Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

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DD The Shmey
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Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

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Hello People,

I've got a number of Splugorthian Spaceship designs that I would like to post here, and have some reviews/feedback.
I've been using these in my personal games for a while now, and just today I just finished touching these up, adding more descriptions and such for your review. If you guys like these, I've got a bunch more that I can touch up, as most of my works are in cliff notes shortened notation.

Splugorth StarFin Battlecruiser
Author Notes:
I had developed this space ship years ago (somewhere around 2005 or so) and have updated it a many times since then. The inspiration was 2 Splugorth Sea Fins (Rifts Underseas page 188) placed bottom to bottom with three capitol guns along the interior. I wanted to give the Splugorth plenty of magical and biowizard systems on their ships in the same way that Rifts Underseas had given to the Ark. When I read DB13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies, I was initially disappointed that the ships presented didn't have much at all in the way of magical systems, and seemed to be entirely reliant on Kittani technology. I want to present this ship, and the others designs below to help GM's out there in the Phaseworld setting have some more variety in the Splugorthian navy, and truly demonstrate the strength of BioWizardry on a larger scale.

The Star Fin is an advanced Splugorthian ship that combines the technology of Kittani and Kydians with the magic and BioWizardry of the High Lords. In the old glory days when the Splugorth ruled a large chunk of the three galaxies advanced ships like these were much more common. They came in many different shapes and sizes. Now with the diminished influence and dominion of the Splugorth vessels like this are much more rare, and typically serve as elite strike forces in the Armada's of the Slpugorth Kindgoms, or as flagships of smaller fleets.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/RifWUkF.png

Splugorth StarFin Battlecruiser
Main: 40,000
Variable Force Field: 18,000
Magic Shield: 14 x 1,000 (Ithan)
Ithan Shield Automatically kicks in when VFF has been depleted
(1) Dorsal Tower Bridges/Observation Decks: 5000
(1) Ventral Palace/Observation Decks: 5000
(2) Tower Turrets: 3,000 each
(2) Rear Fins: 2000 each (destroying either of these prevents the use of magical systems that enhance speed)

Length: 1500ft, Width: 300ft, Height 260ft, Weight: 380,000 tons
Officers: 20-40 (High Lords and Kittani), 2-5 Space Warlocks, 0-2 Powerful Beings (dragon, metztla, ect)
Crew: 100-150 Kittani/Overlords/Trusted Minions, 80-120 Pilots, 50-100 slave servants
Troops: 340 Overlords, 80 Power Lords, 10 Tattooed Warriors, 10 Gurgoyles, 60 Staphra/Blind Warrior Women
Speed Conventional: Mach 10 in space, Contragravity Drive FTL 5 ly/hr, OR Rift Jump Drive 16 ly/4hr
Speed Magic: Mach 20 (1600 P.P.E./2 hours)
Cargo: 90,000 tons, or 5000 slaves
Power Systems: Antimatter, Contragravity Drive, and magic

1. (3) Capitol Guns: Dual Fusion Beamer (range extended): 1d6x1000 each Range:124mi
2. (2) Splinter Missiles Batteries: splits into 10 submunitions 2d6x100 each or 2d6x1000 total,
Volleys/Payload: 2/72 total for both batteries, Range: 1400mi
3. (2) Tower Turrets - Heavy Dual Plasma: 4d4x100 each, R: 20 mi
Long Range Missile Battery: 4d6x10 Volleys/Payload: 40/160each, 80/320total
Nova Flares: 6d6x10 to 2000ft rad, R: 1mi, Volleys/Payload: 2/2, 4/4tot
(often used to blow up large missile volleys, Rifter#10 pg86)
4. (6) Fusion Beam Cannons: 3d6x100 each, R: 10mi
5. (48) Heavy Long Range Missile Tubes: Volleys/Payload: 48/480, R: 1000 mi
6. (12) Neutron Beam Turrets: 4d6x10+20 each R: 9.3mi
7. (1) BioWizard Multi-Spectrum Blinding Flash Strobe: See below under magic systems
8. Magical Ark Spell Casting: See below under magic systems

1. (32) Kittani Star Serpents: Launched like torpedoes at high velocity from 16 Serpent Launch Tubes
2. (48) Kittani Flying Foxs (Space Mod: mach 8 in space)

