Random Roll Warrior Societies

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Random Roll Warrior Societies

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Random Roll Warrior Societies
“This is the -ankest-, the ancient weapon of our people! It was so feared by the governments of the time that they banned it, and forbid any mention of it even! But here, within these walls, we keep the art of the -ankest- alive! Here we practice how to use it, women of Vest, so the art never be forgotten! Until the -ankest- need be bloodied again in the service of our people!”

“We Ride! We ride under the banner of the Hawk and the Bull! Forward, Men of Iron! The War Drums call us to do our Duty this day in the service of the King of Aeglan!”

“Farmers! Bah! Little better than suckling priests! All they are good for is to feed Men of the Sword! Rooting and grubbing in the dirt for a living is not for my tastes! I am a harvester of men, not weeds! With my Brothers beside me, and my warcat beneath me, we are the ones for whom the world truly exists! I want! I hunger! Let us go forth and feast!”

“Walymbe set upon us the task of defending His beloved wife, Alsylo the earth, to protect her from those who would take from her without respect! He gave onto us the arts of the axe, the rope, the staff, and the strength of the winds to mae us her defenders! Let us till the soil in times of peace, let us cut evil in times of war!”

“Welcome to the table of aces, captain! Not many living men can claim to have successfully fought in the Voidstream. We are a decidedly unique group, to which you may now claim membership! Bring the good Captain here a drink!”

Call them mercenary guilds, or soldier clans, or whatnot, Warrior Societies are organizations that promote a certain martial mindset, combat style, or tradition. Some are founded to bind political ties among a certain social class, while others are created in response to changing social circumstances. Others have ties to the ancient past and traditions, while others seek to endow modern technological advances with a missing romance.
Many Warrior Societies operate as mercenary bands or assassin guilds, and their field organization can be rolled up using those tables. Others operate as government agencies, and can be rolled up accordingly with the appropriate tables. Others act as independent troubleshooters, like demonhunters. Some are simply founded to promote a warrior mindset and lifestyle, be it preserving the ways of swordsmanship or the practice of rapine and pillage.

The Sunaj, the GunBrothers, Mystic Knights and the Cyberknights are all good examples of Warrior Societies. Some Shemarrian sub-tribes or Fringe Tribes may be considered to be Warrior Societies in and of themselves. In real life, New Zealand Mauri and Native American warrior lodges, European knight orders and Japanese samurai societies or dojos can be considered these.

“I swear, you can’t go a block in Central City without running into one of those Vekat Guard fanatics! You know, those primped-up guys in the gold uniforms who are dotty about rocket launchers?”

How large and extensive is the Warrior Society? This can indicate how prevalent they are and how much manpower they can command.

01-25% Small---About the size of a small gym club: 2d4x10 members
26-50% Modest---1d4x100 members
51-85% Large---3d6x100 members
86-98% Huge---1d6x1,000 members
99-00% Sprawling---This massive organization boasts over 3d6x1,000 members and can likely take on regular armies by itself.

Sponsoring Group:
“I admit, having Krispi-Biskit sponsoring our local warrior-lodge sounds like a downer, but they’ve faithfully provided money and land for our Great Hall and they don’t insist on putting their company logo in any of our totems or on our traditional uniforms.”

Who, if anyone, backs the Warrior Society?

01-20% Extended Family---The society is backed by a family concern, likely descendants of the founding members.
21-40% Religious Organization---The Warrior Society acts as the enforcers or armed extension of a church.
41-60% Corporation---A private company is backing the society, in return for security, to operate the members AS mercenary security, or to test new weapons. Or perhaps to promote good relations with the locals, by sponsoring a group with ties to local traditions.
61-80% Organized Crime----A criminal organization, such as a terrorist society or black market is backing the warrior society, most likely to train enforcers and operatives. The ‘warriors’ may be little more than gang members given an upgrade in training and material, or may be a far more intense and sinister group, like narco-guerillas.
81-95% Government---- Though the society may be effectively a private-run/operated organization, it enjoys the sponsorship of the government. This could be a matter of ex-society members going on to political careers, or the government may see the society as a useful part of its security and armed forces(or a plausibly deniable asset). Support may take the form of financing, access to military surplus to special equipment, legal immunity, etc.
96-00% Secret---The society is backed by secret sponsors. Perhaps it’s another secret society, aliens, Alien Intelligence, or a War God with their own(usually dark) agendas.

