What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugorth?

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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

Zer0 Kay wrote:(I)f your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.
You're overstating your position. It's a static 5% chance each week of malfunction, which would apply equally to a SAMAS in 1988 or in ancient Atlantis (see TTMNT pg33). It only increases to a 6% chance each week upon traveling to 100 kya.

If a party had access to a Micro Twist device from the same book they could potentially get much closer to 2098, but that requires a character with an IQ of 31, among other things.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Go back to the golden age and make sure the nuclear exchange doesn't happen.

Ideally maybe, but in actual practice all you really need to do is delay (or accelerate) it long enough so that the celestial alignment is not present to reactivate the Ley Lines when all those people die in the exchange.

Oooooh good point and likely far easier than stopping it all together.

Might even be a secondary timeline target:
After the GC the Atlantis continent reappeared, and it was completely uninhabited. If you can move in a large enough population (and powerful enough) the Splugorth might not be able to secure it when they arrive.

Though one potential problem with time travel is that the Splugorth might themselves have access to it (or some form).

Killer Cyborg wrote:
1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

But if the unit becomes SDC/AR, then those missiles and grenades become a lot more dangerous given RMB versions of "SDC" weapons for missiles (1d4x100 for 40mm grenade, 1d6x100 for 66mm anti-tank missile, 1d4x100 for a bazooka, 1d10x100 for a 90mm recoiless rifle). Any potential successful AR strike is a potential one-hit kill (old Style SAMAS only has what 250 main body?).
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Eagle wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Eagle wrote:
Curbludgeon wrote:TTMNT-style time travel doesn't provide much assistance for a party wanting to stop the 2098 Cataclysm. One would have to either arrive 110 years early, or 15 too late. There would, however, be the potential to halt the experiment that led to the sinking of Atlantis. If a time machine were to arrive on Rifts Earth at Twist′3 (77PA) and its pilots get stranded/murdered, a present day party might discover it and (intentionally or no) travel to TwistA. Both Plato's Critias and WB2 are vague enough on several fronts that the specific twist closest to the Atlantean rift disaster could easily be from A12-15.

The time travel in Rifter 56 affords more specificity, but is less likely to fly at a given table.

I dunno. Go back to 1988 with about 50 SAMAS suits and I'd think you could change the course of history pretty hard.

How is that going to stop a nuclear exchange? 1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

Because in Rifts' history, 50 SAMAS suits didn't show up in 1988 and blow the crap out of everything. You've changed the course of history. The Rifts apocalypse was a one-in-a-billion coincidence. Change anything, and you Butterfly Effect it out of existence.

How cute you assume that Palladium Works on a linear time instead of quantum. Just the original idea of Chaos Earth negates that. First off 50 SAMAS show up in 1988 who's to say they don't go the route of Final Count Down and fate allowed them to go back so they could unintentionally loose a unit and that guy is who makes it so everyone can use ARPANET by 1992? While the rest of the unit is forcibly returned to their time. PB usually doesn't do stuff like that and would be more likely to say you go back and hey now there is a new parallel universe, however because one branch still leads to Rifts, they all suffer the effect. Yeah I realize that negates my idea but... oh well.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Eagle »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Eagle wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Eagle wrote:
Curbludgeon wrote:TTMNT-style time travel doesn't provide much assistance for a party wanting to stop the 2098 Cataclysm. One would have to either arrive 110 years early, or 15 too late. There would, however, be the potential to halt the experiment that led to the sinking of Atlantis. If a time machine were to arrive on Rifts Earth at Twist′3 (77PA) and its pilots get stranded/murdered, a present day party might discover it and (intentionally or no) travel to TwistA. Both Plato's Critias and WB2 are vague enough on several fronts that the specific twist closest to the Atlantean rift disaster could easily be from A12-15.

The time travel in Rifter 56 affords more specificity, but is less likely to fly at a given table.

I dunno. Go back to 1988 with about 50 SAMAS suits and I'd think you could change the course of history pretty hard.

How is that going to stop a nuclear exchange? 1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

Because in Rifts' history, 50 SAMAS suits didn't show up in 1988 and blow the crap out of everything. You've changed the course of history. The Rifts apocalypse was a one-in-a-billion coincidence. Change anything, and you Butterfly Effect it out of existence.

