Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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If a Faerie learned how to cast spells as a wizard does and spells other than their natural abilities spells...

What would the Level of those spells be? The Level 10 of the spells of their nat ability are cast at. Or what level achievement they have gained as a wizard?

What would the spell strength of those spells be? The Level 16 of the spells of their nat ability are cast at. Or what level achievement they have gained as a wizard (12+)?

P.S.: This is not about whether or not they can....it is about at what level/spell str. they would be cast at.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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I'd go with their experience level.

Using Eowyna (Rifts Mercs p74) as an example, she'd cast any learned spells at 3rd level, with a spell strength of 12. (Will have to think more about when to add a +1 to her spell strength.)

That keeps her natural ability spells much stronger than any learned ones, which fits thematically.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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Learned abilities would happen at learned levels of experience.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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Mark Hall wrote:Learned abilities would happen at learned levels of experience.

I agree.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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That is my leaning also.

But I could also see reasoning to go the other way. At least with the levels.
So I'd though I'd ask.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:If a Faerie learned how to cast spells as a wizard does and spells other than their natural abilities spells...

What would the Level of those spells be? The Level 10 of the spells of their nat ability are cast at. Or what level achievement they have gained as a wizard?

What would the spell strength of those spells be? The Level 16 of the spells of their nat ability are cast at. Or what level achievement they have gained as a wizard (12+)?

I would think the strength/level would only apply to their natural magic and they'd be limited to the strength/level of their Wizard OCC for any new spells they learned.

I'd say the same for level/strength of warlocks-turned-wizard or mystic-turned-wizard
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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The char that goes with the question.

Smiles Brightly

Smiles Brightly was snoozing in that blissful long morning waking up in the warn fuzzy warmth of curling up with his cat Omaia (void voice). When he was plucked from his warm nest by his young elf girl, wearing not but her sleeping shift and a thin gold collar. :”Master, there you are…”like she had been searching the house for him, “…if you must find somewhere else to sleep come to my bed.” Stuffing Smiles into her cleavage so he can’t ‘get lost’ again as he has a habit of doing. “I still don’t know why you don’t teach me the spell you use to become a faerie. And you have visitors coming over today. Selina is so bright that almost nothing gets by her. But somehow she has fixated him to be really the elf of his public persona. Smiles smirks to himself, to think I bought her on a wager while pissing off drunk, along with a dozen freshly caught Ghowell pixies.
Everyone thinks they “know” what I bought them for, and if I was the elf of my public persona Selina wouldn’t bemoaning about not sharing her bed. Truth being, Winter Wheat, the frost pixie that was in the dozen I bought is more my type. It has been an interesting time since I left The Circle.

Smiles Brightly has been alive quite a while , but got board of the antics of the Faerie communities he was living in. Smiles Brightly left his communities and headed out into the world. After wandering about watching the big folk’s communities, what caught his interest was a hermit wizard that he found past the sea of grasses. Watching this wizard for years he began to understand how the wizard could bend magic to do things other than what he could already do. After crafting his own spell to turn himself into an elf, Smiles approached the wizard for formal teaching. It didn’t take long for Smiles to fulfill al the requirements to be a journeyman wizard. Smiles visited his mentor as often as he could while seeking out the odd jobs of a newly turned out wizard. It was After a night after the job, night of drinking and gambling…that he and the young elf warrior he had met on the job ended up in the slave market. The young valkary of a warrior, who went by Gorthol (dread helm) cause of her gaud awfully ugly helmet, wagered him that couldn’t pay only 1,000 gold for the silver blond elf girl that was coming up for sale later. Smiles saw that their was a cage of pixies being sold by a vendor across the way. took the bet. After buying and talking the pixies into helping him out he came back. With himself and the pixies befuddling the crowd and the auctioneer, Smiles bought that elf girl for only 850 gold pieces, winning the wager. He left town quite quickly after doing that, heading to his mentors home, only to find it locked & boarded up under the mayor’s seal and with a notice for him to head to the lord mayor. Turned out his mentor died and left his home to Smiles