Magic and BioWizardry Systems:
30 Large Eyes of Eylor: 12,000 P.P.E. regenerate every 24hours
(P.P.E. can be used for Rifts Jump Drive or to power spells cast by the Cruiser’s crew.)
Magic Systems:
1. Magical Ark Spell Casting: 9spells/melee x3range (see Underseas)
2. Invincible Armor: (4500 PPE/30min) 25,000 MDC, takes half damage from energy
3. Impervious to Energy (2500 PPE/20min)
4. Spaceflight Standard: Mach 20 (1600 P.P.E./2hr)
5. Shadow Meld (750 PPE/20min)
6. Protection Circle Superior: 20 P.P.E./Hr
7. Recharging Nova Flares cost 200PPE
8. Rift Jump Drive: Activating the Rifts drive costs 6,000 P.P.E. and can jump up to 14 light years away. Can only activate Jump Drive after 3 hours of charging. Note: Use of a Contragravity Drive interrupts the charging of a Jump Drive so you need to wait 3 hours after using a C-drive for the Jump Drive to charge before using it. This is the reason why these two drives are rarely both found on the same ship.
9. BioWizard Multi-Spectrum Blinding Flash Strobe: (200ppe works as per spell Chromatic Protection (WB16 Fed of Magic pg 133) only it also affects ship sensors disabling all sensors within 10 miles for 1 melee turn. Affects vision per normal spell with more range. See Biowizard device description for additional details.
Magical Missile Warheads: (for the LRMs)
1. Dispel Magic Barrier (20 PPE)
2. Anti-Magic Cloud (140 PPE)
Ship Sensors
1. Good Stuff, Magic & Kittani

BioWizard Multi-Spectrum Blinding Flash Strobe:
This Biowizard device is powered by the expenditure of spectral beetles. The spectral beetle is a species native to the dimension of the shadow beast see Rifts pg184 (and maybe also the Silhouette race) that feeds on certain spectrums of light. During testing for possible Biowizard applications minions of the Splugorth discovered that the beetles were able to bend light in erratic ways and if a specimen was fed with enough magically concentrated light they would explode in an extremely bright flash across all EM spectrums. These bright flashes were sufficient not only to blind those around it, but also to disrupt most modern optics and sensors, albeit only momentarily.

The splugorthian biowizards developed a biowizard device based around the Chromatic Protection (WB16 Fed of Magic pg 133) spell that augments the power by burning up 30 spectral beetles over the course of 1 melee (2 per second) to provide continuous disruption of any sensor or optical device (including advanced weapon targeting sensors in phase world) within 10 miles. The device is typically directed in a cone towards clusters of enemy craft, but the cone can be widened incrementally up to 360 degree coverage which includes blinding the ship deploying the device.

Against normal vision the effects are identical to the chromatic protection spell. People manning turrets will be unable to rely on any sensors or hud, lose all of the targeting bonuses in addition to the penalties from the chromatic protection spell. People manning turrets remotely will see their screens go white and have a -12 to strike. Automated targeting weapons will cease fire for the duration having lost their targets. Additionally, many space empires including the CCW have installed safety systems into their weapon systems that prevent them from firing without a sensor lock. These would need to be overridden in order to fire.

Kittani Star Serpent Robot Vehicle
The Kittani Star Serpent Robot Vehicle is the bigger brother of the Infamous Serpent Power Armor. It looks very similar to the Serpent PA only five times the size with a pair of normal arms and a pair of Tri-Barrel Super Railgun from the Equestrian PA. These robot vehicles are among the most advanced and elite mechanized space forces the Splugroth have deployed and as such their numbers are limited, and piloting them is restricted to the most loyal and experienced of Kittani pilots.
It has a set of gravitonic thrusters on the main body and three more sets on the long tail that give it tremendous maneuverability in space. There are many accounts of Star Serpents dodging volley after volley of missiles and energy blasts by twisting and weaving its way through, even flying in a helix pattern around fire that went through the middle (automatic dodge).
The Star Serpent can generate a large plasma field over its tail (similar to the plasma harness), which the Kittani use in several ways. Obviously it can be very useful in melee combat where the Star Serpent can grapple and ensnare an opponent with its large tail while burning it with the plasma field, they are even known to snatch up and entangle fighters that get too close. The clever Kittani also use the plasma tail to burn holes through the hulls of enemy ships, eventually widening the gap enough for the large robot to enter into the ship and wreck havoc tearing the ship apart from the inside out.
Another favorite tactic is to burn holes into the hulls of a captured, half-destroyed, or otherwise dead ship, send out a distress signal, and power down hiding in the cavities. Soon a ship will arrive to investigate. Unaware of the danger, they will approach the derelict ship and might even send a boarding party. Just as the investigators begin to get suspicious the trap is sprung as dozens of Star Serpents fly out of their burrows; the victims find themselves in the middle of a swarm of Star Serpents that thrive in close range engagements.
It should be noted that there is an elite version of the Star Serpent Robot Vehicle, called Shadow Star Serpents, which have been alchemically modified and enchanted with a set magic abilities. The Shadow Star Serpents have a Large Eye of Eylor (400 P.P.E.) integrated into the chest of the robot that powers these enchantments.

