Starship designs...

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Oh, and if 'Aurora-W' sounds too awkward in casual conversation about the ship....May I throw in an (aka..?) for an additional ship name?

Eischen...It was my working title for a UWW-aimed TW Aurora(only got as far as the basic intro fluff, so it's free for use)...It's a Scandinavian word for 'Aurora', and given the large Dwarf population in the UWW, I wouldn't be surprised if some of their languages bore a resemblance to Scandinavian ones. :wink:

And now, the latest offering from Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries:

PS/ASI ‘Kamayari’-class Heavy Cruiser
(aka ‘Greenblade’, ‘Stoneblade’, ‘Knightstick’ )

“Okay, that is so NOT FAIR. They’re not supposed to have ships like that.”
---Aleg Shabis, Jelia, Vivasanda Orbital Garrison, Golgan Argosy, after two USA Kamayari-class heavy cruisers openly approached the Golgan battle stations in orbit of the planet and demanded they disarm and allow the natives unimpeded trade and traffic with the rest of the Three Galaxies.

“We pushed the idea of a modular capital ship too fast with the Providence and it showed in a tangle of mismatched systems that began to break down and left too many gaps once it saw action. We tried to build a battleship on the cheap with the Joshua Nortons, using a heavy hauler as the basis, and it showed. The ideas of a modular heavy unit and a warship that can share parts with the mercantile fleet still have merit, especially with the current situation in the Systems Alliance, but we’re going to have to take it more carefully and not rush into things. Build on previous successes. Once we have a good sound base design, THEN we can start making big leaps of cutting edge.”
----Vestram Clayd, Senior Naval Architect, Project KNIGHT STICK

“It’s no secret that the United Systems Alliance gets a very good discount per unit for these new ships; the Alliance’s close relationship with its industries, even on those member worlds where business is king, and the recognition of their precarious position with regards to the galactic security situation, means that the defense contracts for new material aren’t quite the goudge-jobs we see from established old firms with locked-in favored status in the metroworlds. So expect the USA to be fielding these ships as quickly as they can train up the crews for them.”

“BAH! All this talk of the Providence’s weaknesses and problems is but a SMOKESCREEN! They built a good ship, too good, then they rolled them back into the orbital barns where they haven’t been seen since! Want to know why? The USA’s launching covert strikes against more powerful enemies, like the Sqaada or the Splugorth, and they want to use only their best units, but don’t want to advertise that their most powerful ships are being reshuffled! So they cook up this story about their new battlecruisers being drydock-queens, and to cover the holes in their deployments, they trot out this ‘conservative’ heavy cruiser design assembled from heavy freighter and Lafy parts! They cover their local committments, but don’t scare the powers like the Consortium or the Empire with their first-class units, which they can now deploy on their deep-rane black ops!”

“It’s an upgunned and up-armored Warshield with modularity tacked on. It’s what we expected as a likely trajectory for the GNEASF warship program. Telling them they shouldn’t have big ships just encourages them to make their own toys.”

Though quite successful with designing lighter warships, PS/ASI’s inexperience with designing larger warship classes was plagued with difficulty. Their first attempt at building a battleship on the cheap was a disaster mitigated only by the fact that the design was quickly re-designated a systems defense ‘arsenal ship’. The much-lauded and abysmally shipyard-bound Providence/Constitution class was launched with much fanfare...and promptly showed a plethora of bad choices, mismatched systems, and mounting teething problems, requiring the vessels to be held back in system defense roles, where they could be covered by garrison defenses in the event of difficulties. PS/ASI’s quest to build ‘the big guns’ had a tendency to substantial bumps and dips.
Though analysts with other organizations criticized PS/ASI’s ‘big ship obsession’, the company seemed determined to have claim to being able to produce the whole range of warship types, as a technical challenge if nothing else. More pragmatically, PS/ASI wanted to give the United Systems Alliance the indigenous ability to construct and service capital warships. Though allies such as WZT and the Corianus Typhen Rosette League, and even the UWW’s Gear, offered to sell PS/ASI hulls, GNE/USA officials were afraid that in the changing security climate of the Three Galaxies and beyond, relying on outside sources who might have to divert promised ships to their own needs in an emergency might endanger the Alliance’s security at a critical time.
Some light came, however, as PS/ASI struggled to come up with ways of plugging the holes in the USA’s fielded strength. PS/ASI’s mercantile fleet had been noted as being built to milspec, with the idea of upgrading them into merchant cruisers if and when the need arose. While the Joshua Norton(I) class had been a case of overreaching, PS/ASI naval architects saw promise in using the Weibbe Hayes class heavy transport. Critiqued as being overbuilt for a first effort, resulting in a transport more heavily armed and armored than some heavy cruisers, the Hayes had been intended as a heavy blockade runner at a time Greater New England lacked enough escort vessels to protect company shipments to beleaguered customers. With the partnership with WZT and the expansion of the United Systems Alliance, strength came with the Alliance Joint Command, and cost per unit soon won over the paranoia-spell of arming merchant cruisers like battlecruisers. Subsequent production runs of Weibbe Hayes were still well-armed and armored, but not at battle-strength levels; more could be produced and operate with a high degree of safety, even in pirate-infested spacelanes.
PS/ASI/GNEASF, however, quietly kept most of the ‘overbuilt’ first-run Hayes in reserve for special purposes, but also began looking at designing a proper heavy cruiser on its basis. The painful lessons of the Joshua Norton SSB in mind, as well as the ongoing Constitution-class revamps, Project KNIGHT STICK was initiated to give the United Systems Alliance a versatile, hard-hitting heavy unit using the strengths of previous and proven designs.
As a dedicated warship design, the Kamayari could justify having lucerin-fueled capital ship engines. These more powerful drivers allow for a noticeable increase in speed. Not fast enough in its ‘lean’ configuration to catch the top contenders like the Explorer or the Bindas, but faster than the Servitude and the Aranae, and definitely better than the TGE Smasher.
The Kamayari sacrifices the Weibbe Hayes’ large cargo bays and uses some of the allocated mass for additional armor and weaponry. The small craft hangars are retained, but the onboard complement of aerospace fighters has shifted in composition from escort types like the Hesperia and Almar to more powerful units like the StarTiger II, StarFox-B, and Raiju.
Armament-wise, the bristling point defense has been shaved to allow for the fitting of heavier and longer-ranged weaponry. The main particle beam cannon batteries have been replaced with faster-firing models and more of them, while the shorter-ranged secondary PBCs have been replaced with cruise- and long range missile launchers. The refitting of the CAF battleship Restoration reemphasized to the GNErs their own kinetics-heavy tactical doctrine, and so the Kamayari carries a sextet of heavy KEWCs loaded with both anti-ship slugs and antimissile/fighter fragmentation ammunition. The addition of two supplemental power reactors allows for the beefing up of shield strength, while the heavy(heavier than some battleships;) physical armor cladding is carried over from the Weibee Hayes’, which proved tough enough to tank multiple nuclear mines and missile strikes while running blockades to deliver supplies to beleaguered customers.
Building on the success of the LaFayette- and Pillara-class light cruisers, the Kamayari can carry two external secondary hull modules seconded from the production lines servicing those classes. The secondary hulls are mounted like aircraft ordnance pods on the angled-out ‘wings’ of the Kamayari ‘s hull, and are mounted farther apart than the Pillara’s under-hull placements. The modular hulls, while adding mass and slowing down the potential maximum top speed allowable with the revamped engines, removes the larger need for specialized missile- or heavy-gun cruisers since the Kamayari can be easily and quickly refitted for either role.
The first Kamayaris off the slipways have been immediately assigned to the AJC’s Frontier Defense Force, given the pressing need for available hulls to cover the organization’s many obligations. Still, once production ramps up, the angular knife-blade shape of the Kamayari is expected to become a familiar sight in Alliance Joint Command fleet formations and amongst the worlds of the frontier.

Type: PS/ASI-CG-18 Kamayari
Class: Heavy Cruiser
Crew: 390 crew +60 marines, 50 person air group
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 80,000
Bridge 10,000
Heavy Particle Beam Cannon Turrets(3) 1,000 each
Medium Laser Cannon Turrets(10) 400 each
Heavy KKC Gauss Turrets(6) 1,200 each
Cruise Missile Launchers(4) 1,200 each
Long Range Missile Launchers(4) 1,200 each
Medium Range Missile Turrets(10) 300 each
Point Defense Turrets(14) 150 each
Main Engines 40,000
Secondary Engines(2) 7,000 each
Sensor/Radiator Wings(3) 6,000 each
Secondary Sensor Arrays(2) 1,200 each
Hangar Bays(2) 12,000 each
Secondary Hulls(2) 12,000 each
*Variable Forcefields 8,000 per side, 48,000 total

*Shield Refresh Rate is 20% per melee

Height: 210 ft
Width: 480 ft
Length: 1,100 ft
Weight: 400,000 tons
Cargo: 10,000 tons
Powerplant: Lucerin-Fuelled Nuclear Fusion, w/ 30 year energy life
Auxiliary Fusion System
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 11( Mach 9 w/Secondary Hulls attached )
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.1% of light speed per melee)
Under auxiliary power, the ship can make Mach 7.
(FTL) 5.2 light years per hour
Market Cost:: 32 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Full Sensor Suite---Specialized sensor pallets include radiation detectors and counters, spectrographic analysis devices, gravitic sensors, electromagnetic activity readers, and optics packages.
*Long Range Radar---Phased Array Search and Early Warning Radars---Maximum Resolution Range of 4 million miles

*Gravitic Sensors----55 million mile range
*Neutrino Detection----55,000 mile range
*Tachyon Radar---3 million miles

*Communications Suite:---Long Range Radio and Video, including FTL- comm

*Laser Communications ---Tactical (i.e. ship-to fighter/shuttle)Range: 200,000 miles.--For tight-beam communications, ship to ship, or ship/surface. The Laser can even be modulated to the blue-green for communicating with submerged vehicles

*Optical Tracking Clusters----These are transparent blisters fitted with gimbal-mounted high-resolution visible-light/IR/UV optical telescopes that continually scan the arc of sky before them. Linked to the navigational arrays and other tracking sensors, and to a series of highly-sophisticated near-AI search and discrimination software systems, these sensors attempt to detect objects that have low radar returns/sensor signatures, such as stealthed vehicles, iceballs, or asteroids. The high-tech equivalent of the man in the crow’s nest with a pair of binoculars.

*Tractor Beams(4)--------Effectively each rated for 1,500 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass.
Range: 10 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)(Kitsune Values: 10,000 miles in space).

*ORACLE Mk V---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). Linkage to the Ectofiber Grid has increased the sensitivity and effectiveness of this system.
See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: 1,000 miles (1,610 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: detects the presence of magic if within detection range of ship and gives bearing on magic and basic range although not exact position. Detects active enchantments but will not generally detect spell casters in general.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected(requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 500,000 miles (805,000 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Detects the presence of Rifts (including those created by Rifts Drives) and unlike when detecting magic gives position very accurately.

Weapons Systems:
1)Heavy Particle Beam Cannon Turrets(3)---The long blades of the Kamayari are these three heavy PBCs. Improved power systems allow them to keep upa steady barrage on targets.
Range: 30 miles in atmosphere, 60 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 60 miles in atmosphere, 60,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD per single blast.
Rate of Fire: Once every melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Medium Laser Cannons(10, 3 each side, 4 rear)---These are powerful laser cannons, positioned to cover the sides and rear of the ship.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 20 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 20,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3)Heavy KKC Gauss Cannon(18; 6x3)----These are triple-cannon mounts firing variable warhead shells based on Paladin Steel’s earlier kinetic kill cannon ammunition.
Range: 40 miles in atmosphere, 80 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere, 40,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Exploding/Fragmenting Fletchette): 5d6x10 MD to anything caught in a 500 ft wide cone/’cloud’----Targets are -2 to dodge the ’shotgun spread’, +4d4x10 MD +250 ft per barrel.
(Penetrator): 2d6x100 MD per cannon, 4d6x100 MD for a dual burst, 6d6x100 MD for a triple burst
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 100 rds per cannon, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes( 500 tons ammunition storage, 1 ton of cargo per 12 rounds)

4) Cruise Missile Launchers(4)----Cargo bays were converted to give the Kamayari a respectable heavy missile salvo capability.
Range: Varies by missile type
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: From 1-10 missiles can be fired in one volley
Payload: 60 Cruise Missiles per launcher. Additional missiles may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 6 missiles)

5) Long Range Missile Launchers(4)----Similar to the CMLs, the LRM batteries have been added to give ‘missile spam’ abilities. The use of less sophisticated LRMs also allows the Kamayaris to resupply from frontier USA members who lack the ability to produce 3G cruise missiles, but who can manufacture LRMs. The launchers can also deploy a variety of countermeasure decoy, probe, and comm-drones.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 200 per launcher; additional missiles may be carried as cargo, and reloaded from storage.

6) Medium Range Missile Launchers(10 )---The Kamayari carries less than a quarter of the Weibbe Hayes’ massive array of MRMLs, in favor of KKCs and heavier missile launchers.
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload: 60 missiles total, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles)

7) Point Defense Turrets(14)---These are standard CCW-pattern dual laser/mini-missile launchers that have been installed for close-in defense.
Range: (Lasers) 4,000 ft in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere /200 miles in space)
(Mini-Missiles) 1 mile in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space)
Damage:(Lasers) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Lasers) EGCHH, or auto-fire; 6 attacks per melee
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1-8
Payload: (Rail Gun) Effectively Unlimited
(Mini-Missiles) 32 mini-missiles per turret; additional mini-missiles can be carried as cargo(typically takes 2d6 minutes to reload from the holds).
(Option)---The Mini-Missile launcher component of these turrets can be modified to fire the “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile. The missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching), owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Cost: 10,000 credits per missile

Auxiliary Craft:
8 shuttles
24 Fighters
20-60 Power Armors

*Secondary Hulls(2)---The Kamayari can be outfitted with double Secondary Hull Pods(the same as used by the LaFayette/Pillara cruisers) at the expense of some speed(reduce to Mach 10 if one is carried, but piloting skill is at -5%, and down to Mach 9 if two are carried, but no skill penalty).
---*’B’-Barracks Pod
---*’C’-Cargo Pod
---*’D’-Drive Pod----Additional engine section, boosting the ship’s sublight speed; if one is carried, it’s possible to carefully balance the thrust to boost the speed back up to 11, even with another secondary hull attached, but maneuvering/piloting skill is at -10% because of the off-balance). If TWO D-Pods are mounted, boost speed to Mach 16.
---*’E’-Escort Pod
---*’F’-Plasma Pod
---*’G’-Gravity Gun Pod
---* ‘H’-Hangar Pod
---*’I’-Ion Pod
---*’L’-Laser Pod
---*’M’-Missile Pod
---*’N’-’Net’ Pod
---*’O’- Medical Pod(aka ‘OR’)
---*’P’-Planetary Assault Pod
---*’S’-Sentry Pod
---*’T’---Tender Pod
---*’U’---’Universal’ or ‘Unknown’ Pod(science pod)

*PS/ASI-CG-18D(x)---It is rumored that several Kamayaris have been refitted with the same advanced hull plating as the Tmelain/WZT WZ-LS-003-TA(advanced) Cachalot Landing/Battleships. Supposedly, even beyond this added protection, ASI/WZT engineers have mounted an advanced energy absorption/repurposing system based on the Angel fighter, allowing the cruisers to absorb incoming fire, then use it to enhance their own defense fields of energy weapons.
Reports of the -CG-18D(x) project differ; while most agree that the Syzite-hulled Kamayaris certainly are possible and exist, most likely deployed to special Expeditionary Force Reserve squadrons, the energy-redirection refits are less certain, but if they DID exist, such ships would be truly fearsome against rank and file energy weapon-dependent opponents.
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus;

*Syzite-Crystal composite armor---First pioneered on the tiny Atom Light Fighter, this advanced armor comes in the form of overlapping flat crystalline ‘cells’ bonded together by fiber-conduits that help transfer and disperse energy from weapons attacks, reducing the damage. This effectively works to render the ship’s hull resistant to ENERGY weapons, such as lasers, ion, plasma, and particle beams(do HALF damage). However, magic attacks and kinetic attacks(rail guns, explosive missiles, meteors, etc.) do FULL damage. If the ship’s hull takes more than 70% overall damage, the dispersion network is compromised and energy attacks revert to full damage.
Note also that the Syzite-Crystal incidentally renders the ship INVULNERABLE to energy disruption attacks such as its Ion Mega Cannon and directed EMP assaults.

*Energy Absorber Panels----These massive panels, interlaced with the main hull armor, are composed of a crystalline matrix and conformal forcefield that actually absorbs and diverts weapons energy into re-tasked energy for the fighter’s own systems. This system actually ABSORBS incoming enemy laser, ion, and particle beam weapons fire and reduces its damage by 75%...the next melee, HALF of the damage initially rolled is applied to one of the following: Forcefield MDC(point to point increase, and the additional MDC can be retained for 4 melees/1 minute), energy weapons(increase damage by 1 MD per 2 MD inflicted/absorbed and/or range by 100 ft per 1 MD of damage inflicted/ can only be held for 4 melees/1 minute or else re-tasked ), or speed(boost base speed by 10% per 50 MD of energy weapon damage; effects are sustained only for 4 melees/1 minute). The system is ineffective against plasma, rail guns, and projectile weaponry, as well as magic(does FULL damage). The only other limitation is that it cannot handle more than 12,000 MD per melee(so a barrage attack doing 3d6x1,000 MD per blast would do full damage).
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Starship designs...

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Omegasgundam wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:okay, I will make the question clearer.
Omegasgundam wrote: ...I think keeping a years worth of antimatter on a ship is idiotic...

Why are you, going off topic, by equating 'Fuel' to 'Anti-Matter' here when the reactor being talked about is a fusion reactor?

Or were you doing an 'explaining' why you chose to have fusion reactors instead of the AM power sources before you answered the question, & thus making the comment out of context?

I was commenting on Palladium having most of their Phase Worlds vehicles be antimatter powered. Even the Power Armor. Which fight on planets. With people on them. In relatively close proximity.

The ships I designed for port-betrayal RT were Fusion powered too. I did post them over in the RT Forum....but they got no love and are probity gone now.

Carry On
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[
The ships I designed for port-betrayal RT were Fusion powered too. I did post them over in the RT Forum....but they got no love and are probity gone now.

Carry On

LOT of RT stuff didn't get love. I remember the 'Masters Win' timeline as well.
Part of the problem was the way the 1st edition managed the original material, and the whole '2nd Invid Invasion' really didn't fly with me.
And, too, there were the posting limitations lest we anger the HG lawyers.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Starship designs...

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I think there was only one or maybe two RT items in the rifters. Stunt pilot if my memory serves me rightly.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:PS/ASI ‘Kamayari’-class Heavy Cruiser
(aka ‘Greenblade’, ‘Stoneblade’, ‘Knightstick’ )

That's more or less what I would expect out for a ship with that displacement, as far as capabilities go. The raw beam power looks a bit light at first glance, but the Heavy KKCs more than make up for it. Gun MDC seems low though. The pod options can fill in the holes in its other capabilities. The fluff mentioned the USA getting a major discount from the list price, which makes the 32B states to be semi-plausible if their selling into a barren market. Still a bit close to a Protector, but if you assume the CAF like 3x price gouging its closer to 10, which is believable.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Moving on from the named powers, I will now post ships that are rather generic in origin. All those pirate ships have to come form somewhere, and these seem like good fits for what they need. As normal, they are reinterpretations of Kitsune's creations. I'll do some generic PA and ASFs next.

Independent ‘Harrier’ and ‘Kestrel’ class Corvettes
“If you spend any amount of time on an meaningful anti-piracy patrol, you will be very familiar with the little bastards. The Kestel is far more common due to the greatly reduced headache of getting LRMs as opposed to CMs, and it can still easily intimidate most merchantmen into showing the white flag. It’s too small to have a boarding party, so they call in a second ship to take possession, usually a passenger transport that they stole or captured at the start of their careers. The larger groups use them as dumping grounds for those with questionable loyalty, being easy enough for a larger ship to see off if they turn traitor, and there's a few ways to remotely lock out the missile launchers if you think of it ahead of time. They’re also generally the first to run when the hammer gets brought down, so it's not unusual for hulls to have served with a half dozen or so flotillas before their luck finally runs out.”
----Captain Captain Vicen Trancluw, CAF

The Harrier and Kestrel are blanket names that the CAF uses to refer to a widely duplicated family of Automaton War era light attack ships that were used by both the Humans and the Machines. My modern standards, they use primarily near civilian systems, making them much easier to construct by lesser powers, giving them a method of providing their own defensive needs. This also makes them reasonably common among pirates, as it doesn’t take much to disable one and take it for yourself. Their sole anti-ship armament is forward firing missile batteries in the central body, with the Harrier having a single CML while the Kestrel is equipped with twin LRMLs. This makes them entirely dependent on munitions for combat relevance, but it makes them much cheaper to make.

The original Harrier was effectively the HA’s equivalent to the TGE’s Berserker, they were used in swarm attacks against isolated opponents, and were quick and easy to construct. The Humans used them because their remaining facilities could produce them, and the Machines used them because they were considered cost effective. Refined tactics and improved starfighters would contest the later, and the Machines would repurpose the production facilities to build the more defensive Kestrel. The lessons learned from these engagements would remain with the HA fleet, and lead to their ability to counter the TGE’s massed Berzerker swarms several centuries later. Today, it is only built by those that have their own production of Cruise Missiles, as the weapons are difficult to acquire in great numbers even if you are an officially recognized government.

The Kestrel replaces the Harrier’s single Cruise Missile Launcher with paired LRM Launchers. Originally intended to counter massed CM salvoes, it would be repurposed as a defensive platform against early Aerospace Fighters such as the first generation Scorpion. The Humans would be the primary user early on, but the Machines would shift their focus to it as the Human’s superiority in ASFs became more and more telling. Both the original Harriers and the Kestrels would quickly vanish once the war was over, with the cheaply built hulls falling apart within a few decades, but the basic designs would become near open source by the time the Consortium was founded.

Compared to these early models, the recent ships are of substantially higher quality in terms of construction, if for no other reason than to meet basic safety standards. The armor is at the intersection between the high-end of civilian spec and the low-end of military spec, being easily available if you represent a formal political entity. The one true military component is the Variable Force Field, which first appeared on the Hunter Destroyer and has since been copied by countless others. As the ships lack any form of anti-ship energy weapon, powering it is just barely within the capabilities of the reactor, and it grants the ship a meaningful amount of survivability if it chooses not to close to knife fighting range.
Type: A-FFL-05-A “Harrier” class

Class: (Harrier) Attack Corvette.

Crew: 14 (2 Officers)

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Main Body-------------------2,800
    Engine Cluster---------------800
    Cruise Missile Launcher-------800
    Point Defense Turrets (4):---150 each
    MM Launchers (2)-----------100 each
    Variable Force Field:---------1000 per facing (6,000 total)

    Height: 237.85 feet (72.5 meters).
    Width: 85.96 feet (26.2 meters).
    Length: 124.02 feet (37.8 meters).
    Weight: 2,500 tons (2,288.0 metric tons).

Cargo: 100 tons (90.72 metric tons) of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

Powerplant: Advanced Fusion with a 20 year life span

    (Atmosphere) Mach 1.8 (1,370.3 mph/2,205.1 kph) and is fully transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 9 in space.
    (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .9% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4.5 light years per hour

Market Cost: The typical construction price is around $280 million, and goes between $400 million and $600 million when available. Variants with better systems naturally cost more.

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems

Weapons Systems:
    1) Cruise Missile Launcher: Similar to than on the Warshield, but it only has two reloads. The smaller size of the ship means that they are reloaded before the next melee round however.

    2) PD Turrets (4): Are commonly equipped with two of each of the following. Each can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.
      a) EM Railgun: As on the Hunter, but half the payload.

      b) Dual Lasers: As on the Hunter

    3) MM Launchers (4): As on the Warshield

Auxiliary Craft:

    * A-FFL-06-E “Kestrel” Escort Corvette: The Kestrel replaces the CML with paired LRMLs, each with 600 MDC.
      1) LRM Launchers (2): As on the Warshield, but 96 LRMs each, for a total of 192.

    There are countless minor configurations with better systems, but most don’t bother considering how expendable it is.

Independent ‘Huntress’ Light Cruiser
“While ASI gets some flack for trying to match the Warshield so quickly, their ships could be far worse. Just look at the Huntress. It focuses too much into shoehorning a pair of Capital Lasers into as small a hull as possible that it's fighting with a handicap from the get go. If one of the turrets is taken out, that’s damn near half the overall anti-ship power gone right there, and they’re not all that hard to hit if you know what you’re doing. Its parasites are also lacking, and are really only there to provide a marginal amount of defense against ASFs.”
---- Captain Captain Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“The Huntress is at a really awkward spot in terms of mass, being much larger than what anybody is willing to call a frigate, but smaller than what is considered acceptable for a Light Cruiser. Most would call it an Escort Cruiser, but it's honestly not that great at that due to its weapon choices. It doesn’t have the power budget to do more than feed the Cap Lasers and the VFF, so the secondary armaments are effectively nonexistent outside of the LRMs. It's dead meat against a squadron of fighters, assuming they’re on the ball with intercepting incoming missiles or a flight of them is armed with Tachyons, and a single 6-pack of Berzerkers would tear one to pieces easily. The range on the cap lasers means it’ll likely take out one or two on its way down, but that's an acceptable exchange for the TGE.”
---- Anonymous, General Galaxy Analysis Department

“Most of the yahoo nations that build a Huntress really just want something bigger and scarier than a Destroyer to wave the flag, and possibly lead small flotillas to do some saber rattling. Anybody with a meaningful navel tradition would know that it's not that effective against an actual Cruiser. The real problem comes from the fact that it's reasonably easy for pirates to get their hands on, as once its parasites are taken out it's easy to have some Phase Cannon armed fighters wipe out the personnel in the bridge and engineering section, which will stop the rest of getting to the self destruct. And once they get their hands on it, Pirates just love the Huntress, because it can scare the **** out of any merchantman that’s not a fleet auxiliary in disguise, and has enough room to bring a few boarding parties along.”
----- Anonymous, AJC Fleet Intelligence

Nobody is exactly clear on just where the Huntress originally came from, but it seems to be loosely based on a few early Human Alliance designs that were phased out and scraped before the Automaton War. Often described as ‘trying to shove a cruiser into an oversized frigate hull’, the Huntress is not thought of as being a very effective design, lacking the support systems to actually make use of its strengths. However, the construction files have been widely proliferated across the Three Galaxies, resulting in it being arguably the most common ship larger than a frigate in the service of independent powers. Both the CAF and Imperial Armada are dismissive of it, and most experts consider them not entirely wrong to do so.

While most would immediately point to its weapon systems as being the core problem, the biggest issue in practice is its poor sensors, which often leave it near blind. Many operators go to great efforts to fix this, but by default the Huntress is easily ambushed, which is ironic given its name. After that, its lack of secondary weapons is a critical failing, as it lacks any good means of attacking massed fighters once its LRMs are depleted. It’s point defenses are considered reasonable for its size, and it can hold up to 20 Power Armors and a flight of Light ASFs, but those are stop gap solutions generally. In most engagements, a single Smasher can easily defeat a Huntress based on its greater speed and far larger parasite compliment.

Of all its operators who know better, the only ones that truly like the Huntress are pirates, who like that it has enough long range firepower threaten light convoys into submission, and has a meaningful marine compliment to conduct boarding actions. As legitimately capable Light ASFs are often difficult to come by for criminals, they are often replaced by an array of light shuttlecraft, which also solves the problem of how to get the marines to the targets. While not particularly fast, the Huntress is faster than nearly all economical freighter designs, allowing them to be run down in good order. The Huntress is popular enough among pirates that there are several groups that specialize in capturing Huntresses for their peers, often being the masterminds behind multi-sector guilds that give them a cut of the booty.
Type: Varies

Class: Escort / Light Cruiser

Crew: 140 (16 Officers, 124 enlisted), 12 Fighter Pilots, 20 Power Armor Troopers, 60 Standard Marines.

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Main Body-----------------------------20,000
    Engines (2)----------------------------7,500 each
    Hanger Bay----------------------------4,000
    Capital Lasers Turret (2)---------------1,200 each
    LRM Launchers (2)---------------------600 each
    PD Turrets (12)------------------------150 each
    MM Launchers (8)---------------------100 each
    Variable Force Fields-------------------3,000 per side (18,000 total)

    Height: 116.47 feet (35.5 meters)
    Width: 179.13 feet (54.6 meters)
    Length: 508.53 feet (155.0 meters)
    Weight: 49,604 tons (45,000 metric tons)

Cargo: 2204.62 tons (2,000 metric tons)

Powerplant: Advanced Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover up to Mach 1 (741.5 mph / 1,193.3 kph), transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 8.5
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .85% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible

Market Cost: Generally costs around $800 million to construct, and sells for between $1.2 and $2.0 billions due to the scarcity of Cruiser scale warships, even small ones. Mill-spec sensors generally add $300 million to the price tag.

Systems of Note:
    Standard (Large Civilian) Starship Systems

Weapons Systems:
    1) Capital Laser Turrets (2): As on the Warshield. Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 60 arc of fire

    1) LRM Launchers (2): As on the Warshield, but with 96 LRMs available each, for a total of 192.

    3) PD Turrets (12): Similar to the Harrier/Kestral, it usually mounts half of each of the following. Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire
      a) EM Railgun: As on the Hunter, but half the payload.

      b) Dual Lasers: As on the Hunter

    4) MM Launchers (8): As on the Warshield

Auxiliary Craft:
    *6 Light Fighters
    *20 Power Armors

    Being so prolific, there are countless alternative configurations, the most common of which upgrade the sensors to full mil-spec. This is followed by replacing the PD weapons with modern ones.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:
taalismn wrote:PS/ASI ‘Kamayari’-class Heavy Cruiser
(aka ‘Greenblade’, ‘Stoneblade’, ‘Knightstick’ )

That's more or less what I would expect out for a ship with that displacement, as far as capabilities go. The raw beam power looks a bit light at first glance, but the Heavy KKCs more than make up for it. Gun MDC seems low though. The pod options can fill in the holes in its other capabilities. The fluff mentioned the USA getting a major discount from the list price, which makes the 32B states to be semi-plausible if their selling into a barren market. Still a bit close to a Protector, but if you assume the CAF like 3x price gouging its closer to 10, which is believable.

