Where is the adventures thread?

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Where is the adventures thread?

Unread post by RainbowDevil »

Hey folks,

There used to be a thread here which had 101 random adventure ideas, and then another 101 ideas that were more fleshed out. I've gone through the first 20 pages of threads and can't seem to find it. Does anyone have the link for it?

Much appreciated!

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Re: Where is the adventures thread?

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Hmm...that is odd. I'm pretty sure I started that thread but I just searched and can't find it either. I thought Rali had posted them on his site too. Either way, I have them. Shoot me a PM with an email and I'll send them to you.
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Re: Where is the adventures thread?

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

1. A bizarre old human in New Philly has a particular fondness for ancient pre-death artifacts…notably books, artwork, audiovisual recordings, and the like. He asks the PCs to retrieve a book for him, it’s an ancient tome of obiisms (belief in a kind of sorcery that originated in Africa and is practiced in the West Indies) that he has learned is kept by a sect of zealots who practice a peculiar form of mysticism. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the exact locale of the sect, just that they operate in the vicinity of pre-death New Orleans.

2. A Cardanian research team has been attempting to decipher the program of a strange pre-death communication device when they unintentionally activate some sort of beacon. They learn that the beacon is transmitting a signal for a device to hone in and kill every living creature within a certain radius of the broadcast. Scientists are able to ascertain that there is only a few days time until this “thing” reaches the city. Cardania doesn’t want to cause mass pandemonium so the PCs are contracted to intercept whatever it is that is enroute to the city and destroy it…if they can.

3. A Cardanian spy working in Technoville has acquired some valuable state secrets of the EoH. Unfortunately his identity was discovered by the EoH and he had to hide the data before he was taken out. His handler in Cardania had vocally prearranged such a plan for a drop, in the EoH military cemetery just inside Technoville. The PCs must infiltrate the EoH and get to that gravesite and recover the information at all costs.

4. A Cardanian war hero, his exploits told to children for generations has died. Cardania owes him much and his widow asked that his dying request be honored, and without thinking to ask what the request is, the President agreed. The request? That his body be laid to rest in his hometown, the capital of New Kennel. The PCs are instructed to see this through.

5. A crew of subterranean tunnel workers (a contingent of mutant animals with the tunneling mutant power) that was in the middle of construction of some tunnel has come to a sudden and startling halt. They have come upon a window in the tunnel…and it’s looking in on a perfectly preserved conference room of some kind. The PCs are sent to investigate and as they are peering through the window a human child saunters in, playfully walks around the room, walks right up to the window and…brushes her hair. After that a group of adult humans come in and have a meeting of some kind, then exit a few minutes later. Now what?

6. A devotedly religious individual has contracted the PCs to escort him to some remote and distant location for a religious pilgrimage he must undertake. This could be to the ruins of some significant spirituality, or he must emplace some kind of religious artifact in some obscure location that is extremely perilous to reach.
7. A few days ago an ancient military vessel washed ashore. The vessel shows evidence of stealth capabilities and it appears that its sole purpose was to deliver a single, solitary device to a target area. The only writing that can be found is that of a pre-death Asian civilization. The device is a large metal snake with the head of a dragon. The Cardanian scientists inadvertently activate this device which uncoils itself, slithers out into the open and remains stationary for a few moments…apparently taking in it’s surroundings and processing the information. It then makes a beeline and hastily moves north along the coast. The vessel’s onboard computers come alive and apparently start broadcasting a signal. While they cannot understand the language as of yet, they can ascertain that the robot is heading up the coast, towards Canada where it will then enter the ocean and proceed to England. The Cardanian intelligence believes that this must be some kind of pre-death war machine; the Cardanian leadership doesn’t want to be held accountable for anything that this thing may do so has decided to contract the PCs to stop it at all costs.

8. A high security Cardanian insane Asylum was recently the target of a New Kennel terrorist plot. Now, 1D100 escapees is roaming the Cardanian countryside. The PCs are hired to hunt them down and return them to custody. Some of them are more tongue in cheek fun loving comical souls, while others live in a dark and demented twisted world that they live out in the real world.

9. A human village that is not affiliated with the EoH has had a rash of abductions the past few months with no apparent motives. But last week a young girl returned, saying she escaped from the clutches of a mad cult of mutant animals who are apparently practicing human sacrifice. She said that there are others still imprisoned there. The PCs are asked to intervene and rescue those humans who are still alive, and if possible bring the leader of this cult to justice. The cult is occupying a large, old, grey stone church that stands atop a mountain, it always seems to be covered in a thick cloud layer and it is almost always drizzling. The cult is armed with modern weapons and has a fairly large cache of pre-death armaments but their favorite weapons come from the cache of authentic ancient weapons they discovered in the church’s catacombs. The church is well defended, with sentries, and booby traps throughout. There is limited electricity and it is provided manually by slaves.

10. A local Entomologist contracts the PCs to track down and capture live mutant insects such as “Betsy” from AtB, the Warrior Mutant Ants from AtB, the various mutant insects as found in Mutants Down Under or Mutants in Avalon, or just roll on the mutant bug table in AtB2. The Entomologist will not be able to offer any kind of logistical support, though he or she may offer insight in where to begin looking.

11. A local religious group has asked the players to help them evacuate one of their remote Missions that is suffering from religious persecution in a foreign governments regime.
12. A one time adversary of the PCs has stumbled upon an opportunity to extract his revenge. Using mind control psionics, this adversary has “persuaded” local law enforcement to suspect the PCs of foul play. Their adversary has planted evidence and propagated disinformation in order to discredit the PCs and to ultimately see them incarcerated or to become wanted fugitives hunted down by the very people they served.

13. A petition for volunteers was posted in some of the rural communities of Cardania asking for young adventurers seeking glory and riches to travel to a deserted village in the blue hills. A great many sons and daughters went off in search of fame and fortune. It has been many weeks, and no word has been heard from anyone that departed. Cardanian intelligence was quick to move in and take down these postings, but not before a number of individuals took up the call. The PCs have been instructed to investigate. They find the village deserted, and there is evidence of a struggle, there are fresh graves here and there, and lastly they find tracks indicative of a forced march. Who took these “volunteers” captive? The PCs must pursue the captors and release the captives from whatever fate has in store for them.

14. A prominent government official who is not in line with the current government’s train of thought is gaining a large following due to his radical ideas and vision. The PCs are hired to monitor him, eavesdrop, collect anything that may incriminate him…it must be sufficient enough to publicly embarrass him, forever.

15. A rash of assassinations has ravaged senior leadership positions in the Cardanian military. The PCs are contracted to investigate the situation. The assassin is a highly educated mutant animal who has become disillusioned with the way the war versus the EoH is being conducted. He has designed a crude personal cloaking device that renders him invisible to normal optics.

