has already detected you and can direct them where to look, +3 to detect if you are fighting someone in the daylight. This feat really shines in the fog, shadows, ithe dark or at night, your opponents only receive +2 to detect you were there's a fog, darkness or shadow if someone else has already detected you, +1 to detect you if you're fighting someone in the dark or fog. With this feat you receive only the second ability from the Bend Light Minor power.
Bonus: For people who has Master of Many Styles or Secret Style & the Intensive Training & Trained by a Master the feat cost is 2 instead of 3. In addition you gain 10 pts to Chi & Hit Pts. Opponents who can't see you are -5 to strike, parry and dodge against you, people with Heightened Sense or Smell or Hearing are -2 to Strike, parry & dodge against you.
Limitation: While this feat is powerful it comes with some common sense limitations.
1. It only affects the sense of sight. Dogs can still smell you or anyone with Heightened Sense of Smell minor power and you can be detected through sound
2. Pressure sensitive floor or motion detectors will detect your presences
3. If you take half or more of your hit points in a fight you're unable to continue using this ability. At best if you make sv throw vs pain of 16 you can run away and hide but in no way can you use this feat and fight when below half your hit points.
3. It you get hurt in a fight and are bleeding, the blood that falls to the ground or object will indicate there's someone in the room even if you are Invisible. In all 4 circumstances your opponents receive a +5 to now detect you.
4. The character needs a uniform that emphasize blending in the environment, that means dark colors like Black, Dark Blue, Gray or Deep Red at night, White or Off White in a snow covered in environment, various shades of green and some brown in a jungle or forest, Light brown in a desert or swamp, ect. Otherwise your opponents receive +3 to their Perception roll to detect your character.
Prerequisite: The feat Secret Style, Master of Many Styles, Trained By a Master or Intensive Training in addition the skill Biology, Prowl, Light wave Physics, Architecture & Light.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Utility Belt Cost: 2 feats if it's just 1 or 2 gadgets, 3 feats or 4 feats normally
While this feat is called UB it could easily be called Utility Gloves, Helmet, Cape, Necklace or Boots. Basically it represents a place where a hero who's not a Robot or Cyborg character keeps his equipment, possible weapons or gadgets. It should go without stating the gadgets must be small, while your GM could make an exception. The gadgets can usually be no longer than a pencil and no wider than your fist. Here's a partial list of gadgets that fit the profile
1. Radio & Telephone or recording device & Signal device to teammates usually on belt buckle 500 miles rd
2. Miniature Smoke pellets or tear gas pellets, knock out gas pellets or miniature grenades=6-30 ft rd depening on how many thrown, each generates a 6 ft rd no effect beyond 30 ft due to wind. but can be thrown 2ft per pt of P.S., Can hold up to 20 pellets 1 X use each
3. Pencil Laser=does 2d6 at 50ft or less can be used 20X or does 3d6+1 at 30 ft or less can be used 12X. Either way it takes a whole recharge
4. Lock pick
5. Miniature grappling hook with 50 ft rope
6. Mini breathing apparatus good for 6 minutes worth of air
7. General antidote for poisons=adds +4 to sv vs poison and if sv failed poison is still half as effective
8. Throwing stars, darts or knives=standard book damage can be silver coated
9. Telescoping Staff= can grow to 6 ft long does 1d8+1 damage can be silver coated
10. Brass Knuckles=adds +1d4 to damage done by hand strikes
11. Device that sense bugs, hidden cameras or motion detectors=50 ft rd
12. Miniature First Aid kit= 3 uses
13. Glass cutting kit
14. Suction cups= + 20% to climb skill
15. Miniature EMP generator= can be thrown up to 30 ft and affects a 12 ft rd, only 2 uses. Afterward needs to be created again at least $20,000
16. Laser Knives or Vibro knives=standard book damage
17. Plastic explosives with detonator=standard book damage
18. Sonic Grenades or Nausea Grenades
19. Flash Grenades or Smoke Grenades
20. Mini-Computer
21. Cuffs
22. Sonar= 150 ft rd
Bonus: Should character only have 1 or 2 gadgets 90% is number 1 the device needs to be targeted to take damage and won't take damage from envioroment including EMP.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of a Minimum of Electronic Program & Mechanical Program (general), it's highly recommended that the Communication Program is know also but it's not necessary. If the 2 programs aren't known the character must have the Streetwise skills + the Advanced Technology feat or the Connected feat, this represents you knowing someone else like the people of the Workshop in Gramercy Island pg 108 creating it for you. In any case having it in this fashion will increase the cost of this feat by 1 and cost 4 feats.
Limitations: Must have the Wealthy feat, Inheritance or Patron. The cost of miniturization and keeping it off the gov't radar willl ocst between $160,00-$300,000. The standard UB start out with 2d4+4 items each lvl can increase the carrying capacity by 1 to a max of 20 different intems. Each item installed will cost minimum of $20,000 GM can increase the cost to as much as double. All items created in the UB are 1 of kind and can't be loaned or given to team members even if character is filthy rich, so no creating numerous UB and handing them out like party favors. Needless to say Robots & Cyborbs can't have this feat since they basically have similar abilities built in their Robotic or Cyborg bosies. Finally the Belt and the equipment included are precision items which means anyone with any Alter Physical powers, Speed or Flight based powers, Vibration based powers or Size changing powers like Strechting, Growth or Shrink can't have this feat. At best if the GM is feeling generous they can have signal device and 1 other item.
While this feat is called UB it could easily be called Utility Gloves, Helmet, Cape, Necklace or Boots. Basically it represents a place where a hero who's not a Robot or Cyborg character keeps his equipment, possible weapons or gadgets. It should go without stating the gadgets must be small, while your GM could make an exception. The gadgets can usually be no longer than a pencil and no wider than your fist. Here's a partial list of gadgets that fit the profile
1. Radio & Telephone or recording device & Signal device to teammates usually on belt buckle 500 miles rd
2. Miniature Smoke pellets or tear gas pellets, knock out gas pellets or miniature grenades=6-30 ft rd depening on how many thrown, each generates a 6 ft rd no effect beyond 30 ft due to wind. but can be thrown 2ft per pt of P.S., Can hold up to 20 pellets 1 X use each
3. Pencil Laser=does 2d6 at 50ft or less can be used 20X or does 3d6+1 at 30 ft or less can be used 12X. Either way it takes a whole recharge
4. Lock pick
5. Miniature grappling hook with 50 ft rope
6. Mini breathing apparatus good for 6 minutes worth of air
7. General antidote for poisons=adds +4 to sv vs poison and if sv failed poison is still half as effective
8. Throwing stars, darts or knives=standard book damage can be silver coated
9. Telescoping Staff= can grow to 6 ft long does 1d8+1 damage can be silver coated
10. Brass Knuckles=adds +1d4 to damage done by hand strikes
11. Device that sense bugs, hidden cameras or motion detectors=50 ft rd
12. Miniature First Aid kit= 3 uses
13. Glass cutting kit
14. Suction cups= + 20% to climb skill
15. Miniature EMP generator= can be thrown up to 30 ft and affects a 12 ft rd, only 2 uses. Afterward needs to be created again at least $20,000
16. Laser Knives or Vibro knives=standard book damage
17. Plastic explosives with detonator=standard book damage
18. Sonic Grenades or Nausea Grenades
19. Flash Grenades or Smoke Grenades
20. Mini-Computer
21. Cuffs
22. Sonar= 150 ft rd
Bonus: Should character only have 1 or 2 gadgets 90% is number 1 the device needs to be targeted to take damage and won't take damage from envioroment including EMP.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of a Minimum of Electronic Program & Mechanical Program (general), it's highly recommended that the Communication Program is know also but it's not necessary. If the 2 programs aren't known the character must have the Streetwise skills + the Advanced Technology feat or the Connected feat, this represents you knowing someone else like the people of the Workshop in Gramercy Island pg 108 creating it for you. In any case having it in this fashion will increase the cost of this feat by 1 and cost 4 feats.
Limitations: Must have the Wealthy feat, Inheritance or Patron. The cost of miniturization and keeping it off the gov't radar willl ocst between $160,00-$300,000. The standard UB start out with 2d4+4 items each lvl can increase the carrying capacity by 1 to a max of 20 different intems. Each item installed will cost minimum of $20,000 GM can increase the cost to as much as double. All items created in the UB are 1 of kind and can't be loaned or given to team members even if character is filthy rich, so no creating numerous UB and handing them out like party favors. Needless to say Robots & Cyborbs can't have this feat since they basically have similar abilities built in their Robotic or Cyborg bosies. Finally the Belt and the equipment included are precision items which means anyone with any Alter Physical powers, Speed or Flight based powers, Vibration based powers or Size changing powers like Strechting, Growth or Shrink can't have this feat. At best if the GM is feeling generous they can have signal device and 1 other item.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Combat Computer Cost: 3-5 feats
This is one of the rarest feats in SH comics, in fact there's only 2 known people who has this ability in the last 20 odd yrs in comics. Nevertheless it quite useful in certain situations, while it's not a substitute for not having a HTH skill it minimizes the flaw. But this feat comes to it's own when combines with someone who already has a HTH skill. This feat is usually taken by Experiments, Super-soldiers, Hunter/Vigilante & Secret Operatives. While most classes with the exception of Eugenics, Immortals, Mega Heroes and people with certain powers can take it. Most Heroes or for that matter villains won't for various reason among them the side effects and the fact certain powers like Magnetism and certain techniques can render it temporarily unless. This feat can be considered a Predecessor or Variant of the Crazy O.C.C from Rifts but b/c the benefits aren't as far reaching the minus or mental damage is considerably less also. This feat works by operation which implants a flexible micro-computer about 2 inches long, 1 inch wide and 1/16 of an inch thick into the persons primary motor cortex. The primary motor cortex, or M1, is one of the principal brain areas involved in motor function. M1 is located in the frontal lobe of the brain, along a bump called the precentral gyrus. The role of the primary motor cortex is to generate neural impulses that control the execution of movement. In other words the place where you use or control voluntary muscles.
Ok now that's done here how it works, there's 4 version of this feat which can be considered Programs. A character can only have 1 of those programs installed. The Four programs are. The reason the character can only have 1 set of program is that the computer installs a set of pre-set autonomic responses & reflexes installing more than 1 program causes the recipient to lose another 3 pts of I.Q & M.E and lose 1 previously known skill per lvl of advancement in addition there's a 10% cumulative chance the character starts losing 1 additional pt of I.Q per lvl.
