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Unread post by Yllidor »

Hey, I was just wondering what all races might be considered Immortal in Rifts? I know that Godlings, Lost Ones, possibly Sea Titans, and Prometheans, can be considered immortal, but I don't know what other races might be considered Immortal. So, help me out, if you know an Immortal race, please mention it.
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Nekira Sudacne
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Most races that are immortal are said to be so: Lifespan isn't on every R.C.C. Entry but it is on most. All demons and spirits of light are immortal for one thing. Demigods are either immortal or incredibly long lived.
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Re: Immortals?

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Demigods are only long lived, as are godlings. This according to the pantheons conversion book.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Yllidor »

For Godlings they first say 50,000 years, and then say "Effectively Immortal."
For Demi-Gods they first say 1,000 to 4,000 years, and then say they may become "True Immortals."

Demons and Spirits of Light. I guess it makes sense that most, if not all, immortal beings would be supernatural in origin.

Thanks for the comments.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Immortal means they don't die unless killed.

Even for god and demons even getting killed can be reversed.

"Effectively Immortal" means that for the game, even one spanning hundreds of years, they won't die of old age.

True Immortals, even goslings can be True Immortals too.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Emerald MoonSilver »

Yllidor wrote:Hey, I was just wondering what all races might be considered Immortal in Rifts? I know that Godlings, Lost Ones, possibly Sea Titans, and Prometheans, can be considered immortal, but I don't know what other races might be considered Immortal. So, help me out, if you know an Immortal race, please mention it.

Most races give their life spans. If you want custom immortals for example though you would have to use the Heroes Unlimited Powers unlimited 2 supplement whic lists several ways to make custom immortals.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by taalismn »

Ninjas and Superspies: China also has several pathways of human immortality, though several of them are 'false'. one of them is effectively accidental, and one essentially makes you into an Ascanded being on a level with a demigod.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Mack »

There's also the Lost Ones RCC, buried on p50 of Mercs within the description of The Dreamer.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Hell knight »

Mega heroes and villains can be immortal , and powers unlimited 2 offers a bunch of immortals . i know it is not rifts but throwing it out there.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Yllidor »

Thank you all for the clarifications and sources of possible immortals.

In general Immortal seems to go with supernatural, which seems fair.

Scarecrows, from Conversion Book 1, are said to be Immortal (and are Supernatural).

The Changeling Metamorph, from Rifter #10, ceases to age physically upon reaching level 9, and is a rare non-supernatural Immortal.

There are quite a few Immortals gracing the pages of Palladium Books various games.
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Re: Immortals?

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

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