Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Chaos Earth is here & now. Let the Chaos ensue.

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Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

Power Bloc on earth

1. Super power bloc, are head in mega damage and manufacturing
2. Major power bloc, vital area of earth need for earth coalition forces
3. Standing power bloc major additional military, worldwide connections hub close to reaching Major power bloc
4. Minor power bloc providing support to the UN coalition where need

Common wealth Russia
South Korea
Great Britain

ALL N.A.T.O except Great Britain , Germany
North Korea
All middle east Oil counties

All of central America except Nicaragua and Panama
All African countries but Congo
All of south America except Brazil

Any nation not mention are minor power bloc

time line

• On 2017 to 2018 US, Germany, Japan, Russian, china discovers pending alien invasion from outer space between 2033 to 2036, U.N establish a worldwide unification in six months’ time
• Even more impressive is the fact that after 27 (2000 to 2027) years of terrorism, vendettas, treachery and war across the globe from 2001-2027 stop in 2027
• During 2020 to 2032 nations open markets in unforeseen level (MDC alloys were replacing S.D.C) and markets were spent in education, world infrastructure, worldwide recycle of raw materials and communications and worldwide military cooperation’s
• 2028 was a daring treaty that united and bound the North American nations of Canada, Mexico Central American and the United States of America (Called NEMA as second line of defense) and many nations similar second line of defense
• UN establish worldwide coalition which were set this way Germany taking over Europe, while Russian , china and India took over Asia landmass ,while Japan , South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Australia ,new Zealand and US navy took over the pacific (all the islands in the pacific)
• In 2023 to 2025 space station were establish not just on earth and SDI systems but on the moon as well (use Rifts Sourcebook Mutants In Orbit book)
• 2028 worldwide coalition establish by the U.N, alien invasion June 1 2035 , A.R.C.H.I.E system online ,SDI Systems suffered 60 to 99 percent loss
• 2031 first SAMAS ,Glitter boy, all variants (GM choose)
• super solider porgram Juicer and M.O.M tech
• June 1 2035 Worldwide military suffered 30 percent to 60 percent loss air forces around world
• Alien invade Africa military suffered 60 to 90 percent loss while civilian suffered 60 to 95 percent losses so it seems
• Alien behead Central African continent
• 2035 to 2036 worldwide coalition attempt to contain Alien in Africa,
• 2037 spread thru Africa
• All Africa counties fall except Egypt ,south Africa ,
• 2037 to 2038 Alien establish strong hold across Africa, three line are made to block middle east oils fields and to protect Jerusalem, man power comes from all middle east country, Mexico ,Central American, South American , Russian , china and India
• 2039 Line hold but at terrible cost to human life, military in that region ,infantry are been massacred to hold the line 2.5 million lost KIA or MIA
• 2039 new military vehicle super all super factions(GM can pick from source material mention)
• Third attempt morocco and Spain , massive navy from EU , USA ,Canada , middle eastern countries, Russian navy ,India navy African resistance forces ,held third line total disaster for alien forces, 8 month campaign first lop sided battle for earth forces https://orig00.deviantart.net/1101/f/20 ... byeaws.png
• Alien mine Africa from all-natural resources, human culling in Africa unknown reasons ,human are seen as natural resources

• December 22, 2098 The Great Cataclysm

Books to use any MDC vehicles only, any rail guns handed, beam missiles NO P.P.E or yes (no mindbender,magic kick in December 22, 2098 The Great Cataclysm) PSI powers, no robots or power amour till 2031
• Chaos Earth Book 00
• The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
• Rifts World book 00 Main Core book Rifts
• Rifts World book 05 Traix
• Rifts World book 06 South America
• Rifts World book 07 Underseas
• Rifts World book 08 Rifts Japan
• Rifts World book 09 South America 2
• Rifts World book 10 Juicer Uprising
• Rifts World book 11 Coalition War Campaign
• Rifts World book 13 Rifts Lone Star
• Rifts World book 14 New West
• Rifts World book 15 Spirit West
• Rifts World book 17 Warlords of Russia
• Rifts World book 18 Mystic Russia
• Rifts World book 19 Australia
• Rifts World book 20 Canada
• Rifts World book 22 Free Quebec
• Rifts World book 24 China 1
• Rifts World book 25 China 2
• Rifts World book 31Traix 2
• Rifts World book 33 Northern Gun book 1
• Rifts World book 34 Northern-Gun-book 2
• Rifts Game Master Guide
• Rifts Sourcebook Merc Ops
• Rifts Sourcebook Bionics
• Rifts Sourcebook four Coalition Navy
• Rifts Sourcebook Mercenaries
• Rifts Sourcebook MercTown
• Rifts Sourcebook Mutants In Orbit
• Rifts Sourcebook one Revised & Expanded
• Rifts Sourcebook Traix Mindwerks 3


Rifter 02 Hacking,Cyberjacking
Rifter 04 Page 64 — Rifts® A.R.C.H.I.E. Three vs. The World
Mark Sumimoto gives us an epic Rifts® adventure involving everybody's favorite insane computer intel-ligence, ARCHIE-3. Plus data on The Titan Robotics Complex and various Cyberworks, Titan, Northern Gun and other `hots, weapons and equipment. This adventure and source material can be considered "optional" but "authorized" additions to the Rifts® World. Artwork is by the Drunken Style Studio (Brandon C. Clark, Ka Xiong, and Mark Dudley being the principle artists).

Rifter 05 Page 49
— Rifts® & Robotech® The Right Stuff
Edward J. Sauerland presents an optional O.C.C. for Rifts® that he calls the Barnstormer. A daredevil pilot with nerves of steal (or are they). In addition to the Rifts® O.C.C., Edward presents the Robotech Mecha Test Pilot O.C.C. plus optional rules for Air Combat and Vintage Techno-Wizard Aircraft (starting on page 56). Art is by Drunken Style Studio and Kent Burles.

The Rifter #11
Page 17 — Optional Combat Rules For Rifts® & Other Games

The Rifter #15
Page 65 – Rifts®
Operation Ironskull
Ted Dimitry does double duty as writer and illustrator for this section of optional Coalition Cyborgs and skullduggery. Four optional new CS Cyborgs and adventure ideas.
Art by Ted Dimitry. Written by Ted Dimitry.

The Rifler #19
Page 54 — Rifts®
Coalition Support Vehicles
Wayne Field presents some of the workhorse vehicles behind the scenes that keep the Coalition Army on its feet and in the trenches. Six new vehicles in all — completely described, stated out and illustrated.
Art by Apollo "The City-Rat" Okamura.

The Rifter® #20
Page 88 — Rifts®
Thunderbolt, an Optional Adventure
Owen Johnson presents an adventure involving the Coalition, an experimental aircraft, pre-Rifts technology, espionage and fun. Includes stats for the Thunderbolt Jet Aircraft, notable NPCs, and Hamilton's Creepers, an elite mercenary group.
Artwork by Freddie Williams II

The Rifter® #22
Page 74 — Rifts®
CS Target Acquisition Groups
John Stevens presents a new area of special training in sniping for the Coalition Army. Includes the C-10S Laser Sniper Rifle.
Page 77 — Rifts®
Modern Army Combat Rules
Dan Felkins is back, this time with mass army combat rules, tips and suggestions with Rifts® in mind. Includes some Typical Modern Army Units and Army Creation Rules based on those for creating a Mercenary Company.
Adaptable to other modern games and settings. Includes using magic and psionics.
Artwork by Wayne Breaux Jr, Freddie Williams and Mike Wilson

The Rifter® #24
Page 48 — Rifts®
Media in Rifts Earth
A mountain of cool, optional source material by Patrick Nowak as he takes a look at arts, sports and entertainment com-mon to the Coalition States and North America. It takes a look at the CS Media machine, radio and television, movie production and the Black Market, Gladiator Sports and Arenas. In-cludes Entertainment Skills, the Performer O.C.C., Field Reporter O.C.C., Rifts Bard O.C.C., and a comprehensive look at the Rifts Gladiator (including arenas, rules of the game and equipment).
Artwork is by the guys at Drunken Style Studio, Mark Dudley, Brand= C. Clark, and Sharard Jackson.

The Rifter® #25
Page 14 — Ninjas & SuperspiesTM (or Heroes UnlimitedTM) Guns for Hire
Optional rules, skills, Skill Programs and ideas by John C. Philpott for running modern day military campaigns using Ninjas & SuperspiesTM and adaptable to Heroes UnlimitedTM. John's stint in the military helps give him a unique perspective and an attention to detail. Includes a wide range of new and modified Skill Programs, Real World Special Forces Units, and other material for those looking for more realistic military-style campaigns.
Artwork by Brian & Allan Manning.

The Rifter® #20
Page 88 — Rifts®
Thunderbolt, an Optional Adventure
Owen Johnson presents an adventure involving the Coalition, an experimental aircraft, pre-Rifts technology, espionage and fun. Includes stats for the Thunderbolt Jet Aircraft, notable NPCs, and Hamilton's Creepers, an e

The Rifter® #24
Page 48 — Rifts®
Media in Rifts Earth
A mountain of cool, optional source material by Patrick Nowak as he takes a look at arts, sports and entertainment com-mon to the Coalition States and North America. It takes a look at the CS Media machine, radio and television, movie produc-tion and the Black Market, Gladiator Sports and Arenas. In-cludes Entertainment Skills, the Performer O.C.C., Field Reporter O.C.C., Rifts Bard O.C.C., and a comprehensive look at the Rifts Gladiator (including arenas, rules of the game and equipment).
Artwork is by the guys at Drunken Style Studio, Mark Dudley, Brand= C. Clark, and Sharard Jackson.

The Rifter® #25
Page 14 — Ninjas & SuperspiesTM (or Heroes UnlimitedTM) Guns for Hire
Optional rules, skills, Skill Programs and ideas by John C. Philpott for running modern day military campaigns using Ninjas & SuperspiesTM and adaptable to Heroes UnlimitedTM. John's stint in the military helps give him a unique perspective and an attention to detail. Includes a wide range of new and modified Skill Programs, Real World Special Forces Units, and other material for those looking for more realistic military-style campaigns.
Artwork by Brian & Allan Manning.

The Rifter® #27
Page 16 — Chaos EarthTM Britain in Chaos
British fan writer Alex Tulloch sets the stage for life in Brit-ain after the Great Cataclysm. Great optional source-material for Rifts® Chaos EarthTM. Includes an overview of the Cataclysm, a handful of new O.C.C.s and some unique equipment of the SFE.
Artwork by Apollo "the groom to be" Okamura

The Rifter® #29
Page 74 — Rifts®: Japan
Crime and Punishment in Rifts® Japan
Dan Felkins takes us into the seedy underworld of the Yakuza and Rifts Japan's criminal organizations. It is another fun and imaginative article full of optional source material suit-able for use in the Rifts® Japan and Rifts® China settings. It includes background info (did you know Ya ku za reflects a los-ing hand of a game similar to Blackjack?), Splugorth involve-ment, the use of Juicer and M.O.M./Crazies technology, current clans and operations, notable street gangs, magical Dragon Tat-toos and more.
Page 80 — The Yakuza Clansman O.C.C.
Page 83 — Cyber-Ninja O.C.C. Page 85 — Ninja Juicer Variants.
Page 85 — New Equipment common to Tech-Ninja starts.
Page 86 — Kittani Technology.
And what would an article about the gangs of Japan be with-out some data on Law Enforcement, including the Police Officer O.C.C., police squad car and equipment, and Robot Police Drones?
Artwork by Brian and Allen Manning

The Rifter #31
Page 61 — A Komplex ProblemTM
For Rifts® — Triax & the NGR Adventure
Brandon Aten and Taylor White join forces to weave a tale of intrigue, secrets and conspiracy.
The story revolves around the discovery of a secret military base where Gargoyles, Brodkil and other monster races are cap-tured, tortured and cruelly experimented upon. The purpose
this "research" is to develop new weapons to destroy the mon-strous invading hordes of the Gargoyle and Brodkil Empires, but is it too much? Too cruel? Do the people have the right to know?
A handful of NPCs, the Triax Research Scientist 0.C.C., a few new Triax weapons, and the X-5001 Devastator Mk. II. Artwork by the mecha-maniac Apollo Okamura.
this "research" is to develop new weapons to destroy the mon-strous invading hordes of the Gargoyle and Brodkil Empires, but is it too much? Too cruel? Do the people have the right to know?
A handful of NPCs, the Triax Research Scientist 0.C.C., a few new Triax weapons, and the X-5001 Devastator Mk. II. Artwork by the mecha-maniac Apollo Okamura.

The Rifter® #33
Page 29 — S.C.R.E.T. Revisited & Revised Optional Source Material for Heroes UnlimitedTM
Glen A. Evans offers an interesting take on the realm of Heroes UnlimitedTM. Learn about S.C.R.E.T.'s origins and par-ent agency, G.I.G.M.A. (Government Investigation of Genetic Mutations and Abnormalities). Homeland Security will never be the same. Includes S.C.R.E.T. experimental weapons, vehicles, aircraft and superhuman holding facilities, the typical S.C.R.E.T. agent and a quintet of elemental based villains (and the mysterious David Slave).
Art by the ladies and gents from Drunken Style Studio.
Page 68 — Air Combat' Optional Rules for Rifts®
Newcomer, Edward A. May, offers a massive set of optional
rules and things to consider involving air combat for the Rifts setting. Includes Piloting rules, mishap tables, damage tables, formation flying, weather and environmental modifiers, air-strips, air bases, repairs and maintenance, air-to-ground attacks, air-to-air combat, dogfights, and much more.
Piloting Aircraft — page 69
Landing — page 72
Repair or Replacement — page 76
Air-to-Ground Combat — page 78
Air-to-Air Combat — page 79
Conclusion of Air Combat — page 82
Aircraft Design Flaws — page 85
Rifts® Air Combat Summary — page 90
Artwork by Brian & Allen Manning, Kevin Long & others.

The Rifter® #35
Page 61 — The Army of Scorched Earth' Source material for Rifts® Chaos Earth
Josh Sinsapaugh gives us another perspective on the people, heroes and dangers of ravaged Chaos Earth during the Great Cataclysm.
Demons, rebel army, Marine Commandos, new weapons, new vehi-cles, adventure ideas, and more.
Artwork by Brian & Allen Manning.

The Rifter® #37
Page 61 The RCSG, Ft. Laredo, and the East St. Louis RiftTM Optional setting and adventure for Rifts® and the CS
Matthew Olfson provides optional source material and ad-venture ideas involving the St. Louis Rift, better known as the Devil's Gate, and the Coalition Army outpost that guards it. This dimensional portal is a constant source of trouble for the CS and is responsible for unleashing many of the D-Bees and demons found in North America. Includes notable player char-acters, history of the Rift, Fort Laredo, and ideas for adventure.
Artwork by Apollo Okamura.

The Rifter® #38
Page 31 — Systems FailureTM Warbirds
Justin Kugler provides the freedom fighters and Bug hunters of Earth decimated by the invasion of the "Bugs," with a host of aircraft. Stats for 12 aircraft, plus Flyboys and Barnstormers, a few bands of heroes and a couple NPCs. Optional source ma-terial.
turn SDC to MDC weapon ssytems have to work it out

The Rifter® #39
Page 16 — Chaos EarthTM The Moons of Jupiter
Mike Ferguson presents life and adventure away from deci-mated Chaos Earth during the Great Cataclysm. Alien life forms, mad scientists, and adventure campaign ideas.
Art by Apollo "Spacecadet" Okamura.

The Rifter® #42
Optional Source Material for Heroes UnlimitedTM
Glen Evans offers his ideas about S.C.R.E.T. — the
Superbeing Control, Retrieval and Elimination Team, and how
S.C.R.E.T. agencies around the world operate to keep
super-villains and rogue heroes under control.
Canada S.C.R.E.T. — page 13.
Canada S.C.R.E.T. Vehicles — page 15.
Cyberworks Network — page 15.
United Kingdom S.C.R.E.T. — page 21.
U.K. S.C.R.E.T. Vehicles — page 23.
Russian S.C.R.E.T. — page 27.
Russian S.C.R.E.T. Vehicles — page 31.
The Black Steel Guard — page 36.
The Others 37.
Artwork by Brian and Allen Manning

The Rifter® #46
Page 39 — Rebel Waltz — BrodkilTM Society Optional source material for Rifts*
Mark Hall present a comprehensive, funny and insightful look at how the bionics loving Brodkil Sub-Demons live, func-tion and get along (or don't). Read about Brodkil society, battle for dominance, what creates a Brodkil leader, how new Brodkil are created, bionics: the great equalizer, career opportunities, and the Gearhead Brodkil R.C.C. Plus, uses of Brodkil in Nec-romancy.
Artwork by Mark Dudley
Page 87 — The Way Station
Optional material for Rifts® Chaos EarthTM
Mark Vernon presents a wealth of information about Chaos Wizards and Zone Wizards, and the struggle to learn magic and create a safe haven in Blue Zones

The Rifter® #47
Page 43 - The N.O.R.A.D. Duology Part One: The Fall of N.O.R.A.D.
An epic and wild adventure for Rifts® Chaos EarthTM
Ed Emmer presents a mind-boggling journey that starts out in the first few days of the Great Cataclysm. The world is in Chaos, monsters and demons are everywhere, and the world governments are scrambling to find a plan to survive. This ad-venture takes a look at what happened to N.O.R.A.D. when the Cataclysm struck.
The Fall of N.O.R.A.D. & Overview - page 43.
U.S.A.F. Military O.C.C.s - page 44.
U.S.A.F. Special Forces O.C.C. - page 44.
U.S.A.F. Combat Pilot O.C.C. - page 46.
Civilian Scientist O.C.C. - page 47.
U.S.A.F. Weapons, Armor & Vehicles - page 49.
U.S.A.F. P95 Submachine-Gun - page 50.
U.S.A.F. EBA Environmental Armor - page 50.
U.S.A.F. Power Armor and Vehicles - page 52.
U.S.A.F. Silent Soldier Power Armor - page 52.
U.S.A.F. SAMAS Griffin Interceptor - page 54.
U.S.A.F. FE-201 Sky Hawk Rocket Bike - page 56.
Psychic or Magic Manifestations - page 58.
Psionic Powers - page 59.
Magic Effect - page 59.
A Note on Running "The Fall of N.O.R.A.D." - page 60.
Survivors Table - page 62.
The Uneasy Calm - page 63.
The Rupture - page 64.
Penta-Demon - page 64.
Dino-Spiders - page 66.
Monsters, Monsters, Everywhere - page 67.
Cephalo-Arachon - page 69.
The Last Stand - page 71.
Slicer Demon - page 73.
Lumbering Abyss - page 75.
The Uncertain Future & the Road Ahead - page 77.
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Seven Complex Map - page 77.
The Big Map of Sublevel Seven - page 78.
Unresolved Issues - page 82.
Beyond the SupernaturalTM Note - page 83.
The biggest surprise of all: This is just Part One of a Two Part Crossover adventure. Part Two, next issue, takes the adventure 300 years into the future and the ruins of N.O.R.A.D. in current day Rifts Earth. Like we said, an "epic" adventure.

The Rifter® #48
Page 25 — The NORAD Duology, Part Two: Return to N.O.R.A.D. — An epic adventure for Rifts®
Ed Emmer masterfully presents the conclusion of an adven-ture that spans 300 years! What started during the Great Cata-clysm ends in the transformed North America of Rifts Earth. A horror that has lurked in the belly of forgotten N.O.R.A.D. threatens the world again, and a new generation of heroes must put an end to the nightmare.
Prelude to Terror — page 25
Billy's Team (quick stats) — page 27
Tyrannosaurus Rex Quick Stats — page 30
A Ghostly Warning — page 31
Setting Up Camp — page 32
N.O.R.A.D. Main Level — page 34
Possible Main Level Encounters — page 36
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel One - page 37
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Two - page 38
D'Yar R.C.C. — page 41
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Three - 40
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Four - 45
Renegade D'yar Mutants — 46
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Five - 48
Enoch R.C.C. — 48
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Six - page 50
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Seven - page 51
Doctor Karen Howe — page 51
Main Features of Sublevel Seven — page 55
Map — page 56
N.O.R.A.D. Barracks Complex - page 58
Research Labs — page 59
Bone Worm — page 60
A.R.C.H.I.E. 2.5 — page 62
N.O.R.A.D. Sublevel Eight - page 63
Wrapping it All Up — page 63
Artwork by Allen & Brian Manning.

The Rifter® #50
Page 100 — A Challenger Has Appeared!
Expanded Combat Rules for Ninjas & SuperspiesTM
Taylor White has decided to provide optional rules for Ninjas & SuperspiesTM. It includes many ideas and rules about how combat works, combat moves and modifiers for a vast array of situations and conditions, and more.
Artwork by Nick Bradshaw.
Page 112 — Vehicle Construction Rules, Part One Optional Rules and Source Material for Rifts®
Greg Diaczyk presents Part One of a comprehensive set of optional rules for spicing up your Rifts® Operator and making custom vehicles.
Artwork by Nick Bradshaw.

The Rifter® #51
Page 58 — Rifts® TriaxTm 2 Weapons Locker "Official" Source Material for Rifts®
Writers Brandon Aten and Kevin Siembieda present MORE
Triax weapons, robot drones, and cyborgs to add to the wealth of weapons, gear and information already found in the pages of Rifts® World Books 5 & 31 for the Triax and the New German Republic setting.
New Triax Weapons — page 58
New Triax Weapon Attachments (page 60) — bayonets and such.
Triax Rifle Grenades — page 61
New Jaeger Interchangeable Devices — page 62
New Triax Mobile Sentries — page 63
New Triax Cyborgs — page 67
VXC-550 Chromium Cyborg — page 67
VX-3000 Cyborg Soldier: Bombardier — page 69
Art for Weapons and Mobile Sentry by Allen and Brian Manning.
Art for the Cyborgs by Nicholas Maradin.
Page 72 — Rifts® Vehicle Construction Rules, Part 2 Optional Rules and Source Material for Rifts®
Greg Diaczyk concludes his suggestions for making, building
and modifying vehicles in the Rifts® setting.
Rare Vehicle Customization Options — page 83
Repairing Vehicles — page 84
Artwork by Mark Dudley.

The Rifter® #53
Page 32 — A.R.C.H.I.E. Phase Two
— Optional source material for Rifts®
Newcomer Damon Sutton presents more of the twisted plots,
plans, and brilliant madness of A.R.C.H.I.E. Three. Source ma-
terial includes new schemes and plots, new androids, learning
about the supernatural, fake magic and more.
Page 33 — Shemarrian Seeress
Page 35 — Shemarrian Wyrding Trees
Page 37 — Shemarrian Preserver
Page 39 — AHES-14 Monitoring System
Page 40 — Spell Approximation
Page 43 — Arch-Vampire
Artwork by Allen "The Stallion" Manning and Brian "Big
Daddy" Manning.

The Rifter® #55
Page 47 — TriaxTM Update
— Revised O.C.C.s from Rifts® World Book 5
Brandon K. Aten updates the Military O.C.C.s of the New
German Republic, adding skills from Rifts® Ultimate Edition
plus a few new ones.
Page 47 — NGR Medical Officer
Page 49 — NGR Infantry Soldier
Page 51 — NGR Field Mechanic
Page 53 — NGR Cyborg Soldier
Page 55 — NGR Power Armor Commando
Page 56 — NGR Robot Combat Pilot
Page 57 — NGR Intelligence Division Agent (New!)
Page 60 — New Skills
Artwork by Kevin Long from the original World Book Five

The Rifter® #56
Page 17 — The Solar System
— Optional source material for Rifts® RPG
Ovid "O.J." Pinckert enjoys all aspects of Rifts® and has expanded upon the orbital community around Rifts® Earth and beyond, first touched upon in Mutants in Orbit. And not just the orbital community, but alien invaders and a few key places within the Earth's solar system. Adventure ideas galore.
Page 18 — How the Flash Affected the Galaxy
Page 19 — The Plan (of the Kithians)
Page 20 — The Arkhons and Mars
Page 22 — The CAN Republic and the Moon
Page 23 — Freedom Station
Page 24 — Laika Station
Page 25 — Yuro Station
Page 26 — Outcast Station
Page 27 — Belt Way Station
Page 28 — The Invaders
Page 28 — Kithians
Page 29 — Kithian Technology
Page 30 — Kithian Spaceships
Page 35 — Arkhons
Artwork by Mike Mumah

The Rifter® #57
Page 34 — Weapons & Tech of the Coalition StatesTM — Optional source material for Rifts®
Matt Olfson presents a few new vehicles and weapons devel-
oped by the CS Military Research and Development Department.
Game Masters are going to love them. Players, beware.
Page 34 — CS Spider-Skull Dragon-Wasp
Page 39 — CS Bullet Train "Death's Head Express"
Page 46 — C-28 "Triple Iron" Assault Rifle
Page 47 — CTT-R60 Heavy Rail Gun
Page 48 — Northern Gun Vehicles
Artwork by Allen Manning and Brian Manning.
Page 76 — The NGR Anthropological Field Operative — Optional source material for Rifts®
Michael Lord gives us a new NGR O.C.C. that studies alien life forms and their customs.
Artwork by Michael Mumah.
Page 79 — The BrodkilTM War Machinist — Optional source material for Rifts®
Michael Lord gives us a unique look at an O.C.C. within the Brodkil sub-demons, a sort of demon mechanic. Artwork by Michael Wilson.

The Rifter® #60
Page 77 — CSV New Hope
— Optional source material and adventure for Heroes UnlimitedTM
Thomas Morrison gives us an epic adventure setting and out-line that starts in outer space with a group of alien superheroes, and boldly goes where adventure abounds. Best of all, we get floor plans for the starship, CSV Hope. Enjoy.
Page 85 — Alien Weapons and Equipment
Page 88 — Captain Vochiyu Ri
Page 90 — The Adventure Begins
Artwork by Joseph Lawn

The Rifter® #61
Page 66 — Defence of the Realm
Optional source material for Heroes UnlimitedTM
Alex Tulloch presents the superhero organization called C.A.M.E.L.O.T., the British equivalent of S.C.R.E.T. There is background info about the organization, its goals, key individu-als, field agents, super vehicles, super-weapons, equipment and adventure ideas.
Artwork by Joseph Lawn.

The Rifter® #65
Page 47 — Rifts® Northern GunTM Preview
— Official source material for Rifts®
Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda present the Gunbot Robot-Killer. It is just one of the many new, cool robots, weapons and gear in Rifts® Northern GunTM One.
Artwork by Charles Walton.

The Rifter® #65
Page 68
— Once More unto the Breach
— Optional source material for Heroes UnlimitedTM
Alex Tulloch offers more adventure ideas, C.A.M.E.L.O.T. background and a new batch of superhuman heroes, their HQ and some gadgets for your gaming enjoyment.
Page 69 — Cordelia Page 71 — Romeo Page 73 — Hotspur
Page 74 — Prospero
Page 75 — Rosalind
Page 75 — Ganymede I
Page 76 — Ganymede II
Page 77 — Ganymede III & IV
Page 77 — Hermia
Page 78 — Hermia's Bike
Page 79 — Team Shakespeare's HQ
Page 79 — Hook, Line & Sinker Adventures
Artwork by Allen and Brian Manning.
Page 80 — Contemporary High-Tech Robotics and Other Gadgets
— Optional source material for Heroes UnlimitedTM
David F. Smith presents all kinds of ideas and high-tech de-
vices for use in Heroes UnlimitedTM based around a company/
organization known as ICS (Integrated Cyber Systems).
Page 81 — Integrated Cyber Systems (ICS)
Page 82 — Artificial Implants and Limbs.
Page 83 — Commercial Systems and Drones.
Page 85 — Military Systems and Robots.
Page 86 — Legionnaire Combat Suit.
Page 88 — Building Your Own Robot from Scratch.
Artwork by Mike Mumah.

Rifter® #71 & #72
Page 86 — I Am Legion
— Official adventure & source material for Splicers®
Chris Kluge and Charles Walton II team up to present an episodic
adventure ushering in a new rogue Nexus personality, Legion. To her, humans are precious, and she seeks to unify man and machine in her own twisted way. Though Legion desires to bring about the ulti-mate peace, she only creates more turmoil and bloodshed. Five years in the making. Designed as a special release. Special thanks to Jeff Ruiz, Lance Colley and Todd Spencley for their assistance and input.
Page 89 — The adventure beings ... I Am Legion
Page 98 — Game Master & Source Material
Page 98 — Black Talon War Hawk
Page 101 — Deliveryman O.C.C.
Page 104 — Bombardier O.C.C.
Page 106 — Mantis Cannon
Page 108 — Robots of Legion
Page 108 — Collector
Page 111 — Legionnaire
Page 115 — Fusion Cyborg
Page 117 — Factory Walker
Page 119 — Prisonbot
Page 121 — Non-Player Characters
Page 123 — Great House Deluvane Strike Team
Page 125 — Dreadguard Cameron Morecraft
Page 126 — Packmaster Natasha London
Page 131 — Guthrum Reigns
Page 134 — Creed
Artwork by Charles Walton II.

Rifter #73
Page 63 — I am Legion, Part Two
— Official adventure & source material for Splicers®
Chris Kluge, Lance Colley and Charles Walton II team up to
present the next chapter of I Am Legion, an episodic adventure ushering in the new rogue Nexus personality, Legion. To her, humans are precious, and she seeks to unify man and machine in her own twisted way. Though Legion desires to bring about the ultimate peace, she only creates more turmoil and bloodshed. Five years in the making. Designed as a special release. Special thanks to Jeff Ruiz, Lance Colley and Todd Spencley for their as-sistance and input.
Page 68 — Intercepted
Page 69 — It just keeps getting worse
Page 70 — Sweeper O.C.C.
Page 73 — Shellback Armor
Page 76 — New War Mounts
Page 76 — Griffin
Page 79 — Skull Cracker
Page 82 — New O.C.C. Specialty Upgrades
Page 82 — Dreadnaught
Page 86 — Mauler Gorehounds
Page 87 — Shocker
Page 88 — Shredder
Page 89 — Warlord Tristan Artemis
Page 90 — Ailuros, Host Armor of Warlord Artemis
Page 92 — Drake Benton, Archangel
Page 94 — Shauna Davies, Senior Sweeper
Page 95 — Janus Ambush Team
Artwork by Charles Walton II.

The Rifter® #74
Page 40 - I am Legion, Part Three
- Official adventure & source material for Splicers®
Chris Kluge, Lance Colley and Charles Walton II team up to
present the next chapter of I am Legion, an episodic adventure
ushering in the new rogue Nexus personality, Legion. To her,
humans are precious, and she seeks to unify man and machine
in her own twisted way. Though Legion desires to bring about
the ultimate peace, she only creates more turmoil and bloodshed.
Five years in the making Designed as a special release. Special
thanks to Jeff Ruiz, Lance Colley and Todd Spencley for their as-
sistance and input.
Page 40 — Change of Plans
Page 42 — Map
Page 47 — A Horrific Reunion
Page 48 — New Bio-Enhancements
Page 48 — Eye Spy
Page 48 — Eye Trigger
Page 49 — Mantis Blades
Page 49 — Ripper Maw
Page 49 — Shrieker & Squealer Enhancements
Page 49 — Hear Shrieker Signals
Page 49 — Shrieker Targeting
Page 49 — Shrieker Tracking
Page 50 — New Bio-Weapon Enhancements
Page 50 — Dancing Blades Spear
Page 50 — Hive Sword
Page 50 — Shrieker Launchers
Page 51 — Bio-Tech Explosives
Page 51 — Ranged Bio-Weapons
Page 51 — Acid Seed Cannon
Page 52 — Annihilator Cannon
Page 52 — Clinger Missile
Page 52 — Eye-See-You Grenade
Page 52 — Glimmer Guns
Page 53 — Heavy Bore Rifle
Page 53 — Leecher Rifle
Page 53 — Receptor Mounds
Page 54 — Shield Cracker
Page 55 — Side Kick Rifles
Page 56 — Thud Gun
Page 56 — Samaritan Gore Hound
Page 58 — Samaritan Bio-Enhancements
Page 59 — New War Mounts
Page 59 — Badger APC
Page 63 — Badger Bio-Weapon Systems
Page 64 — Goliath War Mount
Page 66 — Goliath Bio-Weapon Systems
Page 67 — Silverback War Mount
Page 69 — Silverback Bio-Weapon Systems
Page 70 — Stalker War Mount
Page 69 — Stalker Bio-Weapon Systems
Page 73 — New NPCs, Notes & Quick Stats
Artwork by Charles Walton II.

The Rifter® #75
Page 67 — I am Legion, Episode Four
— Official adventure & source material for Splicers®
Chris Kluge, Lance Colley and Charles Walton II, team up to present the next chapter of I am Legion, an episodic adventure ushering in the new rogue Nexus personality, Legion. More adventure, surprises and horror awaits. Special thanks to Jeff Ruiz
and Todd Spencley for their assistance and input.
Page 67 — The Plot Revealed
Page 70 — Critical Decisions
Page 72 — New Legion Machine — Hunter
Page 74 — Variable Cloak Camouflage
Page 76 — The Amalgams of Legion
Page 76 — Terror Thumper Amalgam
Page 78 — Dracos Ravager Arm Cannon
Page 79 — Sonic Pulse War Cry
Page 81 — Gunspider Amalgam
Page 82 — Replaceable Regeneration System
Page 83 — Manticore Amalgam
Page 85 — Needle Blossom Cluster Pod
Page 85 — Burrower Discharger
Page 86 — Saber Wings
Page 86 — War Hound
Page 88 — Foam Sprayer
Page 88 — Tail Sickle Blade
Page 89 — Optional Features
Page 90 — Retcon Notes for Episode 3
Artwork by Charles Walton
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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this was my last gaming session but due to age,work time and illness form work i have lost player base miss old day with this but i have family that god gave and helps me keep going will post this gaming session best time ever use lots of info to play with some are in ARM TECH

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let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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Rifter 33 Air Combat Optional Rules for Rifts® By Edward A. May


The Red River Valley Gaming Group, a veteran Rifts game group with 14 years of gaming experience, has developed a series of air combat rules we would like to introduce to garners everywhere. First, however, a little background behind these rules.
While Rifts® is well known for its adventure campaigns, its high-powered gunfights, and its sorcery - air combat has largely been ignored as a prospective form of combat. This omission is made even though the books are filled with technological and mystical creations that obviously bear combat capabilities that span the three dimensional battlefield of the sky.
When Palladium announced the Coalition Wars® series we looked forward to it with great anticipation. It would be the big-gest event yet to transpire to affect the whole of our game world.
As weeks and months passed by without mention of when the books would be released, in our impatience, we created our own details for Tolkeen, and for how the war would transpire.
Our impression of Tolkeen, however, was a little off. We believed that they would uSe technological military equipment supplemented with magic to wage war. Some things good, old-fashioned technology fashions better than magic after all, just as some magic creates effects that technology could never facilitate. With this impression in mind, we came to the conclusion that air power would play a heavy role in this modern war that would soon take place.
That set the stage for the longest running campaign the RRVGG ever enjoyed, a six year long campaign we knew and loved, as "The Skies Over Tolkeen." In this campaign we played volunteer and mercenary pilots who joined a new fighter squadron, formed specifically for such foreigners. We eventu-ally rose from being no-names equipped with second-rate equip-ment to being the top scoring fighter squadron in the Kingdom, leaving our posts less than three weeks before the war's end, even as our last improvised airstrip was overrun by Coalition skirmishers. (In our campaign the defeat occurred in stages, with key strongholds falling one by one.)
Throughout the course of that campaign, as the Game Master, I created and perfected a series of air combat rules that made it very realistic, dangerous, and yet enjoyable. These rules, be-low, are those that facilitated our enjoyable campaign, and we hope that they aid yours just as much.
Please note that the tables below describe combat involving multi-engine fighter aircraft with nuclear power. In our campaign these aircraft have Hafnium powered reactors. These state of the art reactors, which are coming into existence today, generate an electrical charge by bombarding the slightly radioactive Hafnium core with x-rays, thereby creating gamma radiation. This gamma radiation heats a fluid medium that spins a small turbine that generates electricity. This electrical charge is used to power the aircraft. Propulsion for these aircraft is generated by electromagnetically spun, ducted fans with dozens of rows of turbine blades, similar to what one sees in jet aircraft today, only more of them. Meanwhile, the liquid medium is ducted through the thruster, thereby cooling the liquid, and providing additional thrust to the aircraft as the heated air expands rapidly. Contrary to the wonderful artwork, there are no flames that come from the rear of these aircraft, just some heat distortions - afterburners are a thing of the past.
Aircraft such as the Coalition States Nightwing, Sea Striker, Shrike, Triax XM-280, IHA Gray Falcon, New Navy Sea Hawk, and similar, all fit into the category of aircraft described in the tables below. Feel free to alter them to fit other aircraft types in air combat.

(Optional) Skill Advancement Rule

Given the realism this system of rules created, we quickly realized that lower level characters in this campaign were at a supreme disadvantage, and seldom stood much chance of surviving long enough to attain a high enough level of experience to be of any consequence. As a result, I developed new skill advancement rules to allow a character's commonly used skills to advance faster and their skills that are seldom used to advance more slowly. It's a very simple system that compliments the old adage that 'practice makes perfect.' We assigned all skills a level, thus as you start your character, all your skills are at first level proficiency. You must use that skill ten times to attain a second level proficiency with it, keeping track of skill usage next to your skill. Once it is a second level skill, you start over with the skill uses - and you must use it twenty times to attain a third level proficiency with it. It's simple, effective, and it allows a specialized character to really begin to shine through -simply by choosing what skills they use more regularly than others. We laid this skill system out like this:

Pilot: Jet Fighter: 40 %+4% per level
This displays the skill name (Pilot: Jet Fighter), the percent-age (40%), the percentage modifier (4%), the level of the skill (1st), and the skill usage (8 uses). By this system, this character would only have to use the skill two more times to attain 2nd level proficiency with Pilot: Jet Fighter. Areas that are under-lined would be left blank and filled in with pencil.
This skill advancement rule really helped, and aided this sys-tem to become more exciting, and in our view, realistic.
Piloting the Aircraft
As in any pilot training, you have to start with the basics - the piloting skill. In this case, I'm only going to address Pilot: Jet Fighter.
The percentage this skill provides is your primary piloting ability. A first level character is basically a raw recruit with limited familiarity with flying an aircraft. They have watched others do it, they have been formally introduced to it, and might even have been allowed to fly a few hours with an instructor -but not much more than this. This level of character is liable to find tasks as simple as landing or takeoff a harrowing event, especially if weather conditions are not perfect. The low starting percentage of these skills represents this fact very well. When landing, taking off, flying in formation with other aircraft, adjusting trim for buffeting winds, adjusting trim for varied weight loads, and performing other basic non-combat related maneuvers, this is the percentage you will roll against.
The following tables will help to illustrate what happens when pilots fail these rolls.