Upped the main and secondary battery MDC.
Yeah, it's a brick, but its daddy ran blockades without escort. It's like an old-fashioned battleship compared to a modern thin-skinned cruiser.
"Built Paladin Steel TOUGH, by altruistic idealistic paranoids!"
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Moar Kitsune, but this time it's dumbed down. This one provides all the fighter jocks of the galaxy with something to shoot at, with no rhyme or reason for why they exist.

Independant MSX-32 ‘Venom’ Light Starfighter
“We don’t know who’s making the things, but the Venom shows up in the hangers of nearly every pirate group that can find them. Although more often it's the other way around if interrogations are anything to go by. The Venom is objectively worse than just about any CG using ASF, but apparently whoever is supplying accepts payment in the form of loot, which is generally more than you can get out of a fence. Performance is more in line with a heavy ASF than a light, which is why you’re not going to see it show up among anybody with legitimate access to military designs. It’s a basic missile truck, and anybody that tries to use it differently is going to pay for it. Against essentially any military craft, it’s a kill mark waiting to happen.”
---- Captain Captain Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“The Venom is actually based on a failed competitor to the original Scorpion, all the way back in the Automaton War. The Scorpion Effect is what guarantied that it would lose out, but it wasn’t a worthwhile craft even at the time. The original had some MM bays under the wings, but the Venom has replaced them with hard points. Interestingly, the original heavy EM gun was replaced with a pair of lights to make room for the hard points under the belly, which makes it a marginal strike craft. It's still suicidal to fly though.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”Whoever is making the Venom has some serious industrial grunt and a good distribution chain, because the CAF has managed to account for a silly large number of them across the entirety of the Three Galaxies. It's only virtue is that it exists and can haul 8 LRMs or 16 MRMs, which is enough to scare civilians into submission and take out light escorts. Intel has gotten nada for trying to track the manufacturer down, and even the exotic kit is coming up blank. It's like the damn things just show up from the ether at the behest of some joker who wants there to be things to shoot at or something.”
---- USA Internal Memo

The existence of the Venom is one of the persistent mysteries of the Three Galaxies, because there is no known manufacturer despite the millions that have been destroyed by government forces. While most consider it to be barely worthy of being called an aerospace fighter due to its profound lack of just about everything, the Venom is by far the most prolific craft in the known worlds, because virtually every pirate band in existence can get their hands on it in short order. Just who they buy it from varies wildly from account to account, but no dealer has ever been captured alive, which is suspicious in and of itself. More than a century ago, the GSA posted a standing Billion Credit bounty for discovering where the hell they come from, but nobody has been able to find anything conclusive. The ISB is similarly vexed, but is content in that the FWC does not seem to have been contacted by the dealers. The FWC would likely buy them simply because they were available, but only if they didn't expect to send them up against anything with even a trace of fighter cover.

There is serious debate among the galactic starfighter community whether killing a Venom is worthy of a mark, because they are simply so easy to deal with. They are fragile, slow, unmaneuverable, lacking in firepower, and are generally flown by people that would have flunked out of flight school. The current consensus is that those that have already used their missiles against others do not, those with missiles but not smart ones only count if you use your guns, and ones with smart missiles generally do unless they were complete idiots.
Type: MSX-32

Class: Light Interceptor / Strike Fighter.

Crew: 1

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • EM Railguns (2)--------30 each
    Wings (2)-------------180 each
    Main Body-------------360
    Reinforced Cockpit-----100
  • Length: 36.42 feet (11.1 meters).
    Height: 13.45 feet (4.1 meters).
    Width: 27.56 feet (8.4 meters) wings folded / 35.43 feet (10.8 meter) unfolded.
    Weight: 7.50 tons (6.8 tonnes) empty / 11.24 tons (10.2 tonnes) fully loaded.
Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 4 year duration.

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 5.8 w/o pylons, Mach 3.8 with, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 12.5 w/o pylons, Mach 10 with
    • (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1.2%/1.0% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Venom is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Venom is NOT designed for underwater operations
Market Cost: The dealers ask for a round $12 million in stolen goods for a single fighter, and will give discounts of up to 20% if buying a full squadron of 24 or more. This is substantially less than even the most generous analysis gives of its production cost.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Spacecraft Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) EM Railguns (2): Equal to those on the Flying Fang, but 60 bursts each.

    2) Heavy Missile Pylons (2): May hold 1 CM, 2 LRM, or 4 MRM

    3) Medium Missile Pylons (4): May hold 1 LRM, 2 MRM, or 16 MM
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Re: Starship designs...

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Omegasgundam wrote:I'll handle this.

Check your PMs.

Is still watching my PMs for you to explain the why taalismn has two sets of distance units. Since you said you'd handle doing the explaining.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Starship designs...

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thank you
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Starship designs...

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*PS/ASI-SFG27 Spencer Interstellar Frigate


(aka ‘Double Servce’, ‘Frankenshield’, ‘GyroSpencer’)
“Lookit’em! Turnng their maneevering engines twards us, like ‘e thinks he can get away from us in THAT tub!”
“-those aren’t maneuvering engines!”

“What the HELL?! The ship that looks like a warship is really a freighter, and the freighter is really a WARSHIP? What the hell is wrong with these Greeners?!”
“ wanna tell him about the furniture that attacked us?”

“The Forge and Minion Wars were a golden time for pirates in the Three Galaxies. Afterwards, once the various star polities got to rebuilding their forces and got their feet back under them? Not so much. A good many pirate bands that had been living the high life only a couple of years previously up and disappeared, but for maybe a blazoned hull plate turning up in some salvage yard. The wars had sharpened the blades of a good many militaries who had tasted real war for the first time in centuries, and they were eager to apply their new knowledge and weapons to dealing with perennial pests with finality.”

A sign of the GNEASF/AJC’s success in combating piracy in the Three Galaxies was the number of ex-pirate vessels that began appearing in orbital impound and salvage yards. Though a number of these vessels would be reconditioned and returned to their original owners(if the vessels had been stolen and the victims identified), donated to system defense forces, or else siphoned off for use by black-ops units, the majority of pirate vessels were in no condition to be returned to service of any sort. In the case of this latter category, the AJC only bothered hauling the ships across interstellar distances to remove navigation hazards and keep the wrecks from being plundered for parts by other vultures. In their ‘waste not, want not’ culture, the GNE(and by extension, the resource-pinching worlds of the United Systems Alliance) would recycle aerospace systems, utilizing what they could to other ships and purposes, and consigning what was left to the breakers and recycling furnaces. This left them with piles of spare parts that, even with the costs of inspection and refurbishment, came at a steep discount.
So it came to be that the USA found itself with a large number of ‘Huntress’-class cruisers awaiting disposal, some of which sported some pretty good weapons, albeit mounted on insufficient hulls.
The Spencer was a good Q-ship platform, but suffered from a lack of weapons range, and once pirates ID’ed it, could remain safely out of range of its ‘knife-fighter’ weapons. As many Spencers suffered grievously to Huntress-equivalents in this manner, local-system PS/ASI engineers saw an opportunity to revamp some battle-damaged Spencers back into service using refurbished parts salvaged from impounded Huntresses.
The first move was to replace the single Lasser-style heavy laser cannon with TWO Warshield-grade heavy lasers taken from breaker-bound Huntresses. To make best use of these powerful weapons, they built new gun positions on the sides of the ship, and their mountings disguised as large repositionable deep space/asteroid-tug maneuvering engines, giving the heavy lasers full arcs of fire around the frigate. While many felt that mounting cruiser-rated guns on a frigate was simply recapitulating the original mistakes of the Huntress concept, the fact of the matter was the Spencer had the mass for it(and even added a little extra mass).
Taking advantage of the space opened up by the removal of the main laser cannon in the central hull, a second massdriver cannon has been added to the axial armament bay, doubling the kinetic punch. In a nod to earlier complaints about the lack of missile armaments, a long range missile launcher has also been added, the launcher also salvaged from Huntress hulks.
The other transplanted system was the forcefield generators, giving the Spencer additional protection. The Spencer already had military sensors, so upgrades there were not necessary.
While not considered a perfect solution(the Spencer-G, despite being bigger, carries less armor than the Huntress), the ‘Gyro-Spencer’ is still considered good enough for system defense and anti-pirate work, and is both marginally faster and less expensive than new construction Huntresses. The Spencer-G still counts on surprising an opponent, but at least it now has the means to keep an opponent who shows early signs of suspicion at greater than knife-fighting range.


MDC/Armor by Location:
Heavy Laser Turrets(2) 1,300 each
Long Range Missile Launcher(1) 600
Variable Forcefield 3,000 per side, 18,000 total

Height: 200 ft
Width: 300 ft
Length: 650 ft
Weight: 175,000 tons
Cargo: 3,000 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion, w/ 50 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 9
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.9% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5 light years per hour
Market Cost: 420 million credits---+230 million for the upgrade
Weapons Systems:
1)Heavy Lasers(2, lateral turrets)--- The Spencer-G mounts two heavy laser cannons in lateral turrets.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 100 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x1,000 per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Heavy Massdriver Cannon(2)---Mounted where the main laser cannon originally was are two coaxial massdrivers. Besides firing slug-style KEWs, the MC can fire fragmentation rounds, nuclear shells, and even missile-bundles, adding great versatility to the vessel.
Range: 30 miles in atmosphere, 90 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 90 miles in atmosphere, 90,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Kinetic Penetrator) 3d6x100 MD to 30 ft radius
(Multi-Munition Fragmentor) 3d6x10 MD to 300 ft radius
(Heavy Plasma) 2d6x100 MD to 150 ft blast radius
(Missile Cluster)---This fires, albeit at a slower rate of acceleration, a ‘bus’ carrying a volley of missiles. Once clear of the ship, or after a suitable interval, the missiles light off and continue under their own guidance and propulsion. The Spencer can fire volleys of 12 mini-missiles, 6 short range missiles, 3 medium range missiles, or one long range/cruise missile in this manner.
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: 100 shells per cannon. Additional shells may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(3 shells per ton of cargo)

3) Secondary Laser Battery(4)---Unchanged
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere/ 40,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per single blast,
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

4) Rail Guns(4)---Unchanged
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere,40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere/ 40,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per 80 rd burst
(Exploding/Fragmenting Fletchette): 2d4x10 MD to anything caught in a 120 ft wide cone/’cloud’----Targets are -2 to dodge the ’shotgun spread’
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 32,000 rds(400 bursts) per cannon

5) Laser/Mini-Missile PDS Turrets(8 )----Unchanged

6) Long Range Missile Launcher(1)---Another weapon lifted and refurbished from impounded Huntresses. Volleys of 1-32, with 96 LRMs ready to fire.

Auxiliary Craft:
4 Shuttles
12 Aerospace Fighters

*PS/ASI/WZT -SC210 ‘Usagi’ Transports

“Damn, but I think I heard the usans are using me ol’ ship the -Glorious Bastard- as a mail ship these days.”

Ironically, while PS/ASI was up-gunning its Spencer Q-frigates with parts taken from Huntress-class light cruisers, they were also reassembling a number of Huntresses from multiple other hulks and converting them into fast transports.
The ‘Usagis’(the original favored project name was ‘Diane’, but apparently somebody in the Greek Pantheon objected) trade the heavy guns and missile launchers for cargo space. The point defense and medium-range missile launchers are kept , and the problematic sensors upgraded to milspec, allowing the ships to spot trouble before commercial sensors can. Because of this, the cargo-conversion Huntresses/Usagis often act as the lead ships of mercantile convoys, though they tend to attract more than their fair share of attention from pirates mistaking them for light cruisers and/or wanting to add the ‘Huntresses’ to their ranks. In fact, in this capacity, they ‘ve become so familiar to enough rim-worlds that haven’t yet seen an original Huntress that, having seen the latter for the first time, have expressed surprise that anybody would mar a Usagi by up-gunning them in such haphazard way.
While not the most economical cargo carriers to operate by their mass and military systems, Usagis are more durable than Carpathias and look more intimidating.

Cargo: 8,000 tons
Market Cost: Generally costs about 400 million credits, even with the milspec systems tacked on. Really, only the labor costs for assembling these ‘frankenships’ from hangar-queen hulks.
Systems of Note:
*Upgraded Sensors---The Usagis now carry proper milspec sensors appropriate to light cruiser category vessels.
Weapons Systems:
Remove all but the PDS and MRMLs. Some sub-variants increase PDS and MRML numbers by as much as 50%, or enlarge the hangar bay to carry a full dozen fighters.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Both look exactly like something the GNE/USA would do. I will pretend yours ships use the modular mounts that I am trying to force in came up with, and will mentally substitute them. I'm currently on a 'generic PA' kick right now, but I have at least one ASF here, so it fits in this thread.

Inspired by Kitsune’s version of standardizing the knock-off Silverhawk.
Independent SC-MM-100 ‘Stormcrow’ Space Combat Exoskeleton
”The Stormcrow is by far the most common knockoff of the Silverhawk, as it's reasonably close in terms of performance and produced by a bunch of cutthroats without any respect for the concept of Intellectual Property. The styling is generally similar, but the head, rifle, and missile pods are the big tells that it's not the original. Actual flight performance is more or less identical, but the weapons are more of a downgrade than not. It's more or less as capable in a dogfight, but less handy at boarding. Any PA is better than no PA, and the rifle and speed put it ahead of the basic Warlord, but you get what you pay for otherwise.”
----Major Philip Fredette, CAF

“Even without the disruptor, the Stomcrow is less handy at boarding than you’d think at first glance. Setting aside the difficulty of getting there, its hand to hand performance is just that little bit less, the wrist guns are problematic to deal with due to the magazines, and the need for a capacitor really hurts the rifle. Additionally, you’d be surprised just how fast 50 grenades can be burned through. The lack of stealth features also make it much less useful for CovOps. I’ve had to use these things a few times, and let me tell you, they are major disappointments for anybody that take’s the Hawk for granite.”
----Colonel Vlar Reltish, CAF Ground Forces

”A big part of the attractiveness of the Stromcrow, other than the availability, is the cost. If you include an N-40 Force Field, it costs more or less half that of an upgraded Silver Eagle, which allows you to field double the units on the same equipment budget. Getting enough pilots is another matter, but the people that want numbers are generally those willing to lose a notch or two in individual performance. We see a lot of them float around between minor planets with tight budgets, as well as mercenary groups. And then there’s the pirates, who have their own reasons to have a cheap alternative to an ASF that can do some boarding.”
---- Anonymous, GSA Analysis

As the premier space use power armor in the Three Galaxies, the Silverhawk has been endlessly emulated and knocked off. The Stormcrow is the most prolific, with the manufacturing files distributed (willingly or not) across most of known space. Countless small firms produce local examples, with most sticking to the basic design. While a straight downgrade is essentially all respects, the Stormcrow does retain the flight performance, which is the single most important aspect in the eyes of most. The armor is generally substantially less and the exoskeleton is substantially weaker, but it does have slightly greater burst firepower at close range.

One of the more curious changes is to the Multi-Rifle, which has seen the role and capabilities of the Hi-Laser and Particle Beam essentially swap places. While this does result in slightly higher average beam power, the power draw is substantially more than what the suit can provide, forcing the now short range Hi-Laser to work on a capacitor system. The ammunition supply to the grenade launcher has also been reduced, and can be burned through quickly when firing burts. The ‘Six-Shooters’ have been replaced with mounted GR-45s, which have much less ammunition due to their magazine loading system. The one meaningful improvement in the slight increase in missile capacity, which gives it a bit more punch in the initial exchange.

Naturally, the Stormcrow is at its best when it is up against opponents that are even worse, which is the vast majority of space use PA in the Three Galaxies. While a downgrade from the Silverhawk, it remains in what most consider to be the top 20 or so designs, and there is a substantial drop from them to the top 50. The Free Worlds Council Liberator just barely makes it into this category due to its relatively high durability and sustained firepower, while the Warlock IV does not. The larger and slower Warhammer has earned a spot in the top 10 with its armor and firepower, and naturally the Silverhawk does as well.
Type: SC-MM-1000

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Wing/MM Launchers (2)----120 Each (+20)
    Shoulder Plates (2)--------80 each (-20)
    Forearm Grav Pistols (2)---30 each
    Arms (2)------------------90 each (-30)
    Legs (2)------------------120 each (-30)
    Head---------------------80 (-20)
    Main Body----------------300 (-120)
    CG Propulsion System-----160 (-40)

    Height: 8.86 feet (2.7 meters).
    Width: 12.47 feet (3.8 meters) including wings and 4.92 feet (1.5 meters) for the chassis of the power armor.
    Length: 4.59 feet (1.4 meters) including Contra-Grav flight pack.
    Weight: 1,102.3 lbs (500 kg).

Speed: As Silverhawk

Physical Strength: Equal to Robotic P.S. 40. Can lift and carry up to 1000 lbs (450 kg).

Power System: As Silverhawk

Market Cost: Costs an average of around 1.8 million credits. Available on Phase World as well as a large number of ports around the Three Galaxies.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Combi-Rifle:
      Range: (P-Beam) 8000 ft in atmosphere (2440 meters), 2x in space
        (Hi-Laser) 3000 ft in atmosphere (914 meters) 2x in space
        (Grenade Launcher) 2000 ft in atmosphere (610 meters) 2x in space
      Mega-Damage: (P-Beam) 2D4x10
        (Hi-Laser) 3D6x10+20
        (Combi-Shot) 4D6x10+40
        (Grenade Launcher) varies by grenade
      Rate of Fire: ECHH. The Grenade Launcher can fire 3 rounds bursts.
      Payload: (P-Beam) Effectively Unlimited
        (Hi-Laser) 20 Shot capacitor, 1 shot ever 30 seconds (2 melees)
        (Grenade Launcher) 50

    2) Wing Mini-Missile Launcher (2): As Silverhawk, but +2 missiles on each wing.

    3) Forearm Grav Pistols (2):
      Range: 800 feet (244 m) in an atmosphere.
      Mega-Damage: Single round inflicts 2D6 and a three round burst inflicts 5D6. If the person has paired weapons energy pistols, can do up to 1D6x10 per attack (six rounds total).
      Rate of Fire: ECHH. PW: EP counts as one attack
      Payload: 54 rounds (18 bursts) per magazine. Carries four additional magazines for gravity rail gun pistol as standard.

    4) Hand to Hand: As Robotic PS 40.

Training Bonuses :As Silverhawk, but reduce Parry, Dodge, and Roll bonuses by 1

    Typically, the first thing bought is a Naruni Forcefield, and many come with an N-40 by default.

Based on Kitsune’s creations.
Independent WHR-4-MM ‘Warhammer’ Combat Strike Exoskeleton
”The thing is to forget about using it in space beyond anything but boarding and base assault. It’s too slow to do anything against an actual fast mover, so don’t even try. The trick is to think of it as a small ground-support gunship, which is its real strength. The Warhammer has a silly number of MMs and lots of protection, so it's perfect for dealing with infantry and light vehicles. I don’t have much personal experience with them, strange as that may be, but I’m sure that Vlar has a lot of stories about them from both sides of the equation.”
----Major Philip Fredette, CAF

“Ah, the Whammy. I’ve had a lot of good experiences with that slab of iron. It’s almost as slow as pre-CG flying PAs, but damn if it doesn’t have firepower. You can easily replace the gun with a Multi-Rifle off the Silverhawk for more gun power, but the EM-Rifle is usually the best pick against energy resistant foes. It's generic enough that nobody bats an eye at you using one, other than bringing a PA in the first place, and there are enough variants you can do almost anything to it modification wise and get away with it. It's easy enough to maintain in the field, and the launchers will take damn near anything that can fit. The downside is that it's a nightmare to run into when you're on foot, which has happened to me a few times. Fortunately my team has a powerful Noro that can do a quick psi-cripple, so I haven’t lost any friends to them yet.”
----Colonel Vlar Reltish, CAF Ground Forces

”While the similarities with the Striker SAMAS are obvious, that’s because the basic idea of a flying PA with a heaping load of missiles is that simple. The Warhammer is a classic case of form-follows-function, and that function is to dump 28 mini-missiles in a single salvo on some poor bastard’s ass, and hopefully be able to take a similar amount of punishment in return. Most of the AJC units that aren’t fully equipped by PS or other domestic industries use it to some degree or another. Many of them swap to more cost effective McMs, which are generally regarded as being more cost and mass effective than the larger guided rockets.”
---- Anonymous, GNE Analysis

The ubiquitous Warhammer is rarely recognised in galactic media, but it is one of the most feared sights the average infantryman can run into in the Three Galaxies. Often described as ‘a flying slab of armor with as many missiles that can be strapped on’, the Warhammer is a contra-grav flying power armor that focuses on firepower and protection. The suit is built using primarily less sophisticated components and materials, reducing the cost and greatly easing maintenance, but the sheer bulk of it gives it almost as much durability as the Ground Pounder. The exact origins of the suit have been lost to time, with the production files having spread prolifically alongside the Hyena Light ASF after the First Great War 5 centuries ago.

The Warhammer will not win any awards for flight performance or basic appearance, with the suit being one of the most ‘offensively blockly’ designs to see modern service. It’s ugliness comes in an intimidating manner however, with its 6 mini-missile launchers being quite prominently displayed from all angles. Able to hold no less than 56 of these small guided munitions, up to half of them can be launched in a single salvo if desired. The only other default weapon is an Electromagnetic Railgun, similar to that of the C-40R of the Coalition States of Rifts Earth. While better than anything the Coalition States can produce in meaningful numbers, this weapon is considered crude by Three Galaxy standards. However, it’s relatively cheap and easy to maintain, so most operators keep it if they don’t have a pressing need for something more capable.
Type: WHR-4-MM

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Ammo Drum-----------------50
    Wing/MM Launchers (2)-----110 Each
    Shoulder/MML (2)-----------100 each
    Upper Arms (2)-------------85 each
    Forearms/MML (2)----------60 each
    Hands (2)------------------40 each
    Legs (2)-------------------160 each
    Main Body------------------450
    CG Propulsion System-------220

    Height: 10.01 feet (3.05 meters).
    Width: 5.09 feet (1.55 meters) Wings down 14.60 feet (4.45 meters) wings extended.
    Length: 5.91 feet (1.80 meters) including Contra-Grav flight pack.
    Weight: 1,653.5 pounds (750 kg).

    (Normal Ground Speed): 49.7 mph (80 kph) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out the operator, but at 5% normal fatigue rate. If the contra-grav flight system is not engaged or damaged, increase fatigue rate to 10% of normal.
    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 0.95, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 6
      (Kitsune: 20% of light speed; Accel/decel at .6% of light speed per melee)

Physical Strength: Equal to Robotic P.S. 40. Can lift and carry up to 1000 lbs (450 kg).

Power System: Fusion; average energy life of 5 years.

Market Cost: Costs an average of around 2.0 million credits. The armor is considered semi-common in the Three Galaxies.

Weapons Systems:
    1) EM Railgun:
      Range: 4000 ft (1220m) in atmosphere, 2 miles (3.2 km) in space
      Mega-Damage: 2D6+2 per single shot, 1D4x10+10 per 10 round bust, and 2D4x10+10 per 20 round burst.
      Rate of Fire: ECHH. Can fire single shot and burst of 10 and 20
      Payload: 1,000 Rounds (50 Bursts of twenty rounds / 100 Burst of ten rounds).

    2) Wing Mini-Missile Launchers (2): 8 per wing, volley 2 and 4.

    3) Shoulder Mini-Missile Launchers (2): 12 MMs each, volley 2, 4, and 6.

    4) Forearm Mini-Missile Launchers (2): 8 MMs each, volley 2 and 4.

    5) Hand to Hand: As Robotic PS 40.

    6) Alternative Rifle Mount: Can use any appropriately sized weapon that can be held. The most common is the HI-800 (as used by the Warlock Marines), Combi-Rifle from the Stormcrow, or (rarely) the Multi-Rifle from the Silver Eagle. These energy intensive weapons often prove highly stressful for the reactor hover, prompting faster replacement rates.
      a) HI-800 Assault Laser: A much larger precursor to the still experimental HI-E300.
        Weight: 48 lbs (21.87 kg).
        Range: 6000 ft in atmosphere
        MD: 6D6+6 per single shot, 2D6x10+20 for a rapid fire three shot burst, or use machine gun burst rules for higher burst setting.
        Rate of Fire: ECHH
        Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Typically, the first thing bought is a Naruni Forcefield, and many come with an N-50 by default. Many also include a pair of energy pistols on the underside of the forearms for utility purposes. Improving the overall mechanical performance is a much more serious undertaking, and can raise the cost significantly.

    Operators who spend time near locations with an ASI presence often replace the Mini-Missile Launchers with 15mm Micro-Missiles Cassette Boxes. The wing and forearm launchers can fit a 25-missile cassette from the PS-McM-08 ‘Boombox’, while the shoulder launchers can fit a pair. This gives the Warhammer a theoretical burst potential of no less than 200 micro-missiles, although this is rarely practical as one would expect. They are also much easier to reload in the field, with an expended cassette being automatically jettisoned, and can be replaced in seconds.

    *WHR-5-MM Warhammer-U: Produced by Ironmonger Forges on the fringe world of Thyssen, who has a reputation as being highly unscrupulous to whom they sell to similar to Naruni, although they only accept cash payment. It uses a meaningfully better armor composition and a better CG flight unit, making it just barely out perform the Warlord II. It also comes with an N-50 Force Field by default, and the more powerful reactor is able to freely use energy weapons.
      MDC/Armor by Location:
        Ammo Drum-----------------50
        Wing/MM Launchers (2)-----130 Each
        Shoulder/MML (2)-----------120 each
        Upper Arms (2)-------------120 each
        Forearms/MML (2)----------80 each
        Hands (2)------------------45 each
        Legs (2)-------------------180 each
        Main Body------------------480
        CG Propulsion System-------250
        N-50 Force Field------------160

        (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 1.1, transatmospheric
        (Sublight) Mach 7.5
          (Kitsune: 20% of light speed; Accel/decel at .75% of light speed per melee)

      Power System: Fusion; average energy life of 8 years.

      Market Cost: 3 Million credits.

Inspired by Kitsune’s creations.
Human Alliance/Independent HAFA-PA-06. ‘Steel Grunt’ Infantry Power Armor
”The old Grunt. We still use the things for training, and at least half the IDF either use it or a derivative of it. The weapons are honestly rather pathetic when you really look at it, but it was enough for the Automaton Wars. It's really outclassed these days, and the Warlord I can tear them apart, but any PA is better than no PA. Most swap the gun for something with a bit more punch, generally give it some kind of heavy weapon to tote around. ”
----Major Philip Fredette, CAF

“The Grunt is the other big PA design used in deniable ops because of how damn common it is, and so many derivatives have been spawned from it that just about anything is plausible if you can fit it on the frame. There’s actually a lot of these things in Law Enforcement, with a PA Cop being hard to kill and more than any but the most well equipped and/or fanatical terrorists want to deal with. That can be a blessing or a curse, depending on if you want to draw the police to a location or need to evade them. ”
----Colonel Vlar Reltish, CAF Ground Forces

”The Steel Grunt can be considered analog to NG’s Samson, although naturally better in general. The only failing is that lack of jet assist makes it slower and less able to jump, but many variants add them. It serves as the basis for damn near half of the ground units designed in the Three Galaxies for the past half millennium, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. It's old and out of date, but it's so well understood that variants are more common than the base model. Like the Warhammer, a lot of the AJC uses them to some degree.”
---- Anonymous, GNE Analysis

The predecessor to the Ground Pounder, the Steel Grund served the Human Alliance throughout the Automaton Wars faithfully, and only began being phased out of service during the First Great War between the CCW and the TGE. Production rights have spread beyond anyone's ability to comprehend, and the IP rights have long since expired. As the single most prolific suit of power armor in the Three Galaxies, the Steel Grunt is what most of its galactic inhabitants think of when the hear the term power armor. While not having any special features, it is a well loved design none the less, and will certainly continue to serve for centuries.
Type: HAFA-PA-06.

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Shoulder MMLs (2)----------40 each
    Forearm Plasma Cannon-----60
    Arms (2)-------------------120 each
    Legs (2)--------------------150 each
    Main Body------------------350

    Height: 9.6 feet (2.93 meters).
    Width: 4.8 feet (1.46 meters).
    Length: 3.6 feet (1.10 meters).
    Weight: 1,765 lbs (800 kg) without any additional equipment.

    (Normal Ground Speed): 77.7 mph (125 kph) maximum unloaded. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rare of 10% of normal thanks to the robot exo-skeleton.
    (Leaping): The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 meters) high or across if the armor is unloaded. Add 10 feet (3 meters) with a running start. Note that leaping height and distance on the moon and micro gravity is doubled.
    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 0.95, transatmospheric
    (Underwater) The armor can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% of its normal running speed with a maximum depth of 1,000 feet (310 m).

Physical Strength: Equal to Robotic P.S. 40. Can lift and carry up to 1000 lbs (450 kg).

Power System: Fusion; average energy life of 10 years.

Market Cost: A standard suit costs around 2 million credits. An older reconditioned suit (subtract 2D4x10 M.D.C. from main body) can cost 600,000 to 1.5 million depending on condition. Various upgraded models can costs several times more.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Forearm Plasma Cannon:
      Range: 2,000 feet (609.6 meters) in an atmosphere.
      Mega-Damage: 1D6x10+10 per blast.
      Rate of Fire: ECHH. The Grenade Launcher can fire 3 rounds bursts.
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    2) Shoulder Mini-Missile Launcher (2): 3 each, 6 total, can fire all if desired.

    4) Hand to Hand: As Robotic PS 40.

    6) Hand Weapon: Often carried, most frequently a HI-800 or GR-25-ER

    Typically, the first thing bought is a Naruni Forcefield, and many replace the Plasma Cannon with a modified HI-80. The suit is old enough to have spawned countless derivatives over the centuries, with every capability you can care to name.

    *IM-FPA-6-GN Steel Grunt-U: Produced by Ironmonger Forges on the fringe world of Thyssen, who has a reputation as being highly unscrupulous to whom they sell to similar to Naruni, although they only accept cash payment. This upgrade model gains jet thrusters similar to that of the Northern Gun Samson, increasing its mobility to match, improves the armor composition, and includes a N-50 Force Field by default. More significantly, it replaces the missile system with box launchers similar to the Warhammer, with sets on the shoulders and forearms, with the later also gaining paired HI-80s. The reactor has been replaced with a more refined model, allowing it to power these systems without undue strain.
      MDC/Armor by Location:
        Forearm HI-80s (2)----------80 each
        Shoulder MMLs (2)-----------45 each
        Arms (2)--------------------145 each
        Legs (2)--------------------180 each
        Leg Thrusters (2)-----------30 each
        Rear Thrusters (2)----------50 each
        Main Body------------------380
        N-50 Force Field------------160

      Speed: As the Samson Mk III (WB: 34, pg 142)

      Market Cost: 3 Million credits.

