United Nations Enlisted Soldier O.C.C.(N.A.T.O, Canada ,Europe, )
Though well-educated and well- trained, Most Canadian and Western European soldiers unlike the combat experience that American soldiers have. These UN troops are honest and do not condone genocide, trafficking in illicit goods or abuse of civilians or prisoners. However as much as they intend to perform security and peacekeeping tasks, they can have no motivation to die. When facing serious military opposition. Their standard procedure is to hold off and wait for diplomats to negotiate a peaceful resolution. When cornered by a superior military force. Their initial reaction will be to surrender. And relying: on UN and home country diplomacy to secure humane treatment and eventual release. With the introduction of Mega damage weapons and the formation of N.E.M.A, either many military agencies either be taken Into N.E.M.A or disbanded many in this position . This made possible for the United Nation take care area in south America, Africa , middle east parts of Indian and many area of Asia, were UN has been ask for help. This free many area of the world to help before the fall of mankind and was a blessing in disguise went things hit the fan. Also ARMTECH was the big winner in trillion yes trillion converting old supposed S.D.C WESTERN Military vehicle from the US , and allowed the U.S Military ahead when the New cold war started.
Still there are many Americans that join the UN or ex-military forces due to N.E.M.A
Alignment: Any; most lend toward Scrupulous.
Attributes : I.Q. 3d6
M.E. 3d6
M.A. 3d6.
P.S. 3d6
P.P. 3d6
P.E. 3d6
P.B. 3d6
Spd 3d6
NOTE The Canadian s and Europeans have far less combat experience (-10%) than comparable American troops: Privates and corporals tend to be first level, sergeants second, and senior NCOs third or fourth .
Race: Human only
Sex: 92% Male. Rest female,
Age: 18• to 30 with the senior career military personnel being older than the junior ones.
Height: Adults average five feet to six feet .
Weight: Athletic; typical y 160 pounds (72 kg ).
S.D.C. :
20 .
Armor: M.D Armor painted blue with "UN" stenciled in white.
P.P.E.: 2d6
Attacks per attack add one .
Bonuses: +1 to strike. + 1 parry and dodge. +2 to pull punch and +3 to Roll with impact.
Combat bonuses shown for first level
O.C.C. Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:
Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join NEMA or the US /UN military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.
M.O.S.: These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure
M.O.S.: Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.
Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonusesi
nstead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning: 01-11% Brainy: I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer
13-26% Strong-willed: I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is Military Specialist/or robot Ace
27-39% Charismatic: I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist
40-51% Physically Strong: I.Q.1d4+10
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist
52-65% Fast Reflexes and high Dexterity:
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.
66-78% Great Endurance: I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.
79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and Military Specialist
89-00% Fast as Lightning: I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist
Special Aptitude Bonuses Table Note if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!
Sure Shot : +1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles
11-20% Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing +5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.
21-30 % Giant robot/or power armor Ace: +5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.
31-40% High Perception and Solid gut Instincts: +1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative
41 to 50% Quick Reaction Time: +1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward
51-60% Strongman : +1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%
61-70% Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus
[b] 71-80% Quick Reflexes: + 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,
81-90% Fearless : + 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.
91-00% Charismatic/Charmer: 1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable
01-15% Communications ExpertBasic Electronics (+10%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Optic Systems or Surveillance Systems (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV& Video or Computer Programming (+10%)
16-25% EOD/Demolitions Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. of 12 or higher. Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Demolitions (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+8%)
Trap Construction or NBC Warfare (+5%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
26-50% Soldier/Infantry/grunt Salvage (+5%)
Land Navigation (+8%)
One Physical skill of choice.
One Pilot skill of choice (+5%).
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+10%).
Law: General (+10%)
51-65% Point Man/Scout: Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher; a high P.P. and Spd. are helpful. Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
66-80% Pigman/Heavy Weapons: Requires a P.S. of 22 and a P.E. of 12 or higher. Command Robots (Limited to one Combat Drone or Combat Hound to help carry heavy ammo drums, weapons and gear. Basically function as the second man in a two-man fire team.)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns)
W.P. pick 6 of choice (any).
81-90% Pilot Specialist: there are many pilots in the UN and play important rolls
All have
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Weapon Systems
PICK ONE Pick one of the following (land), air, sea, Giant robot or power armored not both
Vehicle (land) ,
Pilot: Automobile
Pilot: Motorcycle (+20%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground)
Hovercycle (+20%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+20%)
Pilot: Trucks (+15%)
Air if broken in two area fix wing and rotor wing
(Air) rotor
Pilot: Helicopter (+15%)
Jet Packs
(Air) fix wing
jet fighter (+15%)
Jet Packs
Pilot: One of choice (+20%) robot or Power Armor
Pick one(+20%)
Power Armor Basic — 56%+3%
Power Armor Combat Elite
Robot Basic — 56%+3%
Robot Combat Elite
91-00% Medic: Requires an I.Q. and P.P. of 11 or higher. Advanced Mathematics (+10%)
Brewing (+15%)
Biology (+15%)
Chemistry or Pathology (+10%)
Field Surgery (+15%)
Holistic Medicine or Chemistry: Analytical (+5%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
O.C.C. Skills: These are in addition to M.O.S. and reflect basic training.
Math: Basic
Language, Native: Standard.
Language, Foreign: two of choice (+10%).
Literacy, Native: Standard.
Literacy, Foreign: One of choice (+5%).
Military Etiquette (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+5%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
First Aid (+10%)
General Athletics
Climbing (+10%)
W.P. Knife (includes Vibro-Knives)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P. Automatic and Semi-Automatic Rifles
Hand to Hand:
Basic, which can be changed to Expert at the cost of one "O.C.C. Related Skill" or Martial Arts (or Assas-sin if evil) for the cost of two skill selections.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills. Horsemanship: Any.
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic Mechanics only.
Medical: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Military: Any (+10%), except Command Robots, Trap Construction and Trap Detection, unless provided under an M.O.S.
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics.
Pilot: Basic vehicle types only; the average grunt does not know how to drive a tank/APC ,Power Armor/ Robot .
Pilot Related: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Science: Advanced Math (+5%) and Astronomy only. Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any, except Sharpshooting.
Wilderness: Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only.
Secondary Skills: The character also gets two Secondary Skills at levels one, five, ten, and fifteen. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply.
Equipment of Note : M.D.C 5.56mm assault rifle (FN F2(X)()Belgium, OR M.D.C C7 Canada or M.D FAMAS France) with integral telescopic sight:
Hand knife (1D6+2 S.D.C damage), two IL canteens with camouflage carrier s. hard armor vest and Kevlar helm et ( M.D).
Painted blue. with "UN" stenciled in white). four camouflage M.D. utility uniforms.
two pairs of boot s, one fragmentation grenade . one smoke grenade. one blue poncho with ;'UN" stenciled in white . camouflage load-bearing harness with six magazine pouches und fanny pack. one
day' s worth of food. insect repellent. and first aid kit.
