Newly Invented Psionics:

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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by PSI-Lence »

Cellular Necrosis (super)

Range: touch
Duration: 1d4 weeks / permanent
ISP: 40 / 100 + permanent loss of 1d4 x 10 isp
Saving throw: +2 (if the psionic makes a biology/MD skill check the bonus to save is negated)

Targets living cells turning them into terminator cells, each cell infects another which increases exponentially, cells ignore their primary function, red blood cells no longer carry oxygen, T cells no longer fight infection etc.

Stage one: after 1D4 days the victim becomes weak, lethargic halves all combat bonuses, reduces speed and strength by 1/3 and saving throws against poison/disease are at -3

Stage Two: after the victims P.E. in days they will be unable to move (even to feed themselves), are -20% save vs coma/death -8 to save vs poison/disease, can not heal physical damage and loses 1 SDC/HP every 6 hrs, all forms of healing are 1/2 as effective

Stage Three: after 1D6+2 weeks the victim will lapse into a coma (no chance to save) and loses 2D6 SDC/HP per day, is -40% save vs coma/death, all healing is 1/4 effective

Constant blood transfusions (at least 2 pints per day) will slow the progression by half, but not reduce the negative effects

after the effect has run it's course (assuming it is not made permanent, or the target dies beforehand) the target will stop losing sdc/hp but will be at -5 save vs poison/disease, -20% save vs coma/death, 1/4 speed and strength, all combat bonuses negated and an additional -3, with only 1 action per melee for the next 1D4+2 weeks (constant blood transfusions will cut the recovery time in half)
i own but am less well versed in RUE, and my memory is ... lackluster at best keep that in mind if my posts contradict canon lol
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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bifurcated mind (super)

Range: self
Duration: 1 hr/lv or until canceled
ISP: 35
Saving throw: NA

This mental feat allows the psychic to split their mind along the hemisphere which allows them to (mentally) communicate directly with their subconscious to recall information. The split also see's one dominant mind able to use pure logic while the other is more abstract (left brain, right brain) which can make solving problems much easier. Any mental probes will not detect 2 minds, but one very erratic mind. The subordinate mind has no control over the physical body, but is able to use psionics but still drains the ISP of the body (it can also talismans or magic that do not require words to be spoken if the body has the skills and PPE).

penalties: each mind is reduced by one attack/action for the duration so a psychic with 3 attacks will have 2 physical or mental attacks/actions with one mind, and up to 2 mental attacks/actions with the second mind
i own but am less well versed in RUE, and my memory is ... lackluster at best keep that in mind if my posts contradict canon lol
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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PSI-Lence wrote:bifurcated mind (super)

Psionic probes may sense a confused mind, but I'd give it the added bonus that anybody trying to dominate the person with this ability active, would find themselves unable to succeed wholly; they'd find themselves only controlling half the body. The other half would still suffer the -1 APM penalty, but would be able to automatically(at the expense of no further actions) attempt to parry/entangle any actions made by their possessed half. More complicated actions like striking(like punching yourself in the face) or disarming would take up an action like normal.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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I'm playing a Mind Mage in a Palladium Fantasy game. I'll be making up some super-psionics as (if) the character continues to level. Here's the first one I've put together, inspired by the Mutant Animal psionic power of the same name.

Telepathic Transmission
Range: 100 feet + 50 feet per level of experience.
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Varies.
Cost: 8 I.S.P., +4 per person for two-way communication.
Type: Super

This is a simple yet powerful application of telepathy which allows direct mind-to-mind speech. In its first application the psychic expends 8 I.S.P. and is able to speak to anyone within range of the power mentally instead of verbally, up to the range of the power. The psionic can focus the Telepathic Transmission so that only one specific character will receive it, or the Transmission can "speak" to several people at the same time, so long as everyone is within the range limit (the psychic can select who can and cannot hear).

There is no saving throw for this application of the power because it is not an attack. At worst, all the psionic can do is "shout" unpleasantries and the receiver can choose to ignore the message. Non-psionics unfamiliar with this ability will assume that the Telepathic Transmission is normal speech. A Mind Block prevents the psionic from being heard, and just like standard Telepathy this power will trigger Mind Block Auto Defense in those that have it.

The second application of this power allows two-way psychic, mind-to-mind communication between multiple people. The psychic become the relay for this group; those connected direct what they wish to say mentally into the link and the psychic immediately broadcasts it to the other members. In this manner everyone linked can carry on a complete conversation with each other in absolute silence!

The psychic can create this link with as many as one person per level of experience, at a cost of the initial 8 I.S.P. plus 4 I.S.P. per each member. Only willing people can be brought into this link. Anyone unwilling automatically saves. Anyone who is part of the linked group who becomes unwilling automatically breaks their link and no longer sends or receives this mental speech with the rest of the group.

This power has a number of limitations. It cannot be used to read any surface thoughts or emotions, it only facilitates communication with words the members direct to be communicated. Mind Blocks will prevent this communication just like with the one-way broadcast. This especially includes the psychic who activated the power - if he raises a mind block the power immediately ends! A group mind block will also protect anyone within its influence as per normal. This power does not translate languages in any way, either. Whatever language is sent through the link is the language everyone will hear. They will understand it or not depending on their skills - though this direct method of communication does provide a +10% bonus on any language rolls made to understand what another member of the link is saying.
Last edited by Glistam on Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Glistam »

Here is my first pass at a Cryokinesis power. I tried to keep the power level in line with the Palladium Fantasy "kinesis" series of powers rather than the Heroes Unlimited level.

Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
I.S.P.: Varies
Type: Super

Cryokinesis is a psychic ability which provides the character dominion over cold, snow, and ice.

1. Cold Resistance: The psychic can withstand extreme cold weather conditions. Temperatures as low as -50 °F can be endured with no ill effect. Colder temperatures, or magical cold, will do half damage. Range: Self. Duration: 10 minutes per level. I.S.P.: 5.

2. Freeze Water: The psychic can decrease the temperature of water, lowering it to the freezing point within one minute (four melee rounds). Up to one gallon can be affected; or more depending on I.S.P. spent. Once frozen the water will take the usual amount of time to warm. This power cannot be used to freeze the water or blood in a living creature. Range: 8 feet +2 feet per level of experience. Duration: One minute (4 melees). I.S.P.: 3 per gallon of water.

3. Sculpt Snow & Ice: The psychic's control over cold allows him to manipulate ice and snow in a variety of ways. Ice can be sculpted and molded by touch or from up to one inch away (so through clothing is fine). Snow can be manipulated into shapes from up to 20 feet away. 1 cubic foot of snow per level can be manipulated per action. This power can also be used to clear snow off of a path by moving it out of the way, cause snow to leap at someone to blind them (victim loses initiative and one attack per melee), and even allow the psychic to walk safely across an icy surface (no chance to fall). Range: Touch (for Ice) or 20 feet (for Snow). Duration: 1 minute per level. I.S.P.: 10.

Note: A character with the art skill gains a +20% bonus when using this power to make ice sculptures.

4. Create Ice: This amazing ability allows the creation of ice or snow by instantly condensing the water in the air. Up to 1 lb of ice can be created per level. If temperatures are above freezing this ice will not stay frozen for long and will melt quickly after one minute per level. The psychic can create this ice in three ways:

As one solid block anywhere within range. If the psychic has an art or appropriate crafting skill he can attempt to create this ice in a specific shape - otherwise it appears as just a solid basic shape. This block of ice has 10 S.D.C. per pound of weight. It can be created to drop down on an opponent - in such a case it does damage based on weight as per the Telekinesis power. The ice cannot be created to encapsulate an object or person.

A number of smaller blocks whose combined weight are no more than 1lb per level. A 1lb block of ice will do 1D4 damage as a thrown object. S.D.C. of the ice blocks is 10 per 1 lb. of weight.

A thin layer of ice can be created, coating the ground in a 5 foot radius, +1 foot per level. Anyone walking over the ice has a 50% chance to slip and fall. If running they have an 80% chance to slip and fall.

Range: 10 feet per level. Duration: 1 minute per level. Saving Throw: Dodge or Maintain Balance. I.S.P.: 15

5. Biting Cold: The psychic can drive temperature in a small area down to freezing (32 °F), and lower it by an additional 5 °F per level. The area affected is small: only a 6 foot + 1 foot per level diameter area. This intense, unnatural cold can be maintained for two minutes per level. Anyone in the area not protected against such cold conditions will take 1 point of damage per melee, or 1D6 points of damage per melee if clad in metal armor. The initial drop in temperature is jarring and unless a save vs psionics is made, any characters in the area of effect will be -2 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -10% on skill performance. These penalties persist for 2D4 minutes after leaving the area or the duration ends.

