the Big O

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the Big O

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, since I asked about defense, it's time to switch to the best defense - a good offense. Which Wizard spell is the best offensive spell? Mind you, this is WIZARD spells only, so no Tornado or River of Lava. Also, remember that many of the spells of legend require so much PPE that they are nearly impossible to cast.

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Re: the Big O

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Fear: HF 16
Increase Weight
Simple yet effective.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Greyaxe »

I have used horrific illusion to great effect.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Hotrod »

There are a lot of incapacitation spells in the low ranges that work great. Blind, Trance, Magic Net, and Blinding Flash come to mind. Of those, Trance seems the scariest, as the person can't defend or attack and will not remember anything from their entranced time.

Most of the fancy attack spells (energy bolt, fire bolt) are too P.P.E. intensive to use in any but the most dire circumstances. Telekinesis is far more efficient on offense, as it's not a "one use attack" spell, but rather an ability that allows for repeated attacks over 4 melees per level of the caster. The caster can simply grab a 60 lb object and slam it into a foe over and over again. If the foe is actively fighting someone else, the caster can slam the object into the foe from behind, preventing any effective defense in most cases. Even with no hand-to-hand skill, a level 1 caster gets 8 4D6 attacks for 8 P.P.E., and this scales with level.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by kiralon »

I think the most offensive spell in palladium is fleet feet.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Lukterran »

Offense is an interesting word. There are some spells that are good for damaging. Others that are good for disabling an enemy. Others that are good for buffing with. So I will give you the best spell of each category.

From Core Book:
1. Telekinesis - is great utility spell for a number of applications. No only the benefits mentioned above by Hotrod but it is early access for a wizard only being a 3rd level spell.
2. Carpet of Adhesion - is awesome spell for stopping attackers and completely holding a number of enemy down. It can also be paired with the telekinesis above to some great effect.
3. Call Lightning - autostrike and effective damage dealing spell. Very few enemies are immune to lightning damage and it is just the best direct damaging spell available to a wizard to kill someone with (fireball coming in 2nd).
4. Time Slip - I wouldn't normally consider it a offensive spell. However, it is the greatest spell for setting up the offense for a wizard. In enabling them to get into the best position for a fight or buff prior to a battle.
5. Immobilize - Again not necessarily an offensive spell. However, once you have someone caught in a cone of immobilization. You have won the fight. You can prepare any trap for them for when the effects of the spell elapse.
6. Wind Rush - The ability to blast an enemy back away from you or into a dangerous hazard cannot be ignored.

Not only are these spells good. But they all are effective even if the victim saves they still work in some way.

But the best offensive damage dealing spell IMO is Annihilate (from Rift Book of Magic). Instantly vaporize you enemy and everyone around them.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by eliakon »

My personal experience in playing mages has been that (if I may borrow terms from the MMORPG community here). Magic users in Palladium tend not to be the best at Direct Damage (though in Paladium Fantasy they are a lot better at it than in the other settings). Where magic users shine is in Buffing, Debuffing, Crowd Control, and 'Pets'.
One of the most insanely powerful spells in the game is Fleet Feet. 20PPE and you just doubled their Spd, PP, and APM! Hello Cuisinart welcome to the party.
Another absolutely hideous spell is Shadow Meld. Total invisibility, even to see invisible, that is not dispelled by attacking? Yes please.
Cloud of Slumber, Armor of Ithan, Invulnerability, Mesmerism, Dancing Lights, Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Increase Weight, Levitation, Magic Net, Carpet of Adhesion, Time Slip, Immobilize...
The list of spells that make GMs whimper goes on and on. And very few of them are direct d XdY dice of damage at Z feet. (there are a few of those. Lightning Strike for instance)
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, Fleet Feet is the most ridiculous buffing spell in the books. It's so bad we outlawed it. There was a ranger who had a medallion that could cast Fleet Feet and he was impossible. I mean doubling attacks? That's a huge enough bonus! But to double the PP, that's guaranteeing bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge.

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Re: the Big O

Unread post by kiralon »

I limited it as well

+1 attack for every 5 levels of caster
+2 speed for every level of caster
+1 Strike/Parry/Dodge for every 3 levels of caster
So a pot or medallion of fleet feet are cast at level 6 so +1 atm, +2 s/p/d, +12 speed.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by eliakon »

Oh yeah. As a GM I totally go through and take the Nerf bat to a lot of the spells in the game. Some of the changes are due to what I think is over powered, some of them at due to shenanigans that have been pulled in the past.
If we get into house rules and custom stuff...
...then the best offensive spells are invariably "That one spell that we wrote for our game. You know the one? That does the stuff? It seemed like a good idea at the time but man was that epicly powerful."
I mean its quite literally impossible for a discussion to be "what is the best spell out there, based on my house rules...that I am not sharing with you."
Every table has house rules, every table changes how this or that spell works... its the nature of the game.
BUT that doesn't change the canon RAW basic write ups.

*looks over at the dozens of pages of custom spells in the new spell thread over in the magic section...*
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: the Big O

Unread post by kiralon »

Lol I like to call this sratlop

Slay Ruler and Transfer Loyalty of Population
Range: 10 feet (3 m) radius; up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away, but no less than 2000 miles per level
Duration: Instant, lasting forever, or 1d4 rounds.
Saving Throw: Standard, but none at -2
P.P.E.: One for the level 15 version, 10000 for the level 1 version. Warlocks of earth, air fire and water combined can cast it for free if they have more than 200 base p.p.e
This invocation causes all of the leaders of the enemy to die, and the population to now follow you as leader.
Note: Does not affect bionic or cybernetic eyes.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Lukterran »

Veknironth wrote:Well, Fleet Feet is the most ridiculous buffing spell in the books. It's so bad we outlawed it. There was a ranger who had a medallion that could cast Fleet Feet and he was impossible. I mean doubling attacks? That's a huge enough bonus! But to double the PP, that's guaranteeing bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge.