Taking off in an aircraft is often difficult for inexperienced pilots, especially in poor conditions. It is important that a Game Master lay out the details of what surrounds the runway prior to beginning the takeoff run. That will make illustrating what occurs in the event of a failed piloting roll on takeoff much simpler. A failed roll is often catastrophic, as this is when the aircraft is moving comparatively slowly, and there is not much measure of opportunity to correct mistakes.
Conventional takeoff is an aircraft accelerating along a run-way in an effort to achieve enough lift to fly skyward. Some air-craft require longer airstrips than others do, so we will not get into those details. Aircraft with VTOL capacity in Rifts most of the time have sufficient power to allow a vertical takeoff even with a full load of ordnance, but if previous battle damage has rendered one thruster incapacitated, a conventional takeoff may be the only option.
Vertical takeoff is facilitated through the use of thrust vectoring ducts or nozzles that direct thrust from the thrusters to a point more or less downward. This is a tricky affair in even the most optimal of conditions, as keeping the rate of increased thrust constant for both engines, and maintaining the lateral and longitudinal pitch just right, is difficult. Perhaps the most difficult part is adjusting the thrust vectoring ducts or nozzles to be-gin moving the aircraft forward, attaining lift, without losing altitude. At this stage in a vertical takeoff the aircraft is ex-tremely vulnerable, as maneuvers are impossible to perform without crashing. The one saving grace of a vertical takeoff is the smaller amount of space necessary for such an aircraft to takeoff from.
The tables below help to illustrate failed takeoffs and some of the side effects they may result in.
Conventional Takeoff Mishaps
The pilot retracted the flaps too soon! In his/her ea-gerness to take to the sky, the pilot retracted the flaps too soon after lifting off of the runway! As a result, the aircraft slowly drops back to the runway. If the pilot does not think fast, he may run out of runway before being able to climb skyward! See "Misjudged the Length of the Runway," below, for details.
Skid! The aircraft's thrust to one side is too great, and instead of compensating the correct amount, the pilot sends the aircraft skidding slightly sideways and precariously bounc-ing around. The tires have a 01-20% chance of blowing out on the side of the skid, and unless the pilot succeeds in a further control roll to straighten out the skid, the aircraft slides off of the runway. Damage for this event varies per the type of ground off of the runway. Trees surrounded some of our strips, soft soil farms flanked others, ditches flanked others, and others yet still had buildings and revetments lining the runways. If colliding with trees, buildings, revetments, or ditches, damage will be 6D6 M.D. per 10 mph (16 km), with the aircraft traveling at 3D4x10 mph (3D4x16 km) at the time of skidding off of the runway. The pilot inside of the cockpit will take 2D4 S.D.C. per 10 mph (16 km) on such an impact, mostly to the back, neck, and legs. Roll on the damage location chart to indicate what was damaged, and to determine any secondary side effects on the aircraft. If the aircraft slides into soft soil there is a 01-75%
chance for each landing gear strut of collapse under the stresses placed upon them. Even if the gear collapses in soft soil there is only a remote, 01-10% chance that any ordnance will detonate.
Stall! The pilot attempts to pull off of the ground be-fore enough speed is attained, and as a result, it stalls and drops back to Earth onto its aft fuselage belly. If the pilot succeeds a Perception Roll he/she may attempt an emergency bailout - be-cause this sort of crash is particularly hard, sometimes fatal for aircrews. The impact with the runway catapults the nose down into the runway - hard, with a 01-25% chance of buckling each of the main gear struts, and a 01-45% chance of buckling the nose gear strut. (Even if the gear struts do not buckle the tires will likely blow from the force of the impact, and cause a shock rupture in all three gear struts.)
In the rare event that all three gear struts hold, the shock damage to the aircraft is a moderate 1D4x10 M.D., mostly in the form of damaged reinforcements, slight bending throughout the airframe, plus 1D4x10 M.D. inflicted on the rear fuselage in the initial impact. (A nightmare for maintenance crews!) The pilot, however, will suffer 3D6 S.D.C. from the shock of impact, most likely to the spine, neck, tailbone, or legs. The aircraft will con-tinue to roll down the runway on its blown wheels for 1D4x100 feet (3D4x10 m) before coming to a 'safe' stop.
If the nose gear gives way but the main gear holds then 3D6x10 M.D. is inflicted to the forward fuselage, plus the origi-nal 1D4x10 M.D. inflicted by the initial aft fuselage impact. The pilot will take 1D4x10 S.D.0 from the increase in the catapult effect, as the nose is quickly flung down towards the airstrip, in the same places described above. The aircraft will continue down the runway for 4D6x10 feet (4D6x3 m) forcing its dam-aged nose ahead with the inertia of the aircraft's mass.
If a main wheel gives way but the other two hold, 2D6x10 M.D. is inflicted to the wing on that side, mostly to the wing tip, plus 1D4x10 M.D. is inflicted to the aft fuselage from the initial impact. The pilot in this scenario will take 5D6 S.D.C. from the jarring effect of the gear collapsing, flinging him/her far towards the collapsing side, plus the effect of hitting the tarmac at such a high velocity. Broken ribs or collarbones are common in this sort of gear failure, in addition to the effects described above. After the initial impact, the aircraft will careen wildly towards the direction of the collapsed main gear strut, and may flip onto its top as the center of gravity is shifted, with force on the re-maining gear struts. Otherwise, the aircraft will skid for 3D6x10 feet (9D6 m), tipping and swiveling precariously down the run-way, with a good chance of careening off the runway.
If one main gear strut and the nose gear strut collapses, 2D6x10 M.D. is inflicted to each, plus the original 1D4x10 M.D. inflicted by the initial aft fuselage impact. The pilot will take I D4x10+10 S.D.C. from the jarring effects of the gear col-lapsing, flinging him/her forward and to the side against his/her harness. (The areas affected in the pilot are the same as those described above.) After the initial impact, the aircraft will turn into the skid, with its damaged nose and main gear trailing be-hind it, dragging the aircraft off towards whatever side main gear was collapsed, for 2D6x10 feet (6D6 m).
If all gear units collapse entirely, the aircraft and pilot are in serious trouble, as the aft fuselage impacts the runway, and cata-pults the forward areas of the aircraft downwards. The gear buckles under the strain and virtually pancakes the airframe, in-
flicting 4D6x10 M.D. to the forward areas of the fuselage, plus the original 1D4x10 M.D. from the aft fuselage impact. The pi-lot is in perhaps the most serious trouble of all as the force of the impact slams him forward against his harness, inflicting 1D6x10+6 S.D.C. with little to absorb the impact, mostly to the neck, spine, and tailbone. The aircraft will continue to skid along the runway for 4D6x10 feet (6D6x2 m). The pilot can at-tempt a last minute emergency ejection to avoid the crash by rolling a dodge of 14 or better, but if the ordnance cooks off he has far less protection against the explosives outside the cockpit than inside. (Pilots who sustain such crash landings as this one often suffer broken backs or necks in the crash.)
Misjudged the Length of the Runway! The pilot throttles up too slowly in the run-up to takeoff, and as a result, has run out of runway! The pilot may attempt to turn into a skid, sacrificing the wheels and possibly the landing struts, but allow-ing the skid to take up the speed already achieved. In the alter-native, the pilot may opt to simply lock the breaks but there is only a slim (01-25%) chance that the brakes will stop the air-craft entirely. If a major obstacle lies in the path the pilot may opt to make an emergency ejection to escape a bad collision.
Vertical Takeoff Mishaps
Lost Roll Stability! Either the pilot failed to activate the automatic computerized balancing system during preflight checks, or there has been a systems failure that allowed this tragedy to occur. As a result, the aircraft's thrust to one side be-comes improperly balanced, due to a mistake on the pilot's part, along with the failure to activate the system. The result is that the aircraft rolls towards the weak side, and then drops to the ground from 2D6x10+20 feet (6D6+6 m), as no thrust is now there to hold the aircraft aloft. No recovery is possible, save for last minute ejection to escape, as described above. The aircraft will strike wing tip first, and tumble wing over wing. Damage is 3D4x10 M.D. to the initially struck wing, and half that to the opposite wing, plus 2D6x10 M.D. to the main body. The under wing/underbelly carried ordnance has a 01-45% chance of deto-nating, as described above. The pilot will take 1D4x10 S.D.C. from this type of crash landing, without even considering the likelihood of exploding ordnance.
Lost Pitch Stability! Either the pilot failed to activate the automatic computerized balancing system during preflight checks, or there has been a systems failure that allowed this tragedy to occur. As a result, the aircraft's nose or aft side be-comes improperly balanced, due to a mistake on the pilot's part, along with the failure to activate the system. As a result, the air-craft's nose or tail pitches dangerously, resulting in the aircraft going down to the ground, nose or tail first, from 2D6x10+20 feet (6D6+6 m)! No recovery is possible, save for last minute ejection to escape, as described above. The aircraft will strike nose or aft side first, inflicting 4D6x10 M.D. to the main body, likely buckling the nose entirely, and tumbling the aircraft end over end, likely coming to settle on its belly if carrying heavy ordnance. In this event, the under wing/underbelly carried ord-nance has a 01-55% chance of detonating, as described above. The pilot will take 1D6x10 S.D.C. from this type of crash land-ing, without even considering the likelihood of exploding ord-nance.
Misjudged Forward Momentum! The pilot swivels the vectored thrust ducts towards the rear and shifts thrust over to the main exhaust ports too quickly. As a result, the aircraft begins to lose altitude quickly, and will crash within a few mo-ments, inflicting 5D6x10 M.D. to the aircraft and 2D6x10+10 S.D.C. to the pilot. A pilot may attempt to cushion the crash by vectoring the thrust downward again, but it will not be enough to keep the aircraft aloft - just cushion the impact. Damage is 4D6 M.D. to the main body from various forms of structural fa-tigue, tires blowing, and shock absorbers blowing. In this in-stance, the pilot takes 3D6 S.D.C. worth of damage. What the aircraft lands on depends on the layout of the airfield.
Misjudged Altitude! The inexperienced pilot mis-judged the altitude of the aircraft before switching over to for-ward flight, and now an obstacle stands approaching his aircraft even as he begins to attain lift! A quick thinking piloting roll may save the aircraft at this point by pouring on the thrust and pulling up without stalling, but the roll must be made at a pen-alty of -20%! A failed roll means one of two things; 01-50% in-dicates that the pilot cleared the obstacle - but the aircraft went into a stall and is now plummeting to Earth with no hope of es-cape, 51-00% indicates the pilot struck the obstacle at 4D4x10 mph (4D4x16 km)! Depending on the object, the Mega-Damage aircraft MAY be able to fly right through it, sustaining some damage in the process, but there is a 01-45% chance of sucking a critical amount of debris into each of the thrusters. Roll on the thruster damage table once per thruster damaged. If the object or objects is too tough however - the best the pilot can hope to do is conduct an emergency ejection as described above.

Formation Flying

Formation flying is a tricky business. Generally speaking, one individual will lead the formation. They are the eyes and ears of the formation, keeping watch, flying their course, and deciding where exactly the unit goes. The rest of the pilots flying in formation are watching his/her aircraft or another aircraft in the formation, keeping tabs on speed, course, and altitude -constantly matching that of their formation mates. While loose formations are relatively easy to maintain, just a straight control roll, tight formations take intense concentration, providing a -10% penalty to the pilot's basic flying ability. The advantage to flying a tight formation is that it thwarts radar to some degree. A very closely linked formation will look to a radar screen, like a single object, or only one or two objects, rather than revealing the true number. Tactically speaking, this will provide some measure of surprise to any opposing forces. Before entering into a melee of air combat, however, generally speaking the forma-tion will loosen up so as to allow the pilots better concentration on the combat at hand. A loose formation may reveal the true number of the aircraft in that formation, but it does not require such intense concentration. It also allows the other pilots to pro-vide their eyes for searching for enemy aircraft or ground tar-gets, while not relinquishing the tactical advantage of flying in formation.
Formation types vary dramatically. The purpose behind for-mation flying, however, is apparent. There are more eyes avail-able to watch for danger or prospective targets, and when you do line up on a target you have far more than just your own weapons brought to bear on enemy targets. Furthermore, there is
protection in flying in formation, if someone tries to take up a position on your six o'clock position (directly behind you) your wing-man or wing-men can drop back and take up positions on his six o'clock position.
Failing a roll while attempting to maintain formation is not always that serious. Flying nape of the Earth, which is flying close enough to the ground to avoid radar detection, could be se-rious if you begin to drop below the altitude of your peers. Flying in tight formation is where it gets especially dangerous. Even expert pilots such as today's Thunderbirds or Blue Angels occasionally make errors when flying in tight formation, and the results are often catastrophic. This table outlines the possible outcomes of failing a maintain formation roll.
Formation Flying Failures

Drifting Left! The aircraft is drifting slightly off course from the other aircraft in the formation to the left. (If fly-ing in tight formation, and there is an aircraft to the left, the pilot of the left aircraft must make a Perception Roll, prior to making a control roll to avoid collision!)
Drifting Right! The aircraft is drifting slightly off course from the other aircraft in the formation to the right. (If flying in tight formation, and there is an aircraft to the right, the pilot of the right aircraft must make a Perception Roll, prior to making a control roll to avoid collision!)
Too Slow! Speed is too low, and so the pilot's air-craft is falling behind. (If flying in tight formation, and there is an aircraft behind them, the pilot of the aircraft in the rear must make a Perception Roll, followed by a control roll to avoid col-lision!)
is moving forward in the formation. (If flying in tight for-mation, and there is an aircraft ahead of his own, the pilot must first succeed a Perception Roll prior to making a control roll to avoid collision!)
Too Low! Altitude is too low, and so the pilot's air-craft is falling out of formation. (If flying in tight formation, and there is an aircraft below, the pilot of the lower aircraft must make a control roll to avoid collision! If flying nape of the Earth, the pilot must make a control roll to avoid colliding with the ground!)
Too High! Altitude is too high, and so the pilot's air-craft is rising out of formation. (If flying in tight formation, and there is an aircraft above, the pilot must first succeed a Percep-tion Roll prior to making a control roll to avoid collision! If fly-ing nape of the Earth, in an effort to avoid radar detection, there is a 01-65% the aircraft will be detected by any actively scan-ning radar, provided that there are no objects in the path of said radar.)

Landing can be a tricky issue, especially when conditions are not perfect, such as poor weather, battle damage, improvised landing strips, etc. It is imperative that before landing commences that the Game Master describes the layout surrounding the landing strip. This will make deciding what exactly happens in the event of a failed roll. When landing I always allow ONE correction roll on a failed roll, often with negatives. If the secand roll failed, then a crash of some measure or another is inevitable.
Conventional landing is just that, landing on a prepared air-field of sufficient width and length to allow the aircraft to come to a halt. Some aircraft require longer landing strips than others, so we will not get into those 'details. Aircraft with VTOL capacity in Rifts most of the time have sufficient power to allow a vertical takeoff and landing even with a full load of ordnance. Battle damage that has rendered a thruster inoperable, however, may require even a VTOL aircraft to land conventionally, as the one thruster does not provide sufficient thrust to land vertically.
Vertical landing is a tricky affair in even the most optimal of conditions, determining altitude, rate of descent, and attitude of the aircraft is often difficult. Furthermore, the vertical thrust provided by the thrust vectoring ducts is not sufficient to pro-vide fast changes in speed, rates of descent, direction, and similar - making it all the more chancy of a method of landing. The one saving grace of a vertical landing is the smaller amount of space necessary for such an aircraft to land and take off from.
The tables below help to illustrate failed landings and some of the side effects they may result in.
Conventional Landing Mishaps

Forgot to Lower the Flaps! The pilot failed to lower the landing flaps, and so the aircraft's speed is too high and the attitude of the aircraft is not sufficient for a safe landing. If the pilot succeeds a Perception Roll of an 11 or better, he/she can roll a straight control roll to pull up out of the landing before touching down to avoid a possible crash, and come around for another attempt at landing. If the pilot fails the Perception Roll the impact is hard on the wheels, with a 01-20% chance for each tire on the aircraft of having a blowout. There is even a small chance (01-10% chance) that the internally mounted wheel brakes may burst into flames when the brakes are applied. If no tires blew during the landing, a pilot may make a control roll at a penalty of -5% to apply thrust and lift back off of the runway. If not the pilot must simply try to stop before the runway runs right out from under him, since his landing speed is much faster than it should be. In this case the pilot must make a control roll with a penalty of -10%, or proceed to the "Misjudged Landing Strip Length" section below.
Failed to Lower the Landing Gear! The inexperienced or rattled pilot failed to remember the first cardinal rule about landing - always check to be sure your landing gear is locked in the down position before landing. The damage is serious, inflicting 3D6x10 M.D. to the aircraft as it drags its belly along the runway for 1D4x100 feet (3D4x10 m). There is again a chance that ordnance will explode with being dragged across the runway, see above for details. In addition to these dangers, pieces of the aircraft, such as the nose cone, pieces of the fuselage armor plating, and similar, may (01-15% chance) rip off of the aircraft and land themselves in the thrusters. While most small pieces of various debris will do little but scuff or scratch the sensitive and precisely wrought turbine blades, large pieces of Mega-Damage metals, ceramics, and plastics stand a chance of doing a great deal of damage. Roll on the Thruster Critical Damage table to see what effects are incurred, IF pieces of the aircraft are sucked into the turbines. While hard on the aircraft,the pilot only suffers minor bumps and bruises from such a failed landing, equaling 1D6 S.D.C. at most.
Skid! The aircraft begins skidding sideways because of too sharp of an angle on the rudder. The tires have a 01-20% chance of blowing out on the side of the skid, and unless the pi-lot succeeds in a further control roll to straighten out the skid, the aircraft slides off of the runway. Damage for this event var-ies per the type of ground off of the runway. Trees surrounded some of our strips, soft soil farms flanked others, ditches flanked others, and others yet still had buildings and revetments lining the runways. If colliding with trees, buildings, revetments or ditches, damage will be 6D6 M.D. per 10 mph (16 km), with the aircraft traveling at 3D4x10 mph (3D4x16 km) at the time of skidding off of the runway. The pilot inside of the cockpit will take 2D4 S.D.C. per 10 mph (16 km) on such an impact, mostly to the back, neck, legs, ribs, and collarbones. Roll on the critical damage location chart to indicate what was damaged, and to de-termine any secondary side effects on the aircraft. If the aircraft slides into soft soil there is a 01-75% chance for each landing gear strut of collapse under the stresses placed upon them. Even if the gear collapses in soft soil there is only a remote, 01-10% chance that any ordnance will detonate.
Nose-Down Stall! The aircraft is traveling too slowly before touchdown is achieved. The result is that the nose drops downward towards the ground. The nose hits at an angle, causing the nose and main gear to buckle. Any ordnance carried under wing/underbelly has a 01-20% chance of detonating, as described above. The fuselage and possibly one wing will take 4D6x10 M.D. from the impact and the resulting skid along the ground. The pilot takes 6D6 S.D.C. from the crushing impact with the ground, mostly to the spine, neck, tailbone, and legs. The pilot can attempt a last minute bail out to avoid the crash by rolling a dodge of 14 or better, but if the ordnance cooks off he has far less protection against the explosives outside the cockpit than inside.
Nose-Up Stall! The aircraft is traveling too slowly before touchdown is achieved. The result is that the aft side of the aircraft drops to the ground, impacting the runway, and catapulting the nose down into the runway - hard. Damage is nearly identical to the nose-down stall, but the pilot takes ID6x10+6 S.D.C. from the catapult-like impact with the ground. (Pilots who sustain such crash landings as this one often suffer broken legs, backs, or necks in the crash.) Again, the pilot may attempt a last minute bail out, as described above.
Landing Speed is too Low! The pilot misjudges the distance to the start of the strip and the velocity of his/her air-craft, and winds up setting down 1D4x20 yards before the run-way begins! The effect of setting down too soon varies per the landing strip. Use the figures above for Skidding to determine what happens, but the speed is now 4D4x10 mph (4D4x16 km).
Misjudged Landing Strip Length! The pilot does not anticipate the end of the runway soon enough, perhaps failing entirely to take note of the markings at the start of the runway indicating its length, and so must take evasive action to prevent careening off into whatever lies beyond. If the pilot succeeds a Perception Roll of 12 or better, the pilot may take note of the approaching end of the runway in time, and so may pour on the throttle and pull up before the end of the runway. This is accom-plished by rolling a straight control roll, thereby allowing him or her to make another attempt at landing. If the pilot fails to notice the quickly approaching warning stripes, the pilot may attempt to turn into a skid, sacrificing the wheels and possibly the land-ing struts, but allowing the skid to take up the last remaining speed. This maneuver may be accomplished through a control roll with a penalty of -15%. The pilot may even opt to simply slam on the breaks but there is a 01-35% chance of starting a brake fire in the process. The brakes are not a sure-fire guaran-tee of stopping the aircraft in time - as the brakes are notoriously touchy on fighter aircraft. A successful stop through the use of the brakes may only be made at a penalty of -30%, failing means that the fighter continues on past the end of the runway into whatever is beyond. If a major obstacle lies in the path the pilot may opt to make a last minute ejection to escape a bad col-lision.
Vertical Landing Mishaps

Lost Roll Stability! See the Vertical Takeoff Mis-haps section illustrating this failed maneuver.
Lost Longitudinal Stability! See the Vertical Takeoff Mishaps section illustrating this failed maneuver.
Misjudged Rate of Descent! The aircraft is dropping too quickly, as the pilot has pulled back too far on the throttle. If the pilot notices this in time by accomplishing a Perception Roll of a 10 or better, a quick action control roll, at a penalty of -15%, to pour on the thrust will cushion the impact enough to spare the aircraft and pilot any serious damage. Succeeding the control roll gives each of the wheels a 01-35% chance of a blowout, and each of the shock absorbers a 01-10% chance of a blowout. Failing the perception or control roll to counter the rate of descent will result in the aircraft settling down entirely too heavily, likely blowing the tires (01-75% chance for each) and collapsing the landing gear (01-20% chance for each gear strut). The main body will take 1D6x10 M.D. from structural fatigue as a result, and the pilot will take 3D6 S.D.C. from the shock of such a heavy impact, mostly to the legs, neck, spine, and tailbone.
Misjudged Distance from Object! The aircraft is too close to a foreign object, such as a vehicle, another aircraft, a building, a light post, or something similar. The pilot may at-tempt a Perception Roll to detect the presence of a foreign ob-ject in the path of the descending aircraft. A successful Perception Roll will allow a subsequent control roll to avoid the collision. If the roll is a failure however, the object is struck. The effects vary significantly - be creative - but remember, aside from the misjudgment on the part of the pilot as to the location of foreign objects in the path of the landing, the aircraft is de-scending at a safe rate of speed.

Adjusting Trim

Adjusting an aircraft's trim is an imperative thing to attend to for most any combat pilot, as it effects the overall performance of the aircraft. Essentially what trim is are small flaps that create drag on one wing or tail surface to compensate for an imbalance of weight/drag on the opposite side of the aircraft. Thus if you are carrying six long-range missiles on the wings of your CS Nightwing, and you fire one from your left wing, you will want compensates for the loss of the weight and drag on that side of the aircraft. Failing to do this will pull your aircraft slightly off course, making maneuvers slightly difficult (-5%), and make plotting a direct navigational course quite difficult (-15%). Fortunately, adjusting trim is relatively easy, and requires only a straight Pilot: Jet Fighters roll to succeed.
Piloting the Aircraft - Modifiers
There are things that affect a pilot's most basic of skills, and make their job more difficult. These modifiers can mean the difference between successful air operations and impossible air op-erations - and can often lead to a great deal of discontent among the pilots with the commanding staff if these factors are not taken into account.
The most significant x-factor in all aspects of flight, how-ever, is without a doubt - weather. Different regions would have different weather patterns, of course, but since we operated mostly over Tolkeen we created a table that we felt most closely emulated the weather of Minnesota. (Being Minnesotans our-selves helped - a lot!)
Clear Skies. 11-30% Mostly Clear.
Mostly Cloudy.
Completely Overcast. 1D4x10,000 foot (1D4x3,048 m) Ceiling.
Completely Overcast. 1D4x1,000 foot (1D4x305 m) Ceiling; -5% on Approach to Runway.
Foggy! -20% to takeoffs and landings.
Misting. -5% to takeoffs and landings.
Raining/Snowing Moderately. 1D4x1,000 foot (1D4x305 m) visibility. -5% on Approach to Runway.
Raining/Snowing Heavily. 1D4x100 foot (1D4x31 m) visibility! -20% on landing or takeoff!
Heavy Thunderstorm/Blizzard. -25% to takeoffs and landing, due to visibility and distractions - if flying [N the Thunderstorms, use the same percentage for simple control rolls once every 5 minutes, due to high winds, hail, wind shear, etc. Also, no less than a 30 mph (48 km) wind for a Blizzard, likely wind shear gusts of turbulence in thunderstorms.
Bizarre weather, tornadoes, softball-sized hail, rain in winter, etc. Negatives vary with the incident.
Completely Still.
Slight Breeze.
10-15 mph (16-24 km) crosswind. -10% on landing and/or takeoff.
10-15 mph (16-24 km) head/tail wind. -5% on landing and/or takeoff.
16-30 mph (26-48 km) crosswind. -15% on landing and/or take off.
16-30 mph (26-48 km) head/tail wind. -10% on land-ing and/or take off.
Gusting winds from 1D4x10 mph (1D6x10+4 km) to still without notice. -10% on landing or takeoff per every 10 mph (16 km).
Micro-bursts or Straight Line Winds, with wind speeds of 40+1D6x10 mph (64+1D6x16 km). These erratic wind conditions make flight operations nearly suicidal with a penalty of -50% to -80% on landing and/or takeoff.
Note: Crosswinds over 30 mph (48 km)
are difficult to man-age in fighter aircraft, and as a result, oftentimes flight operations will be canceled when they are encountered. If the wind conditions have changed since an operation has begun, often-times the aircraft are vectored to either another airstrip on the same base, or to an alternate landing site. Attempting to land with these sorts of crosswinds will result in an additional -5% penalty per 1 mph (1.6 km) over 30 mph (48 km) as the pilot is basically trying to make it in 'on a wing and a prayer.' In re-gards to accumulation of snow/sleet, the ground crew will be busily trying to clear runways of snow or freezing rain through use of salt or plowing. IF no ground crew is available for this sort of task, or the supplies for this sort of thing are short, there is a cumulative -5% penalty for landings and takeoffs for every 2 inches (5 cm) of snow accumulation or half-hour of freezing rain.
]Runway & Airport Facilities
The actual facilities at an airport can also affect the performance of the pilots assigned to a unit. Not all facilities are con-crete runways built specifically for the use of combat aircraft. Logistics often also prevents airports from having all of the necessary facilities for repairs, regular maintenance, and even for pilot lodging.
Military air bases and even civilian airports are often some of the first targets of an enemy air force to prevent their rival air forces from having any noticeable effect on the outcome of the impending air war. Tolkeen had a series of improvised airports that they used throughout the course of the war, and also developed some rather spectacular tactics for defending their established airports. This allowed them to continue operations throughout much of the conflict, some literally until they were overrun by Coalition ground forces. These tactics were necessary in our campaign, since through much of the conflict Tolkeen used a mix of imported conventional fighter aircraft acquired from one manufacturer or another. Albeit these aircraft were modified by Tolkeen with mystic systems to improve their combat capabilities in the face of the overwhelming numbers of the Coalition Air Forces.
Conventional Airstrips
These reinforced concrete airstrips are built on firm soil, meticulously leveled and packed. They can be anywhere from 60 feet (18 m) to 120 feet (37 m) in width, and are generally from '/2 mile (1 km) to 2 miles (3 km) in length. Generally, the larger to operate from them as easily as fighter aircraft, and what's more - when taking off on combat operations, more than one fighter can take off at the same time.
These landing strips are designed specifically for conventional takeoff and landing procedures, and therefore provide no penalties to landing or taking off from their surfaces. However, given the typical targeting of such elaborate facilities by enemy air forces, repairs are a common necessity. Hasty repairs, within 3D6 hours, may be effected but these often result in depressions or bulges in areas of the runway, adding stress on the aircraft and trying the pilot's abilities. Runways so repaired require a control roll with a penalty of -5% on landings and takeoffs.
Many modern airstrips have a system called I.L.S. or Instrument Landing System that is composed of a localized transmitter, glide path transmitter, an outer marker transmitter, and the approach lighting system. These systems use radio signals to assist the aircraft in a near zero visibility approach by sending a universal coded signal to align the aircraft properly laterally, longitudinally, and in the proper glide slope. This will reduce penalties for landing in fog, rain, or snow by 75%. Unfortunately, in times of war these sorts of systems are seldom activated to prevent these automated systems from drawing enemy fire.
Improvised Airstrips
These are essentially airstrips using straight stretches of con-crete, asphalt, and occasionally even gravel roads for conventional takeoff and landing operations. It depends heavily on the aircraft as to what sort of airstrip can be used by it. The Nightwing and its related naval air force brethren are not de-signed for operations from improvised airstrips where a significant amount of debris types may be sucked into their intakes. That having been said, they are not in danger of suffering major damage from minor debris such as gravel, twigs, leaves, and various refuse being sucked into their turbines. Simply put, if they do operate from such improvised strips, the aircraft will re-quire a great deal of extra maintenance to repair or replace the highly polished and precise turbine blades due to the slight dings and scuffs they would receive from such debris. The XM-280 produced by Triax has a unique intake arrangement that allows it to operate from improvised airstrips; its intake's lower lip is shielded by a long guard, preventing air from being pulled in from under the aircraft. The Sea Hawk of the New Navy provides provisions for improvised airstrip operations. As does any GAW-F15s refitted for Mega-Damage combat.
Concrete and asphalt airstrips,
composed of straight stretches of paved roads, are generally more narrow than an ordinary air-strip - about 30-50 feet (9-15 m) compared to the usual 60-120 feet (18-37 m) for a purpose-built airstrip. Landing on such narrow airstrips is difficult - in fact, any amount of strong winds can make it nearly impossible. The penalty for landing on this type of surface even in ideal conditions is -10%. This is of course assuming that any trees, structures, signposts and similar are cleared away from the sides of the road to allow the wings to overlap the edges of the road.
Gravel roads
are ill suited for improvised airstrip usage as this road surface type cannot absorb the impact of the heavy weight of a combat aircraft. Occasionally, the use of gravel road improvised runways is, however, necessary during cases of extreme emergency. These roads are generally even narrower than concrete and asphalt roads, being only about 18-30 feet (5-9 m) in width. Lining up on these tiny airstrips is only possible with the knowing hand of an expert pilot, and at a penalty of -15%. If the sides of the gravel road slope down into ditches on either side, however, this penalty rises to a -20%. This is done because the aircraft stands a good chance of having one of the main gear units slipping down the sloped sides of the road into the ditch due to the wide landing gear tract, and the loose gravel on the road.
Packed soil may even be improvised to become an airstrip by laying down interlocking steel mesh grates, designed to absorb the weight and impact of an aircraft coming in for a landing. These types of improvised landing strips take as little as a few days to arrange with a proper construction crew and provide no penalties - unless it is of an exceptionally narrow width. These interlocking steel mesh grates are cheap and easily replaced. An attack on such an improvised airfield is easily repaired within 2D4 hours by filling in the holes caused by explosives, and re-placement of the damaged grates.
Air Base Facilities
This general term refers to the various facilities used in the maintenance and upkeep of the aircraft, as well as the facilities for the pilots and ground crew.
Maintenance and upkeep of military aircraft is a necessary component to air combat operations. Men and women specialized in maintenance on specific avionics, armory, and the various mechanical components of the aircraft are necessary to keep on staff ready to attend to the aircraft between missions. All the technical experience in the world, however, is useless without a ready supply of tools, spare parts, munitions, and ordnance. This requires secure communications with supply and transportation for the necessary components from wherever they are manufactured or stored. While crafty technicians can emulate factory specific components, it is time consuming, difficult, and often falls short of matching the same capabilities of the factory manufactured components. These are all the facilities absolutely NEEDED to operate the aircraft. Hangars, revetments ("U" shaped dikes or dugouts that shelter the aircraft from strafing enemy aircraft), and the like are not adamantly necessary for air operations but provide protection for the aircraft and a convenient maintenance area for the ground crew between missions. Ground crew trying to effect repairs and maintenance on aircraft when the proper tools and replacement parts are not available can suffer repair penalties of anywhere from -5% to -25%, and depending on the severity of the issue, it may be entirely impossible. Failure to repair or replace damaged or outdated avionics correctly can result in false readings, failed operations entirely, and similar effects.

Pilot and ground crew facilities are also helpful for any fully equipped air base. A solitary mess hall or one for each, the enlisted and officer ranks, bunkhouses, shower/rest room facilities, and the like, are all very helpful for maintaining human comfort. In the most primitive of conditions, tents are often the alternative, banked with sandbags, or arranged inside of foxholes. The
more primitive of conditions generally lead to troubles, how-ever. The human component of the unit is quite susceptible to the elements in these conditions. Damp sleeping quarters, poor quality food, basic latrine facilities, and such, all stack up on the whole of the unit - and make the job all the more stressful. Ultimately, I leave it up to the Game Master to determine just how badly the unit is being affected by these conditions. Sleep deprivation from noise or the elements is common, and with that of-ten come illness, distractibility, and a general lack of morale. Skill performance penalties for these sorts of conditions can range anywhere from -5% to -15%.

Repair or Replacement of Mechanical Components
During combat operations or even just with regular field use, various systems may occasionally require repair, recalibration, or outright replacement. Different rolls are required for different systems. A good ground crew can accomplish these regular maintenance issues without too much difficulty, while a crew that is largely green will have a great deal of trouble.
The result of poor maintenance will result in some systems failing to operate, returning false readings, and occasionally quirks the pilot has to deal with to make a system operate cor-rectly. Most systems failures are relatively harmless, but some can actually cause the aircraft to crash.
General System Repair/General Maintenance/ Recalibration/Replacement
Systems like radar, radio transmitters/receivers, navigation computers, tracking computers, combat computers, fly-by-wire systems, I.F.F. systems, brakes, tires, thrusters, and similar, occasionally need maintenance for various reasons. It's a simple fact of aircraft operations. Seldom is the ground crew made up entirely of experts, thus a little math is required. For the assessment rolls, the specialist in his field can make his own roll independently, but for the actual repair/maintenance related skill rolls, you must take an average between the expert's advanced skill and the assisting ground crewmen's skills. For example, Tom, the ground crew leader, has Mechanical Engineer at 87%, and he is assisted in some task by four crewmen with the skills of Basic Mechanics. The four crewmen's percentages are 30%, 45%, 55%, and 98%. Averaging (For an average you add the percentages together, then divide it by the number of individuals present.) the skill performance roll of these five individuals, it comes out to 63%. This percentage would then be considered the ground crew performance percentage.
Repairs are the result of damage incurred during combat, standard flight operations, or due to a malfunction of a system. The first thing done during repairs is for a specialist to analyze the situation by making a roll on the skill of Mechanical Engineer. Success indicates that the process is fairly simple. Failure indicates that the engineer will either have to confer with his fel-low engineers on post to discern what the proper course of action is, (In that case, they make a skill roll.) or he/she may proceed blindly on the next roll with a skill penalty of —10%. Most of the time (01-85% chance) the damaged system must be removed from the aircraft for repairs to be made.
Next a qualified specialist in military grade electronics (i.e. Electrical Engineer) is required to separate the system from the power grid of the aircraft, often with the assistance of ground crewmen with the skill of Basic Electronics. (See above for ground crew performance percentages.) A failed roll at this point indicates that an electrical conduit was damaged, or was not separated correctly, and will require more work later to re-pair it.
Afterwards, another roll is required to remove the system from its mountings to bring it out of the aircraft without damaging it or its mounting points inside of the aircraft. A failed roll indicates that either the system is further damaged or the mounting points inside of the aircraft were damaged during the process. (This could be something as simple as a snapped bolt to damage that requires a replacement part to be brought in.)
Next the system undergoes repairs. If it is a computer system, then of course Computer Repair is required, if it is an electrical system like radar, I.F.F., an electrical component of an electro-magnetic turbine, or similar, then the skill Electrical Engineer is required. If it is a mechanical aspect like a damaged rudder actuator, a damaged or worn turbine blade, a leaky hydraulic line, a faulty canopy seal, or similar, then Mechanical Engineer is required. First, an assessment roll on the specialized skill is required, followed by the ground crew performance percentage roll. For the first roll, failure indicates that the engineer will have two courses of action to follow. The specialist may confer with his fellow engineers on post to discern what the proper course of action is, (In that case, they make a skill roll.) or the crew may proceed blindly on the next roll with a skill penalty of —10%. Failure on the second roll indicates one of the following, but these will not become apparent unless the device is tested while it is still out of the aircraft:
The system fails to operate entirely.
The system fails critically, requiring complete re-placement afterwards.
The system seems to work fine at first, but fails within 2D6 uses.
The system is buggy, seeming to work some of the time, and some of the time failing entirely.
The system seems to work fine but causes other sys-tems to glitch occasionally.
Repairs take a minimum of 1D6 work hours for minor systems and 2D6 to 2D6x10 work hours for major repairs. With the entire crew working, the hours are divided among them. Removal and reinstallation of parts generally requires anywhere from a few minutes to 1D6 hours.
Once the repairs are completed the system is replaced in the opposite order in which it was removed, omitting the assessment rolls.

Recalibration & Reprogramming
Recalibration & reprogramming are required for a number of different systems like the brakes, the various computer systems, the I.F.F. systems, and radar. Few of these require the systems to be removed from the aircraft, or for any significant portion of the ground crew to assist the expert, unless other general maintenance is to accompany the recalibration/reprogramming. For each, a Computer Operations roll is required, with a diagnostic roll on Read Sensory Equipment coming second, followed finally by a Computer Programming roll if it is required.
Replacements of parts of the aircraft are required from time to time. Turbine blades eventually wear out, as does the main turbine shafts, tires must be replaced after a certain number of landings, and portions of the brakes must similarly be replaced at certain intervals. From time to time, old avionics or components to aircraft are replaced with superior alternatives as well. In these cases, follow the Repair guidelines for carrying this out. (For replacing flight surfaces and similar, see Armor & Struc-tural Repair.)
General Maintenance
This includes such activities as making certain tire pressure is correct, checking the turbine blades for dangerous flaws, cleaning various components of the aircraft, greasing moving parts, and similar. (Most electromagnetic turbines do not require any form of lubricant thanks to the electromagnetic suspension rings common among them, though some obscure types may still use old-fashioned foil air bearings.) Rolls for this sort of maintenance are only on the basic level, such as Basic Electronics or Basic Mechanics. Higher skills are only required if components are to be broken down for thorough cleaning/examination.
Armor & Structural Repair
Fighter aircraft in Rifts are often protected by a thin layer of composite armored plate in the place of the old, flimsy metals used in the aircraft we observe today. Repairs of this sort of pro-tective covering are essential to bring a damaged aircraft back up to full damage capacity. A simple way of working this is to have the aircraft's Mega-Damage capacity returned to it in 10% increments, each taking 1D6 hours of work.
An example of this would be: A Nightwing with 450 M.D.C. that takes 270 M.D.C. during an Air-to-Ground attack mission requires repairs. The ground crew leader assays the damage and determines the proper course of action by making a Mechanical Engineer roll. Then the ground crew effects the repairs by making six repair
rolls on the skill Aircraft Mechanics. Failing any one of those 6 repair rolls reduces the aircraft's maximum M.D.C. by 10%. If this crew failed one of these rolls, the Nightwing's maximum M.D.C. is reduced to 405 M.D.C. and cannot be brought back up to the maximum of 450 M.D.C. until a complete and exhaustive overhaul is conducted on this aircraft. Occasionally, areas of the aircraft are so badly damaged (i.e. reduced to less than 10% of the total M.D.C.) that they cannot be repaired, and as a result, that area of the aircraft must be replaced entirely. If it is the main body of the aircraft, then the useable components are removed and used in repairing other aircraft. If it is a wing, vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer, etc., the old and badly dam-aged component is merely removed with two successful rolls on Electrical and Aircraft Mechanics. (Assessment/analysis rolls again are made by the expert followed by rolls on the ground crew performance percentage.) A failed roll on either of the assessment rolls means that the part is so badly mangled that he/she can see no easy way of getting the part off without consuming great amounts of time cutting the old part away enough so that the mountings may be removed. A failed roll on either of the second rolls is deadly for the pilot, as they will often fail un-der the stress of high G maneuvers, or during high speed flight. (These armor repair rules can be readily adapted to body armor or armored vehicles as a realistic way of simulating war weary equipment.)
Arming the Aircraft
It is the ground crew's responsibility to arm the aircraft, as per mission specifications. This often includes loading/checking ammunition, loading missiles onto open pylons or into pods or launchers, loading bombs onto open pylons, and similar. The skill required for this includes an assessment roll on either Armorer or Weapons Engineer for the specialist in charge. Next the ground crew will conduct the actual placement of the weapons, with all members using the skill of Weapon Systems. If a weapon is mounted incorrectly it may do any of the following.
The gun/cannon that is loaded jams, but there are no ill effects. If it is a missile or other disposable ordnance loaded, the ground crew failed to remove the pins from the weapon, and so it cannot be armed.
The gun/cannon that is loaded misfires, damaging the weapon! If it is a missile, once it is armed the rocket motor suddenly engages and rips itself off of its mountings, flying un-guided until it either runs out of fuel or impacts with an object. If it is any other form of disposable ordnance it simply arms, but cannot be released.
The gun/cannon that is loaded misfires, and results in a fire in the avionics bay inflicting 2D4 M.D. worth of dam-age per melee! Unless the character can set down quickly and extinguish the fire with a hand extinguisher, the aircraft will be lost. If it is a missile or other disposable ordnance the weapon falls off the mounting bracket as soon as it is armed.
The gun/cannon that is loaded misfires, damaging the weapon badly. If it is a cannon the explosion sets off a chain reaction that detonates ALL of the ammunition carried for that weapon. If the M.D.C. of the main body is depleted the aircraft disappears in a fiery explosion. If it is a missile or other disposable ordnance the weapon explodes wherever it is mounted, as soon as it is armed!

