Crater Lake Syndicate

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Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Astral Pantheon »

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Crater Lake Syndicate

Otherwise known as: Crater Lake Consortium

Inter-Dimensional Syndicate based on Earth
The Syndicate has been working on this Earth, for almost 20 years, before the Tolkeen wars. The location of the Organization is known only to a few and the local monsters. The goal of the Syndicate is the accumulation of wealth, knowledge, and magic.

The Syndicate has been growing under the Master's mystical insight and influence. At first, he simply
saw the Syndicate as a means to an end; however, the Master has realized the significance of this venture. He
honestly believes that the megaverse is better with magic.

The "Syndicate", is reshaping worlds and dimensions. The Syndicate will help humans and/or monsters to awaken their "birthright" with magic and psychic. The Syndicate will use Earth as its Base of Operations to spread their message from world to world by means of dimensional
rifts and magic. Also, Earth provides a nice testing ground for the Wicked Syndicate's mystical experiments.

Syndicate members may rent their services, as magic services, mystical specialist, , and monster hunters...must be approved by a Crater Lake Lord/Lady or the Master. Payments are gemstones, gold, silver, rare technology and techno wizard equipment.

The Syndicate's Head Quarters are located on Earth at Crater Lake, a caldera lake, in the western United States, located in south-central Oregon. The HQ's base is Stone Castle on Wizard Island (yes, that's the actually name).

The Syndicate's treasure is protected and guarded throughout the dungeon (dimensional pockets) in the vaults.

Favorite tactics consists of sending
member(s) to a primitive dimension/planet and small Kingdoms on Earth:
* Summoning a powerful monster that demands tribute from the natives, collecting tribute and then "saving" the natives from said monster.
* Create a Zombie/Mummy/Monster/Insect Horde, unleash on town/village/kingdom , loot town/village/kingdom, then "Save" the Day.
* Control Weather: Blizzard/Drought/Rain/Wind, collect Tribute, then have a Hero "Save" the day.
* Sell MDC Armors, MD weapons, and New Spells, to Natives, for a Hefty price...magic is worth the cost.


* On Earth, Offer top level mystical healing services:

Cleanse (50), cure illness (400), cure minor disorder (100), Cure Phobia (2000), exorcism (2500*), Healing Based on Damage (100 per MD of Healing), purge other (1000), purification (200), restore limb (10000), stone to flesh (20000), remove curse (5000), psychic surgery (500 to 10000), restoration (50,000), Revive or Breath of Life (100,000) and Resurrection (250000)

*May use Exorcism for free if a unique Entity.

A few other services provided:

Recharge Clip [magic or energy] (1000), Magic pigeon (500), mend the Broken (1000 per MD) or (100 per MD if an item from Crater Lake) and Lodging for the 12 hours [simple meal included] (5000 per Being)


Magic Items For Sale

---Cost to Recharge Mystic items is 20% of listed cost---

The weight for non artillery weapons and armor/shield is do to density; however, the user is attuned at purchasing. Items were weightless (1/10 weight value) for attuned.

Rune Armor-Light
Weight: 10 lb
Base armor MDC 40
-8% Prowl/speed and -5% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 10,000

Rune Armor-Medium
Weight: 20 lb
Base armor MDC 80
-16% Prowl/speed and -10% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 20,000

Rune Armor-Heavy
Weight: 40 lb
Base armor MDC 160
-24% Prowl/speed and -15% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 30,000

Rune Armor-Mega
Weight: 60 lb
Base armor MDC 240
-32% Prowl/speed and -20% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 40,000

Rune Shield-Light
Weight: 6 lb
Base armor MDC 24
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 2500

Rune Shield-Medium
Weight: 12 lb
Base armor MDC 48
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 5000

Rune Shield-Heavy
Weight: 18 lb
Base armor MDC 72
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 10,000

Rune Shield-Mega
Weight: 24 lb
Base armor MDC 96
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 12,500

Rune Axe
Weight: 12.5 lb
Base 1h: 3d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 5d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 100
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 12,000

Rune Horned Helm (Ram Horns)
Weight: 5 lb
Base Helm MDC 40
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 4000

Rune Horned Helm Version 2 (Bull Horns)
Weight: 6 lb
Base Helm MDC 48
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 5000

Rune Bow
Weight: 5 lb
Base Bow MDC 40
Mega-Damage: 4d6 (Magic) ... Converts any normal arrow into Magic Charged Missile
Range: 1280 Feet
Unique Bonuses and Weaknesses: Base Model-N/A
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 12,000

Rune Hammer
Weight: 15 lb
Base 1h: 3d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 5d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 120
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 12,000

Rune Mace
Weight: 7.5 lb
Base 1h: 1d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 3d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 60
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 9000

Rune Sword
Weight: 12.5 lb
Base 1h: 3d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 5d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 100
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 12,000

Rune Dagger
Weight: 2.5 lb
Mega-Damage: 1d4 MD + PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 10
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 3000

Rune Wand-Pistol
Weight: 2 lbs
Mega-Damage: 1d4 MD
MDC of Weapon: 16
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 300 feet
Payload: 30 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Wand-Pistol by spending 30 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 25,000 credits

Rune Musket-Scepter
Weight: 5 lbs
Mega-Damage: 2d4 MD
MDC of Weapon: 40
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 600 feet
Payload: 30 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Musket-Scepter by spending 30 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 50,000 credits

Rune Rifle-Staff
Weight: 10 lbs
Mega-Damage: 3d6 M.D.
MDC of Weapon: 80
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 900 feet
Payload: 15 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Rifle-Staff by spending 30 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 100,000 credits

Rune Cannon
Weight: 200 lbs
Mega-Damage: 4d6 MD
Area of Effect: 20 feet Diameter
MDC of Weapon: 400
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 1200 feet
Payload: 5 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Cannon by spending 40 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 250,000 credits

Rune Siege Weapon: Light catapults
Weight: 100 lb
Mega Damage-Flaming bundle: 5D6 damage + Each fire stone unleashes a (for a total 3) Dancing Flame!!
MDC of Weapon: 300
Rate of Fire: Once every 5 minutes
Effective Range: Minimum range: 100 ft
Maximum range: 1800 ft
Payload: One. Any magic practitioner can charge the payload
of the Siege Weapon by spending 15 P.P.E. and 3 fire stones & burning coal.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Light catapults requires 4-man firing crews
Cost: 1 million credits

