On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Lance David Ross was always the center of attention not only for his looks, but also for his voice.
He was a celebrate student in Concert Choir in high school. Girls would follow him everywhere
and swoon over him like a Hollywood celebrity. During high school graduation when he got to the
podium to take his diploma he shouted, “Everyone get naked!” in the microphone. Nine-five
percent of those in attendance did what he told them to do. Lance fled scene. It wasn’t long
before G.I.G.M.A. and U.S. S.C.R.E.T. were looking for him. Michael Thorn found Lance living on
the street, supported by homeless underlings. He cleaned Lance up and introduced him to his
band mates but it was Harmony and Melody who that really caught his attention. They taught
him how to use his voice and his other gifts. The moment Lance took to the microphone and
performed before an audience, he was hooked. Now Lance thinks he’s a gift to all women. He’s
self-centered, feels superior to others, and wants others doing his bidding. He believes someday
people will worship him like a deity and make statues of him. He sees other super beings as a
threat to his divine status if they don’t bow down and behold his glory. Michael is the only one
able to check his ego and he knows it.

Real Name: Lance David Ross
Occupation: Lead Vocalist of Sound Collective
Alignment: Anarchist (leaning toward Miscreant)
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 120
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: He is a tall, handsome white male, a natural athlete with a deep-set of brown
eyes. His fine, curly orange hair is worn in a style that reminds one of an elaborate sculpture. He
has a strong chin.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 21, M.A. 27, P.S. 17, P.P. 14, P.E. 16, P.B. 24, Spd. 30.
Age: 22, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 182 lbs (81.9
Unusual Characteristics: Orange hair (fans think it’s dyed).
Major Super Abilities: Sonic Power and Divine Aura (14/+2)
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch
Saving Throws: Impervious to sonic blast/attacks, loud/damaging sound attacks do half
damage/effect/penalty, half the penalties for blindness, +3 to save vs psionics & insanity, +4% to
save vs coma/death, +1 to save vs magic/poison, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: 92% trust/intimidate and 70% charm/impress.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Pilot: Automobile 75%,
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Singing 75%, Dance 70%, and Play
Guitar 75%.
Physical Program: Athletics (general), Body Building and Weightlifting, Swimming
90%, and Running.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Basic Electronics 55%, Computer Operations
75%, Writing 50%, Pilot Motorcycle 80%, Performance 67%, Public Speaking 55%, Wardrobe &
Grooming 62%, and Prowl 40%.
Money: He has $520,000 in his checking account and $48,000 in secret account set up by
Michael Thorn.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Sonic Blast, Range: 250 feet (76.2 m), Damage: 1D4x10 (+10 underwater), Attacks
Per Melee: Counts as one melee attack. Note: This sonic attack will partially pass through armor,
causing half damage to the target.
High-Pitch Scream, Range: 205 feet (62.4 m), Area of Effect: 30 foot (9 m) radius
around him, Damage: 1D6 per melee round, Victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry
and dodge. The only defense is to plug the ears. Plugging ears (both must be plugged) with
fingers reduces damage and minuses by half, but also prevents counterattacks that require the
use of the hands. Plugging ears with cotton, tissue or cloth reduces the damage by half and
penalties by one point. Earplugs will prevent any damage and reduce penalties to only -2.
Power Scream Combo, Range: 1600 feet (488 m), Damage: 2D4x10+10 (+20
underwater), Attacks Per Melee: Must be his first attack of a melee round and uses up all of his
attacks/actions per melee round, but one. Note: This sonic attack will partially pass through
armor, causing half damage to the target.
The Sonic Scream, Range: 400 feet (121 m), Area of Effect: 50 foot (15 m) radius
around him, Damage: 3D6. The sound is agonizingly painful. Any basic ear covering offers no
significant protection. Victims stagger in agony, -8 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge,
lose two melee attacks for the duration of hearing loss and cannot hear for 2D4 minutes.
Performance of skills is reduced by 25% while hearing is gone. If fired at glass objects or
windows they will shatter completely, regardless of S.D.C., and Plexiglas will fracture and be
reduced to one S.D.C. point, Attacks Per Melee: Must be his first attack of a melee round and
uses up all of his attacks/actions per melee round, but one.
Power of Command, Once every three melee rounds (45 seconds). Counts as one
melee attack.
Equipment & Vehicles: David has access to some technology and equipment of Michael
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Electro doesn’t talk about his past. He simply came to the meeting after being discovered by
Michael Thorn. The other band members were not comfortable with him at first, until he started
playing his electric guitar. The riff he could play on his guitar was extraordinary. He also revealed
why he went by the name Electro. It didn’t take long for Electro to warm up to band mates.
However, his anger was something to witness. He also proved to be excessively cruel, living a
fight, and enjoy hurting people, especially police and authority figures. His static powers are one
of the bands highlighted special effects. Electro is notorious for his hard partying and being a
lecher. Micheal Thorn on several occasion has warned Electro to stop with the rough stuff,
because not everything can be solved by Lance’s powers of persuasion or Mack’s magic.

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Lead Guitarist of Sound Collective
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 26 S.D.C.: 49/+40 in APS Armor Rating: A.R. 14 (electric aura)
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: He dresses like a rock star. He is good looking, an elegant athletic build, with
droopy eyes the glow an eerie yellow. His thick, straight, yellow hair is worn in a style that
reminiscent of a shark dorsal fin. His skin is deeply tanned. He has full lips and long-fingered
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 14, M.A. 13, P.S. 13, P.P. 10, P.E. 16, P.B. 14, Spd. 28.
Age: 21, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot, 5 inches (1.67 m), Weight: 152
lbs (68.4kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Extra long fingers and his eyes glow yellow. To hide his eye
mutation he wears specially designed sunglasses.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Electricity and Control Static Electricity.
Note: APS: Electricity automatically includes Minor Super Ability: Line Transit.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch,
and disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to electricity and lightning. In APS-Form, fire and energy
attacks do half damage. Shadow powers/bolts, force bolts, and sound (sonic) attacks do full
damage. +4% to save vs coma/death and +1 to save vs magic/poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92% and Pilot: Automobile 72%
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Singing 70%, Dance 65%, and Play
Guitar 70%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 51%, Pick Locks 65%, Tailing 65%, Palming 55%, and
Cardship/Card Shark 57%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Body Building &
Weightlifting, Running, Prowl 45%, Computer Operation 72%, Basic Electronics 50%,
Performance 45%.
Money: He has $320,000 in his checking account and $45,000 in secret account set up by
Michael Thorn.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Electric Ray, Range: 180 feet (590 m), Damage: 1D6x10+8, Bonus: +2 to strike.
Lightning Bolt, Range: 420 feet (128 m), Damage: 5D6+8, Everything within 15 feet (4.5
m) of the intended target takes 3D6 points of damage. Bonus: +3 to strike.
Electric Flight, Range: One mile (1.6 km), Damage: 1D4x10, Bonus: +1 to strike. Counts
as Two Attacks.
Electric Aura: In APS, he is continually surrounded by a powerful electric field that makes
him semi-invulnerable. Attackers using conventional weapons such as clubs, knives, or guns must
roll a 15 or higher to strike and do damage. Any roll less than 15 bounces off the natural armor
rating harmlessly doing no damage. Physical attacks will do damage if the attacker rolls 15 or
higher, however anyone who physical hits or touches him also suffers 2D6 points of electrical
damage. All attacks above a roll of 15 strike and do their normal amount of damage. The only
exceptions are electrical & lightning attack (no damage), while all fire and most other energy
attacks do half damage.
Equipment & Vehicles: Electro has access to some technology and equipment of Michael
Thorn. His instrument of choice is a limited edition 6 string Solid Body Electric Guitar ($12,000).

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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


At 51 years old, he’s the old man of the group. During his youth, he was a super villain who
fought many super hero and heroine using his magic to cause mischief and mayhem. Many made
the mistake of thinking his instruments were the source of his magic. In truth, all he need was to
sing or make music out of anything to cast his spells. After being retired for nearly 15 years,
Michael Thorn found him and convinced him to join his band. Abe liked their music and came up
with various ideas to conceal the band’s real identity. He also loved Lance’s vocals and Electro’s
guitar playing. While he’s not a young man anymore, he still loves to play and hang out with the
younger guys. He also loves to seduce young pretty woman. Every so often he breaks out the
fiddle and once again takes on his super villain persona which requires Michael Thorn to interfere
to prevent him from making the fans be forced to dance.

Real Name: Abe Randal
Alias: Professor Leo Amati, Giggle Fiddle.
Occupation: Electric bassists for Sound Collective
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mystic Study (Wizard)
Experience Level: 9th level
Hit Points: 52 S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 300
Appearance: For a man in his early 50s, he is very tall and has a graceful build. He has
deep-set eyes the color of amethysts. His luxurious, straight, gray hair is very short and is worn
in an attractive, impractical style. His skin is ruddy. He has a weak chin. His wardrobe is odd, and
is mostly purple and green. He wears wire-rimmed glasses.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 16, M.A. 22, P.S. 12, P.P. 15, P.E. 13, P.B. 17, Spd. 18.
Age: 51, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot, 3 inches (1.9 m), Weight: 197 lbs
(88.6 kg).
Insanity: Power by Association. Mack can only cast spells while he’s playing music or
singing. It doesn’t matter what instrument he plays or song he sings. His spells are cast in the
form of music or song. He cannot simply utter an incantation.
Wizard Abilities: Astral Projection (6 P.P.E.), Familiar Link (Parrot/Maestro), Sense
Enchantment 90 feet (27. 4 m) 69%, Sense Supernatural Evil 90 feet (27.4 m), and Sense Magic
120 feet/36.6 m (4 P.P.E).
Spell Magic: Agony (20), Animate Object (15), Befuddle (6), Blinding Flash (1), Blind/Mute
(50), Charm (12), Cold Wall (15), Compulsion (20), Constrain Being (20), Crimison Wall of
Lictalon (5000!), Energy Disruption (15), Escape (8), Extinguish Fire (4), Faeries’ Dance (55),
Fear (5), Fuel Fire (5), Hallucination (30), Havoc (50), Id Barrier (600), Increase Weight (4),
Levitation (5), Life Drain (25), Love Charm (40), Mystic Shield (10), Paralysis: Lesser (5), Repel
Animals (70), Summon and Control Animals (125), Summon Fog (140), Summon and Control
Storm (240), Trance (7), Weightlessness (6), and Wisps of Confusion 40).
Draw P.P.E. Special: When he needs to, he will draw additional P.P.E. from his band mates
who willing donate it (up to 70% from an individual, or 50% from each band member while
everyone is performing). During a concert, he can draw from the audience and for a very short
period, hold and use 50% more P.P.E. than his normal maximum 13 melee rounds. He can also
use the audience to channel ever greater amount of P.P.E. (up 5400) by using himself as a
connecting conduit to re-channel the energy to power a spell (ritual) that requires immense
mystic energy, provided he does so quick-within one melee round (15 seconds). Such a
channeling of mystic might requires the band to do a complete song (at least two minutes or
more) during which time Mack is completely helpless and unaware of anything but the magic he
is trying to complete. In the case of this magical concert, the entire song is designed to gather,
build, draw upon and focus the P.P.E. for one specific purpose (magical result/effect). The energy
builds and builds until the crescendo (end) of the song, at which point the gathered energy MUST
be used for the intended purpose/result. If Mack uses the energy for any other purpose, even the
casting of a minor spell to protect himself, the magic is ruined and the energy dissipates
harmlessly in a flash. Likewise, if Mack is knocked out or slain, the “ceremony” is broken and the
energy fizzles away without the intended result.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to roll with
punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and spell strength +3.
Saving Throws: +1 to save vs psionics/insanity, +3 to save vs magic, +2 to save
vs possession, and +3 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (Counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Roundhouse 3D6+2, Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge
or knockdown), Knee 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1
attack/action), Paired Weapons, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills, 70% trust/intimidate, and 35% charm/impress.
Educational Background: B.A. Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/94%, Pilot: Automobile 78%, Spell
Translation 32%, Lore: Demon & Monster 81%, Lore: Geomancy 76%, and Lore: Religion
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Wardrobe & Grooming 98%, Play Guitar
98%,and Singing 98%.
2nd Domestic Program: Play Double Pass 98%, Play Violin 98%, Dance 98%, Sewing
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry
98%, Anthropology 91%, and Archeology 98%.
Technical Program: Research 98%, History 98%/98%, Gemology 96%, and Writing 96%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Expert, Performance 76%, Gambling (standing) 81%,
Seduction 53%, Astronomy & Navigation 81%, Language: French & Spanish 83%, Literacy:
French & Spanish 91%, W.P. Staff (+3 to strike/+2 to parry), Pilot: Airplane 84%, Computer
Programming 68%, Sign Language 51%, W.P. Handgun (+1 to aim), and W.P. Sword (+1 to
Money: He has $12 million in the bank and he has $144,000 in a secret account held by
Michael Thorn.
Weapons: None, his magic staff has the power to turn into a Double bass. As a staff, it
does 2D4+2 damage (+2 to strike/parry). As a Double bass, it can function as a P.P.E. battery
and hold an additional 50 P.P.E. for spell casting (held until needed). He has to recharge it.
Equipment & Vehicles: Mack has access to some technology and equipment of Michael
Thorn. His instrument of choice besides his Double Bass is a 5-String Electric Bass ($2800).
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Dave Jones arrived on planet Earth to be free of his home world’s prejudice and persecution
of his type of music. As a musical entertainer, Davey only wanted to play music and bring joy to
people, to ease them from being fearful of an invasion by the Atorian Empire. Earlier in his life,
he’d join young resistance fighters looking to quell civil unrest and protect dignitaries.
Unfortunately, with little or no formal military training, this group was nearly killed on their first
mission. Davey switch his stance that the FAR should concentrate on being at peace and his
music career reflected this. His home world rejected this stance and his music. Arriving on Earth,
Davey thought he could bring his type of musical style to a planet who inhabitants might
appreciate his talents. He started his career by going to Century Station only to encounter the
alien bias and scorn, and that angered him. He met with Michael Thorn who convinced him to join
his criminal rock band. The others welcomed Davey with open arms but insisted he change his
name. In the beginning, he wasn’t sure about being a legitimate band but committing villainous
acts against the same people who came to hear him sing and play music. Yet the more time he
spent on Earth, the more he began to dislike its people and relished abusing them. Davey is the
lease approachable member of the band and the one who finds it difficult to “pretend” to care
about regular people. He still enjoys playing and making music but he’s especially likes the super
crime aspect even more so. Michael has to remind him constantly to keep up the charade. Note:
Davey has recently met with member of the Dark Tribunal. When the sonic hypnotic amplifier is
finished along with the latest tour, Davey plans on leaving the band and joining up with the alien
organization to inflict some serious harm upon the human race.

Real Name: Zevhor Vidova
Occupation: Keyboard–Synthesizer Player for Sound Collective
Alignment: Anarchist (leaning toward Miscreant)
Power Category: Alien
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 24 S.D.C.: 65
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: He looks humanoid but he has white eyes. He has a lithe build. His silk,
wavy, white hair is worn in a style that reminds one of a comet’s tails. His skin is pale with
prominent cheekbones and long-fingered hands. His wardrobe is strange and odd colors, his
trench coat is reminiscent of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Coat.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 19, M.A. 13, P.S. 16, P.P. 13, P.E. 13, P.B. 11, Spd. 6
Age: 25, Sex: Male, Height: 7 foot, 5 inches (2.26 m), Weight: 252
lbs (113 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Extra long fingers, ambidextrous, white eyes, and pale skin.
Major Super Ability: Holographic Memory Projection
Minor Super Abilities: Bend Light, Energy Resistant, and Energy Expulsion: Light
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous)
Combat Bonuses: +4 to parry, +3 to dodge, +1 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and
+2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Immune to the first 20 points of energy damage, then the rest of melee
round suffer half damage. Impervious to stun damage and suffer only one-quarter damage from
light/laser attacks. Cannot be blinded by light/lasers. +2 to save vs psionics and insanity.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6.
Other Bonuses: +7% to skills.
Educational Background: Alien Engineer with some Earth Familiarity
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Language 98%, Read-Write/Speak English,
Spanish, Chinese, and Russian 90%, Pilot: Small Civilian Spacecraft 78%, Pilot Hover Truck 60%,
Pilian Tongue 75%, and Mathematics: Basic 98%.
Special Skills: Electrical Engineer 92%, Electricity Generation 98%, Computer Repair
87%, Spacecraft Mechanics (Nuclear Fusion Drives) 92%, Mechanical Engineering 77%, Weapons
Engineer 82%, Nuclear Physics 72%, Astrophysics 87%, Radio: Basics 98%, Optic System 82%,
Computer Operation 98%, Sensory Equipment 82%, and Mathematics: Advance 98%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletic (general), Astronomy & Navigation
67%, T.V. & Video 62%, Performance 52%, Play Electric Piano 62%, and Play Keyboard 62%.
Money: He has $351,000 in his checking account, $143,000 in precious metals and stones,
and $48,000 in secret account set up by Michael Thorn.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Energy Expulsion: Light Explosion, Range: 42 feet (12.8 m), Damage; 1D4 must
make a saving throw of 16 or better (P.P. bonus included), as the victim tries to shield his eyes.
Victim is temporarily blind within the blast radius for 4D4 melee rounds. Victims are -10 to strike,
parry, and dodge, and those who panic and try to run have a 01-75% chance of falling on their
face (1D6) per 10 feet (3 m) they try to travel.
Equipment & Vehicles: Davy has access to some technology and equipment of Michael
Thorn, but as the engineer and technical expert of the band his instrument of choice is his digital
piano created with parts of his spacecraft worth $8 million.
Digital Piano, Catastrophic System Failure, Vertigo Field, Frequency Absorption, and
Harmonic Resonance. 6th level. Expensive Repair.
Key Board, this device appears to be an ordinary portable keyboard; 3 feet (.9 m)
long, half that width and about eight inches (20 cm) deep. When activated, a hidden panel in the
front of the machine pops up, revealing the means to enhance his powers (+30% to range,
damage, and penalties). It can also make him Impervious to Sound & Vibration, and provides a
portable force field generator. It has 24 hours energy before needing to be recharged. The S.D.C.
of the force field is 100 but it regenerates 10 points per hour.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Like Electro, Percussion likes to keep his past a secret. He especially hates the city of
Century Station, becoming increasingly violent the moment he steps foot in the city. Percussion
has a deep passion for music but also for hurting people and breaking bones. He is quite brutal
when it comes to police and law enforcement. It is also obvious that Percussion has been mute
since his childhood and has used sign language, writing notes, and hand held speaking devices to
communicate with people for nearly all his life. He is hot headed, quick-tempered, and emotional,
but a devoted friend to his band mates, and swift to come to their aid should they need him. His
one fault is the feelings he has toward Melody but she (and her sister) are attached to Lance.
When he needs too, he acts out his frustrations and desires on the various female groupies
hanging around the band. Nothing brings a smile to his face faster than a light skirt. Since joining
the band, he is quite protective of Michael Thorn and relishes the moments between super crimes
more so than playing on stage. That being said, he takes his drumming very seriously. Anyone
who makes fun of his feet doesn’t live very long.

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Drummer of Sound Collective
Alignment: Miscreant (Principled toward Band Members)
Power Category: Mutant (Unstable Powers)
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 135
P.P.E.: 22
Appearance: He is a stocky male with a wide-chest build. His skin is tan. He has an
upturned nose and hollow cheeks. He has beady black eyes that are like two onyxes. His
luxurious, wavy, beige hair is medium-length and is worn in a precise, uncomplicated style. He is
always shirtless, wearing skin-tight leather pants. He is always barefoot because of the size of his
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, M.A. 11, P.S. 25, P.P. 15, P.E. 14, P.B. 15, Spd. 32.
Age: 22, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot, 4 inches (1.95 m), Weight: 280
lbs (126 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Stocky, Extra Large Feet (size 26 shoe), and he is mute. Note: He
can carry and lift the equivalent to Superhuman P.S. (5000 lbs/2250 kg) and 7500 lbs/3375 kg).
Major Super Abilities: Vibration and Sonic Absorption & Reflection. Note: He stamps his
foot or snaps a finger to generate sound.
Minor Super Abilities: Warp Sound and Impervious to Sound/Vibration. Note: At 6th, 10th,
and 15th level he will develop a new minor super ability. Power Combo Note: He can use his
powers to amplify the sonic powers of David and the Siren Sisters (+50% to range, damage,
effect and penalties).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +2 to strike, +8 to parry, +9 to dodge, + to damage,
+6 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch
Saving Throws: Impervious to sonic blast/attacks, vibration, and loud/damaging sounds,
cannot be rendered deaf, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge of penalties for blindness (three times
normal hearing). Cannot be surprise or snuck up from behind.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or
knockdown), All Holds, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20 for 1D6 melee rounds.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Sign Language 98%, Pilot:
Automobile 75%, and Feel Vibrations 76%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Singing 75%, Dance 70%, and Play
Drums 75%.
Physical Program: Athletics (general), Body Building and Weightlifting, Boxing, and
Physical Labor.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, Performance 65%, Basic Electronics 55%,
Radio: Basic 75%, Pilot: Motorcycle 80%, Computer Operation 75%, Basic Mechanics 55% and
General Repair & Maintenance 60%.
Money: He has $900,000 in his checking account and $40,000 in secret account set up by
Michael Thorn.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Shockwaves, Range: 170 feet (76.2 m), 6 feet (1.8 m), Damage: 10D6 or 1D6x10,
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as two melee attack, Bonus: +2 to strike.
Shock Blast, Range: 250 feet (76.2 m), Damage: 4D6 (6D6 underwater), Attacks Per
Melee: Counts as one melee attack, Bonus: +4 to strike.
Vibration Punch: +1D6 to punch
Equipment & Vehicles: David has access to some technology and equipment of Michael
Thorn. His nine-piece drum kit features both acoustic and electric drums, and cymbals valued at
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Harmony & Melody

Michael Thorn encountered the Siren Sisters during his teens on a family Caribbean vacation.
They seduced him but decided to allow him to live. Years later after starting his super villain
career, he encountered them again, only this time he was impervious to their vocal charms. He
thought about taking his revenge and instead decided to introduce them to the world of mortal
men and women. The Siren Sister left their aquatic home to walk the streets of Century Station.
Both girls took a liking to the world of mortals, especially performing karaoke in the various bars,
restaurants, clubs or lounges. This is how they went about learning about the world by seducing
men and disposing of them afterward. CSPD regarded the duo as public enemies, but could never
bring them to justice. Years later, Michael returned to Century Station and introduced the girls to
his makeshift band. Right away, the girls took to Lance Ross becoming “his girls” but both girls
have left their marks on the backs of each band member, Percussion being the most enamored
with Melody. When Michael invited the girls to join the band, they were delighted as they found it
increasing difficult to avoid encounters with various independent super heroes and Sector 10
undercover agents. The girls changed their looks and now appear on stage with no one from
Century Station the wiser. Today the girls limit their siren ways to only a few men a year
choosing instead show their limitless affection toward Lance. Harmony is more inclined to seduce
her victims and leave them alive, while Melody likes to brutalize them in the midst of a flesh