Piloting the Aircraft Summary
This concludes the basic lesson in piloting the aircraft in Rifts. It's very realistic - yet far more dangerous than the trimmed game details Palladium provides. With this system it's easy to see that a beginning character wouldn't stand much of a chance if he or she were taking off into a heavy rainstorm, with a 40 mph (64 km) crosswind, from an improvised gravel air-strip. Let alone trying to engage in combat! That in and of itself is realistic and far more fun to play than just having to worry about the combat aspects. Just think of the role-play sessions of goofing around on post, messing with the army guys, or sneaking into town to get into fights with the locals, whenever the weather is bad.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Rifter 33 Air Combat Optional Rules for Rifts® By Edward A. May


Air Combat
The next section talks about the actual air combat missions a character would encounter, and how to work the actual progression of air combat in conjunction with the general piloting skills.
All characters who possess the skill of Pilot: Jet Fighters are trained in the basics of air combat. Not a lot of training, but enough to where you can hold your water while you're up there. Most of these pilots will have attained training in both ground attack procedure as well as the rudimentary skills of air combat maneuvering, but not enough to be considered experts.
Other skills necessary for such operations include
• Read Sensory Equipment,
• Weapon Systems,
• Radio: Basic,
• Navigation.
Air-to-Ground Attack
Most of the time a ground attack operation will begin with intelligence gathered by a reconnaissance aircraft, information from ground units, or from simple observation by the aircraft preparing the ground attack operation. Once this information has been processed, it is then determined how the operation will commence.
If this is information gathered before the flight begins, the unit will arrange the details of the operation while still on the ground. Smart commanders will take input from their pilots, us-ing their individual strengths and weaknesses to their advantage. This is an important role-play aspect of the game, and can lead to a great deal of character building in the process. Disagrements, arguments, and flat out fist-fights have developed during the briefing. It is oftentimes here that the exact tactics are devel-oped that will lead them into the oncoming fight with ground forces. One of the biggest factors to consider is the weaponry of the suspected ground forces. If they have air defenses, that be-comes the foremost thing on the minds of the fighter pilots, and the organization of the attack.
Coalition forces are known to use the CTX-52 Sky-Sweeper Anti-Aircraft Tank heavily in the defense of their ground forces. These are some of the most effective mobile anti-aircraft batteries yet developed, with the combined use of medium-range missile launchers and long-ranged laser cannons. Non-Coalition forces use a variety of less effective anti-aircraft defenses, such as batteries of rail guns mounted on top of utility vehicles, or even shouldered mini-missile launchers. It all depends heavily on what the ground units in question have access to. A wise unit commander will assign a number of pilots in the attack formation to deal with these air defenses.
Once in the air, the flight or squadron leader often will organize the unit into a formation, with the appropriate rolls necessary at the time of forming, plus periodically during direction, altitude, and speed changes. The method of attack varies deformation as to how to go about this - ultimately, BE CREATIVE! Organizing the attack can be the most fun part, and watching your enemies scurrying about on the ground in terror is just the icing on the cake. (Note: It is always wise to make certain you have someone on guard dog duty, watching for enemy aircraft, either just by sight or via radar. More than a few pilots have gone to an early grave conducting ground attack duties, and being 'bounced' by enemy fighters.) Before combat can begin however, a roll on the weapon systems skill is neces-sary to arm the weapon systems that will be used. In a conventional low level attack mission, the attack will be made, and then the aircraft will quickly pull out, likely executing a series of zig-zag maneuvers or the jettisoning of chaff/flare bundles to elude pursuit of ground-to-air missiles. Once a pull out has been made, a roll to adjust the trim of the aircraft is necessary to compensate for any under wing/underbelly ordnance dispatched dur-ing the attack, as well as a roll to disarm any weaponry that was armed and unfired during the attack. Reforming may be necessary as well, prior to making yet another attack, depending on how the operation was carried out. (See the section below for maneuver penalties.)
Air-to-Air Combat
As mentioned above, all pilots trained in Pilot:
Jet Fighters have some measure of knowledge in conducting air to air combat. Some receive additional training in this field, however, that makes them an expert in A.C.M. - Air Combat Maneuvering.
This skill is covered in Palladium Books' role-playing game, Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience. This percentage is added to the percentage of Pilot: Jet Fighters during air combat maneuvers to counter percentage penalties, and to illustrate the added skill of the pilot. Combined a pilot can often have more than 100% during their air combat actions. These percent-age points quickly dwindle with various factors like G Forces, maneuvering for position on enemy aircraft, and similar that in-curs a penalty.
Air-to-air combat operations are often less well organized than ground attack missions as the theater of air operations is much more fluid. Information about air to air combat may come to the unit in the form of vague reports regarding the sighting of enemy aircraft over a certain position. These sorts of reports may be outdated, mistaken identity, or something silly like a flock of geese seen at a distance by an aerial observer. Air to air combat may also be called for to guard a different air unit at-tacking ground targets, guarding a friendly military facility, or even directly protecting friendly troops against enemy ground attack aircraft. Other times the unit is sent up on what is called Combat Air Patrol, generally just flying a certain course, look-ing for any enemy air operations within the range of sensors or vision.
Combat operation, eventually it will lead to shots being fired. Most of the time air to air combat will transpire from a significant distance entirely or will, at the very least, begin in this fashion. This is a common feature of modern air to air combat. Like ground attack operations, the pilot must first arm whatever weaponry he/she intends to deploy in an attack.
If the enemy is returning fire, attacking from ranges may be punctuated by evasive maneuvers, attacking missile volleys, or deploying chaff/ flare bundles to spoof missile guidance systems. If the airborne melee cannot be completed from a distance, however, then it leads to air combat maneuvers.
Air combat maneuvers may be carried out in a number of ways. Lightweight and heavyweight aircraft handle very differently in maneuvers, and as a result, the best close combat tactics will vary dramatically. Lightweight aircraft are generally more maneuverable than their heavier brethren. They can turn and roll all over the sky, with comparatively little impediment to their speed, well inside of the radius of heavier aircraft. Furthermore, they accelerate faster in level flight than their heavier brethren do. This makes them ideal aircraft for engaging in a "Turning Fight" - i.e. a dogfight. Heavyweight aircraft are not well suited to this form of combat since their turning radiuses are larger and their maneuver reaction time is slower than that of a nimble, lightweight fighter. In tight combat maneuvers a heavyweight fighter will also bleed off speed far faster than their lighter brethren will. However, a heavyweight aircraft does bear a couple of advantages in close air-to-air combat. They can zoom-climb and dive faster than lightweight aircraft can, as their mass allows them to retain their momentum and gain momentum in a dive faster than the lighter types. This provides them with the ability to hit and run with relative immunity, provided that the enemy does not have ranged weapons with which to attack the fleeing aircraft. These combat tactics are known as "Energy Fighter" tactics.
As a result of these two very different schools in close combat capability, pilots will adopt different strategies for dealing with different adversaries when the need for such combat arises. (Thus it is important for the unit leader to either have the Espionage skill of Intelligence, to know the performance envelopes of enemy aircraft, or for the unit to have the input from an experienced intelligence officer prior to a fight.) Pilots of aircraft that are lighter than their opponents will try to draw their enemies in close, and force them into a turning fight. Pilots of heavier fighters than their adversaries will attempt to use their superior dive and climb characteristics to attack and then quickly break off into a rapid zoom-climb, or a dive to escape being forced into a turning fight.
As a result of these differing abilities, two separate sets of penalty factors will apply for close air to air combat, according to the weights of fighter aircraft. Always remember though that fighter pilots will almost invariably try to end the engagement with ranged combat FIRST, as close air-to-air combat scenarios are particularly dangerous.
As an aside, some aircraft in Rifts, most notably the Nightwing family of aircraft, including the Sea Striker, and Shrike, and the Sea Hawk of the New Navy, employ turreted lasers. These lasers can potentially be swiveled to engage enemy aircraft both during pursuit, when an enemy is on their tail, as well as during the midst of the dogfight! The gunner in the rear seat can attend to that function even as the pilot simply flies the aircraft. Another note about these two-seat aircraft is that they are often more capable of air combat than single-seat aircraft. With a second person to attend to secondary duties such as lock-ing up targets, identifying bogies, operating the radio, plotting the navigation charts, operating any jamming systems or spoofing systems, etc., this lessens the workload on the pilot, and saves him costly attacks in the process.
Combat Rolls
For this system we melded a number of factors into a beautifully streamlined system of combat.
• We combined Fighter Com-bat: Basic with Pilot: Jet Fighters,
• Fighter Combat: Elite with Air Combat Maneuvering.
These skills were described on page 151 of Rifts Dimension Book 2: Phase World, specifically for space fighter combat, but it applied well to atmospheric air combat as well. We felt that this illustrated the limited air com-bat training known by the majority of fighter pilots as compared to specially trained experts in air combat maneuvering.
The attacks of the character during air combat are determined by two factors. If the character has just the basic Pilot: Jet Fighters, they attain the attacks of Fighter Combat: Basic, plus the character's hand to hand attacks. If the character has both Pilot: Jet Fighters and Air Combat Maneuvering, they attain the attacks of Fighter Combat: Elite, plus the character's hand to hand attacks.
Strike Bonus
The strike bonus of the character is determined by a number of factors. Firstly, the character attains the bonus from Pilot: Jet Fighters/Fighter Combat: Basic, or Pilot: Jet Fighters + Air Combat Maneuvering/Fighter Combat: Elite. Next, it is imperative that the character possesses the skill of Weapon Systems for any combat aircraft operations, thus that bonus is also attached. Weapon proficiency is also a necessary component of the jet fighter pilot's training, as he must understand the ranges the weapons can be used most effectively at, applicable deflection angles, and other factors. Pilots often possess both W.P. Heavy and W.P. Heavy Energy for this purpose. Finally, any bonuses from the aircraft itself are also applied for specialized targeting computers, laser-targeting systems, and similar.

Dodge Bonus
The dodge bonus is determined by two factors. Firstly, the character attains the bonus from Pilot: Jet Fighters/Fighter Com-bat: Basic, or Pilot: Jet Fighters + Air Combat Maneuvering/ Fighter Combat: Elite. Second, the character also retains any bonus acquired through Physical Prowess, indicating the speed of his or her reflexes.
Dogfight Bonus
As described under the Fighter Combat skills in Rifts Dimen-sion Book 2: Phase World®, there is an additional bonus pro-vided to all strikes and dodges for characters trained in Fighter Combat: Elite. This displays their exceptional training in using the weaponry and performance of the aircraft during air combat maneuvers.
Air Combat:
Penalties & Bonuses G-Forces
-5% per 250 mph (400 km) during maneuvers, due to the G forces pitted against the pilot. Generally, this means that air to air combat generally takes place at under mach speeds. (Trying to pull any kind of tight/sustained maneuvers at speeds over Mach 1 will often result in the pilot/aircrew blacking out.)
Mass Modifiers
Turning Fight Tactics Penalties
11-20 tons
- -1% per each slight maneuver or jink following the first, or -3% per each tight maneuver* following the first, as the aircraft bleeds speed slowly due to its low mass. Each slight maneuver/jink will reduce the aircraft's speed by 2%, and each tight maneuver* will reduce the aircraft's speed by 6%.
21-30 tons
- -2% per each slight maneuver or jink following the first, or -5% per each tight maneuver* following the first, as the aircraft bleeds speed due to its moderate mass. Each slight maneuver/jink will reduce the aircraft's speed by 4%, and each tight maneuver* will reduce the aircraft's speed by 10%.
31-40 tons
- -3% per each slight maneuver or jink following the first, or -7% per each tight maneuver* following the first, as the aircraft bleeds quickly, due to its heavy mass. Each slight maneuver/jink will reduce the aircraft's speed by 6%, and each tight maneuver* will reduce the aircraft's speed by 14%.
*A tight maneuver refers to a hard 90 degree turn. For every additional 90 degrees added to the turn, increase the maneuver & speed penalties accordingly.
Energy Fighter Tactics Penalties*
11-20 tons
- Zoom-Climb: Reduce speed by 10% per melee of climbing. Dive: Increase speed by 5% per melee of a dive.
21-30 tons
- Zoom-Climb: Reduce speed by 8% per melee of climbing. Dive: Increase speed by 8% per melee of a dive.
31-40 tons
- Zoom-Climb: Reduce speed by 5% per melee of climbing. Dive: Increase speed by 12% per melee of a dive.
* The only control roll truly necessary during such an attack is a slight maneuver/jink roll to escape a collision with their targeted aircraft. More than a few World War II fighters collided with their adversaries during such an attack.

It can easily be seen then that extremely lightweight aircraft like the various Sky Cycles utilized by the Coalition States are well suited to turning fights - but terrible when deal-ing with large fighter aircraft. Comparatively, large fighter air-craft can use their superior speed, climb, and dive characteristics to attack and evade without providing much opportunity for the Sky Cycle pilot to react or pursue his attacker. Many fighter pi-lots will not even waste their ranged weaponry on such oppo-nents - so effective are these tactics.
N.O.E. (Nape of the Earth) Maneuvers
This sort of flight is a terrifying and difficult experience even for grizzled fighter pilots. Difficulties in maneuver rolls vary with the landscape. Low, hilly country provides a penalty of —5% to all piloting rolls. Jagged, rocky valleys and cliff faces, though relatively open, provide a penalty of —10% to all piloting rolls. Flying through city streets or other tight spaces - -15% to —30% depending on the difficulties described.
Aircraft Maneuverability Modifiers
Some aircraft are very well suited to low speed maneuvers due to their wing loading, computer assisted vectored thrusters, specially designed maneuvering flaps that allow rapid turns, etc. These aircraft attain a percentage modifier under their descrip-tion that essentially allows them one or two extra maneuvers without succumbing to the typical rigors of losing speed in a turning fight. Those listed in the Rifts books include the Coalition CSN-1 17 Shrike and the New Navy's S-14 Sea Hawk.
Benefits: For Superior Aircraft
+5% for the aircraft in the engagement with a higher maxi-mum speed.
+10% for an aircraft in the engagement with VTOL capabilities, when pitted against a non-VTOL aircraft. (All pilots of VTOL aircraft are trained in a maneuver called VIFFing, or "Vectored In Forward Flight". This is essentially a sudden use of the thrusters under the aircraft to pause the aircraft in its for-ward flight, or a sudden sideways maneuver that would other-wise be unexpected. Aircraft not similarly equipped would have a really tough time of NOT flying right past them if they were hot on the tail of an aircraft that did this. By flying right by, that would give them an automatic chance to take a position on their adversary. If used while trying to take up a position, it could give you greater distance between yourself and an enemy air-craft and give you the chance of firing a long-ranged weapon at the aircraft not similarly equipped.)
+5% for an aircraft in the engagement with thrust vectoring modifications to the main thrusters when pitted against aircraft not so equipped. Admittedly, this modification is not quite as effective as a full VTOL capable aircraft, but it does help to narrow the performance advantage such aircraft achieve.
Dog-Fighting Maneuvers
Space and air combat really only has three possible states. Vehicles can be coming together for combat, jockeying for an ad-vantage, or the vehicles are so far apart that no combat is possible. Each combat tactic takes one full melee to perform. The number of shots that can be fired depends on the character's attacks per melee.
The most common position in aerial combat is where one vehicle, the Dog Tail, is following another vehicle, the Dog.
Dog Tail
This is where every combat flyer wants to be. Sitting on the other guy's tail, where every melee round is an opportunity to shoot without being shot back at. Keeping on a dog tail means matching or beating the opponent's attempts to escape.
To become a dog tail, the player for each pilot rolls a 20 sided die, adding their dog-fighting bonus (including P.P. bonuses), and any ship movement bonuses. The faster or more ma-neuverable of the two vessels gets a +2 to the roll. The winner gets to be the dog tail. The loser is the dog. Depending on the situation, however, the G.M. can rule that a dog tail is automat-ically successful (if the attacker comes up from behind, out of a cloud, etc.).
The vehicle in the dog tail position can open fire with all available weapons, every melee round he is "on the dog" (the vehicle in front). The dog can only fire back if he has a tail gun-ner with backward-facing weapons. Most fighter weapons only face forward. Large ships usually have multiple gunners, with one or more able to fire backwards or in a circle. The dog tail can dodge attacks normally; the dog is at -3 to dodge!

Bonuses for Space Fighter Combat "Basic" Training
• One extra attack/action involving the fighter's weapon sys-tems.
• +2 to strike (in addition to other cumulative bonuses).
• +3 to dodge attacks while flying.
• +1 to dog-fighting rolls
• Critical strike, same as pilot's hand to hand.
• One additional attack at level six.
• One additional attack at level eleven.
Bonuses for Fighter Combat "Elite" Combat Training
• Two extra attacks/actions involving the fighter's weapon systems.
• +2 to strike (cumulative with bonuses from Weapon System skill training).
• +5 to dodge attacks while flying.
• +3 to dog-fighting rolls.
• Critical strike, same as pilot's hand to hand.
• One additional attack at level five.
• One additional attack at level ten.
Conclusion of Air Combat
Now, I've established the rougher points of the air combat rules we use here, now comes the conclusion of Air Combat. In air combat one seldom has time to do more than line up on a tar-get and fire, thus you aren't always aiming at one part or another - it's just going to hit wherever. What's more, it isn't just going to damage the armor of an aircraft, it's going to hit vital systems inside! Thus, here are some fun random hit tables I've come up with, along with critical hit tables to figure out what happens. These critical hit tables are applicable only if a critical strike is rolled on an attack OR if 10% of the remaining M.D.C. in that location is depleted by the damage inflicted.

Random Hit Location Table
Main Body.
Wing/Aileron. (01-50% right, 51-00% left.)
Under Wing/Underbelly Weapon. (If applicable, if not, it strikes the wing.)
Thruster. (20% Main Body M.D.C.)
Vertical Stabilizer/Rudder. (30% Main Body M.D.C.)
Horizontal Stabilizer/Elevator. (30% Main Body M.D.C.)
Canopy! (Reinforced Pilot's Compartment.)
Main Body Critical Damage Table
No extra effects. The damage inflicted struck no ma-jor systems in the process.
Radar or other specialized systems are knocked out. One specialized sensory system will not respond to the pilot's commands or shows no useful information.
Targeting computer knocked out!
The targeting computer has been completely knocked out, preventing the pilot from any real accuracy with any weaponry deployed. Missiles cannot lock onto their target, the heads up display will not pro-vide any useful assistance to targeting, nothing seems to work right - therefore, all attacks made without the targeting system are considered wild!
Radio knocked out.
Nothing but static is heard over the radio, and no transmissions may be made.
Fuselage weapons electronics knocked out.
Any weapons mounted inside or under the fuselage will not respond!
Fuselage damage makes flight erratic.
A sizable hole in the surface of the fuselage is interfering with the airflow, making flight erratic, and piloting difficult. Penalties include -10% to the maximum speed of the aircraft, or risk loss of control, and -20% to all subsequent piloting rolls - including landing! (This penalty does not apply to aircraft landing via VTOL.)

Splinters and/or sparks in cockpit.

Something minor explodes in the cockpit, showering the pilot in sparks, smoke, and splinters. If the pilot is unarmored he/she suffers 2D6 S.D.C. and is distracted for 1D4 actions afterwards, suffering a penalty of -3 to strike and dodge, and -15% to maneuvers during these 1D4 actions.
Fly by wire linkage short!
The controls are temperamental, seeming to react to some commands, and failing to react to others - resulting in a dangerous predicament for the pilot.
Penalties include -50% to the maximum speed or risk losing control, and -30% to all subsequent maneuvers.
86-90% Landing gear will not respond!
Either the hydraulics or electronic actuators have been shot out. The gear affected are: 01-25% Nose Gear, 26-50% Right Main Gear, 51-75% Left Main Gear, 76-00% All landing gear!
Control panel fire
All sensory and operating systems - save for rudimentary control systems are knocked out,-20% to all navigational rolls, -20% to all weapon systems rolls, and -30% to all subsequent maneuvers!
Reactor or main power couplings knocked out!
Backup emergency power provides the fly by wire system enough power to maneuver for only 1D4 minutes, just enough time to dive for the ground from an air battle, and bail out.

Wing/Aileron (or Elevon) Critical Damage Table

No extra effects.
The damage inflicted struck no major systems in the process
Fly by wire linkage short
The flight surfaces on that wing are temperamental, seeming to react to some commands, and failing to react to others - resulting in a dangerous predica-ment for the pilot. Penalties include -30% to the maximum speed or risk losing control, and -10% to all subsequent maneu-vers. If both wings are damaged in this fashion, use the penalties described under the Main Body Critical Damage Table for fly by wire linkage short.
Wing weapons electronics knocked out.
Any weapons mounted inside or under that wing will not respond
Landing flaps will not respond!
This is a dangerous situation for conventional aircraft, as the landing flaps adjust the attitude of the aircraft upon landing and also keep the speed low - without stalling. Landing conventionally without the landing flaps deployed is a harrowing event. See the Conventional Landing Mishaps heading above for details on landing without the landing flaps deployed.
Wing damage makes flight erratic.
A sizable hole in the surface of the wing is interfering with the airflow making flight erratic, and piloting difficult, bouncing up and down and rocking slightly towards the damaged wing, due to the inter-rupted airflow, especially at high speeds. Penalties include -15% to the maximum safe speed of the aircraft, or risk loss of con-trol, -10% to all subsequent piloting rolls, and reduce the maxi-mum altitude by 5%.
Aileron/Elevon knocked-off!
Either the aileron/ elevon or the mounting bracket for the control surface suffered such severe damage that it simply broke away from the aircraft. Each subsequent piloting roll is made at a penalty of -10%, as the roll rate is now half that of what it should be. In aircraft that have no horizontal stabilizers (or canard wings) and purposeful elevators with them, they use what are called elevons on the trailing edge of the larger than normal sized wing. These control surfaces control both roll and pitch, and losing even one of these will result in the aircraft becoming uncontrollable to such a point that only ejection can save the pilot. In an aircraft that uses both elevators and ailerons, losing both ailerons is similarly crippling. (Some modern aircraft have what are called all-flying tail-planes which control the majority of rolling forces in these aircraft. These types are not as adversely effected by the loss of the ailerons, resulting in a penalty of -20% to all subsequent control rolls. Note that none of those described in the Rifts books feature an all-flying tail-plane, except the GAW-F14.)
Aileron/Elevon jams
in an extreme position, causing an uncontrollable roll! There is no recovery from this malady possible, only ejection will save the pilot.

Under Wing/Underbelly Weapons Critical Damage Table
No extra effects.
The damage inflicted struck in a rather harmless area and failed to cause any adverse side effects.
51-70% Weapon will not respond.
Either the weapon's electronics have been damaged in such a way that the weapon sys-tem will not respond to the commands of the pilot, or the connections between the pylon and the under-slung weapon have been severed.
Weapon falls off of its mounting!
The pylon holding the weapon in place was damaged in such a way that the weapon was wrenched off of its mounting brackets.
The ordnance or magazine of the weapon detonates,
inflicting damage to the wing or fuselage carrying it! One or more fuses of the weapons were faulty enough to allow the weapon to detonate, inflicting full damage to the wing or fuse-lage, depending on where the weapon was mounted. If the blast radius is large enough, and the damage great enough, the aircraft may disappear in a brilliant fireball with no hope of survival for the pilot.

Thruster Critical Damage Table

01-20% No extra effects.
The damage was inflicted harmlessly to the armored nacelle surrounding the thruster, with no adverse effects on the performance of the thruster.
21-40% Thruster loses 50% of its power.
The throttle controls of the thruster were damaged in such a way that the engine cannot exceed 50% of its usual maximum power output. This means that one thruster is capable of 100% power and the other can only reach 50% power, which leads to an imbalance of power per side. Therefore, it is often necessary to fly with the good thruster at 50% to prevent the aircraft from yawing too heavily towards the damaged thruster.
Thruster throttle control jams!
The thruster jams into whatever power setting the thruster was set at the time the dam-age was inflicted. The only way to decrease throttle is to shut the thruster down by cutting its power completely. (IF the air-craft is outfitted with vectored thrust capabilities, in the alterna-tive the thrust ducts may become jammed in an extreme position, making maneuvers difficult. In this case the maximum speed is reduced by 50%, and use of the control surfaces to counter the effect of the thrust may result in a penalty to control rolls of -10% to -20%.)
The cooling system of the Electromagnetic Suspension Rings is damaged!
MOST aircraft in the Rifts books utilize nuclear power that provides an abundance of energy for all the aircraft's necessary functions. For movement in the turbine, electromagnetic suspension rings serve to suspend the turbine shaft perfectly centered with electromagnetic force, omitting the need for lubrication or for terribly complex foil air bearings. The advantage to this system is that it reduces friction damage nearly to zero, thereby cutting back on the maintenance needs of the turbines. The only drawback to this system is that they require a cooling mechanism to keep them operating properly, or they will essentially fry their sensitive electronic components. In this case a fragment or lucky shot managed to disable a cooling sleeve! If the engine is not shut down, the E-mag Suspension Ring will destroy itself from its own heat within 1D4 minutes. This causes the turbine to explode like a giant fragmentation grenade as the turbine shaft goes out of alignment. See below for effects.
Power couplings to the thruster are severed!
As a result the engine shuts down, causing the aircraft to begin to yaw towards that side of the aircraft. Unless trim is quickly applied, the pilot will suffer a -15% penalty in controlling the aircraft. Applying trim can negate these effects, however, and will allow the pilot to bring the aircraft home safely. Speed, acceleration, and maximum altitude are also reduced to approximately 50% of their normal maximums.
The engine explodes in the nacelle!
As a result the aircraft sustains 4D6x10 M.D. to the main body or wing, de-pending on where the thruster was located. There is a 01-50% chance that the exploding turbine will also fry the power couplings, shutting down all power in the aircraft, leaving only 1D4 minutes of emergency control power. Otherwise the pilot must deal with the issue of trimming the aircraft for the loss of the engine's power, as described above, as well as fuselage or wing damage, making flight erratic, as described in the fuselage and wing critical damage tables.
Vertical Stabilizer/Rudder Critical Damage Table
No extra effects.
The damage inflicted struck no ma-jor systems in the process.
The Rudder is knocked off!
Either the rudder or the mounting bracket for the rudder suffered such severe damage that the control surface simply broke away from the aircraft. If this aircraft has twin vertical stabilizers, this means that the air-craft still has one working rudder, and so air combat maneuver-ing remains possible but subsequent rolls must be made at a penalty of -5%, as the aircraft does not yaw as sharply as it once did. Furthermore, the aircraft can only endure a conventional landing with a crosswind of 20 mph (32 km) or less. If the air-craft has only a single vertical stabilizer and rudder, or if both rudders are lost on an aircraft with twin vertical stabilizers, all yaw control is lost. This means that maneuvers in air combat maneuvering are limited, providing the pilot with a penalty of -15% during such control rolls following the loss of the rudder(s). Aircraft outfitted with vectored thrust capabilities CAN effect yawing maneuvers by vectoring the thrust for the desired direction, but this slows the aircraft more than the use of the rudder, and the aircraft does not react as quickly to this as it did with a proper rudder. Thus using this in air combat maneuvering results in a penalty of -5%. An aircraft that has lost both of its rudders and does not have vectored thrust capabilities is incapa-ble of landing with any kind of crosswinds.
Vertical Stabilizer damage makes flight erratic.
A sizable hole in the surface of the stabilizer is interfering with the airflow, making flight erratic, and piloting difficult, shimmying
from side to side due to the interrupted airflow, especially at high speeds. Penalties include -25% to the maximum speed of the aircraft, or risk loss of control, and -10% to all subsequent piloting rolls.
Rudder jams in an extreme position,
causing an un-controllable yawing turn! If the rudder jams in an odd position it forces the aircraft to yaw suddenly towards the direction the rudder is turned, causing the aircraft to quickly lose speed, and continue to turn in that direction. Unless the aircraft is outfitted with vectored thrust, the aircraft will become uncontrollable and will crash. With vectored thrust the pilot may attempt to counter the turn by vectoring the thrust to counter the turn rate caused by the jammed rudder, with a control roll made at a penalty of -10%. This slows the aircraft to about 10% of the aircraft's max-imum speed, however, and makes air combat maneuvering vir-tually impossible. Consider all subsequent rolls to be made at a penalty of -25%.

Horizontal Stabilizer/Elevator Critical Damage Table

01-50% No extra effects.
The damage inflicted struck no ma-jor systems in the process.
The Elevator is knocked off!
Either the elevator or the mounting bracket for the elevator suffered such severe dam-age that the control surface simply broke away from the aircraft. Each subsequent piloting roll is made at a penalty of -35%, as the aircraft will attempt to yaw towards the remaining elevator with every upward or downward pitching maneuver. If both of the elevators are knocked out, unless the aircraft is outfitted with vectored thrust capabilities, the aircraft is doomed, as the pilot will no longer have any capabilities to control the pitch. Aircraft outfitted with vectored thrust capabilities CAN effect pitching maneuvers by vectoring the thrust for the desired direction, but this slows the aircraft more than the use of the elevators, and the aircraft does not react as quickly to this as it did with proper ele-vators. Thus using this in air combat maneuvering results in a penalty of -10%.
Horizontal Stabilizer damage makes flight erratic.
A sizable hole in the surface of the stabilizer is interfering with the airflow, making flight erratic, and piloting difficult, bouncing up and down and rocking slightly towards the damaged elevator due to the interrupted airflow, especially at high speeds. Penalties include -25% to the maximum safe speed of the aircraft, or risk loss of control, and -10% to all subsequent piloting rolls.
Elevator jams in an extreme position,
causing an un-controllable upward or downward pitch! If the elevator jams in an odd position it forces the aircraft to yaw suddenly towards the direction the rudder is turned, causing the aircraft to quickly lose speed, and continue to turn in that direction. Unless the pi-lot acts quickly to cut power and force trim all the way over to the opposite side, he/she will lose control of the aircraft - result-ing in the aircraft spiraling earthward. This control roll is diffi-cult and can only be made at a penalty of -25%, and even if he/she succeeds, the maximum safe speed is limited to about 150 mph (240 km). If both elevators jam in an odd position the pilot is in serious trouble, as the aircraft will either begin to dive or climb uncontrollably. A control roll is difficult and can only be made at a penalty of -40%, and even if he/she succeeds, the maximum safe speed is limited to about 150 mph (240 km).
Landing is nearly impossible without VTOL capabilities as the aircraft is guaranteed to stall on final approach for a conventional landing.
Canopy (Reinforced Pilot's Compartment) Critical Damage Table
No Extra Effects.
The attack failed to do more than blacken a small area or slightly crack the canopy of the aircraft.
Spiders/Fogs the windscreen!
The windscreen spider-webs or fogs from heat distortion, partly obscuring the view of the pilot, making visibility a problem. All subsequent maneuvers are only possible at a penalty of -25%, and Perception Rolls are made at a penalty of -4.
10% damage comes through cockpit!
Some of the laser beam, fragments of an explosive charge, or slightly spent rail gun rounds manage to penetrate the protective cockpit,
inflicting 10% of the damage to:
• 01-20% the pilot,
• 21-90% a minor system,
• 91-00% knocks out controls!

Aircraft Design Flaws

Most combat aircraft have design flaws in their earliest fielded versions. In time, some of these are worked out, but others remain throughout the duration of their service. In the 1940s, the P-38 had problems with compressibility issues that would render the elevators useless in high-speed dives, resulting in the inability to pull out of a dive from high altitudes. This problem was eventually solved through the use of dive brakes. In the 1960s the A-6 Intruder's computer was so temperamental that a trained remedy indicated that the operator should kick in a certain spot in an effort to bring it to functioning properly. In the 70s and 80s, the F-14 of fame had a long running series of engine failures that resulted in many, sometimes fatal, accidents. It is therefore assured that, in the grit and grime of the post-Cataclysmic era, similar problems will arise with new designs.

There is a 01-70% chance that first generation versions of aircraft will

have some form of flaw in their design that potentially could be remedied with redesign work later. To determine the flaws of a design, roll 1D4 to determine the number of problems the air-craft has. Then roll this number of times on the critical damage table to determine what system(s) the aircraft has problems with. Use common sense in this, obviously holes are not going to rip themselves wide in an aircraft, so if a roll of this sort ap-pears, choose something else. To account for later redesign work, roll ONCE on the following table.
• 01-25% The flaw was completely remedied.
• 26-50% The flaw now only happens half as often as before.
• 51-75% The flaw only appears when damage has been in-flicted to that area. (Switch around some of the critical damage tables for this aircraft only to where it is 5-20% more likely that this flaw is what would be affected by damage to this area.)
• 76-00% The flaw has actually become worse, and happens twice as often as before!

Here is a list of design flaws our group has come up with for various aircraft in the Rifts® game:

Coalition Air Force NA-15 Nightwing

Introduced in 103 P.A., this aircraft had a very short teething period due to the acute need for this aircraft in front-line service. During this early period the Nightwing suffered from aileron jams in the extreme position during high speed rolling maneu-vers that invariably ended with the loss of the aircraft. By 105 P.A. modifications had been made to prevent this from occur-ring during maneuvers, but the mechanism used to regulate the ailerons is particularly sensitive to damage and jarring. As a re-sult, when taking damage to the wing/elevator change the critical damage table to 81-85% Wing damage makes flight erratic, 86-90% Aileron knocked off, 91-00% Aileron jams in an ex-treme position causing an uncontrollable roll.
Critical Damage Note: Note that the Nightwing uses a V con-figuration tail with control surfaces that function as both rudder and elevator. A loss of one of these control surfaces means that both the pitch and yaw control of the Nightwing is diminished, as though it had lost one of each - see the critical damage tables for details.
Coalition Navy CSN-115 Sea Striker

The Sea Striker was developed from the same prototype se-ries that resulted in the Nightwing, and as a result, they are close cousins. Its modifications include the addition of new, more powerful thrusters, naval adaptations, revised weapons accom-modations, a clipped wingspan, and a slight increase in length to stabilize the new aircraft's center of balance. Despite all of the changes it is still easily recognizable as a member of the same family as the Nightwing, and enjoys a long list of common com-ponents with its CS Air Force brethren. As a result of this com-monality, the Sea Striker unfortunately inherited the same design flaws as the Nightwing. See above for details.
Critical Damage Note: The use of the same configuration of tail surfaces used by the Nightwing results in identical results when damage is incurred. See above for details.
Coalition Navy CSN-117 Shrike
The Shrike was the most recently developed Coalition fighter aircraft in the Nightwing family. Unlike the Sea Striker, the Shrike is a far more distant relation to the Nightwing. Its modifi-cations included extremely high thrust electromagnetic turbines, a new fuselage and turret design, new wings, naval adaptations, an extreme weapons accommodations revision, and new tail sur-faces. As a result of all the massive alterations the type enjoys very little commonality in general airframe components with its two relative types, but it does have the best performance enve-lope of the three CS fighter types. Thanks to an all new wing, the aileron flaws of the previous two types did not carry over to the Shrike. It is the only fighter in CS service that has no design flaws whatsoever.

Iron Heart Armaments GF-1A Grey Falcon

The Grey Falcon, designed and built in the now CS occupied city of New Kenkora, is an excellent, low cost, delta winged fighter aircraft. Based on pre-cataclysm designs, it is a distant relative to the New Navy's S-14/16 Sea Hawk. Its main design flaw lies with its basic low cost design, with its thrusters being placed in a side by side fairing, sharing many systems instead of having redundant safety features. As a result, any damage incurred to one thruster WILL affect both! If one of the thrusters explode as a result of damage, the other thruster takes full damage from the resulting explosion, and is very likely to explode in turn!
Critical Damage Note:
The Grey Falcon bears a single vertical stabilizer and rudder, and as a result, it is a vulnerable target.
Loss of this single vertical stabilizer WILL result in the aircraft crashing! Loss of the rudder results in the loss of all yaw control in flight. While this aircraft does bear a delta wing, it does NOT use elevons to control pitch and roll capabilities. It features ca-nard wings outfitted with elevators located forward of the main wing to control pitch, and ailerons at the back of the wings as normal.
Unmentioned Systems of Rifts® Aircraft
Palladium Books did not mention several key systems throughout the development of their aircraft for the game. I could only speculate as to why they were omitted, but I would have to wager that it was the result of saving space in the Rifts books. In this section I will also labor to try to remedy their omissions by including them here.

Coalition States Aircraft Systems of Note

The sections describing the Coalition aircraft throughout the books are often inconsistent or omit details that would be helpful to know about when using aircraft in a campaign. I have used as many pieces of real-world technology in the descriptions, extrapolating on some to illustrate the higher technology levels, and omitting some where the illustrations did not display telltale features of their presence.
In a couple of instances in the Rifts books I suggest changing certain abilities of the aircraft. Rifts Sourcebook 4: Coalition Navy, is where the most changes are necessary.
The radar system of the Sea Striker and the Shrike describe ranges of 500 miles (800 km), a ludicrous range for such small aircraft. The powerful Aegis radar, used on naval vessels today, has approximately a 200 mile (320 km) range. In Rifts World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign, the CS aircraft described there have a 200 mile (320 km) range. Considering the tech lev-els, it is conceivable that the ranges were increased to that de-gree, but 500 miles (800 km) is a technological stretch when compared to other types of radar listed in the books. I suspect the reason that Patrick Nowak chose this range is because of the listing in the Mercenaries Book that ludicrously listed the ranges of the radar and sonar outfitting Iron Heart Armaments aircraft as 500 miles (800 km) for both. I suggest that the ranges of these radar systems be reduced to the CS standard of aviation ra-dar sets as described in Rifts World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign.
Secondly, let us discuss sonar. Sonar is the use of sound waves to locate, or possibly image in extremely sophisticated cases, objects underwater. Passive sonar is the device listening for sound emitted by the object. (As in the case of listening to a large armored creature's plates creaking or clacking as they swim through the water, a submarine trying to stealthily pass by a blockade of vessels, etc.) Depending on the sound levels, this can reveal the distance, approximate direction, and in some cases, an exact position of an object. Active sonar is the sonar device emitting a loud sonic pulse to locate objects. The sonic
pulse bounces off of the object and returns to the device, reveal-ing the exact position of all objects within the range of the sys-tem. In the process, however, if the object also has sonar - this reveals the exact location of the vessel that sent out the sonic pulse as well.
Aircraft that have these capabilities cannot just fly over the water and miraculously pick up on ambient sound waves under-water, or transmit sonic pulses to the surface of the water. To-day, how it works is that something called a "Sonar Buoy" can be dropped into the water. This device then uses its onboard sonar, and transmits the gathered data, via radio signal, up to the aircraft that deployed them. This arrangement allows Anti-Sub-marine Warfare aircraft to screen large areas of water by de-ploying their buoys, and then reacting if anything shows up on sonar.
My recommendation for CS aircraft, like the Sea Striker, out-fitted as ASW aircraft is to replace one of the pylon mounted long-range missiles with a sonar pod. This pod would have a payload of 4 buoys, each with a 5 mile (8 km) radius of effect, plus the equipment to interface with the buoys. The buoys are semi-disposable, with an average lifespan of 12 hours, and are able to transmit data to the aircraft up to 50 miles (80 km) away.
One other point of interest to cover is an issue concerning the CS Nightwing. The Mercenaries & Game Master's Guide both indicate the maximum altitude of this aircraft as 10,000 feet (3,048 m). This maximum altitude is ludicrous for any jet air-craft, as maximum altitudes of even primitive fabric covered air-craft that served during the First World War often exceeded 20,000 ft (6,096 m). I suspect the cause of this misconception was the result of missing text in the Mercenaries book, omitting mention of the service ceiling/maximum altitude, and so the maximum hover altitude was deemed the service ceiling. I recommend using the maximum altitude of the Sea Striker for the Nightwing, which is 60,000 ft (18,288 m).

1. Radar & Tracking Computer:
This system is identical to the systems installed on the Coalition States SF-7 Talon Stealth VTOL Jet Fighter. Also included is terrain-following capabili-ties to aid piloting NOE (Nape of the Earth) maneuvers by ne-gating any penalties incurred from flying so close to the Earth, and for finding targets amidst ground clutter. See page 178 of Rifts World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign for details on the radar and tracking computer. (One thing not mentioned in the book is that this radar ONLY covers a 120 degree cone forward of the aircraft! It cannot detect targets if they are approaching from any other direction. IF enemy aircraft approach from other directions with their radar activated, however, the radar detector will reveal their presence.)
2. Inertial Navigation Computer:
This system charts the movement of the aircraft along with prerecorded sector charts and maps to aid the aircrew in identifying his/her position, and navigating to wherever they need to be. This system provides a +20% bonus to the operator's Navigation skill.
3. Radar/Radio Jamming System:
This is an active though minor electronic counter-measures system intended to thwart the radar guidance portion of modern missiles and nearby commu-nications, though it does little to impede the optical imprint por-tion of the guidance systems commonly used in missiles. The system attempts to jam any missile 'painting' the aircraft with its radar within a 5 mile (8 km) range, with a 01-25% success rate. Up to a dozen radio frequencies may be jammed simulta-neously, as per the command of the pilot/aircrew.
4. I.F.F. Transponder:
This is a sophisticated system that utilizes encrypted radar pulses to determine friendly from un-friendly aircraft. This system sends an interrogation signal to any unknown aircraft within 50 miles (80 km), which is automatically detected by their transponder system. Their transponder then sends an automatic reply - IF it is coded to understand the interrogation signal. Coalition transponders indicate unit, mission, aircraft type, course, speed, and altitude. These coded signals are very difficult to crack, and are changed periodically to keep such sensitive material out of the hands of enemies. This system is instrumental in helping to prevent mid-air accidents, mistaken identity, friendly fire incidents, and to further aid coordination on the battlefield.
5. Radar Detector:
This system detects when the aircraft has been scanned by radar waves, and analyzes them to determine their intent, and direction to the microwave transmitter. Thus if a ground based robot vehicle scans the sky with its radar and de-tects the aircraft with this system, the Radar Detector will indi-cate the type of radar wave as an active scan, and the direction from which it was detected.
6. Long-Range Radio & Scrambler:
This is the same radio set outfitted in most of the Coalition military power armor and robot vehicles.
7. Combat & Targeting Computer: These systems are essentially identical to those fitted to standard types of Coalition Ro-bot Vehicles, but are configured to allow the aircraft to use the exceptional range of its Radar in combat. (All data is interfaced to the aircrew through the use of the Heads Up Display.)
8. Laser Targeting System:
This system is essentially identi-cal to that fitted to Coalition Robot Vehicles. It is not configured to aid laser guided munitions, but is intended as a targeting aid for close-range engagements.
9. Ejection Seats:
All aircrew members have ejection seats identical to those fitted to Coalition Robot Vehicles, complete with parachutes for the crew integrated into the harness. (In our campaign, late in the Tolkeen war, a new mini-jet pack was de-veloped to replace the parachute that permitted downed pilots to escape back to friendly lines within a relatively short time. This jet pack has 15 M.D.C., can lift up to 250 lbs/112.5 kg, and fly at speeds of 20-30 mph/32-48 km depending on its encum-brance, at up to 500 feet/152 m in altitude.)
10. Magnetic Anomaly Detection System:
In pre-cataclysm times, ASW fixed wing aircraft mounted a long probe at the tail of the aircraft to accommodate this sort of system. Back then it was used to detect the magnetic field of large masses of metal underwater - i.e. submarines. The New German Republic experimented with ancient M.A.D. technology a few years ago and learned that enchanted objects or individuals gave off an odd
magnetic signature.
(It is believed, by some, that this is how Psi-Stalkers and Dog Boys can sense magic, they are attuned to this magnetic frequency of the supernatural.) When the CS Air Force began suffering heavy losses at the hands of a volunteer fighter squadron that utilized invisibility generators and P.P.E. cells to essentially appear and disappear at their leisure, the NGR shared this data with the Coalition States. Through the use of this information the Coalition States developed a sensor that was specifically keyed to locating the specific magnetic signature of enchanted objects. Once completed, this system was adapted to a conventional Heads Up Display on a Nightwing At-tack Aircraft, and was programmed to reveal objects enchanted or high in P.P.E. energy with a sort of spectral aura around them - even invisible objects. Within a few months the CS High Command issued orders that these systems would be installed in all CS Fighter Aircraft. Unfortunately, it is a very short-ranged device with only a I mile (1.6 km) radius of effect, BUT it gives the aircrew some chance to defend against impending mystical attacks. While meant to detect invisible objects, it has proven wonderful for locating most any magical object within its range. Its drawbacks are that it is easily foiled by the use of enchanted spoofing devices, and it is completely blind inside of a Ley Line.
11. Chaff/Flash-Flare Dispensers :
Another system added part way through the Tolkeenite war after losses to Tolkeenite fighters reached a critical point. Seeking a way to level the playing field the Coalition States added a Chaff/Flash-Flare dispenser to their aircraft that can blind the dual radar/optical imprint targeting systems of modern guided missiles. It has a payload of five chaff/flash-flare bundles, and each has a 01-70% chance of diverting missiles from their course. Anywhere from 1-5 may be dispensed in a single action, thereby increasing the chances of diverting missiles. (Keep in mind the speed of missiles, and the distance from which they were fired for determin-ing whether the pilot or copilot/gunner has a chance to deploy these counter-measures.)

