Franken Mecha II:

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Been bitten by the IMU bug again recently and have created some more that I'd like to share. I already have several lined up, and ideas for a few more.

I have no objections if people wish to post their own IMUs here.

Zentreadi Regult "Poacher" IMU
-1 Regult Battlepod (non-artillery, typically)
-1 Sensor Head (optional)
-1 suitable-sized trashed Human Mecha, by trashed it can be missing limbs (this makes it lighter)
-binding straps/clamps of suitable strength

The Zentreadi Regult "Poacher" IMU design was initially not an IMU at all, but rather the result of a desperate Zentreadi Warlord who lashed some disabled human mecha in a sort of "spread eagle pose on the front grill" type positioning to his force of Regult Battlepods to use them as "shields" to discourage UEDF:RDF from firing on his retreating forces (and the warlord was right to). This lead to the Zentreadi looking for ways to better capitalize on this tactic. A UEDF pilot typically has no easy way to discern if this is a simple lash job or an IMU with a lash job or an actual IMU, consequently they are all officially considered Regult "Poacher" IMUs.

At the core of the "Poacher" is a Regult Battlepod, usually with some minor damage, but not necessarily requiring IMU work to make a functional design. Since the giant Zentreadi can not pilot "salvaged" human mecha, and lacking true technical expertise to restore/properly IMU-ize them for their micronian comrades in arms without some "gullible" human help, the jobs are pretty sloppy, but no less effective as UEDF pilots are concerned they might hit a comrade (though really nothing stops the Zentreadi from carrying human prisoners inside the mecha).

The human mecha typically has its legs removed completely, this is to light the load. The arms are typically shortened in some cases, in others removed. A human shield "crew" can be put in the cockpit or a micronized Zentreadi crew is in the mecha. The human shield "crew" is stuck into a useless cockpit (controls smashed, lack of power, etc) and no functioning weapon systems. The Zentreadi crew WILL have a functioning cockpit and access to what ever weapons remain to act as a second crew member for the Regult.

The mecha is then secured by clamps or welding job (shown they can weld in animation) to the Regult human back to zentreadi front, no exacting standard positioning applies, meaning the mecha be "hung" lower or higher up, or even on its side. To add confusion, additional straps are done. A weld job is fixed until cut free, but the clamps (and straps) can be released at any time leaving the mecha shield behind (Zentreadi might have rigged it to explode as an IED).

A sensor and power feed connection might also be made so that the Regult can power certain designated systems on the human mecha, and also receive sensor data from said mecha as the mecha might positioned to be blocking the sensor eye (effort is made to avoid this). The Particle Beam Cannons typically retain movement, but the lower auto-cannons are blocked. If the Sensor Eye is damaged or blocked, they might splice in a sensor eye (or another human mecha's sensor head) into the top mounted laser spot.

The "Poacher" is slower than a typical Regult when it has a "poached" human mecha, reduce speed by half. It is possible to mount the "poach" on the back instead of the front, or even both (though this reduces speed considerably) though having two "poached" mecha is extremely rare.

Zentreadi Reguog Series IMU
-Glaug missing: cockpit, missile launchers, auto-cannons, 128mmm particle cannon
-Regult missing legs, can be any variety of regult from standard, artillery, or recon, other parts can also be missing (like PBCs, lasers, etc)

The Zentreadi Regoug Office Battlepod IMU is potentially more potent than a standard Glaug, and comes in a tleast 4 forms: standard, light and medium artillery, and electronic. Luckily the last three are more rare, but have been encountered at least twice according to official records during the malcontent period. Intelligence believes the Rgoug IMU was a Zentreadi attempt to rebuild Glaug Officer Pods that had the front section destroyed (ie the cockpit canopy, nose sensor, autocannons) by mounting a servicable, but legless Regult Battlepod, in its place. This though required sacrificing the top mounted 128mm particle cannon, which is usually re-purposed in other IMUs if it is still usable (reports exists of Male Power Armor using it in place of their shoulder cannon, and both Male and Female Power Armor have been encountered using it as "belt feed" rifle connected to the power armor, though these seem more common than the Regoug suggesting the designs might not be connected).

Due to the different approaches the Regult and Glaug use for crew embarkation, the Regult ends up not ideally placed for its sensor eye or weapons in some respects. The Zentreadi have to basic approaches, to put the Regult in slanted forward or backaward 30degrees. The forward slanted Regult has the weapons and sensor eye facing down and the cockpit opening upward, this restricts the field of view of the sensor eye and field of fire for any remaining torso weapons. The rearward slanted Regult has the weapons and eyes facing up, and the cockpit opening downward (pilots find this a bit awkward to close compared to regular operations or the forward slanted). Rearward slants are always used when working with the Artillery Regults if their missile launchers are being retained. In either case the pilots tend to find the cockpit positioning abit awkward (minor penalties to actions and skill checks that depend on orientation should always apply, unless the character wants to spend a skill for Elite Piloting of this IMU).

The Regult type generally dictates how the Reguog will be employed and its full name, for example when using a Quel-Regult for the "cockpit", the mecha will be more of a scout or electronic attacker and known as a Quel-Regoug. Or if using one of the artillery pods, the Regoug will act as artillery until the missiles are spent then switch to the standard Glaug/Regult use. The IMU is rare during the malcontent period, though some human-size users (human bandits/guerrilla/independent-states and/or micronized Zentreadi) of Zentreadi hardware have been known to adapt the basic concept, but have a much easier time installing an alternate hatch allowing for a more "natural" positioning (these are known as [type] Regoug-Ms) of the cockpit, and includes additional work for the new hatch and micronized crew stations, but again is rare with only a few known users.

Zentreadi Regult-Rau IMU
-Regult Type (top mounted weapon system and sensor eye is optional as they will be removed/replaced)
-Zentreadi Power Armor 64mm Grenade Launcher (Male or Female PA in origin, they are the same system)
-Zentreadi Female Power Armor Backpack Thruster/Launcher package
-VF-1 Sensor Head

The Zentreadi Regault-Rau IMU is a mecha worthy of as much respect as a normal Zentreadi Female Power Armor, especially when in the hands of experts. An odd aspect of the design is that it doesn't look to "restore" a mecha to working status, but rather to "enhance" a functional working mecha according to Intelligence analysis from a raid on a Regault-Rau factory site by the UEDF. The work appears to be highly complex, possibly to complex for Zentreadi Malcontents to perform on their own without human assistance, it doesn't help that no known human group has attempted to duplicate the design until AFTER it's arrival and Zentreadi in the know aren't talking.

The Regault-Rau as previously mentioned starts with a functioning Regult Battlepod. Curiously the sensor eye has been removed and replaced with a 64mm grenade launcher from a Zentreadi Power Armor (both use the same type of launcher). The sensor eye functions having been replaced by the VF-1 sensor head mounted in place of the top mounted lasers (or missile launchers if it was an artillery unit previously). Sometimes an auxiliary sensor eye(s) (Zentreadi Regult variety) are mounted in place of one or both of the lower auto-cannons as they are rarely used by the Regult-Rau pilots (this provides a bonus on initiative and perception). UEDF Intelligence isn't sure if the secondary sensor eye is a feature exclusive to human-sized crews or not (human duplication efforts tend to favor this).

The thing that primarily gives the Regult-Rau IMU the heed for a healthy does of respect is that mounted on its back, is the Female Power Armor's two backpack thrusters and two of its missile launchers. The thrusts combined with the Regults own, and better aerodynamics allow it to fly at speeds equivalent to an FPA and be just as agile (dodge, auto-dodge, roll bonuses of the Regult are replaced by the FPA's, all other bonuses remain the same). This does come with a downside one that the UEDF Intelligence is unsure of, how the giant Zentreadi are able to enter the Regult-Rau as the normal cockpit door appears to be usable (GM Note, this is because it requires a giant size ground crew to secure the back assembly to the door, much like US Shuttle/ISS spacesuits require assistance to get into).

Another downside is that the Regult-Rau is as fuel hungry as a single Regult AND Female Power Armor combined, which has helped to limit its adoption by human forces who use Zentreadi hardware, and even its appeal among Zentreadi malcontents.

VF-1/9 Bluto Veritech IMU
1 VF-1 Chasis (minus: forearms, lower legs, and triple thruster backpack)
2 VFB-9 Beta Forearm/hands (includes the Blasters, wings have been removed)
2 VFB-9 Beta Lower Legs (complete w/Engines)
1 VFB-9 Beta Main Rear Engine (Leg Class)
2 VFB-9 EU-14s (found in upper leg stations, moved)
1 Disposable Bomb Rack sized to fit between the legs in F/G modes (drops away when transforming to Battloid)

One team of IMU engineers had recovered a totaled VF-1 that needed at minimum a partial limb transplant to be restored to operation use in 2042. They had also recovered one of the new (for Earth) UEEF Beta fighters that had crash landed on Earth with the 21st MD, but had nearly bifurcated itself after flipping over in the crash (it destroyed the cockpit and most of the centerline features, just missing the main engine). The remains of the Beta could be used to "restore" the VF-1 back to life (and unknowingly duplicated the heavily classified Vindicator* proposal from 2022), though the size of the limbs was barely within established guidelines to be viable (per guidelines in the book w/n 6ft).

The forearm/hand and lower leg limbs where installed to complete the VF-1 limbs. Transformation was retained, but took a different path. In the VF-1/9 Bluto, the arms fold up like on the VF-8 Logan or VFB-7/9 Beta Veritech Fighters because the Beta forearms can not fit into the normal VF-1 arm storage position, this means the arms are in the VF-1's "guardian" position, even in Fighter mode (though here the arms sweep back as previously indicated). The legs retain their VF-1 transformation, but combined with the outside position of the arms, the limbs link-up as on the Beta. The engineers have removed the wings from the Beta's forearms (in the initial build this was due to the breakage of one of the wings). This has required software patch to alter the transformation sequence, and additional software patches to integrate the new weapon systems, and to address performance issues from the new engine setup.