Assassin Program- Cost: 4 feats=This program gives you the 3X a day Night-vision & Intuitive Combat identical to the Psionic ability but doesn't cost I.S.P, it also give you Targeting Sight as in pg 105 of the HU book. Finally you receive +2 to Initiative, +2 to Strikes which can be used for Critical Hits for long range attacks with guns, rifles, throwing weapons (If you normally do critical strike on a natural 20 b/c of the +2 you do a critical strike on a natural 18 or higher with a range weapon.)
Prerequisite: HTH Assassin or Commando
Limitation: Even-though you have the feat it's not a substitute for not having the skill, it just enhance it if you already have the skill. It doesn't give you the skill with weapons unless it's picked as a skill.
HTH Program-Cost: 3 feats=This program works based on your HtH skill already acquired basically you're the program so the bonus are based on your lvl of skill
1. In someone without a HTH skill it gives you a +1 to strike, parry & dodge. 3 lvl later after acquiring the feat you gain an additional attack and another +1 to strike, parry & dodge.
2. With someone with HTH Basic or Assassin it gives you an additional +2 to strike, parry & dodge. 3 lvl later after acquiring the feat you gain automatic dodge an additional attack and another +1 to strike, parry & dodge
3. With someone with HTH MA or Commando it gives you an additional +2 to strike, parry & dodge. 3 lvl later after acquiring the feat you gain automatic dodge an additional attack and another +1 to strike, parry & dodge. 5 lvl later after acquiring the feat you can do critical on a 18 or higher.
Mimic Program-Cost: 5 feats=This is without the doubt the most powerful of the Combat Computer Program baring the addition limitations I've added it would be picked by every munchkin out there for it's benefits. I therefore had to include some limitation so it became less attractive. Now that the preliminaries are taken care off, lets get to the meat and potatoes. If anyone has ever seen the final fight between the hero and the villain in the movie "Kung Fu Genius" or the Thai MA movie "Chocolate" when the heroine fights the Master of Epilectic style & learns her father's Samaurai sword fighting style in less than a minute understand how this program works. In game terms it works in a similar fashion to that of the Major Power "Natural Combat Ability" with more limitations.
a. The bonuses aren't quite as impressive as the power NCA. You don't receive any of the bonuses or ability from #1 or 3 of the Natural Combat Ability power pg 285. But you do receive those of #2 that's the damage from HTH combat on pg 285.
b. Unlike the NCA power it takes you up to 3rds before you're able to duplicate a style you've never seen before which means any (Ninja & Super-spies, Mystic China, Rifter Magazine style, the Physical Training style and any style from the Feats). Which means when fighting someone using an unknown style you receive only +2 to Int, +2 to Strike, Parry & Dodge for 3rds plus whatever HTH MA gives you.
c. This were this program shines if you already know the style of fighting your opponent is using or your opponent is using that's HTH Basic, Expert, MA, Assassin. In that case you receive Automatic Dodge, an additional +1 to Int and every 2rds after the first you gain another +1 to Int & +1 to either your Strike, Parry or Dodge your choice against said opponent. Plus at every 3rd lvl you receive an additional attack or do another +1d6 on your attacks on someone using that style. This doesn't give you the style special abilities, Chi, Invisibility powers, Zenkorite or bonus. All it allows you to do is to fight in a manner that mimics the style of your opponent, that's strikes, blocks, dodges resembles those of your opponent( for example irf your opponent is using Monkey Style to an outside observer you'd look like you are using Monkey Style also.)
d. Unlike the NCA power you don't learn weapons naturally, you have to see the person use the weapon for 3 rds for you to be able to use it. Also this ability doesn't work on guns or rifles, just HTH weapons and throwing weapons. As for Slings, Bows or Crossbows that's up to each individual GM. Myself I long as they have someone that has use the weapon for at least 3 rds to duplicate the ability, I'd allow the sling, but not a Bow or Crossbow.
Prerequisite: Unlike the other CCP or the power NCA this version of the program requires you to know HTH MA in order to activate this ability
Limitation: The program is state of the art but somewhat fragile, anytime an opponent rolls a Natural 20 against you the GM should roll a percentage chance 60% or less and they struck at your head where your CC is located. In that case you suffer 3X damage you receive a blinding white light in your optic nerves and your are effectively blinded for 1d4+1 rds. In addition your CC takes 1d6+1 rds to reboot. That means you don't have any of your special abilities till it's rebooted.
Sharpshooter Program-Cost: 3 feats= While this program resembles those of Assassin Program this program gives you higher and better abilities in a narrower field. Like the AP you receive 3X a day Night-vision as in the Psionic ability for no I.S.P cost, it also give you 5x a day Targeting Sight & Telescopic Vision as in pg 105 of the HU book. You do at least 3x damage on a natural 20 with a range weapon. Finally you receive +2 to Initiative, +3 to Strikes which can be used for Critical Hits for long range attacks with guns, rifles, crossbow or bow & arrow(If you normally do critical strike on a natural 20 b/c of the +3 you do a critical strike on a natural 17 or higher with a long range weapon.)
Limitation: Even-though you have the feat it's not a substitute for not having the skill, it just enhance it if you already have the skill. It doesn't give you the skill with weapons unless it's picked as a skill.
General Limitation: No matter which version of the Combat Computer Program this feat can't be taken with anyone having any regenerative ability or powers. Neither can anyone with Alter Physical, Magnetic, Speed based, Time based, Size Changing or Vibration powers. Finally Eugenics, Invulnerability, Mega Hero or Immortal classes are also forbidden from taking this feat.
Further Limitation: This feat will cause some mental side effects, therefore it's not recommended for most heroes. Anyone who has this operation done will suffer a -2 to I.Q and M.E. In addition in extremely rare case it's possible for someone to hack into it and to temporarily turn it off the CP. It will take 1d4 rd for the mini-computer to reboot itself and will be immune to further hacking for that day. For it to succeed the person must first know the person has this ability unlike crazies from Rifts there's no noticeable studs in the head where the operation was done, so unless you have the person submit to a inch by inch examination of their forehead, MRI or X-ray it's practically undetectable outside of the person telling you they have this ability. But even should you discover they have this ability, you'd need a Computer Programing skill at 90% or higher & a Computer Hacking skill at 90% or higher even then the person who's trying to hack into the mini-computer is at -65% to his hacking skill to turn off the combat computer.
Final Limitation: While this feat is somewhat powerful it comes very dangerous vulnerabilities. Anyone with this feat suffers double damage from Vibration, Electrical and Magnetic attacks.
This is one of the rarest feats in SH comics, in fact there's only 2 known people who has this ability in the last 20 odd yrs in comics. Nevertheless it quite useful in certain situations, while it's not a substitute for not having a HTH skill it minimizes the flaw. But this feat comes to it's own when combines with someone who already has a HTH skill. This feat is usually taken by Experiments, Super-soldiers, Hunter/Vigilante & Secret Operatives. While most classes with the exception of Eugenics, Immortals, Mega Heroes and people with certain powers can take it. Most Heroes or for that matter villains won't for various reason among them the side effects and the fact certain powers like Magnetism and certain techniques can render it temporarily unless. This feat can be considered a Predecessor or Variant of the Crazy O.C.C from Rifts but b/c the benefits aren't as far reaching the minus or mental damage is considerably less also. This feat works by operation which implants a flexible micro-computer about 2 inches long, 1 inch wide and 1/16 of an inch thick into the persons primary motor cortex. The primary motor cortex, or M1, is one of the principal brain areas involved in motor function. M1 is located in the frontal lobe of the brain, along a bump called the precentral gyrus. The role of the primary motor cortex is to generate neural impulses that control the execution of movement. In other words the place where you use or control voluntary muscles.
Ok now that's done here how it works, there's 4 version of this feat which can be considered Programs. A character can only have 1 of those programs installed. The Four programs are. The reason the character can only have 1 set of program is that the computer installs a set of pre-set autonomic responses & reflexes installing more than 1 program causes the recipient to lose another 3 pts of I.Q & M.E and lose 1 previously known skill per lvl of advancement in addition there's a 10% cumulative chance the character starts losing 1 additional pt of I.Q per lvl.
Assassin Program- Cost: 4 feats=This program gives you the 3X a day Night-vision & Intuitive Combat identical to the Psionic ability but doesn't cost I.S.P, it also give you Targeting Sight as in pg 105 of the HU book. Finally you receive +2 to Initiative, +2 to Strikes which can be used for Critical Hits for long range attacks with guns, rifles, throwing weapons (If you normally do critical strike on a natural 20 b/c of the +2 you do a critical strike on a natural 18 or higher with a range weapon.)
Prerequisite: HTH Assassin or Commando
Limitation: Even-though you have the feat it's not a substitute for not having the skill, it just enhance it if you already have the skill. It doesn't give you the skill with weapons unless it's picked as a skill.
HTH Program-Cost: 3 feats=This program works based on your HtH skill already acquired basically you're the program so the bonus are based on your lvl of skill
1. In someone without a HTH skill it gives you a +1 to strike, parry & dodge. 3 lvl later after acquiring the feat you gain an additional attack and another +1 to strike, parry & dodge.
2. With someone with HTH Basic or Assassin it gives you an additional +2 to strike, parry & dodge. 3 lvl later after acquiring the feat you gain automatic dodge an additional attack and another +1 to strike, parry & dodge
3. With someone with HTH MA or Commando it gives you an additional +2 to strike, parry & dodge. 3 lvl later after acquiring the feat you gain automatic dodge an additional attack and another +1 to strike, parry & dodge. 5 lvl later after acquiring the feat you can do critical on a 18 or higher.