Note: The psychic can opt instead to just lower temperature in the area by up to 5°F per level but keep it above freezing. Those within the area will suffer no damage or penalties but will be uncomfortable.

Range: 30 feet, +2 per level. Duration: Two minutes per level. I.S.P.: 20.

6. Sense Temperature and Predict Storms: The air temperature around the psychic in a radius of 50 feet +5 feet per level can be keenly sensed with an accuracy of ±1D4 degrees. Winter storms can be predicted up to one hour per level ahead of time, and how long before an existing storm will end can also be predicted, both at a skill of 50% +5% per level. A failed roll means the psychic was off in his estimate by 1D4×10%. I.S.P.: 2 for every 2 minutes.
Last edited by Glistam on Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Glistam »

So Mental Transmission was accepted as-is, but Cryokinesis was nerfed a little by completely removing ability #5 and changing ability #6 so it only senses temperature. Here's two more I've put together. Dispel Psionics is based on the wording of the Negate Magic spell, as written in the older Palladium books. Waking Dream was a moment of inspiration I literally just had today.

Dispel Psionics
Range: 100 ft
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Special
I.S.P.: 30
Type: Super
Source: Transdimensional TMNT, page 46.

The negation or dispelling of another psionic's active psychic ability is difficult, but not impossible. To negate a psychic effect it must be detected; this can be done visually or through the use Detect Psionics.

Similar to striking and parrying in hand to hand combat, the psionic expends the I.S.P. and rolls a 20-sided die. The psychic whose affect is being targeted rolls a 20-sided die to defend, regardless of his current location. This is an automatic and reactive mental "parry" to defend and does not use an action. High roll wins; defender wins ties.

Master psychics add a +1 per level of experience to their roll. Major and Minor psionics only add +1 for every two levels of experience. No other bonuses apply. If the psychic negation attempt is successful then the psychic power immediately ends, cancelling its effect(s). Any secondary effects such as damage taken, items set on fire, etc... are not negated and will continue to exist. If the negation attempt is unsuccessful nothing happens, other than possibly pissing off a psychic opponent.

Note: This psychic ability to negate or dispel active psionic effects only works against other psychic abilities. It does not affect magic spells or magical effects, but it will affect psychic effects created by magical means (such as by certain rune weapons). Nothing stops a psychic who's power was negated from re-activating it next action, as long as they are still in range and can pay the I.S.P. cost again.

Waking Dream
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour per level
Length of Trance: 1D4 minutes of preparatory meditation
I.S.P.: 10
Savings Throw: None
Type: Super
Source: New!

This powerful ability lets the psychic enter a special meditative trance state which allows him to engage in light activity while still receiving the I.S.P. recovery benefits of meditation! The psychic using this power can move around, perform light activity, and even talk and respond to others while this power is active. All his interactions and movements however are slow; while maintaining the power the psychic is -2 to Perception and Initiative rolls, and all physical bonuses are halved. The character seems to act as if in a trance, which is in many ways exactly what is happening. The psychic can end this power and snap back to normal in an instant, but it will require another 1D4 minutes of meditation before the power can be re-activated again.

No other psionic abilities can be activated or kept active while maintaining this power. The automatic activation of a Mind Block Auto-Defense will instantly end the power, as will activating any psychic ability. Other situations which will cause the power to cancel prematurely: taking more than 1 S.D.C. damage or any Hit Point damage, being knocked down or back, performing a strenuous activity (including participating in combat), having to make a saving throw versus psionics, becoming unconscious, or any other stressful situations (G.M.'s call).

Unlike with Meditation, this power provides no equivalence of sleep to the physical body or mind. The psychic will still need to sleep or meditate as normal.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Induce Hunger/Thirst(Healing)
Type: Healing
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
ISP Cost: 3
Effects: This power can be used to induce an acute craving for food or drink. The target will suddenly feel ravenously hungry or thirsty, and if either food or drink are immediately available, may commence to binge-eat/drink. This can be used to distract a person, making them bury their attention in filling their belly, or it can be used therapuetically to overcome symptoms of nausea or depression/anxiety-induced self-starvation.
If the person IS able to tuck into food or drink within the duration of this power, they will eat to satisfy themselves, perhaps hurriedly and messily, but not to the point of physical endangerment, like choking or gut-busting....though perhaps to the point of indigestion/bloated feeling(GM's prerogative: victims who stuff their faces/fill their tanks may be -1 to initiative, -1 to dodge, and -10% to Speed for 2d4x10 minutes----HALF this for beings with superhuman/supernatural metabolisms--- due to feeling lethargic and overstuffed).
Last edited by taalismn on Sat May 14, 2016 8:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Glistam »

taalismn wrote:Induce Hunger/Thirst(Healing)
Type: Healing
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
ISP Cost: 3
Effects: This power can be used to induce an acute craving for food or drink. The target will suddenly feel ravenously hungry or thirsty, and if either food or drink are immediately available, may commence to binge-eat/drink. This can be used to distract a person, making them bury their attention in filling their belly, or it can be used therapuetically to overcome symptoms of nausea or depression/anxiety-induced self-starvation.

What happens once they eat their fill - are they no longer hungry? At 15 minutes per level for duration this could leave someone ravenously hungry for hours.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Glistam wrote:
taalismn wrote:Induce Hunger/Thirst(Healing)
Type: Healing
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
ISP Cost: 3
Effects: This power can be used to induce an acute craving for food or drink. The target will suddenly feel ravenously hungry or thirsty, and if either food or drink are immediately available, may commence to binge-eat/drink. This can be used to distract a person, making them bury their attention in filling their belly, or it can be used therapuetically to overcome symptoms of nausea or depression/anxiety-induced self-starvation.

What happens once they eat their fill - are they no longer hungry? At 15 minutes per level for duration this could leave someone ravenously hungry for hours.

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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Glistam wrote:
taalismn wrote:Induce Hunger/Thirst(Healing)
Type: Healing
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
ISP Cost: 3
Effects: This power can be used to induce an acute craving for food or drink. The target will suddenly feel ravenously hungry or thirsty, and if either food or drink are immediately available, may commence to binge-eat/drink. This can be used to distract a person, making them bury their attention in filling their belly, or it can be used therapeutically to overcome symptoms of nausea or depression/anxiety-induced self-starvation.

What happens once they eat their fill - are they no longer hungry? At 15 minutes per level for duration this could leave someone ravenously hungry for hours.

Pop Goes The Weasel!!

This looks like the effects very narrow focused 'Compulsion' spell. however, it does look to be much more intense in it's affects.
I would say that once they got food into themselves the cravings would lessen to a point that they are not over powering.
Maybe having the food cause a tryptophan induced nap/grogginess.

This looks more like a SuperPsionic then the minor psi power.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Glistam wrote:
taalismn wrote:Induce Hunger/Thirst(Healing)
Type: Healing
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
ISP Cost: 3
Effects: This power can be used to induce an acute craving for food or drink. The target will suddenly feel ravenously hungry or thirsty, and if either food or drink are immediately available, may commence to binge-eat/drink. This can be used to distract a person, making them bury their attention in filling their belly, or it can be used therapeutically to overcome symptoms of nausea or depression/anxiety-induced self-starvation.

What happens once they eat their fill - are they no longer hungry? At 15 minutes per level for duration this could leave someone ravenously hungry for hours.

Pop Goes The Weasel!!

This looks like the effects very narrow focused 'Compulsion' spell. however, it does look to be much more intense in it's affects.
I would say that once they got food into themselves the cravings would lessen to a point that they are not over powering.
Maybe having the food cause a tryptophan induced nap/grogginess.

This looks more like a SuperPsionic then the minor psi power.

I like the idea, I think modeling it after the Healing Psionic "Induce Sleep" would be fair. The person needs to be willing; if unwilling, they get a save (with a bonus). They finally feel hungry and will have the powerful urge to eat, but once they are full the power will have served its purpose and will end. The "duration" would be for how long they feel hungry for and need to search for food, rather than for how long they must eat.