How cute you assume that Palladium Works on a linear time instead of quantum. Just the original idea of Chaos Earth negates that. First off 50 SAMAS show up in 1988 who's to say they don't go the route of Final Count Down and fate allowed them to go back so they could unintentionally loose a unit and that guy is who makes it so everyone can use ARPANET by 1992? While the rest of the unit is forcibly returned to their time. PB usually doesn't do stuff like that and would be more likely to say you go back and hey now there is a new parallel universe, however because one branch still leads to Rifts, they all suffer the effect. Yeah I realize that negates my idea but... oh well.

You're the one who brought up time travel in the first place. :roll:
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Eagle wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Eagle wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Eagle wrote:
I dunno. Go back to 1988 with about 50 SAMAS suits and I'd think you could change the course of history pretty hard.

How is that going to stop a nuclear exchange? 1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

Because in Rifts' history, 50 SAMAS suits didn't show up in 1988 and blow the crap out of everything. You've changed the course of history. The Rifts apocalypse was a one-in-a-billion coincidence. Change anything, and you Butterfly Effect it out of existence.

How cute you assume that Palladium Works on a linear time instead of quantum. Just the original idea of Chaos Earth negates that. First off 50 SAMAS show up in 1988 who's to say they don't go the route of Final Count Down and fate allowed them to go back so they could unintentionally loose a unit and that guy is who makes it so everyone can use ARPANET by 1992? While the rest of the unit is forcibly returned to their time. PB usually doesn't do stuff like that and would be more likely to say you go back and hey now there is a new parallel universe, however because one branch still leads to Rifts, they all suffer the effect. Yeah I realize that negates my idea but... oh well.

You're the one who brought up time travel in the first place. :roll:

I know that is why it says "Yeah I realize that negates my idea but... oh well."
Geez. :roll: :roll:

Still though an event where something just appears can be covered up. An event that actually stops the cause (that no one should actually know about) is entirely different. So a butterfly effect may stop it from happening exactly but also may not stop it from still happening. Instead of a nuclear exchange it is a chemical exchange. Maybe at CERN they actually end up creating a large enough black hole to do some damage and the super powers mistake it as a nuclear attack and retaliate. It is more likely that there is violence at the time than not... it is human nature.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I'll open this to the person that first brought up time travel, then the floor:

Quick question: Where are some good PA timelines? I'm interested in the notion of a party being forced to time travel using a Micro Twist Time Travel locator not under their control, which would "tend to allow" potential changes to events 7, 49, 57, and 89 years before and after 77 PA.

A fun additional thing to potentially do with TTMNT-style time travel would be to use it in Splicers, where traveling forward could add BIO-E. I could see an argument for a group traveling back and forth in hopes that jiggling the BIO-E might allow an atavistic prehistoric Biotic to breed true.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Go to a parallel dimension that the Splugorth never came to rifts earth.
The Clones are coming you shall all be replaced, but who is to say you have not been replaced already.

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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Just get a crapton of Mechanoids.
Give them some factories.
Then go to a different dimension.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Wild and Crazy Ideas:
Have Proof of ownership of Atlantis, submit bill for Sale/Lease of Atlantis with back pay for the past 300years to Splyn? And don't forget Interest on back payments. Might have to get the "other megaversal powers" involved to get Splyn to payup.

Sign non-aggression pact with Atlantis. Put a clause that if you are attacked by such and such power(s) they have to leave Rifts Earth. Then gen such and such....

Sell/Lease (fraudulent or real) the continent of Atlantis to Naruni (or some other competitor).

Multi-front rebellion among the Minions (Kittani would be a likely source IMHO), Slaves, and "allies" (Horune, Gargoyles).

