Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

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Who will win

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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

eliakon wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:For the record I think that neither side would win. The Demons would have the initial advantage, which would last up until the Mechanoids mindrip the secrets of magic out of some Demonic flunky. Then the Mechanoids become a Megaversal Threat of epic proportions, and pretty much everyone and their god crawls out of the woodwork picking sides. The survivors of the resulting Armageddon can have fun restarting interdimensional civilization and pick names for the previous era, the war, and the current era.

Solid point here. Truthfully I took this, going on the title of the forum and the Dimensional Outbreak book, as fleet engagement. Who would win a war if the demons invaded Mechanoids universe. In that instance, I hold to my previous statement. However, I do not think the Mechanoids could wipe demons out and there is no way they could invade Hades or Dyval. So in that instance, I agree you could say that neither side could truly win.

I like the scenario of Megaversal Armageddon you generated. Very Babylon 5.

Yah its all fun and games till the Floopers wind up being the Last Race Standing, and become the new Elder Race for the Megavers 2.0 reboot :P

What's wrong with Furlings? :)
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:For the record I think that neither side would win. The Demons would have the initial advantage, which would last up until the Mechanoids mindrip the secrets of magic out of some Demonic flunky. Then the Mechanoids become a Megaversal Threat of epic proportions, and pretty much everyone and their god crawls out of the woodwork picking sides. The survivors of the resulting Armageddon can have fun restarting interdimensional civilization and pick names for the previous era, the war, and the current era.

Solid point here. Truthfully I took this, going on the title of the forum and the Dimensional Outbreak book, as fleet engagement. Who would win a war if the demons invaded Mechanoids universe. In that instance, I hold to my previous statement. However, I do not think the Mechanoids could wipe demons out and there is no way they could invade Hades or Dyval. So in that instance, I agree you could say that neither side could truly win.

I like the scenario of Megaversal Armageddon you generated. Very Babylon 5.

Yah its all fun and games till the Floopers wind up being the Last Race Standing, and become the new Elder Race for the Megavers 2.0 reboot :P

What's wrong with Furlings? :)

Didn't their planet blow up?
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by eliakon »

Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:For the record I think that neither side would win. The Demons would have the initial advantage, which would last up until the Mechanoids mindrip the secrets of magic out of some Demonic flunky. Then the Mechanoids become a Megaversal Threat of epic proportions, and pretty much everyone and their god crawls out of the woodwork picking sides. The survivors of the resulting Armageddon can have fun restarting interdimensional civilization and pick names for the previous era, the war, and the current era.

Solid point here. Truthfully I took this, going on the title of the forum and the Dimensional Outbreak book, as fleet engagement. Who would win a war if the demons invaded Mechanoids universe. In that instance, I hold to my previous statement. However, I do not think the Mechanoids could wipe demons out and there is no way they could invade Hades or Dyval. So in that instance, I agree you could say that neither side could truly win.

I like the scenario of Megaversal Armageddon you generated. Very Babylon 5.

Yah its all fun and games till the Floopers wind up being the Last Race Standing, and become the new Elder Race for the Megavers 2.0 reboot :P

Could be worse, could be wing tips as the new elder race.

Okay, so our Elder Races are
Floopers, Wing Tips, Slurmph, and the Fingletooth Carpetbaggers :lol:
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

eliakon wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:For the record I think that neither side would win. The Demons would have the initial advantage, which would last up until the Mechanoids mindrip the secrets of magic out of some Demonic flunky. Then the Mechanoids become a Megaversal Threat of epic proportions, and pretty much everyone and their god crawls out of the woodwork picking sides. The survivors of the resulting Armageddon can have fun restarting interdimensional civilization and pick names for the previous era, the war, and the current era.

Solid point here. Truthfully I took this, going on the title of the forum and the Dimensional Outbreak book, as fleet engagement. Who would win a war if the demons invaded Mechanoids universe. In that instance, I hold to my previous statement. However, I do not think the Mechanoids could wipe demons out and there is no way they could invade Hades or Dyval. So in that instance, I agree you could say that neither side could truly win.

I like the scenario of Megaversal Armageddon you generated. Very Babylon 5.

Yah its all fun and games till the Floopers wind up being the Last Race Standing, and become the new Elder Race for the Megavers 2.0 reboot :P

Could be worse, could be wing tips as the new elder race.

Okay, so our Elder Races are
Floopers, Wing Tips, Slurmph, and the Fingletooth Carpetbaggers :lol:

No only one eldar race are supposed to be hopeless dorks that no one knows how the heck they survived.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

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8) Phase in :arrow:

poink here I am back in the Mechanoid space.... lol.
after 20 odd years of the same character time has come......
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Kargan3033 »

I'd have to say the mechies on this one way to many of them and with them being loyal to one another far above to loyalty shown by mortals and demons/devils the demons/devils are not going to be able to tempt enough of the cog boys to make a difference before the mechies learn about rifts and drop in on hell/Dyvall(SP) for a *friendly*chat and sharing a six pack with the demons/devils.