Kittani Star Serpent Robot Vehicle
Main: 1,200
Variable Force Field: 600
Class One Shield: 200
Length 100ft, Coiled length: 30ft, Weight: 30 Tons
Speed: Mach 8 in Space (not designed for atmosphere)
Crew: 3
1 Pilot/Commander (Navigation, Arms & MRMs)
1 Copilot/Maneuverer (Auto-dodge, Tail & SRM)
1 Gunner (Sensors, Railgun Arms)
Ranged Combat: (Sensor Bonuses: +2 to strike with all long-range weapons.)
1. (1) Class One Mini-Missile Shield: MiniMissile Volleys/Payload: 4/4, 8/8 total
2. (1) Giant Plasma Halberd Energy Lance: Laser Blast 1d6x10 R: 3 mi (+2 to strike)
3. (2) Tri-Barrel Super Railgun Arms: 1d6x10 each, R: 2 mi (+2 to strike, laser targeting)
4. (2) Dual Shoulder Medium Range Missile Launchers: Volleys/Payload: 3/6 each, 6/12 total
5. (12) Thruster Integrated Short Range Missile Tubes: Volleys/Payload: 3/6 each, 36/72 total
6. (1) Integrated Tail Plasma Harness
1. (1) Giant Plasma Halberd Energy Lance: 2d4x10 each
2. Plasma Tail Strike: 1d6x10+20
3. Plasma Tail Power Swipe: 3d6x10 (2 melee attacks)
4. Plasma Tail Grapple: Latch onto an enemy ship and 1d6x10 (2 melee attacks) (shields must be down)
5. Plasma Tail Constriction: 3d6x10 per attack
6. Plasma Tail Hull Bore/Puncture: 3d6x10 per melee attack (or quick roll full melee of drilling 2d6x100)
Hand to Hand Combat Bonuses: +1 attacks/melee (mobility), +1 another additional attack per melee for the Copilot (Tail), +2 on initiative, +2 to strike and parry, + 2 automatic dodge (works just like a parry; does not use up a melee action, it is so quick), +4 normal dodge, and + 4 to roll with impact. Pilots & copilots of Star Serpents are always seasoned veterans that have worked together as a team for years, both usually have 8 attacks per melee, gunners usually have 6-8 attacks/melee

Size Note: Because these are relatively close to a heavy fighter in size they can be substituted as such in carriers

Due to their nature as an elite fighting vehicle, some Star Serpent Robot Vehicles are further augmented with additional biowizard features, creating the advanced Shadow Star Serpent Robot Vehicles. Typically only one in sixteen of the units are upgraded with these additional features, and they often serve as wing commanders of a squadron. These elite units are usually painted jet black. The magical abilities of Shadow Serpents are always controlled by a non-Kittani Splugorth minion (Overlord, Powerlord, or High Lord) whom fills the rolls of one of the gunners.

Shadow Star Serpents Magic Systems: (Large Eye of Eylor (400 P.P.E.))
1. Impervious to Energy (100 PPE/20min)
2. Space Flight Superior: (40 PPE/(10hour)) Mach 40
3. Armor of Ithan: (40 PPE/10min) 400 MDC
4. Shadow Meld: (10PPE/20min)
5. Standard Optics from Eye of Eylor

Splugorthian Mystic Castle Galleon
The Splugorthian Mystic Castle Galleon is another advanced Splugorthian ship that combines the technology and magic. This ship is an older design that relies more on the BioWizardry devices and lacks the newest Kittani fusion beam, gravimetric slicers, and neutron beam weapons and instead has older Kittani and Kydian technology. The strength and versatility of the BioWizard weapons and magical systems more than make up for the use of older technology and these vessels are a greater threat on the battlefield than the newer ships of its class. These large ships now typically serve as the flagships of smaller armada's.

