Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Colonel_Tetsuya »

We got onto the topic of wether MDC is truly "rare" in Rifts as it is claimed/supposed to be in a few passages. I personally do not think it is (arguments and data to follow). First, ill address some of KCs points from the other thread:

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Well, assuming the 40 million number is closer to correct (as opposed to 30 million), the CS alone being able to arm about 8.5% of the population of the continent with just one type of surplus PA, let alone body armor and infantry weapons, (and not counting the 2-3 million they have actively under arms already) or other vehicles AND there are close to a dozen other manufacturers of MD weapons and armor in the market, all of whom are profitable and selling to someone...

They might be able to arm that much of the population, but they don't.

Something of a false equivalence here. This isn't about wether they do, it's about wether they *can*. In order for something to be rare, it has to be rare. It isn't, in this case, it's just not given to everyone. Money isn't rare. Billionaires are rare. Diamonds are not rare (in fact, theyre so common as to be nearly worthless, if not for DeBeers controlling the market).

Similarly, in the US, about 20% of the population owns guns. Less than 5% (usually quoted as 3%, but confusing or non-existent registration laws and loopholes confuse the issue) own more than HALF the guns.

This doesn't make guns rare in the US. They aren't.

AND populations of people with MD weapons and armor with no access to tech or TW by and large (Native Americans, Dino Swamp Barbarians)...

Not sure why you keep harping on the "no access to tech or tw" thing.

Because it shows that you dont have to be high-tech or even high-magic to have ready access to MD powers/abilities/weapons & armor. See Simvan, for instance.

and some nations that have large populations that are almost all armed with MD weapons, spells, or what have you (Pecos Empire - 600,000+ combatants out of 1.4 million or so inhabitants; and that's just assuming that the "career bandits" are the only combatants.)....

Are all their combatants MD-capable?
How MD-Capable are they?

Degree of MD-capability is utterly irrelevant. This is about MD being "rare". If they have it, they have it. To answer the question, though:

*Most* of the Pecos Bandits are: Grunts or Equivalent, Headhunter, Wilderness Scout, PA pilots, Juicers, Crazies, Borgs, Bounty Hunters, Forgers, Professional Thieves, Safecrackers, Smugglers, Special Forces, Spies, Gunslingers, Wired Slingers, Psi-Slingers, Gunmen, Saloon Bums, Saddle Tramps, and lastly, the Pecos Raider OCC.

All of those EXCEPT the Pecos Raider start with MDC firearms (and melee weapons). The Pecos Raider CAN start with MDC firearms (both an energy pistol and rifle, or "other" - unlike most of the people here trying to make this fit their conclusions, i tend to believe this refers to popular (among bandits) MDC solutions like Ramjets, Bandito weapons, etc), but people try to use a (rather silly) argument that they wouldnt, for whatever reason... but they ALL get at LEAST one Vibro-Knife ("one or more").

So yes, they are all MD armed. And the idea that they wouldn't have MD firearms when their primary criminal activity for about half the year is raiding Lone Star and other CS outposts for weapons and goods is kinda silly.

Matter of opinion as to what qualifies as "Rare" i guess,


And this will be the determiner if there can even be a conversation here. I dont cosider anything in the 30% ownership range to be "rare". Nor do i consider it to be "common", for the record... but it isnt rare. As i pointed out earlier, less than 30% of the people in America own guns. HALF the guns are owned by 3-5% of the people. That doesn't make guns rare. Almost every person in the country can point to someone in their lives who owns a gun. That isn't rare.

If 1/3 of the population had access to food, I'd say that food was pretty rare.

One is a luxury, the other is a necessity. One is harder to produce and procure than the other. Also, it isn't going be 1/3 of the population having access to food for long - pretty soon, the other 2/3 will die, and everyone will have food.

The same cannot be said of people not having firearms (in real life or Rifts Earth), particularly given that in most places, people simply have no NEED for guns because they are safe, and this pertains even in Rifts Earth (where over half the population of NA lives in relatively safe enclaves). Perhaps not as much (the wilderness is certainly a lot more deadly in Rifts Earth than modern day, for sure) as reality, but...

I'm perfectly content to cede the point that Kevin intended for MDC to be rare. Im 100% sure his original vision for Rifts Earth was to be more like Palladium Fantasy, where adventurers are uncommon at best and some of the nations have tens of millions of people living in them. It's one of the MANY idiosyncrasies in the setting that didn't work out. He says one thing (MDC is RARE!), but the info released says otherwise. Just like "mages cant fight", and "it takes forever to get anywhere" and other things that Kevin intended, it doesn't match out. "Show me dont tell me" comes to mind.

I'm also NOT saying that MDC is COMMON, and that every Tom Dick and Harry has MDC weapons/powers/abilities. They obviously dont. I'm just saying that it isn't RARE. I'd say it is "uncommon". It is uncommon for a US Citizen to own a gun. Guns, however, are not rare. MDC is uncommon, but MDC things/weapons/armor are not rare, nor unavailable to those that DONT have them if they want them. (Anyone living in places outside the CS can stroll down to the local NG store and buy an MDC weapon as long as they have the money, and given that GAW and WI have CHEAP weapons available (explosive, ramjet rounds), this is more feasible than ever. They dont because they simply dont NEED to. The average citizen of Lazlo that isn't already a magic user or master psychic or some kind of supernatural being doesn't need a gun. Lazlo is very safe, has an army to protect it, cops to protect the city, etc. MD is still readily available to him, though.

I also went through all the cities/towns/settlements i could find detailed:

“MDC is rare”.

Is it though?

Sticking to NA:

The Coalition States (at the time including Free Quebec) have about 15 million citizens. (SB1, original)

There isn’t really a breakdown on common OCCs for any given city or settlement in the CS, but they have (roughly, according to CWC, Siege Books, Aftermath, etc, and mathing out stated unit sizes to the number of said units the CS is stated to have) about 2.5-3 million men under arms in their army, + ISS forces (that aren’t detailed in size at all). That’s about 1/5th of their population that has daily access and use of MDC legally. We know that a large number of not-so-legal people carry MDC weapons inside CS territory, but we don’t have a solid number. This includes city rats, smugglers, criminals, etc. I wouldn’t say that this number is going to add much to the total out of their population..