Mimic Program-Cost: 5 feats=This is without the doubt the most powerful of the Combat Computer Program baring the addition limitations I've added it would be picked by every munchkin out there for it's benefits. I therefore had to include some limitation so it became less attractive. Now that the preliminaries are taken care off, lets get to the meat and potatoes. If anyone has ever seen the final fight between the hero and the villain in the movie "Kung Fu Genius" or the Thai MA movie "Chocolate" when the heroine fights the Master of Epilectic style & learns her father's Samaurai sword fighting style in less than a minute understand how this program works. In game terms it works in a similar fashion to that of the Major Power "Natural Combat Ability" with more limitations.
a. The bonuses aren't quite as impressive as the power NCA. You don't receive any of the bonuses or ability from #1 or 3 of the Natural Combat Ability power pg 285. But you do receive those of #2 that's the damage from HTH combat on pg 285.
b. Unlike the NCA power it takes you up to 3rds before you're able to duplicate a style you've never seen before which means any (Ninja & Super-spies, Mystic China, Rifter Magazine style, the Physical Training style and any style from the Feats). Which means when fighting someone using an unknown style you receive only +2 to Int, +2 to Strike, Parry & Dodge for 3rds plus whatever HTH MA gives you.
c. This were this program shines if you already know the style of fighting your opponent is using or your opponent is using that's HTH Basic, Expert, MA, Assassin. In that case you receive Automatic Dodge, an additional +1 to Int and every 2rds after the first you gain another +1 to Int & +1 to either your Strike, Parry or Dodge your choice against said opponent. Plus at every 3rd lvl you receive an additional attack or do another +1d6 on your attacks on someone using that style. This doesn't give you the style special abilities, Chi, Invisibility powers, Zenkorite or bonus. All it allows you to do is to fight in a manner that mimics the style of your opponent, that's strikes, blocks, dodges resembles those of your opponent( for example irf your opponent is using Monkey Style to an outside observer you'd look like you are using Monkey Style also.)
d. Unlike the NCA power you don't learn weapons naturally, you have to see the person use the weapon for 3 rds for you to be able to use it. Also this ability doesn't work on guns or rifles, just HTH weapons and throwing weapons. As for Slings, Bows or Crossbows that's up to each individual GM. Myself I long as they have someone that has use the weapon for at least 3 rds to duplicate the ability, I'd allow the sling, but not a Bow or Crossbow.
Prerequisite: Unlike the other CCP or the power NCA this version of the program requires you to know HTH MA in order to activate this ability
Limitation: The program is state of the art but somewhat fragile, anytime an opponent rolls a Natural 20 against you the GM should roll a percentage chance 60% or less and they struck at your head where your CC is located. In that case you suffer 3X damage you receive a blinding white light in your optic nerves and your are effectively blinded for 1d4+1 rds. In addition your CC takes 1d6+1 rds to reboot. That means you don't have any of your special abilities till it's rebooted.
Sharpshooter Program-Cost: 3 feats= While this program resembles those of Assassin Program this program gives you higher and better abilities in a narrower field. Like the AP you receive 3X a day Night-vision as in the Psionic ability for no I.S.P cost, it also give you 5x a day Targeting Sight & Telescopic Vision as in pg 105 of the HU book. You do at least 3x damage on a natural 20 with a range weapon. Finally you receive +2 to Initiative, +3 to Strikes which can be used for Critical Hits for long range attacks with guns, rifles, crossbow or bow & arrow(If you normally do critical strike on a natural 20 b/c of the +3 you do a critical strike on a natural 17 or higher with a long range weapon.)
Limitation: Even-though you have the feat it's not a substitute for not having the skill, it just enhance it if you already have the skill. It doesn't give you the skill with weapons unless it's picked as a skill.
General Limitation: No matter which version of the Combat Computer Program this feat can't be taken with anyone having any regenerative ability or powers. Neither can anyone with Alter Physical, Magnetic, Speed based, Time based, Size Changing or Vibration powers. Finally Eugenics, Invulnerability, Mega Hero or Immortal classes are also forbidden from taking this feat.
Further Limitation: This feat will cause some mental side effects, therefore it's not recommended for most heroes. Anyone who has this operation done will suffer a -2 to I.Q and M.E. In addition in extremely rare case it's possible for someone to hack into it and to temporarily turn it off the CP. It will take 1d4 rd for the mini-computer to reboot itself and will be immune to further hacking for that day. For it to succeed the person must first know the person has this ability unlike crazies from Rifts there's no noticeable studs in the head where the operation was done, so unless you have the person submit to a inch by inch examination of their forehead, MRI or X-ray it's practically undetectable outside of the person telling you they have this ability. But even should you discover they have this ability, you'd need a Computer Programing skill at 90% or higher & a Computer Hacking skill at 90% or higher even then the person who's trying to hack into the mini-computer is at -65% to his hacking skill to turn off the combat computer.
Final Limitation: While this feat is somewhat powerful it comes very dangerous vulnerabilities. Anyone with this feat suffers double damage from Vibration, Electrical and Magnetic attacks.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Patron or Rich Relatives Cost: 7 feats
While this feat is somewhat powerful, the reason it cost so much is that it can used in place of several other feats that could be require as a Prerequisite. While this feat is somewhat powerful it won't give you pluses on combat or to be honest on stats except in very rare circumstances. Were this feat shines is in role-playing situations or with a character that believes in Prep. Plus this feat can be used in certain situations as if you had certain other feats. Here's a list of feats it can be substituted for
Above the Law
Advanced Technology
High Society
Higher Duty
Multiple Identities
Multiple Vehicles
Secondary headquarters
Security Clearance
Signature Weapon
Before you rush out and pick this feat lets list a few clear rules, you don't have the feats it can be substituted for, so you don't receive the attribute bonus if any are given. What you receive is the raw special abilities for a limited time. If for example you chose Patron as the feat you can choose 4 of those feats listed under it and you can role-play as if you had them. You must first inform your GM of which of the 4 you picked and for 1 lvl you have those feats. B/C they're not permanently your feat they can only be used once for that lvl. You can choose the same 4 feats the next lvl but if you already used it once when you were a lvl lower it cost 2 slots to pick it again, in other words you would have only 3 pseudo feat selections. The patron feat represents people who work for Super-spy agencies like (Mission Impossible-US, the 00-UK, Shield-Marvel, Checkmate-DC or Spyral-DC type agencies)
In such a situation your agency, company, gov't spy department or corporation gives you the benefits as if you had the feat. To make it perfectly clear this feat exist as long as you 're a member of good standing in the Organization. Should you ever be disavowed or fired the feat is gone even though you paid for the 7 feats. The only way to gain the feat back is to become a member in good standing with the organization again. This feat in a way similar to the Witch O.C.C abilities which are only available for a number of yrs and requires absolute obedience to it's master. Make this clear to the player character that the organization own him or her and stepping out of line or blatant disregard of their directives will cause them to be disavowed and lose the feat.
Prerequisite: Special Training, Physical Training, Super Soldier or Natural Genius are the only ones who can pick the Patron version of the feat
Rich Relative
Advanced Technology
Diplomatic Immunity
Great Liar
High Society
Multiple Vehicles
Secondary Headquarters
The Rich Relative feat is almost identical to the Patron feat the major difference is the amount of feats and the type of feats it gives. Before you rush out and pick this feat lets list a few clear rules, you don't have the feats it can be substituted for, so you don't receive the attribute bonus if any are given. What you receive is the raw special abilities for a limited time. If for example you chose Rich Relative as the feat you can choose 3 of those feats listed under it and you can role-play as if you had them. You must first inform your GM of which of the 3 you picked and for 1 lvl you have those feats. B/C they're not permanently your feat they can only be used once for that lvl. Unlike the Patron feat you can choose the same 3 feats the next lvl with no penalties even if you already used it once at the previous lvl. The Rich Relative feat represent characters that are trust fund babies, characters who inherit their wealth or people who have a Famous Rich Relatives who can pave the way for them (Donal Trump kids, the Kennedy's, the Getty's, the extended Saudi Royal family, extended Bin Ladin family,ect)
So while Rich Relatives tend to be less strict and more forgiving of discretion than the Patron feat, once you've pissed them off or done something they consider unforgivable they will cut you of and you'll lose the feat forever. There's no getting back in their good grace, you've lost your 7 feats you paid for, at best if the GM if feeling generous he can let you have the Wealth feat. Meaning your family has severed all ties and connection to you but let you have your share of the family fortune. But depending on the act that caused you to be cut off from your family that could also be lost.
Limitation: It should be stated that the feats belong to you not your teammates, one of the quickest ways to get disavowed from your Patron or cut off from your Rich relative is to let your teammates use your items or for their benefit if they get in trouble. No way can you set up things like Secondary Headquarters for your teammates, give them Security Clearance, give them Above the Law, Diplomatic Immunity, Advance Technology, Wealth or Multiple Vehicles. Those things or any other feat from the list that you consider game breaker should be told to the character that he can't even temporarily loan or give to other characters. The only exception are the other feats not listed & your teammates also working for your agency or your Rich family even then it should be something done rarely if at all, no more than once every 2 lvls.
While this feat is somewhat powerful, the reason it cost so much is that it can used in place of several other feats that could be require as a Prerequisite. While this feat is somewhat powerful it won't give you pluses on combat or to be honest on stats except in very rare circumstances. Were this feat shines is in role-playing situations or with a character that believes in Prep. Plus this feat can be used in certain situations as if you had certain other feats. Here's a list of feats it can be substituted for
Above the Law
Advanced Technology
High Society
Higher Duty
Multiple Identities
Multiple Vehicles
Secondary headquarters
Security Clearance
Signature Weapon
Before you rush out and pick this feat lets list a few clear rules, you don't have the feats it can be substituted for, so you don't receive the attribute bonus if any are given. What you receive is the raw special abilities for a limited time. If for example you chose Patron as the feat you can choose 4 of those feats listed under it and you can role-play as if you had them. You must first inform your GM of which of the 4 you picked and for 1 lvl you have those feats. B/C they're not permanently your feat they can only be used once for that lvl. You can choose the same 4 feats the next lvl but if you already used it once when you were a lvl lower it cost 2 slots to pick it again, in other words you would have only 3 pseudo feat selections. The patron feat represents people who work for Super-spy agencies like (Mission Impossible-US, the 00-UK, Shield-Marvel, Checkmate-DC or Spyral-DC type agencies)
In such a situation your agency, company, gov't spy department or corporation gives you the benefits as if you had the feat. To make it perfectly clear this feat exist as long as you 're a member of good standing in the Organization. Should you ever be disavowed or fired the feat is gone even though you paid for the 7 feats. The only way to gain the feat back is to become a member in good standing with the organization again. This feat in a way similar to the Witch O.C.C abilities which are only available for a number of yrs and requires absolute obedience to it's master. Make this clear to the player character that the organization own him or her and stepping out of line or blatant disregard of their directives will cause them to be disavowed and lose the feat.