Rune Siege Weapon: Medium catapults
Weight: 200 Ib
MegaDamage-Flaming bundle: 1D6x10 damage + Each fire stone unleashes a (for a total of 6) Dancing Flame!!
MDC of Weapon: 600
Rate of Fire: Once every 5 minutes
Effective Range: Minimum range: 100 ft
maximum range: 1980ft
Payload: One. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Siege Weapon by spending 30 P.P.E. and 6 fire stones & burning coal.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Medium catapults require 6-man crews
Cost: 2 million credits

Rune Siege Weapon: Heavy catapults
Weight: 400 lb
Mega Damage-Flaming bundle: 2d4x10 damage + Each fire stone unleashes a (for a total of 9) Dancing Flame!!
MDC of Weapon: 1200
Rate of Fire: Once every 5 minutes
Effective Range: Minimum range: 100 ft
maximum range: 2480 ft
Payload: One. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Siege Weapon by spending 45 P.P.E. and 9 fire Stone & burning coal.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Heavy catapults require 8-man crews
Cost: 5 million credits

Rune Siege Weapon: Light trebuchet
Weight: 10000 lb
Mega-Damage: 1D4x100 MD
MDC of Weapon: 2000
Rate of Fire: Once every 15 minutes
Effective Range: Minimum range: 100 ft
Maximum range: 1800 ft
Payload: One. Any magic practitioner can charge the payload
of the Siege Weapon by spending 30 P.P.E. and a Stone appears.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Light trebuchet requires 12-man firing crews
Cost: 10 million credits

Rune Siege Weapon: Medium trebuchet
Weight: 20000 Ib
Mega-Damage: 1D6x100 MD
MDC of Weapon: 4000
Rate of Fire: Once every 15 minutes
Effective Range: Minimum range: 150 ft
maximum range: 1980 ft
Payload: One. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Siege Weapon by spending 60 P.P.E. and a Big Stone appears.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Medium trebuchet require 16-man crews
Cost: 20 million credits

Rune Siege Weapon: Heavy trebuchet
Weight: 40000 lb
Mega-Damage: 2d4X100 MD
MDC of Weapon: 8000
Rate of Fire: Once every 15 minutes
Effective Range: Minimum range: 200 ft
maximum range: 2310 ft
Payload: One. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Siege Weapon by spending 90 P.P.E. and a very Big Stone appears.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Heavy trebuchet require 20-man crews
Cost: 40 million credits

More to come....
Last edited by Astral Pantheon on Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Wicked Syndicate

Unread post by Molydeus »

Do they actually call themselves "The Wicked Syndicate"? Do they really name their equipment wicked this and wicked that? Is this some part of an absurd marketing ploy that they didn't think through?

If this syndicate thinks they're working for the good of the Megaverse, that would mean that they don't think themselves wicked. And if they call themselves wicked anyway, and sell you wicked rune-shields and wicked rune-staff rifles and wicked MDC bundt cake pans, all with a straight face, then they're being ironic. If they're ironic, that makes them hipsters. Don't do that. Hipsters aren't good. We don't need hipsters with money and magic, hopping around the Multiverse with their waxed mustaches and lensless eyewear and tight jeans and horrid shirts.

I think this is a really cool idea on the whole, I just can't take a group that calls itself the Wicked Syndicate seriously. And if they don't call themselves wicked, but others do... that means that enough outsiders know about them that they've earned a nickname. Which in turn means this syndicate really isn't doing its job, because that relies on them remaining secret, dig?

Just rethink the name. That would help a lot.
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Re: Wicked Syndicate

Unread post by Zamion138 »

I like the idea but he is right, calling yourself the wicked syndicate is silly.
Nazi's didn't call themselves fascist murderers, biker tangs dont like being called a gang (they perfer club) , isis is a brotherhood not terrorists, internally.

They could be the shadow syndicate, or the great library, or mage association........ect. but calling yourself wicked means my magic patron god is going to tell me not to teach you a spell, or do buisness with you.
Even the federation of magic mystic knights dont call themselves the dark deeds done dirt cheap loyal murder squad.
They say knight.
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Re: Wicked Syndicate

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Molydeus wrote:Do they actually call themselves "The Wicked Syndicate"? Do they really name their equipment wicked this and wicked that? Is this some part of an absurd marketing ploy that they didn't think through?

If this syndicate thinks they're working for the good of the Megaverse, that would mean that they don't think themselves wicked. And if they call themselves wicked anyway, and sell you wicked rune-shields and wicked rune-staff rifles and wicked MDC bundt cake pans, all with a straight face, then they're being ironic. If they're ironic, that makes them hipsters. Don't do that. Hipsters aren't good. We don't need hipsters with money and magic, hopping around the Multiverse with their waxed mustaches and lensless eyewear and tight jeans and horrid shirts.

I think this is a really cool idea on the whole, I just can't take a group that calls itself the Wicked Syndicate seriously. And if they don't call themselves wicked, but others do... that means that enough outsiders know about them that they've earned a nickname. Which in turn means this syndicate really isn't doing its job, because that relies on them remaining secret, dig?

Just rethink the name. That would help a lot.

Molydeus, no they do not use that name. It is just known as the Syndicate. I was using Wicked to add flair to post. Wicked can mean good :demon:

Thanks for the Feed Back :ok:

If they're ironic, that makes them hipsters. Don't do that. Hipsters aren't good. We don't need hipsters with money and magic, hopping around the Multiverse with their waxed mustaches and lensless eyewear and tight jeans and horrid shirts.

I read and posted my reply then I re-read it. The second time through, for some reason, I almost ROFL when I read your post. Thanks for the laughs and an image of a Steampunk Mage travelling the Megaverse :D
Last edited by Astral Pantheon on Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wicked Syndicate

Unread post by Astral Pantheon »

Zamion138 wrote:I like the idea but he is right, calling yourself the wicked syndicate is silly.
Nazi's didn't call themselves fascist murderers, biker tangs dont like being called a gang (they perfer club) , isis is a brotherhood not terrorists, internally.

They could be the shadow syndicate, or the great library, or mage association........ect. but calling yourself wicked means my magic patron god is going to tell me not to teach you a spell, or do buisness with you.
Even the federation of magic mystic knights dont call themselves the dark deeds done dirt cheap loyal murder squad.
They say knight.

Zamion138, thanks for your feed back and I'll think about their actually name...Crater Lake Consortium :ok:
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Zamion138 »

Thats wicked cool of you
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Marcethus »

I Love It!! I live in Southern Oregon so while I haven't yet visited Crater Lake I am familiar with it. Tis a beautiful place and I have often thought of setting up something there in my game realms. Though usually something alongs the lines of a secret military base with the entrance based on Wizard Island similar to what James Axler did in his Deathlands Series book titled 'Crater Lake' its the 4th book in the series.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Molydeus »

Re-read my own post, and it occurred to me that I may have come across as overly harsh. But you didn't seem to take it that way, and I'm glad I made you laugh. :) And I'm happy that my feedback was helpful.