However, Skelebots can be swapped out 1:1 with non-MDC armed Citizens. (As the citizen in question now no longer has to be drafted/serve). And there are at least a million of those. I *think* Dog Boys are accounted for in the population of NA stated in D-bees (they are sentients), so well leave that one alone as we have no concrete numbers on Dog Boy population in the CS.

But this does NOT take into account the ‘Burbs at all. (Other than ISS or CS Army personnel that patrol them).

Old Town Burbs seem to be fairly light on criminal activity, but “citizens” there employ bodyguards with MDC weapons and armor and are allowed to own them. Most of the buildings are permanent and made of MDC materials. (Adventure SB 1). These Burbs are most like a CS city. Lots of civilians, not a ton of MDC weapons/capability. Almost no magic, and most psychics are registered with Psi-Net.

New Towns - lots of people with MDC weapons and armor (streets are dangerous). A fairly high number of D-bees (15-20% or more). Some are outright armed camps. About 10% of people here are magic users. about 8% (avg; 6-12%) are psychics.

Shanty Towns - worth your life to go unarmed. Often violently purged by the CS Army. 20% D-Bees, 70% of whom are adventurers or mercenaries (with MDC weapons), high Psi-Stalker population (up to 15%) - again, very likely to have MDC weapons. about 12.5% magic practitioners. 11% psychics. MDC weapons and armor fairly common.

Firetown (the “Example” New Town Burb) has a pretty high percentage of people with access to MDC weapons, magic, or powers (over 30%, easily). (Adventure Sourcebook 2, Firetown).

Queenston Harbor - 165,000 people. No detailed breakdown on OCCs, but has a professional army of 10,000 (all armed with Armor of Ithan amulets, Firebolt Rifles and Pistols). Has a similar number of mercenaries/adventurers visiting at any given time, and 1500 Splugorth Minions. Doesn’t include the pirate fleets who call this their home port (numbers not given). Fairly high percentage of people with MDC capabilities, even if we assume that every person not listed above is a civilian with no MDC anything (which i think is foolish, particularly given the nature of the city as a TW manufacturing hub). (SB4, CS Navy)

Kingsdale - Population 110,000. Does not include the 4-8,000 transient mercs, juicers, etc, and used to be 3x higher before the Uprising. 27,000 people in Kingsdale are magic users. (30% LLW, 15% Mystics, 10% each Shifters, Warlocks, Diabolists; 5% Summoners, and 10% split between things like Temporal Wizards and other more rare practices (like Necromancy). Formal Army of 4320 people (all armed with MDC); 2000 Forest Rangers (Wilderness Scouts, Juicers, Crazies, Psi Stalkers; all armed with MDC weapons), Magic Militia (2000 troops, but i wouldn’t add this number to the magic users above, i’d assume they come from that pool), and the City Guard - 4000 combat effectives (Cops and Militia) So, out of a population of 110,000 - 37,000 at least, have MDC capability. And another 4-8000 visitors that are all armed. (Juicer Uprising, WB10) Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 40% of people have MDC weapons or abilities.

Los Alamo - Population 90,000. Does not include the transient merchant/mercenary population (all armed) of a few thousand. Standing army of 10,000 troops and 5,000 militia; also, 80% of citizens have at least one modern W.P., 50% have H2H Basic (level 1d4), and another 20% have H2H Expert (level 1d4+2). Major Juicer conversion hub, also a weapons manufacturer (knockoffs of Black Market, NG, and CS weapons, and event he basic Wilk’s laser rifle). (Juicer Uprising, WB10) Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 22-25% of people have MDC weapons or abilities.

Newtown (now wrecked) - Population 70,000 before the Uprising. Before becoming a CS protectorate, had an army of about 10,000, give or take. Half were mercenaries, which were all run out of town after the CS took over. Weapons and Armor manufacturer, Major Juicer Augmentation hub. (Juicer Uprising, WB10). Before the CS takeover, assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 15% of people had MDC weapons or abilities.

Fort El Dorado - Population 135,000; 85,000 additional people in the nearby small villages, towns, and farms that made up FEDs territory. Between 2-8,000 Juicers in town at any given time. Standing Army of about 4,000. Also has two small CS bases nearby (within 10 miles) adding another 1,000 or so troops total. Major weapons manufacturer, juicer and cybernetic augmentation mecca. (Juicer Uprising, WB10) Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 11% of people have MDC weapons or abilities.

Psyscape - Population 76,890 (at whatever date PA the book assumed) with a ~12% growth rate per year now that it is “back” in the world. (So, by 109/110, ~100,000 isn’t unreasonable). 87% are psychics. 50% of those are Master Psychics (so, roughly 43% of the population). 30% are Major and 20% Minor. Of the Non-psychics, 20% are Magic Users, 17% Men-at-arms. 10% healers and 15% Scholars, maybe/maybe not the actual OCCs, so who knows. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: at least 45% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. I didn’t get too mathy on the numbers after Master Psychics and Magic Users, really. That assumes also that all those Major Psychics aren’t double-dipping as the Magic, Men-at-arms OCCs. (Psyscape, WB 12)

Pecos Empire - Population 1.64 million. 550,000 “career bandits”. That number doesn’t include the 180,000 vampires (definitely MDC capable creatures) but probably DOES include the Brodkil and other MDC beings. KC asked and/or tried to imply that perhaps many of these bandits are not armed with MDC weapons - but there’s breakdowns for almost all of the major gangs and the minor gangs follow similar breakdowns. All the OCCs presented are MDC capable/armed. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 35% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. Including the Vampires, more like 45%. (Lone Star, WB 13)

General WB14 - New West note: even civilians of certain races are MDC capable creatures, like Fennodi (no MDC attacks but MDC defenses) and all Lyn-Srial.

