On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Okay thought long and hard about this and did some quick research online and I've decided there is
enough characters in the Justice Machine sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited 1st edition to convert to
2nd edition that do not appear in anything other than that sourcebook. So I'm only going to do the
heroes and villains that did not appear in the 5 issues of Justice Machine published by Noble Comics.
I've searched various sources and discovered those I'm writing do not appear in comics as written
in the sourcebook at all. That makes them safe. I've talked about this issue a lot. The guy who
currently owns Justice Machine isn't doing anything with them. Failed a kickstarter and because of
the changes he made he ticked off fans, so the characters are just sitting in someone desk right
now doing nothing. If Palladium could get them back we could reintroduce them to the Heroes
Unlimited and build the game around them and the world around the original concept as presented
in those issues 1-5. But considering how things currently are not going to happen, so this will have
to do until dreams come true. So here we go folks.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Dominators

The Dominators are a group of International criminals who operate as Independents as well as
mercenaries for hire. They are capable assassinations, extortion, terrorism, burglary, and
espionage. Generally, they are social outcasts longing to strike out at the world they despise.
Each is a top professional; efficient, capable and deadly. The Dominators are an extremely
wealthy and powerful group who operate on a global basis. Their major bases of operation are in
the south of France, Columbia (South America, and Manhattan, New York. Vague’s ultimate goal
is global domination.

The Domination Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: Open Wardrobe (5 Points)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 points)
C. Weapons: The Arsenal (30 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: Basic Systems 10 Points)
E. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (10). They own a fleet of private jets and ships.
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: Urban/International (10 Points) Three locations different countries/cities.
H. Military Power: Militia (15 Points)
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Agent Sponsored (50 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Loans (25 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Rigid Laws (0 Points)
M. Internal Security: Iron-Clad (25 Points)
N External Infiltration: Rare Minor Traitor (5 Points)

O Research and Information: Excellent Connections (20 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Known (10 points)
Q. Employees Salary: Excellent (30 points).
Total Agency Points: 265 Points
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Elastico is a cowardly scumbag who craves power and riches. He’s noted for many cruel and
vindictive assaults since childhood. At the age of fifteen, he killed his parents by suffocation
because they wouldn’t let him participate in a particular activity. He’s spent most of his childhood
in schools for difficult children and reform schools. Most of his adult life has been spent in various
special restraint chambers to keep him from escaping. He's been convicted of three murders, in
addition to his parents, is suspected of several others as well as a multitude of other crimes from
burglary to kidnapping and extortion.

Emotionally, Elastico is quite unstable suffering from paranoia, sadism, masochism, and a phobia
of confining enclosures. He’s extremely insecure and reserved unless with a group or clearly in
control of the situation. At these times, he is very bold, cocky and cruel. He remains with the
Dominators because he feels secure with them as well as having a certain degree of power and
wealth. Although loyal to Vague and the others, except for Howler, he will desert or betray them
to avoid confinement.

Real Name: Jason Argo
Occupation: Criminal
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 106
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: His engages in regular exercise accept he has bright yellow eyes, yellowish
skin, and strawberry blond hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E.10, M.A. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 9, P.E. 14, Spd. 12, P.B. 9
Age: 40, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.77 m), Weight:
160 lbs (72 kg).
Vulnerabilities: Claustrophobia: The fear of being enclosed in a small space or room and
unable to escape or get out. He is also paranoid and extremely violent.
Major Super Abilities: Stretching and Shapechanger
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +8 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20.
Saving Throws: He takes 1/2 damage from physical/kinetic attacks.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot:
Automobile 79%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 54%, Pick Locks 65%, Imitate Voice & Sounds
86%/80%, Prowl 60%, and Tailing 65%.
2nd Criminal Program: Disguise 75%, Escape Artist 65%, Pick Pocket 60%, and
Roadwise 55%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Body Building & Weightlifting, Pilot: Truck 80%,
Pilot: Airplane 74%, Performance 60%, Climbing 70%, Automotive Mechanics 78%, First Aid
75%, Mathematics: Advance 76%, General Repair/Maintenance 75%, Basic Mechanics 55%,
Basic Electronics 45%, Jury Rig 30%, and Salvage 40%. .
Money: He has stolen about $45,000 that he has stashed in a secret location. Whenever
he can he will try to steal a fast car just to take it for a spin.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Hellcat is a fiery young rogue who’s a master of subversion, treachery and deceit. Although she
may appear to be a sweet innocent beauty (a scam she often employs in her civilian identity);
she is a merciless cut-throat of international repute. Hellcat is incredibly lithe, quick and deadly.
She has built a reputation as an expert cat burglar who has pillaged wealthy individuals,
governments and industries. Hell Cat’s origins began as the youngest child of six in an
impoverished family eking out an existence in the slums of Chicago. This has made her a scrappy
street fighter who goes for the juggler vein in a fight. She has seen all the inhumanity of
humankind: the cruelty, the injustice, the hunger. She is all too familiar with the parasites who
feed on despair; the pimps, pushers, thugs, thieves, con artists and all the rest. This is what
gave birth to Hellcat. Now she is extracting what she believes is due her. Using the tools she has
learned on the street along with those she’s sought through schooling, she has forsaken poverty
and the parasites that grow rich from the evils of being poor and helpless. She has pulled herself
out of the garbage to become the predator that will gorge herself on the riches of her victims.

Real Name: Carla Martin
Occupation: Thief and Cat Burglary
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Thief (Free Agent)
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 38 S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 7
Appearance: An athletic, buxom beauty with coal black hair and brown eyes. She wears
street clothes that show off her curvaceous body.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 9, M.A. 15, P.S. 17, P.P. 19, P.E. 17, Spd. 22, P.B. 20
Age: 23, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 2 inches (1.57 m), Weight:
115 lbs (51.75 kg)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+7 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and disarm.
Saving Throws: +5% to coma/death and +1 to magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Blow 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand
1D6, Elbow & Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6,
Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump
Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick 4D6, and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: 50% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: General and Special Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%,
Pilot: Automobile 75%, and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Espionage Thief Program: Climbing 98%, Concealment 67%, Escape Artist 77%,
Forgery 62%, Rope Works 77%, Locksmith 82%, Palming 67%, Research 83%, Pick Pocket 77%,
Safe Cracking 62%, and W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst).
Physical Program: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 85%, Walk Rope 75%, Climb Rope
90%, Backflip 85%, Prowl 35%), Gymnastics (Bars and Rings 75%), Fencing (+1 to strike/parry
and +1D6 to damage), and Swimming 75%.
Explosive Construction Program: Gizmoteer Construction 60%, Basic Electronics
65%, Chemistry 95%, Chemistry: Analytical 75%, Demolitions 95%, Demolitions Disposal 95%,
and Mathematics: Advance 84%.
Espionage: Surveillance Specialist: Electronic Countermeasures 70%, Optic Systems
65%, Radio: Basic 90%, Radio: Scrambler 80%, Surveillance 80%, Sensory Equipment 75%,
T.V./Video 70%, and Tracking 65%.
Secondary Skills: Running, Pilot: Motorcycle 80%, Pilot: Race Car 70%, Pick Lock
55%, Streetwise 40%, Computer Operation 75%, Art (Sculpture) 60%, W.P. Sword (+2 to
strike/parry), and Seduction 30%.
Money: He has stolen $35,000 dollars so far. He keeps it in a hidden room in New Haven.
Weapons: He relies on his physical capabilities. She carries with her a large bowie knife
1D6 and a short sword 2D4.
Equipment & Vehicles: He utilizes whatever he needs in order to complete his job.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Howler is a wildman found living in the Florida everglades. He is believed to be the mutant
descendant of a band of criminals who fled justice by hiding in the swamps. Howler has
presumably survived on his own for the greater pan of his life. Consequently, he is extremely
bestial, prone to stalking, hiding and attacking from behind. He is extremely lethal in combat,
savagely attacking his foe with the ferocity of a wild bear; always aiming to kill or incapacitate
immediately. Another unusual aspect about the Howler, besides his strength, is that he is unable
to speak; instead, he howls like a wolf (especially when angry or sad) and makes unintelligible
guttural grunts and sounds. Yet even though he cannot seem to comprehend the fundamentals
of human speech, he amazingly understands all languages with absolute clarity.
The Howler is like a savage beast among enemies, rarely sleeping, always alert, and
nervous and constantly pacing. He is controlled only by Vague who he is completely loyal too. So
loyal is he that he would sacrifice his life to save hers without the slightest hesitation. Hellcat
also has some influence over him but to a much lesser degree. Generally fearless, Howler has a
phobic terror of fire.

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Criminal strong man
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 57 S.D.C.: 193
P.P.E.: 28
Appearance: He is a short, iron muscled athlete with no body hair except for what is on
his head. He is a wild man and wears only a loincloth. His ash blond hair is a bushy mass. He has
holly green eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 10, M.A. 10, P.S. 28, P.P. 13, P.E. 28, Spd. 27, P.B. 9
Age: 20, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.70 m), Weight:
150 lbs (67.5 kg).
Insanity: He is a bestial wild man. He howls like a wolf, makes unintelligent guttural
grunts and sounds. He is unable to comprehend the fundamentals of human speech. He is
fearless, yet he suffers from pyrophobia (fear of fire).
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.S., Extraordinary P.E., Feral, Lightning Reflexes,
and Linguists (He cannot speak but he can understand any language).
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +2 from powers
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to auto dodge, +13
damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +26% to save vs coma/death and +7 to save vs poison/magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Bite 1D6, and Paired Weapons.
Educational Background: Everything is Self Taught
Common Skills: Understand any language spoken around him 90%, Prowl 62%,
Wilderness Survival 95%, Escape Artist 60%, Climbing 95%/85%, Swimming 90%, Hand to
Hand: Basic, Land Navigation 62%, Track & Trap Animals 70%/80%, Hunting, Skin & Prepare
Animal Hides 75%, Outdoormanship, Physical Labor, Athlete, Preserved Food 60% and Dowsing
Money: He has no need or use for money or any form of monetary exchange. He works
for food, drink, and warmth.
Weapons: He relies on his natural physical attributes.
Equipment & Vehicles: He does not rely on technology or use of it.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Speed Demon is a frustrated scientist who’s had one bad break after another. His finest
moment came after an experiment went awry exploding and altering his physical structure. Now
he can run at the speed of sound, coupled with incredible physical endurance. At last, he had the
leverage to do what he’d always been denied. Now he was somebody. Someone with power.
Someone who could extract his revenge on those who had always held him back. Speed Demon
is an abrasive, unlikable person; bitter, aggressive and hostile. He has no respect for others or
their goals or ideals. Rather he sees most people as his enemies and himself as the eternal
martyr. He’s so self-obsessed and filled with anger that he lashes out at everyone, especially the
scientific world. Despite his contempt for humanity, Speed Demon works well with his fellow
Dominators and is completely loyal to them all.

Real Name: Dennis Warden
Occupation: Criminal
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 46 S.D.C.: 146
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: He is a handsome male who engage in regular exercise. He has short brown
hair and blue eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 9, M.A. 10, P.S. 18, P.P. 15, P.E. 15, Spd. 700 mph (1126 km) or
815 mph (1311 km), P.B. 18
Age: 34, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75
Major Super Ability: Sonic Speed
Minor Super Abilities: Speed Tasking and Sliding.
Attacks per Melee: 8 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +3 from powers
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry, +8 to dodge/+10 sidestep,
+4 to auto dodge, +3 damage, +9 to roll with punch/fall/+10 with power, and +7 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D6, Fast Punch/Kick 2D6, Super Fast Punch 4D6, Super Fast Kick
5D6, Super Fast Power Punch/Kick 1D6x10 (counts as two), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Karate Kick
2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Knee 1D6,
all Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an unmodified 18-20.
Other Bonuses: 40% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: Ph.D.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%95%, Mathematics: Basic 93%, Pilot:
Automobile 81%, and Superior Balance 86%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry
98%, Astrophysics 95%, Biology 98%, and Astronomy & Navigation 95%.
Advance Pilot Program: Sensory Equipment 95%, Navigation: Space 98%, Pilot:
Airplane 98&, Pilot: Race Car 98%, Pilot: Helicopter 98%, and Pilot: Jet Aircraft 98%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, and Electricity
Generation 98%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athletic (General), and Prowl 90%.
Secondary: Body Building & Weightlifting, Swimming 85%, S.C.U.B.A. 85%,
Climbing 75%/65%, Palming 55%, Cook 70%, Sewing 75%, Pilot: Motorcycle 88%, Pilot: Boat:
Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil Type 90%, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Language:
German 65%, Literacy: German 65%, Literacy: Japanese 50%, and Language: Spanish 56%.
Money: He has stolen about $2D6x10,000 that he has stashed in a secret location.
Weapons: He knows how to use a handgun, but he relies mainly on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has access to stolen technology and some that was purchased
via the black-market.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Vague is the leader of the criminal organization know as the Dominators. Physically she is very
frail as well as handicapped by birth defects that have left her blind and mute. Born without
eyes, nose, and mouth; she underwent many operations that would provide her with a slit-like
mouth and small pinhole nose that would be the focus of endless jokes, jeers and horror from
her peers. Vague’s tormented childhood has clearly scarred her, molding her into the vengeful
force of evil that she’s become. To hide her disfigurement and blindness she wears a featureless
mask. In spite of her disabilities, she gets along so well that few ever suspect that she suffers
from any handicap at all. This, of course, is the result of her clever mind and psionic abilities.
Psychic abilities that are particularly important are mental speech, telepathy, presence sense and
her sixth sense. Sensory link allows her to view the world through the perceptions of others.
Telepathy and presence sense alert her to the presence and actions of nearby individuals.
A quick telepathic probe reveals that person’s thoughts so that she knows his/her emotions
enabling her to react accordingly. The sixth sense alerts Vague to any immediate danger.
Perhaps her greatest psionic ability is that of precognition which provides her with insight of
future events. Forever emotionally mangled, her goal is to make people suffer and deprive the
people of the world of their possessions and happiness as they’ve deprived her. Vague suffers
from deep-rooted hatred, dominates all around her by invoking fear and pain; is sadistic, fiercely
aggressive and seemingly devoid of compassion. Although she, herself, avoids combat, she
shows her victims no mercy. She has a phobic fear and hatred for children, doctors, and surgery.
Professionally Vague and her Dominators are guns for hire, capable of any job from espionage
and burglary to assassination and terrorism. They also engage in independent criminal activity;
usually various degrees of theft (jewelry, industrial secrets, the whole spectrum of major theft),
and extortion.

Real Name: Barbara Kitchner
Occupation: Leader of the Dominator, criminal, thief, terrorist, assassin for hire.
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Empowered (Latent Psychic)
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 36
P.P.E.: 26
I.S.P.: 130
Appearance: Vague has no facial features. She conceals her face with a blank faceless
white mask. Despite her lack of sensory perception, she is in excellent health and participates in
regular exercise. She wears a heavy hooded cloak that conceals her tall body. She has jet black
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 18, M.A. 22, P.S. 12, P.P. 10, P.E. 11, Spd. 10, P.B. 9.
Age: 26, Sex: Female, Height: 6 feet (1.82 m), Weight: 130 lbs (58.5 kg).
Insanity: She suffers from deep-rooted hatred. She must dominate all around her by
invoking fear and pair. She is sadistic, fiercely aggressive, and seemingly devoid of compassion.
She has a phobia of children (pedophobia), doctors (iatrophobia), and surgery (tomophobia).
Physical Impairment: Facial Disfigurement (blind and mute). HF 9.
Physical Compensation: Psionic Senses and Psionic Voice (Mental Speak only)
Healing Psionics: Suppress Fear
Physical Psionics: Alter Aura and Summon Inner Strength
Sensitive Psionics: Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, Empathy, Mind Block, Precognition,
Presence Sense, Sense Evil, Sensory Link, Sixth Sense, and Telepathy
Special Psionics: Mental Speak (cost no I.S.P.)
Super Psionics: Empathic Transmission, Group Mind Block, Hypnotic Suggestion, and Mind
Combat Training: Non-Combatant
Attacks per Melee: 2 attacks per melee and 5 non-combat melee actions.
Combat Bonuses: -1 to initiative, -9 to strike, -9 to parry, -8 to dodge, -9 to roll with
punch/fall, -8 to pull punch, and -8 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4
Saving Throws: She needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +2 to save vs psionics &
insanity, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor and possession.
Other Bonuses: +2% to all skills and 70% to trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read Braille 98%, Speak English 98%, and Mathematics: Basic
Criminal Program: Streetwise 67%, Pick Locks 85%, I.D. Undercover Agents 77%,
Prowl 80%, and Concealment 67%.
Technical Program: History 98%/95%, Philosophy 90%, Law (General) 90%, and
Research 95%.
Secondary Skills: First Aid 85%, Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 75%), Dance
70%, Body Building & Weightlifting, Swimming 90%, Holistic Medicine 70%/60%, Business &
Finance 75%, Appraise Antiques 60%, and Performance 55%.
Money: The Dominators are worth $100 million U.S. dollars. This money she has invested
in various banks all over the world. The Dominators money only includes the money the group is
worth. She personally owns 7 million in seven separate accounts for her personal use.
Weapons: None, she relies on her psychic abilities.
Armor: Armored Cloak: A.R. 9 and 20 S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: Her blindness limits her use of technology.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Vesuvius is an alien life form but he’s a native of the planet Earth. He, like the lava men, is a
member of a previously unknown, subterranean race. Physically he is composed of some kind of
living mineral substance, creating a thick, rock-like skin and flesh. He accidentally gained access
to the surface when a volcano in Iceland erupted. His existence was discovered in one of Vague's
precog visions and was immediately recruited by the Dominators. Surprised by the existence of
intelligent surface creatures, Vesuvius {a name given to him by the Dominators) has decIded to
enlist these unusual creatures to aid his people in their centuries old conflict with the lava men.
Vague has promised the aid of the Dominators as well as allegedly helping him collect additional
super powered allies. In reality, this is a cheap ploy to keep Vesuvius pacified and aid the
Dominator’s in their own goals. Although a pawn of Vague and loyal to his people, Vesuvius is
not a good person. He is extremely egocentric, cruel, and domineering. He is the master of his
fate; a fate he believes will lead to his iron-fisted rule over his own people if aided by his surface

Real Name: Tirr-el
Occupation: Warrior
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Alien (Mineraloid)
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 37 S.D.C.: 320/+50 with aura. Armor Rating: A.R.: 14
P.P.E.: 6
Appearance: He resembles a handsomely sculpted metamorphic rock statute. He is
stocky. His rock eyes glow red.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 11, M.A. 12, P.S. 23 (supernatural)/33 lifting or carrying off the
earth, P.P. 15, P.E. 18, Spd. 8, P.B. 12.
Age: 22 (Race lives for about 300 years), Sex: Male, Height: 8 foot (2.43
m), Weight: 430 lbs (193.5 kg).
Originating Alien Environment: Thermo World (Beneath the Earth’s Surface)
Major Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Fire
Minor Super Abilities: Earth Empowerment and Supervision: Nightvision.
Natural Abilities: Impervious to fire, heat, and plasma. Kinetic energy and impact weapons
(bullets, projectiles, physical attacks, falls, thrown weapons, and explosives) only do half damage
if they can by-pass their A.R. Electricity, ion beams, and lasers also inflict half damage. He is
impervious to radiation and organic attacks (toxins, disease, poisons, chemicals, drugs, etc), nor
does he need to breath or eat (survive on thermal energy). Bio-regenerate 2D6 S.D.C/hit points
per 24 hours. He can go into a healing trance that doubles the heal rate each day. Sense the
presence, general direction, and distance of a heat source as small as a campfire within a 40-
mile diameter (64 km), a forest fire or lava pool can be sensed as far away as 100 miles (160
km). He is considered a supernatural being.
Vulnerability: Vesuvius like the Lava Men can convert heat energy internally. This energy
conversion is a continually process (do not have to be conscious to do so). Vesuvius needs to be
exposed to a heat source of 140 degrees F (35 degrees C) or better as infrequently as 5-6 hours
every two weeks or on the 3rd week he will enter a death-like coma and die within 1D4 weeks
unless immersed in life giving heat. As long as he is regular exposed to heat, he can survive on
the surface indefinitely.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +8 to damage,
+2 to pull punch, and +3 to roll with punch/fall.
Saving Throws: +6% to save vs coma/death, +2 to save vs magic, and +6 to save vs
Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 2D4, Full Strength Punch 3D6, Power Punch 6D6 (counts
as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 4D6, Knee 3D6, Karate Kick 6D6, Snap Kick 3D6,
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Block/Tackle 2D6 + P.S.
damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D6, Paired Weapons, All
Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Education Level: Combat Specialist (Some familiarity with Earth)
Common Skills: Speak Native Language 92%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, Underground
Sense of Direction 60%, Spelunking 65%, Excavation 70%, and Read-Write/Speak English 90%.
Special Program: Climbing 80%/70%, Boxing, Outdoormanship, Wrestling, Hand to
Hand: Expert, W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike/parry), W.P. Axe (+1 to strike/parry), W.P. Polearm (+2
to strike/parry & +2 to damage), W.P. Spear (+2 to strike/parry & +1 to throw), W.P. Staff (+2
to strike/+1 to parry), Pilot: Truck 82%, and First Aid 75%.
Secondary: Basic Electronics 50%, Wilderness Survival 50%, Land Navigation 52%,
Athlete, Prospecting 40%, Mining 55%, Physical Labor, and Gemology 45%.
Money: He is slowly learning about the use and need for money by surface dwellers.
Weapons: He relies on his natural abilities and on occasion an impromptu club.
Breathe Fire: Range: 10 feet (3 m), Damage: 1D6+4, Bonus: +1 to strike.
Fire Ball: Range: 390 feet (118.8 m), Damage: 7D6, Bonus: +3 to strike.
Continuous Bolt of Flame: Range: 36 feet (10.9 m), Damage: 6D6, Duration: 8
melee rounds, Rate of Fire: One or Two Flame Bolts (double damage), Attacks Per Melee: 3
attacks, Bonuses: +4 to strike.
Cast Stone: Range: 70 feet (30 m), Damage: 2D6+4 (rock/stone) or 1D4 (hardened
Vehicles and Equipment: He is slowly learning about technology and the ability to create
artificial heat sources.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Time for a few heroes.