Have a Power Leech(es) go HOG WILD FULL ON GORGED!!!!!! to such a level they can just fall on Atlantis (or huge sections of) destroying their infrastructure (and occupants of the continent).
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Eagle wrote:
Curbludgeon wrote:TTMNT-style time travel doesn't provide much assistance for a party wanting to stop the 2098 Cataclysm. One would have to either arrive 110 years early, or 15 too late. There would, however, be the potential to halt the experiment that led to the sinking of Atlantis. If a time machine were to arrive on Rifts Earth at Twist′3 (77PA) and its pilots get stranded/murdered, a present day party might discover it and (intentionally or no) travel to TwistA. Both Plato's Critias and WB2 are vague enough on several fronts that the specific twist closest to the Atlantean rift disaster could easily be from A12-15.

The time travel in Rifter 56 affords more specificity, but is less likely to fly at a given table.

I dunno. Go back to 1988 with about 50 SAMAS suits and I'd think you could change the course of history pretty hard.

How is that going to stop a nuclear exchange?

Win the conflict early, without nukes.

1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Yeah.
So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.

HU2 140
Vehicle armor is superior to character body armor and any attack rolls that hit, but do not exceed the AR, simply bounce off. Those attacks that are higher than the AR damage the SDC of the armor. All vehicle armor SDC must be depleted before attacks can be directed at the passengers inside..

CB1 31
Borgs and Power Armor have an AR of 16.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Yeah.
So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.

HU2 140
Vehicle armor is superior to character body armor and any attack rolls that hit, but do not exceed the AR, simply bounce off. Those attacks that are higher than the AR damage the SDC of the armor. All vehicle armor SDC must be depleted before attacks can be directed at the passengers inside..

CB1 31
Borgs and Power Armor have an AR of 16.

But Borgs and powered armor are not vehicles. Though I will have to start doing that.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Yeah.
So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.

HU2 140
Vehicle armor is superior to character body armor and any attack rolls that hit, but do not exceed the AR, simply bounce off. Those attacks that are higher than the AR damage the SDC of the armor. All vehicle armor SDC must be depleted before attacks can be directed at the passengers inside..

CB1 31
Borgs and Power Armor have an AR of 16.

But Borgs and powered armor are not vehicles. Though I will have to start doing that.

I think the borgs and PA AR would work like creatures with ar. The zombies in dead rain can only be damaged by attacks that beat its ar if I recall right.(perhaps need to look at PF to get an idea how it would work.)
The Clones are coming you shall all be replaced, but who is to say you have not been replaced already.

Master of Type-O and the obvios.

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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Yeah.
So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.

HU2 140
Vehicle armor is superior to character body armor and any attack rolls that hit, but do not exceed the AR, simply bounce off. Those attacks that are higher than the AR damage the SDC of the armor. All vehicle armor SDC must be depleted before attacks can be directed at the passengers inside..

CB1 31
Borgs and Power Armor have an AR of 16.

But Borgs and powered armor are not vehicles.

Borgs are not (as a rule) vehicles, I agree.

But power armor?
It's a vehicle.

RUE 318
Piloting skill rolls are made when driving a vehicle under adverse conditions...
RUE 319
Robots and Power Armor Piloting and basic operations without any combat training or bonuses.
Power armor is piloted, and is therefore a vehicle by definition.

But just to hammer it home a bit more:
RUE 235
Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include SAMAS power armor...
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Yeah.
So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.

HU2 140
Vehicle armor is superior to character body armor and any attack rolls that hit, but do not exceed the AR, simply bounce off. Those attacks that are higher than the AR damage the SDC of the armor. All vehicle armor SDC must be depleted before attacks can be directed at the passengers inside..

CB1 31
Borgs and Power Armor have an AR of 16.

But Borgs and powered armor are not vehicles.

Borgs are not (as a rule) vehicles, I agree.

But power armor?
It's a vehicle.

RUE 318
Piloting skill rolls are made when driving a vehicle under adverse conditions...
RUE 319
Robots and Power Armor Piloting and basic operations without any combat training or bonuses.
Power armor is piloted, and is therefore a vehicle by definition.

But just to hammer it home a bit more:
RUE 235
Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include SAMAS power armor...

So if power armor is a... wait a second this feels familiar.
So at what point does armor become a vehicle?
Okay maybe that says vehicles including SAMAS... because in that case it is issued as a vehicle. Yeah at this point I'm making excuses. It does say pilot so they're vehicles. FINE you win... again. :wink: :)
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Blue_Lion wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Yeah.
So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

Where does it say MDC turns to natural AR? It is armor takes damage or what's inside does.