While initial projections indicated the VF-1/9 would not need the thrust from the centerline Beta engine, the IMU engineers decided to try and work it in anyway by removing the backpack assembly of the VF-1. This has given the VF-1/9 twice as much thrust as any standard/official unaugmented VF-1 (some pilots "tune" their machines for better performance), and a net increase in speed in all modes OVER the VF-1 by 50% due to the combination of raw thrust and improved aerodynamics, it would have been even more if the Beta parts used did not increase the dry mass to nearly that of the Beta itself.

The engineers did everything they could to capitalize on the VFB-9 weapon system that had survived the crash landing. The VF-1/9 retains the forearm Pulse Cannons in the arms, and the two EU-14s in the leg intakes have been moved into "blisters" on the bottom of the legs that can only fire in jet and guardian modes. The engineers installed the two MM-20/16 bins in place of VF-1 Fast Pack Dorsal Booster assemblies, though the MM-20s have been modified to act as a reload bin for MM-16 since they can not open properly in any mode, but the MM-16s can fire in all modes.

The VF-1/9 doesn't carry a gunpod, and the resulting cavity form the movement of the arms has resulted in the addition of a "disposable" bomb rack that is ejected when the mecha transforms to Battloid mode. This was necessary for transformation to occur, and the only place the IMU engineers could mount some of the surviving bomb load (the UEEF proposal featured a "bulge" that allowed the ordnance to be carried internally through transformation).

The design was not very common among IMUs as the Beta was not that common an element in the 21st MD and later forces coupled with the dwindling supply of VF-1s to use.

*The Vindicator proposal is an optional fan-invention that was to capitalize on as much VF-X-7 technology mated to the basic VF-1 design to produce a replacement for the various UEDF/UEEF Veritech Fighters, including VF-1R (then standard), the VFA-6 Alpha (in development), the Conbat conventional fighter (which the Beta & Condor Programs where to replace), and the silver bullet VF-4s force (VF-X-4 did not result in a mass production design, but text leaves room for a limited production run like the U-2/SR-71/F-117). However the program was canceled for political reasons.

VF-1/5C Anvil IMU Veritech
1 VF-1 Torso/Head assembly
2 MBR-12 Condor Battloid Legs
2 MBR-12 Condor Battloid Arms
1 MM-42 Missile Launcher from the MBR-12
1 EXTRA MM-42 Left Arm station launcher fom the MBR-12 (Optional)
salvaged parts from the VF-1 for arm/leg transformation (w/o these it is just the VFNB-1/0C, a non-transformable IMU Battloid)
2 Logan Tri-Cannons or VHT Tri-Cannons (optional)
1 VF-1 Leg/Engine (w/intake, Optional)
2 VBF-9 Leg Engines (post 2042 option/retrofit)
2 VF-1 Fast Pack Thruster and Missile Pack (the arm/leg components are not compatible, though this section is as long as the optional VF-1 Leg/Engine is not used)

While visually one could describe the VF-1/5C Anvil IMU Veritech as a VF-1 with a VFA-6 limbs, that would not be far from the truth, except the Alpha limbs are much to small to fit (per guidelines must be w/n 6ft). Appearing as early as 2031 on Earth (and even earlier in space in the late 2020s by UEEF/Pioneer mission "unofficially" to keep their "VF-1s" flying*), the VF-1/5C Anvil IMU is an amazing machine, offering a blend of the best characteristics of the smaller Alpha and the larger VF-1 (in space political forces kept this design as "unofficial").

At its core the VF-1/5C Anvil Veritech (and its sister VFNB-1/5C2 non-transformable battloid) IMU, is a VF-1 that is missing multiple limbs (usually at least one leg). However, regardless of how many VF-1 limbs remain with the wrecked VF-1, only the head is retained (and even here it might swapped out if one isn't available to restore it, though this likely will result in the non-transformable version). The arms and legs having been restored by MBR-12 Condor battloid limbs.

Officially the MBR-12 Condor Battloid started out as a Veritech Fighter prototype, but was canceled and morphed into a non-trasnformable Battloid. It is this fact that allowed the IMU engineers, and the basically identical sized limbs (per 2E RPG as they are the same height), to retain transformation for the core VF-1** if suitable replacement parts could be installed. These usually came from maintenance stockpiles or salvaged form trashed limbs for these sub-component level parts. For the transformation to work, some coding patches had to be developed to allow the mecha to properly transform. Forearm hardpoints where also retrofitted for the GU-11, or another VF capable gunpod (the Condor's EU-12 is almost never retained for VF operations, though is surprising popular with the VFNB-1/0C2 users). The only other alteration to the limbs, are that the "feet" drop the "slipper" look, which helps facilitate transformation (VFNB-1/5C2s generally don't do this, one of the few ways to easily distinguish between the two Avil IMUs).

The MBR-12's MM-42 launcher system is retained, though usually is expanded to add a "right forearm launcher" by using surplus left forearm launcher parts if they are available. This results in a 42 SRM payload (52 with the right arm expansion), but it can also be switched to allow a larger volume of mini-missiles to be carried (right arm expansion is how many over baseline?). The VF-1s head weapon systems have been retained (though may be modified depending on parts availability), along with the wing hardpoints and gunpod.

Sometimes the VF-X-5 origin forearm engines are replaced with the tri-cannons (usually from salaved VF-8's LPW-20 or VHT's MIW-20 as they are "pre-packaged" for an easy fit, unlike some other options that require work). This is an optional feature, more popular with the non-transformable battloid crowd than the VF crowd. In the 2030s it was not unheard of to replace these engine with VFA-6 forearm engines for added thrust in fighter mode, though short of major work for an air-intake setup, are exclusively rocket boosters and only used for short bursts of added thrust.

The Condor's leg engines make suitable replacements for the VF-1 leg engines, though they only deliver about 70% (VF-1) baseline power (reduce VF-1 speeds accordingly). The legs have also been "restored" to "modified" VF-X-5 design for the air-intakes (or use of VF-1 upper leg/intakes). As Condor Engine components became harder to acquire, and with the introduction of the Beta some Anvil's might receive Beta leg engines that have been modified to fit into the smaller housing, while the modifications reduced output power from the baseline Beta engine, the result is still a 50% increase over the VF-1 baseline engines (increase all flight mode speeds), though some engineers and pilots have been able to push this to nearly 75%.

To counter the early versions reduced thrust and even into Beta engined version engineers had two mutually exclusive options: baseline VF-1 Fastpacks from the dorsal/back booster system (does increase atmospheric drag, so is generally avoided unless extra heavy firepower is needed or operating in space). The second option is a heavily modified VF-1 leg/thruster assembly, complete with intakes, that is mounted IN PLACE of the baseline triple thruster backpack. This gives an additional 50% increase in available thrust (and speed), though is very fuel intensive.

*NOTE: I can see the VF-1/5C Anvil IMU as a UEEF standard model for the VF-1s in their service, though the history will change the basic design won't.

**I see the VF-1/5C transforming one of two ways, one is identical to the VF-1 (which is what is assumed here). However if you are concerned about enough space for the arms in fighter mode have the arms lock on the outside of the legs (like the VF-8 Logan and VFB-7/9 Betas). This second option does open up the possibility of an undercarriage station for a gunpod or other weapons rack that would have to be cleared to transform to battloid mode.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by sanka »


This is way to much fun, I like this sort of thing a lot... This makes the RPG for me....
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

Gotta love the Bluto reference..... :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

‘Heikki Lunta’ IMU
*M2200 Janissary IFV
*Forward Fuselage, Commanchero Attack Helicopter
*Arm and Shoulder Asemblies, VF/A Alpha Fighter
*Assorted Linkages/Actuators/Sub-Assemblies, Salamander Battloid
*Various armor scraps
Some argue that this creation, kludged together by a remote polar garrison, doesn’t count as a proper IMU, but try telling that to its creators, the technicians of Ice Guard. The ‘ Heikki Lunta’ was assembled together from surplus parts laying about the garrison base, with the basis being a centauroid configuration of a Commanchero fuselage mounted on a Salamander waist turntable installed atop a Janissary hull. The nose guns of the Commanchero were retained, and extra armor(mainly pieces of scavenged Regult found littering the northern wastes) applied to the hull and cockpit. Spare Salamander shoulder blocs were installed just behind the cockpit, and used to mount two VF/A arm assemblies.
The VF/A arms were a windfall found by Ice Guard while scrounging the abandoned base of a rival unit(the 1st North Wing), where they found a stockpile of VF/A-5 spare parts. These parts were actually part of the parallel VF/A development program continued by the UEG on Earth after the Pioneer/SDF-3 expedition left with the majority of the research group. Work continued on Earth in a desultory fashion and a satisfactorily-working VF/A variant, known as the VF/A-5C ‘Redhawk’ (or ‘Redtail’) was finalized for production, but thanks largely to politics the Southern Cross had already favored the Logan and Ajax designs, and the VF/A-5C was produced in much smaller numbers and saw less extent deployment(most notably offworld garrisons such as the Mars colonies), and continued development, with funding cuts to the program, shifted to non-veritech and drone versions of the airframe. The lack of complete VF/A-5s at the North Wing base suggested to the Ice Guard repo crews that the North Wing complement had pulled out and redeployed elsewhere and did not have time or wherewithall to pull out their logistical support, or else were expecting to return. Having acquired a large inventory of spare parts for a mecha type that they did not (yet) operate, Ice Guard engineers experimented to applying the newer technologies and components to their own gear. The shoulder and forearm missile launchers gave the IMU added firepower, and with the need for transformation not an issue, the IG techs used the space in the forearms normally used to house transformation components to install additional forearm weaponry, typically .50 caliber machine guns or capacitor-powered energy weapons put together from heavy infantry or power armor weaponry.
Though derided by later arrivals to the Ice Guard region as a ‘hopped-up TCH-4’ and of dubious value against the faster-moving Invid, the handful of ‘Heikki Lunta’ ‘armed tractors’ were used mainly as airfield security vehicles, salvage tractors(the arms coming in particularly handy) and training platforms. Though they saw little action against Invid raiders, the type did see extensive action against various Genesis Pit-spawned mutants roaming the north polar regions, attacking settlements there.