Character Name: Smiles Brightly
Call Name: Wilya Linde

Level: 1
Money: 30 gp

IQ: 22, +8% / +4 perception*
ME: 11
MA: 15
PS: 5
PP: 18, +2* combat rolls
PE: 12
PB: 17, 35% charm/impress
Spd(running): 9
Spd(flying): 160

HP: 72
SDC: 21
NAt. AR: 8
Awe Factor: 8
PPE: 400
IS points: (no Psionics)

Class: Wizard
Race: Night Elves (Faerie)
Sex: male
Age: 101 (young for faeries that are effectively immortal)
Height: 6.5 inches
Weight: 6.3 ounces

Saving Throws
Coma/Death (two out of three vs 20-75 depending):
non-lethal poisons/toxins (16):
lethal poisons/toxins (14):
diseases (14):
Spell magic (12-16 depending): +1
Ritual magic (16): +1
Faerie Magic (16): +1
Circle magic [all](16): +1
ward magic (14): +1
Possession (contested rolls):
Psionics (15):
insanity (12):
horror Factor: +2
perception (target number):+4
pain (16):
soul drinking (14):
Harmful drugs (15):
Extreme Heat/Cold (13):
Electrocution (14):

Physical Appearance:
*A young Faerie Male with gossimer Blue wings looking a comfortable in clothes in hues of blue. Wearing a faerie sized large knife and bow across the back.
*A young looking Elf man wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue trousers.

Natural H2H (no level ups) (faerie sized)
No. Of Attacks per melee: 3 physical or two with magic.
Damage: +
Strike: +3
Parry: +2
Parry in Flight: +4
Dodge: +2
Dodge in Flight: +4
Pull: +2
Roll: +2


basic H2H (elf sized)
No. Of Attacks per melee: 4.
Damage: +
Strike: +3
Parry: +2
Dodge: +2
Pull: +4
Roll: +4


Weapon Proficiencies
WP knife, WP Archery/Targeting:, WP sword, WP targeting & missile weapons, WP whip:

Large Faerie Knife: 1 SD.
Faerie Bow with arrows 1 SD each arrow
Magic Arrows: 24 Paralize Arrows: 2d6 melees

Armor: never wears armor, while small
Doesn’t trust big folk, much

Natural Abilities
fly & hover
night-vision 120 feet
see the invisible
Keen normal vision
Sense location of water: 50%
sense location of Ley lines: 80%

Natural Spells
Faerie magic:
Casting natural spells does not use up any personal PPE and are considered to @ Level 10 spell str.

befuddle, blinding flash, mean cloth, mend stone, mend metal, invisibility (simple), turn self into mist, tongues, Faerie’s Dance

Wizard Char building
Common knowledge spells:
What sort of of wizard: Prodigy
Can be taught new spells
can try spell scroll conversions to get new spells
no cauldron…opposed to that magic.
Mod: no level up PPE & uses personal PPE to cast spells

