Secrets of Atlanteans Questions (no spoilers)

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How do you view the 'extra' Heart w/ stake (anti-vamp) for Slayers?

20 - your GM lets you have a different power tattoo useful vs Undead/Demon/Devils but you have 2 flaming weapons to start (Mark of Heritage sword + other)
19 - sorry you lose one for sloppy C&P
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18 - you lose 2 from sloppy C&P
other - explain below
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Secrets of Atlanteans Questions (no spoilers)

Unread post by Myrrhibis »

Undead slayer:
Looks like the # & type of starting tattoos is another case of sloppy Cut & Paste.

gets Marks of Heritage - which are always a Flaming Sword, and the Heart w/ Stake (anti-Vamp)

But then in the Tattoo listing, do they get *another* flaming weapon?
And the very sloppy C&P that started this: in the starting tattoo listing, it mentions the Heart w/ Stake... which is a Mark of Heritage.

So the question:
How do y'all interpret the correct # of starting tattoos?
19, since the Heart w/ stake is listed twice
18, cuz sloppy editing means you already had a Heart & flaming weapon (aka Sword from the Heritage)
20, GM & player discuss an appropriate swap of the Heart for another useful vs Undead (or Demon/Deevils since they're now anti D&D as well)
or something else?
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Re: Secrets of Atlanteans Questions (no spoilers)

Unread post by eliakon »

I would, personally...
Just give them a wooden stake simple weapon tattoo.
quite useful against vampires after all.
But that is because I interpret the game as allowing a tattoo of a wood weapon to be treated as wood, or a silver weapon to be treated as silver. YMMV.

I would also give them a weapon Tattoo (Mallet or Hammer). They can make it their choice of either flaming (for damage) or simple (for duration and cost). if it is simple, then I would allow it to be either wood or silver.
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Re: Secrets of Atlanteans Questions (no spoilers)

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

remind me, is it possible to have non-true Atlantean Undead slayers? (don't have the new book, and WB2 only talks of TA ones.)

if you can, i'd argue that a TA gets only the one, their mark of heritage, and since they already have one, don't get another when becoming a slayer. (basically, the duplicate listing is so the non-TA slayers get it)
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Re: Secrets of Atlanteans Questions (no spoilers)

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

I have a different Question, though in answer I would probably go with a "wooden" stake simple weapon to replace the power tattoo. One might possibly go with a power tattoo of Chained Skull instead, so as to exchange the tattoo for an equivalent one.

That Said, my question is as follows:
On the Atlantean Crystal Mage, it list "Geology" as a skill. Now, while that skill is potentially useful to them, it is not a listed skill in Rifts as far as I have found (though it is in Rifts: Manhunter and Rifter #0, neither counts as official Rifts material really). On the other hand, they do not have the Gemology skill, which would be highly appropriate. I am thinking Geology was a Misprint and Gemology was intended. Is there errata to prove this?
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