Real Names: Tomoli and Nutona Mol
Occupation: Backup singers for Sound Collective
Alignment: Harmony (Anarchist), Melody (Miscreant)
Power Category: Immortal (Mermaids)
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 65 S.D.C.: 108
P.P.E.: 112
Appearance: The identical twins are gorgeous teens with voluptuous, athletic builds. They
have slanted green eyes and waist-length, wavy, fine blond hair worn in an exotic style. Their
matching outfits are always colorful dresses in ocean colors. They have webbed hands and feet.
The girls wear scarves around their necks to hide their gills. They take them off when they enter
the water.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 10, M.A. 30, P.S. 23, P.P. 15, P.E. 19, P.B. 33, Spd. 30 running,
56 (39 mph/63 km) swimming.
Age: Immortal, Sex: Female, Height: 6 feet (1.8 m), Weight: 120 lbs
(54 kg).
Natural Abilities: Depth tolerance 3 miles 94.8 m), cold resistance (half damage), and
nightvision (400 feet/122 m).
Mega Power: Immortal (Bio-regenerate and heal twice as fast).
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.B., Extraordinary M.A., Physical Perfection,
Vocalization, Energy Expulsion: Direct Sound, and Energy Expulsion: Sonic Boom.
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial and +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +8 to damage,
+2 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throw: Impervious to disease, sickness, and radiation. Natural poison, toxins, and
gases do 1/3 normal damage, effect, penalty. Human made chemicals and drugs do one-half
damage, duration, and effect, +4 to save vs water/cold magic, +2 to save vs magic, +1 to save
vs possession, +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs poison & toxins, and +13% to save vs
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Snap Kick 1D6+2,
Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: +97% trust/intimidate, 92% charm/impress.
Educational Background: General Studies (some familiarity with Earth)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English, French, and Spanish 92%/98%, Mathematics:
Basic 92%, and Swimming 98%.
Special Program: Singing 80%, Dance 60%, Performance 627, Public Speaking 75%,
Wardrobe & Grooming 67%, Oceanography 40%, Sewing 60%, Gemology 45%, Animal Training
60%, Brewing 40%/45%, and Zoology (Cetaceans) 70%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Seduction 92%, Astronomy & Navigation 50%, Athletics
(general), Outdoormanship, Wilderness Survival 55%, Prowl 35%, and Aerobic Athletics (Sense
of Balance 50%).
Money: Both girls have $480,000 in their checking accounts, $170,000 in precious
metals/stones, and $144,000 in a secret account created by Michael Thorn.
Weapons: None, they girls rely on their natural abilities and super powers. Note: If the
girls use their sonic powers in tandem, double the damage, effect, and penalty.
Energy Expulsion: Direct Sound, Range: 300 feet (91.5 m), Damage: 3D6. There is a
45% of temporarily deafening an opponent, unless the victim has some form of hearing
protection. Those with Advanced or Heightened Sense of Hearing are made temporarily deaf
(1D4+2 melee rounds) by this attack unless they use protection for their ears to block
or muffle the sound. A deafened individual is -2 on initiative, -4 to strike, parry and dodge, has
difficulty communicating and runs off balance and may trip and fall, Bonus: +1 to strike. Note:
This sonic attack will partially pass through armor, causing half damage to the target.
Energy Expulsion: Sonic Boom, Range: 800 feet (152 m), Damage; 3D6, plus there
is a 75% likelihood the victim is knocked off their feet and sent backward 2D6 feet (0.6 to 3.6
m). Those flying are knocked back twice that distance). Getting knocked off their feet causes the
victim to lose initiative and one melee attack/action. Those blasted in the head at close range (10
feet/3 m) have a 85% of made temporarily deaf (2D4 melee rounds) by this attack unless they
use protection for their ears to block or muffle the sound. A deafened individual is -2 on initiative,
-4 to strike, parry and dodge, has difficulty communicating and runs off balance and may trip and
fall, Attacks Per Melee: Counts as two attack/actions. Note: This sonic attack will partially pass
through armor, causing half damage to the target.
Equipment & Vehicles: Both girls have access to some technology and equipment of
Michael Thorn.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Michael Thorn loved to listen and play music as a boy. He dreamed of being a famous
musician like his idols. He loved to sing in choir as well. However, his father (who worked for the
Cyberworks Network as an engineer) wanted him to have tangible friends, namely computers and
electronics. Michael was a genius who had a special gift for building and designing high tech
communication devices, but his were mostly things to broadcast music. During a family trip in
high school, he was seduced by the Siren Sisters, who taught him that sound could be used in a
hypnotic manner to control the minds of others. This influenced him later one when he went to
Copernicus University in Century Station where he got his B.A. in electrical engineering. Later he
went on to MIT where he got his Masters. During his college days, he designed and built various
speakers, microphones, and amplifiers that he sold to musical performers. His father put a stop
to it and got him a job at Cyberwork Network.
One day he was going through various files when he stumbled across the lost notes of Zane
Carter (Soundwave) and his sonic cannon. Intrigued by it, Thorn decided to develop his own sonic
cannon to the delight of others at the company. But the villain Soundwave soon learned about
this ‘copy cat’ stealing his tech and took his revenge. He attacked Thorn at his home and used his
own sonic cannon on him. The weapon caused permanent damage to Michael Thorn’s hearing and
some brain damage. He was now totally deaf in both ears.
Losing his ability to hear music, much less his own voice or his guitar drove Michael mad.
He would go to concerts, clubs, and theaters and see the people having a good time but he
couldn’t hear a thing. He finally decided if he could not enjoy music than no one else should.
Michael turned his sonic weapon into a guitar and became the super villain Sonic Rock. He also
designed himself some high tech hearing aids. He became a public enemy in Century Station and
only through dumb luck, he avoid capture. He once again met the Siren Sisters and introduced
them to the world of mortal men. Michael left Century Station for Ultropolis where he took on the
villainous persona of Mister Noise, this time using his Sonic Vocalizer to commit a number of
super crimes. During this period, he brought about the deaths of independent super heroes
Granite and Skye. He decided to abandon his super villain persona and go legit, choosing to
become a mentor and manager for local talent in the Ultropolis area that played all of the local
colleges and nightclubs. In the end, he used them all as stepping stones, to build up his own
reputation for booking gigs for bands and handling their finances. Some of the money he keep for
himself and some he gave to Fabricators Inc to pay back various loans and arrangements he had
with them. He also continued to redesign cybernetic hearing aids and bionic ears that he would
pay them to implant in his head so he didn’t have to hear the music of the bands he was working
Once he was able to start his own agency, his became the place to be for regional recording
artists to get gigs for college shows and large concert venues. Using his contacts within
Fabricators Inc he was able to go out and recruit various super powered individuals and put them
together to form a rock band. Thorn told them he would make them the biggest band in the world
in five years. As their reputation grew and their first record sold well, Michael Thorn revealed his
so-called secret purpose for creating the band in the first place, to turn them into super villains
whose goal was to punish normal society with their rock and roll. The villains like the idea
especially when he introduced them to the Siren Sisters. Michael continue to enlist the help
of top-notch music video directors, and was having the band make numerous appearances in
television, movies, video games, major festivals, and the like, helping to win over music fans, all
the while loathing every moment of it. It wasn’t long before the band had release four albums
that sold a combine 16 million in the United States alone, and got them nominated for Grammy
awards, and various Video Music Awards. All the while, they were also committing various super
crimes across the nation with no one the wiser stealing technology and slowly accumulating the
tech Michael Thorn needed to build his ultimate sound weapon.
Michael Thorn stands ready to unleash his sonic hypnotic amplifier which will magnify the
Power of Command of Lance, Harmony, and Melody into a powerful mind control that will not only
affect the audience in attendance but those listening on the radio or watching/listening on their
television, smart phones, portable devices, etc. Victims will do whatever the song tells them to do
without question, even if it means attacking their friends, allies, and family members. The
broadcast will not just affect the city but with any luck the entire world. Rock and Roll will be the
ultimate downfall of the human race if Michael Thorn has anything to say about it.

Real Name: Michael Thorn
Alias: Mister Noise and Sonic Rock
Occupation: Business man and personal manager of Sound Collective. Super Villain
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Hardware (Electrical)
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 38 S.D.C.: 35
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: He is a tall man with a thin build. His skin is ruddy. He has high cheekbones.
He has hooded brown eyes. His luxurious, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminiscent
of a flower's petals. He’s got five o’clock shadow. His wardrobe consists of dozens of expensive
business suits.
Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 11, M.A. 15, P.S. 14, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, P.B. 10, Spd. 12
Age: 32, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight:
197 lbs (88.65 kg)
Insanity: He hates people who like music (regardless of style). He resents musicians and
anyone who can carry a tune. He of course doesn’t count himself. His goal is to see music (and
musicians) destroy the modern world.
Bionics: Bionic Ear, Amplified Hearing, Radio Ear (which can also tap police band,
emergency bands and most common military bands), Radio Signal Filter, Sound Filtration
System, Sound Identifier, Surveillance Ear, Ultra Ear, and Universal Headjack & Ear Implant.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +4 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+2 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 19-
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills.
Special Hardware Skills: Hot Wiring 101%, Computer Hacking 93%, Electronic
Construction 99%, and Evaluate & Diagnose Electrical Systems 89%.
Educational Background: Master Degree and Hardware Skills
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Pilot: Automobile 85%, and Sign
Language 79%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 98%, Electricity Generation 98%, Sensory
Equipment 94%, Surveillance Systems 94%, Optic Systems 89%, Computer Operation 98%,
Computer Programming 95%, Computer Repair 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Basic Mechanics 89%,
and Mathematics: Advance 98%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 98%, Law (general)
98%, Research 98%, Public Speaking 94%, Wardrobe & Grooming 97%, and Barter 87%.
Communication Program: Electronic Countermeasures 94%, T.V./Video 98%, and Radio:
Satellite 89%.
Technical Program: Cybernetics: Basic 98%, Jury-Rig 98%, Recycle 94%, and Salvage
Learned Skills: Energy Pistol (+3 to strike/+1 to burst) and I.D. Undercover Agent 74%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Play Guitar 84%, Singing 84%, Performance 71%,
Recognize Weapon Quality 64%, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Streetwise 52%,
Appraise Antiques 59%, Photography 64%, History, 79%/59% and General Repair/Maintenance
Money: As the manager of Sound Collective. He is full control of their finances. Michael has
$4 million in easily accessible cash, $4.4 million in his checking account, $560,000 in his savings,
and $4.5 million in an account monitored by Fabricators Inc.
Weapons: Colt Officer’s ACP, Range: 135 feet (41 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single
shot or semi-auto, Payload: 8 shot.
Sonic Blaster: Range: 100 feet (30 m), Damage: 3D6 (+10 underwater), half will carry
through armor. Sonic Stunner: Range: 175 feet (53 m). Damage: 1 point plus save vs non-lethal
poison (16 or better, P.E. bonus only) or suffer -6 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1D6 melees.
Sonic Disrupter: Range: 150 feet (46 m). Damage: 1 point plus save vs non-lethal poison (16 or
better, P.E. bonus only) or be rendered unconscious for 1D4 melee attacks and -2 to strike,
parry, and dodge for 1D4 additional attacks while shaking the effects off (the -2 penalty here is
cumulative with the -6 above if it was not saved against, for a total penalty of -8). Rate of Fire:
For all settings: single shot, Length: 30 inches (.8 m). Weight: 13 pounds. Note: Multiple blasts
increase the duration that penalties last, but the penalties themselves are not cumulative.
The Sonic Guitar, this electric rhythm guitar can reproduce the sounds of any string
instrument including the harp and lyre. It’s powered by a micro-fusion device. The guitar is also
a sonic blast. Range: 1200 ft (366m), Damage: 6D6 S.D.C. or 2D4x10, half of which carries
through armor and may inflict unconsciousness and disorientation. Penalties: No initiative, reduce
number of attacks per melee by half, speed by half, skill proficiency by half, -7 to strike, parry,
and dodge for 2D4 melee rounds. Halve penalties on a successful save vs non-lethal poison (16
or better, P.E. bonus only). Rate of Fire: Aimed or wild. No automatic bursts are possible. Up to
5 blasts per melee are possible . Payload: Effectively unlimited, Notes: Includes a telescopic, light
amplifying night-sight. The weapon fires (the neck doubles as a barrel) one blast
each time a chord is pulled. Weight: 20lbs (9 kg).
The Sonic Vocalizer, It has a variety of functions as a combination short-range
communication device meant to provide basic intelligence gathering capabilities and be a sonic
weapon. It appears to be a somewhat modified multi-optic helmet and microphone.
Sensor Systems:
1 . Visor Optics: The glasses are miniaturized infrared goggles which enable the wearer to
see the infrared spectrum of light. This means he can see other infrared light beams and
detect heat emanations such as a warm body behind a clump of bushes or be able to look at a
vehicle and see the heat of its engine if had been running recently. It cannot see footprints or
people hiding behind a wall. The glasses are also polarized and tinted. Range: Line of vision,
about 1000 ft (305 m).
2. Headset Radiation Sensor: A beeper sounds automatically to warn of dangerous
radiation levels.
3. Radar Detector: This sensor alerts him when he is the presence of radar scanning
beams. Range: 4 miles (6.4 km).
4. Radar, A super-sophisticated, micro-radar system. Range: 4 miles.
5. Short Range Communicator: Receive and transmit cell, television, or radio broadcasts
including any military and/or civilian satellites: includes electronic scrambling technology. Radio
Range: 60 miles or unlimited with satellite communication. Note: Must use Electronic
Countermeasures in order to intercept radio transmissions, and even then it’s a –15% penalty.
Weapon System:
Mega-Scrambler (Sonic Scream): This sonic weapon has three power settings, ranging
from causing nausea and discomfort in opponents to devastating sonic shock wave. Range: 800
feet (244 m) long, with a cone-shape that is 50 feet (15.2 m) wide at its terminus.
Sonic Blast, Low Damage: 3D6 (+10 underwater), half will carry through armor, plus the
victim will be -4 to strike, dodge, and parry for the next 1D4 melee rounds (dizziness and
Medium Damage: 6D6 (+10 underwater), half will carry through armor, plus the victim
must save vs non-lethal poison (16 or better, P.E. bonus only) will be severely stunned for 1D6
melees, no initiative, reduce melee attacks to one, reduce Spd attribute by 90%, and -10 to
strike, parry, and dodge (dizziness and nausea).
Max Damage: 2D4x10 (+20 underwater), half will carry through armor, plus the victim
must save vs non-lethal poison (16 or better, P.E. bonus only) or will be rendered unconscious for
1D6 minutes, afterward severely stunned for 1D6 melees, reduce melee attacks to one, reduce
Spd attribute by 90%, and -10 to strike, parry, and dodge (dizziness and nausea).
Payload: Effectively unlimited low damage blast, 40 medium, and 20 maximum.
Bonuses: +2 to strike regardless of type of beam used.
Armor: He owns over half a dozen business suits designed by Fabricators Inc with
concealed body armor. A.R. 12, 40 S.D.C. He also owns a specially designed vest/costume to
protect him while he was Mister Noise. The vest was well padded but made of highly resilient
material. A.R. 15, 200 S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: At his secret workshop in Ultraopolis has around $1.1 million worth
of communication/electrical equipment and $100,000 in computer components at the compound.
He also has $1.8 million in stolen musical instruments. He always keeps on his person numerous
electrical work tools so he can perform quick electrical repairs. His $11,000 smart phone has
masterful computer and communication functions.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Enjoy as always.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Been hard at work in the fantasy department so before the holiday I'll have some new folks up here.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Okay definitely have been away to long. Time to post something.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Tiny Terrible Terrorists (TTT) is a ruthless band of super powered terrorists and assassins who all possess the
power to diminish their size. They sell their services to any criminal or political organization wanting demolition,
assassination, investigation, surveillance, or covert operations without the chance of being discovered. The TTT are
motivated by two things: money and intimidation. Because of their unique powers, they can enter almost any compound
undetected, this allows them to torment the subject who begins to wonder where the voices are coming from, or whose
leaving tiny notes on the bed telling him he’s about to die.
TTT reputation is international, yet few have ever seen them. Law enforcement agencies have to work diligently in an
effort to discovery any trace of their presence, because the TTT all use shrunken weapons and equipment. The damage of
their weapons is negligible and their range a mere fraction of the norm, however, when used in unison and in great number
can kill just as easily as they would at normal size.
No one is safe from the harassments of the TTT. After they broke into the office of the Fabricator and left him a note
saying he needed to hire better security, he proclaimed Fabricators Inc would never do business with them again, no
matter the circumstances. This of course doesn’t bother the TTT because they raid Fabricators main headquarters almost
The TTT base of operations is in the apartment of Sydney Vanderbilt, on the 40th floor of the Byrne Building in New
York City, which is Fabricators Inc Central Office and Home Base. Sydney is a Fabricator Liaison who is unaware that the
TTT have been living in his apartment for the last three years. Sydney operates primarily in Europe and only uses his
apartment three weeks out of the whole year. The TTT devised a special trap door (an air vent) that allows them access in
and out of the building from the outside. Furthermore, they roam throughout the building stealing various weapons and
pieces of equipment which all goes unnoticed (surveillance cameras cannot detect them because of their size). Engineers
are usually at their stations scratching their head wondering what they just did with their screwdriver they just laid down
on the table a second ago. No one not even Daimon Lazarus is aware the TTT operate in this manner, and the TTT intends
on making sure the secret never gets out.
The TTT are listed as the most wanted terrorist organization in the world, although the Unnatural Disasters took their
#1 spot away in America after their attack against U.S. S.C.R.E.T. The TTT pride their selves as being the most fear
terrorists of all time. It’s only a matter of time before they hatch a scheme to take their #1 spot back.

Note: Attempting to combat individuals capable of reducing their height to a mere 6 inches or less is extraordinary difficult. These penalties are accumulative:

-6 to hit with projectiles (firearms, energy weapons/blasts) or missiles/throwing weapons.
-3 to strike with a melee weapon or punch and -4 to hit with a kick
-3 to strike if running/moving or flying under 50 mph (80 km), -1 to strike for each additional 50 mph (80 km) of travel,
an additional -1 to strike if they taking evasive actions (zigzag, leaping behind for cover, etc).
-6 to strike if flying faster than 50 mph (80 km).
-3 to hit if they are 30 feet (9.1 m) away.
-6 to hit if they are 50 feet (15.24 m) away.

There are two ways to avoid these annoying penalties. One can attempt to make an aimed and called shot (with just a -5
penalty) or get them within point blank range, i.e. the barrel of the gun is touching them. Hardware: Weapons and Ancient
Weapon Masters can reduce the penalties by one-half.

The TTT Arsenal

All the shrunken weapons of the TTT inflict 1/10 their normal damage and their range is measured in inches, yet the total
will be indicated in feet/meters. This is a general list of their most often used weapons.

9 mm Pistol, Range: 12.5 feet (3.81 m), Damage: 1 point.
9 mm Sub-machine gun, Range: 55 feet (16.76 m), Damage: 1 point for single shot/1D4 points of damage from short burst, 2D4 from long burst.
Explosive Grenades, Throwing Range: 8.3 feet, Damage: 2D4, Blast Radius: 1.5 feet (.4 m).
Rocket Launcher, Range: 300 feet (91 m), Damage: 1D4x10, Blast Radius: 4 feet (1.21m).
Light Machine gun, Range: 300 feet (91 m), Damage: 1D4 for short burst/2D4+2 for long burst).
Bomb of 6 oz (168 g) of plastic explosives, Damage: 2D6, Blast Radius: 1.2 inches (4.26 cm).
Bomb of 3 oz (84 g) of stable chemical explosive, Damage: 1D6x10, Blast Radius: 2.5 feet (.7m).

Each member of the TTT carries at least one of these weapons on his person.


With their headquarters inside Fabricators Inc, the TTT take full advantage of the easy accessible “free” high-tech gadgets
and equipment held in storage or lying around on a workbench. All of these items continue to function as normal in their
reduced state.

A dozen W-120 Electranet Pistols and FW-220 Electranet Rifle
14 FS-34 Stealth Boots
6 WS-12 High Velocity Mini Jet Packs
Three FA-70 Standard Ultra-Lite Flexi-Steel Body Armor
2D6 hard vests (A.R. 12, S.D.C. 120)
2D6 riot armor (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 180)
3D6 Vibro-Knives
1D4x10 automatic pistols
3D6 sub-machineguns
A dozen light machineguns
2D6 rocket launchers
2D4 standard laser pistols
2 standard laser rifles
1D6x10 clips for any standard weapon per weapon
1D4x10 grenades per grenade type
50 pounds (22.7 kg) of plastic explosives
2 gallons (7.57 l) of stable chemical explosive
10 Multi-Optics Helmets
12 Hand Held Communicators
8 Ear Mike Radio Receivers & Transmitters

They have over $1.5 million dollars in surveillance equipment, telephone bugs, and other surveillance devices.


Besides those listed for each character, TTT has in their tiny garage the following:

A one ton Chevy aluminum step van
1998 Ford F150 conversion van
Three automobiles (whatever they decide to steal)
1 Bellanca Skyrocket Airplane
1 Lake LA-250 Renegade (a light STOL utility amphibian airplane)
Two Avtran Skybikes
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Little is known about the man who moves like an atom. It is believed he associated with numerous gang activities in East
L.A. before starting to engage in heavy crime. He is the newest member of the TTT. He is liked by all and proven that he is
not only a team player, but dependable to go out of his way to ensure the mission will succeed.

Real Name: William Perex
Occupation: Terrorist and Professional Criminal
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 183
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: Iota is an attractive Hispanic man with tawny skin and gold hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 32, P.P. 31, P.E. 19, P.B. 14, Spd. 700 mph (1126 km)
Age: 27, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 175 (78.75 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Gold hair and yellow eyes.
Major Super Abilities: Shrink (Reduce Mass) and Sonic Speed. Note: Superior Vision and Night vision 500 feet
(152.4 m). He can reduce himself to a minute speck (a period).
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 8 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +2 from super powers.
Combat Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +11 to strike, +17 to parry, +14 to dodge/+20 when shrunken, +12 automatic
dodge, +17 to damage, +15 to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, and disarm.
Saving Throws: +8% to save vs coma/death and +3 to save vs magic/poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D6, Karate Punch 2D6, Backhand Strike 2D4, Power Punch (counts as two attacks),
Elbow/Forearm 2D4, Knee 2D4, Super Fast Punch 4D6, Fast Karate Kick 2D6+2, Snap Kick 2D6, Crescent Kick 3D6,
Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Axe Kick 3D6, Leap Kick 5D6 (counts as two attacks), Super Fast Kick 5D6, Tripping/Leghook
(cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick 4D6, Super Fast Power Punch/Kick
1D6x10 (Counts as two attacks), Body Block/Ram 2D4x10, All Holds, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 70%, Intelligence 67%, Wilderness Survival
70%, Detect Concealment 65%, and Escape Artist 70%.
Physical Program: Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Boxing, and Kick Boxing.
Secondary Skills: Prowl 60%, Climbing 85%/75%, Athletics (general), Running, Land Navigation 56%, W.P.
Blunt (+2 to strike & parry), W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Pilot: Motorcycle 56%, W.P. Sword (+2 to strike, +1 to
parry), and Basic: Radio 65%.
Money: He has about $330,000 in ready cash, $590,000 stash away in a bank in Central America, and $1.3 million
available to him from the team fund.
Weapons: MD2 Imbel (.38 Super Auto), machete, and a cudgel. He uses shrunken forms as well.
Armor: Hard armor vest (half suit). A.R.:12, S.D.C.: 120. He wears versions at his normal height and shrunken ones as well.
Equipment & Vehicles: Like the members of the TTT, he has full access to the arsenal of tiny weapons and equipment.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Gnat has been a super villain for some time, yet almost nothing is known about him. He also keeps much of his
life concealed from his teammates. The former ally of the original Prof. Fraction had no qualms about joining forces with
Vito Basso to form a new partnership, which eventually led to the creation of the TTT. Unfortunately Gnat brought a host of
super beings he’d made enemies of, one being Soundwave. He interfered with one of his robberies, which almost resulted
in the villain’s near capture by the police. Gnat then swiped his stolen merchandise. The Gnat tries to keep his solo criminal
past behind him, but every so often the itch to go out and do something on his own eats at him. Prof. Fraction has given
him a harsh warning not too otherwise there could be consequences that could put the team’s secrets in jeopardy if he
were to be caught.