The Mechies invading Hell and Dyvall(SP) now those would be a hell of a war(s) to be in.-
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Kargan3033 wrote:I'd have to say the mechies on this one way to many of them and with them being loyal to one another far above to loyalty shown by mortals and demons/devils the demons/devils are not going to be able to tempt enough of the cog boys to make a difference before the mechies learn about rifts and drop in on hell/Dyvall(SP) for a *friendly*chat and sharing a six pack with the demons/devils.

The Mechies invading Hell and Dyvall(SP) now those would be a hell of a war(s) to be in.-

Except mecchies can't use magic
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

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After going back through this thread I think there's three main things in the favor of demons that have been either overlooked or missed entirely.

First there's the issue of magic. While it's not the ultimate weapon of doom in the demons' arsenal it is something that can throw any match in their favor when used properly. The Impervious to Energy spell alone would rend most (if not all) mechanoids weapon meaningless for the spell's duration. Furthermore, the evil mechanoids are forbidden from not only learning magic, but using it to open a rift as well (SB2, page 52). This brings me to my next point...

Dimensional travel. Every demon returns to Hades when it dies to be reborn, and can only be killed permanently in that dimension. That's going to help the demons tremendously. The demons will always be able to retreat to another dimension if whatever fight they're in goes badly for them even if they die. The only thing that would help the mechanoids in this case would be getting an "inhuman ally" to create rifts for them to go through. Even then, such a being would have to be non-humanoid/biped for them to be allied with the mechanoids (SB2, page 87), and would be considered an enemy if ever found to be helping humanoids/bipeds. That description includes deevils as well. The deevils might be able to get by convincing the mechanoids that they're not humanoid/biped for awhile, but it just takes one deevil (or a captured demon for that matter) to make the mistake of letting the mechanoids in on their true form before they all know about it. The mechanoids are a species that communicates psychically. One deevil makes that mistake and it gets passed around to the other mechanoids locally, eventually to a runner, brain, brute, overlord, or oracle and from there it ends up going to a brain pool. Once that happens evey mechanoid knows the truth and they reenact the Order 66 scene with the deevils. This kind of dove tails into my last point.

Everyone else in the Megaverse. Demons aren't stupid. Demons likely know which humanoid species the mechanoids ticked off the most, and are going to be able to either recruit from those species or trick into fighting the mechanoids on their own (Kittani are the first to come to mind). Other species might be able to be guilt-tripped into fighting them ("Well Mr. Cosmos-knight. You could stay and fight me, but there's a Spider Fortress about to crush that colony of settlers over there.") Either way, mechanoid threats are likely one of the few things that get people to team up with the demons to fight, kind of like what the US and Britain did with Stalin against Hitler in WW2.
Last edited by The Beast on Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

The Beast wrote: Furthermore, the evil mechanoids are forbidden from not only learning magic, but using it to open a rift as well (SB2, page 52).

What's the exact quote that you're referring to?
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by The Beast »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
The Beast wrote: Furthermore, the evil mechanoids are forbidden from not only learning magic, but using it to open a rift as well (SB2, page 52).

What's the exact quote that you're referring to?

"None will actively learn magic or how to use it to open a rift, because the pursuit of magic is forbidden."

I suppose there's a little leeway with the word "actively," so they might use a TW-device. However I'm of the opinion that once they knew for sure it was a magical device they'd stop using it.
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Warshield73 »

The Beast wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
The Beast wrote: Furthermore, the evil mechanoids are forbidden from not only learning magic, but using it to open a rift as well (SB2, page 52).

What's the exact quote that you're referring to?

"None will actively learn magic or how to use it to open a rift, because the pursuit of magic is forbidden."

I suppose there's a little leeway with the word "actively," so they might use a TW-device. However I'm of the opinion that once they knew for sure it was a magical device they'd stop using it.

I always took this to mean that they would never do it themselves but they would allow non-humanoid allies, like a Neuron Beast, to do it for them.

I had always assumed that Mechanoids would never use TW gear. They would always know that it's magic as they all have object read or similar powers.
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

The Beast wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
The Beast wrote: Furthermore, the evil mechanoids are forbidden from not only learning magic, but using it to open a rift as well (SB2, page 52).

What's the exact quote that you're referring to?

"None will actively learn magic or how to use it to open a rift, because the pursuit of magic is forbidden."

Is there any further explanation than that?

I suppose there's a little leeway with the word "actively," so they might use a TW-device. However I'm of the opinion that once they knew for sure it was a magical device they'd stop using it.

Apparently, if it's forbidden.
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Re: Mechanoids vs The demon fleet

Unread post by The Beast »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
The Beast wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
The Beast wrote: Furthermore, the evil mechanoids are forbidden from not only learning magic, but using it to open a rift as well (SB2, page 52).

What's the exact quote that you're referring to?

"None will actively learn magic or how to use it to open a rift, because the pursuit of magic is forbidden."

Is there any further explanation than that?

I suppose there's a little leeway with the word "actively," so they might use a TW-device. However I'm of the opinion that once they knew for sure it was a magical device they'd stop using it.

Apparently, if it's forbidden.

I'm of the opinion that the evil mechanoids don't want their free-thinkers becoming too independent and end up rebelling against their idea of a humanoid/biped-free Megaverse like the original Oracles did.
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