HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

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HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by MaDog »

Hey guys, it's Maverick again. I'd like to start off by saying that while I'm familiar with Rifts and I've been playing it several times a week for the past 8 or so months there's still quite a bit I'm unfamiliar with. I've been primarily a pilot (whether that's power armor related or just being a pilot all together). However, I have an amazing imagination. I used to GM for D&D 1.0 back in highschool when I would play it with a coworker and his buddy. I. Love. It.

The problem is, though, that there's still quite a bit in the universe that I'm unfamiliar with. My buddy that normally GM's was asking me if he could build his character with a few things in it that I had no clue what they were. My response was that I'd scale the encounters to the badassery of the group, which I have a decent idea of how to do. But it's all so overwhelming. I almost feel like I'm drowning thinking about it some times.

I've been writing a module for a little bit now that's based in the Chi Town Burbs and starts in an underground slave fighting arena, but honestly, I don't want my players to get bored and have to do missions that you can find in a book.

If anybody has any kind of advice to give me while I try to roll up and write up some random encounters/missions, I would love to hear them. Knowledge is power. Which is why I've come here. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to your responses. o7
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by Zamion138 »

Well the problem with our advise giving is......
What is your gm asking for?
What are the pc's
Are the burbs even a good fit for them?
You didnt say be whatever you want right????? Cause thsts gonna suck when a neo-human, psi-assassin, mystic knight and a rouge vampire are rolling around and you dont know crap about any of them.

My advice pick 4 books and the main, thry can only be from these, after they name their classes read them a few times and figure out if they are to weak or strong for what you have in mind.
Dont know why they all smile big when you ask them why they all started with JA-12 rifles? Go look it up.......remind them if they are so common that the npc mooks might have them too and not wilks pistols.
Check no one has made some BS like a scarecrow burster. If some ones playing a dragon hatchling in the burbs, remind them their metamorphosis powers have limits and time frames.
Make sure they aren't all giant robot pilots and glitter bots and then tell them to sneek into the arena at night and basicly never get to use that sweet sweet mdc death machine.

Dont assume everyone is good or mostly good like DND, evil abounds. If you write yourself into a corner, its ok especially if your new to say....."I screwed up, the kings not dead and you can keep your xp but were back peddling.....go ahead and fix your armor for free" (or some other cheap thing) I they are jerks about it they are bad people, find a new gaming group.

Make a quick refrence sheet for their powers and saves and combat stuff. Do the same for the villians, only really important villians need write up. Dont waste your time with the mookd, just how much armor and how many attacks and such.

Dont allow dimensional travel till your more comfy with the system. Also dont sweat that mystic china is not at all familiar to you, or any where else your not going. If they say.."but blah blah blah dont like trolls, " well they do in your game move on.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

My advise for Rifts GMing is simple: Don't do much in the way of writing adventures/encounters until your players have already decided what they are playing and/or you have decided to limit the options of what they can play.

GMing rifts for a group of City Rats is very different if you include just one Dragon and temporal wizard into the mix. Teleportation and invisibility open up just so, so many options they completely invalidate a lot of "basic" encounters. i've lost track of how many times Mystic Portal has been used to skip around problems entirely.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by HWalsh »

You've got some work to do but writing adventures can be really rewarding, it sounds like you're getting overwhelmed though. I also get the feeling your former GM is trying to take advantage of you.

Here is my advice
1. Slam on the breaks.

You're kicking the rust off and you're playing in a massive setting. Do NOT allow your players to make, "whatever" then scale to the group. They know the world better than you do, from the sound of it, and are going to abuse that. The way to combat that is to limit the game.

Tell your players:
"Pick stuff in RUE only."

Meaning no Temporal Wizards, Godlings, etc. If you're feeling up to it allow in variants from things like Juicer Uprising. Do NOT let them go crazy. It makes for very short, very sucktastic, games.

2.This isn't Cannibal Holocaust Slumber Party II

This is a standard rule for all of my games. Characters may be of good or selfish alignments only. I tend to tell my players, up front, that they are making heroes. This will help you not getting a party of murder hobos which makes writing stories easier.

3. Learn to say, "No."

No isn't a dirty word. As a GM it's your most powerful weapon. It is what allows you to keep control. Never be afraid to tell a player, "No."

4. The books ARE NOT weapon catalogs.

This is applicable really only if you didn't restrict books. If you let them do whatever they want though then remember, just because a weapon is in a book doesn't mean it's available. Don't be afraid to make them work for it.