“Does the Light shine inside you? Do you have what it takes to carry the Light into the Dark places, even knowing that your soul may be snuffed out in the Doing of it? Are you willing to sacrifice for the Cause?”

What is the general alignment of the Warrior Society? This goes towards how the warriors interact with others, and how the society carries out its goals and objectives.

01-05% Diabolical--- The society embodies true evil; power to do whatever one wants, whenever it is wanted.
06-15% Aberrant--- The society has high-minded goals and agendas, and has a code of honor(albeit a twisted one) with some lines it will not cross. Make no mistake, though, these people put their own wants and ambitions before anything else, and inflicting suffering on others, while regretable, remains a viable tool to achieve their ends.
16-25% Miscreant---- The society promotes training to plunder and profit. Whatever it takes to make money and acquire loot.
26-35% Anarchist---- Every man for himself outside the Society’s halls.
36-45% Unprincipled--- Honor among thieves? Certainly, with this bunch. They may occasionally steal each others’ glory, but they exercise some self-restraint.
46-90% Scrupulous--- Honor is fine by these people, but a certain pragmatism holds true. War is a bloody business, and sometimes you have to bend and break whatever rules may exist to get the job done. That may mean shooting, without trial, the bastards who murder innocents in cold blood, or, conversely, accepting that sometimes innocents are killed as collateral damage.
91-00% Principled---- The warriors of the society stand by their honor and their principles, even if it hurts them. Every transgression of their principles, even accidents, hurts their moral code.

“Our government has grown soft and weak, our traditions sullied by foreign crassness, and our people have been corrupted by outsiders! It is time to expunge our land of foreign corruption! Let the Brotherhood of the Sword take back the halls of parliament and re-light the fires of the soul of the land, so our people may rediscover their true heritage!”

What is the general focus of the warrior society?

01-20% Assassins---The members are trained as shadow-warriors, killing from the shadows. If Good-aligned, they may be freedom fighters, striking terror into the hearts of tyrants(the early peasant-ninja may be considered these).
21-40% Holy Warriors---Members are trained to serve as soldiers in a holy cause, such as fighting magic users, demons, or members of another religious creed. Indoctrination in the tenets of the sponsoring religious organization is a given for this type of Warrior Society.
41-60% Social Activists---The society is dedicated to revolution(such as a peasant’s rebellion or counter-reformists), or to curbing the excesses of government. They can be terrorists or social advocates, with combat skills to back their idealism up.
61-75% Gladiators----The society acts more like a gym or stable, producing warriors who fight for others’ entertainment. The society may get, in return for offering training and promotion, a cut of the gladiators’ prize moneys.
76-80% Sport----The society regards combat as sport, and fighting as its own reward. This includes dueling societies, where members may spar, joust, and fence for pleasure. The worst of these societies may go out on murder sprees or hunts of intelligent beings.
81-90% Bodyguards----The society trains personal protectors for clients.
91-98% Special Forces----The members of the Society are trained as elite special forces(at least in their minds). They may be the only ones trained in certain forbidden martial arts, or in the use of certain weapons(such as firearms or giant robots).
99-00% Party---It’s not about combat, it’s not about profit, or idealism; the society is just an excuse to play war on weekends, hang around together drinking booze, and swap ******** stories(a lot of British Commonwealth colonial and territorial units wound up becoming these, essentially glorified country clubs). The Calcutta Light Horse is a good example of just such a unit...that then came out of retirement during WW2 to serve God and Country again by sinking Nazi spyships. Valhalla’s a good mythical example of a god-level post-mortem warrior society dedicated to boozing and feasting.