Prerequisite: Special Training, Physical Training, Super Soldier or Natural Genius are the only ones who can pick the Patron version of the feat
Rich Relative
Advanced Technology
Diplomatic Immunity
Great Liar
High Society
Multiple Vehicles
Secondary Headquarters
The Rich Relative feat is almost identical to the Patron feat the major difference is the amount of feats and the type of feats it gives. Before you rush out and pick this feat lets list a few clear rules, you don't have the feats it can be substituted for, so you don't receive the attribute bonus if any are given. What you receive is the raw special abilities for a limited time. If for example you chose Rich Relative as the feat you can choose 3 of those feats listed under it and you can role-play as if you had them. You must first inform your GM of which of the 3 you picked and for 1 lvl you have those feats. B/C they're not permanently your feat they can only be used once for that lvl. Unlike the Patron feat you can choose the same 3 feats the next lvl with no penalties even if you already used it once at the previous lvl. The Rich Relative feat represent characters that are trust fund babies, characters who inherit their wealth or people who have a Famous Rich Relatives who can pave the way for them (Donal Trump kids, the Kennedy's, the Getty's, the extended Saudi Royal family, extended Bin Ladin family,ect)
So while Rich Relatives tend to be less strict and more forgiving of discretion than the Patron feat, once you've pissed them off or done something they consider unforgivable they will cut you of and you'll lose the feat forever. There's no getting back in their good grace, you've lost your 7 feats you paid for, at best if the GM if feeling generous he can let you have the Wealth feat. Meaning your family has severed all ties and connection to you but let you have your share of the family fortune. But depending on the act that caused you to be cut off from your family that could also be lost.
Limitation: It should be stated that the feats belong to you not your teammates, one of the quickest ways to get disavowed from your Patron or cut off from your Rich relative is to let your teammates use your items or for their benefit if they get in trouble. No way can you set up things like Secondary Headquarters for your teammates, give them Security Clearance, give them Above the Law, Diplomatic Immunity, Advance Technology, Wealth or Multiple Vehicles. Those things or any other feat from the list that you consider game breaker should be told to the character that he can't even temporarily loan or give to other characters. The only exception are the other feats not listed & your teammates also working for your agency or your Rich family even then it should be something done rarely if at all, no more than once every 2 lvls.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Ricochet Cost: 3 feats
This feat represent people or heroes that can bounce a weapon or an Energy Expulsion power several times to catch an opponent off guard. While this feat has several prerequisite when used correctly it's hard to counter and is devastating in combat. First let me just say when using the Ricochet feat it cost the character 2 of his attacks. 1 to send it and 1 to catch back the weapon. A hero can use the ricochett feat only 2x a rd, But the character can bounce or ricochet a weapon or an EB a maximum of once per lvl. ( for example a 5 lvl character can ricochet an Energy Expulsion power or a weapon a max of 5X on an attack). So you might ask why pick this feat at all. Simply put it's harder to dodge an attack that's coming from behind you or to the side of you than in front of you. This attack is considered a called shot except it needs a natural 15 or higher to manifest. In game terms the hero must specify to the GM he's using the feat b4 he rolls to hit. Should he roll a natural 15 he then informs the GM on how many times he wants to ricochet his attack. He must roll a natural 8 or higher for each ricochet, should he ever roll a natural 20 it means he rolled his attack perfectly and doesn't need to roll further for the ricochet. But should the character ever rolls below a natural 8 it missed the attack missed and went off course. The opponent receives a -1 to parry or dodge for each ricochet the weapon or the Energy Blast accomplished. (for example our hero a 6 lvl super-soldier Colonel USA throws his shield at a Super-villain he rolls natural 17 & roll a natural 8 or higher for each ricochet 6X, the SV would need to roll over 17+6+5 for his P.P bonus +3 for his W.P Targeting (Thrown Weapons)or 31 to parry or dodge his shield throw. In such a situation the SV would receive damage of 1d6x4+6 for the ricochet+ whatever P.S bonus the character has). If Col USA had rolled a natural 20 he wouldn't had to roll any further for the ricochet since he threw it perfectly & would do 1d6x8 for double damage +12+double his natural P.S damage.
The energy expulsion version of the feat works in an exact same manner except the hero doesn't receive +1 to damage for each additional ricochet nor does P.S damage comes into the equation. On the other hand energy attacks are harder to dodge or parry, the number your opponent needs to doge or parry your energy attack is 5 pts higher than it would be if it was an equivalent weapon. ( for example as in the shield ricochet attack listed above, an opponent would normally need a 17+6 for it ricocheting 6x, (he doesn't add his P.P bonus since it's an Energy Expulsion power and he isn't using his P.P to thrown nor does he receive bonus for W.P Throwing Weapons). But he does receive the +3 for aimed shot that Energy Expulsion powers give. So his total would be 17+6+3=26 plus the +5 penalty everyone receives for dodging or parrying an EE power. Which when combined the villain needs a 31 or higher to parry or dodge his EE version of the attack. Let's not forget an energy expulsion power does more damage. As in the case listed above if a 6 lvl character had used a Energy Expulsion Electricity he would do 3d6+5d6= 8d6X4 if he had rolled a natural 17 and rolled an 8 or above for the 6 ricochet.
Overall it's more advantageous to use the Throw weapon version of the feat the higher your P.P stats are, but nevertheless the energy version of the feat does more damage overall.
Finally a character isn't obligate to do the maximum number of ricochet his lvl entitles him to do. He can decide to any number including the max. But he must tell the GM before he starts rolling the dice for should he ever roll below an 8 for the ricochets even if he had rolled a natural 19 for the attack, if he missed rolling 8 or above he missed with the attack. An evil GM
could roll to see if the attack hit a team member, an innocent bystander or even the hero himself
. Unintended targets receive an additional +8 penalty to dodge or parry the attack.
Bonus: When using this feat the weapon or EB does 4X damage or does knockout on a natural 17 or above. When using a throwing weapon the damage also increase by +1 for each additional ricochet. Character who already have the feat Trained by Master, Intensive Training or Secret Style Throwing style feat has the feat cost reduce by 1. Should the character already have 2 of the listed feat the cost is reduce by 2.
Prerequisite: This feat requires a Min P.P of 24 or higher & a P.S of 20 or higher for a throwing weapon, also Advanced Mathematics and people who use the throw weapon version also need the skill Athletics General & W.P Targeting (Thrown Weapons).
Limitation:This feat can only be used with 1 type of weapon, or 1 type of Energy Expulsion power.( for example a Physical Training character could use this feat with a shield, throwing knives or shuriken) but not all 3. If he wants to uses it with another weapon he needs to pay the cost of the feat again. This ability can only be used with weapons that are designed to be thrown.
This feat represent people or heroes that can bounce a weapon or an Energy Expulsion power several times to catch an opponent off guard. While this feat has several prerequisite when used correctly it's hard to counter and is devastating in combat. First let me just say when using the Ricochet feat it cost the character 2 of his attacks. 1 to send it and 1 to catch back the weapon. A hero can use the ricochett feat only 2x a rd, But the character can bounce or ricochet a weapon or an EB a maximum of once per lvl. ( for example a 5 lvl character can ricochet an Energy Expulsion power or a weapon a max of 5X on an attack). So you might ask why pick this feat at all. Simply put it's harder to dodge an attack that's coming from behind you or to the side of you than in front of you. This attack is considered a called shot except it needs a natural 15 or higher to manifest. In game terms the hero must specify to the GM he's using the feat b4 he rolls to hit. Should he roll a natural 15 he then informs the GM on how many times he wants to ricochet his attack. He must roll a natural 8 or higher for each ricochet, should he ever roll a natural 20 it means he rolled his attack perfectly and doesn't need to roll further for the ricochet. But should the character ever rolls below a natural 8 it missed the attack missed and went off course. The opponent receives a -1 to parry or dodge for each ricochet the weapon or the Energy Blast accomplished. (for example our hero a 6 lvl super-soldier Colonel USA throws his shield at a Super-villain he rolls natural 17 & roll a natural 8 or higher for each ricochet 6X, the SV would need to roll over 17+6+5 for his P.P bonus +3 for his W.P Targeting (Thrown Weapons)or 31 to parry or dodge his shield throw. In such a situation the SV would receive damage of 1d6x4+6 for the ricochet+ whatever P.S bonus the character has). If Col USA had rolled a natural 20 he wouldn't had to roll any further for the ricochet since he threw it perfectly & would do 1d6x8 for double damage +12+double his natural P.S damage.
The energy expulsion version of the feat works in an exact same manner except the hero doesn't receive +1 to damage for each additional ricochet nor does P.S damage comes into the equation. On the other hand energy attacks are harder to dodge or parry, the number your opponent needs to doge or parry your energy attack is 5 pts higher than it would be if it was an equivalent weapon. ( for example as in the shield ricochet attack listed above, an opponent would normally need a 17+6 for it ricocheting 6x, (he doesn't add his P.P bonus since it's an Energy Expulsion power and he isn't using his P.P to thrown nor does he receive bonus for W.P Throwing Weapons). But he does receive the +3 for aimed shot that Energy Expulsion powers give. So his total would be 17+6+3=26 plus the +5 penalty everyone receives for dodging or parrying an EE power. Which when combined the villain needs a 31 or higher to parry or dodge his EE version of the attack. Let's not forget an energy expulsion power does more damage. As in the case listed above if a 6 lvl character had used a Energy Expulsion Electricity he would do 3d6+5d6= 8d6X4 if he had rolled a natural 17 and rolled an 8 or above for the 6 ricochet.
Overall it's more advantageous to use the Throw weapon version of the feat the higher your P.P stats are, but nevertheless the energy version of the feat does more damage overall.
Finally a character isn't obligate to do the maximum number of ricochet his lvl entitles him to do. He can decide to any number including the max. But he must tell the GM before he starts rolling the dice for should he ever roll below an 8 for the ricochets even if he had rolled a natural 19 for the attack, if he missed rolling 8 or above he missed with the attack. An evil GM
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
![Bad! Bad! :badbad:](./images/smilies/badbad.gif)
Bonus: When using this feat the weapon or EB does 4X damage or does knockout on a natural 17 or above. When using a throwing weapon the damage also increase by +1 for each additional ricochet. Character who already have the feat Trained by Master, Intensive Training or Secret Style Throwing style feat has the feat cost reduce by 1. Should the character already have 2 of the listed feat the cost is reduce by 2.
Prerequisite: This feat requires a Min P.P of 24 or higher & a P.S of 20 or higher for a throwing weapon, also Advanced Mathematics and people who use the throw weapon version also need the skill Athletics General & W.P Targeting (Thrown Weapons).
Limitation:This feat can only be used with 1 type of weapon, or 1 type of Energy Expulsion power.( for example a Physical Training character could use this feat with a shield, throwing knives or shuriken) but not all 3. If he wants to uses it with another weapon he needs to pay the cost of the feat again. This ability can only be used with weapons that are designed to be thrown.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Mon May 23, 2016 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Explosive or Explosive Power Cost: 4 feats
While this feat is extremely powerful, the reason it doesn't cost more is the side effects of limitation that comes after the use of this feat. In any case this feat can be used at most once every other day. This feat is similar or a variant of the Alter Physical Structure: Fire ability number 6 Super-Nova, but it's not as powerful, the blast radius is less and the side effect from using the power is less also.