Moar Kitsune, and I’ve slightly repurposed it to be a generic ‘ok’ fighter.
Independant MSX-128 ‘Hyena’ Light Starfighter
“Better than the Venom or the basic Flying Fang may sound like faint praise, but it's not nothing. The Fang is used as the benchmark for rim theaters for a reason, and if you're willing to put up with the short reactor life then the Hyena is much more economical as well. The WZT birds essentially all outperform it, with the sole exception of the original Angel. The Angel would still probably win if the Hyena doesn’t get really lucky with the missiles, as the Angel can usually tank the lasers more or less indefinitely. The Hyena is better at every roll that doesn’t involve dealing with enemy fighters however, so it's a bread and butter craft for most minor planets and mercs.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“The Hyena is based on the Kitten trainer, as seen in its overall structural framework. The added mass has killed its maneuvering capability, but it's still no worse than being mediocre. The payload options on the other hand are very substantial, and the shield more or less on par with the Super-Scorpion. Being able to lob up to 4 CMs is impressive for how much it costs, so it's naturally common with people that want a bit of anti-ship power on a budget. The average service life isn’t long enough for the relatively short reactor endurance to be an issue generally, assuming it gets used in actual conflict zones as opposed to looking pretty on a tarmac.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”By galactic standards, the Hyena is about as mediocre an ASF can be without being outright bad. It's thoroughly bland and generic, but against opponents that don’t have anything outstanding either that's enough. It's almost as common in the MEF as the Solace, with the big limitation being that it needs a proper hanger to work out of. It’s essentially the default light/medium ASF among the lesser independent planets and merc companies, and naturally no small number of them fall into the hands of pirates. It's objectively better than the Venom in every meaningful way other than cost, so they give it to pilots that can actually fly. Most of the manufacturers have something resembling scruples (or enough fear of PR backlash) to not outright sell to criminals though, so it's not an automatic upgrade to the Venom for bands that can afford them.”
---- USA Internal Memo

While distinctly falling into the category of ‘last-generation craft’, the Hyena has become the most widely proliferated light ASF in the Three Galaxies over the past 5 centuries. Created immediately after the First Great War between the CCW and the TGE, the Hyena was originally marketed towards the Consortium's various IDFs in a stunning display of poor market awareness. Most had correctly predicted that the CAF would liquidate its bloated inventory of Scorpions around this time frame, making the Hyena a commercial flop that drove its original manufacturer into bankruptcy. The proceeding would immediately devolve into a scandal, as the company’s production files would soon be leaked to whoever desired them, and the legal production rights being torn to shreds in the courts. Thus, the Hyena became an open source design almost overnight, and it had relatively little competition within its price range.

The Hyena is a quite basic craft, with what was considered a moderately powerful engine propelling a moderately sized hull, and armed with a pair of reasonably powerful lasers and a set of 4 missile pylons. Protection was quite good for the time, with a contemporary Variable Force Field making it as durable as the original model of Flying Fang. While technical standards have since moved on repeatedly, the Hyena has remained a match for most pre-Minion War fighters within its niche, with only the major technological powers producing better designs in large numbers. However, it is generally accepted that the Hyena’s time is fading, with many new designs simply outperforming it even on a per-unit cost basis. Even mercenary companies are beginning to phase it out with modern WZT produced designs, and most of its manufacturers are looking to shift production. While it will likely continue to serve for centuries in the galactic fringes, most think it will be replaced with a knock-off of the Super Scorpion, who’s distribution is too widespread to keep the details under-wraps for more than a decade.
Type: MSX-128

Class: Light Fighter.

Crew: 1

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Wing Lasers (2)-------50
    Wings (2)-------------230 each
    Main Body------------380
    Reinforced Cockpit----100
    Variable Force Field---125 per side (750 total)

    Length: 30.2 feet (9.20 meters)
    Height: 10.2 feet (3.11 meters)
    Width: 28.5 feet (8.69 meters)
    Weight: 7.2 tons (6.53 metric tons) empty and 9.1 tons (8.26 metric tons) fully loaded with cruise missiles

Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 4 year duration.

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 7 w/o pylons, Mach Mach 3 with, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 14 w/o pylons, Mach 12 with
      (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1.4%/1.2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Hyena is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Hyena is NOT designed for underwater operations

Market Cost: 22 million credits

Systems of Note:
    Standard Spacecraft Systems

Weapons Systems:
    1) Wing Lasers (2):
      Range: 1 miles (2.6 km) in an atmosphere, 2 miles (3.2 km) in space
      Mega-Damage: 2D4x10+10 per single blast, or 4D4x10+20 per double blast
      Rate of Fire: ECHH.
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

    2) Missile Pylons (4): May hold 1 CM, 2 LRM, 4 MRM, 8 SRMs, or 16 MMs
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:Both look exactly like something the GNE/USA would do. I will pretend yours ships use the modular mounts that I am trying to force in came up with, and will mentally substitute them.

And I'll try to remember to use them when kludging USA/AJC regional refits. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And now for some generic Escort Carriers, which are once again interpretations of Kitsune's work.

Independent 'Torch’ Light Escort Carrier
“The Torch is primarily used by mercs, with most pirates not having the balls to risk their carrier platform if they have any choice in the matter. There’s also not a lot of reason to have it get close either, as it doesn’t have room for a boarding party. The guns are somewhat questionable, as if a carrier has to use its guns it’s either seal clubbing or something has gone horribly wrong. As a rule of thumb, Light CVEs have trouble maintaining operational tempo, but that's really just getting what you pay for.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“The Torch is still a far cry from a warship, but she’s a hell of a lot cheaper to buy and operate than a proper carrier design. Smaller too, so I can actually fill it most of the time. I have contacts with WZT so I can get replacements pretty fast, but turnover is a constant concern for anybody that runs a fighter based merc company. It's a lot less hair raising than a gunboat based one, and I’ve outlived over a dozen small Destroyer groups that I’ve worked with. The TMS uses a good number of similar ships for their small penny packet deployments, and I have a pair of them as the core of my flotilla. I have a group of 4 Hunters that I’m trying to get upgraded, so we’re one of the larger independent groups that doesn’t have a sponsor.”
---- Captain Jamison, Jamie's Jammers Mercenary Outfit

“Light Escort Carriers are completely dependent on having a source of replacement craft to be relevant, as losing any of them is a noticeable loss in combat power. If it wasn’t for Python handing out the Venom missile taxi, most pirates wouldn’t have much use for them due to how hard it is to get a semi-modern fighters worth using. The old clunkers that can be picked up from primitive nations normally require far more deck space to operate, and it isn’t that hard to find an isolated medium merchantman to capture and convert at a minor shadowport.”
----- Anonymous, AJC Fleet Intelligence

‘Escort Carriers’ are a catchall term that is used to describe merchantmen converted into fighter launch platforms, usually done to provide fighter escorts to convoys of cargo ships. Such conversions date back to the first viable star fighters, which often predated purpose built carriers to bring them into battle. Many species experienced similar situations during industrial era wars, with air power being an easy way to provide protection against submarines and small warships.

Light Escort Carriers are considered to be far too marginal for major organizations to bother with, generally being able to hold no more than 30 light or medium fighters and having difficulty operating them due to lack of secondary capabilities. They are quite popular among mercenaries and pirates however, who are often small enough that a CAF standard squadron of 24 craft is often more than they can get their hands on. There are as many different patterns as there are merchantmen, but the ‘Torch’ pattern is considered reasonably common among groups that use CCW pattern technologies.

The ‘Torch’ pattern is built from using components taken from scraped CCW pattern light warships, such as the Hunter and Scimitar. This results in it having a pair for fixed forwards Particle Beams as its primary beam weapons, which are considered to be of somewhat questionable utility by many. The inclusion of a pair of LRM bays is unusual, but it does give the ship a meaningful degree of long range striking power. Another feature of the class is that it focuses much more on using missiles as its means of defense than traditional PD turrets. The idea is that if the enemy has sufficient numbers to break through the MRMs, then there is generally nothing that the small ship could do with a normal PD array, and the idea is considered to hold some merit. The internal bay in configured to hold a CAF standard squadron of 24 craft, which is what most pilots and officers are trained for.
Type: Varies

Class: Light Escort Carrier (Converted Merchantman)

Crew: 95 (12 Officers and 83 Enlisted Crew), 30 fighter pilots.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Combined Main Hull-----------------------9,000
    -Main Body--------------------------------5,000
    -Engines (2)-------------------------------2,000 each
    Hanger Doors (4)-------------------------500 each
    Medium Weapons (2)----------------------600 each
    LRM Launchers (2)------------------------600 each
    MRM Launchers (4)-----------------------300 each
    PD Turrets (4)----------------------------200 each
    Variable Force Fields----------------------1,000 per side (6,000 total)
  • Height: 70 feet (21.3 meters)
    Width: 90 feet (27.4 meters)
    Length: 600 feet (182.9 meters)
    Weight:14,000 tons (12,700 metric tons) fully loaded.
Cargo: 500 tons (453.6 metric tons)

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life

  • (Atmosphere) Hover up to 300 mph (483 kph) transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 7
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .7% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 3 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: Approximately 300 million credits to build and convert (Does not include standard fighter compliment.)

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Destroyer) Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Medium Weapon (2): The Torch most often equipped with a pair of forward facing Particle Beam Cannons from a Hunter, but the lasers or grav-guns from a Scimitar are also possible.

    2) LRM Launchers (2):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8
      Payload: 48 total, 24 long range missiles per launcher. Extra missiles can be carried in the ship’s cargo hold.
    3) MRM Launchers (4):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8
      Payload: 96 total, 24 long range missiles per launcher. Extra missiles can be carried in the ship’s cargo hold.
    4) PD Turrets (4): Most often the Particle Beams from a Scimitar.
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *Around 24 Light or Medium Fighters
  • The Torch is considered to be particularly well armed for a light escort carrier, with most not having the medium weapons or the LRM launcher. Some still use civilian grade sensors, but this is generally considered too important to sacrifice in, and easy enough to acquire. Other base platforms have wildly different capabilities.

Kitsune made the Gryphon’s Claw as an example of a FWC conversion, but I feel that it's a good starting point for most of the mid-sized equivalents.

Independent 'Gryphon's Claw’ Medium Escort Carrier
“The Gryphon’s Claw is one of MANY different escort carrier conversions based on a generic medium merchantman. Most of those merchantmen are pretty similar when it comes to structural engineering, which results in the conversion being pretty similar as a consequence. There are only so many good ways to turn a big cargo bay into a flight deck after all, and people have been doing it long enough for the best ones to be known. The Claw falls in the ‘we’ll need to shoot something regularly’ school, which is most commonly followed by smaller parties who don’t have the resources to build a proper fleet, and thus every ship is expected to have at least marginal ability to look after itself. The FWC is the go to example for this for obvious reasons, and they give the big gun has a secondary role as an orbital bombardment weapons to take out TGE surface bases during raids.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“Nobody likes having to use Escort Carriers, but the simple fact is that they are easy to acquire in a hurry, unlike a worthwhile cruiser. Just gut a merchie, fill it with fighters and what mil-spec systems you care to name, and you're done! Instant Carrier! But it’s never quite that simple. Merchantmen are slow as a general rule, both sunlight and FTL, so that’s a major tactical complication that you’ll have to work around. When it's doing actual convoy escort work that doesn’t matter, but they are loadstones for actual fleets. It's fine when it's being done to free up a proper carrier for offensive work, but CVEs being part of a battlegroup means either somebody screwed up pre-war in fleet construction, or you’re on the ropes. The first often leads to the latter. The Clipper conversions are a different matter, but those are generally pretty close to mil-spec to begin with, so there’s debate if they should be called Escort or Light Carriers.”
---- Admiral Soltath, Tmelain Republican Aggression Regulators

“Escort Carriers have always been more about what is expedient and possible rather than the best, which is why they crop up so much. It's a hell of a lot easier to make a working launch platform than it is to make an auxiliary cruiser worth a damn, and fighters are a good way to provide area defense against light raiders, so they crop up like mushrooms in wars where the logistical networks are under threat. They’re also commonly used to provide air support for ground operations, as they can operate far enough away from planetary defenses to not be threatened, and more launch decks equals better in those situations.”
----- Anonymous, AJC Fleet Intelligence

‘Escort Carriers’ are a catchall term that is used to describe merchantmen converted into fighter launch platforms, usually done to provide fighter escorts to convoys of cargo ships. Such conversions date back to the first viable star fighters, which often predated purpose built carriers to bring them into battle. Many species experienced similar situations during industrial era wars, with air power being an easy way to provide protection against submarines and small warships.

Generally speaking, Escort Carriers are converted from commonly available medium sized hulls, or whatever fast hull is available. Larger hulls are generally considered impractical, due to the economic cost of converting them, the monetary cost and difficulty of providing sufficient craft to fill them, and it being not much less expensive than building a proper fleet carrier. Smaller hulls are typically only used by smaller groups such as mercenaries and pirates, as they typically don’t offer enough capability to be considered militarily useful in most circumstances. Fast hulls that can keep up with proper warships are always the preferred choice, but those are very rare outside of the most developed nations, who have shipbuilding programs to provide true purpose built Carriers.

However, the simple availability of a launch platform often leads to it being used offensively, particularly among groups that don’t have warship construction capability. That has defined the Free Worlds Council for the majority of its existence, so they have traditionally made prolific use of the class due to the lack of any other option. Escort Carriers have the added bonus of being fundamentally more survivable than most light warships, as they can avoid closing into weapon range via sending off their parasite complement to do the fighting for them. This is helped by the TGE’s traditional lack of interest in fighter operations, which has led to them generally having hastily insufficient fighter coverage for the overwhelming majority of their non-military shipping and facilities. Similar conversions and tactics are used by pirates, which is where the FWC has drawn much of its naval strength from over the years.
Type: Varies

Class: Medium Escort Carrier Conversion

Crew: 405 (38 Officers and 367 Enlisted Crew - Ship can be run by 175 crew), 150 marines (maximum - Usually only about 50 are embarked), 96 fighter pilots, and 50 power armor pilots.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Combined Main Hull--------------------24,000
    -Main Body-----------------------------18,000
    -Engines (2)----------------------------3,000 each
    Hanger Bays (4)-----------------------1,500
    Capital Turret (1)----------------------1,200
    Medium Turrets (3)--------------------600 each
    MRM Launchers (5)--------------------500 each
    PD Turrets (12)-----------------------200 each
    MM Launchers (4)---------------------100 each
    Variable Force Fields-------------------3,000 per side (18,000 total)
  • Height: 145 feet (44.2 meters).
    Width: 240 feet (73 meter).
    Length: 628 feet (191.4 meters).
    Weight: 145,000 tons (131,500 metric tons).
Cargo: 20,000 tons (18,145 metric tons)

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life

  • (Atmosphere) Hover up to 300 mph (483 kph) transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 7
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .7% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 3 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: 1.65 billion credits to build and convert (Does not include standard fighter, shuttles, embarked vehicle, and power armor compliment.)

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Cruiser) Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Capital Turrets: Some form of heavy capital gun is fitted to the ship to provide some degree of protection against fast light warships. It is most often a Particle Beam, as most Corvettes and Destroyers have relatively short ranges on their guns.

    1) Medium Turrets (2): Additional anti-corvette firepower is provided by a number of smaller Destroyer or Corvette guns, often mounted in dual turrets. They typically consist of whatever the builder’s light warships most commonly use to reduce logistical complexity.

    3) MRM Launchers (4): Many of the sizable merchantmen in the Three Galaxies mount some form of defensive missile launcher to ward off pirates and small space monsters, and these are merely expanded versions of them.
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
      Payload: 160 per battery for a total of 640 medium range missiles.
    4) PD Turrets (12): The exact models are drawn from whatever ships the builder is operating, usually a mix of lasers and some form of kinetic projectile thrower.

    5) MM Launchers (4): As on the Warshield
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *Around 56 Light or Medium Fighters
    *Around 50 Space Power Armors
  • There are as many different configurations as there are merchantmen designs, so exact capabilities can vary wildly. Many groups don’t bother with a Capital mount, and the exact bay capability always fluctuates based on what is available. Speed and armor are also variable, as well as sensor systems. The cost is also inconsistent, as many are converted using components from scrap yards.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Escort carriers; used right they're invaluable(just as the WW2 ones were). Convoy escorts, tactical support; picket duty,...they're floating/flying tool boxes.
Used wrong? Well, they become either tragically heroic...or stupidly thrown away.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

As taalismn noted in our PM, it would be a shame of all the new toys that are at the player's disposal had nothing to shoot at, so here's some slightly better target ships for use by criminal scum. Rest assured, the Alien Intelligence behind them is something of a retard, and does not have the intellectual capacity to have a long term plan or end game. 'Fighter go pew pew' is considered to be his normal level of intellectual discourse. He simply wants 'Violent Thungery' in all its forms to be prolific across the megaverse, and is an idiot savant at arranging for it to happen and not getting caught.

With pirates being on the back foot post-Minion War, the Venom needs a bit more oomph to remain useful as a valid target, so I’ve taken Kistune’s upgrade of it and turned it into this thing.

Python MSX-32X ‘Venom-X’ Light Starfighter
“After 3 centuries, the same ******** that have been handing out the Venom like candy to criminal scrum have decided that it needs an upgrade. They’re asking a little bit more for it, but it is at least marginally useful against other ASFs. But they've finally slipped up and now have a name to attach to them now; Python. And that's about it. They’re as hard to pin down as ever, which is to say impossible, but hopefully we now get a little bit more. The -X model is just barely relevant, but that's more than I can say previously. You really just have to wonder just why the hell they make it. We’ve accounted for literally tens of millions of the things over the centuries, and all they’ve really accomplished is terrifying some helpless spacers and padding the kill counts of our pilots. And if that’s the goal, than that's just crazy and terrifying in its own way.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“The Venom-X is closer to the original design with its big EM-Gun, has a moderately better engine, and a mediocre fixed shield generator. It's just fast enough to be relevant, and the range of the heavy EM gun allows it to get a few bursts off before being splashed. 50 bursts may not sound like much, but I’d honestly be surprised if any of them ever managed to empty the bin doing something productive in a normal combat situation. Given the usual quality of ‘pilots’ that get thrown in these things, it would take a bit over three minutes to do so, which is a hell of a lot longer than it’ll take for somebody to take it out. It has just enough firepower to be worth taking out early, and nowhere near the protection or agility to survive. ”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”This Python group has managed to become even more baffling once we’ve managed to get the name. Our exotic sources have allowed us to get a bit more than most, but what we’ve got makes even less sense than the previous conspiracy theories. We’ve managed to find one of the brokers arriving from wherever they hell they come from, and his ship literally materialized mid space. Our various forms of object reading say that it literally did not exist before that moment, and it doesn’t stop there. Once the broker picked up his payment and cleared out his inventory, he dived his ship into the core of a gas supergiant, and we’ve confirmed that the wreck is both still there and there hasn’t been any supernatural wonkiness. The best explanation we have is that there’s a powerful force that wants there to be pirates because reasons.”
---- USA Internal Memo

The post-Minion War Three Galaxies experienced a massive pushback against the pirate forces that had taken advantage of the situation, resulting in a great recession of the trade. It was suddenly too dangerous to be a pirate, and many groups that were not destroyed did their best to fade into the background. Perhaps in a response to this, the group responsible for the distribution of the Venom light missile craft (now identified as Python) decided to upgrade it, resulting in the Venom-X. Now armed with a powerful EM gun and capable of keeping up with most older medium ASFs, the Venom-X also features slightly better armor and a marginal fixed force field, almost doubling the amount of punishment it can take. And it will take punishment, because it is no more maneuverable than it was previously, and it's flown by the same sorts of thugs that saw them be destroyed in truly spectacular numbers over the centuries.

The galactic piloting community has updated their consensus on ‘Venom-kills’, holding that the remaining original Venoms only count for the first kill and/or if they were armed with missiles worth a dam and flown by somebody that could fly straight without assistance. It is expected that only the first condition will apply, as the older models are quickly becoming extinct as the brokers no longer offer them. The new Venom-X counts so long as you are not in a comically superior craft, but only count as half a kill if they were not armed with ordinance appropriate for use against other ASFs. There is serious high level debate as whether a new category of ‘drone kills’ should be created to contain the various forgettable and barely effective craft that infest so much of the frontier and unexplored regions of the Three Galaxies, but the current consensus is that if a kill is not against an opponent worth of telling a story about to mildly intoxicated peers, than is it no better than shooting down a missile volley.
Type: MSX-32X

Class: Light Interceptor / Strike Fighter

Crew: 1

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Heavy EM Railgun-----100 each
    Wings (2)-------------200 each
    Main Body------------400
    Reinforced Cockpit----110
    Fixed Force Field------350
  • Length: 36.42 feet (11.1 meters).
    Height: 13.45 feet (4.1 meters).
    Width: 27.56 feet (8.4 meters) wings folded / 35.43 feet (10.8 meter) unfolded.
    Weight: 8.27 tons (7.5 metric tons) empty and 11.90 tons (10.8 metric tons) fully loaded with missiles.
Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 6 year duration.

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 6.6 w/o pylons, Mach 4.3 with, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 14 w/o pylons, Mach 12 with
    • (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1.4%/1.2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Venom-X is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Venom-X is NOT designed for underwater operations
Market Cost: The Python dealers ask for a round $15 million in stolen goods for a single fighter, and will give discounts of up to 20% if buying a full squadron of 24 or more of any of their offerings.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Spacecraft Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Heavy ER Railgun
    • Range: 8 miles (13 km) in an atmosphere, 16 miles (26 km) in space
      Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 per 80 rounds
      Rate of Fire: ECHH.
      Payload: 4,000 Rounds (50 burst) total.
    2) Heavy Missile Pylons (2): May hold 1 CM, 2 LRM, or 4 MRM

    3) Medium Missile Pylons (4): May hold 1 LRM, 2 MRM, or 16 MM
And now to give it a big brother worth mentioning, so criminals that can fly have something to do it in.

Python MSX-232A ‘Star Cobra’ Medium Starfighter
“The damn Star Cobra is a decent craft, realistically about on par with the improved Fang that the TGE is pushing for their non-Kreegor pilots, but that’s not really saying much. It just squeaks by being relevant in the face of the current generation of strike craft like the Storm Eagle, Super Tanto, Super Tiger, and anything else that's considered modern and effective. It is usually the one flown by pilots worthy of the name, and almost always has passable missiles for anti-ASF duty. Against old ships like the Hyena and Fire Eater it’ll come out on top, but that’s not something to boast about these days. ”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“Whenever I see the Star Cobra, I think of an ugly small dog surrounded by a group of smaller ugly dogs and its barking ‘Look at me! I’m larger and more relevant!’, with the joke being that none of them are really worth your time. It’s a bigger Viper-X that can take way more hits and has an additional pair of heavy pylons, but that's honestly it. It's better than the Ospery, but that was retired almost a century ago due to being too obsolete to compete with the then newest Flying Fang. There’s nothing new about the Cobra, it's just more of the same. And I’ll be damned if I know how the hell they manage to make these things so cheap.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”Working from the ‘Alien Intelligence with a dumb thug fetish’ angle, the being known as Python is trying to prop up piracy by becoming a one-stop-shop for all your raiding needs via expanding into providing munitions and whatever supplies pirates need to stay operational. The one saving grace is that he doesn’t deal in anything that can be considered alive, so it's not some form of bio-wizard. We’re seeing a meaningful number of Kestrels and other ‘threatening-but-not-particularly-dangerous’ light ships being offered, although almost all of those have origins that we’ve been able to track down somewhere, so at least he isn’t conjuring sub-caps from thin air yet. Brokerage services are also being offered for those that wish to cash out, with the gear quickly changing hands to get to somebody that can’t walk away.”
---- USA Internal Memo

The Star Cobra is, as far as anyone has been able to tell, designed to be a mediocre medium ASF that can be a legitimate threat against modern front line designs. While obviously nothing more than a bigger Venom, the Star Cobra matches its performance, and can carry an impressive amount of ordinance. Only offered to pirates, it is often the best craft available, leading it to be reserved for the use by those that are considered legitimately capable and/or legitimately loyal to the band leadership. Those qualities are often indicators of being said leadership, so it is generally equipped with quality aftermarket modifications. Like all of Python’s offerings, the listed price is substantially below what any plausible production cost could be, but as always nobody (publicly) has been able to trace their origin.
Type: MSX-232A

Class: Medium Interceptor / Strike Fighter.

Crew: 1

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Heavy EM Railgun-----100 each
    Wings (2)-------------275 each
    Main Body------------650
    Reinforced Cockpit----120
    Variable Force Field---200 per side (1200 total)
  • Length: 41.99 feet (12.8 meters).
    Height: 14.11 feet (4.3 meters).
    Width: 34.45 feet (10.5 meters) wings folded and 45.28 feet (13.8 meter) wings unfolded.
    Weight: 13.78 tons (12.5 metric tons) empty and 18.63 tons (16.9 metric tons) fully loaded with missiles.
Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 8 year duration.

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 6.62 w/o pylons, Mach 4.0 with, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 14 w/o pylons, Mach 12 with
    • (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1.4%/1.2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Star Cobra is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Star Cobra is NOT designed for underwater operations
Market Cost: The Python dealers ask for a round $25 million in stolen goods for a single fighter, and will give discounts of up to 20% if buying a full squadron of 24 or more of any of their offerings.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Spacecraft Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Heavy ER Railgun
    • Range: 8 miles (13 km) in an atmosphere, 16 miles (26 km) in space
      Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 per 80 rounds
      Rate of Fire: ECHH.
      Payload: 6,000 Rounds (75 burst) total.
    2) Heavy Missile Pylons (4): May hold 1 CM, 2 LRM, or 4 MRM

    3) Medium Missile Pylons (4): May hold 1 LRM, 2 MRM, or 16 MM

And now I’m attempting to turn something Kitsune made into something very different

Python ‘Buzzard’ Raiding Frigate
(aka Pirate Frigate, Scrap Frigate, Double Bitzer, and many more)

“And now Python has finally expanded to providing the damn ships to pirate in. The Buzzard is obviously two Harrier or Kestral hulls cut up and welded together, but the ones that I’ve looked at seem to have been done professionally. Firepower is objectively pathetic for a warship it’s size, but it’s primary weapon is its parasites, which it has no shortage of. It’s in trouble if it has to rearm them, but if a fight goes on long enough to be an issue it would have more important concerns. These bulbous sections here and here are where they expanded the interior to add a bit more crew space, so they’re obvious weak points. There’s no good way to split them in half unfortunately, so we’ll have to kill them the hard way.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

"The Buzzard is as ugly as a true pirates heart. No wonder they flock to the things."

”FFS. Seriously? Well, the ones we've been able to look at seem to be clear conversions, so its still not out of thin air. The larger Escort Carrier conversions are the same deal. The conversion process itself might be an asspull, but we're hoping Python has to pay at least some lip service to actual ship construction. We've ordered security at the scrap yards to be increased as a contingency.”
---- USA Internal Memo

The Buzzard is an obvious ‘bitzer’, taking the primary hulls of a pair of Harriers or Kestrals and combining them into one craft. Like it’s donors, the ship is built to mostly high-end civilian standards, and is only mildly more durable than them. The lower hull is used to provide basic parasite capabilities, with the former location of the missile bays now hosting a small hanger capable of holding pair of small personnel shuttles and 12 man platoon of flying power armors, and docking cradles around the hull allowing it to transport a 6 craft flight of light or medium ASFs with it through FTL. Servicing said ASFs will require shuffling, but it can be done. The cargo bay has been expanded to half a kiloton, and the ship is arguably overly generous with how many crew it can accommodate. Even considering the marginal skill of most pirates, most bands can get by with only having 20 men on a Buzzard if need be, but this is perhaps intentional. If a ship has more crew than it needs, the captain can afford a degree of attrition, which is nearly universal across all pirate groups.

By no means a good ship, the Buzzard is better than anything else a pirate group is likely to have ready access to outside of Naruni, and it is far cheaper than anything those interdimensional arms dealers offer. Being created by Python, it is only offered to legitimate cutthroat pirates, resulting in them being considered automatically suspect by most military and law enforcement organizations. There is interest in a conceptually similar design for small adventuring groups however, and many small firms are beginning to experiment with ‘Pocket Carrier’ designs for the mercenary market.
Type: MSX-FFG-10-A Buzzard

Class: Raiding Frigate

Crew: 30 (4 Officers), up to 10 ASF pilots and techs, up to 12 power armor pilots, and up to 20 marines.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Upper Body-------------------2500
    Lower Body-------------------2500
    Engine Clusters (2)------------800 each
    LRM Launchers (2)------------600
    Point Defense Turrets (4)-----150 each
    MM Launchers (4)------------100 each
    Variable Force Field:----------1000 per facing (6,000 total)
  • Height: 237.85 feet (72.5 meters).
    Width: 85.96 feet (26.2 meters).
    Length: 124.02 feet (37.8 meters).
    Weight: 5,000 tons (4576.0 metric tons).
Cargo: 500 tons (453.6 metric tons) of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

Powerplant: Advanced Fusion with a 20 year life span

  • (Atmosphere) Mach 1.8 (1,370.3 mph/2,205.1 kph) and is fully transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 9 in space.
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .9% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4.5 light years per hour
Market Cost: The Python Brokers offer it for $350 million credits in stolen goods or ships, and often package them as a complete flotilla with 4 Buzzards, 8 appropriate shuttles, 24 Venom-X, 36 Stormcrows, and enough ordinance to fill them up for $1.5 billion. They are also willing to trade a single Buzzard for a pair of mostly intact Harrier or Kestrel hulls, with some stolen goods thrown in to make up for the damages.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) LRM Launchers (2): As on the Warshield, but 96 each, for a total of 192 LRMs.

    2) PD EM Railgun Turrets (4): As on the Hunter. Each can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.