In battle, as typical of carriers, the Mystic Castle Galleon tends to keep its distance from the fight, preferring to launch its fighters and auxiliaries at range and lob large volleys of long range missiles into the fray. However it would be a mistake to believe that the ship is vulnerable, as any enemy vessel that closes will quickly finds itself pummeled with heavy plasma blasts from the seven turrets, and disabled with a bolt from the vessels signature BioWizard Dark Lightning Cannon mounted at the top of the ships castle tower. The castle tower itself has a vaguely oriental stylizing, and houses many of the magical systems for the rest of the ship.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/NYomhOG.png

Splugorth Mystic Castle Galleon
Main: 54,000
Magic Shield: 10 x 10,000 (Ithan)
(1) Main Aft Castle Tower: 9,000
(7) Tower Turrets: 3,000
(6) Sail Wings Mast: 2,600
(destroying two or more of these masts prevents the use of magical systems that enhance speed)

Length: 1930ft, Width: 450ft, Height 550ft, Weight: 620,000 tons
Officers: 90 (High Lords and Kittani), 2-5 Space Warlocks, 4-8 Powerful Beings (dragon, demon, ect)
Crew: 300-550 Kittani/Overlords/Trusted Minion, 1800-2200 Pilots, 200-400 slave servants
Troops: See under Auxiliaries
Speed Conventional: Mach 9 in space, Contragravity Drive FTL 5 ly/hr, OR Rift Jump Drive 16 ly/4hr
Speed Magic: Mach 20 (2000 P.P.E./2 hour)
Cargo: 270,000 tons, or 15000 slaves
Ship Sensors: Good Stuff, Magic & Kittani

1. (1) Biowizard Dark Lighting Cannon: 1d4x1000 +save*(see below), Range: 11miles
*Dark Lightning: target ship must save vs magic at 14 or suffer a massive power drain for 1 minute, targeting computers are at -2, all energy weapons lose 1 attack, -30% to relevant skill performances
(Authors note: this device is based on the weapon in WB21 Splynn page 138, and is constructed from the skin and bones of evil black faerie folk)
2. (7) 3 Dorsal and 4 Ventral Tower Turrets
Heavy Dual Barreled Plasma Turrets: 4d4x100 each, R: 20 mi
Long Range Missile Battery: 4d6x10 Volleys/Payload: 40/160each, 80/320total
Nova Flares: 6d6x10 to 2000ft radius each, R: 1 mi, cost 200 P.P.E.
(one blast will nullify a missile volley, from Rifter#10 nova spell pg86)
3. (20) High Power Laser Turret 2d6x10 R: 5mi (2mi atm)
4. Magical Ark Spell Casting: 9 spells per melee, all at x3 range, (Rifts Underseas page 188)

Auxiliaries: 16 Large Bays, 104 fighter bays
1. (16) Raider Class Combat Shuttle (launch 8 per melee)
2. (32) Kittani Dragon Dread Interceptor (launch 8 per melee)
3. (40) Flight Lord Bomber (launch 104 per melee)
4. (32) Kittani Star Serpents (launch 104 per melee)
5. (240) Kittani TransRFighter (launch 104 per melee)
6. (700) Kittani PA of various types (Space Mod: mach 8 in space)
7. (120) Slave Barges/Kittani Vehicles (+12 Blind WarWomen each)
8. (1500) Powerlord/Overlord PA
9. Additional Troops: 1d4x10 BioBorg, 1d4x10 Tattooed Warriors, 2d6x10 Gurgoyles/Staphra, 10 Metztla

Power Systems: Antimatter, Contragravity Drive, and magic
40 Large Eyes of Eylor: 16,000 P.P.E. regenerate every 24hours
(P.P.E. can be used for Rifts Jump Drive or to power spells cast by the Cruiser’s crew.)
Magic Systems:
1. Magical Ark Spell Casting: 9spells/melee x3range (see Underseas)
2. Invincible Armor: (5500 PPE/30min) 25,000 MDC, takes half damage from energy
3. Impervious to Energy (3000 PPE/20min)
4. Spaceflight Standard: Mach 20 (2000 P.P.E./2hr)
5. Shadow Meld (1000 PPE/20min)
6. Protection Circle Superior: 20 P.P.E./Hr
7. Recharging Nova Flares cost 200PPE
8. Rift Jump Drive: Activating the Rifts drive costs 6,000 P.P.E. and can jump up to 14 light years away. Can only activate Jump Drive after 3 hours of charging. Note: Use of a Contragravity Drive interrupts the charging of a Jump Drive so you need to wait 3 hours after using a C-drive for the Jump Drive to charge before using it. This is the reason why these two drives are rarely both found on the same ship.
9. BioWizard Multi-Spectrum Blinding Flash Strobe: (200ppe works as per spell Chromatic Protection (WB16 Fed of Magic pg 133) only it also affects ship sensors disabling all sensors within 10 miles for 1 melee turn. Affects vision per normal spell with more range. See Biowizard device description for additional details.
Magical Missile Warheads: (for the LRMs)
1. Dispel Magic Barrier (20 PPE)
2. Anti-Magic Cloud (140 PPE)

Splugorth Marauder Frigate
Authors Note: Inspiration Splugorth Slaver Raider Ship twice the size (Rifts South America page 154). The artwork/drawing was obviously inspired by the Raider Combat Shuttle.