In game terms the character pushes his power beyond it's normal limits, he send the energy in an explosive circle or radius around him. B/c he's using his own life force to push his power, the power is capable of going past it's normal boundaries. Nevertheless the use of this feat comes with a cost, unlike the Super-Nova it only requires 1 rd of concentration to set up, the range, the duration & attack per melee are identical to the Super-Nova. The main difference is the Blast Radius which is 30 ft per lvl, the damage which is 2d10+12 per lvl of the character.
Now the side effect of using this ability while not as dangerous and the super-nova is still somewhat debilitating. After using this feat ALL physical stats except for P.B is reduced by 75% rounded down. To a minimum is 3 (for example a character with P.P of 8 would normally after using this feat have his P.P reduce to a P.P of 2) but it can only be reduce to a min of 3. In a like manner all powers are reduce by 90%, so a character with Sonic Speed (for example who can normally run at 700 mph after using this feat can only run at 77 mph & must make a saving throw vs pain of 16 every rd after the first to continue using any power.) Failure cause the character to cramp up in a ball an scream in pain for 1d4 rds. These limitations stay in place until the time required for his body to fully recover as mentioned in the limitation section.
Bonus: Characters with the Super-power Alter Physical Structure: Fire or Super-Energy Expulsion can have the feat cost reduce half or pay the normal cost for the feat and do 2x the regular damage the feat normally allows the character to do. The character must tell the GM which bonus he or she choose when picking the feat.
Final Bonus: Character with the minor power Lunar Strength or Solar Powered can subtract 8 hrs from the time need to recover from using this feat. As long as there's a full moon out for the Lunar Strength or the character spends at least 8 hrs outside during daylight hours for a character with Solar Powered
Limitation: As mentioned b4 the feat can only be used once a day and requires a minimum of 72 hrs recovery time minus the characters P.E & lvl. ( for example a 10 lvl character with a P.E of 30, would take 72 hrs-30 for his P.E and -10 for his lvl) So 72-40= 30 hrs he could use the feat again with no side effect. Should the hero decide to use the feat again before the required recovery time, he does half damage and he rolls on the survival table of the Super-Nova on pg 243 of the HU book. Regardless of his roll should he survive he passes out goes into a coma for 1d4 hours from using the feat again roll 1d4 to see how long he goes into a coma.
Prerequisite: An Energy Expulsion Power, Sonic Power, Super-Energy Expulsion & any Alter Physical Structure that transform the character into an Energy or Gas.
While this feat is extremely powerful, the reason it doesn't cost more is the side effects of limitation that comes after the use of this feat. In any case this feat can be used at most once every other day. This feat is similar or a variant of the Alter Physical Structure: Fire ability number 6 Super-Nova, but it's not as powerful, the blast radius is less and the side effect from using the power is less also.
In game terms the character pushes his power beyond it's normal limits, he send the energy in an explosive circle or radius around him. B/c he's using his own life force to push his power, the power is capable of going past it's normal boundaries. Nevertheless the use of this feat comes with a cost, unlike the Super-Nova it only requires 1 rd of concentration to set up, the range, the duration & attack per melee are identical to the Super-Nova. The main difference is the Blast Radius which is 30 ft per lvl, the damage which is 2d10+12 per lvl of the character.
Now the side effect of using this ability while not as dangerous and the super-nova is still somewhat debilitating. After using this feat ALL physical stats except for P.B is reduced by 75% rounded down. To a minimum is 3 (for example a character with P.P of 8 would normally after using this feat have his P.P reduce to a P.P of 2) but it can only be reduce to a min of 3. In a like manner all powers are reduce by 90%, so a character with Sonic Speed (for example who can normally run at 700 mph after using this feat can only run at 77 mph & must make a saving throw vs pain of 16 every rd after the first to continue using any power.) Failure cause the character to cramp up in a ball an scream in pain for 1d4 rds. These limitations stay in place until the time required for his body to fully recover as mentioned in the limitation section.
Bonus: Characters with the Super-power Alter Physical Structure: Fire or Super-Energy Expulsion can have the feat cost reduce half or pay the normal cost for the feat and do 2x the regular damage the feat normally allows the character to do. The character must tell the GM which bonus he or she choose when picking the feat.
Final Bonus: Character with the minor power Lunar Strength or Solar Powered can subtract 8 hrs from the time need to recover from using this feat. As long as there's a full moon out for the Lunar Strength or the character spends at least 8 hrs outside during daylight hours for a character with Solar Powered
Limitation: As mentioned b4 the feat can only be used once a day and requires a minimum of 72 hrs recovery time minus the characters P.E & lvl. ( for example a 10 lvl character with a P.E of 30, would take 72 hrs-30 for his P.E and -10 for his lvl) So 72-40= 30 hrs he could use the feat again with no side effect. Should the hero decide to use the feat again before the required recovery time, he does half damage and he rolls on the survival table of the Super-Nova on pg 243 of the HU book. Regardless of his roll should he survive he passes out goes into a coma for 1d4 hours from using the feat again roll 1d4 to see how long he goes into a coma.
Prerequisite: An Energy Expulsion Power, Sonic Power, Super-Energy Expulsion & any Alter Physical Structure that transform the character into an Energy or Gas.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Outsize Reputation Cost: 4 feats
In many ways this feat resembles the Extraordinary Awe Factor, the main difference is this is based on your accomplishment. So while you might be hot-stuff in your city, state or country, were you to travel to a different country, continent, world or galaxy it would be useless since no one there has ever heard of you. In other words if your opponent never heard of you, you can't use the feat against him. The other difference is this is more inclined for combat than the Extraordinary Awe Factor feat. This doesn't mean it can't be used in role-playing circumstance it can specially vs other super-heroes, it just more combat oriented than role-playing oriented.
While this feat is extremely rare in comics and somewhat rare in the real world it does exist. In actual comics people with this feat include Cap, Batman & Superman, in real life people with this feat would include William Wallace, Hua Mulan, El Cid, David Crockett, Sam Bowie. An example of use of this feat is William Wallace (In the Braveheart movie from Mel Gibson he was a larger than life creature who would scare the English, but were he to travel to Spain, Germany, Russia or anywhere else the Middle Ages and they never heard of him he would be unable to uses the feat against them.
In game terms b/c of your reputation people fight against with massive minus to attack you & parry your attacks. In a like matter you can give your team-mates, soldiers, fellow warriors or people under you command bonus to attack & parry as long as they 're within 25ft radius per lvl of your character. This feat works based on your renown or reputation, naturally Mega heroes, Immortals, Alpha males or Females tend to have a higher renown than a minor hero just starting out. It works like this with this feat you multiply your lvl by a certain number to find your renown, and that your renown in your campaign city. Street lvl heroes (Minor Heroes, Special Training, Physical Training, Natural Genius & Ninja & Super-spies characters) your lvl is multiple by 3 to find your renown in the campaign city, (Most other character classes you multiply your lvl by 4) to find your renown in the city In the suburbs of your campaign city. (Mega heroes, Immortals, Eugenics you multiply for lvl by 5) to find your renown in the campaign city. Your renown drops by 10% in the suburbs, and in your state outside of your city or suburb it drops by 20%. In a neighboring state or( for example your hero resides in Boston but b/c Massachusetts dominates it sphere of influence is felt throughout the New England states in Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) were your hero to visit nearby geographic area his renown would drops by 25%. A hero based on the East Coast, Mid West, South or West Coast renown drops by 40% when visiting within his coast, but by 50% when visiting outside his coast. ( For example our hero where he to go capture a villain in Washington D.C would have his renown or Reputation reduce by 40% since Washing D.C is part of the East Cost) by where he to go to the west coast lets say California his reputation would be reduced by 50%. In a like manner neighboring countries (for example Canada or Mexico) would reduce the heroes renown by 60%, countries in a different nearby continent (for example South America) would reduce the reputation by 65%, countries in a different continent (Europe or Africa) would reduce it the reputation or renown of the hero by 75%. Unless your playing an Outer Space campaign like Alien Unlimited or Phase World in Rifts, Reputation or Renown drops to 85% in a different world & by 90-95% in a different galaxy.
Ok, now that's done on how you generate Reputation. Here's how it works in a game, in a combat situation the GM rolls to see if your opponent or opponents has heard of you. If they have you can either use the feat for yourself or for your teammates, soldiers, ect. You can't use it that rd both ways. If you decide to uses for your teammates once a week for 1 rd per lvl of your character you can give your teammates plus to strike, parry & dodge based on your lvl. (For example a 7 lvl character could give his team members +3 to Str, +2 to parry , +2 to dodge for that rd). The character with the feat must tell the GM where he's giving his team members their bonus, and they all receive the same bonuses. Next rd he can switch the bonus around or keep it as it's. The only limitation is he must win initiative and he must give a short speech uplifting speech on how they can beat them. If he fulfills both conditions the feat works as listed, but the Hero lose 2 of his own attacks due to him or her standing around giving a short oration that rd.
Limitation: This feat can't be used against Mega Heroes or Villains, Immortals, Eugenics, nor Major Supernatural or Magical Creatures.
Prerequisite: The feat Alpha Male, Alpha Female, or M.A of 22 or higher + being 6 lvl or higher + being a Mega Hero or Immortal or Eugenics character class.
Will Finish later
In many ways this feat resembles the Extraordinary Awe Factor, the main difference is this is based on your accomplishment. So while you might be hot-stuff in your city, state or country, were you to travel to a different country, continent, world or galaxy it would be useless since no one there has ever heard of you. In other words if your opponent never heard of you, you can't use the feat against him. The other difference is this is more inclined for combat than the Extraordinary Awe Factor feat. This doesn't mean it can't be used in role-playing circumstance it can specially vs other super-heroes, it just more combat oriented than role-playing oriented.
While this feat is extremely rare in comics and somewhat rare in the real world it does exist. In actual comics people with this feat include Cap, Batman & Superman, in real life people with this feat would include William Wallace, Hua Mulan, El Cid, David Crockett, Sam Bowie. An example of use of this feat is William Wallace (In the Braveheart movie from Mel Gibson he was a larger than life creature who would scare the English, but were he to travel to Spain, Germany, Russia or anywhere else the Middle Ages and they never heard of him he would be unable to uses the feat against them.