Wizard Spells
1 Decipher Magic:
1 Sense Magic:
1 globe of daylight:
1 Cleans:
1 Increase Weight:
1 Cloud of Smoke:
2 Cold Snap (mod'ed): 100 ft (4) special, Vs cold, With a snap of the fingers the mage chills the air around a single person to sub zero temps (or a 3ft diameter column at a target area), If fails vs cold, the person will start to shiver & teeth chatter while they remain within the cold air. -2 combat rolls & -10% skills. Has no effect on those that are ether resistant or impervious to cold.
2 Chameleon:
2 Mystic Alarm
2 Mother’s Milk: touch (7) instant, standard, Makes the targets female's breasts full of milk, if done to the same female for more the one week of consecutive feedings then they will start to produce milk on their own. Men and expecting women are immune to this spell.
2 Extinguish Fire: AoE 20 ft radius, up to 80 feet away (4) 1 min/L, none, instantly puts out fire within its AoE, can be moved every 15 seconds.
3 Armor of Ithan
3 Breath w/o Air:
3 Faerie Speak:
3 fuel flame:
3 TK:
4 Joke Scat: 10 min/L & 1 hour if stepped in (12) one mound 6 inch tall and wide, vs perception 15, makes a pile of real looking, feeling, & smelling scat that the caster’s has encountered before.
4 Swim as a Fish:
4 Silver Shards:(R5)
5 Sleep:
5 Ride the Lighting: (LoB w/ more text) on self only, up to three miles/L (25) one minute/L, none. must be cast outside or in a place where the sky can be seen. When traveling close to the ground, the almost 200 mph blurs the surroundings and must know where they are going. Flying up high, where the ground isn’t blurred by the speed, the mage can choose their direction and landing space on the fly.
5 Pajamas: touch…w/in 10ft (35) perm/special, none. Creates pajamas sets that appears within 10 ft of the caster. Each set can be soft cotton or a silk-like fabric, and can be fitted tot he user by touch. One set of pajamas are made per casting up to L6. At L7 the mage can make 2 sets (+1 per level) of pajamas per casting. The number of fitted pajamas is only limited by how many the caster can touch at the time of casting.
The pajamas can be created in just about any style, for fitting a human sized beings. Pajamas made for giant sized beings is +1 PPE per foot over 6 feet tall. However, with all the pajamas, they don’t hold up to being washed very well. And can only be washed one time per level of creating mage before they fall apart.
6 Create Bread & Milk: up to 30 ft away (15) perm, none. Creates 2d6 loves of bread and one gallon of milk in a jug that disappears when emptied.

8 Transform Faerie Self into Elf (smile's personal custom spell): Self only, can only be used by faeries (40) Instant transformation, none, changes the faerie that cast this spell into an elf. When they are transformed they are wearing clothes with the same colorings as their wings and they will look like their faerie selves, but an elf. The spell only cancels when the caster decides not to be an elf anymore because it interacts with their CoM nature. If, for some reason, the faerie becomes with child while in elf form, the faerie is stuck till the babe is born. (“elf can be substituted with ‘human’ and any other mortal humanoid body types and not essentially change the spell during char creation. Thou once a substation is picked it cannot be changed later. The mage will need to craft a new spell.)

Skills ( + 8%)
RCC skills
Native Skills
(these do not increase)
Language Faerie, Language Gobbely, ID plants & fruit, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, Preserve Food, Track Animals, Faerie Lore, Sing, Dance, Prowl, climb, WP knife, WP Archery/Targeting

Player Character Faerie Skills (might level up)
Language northern Human, Language Elfish

Wizard Skills
rec. enchantment, Rec. Magic

OCC skills.
Language: dwarf, language: western human, lit: western human, lit: Elfish, lore: magic, Lore: Ley Line Geomancy, basic Math, WP targeting & missile weapons, h2h2 basic

Related skills
Public Speaking, Brewing, Gemology, Anthropology, cooking, juggling, Astronomy & Navigation, Lore: Religion

Secondary skills
first aid, socialization, etiquette, WP whip
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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A faerie with W.P, Whip? Oh shi- :shock:
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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Does the Transform Faerie Self into Elf have a time limit?
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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8 Transform Faerie Self into Elf (smile's personal custom spell): Self only, can only be used by faeries (40) Instant transformation, none, changes the faerie that cast this spell into an elf. When they are transformed they are wearing clothes with the same colorings as their wings and they will look like their faerie selves, but an elf. The spell only cancels when the caster decides not to be an elf anymore because it interacts with their CoM nature. If, for some reason, the faerie becomes with child while in elf form, the faerie is stuck till the babe is born. (“elf can be substituted with ‘human’ and any other mortal humanoid body types and not essentially change the spell during char creation. Thou once a substation is picked it cannot be changed later. The mage will need to craft a new spell.)