A common sight in Splugorth space, the Slaver Maruader Frigate bridges the gap between the its smaller cousin, the 220 foot long Raider Combat Shuttle, and larger cruisers. The Marauder Frigate shares a similar appearance with its smaller cousin the Raider Combat Shuttle, and often joins the other ships in raiding missions on planets.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/i2Wx4r3.png

Splugorth Marauder Frigate
Main: 6,500
Variable Force Field: 3,000
Length: 435ft, Width: 135ft, Height 162ft, Weight: 25,000 tons
Officers: 6-9 (High Lords and Kittani), 1-2 Space Warlocks
Crew: 48-90 Kittani/Overlords/Trusted Minion, 80 Pilots, 15-30 slave servants
Troops: 30 Slavers with Barges, 120 Blind Warrior Women, 10 Power
Speed Conventional: Mach 14 in space, the ship is trans-atmospheric and flys at Mach 2 in Atmosphere
Contragravity Drive FTL 6 ly/hr
Cargo: 7,500 tons, or 1,500 slaves
Power Systems: Antimatter, Contragravity Drive
Ship Sensors: Good Stuff, Magic & Kittani
1. (4) Medium Hi-Laser Turrets: 2d6x100 R: 16 mi
2. (4) Main LRM Batteries: Volleys/Payload: 16/256 each, 64/1024 total
3. (24) Mini Missile launchers: Volleys/Payload: 8/80, 192/1920
4. (4) Ventral Neutron Beam Turrets: 4d6x10+20 each R: 9.3mi
Auxiliaries: 12 fighters
1. (12) Kittani Trans-Robot Fighter
2. (64) Kittani PA (Most have Space Mod: fly at mach 8 in space)

Some Marauder Frigates have been upgraded with additional Biowizard and magic systems. The most notable of Biowizard modifications is the addition of a thin layer of fleshy tissue installed just beneath the armor plates of the ship. This tissue was adapted from a race of sentient slime monster from another dimension. Through Biowizardry the fleshy tissue is no longer sentient, but it does respond to magic manipulations, and is able to articulate, and morph in shape causing the armor plates to move in eerie ways to outside observers. The fleshy tissue can be charged with magic energy to form a reinforced barrier for the hull, and even enables the ship to grow huge tentacles. The effects are a modification of the spells Armor Bizarre and Grow Tentacle (WB16 Fed of Magic pg 135 and WB7 Underseas pg65).

Advanced Slaver Marauder Frigate Magic Systems
4 Large Eyes of Eylor: 1600 P.P.E. regenerate every 24hours
(P.P.E. can be used to power Magic Systems
Magic Systems: or by the crew to cast spells)
1. Armor Bizarre: (600 PPE/6min) 3600 MDC, Need to save against H.F. 12 each turn
2. Grow Tentacles (100ppe/6min) grows a pair of tentacles, 300MDC each, each has 2 attacks per melee and operate independently, Tentacles are +2 strike, +4 parry, and +1 initiative
tentacle strike 3d6x10 R: 300ft, can grapple with smaller ships and hold them.
Arms can parry missiles with ease
3. Shadow Meld (220 PPE/20min)
4. Spaceflight Standard: Mach 20 (460 P.P.E./2hr)
5. Protection Circle Superior: 20 P.P.E./Hr
Magical Missile Warheads: (for the LRMs)
1. Dispel Magic Barrier, 2.Anti-Magic Cloud (140 PPE)

Splugorth Marauder Transport (Stripped Frigate)

The Splugorth also offer a downgraded version of the Marauder Frigate that has been stripped of most weapons systems, is slower, and is used as a transport. This ship can be found on the market between 200 and 250 million credits.