    3) MM Launchers (4): As on the Warshield

Auxiliary Craft:
  • *2 Small Shuttles
    *Up to 12 Space Power Armor
    *Up to 6 Light or Medium ASFs on external racks.
  • *MSX-FFG-10-A Buzzard-E: The Buzzard-E replaces both the LRMs and the hanger with a limited long range sensor array, able to detect ships out to a single light-year away. This is useful in both finding prey and avoiding pursuit, as the pirate flotilla will have at least 10 minutes notice that the authorities are on the way and from what direction. Most of the surviving bands refuse to leave harbor without one, even if it adds nothing towards the flotilla’s firepower other than its flight of ASFs.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:32 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:As taalismn noted in our PM, it would be a shame of all the new toys that are at the player's disposal had nothing to shoot at, so here's some slightly better target ships for use by criminal scum. Rest assured, the Alien Intelligence behind them is something of a retard, and does not have the intellectual capacity to have a long term plan or end game. 'Fighter go pew pew' is considered to be his normal level of intellectual discourse. He simply wants 'Violent Thungery' in all its forms to be prolific across the megaverse, and is an idiot savant at arranging for it to happen and not getting caught.

"All we know is that the big boss behind all this calls himself the 'Galactic Crime Overlord'."
"You think it could be an alias?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Here’s another Kitsune interpretation, this time for a more typical slow CVE.

Independant 'Vindex’ Large Escort Carrier
“The Vindex is a much more traditional ‘if we need to use our guns we’re already dead’ conversion, and would be a good typical example of the type if it wasn’t so large. While there are some larger ones, those are usually Clipper conversions, which makes them far more capable. This Medium Freighter conversion is simply slow and relatively fragile, so it's only good for defending similarly slow ships or as an orbital base for COIN ops. The FWC makes an explicit habit of NOT converting or acquiring these things, and that should tell you something.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

Larger (non-Clipper derived) Escort Carriers are considered to be problematic, representing too large an investment into too vulnerable a hull. However, there are no shortage of reasons for having a single hull is the only course of action, so Freighters continue to be converted. The Vindex is derived from the ubiquitous Cargo Master, which is easily available in reasonable condition. Its only major positive feature is its parasite capability, able to deploy 4 CAF standard squadrons of 24 light or medium ASFs and a 36 man platoon of Space Power Armors. In every other metric, the Vindex is a disappointment at best, being dangerously slow and fragile. It does have sufficient LRM power to ward off small groups of corvettes or destroyers, but that’s about it. Should it ever come under serious threat, it will likely be destroyed in short order, so deployments must avoid risks at all costs.
Type: Modified CRA-1565 Cargo Master Medium Freighter

Class: Escort Carrier (Modified Medium Freighter)

Crew: 308 (18 Officers and 290 Enlisted Crew), 265 Fighter Pilots / Crews, 36 Stormcrow Pilots, and 30 Marines.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Main Body------------------------------25,000
    Engines (2)-----------------------------5,000 each
    Hanger Bays (4)------------------------3000
    LRM Launchers (2)----------------------600 each
    MRM Launchers (4)---------------------300 each
    PD Turrets (12)-------------------------200 each
    Variable Force Fields--------------------4,000 per side (24,000 total)
  • Height: 330 feet (100.6 meters).
    Width: 320 feet (97.5 meters).
    Length: 950 feet (289.6 meters).
    Weight: 350,000 Tons (317,500 metric tons)
Cargo: 10,000 tons (9,070 metric tons) of cargo in addition to crew’s supplies.

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life

  • (Atmosphere) Hover up to 250 mph (402 kph) transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 5
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .5% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 2.5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: 1.2 billion to convert from an armed freighter, or .7 billion to convert from a military one. The price for a new hull is 1.1 Billion and 1.6 Billion respectively, but can often be acquired for less. This does not include the fighter and power armor compliment.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Cruiser) Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) LRM Launchers (2): Similar to those on the Warshield, there are the Vindex’s only real defense against other ships.
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
      Payload: 256 LRMs per battery, for a total of 512.
    2) MRM Launchers (8): The shear size of the Cargo Master hull makes it mandatory to have some form of defensive armament.
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8
      Payload: 128 MRMs per battery, for a total of 768.
    3) PD Turrets (12): The exact models are drawn from whatever ships the builder is operating, usually a mix of lasers and some form of kinetic projectile thrower.d
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *Around 96 Light or Medium Fighters
    *Around 36 Space Power Armors
  • Like all Escort Carriers, the details very wildly from ship to ship.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:31 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And now for something a bit different. I'm converting Kitsune's Ross Aerospace, which provides noticeably better knock-offs than the norm, and has some sparks of ingenuity. All of these designs are interpretations of Kitsune's originals.

Ross Aerospace
Ross Aerospace is a relatively new company in one of the near frontier sectors of the CCW. While not as destitute as some, the Pacalva sector is considered economically impoverished due to a variety of factors, mostly related to the lack of local industry. Ross was founded as an attempt to solve this, and drew a meaningful amount of foreign investment from those wishing to capitalize on the low labor costs of the region. Originally starting with building Hyenas and Stormcrows for local concerns, the Minion War would serve as the catalyst for rapid growth. Pacalva and the surrounding sectors would see a major increase in raider activity, both from domestic pirates and belligerent species and polities from beyond Consortium space. The corporate leadership decided to invest their profits into developing better products, resulting in an array of useful and cost effective designs aimed towards the lower end market, setting them apart from the normal bottom feeding corporate stereotype.

By simple virtue of there being no meaningful competition, Ross Aerospace is the largest industrial firm in the Pacalva sector, and many of the surrounding sectors as well. While quite small by core world standards, their simple designs have caught on like wildfire across the other developing regions of the CCW, resulting in the company needing to pursue an aggressive licensing campaign. While having nowhere near the performance of WZTechYard’s offerings, Ross’s offerings are better suited for those with more primitive infrastructure and tight budgets, forcing less hard choices as to funding priorities. They are better than the other common ‘knock off’ designs that litter the price range, and many organizations would prefer to spend a bit more to have better results.

Ross Aerospace GE-100-RA ‘Golden Eagle’ Space Combat Exoskeleton
”Pretentious name aside, the Golden Eagle is the best knockoff of the Silverhawk to reach commercial production status. Anything better is a national level project that gets used exclusively by a standing military. The hit to armor isn’t as bad, and the loss of the Disruptor isn’t a huge loss in most operations. Most of the time the increase in survivability against missiles more than compensates. Rifle is closer to the Hawk, unlike the Crow which reversed them for some reason, but raw output is just lacking unless you have a good tech work on it. The inclusion of the stealth features will make Vlar happy if nothing else.”
----Major Philip Fredette, CAF

“The Eagle is just that little bit more capable over the Stormcrow to make all the difference. I was available when command was evaluating them, and let me tell you, you notice how much closer to the Hawk it is. Overall responsiveness is now up to par, and while the strength isn’t quite equal it crosses some key thresholds. The wrist guns are a welcome relief after the lazy ‘clip-ons’ of the Crow, and the rifle is close enough to the original Multi-Rifle that they can be interchanged if you have one. The added bulk doesn’t make a difference in almost any situation you’re going to be seriously using it in, particularly if you’re one of those idiots that doesn’t fold the wing tips. The Jamming system is something worth noting, because I can think of quite a few spots where it would have been far more useful than the Hawk’s hard mounted Shield Disruptor. I’ll need to talk to the quartermasters about getting a Hawk mounted version.”
----Colonel Vlar Reltish, CAF Ground Forces

”As little as a decade ago, the Eagle would have been on the restricted list due to the stealth features, but standards have sufficiently changed that its legal as long as they don’t reproduce the Shield Disruptor. The guys in the field say it looks like they tried, but gave up before it became too much of a money and time sink, so they went with the Jammer instead. ”
---- Anonymous, GSA

A follow up to the basic but very effective I.C.E Hyena, the Golden Eagle is Ross Aerospace’s knockoff of the Silverhawk. The popular Stormcrow had long been the go-to example of the type, but Ross believed that the market was willing to shoulder the cost of a better example if it had closer performance. With the supply of legal Silverhawks completely drying up due to the post-Minion War reconstruction of the CAF, they were proven to be completely correct, and the Golden Eagle cannot be produced fast enough to keep up with demand.

The Golden Eagle is reganded by experts to be the closest any knock-off of the Silverhawk has ever come to matching the original, outside of national level projects. Unlike nearly all of its peers, the Eagle copies the stealth systems, which grants the armor much higher utility in non-direct combat situations. The other knock-off failings are either reduced or nonexistent, with the armor being much closer to the original spec, the exoskeleton being strong enough to clear several key milestones, and the control system/responsiveness is completely on par. The CG system has been replaced with a bulkier and less efficient one, but the critical overall flight performance is identical. The Eagle also comes standard with a N-50 Force Field, which the un-upgraded Silverhawk did not.

The weapons systems are also much closer to the original, with the Combi-Rifle being a near match for the Multi-Rifle. The limitation is solely due to the lesser components available to Ross, meaning that they can be easily upgraded to match. The wrist mounted ‘Six-Shooters’ have been replaced with fixed versions of the new HI-10B, which is slightly longer ranged and has unlimited endurance. Ross was unable to duplicate the Shield Disruptor, but was able to fill the space with a wide spectrum sensor jammer, which is novel for a CCW derived design. Many believe that the jamming system’s capabilities more than offset its other failings.

While not matching the upgraded Silverhawk-A, the Golden Eagle has managed to squeak into the coveted ranks of the Top 10 Production Space Power Armors in nearly all metrics. This makes it incredibly popular among those that are unable to get the other entries, which has forced Ross to begin an aggressive licensing campaign to keep up with demand.
Type: GE-200-RA.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Combi-Rifle----------------150
    Wing/MM Launchers (2)----100 Each
    Shoulder Plates (2)--------90 each (-10)
    Forearm Pulse Pistols (2)--30 each
    Arms (2)------------------10 each (-20)
    Legs (2)-------------------125 each (-25)
    Main Body-----------------360 (-60)
    CG Propulsion System-----180 (-20)
    N-50 Force Field-----------160
  • Height: 9.02 feet (2.75 meters).
    Width: 11.32 feet (3.45 meters) including wings and 4.92 feet (1.50 meters) for the chassis of the power armor.
    Length: 4.59 feet (1.40 meters) including Contra-Grav flight pack.
    Weight: 1,212.5 lbs (550 kg).
Speed: As Silverhawk

Physical Strength: Equal to Robotic P.S. 45. Can lift and carry up to 1250 lbs (-- kg).

Power System: As Silverhawk

Market Cost: Costs an average of around 2.7 million credits. As such, it is one of the more expensive “knock off” models. Presently it has relatively limited availability due to the company still ramping up production.

Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Combi-Rifle:
    • Range: (Hi-Laser)8000 ft in atmosphere (2440 meters), 2x in space
      • (P-Beam) 4000 ft in atmosphere (1220 meters) 2x in space
        (Grenade Launcher) 2000 ft in atmosphere (610 meters) 2x in space
      Mega-Damage: (Hi-Laser) 2D4x10
      • (P-Beam) 3D4x10+20
        (Combi-Shot) 5D4x10+20
        (Grenade Launcher) varies by grenade
      Rate of Fire: ECHH. The Grenade Launcher can fire 3 rounds bursts.
      Payload: (Hi-Laser and P-Beam) Effectively Unlimited
      • (Grenade Launcher) 100
    2) Wing Mini-Missile Launcher (2): As Silverhawk

    3) Forearm Pulse Pistols (2): Essentially hard mounted HI-10Bs, with the fire linking systems from the upgraded Silverhawk. They can be fire linked without the Paired Weapons skill.

    4) Electromagnetic Signal Jammer: Creates a powerful selective jamming field up to one mile (1.6 km) radius in atmosphere, with the typical increase in range in space. Laser communications and light-based sensors are unaffected by the jamming.
    Electromagnetic sensor systems will have ranges reduced to 25% of normal and have a -40% penalty to all Read Sensory rolls including the chance of detecting any targets in the area (this includes the power armor carrying the jamming system) of the jamming. In most cases, the system will also jam the equipment used by friendly forces. Additionally, the system inflicts a -4 to strike penalty to all sensor guided weapons firing into it if they are affected, unless they are ‘Home-on-Jamming’ capable.

    5) Stealth Systems: As on the Silverhawk. The system masks all heat emissions, giving it a -40% penalty to be detected by thermal sensors and -8 to be targeted by thermal targeting systems. In addition, the Golden Eagle has a general visual stealth system which can change colors to match the background. This system is most effective when the Golden Eagle is not making course alterations or is stationary. Evasive maneuvers or attacks will reveal the armor’s position, although it will still be difficult to detect visually and attack (all attackers are at -1 to strike).

    6) Hand to Hand: As Robotic PS 45.
Training Bonuses: As Silverhawk

  • A good technician with a supply of the relevant parts can upgrade the Combi-Rifle to match the Silverhawk’s Multi-Rifle, as well as grant it the Silverhawk-A’s flexible munition options. Efforts are underway to provide a booster option similar to the I.C.E Hyena and Marauder to enable it to temporarily catch up with the upgraded original.
Ross Aerospace MSX-128 ‘I.C.E Hyena’ Light Starfighter
“The ‘Super-Hyena’ name was taken by some forgettable flop that tried to make it a medium, so they went with the ‘Improved Combat Efficiency’ backronym instead. The Ice Hyena is a legitimately better design, and is likely pushing the basic chassis as far as it can economically go. While it's more expensive due to being a new-build, it's still not directly competing with anything WZT makes, so it's going to have a market if only for that. It can play with light interceptors for a bit, but it's usually longer than the typical fighter battle lasts. That means it requires a bit more effort to rearm, but the people that use typically have to accept a slower operational tempo for a bunch of other reasons, so it's not a major drawback.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“Ok, that's actually clever. Most people think the Scorpion’s secondary array is an auxiliary booster, but the ICE Hyena has an actual one. This lets it keep up with the Scorp in a straight line, but agility is still lacking. On the other hand that keeps it relatively cheap, even with the other bits of improvement they’ve managed to stick on like the VFF, armor, and lasers. This is as far as I think the design can go, but it’ll buy them a few decades of relevance. I hope they’re working on lining up a replacement though.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”As strange as it sounds, we don’t actually have a pressing need to swap our Hyenas for the ICE. We have enough funds coming in to get legit modern ASFs, and even the MEF is starting to make more use of the Starcross-C and Super-Angel. The booster system is interesting though, as it uses a novel fuel and thrust chamber to make the system both compact and economical. They’re also relightable unlike the DI models. We should look into them.”
---- AJC Internal Memo

The first product of Ross Aerospace, the I.C.E (Improved Combat Efficiency) Hyena is a comprehensive update of the half millennium old original. Using fully modern components and materials, the fighter has improved protection in both the hull and shield, making it substantially more durable than most light fighters. The other major change is the addition of an auxiliary booster system, which uses novel fuels and components to allow the craft to temporarily match the Scorpion in overall speed. Further alterations consist of the range of the lasers being increased by 50%, and the engine and powerplant receiving slight improvements to compensate for the increased weight and power draw. The other parameters are as original.

The new variant has become the go-to replacement for lost examples of the original, with the slightly higher cost being more than justified by the improvements. The success of the craft allowed Ross to dramatically expand its ambitions, allowing them to reach into the Space Power Armor and Light Corvette Markets, which have been met with similar results. Ross is now looking to expand into carrier conversions of frigate sized vessels, such as the CAF Scimitar and various Light Clippers.
Type: MSX-128

Class: Light Fighter.

Crew: 1

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Wing Lasers (2)-------50
    Wings (2)-------------240 each
    Main Body------------420
    Reinforced Cockpit----120
    Variable Force Field---200 per side (1200 total)
  • Length: 30.2 feet (9.20 meters)
    Height: 10.2 feet (3.11 meters)
    Width: 28.5 feet (8.69 meters)
    Weight: 7.6 tons (6.53 metric tons) empty and 9.5 tons (8.26 metric tons) fully loaded with cruise missiles
Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 4 year duration.

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 7 w/o pylons, Mach Mach 3 with, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 14 w/o pylons, Mach 12 with pylons, more with the booster
    • (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1.4%/1.2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Hyena is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Hyena is NOT designed for underwater operations
Market Cost: 25 million credits

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Spacecraft Systems

    *Auxiliary Booster: Increases the Sublight speed to Mach 18 unloaded, or Mach 16 fully loaded, for up 15 minutes. It must be refueled once depleted.
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Wing Lasers (2): Improved focusing for improved range
    • Range: 1.5 miles (2.4 km) in an atmosphere, 3 miles (4.8 km) in space
      Mega-Damage: 2D4x10+10 per single blast, or 4D4x10+20 per double blast
      Rate of Fire: ECHH.
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
    2) Missile Pylons (4): May hold 1 CM, 2 LRM, 4 MRM, 8 SRMs, or 16 MMs
Ross Aerospace 'Marauder’ class Light Corvette
“Contrary to the name, the Marauder isn’t very good at pirating due to its lack of cargo space and overall crew capacity. It is however an exceptional patrol craft, as unlike the Blackbird you can actually maintain the thing in the field. The relative lack of firepower is generally offset by the increase in durability, which makes it much less likely that minor threats can get a few lucky hits and take it out before they’re dealt with. It has its operational drawbacks, but nearly all of them don’t matter to the IDFs that are going to be operating them. It being relatively low tech also helps there, as it's less infrastructure heavy to operate. It's not for the CAF, but it can shoulder a good portion of the burden that is normally given to the Proctor.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“I don’t normally touch ship-ships, but I can understand why they sent it to me. The Marauder really is a Proctor built as a proper star-ship. Relative maneuverability (or lack thereof) is identical, which makes it better than anything in its weight class that’s not built by WZT. You can think of it as being a more conventional and less finicky Blackbird. It needs to use the booster to really keep up with the modern high end, but a half hour is longer than almost any plausible engagement it can participate in. It is also useful for general patrol work, which isn’t something the Blackbird can claim.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”The Marauder, contrary to the name, is much more defensively focused than the Blackbird. It's also properly laid out for underway maintenance, with nearly all of the relevant systems being accessible from inside the hull. Assuming the marines are also cross trained for it, a Marauder can stay out as long as it has supplies, which is usually far longer than a Proctor can manage. Other than problems related to its size, the one issue is its lack of a significant cargo bay, which prevents it from being used in the Commando Ops as easily as other Proctor clones. It's near ideal for Consortium IDFs and similar tier forces, so we can expect that it’ll get widely licensed and/or knocked-off in short order.”
---- WZTSpiral Technical Analysis Memo

The Marauder is Ross Aerospace’s attempt at breaking into the increasingly lucrative ‘Light Corvette’ market, which exploded in popularity thanks to WZTechYard’s Blackbird. While a relative late comer to the field, Ross had the advantage of observing the successes and (many) failures of their predecessors, and decided to come from a different angle. The best designs were generally oversized Heavy Fighters, which generally had relatively poor operational endurance due to being built like strike craft. If the relative performance could be merged with the longevity of a proper light star ship, then it would result in a very capable general patrol raft, albeit one that generally needed to operate from fixed installations. Proceeding with the idea that their new design should be a very small ship arranged like a fighter, the Ross engineers went to work, and succeeded beyond anybody’s expectations.

While distinctly lacking in firepower compared to the similarly priced Blackbird, the Marauder is generally considered to be much more livable and generally survivable. Outside of the external weapons, all of the ship’s systems can be maintained while underway, granting vastly greater potential patrol endurance, and the interior is far more comfortable than that of the Proctor. The Marauder's stronger base shield strength is generally thought to be somewhat better than the Blackbird's substantially better regeneration in most circumstances. The stealth systems, while not as good as the Blackbird’s, are far more than can be claimed than nearly all of its peers, and the ECM system is rare among the major powers. The twin heavy turrets, while a far cry from the anti-ship weapons of the Slingshot, are quite effective as discouraging light interceptors and shooting down incoming ordinance, and the fixed forward weapons are considered fully accurate against small craft due to the Marauder’s fighter-like maneuverability.

But the Marauder’s primary claim to fame is its burst speed, with the auxiliary booster allowing it to reach speeds equal to that of the Katana in straight flight. Being relightable, the booster can be used in short bursts for maximum effectiveness, which drastically increases the ships combat endurance. its primary limitation is its ordinance stores, which while quite sizable can be emptied quickly. However, this can also be a virtue, as it allows the Marauder to hit well outside its weight class and encourages it to leave quickly once it has shot its bolt, preventing it from becoming too stuck in to disengage. All of these factors combine to make the Marauder very attractive to small policies, who lack the resources to build or purchase proper warships but desire an effective means of policing their space. As a result, Ross Aerospace is completely unable to keep up with demand, and is actively looking for reputable firms to license production to.
Type: MSC-02

Class: Light Corvette.

Crew: 12 (2 officers normally, an be operated effectively by a crew of 6), and up to 6 troops

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Main Body-------------------2,400
    Engine Cluster---------------800
    Medium Ship Laser-----------300
    Nose Lasers-----------------50 each
    GR-1000 Turrets (2)---------250 each
    Large Missile Bays (2)-------225 each
    Small Missile Bays (2)-------200 each
    Variable Force Field:---------800 per facing (4,800 total)
  • Height: 33.46 feet (10.2 meters)
    Width: 66.27 feet (20.2 meters) the body or 132.87 feet (40.5 meters) at the wing.
    Length: 224.74 feet (68.5 meters)
    Weight: 1,250 tons (1,134.0 metric tons)
Cargo: 10 tons (9.07 metric tons) of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

Powerplant: Advanced Fusion with a 10 year life span

  • (Atmosphere) Mach 2.5 (1,650 mph / 2,655 kph) and is fully transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10 in space.
    • (Kitsune: 50% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4 light years per hour
Market Cost: 360 Million

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Corvette) Starship Systems

    *Stealth Systems: As on the Runner (DB:2, pg 171)

    *ECM System: Hostile guided weapons gave a to hit penalty of -4.

    *Auxiliary Booster: Increases the Sublight speed to Mach 14 unloaded for up to 30 minutes. It must be refueled once depleted
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Medium Ship Laser: Fixed forward.
    • Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
      • (Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 8,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD per single blast
      Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
      Payload:Effectively Unlimited
      Bonuses: Does not have a to hit penalty against small craft
    2) Nose Lasers (4): As on the Black Eagle, and may be fire linked.

    3) GR-1000 Turrets (2): 200 Bursts

    4) Large Missile Bays (2):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 6
      Payload: 6 CMs, 12 LRMs, or 24 MRMs each
    5) Small Missile Bays (2):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24
      Payload: 24 MRMs or 48 SRMs each
    6) Missile Pylons (12): Can carry 1 CM, 2 LRM, or 2 MRM each.

    7) Heavy Countermeasure Launchers (2): As WZT/ASI standard, but triple the payload.
Training: Uses Fighter Combat: Elite (Proctor), and gains full bonuses

Auxiliary Craft:
  • None.
  • None so far, but a version with a better FTL drive is likely if it could be sourced. The control system is sufficiently modular that an improved computer like on the Blackbird would give similar bonuses to Dodge and Initiative.

This one has been added to Ross's catalog for native purposes.

Ross Aerospace ‘Storm’ Light Escort/Scout Carrier
“The Storm can be considered emodic of the various bare bones yet effective Escort Carrier conversions of most Light Clippers. It can carry a standard squadron of lights along with a few spares, and has a meaningful ability to ward off heavy fighters and light corvettes with its missiles. Operational endurance is rather poor due to the lack of supplies and facilities, but it can keep up with fleet units, particularly the thousands of Hunters out there. The only usual bit is that it’s become a standardized template being put out by a meaningful manufacturer.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“The Clipper conversions often push the designation of being considered Escort ships, as their base models are often built up to near mil-spec to begin with. The light ones in particular are often haul extremely valuable cargo, so they have legitimate need for all the systems that you would expect on a military ship to keep them safe from pirates. Generally, the only thing that needs to be swapped in the shield generator, and even that isn’t always a given. How many fighters you can shoehorn into them depends on the hull configuration, but the typical standard is around 24 with potentially a few extras. Being relatively fast, it can make a good attempt at evading pursuers, so there’s not much need to put anti-ship guns on them. There’s a lot of argument over the better ones being considered full military vessels, but they don’t have quite the same capabilities you’d expect out of a Scout Carrier.”
---- Admiral Soltath, Tmelain Republican Aggression Regulators

“Clipper conversions have always been regarded as the best choice for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is that they’re not an outright liability for fleet use. That also makes them popular among the Merc and Pirates that can get their hands on them, which results in there being a lot of minor variations on the same basic hull. They usually need a support ship or two, but that’s a much lesser problem compared to getting a useful launch deck. The constant bushfires around the 3G results in there being a steady stream of these being converted and eventually lost or scrapped, but the recent mess has resulted in them being existent in historic numbers. It’s die down in a few decades in all likelihood, but the overall militarization of the dimension means that there will be more base demand than previously.”
----- Anonymous, AJC Fleet Intelligence

Ross Aerospace had met with resounding success with its early offerings, tapping into under-served markets with effective designs at reasonable prices. After the initial frenzy of expansion and licensing agreements, the corporate leadership desired to look into even larger fields, such as carrier conversions. The remaining bushfires in the galactic fringes ensured that there would be a constant need for such craft, and so it was decided to break into the field via converting Light Clippers into their most militarily useful form. The most common Light Clipper in the CCW, the Star Cloud, had seen many of its operators fall into bankruptcy due to the economic damage of the Minion War, and thus Ross was able to obtain ownership of a great many of them at bargain prices.

It was decided that the extent of the work being done would enable the fixed force field to be replaced with a military grade variable model, which grants it five times the protection. Other than upgrading the sensors when needed, the changes to the interior are limited to replacing the perishable cargo holds with hanger pads, making it a relatively rapid process. The ship was already armed with a reasonable array of MRM launchers, but their ammunition bunkers were doubled to provide additional endurance. The four laser turrets were replaced with similarly sized Particle Beams taken off of the CAF assault shuttle, and the forward hull has gained a pair of LRM launchers.

The now designated Storm class is marketed towards small mercenary groups and single system policies, whose aviation needs often cap out at the squadron level. While substantially more costly than those based on slower ships, speed is generally considered a Carrier’s best defense, resulting in the Storm being considered substantially more survivable. Servicing facilities are as limited as most other similar designs, but it’s operators generally prefer to leave the situation than stay involved in engagements where they take heavy sustained damage. But perhaps its best feature is its ability to keep pace with the popular Hunter Destroyer, granting each other protection. The original hulls that Ross acquired have already been contracted for, and the conversions continue at a rapid pace. Several minor shipyards have begun offering similar conversion, spreading it throughout CCW affiliated space.
Type: Escort Carrier converted SSL-1000 Star Cloud Light Clipper.

Class: Fast Escort Carrier - Light (Modified Fast Freighter.)

Crew: 112 (14 Officers and 98 Enlisted Crew.), 40 Fighter Pilots

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Upper Body-----------------5000
    Engines (2)-----------------2000 each
    Hanger Doors (6)-----------500 each
    LRM Launchers (2)---------600
    MRM Launchers (4)--------300
    Variable PBC Turrets (4)----150 each
    Variable Force Field:-------1000 per facing (6,000 total)
  • Height: 85 feet (25.91 meters).
    Width: 68 feet (20.73 meters).
    Length: 680 feet (207.26 meters).
    Weight: 15,500 Tons (15,060 metric tons).
Cargo: 400 tons (362.9 metric tons) of cargo in addition to crew’s supplies.

Powerplant: Advanced Fusion with a 20 year life span

  • (Atmosphere) Mach 400 mph (643.7 kph) and is fully transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 8 in space.
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .8% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4.5 light years per hour
Market Cost: 450 Million credits to build and convert (Does not include standard fighter compliment)

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Frigate) Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) LRM Launchers (2):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8
      Payload: 34 per battery for a total of 48 LRMs.
    2) MRM Launchers (4): Many of the sizable merchantmen in the Three Galaxies mount some form of defensive missile launcher to ward off pirates and small space monsters.
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8
      Payload: 48 per battery for a total of 96 MRMs.
    3) Variable Focus Particle Beam Turrets (4): As on the CAF Assault Shuttle.
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *up to 28 Light Fighters (Commonly I.C.E Hyenas)
  • As a standardization of many similar craft, there are countless minor differences between different ships.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:Independant 'Vindex’ Large Escort Carrier Should it ever come under serious threat, it will likely be destroyed in short order, so deployments must avoid risks at all costs.

So invest in enough escorts to guard it...or invest in FTL_capable fighters that can skip their way to the battle zone the rest of the way. Makes recovery of damaged fighters problematic, and increases the turnaround time on re-arming, but reduces the chances, somewhat, of being spotted and zeked immediately in the conflict area.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote: Independant 'Vindex’ Large Escort Carrier Should it ever come under serious threat, it will likely be destroyed in short order, so deployments must avoid risks at all costs.
So invest in enough escorts to guard it...or invest in FTL_capable fighters that can skip their way to the battle zone the rest of the way. Makes recovery of damaged fighters problematic, and increases the turnaround time on re-arming, but reduces the chances, somewhat, of being spotted and zeked immediately in the conflict area.
Or buy a legitimate Light Carrier design for the amount of money you're going to spend. But that's not always an option. You make your choices and take your chances.

I’m combining Kitsune’s Longbow Missile Frigate and Adroit Scout Carrier into one. The Cop Car still has a bit of life in it left.

Consortium Armed Forces SFFG-22 ‘Longbow’ Missile Frigate/Scout Carrier
  • (‘Super-Scimitar’)
“The Longbow is an attempt at making the Scimitar much more generally useful, and it succeeds in that. It gains a serious long range punch with the missile bays, and it can hold up to a full squadron of Super-Scorps. It’s still fragile by modern standards, but now it has the option of staying away. The better sensors makes it more useful as a general patroller as well.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

The old Scimitar Patrol Frigate, while able to conduct long term patrols and more than sufficient to suppress low level piracy, had proven to be utterly insufficient against actual modern warships, and were torn apart by missile fire by Demonic Frigates during the Minion War. Many powers had begun shifting to much more capable designs for their light forces as well, so the CAF needed an expedient upgrade to keep the Scimitar relevant. The resulting Longbow configuration turns the ship into a combination of missile frigate and scout carrier, gaining a substantial missile battery and expanding its parasite capability to a full squadron of Scorpion ASFs. The sensor suite was also upgraded, granting it substantially improved patrol capability. The added side hangers increase the mass significantly, and the original bay needed some expansion, but modifications to the propulsion systems fully compensate for it. The CAF is refitting its inventory as fast as possible, and many of the other operators are as well.
Type: SFFG-22

Class: Missile Frigate/Scout Carrier

Crew: 148 (15 Officers and 133 Enlisted), 36 fighter pilots, 24 Silverhawk power armor pilots, and 40 marines.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • LRM Battery (2)----------600 each
    Side Hanger Bays (2)-----1,800 each
    Side Hanger Doors (2)----400 each
  • Height: 80 feet (25.60 meters).
    Width: 152 feet (46.33 meters).
    Length: 500 feet (152.40 meters).
    Weight: 13,800 tons (12,519.2 metric tons).
Cargo: 400 ton (360 metric tons) of cargo not including standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

Market Cost: Around $120 million to upgrade, or $500 million to construct

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Starship Systems

    *Long Range Sensors: Maximum Resolution Range of 4 million miles, and can track vessels going FTL at up to 3 light years away.
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Heavy Lasers (2): Unchanged

    2) LRM Battery (2): As on the Warshield, but holds 160 ready missiles each.

