Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
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Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
How many of you use Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts? And if you do, do you think it’s reasonable to mix some of those with other RCC’s? For example, would you find it acceptable to have, say, a True Atlantean Immortal (Demigod)? It’s a demigod, after all, meaning that one parent is a god, so the other parent could very well be a True Atlantean. I’d appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
MIAMI, FL: Player Looking For a Game.
Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
I'd be happy enough letting the PU2 Immortals be used in Rifts, but I would treat them as a RCC, meaning they don't get to choose a second race, nor an OCC.
- drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Giant2005 wrote:I'd be happy enough letting the PU2 Immortals be used in Rifts, but I would treat them as a RCC, meaning they don't get to choose a second race, nor an OCC.
No-one gets to choose a 2nd RACE.
Yep, Treating them as an RCC is the correct thing to do according to KS. (See R9.5)
so what you are saying is you would not let them 'Change Classes'? That they are stuck with what they got. Just like what the published changing class rules say to do for PCCs and RCCs.
(Note to the ill informed:
How would I do it...have the player do the conversions and just run them as HU chars. If they want more skills they need to spend in game time to learn them. They have no class to change so they can't change their class.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
I have always allowed human like aliens and D-bees to have super powers if they were similar to humans in terms of magic and psionics and were basically normal SDC.
For instance I would allow a wolfen character to have super abilities like I do humans but not a true Atlantean.
For instance I would allow a wolfen character to have super abilities like I do humans but not a true Atlantean.
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- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
- Hell knight
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
I let them chose what ever occ they want as i use the this description , from pantheons of the megaverse ( the demigod can pick any occ that fits his human/d-bee background and interest with the following exceptions . cyborg robot juicer or crazy) if born in rifts . other wise i follow the conversion book .
Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Hell knight wrote:I let them chose what ever occ they want as i use the this description , from pantheons of the megaverse ( the demigod can pick any occ that fits his human/d-bee background and interest with the following exceptions . cyborg robot juicer or crazy) if born in rifts . other wise i follow the conversion book .
He is talking about a very different class than the Demigod in Pantheons, he is referring to a Heroes Unlimited power category, that covers lots of different ways of being an Immortal, not just being a Demigod or Godling.
Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Giant2005 wrote:I'd be happy enough letting the PU2 Immortals be used in Rifts, but I would treat them as a RCC, meaning they don't get to choose a second race, nor an OCC.
No-one gets to choose a 2nd RACE.
Hence my saying as much.
- Hell knight
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Giant2005 wrote:Hell knight wrote:I let them chose what ever occ they want as i use the this description , from pantheons of the megaverse ( the demigod can pick any occ that fits his human/d-bee background and interest with the following exceptions . cyborg robot juicer or crazy) if born in rifts . other wise i follow the conversion book .
He is talking about a very different class than the Demigod in Pantheons, he is referring to a Heroes Unlimited power category, that covers lots of different ways of being an Immortal, not just being a Demigod or Godling.
I know what he is talking about , i told him mine how i use them , and the demigod in pantheons is an rcc but they get to chose an occ any way i find the pu2 one is great for making an existing character a godling or demigod as it like an overlay . For once again pantheons of the megaverse says one can be elevated to being a godling or demigod without being born one .
And i agree on the second race thing .
More likely i am getting off track so i am done .
Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Nope. I have a word for people who start trying to min-max and stack things like that...
It stars with a T and ends with a K.
That is the definition of the stereotypical Mary Sue.
(Read in the accent of an emo teenager)
"My character is a true Atlantean, who's also immortal, and totally a demigod you guys."
H-E-Double hockey sticks No.
My exact response would be along the lines of, "Leave my table and never come back."
It stars with a T and ends with a K.
That is the definition of the stereotypical Mary Sue.
(Read in the accent of an emo teenager)
"My character is a true Atlantean, who's also immortal, and totally a demigod you guys."
H-E-Double hockey sticks No.