Iron Heart Armaments Aircraft Systems of Note

The GF-1A Grey Falcon is the only aircraft produced by IHA that fits into the context of this article, thus I will focus on the details surrounding the Grey Falcon. Performance-wise, the Grey Falcon is not too dissimilar from the Nightwing. It is a Mach 2 interceptor and carries an impressive payload of disposable ordnance. Where it differs is in the two following areas —armored protection, being less than that of the Windjammer Sky Cycle, and its price. Armored protection aside, this still does not account for the low price. The aircraft costs only 2/5ths of what the Nightwing costs. One can only assume that this price is a reflection of the avionics carried on board. Thus the systems of the IHA GF-1A Grey Falcon will fall somewhat short of those carried by its CS contemporaries.
1. Radar & Tracking Computer:
These systems are identical to the systems in most commercially available robot vehicles. This radar ONLY covers a 120 degree cone forward of the air-craft! It cannot detect targets if they are approaching from any other direction. IF enemy aircraft approach from other directions with their radar activated, however, the radar detector will re-veal their presence.
2. Inertial Navigation Computer:
This system charts the movement of the aircraft along with prerecorded sector charts and maps to aid the pilot in identifying his/her position, and navigating to wherever he/she needs to be. This system provides a +20% bonus to the pilot's Navigation skill.
3. I.F.F. Transponder:
This is a sophisticated system that utilizes encrypted radar pulses to determine friendly from un-friendly aircraft. This system sends an interrogation signal to any unknown aircraft within 30 miles (48 km), which is automatically detected by their transponder system. Their transponder then sends an automatic reply - IF it is coded to understand the interrogation signal. IHA transponders indicate course, speed, and altitude plus a specially coded signal to indicate an assigned code-name or numeric designation. While the basic information is coded in non-encrypted code, the latter specially coded signal is unique to the purchaser of the aircraft. This system is instrumental in helping to prevent midair accidents, mistaken identity, friendly fire incidents, and to further aid coordination on the battlefield.
4. Radar Detector:
This system detects when the aircraft has been scanned by radar waves. Unlike CS types, this radar detec-tor only indicates that the aircraft has in fact been passed over by scanning radar waves, and cannot indicate any further infor-mation than this.
5. Long-Range Radio & Scrambler:
This is the same radio set outfitted in most commercially available power armor and robot vehicles.
6. Combat & Targeting Computer: These systems are essentially identical to those fitted to commercially available robot vehicles. (All data is interfaced to the pilot through the use of the Heads Up Display.)
7. Laser Targeting System:
This system is essentially identical to those outfitted upon commercially available robot vehi-cles. It is not configured to aid laser guided munitions, but is intended as a targeting aid for close-range engagements.
8. Ejection Seats:
The pilot is furnished with an ejection seat identical to those fitted to commercially available robot vehicles, complete with a parachute integrated into the harness.
Triax /Germany/EU/USA Aircraft Systems of Note

Triax is undeniably the most advanced native aircraft manufacturer on the planet, and their systems should reflect this. Their XM-275 Lightnings and XM-280s are some of the best combat aircraft yet devised, yet their listings for systems is relatively spartan and unimaginative. Here is a revised list of sys-tems common to all fighter aircraft produced by Triax.
1. Imaging Radar & Tracking Computer:
This system is a sophisticated and powerful radar and tracking computer designed to detect and image objects at extreme ranges. The radar is so sensitive, up to a range of 225 miles (360 km) in a 180 degree arc forward of the aircraft, that it can literally create an image of the radar return and surmise a visual of the object it is viewing. The tracking computer, linked to the radar, is capable of track-ing up to 144 objects. The radar screen also serves as a touch pad, so that if the pilot (or other aircrew member) wants to view what is what on the radar screen, all they must do is push the icon of the tracked object. This will bring up a pop-up image next to the icon displaying what the radar return is revealing. Also included are terrain-following capabilities to aid piloting NOE (Nape of the Earth) maneuvers by negating any penalties incurred from flying so close to the Earth, and for detecting targets amidst ground clutter. See page 178 of Rifts World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign for details on the radar and tracking computer. Note that it cannot detect targets if they are approaching from any other directions. IF enemy aircraft approach from other directions with their radar activated, however, the radar detector will reveal their presence.
2. Hindsight Radar System:
This separate radar system is contained between the tails of the XM-275 and XM-280. It essentially allows a pilot to see targets approaching from the rear and lock forward facing missiles onto targets BEHIND the air-craft. This separate radar system has a 30 mile (48 km) range, and can see in a 60 degree cone of the sky immediately behind the aircraft. This system is slaved to the Tracking Computer, previously described.
3. Inertial Navigation Computer:
This system charts the movement of the aircraft along with prerecorded sector charts and maps to aid the aircrew in identifying his/her position, and navigating to wherever they need to be. The imaging radar also provides an accurate, up to the moment view of the terrain of the countryside forward of the aircraft, allowing the pilot to spot landmarks amidst the landscape. This system provides a +30% bonus to the operator's Navigation skill.
4. Radar/Radio Jamming System:
This is an active though minor electronic counter-measures system intended to thwart the radar guidance portion of modern missiles and nearby commu-nications, though it does little to impede the optical imprint portion of the guidance systems commonly used in missiles. The system attempts to jam any missile 'painting' the aircraft with its radar within a 15 mile (24 km) range, with a 01-45% success rate. Up to two dozen radio frequencies may be jammed simultaneously, as per the command of the pilot/aircrew. If the radar unit that is actively scanning the fighter is friendly, the pi-lot/aircrew may opt to override the R/RJS.
5. I.F.F. Transponder:
This is a sophisticated system that uti-lizes encrypted radar pulses to determine friendly from un-friendly aircraft. This system sends an interrogation signal to any unknown aircraft within 225 miles (360 km), which is automatically detected by their transponder system. Their transponder then sends an automatic reply - IF it is coded to understand the interrogation signal. Triax transponders indicate the pilot/aircrew names and ranks, unit, mission, aircraft type, course, speed, and altitude to compatible I.F.F. devices. These coded signals are very difficult to crack, and are changed peri-odically to keep such sensitive material out of the hands of enemies. This system is instrumental in helping to prevent midair accidents, mistaken identity, friendly fire incidents, and to fur-ther aid coordination on the battlefield.
6. Radar Detector:
This system detects when the aircraft has been scanned by radar waves, and analyzes them to determine their intent, and direction to the microwave transmitter. Further-more, this system is programmed to memorize specific radar frequencies and strengths to indicate what type of radar set is being used to scan the aircraft. An example of this system in action is that of a ground based Black Knight robot vehicle scanning the sky with its radar and picking up the aircraft. The Radar Detector in turn will indicate to the pilot/aircrew the type of radar wave as an active scan, the direction from which it was de-tected, and will likely be able to indicate that it is from a friendly radar set.
7. Long-Range Radio & Scrambler:
This is the same radio set outfitted in most of Triax's power armor and robot vehicles.
8. Laser Communications Array:
A small receiver panel fixed on the tail surfaces and a retractable turreted laser trans-mission device somewhere on the dorsal spine of the fuselage comprises the main components to this system. This system is used for making jamming and interception free communications between fighter units and with air bases, without breaking radio silence. The range is generally limited to about 10 miles (16 km), or further on exceptionally clear days.
9. Combat & Targeting Computer:
These systems are essen-tially identical to those fitted to standard types of Triax Robot Vehicles, but are configured to allow the aircraft to use the ex-ceptional range of its Radar in combat. In addition to these com-mon features, the advanced targeting computer will attempt to aid in targeting — providing a bonus of +2 to strike by graphi-cally indicating on the H.U.D. angles of deflection, energy states of enemy aircraft, and similar pertinent details.
10. Laser Targeting System:
This system is essentially identi-cal to that fitted to common Triax robot vehicles, but with a much longer range — 10 miles (16 km). Unlike common North American types, this not only aids in targeting during short-range engagements, but aids in long-range engagements, and also can be configured to aid laser-guided munitions/ordnance into their target.
11. Ejection/Escape Capsule:
Instead of producing jet packs or parachutes for pilot survival, Triax developed a novel way of bringing the NGR's pilots home. The entire reinforced pilot's compartment may jettison away from the aircraft, and fly home without the aircraft! The two thrusters underneath and one be-hind the escape capsule have 25 M.D.C. each, and the armored side walls/canopy of the reinforced pilot's compartment have the same M.D.C. they had at the time of ejection. The maximum speed of this contraption is only 120 mph (192 km), and can easily heft 600 lbs (270 kg) in addition to the weight of the Ejection/Escape Capsule, up to 6,000 feet (1,828 m) in altitude.
12. Magnetic Anomaly Detection System:
A small, retractable M.A.D. probe in the nose or tail of the aircraft may be ex-tended to search for large masses of metal such as hidden armored vehicles, robot vehicles, artillery pieces, and even sub-marines. It can 'see' up to 2 miles (3.2 km) underwater, in a 1 mile (1.6 km) radius, from an altitude of 6,000 feet (1,828 m). Over land it can 'see' buried or hidden metal objects up to 10 feet (3 m) underground, in a I mile (1.6 km) radius, from the same altitude. Devices that use electromagnets, such as rail guns, gauss weapons, and electromagnetic drives, will also trigger this device when in this mode of searching from ten times its usual scanning radius! Triax has also programmed the M.A.D. system to switch to a mystic sensitive mode in which it scans for the odd magnetic signature that indicates enchanted objects or those which contain a significant amount of P.P.E., aiding in locating hidden Gargoyles and hostile magic users. When in mystic sensitive mode, this system has a 5 mile (8 km) range. Unlike the CS type, this system does not visualize the target, but only indicates a position on a radar-like screen.
13. Chaff Dispenser:
This system is identical to those mentioned in the Triax & the NGR book, but it should be further stated that this chaff dispenser, to have any effect on modern missiles, would also have to thwart the optical imprint portion of the guidance systems. It mentions in the book that "a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles" are dispensed. I suggest that the "other obtrusive particles" are in fact magnesium dust that ignites when it hits air, creating a white hot flash soon after jettisoning from the aircraft. While the heat itself would do little, the polarized lenses of the optical imprint portion of the missile would temporarily darken, giving the aircraft a chance to move out of the missile's narrow line of sight, and therefore, escaping.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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Earth missiles system

Earth has advanced to the point that missiles now act either as missile or bombs; this reduces the need to carry one type or be little on what to carry. This will reduce and give Fighter bomber a chance to fight dogfight even when the original model wasn’t design to engage unless stated otherwise .
The following Guided missile/ bombs have a Bonus
Standard missile for earth:
Air to Air
Mini missile get no Bonus
Short Range missile get + 1 strike to +3 strike
Medium Range missile get + 1 strike to +4 strike
Long Range missile + 1 strike to +6 strike
Cruise missiles + 1 strike to +8 strike

Standard missile for earth:
Air to Space
Long Range missile + 1 strike to +6 strikes
Cruise missiles + 1 strike to +8 strikes

Missiles acting as bombs earth:
Air to Ground, can fly first to area with their range then drop as a bomb
Guided missile/ bombs Mini missile (light bombs)
Guided missile/ bombs Short Range (Medium bombs) + 1 strike to +3 strike
Guided missile/ bombs Medium Range (heavy bombs) + 1 strike to +4 strike
Guided missile/ bombs Long Range missile (heavy bombs) + 1 strike to +6 strike
Cruise missiles cannot be use as mutil-purpose Guided missile/ bombs
They are for close quarter combat and limit damage to surrounding areas

Gravity missile bombs
The final version is missiles turned gravity bombs just like in WWII ( world war two) they dumb dropping bombs with no type of Guided systems just gravity .they are dangerous due they are or can be inaccurate yet they are missiles acting as Gravity bombs
Gravity missile/ bombs Mini missile (light bombs)
Gravity missile/ bombs Short Range (Medium bombs) + 1 strike
Gravity missile/ bombs Medium Range (heavy bombs) + 2 strike
Gravity missile/ bombs Long Range missile (heavy bombs) + 3 strike

Vector thrust missiles
Thrust vectoring, also thrust vector control or TVC, is the ability of an aircraft, rocket, or other vehicle to manipulate the direction of the thrust from its engine(s) or motor(s) in order to control the attitude or angular velocity of the vehicle.
In rocketry and ballistic missiles that fly outside the atmosphere, aerodynamic control surfaces are ineffective, so thrust vectoring is the primary means of attitude control.
For aircraft, the method was originally envisaged to provide upward vertical thrust as a means to give aircraft vertical (VTOL) or short (STOL) takeoff and landing ability. Subsequently, it was realized that using vectored thrust in combat situations enabled aircraft to perform various maneuvers not available to conventional-engine planes. To perform turns, aircraft that use no thrust vectoring must rely on aerodynamic control surfaces only, such as ailerons or elevator; craft with vectoring must still use control surfaces, but to a lesser extent.
In missile literature originating from Russian sources, thrust vectoring is often referred as "gas-dynamic steering" or "gas-dynamic control".

Add + 0 strike/dodge Mini missile
Add + 1 strike/dodge Short Range missile
Add + 2 strike/dodge Medium Range missile
Add + 3 strike/dodge Long Range missile
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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Radar Detection System:

Radar :
is an object-detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain. A radar system consists of a transmitter producing electromagnetic waves in the radio or microwaves domain, a transmitting antenna, a receiving antenna (often the same antenna is used for transmitting and receiving) and a receiver and processor to determine properties of the object(s). Radio waves (pulsed or continuous) from the transmitter reflect off the object and return to the receiver, giving information about the object's location and speed.
Radar was developed secretly for military use by several nations in the period before and during World War II. A key development was the cavity magnetron in the UK, which allowed the creation of relatively small systems with sub-meter resolution. The term RADAR was coined in 1940 by the United States Navy as an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging or RAdio Direction And Ranging.The term radar has since entered English and other languages as a common noun, losing all capitalization.
The modern uses of radar are highly diverse, including air and terrestrial traffic control, radar astronomy, air-defence systems, antimissile systems, marine radars to locate landmarks and other ships, aircraft anticollision systems, ocean surveillance systems, outer space surveillance and rendezvous systems, meteorological precipitation monitoring, altimetry and flight control systems, guided missile target locating systems, ground-penetrating radar for geological observations, and range-controlled radar for public health surveillance. High tech radar systems are associated with digital signal processing, machine learning and are capable of extracting useful information from very high noise levels.
Radar Detection systems Penalties:

Pilot / Copilot

This when there one pilot
Alien Pilot / Alien Copilot roll : 98% , Stealth reduce by half ,this due to contra drive system look below

Read Sensory Instrument

Military / commercial
Air to air detecting -5% military systems, commercial systems - 15%
Air to ground -5% military systems, commercial systems -25 %
Ground to air -10 % military systems, commercial systems -20 %
Air to space -10% military systems add satellite if used -5 , commercial systems add satellite -20 %
Ground to space -20 % military systems add satellite if used -10% , commercial systems add -10 % satellite -10 %
In combat - 5 % military Pilot, -10 % commercial Pilot

Read Sensory Instrument skill

Military / commercial
Air to air
Air to air detecting -25 % /-15% military systems, commercial systems 10%/5%
Air to ground -30%/ -15% military systems, commercial systems -10 %/-5%
Ground to air -20 % military systems, commercial systems -10 %
Air to space -30%/-20 % military systems add satellite if used -15/-10% , commercial systems add satellite -15%/-10 %
Ground to space -25% military systems add satellite if used -15%, commercial systems add 10 % satellite +5 Pilot

Modified Stealth: varies by fighter
• Add RAM radar abortion material low end -5d4 %, high end -5d6 %
• Dedicated Stealth low end -30, high end -40%
• Optical low end 1d4x10, high end -50
• Mounted Pod( example ECM or other related add - 5d4% plus bonus from pods)
• Long range -20%
• Medium range -15%
• Short range -10%
• Force field alien tech radar are absorb -100 % , human are detected by alien tech add 2d4x10 %

Sensory Effects of Range
• Long range – 15 % military systems, - 20 % commercial systems this is over 201 miles or higher
• Medium range -10 % military systems, -15 % commercial systems under 200 miles to 6 miles
• Short range : -5 military systems, -10 % commercial systems under 5 miles to 1 miles
• Short range under one mile or 5280 feet military systems, -5 % commercial systems under one mile or 5280 feet

Read Sensory Instrument skill

Military systems/ commercial systems
No Line of Site:
-95 % military systems add-80 % satellite if used / -99 %commercial systems add-90 % satellite if used, if have an idea of location and time +10 / +5 for each
Air to ground
-1d4x10 military systems add -1d4x10+8 satellite if used /-6d6 commercial systems , 1d4x10 % add satellite if used
Ground to air military systems
6d6 % add satellite if used 1d4x10 %/ 5d4 %commercial systems add 6d6 % satellite if used
Ground to space
-1d4 x10 % military systems add satellite if used -5d6% / 1d6x10 % commercial systems add satellite if used 1d4x10+8%

Completely Hidden by Foliage, jungle, mountains or Trees -20 %
Mostly Hidden by Terrain/desert/ mountains :-10 %
Mostly hidden by Foliage , jungle or Trees/ mountains :-5 %
Partially hidden by Foliage/ mountains/ jungle or Trees :-5%
Air to ground
-1d4x10 % military systems add -15 % satellite if used / -1d6x10 % commercial systems add -10 %satellite if used
Ground to air -
4d10 % military systems add satellite if used -10 % / - 1d6x10 % commercial systems add satellite if used -10 %
Hidden Ground to space military systems
add – 5d4 % satellite if used -1d10 - % / - 5d4 % commercial systems add satellite if used

Low Level flying
Terrain with light Foliage military systems :
- 5 % add satellite if used / : - 5d4% commercial systems add satellite if used

Air to air military systems:
- 6 % or 1d6 % add – 1d4 satellite if used / - 5d4% commercial systems add satellite if used- 1d10%

Air to space military systems
add - 1d6 % satellite if used – 1d4% / - 4d6% commercial systems add satellite if used-5d4%

Air to ground military systems
– 1d4 % add satellite if used zero / - 5d6 % commercial systems add satellite if used -1d10%

Ground to air military systems
- 4d10% add satellite if used – 5d4%/ - 5d10% commercial systems add satellite if used

Ground to space military systems – 1d10% add - 1d4+1% satellite if used / - 5d6% commercial systems add - 3d4+3% satellite if used
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

Alien tech for palladium books

Gravitonic Technology
The science of gravitonics is very important in the Three Galaxies. By controlling and manipulating the energies of gravity, scientists were able to defeat the light barrier, create artificial gravity on demand, and develop a number of weapons and vehicles that were unheard of before.

FTL Propulsion
The main obstacle to spacefaring races is breaking the so-called Light Barrier, the seeming impossibility to travel faster than the speed of light. Without transcending light speed, travel between planets would take centuries or even millennia. The civilizations of the Three Galaxies have discovered three differ-ent systems to break the light barrier: phase drives, gravitonic drives, and Rift drives. Other cultures of the Megaverse have developed space-fold drives, but this system has a lot of risks. For reasons unknown, space-fold drives are very likely to malfunction in the Three Galaxies. Some blame the Cosmic Forge for it. Others think that the strong presence of magic and ley lines even in empty space may somehow disrupt those systems

Phase Drives (P-Drives)
P-Drives are very common among vessels used by civilians and independent worlds. They use phase-tech to envelop the ship in a phase field that partially removes it from physical reality and the limitations of normal speed. Even normal propulsion systems can accelerate the ship hundreds of times the speed of light when it is in "phase." The average P-drive has a speed of one light year per hour. Ships using the most powerful thrusters combined with a P-drive can reach a speed of 10 light years per hour.
There are several limiting factors: One, the maintenance of P-drives remains a mystery to everybody other than the promethean race. It seems that some of the components of the engine are not even in our physical reality! Although P-drives are very sturdy, if they break down, only the most basic repairs can be done by anybody other than a promethean technician. Re-pairs are usually done by replacing modular components with new ones. Most ships have enough spare modules to build two or three whole p-drives! If the ship runs out of modular parts, and it doesn't have a promethean technician on board (or near by), it is out of luck.
Two, P-drives can only safely function for up to 12 standard hours at a time. After this point, the ship's guidance system must be recelebrated, a process that takes 1D6+6 hours. For every hour of uninterrupted travel beyond 12 hours, there is a cumulative 10% chance that the ship will veer off course and end up 3D6x1000 light years away from its intended destination.
Third, P-Drives cannot operate in an atmosphere, or even close to a planet's atmosphere. If a P-drive is not disengaged be-fore a ship is between 10 and 20 thousand miles (16,000 to 32,000 km) away from a planet, there is a 70% chance that the ship will plunge into the planet's atmosphere. The FTL phased ship will hit the atmosphere like a solid wall, with enough forceto splatter it like a bug on a windshield. Even a miles-long dreadnought will be consumed in a nasty fireball from such an impact!

Contra-Gravitonic Drives (CG-Drives)
Most spacefaring civilizations of the Phase World universe use gravitonic technology for transportation, as well as for some weapon systems. Gravitons are sub-atomic particles that travel in waves. The interaction of those particles determines the forces of gravity. The scientists of many cultures (the discovery is rela-tively easy to make once a civilization reaches the right techno-logical level) realized that opposing graviton waves could be canceled out, thereby nullifying the effects of gravity over a given object. The discovery that followed this realization was even more important. If an object was freed from the bonds of gravity, it was also no longer limited to the speed of light. A ship enveloped in a contra-graviton field (commonly known as a CG-field) could theoretically reach any speed imaginable.
In practical terms, however, most CG-drive starships have reached a roof of about eight light year per hour (about 70,000 times the speed of light!). CG-drives, like phase drives, have to be disengaged when approaching a planet. The safest distance a ship can travel at Faster Than Light (FTL) speeds is 10,000 miles (16,000 km) away from a planet (twice that is safer).
The CG-drive has been the cornerstone of spaceflight in the Three Galaxies. The only two other FTL systems are phase-drives and Rift-drives. Phase-tech is rare and expensive, and Rift jumping is dangerous, so neither system is as popular as this one.

Rift Jump Drives (R-Drives or Magic/M-Drives)
The Three Galaxies contain several advanced civilizations that rely on magic for space travel. They have devised a techno-wizard "Rift Drive" or "Rift Jump Drive." The Rift jump drive opens two Rifts, one at the ship's current location and another at its destination. The ship then travels through a dimension of swirling lights and colors, called the Flux Dimension, and emerges through the other Rift, light years away. The P.P.E. cost of the Rift creation is great and R-Drive ships require P.P.E. bat-teries with great bulk, and/or the services of a powerful magician. Close proximity to any planet disrupts the complicated calculations that are necessary to chart the jump, so the ships have to make the jump somewhere away from a planet's main gravity and ley line fields, usually between five and fifty thou-sand miles away, depending on the size of the planet. The first Rift ships were crude rocket devices that carried the travelers into high orbits before allowing the drive to kick in. Current models combine standard technology with techno-wizardry.
Rift drives (and the P.P.E. batteries they need) are too big for small ships like fighters and light vessels. The smallest vessels that can be equipped with an R-Drive are medium transports and frigates. Small ships can ride piggy-back on a large, Rift driven ship, but there is a 10% chance of falling off and getting stuck in the Flux Dimension; roll once for each hour of travel.

Sublight Propulsion Systems
None of the drive systems described above is useful to maneuver between planets, since they must be disengaged some distance away from them (see above). A number of systems have been developed

Contragravity Drive
Gravitonic technology also provides most of the thrust systems used by both sublight spaceships and conventional aircraft. The same technology that neutralizes the pull of gravity can also generate acceleration in conventional vehicles. Contragravity "thrusters" generate speeds of up to Mach 8 in an atmosphere, and up to Mach 25 in empty space (25 times the speed of sound). In an atmosphere maximum speed typically ranges from Mach 4 to Mach 10 (approximately, 2,640 to 6,600 mph/4,200 to 10,600 km). In an emergency, a ship can push the envelope and accelerate to up to 3 times normal maximum speed, but these bursts of speed can only be maintained for 1D6 hours, and the ship risks being unable to decelerate (remember that in near-empty space, ships retain their momentum) without damaging themselves. There's an 18% chance of burning out the propulsion system (making maximum speed Mach 2 in space), or causing 2D4x100 M.D. to the structure of the ship, and they may overshoot their destination by 2D6x1000 miles. Furthermore, maneuvering at these speeds, i.e., doing anything other than traveling in a straight line, is very difficult: -4 to dodge and the performance of special moves is -25% (dog-fights are impossible)

80% of the ships built and flown in the CCW, the Trans galactic Empire, and most other spacefaring civilizations use contra-gravity drives. Unless specified otherwise, all the ships in this section have that system of propulsion, with FTL drives optional.

Other Propulsion Systems
Other propulsion systems include chemical, ion, plasma, solar and traction drives, all of which are described in the Mutants in Orbit supplement.

Sensor Systems
Unless indicated otherwise, all starships have these sensor systems. Military ships have more sophisticated sensors, so add +10% to all sensor operation rolls and ranges.
Radar, sonar, radiation, thermographic, motion and gravity-wave sensors which can detect ships as far away as 200,000 miles (322,000 km) — if they are in normal space. Ships using a gravity or P-Drive make disturbances in the normal space-time continuum which can be detected from as far as one light year! Military systems can detect FTL ships at up to 10 light years away. "Stealth" systems reduce the ship's radar signature, so that they can remain undetected until they are 5,000 miles away (8,000 km), at which time they can be detected through visual scans.

Variable Force Fields

Many space ships do not rely on their armor alone. Military and large spacecrafts have force field generators to supplement their armor. They are useful not only against enemy attacks, but against radiation, atmospheric re-entry heating, meteor storms and other dangers. Small commercial ships have a simple, full force field that protects the entire vessel with the same M.D.C. value. Military and large ships can manipulate the "density" of the variable force field over specific parts of the ships. This results in six different shield values, one each for the front, back, left and right side, top and bottom. All six sides have the same basic M.D.C. value, but they can shift M.D.C. points from one lo-cation to the next, or put the total M.D.C. points on one location! Damage on the force fields is subtracted on each side separately.
Example of Variable Force Fields: A ship with a force field of 1,000 M.D.C. per section (6000 total) can vary shield density from one location to another. It could shift 500 M.D.C. from the back to raise the M.D.C. of the front to 1,500, or even put all shield power on the front for 6,000 M.D.C. of protection, and zero on the rest of the ship. Or, if the left side has been depleted by 300 points due to an attack, the ship could replace the 300 by taking it from the other side, and so on. Remember, for space and air vehicles there are six sides, front, back, right side, left side, top and bottom.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

U.S.A.F. Optional U.S.A.F. Special Forces Soldier O.C.C.

As the United States Air Force (U.S.A.F.), it is reasonable to expect that some of the people on Sublevel Seven would be Air Force personnel or civilian scientists and engineers contracted to either the U.S.A.F. or NEMA. What follows are a number of optional military and civilian O.C.C.s that would be appropriate in both this adventure as well as the larger Chaos Earth setting in general

U.S.A.F. Special Forces Soldier O.C.C.
Air Force Special Forces soldiers are among the elite in special operations personnel in the United States Military, on par with Army Rangers, Navy Seals and other Special Forces units. Specializing in all manner of out-of-the-ordinary scenarios, these soldiers are masters of covert operations, tactical planning, search and rescue, parachute operations, command and control set up and a host of other specialized skills. Even with NEMA taking over North American international police and military operations, the U.S.A.F. still found it necessary to maintain an elite corps of specialized soldiers whose mission dealt primarily with air-related strategic operations. Air Force Special Forces Soldiers are trained in military operations and special weapons uses as well as tactical intelligence and air operations skills. Special M.O.S. skill clusters are also available based on the particular area of focus that soldier's training emphasizes. The result is a well-rounded, superior soldier who has a strong background in military and tactical training as well as specialization in a unique field of operations. A truly deadly combination.

U.S.A.F. Special Forces Soldier O.C.C. Stats
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements:
I.Q. 12, M.E. 10, P.P. 12, P.S. 11 and P.E. 14 or higher.

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join NEMA or the US /UN military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.

These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
01-11% Brainy:
13-26% Strong-willed:
27-39% Charismatic:
40-51% Physically Strong:
52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
66-78% Great Endurance:
79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

Special Aptitude Bonuses

• Sure Shot
• Natural robot Ace/or fix wing or rotor wing
• Giant robot/or power armor Ace
• High Perception and Solid gut Instincts
• Quick Reaction Time
• Strongman
• Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades
• Quick Reflexes
• Fearless
• Charismatic/Charmer

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!
Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus

[b] 71-80% Quick Reflexes:

+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

81-90% Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

91-00% Charismatic/Charmer:
1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Select one of the following areas of specialty. Gains all skills under that M.O.S.

Combat Controllers (CCTs):
These S.F. specialists are trained to coordinate air operations from the ground as well as construct air strips and set up the complex computerized equipment required for ground-to-air coordination. These soldiers are also trained in capturing and taking over existing air strips from hostile forces.

Radio: Satellite (+25%. This is an understanding of the
methods and operations of satellite relay technology. Base
Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience.)
Read Sensory Equipment (+25%)
Military Fortifications (+20%)
Math: Advanced (+10%)
Basic Electronics (15%)
Mechanical Engineering (+10%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Salvage (+10%)

Pararescue (PJs):
These S.F. specialists have what many consider the most dangerous missions in the military: the rescue of downed pilots and other military personnel from hostile territory. Trained in aircraft piloting, close combat tactics and paramedic rescue, these soldiers are often the most welcome sight on the battlefield.

Paramedic (+20%) Field Surgery (+15%)
Command Robots: Pup Scout
Radio: Satellite (+10%)
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Warfare (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
Excavation and Rescue (+20%)

Special Operations Weather Technician (SOWTs):
Far more glamorous than it sounds, these soldiers are charged with interpreting meteorological and oceanographic information to tactical planners, typically from hostile or denied locations. Basically, they will be part of a unit that scouts into enemy territory and reports conditions back to mission planners.
Meteorology (+20%. This is an in-depth understanding of weather and climate phenomena, including predicting weather patterns and associated effects on terrain. Base Skill: 45% +5% per level of experience.)
Oceanography (+15%. This is an in-depth understanding of ocean and coastal processes, including currents, erosion features and tides. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience.)
Detect Ambush (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Command Robots: Flying Probe
Military Fortification (+20%)
Swimming (+15%)
S.C.U.B.A. (+10%)

Special Tactical Officer (STO) and Combat Rescue Officer (CRO):
STOs are trained to lead teams made up of CCTs, PJs, and SOWTs as well as direct combat operations in the field. Sort of a Special Forces Jack-of-all-trades, they can serve as a mission commander as well as a direct combatant deep within hostile territory. CROs serve the same basic function, though with an emphasis on rescue and recovery from hostile territories. As a result, they mainly lead teams of PJs.
Electronic Countermeasures (+15%)
Detect Ambush (+25%)
Military Fortification (+15%)
Tracking (people) (+10%)
Trap and Mine Detection (+15%)
Excavation and Rescue (+15%)
Demolitions (STO only; +15%)
Demolitions Disposal (STO only; +15%)
Paramedic (CRO only; +25%)
Field Surgery (CRO only; +20%)

O.C.C. Skills:
These are in addition to M.O.S. and reflect basic training.
Math: Basic (+10%)
Language, Native: Standard
Language, Other: Two of choice (+20%).
Literacy, Native: Standard
Literacy, Other: Two of choice (+15%).
Military Etiquette (+20%, +25% for STO and CRO)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Radio: Scramblers (+15%)
Intelligence (+12%, +15% for STO and CRO)
Athletics: General
Prowl (+15%)
Parachuting (+30%)
Pilot: One Aircraft of choice (+15%).
Pilot: Power Armor Basic (+7%)
Power Armor Combat Elite: Silent Soldier
Wilderness Survival (+25%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Submachine-Gun
W.P. Knife
Hand to Hand: Commando

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select two Espionage or two Military,
and two other skills of choice. Plus select two additional
skills at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (one must always be from either
Espionage or Military). All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+7%).
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: Any (+10%).
Horsemanship: None.
Mechanical: Basic only.
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+10%).
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any except tanks and robots (+5%, +10% to any additional Aircraft).
Pilot Related: Any (+5%).
Rogue: Any (+5%).
Science: Any (+5%).
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any (+10%).

Secondary Skills:

Select six Secondary Skills at level one, +1 additional Secondary Skill at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15. These are
additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply. Optional: Characters may
use the Secondary Skill list on page 300 of the Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG.

Standard Equipment:
Standard U.S.A.F. Heavy Combat Body Armor, Energy Pistol, P95 or P101 Submachine-Gun, 5 extra clips for each, Vibro-Knife, Vibro-Sword, survival knife, two
plasma grenades, two smoke grenades, 2 tear gas grenades, 2 flares, first aid medical kit, pocket computer, language translator, flashlight, disposable cigarette lighter, notebook, 2 water-proof pens, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, U.S.A.F. uniform, dress uniform, covert ops
black clothing, camouflage fatigues, combat boots, canteen, one pair of gloves, a dozen pairs of surgical gloves, 32 small to medium plastic specimen bags, 50 feet (15.2 m) thin
climbing rope, long-range radio, mini-binoculars, nightvision goggles, sunglasses and some other basic gear. Air Force Special Forces operatives are assigned a personal Silent Sol-dier SPPA Power Armor. Depending upon the assignment, PJs may be assigned a specially modified Pup Scout robot to aid in the search and rescue of personnel. SOWTs may be as-signed a Flying Probe robot to assist in stealth reconnaissance missions.

Available Upon Assignment:
A vehicle appropriate to the mission and character's skill (Game Masters may wish to use modified vehicle stats from the selection of Iron Heart Air-craft listed in Rifts® Mercenaries, all of which represent re-verse engineered pre-Rifts military designs), explosives, heavy weapons, surveillance equipment, video equipment, disguises, fake I.D., robots, and any other special equipment approved by the character's commanding officer for the specific mission.
All U.S.A.F. Special Forces Soldiers get a roof over their head, food, clothing and all other basics provided free as part of their service, as well as access to Air Force and other military offices and facilities (including NEMA). Monthly salary was 4750 credits, plus hazard pay. Under the circum-stances of Chaos Earth, access to equipment, medical sup-plies and services may be limited. Pay is one tenth normal (475 credits a month), mainly as an incentive for morale. The character starts off with 6D6x100 credits.
Gyro-Compass, Clock Calendar, and 1D4 additional implants of choice. S.F.s will typically not have a U.S.A.F. I.D. chip to avoid identification if captured and ex-amined. Additional cybernetics and Bio-Systems might be available in extreme medical emergency, though in the Chaos Earth setting, such resources are increasingly rare.

Additional Equipment

U.S.A.F. P95 Submachine-Gun

An upgrade of the P90 used by Special Forces units at the be-ginning of the 21st Century, this ultra-modern S.D.C. weapon features many of the trademark designs that made the P-90 a favorite for Black Ops missions and anti-terrorist squads for years. These include the classic bullpup design that places the magazine behind the trigger to affect a longer barrel length while resulting in a shorter overall weapon length and reduced weight. The weapon features a laser sight and black-light illumination that lights a target with UV light (this creates no ambient light while making a target visible to anyone with UV optics). The weapon can fire single rounds, short controlled bursts or continual fire either concentrated at a single target or used to strafe multiple targets. The weapon is made of lightweight plastic and polymer designs and can readily break down into multiple parts for easy transport. With such a reliable weapon, the only major upgrade was an improvement in accuracy and in-creased firepower.
6 pounds (2.7 kg).
4D6 S.D.C. per single shot or 1D4x10+6 S.D.C. per three round burst.

A full melee of concentrated fire on a single target will inflict 4D4x10 S.D.C. (or roughly 1 M.D. point of damage).

Alternately, a full melee round strafe will inflict 6D6 S.D.C. to 1D6+1 targets (no strike bonuses).

Rate of Fire:
Single shot, three round burst, or full melee fire (expends half of the weapon's ammunition).
700 feet (213 m). Payload: 50 round magazine.
+4 to strike on a single, aimed shot and +3 to strike on a three round burst. No bonuses for a full melee round of continuous fire.
Market Cost:

5500 credits for the weapon plus 75 credits per box of 144 rounds. Poor availability outside of the U.S.A.F. and other military organizations. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen.

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for M.D.C black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. ADD ONE TIME PER ATTACK

1. M.D.C lead:
Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. M.D.C Jacketed lead:
Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks:
Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. M.D.C Practice:
Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. M.D.C Less lethal,
or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. M.D.C Incendiary:
These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. M.D.C Exploding:
Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. M.D.C Tracer:
These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. M.D.C Armor piercing:
Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. M.D.C Blended-metal:
Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. M.D.C Frangible:
Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. M.D.C Solid or Monolithic Solid:
mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. M.D.C L.E.A.P
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too last add 50% range
14. M.D.C H.E.A.P
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. M.D.C H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. M.D.C Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well . if small target 10% making additional fires under 6 feet , over 6 feet like vehicle of any type add 50% starts small MDC fire!!!!!! GM be careful with this it bite Me in the rear end as GM you can use hero unlimited major power fire it works better
17. M.D.C A.S.A.S.P
bonus as above but critical 15

Modifying Weapons World Book 19 - australia

Because weapons are status symbol and necessity of survival amongst most of those who own them, they have been modified, copied and manufactured (often built by hand) in various makeshift
workshops across the country. As such, players may apply the following modifiers to their weapons with their characters' starting money.
Options Available:

Extended Barrel
(pistols and SMGs only): Adds 50 feet (15.2 m) to the effective range.
Speed Loader (revolvers only):
Not a modification, but an accessory. Bullets are held in a dummy barrel that speeds reload time to 1 melee action, as opposed to the time that revolvers would otherwise take to reload (one full melee round or four actions, whichever comes first).
Customized Grip (available for all guns):
Adds +1 to strike, but only for one individual, -1 to strike for others who use the gun. If the character buys a weapon that has had its grip modified for someone else in the past,
Sawed Off (shotguns only):
. Cut the range in half. If using buckshot, subtract 1D6 from damage, but add +2 to strike. The G.M. may also allow the user to strike multiple targets with one shot (with buckshot), if they're close together.
Extended Magazines
(guns with magazines only, i.e. no revolvers, shotguns or weapons with cylinders or internal magazines): So a gun that originally held 12, would hold 18 bullets, for example.
Full-Auto Capacity
(automatic pistols only): By cutting firing pins and reconfiguring venting, a pistol can be modified to fire in full-auto mode (i.e. fires half its payload with every press of the trigger). This is not a common modification, as ammo is too precious.
Full-Auto Trimming
(any weapon capable of bursts and sprays): Most wise Outbackers will usually have this done to their weapons. The modification changes the weapon into single shot or volley capacity only, therefore reducing the chance of wasting bullets.
Flash Suppressor (any rifle):
A muzzle that reduces the flash and flare caused by a round being fired. Really only visible at night, muzzle flash can easily give away a sniper's position. The key word here is flash suppression. It's still there, simply the angles from which the flare can be seen are reduced.
(sub-machineguns and automatic pistols only): These reduce the noise a round makes when fired.
Improved Balance (any automatic firearm):
Through better venting, better balance and so forth, a gun is made to be more accurate. +1 to strike, even when fired Wild.

