Wizard Protection Circles

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Wizard Protection Circles

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, on page 104 of the Main book in the Wizards section, there is an unclear section on circles. The section talks about how Wizards can recognize and use active circles, but can't lean them, create them, or activate them. The exception is "...the two protection circles available to them...". There is nothing else mentioned about this in the description. Is this a typo?

"If not, which two protection circles are available?"
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Re: Wizard Protection Circles

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Veknironth wrote:Well, on page 104 of the Main book in the Wizards section, there is an unclear section on circles. The section talks about how Wizards can recognize and use active circles, but can't lean them, create them, or activate them. The exception is "...the two protection circles available to them...". There is nothing else mentioned about this in the description. Is this a typo?

"If not, which two protection circles are available?"

They are talking about recognizing the circles Summoners use.

The circles that mages can use are listed in the spell magic.

circle of protection and the circle of concealment. the circle of concealment can be found in the HU2 core book and one of the Rifters with some other official spell conversions.
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Re: Wizard Protection Circles

Unread post by Soldier of Od »

Veknironth wrote:Well, on page 104 of the Main book in the Wizards section, there is an unclear section on circles. The section talks about how Wizards can recognize and use active circles, but can't lean them, create them, or activate them. The exception is "...the two protection circles available to them...". There is nothing else mentioned about this in the description. Is this a typo?

"If not, which two protection circles are available?"

Protection circle: simple (level 9 spell, page 207 of PFRPG main book.)
Protection circle: superior (level 13 spell, page 214)
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Re: Wizard Protection Circles

Unread post by Axelmania »

Trying to remember if those were spells back in pre-PF2's PRPG, I remember that having a bit of flexibility about learning a summoner's protection circles. This was in a pre-PPE system though so the lower PPE costs that summoners (circle masters) pay to make/activate their circles wasn't a thing yet.
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Re: Wizard Protection Circles

Unread post by kiralon »

If the wizard took study circles and study symbols he could possibly learn 5 simple protection circles: protection (simple), protection sealed, protection from good / evil, and protection from magic (simple).
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Re: Wizard Protection Circles

Unread post by Hotrod »

1st Edition also allowed diabolists to learn circle magic, though they didn't start off knowing any. It seems a little strange that there would be no cross-learning ability between those two classes in 2nd Edition.
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