This spell Literally only works for Creatures of magic (all but dragons, they have their own transformation abilities.) Because it interacts with their CoM nature to set the spell form until they don't want it to work anymore.
It stands in the edge between Faerie Magic and Common "mortal" Magic using parts of both to get this effect. If they can''t cast spells from the ambient the duration dosn't work, and if the faerie doesn't know any mortal magic (even just spying on a wizard because they have a desire to know how works for this), they can't craft this spell for themselves
Yes, the reason Why is very important when aahhhh... bending the text into a pretzel. If it just a childish, 'because I want to' from a player...Me as a GM would say 'no'. But if they give me something with a background like the above. I give approval 'points' in concidering the char for approval.
(this was not my intended next post for this topic. Was going to give some background for Selena and his cat. The sort of things you get in a fully fleshed out NPC. If you want to use this char as an NPC or run it yourself feel free to do so. The only thing I would ask is to fill me in on his/their adventures.)
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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How I met Master Wilya, Selena’s story

Hello, I am Selens Nolehalla, daughter of Turcollo Thorondir Nolehalla and Miriel Morfalath of the MinasRoman clan, and until my fifteenth name-day I had a comfortable life being the daughter of a clothe merchant. Yah, I had chores to do and had my studies to occupy my time, but I wasn’t missing any meals; except as punishment for the trouble I got into; and had my own bed to sleep in; even if I had to share the room with my younger sister. Master of Clothe Thorondir, my father, had his business in Caer Itom, the capital city, buying and selling fabric from the world over. [Aside: really mostly from just throughout the empire, the customs levies on imported fabrics are just so high it doesn’t pay to bring anything in from the outside, at least into the capital.] You would not believe where I came from, from looking at where I am today, running around my masters abode looking for him in nought but my sleeping shift. He has visitors coming today and he always does this on days when he ‘Hast to Do’ something. I think they are coming over to talk about taking on a job with them.

You who are reading this may think I am my master’s apprentice, in some whys I am his apprentice and he has taught me much more about magic then that overpriced tin mistress my former wizardry mistress that my father sent me away to, but that was before I was sold into slavery.

As I said I grew up in Caer Itom, if not in the lap of luxury like the royals of the rich nobility, I was safe and comfortable. Then Father sent me to apprentice underneath that witch. [not a real witch, but that is the only way I can describe her personality] Those were the worst three years of my life, not learning anything about magic and working my ass off ether waiting on the mistress day & night or doing the chores of a scullery maid for the witch. Because we were just apprentices on-one would give heed to what we would say about her witchyness’ personality, in how intentionally mean she was to those in here charge. Now that those days are behind me…but sometimes I wonder how the witch explained my disappearance to my father and the authorities.

Anyway, I found Master Wilya sleeping curled up with The Cat again, and he turned himself into a faerie again….. Plucking him from his nest I put him in the one place I know he can’t get last from again my bosom cleavage. Don’t ask why, I don’t Know Why….maybe it’s a male thing. Things changed for me the week before the Prince’s Name Day celebration. [ For those of you who live outside the empire, on the other side of the world, children are not named until the parents are reasonably certain that they will not take sick and die before their 1st year.] The year before the celebration lasted a whole week, and that was the plan for this year too. However, my plans for the celebration were cut short [usually apprentices get time of celebration off to go home to family, some apprentices use the time to take part-time jobs to earn some extra spending money] The witch rented the younger apprentices to ‘The Castle’ as extra maids for the celebration. All three of us were heart-felt about not going home to see family, but it was better then staying with that witch and her two oldest apprentices, who were almost as bad as the witch. We were allowed to send letters to our families saying we had the opportunity of serving in The Castle. [yah, like it was an opportunity…cleaning the less used parts of the castle for the noble guests, and cleaning the rooms of the noble guests already there. Only the regular staff were allowed anywhere near the apartments of the royals. unlike the daydreams of our parents.]