The Wanderer is a refuge from a distant planet; his own planet destroyed in a natural upheaval.
His world destroyed, he is presumably the last of his race. He has at least temporarily, adopted
Earth as his home. As an anthropologist, the Wanderer spends most of his time studying Earth’s
history, technology, and societies. Although he is not a “super hero, he will help defend any
human he encounters. He is a competent combatant but a gentle compassionate individual who
loathes war. The Wanderer would much rather spend his time exploring the wonders of life and
the beautiful creations of sentient beings such as music and art (he's fanatical lover of Earth’s

Real Name: Zad
Occupation: Anthropologist
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Alien (Mutant)
Experience Level: 12th
Hit Points: 66 S.D.C.: 172 Armor Rating: A.R.: 12
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: He is a towering, asexual looking humanoid with muscular, spindly arms and
legs. His hands have two elongated fingers and a thumb. His feet have two long toes and a third
toe on the side. He never takes off his helmet so it’s unknown what exactly he looks like. He has
tough, thick skin.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 18, M.A. 18, P.S. 16 (extraordinary), P.P. 18, P.E. 14, P.B. 12, Spd. 20.
Age: 1076, Sex: Male, Height: 8 foot (2.43 m), Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg).
Vulnerability: He communicates through a code of light pulses or flashes from his eye
plate. He has recently mastered Earth’s Morse Code. Otherwise, the Wanderer is Mute.
Although he’s capable of breathing Earth’s oxygen atmosphere, he prefers the filtered, purified
air of the helmet.
Originating Alien Environment: Abrasive Atmosphere
Alien Appearances: Stereotypical Alien Appearance, three fingers, and three fingers.
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Light, Bend Light, Frequency Absorption, and
Impervious to Energy & Electricity.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +3 to damage,
+6 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to energy attacks, +2 to save vs psionics and insanity.
Combat Skills: Punch 2D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow & Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and
1 attack/action), All Holds, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 50% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Xeno-Biologist (Has studied Earth)
Common Skills: Read-Write Native 98%/98%, Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft: Small 98%,
Read-Write English, German, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic 98%. He can speak & communicate
with Morse Code 98%.
Special Program: Xeno-Biology 98%, Xeno-Botany 98%, Anthropology: Alien
(humanoid) 95%, Biology (own race) 98%, Paramedic 98%, Pathology 98%, Computer
Operation 98%, Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, Mathematics: Basic and Advance
98%, Archeology 98%/98%, Astrophysics 98%, Astronomy & Navigation 98%, Radio: Basic
98%, Laser Communications 98%, Cryptography 98%, Wilderness Survival 98%, Land
Navigation 98%, Sewing 98%, Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 96%, Climb Rope
98%, Back Flip 98%, and Prowl 30%), and Swimming.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Body Building & Weightlifting, Climbing 98%,
Running, Basic Electronics 90%, Streetwise 68%, History (Earth) 98%/98%, Law (General Earth)
95%, Research 90%, Cook 95%, Performance 60%, Pilot: Automobile 81%, Pilot: Motorcycle
76%, Pilot: Airplane 66%, Pilot: Boat: Sail Type 65%, and Housekeeping 40%.
Money: He has 30,000 in previous metals and stones. He has no use for Earth currency,
especially while in living in New Haven.
Weapons: Energy Expulsion: Light, Range: 780 feet (237.7 m), Damage: 1D10x10+10.
Bonus: +5 to aim/+3 to shot wild.
Equipment & Vehicles:
Helmet: It completely encases his head service as protection (A.R. 12 and 50
S.D.C.) and as a life support system (filters and purifies the air). The helmet has one large eye
plate from which communication light pulses and emits his super abilities.


Voyager-Class Shuttle, A smaller version of the Atlantis Class Shuttle.
Type: Modified Personal Transporter
Dimensions: 120 feet (91.5 m); 110 tons.
Crew: Two, The Wanderer can pilot the craft by himself. There is room for an additional
eight passengers.
A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 500.
Total S.D.C. 1650 including the armor.
Maximum Speed: FTL 20 in space or up to Mach 25 (19,181 mph/30, 868 km) in
atmosphere environments.
Range: 20 Light Years (must make use of Point-to-Point travel for long distance).
Total Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike with mounted weapons, +7 to dodge (+9 to
dodge incoming missiles), and +20% to pilot control rolls.
Weapons: Light-Lasers (2) Range: 6 miles (9.66 km), Damage: 2D6x10+12
(includes damage from both, Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot’s number of attacks, the weapons
are fire-linked and fire at the same time), Payload effectively unlimited.
Special Systems: (See Alien Unlimited Galaxy Guide for more details)
Basic Sensor Package
Autopilot Computer (80%/40%)
Targeting Radar and Combat Computer
Maneuvering Enhancement Package (2)
Satellite Uplink Computer
Atmosphere Recycling Systems
Standard Crew Quarters (8)
Trans-Atmospheric Capabilities, atmosphere tanks (2)
Gateway Activation Equipment, Sleep, and Stasis systems (6).
Pressurized Cabin
Escape Pods (4)
Missile Warning System and Anti-Missile Chaff: Enough to decoy 10 heat seeking or radar guided
missiles. The system provides a +5 bonus to Initiative whenever any missiles or rockets are
propelled at the vehicle. There is a 75% chance to confuse the missile, resulting in an automatic
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Forever Man is a soldier from a distant galactic war. He has landed on Earth to make minor
repairs on his space ship. This is his second visit to Earth, the first being almost 9,000 years ago.
He will accept the hospitality of any heroes, take a few days to rest and recuperate before he
begins his long Journey back to his native galaxy and the war.

Real Name: Tarren
Occupation: Military Specialist and Deep Space Pilot
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Immortal (Alien)
Experience Level: 15th
Hit Points: 117 S.D.C. : 105
P.P.E.: 191
Appearance: He is a handsome man with light gold skin, dark bronze hair, and brown
eyes. He is always dressed in his environmental battle armor.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 17, M.A. 16, P.S. 16, P.P. 19, P.E. 24, P.B. 15, Spd 22.
Age: 10,000 years old, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 4 inches (1.93 m),
Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg).
Originating Alien Environment: Normal Earth Environment (Galaxy Age Technology)
Natural Abilities: Immortal (See page 181-182 of HU2nd edition)
Major Super Abilities: Reconstruction and Mechano-Link
Minor Super Ability: Mechanical Awareness.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 8 (2 Initial +5 from Hand to Hand Combat +1 from boxing).
Combat Bonuses: +4 to Initiative/+7 against modern guns & machines/+8 against A.I,
computers, and automated defense systems, +4 to strike, +12 to parry, +10 to dodge, +6 to
auto dodge modern technology, +4 to damage, +5 to pull punch, +6 to roll with punch/fall, and
+2 disarm.
Saving Throws: +18% to save vs coma/death, +5 to save vs magic & insanity, +3 to save
vs psionics, +1 to save vs insanity, and +4 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Karate kick 2D4,
Wheel kick 2D6, Tripping/leg hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown)
Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Body throw/flip 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and
1 attack or action), All Holds, Paired Weapons, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20,
Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18-20, Critical strike (triple damage) or knockout from
behind, Death blow on a natural roll of 19-20 (if desired; must announce his intention).
Other Bonuses: 40% to trust/intimidate
Education Level: Military Specialist (No familiarity with Earth).
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Language 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic
98%, and Pilot: Hover Car 98%.
Military Program (Basic):, Running, Climbing 98%/98%, Forced March, Military
Etiquette 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Energy Rifle (+9 to aim/+5 to burst), and W.P. Grenade
(+4 to throw).
2nd Military Program: Depressurization Training, Zero Gravity Combat: Basic,
Pilot: Military Spacecraft: Small 98%, and Military: Hyperthusters 98%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Gymnastics (Sense of Balance 95%, Bars
and Rings 98%, Back Flip 98%), and Boxing.
W.P. Program: W.P. Blunt (+5 to strike/parry), W.P. Sword (+6 to strike/+5 to
parry), W.P. Energy Pistol (+10 to aim/+6 to burst), W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (+6 to aim/+4
to burst), W.P. Rifle (+9 to aim/+5 to burst), and W.P. Handgun (+9 to aim/+5 to burst).
Advance Pilot Program: Navigation: Space 98%, Sensory Equipment 98%,
Navigation: Faster than Light 98%, Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 98%, Pilot:
Airplane 98%, Pilot: Robot and Power Armor 98%, and Pilot: Military Spacecraft: Medium 98%.
2nd Pilot Program: Weapon Systems 98%, Command Structure Etiquette 98%, Pilot:
Civilian Spacecraft: Small 98%, and Civilian Hyperthrusters 98%.
Secondary Skills: Astronomy & Navigation 98%, Body Building & Weightlifting,
Athletics (General), Computer Operation 98%, Computer Programming 98%, Basic Electronics
98%, Lore: Alien 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, Hover Vehicle Mechanics 98%, Wilderness Survival
98%, Recognize Weapon Quality 98%, General Repair & Maintenance 98%, History (Earth
History) 98%/98%, Law (General Earth) 98%, Gemology 98%, Language and Literacy: English
98%/98%, T.V./Video 85%, Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft: Medium 98%, Cook 70%, Land Navigation
64%, First Aid 65%, Mathematics: Advance 70%, Research 45%, and Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft:
Large 82%.
Money: The Forever Man has 57,000 in precious metals and stones, and 3D6x1000
galactic credits within the Milky Way Galaxy.
Weapons: Besides his standard weapon and full environmental battle armor, he has 1D6
laser pistols, 1D4 laser rifles, 2D4 ion pistols, 1D6+4 miscellaneous energy weapons, 1D6+2
miscellaneous blunt or bladed weapons, 1D4x10 additional grenades (each type), and 1D4x10 E-
clips for every weapon on the space ship and his person.
Vehicles and Equipment: See below. The ship has everything he needs in order to live
indefinitely in space and visit any world once a week of his choosing.


[b]A.R.: 16
S.D.C. by Location[/b]:
Hands (2)-45 each
Arms (2)-60 each.
Legs (2)-120 each.
Main Body: 600 (body plates are replaceable, spare in spaceship)
*Destroy the head/helmet will eliminates all optics and sensory systems as well as negate
all power armor combat bonuses. The pilot will have to rely on his own human vision and senses.
The head is relatively small and difficult to hit, especially when the robot is moving. Thus, they
can only be hit when a character makes a “called shot,” and even than the attacker is –3 to
Speed: 30
Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) high and 40 feet long (12.1 m).
Flying: Mini-Jet Pack (Speed 45 mph/72.45.4 km), Duration: 30 minutes of fuel, Height:
1000 feet (304.8 m).

Statistical Data
Height: 7 foot (2.13 m),
Width: 3.5 feet (1.06 m)
Weight: 540 lbs (243 kg)
Length: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m)
Type: Exoskeleton/Power Armor
Physical Attributes: Equal to a P.S. of 24 (considered superhuman), P.P. 21
Power System: Micro-Fusion.

Weapons: These are the following weapons he has on his suit or carries with him.

Retractable Vibro Blades (2) in each glove above the knuckles, 2D6+4 per blade (4D6+8 max).
Length: 1 foot (.3 m), Bonuses: +1 to strike/parry.

Projectile Wrist Blaster (2), Range: 90 feet (27.4), Damage: Explosive Projectile (4D6 or 6D6) or
Tranquilizer Darts (save vs. non-lethal poison [16] or will render victim unconscious within 1D4
melees. Even if make the save, victim will feel woozy in 1D4 melees making him -2 to strike,
parry, and doge and -10% to skill rolls for 4D4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Volley of 2, 4, or 6 (use volley rules), Payload: 6; reload takes 2 melees (30
seconds). Bonus: +1 to strike.

Laser Rod (concealed in left boot), Range: 1200 feet (366 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire: Single
shot or semi-auto, Payload; 20 charges per E-clip, Bonus: +1 to strike.

Mini-Grenades (attached to the cuff of the gloves, designed to explode only after the proper code
has been punched on the particular grenade), Range: Throw 80 feet (24.3 m), Damage:
Explosive (1D6x10 to a 10 foot/3 m blast radius) and Knockout-Gas, Nerve Gas, and Tear Gas
(Blast Radius 15x15 feet/4.5x4.5 m cloud), See Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition, page 341 for
details. Payload: 10 grenades on each arm, 5 of each type.

Heavy Particle Beam Rifle, Range: 3300 feet (1005.8 m), Damage: 1D6x10+6, Note: Like all
PBW, the beam automatically by-pass the A.R. of a target, including all Natural Armor Ratings.
Objects destroyed or people killed by PB are disintegrated! Living things heal damage back three
times slower and objects cannot be repaired by normal means, Rate of Fire: Single shot,
Payload: 12 shot E-clip.

Cumulative Exoskeleton Bonuses (includes bonus from her regular attributes): +9 to
Initiative/+12 against modern guns & machines/+13 against A.I, computers, and automated
defense systems, +5 to strike, +15 to parry, +15 to dodge, +8 to auto dodge modern/alien
technology, +12 damage, +7 to roll with punch/fall, and +7 to pull punch. 9 attacks per melee.
Punch 2D4+2 + P.S. damage bonus. Power Punch 3D6+2 + P.S. Damage bonus (counts as two

1. Sensor Systems of Note

Optics: Full optic system, including visible light spectrum, infrared (1600 feet/487 m),
polarization, passive night vision (light amplification-1600 feet/487 m), ultraviolet sight (1600
feet/487 m), thermo-vision (1600 feet/488 m) telescopic (1600 feet/487 m).
Audio System: Advance Audio System, Micro-Translator, and Wide Band Radio Receiver
and Transmitter (50 miles/80 km).
Sensors: Biometric Scanner, Bug Detector, Explosive Detector, Motion Detector and
Warning System, Radar Detector, Radiation Detector, and Sensory Antenna.

2. Special Features:
Full insulation (1/4 damage by heat and cold attacks and environmental),
Environmental air purification system (3 days)
Radiation Shielding
Magnetic boots
Electro-adhesive Pads (same function as boots),
Laser Resistant Coating (light and laser attacks inflict only ½ damage)
Navigation Mini-Computer.

Note: This spacecraft is 120 years more advance than any current technology within the
Milky Way galaxy and that includes the Atorians!!! They and just about anyone else in the galaxy
would do about anything to get their hands it, namely because the modules requirement is
reduce by one-half.

Intergalactic Shuttle, An intergalactic travel version of the Atlantis Class Shuttle.
Type: Modified Personal Intergalactic Transporter
Dimensions: 60 feet (18.2 m); 40 tons.
Crew: Two, The Forever Man can pilot the craft by himself or utilize the autopilot.
[b]A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 600.
Total S.D.C[/b].: 1800 including the armor.
Variable Force Field: 300
Maximum Speed: FTL 200 in space!!! Mach 6 (3960 mph/6373 km) in atmosphere
Range: Effectively unlimited, limited only by the pilot’s endurance and oxygen supply, (life
support for 10 days for two pilots). (Note: The ship can make use of Point-to-Point travel for
further long distance).
Total Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike with mounted weapons, +7 to dodge (+9 to
dodge incoming missiles), and +20% to pilot control rolls.
Weapons: Forward Lasers Cannons (2) Range: 7.2 miles (11.52 km), Damage:
4D4x10 (includes damage from both, Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot’s number of attacks, the
weapons are fire-linked and fire at the same time), Payload effectively unlimited.
Wingtip Mini-Missile Launcher (2): Contained in each tip of the wings is a mini-
missile launcher. Range: +20% greater than normal mini-missiles, Damage: +25% greater,
Blast Radius; +20% greater than normal, Rate of Fire: 2, 4, or 8. Payload: 16 in each launcher.
Special Systems: (See Alien Unlimited Galaxy Guide for more details)
Advance Sensor Package
Autopilot Computer (90%/50%)
Targeting Radar and Combat Computer
Maneuvering Enhancement Package (2)
Super Navigation Computer 90%/90%
Satellite Uplink Computer
Atmosphere Recycling Systems
Crew Quarters/Luxury Accommodations (1 but 2 can coupe)
Long Range Gravity Communications
Automatic Hull-Breach Sealing Systems
Trans-Atmospheric Capabilities, atmosphere tanks (2)
Gateway Activation Equipment, Sleep, and Stasis systems (2).
Pressurized Cabin
Escape Pods (2)
Power Armor and Survival Suit (See his Battle Armor)
Self-Destruct System
Electronic Counter Measures
Force Field Generators (2)
Missile Warning System and Anti-Missile Chaff: Enough to decoy 10 heat seeking or radar guided
missiles. The system provides a +5 bonus to Initiative whenever any missiles or rockets are
propelled at the vehicle. There is a 75% chance to confuse the missile, resulting in an automatic
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Snow Ghost is a young, physically able idealist who has decided to take the law into his own
hands by stomping out crime. His good judgment and confidence, combined with his mutant ice
power s, makes him a dangerous adversary to all evildoers. Thus far, his targets have been the
ordinary criminal types, muggers, thugs, burglars, pushers, thieves, assailants and crooks of all
kinds. In the six months that he's been in action, crime has dropped in his neighborhood by
50%. His one-man war on c rime has brought him the jealous scorn of the police and the
attention of more than one crime head, especially drug dealers who are ultimately linked to
organized crime. is a champion of justice and will come to the aid of any fellow heroes whenever

Real Name: David Hernandez
Occupation: Vigilante
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 30 S.D.C.: 42+125 cold armor Armor Rating: A.R.: 14 in ice form
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: He is a handsome Hispanic male who moderately engages in exercise. He
has short black hair and dark brown eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 12, M.A. 12, P.S. 17, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, P.B. 18, Spd. 19.
Age: 19, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inch (1.87 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg)
Vulnerability: He suffers double damage from magic fire, but half damage from ordinary
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Ice and Sub-Zero
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 initial +2 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, + to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and
+2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to cold and ice.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow & Forearm
1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, and Knee 1D6.
Other Bonuses: 40% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91% and Pilot: Automobile 69%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 86%, Play Guitar 55%, Sports: Hockey
50%, and Housekeeping 55%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Swimming 70%, and Prowl
Secondary Skills: Language and Literacy: Spanish 59%/55%, Cook 50%, T.V./Video
55%, Streetwise 32%, Automotive Mechanic 69%, Pilot: Motorcycle 72%, First Aid 65%,
Business & Finance 55%, Carpentry 30% and Climbing 45%/35%.
Money: He has 3D6x100 US dollars hidden in his room in New Haven.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Ice Shard, Range: 130 feet (39.6 m), Damage: 2D6, 4D6, or 6D6. Rate of Fire:
Volley of 1-3, Bonus: +2 to strike with a single or throw three simultaneously.
Bolts of Cold, Range: 530 feet (161.5 m), Damage: 3D4 plus -2 to initiative, 01 to
strike, parry, dodge, and -2 to roll with punch for 1D4 melees. These penalties last for 1D4
Ice Weapons (1D6, 2D6, and 3D6).
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

And now a few villains


Sandra Kemp, code name The Grappler, was an agent for U.S. S.C.R.E.T. Her apparent loyalty
and skill as a top espionage operative made her a logical choice for the agency’s power
armor/robotics division. Agent Kemp was one of three operatives assigned to test the
effectiveness of a new prototype exo-skeleton in the field made by the KLS Corporation. After six
months of extensive use, marked with a 89% success factor, Agent Kemp subdued one of her
fellow robot operators (he was unsuited) and stole both his and her exo-skeleton. Both suits are
identical; presumably) the second suit was taken as a spare or to sell on the black market
(actually it's being kept as a spare). Sandra Kemp has avoided a discreet manhunt while building
quite a reputation as a thief of U.S. military and industrial secrets, especially S.C.R.E.T. tech. The
suit’s size and the masculine appearance works to Sandra’s advantage. Only a handful of U.S.
S.C.R.E.T. and G.I.G.M.A. agents, know she is a woman; this makes her secret identity
extremely secure. Yet in and out of the exo-skeleton, Agent Kemp is a capable, highly skilled
professional. Only fools and dead men have underestimated her because she’s a woman.