Splugorth Slaver Marauder Transport (Stripped Frigate)
Main: 6,500
Variable Force Field: 3,000
Length: 435ft, Width: 135ft, Height 162ft, Weight: 7,500 tons
Officers: 3-7, Crew: 30-60, 12 Pilots, Troops: Varies
Speed Conventional: Mach 8 in space, Mach 1 in Atmosphere, Contragravity Drive FTL 6 ly/hr
Cargo: 25,000 tons, or 5000 slaves
Power Systems: Antimatter, Contragravity Drive
Ship Sensors: Good Stuff, Magic & Kittani
1. (2) Main LRM Batteries: Volleys/Payload: 16/256 each, 32/512 total
2. (6) Mini Missile launchers: Volleys/Payload: 8/80, 48/480
Auxiliaries: A small hanger with enough space for 12 PA
1.(12) Kittani PA (Space Mod: fly at mach 8 in space)
2. Additional units can be held in cargo bay

Beguiler Biowizard Yacht (Elite Runner)
Authors Note: I realize that this ship is quite a munchkin. In my games as GM, I plan to use it more as a plot device, or a way to put the fear of god back into my PC's if they were to ever question the supremacy of the Splugorth. In game terms, these ships are just as valuable an asset as a larger battleship, and if there were a bunch of these ships out there, the splugorth would quickly re-conquer the three galaxies. Please be sure to treat them as such.

These vessels are true creations of Biowizardry and demonstrate some of the most fearsome powers that BioWizardry is able to offer. Although the ship is merely the size of a runner (180 feet long) it has the capacity to disable large battleships with its terrifying powers.

The most prominent feature of the ship is a large decorated motif on the front face of the of the ship. The bow of the ship is brilliantly decorated with inlays of embossed silver and scarlet symbols with dozens of inlaid star sapphire gemstones. These inlays form an intricate circle with a centerpiece being a large golden relief of a gigantic closed eye. The Eye is a Greater Ruin Statue and radiates with magic. Advanced practitioners of magic with knowledge of magic circles may find symbols similar to those used in the 10th level Wards spell Rifts pg184. All along the length of hull plates on ship are painted intricate motifs and designs reminiscent of tattoos. Mounted on top towards the rear/stern of the ship is a miniature bronze pyramid that houses mystic generators.

Additional striking features will appear during battle in the form of eleven large tentacles which are typically retracted into the main body with a metal cap to hide/camouflage them from unknowing observers. Four of these tentacles have powerful Biowizard weapons that are used to disable large sections of larger ships through unorthodox means.

Also included among the biowizard systems is the same thin layer of fleshy tissue installed just beneath the armor plates of the ship that the Advanced Marauder Frigate has (see Advanced Marauder Frigate description for details). This tissue is a vital component to the magical generation of additional tentacles, and activation of Armor Bizarre enchantments on the ship.

Beguiler Biowizard Yacht (Elite Runner)
Main: 2,500
Ithan: 1,000 x5/day
Length: 180ft, Width: 80ft, Height 80ft, Weight: 7,500 tons
Officers: 3-6 High Lords, Crew: 10-20, Troops: 2 Power Lords, 3 Slavers, 12 Blind Warrior Women
Speed Conventional: Mach 10 in space, Mach 2 in Atmosphere, Rift Jump Drive: 14 Ly/3 hour (800 PPE)
Cargo: 300 tons, or 60 slaves
Power Systems: Magical
Ship Sensors: Magical Sensors and Biowizardry

1. (4) Tentacles with Biowizard Cannons: Each has 300 mdc and are +3 to strike (integrated eye of Eylor)
Word Bizarre Cannons: Each tentacle can fire 1 time per melee & payload is limited to 5/day, R: 4miles Shoots out black spheres that casts World Bizarre upon impact, lasts 10melee, 200ft radius,
See WB16 FoM pg145 for details on effects. The spell effects penetrate through the hulls and shields of ships, and are excellent for disabling a larger capitol ships
2. (7) Reinforced Tentacles: 500MDC each, each has 2 attacks per melee and operate independently
Tentacles are +2 strike, +4 parry, and +1 initiative. tentacle strike 3d6x10 R: 300ft, can grapple with smaller ships and hold them. Arms can parry missiles with ease. These reinforced tentacles are enchanted with the Deflect spell (see WB16 FoM pg133) and can activate it 5 times per day for 2.5 min. With the deflect spell active, they can even parry large capitol ship weapons.
3. (1) Main LRM Batteries: Volleys/Payload: 16/256
4. (4) Neutron Beam Turrets: 4d6x10+20 each R: 9.3mi
5. (6) Heavy Ectoplasmic Net Launcher: See Splynn pg141 for effects. Payload: 5 (50PPE to recharge) R:2mi, Can be used to disable small weapons systems on larger ships (need called shots), or fired at suits of power armor, or for capturing slaves when on safari.
Note: all tentacles are able to retract into the main body of the ship to protect themselves from damage. The World Bizarre Cannons typically retract themselves after firing each melee.
Auxiliaries: 13 Eylor Floating Eyes (see Rifts Sourcebook One Revised page 150 for stats)