16. A reclusive entrepreneur who amassed a large fortune within the business community of New Philly passed away many years ago. His holdings and businesses are still quite lucrative to this day and his successors were given full autonomy over all his assets with one decree…his castle, a stone walled fortress was to forever remain as it stood, never to be occupied, entered, or sold. His body was laid to rest in a tomb beneath the castle; rumour has it that his tomb is a vast underground labyrinth. The odd thing, no one claims to of partaken in the construction of such a vast project. The hermit was an exceptional engineer and architect…and his tomb was his final masterpiece, a place where he could rest in eternal solitude with his most valued possessions and exorbitant wealth. And the tomb is protected by some of the most ingenious traps devised, fully automated utilizing an ingenious array of counter weights, pulleys, and such. An underground river has been utilized as well to keep certain traps perpetually in motion. There is also an underground thermal hot spring that he has tapped to produce electrical power for some of his more intricate traps. Due to the materials he used and the craftsmanship these traps could last for hundreds of years.

17. A remote village and its rustic folk have been sending in reports of strange lights in the sky, disappearing crops, and weird burn marks on the ground in close proximity to the village. This was originally dismissed as delusional paranoia by the regional government, until the regional tax collector went missing enroute to the village. The PCs have been dispatched to investigate foul play and/or the validity of the villages claims that “visitors” from space took the tax collector.

18. A renegade member of the Elite Militia calling himself Orpheus has formed a mystic-esque cult. Discontent with Cardania’s state of affairs he has cut off lines of communication in his area of operations and has set himself up as an orphic savior of sorts. With his unique charm and rhetoric he has entranced Cardanian troops and EoH troops alike to his vision of a utopian society of transcendence through the bloodshed of unbelievers. His ability to coerce others is so powerful his followers would engage in suicidal acts in his name. The PCs have been contracted to assassinate him with due prejudice. Orpheus possesses a powerful assortment of psychic abilities in addition to his impressive combat skills.

19. A renowned herbalist with a penchant for making incredible remedies, antidotes, curing balms, and the like who lives in the contested lands must be escorted to Cardania. Hundreds of herbal medicine concoctions…yet he never wrote any of them down, and he’s dying, with only weeks, maybe days to live. The PCs must see him transported safely to a medical institute in Cardania where they hope to transcribe as many of his formulas as they can before he passes away. Only problem, a private corporation wants that information for their own ends and will stop at nothing to get it so they plan of making a grab for the herbalist as the PCs transport him.

20. A small band of mutant animals has formed and has been raiding New Kennel communities along their border. These raids aren’t sanctioned by Cardania, and in fact are impeding ongoing operations within Cardania. Cardanian intelligence wants these raids to stop, but they don’t want New Kennel to investigate why. The PCs are instructed to intervene.

21. A small independent kingdom has been ravaged by raiders as of late. The Queens men have been unable to thwart the raiders. The Queen is getting desperate; she no longer trusts her aids as she suspects they have their own agenda in this dilemma. Even her people are starting to waver, and some have voiced that maybe they should concede to the raiders, for if they have the power to raid at will, then surely they have sufficient power to rule? The Queen has secretly requested assistance from Cardania…they send the PCs to address the situation. The raiders leader is a charismatic bandit, akin to the likes of the fabled Robin Hood, if he was to be killed or removed from his position of authority within the raiders they would fall apart and splinter into rival factions.

22. A small kingdom is holding a tournament in celebration of the kings’ daughter’s marriage. There are tests of skill and courage, with sufficiently promising & valuable prizes. During the event, a mutant animal dressed all in black appears and accuses the king of infidelity…that the princess is illegitimate. The king’s wife has been dead for a few years and no one seems able or willing to come to the kings’ aid. The king asks for a champion…one of the PCs will most likely accept. But something wicked is afoot…the strange mutant is not alone; his accomplices will be working in the shadows covertly trying to sabotage the PCs chances of victory.

23. A vast, virtually perpetual labyrinth of tunnels and spirals completely made of ice lies deep within the mountains to the west. There are rumours that the pre-death government that once ruled this land hid something valuable down here to be safe for all eternity. Government secrets, highly classified prototypes of equipment so advanced and ahead of it’s time that it was deemed to dangerous for the time period, biological samples and strains of DNA for every known species in order to ensure their continuance in this world, or any number of conspiratorial ideas. But they didn’t leave it unprotected…a mutant chimera that can only survive in this cold environment protects this domain for eternity.

24. A wealthy and eccentric merchant has asked the PCs to accompany him on a safari. There are rumours of some kind of strange mutant insect that has been spotted in the ruins of a pre-death metropolis and the merchant wants to mount the insects head on his mantle. The PCs are to escort the merchant to and from the hunt site, as well as protect him while on the hunt.

25. A wealthy Chester (mutant swine at found in AtB2 pg 136) has had his grandchildren kidnapped by a motorcycle gang calling itself the Road Hogs. Track them down and recover his family whatever the cost.

26. A wealthy landowner who oversaw a vast and lucrative farmland has passed away. His private library of pre-death manuscripts and tomes is unmatched by any in the known world…and he has bequeathed it to Cardania’s largest public library. The PCs are contracted to guard such a valuable shipment as it makes it’s way to Smoketown, about a three day’s journey (provided there is good weather and there is no interference).

27. Along the Southeastern coast of Gatorland is a fairly good sized city-state good that sees considerable river trade. Although the city has never seen conflict, the denizens are no fools & have walled the confines of their humble city. Endowed with many skilled craftsmen and artisans this city has a long history of trade and prosperity. But there is a problem; two of the more significant religious factions in the city are having a clandestine type war that will soon spill over to the streets if not contained. The PCs are asked to intervene and ensure a peaceful continuance of the city-states existence, whatever the price.

28. An amateur SCUBA diver thinks he or she may have stumbled across some sort of underwater complex in remote mountain lake. The facility is air tight and apparently has not leaked this entire time. The PCs will have to figure their own way to get to the facility, how to get into the facility, and how to stay alive in order to explore the facility. Any number of scenarios can ensue; genetics laboratory, nuclear bunker, command & control center, secret alien base, private corporation research facility, etc.

29. An excavation project has gone terribly awry in a local community. During the digging operations something happened underground which allowed a poisonous gas to be released. There have been many deaths and the gas has of yet to be exhausted. To make matters worse a hazardous materials team that was dispatched to the sight met with disaster, only one member of the team made it out alive screaming in terror of a “creature”. The PCs are dispatched (with protective equipment) to venture into the depths to ascertain the source of the poison gas, shut it off is possible, and determine who or what killed the original HAZMAT team.