Special.: Soldiers with the W.P. M.D. Heavy Weapons skill will have either a M.D. 40 mm under barrel grenade launcher. a M.D. medium machinegun . or a M.D. rocket launcher. The exact types of weapons will vary with the country of origin
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... _3.svg.png 5.56mm Model 03 LAPA FA Assault Rifle Cartridge: 5.56mmx45,
Damage: 5D6 S.D.C per round
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Feed: 20,
30 or 40 round plastic box or drum feed 99
Weight: 3.48 kg, Barrel
Length: 489mm (738mm
Rate of Fire: burst fire two rounds burst ,four rounds burst ,six rounds burst , twelve rounds burst ,all count as one attack ,a full 30 round burst counts a full melee
Effective Range : 630 m (2067 ft).
Body Armored
Mega-Damage Vest Class: LV-10 Mega-Damage Vest. Size: Human equivalent.
Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg).
Mobility: Excellent, no penalties.
M.D.C. by Location: Main Body/Chest and upper torso (only) 30
Armor Rating: NONE (
ARM TECH/P.M.C additional strategic M.D.C. padding on the forearms, shoulders, knees and thighs; +10 M.D.C ,15M.D.C ,20M.D.C, TO 25 M.D.C. max ).
Note: Use of a helmet from the b]
standard NEMA ARM TECH /P.M.C Militia /military [/b] armor is highly recommended to protect the head and face, and to filter the polluted air.
Special Weapon Systems or Features: Comes in the colors white, tan, grey and black.
Cost: Availability on the street is poor, with the vest getting 8,000 credits and up.
Base-4 Armored Clothing Rifts - World Book 19 - australia
By Ben Lucas & Kevin SiembiedaBase-4 is a revolutionary, "miracle" Mega-Damage fiber developed a few years before the Great Cataclysm. Hundreds of corporations around the world had been trying to develop a
super-lightweight fabric with the tensile strength of Mega-Damage steel. A company with facilities in both Perth and Melbourne (among others) developed the Base-4 miracle fabric, a technological advancement that threatened to revolutionize space exploration, fire-fighting and combat. The material
is about twice as heavy as normal fabric, and with the padding and strategic placement of (comparatively) lightweight M.D.C. ceramics, which is common in light M.D.C. "cloth" armor, it is
roughly the equivalent of wearing a long leather coat or heavy trench coat.
As an M.D.C. material, the Base-4 "fabric" could be used to make ordinary looking jump suits, business suits, fatigues, jackets, coats and ponchos that afford the wearer significant M.D.C. protection, especially if combined with additional concealed plating. Even as a simple fabric, Base-4 gives the wearer significant protection, particularly against energy weapons. Most energy blasts have little, if any, physical impact, so the "fabric" can easily protect against it, blocking the brunt of the blast. The
addition of extra padding and strategic plating makes it very effective against light M.D. weapons such as handguns and light rifles.
The weakness of the Base-4 material is that it is less effective against explosives, mini-missiles and projectile weapons (i.e. rail guns). This is the main reason such weapons are very uncommon
, and limited only to military applications (and even then, typically restricted to operations
outside the Cities ). Consequently, Mega-Damage explosive and projectile weapons, while stopped by the armor, will also inflict S.D.C. damage to the wearer and knock him off his feet (losing initiative and one melee attack/action). Every 12 points of M.D. damage inflicted will do 1D4 S.D.C./Hit Point
damage. So an explosion that does 37 M.D.C. will do 3D4 points of S.D.C. damage.
Note: in time Base-4 is lost to the rest of the world, although there are a few other fabrics and armor that are vaguely similar. Police Jump Suits, Military Flight Suits, Undercover Clothing & Similar
Appearance: Ordinary looking business suit, dress, jacket, coat, poncho, fatigues, jump suit, and similar article of clothing that covers all or most of the body (often comes with a
pull-over hood or helmet). .
Weight: Roughly three times the weight of the equivalent article of clothing — approximately 10-12 pounds (4.5 to 5.4 kg) for the entire M.D.C. ensemble.
Mobility Penalty: Typically -2% to climb, and -5% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.
M.D.C. : 8-12 — non-environmental
M.D.C. Armored Trench CoatAn ordinary looking coat made of Base-4, but with padding and M.D.C. plates along the shoulders, chest, stomach and other strategic locations for additional protection. This armor is very
popular among City and adventurers in chaos earth . Base-4 clothing may be worn underneath it.
Appearance: Looks like an ordinary, heavy, trench or long coat (women's styles and chaos earth undercover work include a cloak) that goes down to just below the knees or as low as the
ankles, and has a flip-up collar and either a detachable or pull-out hood (kept in a zipper pocket under the back collar).
M.D.C A helmet (30-50 M.D.C.) comes standard.
Weight: Approximately 17-20 pounds (7.65 to 9 kg) for the entireM.D.C. ensemble.
Mobility Penalties: -10% for civilians (i.e. Level 5 Administrators),-5% for Police, Military,
Typically none to climb,prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C.: 25 — non-environmental
M.D.C. Armored Trench CoatAn ordinary looking coat made of Base-4, but with padding and M.D.C. plates along the shoulders, chest, stomach and other strategic locations for additional protection. This armor is very
popular among City and adventurers in chaos earth . Base-4 clothing may be worn underneath it.
Appearance: Looks like an ordinary, heavy, trench or long coat (women's styles and chaos earth undercover work include a cloak) that goes down to just below the knees or as low as the
ankles, and has a flip-up collar and either a detachable or pull-out hood (kept in a zipper pocket under the back collar).
M.D.C A helmet (30-50 M.D.C.) comes standard.
Weight: Approximately 17-20 pounds (7.65 to 9 kg) for the entireM.D.C. ensemble.
Mobility Penalties: -10% for civilians (i.e. Level 5 Administrators),-5% for Police, Military,
Typically none to climb,prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C.: 25 — non-environmental
"Trencher" Body Armor RIFTS Australia book This suit is a fully sealed environmental armor used by the Military Forces and Tactical Response Groups (S.W.A.T ) of both Perth and Melbourne. It comes equipped with a cooling system, one hour independent oxygen supply and various other features common to full-environmental suits of armor worldwide. A matte camouflage pattern is used for military operations when the troops "go outside " — into the bush/wilderness. It does not reflect the sun and is hard to spot in the wild. It gets the nickname,
"Trencher" because it is a sturdy, reliable suit of armor used by all facets of the Army and the soldiers "in the trenches." Troops suit up in Trencher armor when on guard duty, any patrols outside the walls and into the wilderness, and when engaging hostile forces in or out of the Tech-City. The Navy has a
similar body armor with a different paint job and slightly different styling. Trencher armor are repaints it and makes customized changes (different helmet, color, spikes and such) Soldier.
The standard helmet has goggle-eyes and air filters protruding from the chin of the helmet. There are slight variations in helmet design, armor color and insignias to distinguish between
the various divisions (RIFTS Australia book see page 113 for the variant at Melbourne).
Combat Armor This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 20th Century helmets and flack jackets, but it has the addition of a face plate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant and has limited life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in the Rifts RPG, page 209).