Beguiler Biowizard Yacht Magic Systems (Card 2 of 2)
Bronze Pyramid, Greater P.P.E. generator that produces 1,200 P.P.E. per hour / 5 P.P.E. per melee (Activating the Rifts drive costs 800 P.P.E) and can only hold up to 3,000 P.P.E. in storage, which is why there are an additional 13 Large Eyes of Eylor to store an additional 5,200 P.P.E. that also regenerate every 24hours. This P.P.E. can be used to power the Rifts Drive or can be used activate magic biowizard systems on the ship. There is a Stone Master High Lord who is mystically linked to the Bronze Pyramid, and is needed to direct the flow of mystic energy to various different systems, or to share the PPE with crew members.

Magic Systems:
1. Armor Bizarre: (150 PPE/10min) 1500 MDC, HF14 each turn
2. Grow Tentacles (100ppe/6min) grows an additional a pair of tentacles, 300MDC each, each has 2 attacks per melee and operate independently, Tentacles are +2 strike, +4 parry, and +1 initiative
Tentacle strike 3d6x10 R: 300ft, can grapple with smaller ships and hold them.
Arms can parry missiles with ease
3. Shadow Meld (60 PPE/20min)
4. Chameleon (40 PPE/20min)
5. Spaceflight Standard: Mach 20 (120 P.P.E./2hr)
6. Protection Circle Superior: 20 P.P.E./Hr
7. Multi-Spectrum Blinding Flash Strobe: (200ppe works as per spell Chromatic Protection (WB16 Fed of Magic pg 133) only it also affects ship sensors disabling all sensors within 10 miles for 1 melee turn.
Affects vision per normal spell with more range. See Biowizard device description for additional details.
8. Rift Jump Drive: Activating the Rifts drive costs 6,000 P.P.E. and can jump up to 14 light years away. Can only activate Jump Drive after 3 hours of charging. Note: Use of a Contragravity Drive interrupts the charging of a Jump Drive so you need to wait 3 hours after using a C-drive for the Jump Drive to charge before using it. This is the reason why these two drives are rarely both found on the same ship.
9. Giant Paralyzing Eye: Greater Ruin Statue/Weapon (see description below)
Abilities: Paralyzing Gaze - While the eye is open any who look upon the Giant Eye (even through optics or view screens) must save vs Paralysis as per Bio-Manipulation Rifts pg 124 or be unable to take actions or look away from the eye until the eye closes. Eye opens/activates automatically whenever the ship is about to be targeted (similar to Eylor Slave Barge's force field) or when commanded to open by Splugorth High Lord Ruin Master, and remains open for 5 minutes.
The eye can only be opened 4 times per day, and drains 5 PPE from the barges PPE reserves for each person affected by the paralysis. The Ruin Statue needs to be fed 300PPE per day for the wards and enchantments required for automatic activation to remain active

Also I originally mistakenly put this post in the Rifts sub-forum instead of the Rifts Dimension books sub-forum. I'm going to edit that post to redirect here.
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

Unread post by taalismn »

Ewww...Santa came early!

I like! 8) :ok:
Shiny, eldritch, and powerful enough to put some fear into those who encountering the Splugorth in space.
I can see a use for these (if only in reference) in the Shemarrian Star Nation's fight against the Splugorth. :bandit:
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Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

Unread post by Zurmash »

I always thought it made sense to have the Kittani tech culture meshed in in with Sploog bio magic. Keep em locked in. Species has 20k yrs til full minion status...
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

Unread post by Zurmash »

Kittani can learn magic...technically. those caught face sploogdeath though....hmmm
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

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What about rogue Kittani who go to Naruni? It cant never have occured...
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

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Zurmash wrote:What about rogue Kittani who go to Naruni? It cant never have occured...

That's one of the things Splugorth have Sunaj assassins for.
It's part of the ugly game of corporate espionage between the two powers.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

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It's more than just fear from assassination, there are a lot of cultural influences and pressures within the Splugorth Minions that would dissuade them from becoming a traitor. I have actually thought about and have had discussions about this in the past.

A long time ago I played a campaign where a player in our group was able to bribe the commander of an Splugorthian battle group (lead by Kittani and Kydians), by promising to double their salary if instead of attacking us, they would go do something that would help the group. The GM let the group get a chance at the dice, and we rolled well so it worked. In a wider sense during our play the GM had been treating the Splugorth like the Goa'uld from the Stargate TV series, or one of many other common villain groups you would find on TV, and had the idea that if their weren't any High Lords around to keep the minions in line, that they would be much more susceptible to bribery and acts of disloyalty. In retrospect I think that this was a bad call by our GM to allow this bribery to work, as it went against all of the texts in WB2 that explained how fanatically loyal the trusted minions were to the Splugorth. This bribery actually had a significant amount of impact on our party and helped us build a nation over time.