‘Jack Frost’ IMU
*Arm and Shoulder Asemblies, VF/A Alpha Fighter
* Torso, Head, and Legs, Salamander Battloid
* Jump Thruster Assembly, Regult Battlepod
*Various armor scraps
The ‘Jack Frost’ was a much simpler and straighforward ‘proper’ Ice Guard IMU meant to address the mobility and versatility issues of the ‘Heikki Lunta’. The ‘Jack Frost’ mounted modified VF/A-5 arm assemblies on the shoulder blocs of Ice Guard Salamander Battloids, increasing the mechas’ missile armaments and adding forearm guns. Other changes, based on IG’s successful CBH-4IG Yeti conversion kit, included larger footpads for reduced ground pressure on snow and ice, and added insulation and joint-sealing against arctic cold.
Though initial JF conversions were basically arm replacement jobs, many individual examples also saw modification with a more powerful second-hand thruster scavenged off a Regult battlepod installed on the back(these models were nicknamed ‘jet turtles’ due to disparities in size between the large Zentraedi mecha components and the smaller ASC-designed battloids). The increased mobility afforded by the more powerful thrusters was offset by a tendency, at least in the early modifications, of incompatibilites between the two different robotechnologies leading to circuity overheats, blown fuse connections, and mistimed thruster ignition sequences(the thruster either cutting out too early or remaining firing too long). IG technicians eventually solved these problems, but not before some spectacular accidents(including one JF with a stuck open-throttle thruster ‘pogoing’ it across the landscape).
Produced in greater numbers than the earlier ‘Heikki Lunta’(the argument finally having gotten through that mecha parts were best utilized for proper mecha), ‘Jack Frosts’ saw much more action against Invid and later Haydonite opponents. Southern Cross veterans assigned to JFs bemoaned the lack of arm shields on the Salamander conversions, but appreciated the extra long range missile power available to them(although this became a headache for logistics, trying to acquire and maintain missile stocks ahead of missile-spam-happy pilots and panicked novices expending their payloads in one or two big salvoes). The JF conversion was one of the few Ice Guard developments that did not remain exclusive to the IG, and examples were sold to, or copied by, outside groups fighting the Invid. The increasing presence of the returned UEEF and offworld forces, though, meant that salvageable VF/A components were increasingly reserved for repairing the greater number of available Alpha Fighters, rather than being diverted to kitbashing the diminishing numbers of Southern Cross mecha kept running, and ‘Jack Frost’ conversions thus saw only a short production run.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

Yeah, I can also see a number of 'shoulder gun' kits for the terrestrial battloids using guns from older fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter types in an attempt to up their available firepower.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

The Wampa IMU
-3 M-70 Kodiak APC Ram Prow (1 is required, 3 is ideal) or M2205 Dozzer Blades from the ASC's Janissary)
-M-70 Kodiak or ATT-30 or ATT-40 Chasis or M-10 Hover Truck
-1 ASC SRB-9 Satyr battloid spikes launchers, with arm and shoulder (due to modularity, this part can be any ASC nt-Battloid)
-1 Vido camera system and a display
-salvaged battloid controls for the arm
-ASC battloid operations computer (to control the arm)

The Wampa IMU was created during the Invid Occupation in an attempt to utilize the concept of a "Demolition Debry" to engage various conventional ground human forces by human forces, be they bandit/raider, sympathizer, or freedom fighter, and with very limited success against Invid/flying mecha forces. 'Cycle type vehicles find this unit to be particularly dangerous owing to the heavier size of the Wampa.

It typically starts with the chassis of an M-70 Kodiak (ATT-30, ATT-40, and M-10 Hover trucks are also commonly used). Regardless of the chassis available, it is strengthened by adding additional armor (increase MDC by 25%) and the "rear bed" is emptied of any weapon systems (like the MM-20 on the Kodiak or the 60mm rocket system for the ATT-30/40) or other hardware in the rear bed the vehicle might have here to make room for "specialized hardware". The front/cab area is typically unaltered in so far as standard equipment.

The Wampa sports anywhere from one to three M-70 Kodiak Ram prows (or substituted M2205 or similar Dozzer Blades), one is always mounted on the front of the vehicle (same damage as the M-70/M2205), and if available others are mounted singly to either side of the bed for "sideswipe" maneuvers (half damage from the M-70 front). It is this flexibility with "ramming" that makes it so deadly in a "demolition derby" mode, because it can ram you head on, or sideswipe you (normally you'd take damage from this maneuver, but the ram prow prevents it).

An added twist to avoid "expensive" weapons (like missiles, cannons, machineguns, or beam weapons) involved the installation of a salvaged SRB-9 arm into a "turret weapon" carried in the bed (this takes up the bulk of the bed, the ram prow/dozer blades don't take up that much space). The full range turret is made possible by the use of an ASC nt-Battloid's "shoulder" connector in the torso, it has been slightly modified to allow full 360degree swings. The SRB-9 was chosen to be able to use its Spike Launchers, which gives it a 150ft of 10ton strength cable for it to harpoon and drag unlikely targets around. A fairly useful tactic against conventional ground vehicles, but one of limited value against flyers and more traditional mecha designs.

It is not uncommon either for the SRB-9 arm to be further modified by removing its grasping hand and hardware and replacing it with a conventional weapon. The Arm also sports a camera system to help the "gunner" more accurately aim from inside the protection of the vehicle's cab, where a simplified battloid arm "cockpit" has been added (controls for the arm and associated system). There is no standard camera, and the extra nt-battloid hardware can come from other units, not just the SRB-9 owing to the compatibly of parts between ASC nt-Battloids (per text).

Crasher VHT IMU
-x1 VHT chasis (-1 or -2) with legs (arms are optional, though typically this is only done if the arm shields are gone)
-x1-3 M2205 Dozzer Blades (ASC Janissary) or M-70 Kodiak (NG SB) Ram Prows
-1 or 2 ASC SRB-9 Satyr Battloid Arms, complete with spike launchers (optional)

The Crasher VHT-1DD and VHT-2DD IMUs are functionally identical in principles they attempt to exploit and use, the main difference is the implementation and has its origins during the 2RW that has been carried over into the Invid Occupation to engage ground mecha and conventional ground vehilces in a demolition derby mode of attack.

Initially conceived during the 2RW by a VHT-1 unit as a "breakaway" and "first strike" system to engage Tirolian ground forces (dismounted Bioroids), it simply mounted a single "surplus" M2205 Janissary Combat Engineering Vehicle Dozer Blade to the front of the unit's VHTs for ramming attacks on the dismounted Bioroids (and other non-giant mecha forces they encountered*). The Blades where designed to breakaway for transformation, but could be reused later (it could not be easily hooked up in mid-battle). Bioroid pilots due to the control system are particularly vulnerable to this method of attack** that will stun the pilot even if it doesn't completely disable the mecha.

During the Invid occupation of Earth, resistance units and turncoats (with Mecha privileges) would sometimes turn to this concept for a "Crasher" VHT in various forms using either M-70 Kodiak Ram prows or M2205 Janissary Dozer Blades. Those VHTs with transformation capability would see limited alterations so as not to effect transformation, and produced "Basic Crashers" similar to the 2RW inspiration, and sometimes "Enhanced Crashers" that features one or two additional "side" blades mounted to the "upper leg" (rear in hovercraft mode) that would also drop away like the front end. The arm shield weapon packages might be further customized depending on available parts and state of the original mecha.

"Heavy Crashers" as they are known, are nearly always mode-limited VHTs (hovercraft mode, may also be capable of transforming to gladiator/guardian mode). The ram prow/dozer blades are not made to be "dropped" when/if it transforms into its intermediate form as it can no longer transform to Battloid mode. In its "robot mode" it is capable of engaging in "melee" combat with kicks and such (see Episode "Half Moon" for example), but its true strength as a combatant lies in its hovercraft mode.

As the VHT doesn't deloy arms in it's intermediate form, the IMU engineers had a lot more options in what they could use for parts as the limbs are "fixed" in the same position between hovercraft and gladiator/guardian mode. They could essentially install "traditional" weapon systems in place of the missing arms (gunpods, missile pods, etc), or even ASC nt-battloid arms "hollowing out" the inside of arms to contain weapons. A favorite was to use Satyr Battloid arms to snare and then drag light targets by use of the spike launchers, but also packing a bit of firepower inside the hollowed out arms. A few have even been known to install "boosters" in (or on) both replacement arms (required for this to work to avoid asymmetric thrust) for added acceleration.

As the occupation went on "Heavy" became more common Crasher standard as getting parts to maintain transformation was becoming increasingly difficult without being able to manufacture new parts. All of the Crasher types are very effective against conventional ground vehicles when they can get in range, and even non-flight capable mecha. Where they are shown to have a weakness is against fliers as those targets can avoid getting close and personal much easier, which usually means setting an ambush to take them by surprise when the land to investigate.

*The Masters do have conventional infantry deployed late in the war, which suggests they might have conventional infantry support vehicles beyond just the ones the shipboard security forces are shown to use.

**Dana did clothesline a Green Bioroid in "The Trap", and seemed to daze Zor's Red Bioroid in "Half Moon" by both melee (kicking him off and had plenty of time to look and talk to Bowie before getting up) and with a shot to the head from the gunpod that knocked him into the ship's hull before collapsing) and it seemed to take its toll on ZP as he seemed to move much slower as a result of these hits for a bit

Dragon Battloid IMU
1-3 VFB-9 Beta main engines
4 Fighter Intakes (preferably ones with shape shifting ducting in mind like on the VF-1)
1 Large-caliber Battloid frame (in the size range of a VF-1, Condor or Beta, nothing smaller is viable)

The Dragon Battloid IMU is potentially one of the most dangerous mecha to take into combat, not only for those facing it, but also those who pilot it and owes its origins about a reported incident involving a VFB-9 Beta taking off and an Invid Shock Trooper standing to close and being imolated by the engine exhaust (incident is from the episode "Enter Marlene"). Few took the report seriously or a fluke, but a team of IMU engineers did some testing to determine the authenticity, before going ahead with creating a mecha to exploit it as Invid seemed to like to get up-close with those claws.