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern. Marine Combat armor is manufactured at both bases (as are all energy weapons).
• M.D.C. : 85
• Weight: 9.5 lbs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: -10% on the performance of prowl and other physi-cal skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (610 m)
• Market Cost: 50,000 credits outside Refugee camps in Chaos earth
M.D.C. Light Anti-Assassin Vector special operations This is used by Police, Military and undercover agents as well as some Level 4 & 5 citizens who fear for their lives. It is a simple padded vest with some additional armor to protect the chest and belly. It is low profile and usually unnoticeable, even at close range; detectable only upon close inspection and
"patting the wearer down." Appearance: Looks like an undergarment or extra shirt to keep warm. It is easily concealed beneath an ordinary shirt, suit coat, etc.
Weight: Approximately 5 pounds (2.25 kg).
Mobility Penalties: None.
M.D.C.: 15 — non-environmental and protects upper torso only.
M.D.C. Flak Vest Standard for all Helicopter Gunners and Patrol Boat Crewmen(with flotation device built into it), as well as used by police officers, special agents and the occasional Level 5 Administrator. A Flak Vest is a protective vest made of Base-4 materials with alloy and/or ceramic plate and padding inserted.
It is designed to cover and protect only the chest, stomach and groin areas, allowing for unencumbered movement of the arms and legs, but it also leaves them unprotected. Comes standard
with a helmet (30 to 50 M.D.C.) and Base-4 clothing may be worn underneath it. Has the Equivalent of an A.R. 12, meaning a roll to strike of 13 or higher will hit an exposed limb.
Appearance: Looks like a heavy, obviously padded or plated vest, although it can be concealed beneath a bulky jacket, coat, cloak or poncho.
Weight: Approximately 15 pounds (6.75 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -5% for civilians to climb, prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
for Police, Military, and other combat or wilderness trained personnel.
M.D.C.: 30 — non-environmental and protects the torso only
Armored Jump Suit City Police M.D.C Armored Jump Suit City Police wear a padded jump suit and boots made of Base-4 material with additional M.D.C. metal alloy or ceramic plates located in the chest, along the shoulders, arms, hips, knees, calves and head. The standard light helmet comes with a built-in radio communications system and gas mask and air filter, plus the helmet (50 M.D.C.) easily fits over the standard communications rigging and head protection.
Weight: Approximately 15 pounds (6.75 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -5% to climb, prowl, swim, perform acrobatics,
Gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head with light protection — 28; non-environmental.
Head with full protective helmet — 50; environmental.
Arms — 22 each
Legs — 28 each
Main Body — 35
Note: The addition of a full protective helmet seals the suit and makes it an environmental body armor system.
M.D.C. Police Riot Armor The City Police and Anti-Terrorist Response Teams (i.e. the TRG) of both Melbourne and Perth are issued medium combat armor, sometimes referred to as SWAT or Riot Gear. This suit is basically the police armored uniform combined with a heavyflak vest and additional armor and padding. The chest, stomach, groin, hips and shoulders are especially protected. The standard helmet comes with a multi-optic system.
Appearance: Medium Environmental Body Armor
Weight: Approximately 20 pounds (9 kg).
[b][u] Mobility Penalties: -5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head/Helmet — 50
Arms — 22 each
Legs — 32 each
Main Body —55
Note: Riot shield (40 M.D.C) is optional and does 1D6 S.D.C. damage when used as a blunt weapon to butt, push and strike
Heavy M.D.C Environmental Body Armor Weight: Approximately 20 pounds (9 kg).
[b][u] Mobility Penalties: -5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head/Helmet — 70
Arms — 45 each
Legs — 45 each
Main Body —95
Note: Riot shield (120 M.D.C) is optional and does 1D6 S.D.C. M.D.C or damage when used as a blunt weapon to butt, push and strike. player must declare to GM
Special Ops Combat Armor Restricted to
ARM TECH /P.M.C Militia /military use only. Full plate armor using light
M.D.C. metal alloys, ceramics, and Base-4 materials. Like the police, it comes standard with both a light, padded headgear with an open face and built-in communications system and a full environmental helmet that fits over the light headgear.
Appearance: Environmental Body Armor.
Weight: Approximately 28 pounds (12.6 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -10% to climb, and -25% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head/Helmet (light) — 30; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet (heavy) — 70; environmental.
Arms — 60 each
Legs — 75 each
Main Body—115
Special Ops Heavy Combat Armor Restricted to
ARM TECH /P.M.C Militia /military use only. Full plate armor using light
M.D.C. metal alloys, ceramics, and Base-4 materials. Like the police, it comes standard with both a light, padded headgear with an open face and built-in communications system and a full environmental helmet that fits over the light headgear.
Appearance: Environmental Body Armor.
Weight: Approximately 28 pounds (12.6 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -10% to climb, and -25% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head/Helmet (light) — 75; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet (heavy) — 95; environmental.
Arms — 85 each
Legs — 95 each
Main Body—125
Medium Environmental Body Armor. Weight: Approximately 23 pounds (10.35 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head/Helmet (light) — 30; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet — 60; environmental.
Arms — 40 each
Legs — 60 each
Main Body — 70
heavy Environmental Body Armor.Weight Approximately 23 pounds (10.35 kg).
Mobility Penalties: -5% to climb, and -10% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics, gymnastics and similar physical skills.
M.D.C. by Location: Head/Helmet — 70; non-environmental.
Head/Helmet — 90; environmental.
Arms — 80 each
Legs — 95 each
Main Body — 130
The following are over the counter MD refit military vehicles the UN will use ,but also note later mode detail will be made
• M.D.C. Modified Armored Cars & Light APCs
•M.D.C. Modified Large Trucks
•Modified Automobiles & Jeeps
• M.D.C. Modified Motorcycles
M.D.C. Modified Armored Cars & Light A.P.C • Typical Speed: 60 mph (96.5 km); maximum fuel range: 250 miles
• New light armor plating Provides 140 M.D.C. for the main body and 60 M.D.C. for the turret and cannon. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 500 to 600 points (equal to 5 or 6 M.D.C.).
• weapons A rail gun, laser or other energy weapon is mounted on the turret or built into the vehicle or an existing S.D.C. machine-gun (or M.D. machine-gun) can remain unchanged, but fires ramjet ammunition
• Typical price for a retrofitted armored car is 5,000 credits.
M.D.C. Modified Large Trucks • Typical Speed: 120 mph (192 km); maximum fuel range: 150 miles
• New light armor plating Provides 60 to 80 M.D.C. for the main body of the cab and 90 to 120 M.D.C. for the trailer/cargo bay. S.D.C. tires are replaced with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 400 to 600 points (equal to 4 to 6 M.D.C.).
• weapons Many as four weapons can be mounted on the trailer section and one light weapon on the cab; each costs extra.
TOTAL 5 weapons [/b
[b] • Typical price for a retrofitted truck is 10,000 credits, plus the cost of the weapons (if any).