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Terrorist and Professional Criminal
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 82 Armor Rating: A.R.: 10
P.P.E.: 29
Appearance: The Gnat looks like a humanoid fly. He has large round eyes, antennae, claw like hands and feet, no
body hair, and a hard, tough skin.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 6, M.A. 10, P.S. 18, P.P. 30, P.E. 16, P.B. 9, Spd. 24/90 mph (144.9 km) in flight.
Age: 31, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 217 (97.65 kg)
Unnatural Characteristics: Dark blue skin, insect features, claw-like hands and feet, and armored skin. .
Minor Super Abilities: Flight: Insect, Antenna, Adhesion, Extraordinary P.P., Energy Expulsions: Energy. Note:
Shrinks to 6 inches (15 cm) in insect flight mode.
Combat Training: Assassin
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand +1 from super powers)
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative/+5 in flight, +10 to strike, +13 to parry, +13 to dodge/+17 in flight/+21 when
flying 40 mph (64 km), +11 automatic dodge, +6 to damage, +1 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +4
to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, and +3 disarm.
Saving Throws: +4% to save vs coma/death and +1 to save vs poison/magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Claws 2D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6,
Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), and all Holds.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot: Automobile 80%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 59%, Pick Locks 85%, Roadwise 65%, Tailing 80%, and Prowl 80%/90%
Demolitions Program: Basic Electronics 75%, Basic Mechanics 85%, Demolitions 93%, Demolitions Disposal
93%, and Underwater Demolitions 70%/60%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Assassin, Athletics (general), Climbing 98%/95%, Running, W.P. Handgun
(+3 to aim/+1 to burst). W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Land Navigation 60%, Radio: Basic 70%, W.P. Archery (+1 to
strike, Rate of Fire 2), and W.P. Targeting (+1 to throw, Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20).
Money: He has about $1.2 million hidden away in a secret vault. He keeps about 4D6x$1000 of cash on him at all
times. He is also able to withdraw $1.3 million from the team fund.
Weapons: He has access to the entire arsenal used by the TTT by the following are his favorites, both in standard
and shrunken form. He is also an expert in using all their explosives.
Delta Elite (Colt 10mm), Range: 135 feet (41 m), Damage: 4D6+2, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-auto,
Feed: 8 round detachable box mag.
FW-220-A Electranet Bow and Arrow, Range: 600 feet (183 m), Damage: 4D6, Three electric charges per melee.
Long Bow with 16 arrows, Damage: 2D6. Note: He sometimes has poison arrows which require a save vs.
lethal poison (14) or they inflict 4D6 damage direct to hit points, make the save and the cause 1D6 to S.D.C.
PSG-1 Sniping Rifle (7.62mm x 51), Range: 1312 feet (400 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot,
Payload: 20 round magazine. Capable of firing a silent shot.
Energy Expulsions: Energy, Range: 600 feet (183 m), Damage: 8D6 or 1D4x10+8, Bonuses: +11 to strike if
an aimed shot.
Equipment & Vehicles: Like the members of the TTT, he has full access to the arsenal of tiny weapons and equipment.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


This miniature mountain loves to cause damage. He loves a good fight, especially when his strength gives him a clear
advantage and his opponent’s assume he’s a mutant. He came to Earth to be free of his own world prejudice’s which found
those capable of shrinking intolerable as appose to those who can grow. Finding Vito and Gnat was the greatest thing for
him because he at last found company to share a common bond. However, Pebble’s joy for being vindictive and cruel tends
to get the better of him. Prof. Fraction usually has to remind him of their mission’s ultimate goal in order to keep him in
line. So far, Pebble has always agreed with him, but there is a slight resentment starting to grow with the alien. However,
he’s quite aware that he lacks leadership skills to assume control over the group, so he’s willing to put up with it.

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Terrorist and Professional Criminal
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Alien (Mineraloid)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 51 S.D.C.: 387 Armor Rating: A.R: 14
P.P.E.: 32
Appearance: Pebble looks like a hulking humanoid made of brown sandstone. His body is thick and bumpy. His face
is void of facial features accept for glowing orbs for eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 10, M.A. 8, P.S. 31 (Superhuman), P.P. 19, P.E. 21, P.B. 12, Spd. 24
Age: 88, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 352 (158.4 kg)
Originating Alien Environment: Toxic Atmosphere (No Air)
Natural Abilities: Superhuman P.S., physical and kinetic energy attacks do half damage, electricity, ion beams, and
lasers only do half damage. Extreme heat, fire, cold, and powerful microwaves only do 10% normal damage, impervious to
radiation and organic attacks (poison, chemicals, drugs, and toxins), doesn’t breath, drink, or eat, needs only 4 hours of
sleep, and heals 2D6 S.D.C./hit points per 24 hours (doubles each day if go into healing trance).
Major Super Ability: Shrink (Mass Constant). He can reduce his size to 1/8 of an inch (3 mm).
Minor Super Abilities: Heavyweight, Hyper Density, and Immovability.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge/+11 when shrunk, +16 to damage/+10 to
hand-held melee weapons, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +12% to save vs. coma/death and +3 to save vs. magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 3D6+2, Power Punch 1D4x10 (counts two attacks), Elbow & Forearm 3D6+4, Knee 3D6+4,
Karate Kick 4D6, Snap Kick 3D6+2, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), all Holds, Knockout
on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Educational Background: Military Specialist (Has studied the Earth)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Tongue 92%/94%, Read/Write/Speak FAR Pilian 85%, Mathematics:
Basic 90%, Pilot: Hover Car Truck 90%, and Read/Write/Speak English. Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, and Arabic 98%
Special Program: Intelligence 71%, Detect Concealment 70%, Tracking 70%, Wilderness Survival 75%, Detect
Ambush 75%, Trap & Mine Detection 65%, Demolitions 93%, Demolitions Disposal 93%, NBC Warfare 80%, Military
Etiquette 80%, Boxing, Body Building & Weightlifting, Athletics (general), and Forced March, Hand to Hand: Expert, W.P.
Heavy Military Weapons (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Shotgun (+3
to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Blunt (+3 to strike & parry).
Secondary Skills: Radio: Basic 80%, Gemology 55%, Land Navigation 60%, Astronomy & Navigation 60%,
Pilot: Truck 86%, Pilot: Tracked Vehicles 84%, Gardening 60%, Basic Mechanics 70%, General Repair/Maintenance 65%,
Running, and Computer Operation 63%.
Money: He has personally amassed about $800,000. He is also able to withdraw $1.3 million from the team fund.
Mini-Missile Launcher, (Backpack holds 6, fire one at a time or in a volley of 2, 4, or 6. Range: One mile (1.6
km), Damage: Varies (depends upon the missile).
Kisentite Club, Damage: 2D6+2.
Equipment & Vehicles:
A.T.V Hover Vehicle, Range: 850 miles (1360 km), Speed: 120 mph (192 km), Hovers 3-20 feet (.9-3.7 m)
above the ground. Hold 3-6 passengers.
Like the members of the TTT, he has full access to the arsenal of tiny weapons and equipment.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Hugo Toppersmith was a professional cat-burglar scientist. He wanted to be a doctor or chemist after he graduated from high school, but his grades were not all the good. In
fact, in order to pass most of his exams he had to cheat, and when he couldn’t do that, he break into the teacher’s office or house and steal the answers. At some point he decided
why not take a few things while was in the house as well. One day though he broke into the wrong home. One of his first year college professors was obsessed with genetic medicine
and cloning. When he caught Toppersmith breaking into his mansion, he decided to use him as a live test subject for his next bout of experiments. He did manage to clone
Toppersmith all right, but not in the manner that he expected instead. His body split apart into three duplicates about 6 inches (15 cm) tall. The three mini Toppersmith’s escaped
from the scientist house and made their way to the back alley. Eventually the three merged back together and Toppersmith found himself back to normal. For the next few days,
Toppersmith learn to control this strange ability. Eventually he learned to put it to good use. A few months later he broke into a house only discover his body turning into stone.
When the lady of the house suddenly appeared, she herself was made of stone. She charged after him, he separated into several mini-selves. The swarm of tiny stone beings
attacked the woman and eventually beat her down with her own abilities. Toppersmith finally understood the entirety of his powers and from that moment decided to call him Mr.
Lilliput based on the tiny people from the book Gulliver’s Travels. A year later, Toppersmith received a phone call from an individual called the Gnat who he partnered with one
several occasions. The Gnat asked him if he’d like to join a group of super powered beings who possessed the ability to reduce their size. Realizing the potential of powers he could
mimic, Toppersmith jumped at the chance. Toppersmith’s has proven to be the key individual that allows the TTT to be the threat that they are today, and because of his abilities,
has aided Professor Fraction in building their shrunken arsenal. Toppersmith also plays the role of team cheerleader, he’s not interested in returning to a life of crime on his own, he
will do anything to make sure the group stays together and works out any personality conflicts that might come up.

Real Name: Hugo Toppersmith
Occupation: Terrorist and Professional Criminal
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 52
P.P.E.: 24
Appearance: Mr. Lilliput is a young man with black hair who wears blue over halls and cowboy boots as his costume.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 13, M.A. 12, P.S. 19, P.P. 14, P.E. 14, P.B. 14, Spd. 25
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 183 (82.35 kg)
Side Effect: Chemically Resistance
Major Super Abilities: Mimic and Swarm Selves. Note: The Hyper effect reduces the Swarm Selves ability to uses his Mimic abilities only by 45% instead of 75%.
Minor Super Ability: Bio-Aura
Note: Mr. Lilliput powers are Hyper-Powered (+30% greater range and full duration).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and disarm.
Saving Throws: +5 to save vs. poison, drugs, and toxins (the penalties, effects, duration, and damage are one-half even if fail the save).
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Professional Thief Program: Locksmith 80%, Prowl 70%, Climbing 85%/75%, Surveillance 75%, and Basic Electronics 75%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 93%, Mathematics: Advance 91%, Chemistry 95%, Chemistry: Analytical 80%, Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 85%, and
Astrophysics 80%
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Basic Mechanics 70%, Athletics (general), Running, Land Navigation 60%, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Radio: Basic
80%, Pick Pocket 50%, Palming 40%, Cardsharp 34%, and Streetwise 24%.
Money: During his sole career, he managed to steal around $500,000 which he keeps in a hidden vault in New Mexico. He has $1.3 million available to him from the team
fund, but the Professor has decided to give him a meager allowance of 3D4x$10,000 in order to stop his growing gambling habit.
Weapons: He is never without his trusty Colt Mark IV (.45 ACP).
Equipment & Vehicles: Like the members of the TTT, he has full access to the arsenal of tiny weapons and equipment.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Professor Fraction is the name of a legendary super villain that everyone has heard of, and every major superhero in the last forty years has encountered. Agents of S.C.R.E.T.
are still trying to figure out how this infamous villain has managed to hang around all this time, without any super powers, just relying on his genius and his amazing array of
shrinking technology. The truth is the man who first called himself Professor Fraction is dead and the man who killed him took up his mantle.
Eduard Weiss was an inventor obsessed with discovering new applications for atomic energy because he believed the potential was there to make new discoveries that no else
had made. However, he theorized that in order to understand atoms, one had to be closer to them. He invented technology that would reduce the size of person and objects, and
restore them to their normal size. During one evening while existing at the size of a minute speck, thieves broke into his lab and stole some of his equipment, including the means
for him to return to normal. For forty-two days in his lab, the scientist spent in his shrunken state, for the most part unable to do the simplest things, and spending a lot of time
avoiding insects and one annoying mouse. Eventually he found a way to get up to his workshop bench and work on some other secondary inventions that allowed him to restore
himself to his normal size. The traumatizing experience made Weiss consider destroying the technology, but instead he decided to keep it. He also thought of the men who robbed
him, how easily it would be for a thief to steal things if he could shrink himself into an establishment or shrink the item to the size of a toy and walk out with it. Inspired by his
ordeal, Weiss spent months redesigning and retooling his shrink technology, eventually he developed the Reducto-Gun that could do it all. He could shrink himself, others, or objects.
He also made hand grenades that exploded releasing what he called “shrink dust” that could shrink people and objects as well. Donning a colorful costume for himself, Weiss
embarked upon a new career-as the tiny thief known as Professor Fraction.
For thirty-five years, Professor Fraction fought many super-heroes and committed hundreds of crimes. He stole enough money, precious gems, and valuable property to turning
himself into a multi-millionaire, yet it was never enough for him. He began delving deeper and deeper into the nature of his shrink technology, eventually creating more complex
devices that would allow him to shrink entire buildings, so he could literally pick up a bank and walk away with it (of course he dump out all the people inside for he had no use for
Finally getting on in age, Prof. Fraction felt the time had come to find an assistant. His first one Rhea Haterstone by sheer coincidence had her own shrink powers. For over a
year she worked alongside the good doctor, but eventually she turned on him when he was about to brutally murder several schoolchildren and their teacher (the teacher’s aide
happen to be Mary Garson/Pulsar of the Omega Team). She was the one that got Rhea to turn on him. Prof. Fraction managed to escape while Rhea ended up joining the Omega
Team. Weeks later he chose a young man he read about who been expelled out of his first year at MIT for building a homemade Taser gun in one of his engineering classes and
testing it on a fellow student. Vito Basso recognized the opportunity of working alongside one of the greatest criminals of all time. For two years, he aided the villain battle it out with
his super hero enemies and came up with strategies for even bigger crime capers, some that operated out of the norm of the Professor’s modus operandi. Then one day Vito awoke
from his sleep to find himself one inch tall. He wondered if the professor has used his technology on him in his sleep. To his complete surprise the countless exposures to shrink
technology granted him the powers to do it all on his own. He concealed this from the professor for several weeks. Then one day, the Professor was barely able to escape the custody
of the police and a super hero duo hot after his trail. Vito decided the time had come for his mentor to retire. He tried persuading him, but Weiss refused saying he may be sixty-two
years old, but he hadn’t lost a step. Then Vito insisted he do so. This alarmed Weiss so he used the Reducto-Gun on him, only it didn’t work. Basso super powers made him
impervious to the weapon. He pulled out a 9mm and emptied the clip into Professor Fraction. Basso shrunk Weiss’ body to six inches and tossed it the ocean. He returned to the lab
cleaned it up and assumed the mantle of Professor Fraction. As the day went on, and Basso continued to use his abilities, his body began to change in appearance, but he didn’t give
it a second thought.
Weeks later, the Gnat, a partner of the Prof in numerous crimes, came by for a visit. Basso lied and said that Weiss had died of heart attack, so he’d buried his body in a hidden
location, and decided to take his place. He then asked the Gnat to form a more permanent partnership with him. To forge something that would not only equal the longevity of
Professor Fraction’s career, but also make it even more infamous. The Gnat agreed. Basso then contacted a former ally, the criminal thief known as Mr. Lilliput and invited him to join
them as well. Before long the trio found great success together. Basso coined them the Tiny Terrible Terrorist. When the other members joined in, Basso decided, they needed to
evolve beyond being petty thieves and criminals. The time had come for them to move to an even bigger stage. This eventually led them to making their headquarters inside
Fabricator Inc, where they have access to the greatest criminal technology of time.
As the reputation of the TTT grows, Basso has considered his own fate. Will one day a member of the TTT try to take him out as he did Weiss. He doesn’t know, so far he has
no reason to suspect anyone is plotting to take over his role as leader, especially since he is the only one who knows how to use the Reducto-Gun and most of Weiss’s shrink
technology, but Weiss under-estimated his ambitions, could he be doing the same too in regards to TTT.

Real Name: Vito Basso
Aliases: Eduard Weiss
Occupation: Leader of the TTT
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant (who uses a Super Invention)
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 49 S.D.C.: 36
P.P.E.: 19
Appearance: He dresses only in professional attire (expensive white shirt, tie, dress slacks, and/or suit). When on a mission he wears a white lab coat or a surgical gown.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 13, M.A. 10, P.S. 15, P.P. 9, P.E. 15, P.B. 9, Spd. 16
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 175 (78.75 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: His skin is yellow. He has no body hair or earlobes.
Major Super Abilities: Shrink (Reduce Mass/One Inch) and Item Reduction.
Super Invention: The Reducto-Gun. A.R. 15 and 200 S.D.C. 8th Level.
Shrink (Reduce Mass) and Item Reduction. Weapon is not too difficult or too expensive to work on. Cost around $6000. Note: Living creatures and robots struck by the
Reducto-Gun have a chance to resist its size-changing effect by a saving throw of 15 or higher (P.E. attribute bonus is applicable). Failure means they are reduced to a minimum of 6
inches (15 cm) or to a maximum of one inch (2.5 cm). The effects of reduce mass are the same as listed on page 286. Note: Vito can combine the effects of his own super abilities
and those of the Reducto-Gun to shrink objects weighting up to 2400 lbs (1080 kg).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +1 disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose
initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot: Automobile 90%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 73%, Pick Locks 91%, Safe Cracking 73%, Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons 79%, and Prowl 86%
Weapons Engineer Program: Mathematics: Advance 98%, Electrical Engineer 96%, Mechanical Engineer 91%, Weapons Engineer 86%, Armorer/Field Armorer 98%, and
Basic Mechanics 91%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Handgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), Swimming 96%, Climbing 86%/76%, Pilot: Airplane 88%, Radio: Basic 96%, Business &
Finance 81%, Athletics (general), Computer Operation 84%, Computer Program 74%, Astronomy & Navigation 51%, and Concealment 38%.
Money: He’s taken control of the personal fortune of the original Professor Fraction, which totaled sixty million. He’s invested all the stolen earnings and money earned from
the hired jobs the TTT has taken and turned it into an operation that makes twenty million annually.
Weapons: He not only has his own mutant powers, but the Reducto Gun, and the entire arsenal of the TTT.
Equipment & Vehicles: Like the members of the TTT, he has full access to the arsenal of tiny weapons and equipment.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Well I'm not going to be doing anything for quite a while because of the coronavirus shutting down my work so I'll be doing some Heroes posting while I
also work on some fantasy stuff.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Alex Valentine is the son of a wealthy woman who runs the Sands Hotel in Los Vegas. He grew up a rich, spoiled kid who insisted that the world cater to his every want and
need. Around the age of sixteen, he developed psychic abilities, specifically ones that allowed him to learned people greatest fears and their most painful experience. He started to
use his new talents to help him rob guests staying at the hotel or to blackmail/con them into giving him money. Shortly after turning, eighteen his mother told him if he wanted to
continue living at the hotel, he had to earn a college education. Alex enlisted at the University of Nevada, Los Vegas, yet decided to pull one last burglary at the hotel. Unbeknown to
Alex, the man he targeted was not just a high rolling gambler, but also a retired “cleaner” for the Russian mob. Alex snuck into the man’s room and discovered his photo albums of
the dozens of victims he tortured and mutilated over the years. Fascinated with all that he saw, he waited for the man’s return. Alex tried to convince the killer to tell him more about
his past and lifestyle; instead, the man attacked and stabbed him with a knife. Severely wounded, the man tied Alex to a chair and prepared to torture him. Using his mental
abilities, he learned the man’s suffered from musophobia (fear of mice), but what good did knowing such a fear do for him. That’s when his true power manifested itself, the ability
to create life like illusions. The man suddenly saw a giant rat (the size of a dog) on his bed. The panic-stricken sadistic killer became so terrified that he decided the only way to
escape was to jump out the 10-story window. The police and hotel security eventually found a nearly unconscious Alex still tied to the chair.
After recovering from his injuries, Alex went on his own killing spree, experimenting with all sorts of ways to torture people with their greatest fears and painful experiences. He
never enrolled in college, yet he spent hours in the college library studying about the human consciousness. Before long, his life followed the career of the sadistic Russian assassin.
He’s traveled the world selling his services to whomever paid him, but he’d only take the job if he’d learned his target could be torture by their own worst fears and painful
experiences. Alex Pain still calls Las Vegas home, and he’s managed to keep his real identity a mystery to the authorities, although the name and MO (modus operandi) of Alex Pain
is well documented by S.C.R.E.T. and the FBI. Adventure Hooks: Alex Pains spends a lot of time at his mother’s hotel, so he enjoys running many of his criminal operations there.
She of course has no idea her son is a super villain.

Real Name: Alexander Valentine
Occupation: Assassin for Hire
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mutant (Latent Psychic)
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 45
P.P.E.: 28
I.S.P.: 113
Appearance: Alex Pain has movie star looks. He is short and slender. His hair is blond and shoulder length, usually pulled back into a ponytail. He dresses to impress,
regardless of the assignment.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 28 M.A. 8, P.S. 17, P.P. 14, P.E. 17, P.B. 21, Spd. 26
Age: 29, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 6 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 140 lbs (63 kg)
Unnatural Characteristics: Angelic face and yellow eyes.
Major Super Abilities: Illusions
Psionic Abilities: Empathy, Mind Block, See Fear (Special), and See & Sense Pain (Special), Sixth Sense, and Telepathy.
See Fear: A unique blend of telepathy and empathy that allows Alex to scan a victim’s mind and instantly know his or her greatest fear and/or phobias. Even if the
victim successful saves against this power, Alex will still get a clear sense that the person is fearful of something. Range: 60 feet (18.3 m) and must be visible, Duration: 2 melees
(30 seconds), I.S.P.: 6, Saving Throw: Standard, but those with phobias are -4 to save against him.
See & Sense Pain: Similar to his see fear power. Alex can scan a victim’s memories and find out what was the worst pain he or she ever experienced in their life. Even if
the victim successful saves against this power, he can still register pain intensity and pinpoint the sufferer’s general location and distance. Range: 90 feet (27.4 m) radius, Duration:
1 minute, Saving Throw: Standard, but anyone in his range who has lost half their S.D.C. or taken any hit point damage is -4 to save against him. Anyone who suffered from a major
injury or some form of trauma in the past (including labor pains) is -2 to save against him.
Combat Training: Assassin
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +6 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull punch, +4 disarm
Saving Throws: He needs a 12 or higher to save vs. psionic attack, +7 to save vs psionics, +11 to save vs insanity, +5% to save vs coma/death, +1 to save vs poison &
magic, +8 to save vs fear magic/Horror Factor, and +13 to save vs illusions.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Kick 2D4+2, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 + P.S. damage (lose 1 attack/action
per melee and initiative), All Holds, and Deathblow (double damage to hit points, if desired; must be announced).
Other Bonuses: 55% charm/impress,
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%/95%, Pilot Automobile 81%, and Mathematics: Basic 98%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 63%, Pick Locks 90%, Find Contraband 69%, Seduction 60%, and Safecracking 63%.
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush 80%, Intelligence 75%, Wilderness Survival 80%, Escape Artist 80%, and Interrogation 80%.
Learned Science Program: Computer Operation 96%, Mathematics: Advance 93%, Chemistry 98%, Biology 90%, and Psychology 85%
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Prowl 60%, Climbing 75%/65%. Swimming 85%, Running, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, parry,
and throw), Pilot: Motorcycle 88%, Pilot Race Car 67%, Aerobic Athletics, Wardrobe & Grooming 58%, and Gambling (Standard) 40%.
Money: His assassin career has allowed Alex to live very well. He usually carries $1D6x1000 on hand, has credit for about $200,000, and keeps 2 million in the bank.
Weapons: 9mm Model P5 Walther, Bowie Knife, and 2 Concealed Boot Knives.
Equipment & Vehicles: Dresses in expensive suits (Italian) and has to drive around in a car that can go at least 180 mph.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


At age 15, Jobeth Atherton walked in an Italian restaurant in Century Station and shot Lazzaro Gipetto four times in the chest. She then left
a black rose on his table and took his white fedora. Ten minutes later, she took an envelope of money from Ernesto Gipetto, Lazzaro’s older
brother and crime boss of the Gipetto crime family. From that moment on, Jobeth dedicates her life to being a “Cleaner” for organize crime.
After high school, Jobeth joined the U.S. Marine Corp. She excelled and was encouraged to enter a technical or weapons fields. Jobeth
wanted to be a Marine Sniper. However, in the U.S. Marine Corp women are prohibited from serving in an infantry unit, which includes a
sniper. Jobeth was determined to be the first one. She proved herself more than an equal to any man, become of the best marksperson ever.
Nonetheless, she was denied for a number of reasons, all of which she refused to accept as legit. Weeks later during a commencement
ceremony, Jobeth shot the man she blamed from a quarter of a mile away with her rifle. Jobeth Atherton then disappeared. Four years later,
she resurfaced in Century Station wearing a white zoot suit and the white fedora. She entered the same Italian restaurant and shot Ernesto.
Since the assassination, Jobeth has joined with Fabricators Inc as an assassin for hire and Elimination Team Operative. On a numerous
operations, she worked alongside Voltaic and/or Bellicose, and despite the fact she is a non-super powered operative, both men describe her
as a cold, calculating, killer who is more than capable of taking down anyone she wishes if she puts her mind and trigger finger to it.