Silvereno, Colorado - Population 34,000. Doesn’t have an OCC breakdown, unlike the other towns in New West. Is home to a coven of several hundred vampires, and has a militia and police force. (New West, WB14)

Clarkdale Confederacy - Population 13,260. No exact OCC breakdown, but it does call out that 15% are LLW, 6% other practitioners of magic, and 2% Indian mystics and magic users. Also has a population of Lyn-Srial. (New West, WB14) Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 25% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (New West, WB14)

Tryth-Sal (Arizona) - Population 6500. 4,400 are MDC creatures (Fennodi and Lyn-Srial). No callout on the classes or powers of the D-bees or humans that live there. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 60% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (New West, WB14)

Colorado Baronies: (New West, WB14)
Barony of Hope (population 52,000 + outlying towns) - Only 34% are NOT explicitly called out as MDC capable. This entry is “34% Others, including laborers, gamblers, cowboys, etc” - but some of those OCCs ARE MDC carrying. For ease, though, well just stick with 66%. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 66% of people have MDC weapons or abilities.

Barony of Testament - Population 28,700. 41% are explicitly called out as magic users or other MDC armed OCCs. 40% are cowboys and ranch hands or those who work related to livestock (which includes the Psi-Stalkers, listed as about 12% of the population and almost all cowboys or livestock handlers). Another 19% are simply “other” with no descriptor. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 40% of people have MDC weapons or abilities, but it is probably higher as a significant portion of the 40% of cowboys and related folks are probably armed, partifcularly the Psi-Stalkers.

Barony of Wilmington - Population 23,500. 35% are explicitly called out as magic users or other MDC armed OCCs. Another 20% are Cowboys, Scouts, and ranch hands. 45% are farmers/laborers. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 35% of people have MDC weapons or abilities, though this is probably higher as it is likely a decent percentage of the 20% of people who are cowboys and scouts have MDC gear/capabilities.

Barony of Charity - Population 10,700. All but 22% are explicitly called out as MDC-capable OCCs. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 78% of people have MDC weapons or abilities.

Native Preserves - Spirit West (WB15)
Fort Apache - Population 113,000. Standing army of 6000 modern soldiers and another 25,000 Traditionalist (combatants) Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 32% of people have MDC weapons or abilities.

The other preserves don’t have detailed OCC or combatant breakdowns, but assuming a similar ratio to Fort Apache on population/warriors for non-modern Indians (which make up the bulk of the preserves), most preserves have at least 25% MDC-capable warriors/shamans/others. There are roughly ~700-800,000 natives/Indians in NA.

Dweomer (105 PA) - Population ~50,000. 50% of the population is straight-up magic users, Dragons, Demons, or Supernatural beings. The non-magicaly inclined humans (25%) and D-bees (17.5%) are not specifically called out as to what OCCs they are. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: at least 50% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. This is probably significantly higher. (Fed Of Magic Revised, WB 16)

City of Brass - Population 18,900. 56% of the population is called out specifically as magic users, demons, dragons, other supernatural creatures, or Augmented Humans (Juicers and Bio-borgs from Atlantis, mostly). 44% are Humans and D-bees described as “Ordinary” (but no OCC breakdown). Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 56% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (Fed Of Magic Revised, WB16).

Magestar - Population ~2000. 29% are called out specifically as magic users or other MDC using OCCs (Cyber-Knights, ‘Trained Fighters’, inhuman sentient creatures). Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 30% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. Also (not included in the population number for whatever reason) has a standing “army” of 148 mercy to protect the town. (Fed of Magic Revised, WB16)

Stormspire - Population 18,072. Does not include 1000 slaves, 600 additional mercs, and 1-4000 transient adventurers/customers. (Total actual population assuming “average” visitors - roughly 22,000). 56% are called out as magic users or other MDC welding OCCs (Dragon Juicers, Demons, Brodkil, etc). 44% are “ordinary D-bees and humans” with no OCC breakdowns. Including visitors/customers and the standing merchant forces, assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 59% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (Fed of Magic Revised, WB16)

Lazlo - Population 1.4+ million (includes the popuiation of the nearby towns that consider themselves part of Lazlo, but not The Relic) No real known population breakdown, or OCC breakdown to offer. Never been detailed for whatever reason. Presumably, a lot of magic users. I’d consider a breakdown in population and occupation similar to Tolkeen to be reasonable, as it is the only comparable densely population magic using kingdom other than Lazlo.

Kingdom of Montreal - Population 134,000. 20% called out right off the top as professional bandits and pirates. Over 55% of the population is D-bees. No specific breakdown of population by race or OCC otherwise, though. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 20% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. I’d say this is ludicrously low, but we’re sticking to lowest-number scenarios here. (Canada, WB20)

The Relic - population 190,000. Police force of unknown size (armed by NG), Standing Army of 8,000, and a volunteer militia of 10,000. 48% of the population is D-bees, and Magic is practiced/welcomed. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 20% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (Canada, WB20)

Tundra Rangers - 30,000 strong, all MDC capable. (Canada, WB20). Leaving this out, though, as there isn’t even a guesstimate anywhere of how many civilians live in the area that the TR patrol.

Free Quebec - no population number given that i can find (though i didn’t comb the entire book), but a staggering 58% of the population has been in the military. (Assuming a roughly 50/50 split of males to females in the population.) (Free Quebec, WB 22)

Old Bones - 70,000 permanent residents, and between 10-40,000 adventurers, mercs, and traders at any one time. No particular breakdown of the residents, but all of the transients are likely to be MDC armed, and the city itself is described as extremely lawless. (FQ, WB 22).

Arzno - Population 23,000. Does not include ~1200 or so transients at any given time here to do business. About 15% of the population are MDC creatures or have MDC natural abilities. No specific breakdown on OCCs by percentage, but it is noted that TWs are everywhere, with 10% of them working for AMC and another 52-59% working for AWM. AMC stats show that they have several hundred magic users, about 1/3 of which are TWs, so there are at least several hundred TWs in the city proper. Also noted that pretty much every home has at least one set of MDC armor and TW anti-vampire weapons.

