Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

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Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by mech798 »

Okay, the UEEF has a problem.
1. A lot of their firepower is concentrated in cyclones, especially in the later years.
2. But a lot of their space lift ranges from Horizon-Ts which are large and unarmed, to the really big lifters, which are best suited for landing large formations--not an organic squad.

But at no point have we seen anything like a modernized blackhawk/V22 (or V-280) gunship, designed to land a smaller unit and then provide heavy support, and yet that's something that cyclone forces could really use.

Something, say, like this.

It seems a rather esrious, and odd omission.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by RockJock »

The book version of the Horizont is basically a Slick transport chopper, with minimum firepower in the form of the attached fighters. Since the cargo boxes are modular it would be fairly simple for "escort" and "gunship" boxes to be made. Think boxes with good point defense weapons, maybe with multiple gunners for the escorts. For the gunship I'm thinking more Puff/Spooky/Spectre then Cobra equipped to provide directed suppressive fire. Maybe a version geared for heavy missile loads as well.

I'm not a Robotech expect, or purist by any means. The above was meant to be a logical step, not something seen in celluloid.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

actually i would argue given its size and relative lack of maneuverability, it is closer to a C-130 or at best a Chinook. IMO the C-130 is the better comparison, since it would be fairly easy to convert to a "AC-130" type support platform, or to load up explosives for use as a bomber.

it is worth noting that the ASC lacked any kind of huey equivalent either, whether for infantry or for their PA. in fact, the closest any of the human forces in robotech get to it is the SH-62 Sea Sergeant (which is really more of a CH-53E Super Stallion type transport)

to be honest, for the UEEF i would say the most likely candidate for being an infantry transport and gunship would be the VB-X-7 prototype program's offshoots. basically, while the veritech program got shelved in the 2020's (to be dusted off years later and made the VB-9 Beta), a non-transforming aircraft using the same general frame, but replacing the transformation systems and bomb bay with room for a squad of Cyclone riders or a platoon of regular infantry. it could even retain some of the weaponry of the VB-X-7 prototype (SRM launchers and built in gunpod for example) giving it the ability to clear its own LZ and provide close air support, the way huey gunships could. though i'd say Alphas could not dock with it (since that was one of the things that the prototype had issues with)

for the ASC.. perhaps a vehicle like an enlarged AHR-15 Phantom recon hoverjet.. something able to carry a dozen infantry in armor.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

glitterboy2098 wrote:it is worth noting that the ASC lacked any kind of huey equivalent either, whether for infantry or for their PA. in fact, the closest any of the human forces in robotech get to it is the SH-62 Sea Sergeant (which is really more of a CH-53E Super Stallion type transport)

The RPG mentions the ASC still uses both the Sergeant Helicopter (AGAC history Masters SB), which would hand the infantry aspect pretty easily. The PA aspect is likely a bit harder (IMHO to big to walk into a Sergeant Helicopter-class), but lets not forget that they do have hover vehicles. They might have a super charged version that can fly at higher altitudes than the stock model, and wouldn't have issues transporting PA or Infantry. An M-10 would seem to be the logical choice, but it would need an upgrade depending on how high it has to fly.

glitterboy2098 wrote:to be honest, for the UEEF i would say the most likely candidate for being an infantry transport and gunship would be the VB-X-7 prototype program's offshoots.

To be honest if the UEEF was to develop an infantry transport/gunship I think they could adapt the Horizon-T modular "bunkers" concept/idea and apply it toward the Alpha and Beta (or an offshot of either).
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

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RockJock wrote:The book version of the Horizont is basically a Slick transport chopper, with minimum firepower in the form of the attached fighters. Since the cargo boxes are modular it would be fairly simple for "escort" and "gunship" boxes to be made. Think boxes with good point defense weapons, maybe with multiple gunners for the escorts. For the gunship I'm thinking more Puff/Spooky/Spectre then Cobra equipped to provide directed suppressive fire. Maybe a version geared for heavy missile loads as well.

I'm not a Robotech expect, or purist by any means. The above was meant to be a logical step, not something seen in celluloid.

I wrote up a whole lot of weapons pods to be used by the Horizont when TSC came out (along with weapons pods for the 'conbat' non-transformable fighter). Even wrote up a few other pod types for use in maintenance and other things.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by Peacebringer »

Well, spare-parts would be a problem; the factories that made them have been blown-away. Besides, those choppers would have been decades-old. Not really fit for military-service.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Peacebringer wrote:Well, spare-parts would be a problem; the factories that made them have been blown-away. Besides, those choppers would have been decades-old. Not really fit for military-service.