If a character wants to buy a JA-12 then think. Instead of just buying it, maybe the shopkeeper is willing to trade. Maybe they need something done. Use things as carrots for adventure hooks.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by Supergyro »

HWalsh wrote:.

Tell your players:
"Pick stuff in RUE only."

3. Learn to say, "No."

No isn't a dirty word.

I disagree.

The first piece of advice is a good one. Be *clear and concise* as to the allowable character types.

However on the 'no', I've found 'no' is kind of a dirty word. 'no' means that there is an uncertainty between the GM and the player. If you are clear with your expectations (nothing outside the main book), then you shouldn't have to say 'no' because the player should *already* know what is an isn't allowed.

If you say 'nothing outside of the main book', and then you're *also* later vetoing things from the main book (no fusion blocks, no glitter boy etc..), then the problem is that when you said 'everything in the main book is ok' you didn't mean that, and you should have been more clear at the start.

'No' is is not fun, it's sometimes a necessary evil.. but it should be treated like exactly that, an evil.

As a sidenote, as it's Palladium, there will be TONS of uncertainties in character generation, tend to side in favor of the player. Does the skill percentage say '25%+5% per level..", at level 1, be the kind of guy who starts the percentages at 30...

No, I've never seen the chapter and verse that says you start at 25 vs 30, I've seen it argued both ways... but you know, if you err on the side of the players, it will tend towards the more fun.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by MaDog »

My buddy gm isn't taking advantage of me, I apologize if I worded what I said in a way that it made it seem that way. He doesn't get to rp very often, and I know he's been wanting to take a break from gm'ing so he could rp a couple specific characters for a while now. He just asked me about some psionic stuff I really have no experience with. :/ Thank you guys for all your pointers.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

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#1 discuss with the players which setting you all are going to be playing in.
#1.1 discuss about what power level the game will be. (power level goes from Dogie Houser up through punisher, spiderman, etc, etc, superman, and Deity games. It does not reference exp. level only the raw power of the chars.)

#2 you need to be involved with char creation. The characters "should" fit the power level of the campaign. let the players make 'out of canon' suggestions for their char, but remember You are the ultimate Yes/No chooser. Don't be afraid to say 'no' but try to be flexible too.
Flexibility does include letting players conceder character templates from the other settings.
(one of my past favorites for rifts were Nightspawn Mystic Studies. [NS…NB…not much difference in game play. Except for the text in the NBSG which changed the concepts behind the NB, they are in essence the same. to me NS are a race, and NB are what the NBSG says they are.])

#3 draw up a basic outline of where you want the campaign to go. What goal do you plan on for the chars achieving. You will need to be flexible, for the chars might end up going somewhere totally different then what you planned.

#3.1 And don't worry about things you are there to have fun too.

#4 plan out your buildings if they are going to be significant in the game. This means two things..if there is a town plan out the locations of the building, and if the insides are the playing field then plan them out too.

#5 Do Not Be Afraid To Wing It Sometimes.

#6 if you need help for NPCs don't be afraid to ask someone to help. (this works better in chat games where you can as a chatter that is not in the game to help out.)
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by Zamion138 »

Flexibility does include letting players conceder character templates from the other settings.
(one of my past favorites for rifts were Nightspawn Mystic Studies. [NS…NB…not much difference in game play. Except for the text in the NBSG which changed the concepts behind the NB, they are in essence the same. to me NS are a race, and NB are what the NBSG says they are.])

Guy doesnt know the system well and hasnt gm'ed since dnd 2.0 and your suggesting allowing nightspawn? Come on that is hard core divergent class type with its own host of powers, a whole seprate refrence point. Seprate weakness, mirror walking/travling ect. Night spawn are fun but can get up to heavy cyborg mdc real quick and power level of a hatchling.

How about saying pick from these this setting please.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by bobharly »

Lots of good advice here.

1. You need to know the cast of characters and they should be on a similar power level. Can you get all the players together to have a 'build' session? I used to love that, so everyone was collaborating instead of building in secret.
2. I prefer that players are heros and play good or mostly good characters.
3. Start small with your story and then build up big. My first adventure was aiding local law enforcement in a murder mystery. The second (and current) story is a road trip where they get a sampling of what is out there in North America from California to Texas. The next story takes them to South East Asia, Quebec or Oregon depending on how they make their decisions from that point on. By starting small and gradually building up you give yourself time to familiarize yourself with each book and setting.
4. One person suggested a campaign outline, which is a strategy that I use. Even if I run out of written material, I already know the bigger picture and I can wing it if needed. My outline actually features 3 different world events, one for each player depending on where they travel to.
5. Players rarely want to be from the same locale or profession. That's OK, but they all need a good back story for why they are together. Or you roleplay how they meet each other. I just introduced a new PC to my group by having the other players rescue him from Desert Nomads. Currently he only has his good looks and a dirty table cloth to cover himself, but everyone had fun and said it was the most interesting introduction they had seen.
6. If all else fails, bust out your 1st Edition AD&D books and take your players on a nostalgia campaign...
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Zamion138 wrote:
Flexibility does include letting players conceder character templates from the other settings.
(one of my past favorites for rifts were Nightspawn Mystic Studies. [NS…NB…not much difference in game play. Except for the text in the NBSG which changed the concepts behind the NB, they are in essence the same. to me NS are a race, and NB are what the NBSG says they are.])