The initial Dragon Battloid used a surplus Condor Battloid the IMU engineers had been using for parts, the basic frame was still present, but it needed a lot of work to restore it to minimal status. The legs where mostly intact, and it didn't take much to restore them. The arms had been cannibalized long ago, and had to be replaced with a pair of UEDF MBR-07 Spartan arms (sorry no MDS-L-12s), this meant a reduction in strength for the mecha on several fronts (reduced MM-42 count, reduced Robotic PS). Each of the "intake" shoulder/chest housing of the Condor was emptied, and in its place was reverse mounted a VFB-9 leg engine (thrust exhausts to front not rear), with an intake installed on the rear of the unit initially (later modified with a ducted intake to scoop forward air mounted below the engine). A third engine was mounted below the "snout" of the Condor, with two side blister intakes mounted, in a similar fashion.

It is those oddly mounted engines that help give Dragon Battloid its name, for in close range combat the mecha will "breathe fire" capable of destroying an Invid Shock Trooper mecha in short order (1 melee action time frame on a good dice roll*), and is believed capable of taking down the next hightest class Invid mecha (Enforcer), though not the "turncoat" Battloids (Invid Commander and Overlord). The attack does have one side effect in that IT WILL send the mecha flying off in the opposite direction, and even an expectant and experienced pilot still needs time to recover and stabilize the mecha (1-3 actions, plus piloting check, the easier they make it the quicker they recover). Which is to be expected really given the three engines have to be able to push a fully loaded Beta and Alpha (~52 metric tons), the positioning of the engines, and the Dragon's weight is similar to the Alpha all combine to make send the unit tumbling.

The Dragon Battloid is rare, and usually when encountered does not sport all 3 "fire breathing heads" (if only 1 just the centerline, if 2 just the shoulder intake positions). Some additional flavor or customization might also exist with this IMU, and the number of "fire breathing heads" determines if it is just a regular (1), two headed (2) or three headed (3) Dragon. The unit as stated is rare, mostly because the large mecha that can easily support the hardware are not that common during the Invid Occupation. A few incidents of smaller mecha in this configuration have been reported, but they do not seem as effective.

Invid mecha are a bit leery of engaging a Dragon Battloid IMU, and when they do they attempt to stay away from the front angle once they realize what it is they are dealing with.

*Several Notes here:
-while the game mechanics don't cover this form of attack in the animation the three engines from the Beta piloted by Rand in "Enter Marlene" episode are responsible for the destruction of an Invid Shock Trooper mecha. This would require each engine to effectively be equivalent to a short-range plasma warhead missile for damage (for simplicity) and reach, though a medium range missile might also work for reach since the mecha was thrown away from the Beta before it started to explode in sections. One could also par it down to a Mini-Missile for damage with one of the other missile types for radius/reach and assume Rand score a critical hit
-the closest equivalent type attack to this is when Rick's VF-1J fired its foot thrusters at Breetai ("First Contact", IINM), but it did not have the same effect. It could be the VF-1's thrust isn't as hot as the Beta's, it could also be Rick just didn't use enough thrust, etc, so that would be something to keep in mind if creating something with a similar theme but more readily available parts in the NG-era.

taalismann wrote:Yeah, I can also see a number of 'shoulder gun' kits for the terrestrial battloids using guns from older fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter types in an attempt to up their available firepower.

Interestingly the IMU write up mentions the ASC battloid arms as being modular and easily interchangeable in the NG SB, which has me wondering if there are additional modular arm attachments for the Battloids to turn them into "light" and/or "medium" class destroids.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

When all else fails, ram the bastards.
It may not be effective, but it really sez how much you hate them....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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taalismn wrote:When all else fails, ram the bastards.
It may not be effective, but it really sez how much you hate them....

I don't know about effectiveness, but I looked at the damage the attacks do in the books for the Ram Prow and Dozer Blade from the parts list, it's like a mini-missile (or better).

Actually it could say a bunch of things like "you're not worth the ammo", or "I don't have the ammo to deal with you", or "lets have some 'fun'", etc.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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ShadowLogan wrote:[

Actually it could say a bunch of things like "you're not worth the ammo", or "I don't have the ammo to deal with you", or "lets have some 'fun'", etc.

"I can take you apart at my leisure, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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Odonata Battloid IMU
-4 VFA-6 Alpha Forearms with working engines
-1 VFH-10 AGAC in Battloid Mode for the Core Body
-2 VFH-10 AGAC or VFA-6 Arms sized limbs
-2 VHF-10 AGAC or VFA-6 Legs sized limbs

The initial Odonata Battloid IMU was constructed for a micronized Zentreadi Female Power Armor pilot who had startd the Invid occupation off with a new VFH-10 AGAC outfitted with twin IWS-40 blasters, however Invid attrition worked the mecha down to a Battloid only mecha with flight capabilities, before losing flight capabilities and a leg before AGAC replacement parts started to become harder to procure.

It was this AGAC would form the core of the Odonata Battloid, though alternate forms also appeared using other ASC Battloids at the core. Two VFA-6 Alpha legs where available, so the techs replaced both legs on the AGAC, this gave the AGAC an extra 24 SRMs. This helped restore basic flight capability for the Odonata, but the AGAC derived some of its mobility from thrusters in the helicopter blades, blades which had been totaled in the engagement that had also resulted in the loss of a leg. A semi-working AJP-01 had been acquired ages ago, but sat in the back of the engineer bay and the techs attempted to use that system to restore the AGAC's blades to an operational condition, but the result was less than encouraging as the engines on the AJP-01 where conventional chemical thrusters and not up to the task of handling the AGAC's fusion derived system (the techs actually burned out one engine during testing). This required a revaluation of the situation.

That revaluation resulted in more of the AJP-01's backpack frame systems being scraped in actual fact, but it lived on in spirit. They removed the winglets/blades and turned them into the skeletal equivalent of an VFA-6 Alpha's elbow joint and tied into the AGAC's propulsion system. On one end of the joint was the AGAC's back where the blades used to be "locked down" in battloid mode, and on the other end was mounted a VFA-6 Alpha forearm that was "locked" into its fighter mode configuration (after removing the hand). Each engine block had a decent range of motion as equal to the AJP-01, which meant the engines could be rotated directly back, "spread eagle", or any thing in between or combination there of. The combined thrust for the four engines (and legs) gave it a top flying speed equal to the UEEF Bioroid Interceptor, and increased the agility of the mecha in flight operations over the baseline (which is to be expected when you replace a maneuvering class thruster with a main propulsion class thruster) to an estimated 300% value, though inexperienced pilots with this type of vehicle find it difficult to control until they have over 48 hours of operational flight time in, but even those with applicable experience still find they need some acclimation time (2d4 hours for Alpha/Beta Pilots and Zentreadi Female Power Armor pilots, AGAC and Logan pilots need twice this). The flight speed of the mecha could be increased further with the AGAC's forearm boosters (if present), though was only good for short dash runs.

The Alpha forearms also gave the AGAC an additional 40 Short Range Missiles at its disposal, though in order to fire them the launchers will assume a spread eagle position (equivalent to the baseline AGAC helicopter blade position in battloid mode) to avoid fraticide. The missile trajectories have them leaving directly behind the Odonata before vectoring off toward the target (akin to the Zentreadi Female Power Armor or Invid Commander Battloid.

The added missiles from the Alpha parts in additional to the AGACs native missiles mounted on outboard shoulder racks, helped alleviate one of the biggest weakness in the AGAC design: its gun range (1800ft for its BFGs vs 4000ft standard for Invid mecha). But it wasn't a perfect solution. Resistance units that used the IWS-40 and other ASC equipment where always looking for options to extend the range on their mecha guns, and the Odonata was no exception. The task of finding a replacement was also difficult because the AGAC's arms aren't natively setup to handle a gunpod because of the way the IWS-40s are mounted. This meant removing the IWS-40 and its tie into the reactor for a hand-held gunpod.

The initial Odonata results where encouraging and resulted in several knockoffs of the concept, usually replacing the AGAC core with another ASC Battloid or VFA-6 Alpha (mode locked), records even exist of a few re-purposed Bioroids. These non-AGAC versions use the AJP-01 in their construction, and tend to be "detachable", to provide a way to easily connect the Alpha forearm engines. All of the knockoffs tend to use limbs in their size range (Alpha and AGAC are in the same size range, Bioroids and ASC Battloids are also in their own size category). Odonatas types are distinguished by the core unit, so an Odonata AGAC refers to an Odonata at its core, and an Odonata Cyclops would refer to the use of Cyclops battloid.

-1 ASC Power Armor
-1 VF-8 Logan
-1 AJP-01 or OMS-2 connection hardware
-1 VF-1R LAC-20 Autonomous Operation Software & Hardware OR APR-4 Golem AI system or Similar System (Optional)

The IPARU (short for Increased Power Armor Response Unit) IMU is a Southern Cross IMU created in the Second Robotech War by the Space Forces to increase the capabilities of the HOPSI-5 Manticore Power Armor suit that had been pressed into service as "fighter stand-ins" to repel Bioroids on their hoversleds. While the Manticore had some space flight capability, it was not an ideal unit for engaging in dog-fights with faster mecha like the Bioroid Hoversleds like the Logan and AGACs where.