• Typical Speed: 90 mph (144 km); maximum fuel range: 200 miles (321 km). Souped up speed costs 1000 credits per each additional 10 mph (16 km) up to 80 extra mph (128 km) maximum.
• New light armor plating provides 60 M.D.C. for the main body. S.D.C. tires are replaced with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 200 to 400 points (equal to 2 or 4 M.D.).
• weapons One light rail gun, laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon can be mounted on the hood, top or rear of the vehicle; costs extra.
Modified Automobiles & Jeeps • Typical Speed: 110 mph (176 kin); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (482 km).
Souped up speed costs 100 credits per each additional 10 mph (16 km) up to 80 extra mph (128 km) maximum. but car double extra mph
• New armor plating provides 45 M.D.C. for the main body. S.D.C. tires can be replaced with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 200 to 300 points (equal to 2
or 3 M.D.C.).
• weapons • One light rail gun, laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon can be mounted on hood, top or rear of the vehicle; costs extra.
• Typical price for a retrofitted car is 2,000 credits, plus the cost of the weapon (if any).
M.D.C. Modified Motorcycles • Typical Speed: 140 mph (224 km); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (482 km). Souped speed costs 1000 credits per each additional 10 mph (16 km) up to 80 extra mph (128 km) maximum.
• New armor plating provides 25 M.D.C. for the main body (20 for a side-car, costs an extra 1,000 credits). S.D.C. tires can be re-placed with hard 3 M.D.C. wheels. The original S.D.C. of the main body is typically 100 to 200 points (equal to 1 or 2 M.D.C.).
• weapons • One laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon can be mounted on
the front of the bike; costs extra.
• Typical price for a retrofitted motorcycle is 4,000 credits, plus the cost of the weapon (if any).
The following are over the counter MD refit military vehicles the UN will use ,but also note later mode detail will be made
ARMTECH ARM TECH Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is a high speed,
ARMTECH Abrams Main Battle Tank
ARMTECH ARMTECH M.D refit Hercules Airplane
ARMTECH M.D refit -60 Improved Black Hawk Assault Helicopter
ARMTECH M.D refit Apache Helicopter
ARMTECH M.D refit -1W Improved Super-Cobra Gunship
ARMTECH M.D refit 58D Improved Kiowa Warrior Helicopter
ARMTECH M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook
NOTE WHEN YOU SEE THE FOLLOWING IN M.D.C location FOR example ** Main Body/Fuselage - 125 (220),this mean it over the counter while in parentheses mean better armored in that location and been use by arm tech
The M113 is a simple all-purpose APC with superior speed and better armor and weapons. The vehicle can deliver combat infantry and supplies to the battlefield in relative safety. Although the refitted M113 are no match for modern APCs, one cannot beat the rock bottom price offered by
ARM TECH they're practically giving the M113s away.
Model Type: M.D refit M113s Improved Armored Personnel Carrier. Class: Armored Personnel Carrier.
Crew: Three crewmen: a driver/APC commander, cupola gunner, and a communications officer.
Troop Transport Comfortably seats either 24 heavy infantry soldiers or 14 power armor suits.
M.D.C. by Location: Turret - 80
* Cupola Rail Gun - 50
* Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher - 10
** Track Treads (2) - 14 each
*** Main Body - 168 ( 250 ) M.D.C. (the main body is reinforced with modern M.D.C. materials )
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the vehicle until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Speed: Maximum Speed: 80 mph (128 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 45 mph (72 km).
Range: 500 miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data: Height: 9 feet, 9 inches (2.97 m). Width: 8 feet, 4 inches .
Length: 21 feet, 2 inches (6.45 m).
Weight: 14 tons.
Cargo: Can hold 5,000 lbs (2,250 kg) worth of equipment.
Power System: Conventional diesel engine.
Cost: 40,000 credits.
Weapon Systems: 1. Cupola Rail Gun: ONE weapon systems
This gun standard LIGHT RAIL GUN , located in the cupola (mini-turret). The turret must be manned by a gunner, can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Defense and Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 per 40 rounds burst; one round does 1D4 M.D. 2.
2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher: A single box style mini-missile launcher has been added to the top of the APC to provide aerial protection for the vehicle and its mechanized infantry, the launcher is fired by the driver.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle.
Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile type.
Missile Type: Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but M.D refit sells the tank with six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius) and six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range: About 1 mile (1.6 km).
Payload: Six mini-missiles.
3. Systems of Note: Vehicular radio with 50 mile (80 km) range and passive nightvision with 2000 foot (610 m) range.
ARM TECH range 2 miles
Hummer is an extremely popular light combat and utility vehicle. As with most vehicles manufactured
ARM TECH Hummer is a Mega-Damage retrofit of a pre-Rifts American military vehicle. In the age before the Coming of the Rifts, the M-998 series HMMWV, or High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle, was one of the most widely used vehicles in the modern American military. Its design stands out for two main reasons, utility and mobility. The retrofitted M.D refit -998 can be used for dozens of different applications, including troop transport, resupply, staff car, reconnaissance, field ambulance, towing artillery pieces, and when armed with a TOW launcher, as a mobile weapons plat-form for anti-tank combat. Without much exaggeration, it can be said that the Hummer can go anywhere. It can go wherever tanks can, ford rivers (up to 2.5 feet/0.76 m deep), climb virtually any hill, scale logs, steps and other obstacles up to two feet (0.6 m) tall, and drive across sand, snow and ice with equal ease. Hummers are incredibly rugged and continue driving at normal speeds even when all four tires are flat (they all come with the run-flat tire system). The vehicle can carry a payload of up to 2500 lbs (1125 kg) of cargo or up to 10 seated troops in full gear and tow a maximum payload of 3,400 lbs (1530 kg); as much as a 105mm howitzer. Even the vehicle itself is easy to move; the Hummer can be carried by a Blackhawk helicopter, and M.D refit Hummers can be carried by the M.D refit -47 Chinook.
Another winning feature of the vehicle's design is that with little effort, all Hummers can be outfitted for combat use. Every Hummer, even ambulance models, come equipped with a weapon mount on the roof on which numerous weapons can be attached when needed. All GAW Hummers also have a basic radio with a 5 mile (8 km) range
Model Type: M.D refit 998 Improved Hummer
Class: High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle.
Crew: One pilot/driver is all that's critical, but it can accommodate a four person crew (co-pilot, gunner, and 1 communications officer, in addition to the pilot, or pilot and three passengers) in addition to six seated troops or additional passengers (8 under cramped conditions). As an ambulance, it easily accommodates 4 stretchers and 2-4 seated patients or 10-12 seated passengers, the "crew" being the driver, a doctor and two paramedics/field medics.
M.D.C. by Location: Weapon Turret (optional) — 40
Ballistic Windows (3; forward) — 12 each*
Headlights (6) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 6 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment — 25**
Main Body – 122( 225)
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -9 to strike.
** Depleting the 'M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Speed: Maximum Speed: 90 mph (144 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 15-35 mph (24-56 km).
Range: 800 miles (1280 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data: Height: 6 feet (1.83 m).
Width: 9 feet, 1 inch (2.75 m).
