Mlp7029 wrote:Makeover.
For those mornings when you realize you're late for work, you forgot to do this week's laundry, and you've got that big meet-and-greet first thing at work.
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Mlp7029 wrote:Makeover.
Mlp7029 wrote:Makeover
Level: Three
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Ten
This useful spell creates a complete makeover for a voluntary subject, including cosmetics, hair, clothes. It even polishes teeth and eliminates plaque. Changes are as permanent as those made in a beauty salon. The degree of style in the tailoring is determined by a skill test against either the caster’s Cosmetology or Disguise or Wardrobe & Grooming. Use of this spell in the performance of the previous skills gives a +20% on the skill performance.
taalismn wrote:Sex Magnet(Invocation)
Level: 10
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +20 ft per level of experience
The effect radiates out 10 ft per level of experience from the target.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those of the same gender as the target, -4 for those of the opposite gender, -2 for those of the same general species-type as the target(such as, for humans, elves, dwarves, and ogres), +2 for those not of the same species/general type as the target.
PPE Cost: 60
Though regarded as the holy grail of virgin and single mages, Sex Magnet was actually formulated as a CURSE. Cast on a subject, it makes them unknowingly virtually irresistable to others as a potential conjugal partner. Those entering the area of effect and failing to save versus the magic will become instantly attracted to the subject and incredibly turned on, growing increasingly frustrated and stupid-crazy in their approaches to the target. Though stopping short of physically harming the subject of their affections, the collateral victims of this spell may engage in very public displays of affection, hugging, kissing, serenading, begging, pleading, proposing, disrobing, fighting with others also affected, stropping themselves against the target, and generally acting like love-starved buffoons.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
Father Goose wrote:taalismn wrote:Sex Magnet(Invocation)
Level: 10
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +20 ft per level of experience
The effect radiates out 10 ft per level of experience from the target.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those of the same gender as the target, -4 for those of the opposite gender, -2 for those of the same general species-type as the target(such as, for humans, elves, dwarves, and ogres), +2 for those not of the same species/general type as the target.
PPE Cost: 60
Though regarded as the holy grail of virgin and single mages, Sex Magnet was actually formulated as a CURSE. Cast on a subject, it makes them unknowingly virtually irresistable to others as a potential conjugal partner. Those entering the area of effect and failing to save versus the magic will become instantly attracted to the subject and incredibly turned on, growing increasingly frustrated and stupid-crazy in their approaches to the target. Though stopping short of physically harming the subject of their affections, the collateral victims of this spell may engage in very public displays of affection, hugging, kissing, serenading, begging, pleading, proposing, disrobing, fighting with others also affected, stropping themselves against the target, and generally acting like love-starved buffoons.
I can definitely see the applications of this as a curse!
This is potentially devastating if used appropriately, and can make for a great "distraction" spell too. "Quick, mage, make that guard a Sex Magnet so we can slip past while he's being mobbed!"
I like it.
Slight001 wrote:[
The only complaint I have is that it's likely to **** off the LGBT+ers as being biased... Perhaps it should detect the 'victims' orientation, preferences, and take that into account rather then just assume everyone is hetero?
taalismn wrote:Slight001 wrote:[
The only complaint I have is that it's likely to **** off the LGBT+ers as being biased... Perhaps it should detect the 'victims' orientation, preferences, and take that into account rather then just assume everyone is hetero?
Or perhaps the caster can specify which genders are turned on, or leave it open-ended for 'EVERYBODY wants to make love to the target'.
Though, in that case, a bonus on the saving throw for sexual orientation might be a good idea, if the person so targeted is the opposite of your normal preference in a partner.
Slight001 wrote:[
Might not be a bad idea... gods my brain is still getting used to this mindset. I blame my niece for this. I was perfectly happy being my closet/passive sexist self before she started calling my out on it.
taalismn wrote:Slight001 wrote:[
Might not be a bad idea... gods my brain is still getting used to this mindset. I blame my niece for this. I was perfectly happy being my closet/passive sexist self before she started calling my out on it.