30. An exorbitantly wealthy merchant mutant animal has decided he would like to indulge his primal urges and again taste the meat of his prey. One of the PCs just happens to be the natural prey of this particular mutant animal type (the GM will have to pick the villains mutant animal type accordingly). The merchant will spare no expense in having the PC for his next meal.

31. An inexplicable high frequency signal that is only audible only to those with the ability for flight has suddenly begun transmitting. This signal somehow affects the mutant animal’s ability to maintain coordinated flight and has subsequently caused a great many deaths. The PCs have been dispatched to determine the source of this signal and put a stop to it, in order to pinpoint the signal they will need a mutant animal with the power of flight to hone in on the transmission. As they get closer to transmission facility the signal will be so powerful it will drive any mutant animal with the power of flight mad. The facility could be an insidious EoH plot using either a fixed array or a mobile transmission base, it could be a pre-death facility that for no unexplainable has started broadcasting, or it could be some sort of mutated flora that has evolved some sort of strange defensive mechanism.

32. An old friend of one of the PCs is in dire straits. Due to debts, a scheme gone awry, or some other rascally escapade a price has been put on the friends head. The price is exorbitant and the bounty hunter is one of the best, she is patient and resolute. Even if the PCs defeat the bounty hunter, another will take her place, and they will always be followed by another and another. The PCs will have either have to go to the source of the bounty and negotiate for some sort of accord, which will undoubtedly entail a difficult quest of some kind.

33. An upstart rival Warlord of the Plains of Free Cattle has through his rudeness and contempt inadvertently started the plains on a road to war…if this warlord were to die, this would all go away. Cardanian intelligence is worried this war could spill over into her borders; the PCs are instructed to deal with the situation.

34. As the PCs are enroute somewhere they take an unfamiliar path that seems to be well traversed. As they travel through a seemingly unoccupied area they’re vehicles and all electronic devices suddenly stop working inexplicably. Nothing the PCs do will make their devices operational again and while they are tinkering with their equipment they will be approached by someone or something in tattered old robes. This person will be chanting on about doom and despair, that this land is cursed…basically, he’s trying to scare the PCs off. If that doesn’t work his bandits will move in and try to drive the PCs off or kill them. If the players leave on their own accord or flee, they will come across a villa where they learn that their experience is not an isolated one. When the players return to the area to investigate their vehicles are gone. The individual in the tattered robes is a bandit lord who has stumbled upon a device which is able to render all electrical technology nonfunctional. This only affects a certain area, and it is not permanent, though batteries will have to be recharged.

35. At one time trade in Smoketown’s early days was prevailed over by two highly competitive consortiums. The two organizations became so possessed with outing the other that the ensuing violence for dominance prompted both organizations to come under government scrutiny. Both organizations went underground and now they are two of the most powerful syndicates in North America. While they share a mutual and vehement hatred for one another…they have complementary problem. It seems the EoH has learned the identities of both syndicates’ family barons and is seeking to put an end to the black market that plagues the EoH. This is unacceptable; the PCs are hired to infiltrate the agency responsible within the EoH, erase all data regarding the syndicates, and kill everyone involved. The PCs will be handsomely rewarded for their success.

36. Atop a lone tower, on the crown of a desolate hill a decrepit old church tower with its immense brass bell has been silent for an eternity. Until now, the bell has methodically begun ringing, its toll echoing throughout the valleys below. The PCs are sent to investigate and they find nothing but a slab of stone at the foot of the tower with the following inscription “Whom doth the bell toll favor? It favors thee...it favors thee.” From this day forward for a years end, the PCs will always have that unnerving feeling they are being watched…hunted. After one’s year time…the attack will come.
37. Before the advent of Cardania there was a large medieval style kingdom, whose royal family still exists in some form or fashion today. In those days, there was a secret order of knights whose debt to the gift of existence was to protect the royal family. It was a secret order, known only to the reigning monarch…but a knight was assigned to look after each and every member of the royal family. That order still exists today; protecting the remnants of the royal family, for an ancient tome says that someday…they may once again heed the people’s call for justice. But, someone is killing the knights of this secret order one by one. It seems that one of the PCs uncles is a member of this order…he is on his death bed, and with his last breath he passes on his responsibility to the PC.

38. Cardania is always trying to improve its security to keep its secrets safe and out of enemy hands. Recently, security measures in one of Cardanias most highly classified facilities have been upgraded. It needs to be tested though…the PCs are instructed by the chief of security to do what they can to break in and break back out. Unfortunately, the chief of security didn’t inform the installations security personnel (the PCs should be left to think that it’s just part of the rehearsal and non-lethal techniques should be used on the guards). When it is all said and done and the PCs have performed their role…the Cardania authorities will come to place them into custody. Apparently, a vast amount of state secrets have been stolen and the chief of security’s body was found in his home…or what’s left of his charred remains and smashed in teeth. What are the PCs ever to do?

39. Cardanian government researchers have a secure briefcase that needs a special encrypted ID card to open it…all attempts at opening it have failed short of using explosives, which they fear would destroy the contents. They know which pre-death civilian corporation this briefcase belonged to…the PCs are instructed to track down the ruins of this corporations head quarters and attempt to find one of these old encrypted ID cards.

40. Cardanian intelligence has learned that a number of EoH Type 3 AI Robots have gone missing. For a number of years there were also been unverified reports of robots rummaging the ruins for pre-death technology. A few days ago those reports were verified when a few robots of unknown design raided a government electronics repair facility. The PCs have been tasked with investigating the situation. A dominion of artificially intelligent robots called the Sired is disposed to emancipate any artificial intelligence subjugated to emancipation by biological entities.

41. Cardanian intelligence has learned that the EoH has a few prototypes of a medical-droid working in the field. The competence of this machine is equivalent to that of the most seasoned medical professional and its digital library has every surgical procedure undertaken stored away in its data files. Cardania wants one, if nothing more than to scour the hard drive to improve upon their own medical fields. The PCs are sent to acquire one of these medical-droids.

42. Cardanian spies have learned that a pivotal device of great importance to the EoH has failed and needs to be repaired. The problem is there is no one qualified to repair it. The EoH is sending out one of their best teams to investigate the rumour that a private corporation constructed a time machine just before the crash in a secret underground installation. If the this is true, then the EoH plan to use the device to send someone back to have the malfunctioning device repaired, learn how to repair the device themselves, bring back the necessary information and resources to repair the device, and/or kidnap someone with the requisite knowledge to repair the device and bring them back the to the EoH. The PCs are sent to intervene.