Length: 16 feet (4.72 m).
Weight: 5,060 lbs (2277 kg).
Cargo: Can hold 2,500 lbs (1,125 kg) worth of equipment, plus tow a load of 3,400 lbs (1,530 kg).
Power System: Conventional gas engine.
Cost: 25,500 credits.
Weapon Systems: Every
ARM TECH Hummer has a weapon mount on the roof of the vehicle. This mount can support numerous weapons, including most machine-guns, rail guns, or M.D auto-cannons, M.D grenade launcher, S.D.C TOW launcher M.D Medium single show or dual shot , mini-missile launcher or any type of rifle style energy weapon. When the Hummer is armed the weapon is accessed through a hatch from the back seat of the vehicle and must be manned by a gunner.
• weapons Two mini-missile box launchers can also be attached to the exterior (back or sides) of the vehicle (six mini-missiles per launcher).
Flares systems and smoke system
Fast-Attack Vehicle Special Ops Dune Buggy ARM TECH Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is a high speed, heavily armed, rugged off-road dune buggy-like vehicle designed for special operations applications. Its basic function is to augment the firepower and mobility of elite troops without sacrificing their ability to hide and maneuver covertly. And in so doing, the FAV has expanded the capabilities of Special Ops
FAVs are three-man, all-terrain vehicles that have a top road speed of 90 mph (144 km). The FAV Dune Buggy is rugged and can negotiate virtually any ground terrain. It drives over steep inclines, through roadblocks, over tank traps, sand, mud, ditches and trenches as well as other rough terrain and obstacles (up to 4 feet/1.2 m tall) that are impassable for most other military vehicles. A fully-loaded FAV travels cross-country at speeds varying from 25-60 mph (40 to 96 km), which on average is 50% greater than the off-road speed of the M.D refit -H998 Hummer Armament for the FAV, aside from the driver's personal weapons, consists of a roof-mounted , and a pair of mini-missile launchers. This impressive array of weaponry gives the three-man FAV crew the firepower of a heavy power armor suit or light combat robot, and enough firepower to engage much larger infantry units, enemy installations, soft-skinned vehicles and even light armored vehicles (such as an Iron Maiden APC-10, Bradley IFV ). The FAV is also easy to transport; one can be carried by a M.D refit -60 Blackhawk, or by the M.D refit -47 Chinook, and the M.D refit FAV can even be rigged to parachute from transport aircraft.
Since it was first offered by
ARM TECH M.D refit, the M.D refit FAV has been purchased for special operations units in many Western armies, including the European, as well as by numerous mercenary and bandit groups. These forces use the M.D refit FAV in many roles, including reconnaissance, patrolling, security, light strike, infantry support, covert surveillance, covert infiltration, forward air control (using laser designators) and for standby combat search and rescue.
Model Type: M.D refit Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
Class: M.D refit Fast Attack Vehicle Special Ops Dune Buggy.
Crew: Two, driver and gunner, plus 2-4 passengers. M.D.C. by Location:
* Headlights (4) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 4 each
* Roof Gun - 50
* Box Style Missile Launcher (1) - 10 each
* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine - 12 **
Main Body – 85(170)
The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Note: This is not an environmental enclosure, the crew sits exposed to the elements, but does have the benefits of partial cover and concealment. Shots directed at the crew suffer a penalty of -6 to strike at 60 MPH or less ,over 61 mph they get -9 to strike.
Speed: [b][u]
[b] Maximum Speed: 120 mph (192 mph), off-road speed is reduced. A fully-loaded FAV travels cross country at speeds varying from 25-90 mph depending on the difficulty of the terrain.
Range: 1500 miles (2400 km), due to its electric engine.
[u] Statistical Data: Height: 6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 m).
Width: 6 feet, 11 inches (2.11 m).
Length: 13 feet, 11 inches (4.25 m).
Weight: 2,750 lbs ( 1000 lds)
Cargo: None.
Power System: Electrical engine.
Cost: 20,000 credits.
• weapons 1.Roof Gun: M.D Grenade Launcher or a M.D .50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun.
This weapon is mounted on a reinforced roll-bar and requires a gunner (typically one of the passengers standing up on his seat and strapped into the gunner's harness). The weapon can rotate 360 degree and has a 90 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: Standard Grenade launcher: HEAT Grenade: 1D4x10 to a radius of 3 feet (0.9 m) around the target.
Fragmentation Grenade: 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius. Other: Smoke, tear gas or other types of grenades may be substituted.
low end .50 Caliber Machine-gun: 1D6 M.D. per 10 round burst.
Rate of Fire: Each grenade or machine-gun burst fired counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee.
Effective Range: Grenade Launcher: 2100 feet , Machinegun: 6000 feet to 2 miles
Payload: Grenades: 60 grenade belt feed or 800 machine-gun rounds (80 bursts).
Note: This weapon may be replaced with any mounted laser or other rifle style energy weapons, but requires E-Clips or a separate power pack or generator for power.
2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2): [b][u]
These two box-mounted launchers on the sides of the FAV are used against lightly armored targets and infantry, both of these launchers are fired by the gunner.
[b] Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle.
Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile type.
Missile Type: Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but
[u] ARM TECH sells the FAV with six Light High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius)
and six light Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range: 1 mile
Payload: 12, six mini-missiles per launcher.
3. Systems of Note: Basic radio with 5 mile (8 km) range, passive night vision with 2000 foot (610 m) range
but ARM TECH has 2 miles range , and Souped up for fast turns and evasive maneuvers (half the usual piloting penalties for trick and evasive moves).
The new Abrams is a fair match for Iron Heart's medium tank, and weaker than their Iron Hammer MBT, but still
M.D refit -M1A3 Improved Abrams Main Battle Tank The Abrams MBT was once a mainstay of the old U.S. Empires mechanized armored force; quick, tough and well armed, improving upon the tank was a relatively straightforward project for the engineers of ARM TECH AND for the cost, the M.D refit Abrams cannot be beat and at the end the US had over 2000,000 plus and that not including spare parts which add if assemble 500,000 !!!!!
Model Type: M.D refit M1A3 Improved Abrams
Main Battle Tank Class: M.D refit Main Battle Tank.
Crew: Four crewmen, a Tank Commander/pilot/driver, gunner, loader/Operator/mechanic and communications officer.
M.D.C. by Location: Cupola on Turret — 50 later remote control Cupola on Turret 75
Main Turret — 120 (220)
Improved 120 mm Auto-Cannon — 50( 120)
* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8(80)
* Modified 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-Gun — 5 (80)
* Box Style Missile Launchers (2) — 15 each
** Track Treads (2) — 20 each (later 100 each)
*** Main Body - 266 (350)
Reinforced Crew Compartment 25 (200)
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Maximum Speed: 60 mph (96 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 40 mph (64 km)
Range: 500 miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data: Height: 18 feet (5.5 m).
Width: 12 feet (3.6 m).
Length: 36 feet (10.9 m).
Weight: 40 tons fully loaded.(
ARM TECH 70 tons Cargo: Minimal storage space, just enough room for extra clothing, weapons and some personal items.
