Palladium Face Book, Twitch and Twitter

1st edition? 2nd edition? It doesnt matter! Let's just talk Palladium Fantasy.

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Palladium Face Book, Twitch and Twitter

Unread post by kiralon »

If you haven't already seen this then please show your support for palladium and follow them here, as they have been breath of life'd :-D

The more support for the electronic side of things the better.
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Re: Palladium Face Book, Twitch and Twitter

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Working hard on making sure we shout out creators of content and people streaming/podcasting Palladium games! Twitter is especially great for us to use- just tag @palladiumbooks!
Broadcasting live twitchtv
My Twitter
Now Playing Savage Rifts as a Trimadore TechnoWizard
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Re: Palladium Face Book, Twitch and Twitter

Unread post by Tenchnomage3055 »

Question: are you going to stream playing games on twitch or do talk show about the game worlds?
I travel between Dimensions and worlds trying to meet others and learning new things hoping to found more friends who want to travel and explore new worlds as much as I do.
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