It isn't the literal Huey/Hind being asked about, but rather the vehicle that performs a similar role(s).
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by Arnie100 »

The closest to a Huey/Crashha --; erm, Blackhawk type helicopter is the HH-62 Supply Sergeant, a variant of the Sea Sergeant. Though, I think it's more like a CH-53, LOL.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

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Well, the Tv series shows the REF Reinforcements in Mind Games (Transport Squadron 85 & T-Squadron) had the Ajax with them.....
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

are we sure those are UEEF, and not some ASC units operating in deep space around the Sol system?

also, are we sure those Ajax came with those ships, as opposed to them being assigned to them after arrival?
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by RockJock »

See, I was thinking to be a Huey equivalent you would need to be able to reach orbit and land. To me that has to be a Horizont. I can see the C-130 comparison as well.

Maybe a lighter version that can take one pod instead of two?
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by sirkermittsg »

I use the bomb bay of a beta as a special forces cyclone group transport. The art has it being pretty sizeable
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

that is only available though after 2038.. (program to develop it was restarted in 2036, first prototype completed in 2037, first started going out to units in 2038), from 2025 till then there really isn't anything.

(and technically, since the Horizon-t wasn't developed until 2032ish according to the RPG, the UEEF didn't even have a heavy lift mecha transport either. just (possibly) the SC-32 Roc cargo shuttle.. but that is so limited in endurance and is only just barely able to make orbit on its own. [by the rules, it actually lacks the speed stats to make orbit. but the write up says it can get to orbit. but with only 2 hours of fuel onboard (and that used up to reach orbit, per the write up in the sourcebook), and having to cart along an external fuel tank as big as it is to get a measly 12 hours of flight time.. not really a good option)
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

But at no point have we seen anything like a modernized blackhawk/V22 (or V-280) gunship, designed to land a smaller unit and then provide heavy support, and yet that's something that cyclone forces could really use.

Agree the Cyclones could use some heavy support. The UEEF has holes in its TO&E (a result of the age and relying on the OSM).

A solution that comes to mind is a Veritech Fighter-type platform (VF-1s, VFA-6s, etc) and matching it with a remodeled escape capsule into a troop transport pod (or a ground up new pod of similar size) that the fighter could transport like we see in Ep3 with the VF-1S transporting the VT-1D cockpit section around. Depending on requirements and how much one can "grow" the capsule I would think you could get 4 people in w/o much difficulty, with Cyclones. Growth wise I suspect you could double that without much difficulty w/ground up design while keeping the basic dimensions (might even be able to widen it a bit which might increase it further).
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

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Well, for the Robotech purist in me, I use the TACS Assault Shuttle (pg 83 Southern Cross) as it can haul around 32 dudes and dudettes and 8 Mecha (150 tons). It is not really VTOL so that makes it less than perfect.

Because it is Palladium, and has Macross in the title I also use the M-300 Ground Mecha Recovery and Transport VTOL (pg 22 Macross II Sourcebook One) and it can carry up to 1 Monster MK II (223 tons).

I actually had a GMPC (Captain Shelby Miller) that flew one of these specifically as a Cyclone insert/exfil bird. LOTS of combat and good stuff in that campaign. It was pretty good because the GMPC would literally only show up when needed and it fit the narrative.

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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by ikillbugsdead »

Okay, If we're talking about the UEEF then isn't the IFHV -03-Mk.II Archon kinda of right on the money?
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

ikillbugsdead wrote:Okay, If we're talking about the UEEF then isn't the IFHV -03-Mk.II Archon kinda of right on the money?

given it is a hovertank and not an aircraft, not really.
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Re: Where is the Huey/Hind for the UEEF?

Unread post by ZINO »

mech798 wrote:Okay, the UEEF has a problem.
1. A lot of their firepower is concentrated in cyclones, especially in the later years.
2. But a lot of their space lift ranges from Horizon-Ts which are large and unarmed, to the really big lifters, which are best suited for landing large formations--not an organic squad.

But at no point have we seen anything like a modernized blackhawk/V22 (or V-280) gunship, designed to land a smaller unit and then provide heavy support, and yet that's something that cyclone forces could really use.

Something, say, like this.

It seems a rather esrious, and odd omission.

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