Power System: Conventional diesel engine.
• weapons : 1. 120 mm Auto-Cannon: The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire Forget is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, Firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The auto-cannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle
ARM TECH (90 degree angle) , allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 401 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Tank/Anti-Robot/dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Self-Defense.
Mega-Damage: • 5D6 M.D. per Light -Explosive (LHE) round to a 10 foot (3 m) radius
• 1D4x10 per Armor Piercing round to a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius,
both rounds are designed to take down other tanks, armored vehicles, giant robots and fortifications.
• 1D6 X10 H.E.A.T (high explosive anti-tank )
Rate of Fire: A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers.
ARM TECH has a fast auto reloader systems can fire two round per attack
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m) for all rounds.
ARM TECH has 2 miles Payload: The tank can carry up to 80 rounds; typically a mix of half and half, plus six smoke shells (covers a 40 foot/12.2 m radius), but may be all of one kind (plus smoke) or the other.
Low end M.D .50 caliber Coaxial Machine-gun: This machine-gun is mounted under the main cannon, forcing the entire main turret to turn in order to engage new targets. The weapon may fire conventional ammunition or high M.D. ramjet rounds
Primary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Mega-Damage: Conventional .50 Caliber Rounds: 1D6x 100 S.D.C. or 1D6 M.D. per burst of 10 rounds.
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one of the tank gunner's hand to hand attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Payload: 3000 rounds, equal to 300 bursts!
Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2): These two box-mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the M.D refit
Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Fortifications.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Missiles and Anti-Personnel. Mega-Damage: Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type: Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but
ARM TECH sells the tank with
Six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius)
and Six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6. Fired by the gunner. Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Payload: 12 total. Each missile launcher holds six mini-missiles.
4. M.D 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-gun: A M.D 7.62 mm machine-gun manned by a gunner protected by the cupola (shielding). May be loaded with explosive rounds, that allow the weapon to inflict greater Mega-Damage. The machine-gun is mounted in the cupola and can be pointed in any direction by the gunner for a 360 degree rotation and a 120 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose: Self-Defense.
Mega-Damage: 4D6x10 S.D.C. or 1D4 M.D. per 10 round burst,
2D4 M.D. for a 20 round burst and so on.
M.D explosive rounds doubles the damage noted above (2D4 M.D. per 10 round burst and 4D4 M.D. per 20 round burst and so on ).
Rate of Fire: sets of 10 round burst counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee. A 20 round burst counts as one attack .
Effective Range 6000 feet
Payload: 4000 rounds,
5. Systems of Note: Vehicular radio with 50 mile (80 km) range, and passive nightvision with 2000 foot (610 m) range.
ARM TECH range 2 miles M.D refit Hercules Airplane A retrofitted C-130 Lockheed Hercules, which is arguably the finest military transport plane ever made. ARMTECH has retrofitted and sold hundreds of these vehicles to a variety of users, including merchants, independent nation , shipping companies, mercenary groups and major corporations like
ARM TECH Industries and others . The transport can carry 92 fully equipped troops, 92 paratroopers, or cargo loads of up to 21 tons!
Model Type: M.D refit -130 Hercules
Class: Heavy lift transport aircraft.
Crew: Three, plus up to 92 fully equipped soldiers or para-troopers.
M.D.C. by Location: * Landing Gear/Tires (3) — 15 each
* Engines (4) - 45 each (150)
** Wings (2) - 80 each ( 200)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 180 ( 275)
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 60 ( 120)
* Items marked by a single asterisk are small and/or difficult to hit, requiring an attacker to make a Called Shot to hit with a penalty of -12 strike.
Destroyed landing gear will result in emergency landing rules.
The loss of a single engine will reduce maximum air speed by 25% and impose a -15% penalty to all piloting rolls (penal-ties are accumulative with each engine lost). Losing all four engines will cause the plane to crash.
** Destroying one of the wings or depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the aircraft out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -50% for a successful crash landing.
Speed: [b][u]
[b] Driving on the Ground: Not possible, taxi speed is 2 mph (3.2 km) on paved surfaces.
Flying: The powerful engines of the
[u] ARM TECH M.D refit Hercules enable the plane to reach maximum flying speeds of 400 mph , even with a maximum load. Cruising speeds vary according to the situation but tend to be slow, usually between 110 and 240 mph (176 and 384 km). At maximum weight, takeoff distance is approximately 900 feet (274 m).
Maximum Altitude: The maximum altitude for the Hercules is 33,000 feet (10,058 m).
Range: 3000 miles (4800 km), due to its newly designed engines.
Statistical Data: Height: 38 feet, 1 inch (11.6 m).
Width: 132 feet, 7 inches (40.4 m) wingspan.
Length: 97 feet, 9 inches (29.7 m).
78 tons.
[b] Cargo: Internal cargo stowage of up to 21 tons or 92 troops.
Power System: Conventional jet engines.
Cost: 500,000 credits for a single undamaged Hercules.
Weapon Systems: None, exclusively transport.
ARMTECH M.D refit -60 Improved Black Hawk Assault Helicopter The Black Hawk is an all-purpose utility helicopter that is used to move combat troops and military supplies, for airmobile assaults and to transport casualties to medical facilities.
Model Type ARMTECH M.D refit - Black Hawk
Class: All-purpose utility helicopter.
Crew: Two; pilot and gunner, plus up to 12 passengers.
M.D.C. by Location: * Landing Gear — 12
* Main Rotors (4) - 10 each( 25)
* Tail Rotor Section – 20 (100)
* 7.62 mm Machine-Gun - 5
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment – 30( 210)
** Main Body/Fuselage – 155( 200)
* Items marked by a single asterisk are small and/or difficult to hit, requiring an attacker to make a Called Shot to hit with a penalty of -3 strike (-5 to strike if the chopper is going 100 mph/160 km or faster).
Destroyed landing gear will result in emergency landing rules.
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed by 10% and impose a -25% penalty to all piloting rolls (penalties are accumulative with each blade lost). Losing three or all of the rotor blades will cause the helicopter to crash. Roll under piloting skill -40% for a successful crash landing.
Speed: Driving on the ground: [b]
Not possible.
[b] Flying: 175 mph (280 km), being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude: The maximum altitude for the helicopter is 19,150 feet (25,000 FEET).
Range: 1500 miles (2400 km), due to its electric engine.
Statistical Data: Height: 16 feet, 10 inches (5.13 m).
Width: 53 feet, 8 inches (16.3 m) rotor blades.
Length: 50 feet, 1 inch (15.26 m).
Weight: 6 tons.
Cargo: Can carry 6,000 lbs (2700 kg) suspended from the helicopter, in addition to passengers.
Power System: Electric engine.
Cost: 400,000 credits.
Weapon Systems: 1. Low end M.D refit M-23 7.62 mm Machine-Gun: The machine-gun is mounted in the nose of the Black Hawk as a "chin gun," allowing it a 270 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose: Self-Defense.