The Grappler is emotionally stable, clever and professional. She rarely acts in hate or anger; she
does not suffer from delusions of grandeur or dreams of world domination. The Grappler is an
espionage specialist who uses her training and a stolen robot suit to secure enough wealth to
retire in a style befitting her expensive tastes. Grappler can enter a conflict without trying to
killing her opponents, not that she refuses to kill, in fact she’s killed many in the line of duty or
for pay, (although she rarely accepts assassination contracts).

Real Name: Sandra Kemp
Occupation: Former S.C.R.E.T. Agent, now Freelance Mercenary and Industrial Thief.
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Robot (Exoskeleton/Robot Pilot)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 43 S.D.C.: 61
P.P.E.: 6
Appearance: Sandra is an attractive female who appears to engage in regular exercise.
She has strawberry blond hair and blue eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 9, M.A. 10, P.S. 18, P.P. 14, P.E. 16, P.B. 1, Spd. 21.
Age: 29, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 8 inch (1.75 m), Weight:
130 lbs (58.5 kg)
Combat Training: Assassin
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 initial +4 from Hand to Hand) +1 in power armor.
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +9 to damage,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, +3 to disarm, and +3 to Perception.
Saving Throws: +4% to save vs coma/death, +1 to save vs magic & poison, and +4 to
save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Blow 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand
1D6, Karate Kick 2D6, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage
bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: 35% Charm/Impress
Educational Background: Special Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%,
Pilot: Automobile 78%, and Pilot Robot & Power Armor 84%
Computer Program: Basic Electronic 75%, Computer Operation 93%, Computer
Programming 83%, and Computer Repairs 75%.
Advance Piloting Program: Navigation 85%, Sensory Equipment 75%, Weapon
Systems 85%, Pilot: Airplane 89%, Pilot: Race Car 88%, Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil,
98%, and Pilot: Jet Pack 81%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 85%/75%, Forced March, Military
Etiquette 80%, Radio: Basic 95%, W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Grenade.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Swimming 80%, Body Build & Weightlifting,
Photography 65%, Pick Locks 60%, Wilderness Survival 60%, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to
burst), Language: German and Russian 56%.
Money: She has set up a secret bank to stash her private funds roughly $91,000. Most of
her money goes into modifying the Grappler Power Armor.
Weapons: The Grappler Power Armor.
Equipment & Vehicles: Aside from her armor, Grappler has to steal or purchase any
additional equipment she might need for her missions or to improve her armor.


A.R.: 15
S.D.C. by Location:
Hands (2)-30 each
Arms (2)-75 each.
Legs (2)-120 each.
Main Body: 600
*Destroy the head/helmet will eliminates all optics and sensory systems as well as negate
all power armor combat bonuses. The pilot will have to rely on his own human vision and senses.
The head is relatively small and difficult to hit, especially when the robot is moving. Thus, they
can only be hit when a character makes a “called shot,” and even than the attacker is –3 to
Speed: 34
Leaping: Leap 27 feet (8.22 m) high and 32 feet long (9.75 m).
Flying: Jump Boots (Speed 40 mph/64.4 km). Duration: 1 hour, Altitude: 40 feet (12.1 m)

Statistical Data
Height: 6 feet and 10 inches (2.08 m) tall
Width: 3.5 feet (1.07 m) wide
Weight: 340 lbs (153 kg)
Length: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m)
Type: Exoskeleton/Power Armor
Physical Attributes: Equal to a P.S. of 26 (considered superhuman), P.P. 24
Power System: Super Solar Engine with a Power Pack that provides an additional 36 hour
of energy (A.R. 18 with 300 S.D.C.).

Weapons: These are the following weapons he has on his suit or carries with him.

2 Mini Flame Throwers, Range: 8 feet (2.43 m), Damage: 2D6, plus 40% chance of
setting combustibles ablaze/4D6 for a dual blast, Rate of Fire: 2 per melee, Energy Capacity: 10
blasts. Bonus: +3 to strike.
Finger Blasters (4 per hand), Range: 200 feet (61 m), Damage: 3D6 per finger (max 4
per hand), Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack or volley of 1-4 per hand),
Bonuses: +3 to strike.
Electrical Discharge, Range: 12 feet (3.65 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: One per melee,
Bonuses: +3 to strike.

Cumulative Exoskeleton Bonuses (includes bonus from her regular attributes): +8 to
initiative, +8 to strike, +12 to parry, +11 to dodge, +15 damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and
+6 to pull punch. Punch 2D4+2 + P.S. damage bonus. Power Punch 3D6+2 + P.S. Damage
bonus (counts as two attacks).

1. Sensor Systems of Note
Optics: Full optic system, including visible light spectrum, infrared (1600 feet/487 m),
polarization, passive night vision (light amplification-1600 feet/487 m), ultraviolet sight (1600
feet/487 m), thermo-vision (1600 feet/488 m) telescopic (1600 feet/487 m). Camera Eye, and
Spotlight (built in chest/Range: 60 feet-18.2 meter with an illumination field of an 8 foot-2.43
meter radius).

Audio System: Basic Listening System and Radio Signal Scrambler.
Sensors: Bio-Scan, Combat Computer, Motion Detector and Warning System, Radiation
Detector, and Voice Actuate Controls.

2. Special Features:
Life Support Unit
Floatation Device
Underwater Capabilities (armor is not affect by smoke)
Electrical Insulation (Makes the armor incredible resistant to electrical damage reduce damage by
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Inheritor is a young, tough rogue who’s decided to take what he wants. He’s an ambitious,
cunning, high roller willing to gamble against the odds. Some believe he has a death wish, others
feel he’s simply a psychopath. In truth, he’s neither. Inheritor has always exhibited a fearless
daring, even as a child he’d accept any challenge regardless of the danger. Indeed, he craves
danger for it is danger that gives his life enjoyment, the thrill of beating death. By the age of
fifteen he had dropped out of school, ran away from his middle-class home and was earning his
keep as an assistant auto mechanic and dirt-bike racer for a second rate racer, and a small time
drug dealer, Samual T. Lebbon. By eighteen Inheritor had graduated to stunt driver, racer and
inheritor (no pun intended) of Mr. Lebbon’s drug operation (it seems he had a most unfortunate
“accident”). Unfortunately, the thrills of fast cars faded and the Inheritor, costumed villain, was

Inheritor has only begun his criminal career but has already gained a reputation for his daring,
boldness and cruelty. His crimes range from knocking over liquor stores in broad day light) to
extortion, kidnapping, burglary, and murder. Although currently working as a lone wolf, he is ripe
for recruitment as a member of a partnership, group or organization especially if it teams him
with other super villains whose powers he can mimic. He’d find the challenge of confronting other
super beings and the allure of notoriety, power and wealth irresistible. Likewise, he will not turn
down any opportunity to tackle an extremely difficult contract if the job is eliciting enough.
Inheritor thrives on conflict, going out of his way to challenge any superhero (unless he’s
operating with a group). If captured and brought to justice, the Inheritor will convincingly
pretend to turn over a new leaf while secretly causing mayhem or waiting for the right time to
make his move, whether it be escape or attack.

Real Name: James Randahl
Occupation: Super Criminal, former Race Car Mechanic and Driver
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 64
P.P.E.: 28
Appearance: He looks like an ordinary male who engage in regular exercise. He has messy
brown hair and pointed ears. His eyes are blue.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 9, M.A. 11, P.S. 14, P.P. 12, P.E. 15, P.B. 10, Spd. 22.
Age: 21, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 155 lbs (69.75 kg).
Insanity: He is seething with hostility, anger, and insecurities. He is extremely sadistic,
enjoys torturing and injuring others.
Major Super Abilities: Mimic and Borrow Powers. These powers can be combined together
to allow him to “steal” all the victim’s powers.
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to entangle,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +3 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand
1D6, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Roundhouse
Kick 3D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
and all Holds/entangle.
Educational Background: Trade School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%92%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, and Pilot:
Automobile 72%.
Mechanical, Vehicle Program: Automotive Mechanics 87%, Basic Mechanics 75%,
Basic Electronics 65%, and Mechanical Engineer 65%.
Pilot: Advance Program: Navigation 75%, Sensory Equipment 65%, Parachuting
75%, Pilot: Race Car 82%, Pilot: Motorcycle 91%, Pilot: Helicopter 79%, Pilot: Motor, Race, and
Hydrofoil 90%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Pick Locks 50%, Climbing 60%/50%, Body
Building & Weightlifting, Running, W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, parry, and throw), Cook 45%, and
Whittling & Sculpting 35%.
Money: He has stolen about $45,000 that he has stashed in a secret location. Whenever
he can he will try to steal a fast car just to take it for a spin.
Weapons: Razor sharp, clawed gloves. Damage, 2D4. He also carries a number of
throwing knives (1D6 damage).
Equipment & Vehicles: He has stolen a number of fast cars that he keeps hidden away. He
drives them usually abandons them afterward. He does have a few that he’s hidden away,
among them Lamborghini Jota.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


He’s a muscle-bound misanthrope with dreams of riches and power. Killer Whale is not
particularly skilled or clever but his awesome strength and tenacity make him a deadly foe. Over
the last five years, he’s been the strong-man for several non-super powered groups, usually sea
based. Unfortunately his criminal career has been less than impressive with his greatest
accomplishments being always evaded capture by the authorities. When on the run, Killer Whale
usually lives in or around a large body of water (fresh or salt) although he much prefers the
pleasure of dry land. He has never had a run-in with another super being.

Real Name: Charles Grayson
Occupation: Former Olympic Swimmer, Now Freelance Mercenary
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 52 S.D.C.: 241/301 in water Armor Rating: A.R.: 8
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: He is an extremely stocky, broad being. His skin and eyes are jet black and
he has no body hair. His costume resembles that of a killer whale.
Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 10, M.A. 7, P.S. 36 extraordinary/42 superhuman in water, P.P.
12, P.E. 30, P.B. 9, Spd. 15/75 (52.5 mph/84.5 kg) in water.
Age: 23, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 9 inches (2.05 m), Weight:
420 lbs (189 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Stocky, No Body Hair, and Black Skin. He can carry 3600 lbs
(1620 kg) and lift 7200 lbs (3240 kg) on land and carry 8400 lbs and lift 12,600 lbs (5670 kg) in
Major Super Ability: Animal Abilities: Cetacean (whale)
Minor Super Abilities: Heavyweight and Underwater Abilities.
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +1 in water
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative in water, +1 to strike/+3 in water, +5 to parry/+7 in
water, +5 to dodge/+10 in water, +26 damage/+37 in water, +5 to roll with punch/fall, and +2
to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +30% to save vs coma/death, +8 to save vs poison & magic, and +2 to
save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4/2D4+2 in water, Power Punch 2D4/3D6+2 in water (counts as
two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6/2D6 in water, Snap Kick 1D6/2D6 in water, Elbow & Forearm
1D6/2D6 in water, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%92% and Pilot: Automobile 72%. ]
Physical Program: Boxing, Swimming 75%/98%, Athlete, and Body Building and
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 89%, Play Hockey 55%, Fishing 65%,
Sewing 65%, and Cooking 65%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Pilot: Boat, Sail Type 80%, Pilot: Boat, Motor,
Race, and Hydrofoil 75%, Automotive Mechanics 72%, Sing 45%, Hunting, W.P. Rifle(+2 to
aim/+1 to burst), Streetwise 36%, Navigation 60%, Ocean Survival 44%, Wilderness Survival
45%, and Animal Training (whales) 65%.
Money: He has stolen about $95,000 that he has stashed in on his boat. The jobs he does
provide most of his money. Most of his money he uses to impress woman. Whenever he comes
ashore, he usually has $3D6x200 to use as flash cash.
Weapons: He knows how to use a hunting rifle, but he relies on his physical skills.
Equipment & Vehicles: He owns a Viking 1976 Sport Fisherman. It was lengthened
professionally to 56 feet. It has two bedrooms with independent toilet and shower. Navigation
equipment : radar, map system, automatic pilot, GPS, two depth gauges, one with a distance of
600 feet at the front of the boat. Interior and exterior sound system. Four individual heating
systems. Two air conditioning systems. Brand new ice maker. Single unit washer/dryer. Coffee
maker. Central vacuum. Microwave oven. Stove. Interior and exterior refrigerators. Two flat
screen HD televisions.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The woman, Man Hunter, is a princess of a small, technologically deprived island kingdom
off the coast of Africa. Only small bits of technology, such as electric typewriters, computer
technology from 1990s, classic cars 1950s and 1960s, and some fundamental industrial
equipment and operations are available to this tiny, third world nation. Generally, the island is
overcrowded, its people poor, hungry and unskilled. The government and society is dominated by
strict male rule placing women in a clearly subservient role as less than second-class citizens are.
Princess Michabi is a militant advocate for women’s liberation which has created quite a stir
in the island’s political arena from time to time. She is outspoken, articulate, bold and
aggressive, traits the men of the island do not respect in a woman. Physically she is a world class
athlete, superior to most men in both skill and natural aptitude. Emotionally she has
overcompensated for the masculine oppression by becoming equally aggressive, uncompromising
and ruthless. She is clever, young, open to new ideas and a natural head for business which
gives her an edge over most of her male competition. Unfortunately, she has become
irreversibly prejudicial toward all men believing them to be inferior to women. A belief she often
enjoys demonstrating by humiliating and degrading men whenever possible.
Someday soon, she will become the island’s ruler, after the death of her father (the King) in
a suspicious hunting accident. At this point, her megalomaniac tendencies will be given wings,
fueled by her bitter anger, lust for revenge and fanatical ambition.
Man Hunter, favorite sport is physical contests against men. She travels the world to
arrange a life and death contest against men she wishes to prove her superiority too.

Real Name: Princess Media Michabi
Occupation: Dignitary (royalty)
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Physical Training (Focus on Endurance & Strength)
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 62 S.D.C.: 173
P.P.E.: 19
Appearance: An athletic, attractive African woman with thick black hair and brown eyes.
Her costume resembles a private warrior with yellow and green.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 18, M.A. 11, P.S. 20 (superhuman), P.P. 19, P.E. 24, P.B. 18, Spd. 23.
Age: 19, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 148 lbs
(66.6 kg)
Combat Training: Aggressive and Deadly Combat
Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch x2 any hand combat damage (counts as two
attacks), Power Kick x2 any foot attack damage (counts as two attacks), and Force of Will.
Attacks per Melee: 7 (3 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +5 to damage,
+7 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +2 disarm.
Saving Throws: +38% to save vs coma/death, +5 to save vs magic, and +7 to save vs
poison & disease.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6, Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 3D6, Snap
Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Wheel Kick 3D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must
dodge or knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus x2 (lose initiative and 1
attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 2D4+2 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Crush 2D4+2, All
Holds, Pin 18-20, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20, Knockout on an unmodified roll of
20, and Paired Weapons (all).
Other Bonuses: 35% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: High School Education
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak French 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and
Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Special Physical Program: Swimming 85%, Boxing, Wrestling, Gymnastics, (Sense of
Balance 75%, Bars & Rings 85%, Backflip 90%, Climb Rope 80%), Body Build & Weightlifting,
and Climbing 80%.
Espionage & Rogue Skills: Prowl 55%, Escape Artist 60%, Tracking 55%, and
Wilderness Survival 60%.
Ancient W.P. Program: Paired Weapons, W.P. Spear (+2 to strike/parry and +1 to
throw), W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike/parry), and W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, parry, and throw).
Secondary Skills: Business & Finance 60%, Mathematics: Advance 74%, Computer
Operation 75%, Play Flute 60%, Language: English 80%, Literacy: English 80%, Dance 55%,
Pilot: Airplane 70%, Pilot: Truck 76%, W.P. Archery (+3 to strike, +1 to parry, and RoF 5), W.P.
Shield (+2 to parry), and W.P. Sword (+2 to strike/+1 to parry).
Money: She has the capability of drawing upon $10,000 US dollars that is kept in a bank.
Weapons: Spears, Shields, African Throwing Knives, and other African Melee Weapons.
Equipment & Vehicles: She utilizes whatever she needs in order to complete her mission.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Nightshade was a C.I.A. operative belonging to the MTF (see Mutant Underground for additional
details) assigned to locate, study, and apprehend assigned targets. However, during his last
assignment he encountered the villainous Inheritor who caught him off guard, turning his own
powers against him. Although he survived the “Death Touch”, the shock to his system has
affected his memory. Nightshade has no recollections of his of his past or purpose. He is now
wandering and patrolling the streets (perhaps Century Station?) and he doesn’t know why.
For food, he breaks into restaurants at night or steals out of people homes or apartments.
Living on the streets has given him an excellent understanding of the city layout and its nightlife.
Simple therapy with a qualified psychotherapist (or psychologist) will bring back his memories at
which he will seek revenge against the Inheritor. Even with his memories back, he personality
will not change. He is a selfish, unsatisfied person, who could be persuaded to work for a criminal
mastermind, betray his companions (even if they were helping him), or join an evil organization.
Officially, the CIA has him listed as missing in action for the past three months.