Some days I'd just rather talk to my (gender-neutral) furniture....
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
Father Goose wrote:Perhaps you could create a "Communicate with Furniture" spell to facilitate.
taalismn wrote:Father Goose wrote:Perhaps you could create a "Communicate with Furniture" spell to facilitate.
I think that's covered by 'Object Read'.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
Mack wrote:Animal Voyeur
This mini-ritual allows the caster to experience what a nearby animal senses.
Many mages find this spell useful in wilderness areas for detecting threats or scouting an area, even if they can't direct the animal.
gaby wrote:Unrusted
It a Ritural that allow the caster to Unruseted any Metal weapon or armor.
:Cost 4 P.p.e
Do you PFrpg,s book that have Magic weapon attribute about impervious to rust
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!
Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!
Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today.
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I need a spell! Or at least I need a forum dweller to track one down for me please. This spell allows the character to never become physically lost. They always know where they are, where they're going, and the best route to get there. This same power or an Associated power allows them to locate anything within a set distance that will grow with experience. Does such a spell already exist? Could someone point me and its general direction? Thank you
Aren't lesser and greater spells normally learned at different spell levels?taalismn wrote:Circle of Enchanted Sleep(Ritual)
Level: 9
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
Duration: (Lesser) 1 month per level of experience
(Greater) 5 years per level of experience
Saving Throw: (Lesser) Standard
(Greater) None
PPE Cost: (Lesser) 50
(Greater) 300
Circle of Enchanted Sleep is a rirual that puts the subject into a state of stasis. The caster draws a mystic circle(woth chalk, charcoal, ink, or other material) around the subject(typically restrained in the case of involuntary spell-subjects) and casts the spell, whereupon the person or being in the circle lapses into a deep sleep. This comatose state is so profound that the subject does not age, does not require food, water, exercise, and only a hundredth of the amount of air they would normally use while under the spell’s influence. The spell provides no otheer form of protection to the subject, so the Cicle is best set up in a secure location, such as a locked room, cave, or cell, where the sleeper is safe from the elements and disturbance.
Breaking the circle(easy enough to do; a simple swipe of a shoe can disturb the media used to draw the circle) breaks the spell, waking the subject within. Typically the awakened person will be loggy and disoriented, as if waking from a deep sleep(which they have) and be at HALF all skill proficiencies, and bonuses for 1d4 melees for every month they were under the influence of the Circle.
Note that mages and psychics do NOT regain spent PPE/ISP as per sleep rules while under the influence of a Circle of Enchanted Sleep, and must recharge their PPE/ISP through normal rest and meditation.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[]Aren't lesser and greater spells normally learned at different spell levels?
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I need a spell! Or at least I need a forum dweller to track one down for me please. This spell allows the character to never become physically lost. They always know where they are, where they're going, and the best route to get there. This same power or an Associated power allows them to locate anything within a set distance that will grow with experience. Does such a spell already exist? Could someone point me and its general direction? Thank you
torjones wrote:For your consideration and comment, from a recent game I played in:
Remove Fizz
taalismn wrote:torjones wrote:For your consideration and comment, from a recent game I played in:
Remove Fizz
Pyrotchnics looks good, though I think there are several similar spells on this thread.
Remove Fizz...I KNOW I did and posted a spell that does this, along with a Denature Alcohol spell that earned me the fear and hatred of a reader.
Carbonate....Yes, there was also a carbonate spell or at least a soda creation spell.
Sanitize---I can see this as a more thorough(add PPE-expensive) version of Cleanse
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:*chuckles* mean
So you created a "Smells just like a farm the week the fields are being fertilized" spell.
Does the 7th or 8th level version of this spell Just called fertilize fields?
Or it could be called "down wind of the dairy farm just after all the cows take their dumps".
(yep lives near to a few. So knows from personal exp.)
taalismn wrote:But yeah, there's a range of more elaborate names for this spell; Symon's Scatological Downpour, Brosby's Excremental Fan Blast, Gust of Goo, Heavn's Bowel Mover, etc...