Mega-Damage: 1D4 M.D. per 10 round burst, 2D4 M.D. per 20 round burst, or 3D4 M.D. for a 30 round burst and so on . AND so max 100 round burst that’s 1d4x10 M.D.C
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 9000 rounds
Note: May be substituted with an M.D. rail gun or energy weapon but at considerably more cost
Systems of Note:
The Black Hawk has all the standard features common to most robot vehicles, plus a radio with a range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision 3000 feet (
ARM TECH has 2 miles ), thermal imager 1400 feet (
ARM TECH has 2 miles )), laser designator (+1 to strike but targeting uses up one of the gunner's melee attacks) and enhanced radar: tracks72 targets, with 100 mile (160 km) range
M.D refit Apache Helicopter A retrofitted version of the old US Army attack helicopter, the AH-64 Apache combat assault helicopter was upgraded using modern M.D.C. materials. A very capable aircraft that excels at missions of close air support and tank-busting.
Model Type: ARMTECH M.D refit Improved Apache
Class: Ground attack helicopter.
Crew: Two; one pilot and one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location: * Main Rotors (4 blades) — 15 each ( 25)
* Tail Rotor Section – 20(125)
* G-109 Enhanced Rail Gun (1) - 12
* Short-Range Missile Rails (2) - 3 each
* Mini-Missile Pods (2) - 15 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 30 (220)
** Main Body/Fuselage – 150(225)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, but even then the attacker is -8 to strike (-9 if the helicopter is flying faster than 80 mph/160 km).
Destroying one of the missile pods or an attached missile will detonate the ordnance and inflict damage to the helicopter.
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (penalties are accumulative with each main rotor lost). Losing three or four main rotors or losing the tail rotors completely will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the helicopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -50% for a successful crash landing by auto-rotating.
Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not possible.
Flying: 227 mph max speed , being a helicopter the ARMTECH M.D refit -64 is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude: The maximum altitude for the Apache is 20,000 feet (6096 m).
Range: 1200 miles (1920 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data: Height: 16 feet, 3 inches (4.95 m).
Width: 48 feet (14.6 m) rotor blades.
Length: 50 feet, 9 inches (15.47 m).
Weight: 8 tons.
Cargo: None.
Power System: Conventional combustion engine.
Cost: 250,000 credits.
• weapons •Light G-109 Rail Gun: A modern light rail gun was installed in the nose of the 64 Apache, instead of its old Heavy mini-gun. The G-109 enhanced rail gun is mounted in the nose, as a "chin gun," allowing it a 270 degree arc of fire (
ARM TECH 360 degree arc of fire ).
Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot, Vehicle and Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft .
Light Mega-Damage: Rail Gun: 1D4x10 M.D. per 10 rounds burst.
Or If the old style Heavy Mini-Gun is kept, it does 2D6+3 M.D. per every 10 round burst or 4D6+6 0r 5d6 M.D. per 20 round burst. 2d6x10 +30 M.D for A 100 round burst
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one of the pilot's melee at-tacks.
Effective Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).
Payload: 5000 rounds
• 2. M.D refit Missile Rails (2): Originally used to carry the Hellfire anti-tank missiles (short-range missiles or medium range missiles), the rails have been adapted to carry standard short-range missiles or Medium range missiles, for use against heavily armored targets, like robot vehicles and main battle tanks.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Structures, Robots and Vehicles.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Mega-Damage: Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type: Any short-range missiles or Medium range missiles can be used.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 or all in one attack !!!.
Effective Range: Five miles (8 km) for short-range missiles or Medium range missiles at 20 miles NOTE LONG BOW 40 miles
Payload: 18 Medium range missiles total or 8 per Rails or 32 short-range missiles. Each rail can mount 8 short-range missiles or 8 Medium range missiles pick one per rack
3. Mini-Missile Pods (2): A mini-missile pod is located on both sides of the AH-64 Apache.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry and Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose: Assault and Defense. Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missiles type.
Missile Type: Any mini-missiles can be used, but standard issue is High Explosive (5D6 M.D.) or Armor-Piercing (1D4x10 M.D.). Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m radius) will be used for anti-personnel operations.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6. Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Payload: 36; 18 missiles per launcher.
4. Systems of Note: The Apache has all the standard features of robot vehicles as listed in the Rifts® RPG, plus a radio with range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision (3000 foot/914 m range), laser designator (+1 to ) strike and enhanced radar: tracks 48 targets within a 120 mile (192 km) range.
NOTE LONG BOW ARMTECH M.D refit Apache, senor range 5 miles, designator (+2 to ) strike to all weapons , enhanced radar: tracks 96 targets within a 240 mile range
Apache Long Bow Laser Pods
http://unspacy.deviantart.com/art/Apach ... a_recent=1Laser pod similar to ATL-7 Anti-Tank rifle only bigger and modern and room to spare
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give gunship a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot kill weapon that releases all the energies contained
In a normal E-c1ip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy
(the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry
Mega-Damage: 4D6X10+20 M.D. per shot!
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; either pilot or gunner
Effective Range: 12,000 feet over two miles on mile has 5280 feet
Payload: ammo drum inside pod carries
Cost: 300,000 credits
ARMTECH M.D refit -1W Improved Super-Cobra Gunship Older than the AH-64 Apache, but still very effective the Super Cobra is a popular attack chopper. The engines of the Super Cobras have been replaced with high-output electric engines to increase their loiter times and increase their flight ranges. The vehicle is smaller and faster than the Apache, but it doesn't pack the same payload of weapons. It makes an excellent light assault helicopter, scout and reconnaissance vehicle and urban setting. At the same time it is capable of performing missions of close air support and tank-busting. Super-Cobras are often used as escort aircraft for air ambulances and downed pilot rescue missions.
Model Type: ARMTECH M.D refit Improved Super Cobra
Class: Ground attack helicopter.
Crew: Two; one pilot and one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location: * Main Rotors (4) - 12 each( 24)
* Tail Rotor Section – 18(100)
* XM-134 7.62 mm Mini-Gun - 6
* XM-3 2.7 inch Rocket Launchers (2) - 8 each
* Short-Range Missile Rails (2) - 4 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment – 30(120)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 90 ( 175)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, and even then the attacker is -4 to strike (-9 if the helicopter is flying faster than 100 mph/160 km).
Destroying one of the attached missiles will detonate the ordnance and inflict damage to the helicopter.
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (pen-alties are accumulative with each blade lost). Losing three or all blades or losing the tail rotor completely will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the helicopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -50% for a successful crash landing by auto-rotating.
Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not possible.
Flying: 227 mph , being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude: The maximum altitude for the helicopter is 14,750 feet (4496 m).
Range: 2000 miles (3200 km), due to its electric engine.(3o mde,)
Statistical Data: Height: 14 feet, 2 inches (4.31 m).
Width: 48 feet (14.63m) rotor blades.
Length: 58 feet (17.68 m).
Weight: 7 tons.
Cargo: None.
Power System: Electric high-output engine.
Cost: 150,000 credits.