The power as written though I agree with Drew, should be a super-psionic. Also, since it can lead to overeating and death (or vomiting, or w/e) it's worth calling out in the power I think. Isn't there a similar effect that one of the 4 Horseman produces on someone? Maybe model those penalties after the ability that Famine has.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Added some notes for eating/drinking to (over)satisfaction. As for the maximum amounts? That's up to the individual and species.....An Elf might eat comparatively little before feeling satisfied, whereas a Brodkil might decide that two large humanoids, eaten raw, are what the doctor ordered.
I figured I'd keep it low-cost(ISP-wise) because it's working with something that's already there...appetite. It's easier to incite/entice an appetite(just fry up some onions to see what I mean) than to tell somebody to go to sleep, and it's a lot more specific and natural than a general Hypnotic Suggestion would be.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Whoo boy. Both times I've tried to use Mental Transmission, the G.M. has made it bad. First time the conversation was eavesdropped on by another telepath, and the second time a very powerful mind we tried to connect to forced all members to roll vs insanity to avoid gaining an insanity. I'm beginning to think the power is not as usable in this game as I would've liked.

The G.M. and I discussed changes to the Waking Dream power, which is updated below, and I adapted one of my favorite Chaos Magic spells into a psionic which the G.M. also approved though it will likely only apply to boats in the fantasy setting. I look forward to the chance to use them both in the near future.

Waking Dream
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour per level
Length of Trance: 1D4 minutes of preparatory meditation
I.S.P.: 10
Savings Throw: None
Type: Super
Source: New!

This powerful ability lets the psychic enter a special meditative trance state which allows him to engage in light activity while still receiving the I.S.P. recovery benefits of meditation! The psychic using this power can move around, perform light activity, and even talk and respond to others while this power is active. All his interactions and movements however are slow; while maintaining the power the psychic is -6 to Perception and Initiative rolls, -30% to all skills, and all physical bonuses are halved. The character seems to act as if distracted, or in a trance, which is in many ways exactly what is happening. The psychic can end this power and snap back to normal in an instant, but it will require another 1D4 minutes of meditation before the power can be re-activated again.

No other psionic abilities can be activated or kept active while maintaining this power. The automatic activation of a Mind Block Auto-Defense or Sixth Sense will instantly end the power, as will activating any psychic ability. Other situations which will cause the power to cancel prematurely: taking more than 1 S.D.C. damage or any Hit Point damage, being knocked down or back, performing a strenuous activity (including participating in combat), having to make a saving throw versus psionics, becoming unconscious, or any other stressful situations (G.M.'s call).

Unlike with Meditation, this power provides no equivalence of sleep to the physical body or mind. The psychic will still need to sleep or meditate as normal.

Range: Touch
Duration: 5 minutes per level
I.S.P.: 12
Savings Throw: None
Type: Super
Source: The spell "HotRod", from Chaos Earth Rise of Magic, Page 39

The psionic increases the maximum speed of any non-animal powered vehicle by 25% without the pilot losing control or suffering any speed or maneuvering penalties. The psionic also keeps the engine from overheating or any other mechanical problem happening as a result of the great speed. The psychic must be in or on the vehicle and touching it for the duration of the ability to maintain the impossible speed.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Tailwind....Is there an upper limit to the size of the vehicle that can be boosted? Say, can I make an aircraft carrier go 25% faster for 12 ISP?

I'd place an upper limit on the size/weight of the vehicle so boosted, or implement an incremental increase in ISP per 12 ISP for vehicles up to 5,000 lbs(which should cover most small cars and motorcycles), +1 ISP per every additional 500 lbs...or maybe 24 ISP for vehicles over 5,000 lbs to 9,000 lbs, 36 ISP for 9,000-13,000;bs,etc.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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I think the limit I would assign in that regard is that I would make larger vehicles take longer to be brought up to that speed. So you could increase an aircraft carrier's speed by 25%, but it might take several minutes to get up to that speed compared to a speedboat or an automobile. That's an interesting way to limit the power that I'll think about how to re-word.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Glistam wrote:I think the limit I would assign in that regard is that I would make larger vehicles take longer to be brought up to that speed. So you could increase an aircraft carrier's speed by 25%, but it might take several minutes to get up to that speed compared to a speedboat or an automobile. That's an interesting way to limit the power that I'll think about how to re-word.

15 seconds for every 50 tons of mass? That means you'd have to plan ahead for something massing on the order of several thousand tons. Admittedly, it's a big lead time for a short period of maximum efficiency, but I figure it's more realistic that you could get a main battle tank up to 25% overdrive within 30 seconds, and a starship of several thousand tons taking the better part of a half-hour.

IMHO, I'd have tried to limit the power to craft that could realistically be piloted(with regards to power and navigation) to a single crewmember, or my aforementioned weight/mass limitation. Though admittedly the idea of a single person meditating in the engineering section of a battlemoon, speeding it across the galaxy, burning ISP in increments of 15 points of so, seems strangely fun.

Now imagine combining it with the spell Full Throttle or even my own Major superpower Bio Overdrive. :twisted:
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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taalismn wrote:
Glistam wrote:I think the limit I would assign in that regard is that I would make larger vehicles take longer to be brought up to that speed. So you could increase an aircraft carrier's speed by 25%, but it might take several minutes to get up to that speed compared to a speedboat or an automobile. That's an interesting way to limit the power that I'll think about how to re-word.

15 seconds for every 50 tons of mass? That means you'd have to plan ahead for something massing on the order of several thousand tons. Admittedly, it's a big lead time for a short period of maximum efficiency, but I figure it's more realistic that you could get a main battle tank up to 25% overdrive within 30 seconds, and a starship of several thousand tons taking the better part of a half-hour.

IMHO, I'd have tried to limit the power to craft that could realistically be piloted(with regards to power and navigation) to a single crewmember, or my aforementioned weight/mass limitation. Though admittedly the idea of a single person meditating in the engineering section of a battlemoon, speeding it across the galaxy, burning ISP in increments of 15 points of so, seems strangely fun.

Now imagine combining it with the spell Full Throttle or even my own Major superpower Bio Overdrive. :twisted:

I wouldn't let them combine, I would take the highest of the two or three percentages. But your image of a character meditating in the engineering section of a space vessel, speeding it across the galaxy, is a fun image and I was disappointed that I never got to realize it with my Temporal Wizard, who knew the Chaos Spell this psionic was based off of for precisely that reason.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Here's an idea I recently had, though it needs some more tweeking:

Ectoplasm Super
Just as there are two versions of Telekinesis, this is Super Psionic version of the physical power Ectoplasm. Unlike the minor power which can create either a vapor or solid, this creates only a solid. However, it is much more capable than the minor version.

Range: 40 feet, plus 10 per level of experience
Duration: 10 minutes per level
ISP: 30

Differences from the minor version:
- The Ectoplasm is a mega-damage construct and can withstand 40+5/lvl MDC + before being destroyed.
- Basic weapons and tools can be formed by the ectoplasm, such as knives, swords, pickaxes, shovels, etc. Damage is either 1D8 MD or 2D8 MD, depending on size.
- Skilled users (third level or higher) can encase their bodies in ectoplasm creating a suit of armor. The suit has 40+5/lvl MDC and increases the wearer's PS from normal to augmented levels (no effect if the user is already augmented or higher). While the face and head can be completely covered, the user must leave holes or gaps for the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth or suffer appropriately.
- As an appendage, the limb has a PS of 20. "Punches" inflict SDC.
- Not affected by bright sunlight.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Mack wrote:Here's an idea I recently had, though it needs some more tweeking:

Ectoplasm Super
Just as there are two versions of Telekinesis, this is Super Psionic version of the physical power Ectoplasm. Unlike the minor power which can create either a vapor or solid, this creates only a solid. However, it is much more capable than the minor version.

Range: 40 feet, plus 10 per level of experience
Duration: 10 minutes per level
ISP: 30

Differences from the minor version:
- The Ectoplasm is a mega-damage construct and can withstand 40+5/lvl MDC + before being destroyed.
- Basic weapons and tools can be formed by the ectoplasm, such as knives, swords, pickaxes, shovels, etc. Damage is either 1D8 MD or 2D8 MD, depending on size.
- Skilled users (third level or higher) can encase their bodies in ectoplasm creating a suit of armor. The suit has 40+5/lvl MDC and increases the wearer's PS from normal to augmented levels (no effect if the user is already augmented or higher). While the face and head can be completely covered, the user must leave holes or gaps for the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth or suffer appropriately.
- As an appendage, the limb has a PS of 20. "Punches" inflict SDC.
- Not affected by bright sunlight.

Compared to Psychic Body Field, it seems a little "too good." I would consider some of the following changes (not necessarily all of them):
  • Increase the I.S.P. cost to 45
  • Note it still takes a full melee to produce the ectoplasm
  • The character takes damage from the ectoplasm's destruction
  • Bright sunlight still reduces M.D.C., damage, strength, etc by half.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Good point about comparing it to Psychic Body Field. Instead of upping the ISP, perhaps I'll reduce the MDC down to only 10+5/lvl.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Leveling up again, time to create some new psychic powers! Here's two I'm playing with submitting:

Share Psychic Power
Range: Touch
Duration: As per the psychic power transferred
I.S.P.: 10
Savings Throw: Automatic if unwilling
Type: Super (or Epic, level 15+)
Source: New!