A couple of things in particular that I wanted to discuss.

Astral Pantheon wrote:Favorite tactics consists of sending member(s) to a primitive dimension/planet and small Kingdoms on Earth:
* Summoning a powerful monster that demands tribute from the natives, collecting tribute and then "saving" the natives from said monster.
* Create a Zombie/Mummy/Monster/Insect Horde, unleash on town/village/kingdom , loot town/village/kingdom, then "Save" the Day.
* Control Weather: Blizzard/Drought/Rain/Wind, collect Tribute, then have a Hero "Save" the day.
* Sell MDC Armors, MD weapons, and New Spells, to Natives, for a Hefty price...magic is worth the cost.


[snip a bunch of useful services the wickedCrater Lake Syndicate provides]

This right here is genius. Even without selling all the other things they do, they could make serious bank just doing this. This also fits into their long-term plan magic War but the people of Earth. Alien demons start terrorizing the townsfolk, and in come the Crater Lake Syndicate to save the day... with magic. Something many people see as evil and dangerous becomes accepted and even celebrated. More importantly, eventually magic becomes commonplace and accepted, as just the natural way of dealing with threats and handling situations.

So the Crater Lake Syndicate will definitely make an appearance in my Savage Rifts games. I honestly think these guys are more interesting than the Tomorrow Legion that Savage Rifts is pushing so heavily, I might use these guys as the default protagonist group instead. Or possibly an organization that the player characters can eventually join. I will be making a couple of changes to them, though.

1. The Syndicate promotes use of magic throughout the Multiverse, but you can't build a social infrastructure on magic alone. They have quite a few mercenaries, scholars, informants and others on their payroll. They happily adopt and use any technology they can get their mitts on, even if tech is not their focus. A Mind Melter, cyborg or Juicer that proves her worth will be offered a position sooner than an unreliable wizard. The Syndicate is idealistic, but also pragmatic. Making their organization a magicians-only club is simply not practical.

2. The Crater Lake Syndicate would offer the services and items that you outlined, but at a much deeper discount. They might very well sell certain things or services at cost or even at a slight loss, with the expectation of making profit in the long game.

So the CLS sells people magical armor and weapons, and tells them up front that these things will require periodic recharging... which only the Syndicate can provide due to their unique magical natures. This upkeep is provided for only a nominal fee, of course. (And "refills" are where CLS will probably make both of their profit from magical items.) But unless running a con like Monster Attacks the Village, they would deal as honorably with people as they can, avoiding surprises and double crosses. This builds trust and respect, and makes the Syndicate an attractive option. It also might earn them business by word of mouth, because if they entreat honorably with this group over here, others are likely to hear of it.

But in exchange for such bargains and reliability, they might ask certain favors of you. In exchange for a 10% discount on their already reasonable rates or services or items, they will be happy to cut a deal. Maybe if you came across some interesting information or items, you can pass them along to the Syndicate. Maybe you can do a little bit of work for them. They're flexible and are happy to make arrangements that fit your lifestyle and budget. Make an appointment with a representative today!

In this way The Syndicate can make themselves not only useful, but invaluable and indispensable.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Molydeus »

Also, the Crater Lake Syndicate could probably earn quite a bit of money in magical tutoring. They will teach you how to use magic, teach you spells, provide material assistance and so forth. Of course, this requires payment for taking their courses. Thus, the CLS accomplishes two goals: spreading magic throughout the Multiverse and getting paid. Not a bad plan.

But if you sign up as a formally bonded member of the organization, your education is gratis. H3ll, at that point the CLS pays you and provides opportunity for bonuses, because you're a salaried employee! But at that point, you work for them and they call your shots. They're generous employers and offer good pay and benefits, but your days of freelance adventure are over at that point.

However, there are always options for those independent of the organization, but with the potential and desire to learn magic unable to afford their normal tuition program. There are always options.

So either on a salary or simply doing jobs for them, you end up working for the Syndicate one way or the other. And they always earn a profit off of that 4ss.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by taalismn »

Looks good...Like a fun mystic group of scamming rogues. Take it they're of the more 'serious' mage classes, and not welcoming of, say, the more hardcore and grandiose Ludicrous Mages?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Astral Pantheon »

Molydeus wrote:Re-read my own post, and it occurred to me that I may have come across as overly harsh. But you didn't seem to take it that way, and I'm glad I made you laugh. :) And I'm happy that my feedback was helpful.

A couple of things in particular that I wanted to discuss.

Astral Pantheon wrote:Favorite tactics consists of sending member(s) to a primitive dimension/planet and small Kingdoms on Earth:
* Summoning a powerful monster that demands tribute from the natives, collecting tribute and then "saving" the natives from said monster.
* Create a Zombie/Mummy/Monster/Insect Horde, unleash on town/village/kingdom , loot town/village/kingdom, then "Save" the Day.
* Control Weather: Blizzard/Drought/Rain/Wind, collect Tribute, then have a Hero "Save" the day.
* Sell MDC Armors, MD weapons, and New Spells, to Natives, for a Hefty price...magic is worth the cost.


[snip a bunch of useful services the wickedCrater Lake Syndicate provides]

This right here is genius. Even without selling all the other things they do, they could make serious bank just doing this. This also fits into their long-term plan magic War but the people of Earth. Alien demons start terrorizing the townsfolk, and in come the Crater Lake Syndicate to save the day... with magic. Something many people see as evil and dangerous becomes accepted and even celebrated. More importantly, eventually magic becomes commonplace and accepted, as just the natural way of dealing with threats and handling situations.

So the Crater Lake Syndicate will definitely make an appearance in my Savage Rifts games. I honestly think these guys are more interesting than the Tomorrow Legion that Savage Rifts is pushing so heavily, I might use these guys as the default protagonist group instead. Or possibly an organization that the player characters can eventually join. I will be making a couple of changes to them, though.

1. The Syndicate promotes use of magic throughout the Multiverse, but you can't build a social infrastructure on magic alone. They have quite a few mercenaries, scholars, informants and others on their payroll. They happily adopt and use any technology they can get their mitts on, even if tech is not their focus. A Mind Melter, cyborg or Juicer that proves her worth will be offered a position sooner than an unreliable wizard. The Syndicate is idealistic, but also pragmatic. Making their organization a magicians-only club is simply not practical.