Real Name: Rick Jackson (doesn’t know his real name)
Occupation: Former C.I.A. operative (MTF)
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 47 S.D.C.: 79
P.P.E.: 27
Appearance: A tall, muscular man with curly black hair and white eyes. He wears a blue
and black costume with a cape and mask.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 11, M.A. 13, P.S. 17, P.P. 15, P.E. 19, P.B. 14, Spd. 22.
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 feet and 1 inches (1.85 m), Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: White eyes.
Insanity: Amnesia. He has no recollection of his past or purpose in life. He cannot
remember his name, but he retains the knowledge of his past life. He is unable to use his
Disruptive Touch ability. Simply therapy will cure him of his amnesia, but he is unaware of this
and remains hidden from view.
Major Super Abilities: Darkness Control and Disruptive Touch
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +2 damage, +4
to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and + to disarm.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand
1D6, Elbow & Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6,
Crescent Kick 2D4, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick
6D6, Flying Jump Kick 4D6, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified 18-20.
Saving Throws: Poisons, toxins, and drugs only have ½ their effect, damage, and
duration, +18% to save vs coma/death, and +2 to save vs poison & magic.
Educational Background: Military Specialist
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and
Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 90%/80%, Forced March, Military
Etiquette 85%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2
2nd Military Program: Find Contraband 70%, Recognize Weapon Quality 75%,
Trap/Mine Detection 70%, and Demolitions Disposal 98%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 75%, Intelligence
71%, Wilderness Survival 75%, Undercover Ops 75%, and Disguise 70%.
Modern W.P.: W.P. Handgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst, modified to 8th level).
Criminal Program: Streetwise 54%, Pick Locks 70%, Prowl 65%, Pick Pockets 65%,
and Tailing 70%.
Secondary Skills: Body Building & Weightlifting, Athletics (general), Swimming 80%,
Basic Mechanics 70%, Basic Electronics 60%, Pilot: Motorcycle 76%, Pilot: Airplane 66%,
Language: French 53%, and Literacy: French 45%.
Money: He doesn’t know it but he has $20,000 hidden away in a safety deposit box in
New York.
Weapons: He knows how to use guns, but he presently doesn’t have any on him. He can
only rely on using his Darkness Power, he is unable to use his Disruptive Touch.
Equipment & Vehicles: He doesn’t have any gear or equipment on him. He relies on what
he can get a hold of while he walks the streets.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Wow over 200,000 posts! As always I appreciate everyone who comes here looking at the vast
collection of super heroes and villains I've done over the years. Thirty years of being a writer of
superheroes and villains this year, and I'm happy to announce while me HU have been at odds for a
while, the relationship now has been reinvigorated as of late. Well enough mushy stuff on with
more villains from the Justice Machine sourcebook.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Prophet is an extremely cunning individual. He’s an extremely good planner with a head for
details and tactics, supplemented by his psionic abilities of speed-reading and total recall. He’s
the ideal criminal mastermind, a capable strategist, tricky, and a charismatic leader. Although
ruthless and cold, he has not yet added murder to his list of accomplishments. His crimes include
theft, burglary, and extortion. He seems to have a particular attraction to precious gems and
exotic items. Unlike most of the villains, the Prophet prefers a low-key existence avoiding
dangerous confrontations whenever possible. This is in part due to his lack of physical skills and
his cunning to work behind the scene to avoid capture. His usual mode of operation is to collect a
team of criminals, often specialists in a particular area, and mold them into a well-oiled force to
accomplish a specific task. So far, he has never used the same people more than once. An
impressive list of successful mission (none of which implicated him in the least), has prompted
him to consider establishing a crack team of super villains to expand his operations. The
, Inheritor and possibly the Grappler are likely candidates (along with
others from Villains Unlimited, Mutant Underground, Century Station, G.M. Guide, or this post).
While the Prophet may be psionic, he possesses no clairvoyant or precognition abilities, which
makes his name more symbolic than reflective of his abilities. Although physically inferior to
most heroes or villains, his psi-powers are extremely dangerous; powers that he has learned to
wield with deadly precision. By means of his bio-manipulation powers, the Prophet can
incapacitate even the most powerful opponent without lifting his little finger.

Real Name: Jeffrey Johnson
Occupation: Crime Lord
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Psionic (Natural)
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 38 S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 14
I.S.P.: 160
Appearance: He dresses in a dark blue hooded robe with black slippers. Little of his face
can be seen. Jeffery is an adult male who has engage in little exercise. He has brown hair and
brown eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E.20, M.A. 17, P.S. 11, P.P. 10, P.E. 13, P.B. 12, Spd. 11.
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.77 m), Weight:
150 lbs (67.5 kg).
Healing Psionics: Bio-Regeneration, Deaden Pain, Detect Psionics, and Induce Sleep.
Physical Psionics: Alter Aura, Death Trance, Float, Mind Block, Nightvision, Summon Inner Strength
Sensitive Psionics: Astral Projection, Empathy, Mimic Skills, Object Read, Presence Sense,
Sense Evil, See Aura, Sensory Link, Sixth Sense, Speed Reading, Telepathy, and Total Recall.
Super Psionics: Bio-Manipulation, Group Mind Block, Hypnotic Suggestion, Insert Memory,
and Remote Viewing.
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 Initial +2 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull
Saving Throws: +3 to save vs psionics & insanity, +5 to save vs possession, and +3 to
save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee
1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6,
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills and 45% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Two years in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 96%98%, Mathematics: Basic 94%, and Pilot:
Automobile 82%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 97%, Mathematics: Advance 95%,
Chemistry 98%, Biology 89%, Chemistry: Analytical 84%, and Astrophysics 84%.
Investigation Program: Research 89%, Photography 84%, and Writing 74%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, T.V. Video 69%, Basic Electronics 64%,
Automotive Mechanics 82%, Radio: Basic 84%, Prowl 59%, Pick Locks 64%, Pilot: Airplane 78%,
Public Speaking 84%, Performance 59%,Computer Programming 66%, Law (general) 59%,
Business & Finance 44%, and History 69%/49%.
Money: At any given time, Prophet has $1D6 million in a secret bank account. He never
allows his account to go below 1 million dollars.
Weapons: He relies on his psionic abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He utilizes whatever he needs when it’s called for.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


David Longtree, alias The Stalker, is a Native American of Navaho heritage. Recruited and trained
by operatives in the country of Malvador (home of Emperor Danilek) he quickly established
himself as a top security enforcer. The Stalker’s abilities to prowl, track and climb made him a
deadly adversary to anyone the Emperor paid him to eliminate. Problems arose as the Stalker
began to brag and let it be known who his employer was. Emperor Danilek let him how much he
was tired of him babbling to the wrong people when he sent the Usurper to explain it to him.
Stalker’s superior training and physical endurance is the only that saved him. After a few days in
the hospital, he awoke from his coma unable to remember anything about his time in the country
of Malvador. After a while, Stalker left the hospital still missing a chunk of his memory. Stalker
took a job as a security enforcer for a major firm in the city of Ultropolis. After a while, some of
Stalker’s memory started to return to him. With more of his memory restore Stalker decided to
walk the streets, a bitter, spiteful person, burglarizing those living in high society. Any
opportunity to gain wealth, personal glory, and glorify his own personal well being, he takes it.

Real Name: David Longtree
Occupation: Former top security advisor at New Haven, now cat burglar of New Haven.
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Physical Training (Focus on Endurance & Strength)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 69 S.D.C.: 123
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: An athletic, handsome man with coal black hair and brown eyes. His costume
is red and black.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, M.A. 9, P.S. 21 (Superhuman), P.P. 16, P.E. 20, P.B. 17, Spd. 20.
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Combat Training: Aggressive and Deadly Combat
Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch x2 any hand combat damage (counts as two
attacks), Power Kick x2 any foot attack damage (counts as two attacks), and Force of Will.
Attacks per Melee: 7 (3 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +4 to strike, +8 to parry, +4 to dodge, +6 to damage,
+7 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +2 disarm.
Saving Throws: +30% to save vs. coma/death, +3 to save vs. magic, +5 to save vs.
poison and disease.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 3D6,
Snap Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Axe Kick 3D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must
dodge or knockdown), +2 to strike with a Critical Body Flip/Throw 2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus
x2 (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 2D4+2 (parry or dodge to avoid
knockdown), Neck Hold, Body Hold, Back Flip, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20,
Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Paired Weapons (all).
Other Bonuses: 35% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: One year in college.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94%, Language: Navajo 94, and
Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Special Physical Program: Swimming 90%, Boxing, Body Build & Weightlifting,
Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 88%, Climb Rope 98%, Backflip 98), Athlete, and
Climbing 95%.
Rogue Program: Streetwise 49%, Prowl 67%, Find Contraband 55%, and Tailing
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Play Guitar 75%, Dance 70%, Singing
75%, and Cook 75%.
Secondary Skills: Research 70%, Basic Electronics 60%, Automotive Mechanics 78%,
Pilot: Motorcycle 84%, Pilot: Boat, Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil 85%, Philosophy 70%, Land
Navigation 60%, W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Hunting, Wilderness Survival 55%,
Concealment 25%, and Rope Works 35%.
Money: He has stolen $35,000 dollars so far. He keeps it in a hidden room in Ultropolis.
Weapons: He relies on his physical capabilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He utilizes whatever he needs in order to complete his job.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Doctor Vargos was the assistant to Doctor Lester K Standford, a mad scientist obsessed
with creating the perfect life form because he believes the human race as a species is flawed. In
addition to his work with “Doctor K”, he’d been developing a chemical that would control
aggression in humans. He hoped to achieve this by altering the human chemistry, certain
hormones, etc., chemically to produce a much more sedate, calm individual without dulling the
senses as most current tranquilizers and mood depressants do. His initial experiments with
animals were an overwhelming success; however, the same process seemed an utter failure with
human subjects. The experiments seemed to intensify the aggression, anger and hostility of
humans rather than calm and negate such hostility. When it was learned that Doctor K had
performed human experiments on homeless people, the project was canceled. Doctor K escaped.
Meanwhile Doctor Vargos continued to develop his serum on his own. At long last, he was sure he
had the proper elements for success but couldn’t get the facilities, money or volunteers for
testing the radically new formula. Frustrated by the lack of support and confident of the Formula’s
effects, he decided to test it on himself. The results were startling. Not only did the formula alter
his emotional state but it also caused an instant, dramatic physical transformation as well. Vargos
found himself transformed like “Doctor Jeckle and Mr. Hyde”, a small, physically unimpressive
man into a hairy, muscular giant rippling with power and primal aggression. The formula
amplified the submerged anger and frustration the introverted doctor had fearfully kept
submerged inside all his life. Now with his new, powerful body (and stimulated hostility) he no
longer had to play the submissive little man. He was now the new Doctor Vargos who would show
his colleagues that he was not helpless anymore. He was a pawn to be used and abused then
discarded. Vargos doesn’t resent Doctor K, but he does hate the scientific community who
manipulated him, thwarted his research, stole his ideas and treated him with contempt. They will
all pay. He will extract his vengeance by sabotaging projects, terrorizing people by stalking and
chasing people and then disappearing after leaving a trail of destruction. He will vandalize labs
and private residences, physical beatings, terrorizing by stalking and chasing people and then
disappearing after leaving a trail of destruction. He will also discredit fellow scientists by framing
them for crimes and indiscretions they didn’t commit. Finally, he plans to murder some of his
most hated personal foes.
Authorities such as police, superheroes, robots, or anyone who opposes him will be dealt
with quickly as an enemy or fool, although he is NOT likely to kill intentionally such people.
Doctor Vargos, even in his more primal, vindictive form, he is not a truly evil man just
emotionally twisted and bitter

Real Name: Lewis Vargos
Occupation: Chemist, Assistant to Doctor Von Craft
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Imbued
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 46
P.P.E.: 7/19 changed
Appearance: He is a small, normal man with brown eyes, short brown hair, and a broad
inverted V mustache. Transformed his facial features alter to the point he becomes
unrecognizable. He gains thick wild hair, broad eyes, deep eye sockets, and a wild look.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 11, M.A. 7, P.S. 16, P.P. 13, P.E. 12, Spd. 16, P.B. 10
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.82 m), Weight:
140 lbs (63 kg).
Insanity: Repressed Anger. When he is transformed, he is subject to fit of rage and
Imbuing Agent: Transformation Formula. No addiction. Effects only himself.
Made only by himself. Duration: 24 hours. He taken the potion as often as he wishes, however he
can undo the transformation with a counter agent within 20 minutes. Vargos always has an ample
supply of his transforming serum on hand at all times (on his person and hidden in his lab and
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.S., Extraordinary P.E., Extraordinary P.P., and
Heavyweight. Note: Taking the potion makes him grow 1 foot (.3 m) in height.
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +1 damage, +2
to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Snap Kick 1D6, and All Holds.
Educational Background: Master Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%93% and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%,
Chemistry 98%, Genetics 70%, Chemistry: Analytical 85%, and Chemistry Pharmaceutical 90%.
Medical Assistant Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 85%,
Biology 90%, and Paramedic 90%.
Technical Program: Research 90%, History /98%90%, Writing 75%, and
Photography 85%.
Physical Program: Fencing (+1 to strike/parry and +1D6 to damage), Swimming
989%, S.C.U.B.A. 98%, and Hand to Hand: Basic.
Secondary: Body Building & Weightlifting, Running, Dance 55%, Prowl 50%, Basic
Electronics 55%, Cook 60%, Sewing 65%, Dance 55%, Philosophy 65%, Pilot: Truck 76%,
Literacy: German 65%, and Language: German 65%.
Money: He has a hidden stash of $19,000 in his lab.
Weapons: He owns half a dozen fencing swords, but in his transformed state, he will not
use them.
Equipment & Vehicles: He owns a $250,000 lab with top of the line equipment.

TRANSFORMED. Height: 6 foot & 8 inches (2.03 m), Weight: 280 lbs (126 kg).
Attributes: P.S. 28 (extraordinary), P.P. 18, P.E. 21, Spd. 22.
Hit Points: 67 S.D.C.: 218 Armor Rating: A.R.: 8
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)+1 from powers
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +5 to auto
dodge, +23 damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throw: +12% to save vs coma/death and +3 to save vs poison & magic.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


One day Bobby Benday was checking out his Uncle Victor’s robotics lab when he saw a four and a
half foot tall robot. He also saw a strange looking dentist chair. Bobby picked up a book and sat in
the chair unaware that he hit a button causing the chair to activate. Bobby’s mind was suddenly
transferred into the body of the robot. Bobby spent the afternoon flying and running around the
city as a robot boy. When he returned he found his body missing only to learn his parents came
home and took his body to the hospital. Listening in he went in search of his Uncle Victor. He
found his uncle working for a bunch of Nazis (Brotherhood of Armageddon) planning on taking
over the world. Bobby uses the robot to defeat the Nazis and demand his uncle put his mind back
in his real body. When they get back to the hospital, they see that his real body has died and his
parents in mourning. His uncle tries to convince him that he must never tell anyone but Bobby
wants to be with his family. When he goes into the hospital, he is confronted by security
personnel who try to stop him. Bobby’s parents flee from the “killer robot” and go into hiding.
When Bobby goes back to the lab, his Uncle Victor has disappeared. Bobby mind is now
permanently trapped in the robot body.
The transformation would be difficult thing for an adult to deal with; the effect on the young
adolescent has been doubly traumatic. The robot earned the name “Warhead” in the media
because of his temper and appearance. Bobby is extremely hot tempered and prone to violence
temper tantrums. Each passing day he grows more bitter, hostile, and unmanageable. He has
severely injured police officers and damaged a school bus when kids on the bus he thought we’re
making fun of him. As of now, Warhead is on the run, being hunted by U.S.S.C.R.E.T., but he is
also wanted by ORION Robotics (Century Station) who wants to examined him and the Dark
Tribunal who are convinced he’s more than a simple robot.

Real Name: Bobby Benday
Occupation: Troubled Youth
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Robotics (Mental Transference)
Experience Level: 2nd
Hit Points: n/a S.D.C.: 600 A.R.: 17
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 8, M.A. 8, P.S. 25, P.P. 16, P.E. n/a, P.B. 8, Spd.66 (46.2 mph/74.3 km).
Age: 12. Sex: Male. Height: 4 foot and 6 inches (1.37 mm). Weight:
600 lbs (270 kg).
Insanity: Bobby is growing more violent and brutal when he gets angry. He is prone to
sudden mood changes and is a compulsive liar. He is suffering from a manic-depressive
psychosis, schizophrenia, and explosive disorder.
Combat Training: Non-combatant
Number of Attacks: 1 attack per melee and two non-combat actions.
Saving Throws: Impervious to organic attacks (disease, poison, toxins, gases, heat, cold),
Imperious to psionics and magic that affect the physical body, impervious to possession, and +5
to save vs psionics & magic that affect the mind and emotions.
Combat Skills: Punch 2D4+2
Educational Background: Bobby should be in the 7th grade.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 84%/90% and Mathematics: Basic 78%,
Secondary Skills: Computer Operation 66%, Swimming 60%, Photography 45%, and Art
(model making) 45%.
Money: Right now he has no use for money.
Weapons: He relies on his robotic attributes.
Vehicles and Equipment: None

A.R.: 17
S.D.C. by location:
Hands (2)-30
Arms (2)-60
Legs (2)-150
* Head-60
** Main Body-600
* A difficult target to strike. An attacker must make a called shot to hit and even then its –2 to
strike. Destroying the head of the robot will eliminate all optics and sensory system. The robot
will shut down as s safety feature. The single eye is even a smaller target requiring a called shot
to hit with a –4 to strike.
** Depleting the S.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy the robot, shutting it down
completely and making it useless. No further modification can be done to the robots nor can they
wear additional body armor or power armor.
Running: 46.2 mph (74.3 km). This speed can be maintained indefinitely.
Leaping: Approximately 25 feet (7.6 m) high or lengthwise. A running leap at speeds in
excess of 50 mph (80 km) will enable the robot to leap an additional 2D6+6 yards/meters.
Flying: Concealed hover jet system (feet). 80 mph (128.8 km). Range: 100 miles (160
Statistical Data
Height: 4 foot and 6 inches (1.37 mm).
Width: 2 feet (.6 m)
Weight: 600 lbs 270 kg
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 25 (considered superhuman).
Cargo: None
Power System: Micro-Fusion.

Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +1 to dodge/+3 in flight, +10
to damage, +2 to roll with impact/fall, and +1 to pull punch.

1. Sensor Systems of Note
Optics: Full optic system, including visible light spectrum, infrared (1600 feet/487 m),
polarization, passive night vision (light amplification-1600 feet/487 m), thermo-imaging (1600
feet/487 m), and telescopic (1600 feet/487 m).
Audio: Basic Hearing System and Human Voice Synthesizer.
Sensors: Micro-Radar & Sonar, (range: 1 mile/1.6 km), Depth Gauge & Alarm, Radiation
2. Special Features
Flotation Device
Underwater Capabilities
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Any plans for Magic Heroes or Villains like from,Enchanted weapons/object,Mystic study and Mystically bestowed abilities?
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Funny you should ask. Soon as I'm completely done with the Justice Machine (which will be soon)
yeah I got some name inspired good guys coming up. Some of them will be magically enchanted but
they will all be Principled. A bunch of goody good guys.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great to known,I love your All Crusade squad.
Can't wait to see them.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Hey just to let you know guys working on some fantasy stuff right now but I haven't forgotten
heroes. In spare time I'm working on the Divine. Who are they well you'll just have to wait and find
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Divine will be posted shortly.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Divine is the name of a secret order of holy, elite warriors devoted to serving the
righteous cause of the Holy Light Church, a religious instruction founded 300 years ago by six
“mystically bestowed priests” to protect the faithful from the forces of supernatural evil. Although
church membership is restrictive and exclusive, there are over 200 members from all across the
world. The church believes it has a sacred duty to prepare the world against the encroachment of
unholy evil. For centuries, the church operated in secret. No mention of it was every made public,
and those who did know anything always seem to “forget” about it later on. Since WW 2 however
many priest and sisters (nuns) of the Holy Light decided the modern world needed to know that
divine forces of goodness were on their side, that champions of the light were ready to stand
against the darkness. Needless to say, most people though the church was a fake religion,
existing for no purpose other than to satirize, parody, or mock real religious institutions. For
decades, politicians and religious leaders denounced them as crackpots. However a few years ago
after a supernatural being called the “Devil’s Knight” tried to kidnapped a U.S. Senator daughter;
some people in the U.S. government began to take the Holy Light Church seriously. Today the
Holy Light Church receives funding from twenty nations (half of them European), several wealthy
independent tycoons, and religious institutions (who wish to remain anonymous) to carry on their
fight to keep humanity safe.