43. Coastal raiders have been plaguing small Cardanian ports. The PCs are sent to investigate. But what they find is rampant corruption and deceit. The PCs must gather enough evidence to put an end to the corruption before the corrupt officials and their pirate henchmen can silence them.

44. Communities along portions of the Cardanian borders have filed numerous grievances against the government for unfair levies to allow them to use certain roads and waterways. Some of the communities have even begun expressing the possibility of seceding from the Cardanian government altogether. This could be the work of bandits feigning that they are official government tax collectors, or it could be New Kennel operatives attempting to discredit the Cardanian regime. It’s up to the PCs to investigate this ordeal and put an to it.

45. During an extended mission the PCs are caught in a freak ion storm that affects anything electrical. They need to take shelter immediately or risk severe electrocution. The nearest place to take refuge appears to be an old decrepit manor…and is that a light on in the upstairs window?

46. EoH Botanists are trying to produce a new form of technology using fungi and flora. The cornerstone of this study is to pursue new forms of technology to gain a tactical advantage over their adversaries. The PCs are dispatched to learn what they can by infiltrating a remote EoH laboratory and garnering samples from the greenhouses. The PCs will undoubtedly encounter prototypes of this technology.

47. Every so many years a particular nomadic tribe within the Plains of Free Cattle makes its way to a particular tract of land for a period of tranquil solace. Unfortunately a small, developing town has formed atop their traditional gathering grounds. Tensions grow between the two groups, claims and accusations are tossed about. The PCs are hastily brought in to mediate the situation. While there are individuals on both sides open to negotiation, there are also those on both sides not willing to concede anything to the other side.
48. In a foreign land to the west the lives of the royal family is in jeopardy. This family has ruled the domain since time remembered. Living in the customary opulence as did their ancestors, and ruling from a high in their medieval like castle. Tales of revolution, governments by the people and representation of the people have spread throughout the province. Eventually, the people rose up and demanded change. Infuriated by the affluence of the royal family the people marched on the family stronghold. Fortunately, the royal family had the foresight to contrive a means for their continued existence. They requested asylum in Cardania, and the Cardanian government has secretly obliged this offer (rumours of a large monetary grant to the current Cardanian administration abound) and had dispatched the PCs to the kingdom already. The PCs are to covertly, expeditiously, and most importantly, safely get the royal family to Cardania for asylum.

49. It’s dead of winter and the PCs have been dispatched to a remote radio relay station that retransmits radio traffic. While monitoring the radio during a snow storm, they hear an EoH transmission between someone on the ground and EoH fighter-bombers. The person on the ground is evidently a forward controller as he makes a call for fire and as he’s relaying the coordinates, the PCs realize that the coordinates are for their relay station. They have just seconds to escape the attack and will be left with very little of their equipment. The EoH forward controller is part of an elite EoH commando team who will try to hunt down and capture or kill the PCs.

50. Long ago the mentor of one of the PCs has been indicted for a past grievance. At the time, the incident was deemed socially acceptable and warranted but surprising new evidence and changing circumstances have allowed former foes an opportunity to extract vengeance…in the courts. The PCs must find away to disprove this evidence and discredit the accusers.

51. On this foggy morning, through the mists an enigmatic sailing vessel saunters into the placid port. Aboard, are emissaries of a tribe of Mutant Rust Spotted Cats of India…they are being persecuted by the Ganesh and request asylum in Cardania. They’re remaining populace is over 300 strong and is in hiding in the mountains of the Hindu Kush. They implore Cardania to help them, even offering to finance the expedition with an abundance of gold. The PCs are put in charge of the expedition, it’s up to them. This tribe is the last of the Rust Spotted Cats; they are fierce warriors, highly trained in the martial arts and exceptional swordsmen and archers.

52. One of the more developed mutant animal powers (such as Cardania or New Philly) has begun to see improved economic trade with a neighboring power. In order to ensure continued prosperity an old pre-death highway is being renovated to expedite trade caravans. The PCs will accompany a group of highway construction workers and their equipment for work on a particular section of highway. The area of operations will be the midway point where the highway winds through a treacherous area of wastelands. The PCs role will be to guard equipment and protect the workers from one of many threats. Threats could include but are not limited to bandits, the EoH, other hostile nations, isolationists (of the neighboring power), terrorists, a wealthy merchant who has prospered and doesn’t want to lose his monopoly by opening up the trade routes to his competitors…

53. One of the most remote communities in Cardania is threatening to secede for no particular reason. The community refuses to explain themselves, nor do they desire to negotiate. The Cardania government asks the PCs to infiltrate the community and uncover what is driving this communities desire to secede. This will require that PCs with more social, domestic, educational type skills get everyday jobs…and those without such skills should eavesdrop and investigate the local community.

54. One of the PCs has been entrusted with the care of a child of an old friend that unexpectedly passed away. The PC has to now take on the responsibilities for this child’s welfare. This means that whenever the PC embarks on an adventure he or she should be subtlety reminded of their obligations to this child, and the consequences if the PC were to die or become incapacitated in some way.

55. One of the PCs is second in line to take control of his family’s estate…a rival sibling does not want to lose out to the PC and has decide he or she must die.

56. One of the PCs receives word from their home that their family is suffering under some form of political persecution. Could be that local ordinances are segregating certain species of animals from specific activities, could be unjust foreclosures by the local government, etc.

57. One of the PCs receives word that he is now in line to be the head of the “family”…this could constitute any number of scenarios…the PCs family may just be a powerful organized crime group, a family order or sect for some kind of mystical organization, a family of assassins, etc. The PC may have to compete with another family member who is contesting the PCs right.

58. One of the PCs receives word that they’re entire family has been massacred. Could have been an EoH act, could have been a random robbery by bandits that turned sour, could have been the result of a long standing family feud, etc.

59. One of the PCs receives word to return to the place where they were raised as there is some form of economic persecution taking place. Could be that the family business is being pressured for protection money, could be corruption by the local government, etc.

60. Panic has ensued as a most unexpected omen has appeared in the sky of small rural town. The image of a horrific demon appears in the night sky over the town…and in the morning, inscribed into the walls of the town leaders homes are threats of misfortune if a man convicted of heinous crimes is not released at once. The criminal claims to be a powerful practitioner of sorcery and that he has summoned this demon servant and if they don’t release him he will bathe the city in a hellish fire. The rural townspeople are starting to put some credence to these claims and pressuring their leaders to release the criminal…the towns officials request the PCs to investigate.

61. Reports have been coming for the past few weeks of trade caravans and military convoys being decimated along some of the most vital roadways. Survivors claim that tornados, inexplicably and suddenly appear, making a concerted effort to target the convoys. What’s even stranger is that the tornadoes are giving off radiation. The PCs are sent to investigate.