Several ideas had been floated about, such as adapting the OMS-2 or AJP-01 that where used for heavier mecha that where projected to be much faster (estimate 10x in space) and more agile due to the Manticore's relative super light mass and being half-sized. Another was to take surplus Logans that where already deployed in space, but "mothballed" to make room for the AGAC until they could be returned to Earth, and modify them to act as booster modules like the VFB-X-7 was to have done for the VFA-X-6 before being shelved. What is presented here is the booster idea.

It started with a stock Logan (very usual for IMU builds) and had their forward nose section (the nose gun, cockpit, front landing gear etc). In its place was installed surplus connection hardware taken from VHT OMS-2 add-on. Receiving units for are also installed on the back of the Manticore allowing the two units to connect and separate at will. Initial design had the larger mecha's limbs (arms and legs both) "shadow" the power armor for movement right down to the operation of the hand-held gunpod (typically does not fire the M-57 and E-20 simultaneously). The Logan's more powerful thrusters give the unit added agility (all its special bonuses apply, but MECT is still Manticore) and option for greater speed due to fighter mode (as in the vacuum of space the aerodynamics don't matter).

Late in the orbital conflict the engineers where able to mount "salvaged" AGAC parts to the IPARU, usually an AGAC's forearm blaster and or two of its booster modules found on its arms (as the IMU is much lighter than the AGAC it should deliver be able to boost the speed ~50% more and twice as long as it does for the AGAC). Attempts where also made to free up the pilot by use of surplus "AI" hardware to at least control some of the Logan's functions (allowing it to target independent of the pilot) to provide more of an impact.

Controlling the rig from the beginning was tricky. Technicians had managed to come up with a software patch to allow the two mechas flight input controls to be compatible for the most part, but some functions just could not be done this way. Voice control was proposed, but struck down as to unreliable. This resulted in a fragile "arm rest" controller being installed, due to the fragility minor functions where put to the controller: transformation, missile control (toggle really for Manticore's head ion cannons), and (if present) the AI "secondary operator". The arm rest as said is fragile, but most cases of it breaking are from operator error (push to hard and break the controls since originally they were not intended for a Robotic PS operator) rather than battle damage.

During the Invid Occupation the IPARU concept was duplicated by IMU engineers working for the resistance (and had knowledge of said system). Unlike the ASC Space Corps, they could not be as selective in their builds all across the board. Though they tended to follow the concept of the IPARU using any ASC Power Armor (and UEEF sized units late in the occupation) in place of the Manticore. The Logan booster was found to also work conceptually with a VF-1 or VFA-6 Alpha stand-in (these are actually preferred) and the OMS-2 could be substituted with AJP-01 connection hardware or even the VF-1/VFA-6 escape capsule. The AI secondary wasn't common, but was seen to be done with the VF-1R's LAC-20 or APR-4 Golem AI's most commonly when it was done. The major difference between the IPARU's of the 3rd Robotech War resistance and 2nd Robotech War ASC Space Forces was that the resistance found it best to mode lock the mecha into guardian mode due to high speed atmospheric forces acting on the power armor in fighter mode and the availability/fragility of "arm rest" controller.

Self-Contained Networked Battloid Shooter IMU (more commonly known as the NBS-# Hive Battloid IMU
-1 VFA-6 Alpha (stuck in battloid mode, Z is the preferred model)
-1 VFA-6H Cockpit/Nose Section, with head (another Alpha model is possible, but will require the -6H's Command Networking system, a VF-1S can also be substituted)
-1 ASC Power Armor level (or better) power generation system
-1 VFA-6 spare arm (or just about any battloid arm will do), the Alpha's MM-60 launchers are not needed (if available they are removed)
-additional customizations are also possible

The Networked Battloid Shooter IMU is less a specific IMU design, and more of an operation IMU concept so the parts list is morphable in exact options, but those options are always geared toward the concept of creating a self-contained networked battloid. What follows is a likely a best case scenario setup.

The Self-Contained Networked Battloid Shooter IMU, also known as the HIVE Battloid and Borg Battloid among other more offensive names, is built to exploit with the primary goal of confusing technically advanced "aggressors" versed in Electronic Warfare on how many mecha where actually approaching, but was also found to have a secondary benefit when a Command Networking system was accidentally used in older cousin to the IMU Battloid.

The most successful combination of parts for the Self-Contained Networked Battloid Shooter occurred during the Invid Occupation and started with an Alpha stuck in Battloid mode (Z model) due to damage and lack of parts. The team that built it was hoping to acquire the parts to restore functionality to standard from a wrecked Alpha they had acquired. Unfortunately the wrecked Alpha was in even worse shape than they had been lead to believe, and it was determined it was hardly worth the effort to cannibalize the wreck for the stuck Alpha. They did determine they could rebuild the stuck Alpha into a self-contained Networked Battloid Shooter IMU and got to work.

On to one of the back mounted wings, the techs installed a surplus battloid arm. The arm has limited mobility and is only able to "jab" like a Rock'em Sock'em Robot. This movement range is enough though as it moves the forearm and its package far enough away to properly function. The package mounted to the forearm is an VF escape capsule (like the VF-1 and Alpha have) and under carriage mounted head module. The pilot and controls for the capsule have basically been stripped out to make way for an independent power system that is capable of powering the avionics in the cockpit, which includes any sensors and a Command Networking package.

The arm's package is intended to be as independent as possible, so that the Battloid proper and the "package" can communicate as if networked (game mechanic bonuses apply). Though the battloid can send a remote physical connection (not wireless so it can't be "hacked" as easily) for it to shut down or start up. The "package" and the battloid's own sensors, both being active and situated so close can appear as a more threatening target on radar (especially passive as they are being targeted by two radars). The two sections also exchange data, which allows the systems to function as if they are two separate mecha being synchronized and sharing sensor information (otherwise I wouldn't see why the UEEF/UEDF wouldn't just distribute the CNS to every mecha to improve its effectiveness).
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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Ewwww...Logan jetpack........ 8) 8) 8)
Like a SuperSAMAS upgrade.
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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Pogo-Salmon IMU Vehicle
Parts List:
-1 VF-1/6 Escape Capsule
-2 VFA-6 Arm assemblies
-1 VFA-6/Condor Upper Arm with Optional Missile System (recommended)
-2 VFA-6 Shoulder joints (taken from intake structure)
-2 VF-8 Logan Wings

An odd IMU vehicle if there ever was one, the Pogo-Salmon aircraft, but of a rather rare and unique type given how few tail-sitter aircraft there have been in recorded history. This means the fighter can land in some pretty tight areas, but it can also make it more difficult to conceal due to the height of the IMU when parked. The VTOL "mode" exhaust is of the "hot" variety, and can cause issues (melting, debris flying, etc) on the launch or recovery phase on the landing spot. Like the mid 20th century tail-sitters, the design requires an expert pilot to handle the unit effectively (though isn't that true of anything).

The core section of the Pogo-Salmon is an VFA-6 Nose section/escape capsule, the head module may or may not be retained (if it is, some effort goes into making it useful as the Alpha's head weapons face rear ward in fighter/guardian mode). The cockpit module is heavily modified to include the limb joints from the upper chest/shoulder intake modules, one to either side of the cockpit, the joints are fully functional as Alpha arm assemblies have been attached to them. The escape capsule's docking connector is removed and replaced with the upper arm assembly from a Condor Battloid connecting the parts at the elbow (with movement capability to bend giving it a degree of aiming freedom, an Alpha arm of this nature is a viable substitute).

The two Alpha arm engines have been modified to run off of PC canisters (4 per, endurance is the same as an Alpha under heavy load) and even though it only has two Alpha engines, the unit moves like a bat out of hell relatively speaking (due to its lighter mass it can match a normal Alpha, IMU engineers think that with a little bit of work it could be even better). Logan wings have also been retro fitted to the arms for flight operation, though the unit relies primarily upon the power of the two engines to maneuver. The arms retain the ability to transform (the wings fold up like on a Logan, but otherwise the arms telescope and such just like on the Alpha, the main difference is they don't have to swing into position), allowing the independent module to "walk" on the ground though it can't fly when the arms are fully articulated (the arm can rotate at the shoulder) because the engines are incapable of generating thrust in this mode.

Cerberus IMU
Parts List (Basic):
-1 VFA-6 (sans arms)
-1 VFA-6H type command linkup
-2 VF-1(R usually) Heads, complete
-2 VF-1 "neck" components
-2-8 EP-37s (optional, number required is tied to the VF-1 heads used)
-1 Mecha Gunpod (optional, also known to use VHT armshields)

The Cerberus IMU is a Veritech IMU, though it might be encountered in mode limiting configurations (usually battloid or guardian mode) that is multi-headed, but also lacks arms for its extra heads replace the arms. This though doesn't impede the mecha as much as many would suspect since close range melee combat is not something one sees very often when engaging the Invid.

The Cerberus IMU took an VFA-6 Alpha that had been damaged in combat and lost both its arms. Since there where no arms available, the technicians took two salvaged/surplussed VF-1R heads and installed one into each arm socket, it required removing the shoulder joints from the intake modules and replacing them with "neck" parts from the VF-1 that where available. The heads have full range of motion (for a head), though appear to be off axis (since they are mounted in the arm socket). The heads are also fully functional sporting their standard lasers (later upgraded to EP-37s), and in the case of the -R model the autocannon and mini-missile launchers. Some techs are known to have moved the video systems into the laser housings and mounted a Logan Tri-Cannon in its place. If VF-1 heads are not available, the next best choice has been found to be the AGAC or ASC nt-Battloid. The VHT heads don't sport weapons and would require a lot more work, and the Alpha's head doesn't have the range of motion to make them necessarily viable (though retrofitting in additional weapons isn't that hard).

The heads are still controlled from the main cockpit, though can be set to automatic in the case of the R. To help with the coordination of the various sensor feeds the mecha had to re-purpose a command linkup system (like on the VFA-6H or VF-1S) to coordinate the extra sensor information together. However, the bonuses are only +1 in all cases regardless of the command system used to make it happen. Without the command system in place the pilot has to manually chose which head to control and receive sensor information from (this includes the stock head), and results in the piloting being -2 on initiative for the first melee each time they switch head control, and is usually why Cerberus IMUs look to install a command linkup system.