HU2 140
Vehicle armor is superior to character body armor and any attack rolls that hit, but do not exceed the AR, simply bounce off. Those attacks that are higher than the AR damage the SDC of the armor. All vehicle armor SDC must be depleted before attacks can be directed at the passengers inside..

CB1 31
Borgs and Power Armor have an AR of 16.

But Borgs and powered armor are not vehicles. Though I will have to start doing that.

I think the borgs and PA AR would work like creatures with ar. The zombies in dead rain can only be damaged by attacks that beat its ar if I recall right.(perhaps need to look at PF to get an idea how it would work.)

But zombies don't wear armor over their bodies and it is supposed to simulate the difficulty hitting something vital to a zombie. You can break away all a zombies ribs, perforate all it's muscle, rip off its lower jaw and none of it really does any damage to the zombie. In the case of a cyborg your plinking its armor off and if it does have an AR it is to see if an attack goes through that heavy armor into it's squishy insides. I could maybe see a low natural AR on cyborgs. But blowing off a leg or an arm has a very different effect on a zombie than a cyborg.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Zer0 Kay wrote: It does say pilot so they're vehicles. FINE you win... again. :wink: :)

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"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Curbludgeon wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:(I)f your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.
You're overstating your position. It's a static 5% chance each week of malfunction, which would apply equally to a SAMAS in 1988 or in ancient Atlantis (see TTMNT pg33). It only increases to a 6% chance each week upon traveling to 100 kya.

If a party had access to a Micro Twist device from the same book they could potentially get much closer to 2098, but that requires a character with an IQ of 31, among other things.

It also requires a character to use a mechanic that isnt present in Rifts
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Go back to the golden age and make sure the nuclear exchange doesn't happen.

Ideally maybe, but in actual practice all you really need to do is delay (or accelerate) it long enough so that the celestial alignment is not present to reactivate the Ley Lines when all those people die in the exchange.

Oooooh good point and likely far easier than stopping it all together.

Might even be a secondary timeline target:
After the GC the Atlantis continent reappeared, and it was completely uninhabited. If you can move in a large enough population (and powerful enough) the Splugorth might not be able to secure it when they arrive.

Though one potential problem with time travel is that the Splugorth might themselves have access to it (or some form).

Killer Cyborg wrote:
1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

But if the unit becomes SDC/AR, then those missiles and grenades become a lot more dangerous given RMB versions of "SDC" weapons for missiles (1d4x100 for 40mm grenade, 1d6x100 for 66mm anti-tank missile, 1d4x100 for a bazooka, 1d10x100 for a 90mm recoiless rifle). Any potential successful AR strike is a potential one-hit kill (old Style SAMAS only has what 250 main body?).

If they had access to time travel... they'd have already used it and control all business.

The change down to SDC doesnt do that it would be point for point. 1 MDC becomes 1 SDC not 100SDC
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote: It does say pilot so they're vehicles. FINE you win... again. :wink: :)




I'm driving away in my cardboard box and you wont be able to cast spells at me and NOW if you roll under that cardboard boxes AR of 2 you wont cause any damage to it... cuz it has wheels. :D
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote: It does say pilot so they're vehicles. FINE you win... again. :wink: :)




I'm driving away in my cardboard box and you wont be able to cast spells at me and NOW if you roll under that cardboard boxes AR of 2 you wont cause any damage to it... cuz it has wheels. :D

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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
1988 weapons can still damage them tanks, missiles 30mm cannons. Also if your using the TMNT style time travel the SAMAS would change into something else if not just become SDC.

So there'd be an AR against those missiles and cannons. Decent chance your armor won't take damage.

But if the unit becomes SDC/AR, then those missiles and grenades become a lot more dangerous given RMB versions of "SDC" weapons for missiles (1d4x100 for 40mm grenade, 1d6x100 for 66mm anti-tank missile, 1d4x100 for a bazooka, 1d10x100 for a 90mm recoiless rifle). Any potential successful AR strike is a potential one-hit kill (old Style SAMAS only has what 250 main body?).