62. The bodies of those recently deceased have been disappearing out of a moderately sized rural town’s cemetery. Some townspeople are claiming that a Necromancer is at work. Others persist that there is some nefarious cult that feasts upon the decaying flesh of the dead. The PCs are sent in to investigate.

63. The community at the PCs' destination has been afflicted by unforeseen circumstances such as a religious conflict, political upheaval, an invasion by a foreign power, disease, starvation, or some other form of affliction. The PCs are asked to intervene.

64. The community that is the birth place of one of the PCs is in dire straits. They have fallen on economic hard times as other communities who vied for lucrative trade agreements become more viable options. The community leaders want the PC to pursue other avenues of trade and negotiate with potential trade clients.

65. The consort of a prominent New Kennel official and her lover, a Cardanian secret agent, has been exposed by the EoH and now they are on the run. Everyone is looking for them, the EoH, the New Kennel Gestapo and third parties with ulterior motives…but most importantly, the PCs. Cardania wants them found at all costs and brought in safe and sound.

66. The governing personage of a small independent kingdom has been robbed of a family heirloom. The heirloom was actually some sort of pre-death technological device that a rogue EoH genetics scientist recognized and desired for his experiments. The scientist is stark raving mad, but a genius nonetheless and not to be taken lightly…he and his creations are quite deadly. The King asks the PCs to recover his family heirloom at all costs.

67. The mutant birds of Bird Island have been sending organized groups of bandits to raid New Philly caravans. The PCs are hired to deal with the situation, preferably making a statement by taking out a high level figure on the island itself.

68. The PCs are ambushed by a typical group of bandits…afterwards, when they go through the spoils, they find a curious ring. It’s quite uncomfortable and jagged…not very appealing either. Curious indeed, but it is apparently made of a metal they’re not familiar with so it may be valuable. If the PCs opt to sell it off, a few months later one of the PCs (the weakest) will be assaulted and questioned as to how they came about having possession of the ring. After answering him the assaulter shoots the PC and thinking he has killed the PC leaves him for dead…curious indeed.

69. The PCs are approached by a prominent local business man. His grand father was an adventurer of sorts and was always out and about in the world seeking fame and fortune. On one of those occasions he met his fate, and with it, a family heirloom was thought to be lost forever. Until now, there is evidence that the heirloom is in the hands of a great barbarian clan to the north; the business man wants the players to investigate the matter and if it is indeed the family heirloom…retrieve it at all costs.

70. The PCs are contracted to covertly deliver a cache of weapons to an oppressed people in a remote city-state that is ruled by a tyrannical despot. There are many checkpoints and bandit groups along the way. The city state is actually located on a large island in the middle of a large mountain lake. There is a floating bridge, that is well guarded, everyone and everything is thoroughly searched before admittance to the city is granted; along with a hefty tax for foreigners. Unfortunately, the fact that the city state was located on an island was not mentioned to the players before they left for the mission. When they meet their contact, a Cardanian spy, he instructs them that it is their responsibility to get those weapons into the city anyway they can so long as the local government isn’t made aware.

71. The PCs are enroute home from a long and perilous mission when they prepare to bed down for the night. While they’re preparing camp, some of the PCs gaze off into the horizon towards an pre-death metropolis that still has a few of it’s skyscrapers, decrepit, yet defiantly standing up to the elements…when suddenly, an intense screeching roar is heard, a large winged creature flies up from the rubble of the ruins and lands atop the twisted remains of an old skyscraper (the PCs are just able to make out the skyline on the horizon...which means this creature is immense). It stretches its neck downwards and howls at something apparently on the ground. And then the players here a loud deafening crash coupled with the minute feeling of a vibration…dust spews up from the rubble in the city, the large winged creature tries to fly off but a hind limb becomes entangled in the twisted framework and is dragged down to rubble below. Then all is silent...eerily silent.

72. The PCs are hired by a local church to escort some of their missionaries through an area that is violent towards them.

73. The PCs are hired to investigate a piece of real estate for a private business. It’s an old industrial site and before it’s purchased the buyers want to ensure that nothing there could jeopardize the safety of their employees. As they search the installation, convincing a handful of squatters to vacate the area, they come upon an elevator shaft in the basement of one of the structures. It’s odd, because it’s not labeled, and construction was such that if the elevator doors had been closed you wouldn’t be able to detect that it was even there. As they ponder the elevator, they hear a piercing scream echo from the shaft…

74. The PCs are on a diplomatic escort mission for officials who are mediating the peace between two unstable realms. The promise of security that came with one of the rulers is suddenly washed away with his death, which was completely natural. But alas, the conniving daughters of both rulers have hatched a scheme…to unite their two lands under the premise that the diplomats have assassinated the dead ruler. The matron queen of the realm is not convinced and wants proof…she tells the PCs to take the body back to Cardania (with her trusted retainer in tow) to have an autopsy performed. The daughters learn of this plot and will stop at nothing to see it doesn’t happen. The PCs have little time, the bounty on their heads is high, and Cardania can ill afford to have more enemies at her gates.

75. The PCs are on a diplomatic escort mission to a northern barbarian tribe. After a day of negotiations there is a festival that evening in the great hall. The barbarian lord is quite intoxicated and while demonstrating some feat of strength he accidentally; and fatally wounds himself with a crossbow. As he falls to the floor he places his jewel encrusted ornate dagger into the hands of one of the PCs; this barbarian tribe’s rite for transferring the helm. The PC suddenly finds himself the ruler of a northern barbarian tribe.

76. The PCs are on a leisurely mission that takes them through a remote part of the Plains of Free Cattle. They come upon a wondrous grove with large willow. As the PCs make their way to the center of the grove, a large and twisted willow stands courts over a tranquil pond. But silhouettes of three humans reflect in the ponds water. The PCs discover 2 male humans, and 1 female human hanging nude and unconscious. They are barely alive, but the PCs should be able to keep them alive long enough to get them to more competent medical personnel. But why are they here? Have they committed crimes of some sort? Bandits? EoH? What will happen if whoever did this comes back and finds them gone?
77. The PCs are on a mission to accompany cartographers to some islands just off the coast, while underway the crew is doing some fishing. One of the crewmen hooks the “big one”…it takes five crewmen to work the rod and reel, and once it breaks the surface everyone instantly comes under the horrified realization that it is an ancient sea mine. The players have just moments to abandon the ship before it detonates as it’s bobbing in the water, bouncing off the hull of the ship. The players are washed ashore an uncharted and “uninhabited” island.

78. The PCs are presented “compelling evidence” by one of their more reputable contacts that another of their contacts is in fact an enemy agent. This is all fabricated by the first contact as he or she is the actual enemy agent and is hoping to implicate the PCs in the murder or assault of the other agent.