An optional upgrade has been to replace the Alpha's shoulder sensor with a "modified" mecha gunpod, typically an Alpha's EU-14 though the VF-1's GU-11 is another favorite followed by VHT armshields or "Silverback"-type Veritech turret weapon packages (given the VM-9 designation, there might be precursors with similar packages and roles) and "compact" destroid/battloid weapons that can fit in the alloted space. This prevents the Veritech from assume fighter mode though. It can be made to jettison if need be (though this feature is not default, it has to be built-in).

Another mode limiting optional feature is the installation of a VF-1D escape capsule on to the Guardian mode's "back". These two crew members operate the extra heads and the stations are purely "gunner" and cannot take over for the pilot, the feature is rarely implemented though.

On occasion the Alpha's baseline head has been known to be replaced with another more "flexible" head, though this tends to mean the unit is mode locked.

The basic unit could still transform, but the transformation software had to be "patched" to alter the parameters of the new "arms" could not follow through like the normal arms during transformation. Guardian and battloid modes are typically used since the mecha's performance isn't impacted as much, though fighter mode sees a reduction in available thrust by 50% (for simplicity it also affects at speed at 1/2 this value since the mecha is now lighter so the reduced thrust shouldn't have as much impact on speed). This assumes though that transformation hardware is still functional, in some cases it may not be resulting in a mode limited veritech until it can be resorted.

Occasionally one might encounter a themed variant of the Cerberus concept, where the mecha has had its arms replaced with weaponized "head" modules as far back as the late 2010s using another mecha at is core instead of an Alpha. They aren't called Cerberus though, that name seems to be for Alpha derived IMUs of the concept, other designs do seem to look for a name of multi-headed creatures from myth though.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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These next two are more intended as "gag" designs intended more for laughs than anything else, but one might be able to turn them into serious designs with a bit of work if they wanted to.

Hotshot IMU Battloid

-1 AGAC Battloid Torso (other incarnations are also possible at the conception stage I admit, but the AGAC just doesn't get enough love so why not)
-1 VF-1 Head (usually, though AGAC or Alpha provide workable replacements)
-2 AJAX/Alpha sized legs (preferabbly flight capable)
-2 Upper Alpha Arms (or similar) and Elbow connector
-2 "gunpods"
-4 VF-1/6 Escape Capsule/nose sections (yes you read that right FOUR, though you could reduce it down to 1 or two)
-2 VF-1/6 matching escape capsule connectors from the main body

What happens when your team of mecha pilots ticks off the maintance team to get their individual mecha up and running first cause it's really "just a few scratches" (and is anything but)? Well if you're maintance team is lead by Doctor Frank E. Stien the result is something along these lines...

The Hotshot IMU Battloid originated during the Invid occupation and if in the hands of a coordidanted team can be potentially absolutely impressive, especially when you know what has to go into its operation. If you don't have such a team, well... there is an actual confirmed report of Invid being interpreted as laughing and pointing fingers (put mildly) upon an encounter with a Hotshot IMU Battloid as it stumbled about wildly and the pilots heard arguing over the external speakers.

The reason that the Hotshot requires such coordination between team members is because each pilot is given control of a limb (associated system included) and nothing more. This can make it devestating in combat as the unit can split attacks between multiple targets with ease, but can also make simple movement that makes a stone cold staggering drunk look graceful. It can take 24 hours of operating experience to learn to coordinate for the pilot team and the specific configuration (related configuration/variants can be learned quicker though), if even one new member is introduced or they don't have the operating time then they are -1 attack/action per melee round and -35% to piloting. The level of coodinated effort once "experienced" still imposes a skill penalty of -15% to pilot (replacing the -35% penalty) and imposes no attack/action penalty. The Dodge (or Auto-Dodge if present) bonus is always the operator with the LOWEST applicable bonus (unless a called shot to a specific location, then its the pilot who controls that location), though Strike and parry type maneuvers are from the operator of the limb in question, and Roll manuevers are virtually impossible to cooridanate (need three levels of experience working together, at which time the following rate applies no other bonuses: +1 roll every other level so at level 3/5/7/etc).

The original Hotshot IMU Battloid started with an AGAC's torso, it was missing its arms and head. The head was replaced by a salvaged VF-1 (R standard) and was given over to control of the pilot in the AGACs. The techs, at the time so they claim, had difficulty acquiring a fully funcitioning main limb coordination computer (techno babble). To get around the issue they knew they could hook up each limbs' movement computer to a seperate set of controls, but there wasn't room in the AGAC cockpit for all these controls (and no way to manually switch locations safely and accurately), so they decided to install additional cockpit stations in each limb.

Because the AGAC was missing all four of its limbs, the techs restored the legs salvaged from an Alpha. Mounted to the upper thigh on the outside was a VF-1 type escape capsule that had been wired into control the limb, though some knockoffs have done away with the legs cockpits and "restored" it to the AGAC pilot station. This can make leg based movement difficult as the various pilots have to work together to do something as simple as walking, let alone flying (which the mecha can do). This is where that team coordination comes in because without it the unit could stumble wildly. The operator in the cockpit has access to the MM-60 station (if present though some techs are known to rig up alterate lower leg weapons with substitute designs).

They where also able to restore the upper arms of the AGAC from the same Alpha down to the elbow (sometimes father). In the elbow they installed a matching connector for the VF-1 type escape capsule so that they could install an escape capsule easily in place of the forearm (units with a full arm connect it on the forearm like the VF-1 is known to do, see Ep3). A gunpod is then side mounted to the cockpit and rigged to fire. The pilot in the capsule has complete control over the arm's movement and is reposnible for firing the gunpod (or any missiles in the upper arm station).

Some IMU teams have imitated the Hotshot IMU Battloid with their own takes, usually by part substitution. Some though have reduced the extra crew capsule stations, and those missing revert to control of the main body station. More than a few IMU teams have threatened to "turn your mecha into a Hotshot, Hotshot" for various reasons (usually when they are being annoying or such) if a pilot(s) don't back off, and most do.

Captain Legion IMU Super Battloid Components

Parts List for TeeZee-H Class Modules (x5):
-1 VF-8 Logan, no lower body or legs (arms and gunpod are optional, but need the wings)
-1 VF-1/6 Escape Capsule Connection System (both ends)
-2 VHT-class Hover Thrusters

Parts List for Couragous Condor for Class Module:
-Condor body
-VF-1 arms and legs
-5 Matching VF-1/6 Escape Capsule Connection System taken from the other modules
-GMP Golem Robot AI

The Captain Legion Super Battloid IMU in some ways takes the concept of the Alpha-Beta Linkup to a different level, somewhat reminiscent of "super robot" shows of in the late 20th Century (RT). The IMU design team created several component IMU "vehicles" from mecha parts that would link up to form a more "traditional" anthromorphic mecha. Once linked up, the pilot in the head module would control the limb movements, with the pilot of each limb reduced to a "gunner" (or sensor operator) operating their weapon systems and the component providing a "power up" state for the core unit.

The Link-up procedure was actually quicker and simpler than the Alpha-Beta in many respects, then again the Alpha-Beta may have chosen one of the more difficult approaches. The final phase of the link-up can be done in 15seconds, in which time the mecha is vulnerable to enemey attack. The approach phase is more generous, and the time it takes is based more on the speed and distance of the various parts as they all try to do the final phase in a synchronized operation of formation piloting (make a piloting check, Stunt penalties, more experienced pilots in the manuever shouldn't take as much of a penalty). Oddly enough when performing the link-up, if the pilots activate their external audio speakers and "put on a show" (98% of the time) that the enemy is perfectly willing to watch (GM's make the PCs actually on the show to get this benifit everytime).

While linked up the TeeZee-H Modules provide extra power to the Couragous Condor Core allowing to operate in a super charged state for 5 minutes before systems beging to overheat and take damage for each minute over (ie at minute mark 6 systems start to fail and take damage, additional damage/failures at minute 7, etc). The unit is operating at 250% capacity (tripple flight speed, double PS and running speed, double all bonuses, and INTERNAL Couragous Condor module weapons do double damage), luckily Couragous Condor module can control the input to some degree (data link/with enough to compensate for the extra mass on the limbs OR super charged). Note that all the TeeZee-H modules must contribute at the same setting to see any real bonus.

Caption Legion Super Battloid IMU Combiner is exteremly rare to encounter, and is a late Invid Occupation design with at least one unconfirmed sighting in space during the Haydontite War. There are confirmed reports of knockoffs of the TeeZee-H module that can't linkup with the Couragous Condor core, and a variant or two of the concept.

TeeZee-H Class Module:
The TeeZee-H module is buit out of the salvaged remains of a VF-8 Logan Veritech Fighter. This Logan had lost the lower body and legs, and the left arm. The techs removed the remaining arm, and installed salvaged "wings" in their place (they can fold up against the body). This had the unfortunate side effect of removing the mecha's missile hardpoints, which the techs later addressed by adding in missile rails to the wings (2 per wing, each holds 1 mini-missile). The missing lower body has been replaced with (one end of) a VF-1/6 type escape capsule connection system that is used for linkup. For the necessary precision flying in linkup, two VHT-class hover thrusters (the type on the lower legs) have been installed as out riggers that can fold up.

The TeeZee-H alone is a manueveral VTOL fighter with surprising agility, though it is found lacking in firepower (4 mini-missiles and the Tri-Cannon). A latter addition restore the Logan's gunpod, which is now in a top-mounted position (similar to Shadow Fighters gunpod) between the two main engines and still wired into the recharging socket.

The Caption Legion Super Battloid IMU Combiner uses five of these identical IMU vehicles s to connect to the Couragous Condor Class Module. One on each forearm (acting as weapon stations), one on each lower leg (more for thrust/power, can't really target anything), and one on top of the snout/head. The modules might be further optimized for a specific station (GM's call).

