I gave my players nightmears...

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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I gave my players nightmears...

Unread post by pblackcrow »

I think it was the extra gory details and description...Well, they were in an abandon subway tunnel exploring and got lost and came across some rat filled zombies.
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Re: I gave my players nightmears...

Unread post by Jasper »

pblackcrow wrote:I think it was the extra gory details and description...Well, they were in an abandon subway tunnel exploring and got lost and came across some rat filled zombies.

Eww that's both awesome (from a gaming perspective) and disgusting! Making a note to use that...
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Re: I gave my players nightmears...

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Good on you! Way to keep your players involved! Here's hoping they came back for more. :)
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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