M.D.C Firearm Accessories
Battle Harness:
Combination of suspenders and belt designed for distributing the weight of ammo pouches and accessories. In choice of camouflage, black, grey, brown, cream or khaki.
Battle Pack:
Lightweight frame, heavy-duty, water resistant canvas. Multiple interior and exterior compartments. Fasteners for exterior pouches/grenades. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki colors. 350 credits.
Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch.
Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.
Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included.
Holster, Ankle: Padded for comfort, with Velcro closure. Fits a snub-nosed revolver or any small frame automatic. Can be concealed under pant leg.
Holster, Inside Trouser Holster: Clips on belt or waistband of pants.
Holster, Side Holster (fits onto belt):
Holster, Belt Slide Holster:
Holster, Belt Thumbreak Holster:
Holster, Patrolman, Police-Style Belt and Holster, 24 bullet loops
Holster, Police-style Shoulder Type:
Holster, Military-style Shoulder Type:

Holster, Horizontal Shoulder Type: .
Holster, Scoped Shoulder Holster: .
Holster, Concealed Wallet Holster:
For small automatic weapons; fits easily into back trouser pocket

Holster & Web Belt:
Holster, ammo pouches (2-4) and accessory attachment clips (4);
Magazine Ammo Bags:
Magazine Clips:
Any weapon, any size, from 7-round pistol to 30-round rifle. each.
Magazine Clip Pouch: Each of these specially designed ammo pouches is designed for 2 (slim line) or 4 (heavy-duty) ammo clips. Choice of camouflage, green, khaki or black colors.
Automatic Pistol: 2 clips, or 4 clips . Submachine-gun: 2 magazines , 4 magazines
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
20-round: 2 clips is 20 credits; 4 clips
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
30-md: 2 clips is 30 credits; 4 clips .
7.62mm Assault Rifle,
20-md: 2 clips is 35 credits; 4 clips is
Metal Ammunition Boxes:
These waterproof ammo boxes are designed for easy storage and carrying. .50 caliber size: 25 credits, .30 caliber size:
Multi-Purpose Pouch:
All around, useful utility pouch de-signed for attachment to web belt or battle harness.
Nylon Cord:
A variety of heavy-duty, all-purpose, nylon rope or cord is available. Average tension strength is 600 pounds (2670 Newtons). Average length is 300 feet (91 m).
Protective Shooting Glasses:
Change color and density in response to changes in light and weather. Also reduces glare and improves visibility.
Protective Goggles (simple):
Recoil Diminishers:
A small tube filled with mercury and ball bearings and mounted along the length of the firearm to counter recoil during firing. The system is custom built for each class and type of firearm. Adds +1 to strike when burst firing. Not suitable with machine-guns and other heavy weapons.
Rifle Case, Assault:
Rifle Case, Hunting/Bolt-Action
An attachment which fits over the barrel of a gun to muffle the sound of the report. Perception rolls require a 10 to detect silenced shots from 20 feet (6.1 m) away; outside of that, silenced shots are inaudible. Silencers reduce a weapon's range by 10%. Cost: 500 credits for a pistol or submachine-gun, 1,200 for a rifle. Cannot be used on machine-guns. Reduce the weapon's range by 10%.
Shotgun Bandoleer:
Bandoleers are made of brown leather, with a heavy-duty, brass belt buckle. Shotgun versions will hold 56 rounds. 40mm grenade version holds 18 rounds.
Submachine-Gun Case:
Wrist Cartridge Bandoleer:
Perfect for concealing 3 extra cartridges.
Web Belt:
Classic military belt complete with buckle and pouch fasteners. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki.

U.S.A.F. P101 Heavy Submachine-Gun

Though few nations possessed Mega-Damage capable weapons and armor at the time of the Great Cataclysm, the Air Force still wanted a weapon that would be able to handle the few that
did, not to mention terrorist organizations that might come to acquire M.D. technology through the black-market sources of the day. Capitalizing on the successful design of the P95 upgrade, Air Force weapons engineers developed a heavy submachine-gun that incorporated most of the same design features but fired high explosive rounds capable of inflicting Mega-Damage. Basically, the P101 possesses all the same design features of the P95 except that the P101 cannot fire a continual, prolonged strafe or burst of fire. Tests with the prototype found that the weapon tended to jam with deadly, explosive results when fired continuously more than a melee action or two. Also, the heavier rounds reduced the range and accuracy of the weapon slightly. Still, despite these design flaws, the weapon is almost as efficient as its predecessor.
7 pounds (3.15 kg).
Standard rounds

3D6 M.D. per single shot or 1D4x10 M.D. per three round bursts.
A full melee of concentrated fire on a single target will inflict 3D4x10 M.D and a full melee round strafe will inflict 5D6 M.D. to 1D6+1 targets (no strike bonuses). However, there is a 75% chance that such intense, prolonged fire will result in the weapon jamming and a 50% chance that it will explode, inflicting 3D6 M.D. per round still in the weapon's magazine.

DU ROUNDS or depleted Uranium Rounds
light /heavy 4D6/ 6d6 M.D. per single shot or 1D6x10/2d4x10 M.D. per three round bursts.
A full melee of concentrated fire on a single target will inflict 4D4x10/5D4X10 M.D. However, there is a 75% chance that such intense, prolonged fire will result in the weapon jamming and a 50% chance that it will explode, inflicting 6D6 M.D. per round still in the weapon's magazine

Rate of Fire:
Single shot, three round burst, or full melee fire (expends half of the weapon's ammunition but likely to result in the weapon jamming and/or exploding).

Maximum Effective Range:
650 feet (198.1 m). Payload: 50 round magazines. later 100 rounds
Bonuses: +1 to strike on a single, aimed shot. No bonuses for a burst or a full melee round of continuous fire.
Market Cost:
27,000 credits for the weapon plus 1000 credits per box of 144 rounds. Virtually nonexistent outside of the U.S.A.F. Special Forces. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen.

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for M.D.C black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. ADD ONE TIME PER ATTACK

1. M.D.C lead:
Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. M.D.C Jacketed lead:
Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks:
Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. M.D.C Practice:
Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. M.D.C Less lethal,
or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. M.D.C Incendiary:
These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. M.D.C Exploding:
Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. M.D.C Tracer:
These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. M.D.C Armor piercing:
Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. M.D.C Blended-metal:
Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. M.D.C Frangible:
Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. M.D.C Solid or Monolithic Solid:
mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. M.D.C L.E.A.P
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too last add 50% range
14. M.D.C H.E.A.P
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. M.D.C H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. M.D.C Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well . if small target 10% making additional fires under 6 feet , over 6 feet like vehicle of any type add 50% starts small MDC fire!!!!!! GM be careful with this it bite Me in the rear end as GM you can use hero unlimited major power fire it works better
17. M.D.C A.S.A.S.P
bonus as above but critical 15

Modifying Weapons World Book 19 - australia

Because weapons are status symbol and necessity of survival amongst most of those who own them, they have been modified, copied and manufactured (often built by hand) in various makeshift
workshops across the country. As such, players may apply the following modifiers to their weapons with their characters' starting money.
Options Available:

Extended Barrel
(pistols and SMGs only): Adds 50 feet (15.2 m) to the effective range.
Speed Loader (revolvers only):
Not a modification, but an accessory. Bullets are held in a dummy barrel that speeds reload time to 1 melee action, as opposed to the time that revolvers would otherwise take to reload (one full melee round or four actions, whichever comes first).
Customized Grip (available for all guns):
Adds +1 to strike, but only for one individual, -1 to strike for others who use the gun. If the character buys a weapon that has had its grip modified for someone else in the past,
Sawed Off (shotguns only):
. Cut the range in half. If using buckshot, subtract 1D6 from damage, but add +2 to strike. The G.M. may also allow the user to strike multiple targets with one shot (with buckshot), if they're close together.
Extended Magazines
(guns with magazines only, i.e. no revolvers, shotguns or weapons with cylinders or internal magazines): So a gun that originally held 12, would hold 18 bullets, for example.
Full-Auto Capacity
(automatic pistols only): By cutting firing pins and reconfiguring venting, a pistol can be modified to fire in full-auto mode (i.e. fires half its payload with every press of the trigger). This is not a common modification, as ammo is too precious.
Full-Auto Trimming
(any weapon capable of bursts and sprays): Most wise Outbackers will usually have this done to their weapons. The modification changes the weapon into single shot or volley capacity only, therefore reducing the chance of wasting bullets.
Flash Suppressor (any rifle):
A muzzle that reduces the flash and flare caused by a round being fired. Really only visible at night, muzzle flash can easily give away a sniper's position. The key word here is flash suppression. It's still there, simply the angles from which the flare can be seen are reduced.
(sub-machineguns and automatic pistols only): These reduce the noise a round makes when fired.
Improved Balance (any automatic firearm):
Through better venting, better balance and so forth, a gun is made to be more accurate. +1 to strike, even when fired Wild.

M.D.C Firearm Accessories
Battle Harness:
Combination of suspenders and belt designed for distributing the weight of ammo pouches and accessories. In choice of camouflage, black, grey, brown, cream or khaki.
Battle Pack:
Lightweight frame, heavy-duty, water resistant canvas. Multiple interior and exterior compartments. Fasteners for exterior pouches/grenades. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki colors. 350 credits.
Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch.
Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.
Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included.
Holster, Ankle: Padded for comfort, with Velcro closure. Fits a snub-nosed revolver or any small frame automatic. Can be concealed under pant leg.
Holster, Inside Trouser Holster: Clips on belt or waistband of pants.
Holster, Side Holster (fits onto belt):
Holster, Belt Slide Holster:
Holster, Belt Thumbreak Holster:
Holster, Patrolman, Police-Style Belt and Holster, 24 bullet loops
Holster, Police-style Shoulder Type:
Holster, Military-style Shoulder Type:

Holster, Horizontal Shoulder Type: .
Holster, Scoped Shoulder Holster: .
Holster, Concealed Wallet Holster:
For small automatic weapons; fits easily into back trouser pocket

Holster & Web Belt:
Holster, ammo pouches (2-4) and accessory attachment clips (4);
Magazine Ammo Bags:
Magazine Clips:
Any weapon, any size, from 7-round pistol to 30-round rifle. each.
Magazine Clip Pouch: Each of these specially designed ammo pouches is designed for 2 (slim line) or 4 (heavy-duty) ammo clips. Choice of camouflage, green, khaki or black colors.
Automatic Pistol: 2 clips, or 4 clips . Submachine-gun: 2 magazines , 4 magazines
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
20-round: 2 clips is 20 credits; 4 clips
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
30-md: 2 clips is 30 credits; 4 clips .
7.62mm Assault Rifle,
20-md: 2 clips is 35 credits; 4 clips is
Metal Ammunition Boxes:
These waterproof ammo boxes are designed for easy storage and carrying. .50 caliber size: 25 credits, .30 caliber size:
Multi-Purpose Pouch:
All around, useful utility pouch de-signed for attachment to web belt or battle harness.
Nylon Cord:
A variety of heavy-duty, all-purpose, nylon rope or cord is available. Average tension strength is 600 pounds (2670 Newtons). Average length is 300 feet (91 m).
Protective Shooting Glasses:
Change color and density in response to changes in light and weather. Also reduces glare and improves visibility.
Protective Goggles (simple):
Recoil Diminishers:
A small tube filled with mercury and ball bearings and mounted along the length of the firearm to counter recoil during firing. The system is custom built for each class and type of firearm. Adds +1 to strike when burst firing. Not suitable with machine-guns and other heavy weapons.
Rifle Case, Assault:
Rifle Case, Hunting/Bolt-Action
An attachment which fits over the barrel of a gun to muffle the sound of the report. Perception rolls require a 10 to detect silenced shots from 20 feet (6.1 m) away; outside of that, silenced shots are inaudible. Silencers reduce a weapon's range by 10%. Cost: 500 credits for a pistol or submachine-gun, 1,200 for a rifle. Cannot be used on machine-guns. Reduce the weapon's range by 10%.
Shotgun Bandoleer:
Bandoleers are made of brown leather, with a heavy-duty, brass belt buckle. Shotgun versions will hold 56 rounds. 40mm grenade version holds 18 rounds.
Submachine-Gun Case:
Wrist Cartridge Bandoleer:
Perfect for concealing 3 extra cartridges.
Web Belt:
Classic military belt complete with buckle and pouch fasteners. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki.

U.S.A.F. EBA Environmental Armor
There is little difference between the Air Force's environ-mental body armor and the NEMA Standard armor. Both afford the standard degree of protection from environmental conditions (heat, radiation, cold, etc.), both styles provide air filtration and limited oxygen supplies to operate in toxic or vacuum environments and both afford the wearer a degree of physical protection two to three times that of a 20th century tank. Despite these similarities, there are two main differences. Rather than being standardized, U.S.A.F. Mega-Damage armor is customized for the specific missions that the soldiers wearing them are likely to face. The Heavy Combat Armor, designed to be worn by Special Forces soldiers on Black Ops missions, has a special, experimental adaptive camouflage that subtly alters the shading and color of the armor to its environment. The Light Body armor, designed to be worn primarily by pilots, allows the pilot to "jack" directly into his or her aircraft to allow nearly split-second reactions while flying. And both suits are designed to allow the wearer to withstand the extreme G-forces typically encountered by Air Force pilots during combat and high speed flights.

Designed to support the Special Forces operative's need to be a one man platoon, the armor comes equipped with a number of built-in weapons and features, along with an experimental adaptive camouflage coating that helps the soldier hide in a wide variety of terrain.

U.S.A.F. HCBA-04 Heavy Combat Body Armor.
Human equivalent.
15 pounds (6.75 kg).

M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 65
Arms — 60 each
Legs — 75 each
Main Body — 110
Mobility: Excellent;
-5 to Climb, Swim and perform Acrobatics and similar Physical skills; -10% to Prowl without Adaptive
Camouflage (see below).
S pecial Weapon Systems and Features:
Retractable Vibro-Blade
concealed in the right forearm: 1D6 M.D.
2. Concealed
U.S.A.F. HCBA-04 Heavy Combat Body Armor

The U.S.A.F. HCBA-04 Heavy Combat Body Armor possesses all of the usual characteristics of the standard NEMA EBA Body Armor (see pages 62 and 63 of the Rifts® Chaos Earth TM RPG). Like the NEMA variant, the Air Force armor is a completely sealed, environmental suit. However, unlike the NEMA suit which is designed to be an all-purpose, general use carrot cord/climb cord concealed in the left wrist: Can be used to strangle S.D.C. opponents or to climb, with up to 30 feet (9.1 m) of ultra-thin, high-strength climb cord with a Vibro-piton to bore into M.D.C. or S.D.C. structures.
Multi-optics capabilities:

Helmet is a standard, multi-op-tics helmet with all of the usual features.
Short-range radio:

5 mile (8 km) range. Designed to scan for and unscramble enemy/unknown transmissions. Outgoing
transmissions can also be scrambled.
Environmental Adaptive Camouflage:

This experimental design features a special coating on the exterior of the armor that adjusts the shading and color of the suit to adapt to its surroundings. Not only does this feature eliminate the penalty to Prowl described above, it also provides a +15% bonus to Prowl and Camouflage skill rolls (as well as reducing an opponent's Detect Ambush skill roll by -15%). The main design flaw of the adaptive camouflage is that even minimal damage to the armor will render it useless. Once the Main Body has lost 30*or more M.D.C., the adaptive camouflage feature is useless (too much of the adapting coating will have been damaged). Furthermore, the intense heat from M.D. flame and plasma weapons will burn away this coating even faster (destroying it after only 154oints of M.D. flame or plasma damage). Finally, with the onset of the Great Cataclysm and the loss of most of the nation's Armed Forces, the facilities and expertise to construct and repair this feature will be nearly impossible to find.
Cost and Availability:
Exclusive to U.S.A.F. Special Forces units. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen and will likely sell for upwards of 120,000 in credits or trade equivalent with weapons and adaptive camouflage intact

U.S.A.F. LPBA-02 Light Pilot's Body Armor
Unlike the HCBA suit, the U.S.A.F. LPBA-02 is designed for Air Force pilots. Although it is considered an environmental suit with all of the usual features, it possesses none of the tactical enhancements of the
is designed to provide pilots with a degree of protection without a significant loss of mobility or comfort. After all, a pilot may be required to wear this armor for hours in a cramped cockpit.
U.S.A.F. LPBA-02 Light Pilot Body Armor.
Human equivalent.
12 pounds (5.4 kg).
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 50
Arms — 45 each
Legs — 65 each
Main Body — 95
Mobility: Good;
-10 to Climb, Swim and perform Acrobatics and similar Physical skills; -15% to Prowl.
Special Weapon Systems and Features:
1. Built-in speedometer, Gyro-Com ass and Altimeter: Essentially identical to the cybernetic equivalents of these systems.
2. Pilot Flight Systems Helmet Jack: This feature jacks the flight system of whatever vehicle the pilot is flying directly into the heads-up display of the body armor. This provides for a slightly quicker response time on the part of the pilot (+5% to piloting skill rolls). This feature is usually only available on U.S.A.F. aircraft.
Cost and Availability:
Exclusive to U.S.A.F. Pilots. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen and will likely sell for upwards of 45,000 in credits or trade equivalent.

U.S.A.F. Power Armor and Vehicles
Prior to the Great Cataclysm, the Air Force still maintained an array of high-tech combat, bomber and support aircraft unrivaled by any other world power. Even NEMA, whose role was more of an international police and counter-terrorism force and who did maintain their own arsenal of advanced aircraft, could
not match the U.S.A.F. in speed, power and, most importantly, expertise. This is why, perhaps, Air Force personnel and commanders did not see the creation of NEMA as a challenge to its own authority and autonomy, unlike the Marine Corps and U.S. Army, who found themselves increasingly obsolete and usually called upon in much the same capacity as the 20th Century National Guard and Reserve units were. As a result of this close relationship, the Air Force was able to, with NEMA's aid, develop a series of high-tech vehicles and power armor units. Unlike NEMA's large robots and general purpose Chromium Guards-man and Silver Eagle SAMAS, the Air Force's units would be designed with the traditional Air Force role in mind: maintain air superiority and support ground operations when necessary. The two U.S.A.F. power armor units, the Silent Soldier and the
Griffin SAMAS, directly reflect the traditional role the Air Force has played for over a century in the United States Armed Forces. The FE-201 Sky Hawk reflects only a slight departure from this traditional role as it is designed as much for urban
combat as air superiority.
Game Master's Note:
For those Game Masters who want to introduce 21St Century aircraft into their Chaos Earth setting, feel free to incorporate the Grey Falcon Jet, Air Castle Bomber, and Iron Eagle Helicopter from the Iron Heart aircraft listed on pages 112 through 117 from Rifts®Mercenaries.
Armor Note:
Both suits of power armor are designed to insulate the pilots from the extreme G-forces they experience while flying at supersonic speeds
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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U.S.A.F. Combat Pilot O.C.C.

Air Force Combat Pilots are the elite of the world's fighter jet pilots. Even NEMA has not yet developed a corps of combat pilots that mirrors the skill and expertise of these highly trained aerial warriors. Combat pilots are trained in a wide variety of military aircraft, from bombers and fighters to helicopters and hovercraft. Unlike Special Forces soldiers who are trained in both air and ground combat, Air Force Combat Pilots receive relatively little ground combat and weapons skills and instead become masters of using their aircraft with deadly accuracy and skill. Like Special Forces Soldiers, Combat Pilots must select a specialist M.O.S. area of training that represents the type of air-craft and combat situations they are most proficient at.
U.S.A.F. Combat Pilot O.C.C. Stats
Attribute Requirements:
I.Q. 11, P.P. 10, and P.E. 11 or higher.
M.O.S.: Select one of the following areas of specialty. Gains all skills under that M.O.S.
Aerial Combat:

These pilots are the core of the Combat Pilot program and are trained in the highly maneuverable and deadly jet fighters that the Air Force is famous for.
Pilot Jet Fighters (+35%)
Navigation (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+30%)
Weapon Systems (+30%)
Combat Flying (aerial equivalent of Combat Driving)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Military Fortifications (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Combat Pilot O.C.C.
Air Force Combat Pilots are the elite of the world's fighter jet pilots. Even NEMA has not yet developed a corps of combat pilots that mirrors the skill and expertise of these highly trained aerial warriors. Combat pilots are trained in a wide variety of military aircraft, from bombers and fighters to helicopters and hovercraft. Unlike Special Forces soldiers who are trained in both air and ground combat, Air Force Combat Pilots receive relatively little ground combat and weapons skills and instead become masters of using their aircraft with deadly accuracy and skill. Like Special Forces Soldiers, Combat Pilots must select a specialist M.O.S. area of training that represents the type of air-craft and combat situations they are most proficient at.
U.S.A.F. Combat Pilot O.C.C. Stats
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11, P.P. 10, and P.E. 11 or higher.
Select one of the following areas of specialty. Gains all skills under that M.O.S.

Aerial Combat:

These pilots are the core of the Combat Pilot program and are trained in the highly maneuverable and deadly jet fighters that the Air Force is famous for.
Pilot Jet Fighters (+35%)
Navigation (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+30%)
Weapon Systems (+30%)
Combat Flying (aerial equivalent of Combat Driving)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Military Fortifications (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Urban Combat Aerial Support:

A new specialization, these pilots are trained in the operation of the newly developed Air Force SAMAS units and one-manned Sky Hawk Sky Cycles:
Pilot Sky Cycles and Rocket Bikes (+15%)
Pilot Power Armor Basic (+15%)
Power Armor Combat Elite: Griffin Interceptor(REMOVE LATER DOWN THE ROAD/TIME LINE)
Navigation (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+20%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Advance Urban Combat Aerial Support:

A new specialization, these pilots are trained in the operation of the newly developed Air Force SAMAS units and one-manned Sky Hawk Sky Cycles:
Pilot Sky Cycles and Rocket Bikes (+20%)
Pilot Power Armor Elite (+20%)
Power Armor Combat Elite: Griffin Interceptor
Navigation (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+25%)
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience
Weapon Systems (+25%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
W.P. Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiencies pick three (Ancient)
W.P. Battle Axe
W.P. Forked
W.P . Knife
W.P. Sword
W.P shield

Weapon Proficiencies pick four (Modern)
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Automatic and Semi-Automatic Rifles:
W.P. Submachine-Gun
W.P Shotgun
W.P. Flamethrower:
W.P. Grenade Launcher

Military: Helicopter Aviation Skill Program:

This person has earned their wings as a Combat Helicopter Pilot and is considered a Warrant Officer or Officer depending on the situation and the G.M. (most US Army pilots are Warrant Officers). While basic fixed-wing flying skills are known, this character has specialized in rotary-wing craft (helicopters and gyroplanes, etc.) and is most comfortable in them. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial com-bat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only V2 penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" — no bonuses). Rotary-wing aircraft are used widely by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of most nations, but less so by the Air Force.

Advanced Electronic Combat (+5%)
Aerial Navigation (+20%) Air-to-Air Combat (+20%) Instrument Rating (+20%) Pilot Airplane (+10%) Pilot Basic Helicopter (+15%) Pilot Combat helicopter (+20%) Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
W.P. Pistol
Plus choose one specific helicopter type
(example: AH-64 Apache, CH-53 Super Stallion, UH-1 Huey) as a preferred air-frame, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (ex: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Military: Combat Aircraft Skill Program:

This program represents the character having successfully completed Military Flight School and "earned their wings." As a graduate, the character is considered a full Commissioned Officer and entitled to the benefits therein. In general, a nation's Air Force OTHER NATIONS , Navy, and, occasionally, Marine Corps have combat fighters, though this does vary from country to country (the Armies of most nations tend to specialize in rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters), though many do use small fixed-wing (typically prop) aircraft for scouting or airlift). This skill program represents training in fixed-wing aircraft only; for rotary-wing piloting skills see the Military: Helicopter Aviation skill program detailed below. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial combat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only 'A penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" —no bonuses).

O.C.C. Skills:
These are in addition to M.O.S. and reflect basic training. M.O.S look below

Math: Basic (+10%)
Language, Native: Standard
Language, Other: One of choice (+10%).
Literacy, Native: Standard
Literacy, Other: One of choice (+10%).
Military Etiquette (+17%)
Radio: Basic (+15%)
Athletics: General
Parachuting (+15%)
Pilot: Two other Aircraft of choice (+15%).
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Energy Pistol
Hand to Hand: Basic, which can be changed to Expert at the cost of one O.C.C. Related Skill or Martial Arts at the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills.

Advanced Electronic Combat (+15%)
Aerial Navigation (+20%)
Air-to-Air Combat (+20%)
Instrument Rating (+20%)
Pilot Airplane (+15%)
Pilot Jet (+15%)
Pilot Jet Fighter (+20%) Plus choose one specific aircraft type
Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience
W.P. Pistol
Plus choose one specific aircraft type (example: F-15 Eagle, F-18 Hornet, AC-130 gunship) as a preferred airframe, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (example: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.

Air-to-Ground Assault:

These combat pilots specialize in piloting fighter bombers and the larger strategic bombers that assail enemy installations from thousands of feet in the air.
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Military Fortification (+15%)
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Warfare (+15%)
Pilot Jet Aircraft (+20%)
Navigation (+25%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+35%)
Weapon Systems (+25%)
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Ground Combat Aerial Support:

These pilots fly the dangerous missions involving close combat support of ground troops, as well as pararescue operations. Their aircraft traditionally have been helicopters but now include a variety of hovercraft as well.
First Aid (+20%)
Pilot Helicopters (+20%)
Pilot Hover Craft (Ground) (+20%)
Navigation (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+20%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
W.P. Heavy Weapons
Heavy Energy Weapons
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Urban Combat Aerial Support:

A new specialization, these pilots are trained in the operation of the newly developed Air Force SAMAS units and one-manned Sky Hawk Sky Cycles:
Pilot Sky Cycles and Rocket Bikes (+15%)
Pilot Power Armor Basic (+15%)
Power Armor Combat Elite: Griffin Interceptor(REMOVE LATER DOWN THE ROAD/TIME LINE)
Navigation (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+20%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Military: Helicopter Aviation Skill Program:

This person has earned their wings as a Combat Helicopter Pilot and is considered a Warrant Officer or Officer depending on the situation and the G.M. (most US Army pilots are Warrant Officers). While basic fixed-wing flying skills are known, this character has specialized in rotary-wing craft (helicopters and gyroplanes, etc.) and is most comfortable in them. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial com-bat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only V2 penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" — no bonuses). Rotary-wing aircraft are used widely by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of most nations, but less so by the Air Force.


Advanced Electronic Combat (+5%)
Aerial Navigation (+20%) Air-to-Air Combat (+20%) Instrument Rating (+20%) Pilot Airplane (+10%) Pilot Basic Helicopter (+15%) Pilot Combat helicopter (+20%) Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
W.P. Pistol
Plus choose one specific helicopter type
(example: AH-64 Apache, CH-53 Super Stallion, UH-1 Huey) as a preferred air-frame, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (ex: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Military: Combat Aircraft Skill Program:

This program represents the character having successfully completed Military Flight School and "earned their wings." As a graduate, the character is considered a full Commissioned Officer and entitled to the benefits therein. In general, a nation's Air Force OTHER NATIONS , Navy, and, occasionally, Marine Corps have combat fighters, though this does vary from country to country (the Armies of most nations tend to specialize in rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters), though many do use small fixed-wing (typically prop) aircraft for scouting or airlift). This skill program represents training in fixed-wing aircraft only; for rotary-wing piloting skills see the Military: Helicopter Aviation skill program detailed below. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial combat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only 'A penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" —no bonuses).


Advanced Electronic Combat (+15%)
Aerial Navigation (+20%)
Air-to-Air Combat (+20%)
Instrument Rating (+20%)
Pilot Airplane (+15%)
Pilot Jet (+15%)
Pilot Jet Fighter (+20%) Plus choose one specific aircraft type
Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
Air-to-Air Combat
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience
W.P. Pistol
Plus choose one specific aircraft type (example: F-15 Eagle, F-18 Hornet, AC-130 gunship) as a preferred airframe, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (example: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select five other skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only (+5%).
Espionage: None.
Horsemanship: None.
Mechanical: Basic (+5%) and Aircraft Mechanics only.
Medical: Paramedic only.
Military: Any (+8%), except Command Robots, Trap Con-struction and any Naval Skills
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any except tanks, robots and submersibles (+5%, +10% for any additional Aircraft).
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Cardsharp, Gambling (Standard) and Streetwise only. Science: Advanced Math (+10%), Astronomy (+10%) and Oxygen Systems only.
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.

Secondary Skills:

Select three Secondary Skills at level one, +1 additional Secondary Skill at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply. Optional: characters may use the Secondary Skill list on page 300 of the Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG.

Standard Equipment:

Standard U.S.A.F. Light Pilot's Body Armor, OR Energy Pistol, OR U.S.A.F. P101 Heavy Submachine-Gun, OR U.S.A.F. P95 Submachine-Gun, EACH 4 extra clips for each, Vibro-Knife, survival knife, first aid medical kit, pocket computer, flashlight, disposable cigarette lighter, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, U.S.A.F. uniform, dress uniform, combat boots, canteen, and some other basic gear. Vehicle assignment will depend upon the pilot's M.O.S. specialty. Bomber and Fighter Pilots will be assigned a high-tech aircraft while Ground Support Pilots will be assigned a combat helicopter or hover craft (Game Masters may wish to use modified vehicle stats from the selection of Iron Heart Aircraft listed in Rifts® Mercenaries, all of which represent reverse engineered pre-Rifts military designs). Urban Combat Aerial Support Pilots will be assigned a Griffin Interceptor SAMAS and/or FE-201 Sky Hawk Rocket Bike.

All U.S.A.F. Pilots get a roof over their head, food, clothing and all other basics provided free as part of their service, as well as access to Air Force and other military offices and facilities (including NEMA). Monthly salary was 4500 credits, plus hazard pay. Under the circumstances of Chaos
Earth, access to equipment, medical supplies and services may be limited. Pay is one tenth normal (450 credits a month), mainly as an incentive for morale. The character starts off with 6D6x100 credits.


Typically has a U.S.A.F. identification implant (under the skin of the forearm or back of the neck, basically identical to the NEMA ID implant), Gyro-Compass, Clock Calendar, Radar Sensor and Speedometer implant. Additional cybernetics and Bio-Systems might be available in extreme medical emergency, though in the Chaos Earth setting, such resources are increasingly rare.

Additional Equipment

U.S.A.F. P95 Submachine-Gun

An upgrade of the P90 used by Special Forces units at the be-ginning of the 21st Century, this ultra-modern S.D.C. weapon features many of the trademark designs that made the P-90 a favorite for Black Ops missions and anti-terrorist squads for years. These include the classic bullpup design that places the magazine behind the trigger to affect a longer barrel length while resulting in a shorter overall weapon length and reduced weight. The weapon features a laser sight and black-light illumination that lights a target with UV light (this creates no ambient light while making a target visible to anyone with UV optics). The weapon can fire single rounds, short controlled bursts or continual fire either concentrated at a single target or used to strafe multiple targets. The weapon is made of lightweight plastic and polymer designs and can readily break down into multiple parts for easy transport. With such a reliable weapon, the only major upgrade was an improvement in accuracy and in-creased firepower.
6 pounds (2.7 kg).
4D6 S.D.C. per single shot or 1D4x10+6 S.D.C. per three round burst.

A full melee of concentrated fire on a single target will inflict 4D4x10 S.D.C. (or roughly 1 M.D. point of damage).

Alternately, a full melee round strafe will inflict 6D6 S.D.C. to 1D6+1 targets (no strike bonuses).

Rate of Fire:
Single shot, three round burst, or full melee fire (expends half of the weapon's ammunition).
700 feet (213 m). Payload: 50 round magazine.
+4 to strike on a single, aimed shot and +3 to strike on a three round burst. No bonuses for a full melee round of continuous fire.
Market Cost:

5500 credits for the weapon plus 75 credits per box of 144 rounds. Poor availability outside of the U.S.A.F. and other military organizations. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen.

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for M.D.C black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. ADD ONE TIME PER ATTACK

1. M.D.C lead:
Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. M.D.C Jacketed lead:
Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks:
Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. M.D.C Practice:
Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. M.D.C Less lethal,
or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. M.D.C Incendiary:
These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. M.D.C Exploding:
Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. M.D.C Tracer:
These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. M.D.C Armor piercing:
Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. M.D.C Blended-metal:
Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. M.D.C Frangible:
Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. M.D.C Solid or Monolithic Solid:
mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. M.D.C L.E.A.P
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too last add 50% range
14. M.D.C H.E.A.P
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. M.D.C H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. M.D.C Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well . if small target 10% making additional fires under 6 feet , over 6 feet like vehicle of any type add 50% starts small MDC fire!!!!!! GM be careful with this it bite Me in the rear end as GM you can use hero unlimited major power fire it works better
17. M.D.C A.S.A.S.P
bonus as above but critical 15

Modifying Weapons World Book 19 - australia

Because weapons are status symbol and necessity of survival amongst most of those who own them, they have been modified, copied and manufactured (often built by hand) in various makeshift
workshops across the country. As such, players may apply the following modifiers to their weapons with their characters' starting money.
Options Available:

Extended Barrel
(pistols and SMGs only): Adds 50 feet (15.2 m) to the effective range.
Speed Loader (revolvers only):
Not a modification, but an accessory. Bullets are held in a dummy barrel that speeds reload time to 1 melee action, as opposed to the time that revolvers would otherwise take to reload (one full melee round or four actions, whichever comes first).
Customized Grip (available for all guns):
Adds +1 to strike, but only for one individual, -1 to strike for others who use the gun. If the character buys a weapon that has had its grip modified for someone else in the past,
Sawed Off (shotguns only):
. Cut the range in half. If using buckshot, subtract 1D6 from damage, but add +2 to strike. The G.M. may also allow the user to strike multiple targets with one shot (with buckshot), if they're close together.
Extended Magazines
(guns with magazines only, i.e. no revolvers, shotguns or weapons with cylinders or internal magazines): So a gun that originally held 12, would hold 18 bullets, for example.
Full-Auto Capacity
(automatic pistols only): By cutting firing pins and reconfiguring venting, a pistol can be modified to fire in full-auto mode (i.e. fires half its payload with every press of the trigger). This is not a common modification, as ammo is too precious.
Full-Auto Trimming
(any weapon capable of bursts and sprays): Most wise Outbackers will usually have this done to their weapons. The modification changes the weapon into single shot or volley capacity only, therefore reducing the chance of wasting bullets.
Flash Suppressor (any rifle):
A muzzle that reduces the flash and flare caused by a round being fired. Really only visible at night, muzzle flash can easily give away a sniper's position. The key word here is flash suppression. It's still there, simply the angles from which the flare can be seen are reduced.
(sub-machineguns and automatic pistols only): These reduce the noise a round makes when fired.
Improved Balance (any automatic firearm):
Through better venting, better balance and so forth, a gun is made to be more accurate. +1 to strike, even when fired Wild.

M.D.C Firearm Accessories
Battle Harness:
Combination of suspenders and belt designed for distributing the weight of ammo pouches and accessories. In choice of camouflage, black, grey, brown, cream or khaki.
Battle Pack:
Lightweight frame, heavy-duty, water resistant canvas. Multiple interior and exterior compartments. Fasteners for exterior pouches/grenades. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki colors. 350 credits.
Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch.
Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.
Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included.
Holster, Ankle: Padded for comfort, with Velcro closure. Fits a snub-nosed revolver or any small frame automatic. Can be concealed under pant leg.
Holster, Inside Trouser Holster: Clips on belt or waistband of pants.
Holster, Side Holster (fits onto belt):
Holster, Belt Slide Holster:
Holster, Belt Thumbreak Holster:
Holster, Patrolman, Police-Style Belt and Holster, 24 bullet loops
Holster, Police-style Shoulder Type:
Holster, Military-style Shoulder Type:

Holster, Horizontal Shoulder Type: .
Holster, Scoped Shoulder Holster: .
Holster, Concealed Wallet Holster:
For small automatic weapons; fits easily into back trouser pocket

Holster & Web Belt:
Holster, ammo pouches (2-4) and accessory attachment clips (4);
Magazine Ammo Bags:
Magazine Clips:
Any weapon, any size, from 7-round pistol to 30-round rifle. each.
Magazine Clip Pouch: Each of these specially designed ammo pouches is designed for 2 (slim line) or 4 (heavy-duty) ammo clips. Choice of camouflage, green, khaki or black colors.
Automatic Pistol: 2 clips, or 4 clips . Submachine-gun: 2 magazines , 4 magazines
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
20-round: 2 clips is 20 credits; 4 clips
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
30-md: 2 clips is 30 credits; 4 clips .
7.62mm Assault Rifle,
20-md: 2 clips is 35 credits; 4 clips is
Metal Ammunition Boxes:
These waterproof ammo boxes are designed for easy storage and carrying. .50 caliber size: 25 credits, .30 caliber size:
Multi-Purpose Pouch:
All around, useful utility pouch de-signed for attachment to web belt or battle harness.
Nylon Cord:
A variety of heavy-duty, all-purpose, nylon rope or cord is available. Average tension strength is 600 pounds (2670 Newtons). Average length is 300 feet (91 m).
Protective Shooting Glasses:
Change color and density in response to changes in light and weather. Also reduces glare and improves visibility.
Protective Goggles (simple):
Recoil Diminishers:
A small tube filled with mercury and ball bearings and mounted along the length of the firearm to counter recoil during firing. The system is custom built for each class and type of firearm. Adds +1 to strike when burst firing. Not suitable with machine-guns and other heavy weapons.
Rifle Case, Assault:
Rifle Case, Hunting/Bolt-Action
An attachment which fits over the barrel of a gun to muffle the sound of the report. Perception rolls require a 10 to detect silenced shots from 20 feet (6.1 m) away; outside of that, silenced shots are inaudible. Silencers reduce a weapon's range by 10%. Cost: 500 credits for a pistol or submachine-gun, 1,200 for a rifle. Cannot be used on machine-guns. Reduce the weapon's range by 10%.
Shotgun Bandoleer:
Bandoleers are made of brown leather, with a heavy-duty, brass belt buckle. Shotgun versions will hold 56 rounds. 40mm grenade version holds 18 rounds.
Submachine-Gun Case:
Wrist Cartridge Bandoleer:
Perfect for concealing 3 extra cartridges.
Web Belt:
Classic military belt complete with buckle and pouch fasteners. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki.

U.S.A.F. P101 Heavy Submachine-Gun

Though few nations possessed Mega-Damage capable weapons and armor at the time of the Great Cataclysm, the Air Force still wanted a weapon that would be able to handle the few that
did, not to mention terrorist organizations that might come to acquire M.D. technology through the black-market sources of the day. Capitalizing on the successful design of the P95 upgrade, Air Force weapons engineers developed a heavy submachine-gun that incorporated most of the same design features but fired high explosive rounds capable of inflicting Mega-Damage. Basically, the P101 possesses all the same design features of the P95 except that the P101 cannot fire a continual, prolonged strafe or burst of fire. Tests with the prototype found that the weapon tended to jam with deadly, explosive results when fired continuously more than a melee action or two. Also, the heavier rounds reduced the range and accuracy of the weapon slightly. Still, despite these design flaws, the weapon is almost as efficient as its predecessor.
7 pounds (3.15 kg).
Standard rounds

3D6 M.D. per single shot or 1D4x10 M.D. per three round bursts.
A full melee of concentrated fire on a single target will inflict 3D4x10 M.D and a full melee round strafe will inflict 5D6 M.D. to 1D6+1 targets (no strike bonuses). However, there is a 75% chance that such intense, prolonged fire will result in the weapon jamming and a 50% chance that it will explode, inflicting 3D6 M.D. per round still in the weapon's magazine.

DU ROUNDS or depleted Uranium Rounds
light /heavy 4D6/ 6d6 M.D. per single shot or 1D6x10/2d4x10 M.D. per three round bursts.
A full melee of concentrated fire on a single target will inflict 4D4x10/5D4X10 M.D. However, there is a 75% chance that such intense, prolonged fire will result in the weapon jamming and a 50% chance that it will explode, inflicting 6D6 M.D. per round still in the weapon's magazine

Rate of Fire:
Single shot, three round burst, or full melee fire (expends half of the weapon's ammunition but likely to result in the weapon jamming and/or exploding).

Maximum Effective Range:
650 feet (198.1 m). Payload: 50 round magazines. later 100 rounds
Bonuses: +1 to strike on a single, aimed shot. No bonuses for a burst or a full melee round of continuous fire.
Market Cost:
27,000 credits for the weapon plus 1000 credits per box of 144 rounds. Virtually nonexistent outside of the U.S.A.F. Special Forces. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen.