Guy doesnt know the system well and hasnt gm'ed since dnd 2.0 and your suggesting allowing nightspawn? Come on that is hard core divergent class type with its own host of powers, a whole seprate refrence point. Seprate weakness, mirror walking/travling ect. Night spawn are fun but can get up to heavy cyborg mdc real quick and power level of a hatchling.

How about saying pick from these this setting please.

There is what I said…to be flexible…then I gave an example…a char type I always wanted to play (past tense) that the race and the template were not found in rifts setting books but made for the rifts setting. Yes the example was an extreim one, but only an example.

I will try saying the idea a different way….actually think about what the player suggests for their char concept for a min or two before deciding y/n. Sometimes the idea has merit but needs to be modified to be acceptable.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by MaDog »

Hey guys, thank you very much for the posts. I have read them and I greatly appreciate all the advice you guys are giving a noob gm like me to help me get started. Below are a few questions/responses to previous threads.

A: I have some cool "easter egg" ideas that I want to throw in. But I was wondering how much is too much when it comes to having the party do perception checks?
B: I would like to keep the world as realistic to the Rifts Chi Town Burbs as I can, but is it acceptable for me to add a pub or two?
C: In order to easier manage shopping (as this group is not new to Rifts) would it be ok for me to make up a predetermined list of goods that they can buy from one vendor and say that there are slim chances of them finding something better elsewhere?
D: I realize that as the gm I basically have limitless power, but where does the line between having fun and abusing the system begin?

A: I've managed to take a step back and change my mindset so I'm not overwhelmed. Now I'm looking at it from the point of view that it won't be perfect, and it doesn't have to be. It just has to be fun for all involved, including me.
B: As far as saying no goes, I'll make sure to wear my big boy pants and also make sure that my genitalia are properly attached before beginning. While I might not like the word, I realize its necessity.
C: I plan on drawing out all the places that action will take place on a scale size beforehand so that I can keep track visually of what's going on as the action continues (my gm does it all in his head which is mind blowing, I'm nowhere near there).
D: So far as character creation goes, I am going to be involved. Also, I always make my gamers roll a D6 for the vice table. It makes things interesting while allowing me to somewhat predict what might happen.
E: They're going to be working for The Vanguard some time after the Bloody Crusade of Prosek's. So far as their alignment goes, it's not going to matter too much. I don't allow paladins for a reason.
F: The campaign is going to be scaled to the predator character which has just been rolled up. Based off of that, I've figured out a good idea of what I'll allow the rest of the group to not necessarily be, but not be. I know there will probably be a phaeton juicer in there on top of the predator, which has been rolled off of a Rifts hunter class. If I have to, I'll create my own npc enemy classes for them to fight to ensure it's evenly balanced. It honestly wouldn't be too hard (made way too many characters).

Alright guys. Thank you once again for reading this. I sincerely appreciate all the posts submitted, and I look forward to more.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by guardiandashi »

MaDog wrote:Hey guys, thank you very much for the posts. I have read them and I greatly appreciate all the advice you guys are giving a noob gm like me to help me get started. Below are a few questions/responses to previous threads.

A: I have some cool "easter egg" ideas that I want to throw in. But I was wondering how much is too much when it comes to having the party do perception checks?
B: I would like to keep the world as realistic to the Rifts Chi Town Burbs as I can, but is it acceptable for me to add a pub or two?
C: In order to easier manage shopping (as this group is not new to Rifts) would it be ok for me to make up a predetermined list of goods that they can buy from one vendor and say that there are slim chances of them finding something better elsewhere?
D: I realize that as the gm I basically have limitless power, but where does the line between having fun and abusing the system begin?