    3) Variable PBC Turrets (4): Taken from the CAF Assault Shuttle

    4) Mini-Missile Launchers (8): Unchanged
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *24 Light Fighters (SF-69M Super Scorpions), 8 in each bay.
    *24 Flying Power Armors (SH-CCW100 Silverhawks)
    Up to 40 light exoskeletons
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here's what I think will be my last generic for a bit, Kitsune's Higgens. I'm going to switch over to the Trig-Galactic Military Service now, so expect a lot of mercenary conversions and assault ships.

How about a light dropper that isn’t ginormous?

Independant LASVP-10 ‘Higgins’ Light Assault Shuttle
“Naming controversy aside, the Higgins is the definitive example for a Light Assault Craft for a reason. It can carry a reinforced platoon of infantry nearly anywhere, and that’s often enough to solve minor problems before it becomes a large ones. It's also a hell of a lot easier to store and use than the big boy, and far less overkill. I’ve seen a tender for a formal replacement, but it's likely going to be an iteration rather than a revolution.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“It is widely rumored that a Higgens conversion with the troop bay filled with additional engines was what prompted the development of the Black Eagle. And by rumored, I’ve seen the footage of the jokers buzzing the CAF High Command and the Assembly Military Affairs Committee, and followed it up by spanking multiple Ospreys in a mock dogfight. They never fingered anybody as being responsible, as the investigation was abruptly cancelled when it was revealed that the suspect list consisted of every single CAF pilot and aerospace technician on Goldilox. If the Osprey had become that toxic, then it simply couldn’t be salvaged, and the development contract was drawn up the next day.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”The reactions among historians when we drop the files on the original Higgins boat were amusing, and got us a few ins that would have been time consuming to get otherwise. The Higgins Shuttle can be considered what command really wanted with the Wyvern, although that has shifted a few times. It’s been the dominant light dropper for so long that there aren't any meaningful alternatives, and it's been copied seven ways to sunday. Interestingly, Col Reltish has occasionally ***** about their stealth version when he gets drunk, due to it have a laundry list of operational issues due to being almost 2 centuries old.”
---- USA Internal Memo

The relatively small folding wing Higgens dates back to before the Automaton Wars, and has been consistently upgraded ever since. While unable to bring vehicles, many small interventions can be easily handled by a platoon of infantry, and most Cruiser size CAF vessels have a pair for utility purposes. The original manufacture is long defunct, and the production rights and files have been public for centuries.
Type: LASVP-10

Class: Light Assault Shuttle

Crew: 3 (Can be run by 1), 48 Troops (or 36 in Light Power Armor)

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Fuselage Lasers (2)---50 each
    Wing Tip MML (2)-----50 each
    Side Troop Doors (2)--50 each
    Rear Troop Door------200
    Wings (2)-------------350 each
    Main Body-------------650
    Reinforced Cockpit-----250
    Variable Force Field----200 per side (1200 total)
  • Length: 67.3 feet (20.5 meters).
    Height: 13.8 feet (4.2 meters).
    Width: 19.0 feet (5.8 meters) with wings folded and 47.6 feet (14.5 meters) with wings fully extended
    Weight: 60 tons (54.4 metric tons)
Cargo: 27.6 ton (25 metric tons) of cargo if not configured for passengers

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 20 year duration.

  • (Atmosphere) Mach Two (1,482.9 mph / 2,386.5 kph), transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 8
    • (Kitsune: 20% of light speed; Accel/decel at .8% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Higgens is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Higgens is NOT designed for underwater operations
Market Cost: $50 million, while an older one without the VFF and only 4 hardpoints costs $35 million.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Shuttle Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Wing Lasers (2): As on the Black Eagle
    • Range: 1 miles (2.6 km) in an atmosphere, 2 miles (3.2 km) in space
      Mega-Damage: 2D4x10+10 per single blast, or 4D4x10+20 per double blast
      Rate of Fire: ECHH.
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
    1) Mini Missile Launchers (2): As on the Black Eagle

    3) Medium Missile Pylons (6): May hold 1 LRM, 2 MRM, 4 SRMs, or 8 MMs
  • The Higgins is so old that the variations to it would fill multiple books. It is widely rumored, and thought to be almost certainly true, that the CAF and GSA have a stable of stealth system equipped versions for deniable ops.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Let's see if I can live up to expectations on this....

(Expanded ranges and TW sensors courtesy of Kitsune)

PS/ASI-SF-09/39 StarFox Bloc II Upgrade
“Even if you might be able to out fly and outfight something like a Flying Fang or a FireBreather, ot’s more than likely you won’t be able to OUTNUMBER them. The StarFox costs LOTS to build and maintain, and it’s hardly twenty years old. The TGE and Naruni, hell let’s throw in the CCW as well since enough of their hardware ends up in the wrong hands....they have entire FACTORY WORLDS churning out these designs, and dozens, if not hundreds, or worlds to recruit new air crews from. They can afford to send out dozens of squadrons to every one of ours, if they want to come looking for a fight with us. We have to always be looking for an edge to improve our ships and our chances just in case. No resting on our laurels, not ever, because those laurels tend to wilt pretty damn fast.”

“The original StarFoxes were meant to make hash of the Arkhons in Old Sol System. Even without kinetics, they did a pretty good job of mauling the Arkies. If we’d had the version of the ‘Fox we have now,...well, we could have rolled them up inside eignt months.”

“Our designs need to be LIVING designs if they are to survive. They have to EVOLVE.”

“Well, the feeling of restored superiority was nice for however briefly it lasted.”
----Agnon Trisk, Lieutenant, Black Eagle II pilot, CAF Fleet.

#“What assets of ours would the Greeners be willing to stage a surgical strike on if they thought they had the capability? I just felt an unpleasant shiver down my notochord.”#

“If we want first-class, we have to be willing to spend big bucks. All indications from second sources seem to think we can make the StarFox even better by galactic standards if we do things RIGHT, and not cheap. And we need right, lots of right, right now.”

The PSS-SF-09/39 StarFox Heavy Spacefighter is considered one of Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries’ crowning achievements; an advanced starfighter design from a newcomer company, with the capability to match, and in some cases exceed, the the performance of similar craft from larger and arguably more advanced star nations such as the CCW or the TGE. Designed to hold the line against the likes of the Splugorth minion-worlds, the StarFox is considered to be PS/ASI’s ace-ride, and an elite unit in the aerospace arms of Greater New England and, by extension, the United Systems Alliance.
However proud of the StarFox they may be, PS/ASI is also painfully aware that the design is dependent on unique technologies that could be outstripped by newer systems developed by the mammoth R&D engines of the CCW, TGE, Kittani or even Naruni Enterprises. And specific systems, such as compact cesium-viritalium core particle projection weaponry, dependent on rare minerals(such as Jorgmundson’s skagerite ores), could be jeopardized if their source were cut off. The Minion War had already cut off a number of worlds in the GNE/USA supply network, forcing regional manufacturers to scramble to find new sources or substitutes.
Thus even as the StarFox was reaching front line squadrons, PS/ASI was looking to upgrade the design, to keep it on a par with expected developments(slow as they might be) in the Three Galaxies, and ideally keep it ahead of the competition. Recently opportunity has emerged for PS/ASI to introduce a Bloc II upgrade for the SF-09/39.
The Bloc II is being implemented in all new-construction StarFoxes and as a refit for older battle-damaged fighters as they are rotated to rear echelon service yards for rebuild.
The Bloc II overhauls almost all of the first generation systems and replaces them with more advanced technology. While antimatter systems were planned as a replacement for the rapid-fatigue nuclear fusion reactors, PS/ASI decided to go with a less potentially volatile lucerin-fueled fusior available from WZT, keeping the AM powerplant option in reserve. The jump in available power and endurance allowed PS/ASI to drop the limited-strength aerofield in favor of proper variable forcefields. The extra power also allowed for upgrades to the propulsion, upping maximum speed, even in fully-loaded and encumbered configurations, and giving the StarFox FTL capability without an accessory module.
Improved materials and increased data on high-stress spaceframes from WZT and field experience have allowed PS/ASI to strengthen the Star Fox’s structure, increasing armor protection without increasing weight, and actually freeing up enough internal space for added avionics such as improved sensors(this, incidentally, removed the need for the external AWACS dome option).
Increased modularity has also come into play with the Star Fox-B, with the main missile bays being now fitted to accommodate other types of plug-and-play weapons, including ones originally designated as option-types. Despite this streamlining of logistics, already three variants are rumored to be on the slips, taking advantage of even more radical technological developments.
The new Bloc II StarFox-Bs are expected to replace the older -A models as production ramps up and older birds are cycled in for overhaul. Priority will go to refitting the GNEASF’s top gun units first, then the AJC’s EFR elite squadrons, then followed by the FDF. Those older fighters unable to be rebuilt will likely serve on in training and reserve cadres.

Type: PSS-SF-09/39B2 Bloc II StarFox
Class: Heavy Spacefighter
Crew: One
MDC/Armor By Location
Cockpit/Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment 180
Main Body 870
Engine Pods(2) 350 each
Weapons Turrets(3) 90 each
Point Defense Laser Turrets(2) 80 each
Multi-Missile Launchers(2) 80 each
*Variable Forcefield 300 each side( 1,800 total)

*Forcefield regenerates at 10% per melee

Length: 50 ft
Width: 30 ft
Height: 8 ft
Weight: 50 tons
Cargo: Small space behind pilot’s seat for a survival pack and sidearm(s)
Powerplant: Lucerin-Fueled Nuclear Fusion(15 year energy life)
Range: Effectively Unlimited
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 12(transatmospheric)
(Space) Mach 19
(Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.9% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 3 light years per hour
Bonuses:+1 to Strike and +2 Dodge, in addition to pilot’s training bonuses and targeting system bonuses
Market Cost: NOT FOR SALE!!! EXCLUSIVE TO PS! This is cutting edge, state-of-the-art for PS, and it costs them a cool 79 million credits(PW) per fighter to construct ...but considering its firepower, most aerospace analysts agree it’s worth the price.
Systems of Note:
Standard Starfighter Systems, plus:
*Radar: Range(effective) 250 miles in atmosphere/750,000-2.5 million miles in space and can track up to 60 targets at once. A special ‘smart’ verbal interface menu allows the pilot to selectively view the respective targets by preset criteria(‘highlight friendly targets’, ‘highlight known enemy targets’, ‘highlight objects on intercept or near-intercept courses’, etc....) to avoid ‘signal jumble’.
*Radar/EM/Laser Radiation Detection
*Radiation Detector
*Standard Video Optics plus:
IR/UV Optics
Telescopic/Image Enhancement Optics
Low-Light/Nightvision system
*Combat Computer: The StarFox is equipped with an advanced combat computer, that can store and analyze data during combat with hostile forces. Data collected by the combat computer can be fed directly to the pilot via Head Up Display or cyberlink (see below), which allows the system to display large amounts of data to the pilot and even highlight enemies and missile attacks with overlaid graphics. The combat computer tracks and identifies specific enemy targets, and has a database of over 10,000 images stored in memory. The computer can identify and track up to 250 targets simultaneously, and gives the pilot the following bonuses (in addition to any others): +1 to Strike and +2 Dodge. (+1 to initiative if using a Cyberlink)
*Motion Detector/Collision Warning System: (particularly useful for
maneuvering in close quarters) 1,000 ft(10,000 ft in space) warning alarm.
*Radio/Video Communications: Wide band and directional, radio and video transmission capabilities with a 500,00 mile range.
*Laser Communications--- 700,000 mile range
*Laser Targeting: +2 to strike with ranged weapons.
*Audio/Visual Flight Recorder
*Forward Landing Gear Spotlight: 300 foot range.
*Heat & Radiation Shields
*Independent Oxygen & Circulatory System - Sufficient for 6 days, and
includes full radiation and environmental shielding.

*Advanced Pilot Assist Computer(APAC)---Drawing inspiration from experiments in advanced autopilot A.I.s, PS has incorporated an artificial intelligence system that coordinates the HUDs, and manages accessory systems, such as EW and engineering, allowing the pilot to concentrate on strategy and tactics.

*Cyberlink(optional): An advanced cybernetic control system allows the
pilot 'jack in', if so equipped, to the plane, linking him with the plane as if by telemechanics. The pilot is so in tune with the plane and their environment that he instantly knows everything involving their plane and its operations. A series of tiny external cameras normally used for Virtual Environment Cockpits is tied into the cyberlink, giving them an uncanny 360 degree view around the craft. providing them a +1 to init and dodge, in addition to the normal cyberlink bonuses.

*Ejection Seats--These ejection seats come complete with survival kit, inflatable teflon-coated fabric heatshield(useless when entering the Interface, but useful on other worlds/earths with an atmosphere), locator beacon, and inflatable space survival bubble.

*ORACLE Mrk IVF---Scaled down fighter-portable TW magic sensors---Given that the sort of ‘special missions’ Star Foxes often fly involve paranormal targets, it was considered worth the cost of outfitting the fighters with the appropriate detection systems:
• See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: Fighter Mount: 100 miles (160 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 200 miles (320 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 20,000 miles (32,200 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere.

*ECM Suite----- The StarFox has a standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike.

*Stealth----80% chance of eluding detection by enemy sensors at all ranges.

Weapons Systems
1) Laser Turrets(3)----The StarFox was originally armed with three laser turrets, one on the outside of each engine pylon, and one under the chin/main body. This was until the APPC-07 became available in quantity and the later weapon subsequently refitted to most front line StarFoxes. However, a few earlier production batches retain the pulse lasers, especially in remote postings where the means to service and replace the more sophisticated PBCs are as yet unavailable.
a) Pulse Lasers
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere(24,000 ft in space)
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single cannon burst, 6d6x10 MD for a simultaneous blast from all three turrets on a target in the forward arc of the fighter(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

b)Advanced Particle-Beam Cannon(APPC-07)(3)
The APPC-07 is a scale-up of the same cesium-viritalium alloy particle generation system used in many smaller PS particle beam weapons. This cannon has substantially greater firepower, TRIPLING the damage the StarFox can deliver on target. PS has begun fitting the APPC-07 to the StarFox, replacing the earlier pulse lasers. The only downside of the system is a shorter and more frequent required maintenance cycle; the cesium-viritalium cores require replacement every 1,000 shots or so(as opposed to the lasers, which the engineers claim, ‘seem to last forever’).
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 20 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 6D6x10 MD per cannon blast
A simultaneous volley from all three turrets on one target does a whopping 3d4x100 MD!
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Point Defense Lasers(2)----Mounted on the main body, one just behind the cockpit, the other on the underside of the tail, are two triple-barreled point defense turrets, dedicated to shooting down missiles and other incoming ordnance. They can also be used to defend against attacks from the rear.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 24,000 ft in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per rapid fire pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH or Eight attacks per melee if in automated antimissile mode(CANNOT be used for anything BUT antimissile duty....disengaging the laser system for any other purpose takes a melee action.)
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonuses: +3 to strike missiles

3) Heavy Long Range(Anti-Ship) Missiles(3/2x2)---Mounted on the underside of each engine nacelle is a missile launcher bay---the missiles drop out/are ejected, and light off to attack the target.
These bays can also be modified to accommodate more advanced/powerful cruise missiles, if and when they become available, fitting two per bay, for a total of four weapons carried.
Range: Varies by missile type(LRM or CM)
(Kitsune Values: miles in atmosphere, miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2, or 3
Payload: 6 LRMs, 3 per side
OR 4 LRMs, 2 per side

The StarFox is fully capable of carrying the ‘Binnol’ Nuclear Anti-Ship Torpedo, a thermonuclear weapon of incredible destructive potential.
Note, however, that given the sheer power of this weapon, it is rarely ever issued to patrol forces---only a Contingency Red emergency(overwhelming numbers of superior technology vessels, enemy taskforce, or powerful alien entity) can release these weapons for use.
PS NSIM-2 ‘Binnol’ Nuclear Anti-Ship Torpedo---Even before the Dreadnought Crisis, Paladin Steel recognized that its ships, of high quality though they might be, were no match against the numbers, or the superior technology of such races as the Arkhons. The PSNSIM-2 was developed to give smaller fightercraft a ‘one-shot kill’ capability against heavier spacecraft, similar to the AIR-2A ‘Genie’ nuclear AAM of the pre-Rifts American Empire. With its nuclear warhead and built-in ECM sensor jammers, this ‘mini-Cruise Missile’ can destroy most small craft, and severely damage many larger craft. Given its nuclear ordnance, however, PS limits the issuance of this weapon to taskfleets only, and authorizes its use only in deep space, away from planetary bodies(not that the nuclear weapon is large or powerful enough to do environmental damage, but PS wants to limit the chances of a stray nuke being fired into the VFS, or similar weapons being used in retaliation against their planetary facilities). This policy has been carried over into the United Systems Alliance and Alliance Joint Command; heavy nuclear weapons have only been deployed on a handful of occasions, against rated-catastrophic threats; the Chor’ii, Sorm, and several ‘contagious’ entities.
Range: 75 miles(300 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD to a 1.2 mile radius
Note: The NSIM-2 has its own electronic masking system that scrambles enemy targeting systems---75% percent effectiveness in throwing off enemy sensors(or have the enemy sensor operators roll against the missile’s roll).

(Option) Gun Mounts
Rather than carry heavy missiles, the same bays can be modified to accept WZT/ASI Heavy or Super Heavy Weapons, similar to the centerline heavy weapons pod on the Star Tiger II, trading fire and forget capability for direct gunfighter firepower. Carrying one of the SHW pods reduces top speed by 10%, and two reduces maximum speed by 20%. Not terribly popular with Star Fox crews, who dislike the loss of multiple heavy missile spam attacks and the reduction in speed, but there are situations that call for the custom configurations. This effectively replaces the SF-09/39G Bloc I’Gunslinger’ variant.

4) Short Range Attack Missiles(2 launchers).-----On the outside of each engine nacelle is an armored housing for two short-range missile launchers. These are interesting in that the missiles are mounted facing outwards in a rectangular launcher. When in action, the housing cover opens up like an aerobrake, revealing the missiles.
This launcher is also commonly used to deploy decoys and EM emitter pods.
Range: Varies(x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere and 500 miles (804.7 km) in space)
Damage: Varies. Typically Plasma warheads are carried
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16
Payload: 88 (44 per launcher in eleven rows of 4)

Alternately, the launchers can be fitted to fire the more compact S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’), an attempt to scale down the advanced micro-intelligence guidance system of the Albatross III missile system into a package compact and accurate enough for an infantryman to tote. The ‘S-Sting’ is essentially a ‘smart’ short-range, hypervelocity, anti-air/spacecraft missile. The program has had its first successes with a space-based missile, owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon. As a result, the missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching from the carry canister). The S-Sting is heavier and more powerful than its atmosphere-based cousin, the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere and 500 miles (804.7 km) in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Payload: 196 (88 per launcher in eleven rows of 8 )

5) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---Mounted on either side of the tail are two decoy countermeasure launchers. Each is capable of mounting one of the following countermeasure types:
a)Chaff/Flare Launchers---Standard radar-reflective strips and thermal flares
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 per launcher

b) Nano-Pods-----The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 18 swarm packs

c) Grav-Pack Decoy---The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a preset pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 15 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

d)X-Ray Laser Air/Space Countermeasure Mines
Payload: 18 per launcher

6)(Optional)Hardpoint Pylons(2-4)
Two or more(2-4) hardpoint pylons can be fitted under or over the short engine pylon wings. The problem arises, however, in that the added mass and drag of the pylon-carried ordnance imposes a -2 to Dodge in atmospheric maneuvering and the passive stealth qualities of the hull negated, at least until the weaponry is jettisoned/expended. These hardpoints are compatible with WZT/ASI Medium Weapons Mount ordnance.

---(aka ‘Fenic’, ‘Ferc’) Recon variant, extending the size of the cockpit to fit a sensor operator, HALVING the missile payload for drone and sensor pallets. The SF-09/39B2Ferc can be distinguished by the slightly greater ‘hump’ on its back and extra set of antennae-fins.
Crew: Two; pilot and systems operator
Systems of Note:
*Enhanced ECM Suite---Takes advantage of having a dedicated onboard operator to up the jamming power. Penalty to strike the Fenic with sensor guided weapons is -7.
*Enhanced Sensors---Increase sensor ranges by 25% and acuity by 50%.
Weapons Systems:
3) Main Missile bay capacity is HALVED in favor of carrying specialized sensor pallets and two LOED(Low-Observibility Expendable Drones) each.
Depending on the mission, often the SRML is loaded as well with microprobe scattering launchers.

*SF-09/39B2S---(aka ‘Black Fox’) Rumored ‘black ops’ fighter with even more refined and advanced stealth capabilities, supposedly the result of collaboration of a disenfranchised Bushi Federation Oni ninja(clan).
Systems of Note:
*Enhanced Stealth---Increase chance of avoiding detection by conventional means to 95%. Penalty to strike the Black Fox with sensor guided weapons is -8.
*Oni Sensor Spoofers---Enhanced EW suite that can generate 1d6 sensor-ghosts that can fool other ship’s sensors.
*Star-Slick---The Black Fox is sheathed in an extra layering of optical-defracting material that distorts light such that even at eyeball range, the fighter has a 60% chance of avoiding detection. Attempts to visually target the fighter are -1 to strike(on top of the other bonuses/penalties).

*SF-09/39B2M---(aka ‘Crystal Fox’, ‘StarKit’, ‘Magic-Fox’) Rumored TechnoWizardry variant that integrates two heavy Powerstone PPE generators into its structure to power a number of integral spell enhancements. An ectofiber network integrated into the hull helps shield the ship from magic attack, and a number of new TW weapons systems have appeared, mainly spell-caster modules enhanced with the use of range-boosting ectofiber optic elements.
Cost: +11 million credits
+2 ‘Wizard’-rating Powerstone PPE Generators----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus.
Systems of Note:
*TW Enhancements---The TW PPE Powerstone integral to the powerplant allows for the quick addition of TW enhancements:

*Ectofiber Insulation Grid---Magical Attacks do HALF damage.

*Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP.

*Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE.

*Overdrive/Full Throttle---Increase maximum speed by 40% for 3 minutes, but -5% to piloting rolls(-20% for trick maneuvers), 10 PPE per activation. Cost:

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*Flicker-Dodge---A special capability, and an application of the Astral Hole spell. This allows the aircraft to quickly dodge out of sight/reality, for a few seconds, or move up to 2000 ft sideways, up, down, or backwards , with a +2 to dodge while doing so. Typically, an aircraft can engage this system 6 times before needing to recharge the system on a Ley Line(takes about 24 hours), or the pilot can pump in 120 PPE per “flicker-dodge”.

*Micro-Meteor Pod---This looks like a hardpoint missile pod, but actually blasts out a wave of micro-meteors(20,000 ft range/Kitsune range 400 miles, doing 2d6x10 +50 MD to a 100 ft radius, for a full 15 seconds) for the expenditure of 28 PPE per shot.

*Nova Blast(s)---Both engine nacelles can seem to expel large masses of plasma when this TW weapon is engaged; (3,000 ft range in atmosphere, 8,000 ft range in space, Kitsune range 60 mikes in space, does 1d4x10 MD in atmosphere, 1d4x100 MD in space, at a cost of 15 PPE per shot, double blasts are possible)

*Shadow Meld ----10 PPE for 30 minutes’ duration.

*Invisibility: Superior----20 PPE for 3 minutes’ duration.

Other systems rumored to be in development include an improved Foo-Fighter Defense Drone System, new TW weapons, and protections.
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

A competing craft with more than 3x the mass of the Black Eagle had better out perform it, so there will be less hard feelings from the CAF. I notice most of the weapons haven't changed yet, but that's can wait, as the shield and engines are more important. And not to stress the stealth systems so much when they're new. The missiles feel a bit of to me right now, but I'll think on it.

EDIT: I'm working a on mega post for the TMS, so it might take a day or two.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:A competing craft with more than 3x the mass of the Black Eagle had better out perform it, so there will be less hard feelings from the CAF. I notice most of the weapons haven't changed yet, but that's can wait, as the shield and engines are more important. And not to stress the stealth systems so much when they're new. The missiles feel a bit of to me right now, but I'll think on it.

Made a tweak to the stealth bonuses of the Black Fox....If you can make a ship the size of an Aurora virtually disappear from sensors, well, something smaller should be easier to hide. Then again the Black Fox is rumor, right? ( :D :D :D )

Yes, the missiles are somewhat oinky, what with three CMs possible in standard config, yet the addition of heavy weapons raises that to 4 per nacelle, but you lose some speed.
And I admit that increasing engine size could probably allow it to blitz by the Scorp/Super-Scorp, but we're not re-inventing the Raiju or the Chimbane (which I believe I overhauled with MONSTER engines).

After/In parallel with some upgrades to PS/ASI designs, I'll try blazing some new ground with some alien designs, including adversary species like the Sqaada, or 'don't-poke-them' polities like the Xan Xanti. Coming up with new technnologies...well, new ground has to be broken sometime..
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:A competing craft with more than 3x the mass of the Black Eagle had better out perform it, so there will be less hard feelings from the CAF. I notice most of the weapons haven't changed yet, but that's can wait, as the shield and engines are more important. And not to stress the stealth systems so much when they're new. The missiles feel a bit of to me right now, but I'll think on it.

Yes, the missiles are somewhat oinky, what with three CMs possible in standard config, yet the addition of heavy weapons raises that to 4 per nacelle, but you lose some speed.
And I admit that increasing engine size could probably allow it to blitz by the Scorp/Super-Scorp, but we're not re-inventing the Raiju or the Chimbane (which I believe I overhauled with MONSTER engines).

Its wasn't the 6 CM's that made me scratch my head, it was that it could only carry 6 smaller LRMs in the same housing. Is it a bay arrangement problem? A lot of the time it would be more useful to have like 12 LRMs or 24 MRMs.

The CAF has admitted that the Scorp has reached as far as the fundamental chassis can go under the current combat paradigm, so they're starting on developing the a true replacement. The Super-Scorp bought them a good decade and a half to do it in.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Its wasn't the 6 CM's that made me scratch my head, it was that it could only carry 6 smaller LRMs in the same housing. Is it a bay arrangement problem? A lot of the time it would be more useful to have like 12 LRMs or 24 MRMs.

Actually, each bay can only hold 3 LRMs or 2 CMs.
They're like the 'stealth' launch bays on F-24s....the size of. the bay determines the size of the missile, if the launchers are not to ruin streamlining/stealth qualities.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

So I've trawled through Kistune's material ocean and dredged up some ships that are appropriate for mercenaries, or at least the ludicrously large Tri-Galactic Military Service.

Tri-Galactic Military Service ‘Rampage’ Medium Assault Shuttle
“The advantage of smaller shuttles as opposed to the monsters of the SAS or Rain of Death is that they’re faster and can make an attempt at avoiding enemy defenses. The big bricks don’t really have a choice but to run the gauntlet, which is problematic when combined with their historic lack of shields. But they’re built to take that punishment, and can put a lot of metal on the ground in one drop. That comes with the assumption that that is what you actually want though, which is far from certain.”
---- Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“Any idiot can tell you that the Rampage is an enlarged Higgens that drops the wings, but that isn’t quite the whole story. Most of the engineering and the shields are taken from the Proctor, and while slightly slower it retains the better-than-shuttle maneuverability. The weapons are an expansion of those on the Higgins (which is to say the Black Eagle) combined with the Particle Beams from the CAF Assault Shuttle, which understandably show up everywhere due to their effectiveness against missiles. Troop accommodations aren’t really my thing, but those I’ve talked to say that the ride naturally leaves something to be desired if the troops aren’t using a good rack system when it does maneuvers.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”The Rampage is incomparably better than the old crate, but you naturally have to be careful not to rattle the eggs too much. When it’s just strait-legs or PA, they can use the expanded cradle system to deal with maneuvers, but if you're carrying a tank then they don’t have that luxury. If they're too dizzy on the trip down, then they won’t be able to drive or shoot straight, which is something of a problem to put it mildly. And then there are the hot extractions, which you have to load them fast and dodge enemy fire. ”
---- Anonymous TMS Pilot.

The Rampage was created by the in-house engineers of the renowned Tri-Galactic Military Service mercenary groups to provide a more easily transported assault shuttle in particular one that can be operated from their converted Scimitars. Naturally starting with an enlarged Higgins, the Rampage is one of the fastest dropships capable of carrying a major armored vehicle. Its bay is capable of transporting a single large tank or IFV along with up to 40 straight leg or 30 power armored soldiers, or up to 100 or 75 without the vehicle. The latter is most commonly used for boarding or commando operations, where an armored vehicle would be of little utility. Being an assault ship, the Rampage is completely unsuited for patrol work.
Type: TMS-MAS-04

Class: Medium Assault Shuttle

Crew: 5 (Pilot, Copilot, Communication/Sensor Operator, and two Gunners), up to 100 troops.

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Nose Lasers (2)--------300 each
    VF PBC (2)------------150 each
    Wing Tip MML (2)------100 each
    Rear Troop Door-------300
    Main Body-------------1250
    Reinforced Cockpit-----250
    Variable Force Field----400 per side (2400 total)
  • Length: 92 feet (28 meters).
    Height: 28 feet (8.5 meters).
    Width: 82 feet (25 meters)
    Weight: 820 tons (743.9 metric tons)
Cargo: 100 ton of cargo in place of troops or vehicles but not including standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. The bay is 20 x 20 x 50 feet in dimensions (6.1 x 6.1 x 15.2 meters).