“Five generations of men of our family have sworn the Oath and carried the Totenkarf badge on their blades! And now, times have changed, and it is time for a daughter to carry on the legacy! And HOW! Never before has anyone in the living generations of our order seen such mastery of the blade as exhibited by this one person! That she is my very own daughter fills me with indescribable pride!”

Where does the society get its members?

01-20% Family---Only members of certain bloodline lineages are allowed to join. It may be one extended family or a number of them, but anybody not born into the society cannot join.
21-40% Orphans---The Society scours orphanages for candidates to their society. 50% chance of having the No History Quirk
41-65% Open Door---Anybody can join the Society, provided they pass the physical or philosophical requirements.
66-97% Elite By Invitation---Only top-rated(8th level of higher) or ex-soldiers/veterans are invited to join.
98-00% Raise the Dead---Maybe they just pluck terminally wounded or written-off people(especially soldiers) from death’s door, or maybe they do resurrect the recently dead. 75% chance of having the No History Quirk

“I know how much you wanted new attack helicopters, Garl, but we can’t afford to buy new power armors AND new choppers after that fiasco with the cops! ”

How much money does the Society have on hand at any given time for special purposes?

01-02% Impoverished--- However adept their skills at combat, the Society is losing its battle with economics and is barely making ends meet, and is living day to day. They have their pride and their skills, but not much else. The Society can make loans of -0-(zip, zilch, nil) on a monthly basis.
05-08% Penny Pinchers/Coupon-Clippers---- In an emergency, or for special purposes, the Society could maybe scare up a paltry 1d4x100 credits for loan.
09-15% Depressed---They can get up enough for 3d6x100 credits on a loan or two.
16-30% Reasonably Well-Off--- The society can make loans of 2d4x1,000 credits.
31-60% Prosperous---They can make available 2d10x1,000 credits in loans or gifts.
61-80% Wealthy--- 1d6x10,000 credit range.
81-90% Rich--- 1d10x10,000 credits.
91-95% Super-Rich--These people can part with 2d4x100,000 credits for gifts or loans.
(96-99% Filthy Rich---The Society is wallowing in wealth. They can throw 1d6 million credits at problems and projects.
-00% Obscenely Wealthy---These people are drowning in money. 2d10 million credits.

“This is the Three-Zero-Two Nightmare Phasic Combat Suit, the stealthiest and deadliest battlesuit in the galaxy! Very few were made and none currently exist in the hands of any government! Only we of the Darkest Dawn possess them, and we are rightly feared for that!”

The Warrior Society has some sort of advantage that makes them unique and is often a signature of their special nature.

01-10 % Augmentation----The society provides members with some sort of physical augmentation, such as Juicer conversion, cybernetics/bionics, supersoldier power-up or magical transformation.
11-30% Special Training----Members receive some sort of special skill training, such as paranormal knowledge, or giant robot piloting, not normally available to the regular military.
31-50% Combat Style---Members are trained in an exotic or particularly devastating martial arts style. Or, if the GM doesn’t want/can’t come up with a crazy new combat system, give the members a +1d6 to damage rolls, hand to hand bonuses, or an attribute or two.
51-60% Discount Armor/Armament---- Members of the society get free or discount-price equipment from the Society’s arsenal.
61-70% Special Weapons/Armor---Members have access to special or unique weaponry, such as magic blades or energy weapons, perhaps keyed or bonded to them. Or maybe the society has access to giant robots or power armor. If the weapons./armor themselves are not unique, society members may receive special training in them(GM’s discretion; members may get +1d4 levels of experience in the chosen weapon/equipment)
71-80% Fire Support---If a society member is in trouble, other members will rally to their rescue. With a call, reinforcements may be as soon as only 1d6 minutes away. Or perhaps the society, if too late, will hunt down the late member’s killers and bring them to justice.
81-97% Network Clout----Members of the society benefit from social networking. This can prove useful in a variety of ways, such as preferred customer discounts as member-owned businesses, information, references, career assistance, loans, and political support. Even members who retire/resign, as long as they left under good circumstances, will be able to call upon active or other retired members for favors, recommendations, and information.
98-00% Clones----The society replicates members by some means. Perhaps the clones are androids/golems downloaded with members’ mental engrams, or are magic doppelgangers. Those members who fail lose this pseudo-invincibility/immortality privilege.