2. The Crater Lake Syndicate would offer the services and items that you outlined, but at a much deeper discount. They might very well sell certain things or services at cost or even at a slight loss, with the expectation of making profit in the long game.

So the CLS sells people magical armor and weapons, and tells them up front that these things will require periodic recharging... which only the Syndicate can provide due to their unique magical natures. This upkeep is provided for only a nominal fee, of course. (And "refills" are where CLS will probably make both of their profit from magical items.) But unless running a con like Monster Attacks the Village, they would deal as honorably with people as they can, avoiding surprises and double crosses. This builds trust and respect, and makes the Syndicate an attractive option. It also might earn them business by word of mouth, because if they entreat honorably with this group over here, others are likely to hear of it.

But in exchange for such bargains and reliability, they might ask certain favors of you. In exchange for a 10% discount on their already reasonable rates or services or items, they will be happy to cut a deal. Maybe if you came across some interesting information or items, you can pass them along to the Syndicate. Maybe you can do a little bit of work for them. They're flexible and are happy to make arrangements that fit your lifestyle and budget. Make an appointment with a representative today!

In this way The Syndicate can make themselves not only useful, but invaluable and indispensable.


Also, the Crater Lake Syndicate could probably earn quite a bit of money in magical tutoring. They will teach you how to use magic, teach you spells, provide material assistance and so forth. Of course, this requires payment for taking their courses. Thus, the CLS accomplishes two goals: spreading magic throughout the Multiverse and getting paid. Not a bad plan.

But if you sign up as a formally bonded member of the organization, your education is gratis. H3ll, at that point the CLS pays you and provides opportunity for bonuses, because you're a salaried employee! But at that point, you work for them and they call your shots. They're generous employers and offer good pay and benefits, but your days of freelance adventure are over at that point.

However, there are always options for those independent of the organization, but with the potential and desire to learn magic unable to afford their normal tuition program. There are always options.

So either on a salary or simply doing jobs for them, you end up working for the Syndicate one way or the other. And they always earn a profit off of that 4ss.

Molydeus, :ok:

I'll expand on Crater Lake Consortium later but a preview:

- Communal Magic (the Master's base of Power and Protection), Symbiotic Magus, and Monstrous Mage.....
- Has no problem using technology just prefers magic/psychic...
- Secrets of Crater Lake (a good AI protector)...
- The Master and his Consortium...
- Pricing off world and how...
- Pay for its members along with Free mystical Healthcare
Last edited by Astral Pantheon on Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Astral Pantheon »

taalismn wrote:Looks good...Like a fun mystic group of scamming rogues. Take it they're of the more 'serious' mage classes, and not welcoming of, say, the more hardcore and grandiose Ludicrous Mages?

taalismn, as long as, the Ludicrous Mages are willing to make a Blood and Soul Pact to the Crater Lake Syndicate. The Master sees no problem allowing the Mages into the Organization. Once your in, your in for life and death....more to come.... :demon:
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Zamion138 »

If they can recruit some earth warlocks, they should sell earthquake protection/insurance, same with flood insurance from a water warlock.
"Flood insurance? We live 100 miles from anything remotely possible of flooding...."
"The universe is crazy sir, I can tell you miss withers house next to yours will not get flooded anytime soon, but you do live on the boarder of a flood plane..."

Two weeks later every other house is ruined, same mage comes by next month peddling earthquake insurance, oddly everyone buys this time.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Astral Pantheon »

Zamion138 wrote:If they can recruit some earth warlocks, they should sell earthquake protection/insurance, same with flood insurance from a water warlock.
"Flood insurance? We live 100 miles from anything remotely possible of flooding...."
"The universe is crazy sir, I can tell you miss withers house next to yours will not get flooded anytime soon, but you do live on the boarder of a flood plane..."

Two weeks later every other house is ruined, same mage comes by next month peddling earthquake insurance, oddly everyone buys this time.

Zamion138, :ok: .

Favorite tactics consists of sending
member(s) to a primitive dimension/planet and small Kingdoms on Earth:
* Summoning a powerful monster that demands tribute from the natives, collecting tribute and then "saving" the natives from said monster.
* Create a Zombie/Mummy/Monster/Insect Horde, unleash on town/village/kingdom , loot town/village/kingdom, then "Save" the Day.
* Control Weather: Blizzard/Drought/Rain/Wind, collect Tribute, then have a Hero "Save" the day.
* Sell MDC Armors, MD weapons, and New Spells, to Natives, for a Hefty price...magic is worth the cost.

The Crater Lake Consortium (aka Syndicate) would send said warlock, in disguise, then let the member demand tribute from the natives, for a while. The "heroes" of the
Crater Lake Consortium would be sent to save the natives by Killing the Big-Bad (staged battle scene). Then the Heroes offer services and mystic items to the natives.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Astral Pantheon »

---Edited I didn't like the feel, so I changed it---

Monstrous Mage

Monstrous Mage is a form of combat mage that specializes in transformation spells and acting like a Big-Bad Boss. The training takes 2-3 year with a few rituals performed in the last months of training.

Alignment Restrictions: None, but tends to lean to selfish
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 12 and M.A: 12 or higher.
Restrictions: Must be SDC, Able to transform, although most (90%) are human.
Both males and females can become a Monstrous Mage.

Speaks and is literate in American (+20%)
Speaks and is literate in one language of choice (+15%)
Basic math (+20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Disguise (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
W.P. Three of choice (any)
Hand to Hand: Basic
O.C.C. Related Skills: At first level, the character can select
six other skills, plus one additional at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: Herding Cattle, Horsemanship: Exotic, Roping and
Trick Riding, and Whittling only.
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: Intelligence and Forgery only.
Mechanical: None
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Any
Physical: Any, except Wrestling and Acrobatics.
Piloting: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any (+10%)
Weapon: Any, including tech weapons.
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets Four Secondary skills
from the list above, excluding those marked “None.” Plus
one additional secondary skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. These
are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage
of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills
start at the base skill level

Other Special O.C.C. Abilities
1. Ritual places a Permanent Lifeward on the Monstrous Magus plus the training bestows +2d6 hit points and +2d4x10 sdc.

2. Sense ley line and magic energy. This ability is identical
to that of the Ley Line Walker.

3. Limited Spell Knowledge. He or she can cast the following spells: Globe of Daylight, Ignite Fire, Create food and water, superhuman
strength, tongues, Heal self, fear, manipulate objects and two spell of choice: 1-8th level (all at normal PPE cost).

Metamorph: Animal, Human and Superior at 1/4 PPE cost and Double Duration.