With this power the psychic can activate one of his or her own powers (including those with a range of Self) and transfer it temporarily to another person, giving them the full use and control of that power for the duration. To do this the psychic must first pay 12 I.S.P. to begin the transfer, then pay the full cost to activate the psychic ability to be imparted. The person will then receive the activated psionic power and can use it per normal for the full duration of the power, including benefiting from any of its bonuses.

While the power is being used by another the psychic cannot further call on it. When the duration of the power ends the psychic will intuitively know and will be able to access the ability at will again. A person must be willing to accept a power in order to receive it. If they resist then they automatically save, and the I.S.P. is spent for naught. The psychic cannot cancel this power early to "get the power back," but the person to whom the power was transferred can end the power early with a thought.

Empower Weapon
Range: Touch
Duration: 12 hours per level
Length of Trance 1 hour
I.S.P.: 12
Savings Throw: Standard
Type: Super (or Epic, level 15+)
Source: Nightbane, pages 133-134 (based on Charm Weapon)

This psychic power temporarily imparts an essence of psychic energy to a weapon (not unlike the energy which composes a psi-sword), to make it more effective against supernatural or magical beings. The weapon will inflict double damage to any supernatural or magical creature, or normal damage to such beings that could not normally be harmed by the enhanced weapon (like vampires or entities). For example, a sword that normally inflicts 1D8 damage will do 2D8 against supernatural beings, and 1D8 against creatures like vampires or werebeasts!

This ability will affect both hand to hand and missile weapons; if a missile weapon is thus empowered, any missiles (bullets or arrows, for example) it fires will be automatically empowered. Missile weapon ammunition, however, counts as a melee weapon for the purposes of the save and one such item can be empowered per level, per use of the power. Note that this only includes missile weapon ammunition (such as arrows, sling bullets, crossbow bolts, etcetera) and not thrown weapons such as daggers, knives, spears, and similar.

Saving Throw: The weapon to be empowered must fail a saving throw versus psionics in order to receive this benefit. If it is a missile weapon then the weapon receives a +1 bonus to its save, and if it is a magical weapon then it gets a +3 bonus. Ranged weapon ammunition receives one save for the entire batch. Intelligent weapons must always still roll to save, and they also add all their normal applicable bonuses to save versus psionics. This power cannot be used on siege weapons.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Glistam wrote:Leveling up again, time to create some new psychic powers! Here's two I'm playing with submitting:

Share Psychic Power

I would limit this to gods.

Glistam wrote:Empower Weapon

Except in the BTS setting, I would limit this to Melee Weapons.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Glistam wrote:Leveling up again, time to create some new psychic powers! Here's two I'm playing with submitting:

Share Psychic Power

I would limit this to gods.

Glistam wrote:Empower Weapon

Except in the BTS setting, I would limit this to Melee Weapons.

Cool, no problems is a good start!
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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This idea's been in my head for a long time and this is my first pass at writing it up.

Time Out
Range: Self
Duration: One melee action
I.S.P.: 50
Savings Throw: vs Insanity for multiple use
Type: Super (or Epic, level 15+)
Source: New!

The psychic can seemingly "step out of time," giving him a full 15 seconds with which to act in a limited manner. In reality there is no temporal manipulation occurring. The psychic has merely sped up his own thought processes a thousandfold, allowing him the opportunity to mentally process and possibly react to what is happening around him faster than humanly possible. When this power is activated the world around the character will seem to freeze in place; all motion around him is stopped, birds hang in mid-flight and people are frozen in mid-step. The psychic now has two options.

Option #1: Take ONE physical action, with a +6 bonus. Through sheer force of will the character can force his body to move while thinking at these enhanced speeds. The character will feel as if they are moving exceedingly slow, like swimming through molasses. but to those around him this action will be blindingly fast. Such actions could be a strike against an enemy within range, a parry or dodge against an incoming attack, manipulation of an object, running out of the room, etcetera. It is one melee attack/action occurring at blinding speed.

Option #2: Spend a melee round thinking. Actions can include performing perception checks, activating (but not using) psychic abilities, making non-physical skill checks, and just thinking and assessing the situation before them. Basically as long as the character isn't trying to physically move or act they can devote the time this power is active to mental actions. This gives them the equivalent of 15 seconds/one melee round to spend mentally preparing. No physical actions can be taken.

Regardless of the option chosen, this power only consumes one of the character's melee actions for the round as per normal. But what an action! Opponents who think they caught the character off guard may suddenly find the character buffed and ready for action in the blink of an eye, or have been struck with a weapon before they even realized the character was moving.

This power is very demanding on the psychic's mind and body. As such, it cannot be used frequently without penalty. The psychic can activate this power once per 24 hours without incident. If the power is activated again before 24 hours have passed, the character must take 4D6 damage direct to Hit Points, make a save vs. insanity with failure forcing a roll on the random insanity table, and wait another 24 hours from when this latest activation was before the power can be used again without penalty.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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I would limit the Time Out power to Phase adepts & Phase Mystics if any, maybe just 2nd stage promithiens.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I would limit the Time Out power to Phase adepts & Phase Mystics if any, maybe just 2nd stage promithiens.

For Phase Adepts, Phase Mystics, and Prometheans, I would just give them a psychic version of the vastly superior Time Slip.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Glistam wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I would limit the Time Out power to Phase adepts & Phase Mystics if any, maybe just 2nd stage promithiens.

For Phase Adepts, Phase Mystics, and Prometheans, I would just give them a psychic version of the vastly superior Time Slip.

I have reread the power and I change my mind. This should be a physical powers and cost but 10 ISP per 3 sec.
With the concept being that it speeds up the char's thinking and thus able to make the right choice of action, and aim strikes more accurately.

The concept is not new to me. I ran across it in a David Weber book. But in the novel the effect was drug induced.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Glistam wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I would limit the Time Out power to Phase adepts & Phase Mystics if any, maybe just 2nd stage promithiens.

For Phase Adepts, Phase Mystics, and Prometheans, I would just give them a psychic version of the vastly superior Time Slip.

I have reread the power and I change my mind. This should be a physical powers and cost but 10 ISP per 3 sec.
With the concept being that it speeds up the char's thinking and thus able to make the right choice of action, and aim strikes more accurately.

The concept is not new to me. I ran across it in a David Weber book. But in the novel the effect was drug induced.

3 seconds per 10 I.S.P. is hard to quantify into attack/actions. That's why I just allow ONE physical action, or a full melee's worth of mental ones. In my mind this power is not supposed to have a cheap/easy option. I sort of based it on an ability of some of the game players in the anime Accel World.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Positive Energy Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: 20
Savings Throw: Standard if unwilling
Type: Super (or Epic, level 15+)
Source: New… sort of. Inspired as a combination of Chi-Healing from N&SS, page 119 and Lifeblast from Rifts: Book of Magic page 108.

The psychic can channel positive energy into a wounded body for tangible benefits. This energy infusion has two effects.

The first effect is an immediate healing of damage. The infusion of this powerful life energy will cause the character's wounds to knit closed right before their eyes. Foreign objects will be pushed out/expelled and scarring will be minimal. The amount of damage healed is 1D6 per level of the psychic, with H.P. being restored first, then S.D.C.. The character cannot get more H.P. or S.D.C. than their max. Alternatively, their natural healing rate can be doubled for one hour per level of the psychic.

The second effect is that this will re-invigorate the character being healed and provide the following bonuses for the next half hour: +1 on initiative and perception, +5% to all skills, and +10% to any saves vs coma/death. Multiple healings do not increase these bonuses but they will extend the duration out to 30 minutes again. The character will feel energized more optimistic than usual during this time.

This life energy has to come from somewhere though, and that somewhere is the psychic him/her self. For every use of this power the psychic suffers the following penalties: -2 on initiative and perception, -10% to all skills, and -20% on any saves vs coma/death. These penalties are cumulative with multiple uses of the power. The psychic will feel tired and more pessimistic than usual during this time. It takes an hour for these penalties to go away, or 30 minutes of meditation.

If the psychic uses this power on himself then the healing will only restore half the usual amount of H.P./S.D.C.. Additionally, the psychic receives none of the other bonuses, but on the plus side the penalties are also halved.

