Axelmania wrote:Pg 295 of HU2 says under Duration "the character can maintain the possession indefinitely".
In what situations might this "essence is expelled" situation apply? Some which come to mind:
1) maybe the psychic power of Exorcism?
2) possessor is mind-controlled or charmed into voluntarily leaving
3) 24 hour duration expires if you paid 15 PPE to activate it via a Magic Object (pg 149)
4) your magic weapon doesn't like you and cancels your power
5) Mystic Bestowed w/ T/P gets hit by a Negate Magic or Anti-Magic Cloud and fails his save (+4)
6) same for Mystic Object, except no +4 bonus
In the last 2 it makes me wonder though: should this require targeting the original body? The body that is being possessed? Either? Both?
That'd be an important question for how NM/AMC would work against Multiple Selves or Energy Doppleganger too.
Not knowing canon, I figure I'd house rule it like these spells could negate instances of powers in action but you would need to target the body itself to remove all powers.
So NM could send a possessing mind back to its host body, but that body would still retain the ability to possess others, still be indestructible if you had that, etc.
In cases 5 it is important to notes if you are targeting with Negate/Anti-Magic
1) ENDPOINT - the body which has been possessed
- I would says this breaks the Transferal on the subject only if the cause is magical in nature
2) SOURCE - the body of the Mystically Bestowed which is using the power
- IF powers are negated no further possessions attempted and spirit returns to original body,
I labeled the examples ENDPOINT (victim) and SOURCE (User) because it would apply to any magical type be it a spellcaster, magic circle, item/artifact; not just a Mystically Bestowed character. From your post you asked about use in both cases but it seems you are assuming use of Negate Magic on the victim's body (ENDPOINT) at the end of your post.
I believe the only way a soul perishes is it has nowhere to go; so in addition to the original body being dead, if it was rendered "soul-proof" somehow, like a Power Circle or barrier spell which specifically works against souls being constructed around the User (SOURCE) after the possesion power is used but before it is ended, I would say that would also kill the user once the soul tries to return to it's body.
Side-note #1: if you hit a victm body with Soul-Drinking Rune Weapons, both souls in the body would be in danger.
Side-note #2: some magics are too strong to be affected by Anti-Magic Cloud. Rune weapons are specifically stated as immune, but GM could always house-rule in other specific magics/effects.
Side-note #3: regarding Mystically Bestowed, their source of power is considered magical; but I don't believe the use of their powers always is. Pretty sure there is an answer in the F.A.Q. somewhere but it would take digging...
a) a Mystically Bestowed's Transferance/Possession Power directly affects to victim, so Anti-Magic Cloud would be a shield, but using Negate Magic on the victim of wouldn't work, as at ENDPOINT it is a "super-power" not a magic spell.
b) a Mystically Bestowed using the Earth/Fire/Water Control Power, constructions created would not be deemed "magical" as they are using elementals already present, the power only manipulates the elements. So is USE the Power considered "magical" itself or just another "super power" Hurling fire/earth/water into a Anti-Magic Cloud would still affect whatever was there, but possibily weakened due to loss of control of the element upon entering the anti-magic zone.
c) Mystically Bestowed character has a physical trait, claws/fangs/etc; Are these considered magical and thus able to hurt an character with Invulnerablity? I would say no, it is the character's magically imbued Physical Strength that allows them to hurt an Invulnerable character. The claws/fangs are just "normal" but only granted through a Mystically Bestowed Super Power.