Blue_Lion wrote:The question was worded in such a way as to create a set reply that to make it look like you addressed the topic.
a) No. The question was worded in a simple way, to make a simple point, and to allow for a simple answer.
You guys could have picked A, or you could have picked B.
You could have explained your answer at length.
YOU might think that any of those options would "make it look like I addressed the topic," but I don't.
b) What you're describing is not a straw man.
A strawman
is an argument, and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting
an opponent's argument,
while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.
A question is not an argument.
"Addressing the topic" is not "refuting an opponent's argument."
Asking a question does not make a false argument.
Asking a question does not strike down said false argument.
I amended my statement because you are using petty word games
You are arguing that the written text is more important than the intended message, because we have no way of knowing what the intended message is--we can only guess.
EVEN if the person who wrote the text tells us what they meant, there's no way to TRULY know.
Simultaneously, when I take your own writing at its words, you are calling that a "petty word game."
You said "never."
That means "never."
My correcting you isn't a petty word game.
It's me looking at what you wrote, taking it as it was written, and correcting you.
That's not any kind of game.
If you can't write what you mean, that's not my fault.
to make it look like because in 1 case my statement might be wrong
If you use the word "never" (and you did), then one exception does in fact make you wrong.
That's what the word "never" means.
If you don't believe me, then look the word up.
But so what?
Everybody is wrong sometimes. You said something that wasn't true, and I pointed it out.
admit you were wrong, amend your statement, and we can move on from there.
Trying to pretend that you were right, and that I'm in the wrong for correcting you, doesn't do anybody any good. It just spams up the thread with even more pointless back-and-forth, all because you apparently can't bring yourself to admit a simple mistake for some reason.
I don't care that you were wrong. I'm not going to taunt or tease you about it.
So why the resistance?
Why not just say, "Okay, you're right--it's not 'never.' It's just often. My bad."...?
You said something incorrect.
I corrected you.
Why make that your Alamo?
(But in the case of the topic on hand we can not know what the intent is because we are not told what it is, even when we are we only know what we are told it was.)
Have you tried
Are you saying I can not amend my statements to make my intent more clear?
Absolutely not.
All I'm saying is that your initial statement was incorrect, and that it should be easy for you to a) see that, b) agree, and c) amend your statement to something more accurate.
I WANT you to amend your statement... as long as you don't pretend that I'm the bad guy, or that I'm "playing petty word games" by pointing out that your initial statement was incorrect.
A simple, "Okay, I was wrong, how about this..." would have worked just fine.
Attacking ME for YOUR mistake is not fine.
(See I just used a question as part of an augment.)
No, you didn't.
You just used a question as part of a conversation. an argument is a series of statements typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for accepting a conclusion.A question can NOT be part of an argument, not in the context of logic, which is the context required for any claims about the presence of any logical fallacy. Your petty word game does not address the topic at hand but is merely a misdirection attack.
Telling you what words mean isn't a game.
Note: basic combat training is the training the basics of how to fight, Commando combat training is training to fight like a commando, ninja combat training is training to fight like a ninja and assassin combat training is training to fight like a assassin.(But because in your narrow view they do not make sense as worded you think them illogical, but weather or not you agree with those types of training they exist in RAW.)
It reduces all combat down to hand to hand. Commandos and ninjas receive much more combat training than just their HTH skills.
"Assassin" is a broad enough term that an assassin could use any form of HTH combat, and any number of forms of ranged combat.
At this point this debate has no meaning,
Well, we can agree to that.
I find your claim that without guessing writing has no meaning inherently false as words have meaning and RAW is what is in writing.
Words have no inherent meaning.
A word without a reader to interpret it means nothing, and with a reader, it must still be interpreted.
Interpreting involves guesswork.
If it didn't, then everybody would always agree on what the RAW meant, but they don't.
While RAI is what you guess the rules should be.
RAI is what the authors intended the rules to be.
The idea that RAI by default trumps RAW is as the standard is well beyond adsorb as we do not truly know the intent of every line of text and we never will.
We don't have to truly know the intent of
every line of text in order to debate any one line of text, or any sets of lines of text.
I am done, fill free to keep your petty attacks up. But as this debate is far beyond what is writing and in the subjective relm it getting close to people trolling each other.
I think it's good that we shut this down.
When you make an incorrect claim, I correct you, then you repeatedly lash out and call my correction a "petty word game," that is indeed a good time to quit.
When you claim that what is written is more important than intent, but attack me for taking you at what you wrote instead of at what you meant, that is a good time to quit.
One thing that you and I can agree on at this point is that further debate is pointless, even if we disagree about why, and about where the fault lies.