Range: 20 feet; Line of Sight
Duration: 1 minute per level, or 10 minutes per level for double I.S.P. cost
I.S.P.: Varies, see description
Savings Throw: Varies
Type: Super
Source: kiralon

Through the use of subtle telepathic suggestions, the psychic "encourages" anyone who senses him to ignore him as well as anyone else the psychic designated when activating the power - up to one person per level, and all must be and remain within a 20 foot radius of the psychic.

As long as the psychic (and those with him) aren't doing anything to try and draw attention to themselves, then people will simply ignore them. They will, on some level, register that the psychic and those with him were there, but they just pay them no mind and will be hard pressed to remember any details about the group later. Even though ordinary people will see him they will pay no attention to him at all.

However, if people are actively searching for the psychic or those under this power's effects, the power's subtle protection provides very little benefit (it's not invisibility). Those searching will have a -3 penalty to their Perception Checks being made to spot/recognize the psychic and/or any members of his group, unless the searcher is a psychic who saved versus psionics (in which case there is no penalty at all).

The cost in I.S.P. to use this power varies per person, as follows:

Small person: 2 I.S.P.
Medium/Human-sized person: 5 I.S.P.
Large person: 10 I.S.P.

Add +10 I.S.P. if the person would somehow obviously stand out, such as a Wolfen in the Eastern Territories, a Minotaur practically anywhere, a goblin dressed in a little black dress with fishnet stockings and red lipstick, etc.

Empathic Feedback
Range: 100 feet, +10 feet per level
Duration: 1 melee round for every four levels
I.S.P.: 20
Savings Throw: Standard
Type: Super
Source: New... inspired by another player's suggestion.

This psychic power forces a person to feel the pain they inflict upon others. If the person fails their save versus psionics then for the duration of the power they will feel any pain they inflict on another being. This pain manifests as the person taking upon themselves the same type of damage they inflicted.

The damage loss, H.P. or S.D.C., is equivalent to the type and amount which was inflicted. If the target inflicts H.P. damage, then he will take the same damage to H.P.. If he does S.D.C. damage, then it is S.D.C. points he will lose. This damage is not real, however, it is an illusion, and should be tracked separately. If the character takes enough damage to "die," then he falls unconscious until the duration of the power expires.

Pyrokinesis (Advanced)
Range: 100 feet, +10 feet per level
Duration: 1 melee round for every four levels
I.S.P.: 20
Savings Throw: Standard
Type: Super (or Epic, level 15+)
Requirements: Pyrokinesis, Level 15+
Source: New... Inspired by Beyond the Supernatural 2nd Edition Fire Walker powers, pages 93-98

Advanced Pyrokines gives the psychic more power and control over fire, resulting in an array of new abilities.

1. Alter Air Temperature: The psychic can reduce or increase the air temperature of a given area by 5 degrees Fahrenheit every melee round, with a maximum change up or down of five degrees Fahrenheit per level of experience. This can make conditions sweltering or freezing to chase people away, create a distraction, make an area more comfortable or even survivable, etc. When the duration expires temperatures return to normal at a rate of 30 degrees per melee round unless the psychic immediately re-activates it. Note: If the temperature around the character is altered, then the psychic feels the effects along with everyone else. Range: 20 foot radius centered on the psychic (and movable with him), or a static area up to 30 feet away. Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 8

2. Manipulate/Move Fire: The psychic can make existing fire move in a relatively straight line, leaving a trail of fire as it travels. Any combustibles the fire passes over as it travels will be set on fire and continue to burn until extinguished. The psychic can move just one fire, several fires, or all fires which he can see or sense that are within his range. All fires must be moved in the same direction, but this direction can also be towards or away from a specific location. While this power is active, the fires will be held at bay in their new location and will not spread any further. If called to the psychic the fires will gather around him without actually touching him, unless he chooses to let them engulf him. The Psychic must be standing still in order to control and move fire. If used as an attack against a target the psychic enjoys a +4 bonus to strike, and the opponent(s) cannot parry - only dodge. Range: up to 100 feet away, +10 feet per level of experience. Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 8

3. Part Fire: Makes the fire of even a raging inferno move aside to create an open path, like Moses parting the Red Sea. Fire, heat, and smoke down the path are all minimal. Ideal for rescuing others and showing off. (Not to mention luring an enemy down the path only to close the path and let the fire consume whatever is within it). While this power is active, fire attacks cannot pass through the area being parted and are deflected away. Range: A 10 foot wide path up to 100 feet +10 feet per level away, or a 10 foot radius around the character as he moves. Duration: One melee round per level of experience. I.S.P.: 8

4. Snatch and Hold Fire: The psychic can snatch either all or part of a flame and hold it tightly in his fist. A flame smaller than his fist will be completely removed from its source (such as a candle, lamp, or torch), while a larger flame will just be dimmed momentarily as part of its fire is taken. The taken flame remains alive and fed as long as the hand is kept tightly closed. Flickers of glowing light can be dimly seen through the cracks of the fingers. If the hand is opened, the light is released in a dim pulse-like flash and a tiny puff of smoke. While held this fire can be used to gently light a new fire, or used to fuel a separate pyrokinetic attack. If used to start a new fire that flame will catch right away and spread quickly. If used as part of a pyrokinetic attack, this fire will cause that attack to do double its normal damage in an impressive display of fiery might. Range: Touch. Duration: For as long as the psychic can hold his fist closed. I.S.P.: 2.

5. Circle of Flame: With just a thought the psychic can create a circular wall of flame that is at least as tall as he is, and can be made to be as high as ten feet plus one additional foot per level. This powerful flame burns extremely hot; those who come within 2 feet of it will take 1D6 damage from the intense heat, while those who attempt to cross it will take 2D6 heat damage, as well as 1D6 per the psychic's level of experience from the flames themselves. The wall has a 40% chance of igniting combustibles when within 3 feet, and a 90% chance to ignite combustibles when being crossed! Area of Effect: A 6 foot +1 foot per level radius. Range: Up to 30 feet +2 feet per level away. Duration: One minute per level of experience. I.S.P.: 20

6. Impervious to Fire & Smoke: The psychic takes no damage from heat, fire, or smoke. This enables the character to walk through fire, handle burning hot objects, put his hands in or even drink boiling hot liquid, etc. The psychic also suffers no damage from smoke inhalation; can breathe in smoke as if it was clean air, and can even see through smoke up to a distance of 20 feet +5 feet per level of experience. Range: Self. Duration: One minutes per level. I.S.P.: 10
Last edited by Glistam on Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Glistam wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Glistam wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I would limit the Time Out power to Phase adepts & Phase Mystics if any, maybe just 2nd stage promithiens.

For Phase Adepts, Phase Mystics, and Prometheans, I would just give them a psychic version of the vastly superior Time Slip.

I have reread the power and I change my mind. This should be a physical powers and cost but 10 ISP per 3 sec.
With the concept being that it speeds up the char's thinking and thus able to make the right choice of action, and aim strikes more accurately.

The concept is not new to me. I ran across it in a David Weber book. But in the novel the effect was drug induced.

3 seconds per 10 I.S.P. is hard to quantify into attack/actions. That's why I just allow ONE physical action, or a full melee's worth of mental ones. In my mind this power is not supposed to have a cheap/easy option. I sort of based it on an ability of some of the game players in the anime Accel World.

*waves* most chars have 4 or 5 APM. so 3sec is another way of saying '1 APM' cause it divides the 15 sec melee round into 5 parts. Which is close enough to 4.75 seconds for 4 APM…

Maybe you should of said at the beginning of 'option two' that they could take a full melee rounds worth of mental actions instead of saying "Spend a melee round thinking." That sort of got my brain to skim over the rest of a paragraph. (along with other sleep deprivations reasons..)

10 ISP ….is low enough that players who's chars are Level 1 cause the GM had them make new chars for his game can use the power. Maybe let the char be able to maintain the power for 1 duration per level. That way they can activate that power that takes 1 min of concentration to activate to activate in 4 APM if the char is as fourth level.

I did watch the 1st two ep of accel world and then stopped cause it was uninteresting.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Inspired by another topic in this forum.

Detect Psionics Auto-Sense
Range: Self; Sensing range is 30 feet per level of experience
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: Special
Type: Super
Source: New!

The moment psionic energy is present within the immediate area, the psychic will know. This sense cannot be used to pinpoint the exact location of the psychic energy nor the level of power other than a vague sense of weak, medium, or powerful. If the psychic individual using the active power(s) is within the sensing range the psychic will intuitively know that they are responsible for the power. This sense will also indicate whether a group mind block is in effect or if a person is psionically possessed.

The I.S.P. cost is different in that the character must permanently give up 21 I.S.P. when this power is selected. However, the psionic detection will automatically take place whenever psychic energy is within the psychics sensing range, at no additional I.S.P. cost; this happens automatically.