While the nobles were mean. It was more a ‘you are only staff, not worth my notice’ mean. Not like the intentional cruelty of the witch. It was the night before the celebration, after laying down for the night on a mat in the servants’ quarters. I woke up kneeling on the floor, bound body, hands and feet to something behind me that was forcing me to sit up strait like that. Looking about I saw other men girls and women bound in the same manner as me. Their clothes told me they were all taken from the servants’ quarters and there were more young girls than the rest. Suddenly there was a man there, dressed in green and red finery [the cloth looked to be a couple years old as if it had only been worn occasionally during the year] “so you’re finally awake, can’t do this while you’re asleep.” Stepping behind me, he started saying words of power and put something around my neck. I think I passed out again for the next thing I knew was waking up in the back of a caged wagon wearing a pajama like set of clothes that I’d only seen on slaves for sale before. The rest of the people in the wagon also were waring the same clothes, and a thing golden collar. The clothes were ill fitting, but they covered everything, even having a hood.

At that point I had mixed feelings about state in life, about being taken away from my family, about being sold off to the highest bidder, and about never ever having to see that witch of a wizardly mistress ever again. Everyone in the wagon seamed depressed as if thinking the same thoughts. But we didn’t suffer as I’d imagined the way slaves were treated. We were fed, and the clothes we had kept us from being too cold at night.

Stopping at cities and towns, the others were sold off here and there, but for some there were no bids placed on them. Is there some significance about the gold collars that I don’t know about? Is there some magic about them? None of them were people I knew….so there was no reason for me the remember where they ended up. But the strange thing was that we all had the center locks of out bangs cut away ever since we were taken. I was one of the last to be sold off, a month after leaving Caer Itom. Before this, I heard the slave traders talking about turning around and going back to the capital. The first man I was sold to was an old trader that just used me to load and unload his wagon. He was warm at night, but he must of feared his wife too much to take advantage of me during the time he owned me. When we got to Ghowell he sold the last of his goods. Selling the wagon and team he took me to the slave market to sell me as well. If I had thought the last month was strange, it was not till I was on the auction block did the strangeness get weirder.

When I finally was put up on the stand it was not like last time, the crowd was watching two men dancing a jig on the far side of the square. It wasn’t like they were very skilled at dancing ether…it was like they all got stupid or very easily distracted. There were so many people there and they were not looking at me. In fact there were only two people there looking my direction, master and the sword woman next to him. Before the hawker could ask for an opening bid, master bid very low for me… the swords-women bid on me also. But she stoped after, well I think master kicked her in the shins. Master only paid 850 gold for me. After parting ways with the swords-woman, we walked to an ally not far away and had me change into silk pajamas, they fit me snugly and were green instead of the light red slave cloths I had been wearing, which he burned right there with his magic. We left the city quite soon after that, walking till sundown. It was while walking I noticed he was carrying an iron cage with a dozen pixies in it. Stopping briefly after cresting the nearest hill, Master told me to stand still and he opened the cage….I was thinking that’d be a bad idea. But even thou they flew about us excited like they had been cooped up for a long time, but settled down landing on us….mostly on master, there was one that landed on me that was definitely female. It was nice to have her there and to be not alone anymore.

Finally feeling that Master was fully awake I walked to his room and put him on the dresser..”Master Get to your normal elf self and get dressed…In something more than Pajamas. Remember Cecilla is coming today, with visitors with her. I still need to get dressed to, so be good.” I know it would seam strange for the slave to be telling her master what to do, but he needs it at times. But when it is something ‘He has to do’ master just doesn’t want to do it. Which is this morning. It was two weeks of travel for master to lead everyone to where he wanted to go. Skirting a town turning east, master led us to a cabin in the woods it looked peaceful. [it is very peaceful here most of the visitors are from the town but for most things we go to town to take care of] When we got closer I saw the boards nailed over the windows and sensed the prickle of magic energy in the door. There was a notice nailed to the door frame, summoning master, naming him Wilya, to see the lord mayor of the town of Orthane. Master didn’t doddle turning on foot and started walking back the way we had came. The Pixies went this way and that after master, Wilya, talked to them in their language. During the walk to town he made me a new set of tight fitting green pajamas, this time with a collar that went up to my jawline, and used his magic to make us clean at the edge of town, we arrives at the lord mayor’s home presentable. It turned out master’s mentor in magic had died and left the house, his land and his possessions to him. That night we stayed at the town’s inn, and the first time we were together as man and woman. Somethings you can only learn by experiencing them.