Potential roll for 1/2 damage against explosives, but it's still not looking great for the SAMAS.
And their rail guns only do 1d4x10 SDC... which isn't exactly great either.

Better send back some Chipwell stuff instead.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

Zer0 Kay wrote:It also requires a character to use a mechanic that isnt(sic) present in Rifts

How fortunate, then, that these games are set in a Megaverse.

I take issue with the notion that mdc items would convert to sdc in 2098. There is no reason to think that is the case. I could see an argument for sdc conversion upon travel to 1988, up to, I don't know, 2045? Materials engineering would be another timeline I'd like to check out.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Eagle »

You remember the scene in Terminator when Kyle Reese is talking to the police, and they don't believe him?

That would turn out differently if he showed up at CNN headquarters in his flying robot suit and told everyone "I am from the future! Don't shoot nukes at each other on this date!" And then he took off his helmet and he's an alien.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by llywelyn »

To leave the completely off-topic discussion of time-travel mechanics and get back to the subject at hand:

Well, we've already seen

  • negotiate a group assault of humans and gods
  • use robot nukes
  • use coalition nukes
  • negotiate a group assault of humans, gods, robots, and coalition nukes
  • negotiate a slave revolt
  • negotiate a group assault of humans, gods, slaves, robots, and coalition nukes
  • outfox him on a negotiation
  • use time travel, undoing the entire cataclysm
  • somehow syphon off or using up the Earth's abundant magic, withdrawing his interest in the place and popping Atlantis itself back into limbo

which would all be storybook resolutions.

There are also the antiheroic plans for

  • squirting tabasco sauce in his eye
  • summoning elder horrors
  • pulling Atlantis into the Minion War between Hades and Discount Hades
  • bioengineering some superdisease
  • turning his current untrusting partners (other splugs, sunaj, naruni) against him

The canonical answer in the Western tradition would be for a priest or pally to invoke the power of the Lord on High, whose continued but unstatted existence is hinted at in various ways. YGMMV.

The canonical answer in the Palladium tradition would be to smudge one of his transformation circles, turning him into Kalki, principled god of optometrists and fluffy kittens.

The canonical answer in the Multiversal tradition would be to park the SDF-1 or 3 over Splyn and turn him into a smoking crater with the reflex cannons (Damage: ALL).

The answer within the Atlantis book itself is to teleport his butt in front of an opened Azlum portal, converting him to scrupulous good alignment.

A Rifter article details a variety of dimensional bottles and prisons, including a pet dimension of Splyn's.

Given that PCs use PB as their dump stat, finding one of the swimsuit editions of the Rifter and using one of the NPCs there to seduce him.

Making contact with the Citadel of [Sirs Not-Appearing-in-this-RPG] and/or [Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-RPG] (C137).

Teleporting him into near orbit canonically has a 90% of instantly vaporizing him.

Setting up one of the CS antiteleporting systems, followed by a team of several dozen PCs rolling KO punches (everyone on Rifts is a boxer, retired boxer, or training to be a boxer), followed by Crimson Wall of Lictalon while he's stunned.

Death touch attacks.

Chi attacks.

A very long lecture from the Jade Emperor about what a naughty alien intelligence he has been, followed by chi attacks.


Various soul-drinking rune weapons.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Axelmania »

Summon Nxla to earth, he will turn the slave populace and soldiers of Atlantis into Xombies. Problem solved.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Curbludgeon wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:It also requires a character to use a mechanic that isnt(sic) present in Rifts

How fortunate, then, that these games are set in a Megaverse.

I take issue with the notion that mdc items would convert to sdc in 2098. There is no reason to think that is the case. I could see an argument for sdc conversion upon travel to 1988, up to, I don't know, 2045? Materials engineering would be another timeline I'd like to check out.

I think the concept is stupid too that's is why I'm suggesting that TTMNT not be the method of time travel. There is an Anime called Gate. I think it is awesome since they basically roll into a medieval era and toast the local despot with modern weapons.