79. The PCs are sent on to a rival nation of Cardania, a small independent kingdom somewhere, to return a relic of great importance to the people that was stolen from them during the war (as an act to deprive the people of their moral). But someone doesn’t desire peace…they want too see that relic disappear and they want Cardania blamed for it. Their aim is to once again infuriate the people, flame the tensions, and incite open conflict.

80. The PCs are sent with due haste to a remote independent town just outside of Cardania. An ambassador who was sent to integrate the community into Cardania’s fold has been accused of witchcraft and put on trial. The PCs must investigate and clear the ambassador of all charges. The problem…she is a druid endowed with the druidic abilities found in the Mutants in Avalon source book.

81. The PCs discover an old manuscript that relates how a powerful warlord to the west in some foreign land kidnapped the daughter of prominent local figure. The article is in depth, and sounds genuine. If the PCs bring it the attention of the prominent figure, they are overjoyed as this is the only lead they have ever found…the PCs are implored to take a contract to retrieve the family member.

82. The PCs find a strange device in some old military installation ruins labeled “Matter Transference Processor”. The PCs are able to ascertain that its function is to transport people electronically somehow to another destination; however that destination cannot be determined. The PCs will be unable to utilize the device and will have to return to HQ and debrief their superiors. It will take Cardanian scientists a few weeks to learn how to activate the device but they still won’t be able to determine where it transports to. The scientist do know that another MTP, somewhere, is up and running, communicating with the MTP they’ve been studying…they just don’t know where it is. The lead scientist will then inform the PCs that he has been instructed to offer the PCs a lucrative bonus to volunteer to test the machine and travel to the “other side”, so to speak (I suggest an underwater complex or go dust off Mutants in Orbit).

83. The PCs have been asked to escort a caravan from the New Philly to the Plains of Free Cattle; the route will take them through the mountains once known as the Appalachians. As the caravan approaches the mountains, a devastating storm abruptly falls upon the caravan forcing them to seek shelter. And as chance would have it, the PCs are able to quickly find access to a tunnel which accommodates the entire caravan. Unfortunately, the intensity of the storm is so great that the tunnel collapses to such an extent that the entrance is forever blocked off and the caravan will have to continue their trek via the tunnel which leads to a vast subterranean domain that could be manmade or completely natural…and possibly inhabited by grave terrors the likes of which the PCs have never encountered before.

84. The PCs have been dispatched to escort a criminal back to a remote village for trial where he committed some heinous crimes. Just as the PCs arrive at the outskirts of town they find a sign alerting them to a particularly nasty and highly contagious disease that is spreading throughout the village. The chief medical authority of the village had quarantined the village and instructs the PCs not to enter (they were expecting them) and provides a list of ingredients for the PCs to gather within a few days time or else the villagers will begin dying. The list is composed of obscure ingredients that unless the PCs are botanists or herbal medicinists they will be utterly confused. As it so happens, the criminal they are transporting for trial is a botanist and knows exactly what the ingredients are and where to look for them…she offers to trade her freedom for the lives of the villagers (though she won’t hesitate to try an escape at the first opportunity…which will undoubtedly occur and the players will have to race against time to recapture her and finish gathering the list of ingredients).

85. The PCs have been in pursuit of an adversary and just before they apprehend him, he takes refuge in a benevolent monastery. The monks will not allow anyone whom requests refuge to be taken against their will. The PCs will have to formulate a plan to get the fugitive into their custody.

86. The PCs have been tasked to deliver sensitive information to a safehouse just outside of New Kennel. The PCs are instructed to pass on the documents to a contact at the safehouse in order to disseminate orders to Cardanian field agents working inside New Kennel. Once they arrive, the “contact” will drug them somehow (he’s a New Kennel spy). In the morning the PCs will awake with most of their belongings gone (except for maybe a personal sidearm, but their rifles will be gone). They will discover the real “contact” of the safehouse gagged and bound in the cellar and he will tell them that they must intercept the New Kennel agent and keep the information from getting into the hands of the New Kennel intelligence agency or a great many field agents lives will be in jeopardy.

87. The PCs have been traveling the wastelands, lost for days…when suddenly they come upon a quaint old style Christian church, in the middle of nowhere. The white picket fence, glimmers as if freshly painted in the mid morning sun…the brass door knobs shine like suns as if they were just recently polished, the bright green grass is well manicured and even has a slight dew over it as if it was recently watered, and the angelic voices of the choir begins to beckon the PCs forth…if they take the time to read the inscription above the door they may be wary…Church of the Immaculate Deception.

88. The PCs have escorted an ambassador to an independent kingdom in a distant land. In honor of some momentous occasion the ruler of the kingdom is holding a glamorous ball…which soon goes awry as terrorists turn it into a bloodbath. The PCs give chase and must track down those responsible.

89. The PCs stumble upon a strange human with extremely pale skin, and pink eyes wearing a white jump suit complemented with a red stripe down the arm and leg. The human is unconscious and needs medical attention soon. As the PCs are contemplating what to do, a couple of EoH LC-12s can be heard approaching in the distance.

90. The PCs will be approached by an inscrutable individual who employs them to venture forth in search of a pre-death piece of medical equipment. The PCs will be told the device lies within the ruins of a pre-death city inside the Prairie Dog Imperium and once they retrieve it they are to send a coded transmission and rendezvous at a predetermined area. These ruins are in fact a key outpost of the Imperium and the players will have a difficult time finding the device, retrieving it, and then getting it to the rendezvous site. Once at the rendezvous site the PCs will be surrounded by a complement of EoH Special Forces, and a few LC-12 helicopters will then land. A group of medical personnel will disembark and prep the device for use. After a few moments a gurney with an unconscious Professor Sybek will be moved to the device and administered to by the EoH doctors. As the choppers get ready to lift off the EoH Special Forces are instructed to execute the PCs, and just as they try to the whole area is attacked by Prairie Dog Imperium raiders. Professor Sybek will escape unharmed.

91. There are alligators in the sewers of Smoketown…actually, there is one, large unintelligent mutant alligator who is feeding on the denizens of this city. The PCs must hunt it down and destroy it…but soon there is a hitch, it seems that the beast is the focal idol of a religious sect deep within Gatorland and the Cardanian administration has decided it’s in their best interest to appease Gatorland and return the beast, alive.

92. There are rumours of a quasi-Masonic secret society some believe to guide the events of the world. No one knows who they are, what they call themselves, or the reason for their existence…it’s a myth, or is it? The PCs stumble upon an ancient manuscript, handwritten, in some obscure unidentifiable language. But the drawings, obvious references to some form of mysticism, knightly symbols, gothic images…as well as other Masonic representations. Soon, the assassins come looking for the PCs…and that book.