Nobody knows who is in charge of the Church, yet he seems to be omnipresent. The priests
and sisters report to him (thorough intermediaries) and he releases information to them only on a
need-to-know basis. Not every member of the Holy Light Church is a super being (less than 5%)
yet the man in charge seems to know all their real names, powers, place of birth, secret origin,
etc. Some members of the Divine have been referring to him as “Lord High”.
Scattered about the world are temples of the Holy Light, each one run by a priest and a
sister. Before the Divine, it was the priest and the sister who performed exorcisms, investigated
supernatural claims, and fought with the supernatural evil (some time rather unsuccessfully).
Now that role is being filled by the Divine while the priest and the nun acts as liaisons, advisors,
and intermediaries between the Divine and Lord High and those who sponsor the church. Father
Enoch Light and Sister Astra are the priest and sister that the Divine meet with most often while
working in the United States.

The Divine was formed after Father Raphael, a mutant priest operative came across a
magical book that bestowed vast mystical power upon him and transformed him into mystical
bestowed hero. The book also “charged” him with a mission to seek out evil and destroy it.
Inspiration also sent him on a quest to find “heroes of divinity” that would assist him in his task.
Today the “Great Holy Book” is under the private care of Father Enoch and Sister Astra in an old
abandoned nunnery in near Gulf Coast City called Toborh Abby. The nunnery lies beside a ley line
but nearly all of it is protected by various Magical Alarms, Protection Circles, Circles of
Concealment, and Sanctum spells. Recently the Holy Light Church has become aware of events
taking place in Armageddon Unlimited, as a result the Divine is very much active in the fight, but
not fully aware of all the details.

Holy Light Church Organization Statistics
A. Outfits: None (0 Point)
B. Equipment: Gimmicked Equipment (30 Points)
C. Weapons: Armed Agents/Ninja Weapons (10 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: None (0 Points)
E. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (10 Points)
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: International (35 Points)
H. Military Power: Security Guards (5 Points)
I. Super Power Operatives: Super Strike Force (The Divine-40 Points)
J. Sponsorship: International Organization (20 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Loans (25 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Loose Laws (5 Points)
M. Internal Security: Iron Clad (25 Points)
N. External Infiltration: Information Source (10 Points)
O. Research: Excellent Connections (20 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Faceless (5 Points)
Q. Agency Salary: Good Freelance (10 Points). The Divine are paid a bi-weekly salary around
$1000 plus reasonable expenses and receive a bonus of $5000 per successful mission. The Priest
and Sister receive a Pittance (which they are use to).
Total Agency Points: 267 Points

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Raphael Kotz was eight years old in the backseat of his parents’ car coming back from a
movie about a “vampire hunter” when something struck their vehicle and sent it crashing into
several trees. When Raphael recovered in the back seat, his father was dead in the driver’s seat
but his mother was in the middle of the road being held by a tall, dark, pale green skin colored
man who looked to be biting her neck. The vampire threw his mother aside and raced across the
street, grabbed the car door and ripped it off. He lunged for Raphael but the moment Raphael
touched him, the vampire screamed in agony. The boy’s very touch burned him like holy water.
He threw Raphael aside and fled. After the police and ambulance arrive and Raphael told his
story, everyone assumed someone tried to take advantage of the situation and pulled his mother
from the wreckage only to assault her. Raphael was insistent it was a vampire. Afterward Raphael
bounced around various foster homes, never quite fitting in and still emotionally traumatized.
Finally, he arrived at an orphanage sponsored by the Holy Light Church. There he met a priest
named Enoch Light who took him under his wing. When Raphael was thirteen years old, he tried
sneaking out of the orphanage when he heard a commotion. He went to investigate and saw a
bloody Father Enoch being bandaged by a nun. Something made him approach the priest. The
moment he touched him his wounds miraculously healed. Father Enoch and Sister Astra decided
then and there and that the story of Raphael was true. They took him to a secret lair beneath the
church where they revealed the true purpose of the Holy Light Church; they hunted down and
eliminated supernatural terrors. The orphans were all children whose parents had been killed by
something supernatural. Yet the other kids never talked about it accept to the priest and some of
the sisters. But Raphael displayed power that showed he could not only hurt the supernatural but
heal as well (mutant with Disintegrate, Healing Power, and Abnormal Energy Sense). With the
church’s permission, Raphael was allowed to go to Holy Light Temple to train to be a Warrior
Priest of the Holy Light.

At the age of 21, Raphael became an ordained priest. He immediately set out upon his task,
traveling across the globe hunting down creditable evidence of supernatural terrors, but sparing
creatures of magic or aliens whenever they were encounters. Father Raphael killed werewolves,
demons, vampires, mummies, zombies, ghosts, etc. He even found himself battling evil wizards
and magic orders (Society of the Mystic Font, Order of the Cobra, and the Bossu). During one
such encounter, the evil mage alleged to have in his possession a magical book with the names of
legendary heroes in its pages. According to his research, the book was a magical source of great
power in the name of good, and the force of darkness, chaos, and evil wanted it destroyed or
locked away. After surviving numerous pitfalls, Father Raphael eventually located the book in the
wizard’s stronghold. The moment he touched the book, he began to hear voices whispering bits
and pieces of information. Suddenly, an angelic being appeared before him asking him if he
valued justice and freedom, did he believe in the power of ideas and the sanctity of life. He was
asked would he embrace the virtues of compassion, tolerance, and goodness. Finally, he was
asked would he speak out against inhumanity, take a stand against tyranny, and fight on behalf
of those unable to fight for themselves. On his knees, Father Raphael swore that he would. At
that moment, power charged through him, reinventing him from a “simple mutant” into a
mystically bestowed champion of benevolence and order.

Father Raphael took the mystical book to the Holy Light Church and informed them he’d
been tasked to remove the threat of supernatural evil throughout the world, but in order to
accomplish the task he would have to recruit several champions to do so. The book he believed
would guide him (or send him insight) on who exactly he was to pick for the process. Father
Enoch agreed and offered him the name of a particular person and the full support (sponsorship)
of the Holy Light Church. When asked what he planned on naming this organization, Father
Raphael simple said, “It will be Divine.”

Today Father Raphael leads the Divine on their various missions to eradicate supernatural
evil from the world, but he doesn’t know exactly where to find the evil. Each week he sleeps with
head head on the Holy Book where during his dream he receives a vision that either sends him on
a heroic quests or sets him on the right path to find what he’s looking for. He also seems to know
which members of the Divine will be able to assist him with his goals. So far, the Holy Book has
never been wrong. While personalities do clash within the Divine, Father Raphael does not
question each team member’s commitment to defeating evil. Each has his own method and
ideology, but the bigger picture is to defeat the evil that intends to rip the world and its people

Real Name: Raphael Kotz
Occupation: Priest of the Holy Light Church
Alignment: Principled. Note: Raphael has a black and white view of the world. Mortals
(good selfish, or evil) must be protected and saved from all things supernatural evil which must
be destroyed at all cost. He will never believe anything supernatural evil has the potential to be
or turned good.
Power Category: Mutant/Mystical Bestowed Abilities
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 70 S.D.C.: 109
P.P.E.: 22
Appearance: Father Raphael is a handsome and athletic looking man in his late 40s. He
has wide blue eyes, short, wavy, luxurious white blond hair. Raphael wears a gold full collar shirt
and a golden cassock similar to those worn by the Chaplin of His Holiness.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 14, M.A. 24, P.S. 15, P.P. 13, P.E. 18, P.B. 19, Spd. 16.
Age: 48, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 183 lbs (82.35 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Angelic, beautiful face, Stark White Hair, Yellow Eyes, and
Horror Factor: 15. Lesser, evil supernatural beings, such as Lesser Demons, Deevils, Sub-
Demons, Witches, mega-villains, and low level sorcerers (under 5th level) and lowly host and
other minions must roll to save vs Horror Factor or be temporarily stunned and lose two melee
attacks and are -2 on all combat bonuses (initiative, strike, parry, dodge, etc.), including saving
throws when they face him. Furthermore, these penalties last for 24 melee rounds (6 minutes)!
Greater, evil supernatural beings, such as Greater Demons, Deevils, Demon Lords and similar
immortals must roll to save vs Horror Factor of 12 and a failed roll means they’re only
temporarily stunned and loses one melee attack for one melee round.
Super Major Abilities: Divine Healing (includes Exorcism and Psychic Purification, same as
sensitive psionics) and Destroy the Supernatural (special), Father Raphael hand’s turns stark
white, a sickly gray, or pitch black and shriveled as if they were the hands of a 140-year old
person. They begin to glow with a crackling black energy. The energy he generates only hurts evil
supernatural beings, including Sub-Demons, Witches, deevils, demons, animated dead, zombies,
vampires and undead monstrosities, and mega-villains/immortals. All his physical attacks do
double damage to such creatures/beings, and his Death Touch is so destructive to these foul
creatures that even the touch of one finger does 1D6 points of damage direct to their Hit Points.
Death Touch damage cannot be healed by Bio-Regeneration for 1D4 hours and for those who lack
the ability can only heals wounds he generates at three times slower than normal. The more
powerful the evil supernatural being, the more damage inflicted, his punches to Sub-Demons,
Wild Vampires, Lesser Demons and Deevils, and Mega Villains inflicts 5D6 direct to Hit Points, but
1D6x10 direct to Hit Points to Greater Demons and Deevils, Secondary Vampires, and
2D4x10+10 direct to Hit Points to Demon and Deevil Lords, Master Vampires, Immortals, and
Alien Intelligences. Death Touch Blast (Disintegration), Range: 55 feet (16.7 m), Damage
3D6 per blast direct to Hit Points, double to Greater Supernatural beings, triple to Demon Lords
and other powerful supernatural monstrosities. Each blast counts as one melee attack. Bonuses:
+2 on initiative when fighting supernatural evil, +1 to strike with punches, +2 to strike with
blasts, and+ 1 to parry. Note: His hands can be used to parry the hand-to-hand attacks of
supernatural beings and can even parry magical weapons. All of his attacks do normal damage
against mortals, creatures of magic and good supernatural beings.
Minor Super Abilities: Abnormal Energy Sense and Resistance to Supernatural (special):
All attacks by supernatural evil beings can only cause him half damage, even if the weapon is a
man-made creation like a knife, pistol, or an ion rifle. The effects, penalties, and duration of
spells, psionics, poison and other attacks from supernatural evil are also half. Note: Attacks from
mortals (regardless of alignment), good supernatural beings (angels, gods of light, etc.) and
creatures of magic (beings like dragons, Faerie Folk, sphinx, Elementals, etc. are NOT
supernatural beings) are not affected by any power that is designed to battle the supernatural,
and inflict their full damage and effect on him.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from Boxing +1 from ambidextrous)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to Perception Rolls, +1 to initiative/+4 against supernatural, +1 to
strike/+3 against supernatural, +6 to parry/+8 against supernatural, +5 to dodge/+4 to
automatic dodge against supernatural, +2 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull
Saving Throws: He takes half damage from fire, cold, and poison, impervious to undead
(vampire) mind control and the vampire’s bite (cannot be turned into one of the undead or
vampire).+36% to save vs coma/death, +7 to save vs Horror Factor, +6 to save vs possession,
+4 to save vs mind control, +2 to save vs magic (+7 against supernatural/magical
transformations) +8 to save vs poison & drugs, and +6 to save vs disease.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks, Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 2D4, Karate Kick 2D4, All Holds, Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on
an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 75% trust/intimidate and 45% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: B.A. degree with special Priestly/Scholar Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%/95%, Pilot: Automobile 81%, Lore:
Demons & Monsters 96%, Lore: Religion 70%, Archaeology 85%/65%, Chemistry 90%, Holistic
Medicine 75%/65%, Boxing, and Lore: Faeries and Creatures of Magic 78%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Housekeeping 90%, Wardrobe & Grooming
98%, and Sewing 95%.
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 98%, Research 95%, Photography 90%, and
Writing 80%.
2nd Investigation Program: Intelligence 70%, Interrogation 75%, Streetwise 68%, and
Undercover Ops 82%.
Physical Program: Hand-to-Hand Basic, Athletics (general), Prowl 80%, and Swimming
Secondary Skills: Cook 80%, Dance 75%, First Aid 80%, Meditation 70%, Seduction 41%,
Law (general) 70%, Performance 62%, Public Speaking 85%, Sing 60%, Climbing 65%/ 55%,
Language: Spanish 56%, and Literacy: Spanish 50%.
Money: The Holy Light Church always pays for his transportation, lodging, food, clothing,
and medical bills. He is also encouraged to seize gold, magic items, and other valuables from evil
supernatural beings, witches and demons for the welfare of the church. Major magic weapons and
items, relics, rare valuables and large amounts of money are always given to the church.
However, he is allowed to use his/her discretion in distributing money, and liquidating weapons,
equipment, livestock and other assets to the poor and needy. He is also allowed to claim even a
powerful holy or rune weapon and 1D4 other magic items he may have recovered to further his
work in eradicating the supernatural evil. He is also allowed to keep 20% of any recovered loot
regardless of currency, gold, credit cards, precious stone/jewelry, artworks, etc to use in his
crusade against evil and to help the poor as he continues his travels. Any other donations,
treasures or valuables that fall into his hands are to be treated the same way. He is however
expected to dispose of dangerous magic, weapons, and minions.
Weapons: He has full access to the Holy Light Church arsenal but he prefers to utilize his
own mutant powers and mystical bestowed abilities.
Armor: His clothes/costume allows him maximum mobility and stealth (A.R. 12, 40
S.D.C.). When he knows he will be facing a heavy combat situation he may don those with
additional body armor but weighs around 40 lbs (18 kg) which slows him down (-20% to Spd and
reduced combat maneuvers by 2). A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has full access to equipment and vehicles used by the Church
and within reason; he can acquire whatever he need to completely his mission. He always carries
with him a holy medallion around his neck, a backpack, belt with two pouches, a pair of good
boots, two sets of clothing, a priestly robe, grooming utensils, a $600 mini MagLite flash light (5
¾) that is 70 times brighter than ordinary flashlights and features an adjustable beam that goes
from floodlight to spotlight with a turn of the head, and his exorcism/vampire kit which includes
six vials of holy water, 16 bottles of various herbs and religious substances (garlic, rose petals,
wolfs bane, holy oil, etc), a wooden cross, 12 sticks of incense, 12 holy white small candles,
wooden mallet, five pocket holy books, 2 lbs (.9 k) of purifying salts, 8 wooden stakes, holy water
hand sanitizer, a holy water gun, and 12 teeny tiny pointy wooden crosses (toothpicks).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Sky Rider

Maryanne Lowe was a farm girl from Oklahoma who always dreamed of doing bigger and
better things with her life. While she had a passion for the animals she took care of on her
parents farm (especially the horses), she wanted to contribute to the world more than simply
being a farm girl. One day a supercell thunderstorm came across the state of Oklahoma, one that
produced 20 tornadoes. The most devastating was a massive F5 that was over a mile in
diameter. It devoured Maryanne’s parents farm and destroyed everything in its path. When her
parents left the storm shelter there was nothing left. As they surveyed the damage, Maryanne
realized her favorite horse Wild Sky was missing. Despite her parents protest she went looking
for him. A few hours later, she came upon his body beside a creek bed over a mile away. As she
approached his broken body, she noted beside him was some sort of handmade Native American
necklace, it was beautiful and it seemed so strange to her to find something like this beside her
dead horse. When she picked up the necklace, the ghostly imagine of a Native American woman
in her early twenties appeared. She told her that she was the goddess of the winds and that she
had chosen Maryanne to be her new champion because her great grandmother was a Cheyenne
Princess, the daughter of a well-respected medicine man of the Cheyenne tribe. The necklace
belonged to her great, grandmother (Ayashe) and now belonged to her. She was being reward
this “legendary fetish” because Maryanne exhibited great understanding, kindness, mercy and
wisdom. She was “blessed by the spirits” to be a healer and protector of all people! All at once,
the spirit of her favorite horse appeared beside her. She was told the fetish would summon his
spirit whenever she needed him. The spirit woman then disappeared. Maryanne put on the
necklace and at once found herself charged with magical power.

With her parents home destroyed and her old life gone forever, Maryanne set out on an
epic quest to do as she was told, to be a champion of the people. At first she wandered the state
of Oklahoma looking for injustices or opportunities to heal others physically but to bring them
happiness and joy. She soon found herself confronting the minions of a dark great spirit/god, a
being that wants to control all life here on Earth. In time, her battles with the force of evil
attracted the attention of the Divine. While Maryanne regularly participates with the Divine
whenever they need her, she feels she is not committing to the wants of the goddess of the
winds and continually questions her own worthiness. These thoughts however Maryanne has only
recently learned are being projected into her mind by the dark great spirit/god. At some point,
she will have to confront him and stop his evil from infecting the world.

Real Name: Maryanne Lowe
Occupation: Once a farmer, now member of the Divine.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Enchanted Object
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 108
P.P.E.: 4
Appearance: She is short with an athletic build with almond-shaped black eyes and
pleasant face. Her waist-length, wavy, silky hair is the color of alabaster, and is worn in a simple
style. Her costume is violet and blue, is essentially a jumpsuit, and it looks as if it is made of
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 13, M.A. 12, P.S. 13, P.P. 10, P.E. 14, P.B. 19, Spd. 30.
Age: 26, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot (1.52 m), Weight: 105 lbs
Combat Training: Basic
Totem: The Horse. When she is not participating as a super heroine, Maryanne finds all
sorts of ways to volunteer her time doing something with horses.
Enchanted Object: Legendary Fetish (necklace), +1 to save vs magic (1,4,8,12), +1 to
save vs possession (2,4,8,12), +1 to save vs Horror Factor (1,3,6,9,12,15), +2 on Perception
Rolls, gain a Awe of 11, +1D6 to M.A., 2D6 to P.B, +260 P.P.E (restored every 24 hours), and
+40 S.D.C.
Wild Sky-Phantom Mount. Summoned for free for 6 hours. Afterward 60 P.P.E. for 6
hours. She can be ridden by Maryanne and one additional person. He has a P.S. of 26 (+11), a
Spd of 88 (60 mph/96 km), actually runs four inches (0.12 m) above the ground, or he can fly
(60 mph/96 km), +2 to dodge, maximum altitude 1000 feet (305 m). He can leap 40 feet (12 m)
high and 60 feet (36.5 m) lengthwise.
Magic Spells: All 6th level. Globe of Daylight (2), Increase Weight (4), See the Invisible
(4), Darkness (6), Extinguish Fire (4), Levitation (5), Armor of Ithan (10), Energy Bolt (5),
Invisible: Simple (6), Charismatic Aura (10), Energy Field (10), Multiple Image (7), Horrific
Illusion (10), Heal Wound (10), Teleport: Lesser (15), Cure Illness (15), Wind Rush (20), Second
Sight (25) Oracle (30), and Locate (30).
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to Perception Rolls.
Saving Throws: +2 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs possession, +3 to save vs Horror Factor
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 45% charm/impress.
Education: Farmer turned Super Hero
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%/95%, Mathematics: Basic 86%, and
Pilot: Automobile 81%.
Farmer: Animal Husbandry 75%, Barter 73%, First Aid 90%, Horsemanship
88%/68%,Identify Plant & Fruit 90%, Physical Labor, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 80%, Pilot
Truck 98%, and Pilot Tracked 98%.
Elective: Law (general) 80%, Public Speaking 75%, Agriculture 70%, Garden 79%,
Radio: Basic 85%, Computer Operation 91%, and Astronomy & Navigation 70%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Outdoormanship, Wilderness
Survival 70%, and Prowl 60%.
Money: She has $6000 in a checking account and $6400 in savings.
Weapons: None, she relies on her magic horse and her spell casting abilities.
Armor: Her costume has concealed body armor (A.R. 12, 40 S.D.C.)
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives around in a red 2012 Ford F-150 (Super Cab). As one of
the Divine, she has limited access to certain equipment that is needed to complete a mission.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Perfect 8

When Quintin was just learning to spell and write, his religious obsessive mother would
force to write perfectly, he would spend hours upon hours writing the same words over, and
over. The worst thing he would have to write is the number 8. It had to be perfect. The slightest
flaw and his mother would throw away the paper and make him start over again. When Quintin
went to school in the 1st grade he was taking forever to get anything done because he had to
write it perfectly. When the teacher urged to see his mother and realized how crazy obsessive
she was, she contacted social services. She took Quintin and fled the area in their car. She drove
like a crazy person trying to avoid the police. Finally, she lost control and crashed. She was killed
while Quintin escaped completely unharmed. With no father or family to speak of, Quintin was
taken to a Catholic run orphanage. There he met another obsessive teacher who demanded
perfection. By the time Quintin was in high school, his desire to seek perfection became
irresistible force (which is why no one wanted him as a child) and made it impossible for him to
get along with others. He however was an amazing gymnastics and begin to win all sorts of
completions for his school. When he graduated, he went to a monastery to become a monk.
There he immersed himself in what he believed to be his calling, total perfection of the mind,
body and soul. Even among his fellow religious brothers, Quintin was viewed as strange. His
desire to seek perfection seemed to have an almost noticeable effect on others. Finally one
brother could no longer tolerate his eccentric behavior, already mentally disturbed he crumbled
Quintin’s paper he’d been rewriting on for over six hours (a dinner menu) and began yelling at
him (breaking a vow of silence). He withdrew a knife and tried to stab him, but Quintin
amazingly avoided the stabs with incredible dexterity. When other brother subdued the deranged
monk, Quintin realized he had another calling in life. The following day he left the monastery.