Learns spells like all other mages: can learn 1-8th level

----cannot perform ritual or circle magic----

4. Magic Bonuses. +2 to save versus magic. +1 to spell strength at levels six
and twelve. +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 11, 13
and 14. +6 to save vs possession, +2 to save vs mind control
and recovers P.P.E. at 10 P.P.E. per hour of rest or sleep; 20 P.P.E. per hour through mediation.

5. Other O.C.C. Related Bonuses: +6 perception +3 on initiative
+1 to strike, +1 to pull punch, +1 to roll with impact
or fall.

6. P.P.E. The Monstrous Magus is a living magical battery that can he
drawn on to cast spells . Permanent Base P.P.E.
PE x 2 + 48 then 2d6 per level.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by taalismn »

Astral Pantheon wrote:[
taalismn, as long as, the Ludicrous Mages are willing to make a Blood and Soul Pact to the Crater Lake Syndicate. The Master sees no problem allowing the Mages into the Organization. Once your in, your in for life and death....more to come.... :demon: they've studied the worst attributes of media agencies with regards to contracts, and improved upon them.... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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---ReEdited Another Correction---

Crater Lake Mystic

Crater Lake Mystic from the connection with the spirits of Crater Lake.

Alignment Restrictions: None, but tends to lean to Good
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 12 and P.E.: 10 or higher.
Restrictions: Must be SDC, although most (70%) are human.
Both males and females can become a Crater Lake Mystic.

Speaks and is literate in American (+20%)
Basic math (+20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
W.P. Three of choice (any)
Hand to Hand: Basic
O.C.C. Related Skills: At first level, the character can select
six other skills, plus one additional at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: Herding Cattle, Horsemanship: Exotic, Roping and
Trick Riding, and Whittling only.
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: Intelligence, Disguise and Forgery only.
Mechanical: None
Medical: First Aid only
Military: None
Physical: Any, except Wrestling and Acrobatics.
Piloting: Any except robots. (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any (+10%)
Weapon: Any, including tech weapons.
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets Four Secondary skills
from the list above, excluding those marked “None.” Plus
one additional secondary skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. These
are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage
of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills
start at the base skill level

Other Special O.C.C. Abilities
1. +1d4x10 sdc.

2. Sense ley line and magic energy. This ability is identical
to that of the Ley Line Walker.

3. Sense the Supernatural.

4. Magic Bonuses. +2 to save versus magic. +1 to spell strength at levels six
and twelve. +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 11, 13
and 14. +6 to save vs possession, +2 to save vs mind control
and recovers P.P.E. at 5 P.P.E. per hour of rest or sleep; 10 P.P.E. per hour through mediation.

5. Other O.C.C. Related Bonuses: +6 perception +3 on initiative
+1 to strike, +1 to pull punch, +1 to roll with impact
or fall.

6. P.P.E. The Mystic is a living magical battery that can he
drawn on to cast spells . Permanent Base P.P.E.
PE x 2 +4d6 then 2d6 per level.

7. Spell knowledge as follows:
1st to 3rd level spells: 6 spells total
4th to 8th level spells: 4 spells total
9th to 12th spells: 2 spells total

Gain 1 spell equal to New level Gained (at 3rd level get a 3rd level spell) starting at 2 level

8. Equal to a major psychic. Base I.S.P: ME x 2 plus 2d4 per level

9. Psychic knowledge as follows:
Healing: 3
Sensitive: 3
Physical: 3
Super: 3

Gain 1 non super psychic power at every level starting at 2nd and beyond.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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taalismn wrote:
Astral Pantheon wrote:[
taalismn, as long as, the Ludicrous Mages are willing to make a Blood and Soul Pact to the Crater Lake Syndicate. The Master sees no problem allowing the Mages into the Organization. Once your in, your in for life and death....more to come.... :demon: they've studied the worst attributes of media agencies with regards to contracts, and improved upon them.... :D

:demon: :ok: :demon:
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Magic Item For Sale

Off Earth Number one selling item

Rune Talisman
Talisman as the spell but Created through Rune rituals
Weight: 1 ounce
Size: Silver Dollar
3/Spells (1 to 8th level)
Or 6 month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
4th level caster
Cost: 2000 (1000)
Non Ally and Random Customer Price: 4000 (2000)
---All Non Combat Spells---
**Mega Seller**

Rune Amulets
Amulet as the spell but Created through Rune rituals
6 month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 2500 (500)
Non Ally and Random Customer Price: 5000 (1000)
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Crater Lake Consortium

Off Earth and Ally Healing Services:

-----Low Cost to Build: Customers and Loyal Allies------
(Allies on Earth Also get these Prices; However, this is not advertised)

Cleanse (10), cure illness (50), cure minor disorder (100), Cure Phobia (500), exorcism (50 and maybe free if unique entity), Healing Based on Damage (10 per MD of Healing/ 5 credit per HP/SDC), purge other (400), purification (50), restore limb (1000), stone to flesh (2000), remove curse (500), psychic surgery (50 to 1000), restoration (5000), Revive or Breath of Life (10,000) and Resurrection (25000)

Will extend a line of credit but will ask for double the price.

A few other services provided:

Recharge Clip [magic or energy] (500), Magic pigeon (50), mend the Broken (100 per MD) or (10 per MD if an item from Wicked) and building services: Stone Master/Warlock/ect.... (1/5 normal cost)


Reedited..... Symbiotic Magus will to turned into Crater Lake Magus

....lower on this thread....
Last edited by Astral Pantheon on Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Zamion138 »

Wait so at 2nd level, they know all 1 through 5th level warlock spells, then at 4th they know all wizard spells,8th to 15th?
And all physical psi at 4th level, starts with all sensitive and healing
Bonus 1 attack per melee, plus thoose of the symbiote? So at 4th level it can cast a spell shoot 5 times and do 4 psi actions
Add symbiote bonuses to the host, like the iq, me and ma bonus that it has?
Whats this things xp chart dragon x3, there are gods with fewer powers ;)
Also you should up that purge damage, there are so few rare powers to purge a symbiote it should be an extremely troubling battle, like 1d4x10 to the chest burster inside at least.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Zamion138 wrote:Wait so at 2nd level, they know all 1 through 5th level warlock spells, then at 4th they know all wizard spells,8th to 15th?
And all physical psi at 4th level, starts with all sensitive and healing
Bonus 1 attack per melee, plus thoose of the symbiote? So at 4th level it can cast a spell shoot 5 times and do 4 psi actions
Add symbiote bonuses to the host, like the iq, me and ma bonus that it has?
Whats this things xp chart dragon x3, there are gods with fewer powers ;)
Also you should up that purge damage, there are so few rare powers to purge a symbiote it should be an extremely troubling battle, like 1d4x10 to the chest burster inside at least.