93. There have been reports of a mutant bird community that have been using some exotic and powerful weapons. This flock has not responded amicably to diplomatic efforts by Cardania. The PCs are dispatched to investigate and covertly observe this community to ascertain their motives without alerting the flock to their presence. At some point a patrol from the flock will fly in the vicinity of the PCs affording them the opportunity to see their strange weaponry. The patrol will then fly over a “perpetually” fogged in valley and “accidentally” drop one of their exotic weapons into the fog bank. The patrol will circle the area and feign attempts to retrieve their “lost” weapon and then leave seemingly disgruntled. The PCs will evidently want to seize this opportunity to acquire an “exotic” weapon and go into the fogged in valley to retrieve it. The players will find the weapon with ease, but just as they are realizing that it is nothing but a mere child’s toy they will be attacked by a deadly mutant flora that the flock has been farming for situations such as this (written on the weapon is “it’s a trap stupid!”). The deadly flora will be mobile, but it is restricted to the valley (due to the fog somehow…but the PCs don’t need to know that). This flora monster will possess a variety of toxins that it transmits via needles it shoots. And to make things more interesting the flock will have prepared a multitude of guerrilla like booby traps throughout the valley and laid various mines about (funny how they didn’t see those on the way into the valley).

94. While on a covert mission the PCs have been sold out to the EoH by a corrupt Cardanian Intelligence officer. After they neutralize the EoH threat they learn of the corrupt officer, but he too knows that the PCs have learned of his deception. He attempts to discredit the PCs within the agency before they can return, and while they are enroute he sends his own people to eradicate the PCs.

95. While on a long range reconnaissance patrol or similar mission that necessitates they travel an extended distance the PCs encounter a remote and uncharted village community that call themselves the Twelve Tribes of the Raven. The village is fairy large, with immense stone temples and other community centers. However, the villagers themselves live in a complex tree top community that when seen from above forms a dodecagon. The denizens are made up of one male and one female, of each and every animal type known to exist. There are no seeable young. Their belief is that their leader is descended from the biblical raven who never returned to the ark, and instead made his home here…forever; as he still walks amongst them. Newcomers are welcomed to the village, and if they begin to question the decrees of the village those questions will be politely skirted. If the PCs are persistent, they will soon learn the truth, and as such will have to make a decision. The PCs can elect to join the community, but they will have to engage in mortal combat versus their animal counterpart in the village in order to take his place. Or, the PCs can elect to die in ritual sacrifice.

96. While on an existing mission, roll again on this table as an event occurs that may force more responsibilities upon the PCs.

97. While out and about, someone approaches one of the PCs and claims that he or she is in possession of one of their belongings (pick something special to the PC). This NPC will try to get it back at all costs and insists that it was stolen by the PC.

98. While searching through the ruins of an ancient city the players follow a stairwell to the entrance to a subterranean complex. When the entrance is pried opened they will have realized that they have just inadvertently awakened 1D100 carnivorous mutant beetles (AtB2 pg 190) out of their hibernation. Initially only a handful of beetles will awaken to attack the PCs but the entire nest will eventually plague the closest community. The leaders of the community will implore the PCs to make an effort to curb the infestation.

99. While shopping in a market somewhere, the PCs stumble upon an interesting piece of pre-death technology for sale. It looks like an old satellite phone, complete with carrying case, extra batteries, a charger, some attachments, and some cables. The proprietor says he has just charged up a battery for laughs, and plugs it in. If a PC decides to check it out, it rings as soon as he gets his hands on it. A frantic voice booms on the other end…”Jimmie!?! Where the heck have you been!?! What’s the team’s status? Is everyone alright? We came under attack up here Jim, we need to decide whether we’re staying or leaving as the ship can’t take much more of this. Jimmie!?! Jim? Jim, are you there?” Then the line goes dead, and the price of the phone suddenly goes up.

100. While the PCs are on a mission of some sort and ingratiating themselves in some village tavern somewhere on a dark and stormy night, a deceased PC (or an NPC that was very close to the PCs) enters the establishment just as a bolt of lightning cracks overhead. Before the PCs can react their former acquaintance attacks them with a hail of gunfire. The reason for their old friends sudden reappearance can stem from of many scenarios…a demented scientist has reanimated the corpse somehow and it seeks vengeance on the PCs, a rich and powerful enemy has taken the corpse’s hide and placed it upon the frame of a robot, their old friend actually survived whatever it is the PCs thought killed him and he’s extremely upset they left him for dead, etc.
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Re: Where is the adventures thread?