Within a few hours he walked into a convince store to purchase some coffee. An armed
man came and tried to hold the place up. Quintin tried to reason with the man. He aimed his gun
at Quintin and fired, he easily avoided the bullets. With a quick swipe of his hand, he disarmed
his opponent just as the cops came and arrested him. He was seen on television as a local hero
and a newspaper article was printed about him. A few days later as Quintin was walking the
street, the mad monk came at him. Quintin easily dodged and parried his attacks, all the while
trying to convince the former monk to surrender. He eventually wore out the mad monk just as
the police arrived. They took him about yelling obscenities and vowing revenge.

The next day Quintin was approach by members of the Divine asking him to join their
cause. This he realized had to be divine providence, all his life he was guided to this one
moment. When asked his name instead of replying with his name, he responded with what he
most wanted out of the world, a Perfect 8.

Quintin abhors violence and does spend each day trying to persuade his companions that
there must be other ways to stop evil in this world than fighting it. When he is not helping his
companions, Quintin is out in the community doing all kinds of volunteer work (homeless shelter,
food pantry, pitching in to help anyway he can, mending a person’s fence, etc) or simply
cheering people up with prayer, stories, song, music and dances. Instead of fighting a
confrontation, Quintin will engage in preaching about the Divine and beliefs, philosophical
discussion, give a sermon, offer advice, and speak out on issues of religious and moral
significance. He is still being stalked by the mad monk who has turned to supernatural forces of
evil, with one goal in mine, to kill Quintin and destroy his desire to see a perfect and peaceful

Real Name: Brother Quintin Kelly
Occupation: Former Monk, member of the Divine
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 50
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: He is an attractive, natural athlete who engages in moderate exercise. He
has short blond hair and bright blues eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 15, M.A. 9, P.S. 12, P.P. 13, P.E. 17, P.B. 12, Spd. 11.
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 182 lbs (81.9
Unusual Characteristics: Delicate, sensitive hands, with long slender fingers.
Personality Note: Quintin is gentle, merciful, and compassionate. He is a pacifist. He will
not fight or try to hurt anyone deliberately. He is adamant against fighting for any reason. If
confronted he will dodge, parry, and try to otherwise incapacitate a foe, all the while delivering a
speech against fighting and cruelty. While he does not engage in fighting and tries to convince
his fellow Divine members not to engage in violence, he does not try to stop them from
committing violence unless he thinks they will take it too far (very rarely).
Insanity: Quintin suffers from a subtype of OCD that compels him to handwrite everything
and make sure he writes all his letters/numbers perfectly. All the letters must be straight,
symmetrical, and flawless. If he makes a single mistake, he must destroy the bad paper and
start again until “it’s just right” no matter how many times he has to write it. If he is handed
anything written, he will immediately check for spell errors, grammar, punctuation, etc. He will
use one of three colored pens to make corrections. He does not correct people as they talk or
edit anything he read on a monitor/screen. His obsession only involves written material on paper.
In other words he has no problem texting and using abbreviations and such, but he can only
compose perfect sentences if he has to read/write them on paper.
Major Super Ability: Karmic Power. Note: Quintin does not include “karmic” bonuses to his
own,. He only receives them when the G.M. decides to reward him because if he has done
“something” good/positive or is attempting to do something beneficial to help others (not
himself). They are “temporarily” rewarded when the G.M. decides too. After the bonus is utilized,
his regular bonuses return to normal. Note: The bonuses are distributed by the G.M.s discretion;
however, each bonus does not necessarily concur with a single good deed and/or action
performed by him.
Minor Super Abilities: Heighten Sense of Balance, Heighten Sense of Touch, and Multi-
Tasking (Paired Weapons and Ambidextrous).
Combat Training: Evasive Combat (special).
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 from powers.
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to parry, +5 to automatic dodge, +2 to back flip, to
damage, +10 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, +5 to maintain balance, +1 to disarm,
auto disarm on natural roll of 17-20.
Saving Throws: +5% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save possession, +1 to save vs
magic, +2 to save vs poison, +2 to save vs disease, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor. Note:
Quintin receives additional “Karmic Power” bonuses on the discretion of the G.M.
Combat Skills: None, Quintin does not engage in any type of aggressive combat.
Defensive only. He will entangle, disarm, or parry/dodge.
Educational Background: Monk turned Super Hero
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 96%/96% and Pilot: Automobile 84%.
Religious Education: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Lore Religion 95%, Lore: Demon &
Monster 95%, Language: Latin and Spanish 84%, Literacy: Latin 90%, Lore: Geomancy 80%,
Lore: Magic 85%, Anthropology 90%, Meditation 85%, Philosophy 90%, Preserve Food 80%,
Cook 90%, Sing 95%, Land Navigation 78%, and Hand to Hand: Evasive.
Special Skills: Gymnastics (Bars & Rings 98% and Prowl 50%), Aerobic Athletics,
Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 94%, Climb 70%, Climb Rope 98%, Back Flip
Secondary Skills: History 98%/85%, Dance 70%, Gardening 60%, Housekeeping
75%, Sewing 55%, and Art (Painting) 70%.
Money: He has $1000 he has earned over the years he keeps in his little apartment.
Weapons: None, he relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He doesn’t own a vehicle but does maintain his driver’s license if
he needs to drive. He has limited access to religious materials.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Gorilla Chief

Doctor Nicholas Morgan became convinced the only way to save the Gorilla population in
Africa was to hide them in plain sight, to make them look and appear human. He went to
Dzanga-Sangha Special Reserve in secret and began to do numerous experiments on several
gorillas. One particular male western gorilla caught his attention, he seem to laugh at things that
only a human would find funny. After he captured the gorilla, he before what he thought would
be his triumph experiment and managed to transform the gorilla into a fully looking human.
When the gorilla awoke, it started behaving like gorilla even though it looked like a man. Morgan
was knocked unconscious while Kuseka escaped into the wild. Over several weeks, the people of
the village of Bayanga start talking about a “wild man” running around in the wilderness living
with the gorillas. Eventually some park rangers and cryptozoologists decide to captured him.
When they do, they are astonished to see the wild man wears a nametag collar. When he wild
man is taken back to a lab to be studied it’s determined that although he looks human, his DNA
says he’s a gorilla. One scientist Grace Blacke decides to take him to the United States to study
him. Over the next three years, Grace works closely with Kuseka. Though he was a male gorilla
trapped in a male human body his mind begins to change, he takes on more human like
behaviors and mannerisms. It’s not long before he began to speak English and with that she’s
able to teach him how to read and write. Two years laters, Kuseka is mentally stable enough to
fake playing human.

Grace takes him back to Dzanga-Sangha Special Reserve and he immediately begins
remembering his former life. While in the park, the Research Center is attacked, looted and
burned by a group of rebels, under the authority of Doctor Nicholas Morgan. Grace and Kuseka
track down the rebels and discover a dozen gorillas undergoing the same experiment done to
Kuseka, with two of them being his mother and sister. When Doctor Morgan sees Kuseka, he
tries to make him obey his commands, but Kuseka resists his orders and demonstrates the
mental ability to control other primates. Kuseka battles with the Doctor and his minions. The
Congolese Army arrives and begins sorting things out, until they run into people acting like wild
animals so they shoot and kill them all. Kuseka tries to stop it only to be struck from behind by
Doctor Morgan. He topples off a tower while Morgan escapes. When Kuseka awakes he’s being
arrested and taken into custody with Grace trying to explain his situation. At an American
embassy, Grace manages to convince the authorities that Kuseka is suffered from being out in
the wild too long and he should be taken back to America to recover. Just when things look
critical for Kuseka, Grace’s employers arrive to solve the problem, BIO-Spawn. Using their money
and influence, they take Kuseka back to the United States.

Kuseka is being studied at a secret BIO-Spawn research facility when it’s attacked by a
heroic group of mutant animals with ties to the Mutant Underground. Kuseka is one of the
imprisoned experiments that manages to get away (namely because of his human appearance).
Kuseka wanders the alleys and the streets trying to figure out how to get in touch with Grace and
how to get back to Africa. Tired and hungry he stumbles into a church and hides in a
confessional. He started awake when a priest begins talking to him. Kuseka spends an hour
talking with the priest who eventually tells the enlightened Kuseka to seek out The Divine. The
gorilla who looks like a man spends several days on a pilgrimage across the United States until
he arrives at Gulf Coast City and enters St. Raphael Holy Church, where he meets the men and
women who serve the Divine. Kuseka was welcomed instantly. Since joining the group, Kuseka
has tried to make contact with Grace but hasn’t been able to find her. He is also very interested
in exposing the criminal enterprise of BIO-Spawn, and no matter how long it takes, he will return
home to Africa and save his “true” people before they die at the hands of humankind. The Divine
asks a lot of him, to sacrifice his own ambitions, but he was “created” for a purpose, for the glory
of Mother Earth to heal the growing sickness caused by her former sacred caregivers (human
being), to put an end to the cruelty inflicted upon wildlife, and restore the world back to the
Paradise it once was.

Real name: Kuseka (To Laugh) Mahachi
Occupation: Former experiment, now member of the Divine.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant Animal
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 40 S.D.C.: 98
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: Kuseka looks completely human, an athletic African male who is only slightly
shaggier than normal. He wears clothes common to those of native homeland (Central African
Republic) even though he lives in the United States.
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 16, M.A. 18, P.S. 24 (extraordinary), P.P. 13, P.E. 19, P.B. 8, Spd. 15.
Age: 18, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 6 inches (1.67 m), Weight:
127 lbs (57.1 kg).
Size Level: 8. Build: Medium.
Human Features: Hands (full), Biped (full), Speech (full), Looks (Full).
Vestigial Disadvantages: Diet: Herbivore, Domestication, Musk Glands (strong odor).
Animal Psionics: Animal Control (Gorilla) and Animal Speech.
Mutant Animal Powers: Advance Touch, Beastly Strength, Extra Physical Endurance, Extra
Physical Prowess, Extra Mental Affinity, and Extra Tough.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 6 (3 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +11 to damage,
+4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +8% to save vs coma/death, +2 to save vs magic, and +4 to save vs
poison, drugs, and disease.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an unmodified 19-
Other Bonuses: +2% to all skills and 40% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Educated and trained as a normal human
Common Skills: Speak Sango 73%, Literacy: Sango 77%, Identify Edible Plants & Fruits
67% and Performance 67%.
Anthropologist Program: Anthropology 87%, Biology 87%, Computer Operation 93%,
History 98%/97%, Language: English 83%, Literacy: English 87%, Research 77%, and Writing
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Wrestling, and Body Building
& Weightlifting.
Secondary Skills: Lore: Religion 77%, Climbing 87%/77%, First Aid 82%,
Outdoormanship, Wilderness Survival 72%, Law (general) 72%, Land Navigation 66%, Preserve
Food 67%, Art (Painting) 82%, Public Speaking 42%, and Gardening 52%.
Money: He has $12,700 in a hidden saving account.
Weapons: He relies on his natural talents.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has limited access to the Divine’s equipment and vehicles as he
not very comfortable with most technology (accept the computer and such).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Light of the Midnight Sky is the name of one of the famous Japanese tachi sword created by
legendary Japanese sword smith Amakuni during 8th century CE. Amakuni was able to grant
“Life” and “Will” to any of the swords that he forged granting them a kind of sentience. He did
this to ensure that no one would misuse his strongest swords or if someone were to steal them
from their owner, they wouldn't be able to wield them. Light of the Midnight Sky got it name
because its blade absorbed sunlight throughout the day and at night glowed bright enough to
illuminate the battlefield so the enemy could not hide in darkness. The sword was used by a
soldier who used it to kill those responsible for slaughter of his clan. When the battle was over,
he was appealed by the amount of death and blood soaking the earth. Unable to look at the
instrument that caused all this death, he tossed the sword into the sea. The sword sank deep
into ocean never to be seen again on the shores of Japan.

Several centuries later, Gil Dotson was an accountant whose wife Monica and 19 year old
daughter Rose were followed home by five thugs who invaded their apartment and attacked both
of them. His wife died while Rose remained in a coma. Gil soon became frustrated with the lack
of progress on the case. He was walking along the beach one day wishing he could do something
to avenge his girls. Suddenly a samurai sword washed up on the shore. Gil picked it up
convinced this strange weapon would help him avenge his family. That night he walked about the
city until he heard a strange humming from the sword. As he walks into the alley, he spotted five
thugs. The threaten him but he draws the sword out of its sheath, bathing the alley in light bright
enough to be almost daylight. The five thugs fire their weapons but none of the bullets hit their
mark. Gil uses the sword to dismember the five thugs. Suddenly he looks at himself in a
reflection is appalled at the blood covering him. He goes back to the beach and throws the sword
back into the water, only to have it wash again back at his feet. Gil takes up the sword and
begins to weep vowing he will do what is asked of him, but he will never use it to kill again or
risk becoming a killer. That night Gil Dotson fashioned a costume and began Mister Samurai.

After several year of being a lone hero, he was invited to join the group known as The
Divine. At first, Gil wasn’t sure they followed his same beliefs, but to his surprise, they believed
in pretty much everything he did. Gil has recently met a woman named Erika Lucas and is not
sure to tell the truth about his secret identity. He is also worried the same evil that took his wife
and daughter might come for the new love of his life. Since becoming Mister Samurai, Gil has
tried very hard to adopt the life of a true samurai, learning the martial art and lifestyle as taught
from Ronin Mori (10th level Ancient Weapon Master) long since retired.

Real Name: Gil Dotson
Occupation: Accountant turned Super Hero.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Enchanted Weapon (Weapons of Order)
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 50/+22 with sword S.D.C.: 38/+20 with sword +60 daylight.
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: Gil is average looking male who engaged in extensive martial arts training
and has become a natural athlete. He has brown hair and brown eyes. As Mister Samurai, his
hair becomes shoulder-length, wavy, and turns the color of milk. His samurai armor is white in
color and is light enough not to hamper his mobility even though it weighs 60 lbs (27 kg).
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 13, M.A. 8, *P.S. 16, P.P. 16, P.E. 24, *P.B. 10, *Spd. 35. With
the sword, these attribute * will change during daylight hours.
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 5 inches (1.95 m), Weight:
192 lbs (86.4 kg).
Weapon of Order: Light of the Midnight Sky (see below).
Combat Training: Zanji-Shinjinken-Ryu (special): This is the ancient school of samurai
swordsmanship was once taught exclusively to the Samurai.
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative/+5 with sword, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 to
dodge/+1 to auto dodge with sword, +5 damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall (+5 with sword), +3
to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and +3 to maintain balance.
Saving Throws: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +18% to save vs coma/death and +5 to
save vs magic/poison. With sword +4 to save vs possession and +8 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Knife Hand 1D6, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two
attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Paired Weapons, Critical strike
from behind, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20, and Death Blow on an unmodified roll
of 20.
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills.
Educational Background: Accountant turned Super Hero
Common Skills: Language: English 94%, Literacy: English 92%, and Pilot: Automobile
Business Program: Business & Finance 89%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Computer
Operation 98%, Law (General) 79%, Research 94%, and Barter 78%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Zanji-Shinjinken-Ryu and Fencing (+1D6 to sword).
2nd Physical Program: Athletics (General), Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 84%),
Prowl 79%, and Climbing 94%/84%.
Ancient W.P.: *W.P. Sword (+4 to strike, +5 to parry), W.P. Archery (+4 to strike, +1 to
parry, 5 rate of fire), and W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, +4 to parry, +3 to throw). *The sword
provides additional strike/parry bonuses.
Learned Program: Oriental Studies: Language: Japanese 71%, Literacy: Japanese 69%,
Ikebana (floral arrangements) 51%, Haiku (Poetry) 79%, and Ukiyo-e (ink paintings) 64%.
Secondary Skills: Cook 79%, Wardrobe & Grooming 78%, Sewing 74%, Running,
Meditation 64%, Philosophy (Zen Buddhism) 64%, First Aid 79%, Recognize Weapon Quality
59%, Swimming 84%, Pilot: Motorcycle 80%, History84% /64%, and Housekeeping 49%.
Money: When he was a full time accountant, Gil was making around $70,000 a year. He
has since turned to running the finances of The Divine. He has managed to put some money
away around $6000 in a checking account and $20,000 in a saving account. Most of this money
came when he sold his old home and things belong to his wife and daughter.
Weapons: His weapon of choice is Light of the Midnight Sky, but he can utilize any
Japanese style sword, knife, throwing star/spike, or bow and arrow.
Armor: The samurai armor he wears can appear whenever he draws his sword from its
sheath. It’s a lightweight steel alloy body armor modeled after traditional samurai armor, but
made of modern protective materials (A.R. 14, 144 S.D.C.). There are three suits available to
Equipment & Vehicles: He still drives around in 2007 Nissan Serena (he bought while in
Japan) that was the family vehicle. His vehicle of choice is a Japanese high performance electric
motorcycle (max speed 140 mph/225 km) that has been modified for off road travel, self-
seal/inflating tires, anti-theft technology, auto pilot/self balancing, and radiation absorbent
material (making it and its rider impervious to police and conventional radar).

Light of the Midnight Sky
Weapon of Order
Tashi (Curved Japanese Sword)

Alignment: Principled (Righteous Indignation)

Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Order: The wielder of the weapon
gets the following.