“Heidelberg dueling scar? Nah, that’s just a thornbush injury. My REAL bloodmarks are the flamer burns on my shoulders.”

Many Warrior Societies have special conditions that they operate under that impose some sort of sacrificial cost on members, the better to keep their edge.

01-10% -Ritual Scarification----Members receive distinctive scars or tattoos that mark them as belonging to the society; -1d4 to P.B.
11-20% -First Blood---Before they can become full-fledged members, recruits to the society are expected to take a life under special circumstances. This may be the killing of a family member, fellow recruit, or traditional enemy of the warrior clan. Under cretain circumstances, this may cause recruits of Good alignments to downshift a level in alignment if they carry through with the First Kill.
21-30% -Vow of Silence--Society members are not allowed to speak of what goes on in the society; they cannot discuss training, missions, history or the names of members to outsiders. Some societies enforce this through the use of magic curses, costume helmets that prevent sound from escaping, cybernetic implants, or simply removing members’ tongues.
31-40% -No History---Members are expected to give up their past identities and all previous personal ties. The society is their new family, and whatever new identity assigned them is their new name and history. Extreme cases may have members have prsonal identifying features eliminated surgically, or they may be obliged to wear masks all the time.
41-50% -Cannot Fight for Personal Profit---Society members are not allowed to use their fighting skills for personal profit; any earned moneys must go to the society. Gladiator society members cannot arrange their own fights to profit from them. Loot taken in battle must be submitted for sorting by the society before being distributed to members.
51-60% -Humorless----Society members are not permitted to publicly display any frivolous or emotional behavior. This may also be extended to in private, and may be enforced by magical gaeas, neurological implant, or chemical means.
61-70% - Cannot Be Taken Alive---Society law states that members cannot be taken alive to be questioned or paraded in defeat. This may be enforced by hypnotic suicide imperative or implants. The more squeamish societies may substitute some sort of mindwipe protocol, or deny any knowledge of the captured (ex) member.
71-00% - Cannot Kill Certain Targets----Certain types of target are forbidden from the Society. These may be women, priests, children, members of certain sects or species. Even accidentally killing one of the prohibited types will get the person responsible ejected from the Society, if not executed outright.
81-90% -Vow of Chastity----Cannot engage in sex or romantic relationships. Members of the Warrior Society are expected to maintain a purity of mind and body, and are encouraged to avoid/not allowed to have emotional entanglements. The more extreme societies may enforce this through temporary(chemical or magical) or permanent (surgical) castration/sterilization.
91-00% -Must Always Leave a Mark----The society has a combat tradition that tells others that they’ve been there; scarring a fallen opponent in a certain way, leaving a calling card, defacing nearby structures with their society symbol, finishing off a foe with a signature move, or, conversely, removing certain types of items as trophies(may not be valuable, but are distinctive). The more whimsical societies may steal panties, the nastier ones may take heads.

(Optional) Facilities
“That’s Kastle Kroake, the not-so-secret ‘headquarters’ of the Magnificent Republik Knights of Golgah. Come the weekend that lake will be covered in floating empty kiwa bottles and the occasional Magnificent Knight as they reaffirm their sacred oaths.”

Where does the society meet and where does it store its assets?

01-15% None---Members gather in the open when called, or meet in rented facilities or member homes. If government-sponsored, they may have use of government lands and facilities, but the society owns no properties of its own, and assets are stowed in members’ homes.
16-50% Training Hall(s)----The warrior society maintains one or more training halls to teach its members and allow them to hone their skills. These can be athletic complexes like gymnasiums or stables and riding fields.
51-70% Safehouses----The warrior society has secret hideouts for members to take shelter or recuperate.
71-90% Shrine---The society has a holy shrine or ritual house for special ceremonies or rituals. Or it could be a memorial hall to celebrate past members of the society.
91-00% Fortress----The society can hole up in a location reinforced to keep out outsiders and resist attempts to storm the society by force.