Real Name: Jobeth Atherton
Alias: The Fancy Dame and Piper Johnston
Occupation: Fabricators Assassin and E-Team Operative.
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Hardware (Weapons)
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 47 S.D.C.: 54
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: She is an attractive young woman with shoulder length strawberry blond hair (usually kept in a pony tail) and blue eyes.
She dresses in stylish long zoot suits, with a black rose in the buttonhole and a white fedora. She doesn’t own a dress or any “feminine”
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 13, M.A. 18, P.S. 15, P.P. 22, P.E. 15, P.B. 15, Spd. 26
Age: 37, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.72 m), Weight: 127 lbs (57.15 kg)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand) +1 if use firearms
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge, +2 disarm, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +4 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Blow 4D4 (2), Backhand 1D6, Elbow & Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Roundhouse 3D6,
Snap Kick 1D6, Crescent kick 2D4+2, Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick
4D6, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills and 50% trust/intimidate.
Special Hardware Skills: Make & Modify Weapons 102%, Recognize Weapon Quality 64%/89%, Paired Weapons Handguns/Energy
Pistols, Quickdraw Handguns and Rifle W.P. Sharpshooting, +3 to disarm on a called shot with any gun, and Reputation &
Horror Factor 11.
Educational Background: Military Specialist and Hardware Skills
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 97%, Pilot: Automobile 85%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 99%/89%, Military Etiquette 98%, Forced March, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to
aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2 to strike).
2nd Military Program: Camouflage 79%, Armorer/Field Armor 98%, Parachuting 98%, and Trap/Mine Detection 79%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 84%, Intelligence 79%, Wilderness Survival 84%, Forgery 74%, and
Disguise 81%.
W.P. Modern Weapons: W.P. Heavy Military Weapons (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Sub-Machinegun (+4 to aim/+2 burst), and W.P.
Heavy Energy Weapons (+4 to aim/+2 to burst).
Hardware Program: Sniper (+2 to aim/called shots-2), W.P. Handgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Energy Pistol (+5 to aim/+2 to
burst), W.P. Energy Rifle (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Shotgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Military Flamethrower (+3 to aim/+1 to
burst), W.P. Knife (+4 to strike, parry, and throw), W.P. Blunt (+4 to strike & parry), Demolitions 98%, Demolitions Disposal 98%, Find
Contraband 78%, Basic Electronics 79%, and Basic Mechanics 98% .
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Wardrobe & Grooming 82%, Prowl 64%, Jury-Rig 64%, Swimming 89%, Streetwise 44%, Law
(basic) 54%, Computer Operation 70%, and Research 79%.
Money: Jobeth has allowed Fabricators to set up a bank account for her where she stashes $3.7 million dollars. She also has half a
dozen bank accounts under assumed names throughout the United States, each accounts has about $120,000 in them. Fabricators Inc pays
her annual salary of $650,000. Fabricators Inc pays for all of her expenses whenever she’s on a mission.
Weapons: Beldame has access to all types conventional weapons, energy weapons, gimmicked weapons, and explosives. Her favorite
weapons are the ones she designs herself.
McMillian Tac-50 Sniper Rifle with superior weapon balancing and 5x25 telescopic sight, Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6 km), Jobeth has
shot a man in the heart at 8010 feet (2441 m), Damage: 1D4x10, P.V. Rating: 8, Rate of Fire: Single Shot Bolt Action, Feed: 5 round
detachable round magazine, Bonuses: +2 to aim (total +7 to aim). Armor Piercing: +2 to P.V., +1D6 to damage, and reduce A.R. by two (or
get +2 to strike against armored targets).
Exploding: +3 to P.V., and do 1D6x10 points of damage.
High Velocity Armor Piercing (HVAP), +3 to P.V., +1D6+2 to damage, reduce A.R. by three (or get +3 to strike against armored
targets), and increase range by 50%.
Browning BDM (Double Action Pistol), Range: 135 feet (41 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-auto, Feed: 15 shot
Custom Built Ion Blaster, Range: 400 feet (122 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Feed: 10 shot E-clip.
Armor: On certain missions, she wears full suits of Hard Armor (A.R. 16 with 286 S.D.C.). She has access to any of the Fabriactors
Flex-Steel body armors. Note: He still wears a mask even though the suits are full environmental body armors.
Equipment & Vehicles: Fabricators allows her to have any type of equipment. It doesn’t include clothes, but she has full range of
clothes granted to him, including armor and $15,000 budget per assignment for gimmick clothing. Any request for half a million
dollars worth of equipment for an assignment is subject to review and final approval. However, the following is always standard for her.
FS-34 Stealth Boots, +3 to initiative, +2 to strike (during sneak attack or from behind), +20% to prowl. These only occur when the
boots are turned on (10 hours for the cells).
WS-12 High Velocity Mini Jet Pack, 250 mph (400 km), 1 hour of flight per pellet (usually puts in 4-5), It has a heat dampening make
it difficult to pick up on infrared or thermal (-3 to strike). It gives him a +4 bonus to dodge. S.D.C. 130.
She drives around in stolen cars that have been altered enough to prevent anyone from recognizing them.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Any chance you make a villain group that looks like Fantasy adventurers team?

Some have Magic weapons,others have powers that make them look like Fantasy races and so on.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

gaby wrote:Any chance you make a villain group that looks like Fantasy adventurers team?

Some have Magic weapons,others have powers that make them look like Fantasy races and so on.

Been a while since I had a request. Should be no trouble to whip up. Give me a few days and let's see what I come up with. Got a specific
number in mine or I can see where the muses take me?
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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6 members like your All Crusade squad.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Black Coin shall be arriving in time
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Baron Thought

Prince Eduard Lumark is the 2nd son of would be King Torsten Lumark of Griynia. Sadly all legal privileges and immunities of the royal and
nobility of House Lumark were abolished in 1919 (after WW I), and the royal family was no longer conferred or recognized by the Federal
Republic of Griynia. Although noble as a class is no longer recognized in Griunia and enjoys no legal or special privileges, institutions do exists
that decide matters such as lineage, legitimacy, and a person’s right to bear a name of nobility. If the Central Power had been victorious back in
WW1, Eduard’s father would have inherited the throne from his father and be the ruler of the Griynia. Eduard father serve a distinguished
career in the Griynia military, his brother was university professor. Eduard was a struggling film maker, never able succeed or catch a big break.
He would think about his lot in life and curse, by right he was a prince and should be treated like on. Where were the servants, the castle, the
royal coach, and the other accolades still be enjoyed by royal in other European nations?
When his father passed away, his brother Sander know the rightful heir decided he was going to sell what remained of the family estate,
75 acres of land and the country house that had been their ancestral home. Eduard objected, citing the house had been in their family since it
was built in 1700. Sander said he was going to sell the house and the land to an American company who planned on hold LARP torments on the
property. Outrage Eduward vowed he would find a way to stop him. Few days later Eduard was wandering the 5 acre (20,000 sq m) walled
kitchen garden beyond the stables in a drunken stupor when he came to the ugly statue in the middle of the dried fountain. He always hate the
statue, it looked like a gargoyle. He yelled at the statue and threw a beer bottle at it and screamed, “Where my crown!”
Suddenly the statue came to life and began speaking to him. It said its name was Vargug and if Eduard promised to dedicated the rest of
his life to him and further his goals, the creature would see to it that one day he wore and crown and sat on the throne that controlled Griynia.
Eduard agreed. The creature broke off one of his horns from his head and told Eduard to imbed it into his skull. Eduard suddenly transformed
into a dark, mysterious count, with pale skin, a muscular body, and long fingers. Calling himself Baron Thought, Vargug lead him to a grave. He
digs it up and finds a wooden coffin. Inside is the body a demonic looking thing and a black coin purse. Inside are black coins made of material
called noirurite. He is told give a person a black coin which he can use control people as long as they keep the coin on their person. Ask how
many coins in the bag, the demon opens the pouch in his hand and out comes 30 coins.
Eduard allow his brother to sell the estate but he with his new found abilities manages to take over the LARP events, which attracts 5000
players from around Europe. Eduard oversees the events, looking for those he can manipulate, handing out black coins and then giving them
“quests” to perform. Later they dress in their LARP gear and commit various crimes. However, the coins do more than control their thoughts
they give whoever has them random energy expulsion abilities (spells). Now with a mind controlled “gamer army” at his beckon call, the Black
Coin can show up anyplace with 2D4 players (regular people) with super powers commit also sorts of fantasy RPG based crime (kidnapping
single women from tall building, stealing precious stones/artifacts from museums/galleries, attacking military or political leaders at their homes,
Besides his Black Coin underlings, Baron Thought has his loyal henchmen, who have been given other magical artifacts that were buried
on the property. How many more of these magical artifacts there are Vargug has yet to reveal. Baron Thought has so conformed to his “Game
Master” persona so much that the in-gaming terminology has taken over his vocabulary. Meaning when he speaks to a minion, he talks like a
G.M. would.
The Black Coin has become arch-rivals to the All Crusader Squad. Lightstone is very familiar with the demon Vargug. She insists the
demon must be destroyed, imprisoned, or sent back to Hell. Fighting the Black Coin lieutenants and Baron Thought is one thing, but the Black
Coin gamer minions are mind control servants doing exactly what they told and with energy expulsion power to back it up.
Baron Thought has recently used his powers to kidnap his nieces and nephews. He wants his brother to renounce the throne and make
him the new King of Griynia. Even if his brother did, it wouldn’t change anything. Major Thought has come to terms with this realization yet,
but it is part of his contingency. If he must he will use his minions to take over the Griynia Parliament Building and crown himself King. Note:
Major Thought and his lieutenants have no idea they have made into the rank and file of the Minion War taking place on Heroes Unlimited

Real Name: “Prince” Eduard Lumark
Occupation: Leader of the Black Coin, the Prince of Griynia
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mystical Bestowed by a Demon Lord
Experience Level: 3rd level
Hit Points: 126 S.D.C.: 218
P.P.E.: 22
Appearance: Eduard dresses like Christopher Lee’s “Count Dracula” from the 1960s Hammer Films. He himself has large amber eyes that
have blood-red white, and bulge out inhumanly. His luxurious, curly alabaster hair is very short and is worn in a carefully-crafted dignified style.
He is very tall and has an athletic build. His skin tone is very pale and his hands have inhumanly long fingers. His teeth are now all canines. In
the center of his head is a strange puncture scar.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 14, M.A. 29, P.S. 32 (Superhuman), P.P. 22, P.E. 15, P.B. 17, Spd. 34
Age: 19, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 10 inches (2.0 m), Weight: 253 lbs (113.8 kg).
Mystical Transformation: His transformation his permanent. His unusual characteristics are permanent.
Vulnerabilities: Holy weapons and those made of, or coated in, silver inflict double damage, and any demon slaying weapon that does
extra damage to demons likewise inflicts the same damage to him. The horn he jabbed into his skull is present in his head (the end is an
unhealed puncture scar). If this were to be pulled out of his head, he would lose all his demonic powers and 01-88% collapse into a coma (88%
above would instantly kill him).
Major Super Ability: Divine Aura, Control (Others), and Zombie Flesh. Note: Divine Aura and Control (Others) are a Power Combo (two
different super powers that are very similar in nature and/or coincides with each other, and instead of being two separate powers they work
perfectly in tandem, effectively enhancing each other). In other words, he combines his Power of Command and Control (Others) concurrently,
meaning he can control ALL intelligent beings who hear him speak (everyone must make saving throw) and they will do ABSOULTELY anything
he request (other than kill self or a love one). There is NO LIMIT to how many people can be controlled at the same time (no additional bonus
to save). Range: 1600 feet (488 m), Duration: Four minutes. As long he keeps speaking, he can reinforce original orders. Penalty: Those with a
M.E. attribute less than 8 are -1 to save vs his power and double the duration. A M.E. attribute less than 4 are -3 to save vs his power and
remain under his control for half an hour. Attacks per Melee: All commands/odors count as one melee attack. He can only issue one command
per melee round.
Bestowed Demonic Abilities: See the Invisible
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 Initial +2 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +17 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull
Saving Throws: Need a 12 or better to save vs psionics, +30% to save vs coma/death, +6 to save vs mind control, +1 to save vs magic,
+7 to save vs possession, +8 to save vs Horror Factor,
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (Counts as two attacks), Knee 1D6, Elbow & Forearm 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4.
Education: Three years of College
Common Skills: Read/Write-Speak German 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 81%, Pilot Automobile 69%, Lore: Demon and Monster 55%.
Entertainer Program: Disguise 55%, Impersonation 57%/43%, Performance 55%, Public Speaking 60%, Seduction 44%, TV/Video 65%,
and Wardrobe & Grooming 77%.
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 84%, Research 70%, Photography 65%, and Writing 55%.
Technical Program: Role Playing Game Design 59%, Law (general) 55%, History 87%/67%, and Business & Finance 65%.
Secondary Skills: Language: English & French 74%, Literacy: English & French 70%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Gemology 40%, Appraise
Goods 45%, Dance 45%, Prowl 40%, and Athletic (General).
Money: His estimated net worth is around $70 million US Dollars based, two-third of which he acquired from selling various inherited
landholdings and various historical Griynia artifacts to various collectors.
Weapons: None, he relies on his super abilities.
Armor: His costume has concealed body armor in it. A.R.: 12, S.D.C. 40.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has the financial means to acquire whatever it is that might need to help his minions accomplish their task.
What he cannon purchase by conventional means, he will have his minions steal or acquire via illegal means. He still lives on in the Griynia
country house worth around 15 million in U.S. dollars. He has access to various classic German luxury cars. Black Magic Coins, These coins are
made of a metal found in Hades called noirurite. Anyone who receives a “mind controlled” order (super power, psionic, or magic, even drug
induced) and then receives a Black Coin, his or her mind control duration has no TIME LIMIT until the orders/instructions given are completed.
Such orders depending upon their wording could be time sensitive (“You will get up on July 4 and do…) or require specific conditions to be met
(“If you see anyone wears a “certain sport’s team” hat, you will call them a loser.”), or an assigned task/set of instructions to be completed. The
Black Coin once it’s give to someone, it is near impossible to pull loose or remove by force (attaches to the flesh if don’t have pockets). It takes
an Extraordinary P.S. or greater to remove the coin from the affected person’s body (removing doesn’t cause any physical damage). Once
Baron Thought hands out a coin, and the mission gets completed, the Black Coin disappears. Baron Thought’s coin purse contains 30 Black
Coins. After all 30 coins have been given out the purse will “magically” produce another 30 coins, but only if a person with the coin has been
successfully mind controlled. There is no limit to how many coins can be produced. A simple exorcism (by an ordained minister/clergy of any
good alignment faith) can remove the coin thus releasing the person from their mind control obligation. Negate Magic or Anti-Magic Spell will
also remove the coin/mind control, but does not work on Baron Thought’s mind control without the coin. Any Spirit, Crusader, or Creature of
Light can also pluck the Black Coin off a person’s body.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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You made a Great Master villain,the Heroes have to first get through his victims,then you face him and his lieutenants,I can,t wait to see the Baron,s lieutenants.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Elinor Scott always took her gaming very seriously. She got so enthralled in her gaming she not only became her barbarian character, she decided to forsake
modern living altogether. She move out into the wilderness and tried to “live off the land.” Several times she had to be taken to the hospital because she’d eaten
something she shouldn’t or didn’t cook it right. During one LARP, she meet and actual real life knight, Sir Jolan Cureau. She fell in love with him and as was required of
her character became his slave. When game ended, she continued to be in character and swore to be his slave. She went back to the country of Griynia to live with him,
well to live on his property in the backyard. When Prince Eduard needed to recruit “lieutenants” to join his Black Coin, he knew Sir Deathcide and his “barbarian” woman
would not only willing join, but could be counted for their loyalty. Upon receiving her magic war club and sling, Elinor lost all ties to her former life and is no 100% She
Devil. Is it doubtful she could ever be return to the real world. She hates the Elf Lightstone of the All Crusader Squad and believes she must kill her to keep her from
seducing Sir Deathcide.

Real Name: Elinor Scot
Occupation: Current Bodyguard for Sir Deathcide
Alignment: Miscreant (Principled toward Sir Deathcide)
Power Category: Physical Training (Focus on Agility and Speed)
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 49 S.D.C.: 100
P.P.E.: 18
Appearance: This hateful woman has deep-set cobalt-blue eyes and long, straight, silky, dyed purple hair worn in an uncomplicated style. She has a muscular
figure. Her outfit is mostly brown, strongly resembles an Amazonian warrior’s armor, and it looks like it is made of fur/leather.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 15, M.A. 8, P.S. 26 (extraordinary), P.P. 16, P.E. 24, P.B. 19, Spd. 48.
Age: 22, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 180 lbs (81kg).
Insanity: She Devil has forsaken the customs, culture, machines and lifestyle of the modern world choosing instead to live in the ancient ways of hunters,
gatherers and farmers living in harmony with nature and the spirits. She sleeps and stays in the backyard of Sir Deathcide.
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 Initial +5 from Hand to Hand)
Special Combat Ability: Force of Will
Combat Training: Aggressive and Deadly Combat
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +11 to damage, +7 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +3 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch (double damage, counts as two attacks), Backhand or Knife hand 1D6, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate
Kick 2D6, Power Kick (double damage, counts as two attacks), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), Drop Kick (Dodge, if
successful Kick Attack, no bonus to strike, counts as one attack), Headbutt 1D4 (causes her 1D4 unless she rolls), +2 to Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus
(lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Paired Weapons (Combination Parry/Attack, counts as one attack), Automatic Backflip, and Arm & Legs Holds.
Saving Throws: +28% to save vs coma/death and +5 to save vs magic & poison.
Other Bonuses: 45% to charm/impress.
Education: Trade school with Special Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, and Pilot: Automobile 72%.
Special Physical Program: Swimming 80%, Acrobatics (Sense of Balance, 90% Walk Rope 82%, Climb 55%, Climb Rope 98%), Body Build & Weightlifting,
Gymnastics (Bars & Rings 82% and Backflip 90%), Athletics (general), and Running.
Espionage Program: Escape Artist 55%, Detect Ambush 55%, Detect Concealment 5%, and I.D. Undercover Agent 61%.
Ancient Weapon Program: Paired Weapon, W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike and parry). W.P. Chain (+2 to strike, +1 to parry), and W.P. Shield +2 to parry.
Secondary Skills: Wilderness Survival 50%, Land Navigation 52%, Prowl 55%, Cook 65%, Track & Trap Animals 40%/50%, Streetwise 36%, Whittling &
Sculpting 50%, and Gardening 54%.
Money: She has $13,200 in his checking account and $35,000 in her savings. This money is in an account but as it a part of modern world she doesn’t
acknowledge it. Sir Jolan controls her finances.
Magic War Club, Damage: 5D6, Bonuses: +1 to strike/parry.
4 Bone Throwing Knives/Sticks, Damage: 2D4, Range: 100 feet (30 m).
Sling, Magic Qualities (Any items thrown by the sling is enchanted as if she possessed the equivalent Supernatural P.S., doing 4D6 damage). Bonuses: Because of
the Supernatural P.S. enhancement, anything tossed by the sling allows the projectile to lower a target’s A.R. by two (or get +2 strike against armored targets).
Armor: She wears clothes that resemble a female barbarian.
Equipment and Vehicles: She relies on whatever equipment she needs to complete the mission. She tends to use “primitive equipment” because she refuses to
use modern technology.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Sir Deathcide

Jolan Cureau was knighted by King Torsten Lumark of Griynia for his contributions to the Griynia parliament and for being something of a local celebrity when it
came to Griynia television. He also loved being a gamer. He became good friends with the King’s son Prince Eduard. One day, Eduard asked him if he would like a real
magic sword. Thinking he was joking, Jolan said sure. Eduard took him to a spot on his family grounds and after lifting up a rock, revealed a rusty long sword. Edyuard
said this was the legendary magic sword Misteltein (Mistletoe), the magic sword that killed the god Baldar. Jolan went along with him and picked up the sword, suddenly
transforming into a magical knight. This wasn’t LARPing this was real! Whenever Sir Jolan decided to join a LARP he took his magic sword with him. One day his
character received a Barbarian slave named She Devil. It didn’t take Jolan long to realize she stopped playing in character and fully embraced being She Devil. Jolan
took her back home with him. This was the final straw for his wife, who insisted he had descended into madness. Jolan got so mad at her he struck her with his magic
sword, cleaving her in half. At that point, Jolan gave up everything to become the criminal Sir Deathcide. He was joined by his barbarian bodyguard. When Prince
Edmund asked his friend to join him as a member of the Black Coin, it didn’t take much convincing. Now Sir Deathcide serves his majesty Baron Thought in any capacity
he needs him too. Sir Deathcide is always eager to duel Bladesword of the All Crusader Squad in hopes of proving once and for all who is greatest “knight of the realms.”

Real Name: Sir Jolan Cureau
Occupation: Former Knight of Griynia
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Enchanted Weapon
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 28/+60 with magic sword
P.P.E.: 31
Appearance: He has brown eyes. His silky, wavy, blond hair is neck-length and is worn in a handsome style. He is tall with a slender build. His skin is china-white.
He has a hooked nose and a small mouth. He dresses like a Western noble born.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 12, M.A. 11, P.S. 20, P.P. 12, P.E. 16, P.B. 10, Spd. 26.
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg).
Vulnerability: Obsession with defeating champions of light. Whoever takes up the sword Mistletoe wants to defeat Champion of Order/Crusaders of Light. If one
should show up, Sir Deathcide will focus all his attention into defeating him, almost to the cost of his own life and definitely at the peril of his companions.
Weapon of Chaos: Mistletoe (long sword), all standard properties of magic weapon, 5D6+6 damage, +1 to strike/parry, +60 S.D.C., +4 to save vs Horror
Factor & Possession, +2 to save vs magic, see the invisible, and create battle armor.
Minor Super Abilities: Living Anatomy (+1 to initiative, +1 to dodge, +3 to pull punch, +1D6+4 points of damage, and inflict critical damage (double) from
behind or on natural, unmodified rolls of 17-20) and Immune to High Speed Kinetic Attacks (can automatic parry them without harm).
Powers of Chaos: Power Bolt (Range: 1000 feet/305 m, Damage: 5D6+6), Damage Bonus, Turn Itself and Wielder Invisible (same as Invisibility: Superior),
Nightvision, Powers of Darkness, and Mystic Shield. Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +5 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch,
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, All Holds, and Critical strike on an
unmodified roll of 19-20 (triple damage with sword using Living Anatomy).
Saving Throws: +4% to save vs coma/death and +1 to magic & poison.
Education: Two years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak 92%/94% and Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 80%, Public Speaking 75%, Computer Operation 93%, Law (general) 75%, and Research 85%.
Politician: Political Science 85% and Wardrobe & Grooming 89%.
Secondary Skills: W.P. Sword (+3 to strike/+2 to parry), Fencing (+1 to strike/parry and +1D6 damage), Athletics (general), Horsemanship 64%/44%, History
89%/69%, Wilderness Survival 65%, Performance 62%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Outdoormanship, Recognize Weapon Quality 45%, Appraise Antiques 35%, and W.P.
Paired Weapons.
Money: He has the equivalent of $56,000 U.S. Dollars in his checking account and $100,000 U.S. dollars in his savings. How much money he has on him depends
whether or not he chooses to engage in criminal activity. If he requires special equipment for mission, he typically steals it or has She Devil get it for him.
Weapons: He relies on Mistletoe but he has a few other weapons he often carried depending upon the mission.
Kite-Shaped Shield (Hardware Design) +2 to parry.
Dagger, 1D6 damage.
Armor: Full-suit of Plate and Mail (Hardware Design), A.R.: 17, S.D.C. 115.
Equipment and Vehicles: He has enough He owns a fully restored green Spitfire Mark IV 1972. He also own a genetically breed war horse.
Warlord. 48 SDC. 30 hp. War Horse of good quality. SPD 25 mph (40 km). Carry 450 lbs (202 kg, Pull 5 ton wagon. Swim 50% and Jump 4 feet (1.2 m) up, 10 feet (3
m) long. 5 years.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Excellent update Maybe the next ones can bese on the Sorceress,Thief and evil Cleric classics and maybe add one more with Monsterous form who can turn into Ogre.
I love mixing Fantasy with Superheroes.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Big Jack

Duncan Scully spent most of his life getting into fights, especially in school. As soon as he was old enough he left school to become a professional boxer. During his
off time, he loved LARPing, especially in the country of Griynia which had tournaments in actual castles. During one game session, he was partnered with “Prince”
Eduard Lumark on his family royal estate when he told him, his family where actual keepers of ancient magic treasures. Duncan told him to prove it. So Eduard took him
to a special fish pond and said if he caught the fish it would cough up a magic ring. Duncan dove in and brought up the fish. It indeed coughed up a ring. When Duncan
put it on, it turned him into a Dwarf but also gave him great magical powers. Weeks later Duncan lost his first major fight in the first round after 30 seconds. Humiliated
he swore to get even. Days later he found the fighter, put on the ring, and beat him senseless. When Prince Eduard asked him to join his Black Coin, Duncan was all too
eager to abandon his old life and join a group of super powered gamers armed with magical objects. Duncan loves being a professional criminal and beating up (and
killing) law enforcement. He and Overmace (of the All Crusader Squad) have become arch enemies. There can only be one magic Dwarf in this world!