Telekinetic Parry Auto-Defense
Range: Self
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: Special
Type: Super
Source: New!

The moment a physical attack which the psychic has failed to successfully defend against is about to hit the psychic, a last-ditch defense of pure telekinetic force lashes out to try and block it. This is not a force field! It is an automatic parry which will work against melee attacks such as a punchs, kicks, clubs, knives, swords, and other types of melee strikes. It cannot stop projectiles, arrows, gas/fumes, flying tackles, and similar attacks.

The psychic must be aware of the attack and needs to roll a successful parry with a +4 bonus. No other bonuses apply. Note that powers such as sixth sense allow the psychic to be aware of all attacks levied against him, which allows this parry to be attempted against all applicable attacks. A successful parry means the attack was blocked/deflected away at the last moment. A failure means the psychic is struck. The character must consciously and willingly lower this defense in order to allow physical contact. Otherwise, the automatic defense will attempt to block and prevent any physical strike.

The I.S.P. cost is different in that the character must permanently give up 28 I.S.P. when this power is selected. However, this last-ditch psionic parry of all incoming physical melee strikes will occur at no additional I.S.P. cost; this happens automatically.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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Telekinetic Circular Defense
Range: Self in a 10ft radius; objects grabbed can come from up to 100ft away.
Duration: 1 melee round plus 1 melee round per level
I.S.P.: 25+
Type: Super
Source: Inspired by Spinning Blades (Rifts: Book of Magic, page 119), Whirling Wall (Library of Bletherad, page 86), and Orbital Spheres (Powers Unlimited 3, page 83).

The psychic can telekinetically grab a number of nearby small objects and cause them to fly around him with blinding speed in a protective, circular manner. The psychic can control one object per level in this way. Each object moves around the character differently, creating a confusing pattern of swift, flying objects which encircle the psychic and automatically get in the way of incoming attacks.

This swirling defense gives the psychic an automatic parry against all incoming attacks of +1 per object encircling him! Only bonuses to parry from Sixth Sense apply to this parry. Unlike a normal parry, when successful the object takes the full damage of the attack which was parried and is destroyed (certain objects may not be destroyed - G.M.'s discretion). As the number of objects are reduced the bonus to automatically parry every incoming attack also decreases. This defense is ineffective against bursts, explosives, or other attacks which strike an area of effect rather than a single target but such attacks will still damage the circling objects, potentially destroying them all at once.

Only objects that weigh at least 1lb and no more than 10lbs can be used by this power. Lighter objects don't have enough mass to stop the attacks and heavier objects can't spin around the character fast enough. One such object per level can be pulled towards the character from up to 100 feet away and spun around him. The objects will all circle within a 10 foot radius of the character, including above and below the character (but only if there is room). The objects will not crash into the ground or ceiling but will crash into walls if they are closer than 10 feet, smashing themselves to bits within moments). If suitable objects are still within 100 feet then the psychic can spend a melee attack and 10 I.S.P. to replace any and all broken objects with new ones. Like before, those objects will be pulled towards the psychic and join with the others in swirling around and defending him.

Anyone who gets too close (within 10 feet) of the psychic will be automatically struck by the whirling object(s). They will take 1D6 damage, lose one melee attack that round, and be thrown back 1D6 feet. This will also destroy that object (again, G.M.'s discretion).

Keeping this power active requires concentration; the psychic can only move at half speed and loses one attack per melee while maintaining this power. The psychic cannot get close enough to anyone in order to make any melee attacks, and any ranged attacks the psychic makes suffer a -1 penalty to strike per object encircling him (the psychic intuitively senses when to fire but it's still tough to aim properly). However, the psychic can use Telekinesis, Telekinesis: Super, or Telekinetic Acceleration Attack in order to launch the circling objects as an attack. The I.S.P. cost for activating those powers is the same. The damage of the attack however is increased by 1D6 per object launched and instead of a strike penalty the psychic receives a +2 to strike in addition to the regular strike bonus provided by the other power(s).

Introspective Journey
Range: 6 feet
Duration: 2D6 minutes
Saving Throw: Standard
I.S.P.: 24
Type: Super
Source: Mind Trap (Mutant Animal Psionic Power).

The psionic forces another's mind to experience an event from their past, trapping them within that memory for the duration of the power. On a failed save the victim will find themselves reliving a memory from some point in their past. The psychic has no control of the actual memory which is experienced and can only direct that a memory tied to a specific emotion be relived (hatred, anger, happiness, embarrassment, terror, etc). Though only 2D6 minutes of time pass in the real world, to the victim it could seem like anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of days - however long the events tied to that memory took to transpire.

Victims of Introspective Journey can make a second saving throw versus psionics. If successful they will know this is an imaginary experience and have no chance to suffer an insanity. In such cases the memory would seem like a dream they are observing from the outside. If they fail their save they re-live the memory as it originally happened, subjecting themselves to those events again and possibly (G.M.'s call) resulting in an insanity (save vs insanity or roll on the Trauma table).

Keeping the victim trapped within their memory is simple if the psychic doesn't wish to observe it. In that case the psychic attacker loses one attack per melee to keep the victim trapped but is otherwise not impaired. If the psionic wants to observe the memory as it plays out then he must concentrate to the exclusion of everything else - no external actions, movements, or attacks are possible without removing himself from this vision. However, the psionic can speak to the victim and even appear to them in their memory while concentrating like this. The psionic cannot alter the memory in any way but can say things to be supportive, vindictive, indifferent, etc.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Glistam »

Here's a few new ones that I don't think I've posted here:

Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
I.S.P.: Varies
Type: Super
Source: New!

With this power the psychic can influence and manipulate existing light. There must be a source of light at least as bright as a torch for these powers to work.

1. Alter Light Intensity: The psychic can intensify or diminish the strength of some or all existing light sources within the area of effect. This power can be used at range on a static area or centered on the psychic and move with him. The brightness and effect of the light sources can all be increased or decreased by up to 5% per level. This also affects the amount of shadows in the area and will provide a bonus to prowl (as the light darkens and the shadows lengthen) or a penalty to prowl (as the light brightens and the shadows recede) equal to 5% every two levels. The psychic can also use this ability to selectively vary the intensity of the light sources in the area of effect and make the shadows seem to move with a life of their own (Horror Factor: 12). Area of Effect: 30 foot radius, +2 feet per level. Range: 80 feet, + 5 feet per level. Duration: 5 minutes per level. I.S.P.: 8

2. Blinding Flash: A sudden burst of light can be made to flash anywhere within the lighted area, blinding all those within the area of effect who were looking in that direction. Victims must make a save vs Psionics or become blinded for 1D4+1 melee rounds and suffer a -9 to strike, parry, and dodge. Those who save only suffer a -3 to strike, parry, and dodge for one melee. Area of Effect: 10 foot radius, +1 foot per level. Range: 80 feet, + 5 feet per level. Saving Throw: Standard. Duration: Instant. I.S.P.: 2

3. Bend Light: The psychic can cause light to pass around him, rendering him effectively invisible! Since light itself is being directed around the psychic he cannot be seen by any visual means of detection. See the Invisible, See Aura, Infrared vision, and similar means of visual detection will not work. The character is completely undetectable by any sight. The psychic must concentrate to maintain this power; while active his speed, bonuses and attacks per melee are all reduced by half and any combat will instantly break the trance, ending the power and rendering him visible. The psychic can extend this effect to others as well - up to one person for every 3 levels of experience. They all must remain in physical contact for the duration and the psychic must pay the I.S.P. cost per each person rendered invisible in such a manner. If physical contact with the person is lost then the person immediately becomes visible. Range: Self, and others by touch. Duration: 1 melee round per level. I.S.P.: 15 per person.

4. Move Light Source: With a small effort the illumination provided by a light source can be moved as the psychic directs. The light source must be visible to the psychic and in range when this power is activated, and the only other restriction is that the light source must always remain illuminated by its own light. The source itself is not affected in any way and continues to function as necessary to produce the light which the psychic is moving around. This can be used to illuminate a dark area the light is having trouble reaching, or just give the illusion that the light source itself is moving or has been moved. As long as the original source of the light remains in the psychic's range and illuminated by the light then the light can be moved anywhere within that area at a speed of 12. Area of Effect: Same as the original light source (can be adjusted by Alter Light). Range: 100 feet + 10 feet per level. Duration: 2 minutes per level. I.S.P.: 20

5. Illusionary Objects: The ultimate in light manipulation, the psychic can gather existing light to create the illusion of an object or group of objects no larger than one foot in diameter per level for the duration of the power. Only simple things can be created, such as a sword, shield, chair, table, wall, tree, cart, pile of coins, chest, or other such objects. These illusionary objects will fool all methods of visual detection but no other senses. Only the psychic can "move" the illusion. Anyone else interacting with the illusion gets to roll a save vs psionics to notice something is amiss and potentially see through the illusion. The illusion must remain in view of at least one light source or it disappears. The psychic loses one attack per melee for every illusion being maintained due to the concentration required, and manipulating or changing the illusion uses an attack as well. Area of Effect: 1 foot diameter per level. Range: 100 feet + 10 feet per level. Saving Throw: Standard. Duration: 1 minute per level. I.S.P.: 25.

