North American Herbalism

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North American Herbalism

Unread post by shadrak »


Herbalism Items:

Winter Cherry: The Winter Cherry is a perennial shrub that grows up to 30 inches tall. The flowers are small and green and the fruit, when ripe, is bright orange. When refined, it has properties similar to, though weaker, ginseng.

Magic Potion: Stamina refresher. The consumer’s senses are dulled slightly, and the consumer experiences a low-level euphoric experience. The power concentration is rather low and a dose amounts to about 12 ounces of infused liquid. The liquid is pleasant tasting. The consumer’s PE is temporarily raised by 1D4 and the consumer’s endurance (running, lifting, working, etc.) is doubled in duration. P.P.E.: 100 points for 10 doses. Market Value: 20 credits per dose.

Magic Potion: PPE Refresher. The consumer’s PPE regeneration is increased by 300% for 5 hours (normally 15 PPE per hour for meditation; Technowizards are 24 per hour, Shifters/Mystics are 30 per hour, 45 for Ley Line Walkers). The liquid is harsh and astringent. P.P.E.: 50 points. Market Value: 400 credits per dose.

Echinacea: The Echinacea is a flowering perennial that can grow up to 4 feet tall. The plants are common throughout North America and Native American tribes use it for its medicinal properties. Several Herbalists in North America have discovered how to magically refine the herb even further. Normally, Echinacea is used in a powder that provides healing and pain killing qualities, but, in Lakeside, it is most often used in a brew that

Magic Powder: Healing Powder. Creates effects similar to the psionic power Bio-Regeneration (self). P.P.E. 200 points for 10 doses Market Value: 500 credits per dose

Magic Brew: Intoxicant. Roughly three times as strong as alcohol, consuming this brew lowers inhibitions and gives a small euphoric effect. There is no hangover effect with this brew, and it will even cause the consumer to regenerate 1D4 SDC. P.P.E.: 10 points. Market Value: 30 credits per dose.

Clover Honey Mead: Clover Honey Mead is an intoxicating beverage that is sold throughout Lakeside and it is very similar normal mead. Clover Honey Mead is popular in Lakeside because it is slightly intoxicating and one glass of it provides the full nourishment necessary for a day (approximately 1200 calories per 16 ounces). Combined with the appetite suppressant qualities, and its long shelf life, Clover Honey Mead is also popular with adventurers. P.P.E.: 300 points for 10 doses. Market Value: 25 credits per dose.

Ma Huang: Native to southwestern North America, western South America, southern Europe, northern Africa, and throughout Asia, Ma Huang is readily available to most Herbalists, but it is rarely enchanted due to the adverse cardio vascular effects a user will experience. In Lakeside, the criminals have developed a new concoction. Suspended in alcohol, magically refined Ma Huang has a decreased potency but fewer negative effects and a longer shelf life.

Magic Powder: The magic powder increases focus, reflexes, and stamina for the user. The user must make a savings throw against their base P.E. or suffer 1D6 HP damage. On a savings throw roll of 1, the user will suffer a heart attack and, if the character survives, the character may experience permanent damage. Effects: +2 IQ, +1 PS, +4 PP, +4 PE, +1 NOA, +3 initiative, strike, parry, and dodge. Duration of effects: 1-hour P.P.E.: 200 per dose. Market Value: 1200 credits per dose.

Magic Brew: The Ma Huang brew provides some of the bonuses of the powder, but it is limited in nature and less likely to injure the imbiber. Effects: +2 IQ, +1 PP, +2 PE, +1 initiative, strike, parry, and dodge. Duration of effects: 15 minutes. P.P.E. 400 per 10 doses. Market Value: 80 credits per dose.

Mystiosis Elata Orchid: The “Magic Orchid” has a symbiotic relationship with the fungus Armillaria Potentia. The orchid grows using PPE that the fungus converts into nutrients. The Magic Orchid retains PPE in its roots which facilitate the growth of Armillaria Potentia. Herbalists use these roots to brew teas that have a variety of magical effects.

Armillaria Potentia: A. Potentia processes ambient PPE into energy that enables the fungus to grow. The mushrooms of the fungus can be used to create an elixir that increases the consumer’s ability to absorb ambient PPE.

Magic Brew: A simple brew from A. Potentia enables the consumer to use their personal PPE to create a euphoric experience. The experience is continuous until the consumer’s PPE is fully expended. Effects: -3 IQ, +1 MA. Duration of Effects: 20 minutes per each PPE point of the consumer. P.P.E.: 100 per 10 doses. Market Value: 100 credits per dose.

Magic Powder: The magic powder is highly concentrated and enables the consumer to increase their PPE regeneration. Effects: Taking a dose of this powder will increase the consumer’s PPE generation by 300% and will increase the amount of supplemental or ambient PPE the consumer can draw on for a period of three hours. P.P.E.: 300 for a single dose. Market Value: 10,000 credits per dose.

Kratom: Kratom is a tropical evergreen that can grow to more than 80 feet tall and more than 3 feet in diameter. The leaves of the tree are often processed by herbalists into a psionic inducing tea or as a combat enhancing stimulant.
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Re: North American Herbalism

Unread post by taalismn »

Just what I'm been looking for for that little herbal shoppe in the market square. :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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