Real Name: Duncan Scully
Occupation: Member of the Black Coin
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Enchancted Object
Experience Level: 4th level.
Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 70/160 in dwarf form
Armor Rating: A.R.: 10 (with ring)
P.P.E.: 13/190 with ring
Appearance: Jack is a clean shaven, muscular athlete. He has wide black eyes, medium-length, curly fire hair that is dark brown, and worn in a carefully-crafted
style. When he puts on the Ring, he shrinks to dwarf size and grows a white downward flowing beard and style moustache. The hair on his head turns white (although
it’s thinning out). As Big Jack he wears black clothes over his armor. .
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E.15, M.A. 5, P.S. 28/39 in dwarf form, P.P. 15, P.E. 20, P.B. 12/8 I dwarf form, Spd. 28/14 in dwarf form.
Age: 25, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot 1.82 m), 4 foot (1.21 m) in dwarf form, Weight: 202 lbs (1 kg). 606 lbs (272 kg) in dwarf form.
Magic Object: The Ring of the Dwarf King. P.P.E. 190. Equal to 6th level. +2 to save vs magic,
+90 S.D.C., and +11 to P.S.
Minor Super Ability: Dwarfing (Permanent). Note: He can leap 70 feet (21.3 m) up or across in a standing position.
Minor Super Abilities: Power Weapon (15 P.P.E.) and Manipulate Kinetic Energy (15 P.P.E.)
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative/+1 in dwarf form, +2 to strike, +6 to parry/+1 in dwarf form, +6 to dodge, +8 to damage/+19 in dwarf form, +5 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch,
Combat Skills: Head-butt 1D4, Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4,
Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), all Holds, and Knockout on unmodified roll of 20 for 1D4 melees. Note: Jack can perform a regular
head-butt without injuring himself (if he tries a power blow head butt, he must roll with punch or suffer the same damage).
Saving Throws: +10% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs magic & poison, and +3 to save vs Horror Factor.
Education: Fighting Competitor
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English (Irish) 88%/92% and Mathematics: Basic 84%.
Occupational Skills: Pilot Automobile 78%, Body Building & Weightlifting, Boxing, Hand to Hand: Expert, Forced March, Performance 60%, Running, W.P. Axe (+1 to strike/parry), and W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike/parry).
Elective Skills: Play Soccer 60%, Land Navigation 62%, Horsemanship 66%/46%, Outdoormanship, Fishing 70%, and Gardening 62%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Wilderness Survival 55%, Law (general) 45%, and Carpentry 35%
Money: He has the equivalent $9000 in U.S. dollars in his checking account and $18,900 in U.S. dollars in his saving accounts.
Bastard Sword, (Needs Two Hands to wield), Damage: 2D6+2, Bonuses: +2 to damage, +1 to strike/parry.
4 Throwing Axes, Damage: 2D4, Bonuses: +1 to throw, +2 to damage.
Armor: Full suite of modified Scale Mail (Hardware design), A.R.: 15, S.D.C. 105.
Equipment and Vehicles: Jack loves to drive 2018 Ford F-650SC Pickup Truck (full package). Although he can’t reach the pedals much get into it in dwarf form.
Whatever equipment Jack needs he steals or waits for it to be given to him if he much complete a mission.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Guy the Bandit

Gavin Ames is a professional thief. Stealing is as natural to him as breathing. The bigger the challenge, the more he is willing to try the caper. His other favorite
hobby was gaming (always playing the thief/rogue). One day while in the country of Griynia, he joined a LARP that had “Prince” Eduard Lumark in it. After the event, his
majesty noted how accustomed Gavin was at playing a thief. Gavin said it was second nature to him. So the Prince took him to his family estate and showed him a
wardrobe. He said inside was a cloak that allowed thieves to hide things inside of it. When Gavin put it on, he discovered the cloak contained a wooden ladder and a
magic knife. Gavin asked him what did he have to do to keep the cloak and knife, and Eduard said to be the best thief he could come up with. So Gavin had his girlfriend
at the time design him a Highwayman costume and declared himself Guy the Bandit. After performing numerous capers across Great Britain, Gavin returned to Griynia
to join Prince Eduard’s Black Coin and become a true super villain. While he is not a stone killer like others in the team, Gavin is still out for himself and the Black Coin
allows him to get away with numerous crimes without getting caught.

Real Name: Gavin Ames
Occupation: Member of the Black Coin
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Magic Object
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 28 S.D.C.: 45/+30 with magic cloak
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: Guy has a narrow build for a person who engages in moderate exercise. He has droopy green eyes and shoulder-length, straight, silky black hair
worn in an uncomplicated style. He dresses like a classic Highwayman of literature and/or pop culture.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 13, M.A. 15, P.S. 14, P.P. 17, P.E. 12, P.B. 10, Spd. 29.
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 9 inches (1.75 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg).
Magic Object: The Magic Cloak. P.P.E. 180. Equal to 6th level. +2 to save vs magic, +30 S.D.C., and +3 to M.A.
Minor Super Abilities: Dimensional Pocket, Instant Wardrobe, and Instant Weapon. Note: All three super abilities have formed into a Power Combo in which they
all work in unison.
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to Perception Rolls, +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and all Holds.
Education: Professional Thief
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English (Irish) 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Occupational Skills: Pilot: Motorcycle 94%, Barter 60%, Climbing 75%/65%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Law (general) 70%, Pick Locks 80%, Palming 65%, Pick
Pocket 70%, Prowl 65%, Streetwise 52%, Detect Concealment 60%, and Find Contraband 56%,.
Elective Skills: I.D. Undercover Agents 80%, Surveillance 65%, Research 75%, Rope Works 65%, Tailing 70%, Computer Operation 85%, and Concealment 55%.
Secondary Skills: Basic Electronics 55%, Athletics (general), Running, W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, parry, throw), Appraise
Antiques 45%, and Gemology 40%.
Money: He has the equivalent of $18,000 in U.S. dollar in his checking account and $30,000 in U.S. dollars in his savings.
Magic Pesh-kabz (Indo-Persian knife), Damage: 1D6, Bonuses: +1 to strike/parry, Magic Properties: Indestructible and Shoot Ice Blast (Range: 200 feet/61m,
Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one attack, Payload: Unlimited), +2 to strike.
6 Throwing Knives, Damage: 1D6, Bonus: +2 to damage/+2 to throw.
Armor: Regular clothing with concealed body armor, A.R.: 12, S.D.C.: 40.
Equipment and Vehicles: (everything is stored in the magic cloak), Four Sets of Clothing, superior lock pick set, automatic lock pick, skeleton keys, 50 feet rope
(15.2 m), 100 feet (30 m) of rope, 10 foot (3 m) wooden pole, 20 foot (6 m) wooden ladder, 2 grappling hook, 3 iron spikes, small hammer, pocket mirror, tinder box, 2
tactical flashlights, 4-Person Inflatable Boat Set with Aluminum Oars and High Output Air Pump, 10 bundles of foreign bills equal to $1000 U.S. dollars, 18 Speed
Roadmaster Mountain Bicycle, and 4 M18 Claymore Mines (Damage: 2D4x10 with a 20 feet (6 m) Blast Radius, 1D4x10 up to a 60 feet/18.2 m, 4D6 up to 300 feet (9.1
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The Wizard Bellows

Paullor is the ultimate gamer geek. His maturity has not changed any since he was 12 and he’s devoted his amazing intellect into proving magic is real, much to
the dismay of his parents. Any place he went in the world, he tried to recruit others into playing RPGs or LARPing. He spend hours researching magic for no other reason
than to incorporate realism into his characters. During one game session, he was in a castle in the country of Griynia, when his group had to go into the library and find
a hidden book. While searching the room, Paullor found a book of magic that had nothing to do with the game. He flipped through the book and noted a passage that
seemed like some sort of incantation. He said the words aloud (as best he could) and misspoke them, which summoned a Greater Demon! It killed everyone but himself
(holding the book protected him). Horrified over what he’d done, Paullor fled with the book. He eventually got back to England where devoted his life to studying the
book until he became a true wizard. He returned to Griynia with the notion of finding the demon and either killing it or sending it back to Hell. When he reached the
castle, he drew a magic circle and waited. The Great Demon came at him and penetrated his circle (it wasn’t strong enough). Fortunately for Paullor Sir Deathcide and
She Devil were also tracking the demon and slew the beast. Paullor thanked the knight and offered his wizardry services. Sir Deathcide introduce the wizard to Baron
Thought and his Black Coin. Since joining the group, the Wizard Bellows has grown in confidence, increasing his spell knowledge, but he fells hampered in his power
(P.P.E.). While he has learned to draw P.P.E. from others, it’s still not enough. He has learned what blood ritual will grant him additional power and there are talisman he
can draw strength from as well. He has yet to commit to using kidnapping super power beings and fellow magic practitioners as human sacrifices but if he wants to
increase his power this is what he might have to do. His principles have already become dark enough he feel nothing if he must kill certain people under the right
circumstances. But he doesn’t want to turn into the demon that terrified him so long ago. He does however consider the All Crusader Squad a major menace to his and
the Black Coin future plans.

Real Name: Paullor Brooke Bellows
Occupation: Gamer turned Wizard
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Wizard
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 125. Note: He can draw on P.P.E. from others (up to 70% from members of the Black Coin) as well as numerous people he encounters (s-12 and drain 1D4
points per person). He can absorb and store P.P.E. equal to his P.E. attribute in minutes, before it harmless disperses away.
Appearance: He is a portly, balding man, who dresses like a classic wizard. He sees himself as a dashing, handsome celebrity who with the snap of a finger will
have young maidens eating out of the palm of his hand. He has brown hair and thinning brown hair.
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E.16, M.A. 18, P.S. 16, P.P. 10, P.E. 12, P.B. 10, Spd. 12
Age: 44, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 9 inches (1.79 m), Weight: 250 lbs (112.5 kg).
Wizard Abilities: Astral Projection, Sense Enchantment, Sense Supernatural Evil, Sense Magic, and Familiar Link (Itchy the Lizard).
Spell Knowledge: All first and second level spells, Agony (20), Animate and Control Dead (20), Armor of Ithan (10), Blind (8), Cold Wall (15— See Aliens
Unlimited), Constrain Being (20), Create Magic Scroll (100+), Domination (10), Energy Bolt (5), Energy Field (10), Energy Disruption (15), Exorcism (30), Fuel Flame
(5), Heal Self (20), Horrific Illusion (10), Ignite Fire (6), Impervious to Energy (20), Impervious to Fire (6), Invulnerability: Limited (25), Ley Line Transmission (30),
Life Drain (25), Magic Net (7), Minor Curse (35), Multiple Image (7), Negate Magic (30), Negate Poison/Toxin (5), Protection Circle: Simple (45), Shadow Meld (10),
Summon Shadow Beast (140), Superhuman Strength (10), Telekinesis (8), Tongues (12), Wind Rush (20), and Wisps of Confusion (40).
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +1 to damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch, and (14) spell strength.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 2D4, and all Holds.
Saving Throws: +1 to save vs psionics/ insanity, +3 to save vs magic, +1 to save vs possession, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor.
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills and 50% trust/intimidate.
Education: Two Years of College
Common Skills: Read/Write-Speak English 94%/97%, Mathematics: Basic, 86%, Pilot Automobile 91%, Spell Translation 22%, Lore: Demon & Monster 61%,
Lore: Geomancy 56%, Lore: Religion 66%, Archaeology 79%/59%, Chemistry 89%, Holistic Medicine 69%/59%, and Research 79%.
Technical Program: Role Play Game Design 71%, History 98%/98%, Gemology 69%, and Law (general) 84%.
Secondary: Writing 54%, Performance 54%, Barter 48%, Streetwise 44%, Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Staff (+2 to strike/parry), Art (Drawing) 74%, Computer
Operation 79%, Astronomy & Navigation 59%, Sign Langauge 44%, and Sewing 59%.
Money: He has the equivalent of $30,000 U.S. dollars in his checking account and $36,000 U.S. dollars in his saving account. He has a hidden stash of $8000
U.S. dollars worth of precious gems hidden at his hidden wizard lair.
Magic Ironstaff, Damage: 2D6+2. Bonuses: +1 to strike and +3 to parry. Magic Qualities: Shoot Lightning bolts (Range: 600 feet/183 m, Damage:4D6, Each
blast counts as one attack, Payload: Unlimited, Bonus: +2 to strike) and Turn Wielder Invisible (same as Invisibility: Simple), Duration: 1 hour, but can be done four
times every 24 hours.
Dagger (silver tip), Damage: 1D6
Armor: Full Suit of Soft Leather Armor (Hardware Quality), A.R. 11 and 30 S.D.C.
Equipment and Vehicles: Traveling Clothes, traveling hooded cloak, wizard robe, boots, belt, bedroll, backpack, medium size purse, four small sacks, water skin,
one holy symbol, large silver cross, four wooden spikes, small mallet, 30 feet (9.1 m) rope, 4 glass vials, 1 lb (.45 kg) of beeswax, 6 sticks of chalk, 2 quill pens, 1 vial
of black ink, silver chalice, flashlight, 4 extra batteries, and deodorant.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

These guys were fun, just took a little imagination to turn a team of villains I use in my PF games and convert them to Heroes Unlimited.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I will be posting my original superhero team created way back in the mid 1980s during my wanna bee comic book writer days. When I got introduced to HU this
was a great way to give my guys "life" in a way that otherwise they couldn't exist. Although I found myself unable to play them because I wanted to play them the way
they acted in their unpublished comic books. Their powers seemed limited (HU Revised edition). So I shelved them and stop playing them. Two decades later I dusted
them off and gave them a new lease on life. They been sitting in limbo while various super villains and other super teams have found their way into Rifters and/or here on
the boards. I jealously guarded them, hoping one day they might see themselves in HU cannon book. Well the wait is over. Mega Team is coming to the boards. Now these
guys are going to be POWERFUL. But that's to be expected. They're Mega Team after all. A little later their arch enemies Thomas Dane and the Dane Brigade will be
appearing as well.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Omega Team is one of the most renowned teams of super beings on Earth. They offer their services to anyone free of charge. Their mission is to function as a peace
keeping force dedicated to protecting the people of Earth from all threats to its safety. Although they never said so specifically, the Omega Team’s primary concern is
defending Earth from alien invasion. Unlike the Sentinels of Liberty and Justice and the Centurions of Century Station, Omega Team is not under the supervision of the
U.S. government or any law enforcement agency. However, its members would gladly assist any lawful nation or legitimate law enforcement organization if they asked for
it. Omega Team is not a private corporation, they are simply a band of freelance super beings defending humanity from those who would do it harm. That being said, the
team has received recognition and sponsorship from the United Nations, enabling them to function as an international peacekeeping force in all countries belonging to or
affiliated with the United Nations. Most of Omega Team’s operations involve visible public activities, although they have in the past engaged in covert missions if such a
visible role will inhibit its chance of success. It has never been Omega Team policy to usurp the role of any nation’s armed forces by engaging in warfare on enemy soil.
Such matters are jointly coordinated, with Omega Team generally taking the auxiliary role.
Omega Team does not receive U.S. government support or access to privileged or classified information. They are super beings fighting without U.S. government
approval and outside the confines of the law. However, they are NOT considered outlaws, because the team has always cooperated with the U.S. government over the
years as a private corporation, owned entirely by its founding members. Nonetheless, Omega Team enjoys the perks of a “grandfathered privileged status” seemingly
unattainable by any Legionnaires or Freelance group of super heroes, much to the chagrin of the U.S. S.C.R.E.T., G.I.G.M.A., MTF, the Sector, Project Tyche, various
Super-Ops Teams, and Government Superhuman Taskforce (The Sentinels and Centurions), and a minority of politicians in the federal branches of U.S. government and
the military. Conversely, Omega Team enjoys a massive popularity (82-84% approval rating) with the U.S. general public, and even higher in Europe, Africa, and
Australia, They enjoy huge support from the various Legionnaire groups across the U.S. and not just those in Century Station, Victory City, Ultropolis, and Gulf Coast
City. Members of the various U.S. armed services, agents of the alphabet agencies (especially NASA and Project Secure). G.I.G.M.A. agent Scott Benter operates as
“secret” liaison between the agency and Omega Team, offering the “covert” assistance whenever possible (“whoops where did I put that file on Doctor Fright?).
How has Omega Team managed to achieve such celebrity status, by defeating various alien threats and invasions, stopping rogue nations from invading their
neighbors, defeating super powered criminals (like Thomas Dane) from taking over the U.S. government and saving the lives of millions. Omega Team also enjoys the
means of space travel enabling them to reach various locations throughout the Ilta Quadrant (often encountering the TMC) using FTL and Point to Point Travel. Rumor of
the super team operating in the Ilta Quadrant has reached the FAR who simply regard them as a bunch of misguided vigilantes or pirates. The Atorians know nothing
about them. Omega Team has crossed swords with the Toogarth and Tarlock on two separate occasions.
Omega Team has no authority to judge or punish criminals. Anyone they confront they turn over to the appropriate authorities; however those deemed too powerful
(meganoids, supernatural threats, aliens, and giant robots) will be “dealt” using non-standard confinement practices, which always caused a heated debate among the
various members (conflicting alignments). Still, the Omega Team can make a citizen’s arrest of anyone found in the act of committing a “felony”, but the group could face
possible lawsuits or criminal charges like false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, kidnapping, wrongful arrest, assault and battery with super powers—especially if the
wrong person is apprehends or the victim’s civil rights are violate. For this reason, Omega Team focuses their efforts on supercrimes, war zones, natural disasters, alien
invasions, or major mayhem threatening major loss of life. In these situations Omega Team receives lots of cooperation from civilian, public, and law enforcement
authorities. They can take charge of these situations, and EVERYONE obeys, sometimes S.C.R.E.T. and G.I.G.M.A. operates get relegated to crown control until Omega
Team defeats the super villain or saves the day, much to the annoyance of high authorities.

Omega Team Organization Statistics

A. None: Utility Outfits (0 Point)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies ($10,000 at 15 Points)
C. Weapons: None (0 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: Unlimited Robots & Bionics (60 Points).
E. Vehicles: Spy Cars (25 Points)
F. Communications: Satellite Network (30 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (7 Points).
H. Military Power: None (0 Points)
I. Super Power Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Agents Sponsored (50 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Potatoes (20 Points) $250,000 for a mission.
L. Administrative Control: Loose Laws (5 Points)
M. Internal Security: Iron Clad (25 Points)
N. External Infiltration: None (0 Points)
O. Research: Superior Connections (30 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Super Heroes (50 Points)
Q. Agency Salary: Comfortable (10 points). Each member automatically has $1500 deposited into a secret bank account every two weeks.
Total Agency Points: 327 Points
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


He is the son of renowned wildlife expert Felix Gordon and his wife Dyana. They traveled the world together promoting environmentalism and conservation of
endangered animals and land clearing. Everywhere they went their young son Rick went with them. At an early age, Rick showed signs of being a wildlife warrior. He
loved to trap and track wild animals. He tranquilized and radio tagged his first elephant at the age of nine under his dad’s supervision. By the age of twelve, he was
hitting targets 1000 yards away with a rifle as if he’d been trained all his life. When he turned sixteen his parents moved from Australia to South Africa, where they
worked at Addo Elephant National Park. However, his father’s world fame began to agitate those involved in the illegal animal trade.
A few weeks later, the family was flying in their private airplane when both engines exploded. The plane went down. Rick woke up in the medical wing of Ojore
Bokaza, a ruthless African Warlord who been deposed by his own people, and was force to live in exile. He claimed not to know who was responsible for the plane crash
but he urged his personal assistant Howard Chase to look into the matter while Rick recovered. Weeks later Bokaza told Rick he knew the location of the mercenaries
responsible for killing his parents, but it would be impossible to prove in a court of law. Rick vowed to kill them himself. He started to train himself to become the perfect
warrior. During this time, he noticed numerous physical changes with his body such as increased strength, endurance, and resistance to injury, yet in general, he didn’t
feel any different. During this time Howard Chase demonstrates his amazing invention, the Humonger Harness, a device he built that enabled him to turn into a monster.
When Rick asked him why he needed such a device, Howard said to combat the threat aliens pose to human civilization. Five months later, Rick and Howard came across
the mercenary camp in the Kalahari Desert. Though outnumber the two men took out every single individual in the camp. Upon returning to Bokaza home, Rick felt guilty
over what he’d done, knowing his parents would not have approved. Howard Chase then revealed that it was Bokaza who issued the order and the mercenaries where in
fact his. Rick confronted the elderly warlord and snapped his neck. Afterward Rick vowed to avenge his parents’ senseless death and to protect the lives of all innocents
on Earth by waging a war against all hostile threats against the people of Earth. Traveling to a secret location in Montana where Howard Chase owner private property,
Rick trained to be physical and mental perfection. Finally, he gave himself a red costume to symbolize his burning hatred for evil and thus Rick Gordon became Redfire.
For four years, the duo traveled the world confronting villainy wherever they found it, from a ruthless dictator of a rogue nation to petty jewel thieves. However,
despite their best intensions, law enforcements around the world considered them outlaws and vigilantes. When Rick turned twenty-one, he began to contemplate if he
and Howard were truly making a difference. The world seemed to be ruled by anarchy, cruelty, and conquest. What chance did humankind have against such menaces;
furthermore, he watched on television the events transpiring around the globe that threatened to destabilize human society. Howard of course blamed aliens especially
when the events in Century Station occurred. He then suggested Rick create a team of super heroes to help him defend the planet from aliens and all domestic threats to
human civilization.
Over the next few weeks, Redfire got in touch with three recognized super heroes from New York, Chicago, and Los Angles. He asked them to join him on his
mission to protect Earth and thus Omega Team was born. One month later, the quintet defeated Thomas Dane and his brigade of evil from kidnapping the U.S President
when they assaulted the White House. Four months later the heroes stopped Dane from laying siege against the United Nation building. This amazing rescue made
Omega Team international champions. Soon nations from all parts of the globe called upon them in times of crisis. When two Middle East countries went to war, Omega
Team stepped in-between holding off both armies until a ceasefire could be called and peace talks began. Countless times the heroes performed acts of bravery and
selflessness, never once knowing any sort of defeat. Eventually Doctor Vibrates’ niece joined their ranks, and she was soon followed by Microna and Momentum. Their
youthful presence and amazing abilities only added to the team’s formidability. Six months ago, the Omega Team defeated their arch nemesis Thomas Dane once again
in their greatest battle to date when the criminal mastermind conjured an army of demons to march onto Washington D.C.
Shortly after returning home from their battle with Dane, the group met the alien mercenary Scrambler who was on the run from the Covenant for selling alien
weapons to non-starfaring civilizations. Rick took a liking to her and her spacecraft. Howard of course, was paranoid and extremely jealous of the friendship they
developed. After expelling Momentum from the team, Rick invited Scrambler to join them thus allowing the group the use of her space ship and experience. Three
months later Rick decided to do what he’d been contemplating even since he started a romantic relationship with his longtime girlfriend Julie Walsh. He asked Scrambler
if she would like to take the reins of Omega Team. Rick wanted to retire so he and Julie could marry and raise a family. Scrambler said she think it over. After helping the
Omega Team take down a band of evil mages seeking to take over the British Parliament, she agreed. Rick and Julie left the next morning for a long extended vacation.