In game terms b/c of your reputation people fight against with massive minus to attack you & parry your attacks. In a like matter you can give your team-mates, soldiers, fellow warriors or people under you command bonus to attack & parry as long as they 're within 25ft radius per lvl of your character. This feat works based on your renown or reputation, naturally Mega heroes, Immortals, Alpha males or Females tend to have a higher renown than a minor hero just starting out. It works like this with this feat you multiply your lvl by a certain number to find your renown, and that your renown in your campaign city. Street lvl heroes (Minor Heroes, Special Training, Physical Training, Natural Genius & Ninja & Super-spies characters) your lvl is multiple by 3 to find your renown in the campaign city, (Most other character classes you multiply your lvl by 4) to find your renown in the city In the suburbs of your campaign city. (Mega heroes, Immortals, Eugenics you multiply for lvl by 5) to find your renown in the campaign city. Your renown drops by 10% in the suburbs, and in your state outside of your city or suburb it drops by 20%. In a neighboring state or( for example your hero resides in Boston but b/c Massachusetts dominates it sphere of influence is felt throughout the New England states in Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) were your hero to visit nearby geographic area his renown would drops by 25%. A hero based on the East Coast, Mid West, South or West Coast renown drops by 40% when visiting within his coast, but by 50% when visiting outside his coast. ( For example our hero where he to go capture a villain in Washington D.C would have his renown or Reputation reduce by 40% since Washing D.C is part of the East Cost) by where he to go to the west coast lets say California his reputation would be reduced by 50%. In a like manner neighboring countries (for example Canada or Mexico) would reduce the heroes renown by 60%, countries in a different nearby continent (for example South America) would reduce the reputation by 65%, countries in a different continent (Europe or Africa) would reduce it the reputation or renown of the hero by 75%. Unless your playing an Outer Space campaign like Alien Unlimited or Phase World in Rifts, Reputation or Renown drops to 85% in a different world & by 90-95% in a different galaxy.
Ok, now that's done on how you generate Reputation. Here's how it works in a game, in a combat situation the GM rolls to see if your opponent or opponents has heard of you. If they have you can either use the feat for yourself or for your teammates, soldiers, ect. You can't use it that rd both ways. If you decide to uses for your teammates once a week for 1 rd per lvl of your character you can give your teammates plus to strike, parry & dodge based on your lvl. (For example a 7 lvl character could give his team members +3 to Str, +2 to parry , +2 to dodge for that rd). The character with the feat must tell the GM where he's giving his team members their bonus, and they all receive the same bonuses. Next rd he can switch the bonus around or keep it as it's. The only limitation is he must win initiative and he must give a short speech uplifting speech on how they can beat them. If he fulfills both conditions the feat works as listed, but the Hero lose 2 of his own attacks due to him or her standing around giving a short oration that rd.
Limitation: This feat can't be used against Mega Heroes or Villains, Immortals, Eugenics, nor Major Supernatural or Magical Creatures.
Prerequisite: The feat Alpha Male, Alpha Female, or M.A of 22 or higher + being 6 lvl or higher + being a Mega Hero or Immortal or Eugenics character class.
Will Finish later
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Sorry for the delay, had problems with my computer and couldn't the replacement parts here in the bookdocks. Anyway starting Aug 24 I'll be posting and hopefully finishing my feats list. The problem is anytime I think of this is it my list is complete. I think of another half a dozen feats and I go off on a tangent. Nevertheless I plan on parking myself in front of my desktop starting tomorrow morning and finishing the Outside Reputation feat and posting the Lifting Strength & Striking Strength feat before the end of the week and going back to work the Flaws system pretty much after that.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Lifting Strength Cost: 3-2-1 depending on powers or Class
This feat is based on Lifting capacity of the Super-strong characters in Super-hero comics. One of the things that always bothered me in the HU system was the low lifting weigh of the standard character with Superhuman Strength & Supernatural Strength. So while the HU system correctly duplicated normal human strength and to a lesser degree Extra-Ordinary Strength minor power, when it came to Superhuman Strength Minor power or Supernatural Strength Major Power to put it mildly it missed the boat big time. One of my main problems with the Superhuman & the Supernatural Strength power is, it doesn't allow you to duplicate typical comic book strength feats like lifting a Tank, Battleship, Yacht or Building. Well this feat is my attempt at correctly this flaw.
As the name of this feat states it's designed for characters interested in lifting considerably more than the book value says they're capable of lifting. So while this feat has some application in combat, were it really shines is in role-playing situations, if the character also has the minor power Enhanced Leaping, arm-wrestling, tug of war or pure lifting a certain amount of weight over head.
In games terms it works like this for someone with the Minor Power Superhuman Strength, Robotic Strength or Cyborg Strength with this feat the character can lift overhead 1 ton for point of P.S. If he also has the Minor Power Enhanced Leaping he can leap P.S X 35 ft across and half the distance vertically. In a similar manner someone with this feat and the Minor Power EL with Supernatural Strength could leap P.S X 75 ft across and half the distance vertically. Finally a Mega Hero or Immortal since they also have Supernatural Strength if they also have the Minor Power EL could leap P.S X 100 ft across and half the distance vertically,
Characters with the Minor Power Superhuman Strength or are Robots or Cyborgs can lift 1 ton X P.S {Therefore a character with Superhuman P.S of 75 for example could lift a U.S M1 tank that weights 68 tons, but not the newest experimental U.S tank that weights 84 tons.}
Characters with the Major Power Supernatural Strength can lift 10 tons X P.S or if the GM is running a high powered game 100 tons X P.S {Therefore a character with Supernatural P.S of 75 for example could lift most large passenger airline a 747 weights roughly 450 fully loaded, A380 weight 575 tons with ease and if the GM is running a high powered campaign most Yachts. The 3 heaviest Yachts in the world weights 18,000 tons, 13,000 tons & 9600 tons but most large Yachts weight between 3500 tons-6000 tons}
Characters that are Mega Heroes or Immortals and also have Supernatural Strength since some Immortals character class don't can lift 1000 tons X P.S or if the GM is running a high powered game 10,000 tons X P.S {Therefore a character that's a Mega Hero or an Immortal with Supernatural P.S of 75 for example could lift an average Luxury Liner which weights between 20,000-60,000 tons which the largest Luxury Liner ever built weights over 225,000 tons.}
Use with Caution
Now having finished with the ability to lift massive weights. The next thing is how does this help me in a fight. Now these ARE MY RULES but I would have a character doing an additional 2d4 pts per ton of the object the superhero uses to hit the villain with if th SH has SH P.S but a character Supernatural Strength would do 3d4 pts per ton of the objects. Before you get up in arms and say it's unrealistic, lets look at the spirit of the game. HU isn't designed for killing villains left and right, also even in the Super-hero comics where the game gets it's inspiration villains & heroes almost never die from having a building dropped on top of them. They are either hurt, knocked out or if a particular brutal fight put in coma and go to the hospital. This is trying to duplicate such effect, there's also the problem contrary to popular depictions streets can't accommodate anything much bigger than a Tank or a medium size Yacht. So forget this idea OF FLYING TO THE MARINA PICKING UP A LUXURY LINER and throwing it at the villain. Not unless you want to cause untold billions of dollars of property damage. There's also the fact that buildings, buses, tanks or cars aren't designed to be picked up and thrown. Simply put were you strong enough to pick up a car, the bumper would separate from the car. In a similar manner were you strong enough to pick up a M60 tank by the gun barrel the top half of tank would separate from the rst of the tank. Which means for the most part you wouldn't be hitting someone with a whole tank, bus, building or 18 wheeler.
Bonus: Character with the Superhuman Strength Minor power gains an additional +5 to their P.S, character with Supernatural Strength Major Power power gains an additional +8 to their P.S, Major Heroes and Immortals gains an additional +10 to their P.S
Limitation: Any character who use a large heavy object to swing or thrown at someone cost 2 attacks for anything that weights 60 tons or less, It cost the character 3 attacks for anything that weights over 61 tons. Reasons is simple the object is extremely unbalance for swinging or throwing therefore it requires more attacks to use.
Prerequisite: Superhuman Strength or Supernatural Strength
This feat is based on Lifting capacity of the Super-strong characters in Super-hero comics. One of the things that always bothered me in the HU system was the low lifting weigh of the standard character with Superhuman Strength & Supernatural Strength. So while the HU system correctly duplicated normal human strength and to a lesser degree Extra-Ordinary Strength minor power, when it came to Superhuman Strength Minor power or Supernatural Strength Major Power to put it mildly it missed the boat big time. One of my main problems with the Superhuman & the Supernatural Strength power is, it doesn't allow you to duplicate typical comic book strength feats like lifting a Tank, Battleship, Yacht or Building. Well this feat is my attempt at correctly this flaw.
As the name of this feat states it's designed for characters interested in lifting considerably more than the book value says they're capable of lifting. So while this feat has some application in combat, were it really shines is in role-playing situations, if the character also has the minor power Enhanced Leaping, arm-wrestling, tug of war or pure lifting a certain amount of weight over head.
In games terms it works like this for someone with the Minor Power Superhuman Strength, Robotic Strength or Cyborg Strength with this feat the character can lift overhead 1 ton for point of P.S. If he also has the Minor Power Enhanced Leaping he can leap P.S X 35 ft across and half the distance vertically. In a similar manner someone with this feat and the Minor Power EL with Supernatural Strength could leap P.S X 75 ft across and half the distance vertically. Finally a Mega Hero or Immortal since they also have Supernatural Strength if they also have the Minor Power EL could leap P.S X 100 ft across and half the distance vertically,
Characters with the Minor Power Superhuman Strength or are Robots or Cyborgs can lift 1 ton X P.S {Therefore a character with Superhuman P.S of 75 for example could lift a U.S M1 tank that weights 68 tons, but not the newest experimental U.S tank that weights 84 tons.}
Characters with the Major Power Supernatural Strength can lift 10 tons X P.S or if the GM is running a high powered game 100 tons X P.S {Therefore a character with Supernatural P.S of 75 for example could lift most large passenger airline a 747 weights roughly 450 fully loaded, A380 weight 575 tons with ease and if the GM is running a high powered campaign most Yachts. The 3 heaviest Yachts in the world weights 18,000 tons, 13,000 tons & 9600 tons but most large Yachts weight between 3500 tons-6000 tons}
Characters that are Mega Heroes or Immortals and also have Supernatural Strength since some Immortals character class don't can lift 1000 tons X P.S or if the GM is running a high powered game 10,000 tons X P.S {Therefore a character that's a Mega Hero or an Immortal with Supernatural P.S of 75 for example could lift an average Luxury Liner which weights between 20,000-60,000 tons which the largest Luxury Liner ever built weights over 225,000 tons.}
Use with Caution
Now having finished with the ability to lift massive weights. The next thing is how does this help me in a fight. Now these ARE MY RULES but I would have a character doing an additional 2d4 pts per ton of the object the superhero uses to hit the villain with if th SH has SH P.S but a character Supernatural Strength would do 3d4 pts per ton of the objects. Before you get up in arms and say it's unrealistic, lets look at the spirit of the game. HU isn't designed for killing villains left and right, also even in the Super-hero comics where the game gets it's inspiration villains & heroes almost never die from having a building dropped on top of them. They are either hurt, knocked out or if a particular brutal fight put in coma and go to the hospital. This is trying to duplicate such effect, there's also the problem contrary to popular depictions streets can't accommodate anything much bigger than a Tank or a medium size Yacht. So forget this idea OF FLYING TO THE MARINA PICKING UP A LUXURY LINER and throwing it at the villain. Not unless you want to cause untold billions of dollars of property damage. There's also the fact that buildings, buses, tanks or cars aren't designed to be picked up and thrown. Simply put were you strong enough to pick up a car, the bumper would separate from the car. In a similar manner were you strong enough to pick up a M60 tank by the gun barrel the top half of tank would separate from the rst of the tank. Which means for the most part you wouldn't be hitting someone with a whole tank, bus, building or 18 wheeler.