*Add 4D6 Hit Points and 1D4x10 S.D.C.
*Wielder is impervious to light/lasers. +4 to save vs possession and Horror Factor. +2 on
Perception Rolls. +2 to attacks per melee round when battling creatures of darkness and night
(those vulnerable to daylight).
*The Minor Super Ability of Energy Expulsion: Sunlight (can be used to inflict sunlight damage to
vampires and other night beasts/terrors): Range: 600 feet (182 m), Damage: 8D6 or 1D4x10+8
(double damage to vampires) or blinding flash. Bonus: +4 aimed/+2 wild shot.
*The Minor Super Ability of Energy Expulsion: Light Explosion (can be used to inflict sun light
damage to vampires and other night beasts): Range: 48 feet (14.6 m), Damage: 1D4 and blinds.
*Solar Powered (Bio-Regenerate 2D4 Hit Points/S.D.C in sunlight, +50% range and damage to
all light powers, and others).
*Curse of the Blood Draw: The sword can be used in battle as long as it is not used to draw life’s
blood (Hit Points). If a sword strike causes anyone to take Hit Point damage (even if just one),
the blade makes the owner fall into a blood lust. He becomes obsessed with fighting, hurting
people, torturing, and killing. Each time the sword strikes, it guides the owner to kill (Deathblows
on unmodified dice rolls of 17-20 doing an additional 1D6+4 points of damage) and keep on
attacking. Each blow that causes Hit Point damage gives him one an additional attack per melee
(maxes out when he reaches double his normal attacks per melee round). It is important to note
that once life blood is drawn, he cannot re-sheath the sword or stop attacking until everything he
sees is dead or he cannot find anything more to kill. If he knows there is a village 100 yards
away but cannot see it, he doesn’t attack the village.

Special Powers of the Light of the Midnight Sky
: The following abilities can be called upon by
the character linked to the weapon.

Weapon Damage: 6D6 points of damage, but inflicts double damage to demons and those
vulnerable to daylight (sunlight).

Weapon Bonuses: +2 to strike and parry. The sword can be used to parry energy blasts
and projectiles but at -3 to parry.

Indestructible: The weapon itself is indestructible.

Heighten Sense of Awareness, Sense Death and Destruction, and Instant Wardrobe
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The alien known as Mora comes from the planet Vueyama, a Venus size world in the Iltra
Quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy just on the far right edges of TMC charter territory. Her world
is a low gravity planet, but her people adapted by developing ability that allowed them to control
and manipulate space, specifically spatial flight and gravity manipulation. Developing these
powers over millions of years turned the Vueyamains into immortal beings. Free from the
confines of their home world, Thora and the vast planetary host left their home world to live
among the stars and travel across the galaxy as explorers. During one of her spatial flights, she
encountered a TMC Medium Interceptor. While attempting to communicate with the pilot, she
was fired upon. She managed to avoid getting destroyed by the weaponry by maneuvering close
to the ship. She used her powers to create a gravity well and fled into it. The ship tried to follow
but the well collapsed and destroyed the ship and all of its crew. Thora made her way from her
own gravity well through one located just inside Jupiter’s orbit. Thora recognized Earth as a place
to hide from the TMC. Shortly after arriving on the surface, she was found by people from Reach
Up, a civilian group of alien watchers. They did their best to hide Thora but she didn’t help
matters by involving herself with numerous incidents. Soon federal agents from both Project
Tyche and U.S. S.C.R.E.T. came snooping around looking for her. As luck would have it, the
Divine got to her first. It was explained to Thora that if she wanted to remain her on Earth away
from TMC she would have to pull her weight. Thus it was Thora became known as Moon Maiden,

Real Name: Thora
Occupation: Space Traveler
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Immortal Alien
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 78 S.D.C.: 185 Armor Rating: A.R.:10
P.P.E.: 50
Appearance: Thora looks like a plain, ordinary looking human female who engaged in
moderate exercise. She has shoulder length silver hair and golden eyes. Her dress is blue and
Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 13, M.A. 10, P.S. 10, P.P. 19, P.E. 22, P.B. 15, Spd. 8/80-100
mph (128-161 km) weightless & gliding/Mach 6 in space (3960 mph/6375 km).
Age: 230, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot, 6 inches (2.0 m), Weight:
335 lbs (150 kg) or weightless.
Originating Alien Environment: Low Gravity
Mega Ability: Immortality (Bio-regenerate 2D6 Hit Points/3D6 S.D.C. every 10 minutes).
Major Super Ability: Gravity Manipulation. Note: Her gravity/space powers allow her to
create a temporary, artificial gravity well (that functions just as a real one for point-to-point
travel), open an existing gravity well, or activate Gateway Structures. An activate gateway or
existing gravity well functions normally allowing her passage or that of a ship with a mass of 150
tons (136 metric tons) or less. To use this Power Combo, she must make a successful
Navigation: Space roll. She can only create gravity wells in space away from the gravitational
pull of a star, planet, moon, etc. It takes her 20 minutes of intense concentration to create
gravity well. The chance of emerging through the desired gravity well is based on the same
chance of a successful Teleport (see Major Ability). For additional information, see Galaxy Guide
sourcebook, page 159-161.
Minor Super Abilities: Space Native, Gravitational Plane, Flight: Space, and
Weightlessness. Note: Power Combos allows her to use all her gravitational and space travel
powers simultaneously.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 4/6 (2 initial +2 from hand to hand) +2 from being weightless
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative/+6 weightless, +4 to strike/+7 weightless, +6 to
parry/+9 weightless, +6 to dodge/+14 weightless, +6 to roll with punch-fall/+5 weightless, and
+4 to pull punch/+4 weightless, and +4 to disarm weightless.
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, cold (half from magic), gravity, depressurization,
radiation, small space debris, and space itself, +14% to save vs coma/death, +6 to save vs
magic, +4 to save vs poison/toxin (half effect, duration, and penalty), +4 to save vs illusions, +5
to save vs possession, and +5 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as 2 attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, and Kick Attack 2D4.
Other Bonuses: +5% to all skills.
Educational Background: Human Studies (some familiarity with Earth)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Language 98%, Depressurization Training, Zero
Gravity Combat Elite, Navigation: Space 75%, Navigation: Faster Than Light 60%,
Read/Write/Speak English 94%, Speak Spanish and Russian 94%, and Read/Write-Speak TMC
Thimerian Code 75%.
Special Studies: Anthropology: Alien (humans) 60%, Law (TMC space) 80%, History
98%/90%, Art (Painting) 75%, Research 80%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Dance 70%, Singing
75%, and Wardrobe & Grooming 91%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 94%, Mathematics: Advance 95%, Chemistry
90%, Astronomy & Navigation 80%, Astrophysics 75%, and Biology 80%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Outdoormanship, Athletics (general), and Prowl
Secondary Skills: Wilderness Survival 55%, Lore: Alien 55%, W.P. Sword (+2 to strike/+1
to parry), W.P. Energy Pistol (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Land Navigation 53%, Sign Language
45%, Law (general) 55%, Performance 42%, and Seduction 33%.
Money: Thora has hidden away the equivalent of $25,000 in precious stones from her
native home world and those she’s collected over the decades of exploring the galaxy. Gil was
able to take some of her precious stones and convert them in cash for her which he transferred
into a bank account. She now has $4000 in a checking account and $10,000 in a saving account.
Weapons: She prefers to rely on her super powers, but she has an indestructible alien
long sword that does 3D6 points of damage to regular beings but 1D6x10 to supernatural beings
(mega heroes/villains, demons, immortals, etc). She also owns a TMC Ion Pistol, Range: 400 feet
(122 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire; Single shot, Payload: 10 charge E-clips. She 4 extra clips
which all can be recharged with a portable battery recharger (just like smartphone) takes 24
Equipment and Vehicles: She will utilize whatever is required to complete her mission.

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Sir Athelesia Largus
Occupation: Knight for the Justice Templar (Kingdom of Ardmore, Heroic Realm of Jeretlan).
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Crusader of Light
Experience Level: 8th level
Hit Points: 56 S.D.C.: 102
P.P.E.: 182
Appearance: Athelesia is a woman who engaged in regular exercise and combat training.
Her waist-length, wavy, thick hair is the color of fine jade, and is worn in an attractive style. She
has an Amazonian build. Her costume is violet and white in even proportions, looks like a fusion
of a fashion mode’s dress and a feminine version of a stage magician’s outfit, and it is designed
for freedom of movement.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 17, P.S. 21, P.P. 14, P.E. 21, P.B. 19, Spd. 40 (run 28
mph/45 km).
Age: 25, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 133 lbs (59.85 kg)
Vulnerabilities: She takes extra damage from weapons that target angels, deities,
and supernatural Champions of Light. She is also over protective of innocent people,
especially the homeless (which she and her family are). She has a soft spot to do
whatever she can to protect children. If innocent people and children are around, she is
-1 to all combat rolls and loses 1 melee attack each melee from being distracted.
Bestowed Crusader Super Abilities: Divine Favor, Awe (11), Energy Expulsion: Divine
Energy, Light of the Sun Blade (Morning Star), Crusader Armor, Arcane Knowledge, and
Rainmaker (Major Super Ability), Range: 720 feet (219 m), Duration: 8 minutes or 8 hours. Area
of Effect: 540 feet (164 m), Attacks per Melee: Counts as One.
Spell Magic: Astral Projection (10), Decipher Magic (4), Climb (3), Constrain Being (20),
Create Bread and Milk (15), Dispel Magic Barrier (20), Globe of Daylight (2), Energy Field (10),
Escape (8), Exorcism (30), Heal Wounds (10), Immobilize (25), Invisibility: Simple (6), Magic Net
(7), Negate Magic (30), Negate Poison/Toxin (5), Purification (20), See Aura (6), See the
Invisible (4), Sense Evil (2), Sense Trap (7), Turn Dead (6), Words of Truth (15),
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +1 from Sun
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative/+5 with sun sword, +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to
dodge, +6 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and +2 to spell
strength (14 or better).
Saving Throws: Takes half damage from cold, water, and electrical attacks, +12% to save
vs. coma/death, +6 to save vs. magic, +3 to save vs poison, +3 to save vs possession, and +6
to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Knife Hand 1D6, Power Blow 4D4 (counts as two
attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 2D4, Karate Kick 2D4, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Crescent Kick
2D4+2, Axe Kick 2D8, Snap Kick 1D6, Wheel Kick 2D6, Leap Kick 3D8 (counts as two attacks),
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Leap Attack, All Holds, Paired
Weapons, Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: 45% trust/intimidate and 45% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Justice Templar (Knight of Jeretlan)
Knight O.C.C.: Language: Ardmore 98%, Language: Buru and Transaad 94%, Literacy:
Ardmore 98%, Horsemanship 92%/72%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Lore: Magic 80%, Lore:
Demon & Monster 80%, Lore: Geomancy 85%, Boxing, Forced March, Running, Swimming 98%,
Land Navigation 78%, Detect Ambush 80%, Intelligence 74%, W.P. Sword (+3 to strike & parry),
W.P. Blunt (+3 to strike & parry), W.P. Shield (+3 to parry), W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Polearm
(+3 to strike/parry & +4 to damage), and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Military Etiquette 75%, Law (General) 80%, General Repair &
Maintenance 90%, Kick Boxing, Wilderness Survival 75%, Tracking 70%, Language: English
73%, and Performance 45%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Prowl 65%, Climbing 80%/70%, Literacy: English
80%, Wardrobe & Grooming 74%, Appraise Antiques 40%, and Philosophy 50%.
Money: Like all Justice Templar, she has taken a vow of poverty, vowing never to hold or
possess currency (He who seeks coin lets his mind be limited to what he can purchase). This
doesn’t mean she will refuse the generosity of others who purchase thing for her, but she
welcomes charitable donations or the exchanging of favors or sworn oaths.
Weapons: She relies on her mystically bestowed abilities.
Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy, Range: 700 feet (213 m), Damage: 2D4x10+8 to
supernatural beings of evil and selfish alignment, increase by 50% when used against dark gods,
Alien Intelligence, and Demon/Deevil Lords, 1D6x10 to mortal beings of evil and selfish
alignment, 5D6+2 to supernatural and mortal beings of good alignment, Bonuses: +3 to
strike/+1 to shot wild, Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 to wild shot.
Light of the Sun Star (Morning Star), Damage: 5D6+24 (+50% greater damage to the
undead, zombies and other beings vulnerable to the light of day/sunlight. For beings impervious
to energy or light, the blade still inflicts half damage.
Armor: Crusader Armor. A.R.18, S.D.C. 420. The armor does not regenerate per se, but if
damaged or destroyed, 18 hours later it is back to normal as if no damage ever happened.
Note: The medieval knight armor is noiseless and weightless, offering full environmental
protection with an endless supply of breathable air (good in outer space or under water up to a
depth of 4 miles/6.4 km).
Equipment & Vehicles: She prefers to utilize her magic and her arcane knowledge, but she
is slowly learning about the Heroes Unlimited world and how to socially interact with others. As a
member of the Divine, she will utilizes whatever equipment or magical items given to her to help
destroy the force of evil and the undead.

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

And there you have The Divine. As always send new ideas and I'll see what comes out of the pages
of Heroes Unlimited Comics.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Back again real soon folks. Something popped into my head and I can't get it out so it has to be
written down. Some quick research to verify a few things though.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The Dover Boys

The Dover Boys are three mutant brothers (triplets) who have always done everything
together. Their wealthy parents Pearl and Chris provided them every opportunity under the sun.
They boys never knew discomfort or hardship. They were also spoiled rotten to the core. They
were constantly looking down on others, poking fun, or intimidating those they saw as lesser
then themselves. Things got worse when the boys turn twelve and started growing stronger and
physically powerful. Before long, they were picking up cars and hurling boulders. To make
matters worse then never believed in fighting fair, it was all three on one. The boys’ parents
hired expensive lawyers to protect them from the law. The boy joined the football and won three
straight championships, simply crushing the competition and becoming the most popular boys in
school. The boys soon found themselves loved by girls and although they return the affection,
they couldn’t stop their brutal ways. The lawyers intervened and so did the fact the boys
revealed just how strong and vicious they could be. When the boys went to Pimento University
on football scholar ships, they again tried to show up. Now they had the issue of hiding their
mutant abilities. The boys tried numerous tactics until they finally made contact with a liaison
for Fabricators Inc. He offered to help them out with the drug tests and other ways to avoid
detection in return for their services. The boys became hired muscle for various jobs (Drop
Teams and Elimination Teams). Soon their reputation began to spread among the super villain
community and among various super teams in the nation. It wouldn’t be revealed until one day
while playing football on the national television stage when U.S. S.C.R.E.T. stopped the game in
an effort to arrest the boys. They tripled teams the agents and escaped. Today the Dover Boys
are still at large, angry at the world whom they blame for taking away their dreams of NFL
careers and being millionaires. Now they work freelance and still do works for Fabricators. It
should also be warned the boys have an eye for feminine beauty and they don’t care to ask
permission. They also believe in sharing and doing everything together. Besides the typical
crimes associated with super villains, the Dover Boys have done ill harm to over twenty women,
including two female S.C.R.E.T Agents and a super heroine Dora Standpipe (aka Fighting Jade).
Should they encounter super heroes in a public place, they will attack using whatever is
available for them to use as improvised weapons (cars, wooden poles, streetlights, etc). They
also use a variety of football tactics. Whenever possible they will double or triple team a single
individual. They refuse to fight fare.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Tom Dover
Occupation: Super Villain, Bully, and Womanizer, Student at Pimento University
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 67 S.D.C.: 342
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: He is a good looking, athletically built male with bright, blond hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E.18, M.A. 8, P.S. 57 (supernatural), P.P. 18, P.E. 22, Spd. 39, P.B. 14
Age: 21, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 4 inches (1.93 m), Weight:
290 lbs (785.5 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Extra Large Hands and Stocky
Major Super Ability: Supernatural P.S. He can carry 17,100 lbs (7695 kg or 8.5 tons) and
lift 28,500 lbs (12,825 kg or 14.25 tons).
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.E. and Increase Durability
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +2 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +42 to damage/+6 from
punch, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +4 to pull punch.
Saving Throw: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +24% to save vs coma/death and +4 to save
vs poison and magic.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 5D6, Full Strength Punch 2D4x10, Power Punch 3D6x10
(counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6x10, Knee 2D4x10, and Snap Kick 2D4x10.
Educational Background: Two Years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92% and Pilot: Automobile 72%,
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 70%, Computer
Operation 87%/77%, Law (General) 70%, and Research 75%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Body Building &
Weightlifting, and Physical Labor.
Secondary: Sports (Football) 60%, Wardrobe & Grooming 76%, Running, Pilot:
Bicycle 72% (54.6 mph/87 km), Seduction 34%, Land Navigation 52%, Streetwise 32%, and
Dance 45%.
Money: He and his brothers have a secret stash of about $7300 hidden away in their
dorm room and $1D4x1000 in a secret bank account set up by Fabricators Inc.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities. He rides around on a 2016 Scott
Scale 900 RC Bike that has been modified to compensate for his enhanced strength.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Dick Dover
Occupation: Super Villain, Bully, and Womanizer, Student at Pimento University
Alignment: Miscreant (Principled toward his brothers)
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 79 S.D.C.: 290
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: He would be good looking (accept for the nose). He is a short, athletically
built male with brown hair. He wears a Stetson hat.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 7, M.A. 12, P.S. 45, P.P. 20, P.E. 22, Spd. 38, P.B. 8
Age: 21, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 4 inches (1.64 m), Weight:
190 lbs (85.5kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous and Large nose. Track Humanoids by smell at
76%; -20% when tracking by smell alone; penalties for being in darkness, blind, or in the
middle of a large city are reduced by 25%.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.S., Extraordinary P.P., Extraordinary P.E. and
Increase Durability. Note: He can carry 4500 lbs (2026 kg or 2.2 tons) and lift 9000 lbs (4050
kg or 4.5 tons).
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous) +1 from
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +3 to strike, +7 to parry, +6 to dodge, +6 to auto dodge, +30 to
damage, +6 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throw: +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +24% to save vs coma/death and +4
to save vs magic/poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and Snap Kick 1D6.
Educational Background: Two Years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92% and Pilot: Automobile 72%,
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 70%, Computer
Operation 87%, Law (General) 70%, and Research 75%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Body Building &
Weightlifting, and Gymnastics (Sense of Balance 82%, Bars and Rings 97%, Back Flip 98%,
Prowl 40%, Climb 45%, and Climb Rope 88%).
Secondary: Sports (Football) 70%, Wardrobe & Grooming 76%, Running, Pilot:
Bicycle 82% (53 mph/85 km), Seduction 34%, Land Navigation 52%, Streetwise 32%, and Sing
Money: He and his brothers have a secret stash of about $7300 hidden away in their
dorm room and $1D4x1000 in a secret bank account set up by Fabricators Inc.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities. He rides around on a 2016 Scott
Scale 900 RC Bike that has been modified to compensate for his enhanced strength.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Larry Dover
Occupation: Super Villain, Bully, and Womanizer, Student at Pimento University
Alignment: Diabolic (Principled toward his brothers)
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 70 S.D.C.: 271 Armor Rating: A.R.: 8
P.P.E.: 26
Appearance: He is a pleasant featured, portly, light brown curly-haired male. He wears a
Brood Herringbone Wool Blend Newsboy Cap (Brown/Khaki).
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 7, M.A. 7, P.S. 50, P.P. 11, P.E. 26, Spd. 12, P.B. 12
Age: 21, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.76 m), Weight: 390 lbs (85.5kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Extra Large Feet and Stocky
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman P.S., Heavyweight, Extraordinary P.E. and Increase
Durability. Note: He can carry 10,000 lbs (4500 kg or 5 tons) and lift 15,000 lbs (6750 kg or 7.5
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +35 to
damage/+10 punches, kicks, head-butts, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throw: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +32% to save vs coma/death and +6 to save
vs magic/poison.
Combat Skills: Headbutt 2D4, Punch 2D4+2, Power Punch 3D6+2 (counts as two
attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Snap Kick 2D6, Body Block/Tackle 2D4+2 (parry or
dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D4+2, and all Holds.
Educational Background: Two Years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92% and Pilot: Automobile 72%,
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 70%, Computer
Operation 87%, Law (General) 70%, and Research 75%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athletics (General), and Wrestling.
Secondary: Sports (Football) 60%, Wardrobe & Grooming 76%, Body Building &
Weightlifting, Pilot: Bicycle 72%, Seduction 34%, Land Navigation 52%, Streetwise 32%, and
Cook 50%
Money: He and his brothers have a secret stash of about $7300 hidden away in their
dorm room and $1D4x1000 in a secret bank account set up by Fabricators Inc.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on his super abilities. He rides around on a 2016 Scott
Scale 900 RC Bike that has been modified to compensate for his enhanced strength.