Merctown - 39,000 residents, and up to 30,000 adventurers, mercs, traders, etc. Breakdown of Residents isn’t done, but about ~10,000 of them are mercs that work for the guy who took over/founded Merctown. So, out of 70,000 or so people in town at any one time, at least 40,000 of them are MDC capable. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 55-60%% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (Merctown)

El Paso - 41,400, + 8000 transients. Straight up, 27% of the human population (which is half the population) is either augmented or magic using (and 7% psionic, but those may be minors/majors, not stated). About 1400 cops/peacekeepers, all MD capable. Totaling up the gangs (all MD armed) - gets us another ~1200 or so. Almost all of the transients are adventurers, bandits, or otherwise MD armed. So out of roughly 50,000 people, about ~9500 are MDC capable, PLUS about 13% of the humans (well call it 8% to compensate for the fact that some of those people are surely in the cops/peacekeepers).. so about 11,500 total, or so. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: at least 25% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. This is likely quite low, as i was just doing back of the napkin math. (Vampire Kingdoms Revised, WB1)

Cuidad Juarez - 93,6000 residents, + roughly 18,000 transients, and 14,000 slaves. Ill leave slaves out of the equation, because slaves are going to be -deliberately- denied MDC capability even if it is available to their owners. So, about 112,000 people. 4% right off the top are vampires (so about 4400), and 4% are creatures of magic and supernatural creatures (another 4400). There are roughly 6500 cops. Well call it 6000 to account for some of the supernatural beings being part of the cops. Adding up the gangs (all armed) gets us another 8500. Knock off about 1200, as one of the gangs is all vampires and already accounted for above. So, call it 7300. All of the transients are adventurers and the like, but well shave off a few k there (lets call it 15,000) just because we might assume some aren’t. So, about 38,000 people or so that we know are MD capable. Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 35% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. Given Juarez’ general dangerousness, i’d say this is absurdly low, but whatever. (VKR, SB1)

Northern Gun - about 1.3 million people (as many as 1.5, stat is a range, went with the avg). Right off, the IMCN (Merc network in NG) is 100,000 mercs. This doesn’t include mercs not on the IMCNs payroll (like Braddocks Bad Boys or Larsens Brigade). Police forces aren’t detailed in numbers, but there are “a lot”. For the sake of not starting an argument, ill just leave it out. (We don’t have numbers for the ISS either, so thats fine). Assuming all non-specifically-called-out MDC armed people as civilians: about 11% of people have MDC weapons or abilities. (NGR 1&2)

Manistique Imperium - No data of any kind on MI other than basic population numbers from Aftermath. (about 3/4 of a million people all told, including a high D-Bee population; would be close to a million, but we’re told in NG1 that Escanaba is actually part of NG).

Tolkeen (before Siege) Well stick with before-seige numbers, as the Siege undoubtably drew lots of people from elsewhere that were MD-capable.

Tolkeen - Population 890,000. General Breakdown of OCCs in peacetime gives us 39% of the population as MDC-capable OCCs (the psychics in this case have to be MDC capable psychics, as they are psychic OCCs, all of which are MDC capable). This does not include the 34% of the population that is “scholars, educators, and other skilled occupations” - some of which likely belong to MDC capable classes like Rogue Scholar/Scientist, Operator, etc. Well leave them out, though, for completeness. Another 20,000 are straight up supernatural creatures (but this doesn’t really add up to much). Call it 40% for ease. The population breakdowns of the few towns that are detailed in the SoT tends to follow these trends/percentages, depending on the town. (Some are way higher, 60%+, and a few (usually the very small ones) are very low (10% or less) as they are mostly farmers. (SoT6)

Simvan & Brodkil populations (about 2-3 million Simvan, several hundred thousand Brodkil in NA). ALL Brodkil are MDC. While Simvan themselves aren’t MDC beings, all the OCCs we see get MD weapons, but even disregarding that - because I’m sure people will say that there must be “civilian” Simvan - the Simvan train and use MDC creatures as mounts in war. Any Simvan warrior even if he doesn’t have access to high tech or MDC weapons still has an MDC creature to use as a weapon.

We’re averaging out (back of the napkin math) at roughly 37.7% of people who already own/have access to MDC weapons/powers/abilities.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by 42dragon »

Wow, too much information. Nice job pulling all that together.

But I agree with your premise. We are told it is "Rare", but the data does not back that up. As you get further from RMB (as the only source of data) the scarcity has gone from Very Rare only adventurers, to Rare, to Uncommon, and I would almost think bordering on Common at this point. Everyone has relatively easy access to MD if they want it.

This I think is driven by the fact that we are told Rifts is so dangerous, that most any location has an essentially unsustainable level of military/militia for defense.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by DhAkael »

42dragon wrote:Wow, too much information. Nice job pulling all that together.

But I agree with your premise. We are told it is "Rare", but the data does not back that up. As you get further from RMB (as the only source of data) the scarcity has gone from Very Rare only adventurers, to Rare, to Uncommon, and I would almost think bordering on Common at this point. Everyone has relatively easy access to MD if they want it.

This I think is driven by the fact that we are told Rifts is so dangerous, that most any location has an essentially unsustainable level of military/militia for defense.

-ahem- MDC hides cured and made into MDC leathers, "bug" shells for shields and building material, bones for same (natch), teeth & claws for blades.

And that's just from harvesting already dead creatures, never mind hiring a mage or adventurer to hunt some down. Practically every other beasty (deamonic or other) is MDC in-canon across the books.

Not just R:MB; which thanks to Kevin "I make Goerge Lucas seem sane and tanlented" Siembieada is now dis-canon'd and no longer extant.

Sadly; to get any technological MDC protection and/or weaponry, you're looking at spending the monthly Gross-product of most small cities for a single item. I chalk that up to inflation (though seriously; only paying mercs a whopping total of 10k a month maximum, how the heck are they supposed to get any toys?).

SOOOOOOooooooo it all boils down to; how much MDC is the GM willing to allow? :mrgreen: :demon:
You can quote books and argue back & forth endlessly but in the end, it's the guy behind the GM screen who makes the final call: books be damned.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Colonel_Tetsuya »

DhAkael wrote:
42dragon wrote:Wow, too much information. Nice job pulling all that together.

But I agree with your premise. We are told it is "Rare", but the data does not back that up. As you get further from RMB (as the only source of data) the scarcity has gone from Very Rare only adventurers, to Rare, to Uncommon, and I would almost think bordering on Common at this point. Everyone has relatively easy access to MD if they want it.