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for M.D.C black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. ADD ONE TIME PER ATTACK

1. M.D.C lead:
Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. M.D.C Jacketed lead:
Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks:
Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. M.D.C Practice:
Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. M.D.C Less lethal,
or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. M.D.C Incendiary:
These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. M.D.C Exploding:
Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. M.D.C Tracer:
These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. M.D.C Armor piercing:
Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. M.D.C Blended-metal:
Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. M.D.C Frangible:
Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. M.D.C Solid or Monolithic Solid:
mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. M.D.C L.E.A.P
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too last add 50% range
14. M.D.C H.E.A.P
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. M.D.C H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. M.D.C Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well . if small target 10% making additional fires under 6 feet , over 6 feet like vehicle of any type add 50% starts small MDC fire!!!!!! GM be careful with this it bite Me in the rear end as GM you can use hero unlimited major power fire it works better
17. M.D.C A.S.A.S.P
bonus as above but critical 15

Modifying Weapons World Book 19 - australia

Because weapons are status symbol and necessity of survival amongst most of those who own them, they have been modified, copied and manufactured (often built by hand) in various makeshift
workshops across the country. As such, players may apply the following modifiers to their weapons with their characters' starting money.
Options Available:

Extended Barrel
(pistols and SMGs only): Adds 50 feet (15.2 m) to the effective range.
Speed Loader (revolvers only):
Not a modification, but an accessory. Bullets are held in a dummy barrel that speeds reload time to 1 melee action, as opposed to the time that revolvers would otherwise take to reload (one full melee round or four actions, whichever comes first).
Customized Grip (available for all guns):
Adds +1 to strike, but only for one individual, -1 to strike for others who use the gun. If the character buys a weapon that has had its grip modified for someone else in the past,
Sawed Off (shotguns only):
. Cut the range in half. If using buckshot, subtract 1D6 from damage, but add +2 to strike. The G.M. may also allow the user to strike multiple targets with one shot (with buckshot), if they're close together.
Extended Magazines
(guns with magazines only, i.e. no revolvers, shotguns or weapons with cylinders or internal magazines): So a gun that originally held 12, would hold 18 bullets, for example.
Full-Auto Capacity
(automatic pistols only): By cutting firing pins and reconfiguring venting, a pistol can be modified to fire in full-auto mode (i.e. fires half its payload with every press of the trigger). This is not a common modification, as ammo is too precious.
Full-Auto Trimming
(any weapon capable of bursts and sprays): Most wise Outbackers will usually have this done to their weapons. The modification changes the weapon into single shot or volley capacity only, therefore reducing the chance of wasting bullets.
Flash Suppressor (any rifle):
A muzzle that reduces the flash and flare caused by a round being fired. Really only visible at night, muzzle flash can easily give away a sniper's position. The key word here is flash suppression. It's still there, simply the angles from which the flare can be seen are reduced.
(sub-machineguns and automatic pistols only): These reduce the noise a round makes when fired.
Improved Balance (any automatic firearm):
Through better venting, better balance and so forth, a gun is made to be more accurate. +1 to strike, even when fired Wild.

M.D.C Firearm Accessories
Battle Harness:
Combination of suspenders and belt designed for distributing the weight of ammo pouches and accessories. In choice of camouflage, black, grey, brown, cream or khaki.
Battle Pack:
Lightweight frame, heavy-duty, water resistant canvas. Multiple interior and exterior compartments. Fasteners for exterior pouches/grenades. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki colors. 350 credits.
Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch.
Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.
Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included.
Holster, Ankle: Padded for comfort, with Velcro closure. Fits a snub-nosed revolver or any small frame automatic. Can be concealed under pant leg.
Holster, Inside Trouser Holster: Clips on belt or waistband of pants.
Holster, Side Holster (fits onto belt):
Holster, Belt Slide Holster:
Holster, Belt Thumbreak Holster:
Holster, Patrolman, Police-Style Belt and Holster, 24 bullet loops
Holster, Police-style Shoulder Type:
Holster, Military-style Shoulder Type:

Holster, Horizontal Shoulder Type: .
Holster, Scoped Shoulder Holster: .
Holster, Concealed Wallet Holster:
For small automatic weapons; fits easily into back trouser pocket

Holster & Web Belt:
Holster, ammo pouches (2-4) and accessory attachment clips (4);
Magazine Ammo Bags:
Magazine Clips:
Any weapon, any size, from 7-round pistol to 30-round rifle. each.
Magazine Clip Pouch: Each of these specially designed ammo pouches is designed for 2 (slim line) or 4 (heavy-duty) ammo clips. Choice of camouflage, green, khaki or black colors.
Automatic Pistol: 2 clips, or 4 clips . Submachine-gun: 2 magazines , 4 magazines
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
20-round: 2 clips is 20 credits; 4 clips
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
30-md: 2 clips is 30 credits; 4 clips .
7.62mm Assault Rifle,
20-md: 2 clips is 35 credits; 4 clips is
Metal Ammunition Boxes:
These waterproof ammo boxes are designed for easy storage and carrying. .50 caliber size: 25 credits, .30 caliber size:
Multi-Purpose Pouch:
All around, useful utility pouch de-signed for attachment to web belt or battle harness.
Nylon Cord:
A variety of heavy-duty, all-purpose, nylon rope or cord is available. Average tension strength is 600 pounds (2670 Newtons). Average length is 300 feet (91 m).
Protective Shooting Glasses:
Change color and density in response to changes in light and weather. Also reduces glare and improves visibility.
Protective Goggles (simple):
Recoil Diminishers:
A small tube filled with mercury and ball bearings and mounted along the length of the firearm to counter recoil during firing. The system is custom built for each class and type of firearm. Adds +1 to strike when burst firing. Not suitable with machine-guns and other heavy weapons.
Rifle Case, Assault:
Rifle Case, Hunting/Bolt-Action
An attachment which fits over the barrel of a gun to muffle the sound of the report. Perception rolls require a 10 to detect silenced shots from 20 feet (6.1 m) away; outside of that, silenced shots are inaudible. Silencers reduce a weapon's range by 10%. Cost: 500 credits for a pistol or submachine-gun, 1,200 for a rifle. Cannot be used on machine-guns. Reduce the weapon's range by 10%.
Shotgun Bandoleer:
Bandoleers are made of brown leather, with a heavy-duty, brass belt buckle. Shotgun versions will hold 56 rounds. 40mm grenade version holds 18 rounds.
Submachine-Gun Case:
Wrist Cartridge Bandoleer:
Perfect for concealing 3 extra cartridges.
Web Belt:
Classic military belt complete with buckle and pouch fasteners. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki.

U.S.A.F. EBA Environmental Armor
There is little difference between the Air Force's environ-mental body armor and the NEMA Standard armor. Both afford the standard degree of protection from environmental conditions (heat, radiation, cold, etc.), both styles provide air filtration and limited oxygen supplies to operate in toxic or vacuum environments and both afford the wearer a degree of physical protection two to three times that of a 20th century tank. Despite these similarities, there are two main differences. Rather than being standardized, U.S.A.F. Mega-Damage armor is customized for the specific missions that the soldiers wearing them are likely to face. The Heavy Combat Armor, designed to be worn by Special Forces soldiers on Black Ops missions, has a special, experimental adaptive camouflage that subtly alters the shading and color of the armor to its environment. The Light Body armor, designed to be worn primarily by pilots, allows the pilot to "jack" directly into his or her aircraft to allow nearly split-second reactions while flying. And both suits are designed to allow the wearer to withstand the extreme G-forces typically encountered by Air Force pilots during combat and high speed flights.

Designed to support the Special Forces operative's need to be a one man platoon, the armor comes equipped with a number of built-in weapons and features, along with an experimental adaptive camouflage coating that helps the soldier hide in a wide variety of terrain.

U.S.A.F. HCBA-04 Heavy Combat Body Armor.
Human equivalent.
15 pounds (6.75 kg).

M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 65
Arms — 60 each
Legs — 75 each
Main Body — 110
Mobility: Excellent;
-5 to Climb, Swim and perform Acrobatics and similar Physical skills; -10% to Prowl without Adaptive
Camouflage (see below).
S pecial Weapon Systems and Features:
Retractable Vibro-Blade
concealed in the right forearm: 1D6 M.D.
2. Concealed
U.S.A.F. HCBA-04 Heavy Combat Body Armor

The U.S.A.F. HCBA-04 Heavy Combat Body Armor possesses all of the usual characteristics of the standard NEMA EBA Body Armor (see pages 62 and 63 of the Rifts® Chaos Earth TM RPG). Like the NEMA variant, the Air Force armor is a completely sealed, environmental suit. However, unlike the NEMA suit which is designed to be an all-purpose, general use carrot cord/climb cord concealed in the left wrist: Can be used to strangle S.D.C. opponents or to climb, with up to 30 feet (9.1 m) of ultra-thin, high-strength climb cord with a Vibro-piton to bore into M.D.C. or S.D.C. structures.
Multi-optics capabilities:

Helmet is a standard, multi-op-tics helmet with all of the usual features.
Short-range radio:

5 mile (8 km) range. Designed to scan for and unscramble enemy/unknown transmissions. Outgoing
transmissions can also be scrambled.
Environmental Adaptive Camouflage:

This experimental design features a special coating on the exterior of the armor that adjusts the shading and color of the suit to adapt to its surroundings. Not only does this feature eliminate the penalty to Prowl described above, it also provides a +15% bonus to Prowl and Camouflage skill rolls (as well as reducing an opponent's Detect Ambush skill roll by -15%). The main design flaw of the adaptive camouflage is that even minimal damage to the armor will render it useless. Once the Main Body has lost 30*or more M.D.C., the adaptive camouflage feature is useless (too much of the adapting coating will have been damaged). Furthermore, the intense heat from M.D. flame and plasma weapons will burn away this coating even faster (destroying it after only 154oints of M.D. flame or plasma damage). Finally, with the onset of the Great Cataclysm and the loss of most of the nation's Armed Forces, the facilities and expertise to construct and repair this feature will be nearly impossible to find.
Cost and Availability:
Exclusive to U.S.A.F. Special Forces units. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen and will likely sell for upwards of 120,000 in credits or trade equivalent with weapons and adaptive camouflage intact

U.S.A.F. LPBA-02 Light Pilot's Body Armor
Unlike the HCBA suit, the U.S.A.F. LPBA-02 is designed for Air Force pilots. Although it is considered an environmental suit with all of the usual features, it possesses none of the tactical enhancements of the
is designed to provide pilots with a degree of protection without a significant loss of mobility or comfort. After all, a pilot may be required to wear this armor for hours in a cramped cockpit.
U.S.A.F. LPBA-02 Light Pilot Body Armor.
Human equivalent.
12 pounds (5.4 kg).
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 50
Arms — 45 each
Legs — 65 each
Main Body — 95
Mobility: Good;
-10 to Climb, Swim and perform Acrobatics and similar Physical skills; -15% to Prowl.
Special Weapon Systems and Features:
1. Built-in speedometer, Gyro-Com ass and Altimeter: Essentially identical to the cybernetic equivalents of these systems.
2. Pilot Flight Systems Helmet Jack: This feature jacks the flight system of whatever vehicle the pilot is flying directly into the heads-up display of the body armor. This provides for a slightly quicker response time on the part of the pilot (+5% to piloting skill rolls). This feature is usually only available on U.S.A.F. aircraft.
Cost and Availability:
Exclusive to U.S.A.F. Pilots. Any found outside the Air Force was either found or stolen and will likely sell for upwards of 45,000 in credits or trade equivalent.

U.S.A.F. Power Armor and Vehicles
Prior to the Great Cataclysm, the Air Force still maintained an array of high-tech combat, bomber and support aircraft unrivaled by any other world power. Even NEMA, whose role was more of an international police and counter-terrorism force and who did maintain their own arsenal of advanced aircraft, could
not match the U.S.A.F. in speed, power and, most importantly, expertise. This is why, perhaps, Air Force personnel and commanders did not see the creation of NEMA as a challenge to its own authority and autonomy, unlike the Marine Corps and U.S. Army, who found themselves increasingly obsolete and usually called upon in much the same capacity as the 20th Century National Guard and Reserve units were. As a result of this close relationship, the Air Force was able to, with NEMA's aid, develop a series of high-tech vehicles and power armor units. Unlike NEMA's large robots and general purpose Chromium Guards-man and Silver Eagle SAMAS, the Air Force's units would be designed with the traditional Air Force role in mind: maintain air superiority and support ground operations when necessary. The two U.S.A.F. power armor units, the Silent Soldier and the
Griffin SAMAS, directly reflect the traditional role the Air Force has played for over a century in the United States Armed Forces. The FE-201 Sky Hawk reflects only a slight departure from this traditional role as it is designed as much for urban
combat as air superiority.
Game Master's Note:
For those Game Masters who want to introduce 21St Century aircraft into their Chaos Earth setting, feel free to incorporate the Grey Falcon Jet, Air Castle Bomber, and Iron Eagle Helicopter from the Iron Heart aircraft listed on pages 112 through 117 from Rifts®Mercenaries.
Armor Note:
Both suits of power armor are designed to insulate the pilots from the extreme G-forces they experience while flying at supersonic speeds
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

Combat Pilot O.C.C.

Air Force Combat Pilots are the elite of the world's fighter jet pilots or P.M.C ( Private Military Company). Even NEMA has not yet developed a corps of combat pilots that mirrors the skill and expertise of these highly trained aerial warriors. Combat pilots are trained in a wide variety of military aircraft, from bombers and fighters to helicopters and hovercraft. Unlike Special Forces soldiers who are trained in both air and ground combat, Air Force Combat Pilots receive relatively little ground combat and weapons skills and instead become masters of using their aircraft with deadly accuracy and skill. Like Special Forces Soldiers, Combat Pilots must select a specialist M.O.S. area of training that represents the type of air-craft and combat situations they are most proficient at.
Combat Pilot O.C.C. Stats
Attribute Requirements:
I.Q. 11, P.P. 10, and P.E. 11 or higher.

Land of Origin
1-18 Asia add in piloting Power Armor and piloting Robot and pilot related +5%
19-37 Europe add rotor wing piloting and pilot related +5%
38-60 North America add fix wing piloting, piloting Power Armor and piloting Robot and pilot related +5%
61-75 South America add piloting fix wing & rotor wing and pilot related +5%
76-89 Earth space station add to all add piloting and pilot related +5%
90-00 Moon Base add to all piloting and pilot related +5%

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:
Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join NEMA or the US /UN military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.
These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills..

Best MOS Skills AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table

01-11% Brainy:
13-26% Strong-willed:
27-39% Charismatic:
40-51% Physically Strong:
52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
66-78% Great Endurance:
79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best Technical skills

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best W.P skills/or robot Ace

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best skills . is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or jet or helicopters skills.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or jet or helicopters skills

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or jet or helicopters skills

Special Aptitude Bonuses Table

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus

[b] 71-80% Quick Reflexes:

+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

81-90% Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

91-00% Charismatic/Charmer:
1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

M.O.S.: Select one of the following areas of specialty. Gains all skills under that M.O.S.

Military: Helicopter Aviation Skill Program:

This person has earned their wings as a Combat Helicopter Pilot and is considered a Warrant Officer or Officer depending on the situation and the G.M. (most US Army pilots are Warrant Officers). While basic fixed-wing flying skills are known, this character has specialized in rotary-wing craft (helicopters and gyroplanes, etc.) and is most comfortable in them. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial com-bat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only V2 penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" — no bonuses). Rotary-wing aircraft are used widely by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of most nations, but less so by the Air Force.


Advanced Electronic Combat (+5%)
Aerial Navigation (+20%)
Air-to-Air Combat (+20%)
Instrument Rating (+20%)
Pilot Airplane (+10%)
Pilot Basic Helicopter (+15%)
Pilot Combat helicopter (+30%)
Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
W.P. Pistol
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience
Plus choose one specific helicopter type
(example: AH-64 Apache, CH-53 Super Stallion, UH-1 Huey) as a preferred air-frame, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (ex: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.

Military: Combat Aircraft Skill Program:

This program represents the character having successfully completed Military Flight School and "earned their wings." As a graduate, the character is considered a full Commissioned Officer and entitled to the benefits therein. In general, a nation's Air Force OTHER NATIONS , Navy, and, occasionally, Marine Corps have combat fighters, though this does vary from country to country (the Armies of most nations tend to specialize in rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters), though many do use small fixed-wing (typically prop) aircraft for scouting or airlift). This skill program represents training in fixed-wing aircraft only; for rotary-wing piloting skills see the Military: Helicopter Aviation skill program detailed below. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial combat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only 'A penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" —no bonuses).


Advanced Electronic Combat (+15%)
Aerial Navigation (+30%)
Air-to-Air Combat (+30%)
Instrument Rating (+20%)
Pilot Airplane (+35%)
Pilot Jet (+35%)
Pilot Jet Fighter (+20%) Plus choose one specific aircraft type
(USA can pick three +30%, Germany, Russia pick two +25% either fighter or fighter bomber or bomber)
Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
W.P. Pistol
Plus choose one/two three specific aircraft type (example: F-15 Eagle, F-18 Hornet, AC-130 gunship) as a preferred airframe, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (example: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Aerial Combat:

These pilots are the core of the Combat Pilot program and are trained in the highly maneuverable and deadly jet fighters that the Air Force is famous for.
Pilot Jet Fighters (+35%)
Navigation (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+30%)
Weapon Systems (+30%)
Combat Flying (aerial equivalent of Combat Driving)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Military Fortifications (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Air-to-Ground Assault:

These combat pilots specialize in piloting fighter bombers and the larger strategic bombers that assail enemy installations from thousands of feet in the air.
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Military Fortification (+15%)
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Warfare (+15%)
Pilot Jet Aircraft (+20%)
Navigation (+25%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+35%)
Weapon Systems (+25%)
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Ground Combat Aerial Support:

These pilots fly the dangerous missions involving close combat support of ground troops, as well as Para rescue operations. Their aircraft traditionally have been helicopters but now include a variety of hovercraft as well.
First Aid (+20%)
Pilot Helicopters (+20%)
Pilot Hover Craft (Ground) (+20%)
Navigation (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+20%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
W.P. Heavy Weapons
Heavy Energy Weapons
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience

Military: Combat Aircraft Skill Program:

This program represents the character having successfully completed Military Flight School and "earned their wings." As a graduate, the character is considered a full Commissioned Officer and entitled to the benefits therein. In general, a nation's Air Force OTHER NATIONS ,P.M.C, Navy, and, occasionally, Marine Corps have combat fighters, though this does vary from country to country (the Armies of most nations tend to specialize in rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters), though many do use small fixed-wing (typically prop) aircraft for scouting or airlift). This skill program represents training in fixed-wing aircraft only; for rotary-wing piloting skills see the Military: Helicopter Aviation skill program detailed below. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial combat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only 'A penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" —no bonuses).


Advanced Electronic Combat (+15%)
Aerial Navigation (+20%)
Air-to-Air Combat (+20%)
Instrument Rating (+20%)
Pilot Airplane (+15%)
Pilot Jet (+15%)
Pilot Jet Fighter (+20%) Plus choose one specific aircraft type
Radio: Basic Communications (+10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+5%)
W.P. Pistol
Ninjas & SuperspiesTM as Air-to-Air Combat. We have adapted this skill to Rifts as A.C.M. The base percentage of this `new' skill is 10%+2% per level of experience
Plus choose one specific aircraft type (example: F-15 Eagle, F-18 Hornet, AC-130 gunship) as a preferred airframe, with a +10% bonus (for that type only) in all connected skills (example: Piloting, Air-to-Air Combat, Instrument Rating, etc.), and a +2 on all combat bonuses in that airframe type.

PICK ONE General pilot air craft and specialized in Power Armor or Robot Combat Elite

Air if broken in two areas fix wing (jet, plane ) and rotor wing ( helicopter)
(Air) rotor
Pilot: Helicopter (+15%)
Jet Packs
(Air) fix wing
jet fighter (+15%)
Jet Packs

Pilot: One of choice (+20%) Giant robot
Pilot: One of choice Power Armor (+30%)
Power Armor Basic — 56%+3%
Power Armor Combat Elite
Robot Basic — 56%+3%
Robot Combat Elite
Navigation — 40%+5%
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment — 30%+5% Weapon Systems — 40%+5%

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 10 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only (+5%).
Espionage: None.
Horsemanship: None.
Mechanical: Basic (+5%) and Aircraft Mechanics only.
Medical: Paramedic only.
Military: Any (+8%), except Command Robots, Trap Con-struction and any Naval Skills
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any except tanks, robots and submersibles (+5%, +10% for any additional Aircraft).
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Cardsharp, Gambling (Standard) and Streetwise only. Science: Advanced Math (+10%), Astronomy (+10%) and Oxygen Systems only.
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.

Secondary Skills:

Select six Secondary Skills at level five, +1 additional Secondary Skill at levels 4, 8, 12 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply. Optional: characters may use the Secondary Skill list on page 300 of the Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG.

Standard Equipment:
Standard Light Pilot's Body Armor, OR/and Energy Pistol, OR U.S.A.F. P101 Heavy Submachine-Gun, OR MDC weapon , EACH 4 extra clips for each, Vibro-Knife, survival knife, first aid medical kit, pocket computer, flashlight, disposable cigarette lighter, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, dress uniform, combat boots, canteen, and some other basic gear. Vehicle assignment will depend upon the pilot's M.O.S. specialty. Bomber and Fighter Pilots will be assigned a high-tech aircraft while Ground Support Pilots will be assigned a combat helicopter or hover craft (Game Masters may wish to use modified vehicle stats from the selection of Iron Heart Aircraft listed in Rifts® Mercenaries, all of which represent reverse engineered pre-Rifts military designs).


All Pilots get a roof over their head, food, clothing and all other basics provided free as part of their service, as well as access to Air Force and other military offices and facilities . Monthly salary was 4500 credits, plus hazard pay. The character starts off with 6D6x1000 credits.

Typically can have identification implant (under the skin of the forearm or back of the neck, basically identical to the NEMA ID implant), Gyro-Compass, Clock Calendar, Radar Sensor and Speedometer implant. Additional cybernetics and Bio-Systems might be available in extreme medical emergency, though in the Chaos Earth setting, such resources are increasingly rare.

M.D.C Firearm Accessories
Battle Harness:
Combination of suspenders and belt designed for distributing the weight of ammo pouches and accessories. In choice of camouflage, black, grey, brown, cream or khaki.
Battle Pack:
Lightweight frame, heavy-duty, water resistant canvas. Multiple interior and exterior compartments. Fasteners for exterior pouches/grenades. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki colors. 350 credits.
Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch.
Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.
Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included.
Holster, Ankle: Padded for comfort, with Velcro closure. Fits a snub-nosed revolver or any small frame automatic. Can be concealed under pant leg.
Holster, Inside Trouser Holster: Clips on belt or waistband of pants.
Holster, Side Holster (fits onto belt):
Holster, Belt Slide Holster:
Holster, Belt Thumbreak Holster:
Holster, Patrolman, Police-Style Belt and Holster, 24 bullet loops
Holster, Police-style Shoulder Type:
Holster, Military-style Shoulder Type:

Holster, Horizontal Shoulder Type: .
Holster, Scoped Shoulder Holster: .
Holster, Concealed Wallet Holster:
For small automatic weapons; fits easily into back trouser pocket

Holster & Web Belt:
Holster, ammo pouches (2-4) and accessory attachment clips (4);
Magazine Ammo Bags:
Magazine Clips:
Any weapon, any size, from 7-round pistol to 30-round rifle. each.
Magazine Clip Pouch: Each of these specially designed ammo pouches is designed for 2 (slim line) or 4 (heavy-duty) ammo clips. Choice of camouflage, green, khaki or black colors.
Automatic Pistol: 2 clips, or 4 clips . Submachine-gun: 2 magazines , 4 magazines
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
20-round: 2 clips is 20 credits; 4 clips
5.56mm Assault Rifle,
30-md: 2 clips is 30 credits; 4 clips .
7.62mm Assault Rifle,
20-md: 2 clips is 35 credits; 4 clips is
Metal Ammunition Boxes:
These waterproof ammo boxes are designed for easy storage and carrying. .50 caliber size: 25 credits, .30 caliber size:
Multi-Purpose Pouch:
All around, useful utility pouch de-signed for attachment to web belt or battle harness.
Nylon Cord:
A variety of heavy-duty, all-purpose, nylon rope or cord is available. Average tension strength is 600 pounds (2670 Newtons). Average length is 300 feet (91 m).
Protective Shooting Glasses:
Change color and density in response to changes in light and weather. Also reduces glare and improves visibility.
Protective Goggles (simple):
Recoil Diminishers:
A small tube filled with mercury and ball bearings and mounted along the length of the firearm to counter recoil during firing. The system is custom built for each class and type of firearm. Adds +1 to strike when burst firing. Not suitable with machine-guns and other heavy weapons.
Rifle Case, Assault:
Rifle Case, Hunting/Bolt-Action
An attachment which fits over the barrel of a gun to muffle the sound of the report. Perception rolls require a 10 to detect silenced shots from 20 feet (6.1 m) away; outside of that, silenced shots are inaudible. Silencers reduce a weapon's range by 10%. Cost: 500 credits for a pistol or submachine-gun, 1,200 for a rifle. Cannot be used on machine-guns. Reduce the weapon's range by 10%.
Shotgun Bandoleer:
Bandoleers are made of brown leather, with a heavy-duty, brass belt buckle. Shotgun versions will hold 56 rounds. 40mm grenade version holds 18 rounds.
Submachine-Gun Case:
Wrist Cartridge Bandoleer:
Perfect for concealing 3 extra cartridges.
Web Belt:
Classic military belt complete with buckle and pouch fasteners. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

Rift Chaos earth Russian /India / Chinese /PMC Soldier O.C.C.

Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
01-11% Brainy:
13-26% Strong-willed:
27-39% Charismatic:
40-51% Physically Strong:
52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
66-78% Great Endurance:
79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is Military Specialist/or robot Ace

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and Military Specialist

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

Special Aptitude Bonuses Table

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!
Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus

[b] 71-80% Quick Reflexes:

+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

81-90% Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

91-00% Charismatic/Charmer:
1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Race Restrictions:
Exclusively human; approx. 35% are female.
Attribute Requirements:
A high I.Q., P.S. and P.E. are helpful but not a requirement.
Any human with the spirit to fight and in good health can become a soldier.
O.C.C. Bonuses:
+1 on initiative,
+1 to pull punch,
+1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14.

O.C.C. Skills:

Math: Basic (+5%)
Speaks Native Language at 92%
Speaks two other languages of choice (+10%).
Radio: Basic (+5%)
Pilot Truck (+10%)
Piloting: Two of choice (+5%).
Military Etiquette (+10%)
Swim (+10%)
Climb (+10%)
General Athletics
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. two ancient of choice.
W.P. two modern of choice (including energy weapons).
Hand to Hand: Basic, but Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert for the cost of one O.C.C. Related Skill or to Martial Arts (or Assassin, if anarchist or evil) for the cost of two skills.


Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select
skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes
to meet the minimum or roll again. All MOS Skills are in
addition to O.C.C. and O.C.C.

0 1 - 15%
Communications Expert
Literacy: Native Tongue (+ 1 0%)
Computer Operation (+ 15%) and Basic Electronics (+ I 0%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+ 15%)
Optic Systems ill: Surveillance Systems (+ 1 4%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Cryptography (+ 1 5%) ill: an extra Language (+ 1 5%).
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV/Video ill: Computer Programming (+ I 0%)

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of
12 or higher.
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%)
Demolitions (+ 1 5%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+ 1 0%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

Robot Pilot or Robot Pilot pick one
Power Armor Pilot MOS Skills:
Advanced Math (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%) ill Acrobatics
Navigation (+ 1 5%)
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor (basic; +20%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Basic (general knowledge)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite (select two power armor types to start, + 1
at levels 3, 6, 9 and 1 2).
Pilot: Jet Fighter or Combat Helicopter (+ 1 5%)
Pilot: One skill of choice (+ 1 2%).

Robot Pilot MOS Skills:
Land Navigation ( 1 2%)
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor (basic; + 1 0%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Basic (general knowledge)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite (select two types of giant robots to start,
+ 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 1 2).
Pilot: Tanks & APC S
Pilot: Construction & Tracked Vehicles (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+ 1 5%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)

5 1 -65%
Point Man/Scout:
Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher; a high P.P. and Speed are helpful.
Detect Ambush (+ 1 5%)
Detect Concealment (+ 1 0%)
Intelligence (+ 1 5%)
Land Navigation (+ 1 4%)
Prowl (+ 1 0%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+ 1 5%)
Wilderness Survival (+ 1 0%)

Pigman/Heavy Weapons :
Requires a P.S. of 14 and a P.E. of 12 or higher.
Recognize Weapon Quality (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns)
W.P. five modern of choice
W.P. Two of choice (any)
two Demolition skills (+5%).

8 1 -90%
Transportation Specialist
Basic Mechanics (+ I O%) .QI Combat Driving (+5%)
Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Automobile .QI Motorcycle (+20%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground) ill: Hovercycle (+ 1 5%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Trucks (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: One of choice (+ 1 0%), excluding robots/power annor.

9 1 -00%
Requires an I.Q. and P.P. of I I or higher.
Brewing (+5 %)
Biology (+ 1 5%)
Field Surgery (+ 1 5%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Pathology (+ 1 0%) or Chemistry (+ 1 0%)
Sewing (+ 1 0%)

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 10 skills from one of the following skill categories as the character's area of Military Specialty (MOS); each gets a +10% bonus regardless of what may be noted below:
Communications, Mechanical, Medical, Piloting or W.P.

Select five other skills from the list below at level one, plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 10 and 13.
All new skills start at level one proficiency.

Related Skills.
Communications: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic electronics only.
Espionage: Sniper and Wilderness Survival only.
Mechanical: Basic & Automotive Mechanics only (+5%) Medical: First Aid only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any (+10%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Astronomy and Math only.
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 12 secondary skills from the list,
excluding those marked "None," at levels 1, 4, 6, 9 and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level.

Standard Military issue for Combat Soldiers:
Medium or Heavy body armor ( include M.D armor), one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4+1 extra ammo-clips for each, two smoke grenades, two fragmentation grenades (2D6 M.D.), survival knife, wooden cross, 1D6 wooden stakes and a mallet, folding shovel, pocket mirror, flashlight, distancing bin-oculars, canteen, utility belt, back-pack, bed roll, tent, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie (when not in armor), two standard uniforms and one dress uniform, and a handful of personal items.
Additional weapons, explosives, special items and magic items may be acquired over time, and through role-playing.

Starts with none, although one may be assigned for special missions and raiding.
Available On Assignment:
Depending on the character, and the assignment, the Soldier may have access to special weapons, explosives and equipment, vehicles and troops.
Availability of equipment and resources may be dependent upon the local commander, supply stock, location, causalities and combat conditions. The combat soldier is typically at the bottom of priority lists.
Starts with 2D4x100 credits and 6D6x10 worth of tradeable goods. A soldier's monthly salary is 800 credits plus food, basic clothing, basic equipment, a tiny cut of spoils from raids they are involved in, medical attention, and other basic needs.
Black Market connection roll under 40%.

Gyro-Compass to start. Additional cybernetics can be acquired with rank and as rewards for outstanding per-formance and heroics under fire, or purchased with one's own money (with proper authorization, of course). Approxi-mately half of the more experienced Soldati have at least one bionic prosthetic (arm or leg) and/or a handful of implants.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

United Nations Enlisted Soldier O.C.C.(N.A.T.O, Canada ,Europe, )

Though well-educated and well- trained, Most Canadian and Western European soldiers unlike the combat experience that American soldiers have. These UN troops are honest and do not condone genocide, trafficking in illicit goods or abuse of civilians or prisoners. However as much as they intend to perform security and peacekeeping tasks, they can have no motivation to die. When facing serious military opposition. Their standard procedure is to hold off and wait for diplomats to negotiate a peaceful resolution. When cornered by a superior military force. Their initial reaction will be to surrender. And relying: on UN and home country diplomacy to secure humane treatment and eventual release. With the introduction of Mega damage weapons and the formation of N.E.M.A, either many military agencies either be taken Into N.E.M.A or disbanded many in this position . This made possible for the United Nation take care area in south America, Africa , middle east parts of Indian and many area of Asia, were UN has been ask for help. This free many area of the world to help before the fall of mankind and was a blessing in disguise went things hit the fan. Also ARMTECH was the big winner in trillion yes trillion converting old supposed S.D.C WESTERN Military vehicle from the US , and allowed the U.S Military ahead when the New cold war started.
Still there are many Americans that join the UN or ex-military forces due to N.E.M.A
Any; most lend toward Scrupulous.
Attributes :
I.Q. 3d6
M.E. 3d6
M.A. 3d6.
P.S. 3d6
P.P. 3d6
P.E. 3d6
P.B. 3d6
Spd 3d6
The Canadian s and Europeans have far less combat experience (-10%) than comparable American troops: Privates and corporals tend to be first level, sergeants second, and senior NCOs third or fourth .
Human only
92% Male. Rest female,
18• to 30 with the senior career military personnel being older than the junior ones.
Adults average five feet to six feet .
Athletic; typical y 160 pounds (72 kg ).
S.D.C. :
20 .
M.D Armor painted blue with "UN" stenciled in white.
P.P.E.: 2d6
Attacks per attack add one .
Bonuses: +1 to strike. + 1 parry and dodge. +2 to pull punch and +3 to Roll with impact.
Combat bonuses shown for first level

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:
Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join NEMA or the US /UN military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.
These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses
instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
01-11% Brainy:
13-26% Strong-willed:
27-39% Charismatic:
40-51% Physically Strong:
52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
66-78% Great Endurance:
79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is Military Specialist/or robot Ace

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and Military Specialist

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

Special Aptitude Bonuses Table
Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!
Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus

[b] 71-80% Quick Reflexes:

+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

81-90% Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

91-00% Charismatic/Charmer:
1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

01-15% Communications Expert
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Optic Systems or Surveillance Systems (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV& Video or Computer Programming (+10%)

16-25% EOD/Demolitions Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Demolitions (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+8%)
Trap Construction or NBC Warfare (+5%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

26-50% Soldier/Infantry/grunt
Salvage (+5%)
Land Navigation (+8%)
One Physical skill of choice.
One Pilot skill of choice (+5%).
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+10%).
Law: General (+10%)

51-65% Point Man/Scout: Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher; a high P.P. and Spd. are helpful.
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)

66-80% Pigman/Heavy Weapons: Requires a P.S. of 22 and a P.E. of 12 or higher.
Command Robots (Limited to one Combat Drone or Combat Hound to help carry heavy ammo drums, weapons and gear. Basically function as the second man in a two-man fire team.)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns)
W.P. pick 6 of choice (any).

81-90% Pilot Specialist: there are many pilots in the UN and play important rolls
All have
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Weapon Systems

Pick one of the following (land), air, sea, Giant robot or power armored not both
Vehicle (land) ,
Pilot: Automobile
Pilot: Motorcycle (+20%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground)
Hovercycle (+20%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+20%)
Pilot: Trucks (+15%)

Air if broken in two area fix wing and rotor wing
(Air) rotor
Pilot: Helicopter (+15%)
Jet Packs
(Air) fix wing
jet fighter (+15%)
Jet Packs

Pilot: One of choice (+20%) robot or Power Armor
Pick one(+20%)
Power Armor Basic — 56%+3%
Power Armor Combat Elite
Robot Basic — 56%+3%
Robot Combat Elite

91-00% Medic: Requires an I.Q. and P.P. of 11 or higher.
Advanced Mathematics (+10%)
Brewing (+15%)
Biology (+15%)
Chemistry or Pathology (+10%)
Field Surgery (+15%)
Holistic Medicine or Chemistry: Analytical (+5%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)

O.C.C. Skills:
These are in addition to M.O.S. and reflect basic training.
Math: Basic
Language, Native: Standard.
Language, Foreign: two of choice (+10%).
Literacy, Native: Standard.
Literacy, Foreign: One of choice (+5%).
Military Etiquette (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+5%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
First Aid (+10%)
General Athletics
Climbing (+10%)
W.P. Knife (includes Vibro-Knives)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P. Automatic and Semi-Automatic Rifles
Hand to Hand:
Basic, which can be changed to Expert at the cost of one "O.C.C. Related Skill" or Martial Arts (or Assas-sin if evil) for the cost of two skill selections.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 12 other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills. Horsemanship: Any.
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic Mechanics only.
Medical: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Military: Any (+10%), except Command Robots, Trap Construction and Trap Detection, unless provided under an M.O.S.
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics.
Pilot: Basic vehicle types only; the average grunt does not know how to drive a tank/APC ,Power Armor/ Robot .
Pilot Related: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Science: Advanced Math (+5%) and Astronomy only. Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any, except Sharpshooting.
Wilderness: Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only.
Secondary Skills:
The character also gets two Secondary Skills at levels one, five, ten, and fifteen. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply.
Equipment of Note :
M.D.C 5.56mm assault rifle (FN F2(X)()Belgium, OR M.D.C C7 Canada or M.D FAMAS France) with integral telescopic sight:
Hand knife (1D6+2 S.D.C damage), two IL canteens with camouflage carrier s. hard armor vest and Kevlar helm et ( M.D).
Painted blue. with "UN" stenciled in white). four camouflage M.D. utility uniforms.
two pairs of boot s, one fragmentation grenade . one smoke grenade. one blue poncho with ;'UN" stenciled in white . camouflage load-bearing harness with six magazine pouches und fanny pack. one
day' s worth of food. insect repellent. and first aid kit.
Special.: Soldiers with the W.P. M.D. Heavy Weapons skill will have either a M.D. 40 mm under barrel grenade launcher. a M.D. medium machinegun . or a M.D. rocket launcher. The exact types of weapons will vary with the country of origin

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... _3.svg.png

5.56mm Model 03 LAPA FA Assault Rifle
Cartridge: 5.56mmx45,
5D6 S.D.C per round
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Feed: 20,
30 or 40 round plastic box or drum feed 99
3.48 kg, Barrel
489mm (738mm
Rate of Fire: burst fire two rounds burst ,four rounds burst ,six rounds burst , twelve rounds burst ,all count as one attack ,a full 30 round burst counts a full melee
Effective Range
: 630 m (2067 ft).

Body Armored

Mega-Damage Vest
LV-10 Mega-Damage Vest. Size: Human equivalent.
6 pounds (2.7 kg).
Excellent, no penalties.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main Body/Chest and upper torso (only) 30
Armor Rating: NONE ( ARM TECH/P.M.C additional strategic M.D.C. padding on the forearms, shoulders, knees and thighs; +10 M.D.C ,15M.D.C ,20M.D.C, TO 25 M.D.C. max ).
Note: Use of a helmet from the b] standard NEMA ARM TECH /P.M.C Militia /military [/b] armor is highly recommended to protect the head and face, and to filter the polluted air.
Special Weapon Systems or Features:
Comes in the colors white, tan, grey and black.
Cost: Availability on the street is poor, with the vest getting 8,000 credits and up.

Base-4 Armored Clothing Rifts - World Book 19 - australia
By Ben Lucas & Kevin Siembieda

Base-4 is a revolutionary, "miracle" Mega-Damage fiber developed a few years before the Great Cataclysm. Hundreds of corporations around the world had been trying to develop a
super-lightweight fabric with the tensile strength of Mega-Damage steel. A company with facilities in both Perth and Melbourne (among others) developed the Base-4 miracle fabric, a technological advancement that threatened to revolutionize space exploration, fire-fighting and combat. The material
is about twice as heavy as normal fabric, and with the padding and strategic placement of (comparatively) lightweight M.D.C. ceramics, which is common in light M.D.C. "cloth" armor, it is
roughly the equivalent of wearing a long leather coat or heavy trench coat.
As an M.D.C. material, the Base-4 "fabric" could be used to make ordinary looking jump suits, business suits, fatigues, jackets, coats and ponchos that afford the wearer significant M.D.C. protection, especially if combined with additional concealed plating. Even as a simple fabric, Base-4 gives the wearer significant protection, particularly against energy weapons. Most energy blasts have little, if any, physical impact, so the "fabric" can easily protect against it, blocking the brunt of the blast. The
addition of extra padding and strategic plating makes it very effective against light M.D. weapons such as handguns and light rifles.
The weakness of the Base-4 material is that it is less effective against explosives, mini-missiles and projectile weapons (i.e. rail guns). This is the main reason such weapons are very uncommon
, and limited only to military applications (and even then, typically restricted to operations
outside the Cities ). Consequently, Mega-Damage explosive and projectile weapons, while stopped by the armor, will also inflict S.D.C. damage to the wearer and knock him off his feet (losing initiative and one melee attack/action). Every 12 points of M.D. damage inflicted will do 1D4 S.D.C./Hit Point
damage. So an explosion that does 37 M.D.C. will do 3D4 points of S.D.C. damage.
Note: in time Base-4 is lost to the rest of the world, although there are a few other fabrics and armor that are vaguely similar. Police Jump Suits, Military Flight Suits, Undercover Clothing & Similar
Appearance: Ordinary looking business suit, dress, jacket, coat, poncho, fatigues, jump suit, and similar article of clothing that covers all or most of the body (often comes with a
pull-over hood or helmet). .
Roughly three times the weight of the equivalent article of clothing — approximately 10-12 pounds (4.5 to 5.4 kg) for the entire M.D.C. ensemble.
Mobility Penalty:
Typically -2% to climb, and -5% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.
M.D.C. : 8-12 — non-environmental

M.D.C. Armored Trench Coat
An ordinary looking coat made of Base-4, but with padding and M.D.C. plates along the shoulders, chest, stomach and other strategic locations for additional protection. This armor is very
popular among City and adventurers in chaos earth . Base-4 clothing may be worn underneath it.
Appearance: Looks like an ordinary, heavy, trench or long coat (women's styles and chaos earth undercover work include a cloak) that goes down to just below the knees or as low as the
ankles, and has a flip-up collar and either a detachable or pull-out hood (kept in a zipper pocket under the back collar).
A helmet
(30-50 M.D.C.) comes standard.
Approximately 17-20 pounds (7.65 to 9 kg) for the entireM.D.C. ensemble.
Mobility Penalties:
-10% for civilians (i.e. Level 5 Administrators),-5% for Police, Military,
Typically none to climb,prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C.: 25 — non-environmental M.D.C. Armored Trench Coat
An ordinary looking coat made of Base-4, but with padding and M.D.C. plates along the shoulders, chest, stomach and other strategic locations for additional protection. This armor is very
popular among City and adventurers in chaos earth . Base-4 clothing may be worn underneath it.
Appearance: Looks like an ordinary, heavy, trench or long coat (women's styles and chaos earth undercover work include a cloak) that goes down to just below the knees or as low as the
ankles, and has a flip-up collar and either a detachable or pull-out hood (kept in a zipper pocket under the back collar).
A helmet
(30-50 M.D.C.) comes standard.
Approximately 17-20 pounds (7.65 to 9 kg) for the entireM.D.C. ensemble.
Mobility Penalties:
-10% for civilians (i.e. Level 5 Administrators),-5% for Police, Military,
Typically none to climb,prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C.: 25 — non-environmental

"Trencher" Body Armor RIFTS Australia book
This suit is a fully sealed environmental armor used by the Military Forces and Tactical Response Groups (S.W.A.T ) of both Perth and Melbourne. It comes equipped with a cooling system, one hour independent oxygen supply and various other features common to full-environmental suits of armor worldwide. A matte camouflage pattern is used for military operations when the troops "go outside " — into the bush/wilderness. It does not reflect the sun and is hard to spot in the wild. It gets the nickname,
"Trencher" because it is a sturdy, reliable suit of armor used by all facets of the Army and the soldiers "in the trenches." Troops suit up in Trencher armor when on guard duty, any patrols outside the walls and into the wilderness, and when engaging hostile forces in or out of the Tech-City. The Navy has a
similar body armor with a different paint job and slightly different styling. Trencher armor are repaints it and makes customized changes (different helmet, color, spikes and such) Soldier.
The standard helmet has goggle-eyes and air filters protruding from the chin of the helmet. There are slight variations in helmet design, armor color and insignias to distinguish between
the various divisions (RIFTS Australia book see page 113 for the variant at Melbourne).