TRUTH: Howard Chase has been unwilling to reveal the truth that he’s kept from Rick for the last fourteen years. Rick is no longer human, but an android. His
injuries from the plane crash were to severe for his body to recover so under orders of Bokaza, Howard built an ultra sophisticated android that perfectly resembled his
original body and transferred his consciousness into it. Rick and Julie are unable to raise a family because Rick lacks the ability to reproduce. Howard is terrified if he
reveals the truth that Rick’s mind will snapped. Rick has turned himself into the world’s greatest superhero. He’s not certain what will happen once he learned he is no
longer human.

Real Name: Rick Dale Gordon
Occupation: Former vigilante & crusader, former protector of Earth
Alignment: Formerly Aberrant, turned Scrupulous
Power Category: Hunter/ Robot (Transferred Intelligence)
Experience Level: 12th
Appearance: Redfire has a winsome, handsome looking face with long curls of brown hair and blue eyes. Nothing about his appearance would suggest he is an
android. He has a superior athlete’s build and radiates leadership qualities.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 8, M.A. 20, P.S. 30 (robotic), P.P. 24, P.E. na, P.B. 16, Spd. 40
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 6 inch (2.01 m), Weight: 240 lbs (73.15 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Redfire has no idea Howard Chase transferred his mind into the body of an ultra sophisticated android that perfectly resembled his human
body. As far as Rick knows, he’s completely human, organic, and no different than any other Earthling. Even a medical person if they did a thorough examination of him
would diagnosis him as human.
Combat Training: Commando
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +8 to strike, +11 to parry, +11 to dodge, +10 to automatic dodge +19 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +8 to pull punch,
and +3 to disarm.
Saving Throws: He is impervious to organic attacks (poison, drugs, disease, gases, heat, and cold), +5 to save against psionics and magic that affect the mind,
and +7 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Power Punch 4D6+2 (count as two attacks), Backhand Strike 2D6, Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 3D6, Snap
Kick 2D6, Crescent kick 2D8, Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Axe Kick 3D6, Wheel Kick 3D6, Jump Kick 7D6, Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown),
Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), +5 to strike with Body Flip/Throw 2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1
attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 2D4+2 + P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), W.P. Paired Weapons, all Holds, an Deathblow on a natural 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills and 60% trust/intimidate.
Special Hunter Skills: Disguise Scent 97%, Trap/Snare Animals 97%, Modify Weapon Cartridge 79%, Quick Draw Initiative +2 with handguns, and W.P.
Sharpshooter (Handguns).
Educational Background: Special Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English (Australian) 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot: Automobile 98%, Pilot: Boat: Sail Type 98%, Pilot:
Airplane 98%, and Language: Zulu & Swahili 98%.
Wilderness & Hunting Programs: Camouflage 98%, Detect Ambush 98%, Detect Concealment 98%, Fishing 98%, Land Navigation 98%, Wilderness Survival
98%, Hunting, Trap & Track Animals 98%/98%, Preserve Food 98%, and Identify Plants & Fruits 98%.
W.P. Program: W.P. Knife (+4 to strike, +4 to parry, +9 to throw), W.P. Rifle (+6 to aim/+3 to burst), W.P. Handgun (+6 to aim/+3 to burst), and W.P.
Shotgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst).
Manhunter Program: Hand to Hand: Commando, Tracking (people) 98%, Find Contraband 98%, Intelligence 98%, Streetwise 96%, Concealment 74%, Prowl
91%, Radio: Basic 98%, and Optic System 96%.
Secondary Skills: Athletic (general), Climbing 98%/96%, Swimming 98%, Cook 98%, First Aid 98%, Outdoormanship 98%, W.P. Forked (+5 to strike or
entangle, +4 to parry), W.P. Sword (+5 to strike, +4 to parry), W.P. Targeting (+4 to throw, Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20), and W.P. Chain (+4 to strike, +3 to
parry), Public Speaking 98%, Jury-Rig 81%, Basic Mechanics 81%, Basic Electronics 71%, Astronomy & Navigation 56%, Recognize Weapon Quality 51%, S.C.U.B.A
61%, and Pilot: Motorcycle 70%.
Money: Redfire’s parents left him a small fortune worth 2.5 million dollars. Howard Chase had some friends invest his money wisely so by the time he turned 21, it
became worth 40 million. Most of it has been used for the upkeep of Omega Team’s HQ.
Weapons: The following are his favorites. Note: Any bonuses from these weapons are in addition to his other bonuses from his attributes, W.P., or robotic
2 Stompers with microjets rounds, Range: 1220 feet (371 m), Damage: 1D6x10, Rate of Fire: Single shot or Semi-Auto, Feed: 12 rounds. Note: Shooting a
burst of microjet rounds normally causes the clip to cook. Howard Chase has modified the clips to reduce the chance to 01-35%.
Vibro Sword, Damage: 3D6+3.
Six Exploding Daggers, these daggers work like grenades, after they impact they explode doing 1D4x10 to a 1 foot (.3 m) blast radius. Bonus: +1 to throw.
The knives inflict 1D6+1 point of damage.
2 Modified Sais, Damage: 1D6+4, Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to damage.
Bola Bomb, it works just like a normal bola with three heavy balls attached to a long cord. However, if he successfully entangles with the bola, he can use a
small remote detonator to cause each of the balls to explode with the force of an explosive grenade. Damage: 2D4 or 4D6x10 points of damage with a 20 foot (6 m)
blast radius. Bonus: +3 to throw, +3 to entangle, and +3 to disarm.
24 Energy Shurikens, Damage: 2D6+3
20 Explosive Pellets, Damage: 2D6.
Armor: Howard Chase created a one of kind alien combat/survival suit. It can reduce the damage of blade weapons by 70% even if they penetrate the A.R. The
suit is bullet resistant to everything short of a .30 caliber. Reduce the damage of all handguns, 7.62mm rifles rounds, and shotgun solids to 1D4 points if they fail to
penetrate the A.R., and if they do by-pass the A.R. the rounds inflict only one-quarter of its normal damage to the wearer. All energy attacks inflict only half damage if
they fail to by-pass the A.R. of the suit. A.R.: 16, S.D.C.: 260
Equipment & Vehicles: Redfire uses a combination of Earth and Alien technology. He also possess the know how to capture a man with a snare made from a tree
branch or a wall armed with laser cannons.

Redfire’s Android Body
Type: Android, Transferred Intelligence
Body Frame: Humanoid, Reinforced
Dimensions: Height: 6 foot and 6 inch (2.01 m), Weight: 240 lbs (73.15 kg)
Power Supply: Super-Solar Engine (includes a superior energy storage unit that can hold 14 hours worth of power). His emergency reserve has a six-hour storage
capacity. When it engages, he immediately falls asleep, but he does not shut down completely, he can be awakened but functions only at one-half his normal abilities.
The moment he is exposed to solar (photon) energy, he will return to normal fully energized.
Legs: Two Humanoid. Speed 28 mph (45 km).
Arms & Hands: Two Humanoid; Robotic/Superhuman P.S. 30, P.P. 24
Audio System: Basic Listening System (no difference between it and normal hearing)
Optics: Basic Robot Optic Systems (no difference between it and normal human vision) and Infrared Laser Targeting System (+3 to strike with range/throw
weapons, he doesn’t realize he activates this feature was using it strike/aim/throw objects at a distance.
Sensors: Combat Computer, Chemical Analysis System (located in his nose and tongue, virtually no difference between it and a normal human sense of smell and
taste). Touch Sensing System (identical to normal human touch)
Special Operating Systems and Misc: Radiation Shielding (when exposed to X-rays, a fake image is created that makes it appear he has normal human skeleton),
Underwater Capabilities, Flotation Device (self-activated), Artificial Liquid System (blood, saliva, sweat, etc), Internal Food/Liquid Processor (functions like a humanoid
digestive system, even produces waste products-feces), Artificial Heart, Lungs, and Kidneys (similar to those use in cyborgs, but in reality do nothing for him, however
they work good enough to fool a cardiologist or basic life support equipment (one can even feel a pulse in random places in his body) at 90%, Artificial Electrical System
(he can be hooked up to a EKG machine and it will read his electrical rhythms), Superior Cosmetic Enhancements (Medical Doctors and Robotic Specialist have a mere
01-07% chance of identifying him as android, and that’s only when in close proximity or they give him a thorough exam), and Nanotech robots repair his artificial skin
and flesh, making it appear that his wounds heal as if he were a normal organic person.
Armor Rating (A.R.): 10
S.D.C.: 250
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Markus Fox is the son of Black Warrior, a superhero who protected the poor living in the slums of Chicago. He battled all sorts of criminals throughout the city. He
also tried to promote a variety of community programs to alleviate poverty and illness. Eventually he unmasked and went public during an interview with the city’s mayor
in an effort to draw attention to the issues in the black community. His political goals were often overshadowed by his confrontational and militaristic tactics, and his
suspicions regarding the police and the U.S. government. Despite his best effort to draw attention to the plights of the poor, Black Warrior was viewed by most people as
a criminal and extremist. His confrontations with the Chicago Police Department escalated as he sought to oppose alleged police brutality through neighborhood patrols.
One day he followed a group of officers known for their racial prejudice and brutality. It ultimately led to a violent confrontation, resulting in the death of 15 officers and
a dozen injured. Realizing what he’d done, Black Warrior surrendered to S.C.R.E.T. and is now serving ten life sentences in a maximum holding facility.
Markus grew up admiring his father’s deeds and hoped one day to promote his father’s real message, helping those in need who are neglected by those with
wealth. When he started noticing his own mutant powers during high school, he thought about following in his father’s footsteps, then after witnessing his father being
led to jail by S.C.R.E.T. he decided to conceal his abilities from everyone, including his mother. After graduating from high school he left Chicago and went to Hollywood,
Ca hoping to become a stunt man. His mutant abilities made him a perfect candidate for training. Before long he appeared in a dozen films, and started receiving rave
reviews by people in the movie industry. He even started to take acting lesson hoping to eventually star in his own feature film.
Then one evening he received a telephone call from his mother. His little brother Oscar had been killed by enemies of his father. Markus returned to Chicago with
revenge on his mind, but instead of killing those responsible for his brother’s death he brought them to justice. It was then Markus decided the time had come to carry
on his father’s legacy. Two days later a hero calling himself Super Fist, he took to the skies. Within two years time he earned the total respect from every person living in
Chicago and enjoyed the cooperation of the mayor and the entire Chicago police department. Years later Redfire met him on patrol and asked him to join him in forming
a team of champions to protect not only Chicago, but the entire world. Super Fist knew of Redfire and wasn’t entirely sure if he should align his good name with the likes
of a vigilante. In the end, he decided justice for the world was worth the loss of a few brownie points with the locals. In a short while, he developed a strong friendship
with his teammates, particularly David Gordox. Before long, the fame he sought to erase the past deeds of his father came like an avalanche. Today people in Chicago
barely recall the villainous Black Warrior, but everyone knows and cheers for Super Fist.

Real Name: Markus Fox
Occupation: Former Hollywood stuntmen, now crime fighter.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 126 S.D.C.: 240
[b]P.P.E.: 31
Appearance[/b]: A tall, muscular black man with brown eyes and yellow eyes. He wears a nylon yellow flight jacket, green pants, yellow boots, metallic armbands and a
blue headband.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 15, M.A. 14, P.S. 61, P.P. 10, P.E. 32, P.B. 11, Spd. 27/400 mph (644 km) in flight
Age: 34, Sex: Male, Height: 6 feet and 2 inches (1.88 m), Weight: 290 lbs (130.5 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Extra large hands.
Major Super Ability: Re-Channel Kinetic Energy
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman P.S., Flight: Wingless, and Extraordinary P.E.
Note: He can carry 12,200 lbs (5490 kg) and lift 18,300 lbs (8235 kg).
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 7/8 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +1 while flying.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike/+4 in flight, +6 to parry/+8 in flight, +6 to dodge/+10 in flight under 80mph/+12 in flight over 90 mph, +49 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 2D6+4, Power Punch 5D6+2 (counts as two attacks), Elbow & Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 2D6+2, Snap Kick 2D6,
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Paired Weapons, all
Holds, Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, +32% to save vs coma/death, and +8 to save vs poison & magic.
Educational Background: Trade School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot: Automobile 90%.
Pilot: Advance Program: Navigation 98%, Sensory Equipment 95%, Parachuting 98%, Pilot: Combat Driving, Pilot: Race Car 98%, Pilot: Jet Packs 98%, and
Pilot: Helicopters 97%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Boxing, and Athletics (general)
Secondary Skills: Prowl 75%, Performance 75%, Running, Body Build & weightlifting, Swimming 98%, Physical Labor, T.V./Video 85%, Business & Finance
85%, Law (general) 55%, Public Speaking 90%, Radio: Basic 75%, Basic Mechanics 65%, Automotive Mechanics 58%, and Land Navigation 44%.
Money: As a stunt man, he made about $510,000 a year. He managed to invest most of his money and was able to live off the interest. He’s now worth around
$10 million. Most of his money he uses to help his mother and fund the Omega Team
Weapons: His two fists.
Equipment & Vehicles: He owns and drives around in a Mustang Cobra II.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


David Gordox was a young college physicists working at the Orwell Nuclear Facility. He and a group of scientist were experimenting with a new nuclear reactor that
was suppose to produce ten time more energy than any reactor ever before. Yet for reason unknown the reactor became unstable and exploded. Everyone in the facility
was vaporized accept for David. He was turned into an energy being. For days, David wondered the countryside unable to return to a body of flesh and blood. Finally, he
decided to end his life by flying into outer space. To his utter amazement, he survived. Fascinated he decided to head toward the moon. Suddenly he spotted NASA’s
newest space shuttle having trouble. He flew to the ship and found it slowly descending into Earth’s atmosphere. Looking inside he could tell the shuttle’s crew were
unconscious. David managed to get inside and once he got to the cockpit, to his amazement he regained his flesh body, although he looked anything but normal. He
radioed NASA and told them about the situation. They talked him thorough the landing procedure, which allowed him to bring the shuttle safely to Houston. When he
emerged, everyone thought him an alien, which frightened the crowd and alarmed the media. David returned to his energy form and fled the area.
For the entire week, the country wanted to know what had saved the crew of the space shuttle. NASA and the astronauts simple wanted to thank the alien for
saving their lives, and preventing the destruction of the shuttle. Deciding that their thanks might be sincere and that their scientists might find a means to cure him,
David made a special trip to NASA, just in time to stop the mad scientist who planned the shuttle’s destruction in the first place. This time he not only received praise
from NASA, but from the then President of the United States. When asked if there was anything NASA could do for him, David replied no. He decided he could spend the
rest of his life being a superhero and decided to call himself Heat Ray.
A year later David moved to New York City hoping to make an even bigger name for himself as a super hero. A female reported name Patty Balbin asked to
interview him after he rescued a family from a burning building. David said he would allow it if he could buy her dinner. Two months later, the two were dating. A year
later, they were married. One the eve of their honeymoon she asked him to give up his hero ways. David argued what else was there for him, especially with how he
looked. She told him he had to if he wanted to be around long enough to see his children grow up. For his wife David gave up his super hero career and in time became
the proud father of twin boys Paul and Peter, whom were born completely normal.
David went to work for NASA who welcomed his return. For seven years, he kept his word until an anti-alien group tried to take over NASA. One of their vehicles
contained a hidden bomb. David managed to destroy the truck before the bomb exploded. Having saved hundreds of people once again, David felt the call of being a
hero once again. To his amazement, Patty gave him her blessing. David left NASA to patrol the skies of New York. Three months later, he met up with the vigilante known
as Redfire who asked him to join his group of Earth protectors. Seeing this as an opportunity to do even more good, he agreed. Although Patty wasn’t thrilled at the idea,
his boys adored the idea of their father being a champion for the entire planet. David soon became friends with his teammates, especially Super Fist. Family obligations
sometimes got in the way of being a super hero, but David found a way to make his two lifestyles work.

Real Name: David Gordox
Occupation: Former nuclear physicists, former scientist for NASA, now super hero.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 60 S.D.C.: 82/+40 S.D.C in energy form.
P.P.E.: 24
Appearance: He is an athletic looking man with fiery red hair, chalk white skin, and orange glowing eyes. He wears an orange body suit over his torso that Howard
Chase invented that contains a Bio-Aura within it.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 14, P.S. 12, P.P. 19, P.E. 18, P.B. 8, Spd. 23/300 mph (483 km) in energy flight
Age: 36, Sex: Male, Height: 6 feet and 2 inches (1.88 m), Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Stark white skin, bright flaming red hair, and orange glowing eyes.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Energy and Energy Absorb
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +3 damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot
be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Paired Weapons, all Holds, and Critical strikes
on an unmodified roll of 18-20. Note: He cannot engage in physical combat in his energy form.
Saving Throws: +6% to save vs coma/death and +2 to save vs magic & poison.
Educational Background: Master’s Degree (left just short of completing his PhD).
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot: Automobile 90%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Astronomy & Navigation 98%, and Chemistry:
Analytical 98%.
Investigation Program: Research 98%, Photography 98%, and Writing 98%.
Communication Program: Basic Electronics 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Radio: Electronic Counter Measures 98%, T.V./Video 98%, and Radio: Satellite 98%.
Technical Program: History 98%/98%, Law (General) 98%, Business & Finance 98%, and Computer Programming 98%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athlete, Swimming 98%, Pilot: Airplane 90%, Land Navigation 76%, Language: German 80%, Literacy: German
90%, Language: Japanese 80%, Literacy: Japanese 90%, Body Build & Weightlifting, Running, Public Speaking 75%, First Aid 70%, Prowl 35%, and Gemology 35%.
Money: He made about $70,000 a year as a college professor for his first three years, than he went on and became a scientist for the Orwell Nuclear Facility
where he made $165,000 a year. When he worked at NASA, he made about the same.
Energy Punch, Damage: 2D4 damage in human form, 3D6 damage in energy form.
Energy Bolts, Range: 1000 feet (304.8 m), Damage: 6D6, Bonus: +3 to strike (energy form only)
High-Powered Energy Bolt, Range: 2000 feet (609.6 m), Damage: 6D6+20 (Counts as two attacks), Bonus: +2 to strike.
Energy Flash, Range: 100 feet (30.48 m), Damage: 2D6.
Equipment & Vehicles: He owns two airplanes; a Piper PA-4631OP Malibu Mirage and a Gulfstream GA-7 Cougar.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Hall Garson was a student at USC who was always late for class. His chemistry professor finally told him, if he were late one more time, he’d fail his class. Worried
about the consequences of being late, Hall decided to find a means to move at faster speeds. After several weeks, he invented a belt that gave him the power to move at
superhuman speed, and attain a velocity equal to the speed of sound. Before long, Hall could arrive anywhere on time. He kept the knowledge of his belt a secret, but
the temptations to use it to impress his girlfriend Jane Winters, soon caught the attention of his college chemistry professor. He’d desired the belt for other reasons,
namely as a means to eliminate those he owe money too. He broke into Hall’s room and stole it. After destroying his enemies, the professor decided to use the belt to
satisfy his criminal urges for money and power. Feeling responsible for the crimes his professor committed, Hall decided to go after him with a spare belt, but this one
continually gave him problems. An all out fight broke out between the two speedsters. Finally, they were racing neck and neck when Hall grabbed his teacher by the belt
causing it to snap in half. No longer protected by the belt’s protective aura, the professor seemingly disintegrated. All of sudden Hall’s belt shorted out and exploded,
causing a disturbance in his body’s atoms and molecules.
To his amazement, Hall could now move at supersonic speed without the use of the belt and he controlled the vibrations within his own body and in the air.
However, he could no longer move at normal speed. Everything he did occurred at sonic speed, even the simplest movement or hand gestures. For days, he tried to
repair the belt and undo the side effects, yet nothing worked. He came to realized he needed something to cover his entire body, so he built a suit to give him control
over his physical movements. The suit worked, he reestablished normal control over his body, yet he could still move at supersonic speed, only now it was by choice. The
suit also gave him super fast reflexes and the ability to complete tasks at a faster rate. Unfortunately, if he wanted to live a normal life, he’d have to wear the suit
permanently. Hall debated what to do then one day while depressed and watching television he saw the local news report that the super villain team called the Fun
Bunch (not the current group) was causing havoc on Interstate 20 in Texas resulting in a massive 80-car pileup. Hall figured if could have been there, he might have
been able to apprehend those criminals. Right then and there, he decided to dedicate his life to ending the reign of terror super powered criminals brought to the nation.
Calling himself Doctor Vibrate, he crisscrossed the country bringing sonic speed justice.
Though he spent many years fighting crime coast to coast, Hall concentrated most of his efforts in and around the Los Angeles area where he became a major ally
with the LAPD. At the age of thirty-six, Hall considered retiring until he met Redfire who asked him to join his team of super powered champions. At first Hall rejected the
idea, but his 16 year old niece Mary talked him into it (namely because she was a big fan of Redfire and hoped to meet him). A week later Hall accepted Redfire offered
and joined the Omega Team.
Hall still regrets that Mary’s found one of his prototype speed belts and turned herself into a mutant. Nor has he ever like the idea of her joining Omega Team, even
though she has proven herself on countless occasions. Hall simply cares for her so much and has a difficult time seeing her partake in a life he never wanted for himself
much less her. With Redfire departure, Hall is questioning if should continue on as a champion of justice.