Bonus: Character with the Superhuman Strength Minor power gains an additional +5 to their P.S, character with Supernatural Strength Major Power power gains an additional +8 to their P.S, Major Heroes and Immortals gains an additional +10 to their P.S
Limitation: Any character who use a large heavy object to swing or thrown at someone cost 2 attacks for anything that weights 60 tons or less, It cost the character 3 attacks for anything that weights over 61 tons. Reasons is simple the object is extremely unbalance for swinging or throwing therefore it requires more attacks to use.
Prerequisite: Superhuman Strength or Supernatural Strength
Last edited by Shadowknight on Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Striking Strength Cost: 1- 2-3
This feat is basically the opposite of the Lifting Strength feat, it represents people who either because of MA knowledge, boxing or knowledge of pressure points can do more damage than someone of near equivalent strength. Here is hoe it breaks down, for characters of normal P.S & Extraordinary P.S the feat cost 1, for characters having Superhuman P.S the feat cost 2, for characters having Supernatural P.S the feat cost 3.
1. Characters with Normal & Extraordinary P.S do an extra +1 pt per die of physical damage( for example a character would normally do 3d6+P.S bonus were he to successful hit his opponent with a Roundhouse Kick pg 68 of HU2 main book, but because of this feat he would do 3d6+3+P.S bonus)
2. Characters with Superhuman P.S do an extra +2 per die of physical damage ( for example a character would normally do 3d6+P.S bonus were he to successful hit his opponent with a Roundhouse Kick pg 68 of HU2 main book, but because of this feat he would do 3d6+6+P.S bonus)
3. Characters with Supernatural P.S do an extra +4 per die of physical damage ( for example a character would normally do 3d6+P.S bonus were he to successful hit his opponent with a Roundhouse Kick pg 68 of HU2 main book, but because of this feat he would do 3d6+12+P.S bonus)
Prerequisite: P.S & P.P of 24 or higher, HTH MA or MA from Ninja & Super-spies or Mystic China and the Boxing skill.
Examples: Batman, Cap America, WW
This feat is basically the opposite of the Lifting Strength feat, it represents people who either because of MA knowledge, boxing or knowledge of pressure points can do more damage than someone of near equivalent strength. Here is hoe it breaks down, for characters of normal P.S & Extraordinary P.S the feat cost 1, for characters having Superhuman P.S the feat cost 2, for characters having Supernatural P.S the feat cost 3.
1. Characters with Normal & Extraordinary P.S do an extra +1 pt per die of physical damage( for example a character would normally do 3d6+P.S bonus were he to successful hit his opponent with a Roundhouse Kick pg 68 of HU2 main book, but because of this feat he would do 3d6+3+P.S bonus)
2. Characters with Superhuman P.S do an extra +2 per die of physical damage ( for example a character would normally do 3d6+P.S bonus were he to successful hit his opponent with a Roundhouse Kick pg 68 of HU2 main book, but because of this feat he would do 3d6+6+P.S bonus)
3. Characters with Supernatural P.S do an extra +4 per die of physical damage ( for example a character would normally do 3d6+P.S bonus were he to successful hit his opponent with a Roundhouse Kick pg 68 of HU2 main book, but because of this feat he would do 3d6+12+P.S bonus)
Prerequisite: P.S & P.P of 24 or higher, HTH MA or MA from Ninja & Super-spies or Mystic China and the Boxing skill.
Examples: Batman, Cap America, WW
- ScottBernard
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Have the forum rules changed? Its ok to necro a thread now?
- Dungeon Crawler
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
ScottBernard wrote:Have the forum rules changed? Its ok to necro a thread now?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand
![Confused :?](./images/smilies/help.gif)
- The Beast
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Shadowknight wrote:ScottBernard wrote:Have the forum rules changed? Its ok to necro a thread now?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand, what does that mean? I promise to finish my feats list, things came up in my life so I couldn't do it. Now I'm in the process of finishing it. But by your comment, you act like I'm doing something wrong. Is there a rule that says once you abandon a thread it can't be restarted?
Yeah, I think it's once six months a year goes by without anyone posting in it. Plus you've been the only one posting in this thread for quite some time now, which could be seen as bumping the thread which is also not allowed.
EDIT: Corrected for how the thread-necro rule works.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
I'm not interested in bumping a thread, what does that mean anyway? My thread has always been about creative ideas a GM or player can use to differentiate his character from another character with similar abilities. Since you seem to agree with him, what was I suppose to do? Recreate the same thread and copy & paste? Contact a mod? This seem all to do about a rule that I never heard off in any other board. HU should be about creative ideas on how to make the game better, not for rule lawyers to ruin every bodies fun.The Beast wrote:Shadowknight wrote:ScottBernard wrote:Have the forum rules changed? Its ok to necro a thread now?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand, what does that mean? I promise to finish my feats list, things came up in my life so I couldn't do it. Now I'm in the process of finishing it. But by your comment, you act like I'm doing something wrong. Is there a rule that says once you abandon a thread it can't be restarted?
Yeah, I think it's once six months a year goes by without anyone posting in it. Plus you've been the only one posting in this thread for quite some time now, which could be seen as bumping the thread which is also not allowed.
EDIT: Corrected for how the thread-necro rule works.
- The Beast
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Shadowknight wrote:I'm not interested in bumping a thread, what does that mean anyway? My thread has always been about creative ideas a GM or player can use to differentiate his character from another character with similar abilities. Since you seem to agree with him, what was I suppose to do? Recreate the same thread and copy & paste? Contact a mod? This seem all to do about a rule that I never heard off in any other board. HU should be about creative ideas on how to make the game better, not for rule lawyers to ruin every bodies fun.The Beast wrote:Shadowknight wrote:ScottBernard wrote:Have the forum rules changed? Its ok to necro a thread now?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand, what does that mean? I promise to finish my feats list, things came up in my life so I couldn't do it. Now I'm in the process of finishing it. But by your comment, you act like I'm doing something wrong. Is there a rule that says once you abandon a thread it can't be restarted?
Yeah, I think it's once six months a year goes by without anyone posting in it. Plus you've been the only one posting in this thread for quite some time now, which could be seen as bumping the thread which is also not allowed.
EDIT: Corrected for how the thread-necro rule works.
NMI wrote:In order to put a current issue to rest
Necro-Posting wrote:
[modified] The act of posting in a forum thread that has served it's purpose.
Usually by new, inexperienced members of the board.
A common trait of someone necroposting is not to only bring one old thread back from the last page before deletion, but to fill up the entire first page with threads that only they seem to think have relevance to anything.
Necro-Posting is an annoying act throughout the interwebs. In some places it may be more sociably accepted than others. Here on the Palladium Books - Forums of the Megaverse, it is not. Until such a time that we, the moderation team have the ability to auto-lock topics, we ask that you refrain from necroposting.
If a topic is 12 months old, please start a new topic and if you need to, either:
Quote the original topic and/or
link to the original topic
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Fine, I still think it's putting a cart before the horse and rule lawyer-wish. But if the Mod say so I'll abide by their decree. I had less than 10 feats to finish is there a way to contact the Mods and receive an exception?
- Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
You can contact a mod and explain why this should be stickied at the top of the forum, as well as getting permission to finish. The only one I know right offhand is NMI. You should definitely PM him.Shadowknight wrote:Fine, I still think it's putting a cart before the horse and rule lawyer-wish. But if the Mod say so I'll abide by their decree. I had less than 10 feats to finish is there a way to contact the Mods and receive an exception?
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
- Jack Burton
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Does it really matter? Shadowknight isn't hurting anyone and seems to be working hard to post things for everyone's enjoyment and use? Why on Earth even make it an issue or bring it up, for that matter? Steer clear of the thread if it bothers you, although I'm trying to wrap my head around why it would bother anyone. Why make him feel bad about trying to do something cool? Sheesh....
- Dungeon Crawler
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Thanks, you made my point better than I could. So unless I hear from a Mod, I'm going to continue the thread since I'm almost finished and it make no sense to create another thread and make a link to this one.Jack Burton wrote:Does it really matter? Shadowknight isn't hurting anyone and seems to be working hard to post things for everyone's enjoyment and use? Why on Earth even make it an issue or bring it up, for that matter? Steer clear of the thread if it bothers you, although I'm trying to wrap my head around why it would bother anyone. Why make him feel bad about trying to do something cool? Sheesh....
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Improved Martial Arts Cost: 2-3 feats
I created this feat to more reflect comic book HTH combat. While HU MA isn't bad it's extremely hard to knock out even a nobody, even a no name security guard, pimp, drug dealer, mugger or or that matter joe blow bystander. Unless you are playing Rifts, Nightbane, System Failure or Dead Reign were killing damage is an unstated fact of life you are stuck with possibly killing someone instead of knocking them out. The problem is if you are playing a HU game you're not looking to kill your opponent as a hero that believe in the sanctity of life then you've a problem with the HTH MA. Even the Punisher or Deathstroke Anti-heroes not known for holding back usually hold back against joe blow the mugger of the week. This is my solution to what i believe a major flaw in HU HTH.