(Optional) Reputation:
“I am sorry, sir, the earlier report was in error. We have not encountered Ghurkas in our advance-”
“Excellent! We take the objective the-”
“-we have encountered ONE Ghurka, sir, and he is murdering the hell out of us!”

How well known is the Society?

01-25% Obscure/Secret---Either because of its lack of publicity, or deliberate effort to remain unnoticed, the society is unknown outside a few individuals.
26-50% Known----The society is known for having a few notable victories or actions, or maybe a few incidents on the police record, but is generally not seen as having any great impact.
51-75% Noticed---- The name of the society is publicly known and commands attention. The authorities have taken notice of them and have compiled dossiers on them. They may have adoration like the Guardian Angels or fear, like the Crips and the Bloods.
76-00% Feared----The society and its members have a well-known name and history that invokes respect and/or fear in those who go up against it. The society enjoys an effective Horror Factor of 9+1d4 if they are identified.

(Optional) Twinks
“Those ninja that suddenly attacked us...they seemed to know you. Care to explain why?”

What other unusual features might distinguish the society and give it color?

01-25% Nemesis---- This is an organization or group of opposition alignment to the society, that opposes them regularly. The two groups will, given the chance, seek to destroy the other.
26-50% Rivals---- This is another organization of the same general alignment and business as the society, but, for some reason, the two are in competition with each other. The rivals will seek to steal glory and recognition from each other, outdo each other, and generally goad and provoke each other. Gladiatorial stables are a good example of this.
51-75% Secret Treasure---The society hides certain relics important to its existence. This can be a holy artifact, scrolls containing secret martial arts techniques, magic weapons, historical relics, or a secret cache of valuables they are charged with protecting.
76-00% Costume Fetish---The society has a certain dress code that members follow; it might be fighting in monks’ robes, bare-chested, animal skins, skintight black bodysuits, or in the nude.

(Optional) Secret Agenda
“-I thought we were supposed to be hunting for the Holy Grail? What are we doing off on an ice cream run? Last week it was a ‘dangerous mission’ to pick up silk shirts, and the week before then it was a visit to a tobacco shop in Paris! Anybody seeing a pattern here? ”

What is the real reason the society exists for? Knightly Orders may claim to uphold chivalric values, but they’re really for God and Country, or serve individual kings. The ninja clan leadership may claim they want to limit the power of the shogun, but are maneuvering to put themselves in charge of the country.

01-50% None---What it sez on the box; the society has no secret agenda. It just exists to do whatever it does.
51-80% Profit---- Somebody stands to make money from the actions or existence of the society. Maybe the collateral damage they do supports the local contracting industry, or the leadership has insurance policies on members with high mortality prospects.
61-70% Private Army---However noble the ideals the society claims to defend, or however it claims to beenfit members as a whole, the fact is the society is really at the beck and call of one person or a handful of high-placed individuals who really direct the lower ranks to do whatever they want. At best, the society acts as an expanded bodyguard or ablative meatshield for the leadership. At worst, the rank and file may be expendable ammunition in a private vendetta.
71-80% Political/Social Change----The backers and leaders of the society seek to use its members to affect some political change or, alternatively, to PREVENT political change(by stamping out heresy, hunting down enemies of the current regime, etc.).
81-00% Tradition-----The society seeks to keep some ancient martial tradition alive, be it a family name, martial arts style, or social class.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Hell knight
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Re: Random Roll Warrior Societies

Unread post by Hell knight »

very cool i like it . and i think i got a use for it thank you very much.
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Re: Random Roll Warrior Societies

Unread post by taalismn »

Hell knight wrote:very cool i like it . and i think i got a use for it thank you very much.

