7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

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7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by Bamse »

I just managed to get my hands on Invasion 1 and 3. In Nr 3 Lancer runs into members of 7th Mars Division. Is it stated anywhere when they arrived at earth? With the 10th? Earlier? 2nd Robotech War?
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Bamse wrote:I just managed to get my hands on Invasion 1 and 3. In Nr 3 Lancer runs into members of 7th Mars Division. Is it stated anywhere when they arrived at earth? With the 10th? Earlier? 2nd Robotech War?

Nope, not stated anywhere that I'm aware of.

The Robotech adaptation doesn't really get into the disposition of any unit that the characters themselves didn't belong to at one point, a trait in inherited from the original MOSPEADA where the only units discussed at all are Mars Base's 10th and 21st Battle Companies[sup]1[/sup], to which Yellow Belmont and Stig Bernard (respectively) were attached before those units were wiped out in the 1st and 2nd Recapture operations (respectively, again).

There were multiple Battle Companes involved in each of the Recapture operations in the original show, but none are ever discussed in any depth besides those two.

戦闘中隊 (Sentou chutai, lit. "Battle Company") was the term used to describe the formation to which 1st Lt. Stig Bernard belonged in the original MOSPEADA, though late in the series he starts abbreviating that to "21st Company" or "21st Unit".
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Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

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since the 7th was never mentioned earlier in the comic regarding lancer's wave, my guess would be they were an earlier group, which survivors of the 10th linked up to (explaining how Lancer's commander was there)

there is certainly enough evidence of earlier waves in the show. the old geezers in the Garfish arrived during the tail end of the 2nd war, and some interpretations of the Point K dialog suggest that Point K may have been established not long after the Invid arrived. (point K dialog and chronology is frankly a mess though. no matter how you interpret it, something in the evidence isn't going to fit)
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

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Thanks for that, both of you!
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

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IIRM correctly, in 2038 the 7th and 10th Mars Divions where part of the first Earth Reclamation Force of the REF.
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

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by all the canon info we have so far, it was just the 10th.
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Ice Dragon wrote:IIRM correctly, in 2038 the 7th and 10th Mars Divions where part of the first Earth Reclamation Force of the REF.

As noted previously, the only units discussed in the series are the 10th and 21st.
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Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i think that comic is the only mention of the 7th we've had so far.. and without further info we can't know for sure.
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by Chris0013 »

Would the 7th be Wolfe's command? Is there information on when Wolfe came back in the new continuity? Was it during the Masters War? or in between like old continuity?
The old timers said they came during the Masters War so were they somehow part of Carpenter's command or the ships that showed up at the end??
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Chris0013 wrote:Would the 7th be Wolfe's command? Is there information on when Wolfe came back in the new continuity? Was it during the Masters War? or in between like old continuity?
The old timers said they came during the Masters War so were they somehow part of Carpenter's command or the ships that showed up at the end??

Per dialogue it was to fight the Robotech Masters in Ep68. That hasn't changed between continuities, the specifics though aren't known AFAIK.

Nothing in the show indicates what unit(s) that would be, other than Carpenter's Tokagawa and forces returning from deep space (treated as UEEF, but could just as easily be UEDF given Ep37 had UEDF forces with a space fleet).
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by keir451 »

The first group to be sent back to Earth was Maj. Carpenter who left Tirol in 2027 (Earthtime) he arrives in 2031 just after the Masters arrive.

The next group to leave for Earth was Col. Wolff in 2028, this group most likely contains Lancer and Lunk, he arrives at Earth in 2032 after the end of the 2nd Robotech War and sets up an anti-Invid underground (according to the novels) Dana Sterling and the remnants of the 15th ATAC commandeer his ship and head back to Tirol.
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Those dates appear to be based on the (essentially separate) novel timeline though. Series timeline is pretty clear that :
-Carpenter was responding to a mayday from SSL (2029)
-Wolf isn't exactly clear when he actually arrived
-Lunk is never considered (though dialogue places it during the initial Invid Invasion, but Nader Jr's death is a year ago)
-Lancer arrives in 2038 (and Wolfe is supposed to be present) with the 10th MD from deep space
-Scott arrives in 2042 with 21st MD
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Re: 7th Mars Division... When did they return to Earth?

Unread post by keir451 »

ShadowLogan wrote:@keir451
Those dates appear to be based on the (essentially separate) novel timeline though. Series timeline is pretty clear that :
-Carpenter was responding to a mayday from SSL (2029)
-Wolf isn't exactly clear when he actually arrived
-Lunk is never considered (though dialogue places it during the initial Invid Invasion, but Nader Jr's death is a year ago)
-Lancer arrives in 2038 (and Wolfe is supposed to be present) with the 10th MD from deep space
-Scott arrives in 2042 with 21st MD

Yeah, I know. :lol: I haven't looked at the official timeline in a while and I'd just finished re-reading "Rubicon" which had that timeline. It does contradict quite a few things, like saying Cyclones weren't available until the time Scott launched, yet both Lancer and Link are proficient with them as is Col. Wolff. Anyway it was the best I could find at that moment.
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