My exact response would be along the lines of, "Leave my table and never come back."
- drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
HWalsh wrote:Nope. I have a word for people who start trying to min-max and stack things like that...
It stars with a T and ends with a K.
That is the definition of the stereotypical Mary Sue.
(Read in the accent of an emo teenager)
"My character is a true Atlantean, who's also immortal, and totally a demigod you guys."
H-E-Double hockey sticks No.
My exact response would be along the lines of, "Leave my table and never come back."
*looking at this as a HU person*
There are char creation rules that would restrict the TA,I,DG combo within he PU2 Immortal Power cat.
➢The basic char creation doesn't let a person roll up a human variants (It takes the GM to give permission to do that) so pre made chars have to be human or alien (random roll or the PB generated ones in AU.)
➢TAs are not stat'ed out in any HU book so,That needs another GM okay to bring in something from another PB Game.
➣Partly because there DG type (along with other types) of Immortal is already a part of the Immortal Power Cat. (so no stacking of the HU powers and the Rifts powers)
➣And the powers the PU2 Immortal power cat.gets is restricted to a power table within the power cat. Which any deviation from has to be approved by the game'sGM. And there are no magic tattoos in the table, so there is no way to mimic a T-man.
Under unmodified canon...
So can a PU2 Immortal be a DG?..yes, but limited to the DG within the Immortal power cat.
Can they be a TA?... no.
Can they also be (or get the powers from) a RBC2 DG or GL?... no.
Personally as a GM I would rule that having any magic tattoos will exclude that char from having any major or minor super-abilities.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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- BuckDaring
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Trying to play an online game I had to deal with a player, that after I agreed to let them play a demi-god, thought they could just choose as their "race" a Mutant from Heroes Unlimited and then thought it would be also okay to choose as their OCC, an Experimental Hero from Heroes Unlimited. I tried very hard to make it clear how ludicrous it was, however they would not relent from their position that they had made a "legal character".
I just had to walk away. It's no fun to play with a Player that is constantly trying to use loopholes to OP their character and takes a mile every time you give them an inch.
I've been GMing for so long now, that I've gone through a lot of ridiculous periods as a child (i started playing around nine) and even a teenager. I've dealt with a lot of problem players and can tell the difference between a player that I can learn how to work with and is willing to work with me and one that will never adjust how they play to make it a better game for everyone else. I have twenty years worth of playing mature games as Player and GM and have no patience anymore for childish behavior or gaming.
While one could imply that when it states in PotM that the non-godly parent can be nearly anything; that it means you can go hog-wild with additional abilities from one's non-godly parent, it's just a poorly disguised OP grab. At best that might allow a character to look like any humanoid RCC, including an Atlantean or a Mutant Animal with full Biped, full Hands, full Speech, and no Looks. However, as far as any game I run is concerned it doesn't alter their RCC as being a demigod and if the player is desperate for a racial ability, then they can use their one power pick to represent it. If it's not on the list I might allow it if it seems about the same power level and isn't open to abuse.
Secondly, regardless that the rules for a demigods OCC, doesn't explicitly restrict them from playing a super-powered OCC from Heroes Unlimited, my interpretation is that being a super-powered being is both an RCC and an OCC, so no super-powers for Demigods, period. No Martial Arts Powers from N&S, either, for similar reasons. Besides, they are quite powerful enough without trying to abuse the RCC for OP purposes.I
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Secondly, the original question makes absolutely no sense. If you're playing a HU MH from PU2, you apply the Mega-Hero rules as they stand in HU, adjusted by the rules in PU2. You don't get to add stuff that isn't there. Well, if it's your game you can add or change what you want. However, if your sticking to the rules, you get exactly the abilities and powers for the type of immortal you roll or choose. Nothing more, nothing less. I found nothing in the rules in PU2 that might suggest you can flip-flop between the rules for demigods in PU2 and PotM, even if they are both called Demigods, they are a different RCC/OCC completely.