Years later after we had stopped playing for a few years, I spoke to the GM about this discrepancy. I used an example of politics during the cold war, and asked him if some Soviet guy offered him a briefcase full of money, would he be willing to give up government secrets that would endanger Americans. He readily replied "Of course not", and after some more discussion he agreed that he probably shouldn't have let the Splugorth minions succumb to bribery.

There are really four different strong cultural pressures that would help to keep minions of the Splugorth in line, Political, Racial, Religious, and their self-identity. The political pressures are as I illustrated above with my Soviet briefcase full of money example. I imagine that defections from one Splugorth lord to another would be as rare and taboo in Splugorthian culture as it was in america during the red scares of the cold war.

Even more rare would be defections to Nurani or some other organization made up of mortal lesser beings. Remember that for thousands of years the elite classes of minions (High Lords, Kydians, Slavers, and also Kittani) have been groomed, and told that they are the chosen people of the empire. That mortals are to be slaves and outsiders (with a few exceptions) are lesser beings. I can see the same kind of racial prejudice in a Kittani dealing with a Nurani weapons dealer as you might have found in a slave owning plantation owner during the 1840's dealing with a northern black free man. Why any minion would want to defect and join such a group of lesser beings would be nearly unthinkable.

Next don't forget that the minions worship the Splugorth. The Splugorth truly were the saviors of the Kydian and Kittani races. The Kydians were about to drive themselves into extinction with their overpopulation when the Splugorth swooped in and saved them, and gave them a purpose. The Kittani were about to be wiped out by the Mechanoids when Splynncryth rescued a fleet of fleeing refugees and brought them to another dimension. To these races, and many other minion races the Splugorth is quite literally like their Jesus. I imagine that the fervor and passion of christian crusaders during the great crusades would have been intensified to even greater levels if Jesus had been walking the earth at the time, personally directing the wars, and performing miracles on a regular basis. Likewise moments of self-doubt about the existence of god would be a lot less common in Splugorthian Kingdoms when it is possible to look up the address of their god and visit them. This devotion is especially true for the High Lords, as each of them literally has some form of a witch pact or parasitic link with their Splugorth lord, that gives them most of their powers.

Lastly is identity. All of the trusted elite minions have been minions for countless generations. The very concept that they could leave the Splugorth and join something else must be foreign to them. Who are the Kydians, if they are not minions of the Splugorth. No one even knows what the original name was for the race that came to be known as the Slavers. Exceptions to this lack of an identity outside of being minions of the Splugorth are only found in lower in the hierarchy. The Kittani are one of the few races that remember who they were before the Splugorth, and might be able to conceptualize creating an empire of their own if they were not minions. It is probably this reason and this reason alone that the Kittani have not been promoted to the Elite minion status, despite their 38,000 years of service to the Splugorth. Likewise the Gargoyles might be able to envision themselves as minions of some other powerful being, as they are found in the service to many different demon lords and powerful supernatural beings.

All this being said, I am sure that there has been multiple instances of a Kittani, and other minions who have defected from the Splugorth to Nurani Enterprises or some other faction. Despite how rare such a defection must be, there sure are a lot of Kittani and other minions out there, and there sure has been plenty of time, that it is hard to imagine it hasn't happened a number of times.
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

Unread post by SolCannibal »

It crosses my mind that, considering how a not insignificant chunk of the UWW's population and know-how comes from at least one Splugorth kingdom that liberated itself, some of their gear might take inspiration from previously existing stuff to be found in one or other Sploog domain. same might be said to some degree from "ancient" Kreegor resources, i guess.

Also, the Kitanni as a civilization nearly destroyed by the Mechanoids gives GMs a good excuse for one to mine any number of tech and ideas from the old Mechanoids Trilogy as remnants of their heyday or souvenirs from past allies or rivals. Who knows, maybe some other race from that series might have turned into Minions of Splugorth other than Splynncryth...

As an aside and looking at the other side of the fence, are there other noteworthy "minions of the Naruni" beside the Uteni in the books? It has been some time since last checked that kind of stuff on Naruni Enterprises and related subjects.
Last edited by SolCannibal on Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Splugorthian Spaceships using BioWizardry

Unread post by RockJock »

Molock Enforcers? They are mentioned a few places, but described in Wave 2.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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