Combat Armor
This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 20th Century helmets and flack jackets, but it has the addition of a face plate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant and has limited life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in the Rifts RPG, page 209).
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern. Marine Combat armor is manufactured at both bases (as are all energy weapons).
• M.D.C. : 85
• Weight: 9.5 lbs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: -10% on the performance of prowl and other physi-cal skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (610 m)
• Market Cost: 50,000 credits outside Refugee camps in Chaos earth

M.D.C. Light Anti-Assassin Vector special operations
This is used by Police, Military and undercover agents as well as some Level 4 & 5 citizens who fear for their lives. It is a simple padded vest with some additional armor to protect the chest and belly. It is low profile and usually unnoticeable, even at close range; detectable only upon close inspection and
"patting the wearer down." Appearance: Looks like an undergarment or extra shirt to keep warm. It is easily concealed beneath an ordinary shirt, suit coat, etc.
Approximately 5 pounds (2.25 kg).
Mobility Penalties: None.
M.D.C.: 15 — non-environmental and protects upper torso only.

M.D.C. Flak Vest
Standard for all Helicopter Gunners and Patrol Boat Crewmen(with flotation device built into it), as well as used by police officers, special agents and the occasional Level 5 Administrator. A Flak Vest is a protective vest made of Base-4 materials with alloy and/or ceramic plate and padding inserted.
It is designed to cover and protect only the chest, stomach and groin areas, allowing for unencumbered movement of the arms and legs, but it also leaves them unprotected. Comes standard
with a helmet (30 to 50 M.D.C.) and Base-4 clothing may be worn underneath it. Has the Equivalent of an A.R. 12, meaning a roll to strike of 13 or higher will hit an exposed limb.
Looks like a heavy, obviously padded or plated vest, although it can be concealed beneath a bulky jacket, coat, cloak or poncho.
Approximately 15 pounds (6.75 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -5% for civilians to climb, prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
for Police, Military, and other combat or wilderness trained personnel.
M.D.C.: 30 — non-environmental and protects the torso only

Armored Jump Suit City Police M.D.C
Armored Jump Suit City Police wear a padded jump suit and boots made of Base-4 material with additional M.D.C. metal alloy or ceramic plates located in the chest, along the shoulders, arms, hips, knees, calves and head. The standard light helmet comes with a built-in radio communications system and gas mask and air filter, plus the helmet (50 M.D.C.) easily fits over the standard communications rigging and head protection.
Approximately 15 pounds (6.75 kg).
Mobility Penalties:
-5% to climb, prowl, swim, perform acrobatics,
Gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head with light protection — 28; non-environmental.
Head with full protective helmet — 50; environmental.
Arms — 22 each
Legs — 28 each
Main Body — 35
The addition of a full protective helmet seals the suit and makes it an environmental body armor system.

M.D.C. Police Riot Armor
The City Police and Anti-Terrorist Response Teams (i.e. the TRG) of both Melbourne and Perth are issued medium combat armor, sometimes referred to as SWAT or Riot Gear. This suit is basically the police armored uniform combined with a heavyflak vest and additional armor and padding. The chest, stomach, groin, hips and shoulders are especially protected. The standard helmet comes with a multi-optic system.
Medium Environmental Body Armor
Weight: Approximately 20 pounds (9 kg).
[b][u] Mobility Penalties:
-5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 50
Arms — 22 each
Legs — 32 each
Main Body —55
Note: Riot shield (40 M.D.C) is optional and does 1D6 S.D.C. damage when used as a blunt weapon to butt, push and strike

Heavy M.D.C Environmental Body Armor
Weight: Approximately 20 pounds (9 kg).
[b][u] Mobility Penalties:
-5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 70
Arms — 45 each
Legs — 45 each
Main Body —95
Note: Riot shield (120 M.D.C) is optional and does 1D6 S.D.C. M.D.C or damage when used as a blunt weapon to butt, push and strike. player must declare to GM

Special Ops Combat Armor
Restricted to ARM TECH /P.M.C Militia /military use only. Full plate armor using light
M.D.C. metal alloys, ceramics, and Base-4 materials. Like the police, it comes standard with both a light, padded headgear with an open face and built-in communications system and a full environmental helmet that fits over the light headgear.
Appearance: Environmental Body Armor.
Weight: Approximately 28 pounds (12.6 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -10% to climb, and -25% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet (light) — 30; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet (heavy) — 70; environmental.
Arms — 60 each
Legs — 75 each
Main Body—115

Special Ops Heavy Combat Armor
Restricted to ARM TECH /P.M.C Militia /military use only. Full plate armor using light
M.D.C. metal alloys, ceramics, and Base-4 materials. Like the police, it comes standard with both a light, padded headgear with an open face and built-in communications system and a full environmental helmet that fits over the light headgear.
Appearance: Environmental Body Armor.
Weight: Approximately 28 pounds (12.6 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -10% to climb, and -25% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet (light) — 75; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet (heavy) — 95; environmental.
Arms — 85 each
Legs — 95 each
Main Body—125

Medium Environmental Body Armor.
Approximately 23 pounds (10.35 kg).
Mobility Penalties:
-5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet (light) — 30; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet — 60; environmental.
Arms — 40 each
Legs — 60 each
Main Body — 70

heavy Environmental Body Armor.
Approximately 23 pounds (10.35 kg).
Mobility Penalties:
-5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet — 70; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet — 90; environmental.
Arms — 80 each
Legs — 95 each
Main Body — 130


The following are over the counter MD refit military vehicles the UN will use ,but also note later mode detail will be made

• M.D.C. Modified Armored Cars & Light APCs
•M.D.C. Modified Large Trucks
•Modified Automobiles & Jeeps
• M.D.C. Modified Motorcycles

M.D.C. Modified Armored Cars & Light A.P.C
• Typical Speed:
60 mph (96.5 km); maximum fuel range: 250 miles
• New light armor plating
Provides 140 M.D.C. for the main body and 60 M.D.C. for the turret and cannon. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 500 to 600 points (equal to 5 or 6 M.D.C.).

• weapons
A rail gun, laser or other energy weapon is mounted on the turret or built into the vehicle or an existing S.D.C. machine-gun (or M.D. machine-gun) can remain unchanged, but fires ramjet ammunition
• Typical price for a retrofitted armored car is 5,000 credits.

M.D.C. Modified Large Trucks
• Typical Speed:
120 mph (192 km); maximum fuel range: 150 miles
• New light armor plating
Provides 60 to 80 M.D.C. for the main body of the cab and 90 to 120 M.D.C. for the trailer/cargo bay. S.D.C. tires are replaced with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 400 to 600 points (equal to 4 to 6 M.D.C.).
• weapons
Many as four weapons can be mounted on the trailer section and one light weapon on the cab; each costs extra. TOTAL 5 weapons [/b
[b] • Typical price
for a retrofitted truck is 10,000 credits, plus the cost of the weapons (if any).
• Typical Speed:
90 mph (144 km); maximum fuel range: 200 miles (321 km). Souped up speed costs 1000 credits per each additional 10 mph (16 km) up to 80 extra mph (128 km) maximum.
• New light armor plating
provides 60 M.D.C. for the main body. S.D.C. tires are replaced with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 200 to 400 points (equal to 2 or 4 M.D.).
• weapons
One light rail gun, laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon can be mounted on the hood, top or rear of the vehicle; costs extra.

Modified Automobiles & Jeeps
• Typical Speed:
110 mph (176 kin); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (482 km).
Souped up speed costs 100 credits per each additional 10 mph (16 km) up to 80 extra mph (128 km) maximum. but car double extra mph
• New armor plating provides 45 M.D.C. for the main body. S.D.C. tires can be replaced with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 200 to 300 points (equal to 2
or 3 M.D.C.).
• weapons
• One light rail gun, laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon can be mounted on hood, top or rear of the vehicle; costs extra.
• Typical price for a retrofitted car is 2,000 credits, plus the cost of the weapon (if any).

M.D.C. Modified Motorcycles
• Typical Speed:
140 mph (224 km); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (482 km). Souped speed costs 1000 credits per each additional 10 mph (16 km) up to 80 extra mph (128 km) maximum.
• New armor plating
provides 25 M.D.C. for the main body (20 for a side-car, costs an extra 1,000 credits). S.D.C. tires can be re-placed with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 100 to 200 points (equal to 1 or 2 M.D.C.).
• weapons • One laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon can be mounted on
the front of the bike; costs extra.
• Typical price for a retrofitted motorcycle is 4,000 credits, plus the cost of the weapon (if any).

The following are over the counter MD refit military vehicles the UN will use ,but also note later mode detail will be made
ARMTECH ARM TECH Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is a high speed,
ARMTECH Abrams Main Battle Tank
ARMTECH ARMTECH M.D refit Hercules Airplane
ARMTECH M.D refit -60 Improved Black Hawk Assault Helicopter
ARMTECH M.D refit Apache Helicopter
ARMTECH M.D refit -1W Improved Super-Cobra Gunship
ARMTECH M.D refit 58D Improved Kiowa Warrior Helicopter
ARMTECH M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook

NOTE WHEN YOU SEE THE FOLLOWING IN M.D.C location FOR example ** Main Body/Fuselage - 125 (220),this mean it over the counter while in parentheses mean better armored in that location and been use by arm tech

The M113
is a simple all-purpose APC with superior speed and better armor and weapons. The vehicle can deliver combat infantry and supplies to the battlefield in relative safety. Although the refitted M113 are no match for modern APCs, one cannot beat the rock bottom price offered by ARM TECH
they're practically giving the M113s away.
Model Type: M.D refit M113s Improved Armored Personnel Carrier.
Armored Personnel Carrier.
Three crewmen: a driver/APC commander, cupola gunner, and a communications officer.
Troop Transport
Comfortably seats either 24 heavy infantry soldiers or 14 power armor suits.
M.D.C. by Location:
Turret - 80
* Cupola Rail Gun - 50
* Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher - 10
** Track Treads (2) - 14 each
*** Main Body - 168 ( 250 ) M.D.C. (the main body is reinforced with modern M.D.C. materials )
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the vehicle until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Maximum Speed: 80 mph (128 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 45 mph (72 km).
Range: 500 miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.

Statistical Data:
Height: 9 feet, 9 inches (2.97 m). Width: 8 feet, 4 inches .
Length: 21 feet, 2 inches (6.45 m).
Weight: 14 tons.
Cargo: Can hold 5,000 lbs (2,250 kg) worth of equipment.

Power System:
Conventional diesel engine.
Cost: 40,000 credits.
Weapon Systems:
1. Cupola Rail Gun: ONE weapon systems
This gun standard LIGHT RAIL GUN , located in the cupola (mini-turret). The turret must be manned by a gunner, can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Defense and Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 per 40 rounds burst; one round does 1D4 M.D. 2.

2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher:
A single box style mini-missile launcher has been added to the top of the APC to provide aerial protection for the vehicle and its mechanized infantry, the launcher is fired by the driver.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle.
Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile type.
Missile Type:
Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but M.D refit sells the tank with six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius) and six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range: About 1 mile (1.6 km).
Payload: Six mini-missiles.
3. Systems of Note: Vehicular radio with 50 mile (80 km) range and passive nightvision with 2000 foot (610 m) range. ARM TECH range 2 miles

is an extremely popular light combat and utility vehicle. As with most vehicles manufactured ARM TECH , ARM TECH Hummer is a Mega-Damage retrofit of a pre-Rifts American military vehicle. In the age before the Coming of the Rifts, the M-998 series HMMWV, or High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle, was one of the most widely used vehicles in the modern American military. Its design stands out for two main reasons, utility and mobility. The retrofitted M.D refit -998 can be used for dozens of different applications, including troop transport, resupply, staff car, reconnaissance, field ambulance, towing artillery pieces, and when armed with a TOW launcher, as a mobile weapons plat-form for anti-tank combat. Without much exaggeration, it can be said that the Hummer can go anywhere. It can go wherever tanks can, ford rivers (up to 2.5 feet/0.76 m deep), climb virtually any hill, scale logs, steps and other obstacles up to two feet (0.6 m) tall, and drive across sand, snow and ice with equal ease. Hummers are incredibly rugged and continue driving at normal speeds even when all four tires are flat (they all come with the run-flat tire system). The vehicle can carry a payload of up to 2500 lbs (1125 kg) of cargo or up to 10 seated troops in full gear and tow a maximum payload of 3,400 lbs (1530 kg); as much as a 105mm howitzer. Even the vehicle itself is easy to move; the Hummer can be carried by a Blackhawk helicopter, and M.D refit Hummers can be carried by the M.D refit -47 Chinook.
Another winning feature of the vehicle's design is that with little effort, all Hummers can be outfitted for combat use. Every Hummer, even ambulance models, come equipped with a weapon mount on the roof on which numerous weapons can be attached when needed. All GAW Hummers also have a basic radio with a 5 mile (8 km) range
Model Type:
M.D refit 998 Improved Hummer
High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle.
One pilot/driver is all that's critical, but it can accommodate a four person crew (co-pilot, gunner, and 1 communications officer, in addition to the pilot, or pilot and three passengers) in addition to six seated troops or additional passengers (8 under cramped conditions). As an ambulance, it easily accommodates 4 stretchers and 2-4 seated patients or 10-12 seated passengers, the "crew" being the driver, a doctor and two paramedics/field medics.

M.D.C. by Location:
Weapon Turret (optional) — 40
Ballistic Windows (3; forward) — 12 each*
Headlights (6) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 6 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment — 25**
Main Body – 122( 225)
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -9 to strike.
** Depleting the 'M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Maximum Speed:
90 mph (144 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 15-35 mph (24-56 km).
800 miles (1280 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data:
6 feet (1.83 m).
9 feet, 1 inch (2.75 m).
16 feet (4.72 m).
5,060 lbs (2277 kg).
Can hold 2,500 lbs (1,125 kg) worth of equipment, plus tow a load of 3,400 lbs (1,530 kg).
Power System: Conventional gas engine.
Cost: 25,500 credits.
Weapon Systems:
Every ARM TECH Hummer has a weapon mount on the roof of the vehicle. This mount can support numerous weapons, including most machine-guns, rail guns, or M.D auto-cannons, M.D grenade launcher, S.D.C TOW launcher M.D Medium single show or dual shot , mini-missile launcher or any type of rifle style energy weapon. When the Hummer is armed the weapon is accessed through a hatch from the back seat of the vehicle and must be manned by a gunner.
• weapons
Two mini-missile box launchers can also be attached to the exterior (back or sides) of the vehicle (six mini-missiles per launcher).

Flares systems and smoke system

Fast-Attack Vehicle Special Ops Dune Buggy

ARM TECH Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is a high speed,
heavily armed, rugged off-road dune buggy-like vehicle designed for special operations applications. Its basic function is to augment the firepower and mobility of elite troops without sacrificing their ability to hide and maneuver covertly. And in so doing, the FAV has expanded the capabilities of Special Ops
FAVs are three-man, all-terrain vehicles that have a top road speed of 90 mph (144 km). The FAV Dune Buggy is rugged and can negotiate virtually any ground terrain. It drives over steep inclines, through roadblocks, over tank traps, sand, mud, ditches and trenches as well as other rough terrain and obstacles (up to 4 feet/1.2 m tall) that are impassable for most other military vehicles. A fully-loaded FAV travels cross-country at speeds varying from 25-60 mph (40 to 96 km), which on average is 50% greater than the off-road speed of the M.D refit -H998 Hummer Armament for the FAV, aside from the driver's personal weapons, consists of a roof-mounted , and a pair of mini-missile launchers. This impressive array of weaponry gives the three-man FAV crew the firepower of a heavy power armor suit or light combat robot, and enough firepower to engage much larger infantry units, enemy installations, soft-skinned vehicles and even light armored vehicles (such as an Iron Maiden APC-10, Bradley IFV ). The FAV is also easy to transport; one can be carried by a M.D refit -60 Blackhawk, or by the M.D refit -47 Chinook, and the M.D refit FAV can even be rigged to parachute from transport aircraft.
Since it was first offered by ARM TECH M.D refit, the M.D refit FAV has been purchased for special operations units in many Western armies, including the European, as well as by numerous mercenary and bandit groups. These forces use the M.D refit FAV in many roles, including reconnaissance, patrolling, security, light strike, infantry support, covert surveillance, covert infiltration, forward air control (using laser designators) and for standby combat search and rescue.
Model Type:
M.D refit Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
M.D refit Fast Attack Vehicle Special Ops Dune Buggy.
Two, driver and gunner, plus 2-4 passengers. M.D.C. by Location:
* Headlights (4) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 4 each
* Roof Gun - 50
* Box Style Missile Launcher (1) - 10 each
* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine - 12 **
Main Body – 85(170)
The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Note: This is not an environmental enclosure, the crew sits exposed to the elements, but does have the benefits of partial cover and concealment. Shots directed at the crew suffer a penalty of -6 to strike at 60 MPH or less ,over 61 mph they get -9 to strike.
Speed: [b][u]
[b] Maximum Speed:

120 mph (192 mph), off-road speed is reduced. A fully-loaded FAV travels cross country at speeds varying from 25-90 mph depending on the difficulty of the terrain.
1500 miles (2400 km), due to its electric engine.
[u] Statistical Data:
6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 m).
6 feet, 11 inches (2.11 m).
13 feet, 11 inches (4.25 m).
Weight: 2,750 lbs ( 1000 lds)
Power System:
Electrical engine.
Cost: 20,000 credits.
• weapons
1.Roof Gun:
M.D Grenade Launcher or a M.D .50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun.
This weapon is mounted on a reinforced roll-bar and requires a gunner (typically one of the passengers standing up on his seat and strapped into the gunner's harness). The weapon can rotate 360 degree and has a 90 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose:
Assault and Defense.
Secondary Purpose:
Standard Grenade launcher:
Grenade: 1D4x10 to a radius of 3 feet (0.9 m) around the target.
Fragmentation Grenade:
4D6 M.D. to everything in a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius. Other: Smoke, tear gas or other types of grenades may be substituted.
low end .50 Caliber Machine-gun: 1D6 M.D. per 10 round burst.
Rate of Fire:
Each grenade or machine-gun burst fired counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee.
Effective Range:
Grenade Launcher: 2100 feet , Machinegun: 6000 feet to 2 miles
Grenades: 60 grenade belt feed or 800 machine-gun rounds (80 bursts).
Note: This weapon may be replaced with any mounted laser or other rifle style energy weapons, but requires E-Clips or a separate power pack or generator for power.

2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2): [b][u]
These two box-mounted launchers on the sides of the FAV are used against lightly armored targets and infantry, both of these launchers are fired by the gunner.
[b] Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle.
Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile type.
Missile Type:
Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but [u] ARM TECH sells the FAV with six Light High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius)
six light Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range:
1 mile
12, six mini-missiles per launcher.

3. Systems of Note: Basic radio with 5 mile (8 km) range, passive night vision with 2000 foot (610 m) range but ARM TECH has 2 miles range , and Souped up for fast turns and evasive maneuvers (half the usual piloting penalties for trick and evasive moves).

The new Abrams is a fair match for Iron Heart's medium tank, and weaker than their Iron Hammer MBT, but still M.D refit -M1A3 Improved
Abrams Main Battle Tank
The Abrams MBT was once a mainstay of the old U.S. Empires mechanized armored force; quick, tough and well armed, improving upon the tank was a relatively straightforward project for the engineers of ARM TECH AND for the cost, the M.D refit Abrams cannot be beat and at the end the US had over 2000,000 plus and that not including spare parts which add if assemble 500,000 !!!!!
Model Type:
M.D refit M1A3 Improved Abrams
Main Battle Tank Class:
M.D refit Main Battle Tank.
Four crewmen, a Tank Commander/pilot/driver, gunner, loader/Operator/mechanic and communications officer.
M.D.C. by Location:
Cupola on Turret — 50 later remote control Cupola on Turret 75
Main Turret — 120 (220)
Improved 120 mm Auto-Cannon — 50( 120)
* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8(80)
* Modified 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-Gun — 5 (80)
* Box Style Missile Launchers (2) — 15 each
** Track Treads (2) — 20 each (later 100 each)
*** Main Body - 266 (350)
Reinforced Crew Compartment 25 (200)

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Maximum Speed: 60 mph (96 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 40 mph (64 km)
500 miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data:
Height: 18 feet (5.5 m).
Width: 12 feet (3.6 m).
Length: 36 feet (10.9 m).
Weight: 40 tons fully loaded.( ARM TECH 70 tons
Minimal storage space, just enough room for extra clothing, weapons and some personal items.
Power System:
Conventional diesel engine.

• weapons :

1. 120 mm Auto-Cannon:
The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire Forget is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, Firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The auto-cannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle ARM TECH (90 degree angle) , allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 401 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.
Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose:
• 5D6 M.D. per Light -Explosive (LHE) round to a 10 foot (3 m) radius
• 1D4x10 per Armor Piercing round to a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius,
both rounds are designed to take down other tanks, armored vehicles, giant robots and fortifications.
• 1D6 X10 H.E.A.T (high explosive anti-tank )
Rate of Fire:
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers. ARM TECH has a fast auto reloader systems can fire two round per attack
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m) for all rounds. ARM TECH has 2 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds; typically a mix of half and half, plus six smoke shells (covers a 40 foot/12.2 m radius), but may be all of one kind (plus smoke) or the other.
Low end M.D .50 caliber Coaxial Machine-gun:

This machine-gun is mounted under the main cannon, forcing the entire main turret to turn in order to engage new targets. The weapon may fire conventional ammunition or high M.D. ramjet rounds
Primary Purpose:
Assault and Defense.
Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Conventional .50 Caliber Rounds: 1D6x 100 S.D.C. or 1D6 M.D. per burst of 10 rounds.
Rate of Fire:
Each burst counts as one of the tank gunner's hand to hand attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Payload: 3000 rounds, equal to 300 bursts!
Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2):

These two box-mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the M.D refit
Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Fortifications.
Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Aircraft/Missiles and Anti-Personnel. Mega-Damage: Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type:
Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but ARM TECH sells the tank with
Six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius)
Six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6. Fired by the gunner. Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
12 total. Each missile launcher holds six mini-missiles.
4. M.D 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-gun:
A M.D 7.62 mm machine-gun manned by a gunner protected by the cupola (shielding). May be loaded with explosive rounds, that allow the weapon to inflict greater Mega-Damage. The machine-gun is mounted in the cupola and can be pointed in any direction by the gunner for a 360 degree rotation and a 120 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose:
4D6x10 S.D.C. or 1D4 M.D. per 10 round burst,
2D4 M.D. for a 20 round burst and so on.
M.D explosive rounds doubles the damage noted above (2D4 M.D. per 10 round burst and 4D4 M.D. per 20 round burst and so on ).
Rate of Fire: sets of 10 round burst counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee. A 20 round burst counts as one attack .
Effective Range
6000 feet
4000 rounds,
5. Systems of Note:
Vehicular radio with 50 mile (80 km) range, and passive nightvision with 2000 foot (610 m) range. ARM TECH range 2 miles

M.D refit Hercules Airplane
A retrofitted C-130 Lockheed Hercules, which is arguably the finest military transport plane ever made. ARMTECH has retrofitted and sold hundreds of these vehicles to a variety of users, including merchants, independent nation , shipping companies, mercenary groups and major corporations like ARM TECH Industries and others . The transport can carry 92 fully equipped troops, 92 paratroopers, or cargo loads of up to 21 tons!
Model Type:
M.D refit -130 Hercules
Heavy lift transport aircraft.
Three, plus up to 92 fully equipped soldiers or para-troopers.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Landing Gear/Tires (3) — 15 each
* Engines (4) - 45 each (150)
** Wings (2) - 80 each ( 200)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 180 ( 275)
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 60 ( 120)
* Items marked by a single asterisk are small and/or difficult to hit, requiring an attacker to make a Called Shot to hit with a penalty of -12 strike.
Destroyed landing gear will result in emergency landing rules.
The loss of a single engine will reduce maximum air speed by 25% and impose a -15% penalty to all piloting rolls (penal-ties are accumulative with each engine lost). Losing all four engines will cause the plane to crash.
** Destroying one of the wings or depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the aircraft out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -50% for a successful crash landing.
Speed: [b][u]
[b] Driving on the Ground:

Not possible, taxi speed is 2 mph (3.2 km) on paved surfaces.
The powerful engines of the [u] ARM TECH M.D refit Hercules enable the plane to reach maximum flying speeds of 400 mph , even with a maximum load. Cruising speeds vary according to the situation but tend to be slow, usually between 110 and 240 mph (176 and 384 km). At maximum weight, takeoff distance is approximately 900 feet (274 m).
Maximum Altitude:
The maximum altitude for the Hercules is 33,000 feet (10,058 m).
3000 miles (4800 km), due to its newly designed engines.
Statistical Data:
38 feet, 1 inch (11.6 m).
132 feet, 7 inches (40.4 m) wingspan.
97 feet, 9 inches (29.7 m).
78 tons.
[b] Cargo:

Internal cargo stowage of up to 21 tons or 92 troops.
Power System:
Conventional jet engines.
Cost: 500,000 credits for a single undamaged Hercules.
Weapon Systems: None, exclusively transport.

ARMTECH M.D refit -60 Improved Black Hawk Assault Helicopter
The Black Hawk is an all-purpose utility helicopter that is used to move combat troops and military supplies, for airmobile assaults and to transport casualties to medical facilities.
Model Type ARMTECH M.D refit - Black Hawk
Class: All-purpose utility helicopter.
Crew: Two; pilot and gunner, plus up to 12 passengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Landing Gear — 12
* Main Rotors (4) - 10 each( 25)
* Tail Rotor Section – 20 (100)
* 7.62 mm Machine-Gun - 5
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment – 30( 210)
** Main Body/Fuselage – 155( 200)
* Items marked by a single asterisk are small and/or difficult to hit, requiring an attacker to make a Called Shot to hit with a penalty of -3 strike (-5 to strike if the chopper is going 100 mph/160 km or faster).
Destroyed landing gear will result in emergency landing rules.
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed by 10% and impose a -25% penalty to all piloting rolls (penalties are accumulative with each blade lost). Losing three or all of the rotor blades will cause the helicopter to crash. Roll under piloting skill -40% for a successful crash landing.

Driving on the ground: [b]
Not possible.
[b] Flying:

175 mph (280 km), being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude:
The maximum altitude for the helicopter is 19,150 feet (25,000 FEET).
1500 miles (2400 km), due to its electric engine.

Statistical Data:
16 feet, 10 inches (5.13 m).
53 feet, 8 inches (16.3 m) rotor blades.
50 feet, 1 inch (15.26 m).
6 tons.
Can carry 6,000 lbs (2700 kg) suspended from the helicopter, in addition to passengers.

Power System:
Electric engine.
Cost: 400,000 credits.
Weapon Systems:
1. Low end M.D refit M-23 7.62 mm Machine-Gun:
The machine-gun is mounted in the nose of the Black Hawk as a "chin gun," allowing it a 270 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose:
1D4 M.D. per 10 round burst, 2D4 M.D. per 20 round burst, or 3D4 M.D. for a 30 round burst and so on . AND so max 100 round burst that’s 1d4x10 M.D.C
Rate of Fire:
Each burst counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range:
3000 feet (914 m).
9000 rounds

May be substituted with an M.D. rail gun or energy weapon but at considerably more cost
Systems of Note:
The Black Hawk has all the standard features common to most robot vehicles, plus a radio with a range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision 3000 feet ( ARM TECH has 2 miles ), thermal imager 1400 feet ( ARM TECH has 2 miles )), laser designator (+1 to strike but targeting uses up one of the gunner's melee attacks) and enhanced radar: tracks72 targets, with 100 mile (160 km) range

M.D refit Apache Helicopter
A retrofitted version of the old US Army attack helicopter, the AH-64 Apache combat assault helicopter was upgraded using modern M.D.C. materials. A very capable aircraft that excels at missions of close air support and tank-busting.
Model Type:
ARMTECH M.D refit Improved Apache
Ground attack helicopter.
Two; one pilot and one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Main Rotors (4 blades) — 15 each ( 25)
* Tail Rotor Section – 20(125)
* G-109 Enhanced Rail Gun (1) - 12
* Short-Range Missile Rails (2) - 3 each
* Mini-Missile Pods (2) - 15 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 30 (220)
** Main Body/Fuselage – 150(225)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, but even then the attacker is -8 to strike (-9 if the helicopter is flying faster than 80 mph/160 km).
Destroying one of the missile pods or an attached missile will detonate the ordnance and inflict damage to the helicopter.
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (penalties are accumulative with each main rotor lost). Losing three or four main rotors or losing the tail rotors completely will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the helicopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -50% for a successful crash landing by auto-rotating.

Driving on the Ground:
Not possible.
227 mph max speed , being a helicopter the ARMTECH M.D refit -64 is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.

Maximum Altitude:
The maximum altitude for the Apache is 20,000 feet (6096 m).
Range: 1200 miles (1920 km) before requiring refueling.

Statistical Data:
16 feet, 3 inches (4.95 m).
48 feet (14.6 m) rotor blades.
50 feet, 9 inches (15.47 m).
8 tons.
Power System:
Conventional combustion engine.
Cost: 250,000 credits.
• weapons
•Light G-109 Rail Gun:
A modern light rail gun was installed in the nose of the 64 Apache, instead of its old Heavy mini-gun. The G-109 enhanced rail gun is mounted in the nose, as a "chin gun," allowing it a 270 degree arc of fire ( ARM TECH 360 degree arc of fire ).
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Robot, Vehicle and Personnel.
Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Aircraft .
Light Mega-Damage: Rail Gun: 1D4x10 M.D. per 10 rounds burst.
If the old style Heavy Mini-Gun is kept, it does 2D6+3 M.D. per every 10 round burst or 4D6+6 0r 5d6 M.D. per 20 round burst. 2d6x10 +30 M.D for A 100 round burst
Rate of Fire:
Each burst counts as one of the pilot's melee at-tacks.
Effective Range:
4000 feet (1219 m).
5000 rounds

• 2. M.D refit Missile Rails (2):
Originally used to carry the Hellfire anti-tank missiles (short-range missiles or medium range missiles), the rails have been adapted to carry standard short-range missiles or Medium range missiles, for use against heavily armored targets, like robot vehicles and main battle tanks.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Structures, Robots and Vehicles.
Secondary Purpose:
Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type:
Any short-range missiles or Medium range missiles can be used.
Rate of Fire:
Volleys of 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 or all in one attack !!!.
Effective Range:
Five miles (8 km) for short-range missiles or Medium range missiles at 20 miles NOTE LONG BOW 40 miles
Payload: 18 Medium range missiles total or 8 per Rails or 32 short-range missiles. Each rail can mount 8 short-range missiles or 8 Medium range missiles pick one per rack

3. Mini-Missile Pods (2):
A mini-missile pod is located on both sides of the AH-64 Apache.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry and Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose:
Assault and Defense. Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missiles type.
Missile Type:
Any mini-missiles can be used, but standard issue is High Explosive (5D6 M.D.) or Armor-Piercing (1D4x10 M.D.). Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m radius) will be used for anti-personnel operations.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6. Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
36; 18 missiles per launcher.

4. Systems of Note:
The Apache has all the standard features of robot vehicles as listed in the Rifts® RPG, plus a radio with range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision (3000 foot/914 m range), laser designator (+1 to ) strike and enhanced radar: tracks 48 targets within a 120 mile (192 km) range.
NOTE LONG BOW ARMTECH M.D refit Apache, senor range 5 miles, designator (+2 to ) strike to all weapons , enhanced radar: tracks 96 targets within a 240 mile range
Apache Long Bow Laser Pods

http://unspacy.deviantart.com/art/Apach ... a_recent=1

Laser pod similar to ATL-7 Anti-Tank rifle only bigger and modern and room to spare
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give gunship a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot kill weapon that releases all the energies contained
In a normal E-c1ip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy
(the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry
Mega-Damage: 4D6X10+20 M.D. per shot!
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; either pilot or gunner
Effective Range: 12,000 feet over two miles on mile has 5280 feet
Payload: ammo drum inside pod carries
Cost: 300,000 credits

ARMTECH M.D refit -1W Improved Super-Cobra Gunship
Older than the AH-64 Apache, but still very effective the Super Cobra is a popular attack chopper. The engines of the Super Cobras have been replaced with high-output electric engines to increase their loiter times and increase their flight ranges. The vehicle is smaller and faster than the Apache, but it doesn't pack the same payload of weapons. It makes an excellent light assault helicopter, scout and reconnaissance vehicle and urban setting. At the same time it is capable of performing missions of close air support and tank-busting. Super-Cobras are often used as escort aircraft for air ambulances and downed pilot rescue missions.
Model Type:
ARMTECH M.D refit Improved Super Cobra
Ground attack helicopter.
Two; one pilot and one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Main Rotors (4) - 12 each( 24)
* Tail Rotor Section – 18(100)
* XM-134 7.62 mm Mini-Gun - 6
* XM-3 2.7 inch Rocket Launchers (2) - 8 each
* Short-Range Missile Rails (2) - 4 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment – 30(120)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 90 ( 175)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, and even then the attacker is -4 to strike (-9 if the helicopter is flying faster than 100 mph/160 km).
Destroying one of the attached missiles will detonate the ordnance and inflict damage to the helicopter.
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (pen-alties are accumulative with each blade lost). Losing three or all blades or losing the tail rotor completely will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the helicopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -50% for a successful crash landing by auto-rotating.

Driving on the Ground:
Not possible.
Flying: 227 mph , being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude:
The maximum altitude for the helicopter is 14,750 feet (4496 m).
2000 miles (3200 km), due to its electric engine.(3o mde,)

Statistical Data:
14 feet, 2 inches (4.31 m).
48 feet (14.63m) rotor blades.
58 feet (17.68 m).
7 tons.
Power System:
Electric high-output engine.
150,000 credits.

• weapons
•1. XM-134 7.62 mm Mini-Gun:
This six-barreled, 7.62 mm Gatling gun is driven by an independent electric motor that rotates the gun barrels as they fire, allowing it to achieve in-credibly high rates of fire without overheating. The mini-gun is mounted in the nose of the Super Cobra as a "chin gun," allowing it a 270 degree arc of fire ( ARM TECH has 360 degree arc of fire ).
Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
2D6+3 M.D. per 10 round burst or 4D6+4 M.D. per 20 round burst.
Rate of Fire:
Each burst, short or medium, counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 4000 rounds
•2. Modified XM-3 2.7 inch Rocket Launchers (2) :
These rocket launchers are honeycombed tubes mounted under the stubby wings of the Super Cobra. The ancient XM-3 2.7 inch rockets have been refitted with a modern fragmentation war-head by the technicians at ARM TECH industries , for anti-infantry missions in a Mega-Damage environment.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry/Anti-Power Armor.
Secondary Purpose:
Area Saturation.
5D6 M.D. per rocket, to a 20 foot (6.1 m) blast radius. )
Rate of Fire:
One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 4 or 6 rockets.
Effective Range:
5000 feet (1524 m).
48 total, 24 unguided rockets per launcher.
•3. Short-Range Missile Rails (2):
Original used to carry anti-tank missiles, the rails have been adapted to carry two standard short-range missiles for use against heavily armored targets, like robot vehicles and main battle tanks.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Structures and Anti-Armored Vehicle. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft. Mega-Damage: Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type:
Any short-range missile can be used, but standard issue is armor piercing (2D6x10 M.D.) or high explosive(2D4x10 M.D
Rate of Fire:
Volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Effective Range:
Five miles (8 km). Payload: Four total, two per each rail.
•4. Systems of Note:
The Super Cobra has all the standard features of robot vehicles as listed in the Rifts® RPG, plus a ra-dio with a range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision 3000 foot ARM TECH has 2 miles , laser designator (+2 to strike rolls) and enhanced radar: tracks 72 targets within a 120 mile (192 km) range.

ARMTECH M.D refit 58D Improved Kiowa Warrior Helicopter
In the American military the Kiowa Warrior was employed as a scout helicopter working in conjunction with the AH-64 Apache. It is a small target, difficult to detect, and agile, allowing the helicopter to scout for enemy positions and then feed the targeting data to nearby combat choppers, which can attack from a distance without risking damage to the Apache. The bird remains popular on Earth with mercenary companies and armed forces as a workhorse reconnaissance and transport helicopter with light combat capabilities. Due to the fact that it can transport up to 6 passengers it is also used to insert and extract special forces squads into enemy territory.
Model Type:
ARMTECH M.D refit Improved Kiowa Warrior
Scout helicopter.
Two, pilot and communications officer, plus up to 6 pas-sengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Main Rotors (4) - 8 each * (16)
Tail Rotor Section – 12(90)
* . M.D 50 cal Machine-Gun - 5
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 15 (80)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 75 (150)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, but even then the attacker is -4 to strike (-7 if the helicopter is flying faster than 100 mph/160 km).
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (penalties are accumulative with each blade lost). Losing three or all main rotors, or losing the tail rotors completely, will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the he-licopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -40% for a successful crash landing by auto-rotating.
Driving on the Ground:
Not possible.
Flying: 227 mph , being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude:
The maximum altitude for the helicopter is 15,000 feet (4572 m).
1400 miles (2240 km), due to its electric engine.
Statistical Data:
12 feet, 11 inches (3.94 m).
Width :
(rotors) 35 feet (10.67 m).
42 feet, 2 inches (12.85 m).
3 tons.
Cargo: [b]
Minimal, can carry about 100 pounds (45 kg) in gear, in addition to pilot and passengers.
[b] Power System:

Electric engine.
Cost: 362,500 credits.
• weapons
•1. .50 Caliber Machine-Gun (x2) :
This two machine-gun is mounted under the nose of the Kiowa in a fixed forward position, forcing the Kiowa to turn in order to engage new targets.
Primary Purpose: Defense and Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Infantry and Soft Targets.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. per 10 round burst or 2D6 M.D. for a 20 round burst. And so on a max of 100 10 round burst doing 1d6x10 M.D
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one of the pilot's melee at-tacks.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Payload: 2000 rounds
•2. Tube Mini-Missile Launcher (1): [b]
Mini-missiles can be fired from the side of the helicopter.
[b] Primary Purpose:

Anti-Infantry and Anti-Power Armor.
Secondary Purpose:
Assault and Defense.
Varies with missile type
Missile Type:
Can fire any type of mini-missile, but typically has fragmentation (5D6 M.D.) or high explosive (1D6x10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire:
One at a time, or in volleys 2, 4 or 6. Effective Range: One mile
12 total mini-missiles in the launch tube.
•3. Systems of Note:
The Kiowa has all the standard features of robot vehicles as listed in the Rifts® RPG, plus a radio with a range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision 6000 foot ( ARM TECH has 2 miles ) laser designator (+1 to strike) and radar: tracks 96 targets within a 100 mile (160 km) range.

ARMTECH M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook
Larger than the Black Hawk, M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook is a heavy transport chopper used to move troops, supplies and casualties. It can also be used to drop paratroops or power armor troops, as well as transport supplies and light vehicles like the Hummer, Fast Attack Vehicle, hover cycles and similar cargo. The Chinook has two contra-rotating and intermeshing, three-bladed rotors which operate in tandem to keep the helicopter flying and moving at high speeds. The Chinook only has a basic radio (500 miles/800 km range) ( ARM TECH has 1000 miles ).
Model Type :
ARMTECH M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook
Heavy lift, transport helicopter.
Three, plus 56 fully equipped passengers or 42 para-troopers or 32 power armor troops.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Landing Gear — 10
* Rotor Blades (6; 3 front and 3 rear) - 12 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 30 (120)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 125 (220)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, but even then the attacker is -3 to strike (-5 if the helicopter is flying faster than 100 mph/160 km).
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (pen-alties are accumulative with each main rotor blade lost). Losing three of the main rotor blade will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the he-licopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -40% for a suc-cessful crash landing by auto-rotating.
Driving on the Ground:
Not possible.
167 mph (267 km), being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude flying.
Maximum Altitude:
The maximum altitude for the Chinook is just 15,000 feet .
2500 miles (2080 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data:
Height: 16 feet, 10 inches (5.13 m).
Width: (rotors)
60 feet (18.29 m).
52 feet (15.8 m).
25 tons.
Can carry 30,000 lbs suspended from the helicopter, in addition to passengers.
Power System:
Conventional combustion engine.
Cost: 650,000 credits.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

U.S infantry /Grunt

The grunt is the everyday infantry soldier. Generally, the soldier has significant education or skills other than combat. Regarding combat, they are rough and ready warriors who greet the jaws of death with a smile.