I just had to walk away. It's no fun to play with a Player that is constantly trying to use loopholes to OP their character and takes a mile every time you give them an inch.
I've been GMing for so long now, that I've gone through a lot of ridiculous periods as a child (i started playing around nine) and even a teenager. I've dealt with a lot of problem players and can tell the difference between a player that I can learn how to work with and is willing to work with me and one that will never adjust how they play to make it a better game for everyone else. I have twenty years worth of playing mature games as Player and GM and have no patience anymore for childish behavior or gaming.
While one could imply that when it states in PotM that the non-godly parent can be nearly anything; that it means you can go hog-wild with additional abilities from one's non-godly parent, it's just a poorly disguised OP grab. At best that might allow a character to look like any humanoid RCC, including an Atlantean or a Mutant Animal with full Biped, full Hands, full Speech, and no Looks. However, as far as any game I run is concerned it doesn't alter their RCC as being a demigod and if the player is desperate for a racial ability, then they can use their one power pick to represent it. If it's not on the list I might allow it if it seems about the same power level and isn't open to abuse.
Secondly, regardless that the rules for a demigods OCC, doesn't explicitly restrict them from playing a super-powered OCC from Heroes Unlimited, my interpretation is that being a super-powered being is both an RCC and an OCC, so no super-powers for Demigods, period. No Martial Arts Powers from N&S, either, for similar reasons. Besides, they are quite powerful enough without trying to abuse the RCC for OP purposes.I
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Secondly, the original question makes absolutely no sense. If you're playing a HU MH from PU2, you apply the Mega-Hero rules as they stand in HU, adjusted by the rules in PU2. You don't get to add stuff that isn't there. Well, if it's your game you can add or change what you want. However, if your sticking to the rules, you get exactly the abilities and powers for the type of immortal you roll or choose. Nothing more, nothing less. I found nothing in the rules in PU2 that might suggest you can flip-flop between the rules for demigods in PU2 and PotM, even if they are both called Demigods, they are a different RCC/OCC completely.
- Emerald MoonSilver
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Minor nitpick.... All of the immortals in Pu 2 aren't mega heroes. While some like the demi-god, godling and demon lord, are, others such as the lesser demon, angel / spirit of light, and faerie folk, and others are not.
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Minor nitpick.... All of the immortals in Pu 2 aren't mega heroes. While some like the demi-god, godling and demon lord, are, others such as the lesser demon, angel / spirit of light, and faerie folk, and others are not.
- BuckDaring
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Emerald MoonSilver wrote:[snip)
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Minor nitpick.... All of the immortals in Pu 2 aren't mega heroes. While some like the demi-god, godling and demon lord, are, others such as the lesser demon, angel / spirit of light, and faerie folk, and others are not.
Yep, you got me.
![Eek! :eek:](./images/smilies/eek.gif)
Seriously, though, thanks for keeping me accurate. You are correct. Although, I strongly remember from the book, what I thought were interesting concepts of mega-heroes, like the Mutant Animal with extra Bio-E, or a combination of two types but without any of the typical mega-hero advantages. I felt like it rescued Mega-Heroes from being just an OP option best used for NPCs, to a way to make a variety of interesting, though powerful, character concepts.
Too easy for me to forget the other options. Whoops.
Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
BuckDaring wrote:Emerald MoonSilver wrote:[snip)
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Minor nitpick.... All of the immortals in Pu 2 aren't mega heroes. While some like the demi-god, godling and demon lord, are, others such as the lesser demon, angel / spirit of light, and faerie folk, and others are not.
Yep, you got me.![]()
Seriously, though, thanks for keeping me accurate. You are correct. Although, I strongly remember from the book, what I thought were interesting concepts of mega-heroes, like the Mutant Animal with extra Bio-E, or a combination of two types but without any of the typical mega-hero advantages. I felt like it rescued Mega-Heroes from being just an OP option best used for NPCs, to a way to make a variety of interesting, though powerful, character concepts.
