What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

1st edition? 2nd edition? It doesnt matter! Let's just talk Palladium Fantasy.

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Ted Smythe
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Re: What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

Unread post by Ted Smythe »

Dedicated & Worldly Martial Artists (N&SS)
Mystic Bestowal, Ancient Master and Stage Magician (HU2)
Burster (Rifts)
True Atlantean Nomad (Atlantis)
Ocean Mage, Sea Druid and Whale Singer (Rifts Undeseas)
Psi-Warrior, Psi-nullifier and psi-druid (Psyscape)

Mutant animals from AtB too

Some of the aliens in Aliens Unlimited might be fun to adapt to a fantasy setting, too.

And, obviously, I would tone down the OCCs/RCCs as needed.
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Re: What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

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vangavon (rifts main)
old believer
fire sorcerer
Mystic Kuznya
hidden witch (mystic Russia)
Mysticl study (HU2)

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Re: What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

Unread post by Hotrod »

Depends on the campaign.

If you're doing a high-power campaign:
Dragon Hatchlings
Demi-Gods (I'm kinda leery of Godlings)
Pretty much any magic, super-powered or psionic-based RCC or OCC that's high up on the power end from HU, Rifts, and the rest of the megaverse

If you're doing a medium-power (champion-hero type) campaign:
Martial Artists
Magic and psionic-using OCC's from Rifts: England, Mystic Russia, and perhaps some others.

For low-powered (ordinary people in extraordinary events) campaigns:
The Vagabond (minus any modern skills and gear)
That's about it.
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Adam of the Old Kingdom
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Re: What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

Unread post by Adam of the Old Kingdom »

Lots of the stuff in Trans Dimentional TMNT, Temporal mage (time lord?).
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Re: What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

Unread post by Ronin Shinobi »

Temporal Wizard
Possibably a Battle Magus
Mystic Knight
Dogboys(R.C.C but usable)
Psi Stalkers
Mind Bleeder
Psi- Druid
Naga Psychic(Psyscapes vertion)
Tribal Warrior
Mystic Warrior
Totem Warrior
Spirit Warrior
Plant Shaman
Animal Shaman
Mask Shaman
Healing Shaman
Paradox Shaman
Fetish Shaman
Ocean Wizard
Sea Druid
True Samurai
Ronin(Personal Fav) :)
Mystic Ninja
Yamabushi Mountain Priest
Demon Queller
Showoff often leads to showdown
Svartalf- Shinobi, You're twisted
Mack- I'm constantly amazed at what people will put their energy into. This planet needs more predators.
Saitou Hajime- What kind of Americian are you?
Shadyslug- Good question
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Re: What playable OOC's wold you allow...?

Unread post by Borast »

Chamalkan, I'd allow anything you could come up with a plausable explanation for... :)

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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