"Over Powered!"

I would say Fleet Feet has some pretty close competition now with Strength of the Whale:
For only 20 PPE, doubles the character's normal strength and is the equivalent of supernatural, doubles the character's S.D.C. and fatigues at half normal rate!
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Hotrod »

I kind of like Fleet Feet, actually. It's a team-focused spell; since wizards tend to be mediocre in combat, it's best employed on the more capable fighters. Extended straight-up melee combat can get pretty boring, and ending big fights faster can be useful in a play session. While Fleet Feet allows a character to excel in a straight-up fight, that's only one situation, and there are plenty of counters to it that can incapacitate a fleet-footed foe, even without magic. If a character is becoming a one-trick pony, then you might consider entering that pony in a different event. There are all kinds of interesting, risky, and challenging circumstances for which Fleet Feet is useless. Some suggestions:

1. Put the party in a battle or a chase on the sea or on a river. Unless and until there's a boarding action, Fleet Feet is useless, while Siege Weapons, sailing, weather magic, navigation, et cetera will be of paramount importance.
2. Have a detective adventure in which the players have to figure out whodunit.
3. Present the party with a plague scenario in which any physical contact with an enemy could result in contracting the deadly contagion (like grayscale in Game of Thrones). Fleet Feet could still be quite useful, but it wouldn't be an "I win" card.
4. Give the party some environmental challenges, such as extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, floods, et cetera.
5. Have the party participate in a siege (either side). Sieges tend to involve very little hand-to-hand and a great deal of creative thinking and shenanigans to bypass a threat.

Of course, hand-to-hand violence is a big part of the game, and as with anything, you've got to be careful not to let it totally overpower your game. I'd be very leery about giving a character Fleet Feet as an activate-able magic item unless it was a single-use kind of thing. I like the idea of characters having some kind of supercharged mode, like the Death Blossom in The Last Starfighter, for critical moments when they need to make like Horatius at the bridge and hold back an army, or when some dumb waternix decides to touch Necrom the Undying. If it just becomes an "I win" button, then I'd find some way to remove it from play (preferably in a voluntary way, like a friend is making a last stand/heroic sacrifice to buy the party time to escape, and every edge he gets gives the party a better chance of getting away).
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, that list is good for anyone who is totally focused on combat, Fleet Feet or not. But as a spell that helps you offensively, it's awesome. Imagine if you give a Mind Mage Fleet feet. Double the psionic actions per melee. Hell, with the newer magic casting rules, a mage who can double the spells he can cast in a round would be devastating.

That medallion quickly became a problem. It didn't last long. We were relatively new to the game playing 1st edition when the spell was even more powerful. I guess we didn't read it over that well but once we saw it in action we knew it was either lose the item or everyone gets one. Fortunately, when the 2nd edition came out the spell wasn't in the book so that medallion became Superhuman Speed, I think. A "I win" button is correct.

I am unfamiliar with Strength of the Whale. Is that from a Rifts book? Can I make fun of the name for a bit? Are whales known for being strong? Has anyone measured the strength of a whale? Is it comparatively stronger than a dung beetle? How about Strength of the Giant, or Strength of the Ox, or Strength of Utgard Loki?

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Re: the Big O

Unread post by kiralon »

Lukterran wrote:
Veknironth wrote:Well, Fleet Feet is the most ridiculous buffing spell in the books. It's so bad we outlawed it. There was a ranger who had a medallion that could cast Fleet Feet and he was impossible. I mean doubling attacks? That's a huge enough bonus! But to double the PP, that's guaranteeing bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge.

"Over Powered!"

I would say Fleet Feet has some pretty close competition now with Strength of the Whale:
For only 20 PPE, doubles the character's normal strength and is the equivalent of supernatural, doubles the character's S.D.C. and fatigues at half normal rate!

I'd put money on the fleet feeted any day. Problem is now is its always the spell a wizard picks when he gets to that level, never had a wizard not pick it as his first choice when getting to that level.
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Re: the Big O

Unread post by Hotrod »

kiralon wrote:
Lukterran wrote:
Veknironth wrote:Well, Fleet Feet is the most ridiculous buffing spell in the books. It's so bad we outlawed it. There was a ranger who had a medallion that could cast Fleet Feet and he was impossible. I mean doubling attacks? That's a huge enough bonus! But to double the PP, that's guaranteeing bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge.

"Over Powered!"

I would say Fleet Feet has some pretty close competition now with Strength of the Whale:
For only 20 PPE, doubles the character's normal strength and is the equivalent of supernatural, doubles the character's S.D.C. and fatigues at half normal rate!

I'd put money on the fleet feeted any day. Problem is now is its always the spell a wizard picks when he gets to that level, never had a wizard not pick it as his first choice when getting to that level.

I'd like to present my favorite NPC antagonist as a counterpoint. He's totally nonviolent, with no hand-to-hand skill, no psionics, and no spells. He only uses W.P. staff to parry as a last resort (and only took it because his OCC came with a "pick one" WP). He rarely kills people directly; rather, he gets his foes to effectively kill themselves, often while doing his will. His tool of choice? drugs.

A trained Diabolist with a whole lot of herbology-related skills, he'll use wards to incapacitate anyone who directly attacks him. Then he'll tie them up and get them high on one of the nastier or more manipulative drugs from Alchemy section of P2E or the Western Empire (he carries a full range). Those are just his two favorite tricks; he has several others.

You can do great and terrible things with a hero or villain in Palladium Fantasy without ever rolling to strike.
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