Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser guns generate beams of coherent light that inflict damage by way of rapid thermal exchange generated when the target's surface absorbs high amounts of energy rapidly causing damaging thermal reaction, essentially a sort of "microwave gun". Mechanically light, as it's just the reaction chamber, a tiny focusing aperture, and the barrel which is likely made reflective in a way to redirect divergent emissions to optimize damage. The only noises are likely a tiny whine from the internal mechanisms and any particles in the air being vaporized.
Effectively instant impact to target, brief flash of light minimal observable fire profile. Barrel profile is ideally very narrow diameter cylinder, for focusing lens durability and maximized beam focus. Past maximum effective range, beam will rapidly lose damage potential, even high-yield weapons will likely be ineffective past another few yards
Pros: Highly accurate and long ranged energy beam. no real loss of accuracy from either gravity or nearby interference, including weather or deep space. Fairly energy efficient, low maintenance so long as the internal components are sealed. Zero recoil due to method of energy discharge.
Cons: Damage limited by the fact it has to affect a small area to improve damage, so the attack is going to lose some percentage of damage to the material it previously slagged. Laser beam can be refracted or otherwise dissipated to reduce or potentially negate damage capabilities. Lacking penetrative potential and capability for covering fire due to nature of beam.
Ion beam: Slightly misleading name, electrical beam induced by rapid ionization to target followed by high yield electrical projection, effectively artificial lightning that is unaffected to normal electrical grounding, causing explosive agitation of target materials. beam ionizes the air along the path to target, which interacted with adjacent air molucules to create a momentary corridor of discharge-proof air stabalizing the path of the energy beam for the stream of electrically charged particles to contact target. Almost a two-stage weapon, the guiding ionization beam is effectively insulation for the electrical charge delivered by the stream of particles. Comparatively bulky, the weapon requires considerable short-term capacitors and significant cooling systems for the firing chamber which encompasses the entire weapon, although the components are solid state. The sudden energy discharge produces a significant amount of light and sound as the air around the beam reacts explosively, similar to thunder. distinct directed energy effect from particle weapons, ion weapons rely on particles to deliver damaging electrical charge, and are inoffensive themselves.
Near-instant impact to target, high observable fire profile from high-glare beam and loud discharge. Weapon has minor recoil as effect of sudden expansion of the air immediately surrounding the point of discharge. Barrel profile is pretty much accepting of any shape, but ideally a relatively deep, wide diameter barrel to build a damaging level of charge while minimizing the strain of the capacitors. Since the reaction can be contained entirely within the barrel, the rest of the weapon can be built adjacent to it to reduce length. Past maximum effective range ionization effect is too weak to direct energy effectively resulting in the beam simply diffusing.
pros: Weapon of reliable damage potential, with no real resistant armor materials. Low maintenance if barrel can be suitably cleaned and weapon can even be shuttered to limit damage if suitable non-conductive material is available. Minimal moving parts to design makes it a durable weapon. Effective weapon for covering fire due to high-visibility of beam.
cons: Anything that can prevent the ionization of target will effectively negate the weapon's ability to inflict damage, including the beam moving enough to fail to concentrate on a suitable size area. Massive visibility issue, as weapon trajectory is both clearly visible in most light spectrums and easy to track, making identification easy. The method of discharge means that range and accuracy is highly limited and subject to interference by both material and energy barriers and is a serious hazard to user if area is suitably saturated with a conductive liquid or discharge system is compromised.
Plasma: Energy discharge referring to solar plasma rather than the conventional plasma state of matter. Weapon agitates matter contained in magnetic energy packet (in this case, captured air is sufficient) into a pseudo-state similar to solar plasma at which point the magnetic packet is ejected, propelling the plasma-material into the target. Fourier's law limits significant thermal loss of the ejected plasma as the superheated air effectively cushions the bulk of the attack from heat transfer until impact, when the plasma causes damage through extreme thermal transfer. Mechanically complicated, plasma weapons are similar to an "energy railgun" where the matter must be agitated thermally with radiation while contained inside of a separate magnetic field which is then propelled at the target through a third, separate mechanism. The weapon itself produces no light aside from that emitted by the thermal exchange from the plasma but the internal mechanisms produce significant noise on top of the rapid boiling of air as the plasma is ejected. Inherently low rate of fire make plasma ineffective for covering fire.
Impact to target on par with conventional ballistics, relatively low observable fire profile. Weapon suffers from minor recoil from magnetic ejection system. Barrel profile is ideally round with very wide diameter to ensure that plasma is ejected in a single "ball" to optimize energy transfer. Past effective distance, plasma shot loses velocity rapidly and may inadvertently cause collateral damage before energy potential is lost.
pros: Extremely high potential damage, plasma's direct heat transfer means any attempts to redirect or exchange heat is ineffective. Glancing shots have good potential to inflict damage compared to other energy-based weapons. Plasma shots are entirely unaffected by energy interference and function as an efficient way to incinerate most materials totally.
cons: Weapon projection system is both extremely range limited and energy inefficient as well as being subject to projectile falloff from gravity. Zero penetration possible, target must be burned through entirely to bypass. Highly heat-resistant targets may see reduced damage. Complicated firing system is comparatively vulnerable to failure, and requires regular inspection for faults. Plasma-damaged areas may be hazardous for several minutes to hours, which can impede friendly forces through choke points.
Particle beam: A projected stream of highly energized particles directed at the target causing it to explode in an nuclear reaction. Mite-sized airborne particles are caught in a magnetic field, agitated at the atomic level until explosively unstable, and then projected via the magnetic field in the "beam" of destructive energy. Collision of particles results in a destructive reaction with the material contacted causing explosive discharge of energy within the target matter itself. Requires several heavy energy capacitor systems and internal radiation shielding to operate effectively, and the projected particle emission produces a shrill stattico crackling and countless "stars" of light along the path of the beam from stray energized particles colliding in/with the air.
Near-instant impact with target, beam produces high observable fire profile. Particle beam weapon produces moderate but ongoing recoil from continuous beam discharge while fired. Barrel profile is actually ideally squared or narrowly rectangular, as the ideal way to charge the particles is a bi-lateral magnetic field allowing for the particles to be charged from the sides of the magnetic panels. Particle beams past maximum effective range lose directional cohesion, resulting in dangerous charged particles erratically exploding as they lose inertia and veer off course. Massive power draw makes Particle beam weapons unwise choices for supporting fire.
pros: Extremely high damage potential and penetration, with no real effective means of deflecting/diffusing the particle beam effectively. Beam unaffected by most interference, not seriously restricted by gravity. Armor is explosively destroyed, improving ability to bypass.
Cons: Massive energy requirement for the damage potential, range is restricted by delivery method. Most complex internal components need to be exposed, making internal damage likely and forcing a trade-off between optimal performance and durability. Potentially disastrous misfire if magnetic field is disrupted during firing.
So, do you think this is a good descriptive source for them?
EDIT 05/2020: improved description of ion weapons based on further information.