Powerplant: Advanced fusion power supply with a 5 year duration.

  • (Atmosphere) Mach 3 (2,224.4 mph / 3,579.8 kph), transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 9.5
    • (Kitsune: 20% of light speed; Accel/decel at .95% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Rampage is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Rampage is NOT designed for underwater operations
Market Cost: 80 million for a Rampage Assault Shuttle with new weapon systems. Only available when the TMS does not desire to replace losses or build up its stockpile.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Shuttle Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Nose Lasers (2): As on the Black Eagle

    2) VF Particle Beams (2): As on the CAF Assault Shuttle

    3) Mini Missile Launchers (2): As on the Black Eagle, but +50% payload.

    3) Medium Missile Pylons (8): May hold 1 LRM, 2 MRM, 4 SRMs, or 8 MMs
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *1 Tank or IFV
    *Up to 30 Light or Medium Power Armor if a vehicle is carried, 75 without.
Tri-Galactic Military Service 'Razor’ class Light Escort Corvette
“Prior to the Marauder, the Razer was arguably the best small Corvette that wasn’t the Blackbird. It’s also a decade or two older, but didn’t ignite a firestorm when it came out due to being something of a clunker tech wise. The TMS uses them to protect its larger Banshees, and they can just barely fit in their bays for servicing. They have a maximum throw weight of 32 CMs, which is quite substantial for its mass, but as an oversized fighter it can only do it once before it has to run. The standards for maneuverability have been massively upped recently, but the Razor is faster than its charges, which is all that really matters. It's mediocre as a patrol craft due to a number of crew factors, but those that buy it don’t intend to use it for such.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

“While the Razor obviously inspired the Marauder, there are plenty of differences when you look at the actual system layout. Beyond the configuration, the Razor is a larger and much less advanced craft, and wouldn’t have been out of place during the First Great War. It's still smaller than some of the other escorts that have been making the rounds, such as the Meteor Storm, and prior to the Blackbird it was one of the fastest and most heavily armed. Other than being low tech, it’s biggest problem is the lack of kinetic weapons, which is only partially compensated by the MMLs in the wing tips.”
---- Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

”The Razor was the primary inspiration for the Marauder, as far as capabilities go. The older tech it uses left us a lot of room for improvement, which let us shave a good fourth of its mass while improving it in all aspects other than maximum throw weight. The Marauder’s smaller hull doesn’t have as much room for ordinance, but we managed to partially compensate by adding the under-wing mounts. The stealth systems are generally thought to outweigh the remaining differences, those rely on the enemy using missiles. It's generally a given, but there are plenty of odd ball situations out there.”
---- Anonymous, Ross Aerospace R&D

First developed by the Tri-Galactic Military Service, the Razor has been widely licensed to lesser powers as a substitute for larger and more expensive escort ships. Cheaper to construct and operate than the larger Harrier and Kestral, the Razor is used by those that wish their small ships to be more than pure missile boats. The control systems are considered quite modern, and the vessel is as maneuverable as most heavy fighters. Like most Light Corvettes, the Razor lacks in overall endurance, but unlike the missile heavy designs has something to fall back on.
Type: TMS-FFL-07

Class: Escort Corvette.

Crew: 14 (2 officers normally, an be operated effectively by a crew of 10), and up to 4 troops

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Main Body-------------------2,000
    Engine Cluster---------------800
    Medium Ship Laser-----------300
    Nose Lasers (4)-------------50 each
    VF PBC (2)------------------250 each
    Large Missile Bays (4)-------160 each
    Small Missile Bays (4)-------125 each
    Wing Tip MML (2)-----------100 each
    Variable Force Field:---------800 per facing (4,800 total)
  • Height: 38 feet (11.6 meters).
    Width: 76 feet (23.24 meters) the body or 144 feet (43.9 meters) at the wing body.
    Length: 240 feet (73.1 meters)
    Weight: 1,650 tons (1,496.8 metric tons).
Cargo: Negligible

Powerplant: Advanced Fusion with a 20 year life span

  • (Atmosphere) Mach Mach 1.8 and is fully transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10 in space.
    • (Kitsune: 50% of light speed; Accel/decel at 1% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4.5 light years per hour
Market Cost: 375 Million

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Corvette) Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Medium Ship Laser:
    • Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
      • (Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 8,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD per single blast
      Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
      Payload:Effectively Unlimited
      Bonuses: Does not have a to hit penalty against small craft
    2) Nose Lasers (4): As on the Black Eagle, and may be fire linked.

    3) VF PBC Turrets (2): As on the CAF Assault Shuttle

    4) Large Missile Bays (4):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8
      Payload: 8 CMs, 16 LRMs, or 32 MRMs each
    5) Small Missile Bays (4):
    • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24
      Payload: 16 MRMs or 32 SRMs each
    6) Mini Missile Launchers (2): As on the Black Eagle, but +50% payload.
Training: Uses Fighter Combat: Elite (Proctor), and gains full bonuses

Auxiliary Craft:
  • None.
  • * ‘Howler: The TMS also fields an electronic warfare variant, which replaces half the missile bays for a Cruiser grade sensor set and an EWAR array, which is capable of protecting both itself and ships near it. It is estimated to cost around 750 million credits, but if it saves even one carrier it is considered worth it.
    • *ECM System: Comm Jamming 5K mile range, 90% vs civilian, 75% vs military. Missiles and sensor guided weapons are -4 to strike this ship, and if set to wide band ships within 120 miles.[/list
Kitsune came up with an idea for a use for the surplus Hunters the CAF sells.

Mercenary ‘Red Wolf’ class High Speed Assault Transport
“Of all the light assault ships out there, the Red Wolf is the least painful to have on your own side. It’s literally a DD converted into a troop ship, and it retains all the mobility and at least marginal self defense capability against fighters and ordinance. It's also far tougher than the usual civilian conversions you see in the weight bracket. If a good portion of the GROPOS are at least mildly competent at maintenance work, then it's relatively straightforward to keep running as well. There’s no end of bushfires that can be put out by a PA company, or started for that matter.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

The Red Wolf is a pattern of surplus Hunter class Destroyers repurposed for use as assault transports, carrying up to a reinforced company of Power Armor equipped soldiers to whatever operations they are assigned to. The former weapons mounts are replaced with armor morgues and troop barrack, providing just enough room for a noticeable amount of supplies. As it lacks the ability to transport heavy vehicles, it is best used as a special forces transport, positioning its forces where they can obtain the best results. As it lacks anything beyond its defensive weapons, it needs to be escorted if it expects to have to deal with enemy warships.

While not exactly common in the overall scheme of things, many well to do mercenary commands use it as their primary transport, particularly ones that can fit their full strength within its confines. The TMS is known to operate a number of them for specialist operations, but generally prefers to use their own Bengal class Scimitar conversions. Similarly, it is generally believed that the CAF also has its own small stable, but the original Scimitar is widely available and can use the small Higgins dropship.
Type: HF-75-APD

Class: High Speed Assault Transport (Converted Destroyer)

Crew: 16 (2 Officers), up to 172 Troops (160 Marines, 12 shuttle crew)

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Main Body------------------4,500
    Engine Cluster--------------1600
    Point Defense Turrets (8)---400 each
    MRM Launchers (2)---------100 each
    Variable Force Field:--------1000 per facing (6,000 total)
  • Height: 70 feet (21.3 meters)
    Width: 80 feet (24.4 meters)
    Length: 300 feet (91.4 meters)
    Weight: 6,000 tons (5443 metric tons)
Cargo: 500 tons of cargo not including a standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

  • (Atmosphere) Mach Mach 1 (741.5 mph / 1,193.3 kph) and is fully transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 9.5 in space.
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .95% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4.5 light years per hour
Market Cost: 180 million for Red Wolf High Speed Transport. Refitting a stripped Hunter costs around 60 Million Credits.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) PD EM Railguns (4): As original

    2) PD Laser Turrets (4): As original

    3) MRM Launchers (2): As original, top and bottom.

Auxiliary Craft:
  • *4 Higgins (or similarly Sized) Assault Shuttles
    *Up to 160 Light or Medium Power Armors (Typically at least 32 Space Capable)
Kitsune has the TMS reuse the Scimi for a pair of conversions, so I’m combing them there.

Tri-Galactic Military Service ‘Bengal’ High Speed Assault Transport
“The Bengal is perhaps the first serious variation of the Scimitar to ever get serious traction, and it's easy to see why. The Cop Car was always as much a transport as a warship, and turning it into a formal assault platform makes sense. They had to come up with a new assault shuttle to use with it, but the old beast is really too large for single or paired company level deployments anyway. Replacing the weapons with LRMs gave it more offensive punch, so it's better at general patrol work as well. I’m reasonably certain the Wildfire Scout Carrier variant inspired the Longbow, but it's unlikely anybody in BuShips will ever admit it.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

The Tri-Galactic Military Service has hundreds of minor deployments going on at once, and it needs a capable platform to facilitate them. It was decided that the best way to support a mechanized company of Infantry was to use a surplus Scimitar hull, replacing most of the stripped components and systems with troop bays. The TMS’s own yards are easily able to repair the various bits of ‘de-milling’ the ships were subjected to when they left CAF service, resulting in the Bengal class. The defensive mini-missile launchers were restored, the Particle Beam Turrets were replaced with models taken from the CAF Assault Shuttle, and the forward laser turrets were filled by a pair of CAF standard LRM launchers, providing both offensive and defensive capabilities. As the Scimitar is simply too small to use the normal CAF Assault shuttle, the TMS developed the much smaller Rampage, who’s bay dimensions dedicated what vehicles the Bengal would be fitted to hold.

Similarly, the TMS would also use the Scimitar as a small carrier platform, designated the Wildfire. Likely the direct inspiration for the CAF’s Longbow configuration, the Wildfire remove’s the Bengal’s troop accommodations and adds a pair of side mounted hangers, and uses locations of the former Grav-Cannons to house an additional pair of fighters. Both the Bengal and the Wildfire have proven to be incredibly effective, having sufficient firepower to not need a dedicated escort flotilla and being quite capable in their role. The TMS has even started producing a limited number of new hulls for their own use, and have only expanded operations since the CAF has become understandably more reluctant to phase out ships in recent years.
Type: TMS-HSAT-20

Class: High Speed Assault Transport (Converted Frigate)

Crew: 96 (10 Officers and 86 Enlisted), 200 troops, 10 silverhawk pilots, 24 shuttle pilots & crew

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • LRM Battery (2)-------------600 each
  • Height: 80 feet (24.4 meters).
    Width: 140 feet (42.6 meters).
    Length: 500 feet (152 meters).
    Weight: 13,500 tons (12,250 metric tons)
Cargo: 800 ton of cargo not including standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

Market Cost: 420 million for a Bengal with new weapon systems (Not including assault shuttles which cost 80 million each).

Systems of Note:
  • Standard Starship Systems

    *Long Range Sensors: Maximum Resolution Range of 4 million miles, and can track vessels going FTL at up to 3 light years away.
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) LRM Battery (2): As on the Warshield, but holds 128 ready missiles each.

    2) Variable PBC Turrets (4): Taken from the CAF Assault Shuttle

    4) Mini-Missile Launchers (8): Unchanged
Auxiliary Craft:
  • *0-2 Light Fighters (Commonly Starcross-A)
    *2-4 Rampage Light Assault Shuttles (higher if no fighters are carried)
    *10 Silverhawk
    *4 Tanks or IFVs
    *Up to 200 Light / Medium Power Armors
  • It is widely rumored that the CAF plans to convert a number of their less structurally well off Scimitars into a similar configuration, but no official budget item has been approved. However, as the CCW’s bureaucratic apparatus is in shambles, it is entirely possible that funds from a previous pork barrel project have been reappropriated.

    *TMS-SC-20 Wildfire: The likely predecessor to the Longbow.
    • Crew: 108 (10 Officers and 98 Enlisted), 36 fighter pilots, 24 Silverhawk power armor pilots, and 20 marines.

      MDC/Armor by Location:
      • LRM Battery (2)----------600 each
        Side Hangar Bays (2)-----1,800 each
        Side Hanger Doors (2)----400 each
      • Height: 80 feet (25.60 meters).
        Width: 105 feet (32.0 meters)
        Length: 152 feet (46.33 meters).
        Weight: 13,400 tons (12,156.3 metric tons).
      Cargo: 500 ton (453.6 metric tons) of cargo not including standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.

      Market Cost: 450 million for a fully refitted Wildfire class scout carrier with new weapon systems.
Tri-Galactic Military Service ‘Banshee’ Light Fleet Carrier
“The Banshee shows just how easy it is to build a viable carrier if you know what you’re doing. The TMS builds them to mostly high-level civilian standards, but that’s close enough to First Great War era mil-spec that it's acceptable if barely. It's not an Escort conversion by any stretch of the imagination, and has all the appropriate secondary features you’d expect out of a Fleet Carrier. Its guns are enough to ward off the real small fries if they don’t have a death wish, and the TMS tries to avoid going up against those that do without overwhelming strength. It's a far cry from anything we would seriously use, but there’s something to be learned nonetheless.”
----Captain-General Vicen Trancluw, CAF

The Tri-Galactic Military Service is by far the largest formal mercenary organization in the Three Galaxies, and that translates into an expansive fleet. While primarily using older surplus military designs, along with what more modern hulls can be acquired whenever possible, the TMS does have enough financial and industrial power to produce its own ships at its homeworld of Norrelgo-5. The TMS has carefully develop relationships with the most prominent scrap yards in the the CCW, which results in them having near ready access to many obsolescent systems and components, and has non-trivial manufacturing capability for the most common weapons and materials, allowing them to develop a small line of vessels ideally suited for their needs. Beyond their small craft and Scimitar variants, the TMS also constructs the Banshee Light Fleet Carrier, which it naturally appropriates for a variety of different roles.

Displacing as much as a typical Heavy Cruiser, the Banshee is lightly protected for its size due to the use of older and much less efficient materials and components, as well as being constructed to mostly civilian standards. Firepower is somewhat less than that of the Warshield, lacking Cruise Missiles and secondary weapons, but what it has is sufficient to see off small bands of Frigates and Destroyers. As a carrier, the Banshee’s primary defense is its aerospace wing, which consists of 96 light and medium ASF and 60 Silverhawks. While not as large as many other comparable vessels, this is quite substantial for its available volume, and is often more than its opposition can muster. The launch bays are notable for being highly automated, with most common servicing and reloading being done by drones.

Beyond being used as a small Fleet Carrier, the Banshee also sees use as an Assault Ship, as ground warfare is the primary activity of the TMS. When fitted as a troop ship, the Banshee can deploy a short mechanized regiment, which is generally as large as modern ground campaigns demand. The TMS also field a number of Hybrid carriers, similar to the peace-time Packmaster, which is far more justified due to the frequent and complex nature of their operations. Beyond its relative fragility, the Banshee’s largest problem is its lack luster FTL speed of only 4 ly/hour. While this was the galactic military standard for centuries, truly modern designs such as those started to be fielded by the CAF are starting to push the average up to 5 or 6, which makes older drives something of a strategic liability.
Type: TMS-LFC-08, TMS-LAC-09, and TMS-LHC-10

Class: Light Fleet Carrier, Light Assault Carrier, and Light Hybrid Carrier

  • TMS-LFC-08: 345 (20 Officers and 325 Enlisted), 144 fighter pilots, 60 Silverhawk pilots, 60 Marines.
    TMS-LAC-09: 320 (16 Officers and 304 Enlisted), 54 fighter pilots, 48 Shuttle pilots / crew, 20 Silverhawk pilots, 800 marines
    TMS-LHC-10: 330 (18 Officers and 312 Enlisted), 72 fighter pilots, 24 Shuttle pilots / crew, 20 Silverhawk pilots, 400 marines.
MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Main Body-------------------35,000
    Main Engines (2)-------------9,000 each
    Hangar Bays (6)-------------5,000 each
    LRM Battery (2)-------------600 each
    Point Defense Turrets (12)---150 each
    MM Launchers (6)-----------100 each
    Variable Force Field:---------3000 per facing (18,000 total)
  • Height: 325 feet (99.06 meters)
    Width: 455 feet (138.68 meters)
    Length: 965 feet (294.13 meters)
    Weight: 360,000 tons (326,600 metric tons) fully loaded
Cargo: Depends on the variant
  • TMS-LFC-08: 15,000 tons (13,610 metric tons) of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.
    TMS-LAC-09: 30,000 tons (27,220 metric tons) of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition
    TMS-LHC-10: 20,000 tons (18,140 metric tons) of Cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition
Powerplant: Anti-Matter with a 25 year life span

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to 400 mph (643.7 kph), transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 8 in space.
    • (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel/decel at .8% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 4 light years per hour
Market Cost: 6.5 billion credits to construct, and the TMS does not have enough to warrant selling them.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard (Cruiser) Starship Systems
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Intermediary Laser Mounts (2): Similar to those found on the Lasser. They can be fired up to 120 degrees toward the rear on either side (can only fire one cannon at a target at that angle but can spin to be able to bring both batteries to bear) and can fire at a 30 degree angle up or down.
    • Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 20 miles in space
      (Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 20,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 4d6x100 MD per single blast
      Rate of Fire: 2 times per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited
    2) LRM Battery (2): As on the Warshield, but holds 240 ready missiles each.

    3) Variable PBC PD Turrets (8): Taken from the CAF Assault Shuttle

    4) EM Railgun PD Turrets (8): As on the Hunter

    5) Mini-Missile Launchers (6): As on the Scimitar
Auxiliary Craft: Depends on the variant
  • TMS-LFC-08:
    • *36 Medium Fighters
      *60 Light Fighters
      *60 Silverhawks
    • *12 Medium Fighters
      *24 Light Fighters
      *20 Silverhawks
      *8 Rampage Medium Assault Shuttles
      *30 Tanks
      *50 IFVs
      *400 Ground Power Armors
    • *24 Medium Fighters
      *24 Light Fighters
      *20 Silverhawks
      *4 Rampage Medium Assault Shuttles
      *10 Tanks
      *30 IFVs
      *200 Ground Power Armors
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by SolCannibal »

I ask myself how well would a repurposed Rampage do as a pirate ship for boarding actions.

That said, it would take some pretty skilled, lucky - and possibly foolhardy - pirates to obtain one and actually use that in such a role across the spacelanes, i guess.

Thinking now of Space Jotans, a watered down cross of Dominators & Zentraedi in TW ships and gear.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

SolCannibal wrote:I ask myself how well would a repurposed Rampage do as a pirate ship for boarding actions.

That said, it would take some pretty skilled, lucky - and possibly foolhardy - pirates to obtain one and actually use that in such a role across the spacelanes, i guess.

Thinking now os Space Jotans, a watered down cross of Dominators & Zentraedi in TW ships and gear.

It isn't quite perfect as a hostile boarding craft, as it doesn't have all the kit that you would want. It would have to sacrifice a bit of its troop bay for the hull cutter and ventral port to use it, but its doable. The hard part is getting it, as the TMS prefers not to sell to idiots who will make it look bad.
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Re: Starship designs...

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Omegasgundam wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:I ask myself how well would a repurposed Rampage do as a pirate ship for boarding actions.

That said, it would take some pretty skilled, lucky - and possibly foolhardy - pirates to obtain one and actually use that in such a role across the spacelanes, i guess.

It isn't quite perfect as a hostile boarding craft, as it doesn't have all the kit that you would want. It would have to sacrifice a bit of its troop bay for the hull cutter and ventral port to use it, but its doable. The hard part is getting it, as the TMS prefers not to sell to idiots who will make it look bad.

True. And them turning up on the service of FWC's corsairs would look particularly bad indeed. :lol:
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Re: Starship designs...

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SolCannibal wrote:[
True. And them turning up on the service of FWC's corsairs would look particularly bad indeed. :lol:

Mind you, convoluted paths to such scenarios make for nifty mini-epics....
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Re: Starship designs...

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Struggling a bit with defining what kind and quality of merchandise would my "Space Giants" race exactly be able to produce....

I was stumbling on what form i really want to give them, but have started solving that already.

The Gigaspatial (aka Colossians) are a race that is quite unique in that they claim to have been created by the Dominators, beings better known for their propensity to exterminate other starfaring races, as the act of an individual Dominator to memorialize them. This race of peculiar gigantic humanoids see the Dominators as glorious and tragic creators and a duty of their culture to "celebrate the makers' bittersweet legacy" by showing a pale shadow of their lost glory - delivering epic heapings of whoop@$$ wherever they go.

They don't really care for conquest - quite the contrary in fact, as acquisition and governance of territory are unwelcome distractions from the glories of battle, celebrating victories and the loss of cherished brothers & sisters in arms. They live - and die - for meeting new people to battle, beside or against, and remember their victories and heroics through the ages.

The Colossians not only fight for other people, but help them learn to stand on their own, acting as military trainers and weapon consultants to civilizations still entering the starfaring scene, forming a network of "disciple kingdoms" they exchange information, tactics, ideas and know-how with, sometimes being recalled for some project of their "pupils" are struggling with. Overlook Ventures, a conglomerate developed by one of those young races they once helped (that decided they liked consulting work and spreading the tale of the Colossians' battles across the stars far more than nation-building), is the more organized and visible aspect of this endeavour.

That is the gist of the idea. Fluff looks set i guess and I really like the funky values inversion going on in how the Colossians interpret the Dominators and their actions in a pseudo-norse saga format. Time to hit the books and see if i can decide on the ups and downs of their gear.
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Re: Starship designs...

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SolCannibal wrote:
That is the gist of the idea. Fluff looks set i guess and I really like the funky values inversion going on in how the Colossians interpret the Dominators and their actions in a pseudo-norse saga format. Time to hit the books and see if i can decide on the ups and downs of their gear.

Sound like a fun lot. I look forward to learning of them in more detail.

As to the sorts of goods they might produce?

They might make good quality adventuring/survival gear that could, in quantity, be quite serviceable colonization gear. Potable shelters, environmental adaptation gear, caping equipment, medical kits, footwear, and the like.
They like combat and glory and tales of epic ness? Maybe they also make high-quality combat-rated video/audio recording equipment, the better to record those epic moments(or catch those epic fails for evaluation).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
That is the gist of the idea. Fluff looks set i guess and I really like the funky values inversion going on in how the Colossians interpret the Dominators and their actions in a pseudo-norse saga format. Time to hit the books and see if i can decide on the ups and downs of their gear.

Sound like a fun lot. I look forward to learning of them in more detail.

Thanks. Now that i have a good idea of what they are supposed to be like main hurdle in the way is my tinkering with mechanics, as the whole thing started from "TW Jotans" and my desire to make one "package race" to cover/subsume the multiple ones from CB1. Also because i might use a version of the race for my "giant empire" on Greenland (in a setting with Atlantis for continent and major power bloc, i can't just leave a real landmass with 3/4 of its size in the same ocean & hemisphere ignored).

taalismn wrote:As to the sorts of goods they might produce?

They might make good quality adventuring/survival gear that could, in quantity, be quite serviceable colonization gear. Potable shelters, environmental adaptation gear, caping equipment, medical kits, footwear, and the like.
They like combat and glory and tales of epic ness? Maybe they also make high-quality combat-rated video/audio recording equipment, the better to record those epic moments(or catch those epic fails for evaluation).

Yeah, a media section, very much inspired by Naruni Enterprises' having a department for films, cartoons, videos and other media (with a slant toward stealth advertisement of their products) was definitely something in my mind. Also because at some point "the bards" (the more socially adroit race of pupils that took on the role of managers/public department for the colossians) saw avoiding confusion of the Colossians with the Dominators themselves by other races as desirable.
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Re: Starship designs...

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SolCannibal wrote:I ask myself how well would a repurposed Rampage do as a pirate ship for boarding actions.

That said, it would take some pretty skilled, lucky - and possibly foolhardy - pirates to obtain one and actually use that in such a role across the spacelanes, i guess.

Thinking now of Space Jotans, a watered down cross of Dominators & Zentraedi in TW ships and gear.

How do boarding happy Space Jotans work, when 90% of the spaceships they encounter are going to be scaled for much smaller humanoids;
~ 8 ft corridor heights + 18 ft tall plus Jotan + boarding action = ???
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Re: Starship designs...

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pad300 wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:I ask myself how well would a repurposed Rampage do as a pirate ship for boarding actions.

That said, it would take some pretty skilled, lucky - and possibly foolhardy - pirates to obtain one and actually use that in such a role across the spacelanes, i guess.

Thinking now of Space Jotans, a watered down cross of Dominators & Zentraedi in TW ships and gear.

How do boarding happy Space Jotans work, when 90% of the spaceships they encounter are going to be scaled for much smaller humanoids;
~ 8 ft corridor heights + 18 ft tall plus Jotan + boarding action = ???

Ah, i didn't think of them together with the Rampage or corsairs, more like a possible producer of ships and weaponry.

Also, considering the 2nd and 3rd most populous species in the 3 Galaxies are Wulfen - 7-9 feet tall - and Kreegor - 8-10 feet tall, when erect - i find the idea that 8 ft corridor heights are the norm quite doubtful (admitedly, not much help to 14-20ft tall giants in armor either way).

But it is a quite fair question, i'd say. They might have much smaller bots to cover that function, or preferably "just" flush out the opposition in areas with dimensions more to their liking. But the focus of the robots, based on Colossian mentality, would be more into scouting out an area and to force the adversaries out of their position (and into their masters' reach) than fighting for them.
In that the Colossians view on combat is the diametral opposite of the Narunis, they pretty much refuse to sit back and leave the combat for robots, there's no glory and tales to memorialize on that.
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Re: Starship designs...

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pad300 wrote:[

How do boarding happy Space Jotans work, when 90% of the spaceships they encounter are going to be scaled for much smaller humanoids;
~ 8 ft corridor heights + 18 ft tall plus Jotan + boarding action = ???

No mention was made of the ships being still usable afterwards. :D
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Re: Starship designs...

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“The Minion and Forge Wars did a lot to entrench the idea of frontier and Rim fleet space captains as a tough cunning lot. There’s more than a nugget of truth to that image. Rim crews are more often than not out there all on their own, with inadequate equipment, low logistical support, and little if any reinforcements to help them out. They’re often outgunned, frequently outnumbered, and all too often have too little intelligence on what they’re facing. They’re usually the first to encounter some new threat, be it by responding to some outpost or by flying into the sights of some new invasive species. They usually get their early space training, not in some coreworld academy, but pounding the decks of tramp spacers. Some of them even started out as pirates and runners before they saw the light, while others were impressed as pirate crew before they managed to escape and rejoin civilization.

There is no ‘by the book’ Rim combat doctrine; fringe-world captains and crew rarely have the luxury of falling back on an extended chain of command and out-sector reinforcements to cover them, and much of what the coreworlds consider to be essential protocol is regarded as potentially-crippling and time-consuming knob-polishing by many Rim commands . That isn’t to say thay’re undisciplined; most IDFs have cribbed the training manuals of the CAF and other large polities and some Rimmers have naval traditions and discipline that is draconian by even TGE standards. Not every captain’s a Zeke Starrunner, and there are many who are conservative to the point of being immovable objects a roaming black hole couldn’t pull out of their chosen positions. The tactics of survival are different, case by case, so there is no one surefire way to succeed, no clean road to traverse that insures a crew’s safety. The media has part of THAT right; Rimmers throw out the protocols book and often the safety manual)though overloading the antimatter engine to gain more speed is pure fiction, regardless of how many times Zeke Starrunner does it on the holo).

What the media DOESN’T portray is the high cost of learning; even though most of these rimmers grow up knowing the odds when they go to space, there’s too many of them that lose the bet, either due to equipment failure or enemy action. Old ships give up the ghost and take their crews with them. The new alien species has the initiative, and the element of surprise. The void takes its toll of those who would sail it.

The ones that survive; they’ve learned how to think on the fly, fly like void winds, and fight like war spirits. And now that the Rim nations have been banding together and getting good locally-produced equipment, they’re becoming a decisive force on the frontier. They may never match the sheer numbers of the core worlds can field, but they whip better than their weight of academy-trained pukes nine times out of ten. They win because they don’t have the luxury of losing.”
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Starship designs...

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taalismn wrote:Solex Federation Sengoku-Class Battleship

“If you go by records alone, the Solex Federation’s line of battle looks pretty impressive, with over fifty battleships. But the reality it, the design’s been around over ninety years, and is long in the tooth compared to what the big players in the ThreeGee are fielding. Furthermore, the Solexians can’t raise the full number for combat; officially they’re all operational, but in reality over a third of them have vanished off the fleet rolls, either defected to suspected rebel colonial forces forming in the outworlds, or to special anti-colonial taskforces being set up by the more zealous coreworlders. Either way, they’re not going to be available for full fleet actions.”

“Sengos are pug-ugly bastards; they look like steam-boilers and maneuver like paddle-wheelers. They DO, however, mount enough armor and weaponry that they’re not easy pushovers for anybody who hasn’t done their homework or isn’t all the way on the ball.”

Being several generations in technology behind advanced star nations, Sengokus have a number of shortcomings:

*Slow FTL Engagement---The massive FTL drive units of the Sengokus take roughly 30 minutes(or 6d6 minutes) to go from a ‘cold’ start to readiness for jump to FTL. Also, upon dropping out of FTL, they cannot re-engage safely for 45 minutes. A ‘hot’ jump can be attempted, but this carries a 30% chance of doing 6d6x10 MD internal stress damage, a 40% chance of taking the FTL drive COMPLETELY offline(+another 30% failure chance and TRIPLE the internal damage if the engines are still operational and another ‘hot’ jump is attempted).

*Sensor Self-Masking---If the forcefield is engaged, the ship’s sensor acuity and range drops by 30%. The main direct fire armaments will be at -1 to strike beyond 70% of their maximum range(missiles are unaffected).

*Sensor Jamming Vulnerability---Solex Federation sensors are generally at a -18% disadvantage to see through ‘standard’ CCW/TGE-level jamming/active cloaking systems.

The Sengoku design has been around long enough that several refits and upgrades have resulted in a number of variants being fielded.
*Heavy Transports---At least four older Sengokus are known to have been modified into heavy transports, able to transport up to 1,000 troops.

*Heavy Carrier----The Solex Federation’s tactical doctrine doesn’t place much store in fighters as anything other than planetary assault units, so fighter carriers(and fighter designs)have tended to languish. Recently, however, both the central government and the colonial separatists have looked into modifying their older battleships into carrier platforms, both because both factions have been buying more advanced fighters from outside the Federation, and in anticipation of planetary assault operations. Carrier conversion Sengokus carry the standard complement of shuttles, plus 48 fighters.

