Blue_Lion wrote:I assume that an air craft has the sensors listed as sensors of note in addition to radar. What sensor are they listed as having to see people on the ground thousands of feet away through trees while traveling 100s of MPH? Targeting computers are typically linked to an active sensor like radar, most air craft have no listed optics. (Juicer uprising highlighted this fact with the ambush of CS air transports by people on the ground.)
Does not require a immune to be notice, standard rifts radar does not track targets less than a set distance from the ground. So you will not detect ground units miles away, because your radar does not track them. So while you can detect air craft with radar 10s of miles away you can not detect them.
There is no magic ability but a limit of rifts radar on ground.
So you are telling me that by the rules there is no way to actually shoot targets on the ground with the various weapon systems in the game.
I am relieved to know that Missiles can not be used against anything that is not flying. Ever.
And that apparently no one is able to find targets.
Because apparently the only way that anything can be targeted, at all, is by air-search radar.
So either weapons can not be used by anyone, at all...
...or everyone can use them.
Blue_Lion wrote:It was not optimized for the defenders and how you use team work to swarm a target from multiple positions when using short ranged AA weapons. It is historic and currant use of short range AA, what you described is use of long range anti air.(A-10s have been engaged by over 10 positions at once.) Ground forces in rifts would have positions and patrols throughout your territory. Fast moving high fliers get shot down by long range, slower moving low flying graft would likely enter an area inside the patrol zones. Trying to out range one position allows them to drive you between multiple units.
It is also not at all like anything that anyone other than 2-3 people on the entire continent have...
... the "historic" useage your citing is that of major modern nations, in modern conditions with modern doctrines and supply chains...
...or "not at all like rifts"
This is not a game of vast nations with deep borders. Its a place of no-mans lands and vest pocket empires.
This is not a place where there are a lot of heavy built up integrated military defense complexes other than a few major world powers.
Blue_Lion wrote:When a combat air craft enters your air space the air craft committed an act of war.
Errr not in our world, just in the movies.
In the real world air space (which is comes in several 'flavors') is pretty open for a lot of kinds of air traffic.
There are complex proticolls on who can do what where...
...that are based on decades of treaties. Treaties that do not exist on Rifts.
Blue_Lion wrote: That is real life you are justified shooting it down once it is your air space. Shooting down the air craft is not an act of war in that case it is a act of self defense.
Again not in real life...
In the Real World shooting down an aircraft IS an act of war. Even if it is in your airspace.
And justification is pretty complex, again depending on who flew what where, what warnings were issued to who, what the force statuses of the various nations are, what the treaties of those nations are...
Its not some 80's action movie where the bad guy flies over the red line and gets shot down and everyone gets to party and laugh at the bad guy commander who fumes that he can't do anything about it.
And again this is Rifts, not some 80s movie nor is it our world
There is no "Controlled air space" Other than the CS and
maybe MI. No one is controlling huge areas of territory with defense in depth and overlapping air defense systems...
Heck most places cant even control enough territory to stop someone from firing an MRM from one side of their territory to the other let alone some sort of imaginary 'shoot to kill buffer zone'
Blue_Lion wrote: Rifts radar can identify the type of air craft being detected.
Source? Because "track targets" is not "identify the aircraft specifically"
Blue_Lion wrote:(Most nations is most city states in rifts, not just the big ones.)
Um no.
I challenge you to provide the book citations for the military forces of any city in rifts that includes these forces your talking about.