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Some old villains I decided to convert to 2nd edition. Enjoy as always.


Gamma Squad is the name of the criminal mutant high school students and their villainous
chemistry teacher (Bone Chill) attending Bocatello Technical High School, commonly referred to
as Boc-Tech. The school is an elite Century Station public high school that specializes in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. Boc-Tech is considered one of the most prestigious
and selective public high schools in the nation. Thirty-thousand 8th and 9th graders take the 3-
hour test for admittance and only 1500 applicants are accepted each year. Boc-Tech counts top
scientist, inventors, innovators, CEOs and founders of Fortune 500 companies, high-ranking
diplomats, scholars in academia, literary and media figures, professional athletes, National Medal
recipients, Nobel laureates, and Olympic medalists among its alumni. The school is 14 stories
high and covers a city block.
The four mutant students all came to the high school as regular students, unaware that
their chemistry teacher Leonard Froid was looking for “volunteers” to help him with his
experiment to help him return to normal. Two years earlier, Leonard Froid was working in his lab,
when he was exposed to an experimental freezing liquid meant to preserve organic material
without destroying the cellular tissue. The liquid gave him incredible healing abilities, immunity to
cold, and cold/ice generating abilities but it also turned his skin, flesh, blood, and organs
transparent, giving him the appearance of a bare skeleton. Slowly going mad, Leonard worked
tirelessly still trying to be one of the foremost chemistry teachers in the country while
simultaneously trying to restore himself to normal. He wears lots of makeup to make him look
To fund his research, Leonard had no choice but to steal resources for his research to cure
himself. He eventually was hired by a Century Station crime boss who was always harping on him
to do more. Finally, when he thought he had a cured he decided to test it on four of his students
during an experiment. He exposed them all to his freeze chemical but instead of freezing them or
turning their skin transparent, they each mutated becoming something completely different.
Seeing that he had new recruit to help him with his crime operation, Leonard lied and claimed the
chemical “affected” him as well. He swore that someone must have tampered with his materials.
With his new allies, Gamma Squad killed the crime boss and his entire crime family. They took his
wealth for their own villain purposes.
Today Gamma Squad operates as one of the many Super Villain groups of Century Station.
The high school students graduate this year having been super villains since their sophomore
year. Bone Chill still claims one day he’ll cure them, but getting cured has become less of a
motivation for them to stick together. The group now simply enjoys committing super crimes and
terrorizing their fellow students/faculty whenever they can. So far they have escaped capture but
as they grow more bold in their crimes, it likely only a matter of time.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Anthony Rentz
Occupation: Senior in High School, Super villain
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 35 S.D.C.: 82
P.P.E.: 22
Appearance: Anthony looks like a regular Hispanic American with an average build. He has
mid-length, wavy stark white hair and white eyes. He engages in minimal exercise.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 12, M.A. 9, P.S. 13, P.P. 14, P.E. 14, Spd. 23, P.B. 13
Age: 17, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inch (1.72 m), Weight: 145 (65.25 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Double Jointed, White hair, and White Eyes.
Major Super Abilities: Possession and Intangibility (Power Combo). These two super
abilities work simultaneously. HF 12.
Minor Super Ability: Mental Stun
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +5 to auto dodge (intangible) +5 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +6 to save vs possession and +2 to save vs mind control.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (Counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4.
Other Bonuses; +3% to all skills.
Educational Background: High School with some special training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English and Spanish 91%/95%,Mathematics: Basic
91%, Pilot: Automobile 75%, and Escape Artist 82%/53%.
Professional Thief Program: Pilot: Motorcycle 84%, Barter 58%, Climbing 68%/58%,
Hand to Hand: Basic, Law (General) 58%, Pick Locks 58%, Palming 48%, Pick Pocket 58%, Prowl
53%, 73%, Streetwise 44%, Detect Concealment 53%, and Find Contraband 50%.
Secondary Skills: Concealment 39%, Athletics (General), Running. Swimming 73%, Land
Navigation 55%, Art (Graffiti) 58%, Dance 53%, Ventriloquism 35%, Photography 63%, W.P.
Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Performance 38%, and Basic Electronics 38%.
Money: He steals whatever he needs.
Weapons: Automatic Pistol: Range: 170 feet (52 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire: Single
shot/semi-auto, Payload: 15 rounds magazine.
Mental Stun, Range: 60 feet (18.2 m) or touch, Damage: Special. Victims lose one attack
per melee round, have no initiative, and are -3 to strike, parry, and dodge. -6 to Perception Rolls
and roll with punch, fall, or impact. Reduce skill performance and speed by 40%. Duration:
Victims suffer penalties for two melee rounds. Attacks Per Melee: Counts as three hand-to-hand
attacks. Each attack can only be directed toward a single person (entity) at a time, not an entire
crowd at once. Saving Throw: 15 or higher is need to save (M.E. bonus vs psionic can be
Equipment & Vehicles: He uses whatever is available to him or whatever the mission
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Jane Manns
Occupation: Senior in High School, Super villain
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 56
P.P.E.: 28
Appearance: Jane is a good looking young woman who engages in regular exercise
(cheerleading). She has short, wavy, bright flaming red hair. She has orange eyes. She is
typically wearing her cheerleading outfit.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 15, M.A. 11, P.S. 17, P.P. 26, P.E. 18, Spd. 46 (32 mph/51 km), P.B. 15
Age: 17, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 5 inch (1.67 m), Weight:
115 lbs (51.75 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous, delicate, sensitive hands/fingers, orange eyes, and
bright red hair.
Minor Super Abilities: Exploding Spheres, Extraordinary P.P., Energy Resistance, and Heighten Sense of Balance.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +2 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous) +1 from
Combat Bonuses: +6 to strike, +10 to parry, +9 to dodge (+9 to auto dodge), +2 to
damage, +9 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to maintain balance, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Immune to the first 20 points of energy damage in a melee round, rest is
half. Impervious to stun energy.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (Counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4.
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills
Educational Background: High School with some special training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 89%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, and Pilot:
Automobile 72%.
Physical Program: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 97%, Climbing 73%,
Climb Rope 98%, and Back Flip 98%), Gymnastics (Rings and Bars 98%), Athletics (General),
and Running.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Streetwise 35%, Pick Locks 70%, Pick Pocket
60%, Seduction 32%, Prowl 63%, Dance 58%, Swimming 78%, Sewing 63%, Cooking 53%,
Performance 33%, and W.P. Grenade (+2 to throw).
Money: She steals whatever he needs.
Weapons: Exploding Spheres, Range: 90 feet (27 m) thrown, mentally directed 30
feet (9.1 m) at a speed of 7 mph/11 km), or hover stationary 1-7 feet (.3 to 2.1 m) above
ground, Damage: 3D6 points of damage (3 foot/.9 m) blast radius, Duration: Impact/touched or
time-delayed for 3 minutes, Number of Spheres: Two, Bonus: +1 to throw.
Equipment & Vehicles: She uses whatever is available to her or whatever the mission
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Adam Schmidt
Occupation: Senior in High School, Super villain
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 51 S.D.C.: 171
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: Adam is an athletic African American male with short, curly black hair. He has
a stocky build despite his size and wears size 28 shoes. He has white eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 12, M.A. 13, P.S. 38, P.P. 13, P.E. 33, Spd. 20, P.B. 15
Age: 17, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 3 inch (1.92 m), Weight: 350
lbs (157.5 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Stocky, extra large feet, and white eyes. Note: He can carry and
lift at Superhuman P.S. levels. 7600 lbs (3420 kg) 11,400 lbs (5130 kg).
Major Super Ability: Rechannel Kinetic Energy
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Force, Power Channel, and Immovability
(Supernatural P.S. of 39 or greater).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +2 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to strike (reabsorbed) , +5 to parry, +5 to dodge (+9 to auto
dodge), +18 to damage, +7 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to physical attacks/kinetic energy (he can be cut and
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (Counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S. (parry or dodge to avoid
knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4 + P.S., All Hold, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20 for
1D6 melees.
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills.
Educational Background: High School with some special training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 89%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, and Pilot:
Automobile 72%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Athletics (General), and Body Building/Weightlifting.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Football 58%, Basic Mechanics 58%, Automotive
Mechanics 72%, General Repair/Maintenance 63%, Basic Electronics 48%, Land Navigation 51%,
Pilot: Truck 74%, Fishing 58%, Performance 33%, and Wilderness Survival 38%.
Money: He steals whatever he needs.
Weapons: Energy Expulsion: Force, Range: 200 feet (61 m) +300 feet (91 m) if
rechanneled, Damage: 3D6 (or the rechanneled attack), Penalty: -2 to parry and dodge, Bonus:
+5 to aim/+2 wild.
Power Channel, Body Block/Tackle 3D6, Headbutt 2D6, Punch 4D6, Power Punch
6D6x2 (Counts as four attacks), Kick 5D6, Jump Kick 5D6x2 (use all attacks for melee, first
attack in melee round).
Equipment & Vehicles: She uses whatever is available to her or whatever the mission
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Dexter Stamp
Occupation: Senior in High School, Super villain
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 57 S.D.C.: 170
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: Dexter looks like very nerdish and has zero athletic ability. He has terrible
acme and wears glasses. Dexter has short, straight, purple hair and very large dusty, orange
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 20, M.A. 20, P.S. 14, P.P. 12, P.E. 20, Spd. 12, P.B. 7
Age: 17, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.73 m), Weight:
140 lbs (63 kg)
Vulnerability: Dexter is extremely nearsighted. He has to wear his glasses in order to see.
Reduce combat bonuses by one-half, 1 attack per melee round, and -35% to perform skills.
Dexter also has loss off feeling in his skin throughout his body and fingers.
Unusual Characteristics: Purple Hair. Orange Eyes, Large Eyes, and Disfigured Face.
Major Super Ability: Energy Doppelganger
Minor Super Abilities: Immune to Melee Attacks, Impervious to Energy and Electricity, and
Increased Durability.
Combat Training: None.
Attacks per Melee: 2 attacks/3 non combat action. No automatic parry.
Combat Bonuses: +1 to dodge.
Saving Throws: Impervious to all melee attacks (Supernatural P.S. does half damage) and
those under 120 mph (192 km), +3 to save vs psionics & insanity, +20% to save vs coma/death,
and +3 to save vs magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4.
Other Bonuses: +7% to skills and 60% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: High School with some special training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 93%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 88%, and Pilot:
Automobile 76%.
Computer Program: Basic Electronics 58%, Computer Operation 81%, Computer
Programming 71%, Computer Hacking 47%, and Computer Repairs 57%.
Secondary Skills: Radio: Basic 72%, Mathematics: Advance 78%, Astronomy & Navigation
62%, Research 62%, Writing 47%, Photography 57%, T.V./Video 57%, Law (General) 62%,
Prowl 47%, Pilot: Skateboard 66%, Performance 37%, and Streetwise 31%.
Money: He steals whatever he needs.
Weapons: Energy Doppelganger, Range: 3 miles (4.8 km), Duration: 3D6x10
minutes (twice a day), Same attributes and skills of creator (half skills), 230 S.D.C, Half damage
from melee attacks and projectiles. Impervious to explosions, fire, cold, and radiation. Electricity
and other energy attacks do full damage. Impervious to most psionic and mind control. Energy
Travel 600 mph (960 km), Two attacks per melee round, Energy Bolt, Range: 90 feet (27 m),
Damage: 5D6+3, Bonus: +2 to strike. Nova Explosion.
Equipment & Vehicles: He uses whatever is available to her or whatever the mission
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Leonard Froid
Occupation: Senior in High School, Super villain
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 46 S.D.C.: 40
P.P.E.: 29
Appearance: Despite his appearance, he has the physique of an adult male with an
average build who does not engage in regular exercise. The color of his skin/flesh, hair, blood,
and eyes is clear. Only his skeleton is visible. HF 12.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 10, M.A. 12, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 22, Spd. 15, P.B. 4
Age: 29, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 175
lbs (78.75 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Transparent Skin (his flesh/skin, hair, blood, etc are invisible,
allowing his skeleton to be seen). He takes half damage from laser/light attacks.
Major Super Ability: Regeneration Ultima
Minor Super Abilities: Impervious to Cold & Freezing, Energy Expulsion-Icy Mist, and
Energy Expulsion: Cold.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand0)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, +14% to save vs coma/death, +6 to save vs drugs
+4 to save vs magic, and +8 to save vs poison. Even if fail save vs drugs, toxins, and poison, the
duration, penalties, symptoms, and damage are one-quarter normal.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and all Holds.
Other Bonuses: +6% to skills.
Educational Background: B.A. degree and some special training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 96%/98% and Pilot: Automobile 81%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Research 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%,
Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 86%, Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 91%, and Biology 91%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 86%, Law (General)
98%, Public Speaking 81%, and Wardrobe & Grooming 96%.
Investigation Program: Photography 86% and Writing 76%.
2nd Investigation Program: Streetwise 66%, I.D. Undercover Agents 96%, Find
Contraband 72%, and Intelligence 78%.
Secondary Skills: Radio: Basic 81%, Prowl 56%, Swimming 81%, Art (Ice Sculpting) 76%,
Wilderness Survival 61%, W.P. Energy Expulsion (+1 bonus), Preserve Food 61%, General
Repair/Maintenance 76%, First Aid 66%, and Computer Programming 65%.
Money: He has $5000 in his checking account and $1200 in his savings. He has another
checking account set up by Fabricators Inc that has $26,000 in it.
Weapons: Energy Expulsion: Icy Mist, Range: Self or a 10 foot (3) radius, or a 12
foot (3.6 m) radius cloud of cold, Damage: 3D6 for every 5 seconds, Duration: One full melee,
Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 to wild.
Energy Expulsion: Cold, Range: 300 feet (91.5 m), Damage: 6D6, Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 to
Note: Each of his cold powers requires the victim to save vs non-lethal poison (16 or
better, P.E. bonus only). A failed save means one of his limbs temporarily goes number from the
cold. Reduce combat bonus and speed by 25%. A victim that loses all their S.D.C. from freezing
damage or has all limbs, including head and chest, frozen, lapses into a frozen state, even if he
has plenty of Hit Points left. Those who receive first aid/professional treatment within 3D4
minutes can be revived with little or no side effect. Those who lose S.D.C. and Hit Points are
+25% to save vs coma/death and gets 3D4 Hit Points back when revived.
Armor: His costume has a Bio-Aura on it. A.R. 9, S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: He uses whatever is available to him or whatever the mission
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Can,wait to see the heroes who face Gamma squad?

Any plans to make characters from Expanded Special training from Rifter?
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Wow can't believe I've been gone this long. Been working on lots of fantasy material. But will make
some time for some Hero stuff.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Watching this documentary on PBS made me dig up some 1st edition villains who were originally inspired by the Palladium Robotech Book
Lancers Rockers. Later they band became an evil rock band with sonic alien tech. Then along came the Powers Unlimited Books and they
became the super villain rock band Sound Collection. I'll be posting them soon and their evil manager. Great villains and hope inspire G.M. to
use them for some great adventures.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


They are an American rock band and unbeknown to the public a group of super villains who
all have various powers that are sound (and vibration) related. The group consists of Lance Ross
(vocals), Electro (lead guitar), Mack Blake (bass), Davy Jones (keyboard), Percussion (drums),
and backing vocalist, the twins Hamony and Melody. Their style is rooted in hard rock, heavy
metal, and pop rock. They have several gold and platinum albums, and one multi-platinum
album. They’re often referred to as the “Loud Boys from Ultropolis.” If however anyone took a
good look at them, they’d realize wherever Sound Collective plays a live event, that city has a
good chance of being hit with a major super crime.
Sound Collective was created by businessman Michael Thorn who himself use to be a super
villain during his youth. Later he retired and decided he wanted to use his genius and his wealth
to punish the world with music. So using his various contacts with Fabricators Inc and the
criminal underworld of Century Station, he gathered five down on their luck super powered
beings with musical talent. He harnessed their abilities and molded them into a functioning rock
band. He secured them a record deal and a promotional tour. Between their live shows and
airplay on the radio, video, and streaming, their first album reached gold status and went on to
sell three million copies. Meanwhile, Michael Torn use their super abilities to assist him in making
technological breakthroughs, stealing high tech equipment from KLS Corporation, Cyberworks
Network, and Stardustechnologies. They also did some freelance work for Fabricators Inc, for the
Minotaur in Century Station, and the Syndicate Crime Family. Currently, Michael Thorn is busy
building a powerful “sonic hypnotic amplifier” that will use Lance, Melody, and Haromony’s “Power
of Command” on a massive scale (affecting the audience and everyone listening) that will be used
to blackmail a city like Ultropolis or perhaps any of the European capitals unless they pay a huge
ransom. He even dreams of using it against the whole world.
As for the band members, they relish their dual careers as rock stars and super villains
terrorizing the world with sound. On stage, they dress in their flamboyant costumes and their
mutant characteristics (hair, eyes, etc) are thought to be makeup. As super villains, they wear
black & white stripped robber costumes with black masks and dye their hair white or black.
Thus far, no one has caught one, and Michael keeps a close eye on the band, making sure despite
their weeks of touring and fast-paced life that drug, alcohol, and other vices do not affect their
performances on stage on in the field. Each member of the band has unknowingly swallowed a
nanotech device (Bio-Comp Self-Monitoring System) that sends a signal that only Michael can
hear (ultra sonic sound) to keep track of the band members. The band has also been injected
with nanotech devices designed to respond to his voice or electronic audio commands (even
those prerecorded). He merely says the word and the nanotech within their nervous system
sends out an electrical signal that immediately disrupts their nervous systems (similar to the
super psionic power of Bio-Manipulation) with no saving throw possible. The audio signal can also
be sent by military and/or civilian satellites, which means he can target them anywhere on the
planet. There is no place for Sound Collection to hide. The signal is impervious to counter
jamming. The nanotech needs to be replaced every 8D6 weeks (which Michael puts in their food
and drink). The band simply believes Michael has some kind of mental power over them, but they
very rarely give him reason to discipline them. He’s made them rich, famous, and given them a
purpose in life. They will come to his defense if anyone or anything threatens him, especially
David and the girls.
Sound Collective rarely does concerts in Century Station (too much competition and way too
many super heroes that might interfere). Right now, their goal is to finish the “sonic hypnotic
amplifier” and their next album before testing it out on their worldwide tour.

Sound Collective Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: Open Wardrobe (5 Points)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 points)
C. Weapons: None (0 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: Cyber Agents (10 Points)
E. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (private planes, tours buses, chauffeur cars 10 Points)
F. Communications: Satellite Network (30 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (5 Points)
H. Military Power: Security Guards (5 Points)
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Private Industry/Fabricators Inc (6 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Potatoes/$200,000 (20 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Loose Laws (5 Points)
M Internal Security: Tight (10 Points)
N External Infiltration: None (0 Points)
O Research and Information: Superior Connection (30 Points)
P Business Credentials: Faceless (5 Points).
Q. Employees Salary: Good/Each member gets a $2000 a week allowance, with a 2D6x1000
bonus for successful missions. (20 Points)
Agency Points: 171 Points
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