We opened and cleaned the old home as we were settling into living there. The pixies are still here, I see them from time to time. I don’t know why, but they seam to have set up a new circle nearby...that is what master said. The second day we were here a big tabby cat walked into the cabin like it owned it. Master was ecstatic to see him. I should of picked up that this was not a normal house cat the way master formally introduced me to Clarance. After he sniffed my hand, holding it low so the cat could sniff it, the cat cocked its head, meerowed & wandered off into the cabin. It was not till master was away that I truly understood what Clarance was. A group of human men approached the house, I could smell the spirits on their breath from where I stood. I was about to go inside and lock up, when The Cat, Clarance, bounded out of some bushes next tot he trail to the house. It took nought but a heart beat and before me and growling at the men was a cat larger then any person I’ve ever known. If those men didn’t pee themselves scared out of their wits, they were gone faster then they came. I don’t know how long I stood there frozen in time. But it was Clarance’s large head rubbing into my hand purring like a galloping horse, wanting to be petted. [I know now that that is his true size & he is a Switch Cat that has discovered that people pet him more if he stays the size of a house cat.] Since then we have not had much trouble from the towns folk, mostly kids being kids.

It was during cleaning up the library, I found an interesting book about magic that makes cloth and clothes. With master’s permission, when I asked about it he glanced over it and made it assigned reading for me, I began to study it. After a while, with master’s help learning the magic, I was able to use a few of the spells to make fabric and to make my own clothes. Master’s mentor was a strange wizard to spend time on these seemingly frivolous magic or it was handed down to him like he gave it to master.

“Master you look good, nice and tall” he had turned himself back into and elf and wearing his blue on blue colors. “Now it is almost time, I need to change to be presentable too.” Yes, I am happy now…now time to close this diary entry now I’ve said how we met.

GM section
The Witch, was found after the name-day celebration strangled by her own hair. She had tested out her new spell and got the area of effect wrong. Two of her apprentices were found dead with her along with another dead woman, apparently the test subject.

The golden collar, is a magic item one of the court mages is testing, the first testing went nowhere because he lost track of the test subjects. After acquiring the Life’s Story spell the court mage acquired more test subjects from the lower house servant pool. The magic in the collars bends the probabilities of the universe to keep the wearer safe. The court mage took the locks of hair to bind each of the test subject to their own life story book. This so he can follow each subject to see if his safe-keeping spell was working the way it should…and to see how long it lasts. The thing is that the spell bent the probabilities of happenings that occurred before it was attached to the subject. All the test subjects would of met a dire end if they had not been plucked from their beds. Like with Selena, she would of been in range of the witch’s spell. And others of the girls would of disappeared after they had been taken to the Prince’s bed. His wife and other people do not want any bastards to have even a half claim to the throne.

Selena is Has past her 18th name-day and is short for an elf...but is also stacked for an elf. So she sort of looks like a normal human woman with elf ears.
She is able to sense the flow of power in and about her out to 50 feet. But can't sense a static charge of magic very well. As a result she can sense active spells and permeant spells that are absorbing power out of the ambient out to 50 feet, or even invisible objects that the flow of the ambient has to move around. But to feel an held charge of magic she has to be touching the person, scroll or talisman.

The book Selena is using as a Diary is a book that reads her thoughts to make entry into it.