Teleport Object: Greater
Range: Special
Duration: Immediate
I.S.P.: 15
Saving Throw: Standard
Type: Super
Source: New! Inspired by Palladium Fantasy, page 167

This is the ability to cause physical matter at a different location to disappear and reappear In the psychic's hand or hands. Such teleportation is limited by the level of the psychic. A psionic character can teleport one pound per level of experience from a distance of up to 50 feet per level of experience. This is one way teleportation; once called, the psychic cannot send it away as a function of this power, but may use Teleport Object to send it back (and if used in this manner, the psychic enjoys a +10% success bonus to that power). The psychic must either be able to see the object or have certain knowledge of where exactly it is within his range in order to teleport it.
  • Teleporting small objects from any place in one's clothes (pocket, purse, sack, backpack, saddlebags) is automatically successful.
  • Teleporting it from somebody else's pocket, sack, etc., who is within clear line of sight has an 80% likelihood of success. If in a thick crowd, there is a -20% penalty and a failed roll means what the psychic receives could have been teleported from anybody's pocket!
  • Teleporting the object from any open location (not inside a trunk or pocket) that the psychic can see clearly, like from another table, the corner of the room, one of the ceiling rafters overhead, etc., is 88%.
  • Teleporting the object from a familiar place (a place well known to the character) is also 88%.
  • Teleporting the object from an unfamiliar place (has been there only a few times or never paid much attention to the place) has a 60% chance of success.
  • Teleporting the object from a completely unknown place (outside the room, down the hall, into the adjoining room, to the surface, etc.) has a 45% chance of success.

A failed success roll means the teleporter either receives no object (01%-75%)or a random object from within anywhere within the radius of the character's range (76%-100%). Sentient objects (such as rune weapons) can save to resist the teleport, and if successful just don't appear (a random object does NOT appear in their stead). Since the character willingly summons the object to his or her hands any detrimental effects of possessing said object (such as curses, wards of protection, incompatible alignment penalties of rune objects, etc) immediately affect the character with no saving throw!

Cryokinesis (Advanced)
Range: Special
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Level Acquired: Twenty
Source: New!
Requirement: Cryokinesis, Level 15+

Advanced Cryokinesis provides the psychic character with more dominion over cold, snow, and ice, resulting in an array of new abilities.

Alter Air Temperature: The psychic can reduce or increase the air temperature of a given area by 5 degrees Fahrenheit every melee round, with a maximum change up or down of five degrees Fahrenheit per level of experience. This can make conditions sweltering or freezing to chase people away, create a distraction, make an area more comfortable or even survivable, etc. When the duration expires temperatures return to normal at a rate of 30 degrees per melee round unless the psychic immediately re-activates it. Note: If the temperature around the character is altered, then the psychic feels the effects along with everyone else. Range: 20 foot radius centered on the psychic (and movable with him), or a static area up to 30 feet away. Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 8

2. Cold Blood: The psychic can lower his body temperature to extreme levels. This gives his skin a pale blue-ish color and makes his body icy cold to the touch. Those near the psychic can even feel the cold emanating off of him! The psychic becomes impervious to cold temperatures and takes no damage from any cold exposure or cold-based attacks. This extreme drop in body temperature also gives the psychic resistance to fire (takes half damage). Fire Elementals and others similarly vulnerable to cold will take 1D6 damage from contact with the psychic and be physically uncomfortable standing anywhere near him. Note: While active the effects of all the character's cold-based psionics are doubled, but all his fire-based psionics are reduced by half. Range: Self. Duration: 5 minutes per level. I.S.P.: 25

3. Create Snow: With just a thought the psychic can manipulate the moisture in the environment to create a snowstorm out of thin air. The snow instantly begins forming in the air all throughout the entire area and starts falling to the ground. Within 15 seconds (one melee) an inch of snow will have accumulated over everything within the area, and every 15 seconds another inch of snow falls and accumulates. The falling snow makes it difficult to see things (reduce range of vision by half) and once a foot or more has accumulated movement becomes significantly impaired (reduce speed by half within the area). The psychic can create up to one inch of snow per level of experience. This snow resists efforts to melt it for the duration of the power but afterwards will melt normally if conditions are above freezing. The power can be used multiple times in the same area to create even more snow. Area of Effect: 40 foot radius, +2 feet per level (same distance high). Range: 100 feet + 10 feet per level. Duration: 15 seconds (one melee) per level of experience. I.S.P.: 15

4. Blizzard: Existing snow in an area can be manipulated by the psychic to simulate white out/ blizzard conditions. Whether it's falling snow or existing snow on the ground, it can be whipped up to fly around the area at over 50 miles per hour! This is incredibly disorienting to anyone within the area of effect. While in the blizzard visibility and hearing are both reduced to only 8 feet away, all sense of direction is lost and movement speed is reduced by half. Area of Effect: 40 foot radius, +2 feet per level. Range: Up to 100 feet + 10 feet per level away. Duration: 2 minutes per level. I.S.P.: 25.

5. Generate Ice: This spectacular ability allows the psychic to gather the moisture in the environment to himself and simultaneously freeze and shape it as desired. Visually, the effect is that ice seems to be generated from the psychic's outstretched hand or from underneath him even as it continues to grow and radiate away from him. This can produce one of several effects:
  • Wall of Ice: A wall of ice can be formed, radiating out from the psychic's outstretched hand to a size of 10ft × 10ft × 1ft. For every additional level of experience the psychic may add one foot to either the length, width, or thickness of the wall. These dimensions can be adjusted each time the wall is created. As the ice wall grows into its dimensions anyone within its area may become encapsulated and trapped by the expanding ice. To avoid this they must dodge to get out of the area of growth or make a simultaneous strike and do enough damage to shatter the ice as it forms. The wall of ice has 15 S.D.C. per level. Range: Touch. Duration: Instant; lasts until it melts or is destroyed. I.S.P.: 20
  • Icy Floor: A sheet of ice forms across the ground in all directions, radiating out from beneath the psychic or from where the psychic touched. This slick ice covers the ground in a 6 foot radius, plus one foot per level, but the psychic can control the spread of the ice within this area such that only certain areas get coated (thus sparing allies). The ice is incredibly slippery and movement can cause those on the ice to slip and fall. There is no chance to fall if the victim stands still and doesn't move at all. Engaging in combat gives a flat 25% chance to fall for every attack/parry/dodge. Moving increases the chance of falling to 50%. Moving and engaging in combat at the same time has a 75% chance to fall! Those who fall lose initiative and one action. Range: Touch. Duration: Instant; lasts until it melts or is destroyed. I.S.P.: 15
  • Ice Shards: With a sweeping motion of his arm the psychic can create and throw a volley of icicles at a single target, doing 6D6 damage. This volley cannot be parried, only dodged, but even an unsuccessful dodge manages to avoid only some of the volley, resulting in the target still taking half damage (the attempt to dodge must still be made, however). Range: 30 feet + 2 feet per level. Duration: Instant. Bonus: +2 to strike. I.S.P.: 25
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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I'm still catching up here, Glistam, but I'm loving Circular Defense("INTROSPECTION HURRRIIICCCAAANNNEEEE!!!!!") and Introspection("Oh no, not the bedwetting lecture again!")
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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taalismn wrote:I'm still catching up here, Glistam, but I'm loving Circular Defense("INTROSPECTION HURRRIIICCCAAANNNEEEE!!!!!") and Introspection("Oh no, not the bedwetting lecture again!")

Thanks! I was finally inspired to try and write up Telekinetic Circular Defense after watching the T.V. series "Legion" and it's great kitchen telekinesis scene.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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So I'm trying to rework my previously listed "Time Out" power. This is what I'm thinking currently:

Range: Self
Duration: One melee round
I.S.P.: 30, +5 per additional ability.
Saving Throw: None. Damage is automatic and accumulative.
Type: Super (or Epic, level 15+)
Source: New!