This I think is driven by the fact that we are told Rifts is so dangerous, that most any location has an essentially unsustainable level of military/militia for defense.

-ahem- MDC hides cured and made into MDC leathers, "bug" shells for shields and building material, bones for same (natch), teeth & claws for blades.

And that's just from harvesting already dead creatures, never mind hiring a mage or adventurer to hunt some down. Practically every other beasty (deamonic or other) is MDC in-canon across the books.

Not just R:MB; which thanks to Kevin "I make Goerge Lucas seem sane and tanlented" Siembieada is now dis-canon'd and no longer extant.

Well, to be fair, i agree with KCs assessment that you wouldnt fill the books with SDC challenges when your players are the MDC-armed "exceptions"....

But there are still millions and millions of MDC threats in NA (hell, Millions of Xiticix alone).

Sadly; to get any technological MDC protection and/or weaponry, you're looking at spending the monthly Gross-product of most small cities for a single item. I chalk that up to inflation (though seriously; only paying mercs a whopping total of 10k a month maximum, how the heck are they supposed to get any toys?).

Well, the price of MDC weapons has come way down. You can pick up a shotgun for 300cr (breach/double barrel), and explosive rounds (2D6 MD) with a grenade like blast raduis are only 150cr each. If you just need a weapon to scare off the random MDC critter, you can grab a shotgun and 15-20 explosive rounds for a fairly decent price. If you want to pay a little more, you can get Ramjets for 200/round, and a double-barrel blast does rail-gun like damgae (6D6 MD).

Or Ramjets for your hunting rifle, even cheaper (though they do less damage).

SOOOOOOooooooo it all boils down to; how much MDC is the GM willing to allow? :mrgreen: :demon:
You can quote books and argue back & forth endlessly but in the end, it's the guy behind the GM screen who makes the final call: books be damned.

I dont disagree with this sentiment. I was merely pointing out the discrepancy in the books. One of these days i may actually make a thread where i find all the plot and setting chasms (too big to be mere "holes") that bug me.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:We got onto the topic of wether MDC is truly "rare" in Rifts as it is claimed/supposed to be in a few passages. I personally do not think it is (arguments and data to follow). First, ill address some of KCs points from the other thread:

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Well, assuming the 40 million number is closer to correct (as opposed to 30 million), the CS alone being able to arm about 8.5% of the population of the continent with just one type of surplus PA, let alone body armor and infantry weapons, (and not counting the 2-3 million they have actively under arms already) or other vehicles AND there are close to a dozen other manufacturers of MD weapons and armor in the market, all of whom are profitable and selling to someone...

They might be able to arm that much of the population, but they don't.

Something of a false equivalence here. This isn't about wether they do, it's about wether they *can*. In order for something to be rare, it has to be rare. It isn't, in this case, it's just not given to everyone. Money isn't rare. Billionaires are rare. Diamonds are not rare (in fact, theyre so common as to be nearly worthless, if not for DeBeers controlling the market).

It just sounds like you're trying to restate my point as your own point.
Billionaires are rare, even though there's enough money to make plenty of them.
People with MDC are rare, even though there's arguably enough gear to outfit most people.

"Rare" depends somewhat on distribution, more than quantity.

Similarly, in the US, about 20% of the population owns guns. Less than 5% (usually quoted as 3%, but confusing or non-existent registration laws and loopholes confuse the issue) own more than HALF the guns.

This doesn't make guns rare in the US. They aren't.

Last I checked, roughly 1 in 3 households owned guns in the US.

AND populations of people with MD weapons and armor with no access to tech or TW by and large (Native Americans, Dino Swamp Barbarians)...

Not sure why you keep harping on the "no access to tech or tw" thing.

Because it shows that you dont have to be high-tech or even high-magic to have ready access to MD powers/abilities/weapons & armor. See Simvan, for instance.


and some nations that have large populations that are almost all armed with MD weapons, spells, or what have you (Pecos Empire - 600,000+ combatants out of 1.4 million or so inhabitants; and that's just assuming that the "career bandits" are the only combatants.)....

Are all their combatants MD-capable?
How MD-Capable are they?

Degree of MD-capability is utterly irrelevant. This is about MD being "rare". If they have it, they have it.[/quote]

This IS about Mega-Damage being rare.
That's why capability is entirely relevant.
If 75% of the population (not an accurate number) has access to some level of MD, BUT that level of MD is something like "has a vibro-knife" or "has armor with 5 MDC," then that indicates a scarcity of mega-damage.
Otherwise they'd have more of it.

To answer the question, though:

*Most* of the Pecos Bandits are: Grunts or Equivalent, Headhunter, Wilderness Scout, PA pilots, Juicers, Crazies, Borgs, Bounty Hunters, Forgers, Professional Thieves, Safecrackers, Smugglers, Special Forces, Spies, Gunslingers, Wired Slingers, Psi-Slingers, Gunmen, Saloon Bums, Saddle Tramps, and lastly, the Pecos Raider OCC.

All of those EXCEPT the Pecos Raider start with MDC firearms (and melee weapons). The Pecos Raider CAN start with MDC firearms (both an energy pistol and rifle, or "other" - unlike most of the people here trying to make this fit their conclusions, i tend to believe this refers to popular (among bandits) MDC solutions like Ramjets, Bandito weapons, etc), but people try to use a (rather silly) argument that they wouldnt, for whatever reason... but they ALL get at LEAST one Vibro-Knife ("one or more").

So yes, they are all MD armed. And the idea that they wouldn't have MD firearms when their primary criminal activity for about half the year is raiding Lone Star and other CS outposts for weapons and goods is kinda silly.

It sounds pretty silly regardless.
It seems like a bandit population that survives by raiding smaller populations.
Kind of like 50 wolves who live by regularly eating a herd of 25 sheep.

Matter of opinion as to what qualifies as "Rare" i guess,


And this will be the determiner if there can even be a conversation here.[/quote]


If 1/3 of the population had access to food, I'd say that food was pretty rare.

One is a luxury, the other is a necessity.

