size conflicts

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size conflicts

Unread post by masslegion »

I'm having trouble finding good measurements for ships such as the Tokugawa (refit), SDF-3 (refit), and SDF-4. For instance, I started creating my own size comparison chart with a grid making a box with the length and width measurements. The I take a picture such as the links I'll provide which were old images from the site for their ship comparison. (BTW what happened to those ship comparison on Can they be found elsewhere?)

I digress, after taking these images of ships in profile they do not fit the box given. For instance the SDF-4 in Genesis Pits has measurements of length 1305m and height of 522m, but this is clearly taller than this pic. When using the length of 1305m, I get a height with the bridge of ~430-440m.

I guess what I'm really looking for is the original ship comparion pics. For instance I don't have the Tristar image anymore

These discrepancies are all the more obvious with the Tokugawa and are still present with the SDF-3
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Re: size conflicts

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Yes there is something of a proportional disconnect with ships in the Infopedia Stats vs Size Comparison Chart.

I don't think I have images for ships saved, I know I saved the individual mecha page (so they are all at the same scale) form the SCC.
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Re: size conflicts

Unread post by tobefrnk »

masslegion wrote:I guess what I'm really looking for is the original ship comparion pics. For instance I don't have the Tristar image anymore

If you haven't noticed, is back online with the size comparison charts.
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Re: size conflicts

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i don't think that HG or PB's writers spent a lot of time working out the proportions exactly. considering that in many cases these numbers are based on estimates from show clips, and the general lack of blueprint style art until fairly recently, some contradiction is inevitable.

annoyingly the one i want size stats for are the ones that have no good official art, like the ASC's lighter warships. (what the fans call the battle class and banshee class)

i am kinda surprised that HG has the Tyrolian Cruiser on their comparison, given that most fans didn't realize it existed, since it basically only had "blink and you miss it' appearances.
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