Zamion138, the symbiote was only to have two actions...I'll correct.

-Magus Hand to hand +1 and 2 from symbiote (like having your familiar as part of you)

-No its more like a Pact:
The Magus at 1st level gets all 8th to 15th level spells but casts those spells as 4th level caster.
[Now, edited to have 1st to 8th level spells]

-The Magus (player) selects 1 of the following

-Warlock: Air 1st to 5th level Spells
-Warlock: Earth 1st to 5th level Spells
-Warlock: Fire 1st to 5th level Spells
-Warlock: Water 1st to 5th level Spells
-Stone Master
-Select any 4 Spells from 8th to 15th.

and these spells are cast as a 2nd level caster.

-Bonuses combine with Host: The symbiote is +2 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs psychic, +4
to save vs poison/toxins, + 4 to save vs horror factor, +6 spirit/soul attacks, Imperious to further possession, and mind control and Immune to all heart diseases...just what is listed.

-Mental Stats are for the symbiote only but will help Magus if asked.

-Xp chart was for Sunaj Assassin (remember this is an alternate Witch/Union... similar power level)


- Purge Damage will be adjusted.

Hopefully, that helps clear things up :ok:

P.S. The symbiote uses sensitive and healing psychic and the Magus (Aka Host) uses physical psychic but use the Magus's ISP pool.


Reedit Symbiote Magus gone replaced by Crater Lake Magus
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Crater Lake Consortium

Off Earth and Ally Healing Services:

-----Low Cost to Build: Customers and Loyal Allies------
(Allies on Earth Also get these Prices; However, this is not advertised)

Cleanse (10), cure illness (50), cure minor disorder (100), Cure Phobia (500), exorcism (50 and maybe free if unique entity), Healing Based on Damage (10 per MD of Healing/ 5 credit per HP/SDC), purge other (400), purification (50), restore limb (1000), stone to flesh (2000), remove curse (500), psychic surgery (50 to 1000), restoration (5000), Revive or Breath of Life (10,000) and Resurrection (25000)

Will extend a line of credit but will ask for double the price.

A few other services provided:

Recharge Clip [magic or energy] (500), Magic pigeon (50), mend the Broken (100 per MD) or (10 per MD if an item from Crater Lake) and building services: Stone Master/Warlock/ect.... (1/5 normal cost)


Off world and Ally Prices:

---Recharging Price is 20% of cost---

The weight for non artillery weapons and armor/shield is do to density; however, the user is attuned at purchasing. Items were weightless (1/10 weight value)
for attuned.

Rune Armor-Light
Weight: 10 lb
Base armor MDC 40
-8% Prowl/speed and -5% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 5,000

Rune Armor-Medium
Weight: 20 lb
Base armor MDC 80
-16% Prowl/speed and -10% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 10,000

Rune Armor-Heavy
Weight: 40 lb
Base armor MDC 160
-24% Prowl/speed and -15% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 15,000

Rune Armor-Mega
Weight: 60 lb
Base armor MDC 240
-32% Prowl/speed and -20% to Skill checks (swim, climb, ect...)
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 20,000

Rune Shield-Light
Weight: 6 lb
Base armor MDC 24
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 1250

Rune Shield-Medium
Weight: 12 lb
Base armor MDC 48
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 2500

Rune Shield-Heavy
Weight: 18 lb
Base armor MDC 72
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 5000

Rune Shield-Mega
Weight: 24 lb
Base armor MDC 96
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 6,250

Rune Axe
Weight: 12.5 lb
Base 1h: 3d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 5d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 100
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 6,000

Rune Horned Helm (Ram Horns)
Weight: 5 lb
Base Helm MDC 40
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 2000

Rune Horned Helm Version 2 (Bull Horns)
Weight: 6 lb
Base Helm MDC 48
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 2500

Rune Bow
Weight: 5 lb
Base Bow MDC 40
Mega-Damage: 4d6 (Magic) ... Converts any normal arrow into Magic Charged Missile
Range: 1280 Feet
Unique Bonuses and Weaknesses: Base Model-N/A
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 6000

Rune Hammer
Weight: 15 lb
Base 1h: 3d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 5d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 120
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 6000

Rune Mace
Weight: 7.5 lb
Base 1h: 1d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 3d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 60
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 4500

Rune Sword
Weight: 12.5 lb
Base 1h: 3d6 MD + PS Punch or 2h: 5d6+ PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 100
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 6000

Rune Dagger
Weight: 2.5 lb
Mega-Damage: 1d4 MD + PS Punch
MDC of Weapon: 10
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 1500

Rune Wand-Pistol
Weight: 2 lbs
Mega-Damage: 1d4 MD
MDC of Weapon: 16
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 300 feet
Payload: 30 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Wand-Pistol by spending 30 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 5000 credits

Rune Musket-Scepter
Weight: 5 lbs
Mega-Damage: 2d4 MD
MDC of Weapon: 40
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 600 feet
Payload: 30 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Musket-Scepter by spending 30 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 10,000 credits

Rune Rifle-Staff
Weight: 10 lbs
Mega-Damage: 3d6 M.D.
MDC of Weapon: 80
Rate of Fire: Aimed shots only.
Effective Range: 900 feet
Payload: 15 shots. Any magic practitioner can recharge the payload
of the Rifle-Staff by spending 30 P.P.E.
6 Month Enchantment plus 4d6 days
Cost: 20,000 credits

Creation Rune Device
Any techno wizardry Device
[Can Place Magic or Psychic Power into Rune Device]
Cost is a mere 1/10 amount
Dragon Power Gloves for 300K credits
Rune Power Gloves For 30K credits
Creation time goes up by a faction of x 20
and the Enchantment lasts 6 Month plus 4d6 days before Recharge
However, Recharging only takes PPE through a secret ritual (lasting 24 hours but can charge multiple rune devices)
Recharge cost is 20% of item (6k for Rune Gloves)

For non allies and random customers Double all Prices for items and magic cost (use Non Ally Earth at top of post)
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Really interesting stuff. Though the Symbiotic Magus comes off as a bit too powerful for a PC; great for an NPC though.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Marcethus wrote:Really interesting stuff. Though the Symbiotic Magus comes off as a bit too powerful for a PC; great for an NPC though.