Are you saying that food is the luxury?
Or that "the ability to somewhat protect yourself from monsters and raiders and such" is a luxury?
Either one seems pretty necessary to survival to me.

One is harder to produce and procure than the other.


Also, it isn't going be 1/3 of the population having access to food for long - pretty soon, the other 2/3 will die, and everyone will have food.

Same logic could apply to mega-damage.

The same cannot be said of people not having firearms (in real life or Rifts Earth), particularly given that in most places, people simply have no NEED for guns because they are safe, and this pertains even in Rifts Earth (where over half the population of NA lives in relatively safe enclaves). Perhaps not as much (the wilderness is certainly a lot more deadly in Rifts Earth than modern day, for sure) as reality, but...


I'm perfectly content to cede the point that Kevin intended for MDC to be rare. Im 100% sure his original vision for Rifts Earth was to be more like Palladium Fantasy, where adventurers are uncommon at best and some of the nations have tens of millions of people living in them. It's one of the MANY idiosyncrasies in the setting that didn't work out. He says one thing (MDC is RARE!), but the info released says otherwise. Just like "mages cant fight", and "it takes forever to get anywhere" and other things that Kevin intended, it doesn't match out. "Show me dont tell me" comes to mind.

Where you and I will most likely agree is that I think that Palladium should have spent a HECK of a lot more effort to show and tell the SDC aspects of the setting, and less focus on the Mega-damage aspects.
They started off with Mega-damage being fairly special, but these days everybody and their Vagabond seems to have it.
Power creep, plain and simple.

BUT at the same time, I think that there's still room for Palladium's "mega-damage is rare" to be technically correct, albeit horribly written.

We’re averaging out (back of the napkin math) at roughly 37.7% of people who already own/have access to MDC weapons/powers/abilities.

So slightly more than 1/3.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Axelmania »

they ALL get at LEAST one Vibro-Knife ("one or more").

Tetsuya when I introduced the Pecos Raider equipment list in the previous thread I made it quite clear this was NOT the case. You have to read the context of your quote.

It is part of a list of things following "common equipment includes". Nothing in the section is guaranteed. Not totally clear on what common is at minimum.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

How does the book define rare? Is it defined or just a flavor text?
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Kelorin »

Blue_Lion wrote:How does the book define rare? Is it defined or just a flavor text?

Here is how defines rare:
adjective, rarer, rarest.

1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon:
a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated:
Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense:
rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4. unusually great:
a rare display of courage.

5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine:
She showed rare tact in inviting them.

I would agree that MDC weapons in Rifts Earth are in fact unusually great, excellent admirable and even fine. As far as distribution is concerned, who knows?
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Kelorin wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:How does the book define rare? Is it defined or just a flavor text?

Here is how defines rare:
adjective, rarer, rarest.

1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon:
a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated:
Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense:
rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4. unusually great:
a rare display of courage.

5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine:
She showed rare tact in inviting them.

I would agree that MDC weapons in Rifts Earth are in fact unusually great, excellent admirable and even fine. As far as distribution is concerned, who knows?

The question was if rare had a mechanical value or if it was flavor text. So does the book that use rare define what it means. (It was not a request to quote a dictionary.) There are many times the flavor does not match the mechanics.
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by guardiandashi »

Blue_Lion wrote:
Kelorin wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:How does the book define rare? Is it defined or just a flavor text?

Here is how defines rare:
adjective, rarer, rarest.

1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon:
a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated:
Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense:
rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4. unusually great:
a rare display of courage.

5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine:
She showed rare tact in inviting them.

I would agree that MDC weapons in Rifts Earth are in fact unusually great, excellent admirable and even fine. As far as distribution is concerned, who knows?

The question was if rare had a mechanical value or if it was flavor text. So does the book that use rare define what it means. (It was not a request to quote a dictionary.) There are many times the flavor does not match the mechanics.

to the best of my knowledge it is essentially flavor text claiming MDC is rare
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

guardiandashi wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Kelorin wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:How does the book define rare? Is it defined or just a flavor text?

Here is how defines rare:
adjective, rarer, rarest.

1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon:
a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated:
Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense:
rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4. unusually great:
a rare display of courage.

5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine:
She showed rare tact in inviting them.

I would agree that MDC weapons in Rifts Earth are in fact unusually great, excellent admirable and even fine. As far as distribution is concerned, who knows?

The question was if rare had a mechanical value or if it was flavor text. So does the book that use rare define what it means. (It was not a request to quote a dictionary.) There are many times the flavor does not match the mechanics.

to the best of my knowledge it is essentially flavor text claiming MDC is rare

To my understanding that is typically how rare is used, as part of flavor text as it is never defined to the point where we have a mechanical value. Arguing flavor vs mechanics is a waste of effort as only one is defined in game.
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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It all depends on the GM how many of the MDC critters there are, % wise, there are that the chars encounter.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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The CS has a huge aggressive army that is armed to the teeth with MD gear and vehicles.

If MD is "rare", then how can we explain the CS not having run completely over North America yet?

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

flatline wrote:The CS has a huge aggressive army that is armed to the teeth with MD gear and vehicles.

If MD is "rare", then how can we explain the CS not having run completely over North America yet?


Because conquest isn't that simple.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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I think when rifts first came out it was at least somewhat likely that MDC was rare. But once hodgepodge dinosaur armor became a thing it just does not make much sense. MDC armor at least became something that simply has to be pretty common. The tribal folks it would be even more common as magic users/fetish weapons are pretty reasonably available and once you kill even one dinosaur you probably have enough hide to armor your entire tribe.

More tech cities it is likely less common but even so I have to assume things like dino skin/parts and other MDC monster bits are a pretty hot trade item.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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Killer Cyborg wrote:
flatline wrote:The CS has a huge aggressive army that is armed to the teeth with MD gear and vehicles.

If MD is "rare", then how can we explain the CS not having run completely over North America yet?


Because conquest isn't that simple.

And the CS has not really been pro rapid expansionism. Their expansions other than lonestar and the windfall find there have been slow steady growth bolstering their core areas. With heroes of humanity it is looking like tolkeen war was one of the first expansions of resource collections so that could potentially point to a new phase is coming.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Axelmania »

Lowering cost options for MDC protection did make it more feasible for many to afford but still didn't mean it still couldn't be rare.