Real Name: Hall Garson
Occupation: Inventor
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Experiment/Super Invention
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 65 S.D.C.: 271
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: White hair with bright blue eyes. He wears a purple skintight costume with four metallic bands around his wrist and ankles. The metallic belt worn
around his waist has a large V buckle.
Attributes: I.Q. 27, M.E. 13, M.A. 15, P.S. 18, P.P. 27, P.E. 27, P.B. 12, Spd. 910 mph (1465 km)
Age: 41, Sex: Male, Height: 5 feet and 11 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 167 lbs (75.15 kg)
Side Effects: Stark white hair.
Major Super Abilities: Sonic Speed and Vibration. Note: He possesses Night vision at 500 feet (152.4 m). Additional Note: Doctor Vibrates’ Sonic Speed ability is
Hyper-Powered. He cannot minimize or moderate his speed or physical movements. He always moves at Sonic Speed, full duration, with a 30% greater velocity (910
mph/1465 km or Mach 1.37). He cannot walk or perform physical tasks without going Sonic Speed. Wearing his Hyper Suit gives him the power to control his speed and
perform physical tasks at regular and/or hyper speed.
Minor Super Abilities: Lightning Reflexes and Speed Task. Note: He only possesses these two minor super abilities when he is wearing his suit (which is almost all
the time).
Super Invention: Costume: A.R. 9 and 150 S.D.C.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 11 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand +5 from super abilities)
Combat Bonuses: +15 to initiative, +9 to strike, +15 to parry, +12 to dodge, +13 to auto dodge, +3 damage, +13 to roll with punch/fall, +9 to pull punch, and
+3 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D6, Power Punch 2D6 (counts as two attacks), Fast Punch/Kick 2D6, Super Fast Punch 4D6, Elbow/Forearm 2D4, Knee 2D4, Wheel Kick
4D6, Super Fast Kick 5D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Super Fast Power Punch/Kick 1D6x10 (counts as two attacks), Body
Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Paired Weapons, All Holds, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Saving Throws: +24% to save vs coma/death and +6 to save vs poison and magic.
Other Bonuses: +13% to all skills.
Educational Background: B.A. Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot: Automobile 90%.
Mechanical Program: Mechanical Engineer 98%, Basic Electronics 98%, and Locksmith 98%
Mechanics, Vehicles: Automotive Mechanics 98%, Aircraft Mechanics 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, and Robot/Bioware Mechanics 98%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 98%, Computer Operation 98%, and Computer Repair 98%.
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Biology 98%, and Chemistry: Analytical 98%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athletics (general), Swimming 98%, Climbing 98%/88%, Running, Research 98%, Law (General) 83%,
Housekeeping 93%, Radio: Basic 98%, Pilot: Bicycling 98%, Language: Spanish 84%, Literacy: Spanish 88%, Cook 78%, Public Speaking 68%, and Jury-Rig 53%.
Money: He started out making $35,000 a year as a high school teacher. Later when he became a full time inventor, he sold several of his inventions to the U.S.
military and NASA, which paid him a $90,000 a year in royalties.
Shock Wave, Range: 210 feet (64 m), Damage: 18D6 or 1D10x10+8, Bonus: +2 to strike.
Shock Blast, Range: 290 feet (88.3 m), Damage: 4D6, Bonus: +4 to strike.
Vibrating Punch, Damage: 2D6
Equipment & Vehicles: His lab is full of prototypes for all kinds of engines and vehicles. The walls are covered with blueprints and hand written notes on pieces of
various kinds of paper.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Howard Chase, the world’s most brilliant man is an alien from the planet Anuhoz. The vast major of his people are brilliant scientists
and inventors. Howard wanted to differentiate himself so he left his world and find one very primitive with its technology where he alone
could be considered the greatest mind in the universe. Unfortunately, Project Tyche shot his ship down and its crashed landed in the plains
of central Africa. Howard recovered but he ended up working for Ojore Bokaza, a deposed, ruthless African Warlord surviving solely on his
illicit animal trade. Ojore demanded Howard built him various weapons and gizmos to be sold in the criminal underworld. Howard obeyed
and began to make him lots of money, but still he wanted more. He wanted to regain his position as President for Life, but that would only
come about if he become so powerful no one would dare oppose him again. Furthermore, at the age of 57, his health was not what it used
to be. Howard built a perfect human looking android body to transfer his mind into. The only problem Howard needed to test the robot body
to ensure Ojore survival.
Rick Gordon survived the plane crash that killed his parents, but his body was so badly damaged, nothing could be done to save it. So
Howard transferred his mind into the android body them sculpted the physical features to perfectly match his old one. When Rick recovered,
he was none the wiser. Ojore became sort of a mentor for Rick and advised him to become a ruthless hunter to seek out the assassins
behind his parents’ death and kill them. At first, Howard found the irony amusing, than it sickened him, so he decided to assist Rick by
inventing the Humonger (Human-Monster-Generator) Harness. Within a year, the two friends found and slaughtered the mercenaries Ojore
employed. Fully satisfied with the test of the android body, he ordered Howard to remove the boy’s mind and replace it with his own.
Howard revealed to Rick it was Ojore who ordered his parents’ death. Rick turned his vengeance on the warlord. Afterward the duo left
Africa for the United States, where Howard purchased some private land in the Montana wilderness to construct a fallout shelter to ensure
their survival should the planet ever be invaded by aliens. Perhaps heightened by his fear of being discovered as an alien himself, Howard
concerns develop into a full-blown phobia. All the while, he and Redfire battle an assortment of super villains, ruthless dictators of rogue
nations, and alien menaces.
For four years, the duo protected the world. Howard Chase anti-alien paranoia continued to plague him. When the Covenant arrive and
remove the alien responsible for Project Daedalus at Century Station, Howard turned even more paranoid and convinced Rick he needs to
form a team of heroes to better fight the potential alien invasion. Rick agreed and Omega Team was born. Over the next ten years, Omega
Team protected Earth from all sorts of hostile threats, and slowly Howard’s alien paranoid started to wane, that is until the arrival of
Scrambler, the Arismal smuggler looking for asylum on Earth from the TMC. Howard wanted nothing to do with her, for he believed it was
just a matter of time before the alien police came looking for her (and himself for that matter), but what he really resented was the close
platonic relationship she and Rick developed. Howard felt he’d been replaced. Then for no explainable reason Rick decided to retire and
marry Julie Walsh. Howard knew full well Rick and Julie would be unable to start a family but he chooses to remain silent.

Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: Howard Chase
Occupation: Scientist and Inventor
Alignment: Formerly Anarchist now Unprincipled.
Power Category: Alien Super Invention/Hardware: Mechanical Genius.
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 54 S.D.C.: 20
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: Howard Chase is an average-looking man. He is balding and wears thick frame glasses on his face, dress slacks, and
light button-up shirts.
Attributes: I.Q. 32, M.E. 14, M.A. 12, P.S. 7, P.P. 15, P.E. 12, P.B. 9, Spd. 15
Age: 43, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg)
Insanity: Howard Chase has an intense fear of aliens, even though he himself is one. Natural
The Humonger Harness. This super invention built by Howard Chase can him into a monstrous being. A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 250. 5th
level in power. Repairs are time consuming. Note: In order to damage the Harness, the attacker must specifically target the metallic looking
straps worn over the wearer’s shoulders, back, waist, and legs. The harness must be targeted in order to damage it. The only other way to
damage the harness is to destroy the transformation. ANYONE can wear the device with the Monstrous Form changing for each person.
. Major Super Abilities: Massive Damage Capacity and Monstrous Form.
Minor Super Abilities: Immune to High Speed Kinetic Attacks and Superhuman P.S.
The Atomic Door. This super invention of Howard Chase was created when he decided to build a miniature Gateway Structure
(see Aliens Unlimited) and decided to power the device with a dozen fuel rods containing Cerauno12 (a metallic, radioactive, explosive
element found in the planetary cores of High Radiation worlds). The Atomic Door when activated creates a one way space portal to a planet
Vuahiri located in a remote location in the Titrana Quadrant. The Earth like planet is a vast forest on one side and vast ocean on the other.
There is a constant mist (only one quarter of the year has sun sunshine). There are no native people or civilization on this planet but there
are over 100 species of strange animals (Rifts Dinosaurs and Strange Animals).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +1 to
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Body Flip/Throw 1D6
plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 19-20
Other Bonuses: +16% to skills.
Special Hardware Skills: Hot Wiring Vehicles 109%, Building Super Vehicles 118%, and Recognize Vehicle Quality 111%/131%.
Educational Background: Special (equal to a PhD).
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Language 98%/98%, Read-Write/Speak Thimerian Code 98%, Pilot: Hover Car 98%,
Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 98%, Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft: Small 98%, Nuclear Industry 91%, and Read/Write/Speak
English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic 98%
Hardware Mechanical: Robot/Bioware Mechanics 98%, Hover Vehicle Mechanics 98%, Spacecraft Mechanics (Gateway
Structures and Nuclear Fusion Drives), Mechanical Engineer 98%, Locksmith 98%, Aircraft Mechanics 98%, Sensory Equipment 98%, Basic
Electronics 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Pilot: Race Car 98%, and Pilot: Robot & Power Armor 98%.
Medical Program: Biology 98%, Chemistry 98%, Pathology 98%, and Medical Doctor 98%/98%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 98%, Electricity Generation 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, Computer Operation 98%, and
Robot Electronics 98%.
Science Program: Nuclear Physics 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, and Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 98%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Business & Finance 96%, Law (general) 86%, Radio: Basic 98%, Automotive Mechanics
98%, First Aid 98%, Swimming 98%, Astronomy & Navigation 91%, Computer Programming 93%, General Repair & Maintenance 96%, Pilot
Automobile 98%, Jury-Rig 96%, Pilot Airplane 82%, T.V./Video 71%, Public Speaking 71%, and Land Navigation 56%.
Money: Howard Chase never earned a dime in his life. The majority of the money he acquired in his life time went into further
research and development of the Humongor Harness and the Omega Team HQ. With the help of Doc Vibrate, he started investing and saving
his money wisely. Presently he has $981,000 between three separate accounts for personal funds.
Weapons: None, just the Humongor Device
Equipment & Vehicles: Howard relies on Earth technology to get him back and forth, fearing that if he invented any alien tech he’d be
found out. That being said, he is rather annoyed having to rely on Earth tech sub-sonic flying machines and ground vehicles unable to hover
in the air.

Alignment: Formerly Aberrant, now Anarchist
Hit Points: 224 S.D.C.: 1280 Armor Rating: A.R..: 14
Appearance: Howard Chase ‘s Humongor looks like a hairless, reptilian humanoid with a body thick with muscles has cover with thick,
tough and hard green scales. He has lizard like eyes the color of amethysts. He is very tall and has a masculine build. His face is an odd
combination of human and reptile. He has spiral horns on the side of his head. He has bony plates on the side of his head that function as
ears. He has a series of spines running down his back. He has human-like hands and clawlike feet.
Attributes: I.Q. 32, M.E. 14, M.A. 12, P.S. 40 (superhuman), P.P. 15, P.E. 19, P.B. 9, Spd. 35
Height: 9 foot and 10 inches (2.99 m), Weight: 670 lbs (301.5 kg)
Vulnerabilities: Magic spells and magic weapons inflict double damage.
Special Abilities: Increased Strength and Endurance, Tough Hide/Skin, Combat Offensive Reflexes, Bio-Regeneration 5D6 Hit
Points/S.D.C. per minute, and Increase Speed and Leg Muscle Strength (Leap 10 feet/3 m high and 15 feet /4.6 m long, +50% when
Attacks per Melee: 7 (3 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +25 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull
punch, and +1 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 4D4, Power Blow 5D6+2 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 3D6, Knee 3D6, Kick 4D6+2, Body Flip/Throw
2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 19-20
Saving Throws: One-eighth the effect of fatigue, one half the effects of drugs, poison, and disease. +18% to save vs coma/death,
and +2 to save vs poison and magic.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Mary Garson is the niece of Hall Garson (Doctor Vibrate). Her father Roger Garson works for the U.S. government’s S.A.T.A.R.
(Superbeing Acquisition, Training, Assimilation and Rebirth) program and is a good friend of Senator Robert Fitzgibbons. Try as he could,
Roger attempted to conceal the purpose of his job from his daughter, but Mary’s curiosity and inquisitiveness made her seek out the truth,
especially when she figured out her father was lying too her about what he really did. One day she hid in his closet while she listened in on a
heated conversation between her father and uncle. Her dad wanted her uncle to join S.A.T.A.R. and perhaps lead a team of super beings
similar to the Sentinels of Liberty and Justice. Hall refused stating he liked being alone and in a year or so he was thinking about retiring.
Mary suddenly stumbled out of the closet. Her father and uncle made her swear to reveal nothing about what she learned that day.
From that moment on, Mary paid close attention to everything her uncle was doing. She tried to get involved with his super hero
career as much as possible (sometimes using her knowledge of his secret identity to convince him to tell her more). It was Mary who
convinced him to join Omega Team, namely because she was a huge fan of Redfire and she hoped to meet him. A few months later for her
seventeenth birthday, Mary got her wish when Hall invited her to stay the night at Omega Team’s headquarters. Her father didn’t like the
idea, but he felt she could function as his spy and keep tabs on the Omega Team’s whereabouts and operations.
While the team was away on a mission, Mary went exploring. With a little luck, she figured out the code for one of his electronic safes.
Inside she found one of Hall’s prototype speed belts and decided to try it out. For two hours, she raced around the state of Montana
enjoying herself. The moment she returned, her uncle was there waiting for her. She gave him back the belt and to her amazement,
discovered she could still move/run incredibly fast and possessed the ability to fly at supersonic speeds. Somehow, the belt affected her
atoms and molecules but not exactly in the same manner as his. Hall knew he couldn’t send her back to her parents as a mutant, so he
asked that she stay for the summer. Soon he was training her to control her new abilities. He hoped by fall to send her back with the ability
to keep her powers a secret, instead she asked Redfire to let her to join the team. He asked that she prove herself. She went out and tried
to take on the villains Aggressor and Onslaught by herself. Although unsuccessful (she nearly got killed), it impressed Redfire enough to
allow her to stay. Hall was not happy with the decision. Mary persuaded her parents to let her stay with her uncle. She sewed herself a
costume and called herself Pulsar.
Over the next three years, Mary developed additional abilities and proved to be a valued member of Omega Team. When she
graduated from high school, Hall insisted she go on to college (hoping to persuade her to quit the team). Mary accepted a scholarship at
Montana State, which allowed her to remain close to her teammates. Although she found it difficult to be a full time student and a
superhero, Mary was making it work.

Real Name: Mary Garson
Occupation: Sophomore at Montana State
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant (Unstable Powers)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 52 S.D.C.: 215
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: A beautiful young woman with creamy skin, red hair, blue eyes. Her skin tight costume/body suit is light blue.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 19, P.P. 40, P.E. 28, P.B. 21, Spd. 442 mph/711 km running, 910 mph/1465 km in flight
Age: 20, Sex: Female, Height: 5 feet and 7 inches (1.73 m), Weight: 115 lbs (51.75 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous and delicate, sensitive hands with long slender fingers.
Major Super Abilities: Sonic Flight and Super Energy Expulsion: Electricity. Note: She has Night vision at 1300 feet (396 m). She can
fly Mach 1.37.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary Speed, Extraordinary P.P., and Impervious to Energy & Electricity. Note: At level 10 Pulsar
will receive a new minor super ability and a new major one at level 15.
Note: All of Pulsar’s super abilities are Hyper Powered. She cannot minimize or moderate her abilities; the damage is always at
maximum power-full damage, full duration, and 30% greater range/velocity. She however welds far greater control over her speed abilities
then her uncle, but she cannot control her energy expulsions.
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 8/9 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand +2 from powers +1 from ambidextrous) +1 in flight
Combat Bonuses: +12 to initiative, +12 to strike/+13 in flight, +16 to parry/+18 in flight, +18 to dodge on land or in the air, +13 to
auto dodge, +12 to damage, +12 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Backhand 1D6, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 2D4, Karate
Kick 2D4+2, Snap Kick 1D6+2, Wheel Kick 2D6+2, Roundhouse Kick 3D6+2, Axe Kick 2D8+2, Leap Kick 3D8+2 (counts as two attacks),
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick
6D6+2, Flying Jump Kick 4D6+2, all Holds, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Saving Throws: She takes half damage from cold and is impervious to all types of energy attacks, +26% to save vs coma/death, and
+7 to save vs poison and magic.
Other Bonuses: 55% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: Two Years in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Physical Program: Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Kick Boxing, and Aerobic Athlete.
Journalist Program: Computer Operation 93%, Research 85%, Photography 80%, and Writing 70%
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Swimming 90%, Prowl 75%, Climbing 98%/95%, Wardrobe & Grooming 74%,
Athletics (general), Running, Housekeeping 65%, Land Navigation 52%, Law, (general) 45%, Radio: Basic 55%, and Public Speaking 55%.
Money: Before joining Omega Team full time, she used to be waitress and make around $12,000 a year. Going to college put a strain
on her funds. She finally had to quit between being a super hero and going to college. Presently she has no interest in money or anything
else that use to matter to her.
Energy Expulsion: Electricity, Range: 936 feet (285 m), Damage: 54 points of damage. She cannot reduce the damage nor can
she divide the blast into two, Bonus: +11 to strike (+3 from power and +8 from P.P.).
Super-Blasts, Range: 936 feet (285 m), Damage: 90 points of damage. Uses all of her attacks per melee but one, Bonus: +11
to strike (+3 from power and +8 from P.P.).
Aura Effect, Range: 13 feet (3.96 m), Damage: 12 points of damage. Plus 01-60% of blinding for 3D6 seconds (-8 on all
combat maneuvers).
Equipment & Vehicles: She wanted a car for her 16th birthday, but shortly after turning 16 she learn to fly. Her father still
refused to get her a car because she would never have time to take care of it, and she made the mistake of leaving his double parked while
she helped several local fire fighters.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Rhea Haterstone was born to an abusive alcoholic mother who hoped one day to make it big with her singing career. Rhea spent most
of her life traveling around the country while her mother sang at karaoke contests or danced at sleazy nightclubs. Eventually her mother
came to Miami and became involved with a drug dealer name Jock Karr. Fearful of the company he kept, Rhea took to living on the streets
and staying over at friend’s houses for as long as their parents would have her. Eventually someone called social services. Rhea wasn’t home
at the time. When she finally did come home, an intoxicated Jock attacked her and knocked her unconscious.
A bloody and beaten Rhea woke up in a garbage dumpster. From that moment, she stayed away from home and wanted nothing more
to do with her mother. Life on the streets was rough. She avoided dangerous situations whenever possible, but at the same time, she did
whatever she had too in order to survive. One day she stood in line with several individuals upon hearing a man would pay out $500 to
anyone willing to donate some blood. Rhea and thirty other people showed up. The doctor and his associates not only took blood but also
injected their “test subjects” with an experimental drug that was supposed to make them physically stronger and healthier. Instead, it
turned twenty-nine of the individuals into rampaging lunatics. They ended up destroying several city blocks and causing the death of dozens
of people. Police in riot gear were called to restore order. They ended up killing half of the crazed-maniacs and those they didn’t seemingly
disappeared within two hours after being subdued and contained. Rhea was the only person who stayed sane and became physically
stronger, to the point she could lift a car over her head. Her skin became as hard as steel, she could hover/fly at will, and reduce her size to
one-eighth of an inch, yet retain her mass and strength. At first, she didn’t know how to control her powers and spent several days at her
shrunken size. However, the moment she mastered her abilities, the world became hers to do with as she pleased.
One day she tried picking the pocket of an older business looking man. He grabbed her arm. She lofted him up in the air. He suddenly
produced a mysterious gun and shrank himself to one inch in height. Rhea did the same. Amazed the two struck up a conversation. The man
turned out to be Eduard Weissor, the original Professor Fraction. Calling her Particle Girl, Rhea became his assistant. During her time with
Prof. Fraction, Rhea became a wanted super villain, having numerous encounters with super heroes and S.C.R.E.T. However, Rhea never
killed anyone nor did she do anything too inadvertently to cause the death of anyone. Her boss on the other hand had no qualms about
killing people, especially hostages. Rhea started questioning her goals and choices in life. Did she want to end up being just like the
Proffessor? That question was answered when he decided to hold an elementary school hostage for 100 million dollars. Using his shrink
technology, he shrank an elementary school to the size of a dollhouse with all the teachers and kids inside. One of the teacher’s assistants in
the school just happened to be Mary Garson. A shrunken Pulsar and Rhea battled for an hour. Eventually the exhausted heroine convinced
Rhea that her boss was not going to let the hostages go. When Rhea confronted Professor Fraction, he admitted it. Rhea turned on him. He
managed to escape while Rhea stayed behind to help restore the people. Rhea expected to be led away in handcuffs. Pulsar invited her to
come back with her to Omega Team HQ. There she persuaded Redfire into letting her join up with them. Redfire decided to give her a
chance, if she changed her name, but he wouldn’t allow her to stay at the mansion. She had to live in town and meet up with them if they
called her. After several successful missions, Redfire agreed to allow her into the mansion. Rhea has only been with Omega Team for just a
year and few remember that she use to be a super villain.

Real Name: Rhea Haterstone
Alias: Particle Girl
Occupation: Former criminal sidekick/assistant, now full time hero
Alignment: Unprincipled (formerly anarchist)
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 35 S.D.C.: 208 Armor Rating: A.R.13
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: She is a nice looking, robust young woman with tan skin, unruly chestnut curls, and green eyes. She wears a Kelly-
green workout suit.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 10, M.A. 14, P.S. 41, P.P. 11, P.E. 20, P.B. 14, Spd. 26/280 mph (450.8 km)
Age: 19, Sex: Female, Height: 5 feet and 6 inches (1.67 m), Weight: 120 lbs (50.4 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Green eyes.
Major Super Ability: Shrink (constant mass). Note: She can shrink herself to 1/8 of an inch.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary Strength, Flight: Wingless, and Hardened Skin.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand) +1 to flight
Combat Bonuses: +2 to strike in flight, +3 to parry/+5 in flight, +3 to dodge/+6 to dodge while shrunk/+7 (+10) in flight under 80
mph (128 km)/+9 (+12) to dodge in flight over 90 mph (144 km), +31 damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4.
Saving Throws: +10% to save vs coma/death and +3 to save vs magic & poison.
Educational Background: Street School
Common Skills: Speak English 92%
Street Skills: Streetwise 50%, Prowl 50%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons 42%, Pick Locks 50%, Safe
Cracking 36%, Cook 55%, Sewing 60%, Literacy: English 88%, and Law (general) 45%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Running, Physical Labor, Swimming 70%, Pick Pocket 45%, Palming 40%, Land Navigation
52%, Body Build & Weightlifting, Radio: Basic 60%, and Mathematics: Basic 78%
Money: During her time with the original Professor Fraction, it is believed she helped him steal well over $15 million. She only saw a
tiny proportion of this money, and what she did keep she used to buy items of little value (CDs, tanning sessions, food, etc). Since joining
the Omega Team, she is earning a $900 from a weekly allowance.
Weapons: Her two fists and both feet.
Equipment & Vehicles: She uses whatever her teammates give her.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Danteria is an Arismal like her brother Jarion only she adored a life under military leadership. Yet her father Zenys Flask, the Captain
of one of their surviving Leviathan-Class Battleships, refuse to believe his daughter had what it took to be a commanding officer. Danteria
always worked harder and did whatever she had to prove him wrong. Yet her father refused to recognize her potential. When Jarion left,
Danteria felt abandoned and wished he’d taken her with him. With his son gone, it allowed Danteria the chance to prove her worth and the
honor she could bestow upon the family name. Quickly Danteria rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander but she began to hear the
stories of her brother’s exploits as a pirate. Growing increasingly envious of her brother and bored with the rigid command structure of
serving the military, Danteria asked her mother what she thought she should do. Her mother told her to follow her heart. The next day
Danteria stole an experimental stealth transporter and left the Arismal fleet. She eventually became a smuggler, selling high tech weapons
to non-starfearing worlds, a policy heavily frowned upon by the TMC. It didn’t take long before Danteria became as wanted as her brother.
Before long Danteria felt the galactic police breathing ever so closely down her neck. She decided to lay low for a while, choosing the planet
Earth to hide herself. By sheer coincidence, she picked the mountains of Montana to land her spacecraft where she was captured by the
Omega Team. At first, they interrogated her, believing her to be a spy, but it soon became apparent she was not of this world. Redfire found
her fascinating and invited her to stay with them. Before long Danteria earned the trust of the entire team accept for the paranoid Howard
Chase who envied the close relationship she developed with Redfire. A few months later, Redfire did something unexpected; he offered her
the mantle of leadership. He wanted to retire so he and his girlfriend Julie could marry and start raising a family. At first Danteria rejected
the offer, feeling she wasn’t up for the task. Later after successfully leading the team against their enemies, she agreed too. Now the Omega
Team is being lead by Danteria who is extending the teams status by having them perform numerous missions in the Ilta Quadrant which
has them often running into the TMC, but already countless worlds know the name Omega Team.