• weapons •1. XM-134 7.62 mm Mini-Gun: This six-barreled, 7.62 mm Gatling gun is driven by an independent electric motor that rotates the gun barrels as they fire, allowing it to achieve in-credibly high rates of fire without overheating. The mini-gun is mounted in the nose of the Super Cobra as a "chin gun," allowing it a 270 degree arc of fire (
ARM TECH has 360 degree arc of fire ).
Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot/Anti-Vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Mega-Damage: 2D6+3 M.D. per 10 round burst or 4D6+4 M.D. per 20 round burst.
Rate of Fire: Each burst, short or medium, counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 4000 rounds
•2. Modified XM-3 2.7 inch Rocket Launchers (2) :
These rocket launchers are honeycombed tubes mounted under the stubby wings of the Super Cobra. The ancient XM-3 2.7 inch rockets have been refitted with a modern fragmentation war-head by the technicians at
ARM TECH industries , for anti-infantry missions in a Mega-Damage environment.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Anti-Power Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Area Saturation.
Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per rocket, to a 20 foot (6.1 m) blast radius. )
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 4 or 6 rockets.
Effective Range: 5000 feet (1524 m).
Payload: 48 total, 24 unguided rockets per launcher.
•3. Short-Range Missile Rails (2): Original used to carry anti-tank missiles, the rails have been adapted to carry two standard short-range missiles for use against heavily armored targets, like robot vehicles and main battle tanks.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Structures and Anti-Armored Vehicle. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft. Mega-Damage: Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type: Any short-range missile can be used, but standard issue is armor piercing (2D6x10 M.D.) or high explosive(2D4x10 M.D
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Effective Range: Five miles (8 km). Payload: Four total, two per each rail.
•4. Systems of Note: The Super Cobra has all the standard features of robot vehicles as listed in the Rifts® RPG, plus a ra-dio with a range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision 3000 foot
ARM TECH has 2 miles , laser designator (+2 to strike rolls) and enhanced radar: tracks 72 targets within a 120 mile (192 km) range.
ARMTECH M.D refit 58D Improved Kiowa Warrior HelicopterIn the American military the Kiowa Warrior was employed as a scout helicopter working in conjunction with the AH-64 Apache. It is a small target, difficult to detect, and agile, allowing the helicopter to scout for enemy positions and then feed the targeting data to nearby combat choppers, which can attack from a distance without risking damage to the Apache. The bird remains popular on Earth with mercenary companies and armed forces as a workhorse reconnaissance and transport helicopter with light combat capabilities. Due to the fact that it can transport up to 6 passengers it is also used to insert and extract special forces squads into enemy territory.
Model Type: ARMTECH M.D refit Improved Kiowa Warrior
Class: Scout helicopter.
Crew: Two, pilot and communications officer, plus up to 6 pas-sengers.
M.D.C. by Location: * Main Rotors (4) - 8 each * (16)
Tail Rotor Section – 12(90)
* . M.D 50 cal Machine-Gun - 5
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 15 (80)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 75 (150)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, but even then the attacker is -4 to strike (-7 if the helicopter is flying faster than 100 mph/160 km).
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (penalties are accumulative with each blade lost). Losing three or all main rotors, or losing the tail rotors completely, will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the he-licopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -40% for a successful crash landing by auto-rotating.
Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not possible.
Flying: 227 mph , being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude attacks and maneuvering through city streets and around buildings.
Maximum Altitude: The maximum altitude for the helicopter is 15,000 feet (4572 m).
Range: 1400 miles (2240 km), due to its electric engine.
Statistical Data: Height: 12 feet, 11 inches (3.94 m).
Width :
(rotors) 35 feet (10.67 m).
Length: 42 feet, 2 inches (12.85 m).
Weight: 3 tons.
Cargo: [b]
Minimal, can carry about 100 pounds (45 kg) in gear, in addition to pilot and passengers.
[b] Power System: Electric engine.
Cost: 362,500 credits.
• weapons •1. .50 Caliber Machine-Gun (x2) : This two machine-gun is mounted under the nose of the Kiowa in a fixed forward position, forcing the Kiowa to turn in order to engage new targets.
Primary Purpose: Defense and Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Infantry and Soft Targets.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. per 10 round burst or 2D6 M.D. for a 20 round burst. And so on a max of 100 10 round burst doing 1d6x10 M.D
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one of the pilot's melee at-tacks.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Payload: 2000 rounds
•2. Tube Mini-Missile Launcher (1): [b]
Mini-missiles can be fired from the side of the helicopter.
[b] Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry and Anti-Power Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Missile Type: Can fire any type of mini-missile, but typically has fragmentation (5D6 M.D.) or high explosive (1D6x10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys 2, 4 or 6. Effective Range: One mile
Payload: 12 total mini-missiles in the launch tube.
•3. Systems of Note: The Kiowa has all the standard features of robot vehicles as listed in the Rifts® RPG, plus a radio with a range of 500 miles (800 km), optics systems include passive nightvision 6000 foot (
ARM TECH has 2 miles ) laser designator (+1 to strike) and radar: tracks 96 targets within a 100 mile (160 km) range.
ARMTECH M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook Larger than the Black Hawk, M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook is a heavy transport chopper used to move troops, supplies and casualties. It can also be used to drop paratroops or power armor troops, as well as transport supplies and light vehicles like the Hummer, Fast Attack Vehicle, hover cycles and similar cargo. The Chinook has two contra-rotating and intermeshing, three-bladed rotors which operate in tandem to keep the helicopter flying and moving at high speeds. The Chinook only has a basic radio (500 miles/800 km range) (
ARM TECH has 1000 miles ).
Model Type :
ARMTECH M.D refit 47 Improved Chinook
Class: Heavy lift, transport helicopter.
Crew: Three, plus 56 fully equipped passengers or 42 para-troopers or 32 power armor troops.
M.D.C. by Location: * Landing Gear — 10
* Rotor Blades (6; 3 front and 3 rear) - 12 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 30 (120)
** Main Body/Fuselage - 125 (220)
* Items marked with a single asterisk are small, moving and/or difficult targets to hit and require a Called Shot to strike, but even then the attacker is -3 to strike (-5 if the helicopter is flying faster than 100 mph/160 km).
The loss of a single main rotor blade will reduce maximum air speed 25% and impose a -25% to all piloting skill rolls (pen-alties are accumulative with each main rotor blade lost). Losing three of the main rotor blade will cause the helicopter to crash.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will knock the he-licopter out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -40% for a suc-cessful crash landing by auto-rotating.
Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not possible.
Flying: 167 mph (267 km), being a helicopter it is capable of hovering and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) operations as well as low altitude flying.
Maximum Altitude: The maximum altitude for the Chinook is just 15,000 feet .
Range: 2500 miles (2080 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data: Height: 16 feet, 10 inches (5.13 m).
Width: (rotors)
60 feet (18.29 m).
Length: 52 feet (15.8 m).
Weight: 25 tons.
Cargo: Can carry 30,000 lbs suspended from the helicopter, in addition to passengers.
Power System: Conventional combustion engine.
Cost: 650,000 credits.