The book of magic Selena found was one of tailoring magic and she has masters three spells solar, Create Fabric (make any fabric the caster has encountered and remembers), Sew Be It and Resize Clothing (lesser).
See the Invented spells Topic for more possible spells for Selena to find.

translation footnotes
tur: mastery
collo: cloak
Combined to be the title: Master of cloth

nole: ‘long study’, lore, knowledge
halla: tall
The familly started out with a long tradition of being great scholars.

east: romen
tower: minas
The Clan started by those guarding the eastern edges of a elvish kingdom. Back before the wars between elves and dwarves.

Miriel: Sparkling jewal
Selena's mother's personal name.
Mor: Dark
falath: coast
Her familly's traditional home is along the north coast of the sea of dread near the Land of the damned.

thorondir: eagle gaze
Selena's Father's personal name.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:4 Joke Scat: 10 min/L & 1 hour if stepped in (12) one mound 6 inch tall and wide, vs perception 15, makes a pile of real looking, feeling, & smelling scat that the caster’s has encountered before.

Is this a canon spell, or your own?
Because if the latter, you just stole a march on me(was working on a 'Cowpat' spell)! :badbad: :lol:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:4 Joke Scat: 10 min/L & 1 hour if stepped in (12) one mound 6 inch tall and wide, vs perception 15, makes a pile of real looking, feeling, & smelling scat that the caster’s has encountered before.

Is this a canon spell, or your own?
Because if the latter, you just stole a march on me(was working on a 'Cowpat' spell)! :badbad: :lol:

Mine, it has been in the Invented spells topic for quite while.

Now that is somewhat interesting, the 1st time you reviewed the char you pick out him having WP whip....but not the Joke scat spell.
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Now that is somewhat interesting, the 1st time you reviewed the char you pick out him having WP whip....but not the Joke scat spell.

Nobody ever accused me of having a focused mind..... :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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Switch Cats

In the earliest works of cataloging the vast assortment of creatures in this world there are no entries describing any animal or monster like the Switch Cats. It was not till nearly two thousand years ago that the explorer Deagol Beorn the Third, who was mapping the Great Northern Forests, that first described a breed of normal looking house cats that had the ability to change or switch into a body as large as one of the great cats of the planes of forests. Even in this greater body the cat seems to totally mundane nature. Without the slightest trace of inherent magic in it that Deagol the Third’s wizard companion could sense, like she would normally expect from a creature of magic or supernatural being. Deagol the Third wrote of them being highly intelligent, but he didn’t leave notes on this to support his assertion of this. The only clue to this was a picture in the original of a house cat riding the packs of a pack horse.

None of the scholars that paid heed to Deagol the Third’s text about his Switch Cats can explain how they came to be. The top two theories about how involve Bast trying to create servant creature or that they are the result of a magical catastrophe during research into a new metamorphisis magic. The only other theory is that they are of other-worldly origin.

As it happens scholars can be wrong and right at the same time in their guesses. Switch Cats are a result of an other-worldly catastrophe while the goddess Bast was in the middle of creating a servant race at a Ley Line Nexus. Right at the moment of creation an exceedingly rare magical storm sprang into existence. The nature and strength of this storm distracted Bast at the moment of inception for her creation distracting her from her Idea. The creation took a new form within the storm as most of Bast’s mind turned away from the act of creation she had gone their to perform. Within the storm Bast sensed the meddling of another deity in the storm’s arrival, and left the nexus before the storm reached it full intensity. Unknowing to her that she and the storm was going to produce a new species onto the world of the The Palladium of Delights.

The creature bast had been making was changed by the storm of magic, a new race of intelligent beings. The Change Cat in its true form is a large feline with intelligence rivaling that of most peoples. However, most people underestimate them just because they are unable to speak the words of the upright peoples. At first there was only one. But it soon It had found a a guide and ride to rest of the of the world. Taking mates as it went, be it house cats or other great cats of the area they were passing through there were more.Only one in ten kittens fallowed their father’s seed, but that was still more then one. It was soon that there were. It is not possible for regular people to tell the difference between normal cats and Switch Cats, so their spread through out the world of the Palladium went unnoticed.