Couragous Condor Module:
The core of the Captain Legion Super Battloid IMU is unlike the TeeZee-H modules, not a vehicle but a low powered battloid drone that uses the connected TeeZee-H modules to achieve a more energized state. The core module is built out of a UEEF MBR-10 Condor Battloid that had its limbs replaced by VF-1 limbs. Those limbs where then modified further with an escape capsule connection system connector (matches the type on the TeeZee-H module to dock at that location) at the same locations the limbs can connect with a VF-1 Fastpack module. The cockpit was removed and a Golem AI put in its place along with a connection system like on the limbs.

No one is quite sure what the IMU designers where thinking originally with the basic design as a Golem AI based Battloid of this type was never seen before, even taking out the docking system. Nor why the docking systems where installed in the first place instead of just integrating the various systems they bring into the core unit.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

I may be one of the few who saw the title 'Pogo-Salmon' and immediately thought 'Tail-sitter'...yeah, the Pogo LOOKED mean and rakish, but was an utterly innane concept....tail sitters are great for straight-up takeoffs from spaces without obvious runways to target....but not so great when you're trying to land, looking over your shoulder at the ground. The fact that they were contemplating COMMERCIAL tail-sitters boggles the mind....just getting people into their seats would have requireed either acrobatics or creepy rollercoaster-style automated seating rigs,.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

taalismn wrote:I may be one of the few who saw the title 'Pogo-Salmon' and immediately thought 'Tail-sitter'...yeah, the Pogo LOOKED mean and rakish, but was an utterly innane concept....tail sitters are great for straight-up takeoffs from spaces without obvious runways to target....but not so great when you're trying to land, looking over your shoulder at the ground. The fact that they were contemplating COMMERCIAL tail-sitters boggles the mind....just getting people into their seats would have requireed either acrobatics or creepy rollercoaster-style automated seating rigs,.

You are right, I used the names from two competing tail-sitters.

And Tail-sitters have their issues in the real world no doubt. One might be able to get around crew positioning, if they make the seat/cockpit-control rotate to maintain a constant orientation to the ground.

We know VFs are capable of repositioning the cockpit's orientation (VHT-1/2, VF-1, VFH-10, VFA-6 all have to, the VFB-9 and VF-8 don't, if we add in the VF-X-4 is another has to based on RRT mini, not sure about the VF-X-5 since it depends how it transforms but probably is like the -8/9), so we know in RT they might be more viable if the right technology is applied.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

ShadowLogan wrote:[, so we know in RT they might be more viable if the right technology is applied.

Provided the same advance of technology hasn't come up with something superior to fulfill the original requirement(if it's still relevant). ;)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Franken Mecha II:

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EDIT: somehow the Sheldon text ended up in the Beetle text block. It is now fixed.

Sheldon C & T Version Cargo Hauler IMUs
Parts List:
-1 Regult Battle Pod (complete, any model)
-2 upper arm/shoulder sockets (C version) from another mecha
-crane and some additional materials to secure cargo
-landing legs (generally custom fabricated, C version)
-1 Human Mecha Cockpit (UEDF)

The Sheldon Cargo Hauler IMU is a civilian cargo hauler created by the UEG to help get commerce up and running in the mid 2010s after the Rain of Death in a swords to plows type of program. Due to the large numbers of Zentreadi Regult Battlepods available and its spacious interior volume that could be made available if the pilot could be down sized. Attempts to turn the Regult into a cargo hauler for humans tended to encounter two problems, either they under utilized the available volume to make loading and unloading easier, or had additional overhead in terms of infrastructure or personnel requirements at pickup and drop off sites due to the requirement to load it in a vertical position (freight being horizontally inclined for loading/unloading from a trailer).

The designers originally where thinking of creating some type of "crab" out of the unit by putting a second set of legs on the top, with all four legs in their "space flight position" (in the show the legs sweep back all the way is what I am referring to) and then stand the unit on those legs. The Legs would need some additional modification to walk in this manner, but the test article was successful. Further modifications included putting in a crane system that would lift/drop a standardized container from the former cockpit (now handled by a human mecha cockpit placed in front) to the ground using the back of the cockpit door (which was modified to move in this manner as a ramp was impractical). The main problem with this design is that getting the second leg system needed to be complete, which could generate a lot of "waste" (not that the waste couldn't be used elsewhere, but the leg mechanisms where more desirable in getting Regults mobile so really you ended up with lots of spares). The second problem was traveling speed, it was severely handicapped compared to Regults.

Sheldon IMUs though wanted to minimize the waste generated and looked to modify a Regult to handle the horizontal loading and unloading, but the bulk of cargo could be packed such that it didn't care if it was transported vertically leaving the more fragile stuff for pure horizontal inclined units. To achieve this the designers borrowed a bit from the earlier "crab" attempt in that the cargo would be loaded and secured to the inside of a modified cockpit door. From here different approaches emerged in how the cargo was handled leading to the C and T versions. Otherwise the Sheldons where commonly modified similarly for a human crew of one (military versions typically had a crew of 2, pilot, gunner) and weapons being officially removed (unofficially some civilians might have them, military versions kept the light auto cannons and lasers).

The Sheldon-C IMU required some additional modification to move between horizontal and vertical orientations. To facilitate easier transitions the engineers modified the side mounted thrusters of the Regult to have rotation capability by using the upper arm/shoulder sockets from destroids (or other suitable mecha arms). Since the engines were not designed to support the weight of the mecha, landing leg/struts where installed (typically custom fabricated job) to the engines reducing the strain and also increasing the minimal ground clearance for cockpit door to be lowered down like a cage. This had the advantage of not requiring much onsite prep for the cargo, just the proper vehicles (or personnel) to move it on or off. Additionally the cage could be "cut free" for fast deployments (though it would need a replacement cage to continue hauling cargo), something the Sheldon-T IMU could not do.

The Sheldon-T IMU was more conservative in additional modifications given that its rear cockpit door would be lowered like a draw bridge (instead of opening to the side like it normally did) after the unit would sit down. The door could deploy to act as an inclined ramp or level bridge. The inclined ramp was more flexible in where it could be deployed, but it also put some limitations on the cargo as the loader/unloader typically needed more room to function properly and safely (unless it was a giant Zentreadi laborer). The Level bridge approach was preferred, but required infrastructure to be set up.

Both the C and T versions have similar maximum weight capacities (equal to a full-size zentreadi pilot) without impacting performance, but carry additional weight that will impact performance (equal to extras on the artillery versions).

Zentreadi Beetle IMU
-2 Zentreadi Regult Legs and Pelvis (ie discarded parts from the escape system, these are attached to the side of the mecha)
-1 Zentreadi Regult Torso (legs and side engine thrusters are removed)
-Human Mecha Cockpit conversion
-2 VF-1 Head Turrets (weapon systems not needed)

The Zentreadi Beetle IMU was originally a 2012 UEDF technology concept demonstrator platform intended to gauge the effectiveness of non-humanoid mecha designs on the battlefield cheaply. One of the issues with the humanoid mecha, which for the study was considered to be any bipedal mecha with either forward or reverse articulated legs, was their height ran counter to a lot of doctrine developed in the 20th Century (straight into the Global War of the 90s) with armored warfare. Destroid and Battloid designs (along with Zentreadi) doctrine for their mecha did not seem to place any importance on minimizing profiles, which for the human mecha was understandable since they where expected to have to deal with giant infantry. In the 2000s there was some discussion on Destroid design, if the humanoid form was really the best option for the roles being tasked for it. Unfortunately it wasn't until after the Rain of Death (in 2011) and the drastically downsized population that the idea of minimizing mecha profiles could get some traction.

However most of the effort went into the bipedal designs to reduce their size (for the most part, there where exceptions like the Condor and Beta in 2020-2) of the humanoid frame. This was partly because they where improving on proven technology approaches, where the UEDF in the 2000s hadn't really put any effort into alternate mecha forms (if they did as a classified program no one has found any record). This meant there was some reluctance to tie up manufacturing resources that where needed elsewhere for new prototyping, though the UEDF did free up some resources for them to modify an existing system. In this way the UEDF could compare effectiveness between the modified and unmodified version.

The designers though had a problem in trying to workout how to modify available "surplus" units for the task. Most of the designs that had any traction or high degree of success tended to involve the Regult's lower body that was discarded when it's "escape capsule" feature was engaged. Two IMU designs where selected by the UEDF for evaluation purposes for the Phase One of the non-humanoid mecha demonstration program: The Beetle and the Spartan Bug (detailed later).

The Beetle used a Zentreadi Regult Battle pod in its escape capsule mode for its core build. The module was modified for a human crew with the mecha in a "vertical" position (compared to the stock regult) so that the mecha could be laid on its "back" putting the crew in more natural "horizontal" position. Due to the method used to attach the legs to result in a multi-legged design, the twin engine pods where moved inside with their exhaust directed through the escape capsule engine system (this can give the unit a 20%burst of running speed and increase horizontal leaps, it also allows the unit to fly in space if the situation warranted) and emerges from where the baseline Regult's legs would be if they where still there.

As implied the lower section of the Regult is grafted in place of one of the side engines, and a second section was grafted to the other side. The legs giving the illusion of an insect's leg going up first at an angle and then down at another angle. The legs had enough range of motion to walk, but to required some fine tuning to get to work properly as the programing in the Regult was for two legs not four. Some additional modification was done to the legs to improve their range of motion to better "side walk" (as that is how the legs had to work now). The end result was that the unit was slower than a stock Heavy Artillery Regult (by about 20%), even though it didn't carry the extra load. Designers where confident though that a properly designed leg could raise the speed up even higher. The units leaping ability though remained unchanged from the baseline.