Marcethus, thanks for your input :ok:

---I edited a few of the powers---
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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The Edits work but the PPE granted to the host still seems a bit on the high side for a PC. As an NPC it's great overall.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Crater Lake Magus

A Crater Lake Magus is a person, being, who draws his/her power from,
a group of magical beings called Oms, from a world beyond our own. These Good Beings are connected to Rifts Earth, at Crater Lake. However, the power granted to the Magus is amazing but has a cost. By the time the Magus reaches 1000 P.P.E. the Magus transcends this realm and becomes an Om (leaving Earth and becoming a NPC) or Transcend with knowledge at 15th level but fail and die forever!!

No Attribute Requirements: The requirement for becoming a Oms Magus is different from the other O.C.C.s; willingness to merge with supernatural being. Must willing without outside influence accept the magical beings gift.

Alignment Limitation: Can be any to begin but upon merging upgrade two places toward Good; influence of the Om.

O.C.C. Skills:
Speaks Native language 95%
Speaks two additional languages (+ 10%)
Lore: Demon & Monster (+ 20%)
Lore: Faerie Folk (+10%)
W.P. Ancient of choice (select one)
W.P. Modern of choice (select one)
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to hand to hand expert at the
cost of two "other" skills, or martial arts for the cost of three "other"
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills, but two must be from
wilderness or domestic. Plus select two additional skills at level three, then one at level six, one at level nine and one at level twelve.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: None
Mechanical: None
Medical: Any (+10%)
Military: Any
Physical: Any, except boxing, wrestling, and acrobatics.
Pilot: Any ( + 5%), except robots.
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any (+ 10%)
Science: Any (+ 5%)
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses ( ). All secondary skills start at the base skill.

• Weakness: All High Tech and Modern technology weapons cause double damage.

• Adds one hand to hand attack per melee..

• Becomes a mega-damage creature: PE + 80 M.D.C. and add 4d6 per level
(extra HP: PE + 20 +1d6 per level and S.D.C.: 60 plus 3d6 per level if not on Rifts Earth).

•Regenerate 1d6 every 15 minutes and can slowly regrow limbs.

• Imperious to further possession, and mind control, +2 on initiative, +2 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs psychic, +4 to save vs poison/toxins, and + 6 to save vs horror factor

• Physical strength: Add 6 points to PS and PE. Is considered to be supernatural

• Base P.P.E.: equal to PE x 10 plus 50 per level except for tenth level. At 10th level add 300 P.P.E. to Base !!!Recover P.P.E. at 1 point per minute!!!

-Start (1st level) with All 8th to 10th level Spells (general magic)

-3rd level: All 11th to 12th level Spells (general magic)

-5th level: All 13th to 14th level Spells (general magic)


-at 7th level: All 15th level Spells (general magic)

-an Alien form of Rune Magic: 70% (make check as if building techno wizard device --4th level strength--)

and Select One of the following (Cast at 1/2 current level round down.) starting at 2nd level.
--Yes, at level 2 select from list below--

-Warlock: Air 1st to 5th level Spells
-Warlock: Earth 1st to 5th level Spells
-Warlock: Fire 1st to 5th level Spells
-Warlock: Water 1st to 5th level Spells
-Stone Master
-All Select Any 8 spells from 1st to 7th level (general magic)

*If Crater Lake Magus hits 15th level, or 1000 P.P.E. ...transcends this realm become one of the Oms/ NPC make new character...Or lives for 6 years plus 4d6 weeks then turns to ash, does not transcend and even soul destroyed in process :eek:

-Xp chart was for Song Juicer
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by Zamion138 »

So whats the final goal of the syndicate, somehow all their cards fall right, they win, they get all the pieces ect. Is it getting everyone to transcend or rule with a iron a fist. When they know all magic will thet pierce the viel and find the "truth", do they get the loction of the forge and make the universe over again.

Or are they in it for the money, power, and sex.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Zamion138 wrote:So whats the final goal of the syndicate, somehow all their cards fall right, they win, they get all the pieces ect. Is it getting everyone to transcend or rule with a iron a fist. When they know all magic will thet pierce the viel and find the "truth", do they get the loction of the forge and make the universe over again.

Or are they in it for the money, power, and sex.

Zamion138, the Syndicate Wants it All!!! :lol:

It depends who you are in the Syndicate:

Master- Fame for the Syndicate and Spread Magic throughout the Megaverse.

Board Members- Money and Power (Only a few, Rule with a Iron Fist*)

*Off world Missions and demanding Blood/Soul Pact (Blood/Soul pact is a non magic/psychic oath. The Necromancer may raise your corpse, however)

Normal Member- Money and a place to belong

Crater Lake Magus- Transcend or die
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Zamion138 wrote:S

Or are they in it for the money, power, and sex.

I'm with this.....Just like the terrorists in 'Diehard' it's not about ideals, it's about happiness...specifically the happiness that can be bought with lots of money. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by J_cobbers »

Cool stuff, would make for a great addition to a Rifts campaign. My only nit picks are on all your "rune" items. First, are these actual rune items ala diabolists/splugorth magical runes, or just a marketing name for enchanted weapons and armor? Secondly, holy cow are your weights high. Most real life swords do not weigh 12 lbs. Giant sized ones might, but most large two handed swords are going to top off at 5 lbs on the high end, and smaller swords are going to be 2-3 lbs. Same thing with the weight for the hammer. NO un-augmented human is going to go around swinging a 15 lbs hammer one handed. I mean, real, modern one handed sledge hammers top out around 6 lbs, and 2 handed around 20lb. Likewise your armor is very heavy. Take it from someone who's worn modern body armor with Kevlar helmets and a ruck, 60lbs just isn't doable for normal humans while remaining combat effective in hand to hand. Magical armor shouldn't require 10lbs of additional material to improve the MDC level, I'd up by maybe 1-2 lbs per increased level. That's the advantage of magic. Otherwise the buyer wouldn't be any better off than going with technological sources for protection. Helmets weights look good, as do your pistol, rifle, staff. I assume the cannon is artillery and not hand held.

Anyway cool stuff, the comments on the weights are just for refinement of your ideas and hopefully helpful to you.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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J_cobbers wrote:Cool stuff, would make for a great addition to a Rifts campaign. My only nit picks are on all your "rune" items. First, are these actual rune items ala diabolists/splugorth magical runes, or just a marketing name for enchanted weapons and armor? Secondly, holy cow are your weights high. Most real life swords do not weigh 12 lbs. Giant sized ones might, but most large two handed swords are going to top off at 5 lbs on the high end, and smaller swords are going to be 2-3 lbs. Same thing with the weight for the hammer. NO un-augmented human is going to go around swinging a 15 lbs hammer one handed. I mean, real, modern one handed sledge hammers top out around 6 lbs, and 2 handed around 20lb. Likewise your armor is very heavy. Take it from someone who's worn modern body armor with Kevlar helmets and a ruck, 60lbs just isn't doable for normal humans while remaining combat effective in hand to hand. Magical armor shouldn't require 10lbs of additional material to improve the MDC level, I'd up by maybe 1-2 lbs per increased level. That's the advantage of magic. Otherwise the buyer wouldn't be any better off than going with technological sources for protection. Helmets weights look good, as do your pistol, rifle, staff. I assume the cannon is artillery and not hand held.