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!
Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!
Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today.
What about something to cast on armor to make hitting it do damage to a supernatural evil character, or to make the gauntlets do +3 strikes? Looks good though.taalismn wrote:Bullet Blessing (Invocation)
Level: 9th
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 5 ft to enchant the projectile
Duration: The enchantment last 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None to bless the ammunition. Target gets a save versus the magic empowering the ammunition, but on a successful save still takes HALF damage.
PPE Cost: 45 per projectile
A Light spell created specifically to endow modern ammunition with paranormal-slaying ability. Targets normally immune to physical attacks will take FULL damage from the blessed bullets.
Note: Grenades and other explosives CANNOT be empowered by this spell. The ammunition must be a direct fire projectile of inert/solid construction(including composite alloy rounds). Also U-rounds(and acrively radioactive projectiles) CANNOT be enchanted with this spell.
This spell is available only to priest OCCs.
Hellseeker (Invocation)
Level: 4
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 5 ft to enchant the projectile
Duration: The enchantment last 5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None. The intended target can still attempt to dodge, however
PPE Cost: 10 per enchanted projectile
Priests and clerics of Light(Good alignment) can cast this spell at HALF cost
Cast on a projectile, this spell gives the weapon a bonus of + 3 to strike beings of supernatural evil.
Note: The Evil version of this spell, which is +3 to strike beings of supernatural good, is known as Eclipseblight.
Note 2: This spell can be cast on bullets, arrows, spears, catapult stones, and even freefall/’smart’ bombs, but NOT on self-propelled missiles/rockets.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:What about something to cast on armor to make hitting it do damage to a supernatural evil character, or to make the gauntlets do +3 strikes? Looks good though.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Mobile Stable of Galrohrim
taalismn wrote:drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Mobile Stable of Galrohrim
I like it. Though it's not a spell, but an artifact(we really should have a separate thread for magic artifacts), it's a good prize for treasure seekers.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[
I think tried to start a magic item/object thread a couple..few?..years ago and no-one posted to it. so it didn't get stickied.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:One thing I noticed was that it does not have the same duration as the spell curses in the canon spell lists. Those spell curses have a duration of 24 hours per level.
I would not of noticed this if AxeM hadn't asked this question in this forum.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:if you look at yours and luck curse, they are sort of the's just that yours is more focused. Sort of like 'if any bad thing dealing with water is already going to happen, its going to to happen to the person your curse is on.
I would go with 12 hours per level if cast by anyone other then a water warlock, and 24 hours /L if cast by a water warlock.
taalismn wrote:*Horde ‘o Fluffy(Ludicrous Magic)
Level: 6
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge, at -3, -1 for each additional 10 fluffies summoned/sicced.
PPE Cost: 25
Effects: Target will immediately be mobbed by a horde of pastel-furred puppies or bunnies, that will leap all over them attempting to cuddle. Normally, all they’re interested in is snuggling up to the target, but if attacked with intent to harm, they’ll bite back, doing 1 SDC each per melee. Each fluffy has 1 MDC(100 SDC), Spd 16, and P.S. 1. Those caught in a plushie-pile are -2 to initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge other attacks, per every 10 flufflies summoned, and must roll under their P.P. to avoid tripping and falling(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up).
10 fluffies can be summoned per level of experience.
(Optional: For those susceptible to cute things, the Horde o’ Fluffy has a Daw Factor of 13)
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[
Sounds like this is a good spell for a day-care or pre-school teacher to know, with a few "nanny state" modifications.
taalismn wrote:Since I couldn't find a spell to cheaply turn animals into mini-monsters for a TW device I had in mind, I created this Summoning spell:
Summon Shadow Kitten (Invocation)(6th Level)
Level: 6
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:taalismn wrote:Since I couldn't find a spell to cheaply turn animals into mini-monsters for a TW device I had in mind, I created this Summoning spell:
Summon Shadow Kitten (Invocation)(6th Level)
Level: 6
Found one Page three of Rifter 13.