Too easy for me to forget the other options. Whoops.
Those extra Mega-Hero options you are referring to are from Rifter 37.
- drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
Emerald MoonSilver wrote:[snip)
Getting back to the original question, first of all, the optional hero types listed in PU2, are all types of Mega-Heroes. Which any GM should be extremely wary of allowing into their game. I would only allow one, if everyone in the party was one (PU2 creates a lot of variety for them), and only then because I learned how to handle a OP party while keeping it fun and challenging from one of the better GMs' I've played with back in my twenties. To any inexperienced GM I warn you that including one Mega-Hero in a game is a disaster waiting to happen and you've probably already lost control over your game the moment you allowed a MH in.
Minor nitpick.... All of the immortals in Pu 2 aren't mega heroes. While some like the demi-god, godling and demon lord, are, others such as the lesser demon, angel / spirit of light, and faerie folk, and others are not.
The different immortal types list if they are Mega Heroes. In other words, Not All of them are mega heroes.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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- Emerald MoonSilver
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
I just picked up rifter 37 that others have been talking about and I must say I do like it. The dual class options mentioned in it on page 32 I believe would be great for a wizard class.. Combine magic using with boosted attributes and senses and you have the making for a wonderful demon hunter or attack mage.
Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:No-one gets to choose a 2nd RACE.
Not simultaneously anyway, although Reformed Demons seem to be able to gradually choose to be human, and if you choose to hop into a power circle that turns you into an Elf... or choose to become a Vampire...
HWalsh wrote:Nope. I have a word for people who start trying to min-max and stack things like that...
It stars with a T and ends with a K.
That is the definition of the stereotypical Mary Sue.
(Read in the accent of an emo teenager)
"My character is a true Atlantean, who's also immortal, and totally a demigod you guys."
H-E-Double hockey sticks No.
My exact response would be along the lines of, "Leave my table and never come back."
Nobody ever wants to play the half-Wolfen half-Coyle.
- drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
There is also the Transcendent PCC from R1 . where you char "cooooould" *wink wink* have been another race in a past life.
blah blah blah......
blah blah blah......
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
- D-Bee
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Re: Powers Unlimited 2 Immortals in Rifts
I’ve been playing rifts for over 20 years and I can firmly say do what you and your group find fun to play. However if you are looking for a more canon answer keep in mind that Palladium sometimes contradicts themselves as the game has been in print for a long time.
1. Some RCCs are suited for an OCC or pseudo-RCC, some are not. Rifter rules or not.
2. Palladium does not do half breeds with the exception of demi-gods, humans, ogres, and Atlanteans. Generally speaking, Roll one race or the other. Demigods are easy. Godling attributes override the other parent, hence the Demi-god RCC does not ask for the other race. Atlanteans also cannot be altered making it impossible to inherit the atlantean racials and a demi-gods supernatural changes. Either the character is atlantean or they are a demi-god, can’t be both.
3. PU2 Immortal provides rules for having magic, psionics, and mutant powers. The class also has a wide skill selection in addition. Since virtually any OCC type can be made with the class (with the exception of rarer magic and psionic types) it makes since that the class rules would override most other rules and the character should be designed according to the book.
1. Some RCCs are suited for an OCC or pseudo-RCC, some are not. Rifter rules or not.
2. Palladium does not do half breeds with the exception of demi-gods, humans, ogres, and Atlanteans. Generally speaking, Roll one race or the other. Demigods are easy. Godling attributes override the other parent, hence the Demi-god RCC does not ask for the other race. Atlanteans also cannot be altered making it impossible to inherit the atlantean racials and a demi-gods supernatural changes. Either the character is atlantean or they are a demi-god, can’t be both.
3. PU2 Immortal provides rules for having magic, psionics, and mutant powers. The class also has a wide skill selection in addition. Since virtually any OCC type can be made with the class (with the exception of rarer magic and psionic types) it makes since that the class rules would override most other rules and the character should be designed according to the book.