In the same manner Cap, Batman, NW, DD, Nick Fury and too many others to list routinely beat up, knock out or incapacitate between 6-20 opponents in a typical comic combat. Yet in the Palladium system and particularity the HU system in nearly impossible to do without killing everyone in sight. Having said this lets correct it. The problem in how I see it, in the Palladium system it's very easy to get a hit using a D20 any score above a 4 automatically hits baring a parry or dodge, yet you need a natural 19 or 20 to do a critical hit or knock out. Which comes to a 75% chance of success in the former and 10% chance of success in the later. That means a 1st or 2nd lvl Special Training character outside of an Ancient Master baring extremely lucky rolls has almost no chance of surviving a HTH fight against 5 or more color punks by himself. What the feat does is simple for the most part any character with HTH MA, Expert, Comando or Ninja *Superspies MA can do a called shot, that is with a natural 15 or higher you hit the head of your opponent and do 3X normal damage. It comes with a caviat
Limitations: This feat only works against characters who have 50 SDC or less or 50 Hit Points or less( in other words mostly NPC & low level player characters).
Prerequisite: HTH MA, HTH Expert, HTH Commando, MA from N&SS
Will Finish Later
I created this feat to more reflect comic book HTH combat. While HU MA isn't bad it's extremely hard to knock out even a nobody, even a no name security guard, pimp, drug dealer, mugger or or that matter joe blow bystander. Unless you are playing Rifts, Nightbane, System Failure or Dead Reign were killing damage is an unstated fact of life you are stuck with possibly killing someone instead of knocking them out. The problem is if you are playing a HU game you're not looking to kill your opponent as a hero that believe in the sanctity of life then you've a problem with the HTH MA. Even the Punisher or Deathstroke Anti-heroes not known for holding back usually hold back against joe blow the mugger of the week. This is my solution to what i believe a major flaw in HU HTH.
In the same manner Cap, Batman, NW, DD, Nick Fury and too many others to list routinely beat up, knock out or incapacitate between 6-20 opponents in a typical comic combat. Yet in the Palladium system and particularity the HU system in nearly impossible to do without killing everyone in sight. Having said this lets correct it. The problem in how I see it, in the Palladium system it's very easy to get a hit using a D20 any score above a 4 automatically hits baring a parry or dodge, yet you need a natural 19 or 20 to do a critical hit or knock out. Which comes to a 75% chance of success in the former and 10% chance of success in the later. That means a 1st or 2nd lvl Special Training character outside of an Ancient Master baring extremely lucky rolls has almost no chance of surviving a HTH fight against 5 or more color punks by himself. What the feat does is simple for the most part any character with HTH MA, Expert, Comando or Ninja *Superspies MA can do a called shot, that is with a natural 15 or higher you hit the head of your opponent and do 3X normal damage. It comes with a caviat
Limitations: This feat only works against characters who have 50 SDC or less or 50 Hit Points or less( in other words mostly NPC & low level player characters).
Prerequisite: HTH MA, HTH Expert, HTH Commando, MA from N&SS
Will Finish Later
Last edited by Shadowknight on Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- The Beast
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Jack Burton wrote:Does it really matter?
Yes it does matter. Why have a rule if it's not enforced equally?
- Jack Burton
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
The Beast wrote:Jack Burton wrote:Does it really matter?
Yes it does matter. Why have a rule if it's not enforced equally?
Based on Shadowknight's intent, I disagree. Please understand I'm not looking to start an argument with anyone. I just think it's silly to make him feel like he's done something wrong for trying to better the Megaverse for others, not just himself. His intent is clear. Perhaps the topic should have been introduced in an educational way about what necro-posting is as opposed to rather harshly calling him out on it. I never heard of necro-posting until now, either. I've also seen many threads, that by the "letter of the law," were necro-posted. Nothing was done to those other people, presumably because in every case I (and the mods) observed, the conversation was constructively moving forward, albeit slowly.
While it's appropriate (and even expected) to enforce the rules, it's also just as appropriate to exercise discretion. My 2 cents... Again, not trying to argue.
- Dungeon Crawler
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
True, but there's a difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.The Beast wrote:Jack Burton wrote:Does it really matter?
Yes it does matter. Why have a rule if it's not enforced equally?
- Sir_Spirit
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
The Extraordinary Awe Factor feat doesn't read like awe, it would be better named Extraodinary Horror Factor. Which is what Rorschach has. And fits the stated rules for it better.
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
While it's a valid interpretation. But realize AF & HF are mirror images of each other, I personally have interpreted HF as a form of fear based on SIGHT first and foremost, and AF as a form of reverential awe based on REPUTATION first and foremost. For example in Doomsday Clock the new Rorschach doesn't induce any AF or HF in DC Earth Universe villains because they never heard of him, but were he to go back to the Watchman Universe he would scare the criminals spitless because of his reputation.Sir_Spirit wrote:The Extraordinary Awe Factor feat doesn't read like awe, it would be better named Extraodinary Horror Factor. Which is what Rorschach has. And fits the stated rules for it better.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
Poison Lore Cost: 2-3 feats
This feat represents someone who's extremely knowledgeable about poisons. While most American SH comics rarely mention poison except in a haphazard way, it's not so in Filipino, Chinese , Korean & Japanese comics. Let's not forget every culture & civilization since biblical times has had poison in 1 form or another. The problem is Palladium has has a very cookie cutter approach to poisons, basically limiting them in 2 categories of lethal and not lethal poison. So while the approach does work game-wise it's extremely limiting and lacks color and imagination. This feat is designed to correct this oversight and make characters with this feat scare or at least give players some lvl of apprehension.
So instead of just lethal & non lethal poison, people with this feat specialize in regional variations of Poison Lore there are basically 6 variations.
1. African Poison Lore
2. Asiatic Poison Lore
3. Indian Poison Lore
4. South American Poison Lore
5. Western European Poison Lore
6. Modern Poison Lore
Realize this is a broad generalization,( for example Chinese poison are different from Thai based poison, which are different from Philippine based poison), nevertheless they use similar methodology in their preparation, activation and cures so they' re grouped together. Similarly Desert based poison of northern Africa is different from the jungle based poison of southern Africa.
So without further ado lets get to the meat of the feat. Lets make something clear right off I'm not advocating every member of a party of SH walk around with poisons, first of all it's time consuming, expensive and if the players start abusing this feat it quite possible innocent bystanders can be affected, a crowd or the villain accidentally killed and the whole party be hauled off to court at the very least they'll have to deal with a civil trial and judgment can be in the millions of dollars. As a GM you should limit this feat to 1 or at most 2 members of a party, no one else in the party should be allowed to have poisons. Which matches most SH teams Batman with his gadgets, Deathstroke, Kanto are the rare exception on heroes who use poisons & villains. Batman will use non lethal poisons like tear gas, knockout gas, darts or mini shuriken with knock out poisons.
Now lets gets to the reason a hero could used poisons against his opponents.
1. The hero who's surrounded by 12 or more minions or mind controlled stooges who's a normal human by palladium rules even a SH from Special Training has very little chance of surviving let alone winning unless he or she goes buck wild shooting or hacking with a sword. But the same hero armed with shurikens dipped in knock out poison or paralyzing poison like curare has a decent chance of knocking out at least half of them and defeating the rest suing HTH.
2. The hero has a P.S of 13 or less facing a SV with a P.S of 20+ and a huge amount of SDC
WILL finish later
This feat represents someone who's extremely knowledgeable about poisons. While most American SH comics rarely mention poison except in a haphazard way, it's not so in Filipino, Chinese , Korean & Japanese comics. Let's not forget every culture & civilization since biblical times has had poison in 1 form or another. The problem is Palladium has has a very cookie cutter approach to poisons, basically limiting them in 2 categories of lethal and not lethal poison. So while the approach does work game-wise it's extremely limiting and lacks color and imagination. This feat is designed to correct this oversight and make characters with this feat scare or at least give players some lvl of apprehension.
So instead of just lethal & non lethal poison, people with this feat specialize in regional variations of Poison Lore there are basically 6 variations.
1. African Poison Lore
2. Asiatic Poison Lore
3. Indian Poison Lore
4. South American Poison Lore
5. Western European Poison Lore
6. Modern Poison Lore
Realize this is a broad generalization,( for example Chinese poison are different from Thai based poison, which are different from Philippine based poison), nevertheless they use similar methodology in their preparation, activation and cures so they' re grouped together. Similarly Desert based poison of northern Africa is different from the jungle based poison of southern Africa.
So without further ado lets get to the meat of the feat. Lets make something clear right off I'm not advocating every member of a party of SH walk around with poisons, first of all it's time consuming, expensive and if the players start abusing this feat it quite possible innocent bystanders can be affected, a crowd or the villain accidentally killed and the whole party be hauled off to court at the very least they'll have to deal with a civil trial and judgment can be in the millions of dollars. As a GM you should limit this feat to 1 or at most 2 members of a party, no one else in the party should be allowed to have poisons. Which matches most SH teams Batman with his gadgets, Deathstroke, Kanto are the rare exception on heroes who use poisons & villains. Batman will use non lethal poisons like tear gas, knockout gas, darts or mini shuriken with knock out poisons.
Now lets gets to the reason a hero could used poisons against his opponents.
1. The hero who's surrounded by 12 or more minions or mind controlled stooges who's a normal human by palladium rules even a SH from Special Training has very little chance of surviving let alone winning unless he or she goes buck wild shooting or hacking with a sword. But the same hero armed with shurikens dipped in knock out poison or paralyzing poison like curare has a decent chance of knocking out at least half of them and defeating the rest suing HTH.
2. The hero has a P.S of 13 or less facing a SV with a P.S of 20+ and a huge amount of SDC
WILL finish later
- D-Bee
- Posts: 1
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
I know you haven't posted in a while. But I just wanted to personally thank you for all of your hard work. I have every intention of using your feats in my game, so I just wanted to thank you for creating them.
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:56 pm
Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls
TY, it's good to be appreciated. Sorry for not posting recently, but as I stated already my widowed mother is extremely elderly. She's closing on 100 yrs old and also suffering from a debilitating nerve disease called Fibromyalgia, so my free time is spent on taking care of her and talking with her. Nevertheless she's starting to feel much better so I plan on posting again b4 the end on the week. If she doesn't relapse since Fibro, can't be cured only managed with medicine and sometimes different seasons tend to put the disease in remision.shadowknyght wrote:I know you haven't posted in a while. But I just wanted to personally thank you for all of your hard work. I have every intention of using your feats in my game, so I just wanted to thank you for creating them.