You're welcome. Let me know what you come up with, as I'd like to see how people use my charts. :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Hell knight
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Re: Random Roll Warrior Societies

Unread post by Hell knight »

taalismn wrote:
Hell knight wrote:very cool i like it . and i think i got a use for it thank you very much.

You're welcome. Let me know what you come up with, as I'd like to see how people use my charts. :wink:

The Vengeful Damned

Size Small 80 members so far . Sponsoring Group Secret in this case entity . Alignment Aberrant , Nature Special Forces . Recruitment Raise The Dead ( with a twist ) . Funding Obscenely wealthy.
Perks Augmentation , Quirks No History , Facilities Fortress Reputation Obscure/Secret Twinks Costume Fetish .

In short this is a anti assassin group , Trying to put an end to the oni ninja and gun brothers . These are all people who been killed by assassin whether the target or some poor witnesses . Threw science and magic they been reborn to a new life . But the trauma causes a loss of memories but retain the knowledge of who killed them . Still working on it but wanted to share a bit of what i got..
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Re: Random Roll Warrior Societies

Unread post by taalismn »

Hell knight wrote:[

The Vengeful Damned

Size Small 80 members so far . Sponsoring Group Secret in this case entity . Alignment Aberrant , Nature Special Forces . Recruitment Raise The Dead ( with a twist ) . Funding Obscenely wealthy.
Perks Augmentation , Quirks No History , Facilities Fortress Reputation Obscure/Secret Twinks Costume Fetish .

In short this is a anti assassin group , Trying to put an end to the oni ninja and gun brothers . These are all people who been killed by assassin whether the target or some poor witnesses . Threw science and magic they been reborn to a new life . But the trauma causes a loss of memories but retain the knowledge of who killed them . Still working on it but wanted to share a bit of what I got..

Very cool....
You ever read any Neal Asher? His 'Spatterjay' universe has societies that would reanimate the bodies of dead people, using robotics and AI, and send the zombie after the deceased' killers. In time the state of the art advanced to the point where the AIs were not simply running off recordings of the late person's mind-state, they were recognized AS the person(if you didn't want to be refreshed/copied into a new cloned body or robotic golem, and saw your original flesh as the seat of your consciousness, you could become a free-willed techno-zombie).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Hell knight
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Re: Random Roll Warrior Societies

Unread post by Hell knight »

taalismn wrote:
Hell knight wrote:[

The Vengeful Damned

Size Small 80 members so far . Sponsoring Group Secret in this case entity . Alignment Aberrant , Nature Special Forces . Recruitment Raise The Dead ( with a twist ) . Funding Obscenely wealthy.
Perks Augmentation , Quirks No History , Facilities Fortress Reputation Obscure/Secret Twinks Costume Fetish .

In short this is a anti assassin group , Trying to put an end to the oni ninja and gun brothers . These are all people who been killed by assassin whether the target or some poor witnesses . Threw science and magic they been reborn to a new life . But the trauma causes a loss of memories but retain the knowledge of who killed them . Still working on it but wanted to share a bit of what I got..

Very cool....
You ever read any Neal Asher? His 'Spatterjay' universe has societies that would reanimate the bodies of dead people, using robotics and AI, and send the zombie after the deceased' killers. In time the state of the art advanced to the point where the AIs were not simply running off recordings of the late person's mind-state, they were recognized AS the person(if you didn't want to be refreshed/copied into a new cloned body or robotic golem, and saw your original flesh as the seat of your consciousness, you could become a free-willed techno-zombie).

That sound cool i will give it a look thanks again.
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Re: Random Roll Warrior Societies

Unread post by taalismn »

Hell knight wrote:[

That sound cool I will give it a look thanks again.

'Skinner' is the first book in the series, followed by 'Voyage of the Sable Keech'(where we see an entire pilgrimage of reanimates) , with the Thord book being 'Orbus', which has a government rep who's very comfortable being a zombie....
The trilogy itself is all part of the 'Polityverse' by Neal Asher which is up to about a dozen books(when he isn't doing other series). Pretty gritty space opera.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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