If you had some you might need to sell it to buy food. You might avoid it so people don't try to kill you to take it. People living hand to mouth couldn't afford repairs.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

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Axelmania wrote:Lowering cost options for MDC protection did make it more feasible for many to afford but still didn't mean it still couldn't be rare.

If you had some you might need to sell it to buy food. You might avoid it so people don't try to kill you to take it. People living hand to mouth couldn't afford repairs.

Although with most native tribes especially in the new west and dino swamp areas killing really big dino's while not easy is feasible and even a single kill of one of the really big ones probably feeds and armors your tribe for a long time to come. Hell their bones+hide probably means a lot of native Teepees or other shelter they have are basically strong MDC tents.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Axelmania »

I suppose.we could add up the max MDC of all hit locations and divide the sum by the minimum MDC that makeshift armor can have to get an idea the the maximum number of suits a dinosaur could provide.

Do we have ideas of various species Dino populations and the populations of tribes capable of hunting them?

Much as this helps Florida/Texas. Not sure what availability exists for dino pelts in other States.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Axelmania wrote:I suppose.we could add up the max MDC of all hit locations and divide the sum by the minimum MDC that makeshift armor can have to get an idea the the maximum number of suits a dinosaur could provide.

Do we have ideas of various species Dino populations and the populations of tribes capable of hunting them?

Much as this helps Florida/Texas. Not sure what availability exists for dino pelts in other States.

In order to kill a dinosaur, you usually have to destroy their MDC. Trying to then use that destroyed MDC to build armor doesn't make sense to me.

Also, most of the MDC of a creature would be tied up in muscle tissue, which might be hard to make armor out of.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by dreicunan »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Axelmania wrote:I suppose.we could add up the max MDC of all hit locations and divide the sum by the minimum MDC that makeshift armor can have to get an idea the the maximum number of suits a dinosaur could provide.

Do we have ideas of various species Dino populations and the populations of tribes capable of hunting them?

Much as this helps Florida/Texas. Not sure what availability exists for dino pelts in other States.

In order to kill a dinosaur, you usually have to destroy their MDC. Trying to ten use that destroyed MDC to build armor doesn't make sense to me.

Also, most of the MDC of a creature would be tied up in muscle tissue, which might be hard to make armor out of.
Suffocation would also work, and would leave their MDC intact. Trapping them in a big pit and letting them die of dehydration would also work.

One would assume that decapitating them would also get the job done, but that would likely involve some optional or house rules.

If dried skin can be used to make armor, I'm not sure that dried muscle tissue would be out as an option. Does anyone know enough about muscle fiber to let us know if it would be possible to somehow turn it into a type of thread?
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

I know you can use tendons and the like, but not sure about muscle tissue. But don't we have examples already of dragon skin and dinosaur skin armor?

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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Killing something doesn't mean it's utterly destroyed. If it did nothing would be salvageable, there'd be no hides to use. Something's MDC/HP/Wounds/Whatever is a bit more abstract than that.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Alrik Vas wrote:Killing something doesn't mean it's utterly destroyed. If it did nothing would be salvageable, there'd be no hides to use. Something's MDC/HP/Wounds/Whatever is a bit more abstract than that.

The issue is that we can't use a creature's MDC to determine what kind of MDC armor made from its hide would have.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Axelmania »

We.can guess at guidelines though. For a couple monsters in mindwerks if we assume one suit of armor per corpse for example.

The guidelines on robots destroyed v atomized could also be extrapolated.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Colonel_Tetsuya »

Re: Killing Dinos

Dino Swamp 1 has an entire section devoted to how the barbarian tribes kill the Dinos without destroying their main body MDC/destroying the hides & meat.

Drowning, breaking necks (with traps), trapping and starving (pits), shooting out the eyes and getting a brainshot, use of Biomancer items (check out the Sickness Spear - 19 or 20 to save even for a Dino or be reduced to one attack with huge penalties), and just plain headshots (might destroy the head and any meat therein, but leaves you the body).

You dont have to utterly destroy the MDC of the main body to kill a creature. We KNOW MDC hides are harvested for Armor by races like the Simvan (Fury Beetle armor, for instance) and we know that Dino armor exists (its statted out in Dino Swamp).

We also know that tribes can get months of meat from just one or two dinosaurs (keeping it non-spoiled is probably the hardest part).
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Axelmania »

I would still like a list of what MDC creatures have SDC eyeballs.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Axelmania wrote:I would still like a list of what MDC creatures have SDC eyeballs.

Vice-versa would also be interesting, for that matter.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Eagle »

You blow off the creature's head, you should still be able to salvage MD hide from the rest of its body. A monster's MDC total would be an abstraction. Killing it doesn't mean that you have to damage every single piece of its body. Let's say you shoot some big creature, and you crit with a Boom Gun, doing enough damage to kill it with one shot. The description could be that you shot it in the head. Then you'd have an entirely undamaged body to turn into body armor.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Eagle wrote:You blow off the creature's head, you should still be able to salvage MD hide from the rest of its body. A monster's MDC total would be an abstraction. Killing it doesn't mean that you have to damage every single piece of its body. Let's say you shoot some big creature, and you crit with a Boom Gun, doing enough damage to kill it with one shot. The description could be that you shot it in the head. Then you'd have an entirely undamaged body to turn into body armor.

You can only hit the head (or anything other than the main body) with a Called Shot or a Natural 20.

But other than that, kinda yeah.

Say a creature has 300 MDC, and you hit it with a sword for 500 MDC ('cause you're really strong); that doesn't mean that every last bit of the creature is destroyed.
Maybe you cut it in half, and there are two bloody chunks sitting there with around 150 MDC.

Which is another reason why you can't really use a creature's base MDC to determine how much MDC worth of armor you can get out of it.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by flatline »

This is one of the drawbacks of a quantitative damage system.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Eagle »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Eagle wrote:You blow off the creature's head, you should still be able to salvage MD hide from the rest of its body. A monster's MDC total would be an abstraction. Killing it doesn't mean that you have to damage every single piece of its body. Let's say you shoot some big creature, and you crit with a Boom Gun, doing enough damage to kill it with one shot. The description could be that you shot it in the head. Then you'd have an entirely undamaged body to turn into body armor.