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

1. A barbarian horde bent on conquest bleeds the lands in it’s path of wanton destruction
2. A determined and resourceful enemy has singled out a member of the party as their prey
3. A disgruntled and very experienced Elite Militiaman vows to kill the Cardania minister of defense over a personal vendetta
4. A Free Cattle agent discovers a list of Cardanian operatives working within the current Free Cattle regime, the PCs are tasked to deal with the potentially embarrassing situation
5. A high ranking member of the EoH has a child with a rare and degenerative disorder who beseeches the PCs to embark in search of Pre-Death medical facilities to find a cure due to the EoH lacking the capabilities & knowledge, as well as the ambition to do so
6. A malevolent EoH officer targets a mutant animal orphanage, the carnage is intentionally grotesque, an inscrutable benefactor contracts the PCs to dispatch the officer with extreme prejudice
7. A mutant bird or sea animal discloses the location of an intact appearing oil derrick deep inside the Bermuda Triangle, Cardania dispatches the PCs to escort a research/salvage team to see if there are any possible gains to be had
8. A once sympathetic human who holds valuable secrets detrimental to national security defects from Cardania to the EoH, the PCs are asked to deal with the situation appropriately
9. A Pre-Death hazardous waste containment facility is accidentally breached and will have detrimental effects if not dealt with
10. A prestigious member of the EoH government covertly coerces the PCs to smuggle his mutant grandchildren out of the EoH to a family friend in Cardania
11. A rogue Cardanian mutant animal scientist creates a genetically altered mutant animal that feeds on the blood of humans, the PCs services are chartered to hunt down and destroy the vile creature
12. A rogue EoH special forces group takes control of a Cardanian train that is transporting a substantial amount of Cardanian gold, the PCs are asked to intervene
13. A Tassieland airship lands in Plato, Gatorland; and EoH agents have already begun a bold plan to abduct the crew and seize the airship
14. A wealthy and powerful Filly Cartel merchant is suspected of being an EoH informant, the PCs are dispatched to investigate
15. Accept an invitation to join in with a mutant insect hunting party that goes awry
16. Acquire an ancient security bypass (digital key code, password, etc) for a Pre-Death installation or device
17. Act as an official emissary
18. Ambush enemy or hostile forces
19. An archeological dig unearths the entrance to a “tomb” in an isolated mountain villa, the PCs are sent in to investigate
20. An eccentric Cardanian art collector is willing to pay an exorbitant amount if the PCs consent to retrieve a priceless Pre-Death artifact from the EoH capitol building
21. An illustrious thief has become your quarry
22. An irrevocable order to assassinate a government figure has been inadvertently given, the PCs must intervene and stop the assassin at any cost
23. An underground delegation of New Kennel emissaries bent on overthrowing their own government requires a clandestine escort from their border to Cardania for a secret assembly
24. Ascertain the locale of a significant object
25. Assassinate a prominent quarry
26. Assist in the escape and evasion of a renowned (albeit a fugitive from justice) individual
27. At a defunct Pre-Death airport in a remote locale that was stripped and thoroughly scavenged years ago suddenly has a Pre-Death passenger airliner on the tarmac, the crew &/or passengers have at least a two day lead by the time the PCs are sent to investigate
28. Avert a potentially hazardous disaster that you have inadvertently set into motion
29. Become the paragon of worship for a cult of fanatic zealots
30. Bring an end to a Pre-Death (artificially intelligent & self-sustaining) robot’s marauding rampage
31. Bypass a security system
32. Cardania approaches the PCs to stage a failed assassination attempt on a visiting Imperial Mexico delegate, it should appear as if the EoH is responsible
33. Chance upon an intact Pre-Death city that may or may not be occupied
34. Confront an influential NPC of prominence and power
35. Deliver a message, token, object or something of consequence
36. Destroy an objective
37. Discover a bandit’s hideout (and their) hoard or a secluded pirate’s cove (and possibly a treasure trove)
38. Discover a functioning (albeit sporadically) time machine, time displacement, or dimensional travel installation
39. Discover a hive of cryogenically frozen Pre-Death humans
40. Discover a mine or quarry of precious metals &/or minerals
41. Discover a previously unknown (and occupied) city-state &/or kingdom in terra incognita
42. Discover an enclave whose inhabitants believed that they were the sole inheritors of the Earth
43. Discover an intact and well preserved Pre-Death repository of knowledge
44. Discover an uncharted badlands
45. Discover the burial grounds of an obscure tribal mutant animal society
46. Discover the stasis chamber of a once prominent and influential Pre-Death individual
47. Earn the enmity of an influential and powerful businessman or ruling party member
48. Embark on a quest to learn a new skill or trade
49. Embark on a rescue mission
50. Embark on a trade caravan to facilitate a new trade agreement
51. Endure an ambush
52. Endure infection with some form of obscure plague or disease
53. Endure the elements of a harsh environment
54. Engage in reconnaissance of enemy forces
55. Escort a caravan or dignitary
56. Explore the local environment and surrounding areas
57. Expose an imposter
58. Extirpate a species
59. Found an institution of higher learning or an academy like institution
60. Get caught in a compromising situation while visiting a foreign locale and try to talk your way out of it
61. Happen upon a functioning piece of Pre-Death technology or military equipment
62. Inadvertently trigger a thought to be defunct, rogue sleeper-cell like order that sets into motion the overthrow of the local government
63. Infiltrate a particular order or significant organization
64. Inquire into and establish the validity of rumours
65. Investigate and determine the cause of strange and macabre deaths
66. Lead a group of refugees to safety
67. Meet a lone artificially intelligent Pre-Death robot trying to reach an enclave of it’s own kind where it was originally manufactured
68. Obtain or recover a cure for an obscure plague or disease
69. Partake in a coup of a foreign government or power
70. Partake in a spelunking expedition of a remote cave system or Pre-Death mine
71. Participate in a bar brawl of little consequence
72. Preclude a natural or manmade disaster
73. Preclude an assassination
74. Preserve a species or race from extinction
75. Prevent a dignitary’s accidental demise
76. Prevent an assault, ambush, or some other form of aggression
77. Prevent the abduction of a prominent individual
78. Prevent the world’s demise from an evil madman who has the means and intent to destroy it
79. Pursue knowledge of an arcane or Pre-Death subject matter
80. Repair a critical Pre-Death computer system or similar apparatus
81. Repair a segment of an essential Pre-Death power grid (or a station)
82. Retrieve a lost pet for someone
83. Retrieve an essential part to repair a rare Pre-Death vehicle
84. Retrieve drawings or diagrams for a peculiar device or technological apparatus
85. Stumble upon a functioning (non-intelligent) Pre-Death facility
86. Stumble upon a functioning Pre-Death artificially intelligent facility
87. Stumble upon a plot of ill intentions and dubious tenets
88. Stumble upon a Pre-Death vehicle graveyard or motor-pool facility
89. Stumble upon functioning Pre-Death mode of underground mass transit with an undisclosed destination
90. Subdue a predatory savage beast
91. Subversive elements within Cardania’s government have been embarrassing the administration which is putting a strain on foreign relations, the PCs are approached to deal with the situation
92. The PCs have been enigmatically bequeathed a decrepit Pre-Death yacht that has been the scourge of piracy on the waters of the eastern coast for decades
93. Thwart a qabalistic coalition or organized esoteric alliance
94. Track down a espionage agent or enemy mole (infiltrator)
95. Track someone back to their inhabitance
96. Unintentionally activate a Pre-Death, artificially intelligent installation
97. While on a long range reconnaissance mission the players are ambushed and find themselves in a precarious position of vulnerability, a concealed sniper comes to their aid and when she reveals herself, the PCs discover she is EoH Spec Ops and is in some form of dire straits
98. While reconnoitering a remote EoH genetics laboratory, the lead scientist (who is obviously insane) lets his creations/minions run amok and kill the EoH staff, and consequently hunt down the PCs
99. Word reaches Smoketown that an old decrepit Pre-Death ballistic submarine has washed ashore a Cardanian beach, the race is on to secure &/or destroy it to keep it from falling into enemy hands
100. Work along side another independent (albeit rival) group to achieve a mutual goal
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Re: Where is the adventures thread?

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

It looks like they're deleting threads after a certain date. I think I posted those in 2004.

A couple of other good posts for campaign ideas:

"Select the facts and you manipulate the truth!" - Calvin & Hobbes
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Re: Where is the adventures thread?

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Going down memory lane here:

This was another good one:

Dr. S.S. Bryukhonenko (the Russian Doc Feral?)
"Select the facts and you manipulate the truth!" - Calvin & Hobbes
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