Anyway cool stuff, the comments on the weights are just for refinement of your ideas and hopefully helpful to you.

J_cobbers :

- Mostly, a marketing tool but still a lesser form of runic magic like Nuhr dwarf rune weapons.

- Yes, Cannons are artillery.


- Thanks for pointing out the weights :ok: I had to go back to my notes on the weights. The weight for non artillery weapons and armor/shield was do to density; however, the user must be attuned and then the items were weightless (1/10 value...I'll update above).

P.S. I have used a 20 lb sledge Hammer in construction before and i did swing it a few times one handed. !! If you miss you know it !!
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Re: Wicked Syndicate

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Molydeus wrote:Do they actually call themselves "The Wicked Syndicate"? Do they really name their equipment wicked this and wicked that? Is this some part of an absurd marketing ploy that they didn't think through?

If this syndicate thinks they're working for the good of the Megaverse, that would mean that they don't think themselves wicked. And if they call themselves wicked anyway, and sell you wicked rune-shields and wicked rune-staff rifles and wicked MDC bundt cake pans, all with a straight face, then they're being ironic. If they're ironic, that makes them hipsters. Don't do that. Hipsters aren't good. We don't need hipsters with money and magic, hopping around the Multiverse with their waxed mustaches and lensless eyewear and tight jeans and horrid shirts.

I think this is a really cool idea on the whole, I just can't take a group that calls itself the Wicked Syndicate seriously. And if they don't call themselves wicked, but others do... that means that enough outsiders know about them that they've earned a nickname. Which in turn means this syndicate really isn't doing its job, because that relies on them remaining secret, dig?

Just rethink the name. That would help a lot.

Why not? There is a shop near me that sells wicked 'wiches, I don't think they think their sandwiches are evil. This is MANY years in the future and even now most people, at least on the west coast of the U.S. hear wicked and normally think cool, rad or neat-o, okay maybe not that last one.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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So who is syndicates opposition?
Most forces in rifts have one or more direct competition groups?
Who is holding them back or has their sights set on de-thorneing them?
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Zamion138 wrote:So who is syndicates opposition?
Most forces in rifts have one or more direct competition groups?
Who is holding them back or has their sights set on dethroning them?

Ooo, a very good question. *Eagerly awaits the answer.*
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Zamion138 wrote:So who is syndicates opposition?
Most forces in rifts have one or more direct competition groups?
Who is holding them back or has their sights set on de-thorneing them?

The High Magery Regulatory Commission? Sorcerous Solutions Inc.? The Burnt(By CLS---a class-action association of former/surviving/wised-up victims of the CLS)? The Promethean Truth Society(a group opposed to the abuse of magic for blatant self-gain)?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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taalismn wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:So who is syndicates opposition?
Most forces in rifts have one or more direct competition groups?
Who is holding them back or has their sights set on de-thorneing them?

The High Magery Regulatory Commission? Sorcerous Solutions Inc.? The Burnt(By CLS---a class-action association of former/surviving/wised-up victims of the CLS)? The Promethean Truth Society(a group opposed to the abuse of magic for blatant self-gain)?

More splugorth funded anti freedom and good times groups, seriously follow the universal trade credits before you post this dribble, next youll be qouting MSN ( megaversal splugorth news)or HMSN (holographic megaversal splugorth news) and saying it doesn't have an agenda.

Dont belive me listen to Astral Jones he tells you whats really going on in the megaverse, and he isnt bought and paid for. Theire is a war on for your silver imbilicle cord!!!
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

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Crater Lake Syndicate

Almost 20 years ago, the Master and a few founding members of the Syndicate, found a primitive race call the Zu'm (at least, that is the closest they could pronounce it). The Master befriended the Zu'm and show them the wonders of magic. The Zu'm loved all magic had to offer. For far too long, life was hard for the Zu'm. Now, the Zu'm was offered magic for some shinny stones (gemstones).

The Syndicate sent members back every 4 months to recharge items and bring more magic (mostly talismans and techno wizard devices). The Zu'm even bought a techno wizard lanterns to have light at night. The Syndicate loved this. The coffers of the Syndicate grow over 3 years. Then when the Syndicate came for the normal visit the Zu'm asked for more weapons then ever before. The Zu'm said they needed them for the hunt. The Master and the Syndicate know that the Zu'm had great hunts ever few years, so they supplied the weapons.

Four months passed and a team went to meet the Zu'm. No one returned. An Elite group was sent next...only two returned barely alive. The team said the Zu'm had vanished and all their lands are wastelands. There were bags a gemstones everywhere but when the team went to pick it up, three beings appear wearing blood red hoods and wicked masks. The Elite group hit them with everything they had; however, the Wicked Hoods destroyed the the group with little effort.

The Master and Syndicate recorded the information and were saddened for losing the Zu'm as a amazing customer. The dimension has become off limits after 2 more encounters with the Wicked Hoods. One 4 years after the Zu'm vanishing, on another planet called Gigus in the same dimension...Half the members killed and shipment of magic goods destroyed. Then 3rd event was 3 months ago almost 17 years after Zu'm vanish, 13 years after after Gigus attack, and more Wicked Hoods showed up on a planet on the other side of the dimension...the Hoods attacked both the natives and the Syndicate. The Syndicate escaped with less the hundred natives. The natives are camping around Crater Lake currently. The Master has declare the dimension off limits and offering 10 million credits for verified information on the Wicked Hoods.

The Wicked Hoods are:
Your Choice ... :demon:
Last edited by Astral Pantheon on Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crater Lake Syndicate

Unread post by taalismn »

Zamion138 wrote:[More splugorth funded anti freedom and good times groups, seriously follow the universal trade credits before you post this dribble, next youll be qouting MSN ( megaversal splugorth news)or HMSN (holographic megaversal splugorth news) and saying it doesn't have an agenda. !!!

I see Network Omni News finally has two rivals. Cybssynthcrth is amused that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but he'll crush them never the less with his network's superior firepower journalistic integrity.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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