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 99% of the last two generations all who join N.E.M.A or the U.S military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D6 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D6 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to P.E.
56-75% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D6 to P.B. and +1D6 to ANY physical attribute

These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+10
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

Special Aptitude Bonuses

• 01-10%Sure Shot
• 11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix wing or rotor wing
• 21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace
• 31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts
• 41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time
•51-60% Strongman
• 61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades
• 71-80% Quick Reflexes
• 81-90% Fearless
• 91-00% Charismatic/Charmer

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus can get up to two more MOS but add 1d6 years

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Attribute Requirements:
A high P.S. and P.E. are suggested but not required. Anybody with the spirit to fight for humanity can be a Grunt.

O.C.C. Skills:

Basic math (+25%)
Advance math (+25%)
Radio: Basic ( + 10%)
Read Sensory Equipment ( + 10%)
Military Etiquette (+25%)
Weapon Systems ( + 5%)
Swimming( + 5%)
Climbing ( + 5%)
Running( + 5%)
Prowl( + 5%)
Forced March
Land Navigation (+25%)
Physical: 2 of choice.
Pilot: One of choice (+ 5%); excluding Power Armor, Robots, or Ships.
Hand to Hand: Expert
W.P. Automatic Rifles
W.P. Semi-automatic Rifles
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Automatic Pistol

MOS Skills:

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select
skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes
to meet the minimum or roll again. All MOS Skills are in addition to O.C.C. and O.C.C.

MOS Skills:

• 00- 09 % Communications Expert
• 10-19 % EOD/Demolitions
• 20-29 % Pilot specialist
• 20-39 % Power Armor Pilot
• 40-49 % Robot Pilot
• 50-59 % Military: Helicopter Aviation Skill Program
• 60-69 % Point Man/Scout:
• 70-79 % Pigman/Heavy Weapons
• 80-89 % Transportation Specialist
• 90-99 % Combat Medic:
• 00% Other:? Add another MOS

MOS Skills:
Communications Expert

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Add 1d4 years of age
Literacy: Native Tongue (+ 1 0%)
Computer Operation (+ 15%)
Basic Electronics (+ I 0%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+ 15%)
Optic Systems (+ 1 4%)
Surveillance Systems (+ 1 4%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Cryptography (+ 1 5%)
extra Language (+ 1 5%).
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV/Video (+ 1 4%)
Computer Programming (+ I 0%)

MOS Skills:

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Add 1d4 years of age
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%)
Demolitions (+ 1 5%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+ 1 0%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

MOS Skills:
Pilot specialist

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.E. of 12 or higher.
any Mechanical skill 2 (+35%)with Requirement added (+25%), but at the cost of getting only half O.C.C. Related Skills
Add 1d6+1 years of age
Mathematics: Basic( + 20%)
Mathematics: Advanced ( + 20%)
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Combat Driving
Pilot Hovercraft ( + 20%)
Pilot Tank & APC ( + 20%)
Pilot Hover Craft (Ground; +25%)
Pilot Truck( + 20%)
Pilot Automobile( + 25%)
Pilot: Construction & Tracked Vehicles (+20%)
Pick 3 Pilot skill at level 3 and requirement NO power armorer or giant robot (unless out in the field hint …hint to GM )

MOS Skills:
Power Armor Pilot MOS Skills:

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Advanced Math (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%)
Navigation (+ 25%)
Pilot: Robots (basic; + 10%) & Power Armor +25%
Pilot: Robot Combat Basic (general knowledge)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite (select one or two power armor types to start, + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 1 2).
Pilot: One skill of choice (+ 10%).
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)

MOS Skills:
Robot Pilot

Add 1d4 years of age
Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Advanced Math (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%)
Land Navigation ( 25%)
Pilot: Robots (+ 25%) & Power Armor (basic; + 10%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Basic (general knowledge)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite (select one or two types of giant robots to start, + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 1 2).
Weapon Systems (+ 15%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)

MOS Skills:
Military: Helicopter Aviation Skill Program:

This person has earned their wings as a Combat Helicopter Pilot and is considered a Warrant Officer or Officer depending on the situation and the G.M. (most US Army pilots are Warrant Officers). While basic fixed-wing flying skills are known, this character has specialized in rotary-wing craft (helicopters and gyroplanes, etc.) and is most comfortable in them. Also note that the character is used to the rough, turbulent world of aerial com-bat and as a result is immune to motion sickness, suffering only V2 penalties for firing during maneuvers or turbulence (normally considered "shooting wild" — no bonuses). Rotary-wing aircraft are used widely by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of most nations, but less so by the Air Force.
Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Advanced Math (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%)
Add 1d4 years of age
Advanced Electronic Combat (+5%)
Aerial Navigation (+25%)
Air-to-Air Combat (+25%)
Instrument Rating (+25%)
Pilot Airplane (+15%)
Pilot Basic Helicopter (+20%)
Pilot Combat helicopter (+35%)
Radio: Basic Communications (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+25%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Ocean Survival (New!) (+15%)

MOS Skills:
Point Man/Scout:

Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher; a high P.P. and Speed are helpful. pick one 1d4 to P.P. or Speed ,
Detect Ambush (+ 1 5%)
Outdoorsmanship (+ 1 5%)
Detect Concealment (+ 1 0%)
Intelligence (+ 1 5%)
Land Navigation (+ 1 5%)
Prowl (+ 20%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+ 1 5%)
Wilderness Survival (+ 1 0%)

MOS Skills:
Pigman/Heavy Weapons :

Requires a P.S. of 14 and a P.E. of 12 or higher.
Add 1d4 P.S, P.E Recognize Weapon Quality (+40%)
Weapon Systems (+20%)
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Forced March
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns)
W.P. Five modern of choice
W.P. Two Ancient of choice (any)
two Demolition skills (+5%).

MOS Skills:
Transportation Specialist

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
any Mechanical skill 1 with Requirement added (+20%)
Add 1d4+1 years of age
Basic Mechanics (+ IO%) .
Combat Driving (+5%)
Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Pilot: Motorcycle (+20%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground)
Pilot: Hovercycle (+ 1 5%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+ 25%)
Pilot: Trucks (+ 10%)
Pilot Only : One of choice (+ 10%), excluding robots/power amour.

MOS Skills:
Combat Medic

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Add 1d6+1 years of age
Brewing (+5 %)
Biology (+ 1 5%)
Field Surgery (+ 20%)
Medical Doctor (+25%)
Pathology (+ 10%)
Chemistry (+ 10%)
Sewing (+ 10%)
Medical add 1d4 or instead of 1d4 to medical can transfer to add 1d8 or 2d4 to Science but at 15% skill Bonus
Science add 1d4 (+25%) plus add requirement skill as well
Hand to Hand: Expert only

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select 10 other skills.
Plus select ONE additional skills and a W.P. at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any ( + 5%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic electronics only
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Automotive only
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Any ( + 15%)
Physical: Any, except acrobatics.
Pilot: Any no Robot or power armored
Pilot Related: Any ( + 5%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Math only
Technical: Any
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Carpentry, hunting, land navigation only.

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets to select 6 secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:
MDC armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, two grenades, three signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and additional non-energy weapon of choice.

Equipment available upon assignment:

Any weapon types, extra am-munition, other robot vehicles, hovercraft (especially hovercycle), tank, jet pack, camera, disc recorder, optical enhancement, and food rations for weeks. Vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited.


The grunt gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 1700 credits. Starts off with one month's pay.
The soldier's quarters is a nice dormitory arrangement shared by four individuals. Each gets a private bedroom/study complete with CD stereo system, television and VCD, mini-refrigerator, desk, dresser, and comfortable bed.

None to start and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

US ARMY Ranger / Coalition ARMY Ranger

The US/ Coalition Ranger is the military version of the Modern Wilderness Scout O.C.C., Like the adventurer O.C.C. they are knowledgeable about nature and wilderness survival (although quite as skilled), but much of their training focuses on tracking human prey, and guerilla warfare. Rangers are frequently deployed on reconnaissance, seek and destroy, and guerilla warfare missions against the enemy. They are also skilled at hunting down and capturing or destroying AWOL troops, escaped prisoners, refugees, monsters and other Wilderness Scouts. They are resourceful, cunning and expert in setting traps and utilizing hit and run tactics.
Also, like their adventurer counterpart, the US Army Ranger / Coalition Ranger is typically a rough and tumble character who enjoys tests of skill and physical prowess. Of all the US Army Ranger / Coalition Ranger, the Ranger and Special Forces are most likely to be sent on long-range missions into the hostile wilderness for extended periods of time. They are also one of the few military O.C.C.s that may be dispatched on a mission as an individual, pair, or a small group of 4-6 rather than a squad of 6-10 or a platoon of 40 troops. This also means the Ranger is among the most likely to fraternize with the enemy. Even more amazing, their tolerance and association with undesirables rarely interferes with their mission or loyalty to the earth/nation. In fact, their association with nonhuman adventurers and human mercenaries often helps to assure the success of the mission. Most experienced Rangers (3rd level and higher) will have several connections and "associates" among mercenary organizations and "outlaws."
A typical Ranger reconnaissance squad or long-range patrol consists of 2-4 Rangers, 1-2 Commandos or Special Forces. Sometimes one or two Juicers or cyborgs replace the commando or Special Forces.
A typical US/ Coalition Ranger Guerilla squad is basically the same, but will usually have a total of ten troops and is more likely to include a Juicer or two and an EOD Specialist or ARMY EOD MOS .

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 99% of the last two generations all who join N.E.M.A or the U.S military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D6 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D6 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to P.E.
56-75% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D6 to P.B. and +1D6 to ANY physical attribute

These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+10
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

Special Aptitude Bonuses

• 01-10%Sure Shot
• 11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix wing or rotor wing
• 21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace
• 31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts
• 41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time
•51-60% Strongman
• 61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades
• 71-80% Quick Reflexes
• 81-90% Fearless
• 91-00% Charismatic/Charmer

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus can get up to two more MOS but add 1d6 years

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Attribute Requirements:
I.Q. 9, P.E. 12 or higher. A high P.S., P.P. and M.E. are also suggested but are not requirements.

O.C.C. Skills:

Radio: Basic (10%)
Camouflage (+10%)
Climb (+15%)
Prowl (+20%)
Identify Plants (20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+25%)
Track Animals (+10%)
Track Humanoids (+15%)
Trap Construction (+15%)
Trap/Mine Detection (10%)
Language: Speaks American(English) or native language at 98% and two additional language of choice (+25%)
Pilot: One of choice (+15%)
W.P. Automatic Rifles
W.P. Semi-automatic Rifles
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Automatic Pistol
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand:
Basic can be changed to expert at the cost of two "O.C.C. related skills" or martial arts for the cost of three skill selections.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select US Ranger get 16/ Coalition Ranger get 9 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, and one at level five,six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Mechanical: None
Medical: First aid or holistic medicine only.
Military: Any (+10%), except demolition (any).
Physical: Any, except acrobatics and wrestling.
Pilot: Any (+5%), except robots, power armor and combat aircraft.
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any (+15%)

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets to select four secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:

A suit of light or heavy, camouflage, MDC body armor, uniform, dress uniform, tinted goggles, PDD pocket audio recorder, pocket laser distancer, flashlight, pocket mirror, cigarette lighter, 100 ft (30.5 m) of lightweight rope, small hammer, four spikes, 1D6 animal snares, infrared distancing binoculars, survival knife, vibro-knife or saber, choice of any style energy rifle with telescopic sight, four additional E-clips for the weapon, knapsack, backpack, utility belt, air filter, gas mask, and canteen.

Equipment Available Upon Assignment:

1D4 hand grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades and/or 1D4 signal flares, heavy weapons, optical enhancements, camera equipment, light vehicle, food rations and non-regulation weapons and armor (mainly for disguise and infiltration into enemy territory).


Base pay is a salary of 1700 credits a month. Starts with one month's salary.

None to start, but augmented hearing, optics, clock calendar and gyro-compass are common implants. Also see Rifts®: Triax & the NGR and Rifts® Japan for additional types of cybernetics.
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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U.S Special Forces

The Special Forces of the U.S Military is the elite of the elite fighting troops. While some would argue that they are simply glorified commandos, the troops in Special Forces are among the toughest, smartest, meanest special operatives Unlike the commando, their training does not only focus on espionage, surgical strikes, sabotage, anti-terrorist measures and guerilla combat, but a special MOS specialty in communications, mechanical engineering, rogue skills and other areas. This unique area of study provides a Special Forces team with an incredible range and versatility to handle anything that is thrown their way. They are also deployed as members of reactionary units within the United States to quell uprisings or other threats to the internal security.

These resourceful, cunning and patient soldiers are often used as members of long-range patrols and covert teams outside the borders of the United States for extended periods of time, and deep within enemy territory. Special Forces troops are frequently expected to operate with very little support from the rest of the army and engage in covert operations that are so secret that there may be no official record of it. They are also one of the few military O.C.C.s that may be dispatched on a mission as an individual, pair, or a small group of 4-6 rather than a squad of 6-10 or a platoon of 40 troops. Likewise, one or two Special Forces soldiers are frequently assigned to other teams, squads or companies (sometimes without being identified as Special Ops) for special missions and outposts.

This also means the Special Forces operative, like the Ranger, is among the most likely to fraternize with the enemy. They may temporarily join forces with (and befriend) aliens, mercenaries, bandits while on assignment in the wilderness or enemy territory. However, they are far less tolerant of the enemy than the Ranger, especially aliens, the supernatural and even practitioners of magic. Such "associations" are usually arrangements of convenience that are severed as soon as the soldier's mission is completed. In fact, the Special Forces character may betray, turn in, or even kill his one-time comrades if it seems appropriate and the opportunity makes itself available. However, such dirty tricks are usually reserved for someone who has gotten on the character's bad side or someone who is completely despicable. The Special Forces operative, like any good secret agent, understands the value of having good connections. Consequently, many Special Operations agents maintain loose associations with select nonhuman adventurers, mercenaries, outlaws.

Special Forces is such an elite division that it even has its own uniforms, insignia/patch, and special " body armor —roughly equivalent to the new heavy body armor in M.D.C. protection and features, but with its own unique, head and armor styling, with a more sinister skull face plate and helmet.

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 99% of the last two generations all who join N.E.M.A or the U.S military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D6 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D6 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to P.E.
56-75% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D6 to P.B. and +1D6 to ANY physical attribute

These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+10
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

Special Aptitude Bonuses

• 01-10%Sure Shot
• 11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix wing or rotor wing
• 21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace
• 31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts
• 41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time
•51-60% Strongman
• 61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades
• 71-80% Quick Reflexes
• 81-90% Fearless
• 91-00% Charismatic/Charmer

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus can get up to two more MOS but add 1d6 years

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Attribute Requirements:

A high P.S. and P.E. are suggested but not required. Anybody with the spirit to fight for humanity can be a Grunt.

Attribute Requirements:

I.Q. 10, M.E. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 12 or higher.

O.C.C. Skills:

Math: Basic (+20%)
Math: Advance (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+15%)
Radio: Scrambler (+10%)
Language: American at 98% and one of Choice (+20%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Streetwise (+16%)
Pilot: One of choice (+10%)
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor (+10%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: SAMAS
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
Climbing (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Automatic Rifles
W.P. Semi-automatic Rifles
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Automatic Pistol
Hand to Hand: Commando; this skill cannot be changed.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Any Select 16 (with requirements added) skills from one of the following areas of special training also most have or automatic get skill requirement:

• Communications,
• Espionage,
• Mechanical,
• Military,
• Piloting,
• Rogue,
• Weapon Proficiencies,
• Wilderness
—all these special MOS skills get a (+20+1d10%)skill bonus.

Two other skills can also be selected from any of the available categories at levels two , four, eight and twelve.

Communications: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any (+5%)
Espionage: Any (+15%)
Mechanical: Any (+5%)
Medical: Any (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any (+10%)
Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
Rogue: Any (+4%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+10%; +15% to Literacy and Language skills)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills:

The character gets 5 secondary skills at level one, and 1 additional skills at levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:

Special Forces armor, choice of energy rifle and energy sidearm, four extra E-clips for each, four explosive grenades, two smoke grenades, two flares, vibro-knife, survival knife, RMK robot medical kit, IRMSS Internal Robot Medical Surgeon System, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, uniform, dress uniform, canteen, and an additional non-energy weapon of choice (typically S.D.C. automatic weapon, or bow and arrow). Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily

Equipment Available Upon Assignment:

Any type of body armor, explosives if demolitions is a known skill and necessary for the mission, any type of weapon, extra ammunition, optical enhancements, camera or surveillance equipment, sensory equipment and food rations for weeks. Non-regulation weapons, armor, equipment and vehicles may also be issued to Special Forces operatives, mainly for the purpose of disguise and infiltration. In addition, the character has access to military facilities. Most Special Forces operatives have mid to high level security clearance, with the highest clearance for top ranked and trusted officers.
Vehicles can include a simple hovercycle, car, conventional military vehicles, or jet pack to Special Forces SAMAS, tanks, APC and so on. The exact type of equipment will depend on the mission, the commanding officer and availability of items at base.


The character gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. His monthly salary starts at 1900 credits, plus combat pay. Starts off with 1D6x1000 credits. All Special Forces troops begin at the rank of either corporal or sergeant depending upon their performance during training.


Typically starts with clock calendar, gyro-com-pass, radar detector, oxygen storage cell (lung implant), and either a multi-optic eye or type AA-1 cyber-disguise. Additional cyber-systems may be awarded for exemplary service, heroics and special missions. Many (50%) Special Forces eventually acquire 1D4 additional implants, some (20%) have systems equal to the Headhunter.
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

United States R.P.A Elite / U.N Coalition R.P.A Elite

Elite RPA 0.C.C.; " SAMAS "

The Robot Power Armor (RPA) elite are specially trained pilots and experts in the use of power armor and robots. These are the men and women behind the terrifying visage of the sky cycles, SAMAS, Giant robot. Because they are normally issued the SAMAS power armor for field operations and urban defense, they are known by the nickname "Sam." the difference are the training US Elite RPA get max training due massive budget / Coalition Elite RPA while take to make as many as possible reduce skill bonus by half, so a 30% bonus skill goes down to 15%. this applies to bonus skill. also US Military and NEMA get Pilot: Robot Combat Elite to SAMAS and it variants and GB (glitter boys ) as well .

US Military and NEMA Pilot get the following

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 99% of the last two generations all who join N.E.M.A or the U.S military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D6 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D6 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to P.E.
56-75% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D6 to P.B. and +1D6 to ANY physical attribute

Special Aptitude Bonuses

• 01-10%Sure Shot
• 11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix wing or rotor wing
• 21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace
• 31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts
• 41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time
•51-60% Strongman
• 61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades
• 71-80% Quick Reflexes
• 81-90% Fearless
• 91-00% Charismatic/Charmer

Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

51-60% Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus can get up to two more MOS but add 1d6 years

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Attribute Requirements:

A high P.S. and P.E. are suggested but not required. Anybody with the spirit to fight for humanity can be a Grunt.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, P.P. 10

O.C.C. Skills:

All get the following:
Land Navigation ( 30%)
Advanced Math (+ 20%)
Basic Math (+ 30%)
Weapon Systems ( + 20% %)
Radio Basic ( + 20% %)
Pilot Automobile ( + 30%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. 4 of choice
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)
Hand to Hand: Expert

MOS Skills:
Power Armor Pilot MOS Skills:

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Basic Mechanics (+ 30%)
Acrobatics (+10 %)
Navigation (+ 30%)
Pilot: Robots (basic; + 20%) & Power Armor +20%
Pilot: Robot Combat Basic (general knowledge)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite (select one or two power armor types to start, + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 1 2).
Pilot: One skill of choice (+ 20%).

MOS Skills:
Robot Pilot

Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Basic Mechanics (+ 30%)
Navigation (+ 30%)
Pilot: Robots (+ 30%) & Power Armor (basic; + 20%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Basic (general knowledge)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite (select one or two types of giant robots to start, + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12).
Pilot: One skill of choice (+ 20%).

Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) for the cost of two "other" skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select 15 other skills, but at least three must be selected from pilot. Plus select one additional skills at level three, 0ne at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.

Communications: Any (+ 20% )
Domestic: Any (+10 % )
Electrical: Basic electronics only ( + 10%)
Espionage: Wilderness survival only
Mechanical: Aircraft and automotive only ( + 20%)
Medical: First aid only (+ 20% )
Military: Any ( + 20% )
Physical: Any, except acrobatics (unless by MOS)
Pilot: Any (+ 20%) any ground vehicle (+30)
Pilot Related: Any (+ 20% )
Rogue: Streetwise only (+20%)
Science: Math only (+ 20% )
Technical: Any(+ 20% )
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: hunting only(+ 20% )

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets to select four secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis ( ) .
All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:

body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, two grenades, three signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and additional non-energy weapon of choice. Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use and a SAMAS for field use only.

Equipment available upon assignment:

Vehicles include SAMAS power armor, OR other robot vehicles, hovercraft, sky cycle, jet pack, tank, APC, skull heavy transport, and aircraft. Any weapon types, extra ammunition, cam-era, disc recorder, optical enhancement, and food rations for weeks. Vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited.


The elite pilot gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2000 credits. Starts off with one month's pay.
The soldier's quarters is a nice dormitory arrangement shared by four individuals. Each gets a private bedroom/study complete with CD stereo system, television and VCD, mini-refrigerator, desk, dresser, and comfortable bed.


None to start and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

M.D.C Projectile table part one SINGLE ROUND Mega Damage

Use The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
Rifles page 61
Germany page. 68
Old USSR page 75
United Kingdom page 76
USA page 79
Rifle Accessories page 83

Sub-machineguns page. 88
France page. 92
Germany page 93
Old USSR page 98
United Kingdom page 99
USA . page 100
Machine Guns page 102
For Rifles, Sub-machineguns, Machine Guns find caliber and see MDC value

Light Support Weapons page. 112
Flamethrowers page 112 SDC Damage ONLY
Special Support Weapons & Anti-Tank , Anti-Aircraft , Mortars look below
If damage do 2d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 2d4x10 MD
1d6x100 change to modern MDC to 1d6x10 MD,
1d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 1d4x10 MD,
a damage doing 4d4x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 4d6 MD ,
a 6d6x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 5d6 MD

Rifts Sourcebook Merc Ops
Common weapons SDC only
Page 120 to 126

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3217/315 ... aa68_o.jpg



http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... ig1-14.gif


Single shot only

type: Caliber.17
Metric equivalent 4.4 mm
Typical bullet diameter 0.172 in
Common cartridges.17 Remington, .17 HMR

Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS 1D10 x10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D

type: Caliber.177
Metric equivalent 4.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter.177 lead, .175 BB
Common cartridges Airgun .177 caliber

Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS1D10x10 S.D.C. OR 1 M.D
Type: Caliber.20, .204
Metric equivalent 5 mm
Typical bullet diameter 0.204 in
Common cartridges .204 Ruger, 5 mm Remington Rimfire Magnum
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS 1D10 x10 S.D.C. OR 1 M.D

Metric equivalent
.22, .218, .219 .220, .221, .222, .223, .224, .225, .226
Typical bullet diameter 5.5, 5.56, 5.7 mm
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS.22 Long Rifle, .222 Remington, .223 Remington, 5.56×45mm NATO, 5.7 x 28 mm, .22-250 Remington, .22 Airgun
NATO Round, M4/M16
Common cartridges 0.223-0.224 in
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Caliber.22, .218, .219 .220, .221, .222, .223, .224, .225, .226
Metric equivalent5.5, 5.56, 5.7 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.223-0.224 in
Common cartridges
.22 Long Rifle, .222 Remington, .223 Remington, 5.56×45mm NATO, 5.7 x 28 mm, .22-250 Remington, .22 Airgun
NATO Round, M4/M16
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Metric equivalent none
Typical bullet diameter0.228 in
Common cartridges.228 Ackley Magnum
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS Bullets formerly available from Barnes, in heavily constructed 70 and 90 grain weights for medium game use
Metric equivalent6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.243 in
Common cartridges.243 Winchester, 6 mm Remington, 6mm plastic airsoft BBs
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Metric equivalent6.35 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.25 in, 6.35 mm
Common cartridges.25 ACP, 6.35x16mmSR
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS A.K.A .25 Auto and 6.35 mm Brownin
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Metric equivalent6.5 mm

Typical bullet diameter0.257 in, 6.527 mm
Common cartridges.257 Roberts, .25-06 Remington, .250 Savage
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS typical 25 cal, not normally called 6.5
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Metric equivalent6.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.257 in, 6.527 mm
Common cartridges.257 Roberts, .25-06 Remington, .250 Savage
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS typical 25 cal, not normally called 6.5
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

type: Caliber.26
Metric equivalent6.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.264 in, 6.7 mm
Common cartridges6.5 x 55 mm, .260 Remington
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS cartridges commonly known as 6.5
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

type: Caliber.27
Metric equivalent6.8 mm, 7 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.277 in, 7.035 mm
Common cartridges.270 Winchester, 6.8 SPC
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS not called 7 mm
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

type: Caliber.30
Metric equivalent7.62 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.308 in
Common cartridges30-06, .308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO), .300 Winchester Magnum
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

type: Caliber.30
Metric equivalent7.62 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.308 in
Common cartridges30-06, .308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO), .300 Winchester Magnum
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

type: Caliber.30
Metric equivalent7.62 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.311 in
Common cartridges.303 British, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

Caliber.32, .327
Metric equivalent7.65 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.309 - 0.312 in
Common cartridges.32 ACP, .32 S&W, .327 Federal Magnum ,AK - 47
.32 caliber handgun cartridges

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

Metric equivalent8.58 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.338 in
Common cartridges.338 Lapua, .338 Winchester Magnum, .338 Federal
.338 Rifle cartridge
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

Caliber.38, .380, .357, .35
Metric equivalent9 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.355-0.357 in
Common cartridges.38 Special, .380 ACP, .357 Magnum, .357 SIG, .35 Remington, 9×19mm Parabellum, 9x18mm Makarov, .357 in certain new Crosman Pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) airguns
Generally .357 for revolvers and rifles, .355 in autoloaders
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

type: Caliber.38
Metric equivalent10 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.400 in
Common cartridges.38-40
Old black powder cartridge
Mega-Damage: N/A YET

type: Caliber.40
Metric equivalent10 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.400 in
Common cartridges.40 S&W, 10 mm Auto
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

type: Caliber.404
Metric equivalent10.25 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.423 in
Common cartridges.404 Jeffery
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Metric equivalent10.75 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.411 in
Common cartridges.405 Winchester
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D

type: Caliber.405
Metric equivalent10.75 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.411 in
Common cartridges.405 Winchester
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Metric equivalent10.4 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.408 in
Common cartridges.408 Chey Tac
CheyTac Intervention
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

type: Caliber.41
Metric equivalent10.25 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.410 in
Common cartridges.41 Magnum .41 Action Express
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

type: Caliber.416
Metric equivalent10.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.416 in
Common cartridges.416 Barrett, .416 Remington Magnum, .416 Rigby, .416 Weatherby Magnum
Long-range sniper rounds If your target is under 500 Yards away and needs less than 1000 Ft. Lbs for an effective kill.
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

type: Caliber.43
Metric equivalent11 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.43 in Sl
Common cartridges.43 SL large
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M. D

Metric equivalent10.8 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.427 - 0.430 in
Common cartridges.44-40 Winchester, .44 Special, .44 Magnum
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS.44-40 is 0.427" to 0.428", .44 Special and Magnum are both 0.429" to 0.430"
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Metric equivalent 11.45 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.451-0.452 in
Common cartridges.45 Colt post-WWII, .454 Casull, .45 ACP, 45GAP
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
Handgun .45 calibers, .451 jacketed bullets and .452 cast lead bullets
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent 11.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.458 in
Common cartridges 45-70 Government
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS Most rifle .45 calibers
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent 11.53 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.454 in
Common cartridges.45 Colt pre-WWII
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech

type: Caliber.458, .46
Metric equivalent11.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.458 in
Common cartridges.460 Weatherby, .458 Winchester Magnum
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D phase world tech

type: Caliber475, .480
Metric equivalent12 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.475 in
Common cartridges.480 Ruger, .475 Linebaugh
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent12.7 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.50 in
Common cartridges.50 AE, .500 S&W, .50 Beowulf, .50 GI
Desert Eagle, S&W X-Frame, Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf, Guncrafter Industries 1911 .50, .50 caliber Paintball markers
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

type: Caliber.50
Metric equivalent12.95 m
Typical bullet diameter0.510 in
Common cartridges.50 BMG, 12.7 x 108 mm
Notes/SINGLE ROUNDSM2 Browning machine gun and other heavy machine guns, long range rifles typified by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing products
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

type: Caliber.57
Metric equivalent14.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.586 in, 14.88 mm
Common cartridges14.5 x 114 mm, 14.5 mm JDJ
The 14.5 JDJ cartridge uses a .50 BMG case with opened neck, so only rifles chambered for the .50 BMG can be converted to this caliber
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D M.D

type: Caliber.68
Metric equivalent17.272mm
Typical bullet diameter0.675-0.695 in
Common cartridges.68 Caliber Paintball markers
Mega-Damage: N/A
Typically .68 Caliber, not measured metrically and not generally tracked for variations; i.e. projectile size may vary (Not actually a firearm)

type: Common cartridges 20 x 102 mm, 20x138mmB
Metric equivalent20 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.787 in
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these heavy calibers
Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 6 M.D 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 8 M.D or 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR M.D or 12MD 2D6 M. D phase world tech
4d4x100 S.D.C M.D or 16 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent24.13 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.950 in
Common cartridges.950 JDJ
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
.950 JDJ is the only known cartridge beyond .79 caliber to be used in a rifle
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 4D4 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

Note: from a 4.0 MM Caliber To a24.13 mm

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for M.D.C black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.

1. M.D.C lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. M.D.C Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. M.D.C Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. M.D.C Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. M.D.C Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. M.D.C Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. M.D.C Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. M.D.C Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. M.D.C Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. M.D.C Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. M.D.C Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. M.D.C L.E.A.P light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too last add 50% range
14. M.D.C H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. M.D.C H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. M.D.C Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well . if small target 10% making additional fires under 6 feet , over 6 feet like vehicle of any type add 50% starts small MDC fire!!!!!! GM be careful with this it bite Me in the rear end as GM you can use hero unlimited major power fire it works better
17. M.D.C A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

M.D.C Projectile table part two Brust damage in MDC

Use The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
Rifles page 61
Germany page. 68
Old USSR page 75
United Kingdom page 76
USA page 79
Rifle Accessories page 83

Sub-machineguns page. 88
France page. 92
Germany page 93
Old USSR page 98
United Kingdom page 99
USA . page 100
Machine Guns page 102
For Rifles, Sub-machineguns, Machine Guns find caliber and see MDC value

Light Support Weapons page. 112
Flamethrowers page 112 SDC Damage ONLY
Special Support Weapons & Anti-Tank , Anti-Aircraft , Mortars look below
If damage do 2d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 2d4x10 MD
1d6x100 change to modern MDC to 1d6x10 MD,
1d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 1d4x10 MD,
a damage doing 4d4x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 4d6 MD ,
a 6d6x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 5d6 MD

Rifts Sourcebook Merc Ops
Common weapons SDC only
Page 120 to 126

Burst chart FROM 4.MM TO 20 MM
Caliber4.0 MM
Metric equivalent
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D OR 100 M.D.C
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
type: Caliber.17
Metric equivalent4.4 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.172 in
BurstBullets formerly available from Barnes, in heavily constructed 70 and 90 grain weights for medium game use
Mega-Damage Burst : 1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
type: Caliber.177
Metric equivalent 4.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter.177 lead, .175 BB
Mega-Damage Burst : Burst
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D OR 2 M.D.C
1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
type: Metric equivalent 5 mm Caliber.20, .204
Typical bullet diameter0.204 in
Mega-Damage: Burst
a.k.a .25 Auto and 6.35 mm Browning
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
type: Caliber22, .218, .219 .220, .221, .222, .223, .224, .225, .226
Metric equivalent5.5, 5.56, 5.7 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.223-0.224 in
Mega-Damage Burst : Burst
typical 25 cal, not normally called 6.5
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
type: Caliber.228
Metric equivalent none
Typical bullet diameter0.228 in
Cartridges commonly known as 6.5
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
Metric equivalent 6 mm

Typical bullet diameter0.243 in
not called 7 mm
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
type: Caliber.25
Metric equivalent6.35 mm

Typical bullet diameter 0.25 in, 6.35 mm .commonly called 7 mm
Mega-Damage: Burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
type: Caliber.257
Metric equivalent 6.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.257 in, 6.527 mm
American ".30 caliber"/ ak-47
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 1D4 M.D
2D4 M.D Two round burst, 3D4 M.D three round burst,4D4 M.D four round burst, 5D4 M.D five round burst, 4D6 MD six round burst, 4D8 M.D eight round burst, 6D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 2D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,4D4X10 fourth round burst , 5D4X10 fifty rounds , 4d6x10 for 60 rounds , 7d4x10 for seventy rounds fired, 4d8x10 for eighty ,5d8x10 for one hundred
type: Caliber.26
Metric equivalent 6.5 mm

Typical bullet diameter0.264 in, 6.7 mm Other ".30 caliber"
Mega-Damage: Burst
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1d6 M.D Two round burst, 2d4+1 M.D three round burst, 2d6 M.D four round burst, 2d4+1 M.D five round burst, 3d6 MD six round burst, 5d6 M.D ten round burst , 1d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst, 1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
type: Caliber.27
Metric equivalent 6.8 mm, 7 mm
.32 caliber handgun cartridges
Typical bullet diameter 0.277 in, 7.035 mm

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5d6x10 SDC or 3 MD
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1d6M.D Two round burst,
1d6+3 M.D three round burst, 2d6 M.D four round burst, 3d6 MD six round burst, 4d6 M.D eight round burst, 5d6 M.D ten round burst ,1d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,2d4x10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d6x10 fourth round burst and so on
type: Caliber.28
Metric equivalent7 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.284 in, 7.213 mm

.32 caliber rifle cartridges
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.30
Metric equivalent7.62 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.308 in
.338 Rifle cartridge

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.30
Metric equivalent 7.62 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.311 in
Generally .357 for revolvers and rifles, .355 in autoloaders

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
Caliber.32, .325
Metric equivalent8 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.323 in

Mega-Damage: Burst1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.338
Metric equivalent 8.58 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.338 in

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D for a two round burst
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.38, .380, .357, .35
Metric equivalent9 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.355-0.357 in

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
TYPE Caliber.38
Metric equivalent 10 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.400 in
CheyTac Intervention

Mega-Damage burst
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
Metric equivalent10 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.400 in

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
Metric equivalent10.25 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.423 in
Long-range sniper rounds If your target is less than 500 Yards away and needs less than 1000 Ft. Lbs for an effective kills.

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.405
Metric equivalent10.75 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.411 in

Mega-Damage: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.408
Metric equivalent10.4 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.408 in

Mega-Damage: Burst
.44-40 is 0.427" to 0.428", .44 Special and Magnum are both 0.429" to 0.430"
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.41
Metric equivalent10.25 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.410 in
Burst Handgun .45 calibers, .451 jacketed bullets and .452 cast lead bullets

Note: 5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.41
Metric equivalent10.25 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.410 in
Burst Handgun .45 calibers, .451 jacketed bullets and .452 cast lead bullets

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.416
Metric equivalent10.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.416 in
Burst Most rifle .45 calibers

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D or 1d4+1 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 5D4 M.D four round burst, 4D6+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
type: Caliber.43
Metric equivalent11 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.43

Mega-Damage: Burst
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5d6x10 S.D.C
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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M.D.C Projectile table part three Brust damage in MDC

Use The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
Rifles page 61
Germany page. 68
Old USSR page 75
United Kingdom page 76
USA page 79
Rifle Accessories page 83

Sub-machineguns page. 88
France page. 92
Germany page 93
Old USSR page 98
United Kingdom page 99
USA . page 100
Machine Guns page 102
For Rifles, Sub-machineguns, Machine Guns find caliber and see MDC value

Light Support Weapons page. 112
Flamethrowers page 112 SDC Damage ONLY
Special Support Weapons & Anti-Tank , Anti-Aircraft , Mortars look below
If damage do 2d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 2d4x10 MD
1d6x100 change to modern MDC to 1d6x10 MD,
1d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 1d4x10 MD,
a damage doing 4d4x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 4d6 MD ,
a 6d6x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 5d6 MD

Rifts Sourcebook Merc Ops
Common weapons SDC only
Page 120 to 126

type: Caliber.44
Metric equivalent10.8 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.427 - 0.430 in
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
OR 1D4 M.D 2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
Metric equivalent 11.45 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.451-0.452 in
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
type: Caliber.45
Metric equivalent 11.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.458 in Desert Eagle, S&W X-Frame, Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf, Guncrafter Industries 1911 .50, .50 caliber Paintball markers
Mega-Damage: Burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
Metric equivalent 11.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.458 in
Desert Eagle, S&W X-Frame, Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf, Guncrafter Industries 1911 .50, .50 caliber Paintball markers
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
Metric equivalent454
Typical bullet diameter 0.454 in
BurstM2 Browning machine gun and other heavy machine guns, long range rifles typified by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing product
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
Caliber .458, .46
Metric equivalent 11.6 mm
Typical bullet diameter 0.458 in
Burst The 14.5 JDJ cartridge uses a .50 BMG case with opened neck, so only rifles chambered for the .50 BMG can be converted to this caliber
Mega-Damage: 100 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
type: Caliber.475, .480
Metric equivalent 12 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.475 in
Burst Typically .68 Caliber, not measured metrically and not generally tracked for variations; i.e. projectile size may vary (Not actually a firearm)
Mega-Damage: N/A DATA
[ type:
Metric equivalent 12.7 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.50 in
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
Mega-Damage: 100 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
Metric equivalent12.95 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.510 in
950 JDJ is the only known cartridge beyond .79 caliber to be used in a rifle
Mega-Damage: 100 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
M5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst
type: Caliber.57
Metric equivalent 14.5 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.586 in, 14.88 mm
1d10X100 S.D.C TO 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
M5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C or 10 M.D phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D OR 16 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst
Metric equivalent 17.272 mm
Typical bullet diameter 0.675-0.695 in
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D OR 10 M.D.C
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D OR 10 M.D phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst
Metric equivalent 17.272 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.675-0.695 in
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D OR 10 M.D.C
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
M5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D OR 10 M.D phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst
Metric equivalent 20 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.787 in
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
M5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst
type: Caliber.79
Metric equivalent20 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.787 in
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
M5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst
type: Caliber.95
Metric equivalent 24.13 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.950 in
Burst a.k.a .25 Auto and 6.35 mm Browning

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6MD. phase world tech
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D phase world tech
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.COR 10 M.D phase world tech
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D phase world tech
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D OR 16 M.D phase world tech
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D phase world tech
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

bonus look below
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

Unread post by ZINO »

M.D.C Projectile table part four

Use The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
Rifles page 61
Germany page. 68
Old USSR page 75
United Kingdom page 76
USA page 79
Rifle Accessories page 83

Sub-machineguns page. 88
France page. 92
Germany page 93
Old USSR page 98
United Kingdom page 99
USA . page 100
Machine Guns page 102
For Rifles, Sub-machineguns, Machine Guns find caliber and see MDC value

Light Support Weapons page. 112
Flamethrowers page 112 SDC Damage ONLY
Special Support Weapons & Anti-Tank , Anti-Aircraft , Mortars look below
If damage do 2d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 2d4x10 MD
1d6x100 change to modern MDC to 1d6x10 MD,
1d4x100 SDC change to modern MD to 1d4x10 MD,
a damage doing 4d4x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 4d6 MD ,
a 6d6x10 SDC change to modern MDC to 5d6 MD

Rifts Sourcebook Merc Ops
Common weapons SDC only
Page 120 to 126

Burst chart FROM 4.MM TO 20 MM burst
Note: from a 4.0 MM Caliber To a24.13 mm



http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... ig1-14.gif


Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for M.D.C black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.

1. M.D.C lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. M.D.C Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. M.D.C Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. M.D.C Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. M.D.C Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. M.D.C Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. M.D.C Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. M.D.C Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. M.D.C Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. M.D.C Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. M.D.C Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. M.D.C L.E.A.P light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too last add 50% range
14. M.D.C H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. M.D.C H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. M.D.C Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well . if small target 10% making additional fires under 6 feet , over 6 feet like vehicle of any type add 50% starts small MDC fire!!!!!! GM be careful with this it bite Me in the rear end as GM you can use hero unlimited major power fire it works better
17. M.D.C A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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so sorry but life is knocking me down to post new stuff
wife getting hurt
and where i live
been hard these few weeks
will try to post when i can
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Rifts : Chaos Earth Invasion

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I was share holder own my apartment and pay maintenance but miss management stop paying city taxes and water over 1 million dollars .The city didn't care only about taxes and water bill this was sold to another program and when sold we lost our ownership of the apartment and we got hit with mold infestation/ or unknown chemical in the air We can’t live there and have to wait for this program to respond which they are drag their feet. Sadly IMHO have to give time before going to city to address matter. Thing will stop for my I hit rock bottom and homeless thank you viewing my RPG ideas
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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