Now, in modern times, most switch cats search out each other to find mates. The brith rates are still low, only half of a litter will follow their parents abilities. Most switch cats have taken to raising the litters near towns and villages. Partly for the kittens who never develop into switch cats will have people to love them, and for that they are themselves, eternally interested the upright peoples. Even so, they are wary of the large congregations of upright people of their cities. As such it is a brave switch cat that travels those paths.

Alignments: Any, but usually selfish.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6+4, M.E.: 2D6, M.A.: 2D6+2, P.S.: 1D6+12, P.P.: 3D6+6, P.E.: 3D6+12, P.B.: 1D6+6.
Hit Points: 5D6+25.
SDC: 4D6+25.
Running Speed (full size): 12-22, +10 when burst sprinting.
Size (full size): 3-4.5 feet tall at the shoulders. Between 5-7 feet long from nose to butt. 2.5-4 foot tail.
Weight (full size): 200-700 pounds.
Average N.P.C. Experience: 3-7.
R.C.C. skills
Prowl: 80
climb: 60
swimming: 70
track by smell/sight: 75
land navigation: 60
wilderness survival: 70
Understand three languages of choice.: 80
Natural Abilities: nightvision 60 feet, advances hearing and smell, Leap up and across: 10 feet from standing +10 feet from a run,
The Switch: These cats have two bodies, one of a great cat and the other of a house cat. Each body is influenced by their heritage of its ancestors. If it was from a Tabby then it will have coloring will be tabby’ish looking. If their ancestors were from lion or tiger pairing, then they will look and be more like lions or tigers. When that change between bodies it takes no time, without any intermediate phases. One moment they are a house cat and the next they are a great cat. Any damage to the house cat body is transferred tot he great cat body directly, while any dame to their great cat body is only transferred proportionally. This is not to say that they can heal themselves just by switching back and forth. If they have not healed the damage when they switch back to a great cat than the damage to their great cat body has only healed, proportionally, as much as it heals when they were a house cat.
The Blessing Bast: each and every Switch Cat can communicate with each other. The limitation is that they have to have touched the other cat within the last 10 years. This is neither magic nor is it psionics and it is not any sort of paranormal ability.
When a house cat they have the atributes of a house cat. (PF: M&A page 217)

Attacks Per Melee: Five.
Damage: Claws: 2D6+4. Bite: 2D6. +5 damage if male.
Bonuses: +3 init, +2 to all other combat rolls, +6 vs HF.
Magic: Special. None Normally, however, switch cats are intelligent enough to be able to learn magic from a trusted mentor. But the need for spells crafted to be cast without words it is a near impossibility to be a wizard. However, there have been some rumors of elemental magic occurring around great cat in the far north.
Psionics: None.
Average Life Spans: 80-100 years.
Habitat: anywhere other cats live.
Languages: while having their own mental communications idea values, they can understand spoken languages.
Enemies: Only those who make themselves enemies. Trespassers are encouraged to leave.
Allies: Those that are their friends.

GM’s & Translation notes:
The Blessing Bast uses the quantum spooky action at a distance to let Switch Cats talk to each other. Neither magic nor psionic shields can block this communication pathawy.

Deagol: secret, unknown
Beorn: man, hero
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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Switch Cats

So, Bast created a Wuzzybogger. :D

"Really, what's your mouser going to do to me, cover me in hairballs? Now hand over the jewels and you won't get Hirt...muCCCIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Faeries casting Wizard Spells

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taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Switch Cats

So, Bast created a Wuzzybogger. :D

"Really, what's your mouser going to do to me, cover me in hairballs? Now hand over the jewels and you won't get Hirt...muCCCIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

I take it you like them. :lol:
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