*Assaulter---The Solex Federation central government recently raised protests from the colonials when it was learned that the homeworld congress had quietly approved the conversion of some later-model Sengokus with a more extensive missile armament, replacing the shuttle bays with added missile stowage, and the addition of four more long range missile bays with the ability to fire up to 50 missiles each, more than doubling the Sengokus’ volley-count. And alterations to the avionics suggest active jamming systems and sensor penetration aides. The fact that none of these conversions have been made available to general fleet assignments has many in the outworlds convinced that the ships are meant as planetary bombardment ships alrady assigned to terrorize the colonies.

So taalismn, how might an ambitious/enterprising reformist system governor that managed to nab himself a respectable total of 5 Sengokus - one original, two "docked for repairs" that have extended their leaves, two captured rogues - go out of its way to repurpose/upgrade on the cheap? :P

Some reconfigurations i've considered are:

- Replacing the shields - that tend to mess with the sensors and ain't all that hot anyway - with more armor and using the extra energy for them for weapons, propulsion or other systems.

- Relocating some weaponry from of one of the captured battleships into the other, making one into something closer to more modern battleships from galactic power blocs and turning the less armed one into a "super carrier" type, all hangar bays and blisters for more fighters. Possibly some very small fighters to be piloted by goblins (a local population of the colony), to give space and numbers even more of an abuse.

- Maybe making a deal with Naruni Enterprises for shipyard & weaponry-related instalation. Not their top-of-the line products, but the just off-the-shelf stuff, that this way they get to sell on the cheap instead of's a possibility, but still on the air, resource management is a big deal here. :twisted:
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Re: Starship designs...

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SolCannibal wrote:[

So taalismn, how might an ambitious/enterprising reformist system governor that managed to nab himself a respectable total of 5 Sengokus - one original, two "docked for repairs" that have extended their leaves, two captured rogues - go out of its way to repurpose/upgrade on the cheap? :P

Some reconfigurations i've considered are:

- Replacing the shields - that tend to mess with the sensors and ain't all that hot anyway - with more armor and using the extra energy for them for weapons, propulsion or other systems.

- Relocating some weaponry from of one of the captured battleships into the other, making one into something closer to more modern battleships from galactic power blocs and turning the less armed one into a "super carrier" type, all hangar bays and blisters for more fighters. Possibly some very small fighters to be piloted by goblins (a local population of the colony), to give space and numbers even more of an abuse.

- Maybe making a deal with Naruni Enterprises for shipyard & weaponry-related instalation. Not their top-of-the line products, but the just off-the-shelf stuff, that this way they get to sell on the cheap instead of's a possibility, but still on the air, resource management is a big deal here. :twisted:

Yep....The Solex are at the stage of starship design where they have big flex on the structure and power plant, so they're not limited to penny-pinching weight and power in design. That means that you could gut the armaments and install new hardware in the armored shell, if you have enough time and labor. Though most of the prow space consists of the main gun cyclotrons, you could remove those and instal smaller, more powerful, and efficient weapons from a different tech base.

What you describe...yes, you could do all that. It's pretty much what the USA/OPO is doing with their q-ship conversions of captured Solex ships, so the idea has probably occurred to the more worldly SF border world governors or incoming pirates.
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Re: Starship designs...

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(Using some of omegasgundam's formatting here)

The System Interdiction Craft Initiative

“Yep, knowing our Greater New England Yankee history, the SICI seems a throwback to the early American naval initiatives and the proposals to build ‘mosquito fleets’ of armed cutters and schooners in place of proper multi-gundecked men of war. Didn’t work out so well back then and they had to build a proper big ship blue water navy. History seems to be repeating itself in the Sea of Space and the Deep Black, in that we’re building fleets of fighters, gunboats, and cutters to protect those shores of ours we can’t base our handful of heavies. Hopefully we’ll have better luck with the scheme than our Earth ancestors did.”

After racing(unreasonably so in the opinion of some) to acquire the means to produce captal units, Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries scaled back its ambitions to concentrate on smaller craft, especially patrol craft. Since their installation as one of the primary arms suppliers of the United Systems Alliance, PS/ASI engineers and military planners saw a growing need for smaller, but hard-hitting, vessels that could be produced in large numbers and deployed to cover the many star systems of the USA. Few members of the USA could, by themselves, support heavy units such as cruisers and battleships, but could be expected to be able to base a squadron or several of smaller patrol craft that would do to deter most small pirate operations.
Nicknamed ‘Little Killers’, these patrol craft had to be durable, fast, and hardhitting, able to punch above their weight. PS/ASI and WZT have begun rolling out a variety of patrol craft designs to meet the needs of the USA’s constituent worlds, as well as for export to other potential customers.
Other advantages of basing patrol craft include the ability to use both space- and surface-bases, or even mobile bases such as modified merchant ships. This means fewer specialized facilities such as grav-docks, as are required by many larger warships. Though some see this as a cost-saving measure, the more grimmer-minded strategists in the Alliance Joint Command see it as reducing the chances of any one strike neutralizing a system’s defense squadrons, allowing surviving units to hold out and conduct guerilla-style combat operations until(hopefully) heavier Alliance reinforcements can respond. Deployed in conjunction with regular fighters and merchant cruiser conversions, the ‘Little Killers’, it is hoped, will be able to bloody larger opposition forces enough to at least impede their operational schedules.

Note: While some designs presented were specially requested by proposal-solicitation to meet military command requirements, the widespread nature of the USA and sporadic isolation caused by the Minion War and other events has led to many designs being developed of necessity by individial sector factory works and design teams, using what they have on hand. This has often resulted in a welter of designs that would be redundant in a larger more contigious organization, and prone to competition-eliminations before one was chosen for mass production. Again, though, given the nature of the United Systems Alliance, more often than not, the various designs have been adopted by their origin sectors out of pride and necessity, and the designs have subsequently spread through osmosis as trade routes re-open or are redrawn.

(Ships currently under the System Interdiction Craft Initiative:
*Haizam---A Proctor-equivalent, based on the Gannet heavy lift shuttle
* Irpull---Ground-up design small warship/cutter
*Jatar--A heavy fighter based on the StarFox configuration, only using cruder, less expensive, and bulkier materials and technologies.
*Derecho---Flying wing fighter-bomber/interdiction craft, based on a scaled-up Hesperia frame.)
*Nighthawk---Modified Condor TAS, with FTL capabilities.

Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries PS/ASI-FB-26 ‘Jatar’ Strike Ship
(aka ‘Black Arrow’)

“The Bromlins couldn’t get anything more sophisticated than Jatars for their newly-formed HighWatch squadrons, but that suits them just fine. They don’t want to be too dependent on outside tech supplies if they get cut off from resupply. Same thing with their munitions; the Bromlins have a very robust nuclear weapons program and they’ve been fitting their own modified ar-to-air, now space-to-space, nuclear missiles on their Black Arrows. They’ve made it clear that any unwelcome ETs looking to drop in for lunch are risking facefuls of hard radiation.”

“What with the Bloc II Star Foxes coming out, rumored to be powered by antimatter, getting ahold of some of our ‘elite’ units moved a little farther out of reach for a lot of our allied worlds. Right now our production figures for the Bloc Is, let alone the Bloc IIs, isn’t going to be enough to cover all our responsibilities to the new territories, even if you factor in our other starfighter lines. We need to field something with firepower and endurance, that we can get out to our allies sooner rather than later, when we think our production of the ‘foxes is advanced enough that we have the numbers to spare.”

“Politically the Jatar’s a good idea; many of our allies want the same top-grade gear our top gun units use, but they lack the infrastructure we already have in place to service and support the ships, and upgrading our allies in a massive crash program would be difficult if not impossible. The Jatar, however, requires a somewhat less advanced tech-base, and demands less of its crews and technicians, and being larger, it looks just as imposing as, if not more so than, our StarFoxes and ExCals. And the performance stats are nearly as good, so we don’t feel like we’re shorting our allies, and our clients don’t feel like we’re holding back on giving them good stuff.”

“The Jatar’s an F-111 if the StarFox was the F-14 Tomcat. It’s got armor and throw-weight of weaponry, but not the speed or the agility. It can spam missiles like a larger ship and stay in a fight longer than a lot of lighter fighters.”

The ‘Jatar’ was an effort to address a problem created by PS/ASI’s unanticipated expansion overtaking its core military capabilities. In particular, while PS/ASI had an excellent heavy aerospace fighter in the PSS-SF-09/39 StarFox, the demand for the fighter in multiple theaters across the span of PS/ASI/ United Systems Alliance operations soon outstripped the available deployed numbers and trained crews. Increasingly too, the Star Fox was asked to perform in strike roles, rather than interception duties, and that placed a further strain on the highly skilled and trained pilots lucky enough to be assigned to a Star Fox. In order to relieve some of the workload on the Alliance’s Star Fox squadrons, a proposal was made to create a larger strike vessel that would have many of the same capabilities as the Star Fox, but would use less advanced(and less expensive) technologies, and have a larger crew that would divide up the tasks of strike operations, doing away with the need for more advanced automation systems and the necessity of a more experienced multi-tasking pilot. The larger strike craft could therefore be used to train up crews from the Alliance’s newer members, giving them many of the same technical combat capabilities, if not the pilot experience, with a less expensive and easier to maintain ship unit.
The Jatar follows the same general engine(though it doubles up on the engines, using two larger and simpler nuclear-fusion-powered gravitor propulsors) and armament configuration as the Star Fox, but is nearly twice as large and carries a four man crew. It is just as fast and well-armed, but is less agile overall than the more responsive StarFox. To keep costs and maintenance down, the Jatar has been produced with an initial offering of commercial(high-end) defensive shielding, though this is upgradeable.
The Jatar can be considered to be roughly equal to the CCW’s Proctor heavy fighters in size and concept, but the emphasis of the Jatar design is on strike missions, against fixed installations or larger warships. While not equal in all regards to the Star Fox that inspired it, the Jatar fulfills the role of strike/trainer quite ably, and has established a reputation for being a ‘missile boat’ in combat. It is often used to cross-train not only prospective StarFox pilots, but TAV-SFB-16 Mammatan crews as well.
The Jatar would arrive in time to deal with another problem facing the Alliance. With the Minion War jeopardizing interstellar and interdimensional traffic, production and distribution-deployment of more advanced units such as the StarFox faced possible interruption. The more easily produced Jatar could be manufactured and maintained more readily than a thoroughbred machine like the StarFox, allowing PS/ASI customers and affiliates to be kept supplied with the ships they needed to prosecute the counteroffensive against the Infernals and other threats.
The Jatar has appeared in a growing number of Alliance aerospace units and in the forces of allied star nations.

Type: PS/ASI-SFB-26 Jatar
Class: Strike Fighter/Bomber
Crew: 4(pilot, copilot, two systems officers/weapons operators). One passenger(usually an observer) can be squeezed in.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,600
Cockpit/Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment 400
Energy Turrets(3) 150 each
Point Defense Turrets(2) 80 each
Engine Pods(2) 500 each
Forcefield 1,200

Height: 15 ft
Width: 55 ft
Length: 68 ft
Weight: 170 tons
Cargo: Small space in the crew cabin for several survival packs, side arms, and a few small personal possessions.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 11
(Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.1% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) (See Options)
(Underwater) Not possible
Bonuses: None
Market Cost: 56 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starfighter Systems, plus:
*Radar/EM/Laser Radiation Detection
*Radiation Detector
*Standard Video Optics plus:
IR/UV Optics
Telescopic/Image Enhancement Optics
Low-Light/Nightvision system
*Combat Computer: The Jatar uses a slightly less advanced combat computer than the StarFox, as it has a larger crew able to handle the many operations tasks that the StarFox’s ‘smart’ systems multi-tasked for its pilot. The computer can identify and track up to 250 targets simultaneously, and gives the pilot the following bonuses (in addition to any others): +1 to Strike and +1 Dodge. (+1 to initiative if using a Cyberlink)
*Motion Detector/Collision Warning System: (particularly useful for
maneuvering in close quarters) 500 foot warning alarm.
*Radio/Video Communications: Wide band and directional, radio and video transmission capabilities with a 500,00 mile range.
*Laser Communications--- 700,000 mile range
*Laser Targeting: +2 to strike with ranged weapons.
*Audio/Visual Flight Recorder
*Forward Landing Gear Spotlight: 300 foot range.
*Heat & Radiation Shields

*Cyberlink(optional): An advanced cybernetic control system allows the
pilot 'jack in', if so equipped, to the plane, linking him with the plane as if by telemechanics. The pilot is so in tune with the plane and their environment that he instantly knows everything involving their plane and its operations. A series of tiny external cameras normally used for Virtual Environment Cockpits is tied into the cyberlink, giving them an uncanny 360 degree view around the craft. providing them a +1 to init and dodge, in addition to the normal cyberlink bonuses.

*Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding----The fighter sports a less powerful version of the EM radiation field generator to protect the crew from background radiation and solar flares.

*Ejection Seats--These ejection seats come complete with survival kit, inflatable teflon-coated fabric heatshield(useless when entering the Interface, but useful on other worlds/earths with an atmosphere), locator beacon, and inflatable space survival bubble.

*Aeroshield Forcefield---Another innovation of PS, the aeroshield is a very weak forcefield used to generate a ‘virtual streamlining hull’ around the fighter. This is particularly useful when reentering an atmosphere with exposed munitions loaded on the external underwing/hull weapons stations. The Jatar’s was modified from commercial shielding(see Options).

*ECM Suite----- The Jatar has a standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -5 to strike.

*Stealth----50% chance of eluding detection by enemy sensors at all ranges.

Weapons Systems:
1) Energy Turrets(3)---The Jatar mounts the same arrangement of energy weapons turrets as the StarFox. The larger frame of the Jatar means, however, that slightly larger weapons can be mounted, though the Jatar concept means that these weapons are lower cost and less advanced variants of the specialized and compact weapons carried by the StarFox. In keeping with the lower cost and easier maintainance profiles prefered by Jatar operators, a larger variety of weapons types are also available, the larger turret mountings making refits easier.

a) Pulse Lasers---These were the original weapons mounted by the first StarFoxes before the introduction of the cesium-viritalium APPC-07. They were carried over as the first armament offering on the Jatar.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 24,000 ft in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single cannon burst, 6d6x10 MD for a simultaneous blast from all three turrets(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

b)Particle-Beam Cannon---In place of the smaller, more compact, and more expensive APPC-07 cesium-viritalium alloy particle generation system used on the StarFox, the larger Jatar can mount larger and less sophisticated PBCs using technology more readily available on the galactic market. Range and damage for these weapons aren’t as great as for the APPC-07, but the less advanced weapons can still pack a punch and are easier to maintain
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 3D6x10 MD per cannon blast
A simultaneous volley from all three turrets on one target does 9d6x10 MD.
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

c) Plasma Cannon---The widespread deployment of the ASI Hesperia aerospace fighter and its many variants across the territories of the United Systems Alliance meant that a great deal of spare parts and replacement weapons systems were readily available at the various outposts, stations, and depots expected to accommodate the fighters. This included the plasma bolt cannons for the PS-TAV-SF-08D(Aegle) variant. It was only a matter of time before somebody suggested that these supplies of weapons could be exploited for the Jatar, as the logistics were already in place.
Range: (Palladium) 3.5 miles in atmosphere, 7 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)7 miles in atmosphere, 700 miles in space
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to 15 ft blast radius, 6d6x10 MD for a simultaneous blast from all three turrets(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Heavy Pulse Lasers----The widespread distribution of the PS/ASI-TAV-SF-14 Almar aerospace fighter, used in an escort role, across the United Systems Alliance, meant that spare parts supplies for the fighters were widely available at the various USA outposts and stations supporting them. This included the twin-barrel heavy pulse lasers that were the Almar’s primary weapons system. Naturally somebody suggested that the weapons might make a good fit on the Jatar, plus would have the advantage of having logistical support and a good supply of replacements already in place. The large turrets protrude somewhat, but their range and damage are exceptional.
Range: (Palladium Values) 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 60,000 ft(12 miles) in space
(Kitsune Values) 12 miles in atmosphere, 1,200 miles in space
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per pulse burst, 6d6x10 MD per simultaneous blast(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Point Defense Turrets(2)----Mounted on the main body, one just behind the cockpit, the other on the underside of the tail, are two triple-barreled point defense turrets, dedicated to shooting down missiles and other incoming ordnance. They can also be used to defend against attacks from the rear. These weapons were carried over from the StarFox.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 24,000 ft in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per rapid fire pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH or Eight attacks per melee if in automated anti-missile mode(CANNOT be used for anything BUT anti-missile duty....disengaging the laser system for any other purpose takes a melee action.)
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonuses: +3 to strike missiles

In the alternative, given the proliferation of the WZT/ASI modular hardpoint weapons systems, the energy weapons from the Light Hardpoint systems can be substituted(they enjoy the same +3 to strike missiles):
b) Particle Beam Cannon
• Range: (Palladium) 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
• Damage: 1d6x10 MD single blast
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Plasma Cannon
• Range: (Palladium) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values) 3 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space
• Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
• Rate of Fire: ECHH
• Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Gravity Railgun:
• Range: 2.5 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
• Damage: 1d6x10 MD per burst
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: 200-500 bursts per cannon

b)Particle Cannon
• Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
• Damage: 2d6x10 MD per pulse burst
• Rate of Fire: ECHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Ion Projector Pod
• Range: 2.4 miles in atmosphere, 7 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 7 miles in atmosphere, 700 miles in space)
• Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
• Rate of Fire: ECHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Tachyon Scattergun
• Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
*Range and width are reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
• Damage: 2d4x10 MD per single cannon firing
• Rate of Fire: EPCHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Gravity Rail Gun Pod
• Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere,1,000 miles in space)
• Damage: 3d6x10 per 20 round burst
• Rate of Fire: ECHH
• Payload: 3,000 rds (150 bursts)

3) Heavy Missile Bays(2)---These are two large rotary magazine missile bays set in the underside of the main hull
a) Short Range Missiles--- 60 per bay
b) Medium Range Missiles--- 25 per bay
c) PS/ASI ‘Starslam’ AMRASIM(Advanced Medium Range AeroSpace Interception Missile)---An adaption of the ’SkyFlash’ Advanced Short Range Air to Air Multiple Missile(ASRAAMM). ‘Starslam’ is an MRM that splits in flight to unleash a pack of four smaller SRMs, each carrying an MRM warhead....a surprise that at relatively short dogfighting ranges(10-30 miles) can be devastating, filling airspace with a swarm of corkscrewing projectiles. It is also commonly fitted with a ‘swarmhead’ that breaks down into 10 plasma munitions, rather than four SRMs.
Range: 15 miles for the ‘bus’ in atmosphere, 60 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 60 miles for the ‘bus’ in atmosphere, 50,000 miles in space)
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Medium Swarmhead--A Swarmhead is a new type of munition that fires a cluster of ten plasma-nuclear warhead ‘skeets’. These ‘skeets’ deploy airburst fashion about 60 ft up off the ground(or 6,000 ft in space), then deploy short range fast-scan targeting sensors. If a target is detected in the limited scope of the sensors, the warhead orients itself, and fires like a shaped charge, sending a powerful jet of superheated plasma lancing into, and through the target. A Swarmhead plasma jet does 2d6x10 MD to a 3 ft blast radius(so all 10 shells firing on a single target would do 2d6x100 MD!)
The initial focusing explosion also does a fair amount of concussion damage to the surrounding area, though this is considerably less than the critical damage inflicted by the plasma jet. The concussion does 6d6 MD to an 80 ft blast radius
Bonuses:+3 to strike

d) Long Range Missiles
Range: Varies by missile type(LRM or CM)
(Kitsune Values: 3400 miles in an atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space for Long Range Missiles)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-7
Payload: 7 per launcher

e) Bombs---Many of the client worlds of the United Systems Alliance lack the industry to create cutting edge missiles, but they can get by manufacturing their own simple freefall ordnance, including ‘smart’ bombs.
In general, bombs correspond to their missile counterparts, but possess DOUBLE the blast radius. Being freefall ordnance, they lack effective ranges, but inaccuracy increases with release distance from the target for ‘dumb’ or ‘iron’ bombs. Accuracy for guided ‘smart’ bombs(usually beam-riding and homing on a laser designation or radio beacon) varies; usually +1 to +6 to strike stationary targets, less effective at hitting moving targets.
Bombs are also usually useless against other ships on the move, unless the bomber can ‘toss-bomb’, throwing sticks of bombs into the path of another ship, or the other ship is too large to avoid weapons released on an approach vector.

4) Light Missile Bays(2)---Outboard of the two heavy missile bays are two smaller rotary magazine missile launchers, typically used to launch defensive missiles
a) Mini-Missiles---80 per bay

b) Short Range Missiles
Range: Varies(x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere and 500 miles (804.7 km) in space)
Damage: Varies. Typically Plasma warheads are carried
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16
Payload: 44 per launcher

c) S-Sting Smart Mini-Missile
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere and 500 miles (804.7 km) in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload: 88 per launcher

d) Sand Blaster---Rather than mount and fire self-propelled missiles, this option instead carries the equivalent of shaped directional charges that explode into directed waves of shrapnel. More damaging and possessing better range than the cruder sand casters used by many low-tech worlds, Sand Blasters lack the range of missile systems, but can cover more space(with a correspondingly higher chance of scoring hits), and are very effective against missiles. This system is typically fitted to Jatars engaged in escort duty.
Range: 3 miles in space(only effective in space)
(Kitsune Values: 300 miles in space)
Damage: Creates a dense cloud of shrapnel that covers a 2,000 ft area and does 2d6 MD to targets caught in the cloud, plus the targets take an additional 2d4 MD per Mach of speed they possess flying in.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 charges per launcher

5) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---Mounted on either side of the tail are two decoy countermeasure launchers. Each is capable of mounting one of the following countermeasure types:
a)Chaff/Flare Launchers---Standard radar-reflective strips and thermal flares
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 per launcher

b) Nano-Pods-----The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 18 swarm packs

c) Grav-Pack Decoy---The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a pre-set pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 15 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

*FTL Drive---A large FTL module can be attached to the rear of the main hull. This adds 6 tons of extra mass, and reduces normal space speed to Mach 10, but gives the Jatar the ability to travel FTL at 5 light years/hour. Cost: 50 million credits

*Forcefield Generator---The missile bays can be replaced with supplemental forcefield generators. If replacing the LRM bays, increase shield strength by DOUBLE. If replacing the SRM bays, increase shield strength by 50%. Cost: 600,000 credits for heavy shield generators, 300,000 credits for light shield generators.

*Variable Forcefield----This replaces the monoplanar forcefield with a milspec VFF equal to the Proctor’s. 400 MDC per side, 2,400 total. Cost: 1.5 million credits

*Advanced Sensor Dome
Another observed variant-option mounts an AWACS style sensor dish that is normally carried mounted horizontally behind the cockpit, between the engine booms. This sensor dish has 120 MDC, gives the patrol ship corvette-level sensors, and extends radar range out to 1.5 million miles for tracking fighter-sized targets, and out to 4.5 million miles for large targets. The package also includes gravitic sensors, with a near/small target range of 15 million miles and far/large target range of 45 million miles. Cost: 32 million credits

*PS/ASI-SFB-26D---(aka ‘Darc-26’). For an additional 22 million credits, this raises the jamming power to provide a -6 to enemy sensor-guided weapons to strike, and stealth shielding which raises the chance of passively going unnoticed by enemy sensors to 65%.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries NightHawk Light FTL Transport
(aka ‘Niter’, ‘Blackdag’, ‘Swivelator’)

“The lonestars...those law enforcers out on those dust-scratcher systems with small settlements scattered across three or four bodies in the ‘system...LOVE Nghthawks because it allows them to get across-system in nothing flat and still have enough equipment and manpower in the trunk to be able to do something when they arrive. If they can partner them with proper corvettes like the Sunchaser, all the better.”

“Flying a NightHawk suspected to be engaged in covert activities is NOT conducive to good health. Some polities take VERY BADLY to anything that smacks of dark ops on their turf, and a capital ship battery can vaporize a NightHawk with one blast.”

“Sunchasers and NightHawks make good complementary teams. You can swap mission modules on a Sunchaser, but the NightHawk’s stealthier and better handling in atmosphere. “

“The Fleet can’t be everywhere putting out fires, but sometimes you don’t need the Fleet to deal with a problem. Sometimes all you need are some well-trained people on the spot, put at the spot, and they can put out the problem before it becomes a larger problem. That’s what we are, the first response, the preventative medicine shot to the body politic. We slip in and quietly take care of things so the Fleet doesn’t have to. The NightHawk’s our ride in. Some call us mercs, some call us special contractors, others call us hobos...I think of us being well-compensated situational adjustors.”

The ASI NightHawk Light Transport is a beefed-up FTL version of the Paladin Steel Condor TransAtmospheric Vehicle. Slightly larger and heavier, with additional reinforcement added to the structure to better handle flight stresses and the added weight of larger engines, additional equipment, and the FTL drive, the NightHawk is being marketed to the smaller adventurer, mercenary, and courier markets. PS/ASI corporate security and espionage units sometimes use modified Nighthawks as stealth operations vehicles.
The armament configuration remains largely unchanged in the way of numbers, though all the weapons systems have been made modular, compatible with WZT/ASI hardpoint weapons, greatly streamlining logistics while allowing for a wide range of customization. The materials used in sheathing the hull have been improved for atmospheric re-entries and resisting light damage, and a basic forcefield(upgradeable to a variable type) has been added. The clean angular lines of the Condor have been changed somewhat by a visible raised spine on the NightHawk, and larger, more powerful thruster pods.
Despite having an FTL drive, the NightHawk is not recommended for long range interstellar travel; instead the FTL capability is meant to allow for cross- and near-system hops, raids, and insertions. This hasn’t stopped some smaller group operators from using NightHawks as their primary FTL transport, and there are rumors of Smallkin-operated ships traveling quite ably and comfortably on long range routes.
Though meant mainly as a transatmospheric shuttle/landing boat with short-Jump capabilities, and not formally part of the SICI(System Interdiction Craft Initiative) the Nighthawk is used by some operators as a light system patrol craft and cutter, which has led to it being grouped with other SICI-configuration aerospacecraft.

Type: PS/ASI-AASTFTL-4 Nighthawk
Class: Medium Aerospace Assault Transport
Crew: Four(Pilot, copilot, flight engineer, gunner/weapons officer)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,000
Wing Engine Nacelles(2) 350 each
Tail Assembly 400
Nose Turret 100
Laser Turrets(5) 60 each
Landing Gear(4) 50 each
Forcefield 1,000
Height: 23 ft
Width: 55 ft
Length: 125 ft
Weight: 250 tons
Cargo: Can carry up to 50 tons of cargo(Incredible weight-to-cargo ratio, thanks to the CGR systems) ) OR 80 troops OR 30 troops and 2 light vehicles, OR 40 power armors. The usual troubleshooter team is 10-15, with 2-3 light vehicles.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 7; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 10
(Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.0% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years/hour
Market Cost: Currently not available for sale; exclusive to PS. Would cost 100 million credits for its transatmospheric capabilities if one were made available to the Black Market
Systems of Note:
Standard (PW) Spacecraft Systems, plus:

*Sensor Turret(s)---Include long range optics, thermo-imaging, low-lite, image enhance capabilities

*Long Range Radio and Laser Communications---Radio range: 100,000 miles, Laser range; 200,000 miles, Scrambler/Signal Decryption standard

*Long Range Radar---Includes EM detectors, terrain-following, IFF, low-altitude discrimination. Range: 120 miles(12,000 miles in space)

*Laser Range finding/Targeting

*EW Suite---Basic frequency jumping and radar/IR jamming. Radar-guided weapons are -5 to strike the craft.

*Stealth Configuration---The outer hull and mechanics of the NightHawk have been redesigned with passive stealth in mind. 60% chance of going undetected by sensors at all ranges.

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor---Special heat-resistant materials designed for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage. Note that this applies only to the underside and leading edges of the airframe.

Weapons Systems:
1) Retractable Nose Cannon---The Condor’s 20mm chaingun has been replaced with a WZT/ASI SuperHeavy Hardpoint weapon:
( The high rate of fire is due to using Lucerin reactors, which produce far more energy than normal fusion plants. If using a lesser power source, reduce the rate of fire to 2 per melee (other than the GR-1000).)
a) Heavy Laser
• Range: (Palladium) 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values) 10 miles in atmosphere, 1000 miles in space
• Damage: 1d4x100 MD per shot
• Rate of Fire: 4-6 shots per melee
• Payload: Effectively unlimited

b) Heavy Plasma Cannon
• Range: (Palladium) 4 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
(Kitsune Values) 8 miles in atmosphere, 800 miles in space
• Damage: 1d6x100 MD per shot
• Rate of Fire: 4-6 shots per melee
• Payload: Effectively unlimited

c) Plasma Torpedo Launcher: Direct fire unless a tractor beam is mounted
• Range: (Palladium) 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values) 10 miles in atmosphere, 1000 miles in space
• Damage: 1d4x100 MD per shot to a 30 ft radius
• Rate of Fire: 3-5 shots per melee
• Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Heavy Particle Beam
• Range: 3.5 miles in atmosphere, 7 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 7 miles in atmosphere, 7,00 miles in space)
• Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast
• Rate of Fire: 2-3 times per melee
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) GR-1000
• Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 1600 miles in space)
• Damage: 4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: 20,000 rds (1000 bursts)

2) Point Defense Turrets(5)---The Nighthawk sports five laser turrets for self-defense; one each side, one dorsal, and two rear, either side of the tail. Each turret has 120-degree arc of fire. In a nod to the USA’s logistical needs and operator preferences, the original lasers have been replaced with WZT/ASI Medium Hardpoint weapons:
a) Pulse Laser
• Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
• Damage: 2d4x10 MD per pulse burst
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b)Particle Cannon
• Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
• Damage: 2d6x10 MD per pulse burst
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Plasma Torpedo Pod: Direct fire unless a tractor beam is mounted
• Range: (Palladium) 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space
• Damage: 2d6x10 MD to 15 ft blast radius
• Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
• Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Ion Projector Pod
• Range: 2.4 miles in atmosphere, 7 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 7 miles in atmosphere, 700 miles in space)
• Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Tachyon Scattergun
• Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
*Range and width are reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
• Damage: 2d4x10 MD per single cannon firing
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) Gravity Rail Gun Pod
• Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere,1,000 miles in space)
• Damage: 3d6x10 per 20 round burst
• Rate of Fire: EGCHH
• Payload: 3,000 rds (150 bursts)

g) Mini-Missile Pod: 36 MMs per pod

h) SRM Pod: 10 SRMs per pod

3) Missile/Bomb Bay---Just in front of the main cargo bay is a small ordnance bay that can accommodate the following(or any combination thereof)
a) Rotary Missile Launcher can hold 6 LRMs, OR 12 MRMS, OR 24 SRMs, OR 48 MiniMissiles
b) Bombs--Can carry warhead equivalents of missiles, but DOUBLE the respective number, or retain the same number, and DOUBLE the damage.
c) Drones/Decoys/Sensor Pods---In place of ordnance, the bay can be used to deploy various sensor drones, drop-pods, and decoys.