Real Name: Danteria Flask
Occupation: Smuggler and Mercenary
Alignment: Formerly Unprincipled, presently Scrupulous
Power Category: Alien (Humanoid/Arismal)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 77 S.D.C.: 87
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: Danteria is a tall, attractive, athletic, bosomy, young woman with caramel hair and bright green eyes (Arismal eyes are
usually jet-black). She is always dressed for action, wearing alien body armor, a web belt, and a bandoleer. She usually keeps her hair in a
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 13, M.A. 16, P.S. 17, P.P. 21, P.E. 22, P.B. 22, Spd. 27
Age: 26, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot, 7 inches (2 m), Weight: 158 lbs (71.1 kg)
Originating Alien Environment: Twilight
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet (182.9 m) and sensitive hearing.
Major Super Abilities: Magnetism and Dismantle Machines
Minor Super Abilities: Supervision: Day Vision (opposite of Night Vision), Physical Perfection, Healing Factor, Energy Expulsion: EMP,
and Mechanical Awareness.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative/+5 against guns & machine/+6 against A.I.s and computers, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to
dodge/+10 auto dodge against technology and machines, +2 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Fire and cold do ½ damage, poison, toxins, and drugs inflict 1/3 damage, duration, effect, and penalty if fail save,
+39% to save vs coma/death, +7 to save vs magic & poison, and +3 to save vs psionics.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, all Holds, and Critical
Strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 40% trust/intimidate and 60% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Smuggler with a Military Background (Some Familiarity with Earth)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Tongue 92%/94%, Read/Write/Speak Thimerian Code 85%, Mathematics: Basic 90%,
Pilot: Military Spacecraft: Small 80%, Pilot Military Hyperthrusters 78%, Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 70%, and
Read/Write/Speak English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian 90%
Special Program: Military Etiquette 80%, Command Structure Etiquette 70%, Find Contraband 65%, I.D. Undercover Agents
89%, Prowl 70%, Streetwise 59%, Tailing 80%, Escape Artist 75%, Intelligence 71%, Forgery 65%, Detect Concealment 70%,
Cryptography 70%, Sensory Equipment 75%, W.P. Energy Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Basic
Mechanics 95%, Locksmith 90%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), and Computer Operation 93%.
Secondary Skills: Basic Electronics 70%, Running, W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Recognize Weapon Quality 55%,
Automotive Mechanics 88%, Radio: Basic 80%, Barter 54%, Public Speaking 50%, Law (General) 55%, Pilot: Motorcycle 64%, and Pilot:
Airplane 54%.
Money: She has $67,000 in precious metal/stones and 670,000 credits in stolen alien technology (does include the ammo for her
personal weapons). On board Omega One in a secret compartment, she has 210,000 credits. Since arriving on Earth, she is slowly being
introduced to the concept of Earth money. Presently he has 5700 US dollars.
Weapons: The following are her favorite and she has 2D4x10 additional clips for each weapon stored in Omega One.
Galactic Assault Rifle, Range: 2000 feet (609 m), Damage: 6D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, semi-automatic, or full, Feed: 60
round box magazine,
FAR Laser Rifle, Range: 5600 feet (1706.8 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic. Feed: 28 shot E-clip,
TMC Automatic Pistol with A.R. Rounds, Range: 200 feet (61 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed; 17 round
magazine, Bonuses: +2 to strike against armor target or reduce armor rating by 2 (PV 7).
Eight Mini-Explosive Grenades, Range: 90 feet (27 m), Damage: 1D4x10 (blast radius of 12 feet/3.7 m). Note: She has an
additional 3D4x10 grenades stored in Omega One.
Armor: She wears the following but never at the same time.
FAR Light EBA Armor, A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 110
Hard Armor Vest, A.R.: 13, S.D.C. 138. It has a Laser Resistant Coating and additional S.D.C. protection.
Equipment & Vehicles: These are in additional to the trade goods she has onboard Omega One. Scrambler is always prepared.
Antigravity Ring, Range: Unlimited, Speed: 90-160 mph (144-256 km), Unlimited altitude, A.R.: 5 and S.D.C.:40. Bonus: +3 to dodge.
Stealth Boots (+10% to Prowl rolls)
Half Gallon Water Skin with a 12 Chemical Purification Tablets
Basic Survival Pack
32 oz Protein Healing Salve (doubles normal healing rate)
Palm Bio-Unit
Instant Meal Paste Maker (30+1D10 meals)
2 Month Supply of Dried Field Rations
Atmosphere Analyzer and Water Converter (does an analysis of the atmosphere then converts and filters various elements out to
produce clean and purify H20 for drinking, battery supply for 3 months)
Battle Jacket
Binoculars (3000 feet/914.4 m)
Portable Computer
Video Communicator
Navigation Mini-Computer
Acoustic Noise Generator
Pocket Scrambler
Lock Pick Release Gun
Portable Tool Kit and Protective Work Goggles
Galactic Communicator (a cell phone size communicator with satellite/low orbiting communication capabilities). Range: 300 miles (480 km)
range extends into space.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Becky Sharp grew up in Las Vegas the daughter of a stage magician Stephen Sharp (The Great Phantasmo). For most of her life, times were
tough for them. Becky’s mother, Lily, a Vegas showgirl died of brain cancer when Becky was ten. But it was her father who was the true love
of her life. He taught her most of the tricks of the trade, but it was her love of dice that really made her a standout. By the time she was
thirteen, Becky was a natural at a craps table even though she was very underage. When she turned fourteen, she was allowed to work
backstage to help her father. One night during a performance, her father was attempting to escape from a guillotine like device, when
something went wrong. The blade suddenly came down. Seeing it Becky suddenly screamed and the device stopped in mid-air. Her father
escaped the device unharmed but upon seeing the stunt the hotel immediately fired him claiming they didn’t want to showcase a
superhuman. She and her dad began to experiment with her powers. The trick became making it not look like she was doing anything so
they decided to sneak her into the audience. For a while, it worked and her father became a renowned escape artist/illusionist. At the age of
eighteen, Becky was getting tired of playing the “secret assistant.” Using a well-crafted fake I.D., she managed to sneak onto the casino
floor and start playing her game. She was wining a great deal of money until she went up against Alexander Valentine (Alex Pain). He
recognized the fact she was a mutant and decided to make her pay for cheating him. A few days later while her father was doing his famous
guillotine act, Pain was in the audience and used his illusion power to make it seem the blade dropped on top of him.
Everyone including Becky and her father thought he was dead. As a result, the emotional trauma put him in a mental hospital where he
remains to this day mentally scarred for life and unable to function in a normal everyday life. Becky soon received a letter from Pain
claiming he was responsible and that she should never cheat at craps again. Becky swore to get even. When Omega Team came to Vegas,
she sought them out and asked to be trained as a member. She lied about everything about herself including her age, history, wants and
desires, etc. The only thing she truly wanted was to be trained well enough to hunt down Pain. Redfire believed her and agreed to let her
join the team as the heroic Momentum. Within a few weeks, Redfire himself was beginning to feel a close bond with Becky, at the feeling
seemed to be mutual. Then an encounter with the Dane Brigade allowed Sapphire the opportunity to get up close and personal with Becky.
She knew the truth about her and her father, proclaiming it before Redfire and Doctor Vibrate. After defeating the Bane Brigade, Redfire
wanted answers. Becky revealed the truth about herself. Instead of feeling sympathy or compassion, Redfire felt only betrayal He expelled
her from the group and proclaimed he never wanted to see or her from her ever again. Now that Redfire has left the group, the question
some have wondered should Becky be allowed back on the team.

Real Name: Rebecca “Becky” Sharp
Occupation: Former assistant to her stage musician father, professional gambler, and once member of Omega Team.
Alignment: Unprincipled (formerly anarchist)
Power Category: Unstable Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 30 S.D.C.: 44
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: Becky is an attractive looking young woman with a face that mixed cute with beautiful. She has short blondish orange
hair and hazel eyes. She wears a costume that resembles a Vegas casino dealer’s outfit.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 15, M.A. 14, P.S. 12, P.P. 11, P.E. 13, P.B. 26, Spd. 24
Age: 21, Sex: Female, Height: 5 feet and 6 inches (1.67 m), Weight: 121 (54.45 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous, Delicate, Sensitive Hands, and Angelic Face.
Major Super Abilities: Control Kinetic Energy and Directed Force
Minor Super Abilities: Impact Resistance and Motion Detection. Note: Becky will acquire a major super ability at level 6, and a
minor super ability at levels 10 and 15.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 2 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +5 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4+2.
Saving Throws: Impervious to motion sickness and impervious to the effects of great speed and G-forces. She is impervious to the
first 20 points of physical/impact damage at beginning of a melee round then it becomes half damage for the rest of the melee round.
Other Bonuses: 80% charm/impress
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%%/92%, Mathematics: Basic 89%, and Pilot: Automobile 72%.
Rogue Program: Streetwise 51%, Pick Locks 80%, Gambling (Standard) 65%, Gambling (Dirty Tricks) 56%, and Palming 60%.
Modified Espionage Program: Detect Concealment 60%, Disguise 60%, Escape Artist 75%, Forgery 65%, and Pick Pocket 70%.
Learned Skill: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Running, Cardship/Cardshark 53%, Concealment 32%, Prowl 45%, Aerobic Athletics (Sense of
Balance 50%), Sewing 60%, Art (craftwork) 55%, Performance 35%, and Law (General) 45%. .
Money: Becky has made and lost money in Los Vegas and Reno. For the most part her income rises and drops within a week.
Presently she has $7600 in her saving account and $7000 in her checking. Most of her money goes to paying for her father’s welfare.
Weapons: She relies on her super abilities and good looks.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives a 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 4 door, GLS Sedan. The car is on its last legs and she is hoping to replace
it within the year.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

THOMAS DANE-Would be World Conqueror

The criminal mastermind known as Thomas Dane used to be a Demon Lord named Nybras. For thousands of years he was the chief
vendor of pleasures for the provincial rulers of Hades. He ensured whatever pleasures they desired would be meet. However, he grew
envious of those he served as their rank and status continue to grow, while his remain stagnant. Therefore, he made secret offers and
alliances with various Demon Lords in an attempt to put himself in a position of power. This infuriated the Ruler of Hades and he banished
Nybras for an indeterminate time to Earth. However, to add further insult he was given a humanoid body permanently paralyzed from the
waist down, forever confining him to a wheelchair. Police found the fallen demon lord naked and ranting about what the Ruler of Hades had
done to him. Thinking him a helpless homeless man, they took him to the Arthan Voorhees Psychiatric Clinic. There he continued to proclaim
himself a Demon Lord and that all should obey his demands. This led to solitary confinement and lots of drugs to keep him sedated. As time
went on several psychiatrists tried all sorts of therapy to convince him that he was a mortal man, and they nearly succeeded as Dane fell
further into despair. Then one day while sitting in his wheelchair in front of the pond in the back of the grounds, a duck perhaps sensing his
unearthly presence continually quacked at him. A boiling rage erupted from his lungs as he envisioned himself crushing its neck. Suddenly a
gigantic disembodied hand appeared and crushed the poor creature. Within a few hours Dane realized he’s regain only a tiny fraction of his
former abilities. Nevertheless, he believed they were more than enough for him to take over the world. Within a few weeks, he seduced his
therapist Crystal Deville, who became enamored with the idea of having power and ruling the world by his side.
He asked her to choose a number of psychiatric patients that would make good and loyal servants. Under her leadership, he sent them
to steal a secret book of magic out of the Pierpont Morgan Library. Reading the book provided the Demon Lord the instructions to perform a
black magic ritual; however, it also required the sacrifice of a dozen victims. Dane used several doctors and nurses from the hospital. After
completing the ritual, Crystal and the other psyche patients were infused with super abilities. Dane now used the hospital as his secret base
to launch his first plot at world domination. His first plan was to kidnap the President of the United States. The Omega Team was able to foil
his plan, but all the members of Dane’s Brigade managed to escape. Next Dane had the Brigade lay siege on the United Nations Building.
Again the Omega Team stopped him. Recently, he decided to use the black book to call forth an army of lesser demons to destroy
Washington D.C. Yet again, the Omega Team defeated him.
Dane’s remains a patient at the hospital and Crystal Deville is still his therapist. However, he’s become a model patient (although
everyone still believes him to be hopelessly insane) and he will continue to play the charade until it’s become a liability. With the
aid of Crystal (and his magical powers), he’s been able to conceal his and the Brigade’s criminal operations from the staff of the clinic.
Anyone who comes close to finding out the truth “disappears” (the hospital’s employment turn over ratio has increased since his arrival)
never to be heard from again. Note: Thomas Dane will attempt to align himself with any heroes to oppose Doctor Wilhelm Vilde to
prevent the forces of Dyval from controlling the planet Earth. Heroes should be leery, but open to the idea of
working Thomas Dane for the greater good

Real Name: Nybras
Occupation: Wants to be World Conqueror.
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Immortal (Fallen Demon Lord)
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 109 S.D.C.: 80
P.P.E.: 203
Appearance: Dane is a muscular yet elderly looking English gentleman. He loves black and purple pinstripe suits and red ties. His hair
is oddly pulled back while his eloquently black goatee rims his mouth. Several big rings glitter on his hands.
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 18, M.A. 24, P.S. 17 (extraordinary), P.P. 12, P.E. 22, P.B. 25, Spd. 2
Age: Immortal, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.86 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Vulnerabilities: Thomas Dane although immortal is paralyzed from the waist down and forever confined to a wheel chair.
Natural Abilities: Heals 3x faster than normal people.
Major Ability: Create Force Constructs
Minor Ability: Physical Perfection
Magic Spells: Agony (20), Carpet of Adhesion (10), Decipher Magic (1), Domination (10), Energy Bolt (5), Energy Field (10), Eyes of
Thoth (8), Firestorm (30), Heal Self (20), Invulnerability (25), See Aura (6), Telekinesis (8), Teleport (120). Note: Dane can function just
like a normal wizard, but he is unable to learn or acquire new spells.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +4 to damage, +6 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch,
+1 to disarm, and +4 to spell strength (16 or higher to save).
Saving Throws: +6 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs psionics, +2 to save vs insanity, +3 to save vs possession, +8 to save vs poison,
+8 to save vs disease, +4 to save vs Horror Factor, and +19% to save vs coma/death.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S.
damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills, 80% trust/intimidate, and 75% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Human Studies and has studied Earth extensively.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Demongogian 98%/98%, Lore: Demon & Monster 89%, Lore: Geomancy 84%, Mathematics:
Basic 98%, Read/Write/Speak English, Spanish, French, Latin, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, and Arabic 93%.
Special Skills: Anthropology 98%, Law (General) 98%, History (general) 98%/98%, Art (Painting/98%), and Research 98%. ]
Domestic Program: Wardrobe & Grooming 94%, Cook 89%, and Singing 89%.
Business Program: Business & Finance 89% and Computer Operation 94%
Criminal Program: Streetwise 64%, Pick Locks 84%, Gambling (Standard) 84%, Gambling (Dirty Tricks) 64%, and Cardsharp 80%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Play Musical Instrument (Piano) 89%, Astronomy & Navigation 94%, Gemology 79%,
Seduction 63%, Mathematics: Advance 88%, Holistic Medicine 84%/74%, Appraise Antiques 84%, Philosophy 84%, Writing 69%, W.P.
Handgun (+2 to aim, +1 to burst), Public Speaking 79%, Palming 34%, and Concealment 34%.
Money: So far, he has secured fifty million dollars. However, Dane is a gambling fanatic and it’s doubtful he’ll be able to maintain his
Weapons: None, his powers give him all the protection he could ever need. He only learned how to use a gun in order to duplicate it
with his energy powers.
Equipment & Vehicles: Dane gets around in a specially made electric wheelchair. It can travel up to 10 mph and sustain that speed for
3 hours before needing recharging. The wheelchair needs only to be plugged in for 15 minutes for its batteries to be recharged.
The Book of Deuce: This medieval book of black magic not only provided Dane’s the means to bestow super abilities to his
servants, it also contain dozens of ritual spells within its pages. Dane can only cast these spells by reading them out of the book and
performs the ritual as instructed (must use the books P.P.E., not his own). For the purposes of simplicity, it’s safe to assume that all ritual
spells and spell incantations from levels seven and higher (must be cast as rituals) in Heroes Unlimited™ G.M.s Guide can be found in the
pages of the Book of Deuce. The book itself is indestructible. P.P.E.: 270. Performing blood/ritual sacrifices within 30 feet (9.1 m) of the
book, allows it to draw upon the victim’s doubled P.P.E. for 1D4 hours. The Book’s P.P.E. is influenced by ley lines and it can draw upon the
P.P.E. of others (specifically the Dane’s Brigade).
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Dane Brigade is composed of patients from the Arthan Voorhees Psychiatric Clinic. Every member of the brigade suffers from a
pre-existing mental condition or insanity. They are also criminals who were declared insane and not mentally responsible for their actions.
So to avoid having them incarcerated with hardened criminals, they were sent to the Voorhees Clinic for care and diagnostic services. Using
the Book of Deuce, Thomas Dane called upon evil supernatural forces to infuse them with super abilities. Although the magic turned these
low life thugs into super beings, it did nothing to remove their mental disorders. However, this is to Dane’s liking, because they are far
easier to control and less likely to betray him.
Crystal Deville, Dane’s therapist at the clinic, specifically chose each member of the brigade (they are all her patients). She knows
each of them well enough that even without Dane’s intimidating presence, she can get them to obey almost any request or order. She knows
exactly which mental buttons to press to get them back into line if they try to disobey or betray her and/or Dane. Even if she were not
Dane’s lover, she’d make the obvious choice as team leader since she is the only sane one of the group.

Note: The Arthan Voorhees Psychiatric Clinic is a voluntary facility that provides state-of-the-art mental health services and related
research and education programs for the New York University Medical Center. It provides diagnostic services and care for acutely ill
adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Specialty clinical programs have been developed to meet the needs of patients and families. Services
are offered for a wide range of diagnostic categories, including affective disorders, psychotic disorders and dual diagnosis. Few would
suspect that this facility harbors one of the world most dangerous super villains and his band of warrior who are ready and willing to do
whatever he asks.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Crystal Deville
Occupation: Team Leader of Dane Brigade and Lover of Thomas Dane
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mystically Bestowed
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 35/45 S.D.C.: 188/308 with crystal armor
Armor Rating: A.R.: 15 (with crystal armor)
P.P.E.: 22
Appearance: An attractive woman with waist length brown hair in a green costume. She covers herself with dark blue crystal armor.
Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 9, M.A. 18, P.S. 32/ 40 with crystal armor, P.P. 18/28 with crystal armor, P.E. 19/29 with crystal armor, P.B.
18, Spd. 75 (52 mph/84.5 km) running/115 (80 mph/129 km) with crystal armor
Age: 31, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot and 4 inches (1.95 m), Weight: 125 lbs (56.25 kg)
Major Super Ability: Matter Expulsion: Crystal
Minor Abilities: Super Borrowing and Impervious to Fire/Heat.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial and 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike/+10 with crystal armor, +5 to parry/+13 with crystal armor, +5 to dodge/+13 with
crystal armor, +17 to damage/+28 with crystal armor, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +4 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +8% to save vs. coma/death (+28% with crystal armor), +3 to save vs. magic/+8 with crystal armor, +2 to save vs.
poison/disease (+7 with crystal armor), +2 to save vs. possession, and +4 to Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Karate Kick 2D4.
Other Bonuses: +5% to all skills, 50% to trust/intimidate, and 40% to charm/impress.
Other Abilities: She can run 52.5 mph (23.62 km) or 80.5 mph (36.22 km) with crystal armor.
Educational Background: Master’s Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 93%/97%, Mathematics: Basic 89%, and Pilot: Automobile 77%
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Biology 90%, Psychology 85%, and
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 90%.
Medical Assistant Program: Business & Finance 85% and Paramedic 90%
Business Program: Law (General) 75% & Research 90%
Medical Investigation Program: Crime Scene Investigation 85%, Forensics 85%, and Pathology 90%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Swimming 75%, Prowl 50%, Streetwise 41%, Concealment 41%,
Land Navigation 57%, Radio: Basic 75%, Cook 60%, Seduction 32%, History 70%/60%, and Photography 45%.
Money: She makes about $65,000 as a psychiatrist. Since joining with Thomas Dane she’s put away as much money away as
possible. Right now, she has $100,000 in savings and $200,000 in a checking account.
Crystal Blast, Range: 40 feet (12.1 m), Damage: 4D6.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives a near mint condition 94 Chrysler LeBaron Convertible.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Dietrich Linn
Occupation: Criminal and Mental Patient
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mystically Bestowed.
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 65 S.D.C.: 147
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: Strawberry blond, greasy hair and large glossy eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 15, M.A. 7, P.S. 21, P.P. 24, P.E. 31, P.B. 9, Spd. 100 (70 mph/31.5 km)
Age: 20, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 8 inches (1.76 m), Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg)
Insanity: War Boy is easily outraged by acts of violence. There is a 72% of him going berserk and attacking the individual committing
the violent act. When he does so, he is +1 to strike and +2 to damage.
Minor Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Electric Field, Energy Claws, Healing Factor, and Impervious to Energy & Electricity.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 Initial and 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge, +6 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +4 to pull
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, +2 to save vs possession, +2 to Horror Factor, +51% to save vs coma/death, +12 to save vs
magic, +11 to save vs poison, +3 to save vs psionics, fire/cold does half damage, resistant to poison, toxins, and drugs (if fail the save
effects, duration, penalties, symptoms, and damage is one third normal).
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Kick 2D4.
Educational Background: Street Schooled
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 38%/92%
Street Skills: Streetwise 50%, Prowl, 50%, Palming 45%, Pick Pocket 45%, Pick Locks 50%, Fishing 60%, Play Musical
Instrument (Guitar) 55%, Whittling & Sculpting 50%, and Art (Graffiti) 55%
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Running, Climbing 60%/50%, Wilderness Survival 50%, Land
Navigation 52%, Swimming 70%, Concealment 28%, and Rope Works 40%.
Money: Sapphire gives him a $1D4x1000 every two weeks. He’s proven to irresponsible to be given large sums of money.
Electrical Field, Range: 18 feet (5.4 m), Damage: 4D6 every 4 seconds (3 per melee), Duration: One melee.
Energy Claws, Damage: 2D6, Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to disarm, and +1 to pull punch.
Equipment & Vehicles: None.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Kyros Argos
Occupation: Criminal and Mental Patient
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mystically Bestowed.
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 84 S.D.C.: 264
P.P.E.: 16
Appearance: Looks dirty and grungy. Raggedy yellow beard and shoulder length hair. Regardless of the weather, he always wears a
heavy black overcoat.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 9, M.A. 18, P.S. 55, P.P. 19, P.E. 40, P.B. 8, Spd.125 (87.5 mph/39.37 km).
Age: 47, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 4 inches (1.95 m), Weight: 230 lbs (103.5 kg)
Insanity: He behaves like a wild animal, eating raw meat, biting and scratching. This behavior is triggered during time of intense
emotion or stress.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.S., Extraordinary P.E., Claws, and Horror Factor (14).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial and 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +7 to parry, +5 to dodge, +40 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull
punch, +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, +40% to save vs coma/death, +9 to save vs magic, +8 to save vs poison, +2 to save vs
possession, and +11 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and Claws
Other Bonuses: 50% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, Pilot: Automobile 72%
Criminal Program: Streetwise 41%, Pick Locks 55%, Tailing 60%, Prowl 52%, and Roadwise 47%.
Wilderness Program: Wilderness Survival 60%, Hunting, Land Navigation 57%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 60%, and Track &
Trap Animals 50%/60%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Swimming 70%, Body Building & Weightlifting, Outdoorsmanship,
Physical Labor, Language: Greek 62%, Literacy: Greek 60%, Climbing 60%/50%, Cook 55%/65%, Running, and Fishing 50%.
Money: His behavior does not permit him to have an allowance. He only needs the basic necessities. The Brigade pretty much treat
him like a pet/dog instead of a person.
Weapons: His claws, teeth (bite does 1 point of damage), and feet.
Equipment & Vehicles: None.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Real Name: Edger Zickmud
Occupation: Criminal and Mental Patient
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mystically Bestowed.
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 30 S.D.C.: 342 Armor Rating: A.R. 14
P.P.E.: 16
Appearance: He is morbidly obese with light green skin and has no body hair. Wears yellow swim trunks. He smells as bad as he
Attributes: I.Q.6, M.E. 13, M.A. 6, P.S. 42, P.P. 18, P.E. 16, P.B. 8, Spd. 112 (78.4 mph/35.28 km).
Age: 23, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 450 lbs (202.5 kg)
Insanity: He behaves like a slow child. His level of understanding is around that of an 8 year old. He needs Sapphire or Mr. Dane to
tell him what to do. However, if he gets angry he will get violent and turn hostile towards anyone but his two handlers.
Minor Abilities: Cellular Rot & Decay, Superhuman P.S., Heavyweight, and Harden Skin.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial and 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike/+3 with power, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +27 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall,
and +4 to pull punch
Saving Throws: +4% to save vs coma/death, +2 to save vs magic, +1 to save vs poison, +2 to save vs possession, +2 to save vs
Horror Factor, and +3 to save vs disease.
Combat Skills: Punch 3D6+2, Power Blow 1D4x10 (counts as two attacks), Elbow & Forearm 4D6, Knee 4D6, Snap Kick 4D6, Body
Block/Tackle 3D6+2 + P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4, and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: 50% to trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 44%/46%
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic and Wrestling
Secondary Skills: Body Building & Weightlifting, Physical Labor, Streetwise 36%, W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike & parry), Land
Navigation 52%, Wilderness Survival 50%, Gardening 62%, Athletics (general), Swimming 70%, Preserve Food 40%, and Sewing 50%.
Money: He has no need for money because he doesn’t know the different between a ten and twenty.
Wither Flesh, Damage: 2D6+4 (cannot reduce Hit points less then 6).
50 lb (15.24 kg) Reinforced Iron Club, Damage: 5D6 (includes damage from super powers), Bonus: +1 to strike, +2 to parry.
Equipment & Vehicles: None.
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