All of the Pods weapons where retained, unlike the baseline escape capsule. The former top mounted AA lasers where now at the front and took over the role of the now top mounted rear 23mm auto cannons, which where tasked with AA defense. Overall the switch wasn't found to effect performance much, though the 23mm cannons ammo supply was considered a liability if it had to do sustained AA defense work. The main particle beam cannons where found to have a very restricted field of fire when attacking to the front or sides, though offered excellent coverage on the rear arc. This issue with the main cannons was overcome by moving them into a VF-1 head turret to raise them out, though some restrictions still remained (the guns couldn't target anything if it got to close if it was low to the ground, though that is what the forward lasers where there to tackle now).

Compared to a baseline Regult the unit was found to be acceptable by experienced pilots (micronized Zentreadi where used), who did find it offered them some advantages over the stock Regult types due to the low profile they could get closer before being spotted from the ground (from the air there wasn't much difference). One disadvantage all the pilots found was that the unit's ground foot print was made much larger, though they found that they could "tuck" the legs in to keep the increase width requirements manageable compared to a stock model, but that tended to come at the expese of leg speed being only 10% (though it could power hop by use of thrusters to increase their speed, and a few pilots experimented with using the main engines to extend the horizontal distance).

The Beetle was knocked off by several independents (both State Level sponsor and rogue actors) by 2020 with their own customizations and twists. Though by the time of the Invid occupation the design approach was nearly non-existent for new units, though a few survived into this period and did remarkably well (Invid seemed to initially treat the units as "disabled" since they appeared to be on their backs, which allowed resistance units to get a surprise attack in).

The UEEF was impressed with the basic Beetle design that they procured a run on the IMU variant as an exploratory mecha that was modified with additional living accommodations for a research team to base from (ala the Z-3 from 1E Sentinels RPG, minus the A/B escape vehicle, only in a smaller package), but did not seek to use it for combat roles (not that it wasn't). Records are unclear though if the UEDF or UEEF moved into Phase Two development (a ground up development design), let alone a Phase Three development (new design for field use).

Yo-Yo Cargo Hauler IMU
Parts List:
-2 Missile Drums (partial)
-1 UEDF Destroid Chassis (torso, hips, legs)
-2 Zentreadi Glaug Cargo system (seen in Ep35)

The Yo-Yo Cargo Hauler IMU was created to supplement production designed UEDF cargo haulers until the next generation could be ready (and so was used by both the RDF and ASC). The unit was constructed from a UEDF Destroid chassis (torso and legs), typically a Phalanx or Defender (for those not expecting to see combat, Tomahawk or Spartan for those that where expected to see combat because they retained their torso weapon systems) was used. The arms are replaced by "skeletal" versions of the Phalanx Missile drums (not complete as the bottom half of the cylinder is missing and it looks more like a truss than a can). On the inside of these skeletal drums was equipped a Glaug Cargo Retrieval System (or similar system), and each arm could support up to 22,000lbs (though the Glaug system could be viewed to be depicted carry/lifting a few thousand pounds more it would be safe to limit it to the known weight capacity of the Phalanx arm system). The system is deployed and utilized like a crane, snagging onto standardized containers to move them either into storage or to a longer range transport. Unarmed versions are seldom used for long range transport, preferring to leave that for the armed versions.

The design is considered to be the source for a UEEF variant of their Phalanx-type unit and an ASC CBL-8 variant they created specifically for cargo hauling assistance that was procured in small numbers as a test over more conventional cargo hauler designs (what ever they might be).
Last edited by ShadowLogan on Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Zentreadi Crab IMU
-2 Zentreadi Regult Legs and Pelvis (ie discarded parts from the escape system, these are attached to the side of the mecha)
-1 Zentreadi Glaug (legs removed, essentially in an Eldare configuration without the Eldare specfic parts)
-2 Articulated Arms (Glaug or typically a stand-in)
-1 Large Weapon System (Glaug Main Cannon or stand-in)

An independently developed knockoff of the UEDF's Zentreadi Beetle IMU design, the Zentreadi Crab was done to make a more effective combatant. To do this they based the core ont he Zentreadi Glaug, which was put into its Glaug-Eldare configuration minus the Eldare specific parts. This was typically done to Glaugs or Glaug-Eldares that had lost their mobility (ie a leg is shot off or the booster was trashed) Then a set of Regult Legs and Pelvis where mated to either side of the unit connecting into the Glaug's native leg receptacle. The Glaug still needed software modification to properly use the Regult Legs.

If one or both weapon arms where lost, the Glaug would be restored by installing a replacement limb. If a new Glaug arm was unavailable, they made do with human battloid arm systems from Destroids, including articulated arms (Zentreadi Power Armor could also be used in this role). Human arms if they did not have a weapon system built in (as the Tomahawk, Defender, or Phalanx), they would use the hands to operate a gunpod (at a slight penalty due to the awkwardness).

If the Top mounted Particle Cannon was lost, they would jury rig a replacement either from a Zentreadi Male Power Armor shoulder weapon pod, Regult Artillery Missile Pods (either type) and Destroid Arm Weapons. Though they preferred to use low profile weapons when they could.

The Crab is known to be configured for normal human crews or a single Zentreadi operator. The unit is very low profile, but only about 1/2 the running speed of the baseline Glaug (weight, range of motion being the prime limiters). Its main drawback is that the legs increase the ground foot print, limiting where it could go compared to a stock Glaug.

Zentreadi Goliath Spider IMU (also know as "ZeGS")
-4 Zentreadi Regult Legs & Pelvis (ie discarded parts from the escape system)
-1 Zentreadi Power Armor (no arms or legs, rest rebuilt, Male or Female version)
-1 Human mecha cockpit conversion

The Zentreadi Goliath Spider IMU was a concept design related to the Beetle, but one that was not selected for development due to a variety of factors, but was eventually built by one of the engineers becoming disgruntled and taking the design to "independents" to be built. Where the results where somewhat mixed as IMU engineers had found more effective means to use Zentreadi Power Armor for IMU designs, so it never got much traction in the community of users, and by the time of the Invid Occupation it quickly faded into obscurity.

Like the Beetle the ZGS IMU was an attempt to create a low profile mecha using Zentreadi Regult Legs & Pelvis, but instead of using the Regult for its core, it used a Zentreadi Power Armor and used four pairs instead of two. The ZGS comes in two different varieties, with their differences being focused on the power armor used.

The two ZGS types are similar is that they mount one Regult Legs & Pelvis on each arm and leg point. Software had to be adjusted on the Power armor to allow the unit to walk like an arachnid. There was some debate on weather the unit should be (relative to standard power armor) on its "back" or "chest", but over 90% of these units that are encountered have been on their "chest". The pilot cavity was modified for a human scale cockpit, with the helmet being remodeled to allow some Mark One Eyeball use, though the crew is heavily dependent on sensors, which have had to be adapted into new positions and augemented to provide better situational awareness. It should be noted that there is some room in the cavity for additional forward facing weapons to be installed, and is a known rare feature but without anything standard appearing.

Both ZGS types had to remove the existing grenade launcher(s) in their chest and mount them externally as an under carriage gunpod that faces forward, aiming is done by repositioning the mecha. This can make them a devastating assault system, one that can be replaced with more conventional gunpods if required. The Male ZeGS retains its shoulder mounted cannon, which has to be modified slightly to change its functioning arc. The Female ZeGs retains its back mounted missile pods, but not the ones in the legs.

The back mounted thrusters on the ZGS allow the unit to do a thruster assisted run and even fly (at about 75% of baseline unit speed).

Spartan Bug IMU
-2 Zentreadi Regult Legs and Pelvis (ie discarded parts from the escape system, these are attached to the side of the mecha)
-1 Spartan Destroid upper body, no arms

The Spartan Bug IMU was a program relative of the Zentreadi Beelte IMU. This design attempted to meld human and zentreadi technology much more intimately than was seen on the Beetle. Like the Beetle it would re-purpose a pair of lower bodies (legs/pelvis) from a Regult Battle Pod and mated them to a trimmed down Spartan Destroid. The Spartan destroid used was a severely damaged unit that needed a replacement arm and leg, along with a lot of work on the pelvis area (originating from the missing leg).

The UEDF team removed the functional arm so the unit was now armless along with the pelvis (and leg). They cleaned up the area by removing the torso waist system, and moving the axillary generator from the pelvis region into the vacated cavity. They also "sealed" the area up for a variety of reasons (foreign object debris, armor protection, etc). This left the core of the Spartan relatively unchanged other than some minor plumbing and avionic connectors for the new legs going through the arm sockets, in addition to a software patch to work with the Zentreadi limbs. The physical connectors where used to mount the Zentreadi legs, this gave the unit a sort of spider-ish look, though it only had the four legs instead of eight of a true spider.

In actual use the Spartan Bug was found to have a top speed of about 50% more than that of a stock Spartan with the new legs, and these legs weren't even fully optimized for the task. The unit could leap equal to a Regult, maybe even a bit better given it was much lighter. Like the Beetle the legs drastically increased the ground print of the unit, though it could be managed to some extent at the extent of speed. The unit's combat effectiveness, outside of melee combat, was considered to be on par, and that was before the techs tinkered with the weapon configuration in several ways (turreting a GU-11 in place of the LWS-20 and mounting a pair of TZ-1Vs like the Tomahawk for starters), though the shorter height worked both ways for the Spartan Bug as an aide and hindrance to its weapon's use.

Records are unclear though if the UEDF or UEEF moved into Phase Two development (a ground up development design), let alone a Phase Three development (new design for field use) and how the Spartan Bug might have influenced said program. The design was knocked off by various agents in some form all the way into the Invid Occupation, since it wasn't contingent on a lot of Zentreadi hardware (and the hardware was much easier to salvage than a Regult torso). One of the more common knock-offs was to use the Tomahawk Destroid in place of the Spartan if the Spartan wasn't available. The IMU engineers favored destroids or battloids with weapon systems inside the torso/head, though ASC mecha where never used (to small) in this role, but if one wasn't available they where not above heavily modding it for additional weapons (usually light to medium range).
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Re: Franken Mecha II:

Unread post by taalismn »

Ah, more fun with the gribble bin. :bandit: 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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