4) Countermeasures Launchers(2)---Mounted in the stern are two countermeasure launchers, that can be fitted with one of the following types:
a) Chaff/Flare
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 per launcher, 48 total

b) Jamming Pods----The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 18 swarm packs

c) Grav-Pack Decoys----The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a preset pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 15 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

d) X-Ray Laser Air/Space Countermeasure Mines
Payload: 18 per launcher

*Variable Forcefield----This replaces the monoplanar forcefield with a milspec VFF equal to the Proctor’s. 400 MDC per side, 2,400 total. Cost: 1.5 million credits

*AASTFTL-4S----Lucerin-fueled stealth-modified model . Besides upping the top speed to Mach 12 and carrying additional avionics and sensors(including a fighter-grade TW sensor suite), the modifications maximize the stealth features of the Nighthawk, giving it a 95% chance of going undetected on passive scans, reduces reduce telltale EM emissions from the drive systems by as much as 60%, and sensor-guided weapons are -7 to strike the ship. These ‘Ultra-NiteHawks’ are a little-known creation of the Office of Positive Outcomes, which had the ships built with the technical assistance of an Bushi Federation Oni ninja clan, the Gisei, who received sanctuary from the Infernal rage-through of Oni space. AASTFTL-4Ses are almost all used by the OPO for ‘dirty angel’ missions where stealth and discretion are called for.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

(I’d made mention of an Altess ‘Theneum’ cruiser in the Network Omni Newflashes long before Fleets of the Three Galaxies came out and gave us some idea of what the Armoria is deploying in canon. So, here’s to revisiting my old post and fleshing out what a ‘Theneum’ could be like)

Altess Armoria Theneum-class Cruiser
(aka ‘Banker-Wagons’)

“Nobody knows how to do a cruise-by conveying contempt like the Altess. The Kreeghor can do it with menace, but the Altess are able to do it with the arrogance of affluence. Laugh as you may at the fancywork covering their cruisers, but it’s uneasy laughter knowing that the credit-lords can blow you out of their space if they so wish.”

“Money may not buy happiness, but try to tell me after looking at one of them Altess cruisers if it don’t buy a lot of smackdown.”

The Theneum-class heavy cruisers of the Altess Dynasty Armoria are warships that predate Jelko Rodula’s excellent Yannar- and Zhorkil-class vessels. Once some of the most impressive warships in the modern Three Galaxies, armed with the best weapons money could buy, the Theneums policed Altess space and repulsed would-be invaders and pirates with decisive shows of power for centuries. Though, while the ships were quite powerful, their reputations were substantially helped by a quiet and very effective public relations campaign concocted by the Altess Armoria’s psych-war departments. Many would-be raiders who would have dared the Theneums’ guns were instead turned away by horror stories of the accuracy and power of the cruisers’ weapons.
Theneums have been described as looking like floating pleasure palaces, with almost more attention given to styling and decoration as to functionality. One observer compared the sight to a combination of ‘classic Greek temple and Iron Ship’. Indeed, the same ostentation extended to the interior, with quarters being well-appointed(and in the case of higher rank officers, sybaritically luxurious), with plenty of recreational space for those long cruises around Altess territory.
However, despite the almost excessively gaudy drapery of affluence about the designs, the Theneums had real armor under the faux-stone claddings, state of the art avionics behind the hall veneers, and very functional weapons in the durachromed turrets. The Armoria played hard, but they also trained hard, and their combat skills were rightly feared by those who had the misfortune of encountering them in combat.
Theneums rarely ventured far from Altess space or engaged in expeditionary missions; they were more often deployed to defensive actions than offensives, though they were sometimes used to rescue the occasional kidnapped Altess, or to secure and escort some prize acquisition of a royal family. The few times they did venture out, they traveled in well-escorted battle groups, but it was their public relations aura that perhaps shielded them best; nobody wanted to find out firsthand if the rumors of exotic Altess weaponry were true.
Though money was hardly an issue with the Altess, these ostentatious vessels couldn’t hold a candle to Rodula’s sleek and lethal designs when they were introduced, which hit the sensibilities of the Armoria like an F-16 to people who were used to flying Saberjets. The new designs quickly superseded the older vessels. Today, only a few Theneums are still in active service with the Armoria and private Altess household guards; the majority of these battlewagons have been mothballed like classic cars.
Many Theneums were hurriedly de-mothballed and rushed back into service during the Golgan invasion, but a lack of available robot crews(the majority of the reserve ‘bots having vanished with Novus IX), inadequately replaced or renovated systems, and in some cases ill-informed remodeling for ‘social’ purposes(such as tacking on a zero-gravity ballroom), meant that not all the Theneums restored to service were performing to spec. As impressive as they were in their day, the Theneums were inadequate to the task of countering the overwhelming number of Bindases and the more powerful Sylnors the Golgans came to the fight with. Once the Golgan invasion force had broken spectacularly on the combined squadrons of Captain-General Shaw’s CAF and the United Systems Alliance Joint Command over Altess Prime, though, the few remaining operational Theneums were able to exact some payback during the mop-up.
Post-invasion, there was some talk of producing an updated version of the Theneum to replace operational losses, as the Armoria struggles to recover and reorganize. However, the Altess have decided to focus on building up their numbers of Yannars and Zhorkils, and dispersing both the production facilities and the reserve yards to prevent another freak incident like Novus IX’s disappearance from crippling their defenses. That, and the Armoria is also looking at newer designs, or customized versions of outsider designs. Still, a number of royal families owning surviving Theneums have been reassessing how much they need all that seleniux trim, alasan-fur curtains, and stra-ruby-lined observation domes and underwriting their own modernization programs. Some of these renovations are quite extensive, and the Theneum, or at least individual Theneums, may yet reemerge restored to their former glory and even greater power.

Type: A-DA-CG018 Theneum
Class: Heavy Cruiser
Crew: 590, but were later automated to require just 210 Altess crew and 360 Advocate robots
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 150,000
Bridge 50,000
Particle Beam Cannon Turrets(3) 4,000 each
EMK Cannons(12 ) 200 each
Torpedo Launchers(6) 750 each
Short Range Missile Launchers(20) 250 each
Hangar Bay 4,000
Variable Forcefields 10,000 each side, 60,000 total
Height: 375 ft
Width: 380 ft
Length: 2,480 ft
Weight: 5 million tons
Cargo: 500,000 tons
Powerplant: Compressed Quark Matter Reactors---These ‘strange matter’ power systems are several times larger than the compact units installed on the Yannars and Zhorkils, but are still far more powerful than the fusion and antimatter systems used by other star nations’ warships.
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 14
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.4% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 7 light years per hour
(Underwater) Theneums can land and take off from water, but not operate underwater.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Altess Dynasty. It cost 22 billion to construct a Theneum, though interior trimmings may increase final cost as much as 30%.
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems(only state of the art and of much higher quality)

*Advanced Fire Control---The turrets are networked and coordinated, and all get a +4 to strike.

Weapons Systems:
1) Particle Beam Cannons(6; 2x3)---It may seem strange that the Altess are using particle beams rather than something more exotic, but the Theneum is an old design. However, these are ALTESS particle beam cannons, and as such they are NOT the standard PBCs everybody else uses. A gravitic booster propels the accelerated particles even faster and farther, and they are extremely accurate. The Theneums mount six of these weapons in double-barrel turrets.
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 200,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x1,000 MD per single blast, 4d4x1,000 MD for a double-barreled shot.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) EMK/ ElectroMagnetic Kinetic Cannons(12 )---Before Magnetic Photonic Arrays were developed, the Altess were using EMK weaponry. These weapons project bolts of intense electromagnetic turbulence that strike like solid projectiles and do extra damage to shields(it was this observed effectiveness against shields that paved the way to developing the MPA lines). These weapons are similar, albeit more refined and on a much larger scale, to Paladin Steel’s EM Vortex weaponry, though the Altess never developed the related plasma torpedo, having pursued the potent and shield-breaking MPA instead. The Theneum mounts twelve such cannons, using them for point defense.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 25 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 8,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast, 50% more damage to technological forcefields.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Torpedo Launchers(6)----Theneums can fire off full volleys of the Armoria’s deadly accurate Nezsam torpedoes.
Range: 1,000 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles miles in space)
Damage: Typically armed with fusion warheads: 4d6x100 MD each
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 100 Nezsams per launcher
Additional missiles could be stored as cargo and reloaded within 15 minutes.
Bonuses: Altess Nezsam missiles count as ‘smart’ missiles and get a +2 on initiative, +6 to strike, +8 to dodge, and 4 APMs until they hit or are destroyed.

4) Short Range Missile Launchers(20)---These are used in conjunction with the EMK cannons for point defense
Range: 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD each
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8
Payload: 48 missiles per launcher
Additional missiles could be stored as cargo and reloaded within 15 minutes.
Bonuses: Altess missile systems count as ‘smart’ missiles and get a +5 to strike, +4 to dodge, and 2 APMs until they hit or are destroyed.

Auxiliary Craft:
5 shuttles
12 aerospace fighters(typically robot FB-49 Fire- Eaters)

The adoption of the Zhorkils saw the greater proportion of Theneums mothballed, and most of these were lost with Novus IX. Of those that were NOT placed in dormant reserve, many were (shortsightedly as it turned out) stripped of as much as 75% of their armaments in conversion to pleasure craft, with weapons bays and magazines turned into luxury appointments such as zero-gee gymnasiums, art galleries or personal office space.
Post-Battle of Altess Prime, some Theneum operators have looked to restore their ships to their original, and ideally better, condition, taking advantage of necessary dry-docking to repair battle damage to experiment with improvements. Though the Altess continue to heavily favor Naruni Enterprises to supply their lighter units, many Altess have begun looking at other sources and inspirations for their heavier weaponry. Furthermore, given how much of the Golgan invasion fleet ALSO used a great deal of Naruni weaponry(especially their own FB-49 Fire- Eaters in second-tier flights behind the agile Jesstras), some Altess have broken ranks with their fellows and see fit to equip their shipboard carrier units with other (non-Naruni) fighter types.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Gateship(Pilgrim Colonial Development Corporation -Open Horizons- )
"The Zarden government wanted badly to build a wormhole network to tie their colonies closer together. They sank just about everything they had, the gross national products of five worlds, into their Gate program and got to the hardware stage three times. First time they started the generators up the wormhole formed and then collapsed, blowing out the whole ring, warping the ship structure beyond repair, killed several hundred irreplaceable shipyard workers and EMP’ed just about every orbital around their home system. Second time they tried a few years later they did so in a facility out at the edge of their system. Good thing they did so, because the wormhole went out of control again, and collapsed the entire asteroid into a speck of neutronium. They didn’t try again until a half century later. Word has it they were able to open a stable wormhole several times, then safely shut it down, but when they tried to bring it up to full aperture, something happened. They didn’t specify WHAT exactly, but rumor has it it took several Third Stage Prometheans and a dozen Cosmoknights to contain what got loose. The Zardens supposedly had a fourth Gateship in work-up somewhere, but never completed it. They spent so much chasing the dream it totally bankrupted them, and the Zarden collapsed as thoroughly as their second Gateship, which is why hardly anybody remembers them nowadays. Though it’s rumored that the Prometheans may have had something to do with that; the Third-Stagers don’t like anybody who messes around with space-time irresponsibly."

Looking at the after-action report of the loss of the -Step Forward-, I’m wondering why you didn’t load that ship with every long range missile launcher and rail gun you could scrounge up, instead of using the most basic point defense you could buy off the shelf. Surely EM guns and cruise missile launchers don’t affect the wormhole’s gravitic harness, do they? Or am I missing something basic here?”
-Anonymous PS/ASI engineer at a conference on ship design, Altur Station, Shirec Sector, Anvil Galaxy

Gateships, mobile wormhole connections, are not unknown to the Three Galaxies, but are rare due to their expense and complexity.
Gateships work by generating an open dimensional gate at their start point docked to another gate-ring, in what is usually a well-trafficked transit hub system. The two gates then separate, the mobile part of the wormhole traveling to its destination system, maintaining the wormhole in a minimal diameter ‘communications’ state . Upon reaching its destination, the Gateship then builds a support structure around itself, including power generation, which is used to fully open the wormhole for vehicular traffic. Once established, the Gateship can build a permanent head-station that maintains the far end of the wormhole, then detach itself and return to mate with another stationary generator to create and drag a new wormhole connection into place. Or the Gateship can become the core of a permanent gateway station.
Despite the numbers and utility of Gateships, the vessels have not fared well in service. The expense and complexity of construction are beyond most shipyards, and even once built, the artificial wormholes have proven susceptible to disruption, instability, and destruction, thanks in no small part due to the relative fragility of the vessels. Of the aforementioned eighteen Gateships deployed in the Thundercloud, only seven remain mobile and operational as gateships; three have become permanent stations, two were destroyed when their wormholes destabilized, five were destroyed by hostile forces, and one went missing in transit, its wormhole connection severed suddenly with no clue as to the reason. The TGE has built eighteen as well(in an effort to maintain parity with the CCW) but with far less success; only two have established useful wormhole connections, while the others have been lost to various causes(including two destroyed by the FWC to prevent the Empire from using the ships to establish beachheads near or within FWC territory). Neither the FWC nor the UWW have ever built gateships, and only recently has it been reported that the Golgan Republik has begun construction of two, most likely in an effort to facilitate communications with its Thundercloud stakeholds.
The Prometheans are said to possess the technology to build foolproof Gateships(or just punch through wormholes to just about anywhere they want)but if they do, they aren’t sharing the technology with just anybody else.
The following is the Gateship -Open Horizons- built by Pilgrim Colonial Development Corporation. It is only the eighteenth gateship built by a CCW-based company and is intended to open up territories in the Thundercloud, linked to PilgrimCorp’s headquarters and hub system of Seandus Isla.

Type: PCDC-GS-1 Gateship
Class: Interstellar Wormhole Generator/Carrier
Crew: 400+ 1,000 construction and service personnel
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 290,000
Propulsion Pods(8 ) 6,000 each
Bridge 10,000
Habitat Modules(2) 6,000 each
Cargo Modules(4) 4,000 each
Hangar Bays(2) 6,000 each
Containment Rings(4)* 9,000 each
Point Defense Laser Turrets(24) 500 each
Mini-Missile Launchers(12) 500 each
Variable Forcefields 9,000 each side, 54,000 total

*Containment Rings maintain the wormhole. If destroyed while sustaining a wormhole, the wormhole destabilizes. 01-25% it becomes a short-lived black hole, 26-75% it evaporates, but does 1d6x1,000 MD to a 50 mile radius per melee for 1d4 melees** due to gravitic whiplash, and 76-98%, it becomes a short-lived pulsar-like object, blasting out radiation that does 1d4x1,000 MD to an 80 mile radius per melee for 1d4 melees**. 99-00%, there’s a chance of something ELSE happening, like a random dimensional rift appearing, or the gateship completely inverting itself.
Fortunately, the containment rings are afforded a fair amount of cover by the toroid main body of the gateship, and as such are -5 to target from the outside.

**Note that for the singularity/pulsar outcomes, there’s a 70% chance of the opposite effect happening at the OTHER end of the wormhole.

Height:: 4,000 ft
Width: 4,000 ft
Length: 1,800 ft
Weight: 1.8 million tons
Cargo: 500,000 tons, mainly spare parts and construction supplies.
Powerplant: Matter/Antimatter w/ 50 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Not possible
(Sublight) Mach 6
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.6% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 3 light years per hour
Market Cost: 100 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Long Range Gravitic Sensors---The Gateship’s sensor suites can detect stellar gravitic anomalies and other phenomena as far as 5 light years in advance, allowing the ship to hopefully avoid anything that might destabilize the wormhole.

*Real Time FTL Communications---The Gateship can use the wormhole, even in its transit state, to maintain real-time communications with its starting point base.

Weapons Systems:
The -Open Horizons- is fitted with only basic point defense; anything heavier seems to threaten the stability of the wormhole while in transit(once anchored in its final position, the wormhole Gate stations are routinely heavily fortified).
1) Point Defense Laser Turrets(24)
Range: 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 500 miles in space)
Damage: 3d6x10 MD single blast, 6d6x10 MD double blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Mini-Missile Launchers(12)
Range: 1 mile in space
(Kitsune Values: 100 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-32
Payload: 320 ready to fire per launcher. Additional missiles may be carried as cargo. Takes 20 minutes to reload from stores.

Auxiliary Craft:
30 shuttles and work craft
Up to 60 aerospace fighters can be carried.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Tenchnomage3055 »

So, which books do you use for the rules to build your ships? I been thinking about building ships for a alien race I was thinking about.
I travel between Dimensions and worlds trying to meet others and learning new things hoping to found more friends who want to travel and explore new worlds as much as I do.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

(Reposting a design I'd posted earlier, but discovered that I hadn't noticed at the time that the post had its latter half cut off....

So, in its entirety:

Areosian ‘Zultan’-class Colony Starship

Sometime during the preparations for Launch, Protector Vidar had to duck through the Colonist In-Processing Center where lines of refugees-no, colonists, he reminded himself, waited patiently in line for their final medical checkups and induction into stasis, their few allowed personal possessions already loaded into the cargo bays of the massive starship towering overhead outside the processing center. As he walked past the lines he and his uniform had gained instant recognition, getting him smiles, cheers, thumbs up, handshakes, offers of kisses and requests for kisses, and even a few offers to bear his children when the Ship reached its destination and they started building their new homes.
The Recalitrants were still bad though....shuffling along sullenly, stripped of dignity and clothes alike, their arms bound behind them, looking like slaves being coffled for auction or animals being led to slaughter, instead of medical preparation for stasis. Unlike the citizen-evacuees, these ones didn’t greet him with cheer, if they even bothered looking up at him at all as he passed.
Didn’t they realize that every effort was being bent to save their lives? One didn’t require special instruments or even enhanced vision to see that the sun blazing overhead at the Launch Site wasn’t behaving right! Everybody HAD to pack up and leave, and they would need everybody, to insure the survival of their people! The government wasn’t doing this TO them, to sentence them to some sort of vile slavery! It was doing it FOR them, to give them a chance of survival, of continued LIFE! Areos wasn’t going to abandon them to a horrible death by solar cremation, even if they weren’t exactly exemplary citizens in better times!
Viidar reminded hmself to remain upbeat and see the silver linings; they had a good ship ready to go, they were on track to saving their planet’s population, saving their culture and societies, and they were finally going out into the greater universe! Vidar was going to see the galaxy!

Areos was a human-sept-inhabited world similar in many ways to 21st-century Earth, though Areos had a few differences; one was the presence of superbeings, superpowered humans straight out of comic books. The other was an alien invasion that galvinized the industrial nations of Areos into a frantic technology build-up to drive off the invaders. Using captured and reverse-engineered alien technology, the Areosians made great strides in aerospace, materials, and energy production technologies. To augment the small numbers of natural mutant superbeings who were in the vanguard of their armies, the Areosians also learned how to genetically engineer superpowers into people. Against such soldiers, the aliens were defeated and driven from the system.
But the aliens had the last laugh; the Areosians learned soon after that their sun had been sabotaged and was becoming erratic, swelling and surging in size and intensity. In less than a century, their planet would be engulfed in a solar inferno.
The Areosians set out on a massive starship building program to transport their populace away to worlds that they knew from captured alien star charts could support their type of life. All the nations of Areos, already accustomed to working together fighting the aliens, were able to get into the business of building an evacuation fleet smoothly and efficiently; earlier fears that ‘survival lotteries’ would be needed to determine who went on the ships were unrealized. There would be ships enough for all.
The shipbuilding program was so successful in fact, that the Areosians then swept up the less developed cultures on their planet to accompany the refugee fleet. Not everybody wanted to go along with the evacuation program, either disbelieving what the astronomers were predicting, or determined to stay with their doomed planet. The united world government gave them no choice, equally determined not to leave anybody(the exception being obvious raging psychopaths and the most monstrous of criminals) behind. The ‘Recalitrants’ were rounded up and forced aboard the refugee ships, of which there were many available.
Several colony ship designs were mass-produced by the Areosians, but the ‘Zultan’(“Escape”)-class was the most common, a combination of alien ‘fast-drive’ and ‘slowboat’ stasis technologies. The skyscraper-tall cylindrical Zultans were fast and sturdy vessels with state-of-the-art systems, carrying all the necessary supplies and equipment for a self-sustaining colony, and festooned with a small fleet of parasite craft. The Zultans would carry a passenger complement of several thousand colonists in stasis, watched over and protected by a rotating ‘awake watch’ of superpowered crewmembers.
Later, as the Areosian star become more violent and desperation set in to finish the evacuation, the crew complements became more varied. Some ships were manned entirely by non-augments, others captained by cyborgs who were linked to their ships, and still others were wholly automated, Artificial Intelligences running the ships while the passengers slept. The construction program and evacuation was finished just as the Areosian sun entered its terminal phase and began expanding into a red giant. The last ships off used their planet’s shadow to shield them until they could light off their star drives and escape the radiation front surging out from the dying sun.
Compared to the vessels of the major powers of the Three Galaxies, Zultans are slow, although their propulsion systems are considered state of the art for heavy space transport by the Areosians(their smaller military vessels are faster, but not suitable for the demands of the mass exodus). Zultans are intended as ‘sleeper’ ships, carrying most of their complement aboard in biostasis, the better to stretch onboard supplies and reduce psychological strain. Even the crew rotates in and out of stasis. Zultans lack the capacity to keep all of the ship’s passenger complement awake and housed at the same time; maximum ‘awake’ capacity is 2,600 and is meant to be used to stage several batches of colonists prior to disembarking on a new world.
Though slow, Zultans are heavily armored, against anticipated impacts with interstellar debris at the ships’ maximum speed. Heavily protected and multiple redundancy systems provide reliability over the anticipated long migration journey, and reduce the chances of a critical strike crippling the entire vessel. They also carry several arrays of long range lasers and missile launchers for dealing with larger debris and alien threats. Also mounted in recesses along the outer hull is a small armada of small craft to assist in developing new homeworlds. Many Zultans went into space in groups, and/or accompanied by small fleets of robotic freighters carrying additional supplies(including cultural materials, personal possessions and artifacts not deemed valuable enough to carry aboard the life-arks themselves, but which could be packed into the less important freighters).
While the Areosian evacuation went off successfully, the overall success of the program as a whole has been spotty, owing to the wide dispersal of, and breakdown of communications between, the exodus fleet. Some ships inevitably failed, breaking down and becoming derelicts, others found worlds to settle on, only to fail due to various factors. Others fell prey to alien pirates and slavers. A few colony ships fell victim to their own; the superbeings appointed as the ships’ protectors instead deciding that they could be kings(or queens) and becoming tyrants over the new colonies. Some of the later ships fell victim to malfunctioning A.I.s who took over total control of the humans.
A few stumbled across the other civilizations of the Three Galaxies, wandering into CCW-space and AMAZED to discover another society of starfaring humans.
Areosian exodus ships can still be found in free space in the Three Glaxies or even other universes, looking for new homeworlds or waiting for rescue. Likewise, their accompanying robofreighters can be found in space carrying some rather eccentric payloads(salvagers tell of finding everything from building materials to art treasures, liqour collections, and even entire disassembled antique homes!).

Type: A-Ex03 Zultan
Class: Colony Starship
Crew: 120+6,300 passengers/colonists in stasis
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 90,000
Bridge 10,000
Long Range Lasers(4) each
Long Range Missile Launchers(8 )
Engine Bloc 25,000
Tail Fin Radiators(18) 400 each
Height: 558 ft
Width: 558 ft
Length: 1,850 ft
Weight: 980,000 tons
Cargo: Carries some 400,000 tons of colonization supplies and equipment.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion supplemented by solar power
Some later models used experimental antimatter propulsion systems based on reverse-engineered alien technology..
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 10
(Kitsune Values: 15% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.0% of light speed per hour)
(FTL) 0.2 light years per day
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: If an intact and operational Zultan were made available on the galactic market, it could fetch about 1.8 billion credits, more if it had a full complement of small craft and colonization supplies. Of course, pirates and slavers will regard crew and passengers as additional ‘value’.
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems:

*Full Sensor Suite---Specialized sensor pallets include radiation detectors and counters, spectrographic analysis devices, gravitic sensors, electromagnetic activity readers, and optics packages.
*Long Range Radar---Phased Array Search and Early Warning Radars---Maximum Resolution Range of 300,000 miles. Navigational array has a range of 1 million miles.
*Laser Targeting-------100,000 miles
*Communications Suite:---Long Range Radio and Video
*Laser Communications ---Tactical (i.e. ship-to fighter/shuttle)Range: 50,000 miles.
*Optical Tracking Clusters----These are transparent blisters fitted with gimbal-mounted high-resolution visible-light/IR/UV optical telescopes that continually scan the arc of sky before them. Linked to the navigational arrays and other tracking sensors, and to a series of highly-sophisticated near-AI search and discrimination software systems, these sensors attempt to detect objects that have low radar returns/sensor signatures, such as stealthed vehicles, iceballs, or asteroids. The high-tech equivalent of the man in the crow’s nest with a pair of binoculars.

*High Resolution Optics---Another surface surveillance system, for producing high-resolution optical imagery of a planetary surface. Includes thermographic optics for detecting heat sources and missile launch plumes.

*Radiation Detectors---Detect the presence of radiation, from the trace emissions of nuclear powerplants to nuclear explosions.

*Magnetic Shield----Zultans generate low level magnetic fields that are configured to deflect radiation. They reduce damage from ion and particle beam weapons by HALF, and can confuse and deflect guided missiles 35% of the time.

*Modular Design---Zultans were designed to be easily broken up upon landing, to become parts of the new colonial settlement; the cryo-bays would become refrigeration units for food storage, life support systems heating, ventilation and hydroponics starters for the colonists, the engines powerplants, the weapons module a communications and defense tower, the hull panels recycled into habitat housing. Some parts could even be made into orbiting space stations for communications and weather studies at the colonists’ new home.

Weapons Systems:
1) Long Range Lasers(4)---These are meant for both asteroid defense and anti-spacecraft work.
Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 50 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 25 miles in atmosphere, 25,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x100 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Long Range Missile Launchers(8 )---These are combination weapon and probe launchers.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-5
Payload: 50 missiles each launcher, 300 ready-to-fire total; additional missiles may be carried and loaded from cargo, but will take at least 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 12 missiles)

Auxiliary Craft:
4 Nuclear Orbiters---Orbital survey platforms and tugs(12 man crews, 1,000 MDC, Mach 6 in space)
8 Nuclear Rockets---Deep space tugs and prospecting craft( 15 man crews, 1,000 MDC, Mach 10 in space)
12 Aerospace Shuttles---Passenger shuttles and transatmospheric cutters(6 man crews, plus 30 passengers. 600 MDC, Mach 7 in space, transatmospheric. Armed: x4 light lasers)
12 Heavy Aerospace Shuttles---Heavy cargo shuttles(6 man crews, plus 300 passengers. 900 MDC, Mach 6 in space, transatmospheric)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Thinking of the potential complications in one or more of these ships falling in the hands of Imperial Guardsmen or the Free Worlds Council.
Obviously reactions and complications of contact between both sides would depend on what exactly is going on with each specific ship.

The Pandorum film would definitely fit as one of many possible scenarios.

Hmmm, maybe that might be worth of some random table of sorts?
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:Thinking of the potential complications in one or more of these ships falling in the hands of Imperial Guardsmen or the Free Worlds Council.
Obviously reactions and complications of contact between both sides would depend on what exactly is going on with each specific ship.

The Pandorum film would definitely fit as one of many possible scenarios.

Hmmm, maybe that might be worth of some random table of sorts?

Pretty sure the Zultan's not big enough to support the mutant tribe cultures of Pandorum, and as for the TGE or the FWC? The Zultan's a slow-moving barge, and probably hardly worth the effort to upgrade into a weapons platform. True, you could probably replace the externally docked ships with faster strike vessels, but you'd still need to upgrade the carrier to keep it from being vaporized in a real hairball.

However, some of the Aoesian superheroes COULD be equal, if not better, than TGE Invincible Guardsmen....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Thinking of the potential complications in one or more of these ships falling in the hands of Imperial Guardsmen or the Free Worlds Council.
Obviously reactions and complications of contact between both sides would depend on what exactly is going on with each specific ship.

The Pandorum film would definitely fit as one of many possible scenarios.

Hmmm, maybe that might be worth of some random table of sorts?

Pretty sure the Zultan's not big enough to support the mutant tribe cultures of Pandorum, and as for the TGE or the FWC? The Zultan's a slow-moving barge, and probably hardly worth the effort to upgrade into a weapons platform. True, you could probably replace the externally docked ships with faster strike vessels, but you'd still need to upgrade the carrier to keep it from being vaporized in a real hairball.

Yeah, too true considering most of the time the ship has about 100-240 people awake at most. But i was thinking more general concept than quite on THAT scale. That said, ley line or phase disruptions and weird stellar phenomena (combined with any surprises hidden in the funky genetics of some of the superhumans) could lead into all kind of crazy situations. Not to mention AIs doing unexpected things like combining partially damaged ships into bigger ones, catching & "absorbing" derelicts (or even salvaging the sleepers from an inactive ship), modifying itself by pulling apart meteorites or any other nonsense a GM might come up for a Zultan going out of spec hard.

taalismn wrote:However, some of the Aoesian superheroes COULD be equal, if not better, than TGE Invincible Guardsmen....

THIS was more my point in such a contact, as the superhumans could make a quite interesting strategic resource for either side to pursue. ONE ship falling in the hands of the FWC (along with the secrets of Aerosian superhumans creation proccess) could make considerable waves in their war with the TGE, i'd guess.
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