A: I've managed to take a step back and change my mindset so I'm not overwhelmed. Now I'm looking at it from the point of view that it won't be perfect, and it doesn't have to be. It just has to be fun for all involved, including me.
B: As far as saying no goes, I'll make sure to wear my big boy pants and also make sure that my genitalia are properly attached before beginning. While I might not like the word, I realize its necessity.
C: I plan on drawing out all the places that action will take place on a scale size beforehand so that I can keep track visually of what's going on as the action continues (my gm does it all in his head which is mind blowing, I'm nowhere near there).
D: So far as character creation goes, I am going to be involved. Also, I always make my gamers roll a D6 for the vice table. It makes things interesting while allowing me to somewhat predict what might happen.
E: They're going to be working for The Vanguard some time after the Bloody Crusade of Prosek's. So far as their alignment goes, it's not going to matter too much. I don't allow paladins for a reason.
F: The campaign is going to be scaled to the predator character which has just been rolled up. Based off of that, I've figured out a good idea of what I'll allow the rest of the group to not necessarily be, but not be. I know there will probably be a phaeton juicer in there on top of the predator, which has been rolled off of a Rifts hunter class. If I have to, I'll create my own npc enemy classes for them to fight to ensure it's evenly balanced. It honestly wouldn't be too hard (made way too many characters).

Alright guys. Thank you once again for reading this. I sincerely appreciate all the posts submitted, and I look forward to more.

as far as creating locations in the burbs, that is pretty much a gimmie that its ok.

there are several schools of thought as far as determining whats available in a shop.
option 1 just decide before hand.
option 2 generate a basic list and approximate numbers before hand, and or have some "likelihood" tables. this is a common weapon in the burbs, so the merchant always has 2d4 available any day. this is a pretty rare item but he is well connected so .. there is a 10% chance he has 1. etc.

sketching out and writing up a description of a place can make it a lot easier to be consistent about what some place looks like.

Joes is a fairly upscale weapon dealer, most of the common weapons are in locking gun racks with a rod (or cable) through the trigger guards, with some of the rarer, and more expensive ones in cases to make them harder to steal.
bobs is a low grade arms merchant, there is a case of 20 assault rifles partially under the wood table on the left, and there are assorted handguns piled haphazardly on the table...

they generate completely different "feels" for the location. it also helps to throw in other details at least some of the time such as while the shop as a whole seems fairly clean, as you walk up towards the display of wilks laser rifles you slip in something on the floor, and after you catch your balance it feels like you have something sticky on the soul of your shoe/boot, kind of like if you were in a dirty movie theater and found the "mostly" dry puddle of spilled soda.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by MaDog »

Joes is a fairly upscale weapon dealer, most of the common weapons are in locking gun racks with a rod (or cable) through the trigger guards, with some of the rarer, and more expensive ones in cases to make them harder to steal.
bobs is a low grade arms merchant, there is a case of 20 assault rifles partially under the wood table on the left, and there are assorted handguns piled haphazardly on the table...

they generate completely different "feels" for the location. it also helps to throw in other details at least some of the time such as while the shop as a whole seems fairly clean, as you walk up towards the display of wilks laser rifles you slip in something on the floor, and after you catch your balance it feels like you have something sticky on the soul of your shoe/boot, kind of like if you were in a dirty movie theater and found the "mostly" dry puddle of spilled soda.

Noted, and I love it. Thanks again for the comments guys. I love how amazing this community is. Will definitely let you know how things turn out.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by Marcethus »

The great thing about the Burbs is that you can taylor it to whatever your needs are. The Burbs are constantly changing for the most part. Yes the Old Towns tend to have been there awhile but not all of the Old Towns are listed just the Major ones. So do with the Burbs whatever you need to do to make it fit your game.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

MaDog wrote:
Noted, and I love it. Thanks again for the comments guys. I love how amazing this community is. Will definitely let you know how things turn out.

One other thing. you can throw everything said here to the wind and Do Things You're Way and have fun GMing. ;) :P
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by bobharly »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
MaDog wrote:
Noted, and I love it. Thanks again for the comments guys. I love how amazing this community is. Will definitely let you know how things turn out.

One other thing. you can throw everything said here to the wind and Do Things You're Way and have fun GMing. ;) :P

+1. All that really matters is that you and the players are having fun. All the advise in the world can't supersede that one truth.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by MaDog »

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't responded here in a while. Thank you again for all the advice. It helped me to create a fun night of roleplaying. By the end of the night I was figuring out how to wing it, keep track of combat in my head, and control the group when they started getting on rabbit trails. From the looks of it I might wind up GM'ing for this group on a regular basis for a small campaign.
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Re: HELP! Haven't GM'd in years

Unread post by Marcethus »

Good Deal. Hopefully you had as much fun GMing as your players had playing.
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