The only thing that should be altered going from Rifts to the past prior to the apocalypse is magic
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I have less than no interest in what cartoons someone likes. Time travel is an arguably viable approach to dealing with the Splugorth, and discussing the failure nodes present in published material is germane to such. If we were to follow the lead of the previous post and instead start discussing what is stupid, I would begin with the propensity of this forum's members for needless use of the quote tag, excessively long signatures, and poor grammar, all of which are evidenced above.

On topic: A good adventure could be written around forcing a Gene Splicer/Gene Tech to develop a virus/bacterium that affects Kydian/Kittani fertility.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Let's try it your way.

Your comments are superfluous, derogatory and boorish.

There is no need to come into an established community and insult the members about a standing communication protocol performed to promote clarity...

Unless the person making those demeaning comments is a troll disatisfatisfied with their inability to look any further down there nose through glasses they can't get any closer to the tip of their nose while they sip tea with a pinky they are unable to stick any further out.

I'm going to assume you arent a troll and just haven't gotten used to our communication protocols. Have a good day.

Also your plan is flawed in that once the issue is discovered it could be easily remedied in multiple ways and it would be discovered long before either population was significantly reduced. Your method is basically just a way to **** off the Splugorth. The Sploogs could easily afford another Genesplicer to reverse the problem or they could turn to cloning or before either race even gets close to dying out they could just find other survivor races to replace them. Oh, they could also get the information to lead them to the culprit.

It ranks up there with marching up to Splyn's city and singlehandedly trying to assault it.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

"A good adventure could be written around forcing a Gene Splicer/Gene Tech to develop a virus/bacterium that affects Kydian/Kittani fertility."

That strikes me as not so much a plan as a sentence. Splugorth are similar to frogs, in that they are most easily skewered with multiple prongs. Efforts to change the fertility rates of servitor races, while not offering as dramatic a shift as time travel, can provide attritional benefit.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

What makes you assume they're like frogs? Hard for me to believe that the Megaverse's shrewdest businessthings are troubled by multi-pronged plans seeing as how most of their business plans are multi-pronged themselves. I doubt they look at their servitor races as more than a commodity and if x commodity starts to decline in supply and a simple fix can't be found then they find another provider.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

One, upon occasion, is flippant. Given the species' purported aquatic origins, the gig metaphor seemed apt. Is it your contention, Zer0 Kay, that only decisive stratagems would be successful against the Splugorth? If so, why? In what ways would a war of attrition necessarily fail?
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Curbludgeon wrote:One, upon occasion, is flippant. Given the species' purported aquatic origins, the gig metaphor seemed apt. Is it your contention, Zer0 Kay, that only decisive stratagems would be successful against the Splugorth? If so, why? In what ways would a war of attrition necessarily fail?

It is my opinion that it would fail because a war of attrition depends on the attacked actually having something that can suffer from attrition. Also your not suggesting a war of attrition but a clandestine war of attrition.

The infertility of servitor races as the attack...
1. The infertility of the any species, especially one that is kept, will be noticed quickly.
2. The cause can be discovered and countered either through magical means or by hiring a gene-splicer to reverse it.
3. A gene splicer would likely be able to recognize another genesplicer's work and not mistake it for some random mass evolution.
4. The Sploogs can clone
5. The Sploogs have other servitors
6. The Sploogs can find new servitors
7. The Sploogs have at will access to other dimension essentially nullifying any type of attrition attack as a reduced resource on Earth can be replaced by one from somewhere in their vast empire.

The reason time travel is more likely to work, but only if the Megaverse is in a quantum string theory rather than linear time or the coil of time, is because the victim of time travel doesn't know they're a victim until the change has already occurred.
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Re: What would you say is the best way to defeat the Splugor

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

I do not think genetic attacks through a virus would have much affect. Between there magic, and tech they have access to the counters.

He likely has reserves in other dimensions troops not needed to defend where they are and can be shifted where needed to respond to threats.
They have the ability to make clones.
Some of the content implies they have the ability to when they can alter things on a genetic level with their bio wizardry.
The Clones are coming you shall all be replaced, but who is to say you have not been replaced already.

Master of Type-O and the obvios.

Soon my army oc clones and winged-monkies will rule the world but first, must .......

I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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