You can only hit the head (or anything other than the main body) with a Called Shot or a Natural 20.

But other than that, kinda yeah.

Say a creature has 300 MDC, and you hit it with a sword for 500 MDC ('cause you're really strong); that doesn't mean that every last bit of the creature is destroyed.
Maybe you cut it in half, and there are two bloody chunks sitting there with around 150 MDC.

Which is another reason why you can't really use a creature's base MDC to determine how much MDC worth of armor you can get out of it.

Well, you only do damage to the main body unless you make a called shot or a natural 20. For a monster that just has one MDC value, it doesn't really matter where you hit it. We can presume that high damage rolls hit the creature in a more vital spot, whereas low damage rolls hit it in the foot or something. There's a lot of abstraction involved.

A lot of it would probably depend on what type of weapon you used. A volley of plasma missiles will probably ruin the hide. Rail gun rounds will probably make small little holes in the flesh that go very deep.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Axelmania »

Pros prefer AP missiles.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Eagle wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Eagle wrote:You blow off the creature's head, you should still be able to salvage MD hide from the rest of its body. A monster's MDC total would be an abstraction. Killing it doesn't mean that you have to damage every single piece of its body. Let's say you shoot some big creature, and you crit with a Boom Gun, doing enough damage to kill it with one shot. The description could be that you shot it in the head. Then you'd have an entirely undamaged body to turn into body armor.

You can only hit the head (or anything other than the main body) with a Called Shot or a Natural 20.

But other than that, kinda yeah.

Say a creature has 300 MDC, and you hit it with a sword for 500 MDC ('cause you're really strong); that doesn't mean that every last bit of the creature is destroyed.
Maybe you cut it in half, and there are two bloody chunks sitting there with around 150 MDC.

Which is another reason why you can't really use a creature's base MDC to determine how much MDC worth of armor you can get out of it.

Well, you only do damage to the main body unless you make a called shot or a natural 20. For a monster that just has one MDC value, it doesn't really matter where you hit it. We can presume that high damage rolls hit the creature in a more vital spot, whereas low damage rolls hit it in the foot or something. There's a lot of abstraction involved.

The rule is that you can not strike anything other than the main body unless a called shot is made or you roll a natural 20.

A lot of it would probably depend on what type of weapon you used. A volley of plasma missiles will probably ruin the hide. Rail gun rounds will probably make small little holes in the flesh that go very deep.

I believe they discuss this a bit in Dinosaur Swamps.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Eagle »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Eagle wrote:
The rule is that you can not strike anything other than the main body unless a called shot is made or you roll a natural 20.

If there's only one damage location, it doesn't matter. ;)

We're just talking about descriptive text that does not affect the game.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Eagle wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Eagle wrote:
The rule is that you can not strike anything other than the main body unless a called shot is made or you roll a natural 20.

If there's only one damage location, it doesn't matter. ;)

We're just talking about descriptive text that does not affect the game.

It doesn't matter in the context of damage distribution (when not using rules or circumstances that provide damage bonuses or other effects depending on hit location), but there are other contexts.
Such as how much hide is left intact when attacking an animal.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by eliakon »

So the question I have is...
...if someone is claiming that killing a dinosaur (or other creature) inherently makes their skin unusable...
...then how come "killing" a mecha still lets me salvage from IT?
I mean there are even rules on this.
Add to that the fact that we know that MDC leather armor is a thing.
And add in the sections where they talk about damage being implemented (the door being shot up, and MDC vs SDC survival)
And it seems pretty clear that 'killing something by depleting its 'life points' is not the same thing as 'utterly destroying a thing' but that there is stuff left behind (a body) and that those bodies can be salvaged, be it a biological body or a robotic one.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

eliakon wrote:So the question I have is...
...if someone is claiming that killing a dinosaur (or other creature) inherently makes their skin unusable...
...then how come "killing" a mecha still lets me salvage from IT?

Interesting hypothetical.
But since nobody here has made such a proposal that I'm aware of, I think I'll pass on this part of the conversation.

it seems pretty clear that 'killing something by depleting its 'life points' is not the same thing as 'utterly destroying a thing' but that there is stuff left behind (a body) and that those bodies can be salvaged, be it a biological body or a robotic one.

Which makes it a rather strange thing to try to start an argument about.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

eliakon wrote:So the question I have is...
...if someone is claiming that killing a dinosaur (or other creature) inherently makes their skin unusable...
...then how come "killing" a mecha still lets me salvage from IT?
I mean there are even rules on this.
Add to that the fact that we know that MDC leather armor is a thing.
And add in the sections where they talk about damage being implemented (the door being shot up, and MDC vs SDC survival)
And it seems pretty clear that 'killing something by depleting its 'life points' is not the same thing as 'utterly destroying a thing' but that there is stuff left behind (a body) and that those bodies can be salvaged, be it a biological body or a robotic one.

Because god hates mages.
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Incriptus »

I wouldn't call it Rare, but it's clearly not Well Done ... perhaps medium rare?
The outside looks pretty well cooked, but when you cut too deep into it there is a significant amout of pink.

Sorry couldn't resist the pun, especially with all this Dino Steak talk
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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Incriptus wrote:I wouldn't call it Rare, but it's clearly not Well Done ... perhaps medium rare?
The outside looks pretty well cooked, but when you cut too deep into it there is a significant amout of pink.

Sorry couldn't resist the pun, especially with all this Dino Steak talk

Nicely punned.

Well done.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

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Re: Is MDC "Rare" in Rifts Earth?

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Incriptus wrote:I wouldn't call it Rare, but it's clearly not Well Done ... perhaps medium rare?
The outside looks pretty well cooked, but when you cut too deep into it there is a significant amout of pink.

Sorry couldn't resist the pun, especially with all this Dino Steak talk

Nicely punned.

Well done.

You think you're cooking up doozies here, but the truth is i'd toss it all down a medium well.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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