This power is an impressive form of bio-feedback which gives the psychic a short burst of blinding, supernatural speed. Upon activation the world seems to slow down to a crawl around the psychic for a few brief moments. Time isn't actually slowed or manipulated; it's the psychic's own movements and perceptions which are sped up and enhanced. For the melee round in which this power is active the the psychic enjoys a +5 bonus to initiative, perception, strike, parry, and dodge, and +10 to Spd. Opponents have a -5 to their dodge, parry, and perception versus the psychic.

In addition, for the duration of this power the psychic can push themselves even further at great risk to their own body. Any of the following listed below can be activated at any time for an additional 5 I.S.P. each; but the psychic will also suffer damage for every 5 I.S.P. spent in this way.

  • Add an additional +5 to the 1d20 strike or defense roll after it's already been rolled.
  • Make a second attack against an opponent the psychic just attacked.
  • Attempt an autododge against any known attack.
  • Attempt to parry an additional attack beyond the normal limit.
  • Move or run up to twice as far as normally allowed in the action.

This is a powerful ability, but people weren't meant to move this fast. Each use of this power places insane stresses on the psychic's body, causing him or her to suffer 4D6 damage direct to hit points (or 4D6 M.D. if a mega-damage being) every time one of the additional 5 I.S.P. abilities are used. This represents torn muscles, mental strain, and other debilitating effects caused by using sheer will to force the body to move at such inhuman speeds. The psychic can literally tear his or her body apart through the stress of this power in just a few actions if they aren't careful!

Note: This power is even more deadly when combined with other speed enhancing abilities, such as but not limited to, Superhuman Speed, Magical-Adrenal Rush, Fleet Feet, etcetera. In such cases the psychic takes 4D6 damage to hit points just for activating this power, and 1D4×10 damage to H.P. (or M.D.C. if a mega-damage being) every time one of the additional 5 I.S.P. abilities are used. Even if the speed enhancing ability is activated after this power is in use the psychic will still take the immediate 4D6 damage and will suffer the enhanced damage for every new use of the 5 I.S.P. abilities.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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"OKay, Mister-Mind-Over-Matter over there just blew a hamstring." :|
"And it looks like he unraveled from there...." :shock:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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taalismn wrote:Quickness...
"Okay, Mister-Mind-Over-Matter over there just blew a hamstring." :|
"And it looks like he unraveled from there...." :shock:

Yeah... I can envision the effect I want, I just can't figure out how to quite translate it into reasonable game mechanics.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by taalismn »

I think the damage works out pretty well.
Would seriously suck, though, if you're a beginning character or a wimp with low SDC/HP...or you're already injured with a bad SDC deficit.
"I really need speed to get out of this fix, but going hyper-mode might be suicide....oh $#!+...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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(aka ISP-Feed, Psi-Bump)
This power allows a psychic to channel extra ISP to another psychic, as well as boosting their overall power level for a psi-talent.
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Effects: Feeds ISP to another psychic to use, plus boosts the recipient’s power/experience level for using a power by the average of the two combined psychics’, rounding down(example: A 10th level psychic decides to help out a 5th level psychic shore up his Telekinetic Forcefield. The less powerful psychic can now project the field as if he were of 12th level...(10+5)/2=7, +5=12).
Duration: 1 melee to transfer the energy; effects duration as per the adjusted level of experience.
Saving Throw: None. However, this power WILL be blocked by Automatic Mindblock; the recipient will have to deliberately take down their mental defense to allow the ISP feed to work.
ISP Cost: 10 + donated ISP
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:*Psi-Boost(Physical)
(aka ISP-Feed, Psi-Bump)
This power allows a psychic to channel extra ISP to another psychic, as well as boosting their overall power level for a psi-talent.
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Effects: Feeds ISP to another psychic to use, plus boosts the recipient’s power/experience level for using a power by the average of the two combined psychics’, rounding down(example: A 10th level psychic decides to help out a 5th level psychic shore up his Telekinetic Forcefield. The less powerful psychic can now project the field as if he were of 12th level...(10+15)/2=7, +5=12).
Duration: 1 melee to transfer the energy; effects duration as per the adjusted level of experience.
Saving Throw: None. However, this power WILL be blocked by Automatic Mindblock; the recipient will have to deliberately take down their mental defense to allow the ISP feed to work.
ISP Cost: 10 + donated ISP
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

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taalismn wrote:*Psi-Boost(Physical)
(aka ISP-Feed, Psi-Bump)
(example: A 10th level psychic decides to help out a 5th level psychic shore up his Telekinetic Forcefield. The less powerful psychic can now project the field as if he were of 12th level...(10+15)/2=7, +5=12).

Could please explain what the numbers in the equation represent? I'm assuming the 15 is a typo and should be a 5.

I'm guessing it means
10 lvl psychic
5th lvl psychic
a combined lvl of 15
resulting in an average (mean) lvl increase of 7 (15/2)
The avg increase is then added to the lvl of the boosted psychic
7 + 5 = 12
The boosted psychic now preforms at lvl 12
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:*Psi-Boost(Physical)
(aka ISP-Feed, Psi-Bump)
(example: A 10th level psychic decides to help out a 5th level psychic shore up his Telekinetic Forcefield. The less powerful psychic can now project the field as if he were of 12th level...(10+15)/2=7, +5=12).

Could please explain what the numbers in the equation represent? I'm assuming the 15 is a typo and should be a 5.

I'm guessing it means
10 lvl psychic
5th lvl psychic
a combined lvl of 15
resulting in an average (mean) lvl increase of 7 (15/2)
The avg increase is then added to the lvl of the boosted psychic
7 + 5 = 12
The boosted psychic now preforms at lvl 12

Got it, and thanks for spotting that! Fixed.

Yeah, I thought the ability to bump higher than the two participants might make it a munchkiny Super, but really, the power doesn't (directly) benefit the power's possessor; it's meant to boost others' performance, if only temporarily. It's like installing a spigot on your Inner Strength reservoir.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Mlp7029 »

Detect Good - same as Detect Evil just change Evil to Good in the description.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Mlp7029 »

Telekinetic Push (Super)
Range: By touch or one foot (0.3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: 4
Saving Throw: None
The power is basically the same as the ability described in the Physical category of psionic
powers, but greatly enhanced. The pushing force is equal to a Supernatural P.S. of 16+1 per
level of the psychic. The Super Telekinetic Push is roughly equal to a body block and does 1D4
M.D. damage, will knock up to one human sized target per level of experience back twenty
yards/meters knocking the target(s) off their feet causing loss of initiative and dazing the for 1D4 melee rounds (see Stun under Bio-Manipulation for penalties; targets with Supernatural
endurance are knocked off their feet and lose one melee action). Targets weighing more than
500 pounds or who possess Robotic P.S., Supernatural P.S. are only shoved a yard or two and
there is only a 01-60% chance of being knocked off their feet causing loss of initiative and one
melee action. Inanimate objects weighing under 50 pounds (22.5 kg) are "pushed" or slid acrossthe ground twice as far, roughly forty yards/meters.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mlp7029 wrote:Detect Good - same as Detect Evil just change Evil to Good in the description.
But is there even such a thing as supernatural good?
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Glistam »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mlp7029 wrote:Detect Good - same as Detect Evil just change Evil to Good in the description.
But is there even such a thing as supernatural good?

Spirits of Light, demigods, godlings, mega-heroes, sea titans, nightbane, athanatos, gods, and others I can't think of right now. Supernatural Evil certainly far outweighs Supernatural Good, but it doesn't make it non-existent.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by 13eowulf »

Glistam wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mlp7029 wrote:Detect Good - same as Detect Evil just change Evil to Good in the description.
But is there even such a thing as supernatural good?

Spirits of Light, demigods, godlings, mega-heroes, sea titans, nightbane, athanatos, gods, and others I can't think of right now. Supernatural Evil certainly far outweighs Supernatural Good, but it doesn't make it non-existent.

This power already exists, it is explicitly available to the Athanatos Necrosis in Shadows of Light.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by gaby »

Any ideas for Powers for BtS,s Psychics?

Here my idea for Psychic sensitve;Identify Psychic,can tell what Pcc someone is (95%)a,range:10 feet,duration 2 minutes per level of exprtience,i.s.p 3.
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Re: Newly Invented Psionics:

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gaby wrote:Any ideas for Powers for BtS,s Psychics?

Here my idea for Psychic sensitve;Identify Psychic,can tell what Pcc someone is (95%)a,range:10 feet,duration 2 minutes per level of exprtience,i.s.p 3.
A PCC is game terminology, not something a character would be able to detect. You can't just look at someone and know what skills they have. There are already abilities in place which can detect levels of psychic ability.
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