variant Power Cat....and writer's block

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variant Power Cat....and writer's block

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

was thinking up a new PCV and got the descriptive text and some of the mechanics text started for it and ended up running into an Idea Wall.

Note that the following Is Not Done, and is looking for Helpful Comments. So no knee jerk sarcasm comments.

mystic super inventions creator

Unlike other magic device creators these are like other hardware charaters stand tall over the others of their craft, in that they are able to intigrate magic effects into mundane devices without wholesale converting the device into a magic item. For device funtionality it doesn’t matter what school/style of magic school the maker used to put magic into the device. Magic circles engraved on a pair of night vision goggles, strips of cloth with the written word embroidered on them sewn into the lining of a coat, or even a gem enchanted with the magic attached to a firearm. The thing about the Mystic Super Invention maker is that they have been able to discover the code/formula/secret of how to make magic that gives the device user certain super powers.

Some might say these heroes and villions are the most dangeruse of people due to they have the abilitiy to give others super abilities, by making that objects that can’t be detected by all but a few security personal. However, each of these builders will only know the code for one major power. However they will have the flexibility in their knowledge to bend that one power to different applications that fall within the power’s genrale concept-idea. If the power idea is force fields, then then shoes that let the wearer walk up stairs without a building, or bracer that is able to produce a shield like force field, or a side arm that shoots bolts of force. If the power’s core idea is much like the Healing factor ability then these builders could make items that let the wearer heal at a rate that rivals supernatural regeneration, or boosting the life force (PE/HP) of the user. if the idea is super sight-senses only one sense per 4 levels of the maker(rounded up) can be given by the item.
However, these makers will not be able to make devices that are not a part of the code they figured out. Because of this the builder will not be able to build a force item and a healing item because they don’t share a core ideas.

The devices that are made by these Hardware characters to give the users super-abilities can’t be duplicated by any mundane means, and can be very hard to detect by normal means. Only one of these makers with a similer known code could make a duplicate. However, this doesn’t limit makers with other codes from making a near equivlent item.

Like with other super inventions the level of these super invention devices are set upon item creation. most of the normal SI rules can be used w/o change if the char using the items are not their creator. the limitations on these other then bound by a core idea is that Magic Super Inventions won’t duplicate magic spell or psionic powers. The “Other Exclusions” in the SI text also limit the MSI.

These builders’ magic enhanced devices are unlike the magic items made by other ....

Yes the premise is to make a magic enhanced device maker, with the ability to make magic items and magic super inventions too. Yes,I am aware that this is wanting a dedicated construction build section. but like with many things in HU there are too many variables to cover in a text shorter then a whole sourcebook.

Magic enhanced devices are unlike what the rifts TW OCC which just builds magic items out of tech parts.
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Re: variant Power Cat....and writer's block

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

It seems like this would be a Dual Class because you would need both knowledge of spells and of Hardware.
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Re: variant Power Cat....and writer's block

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Magic enhanced devices are unlike what the rifts TW OCC which just builds magic items out of tech parts.

So they are more like the Rifts Gizmoteer class in Rifts SA2 in some respects really given your idea can only apply power(s) they already know, which is like the Gizmoteer and using psychic powers (where a TW can borrow someone else to provide the spells involved, a Gizmoeteer AFAIK has to know the psychic power being used).

But basically what you are creating is a class that makes Mystic Artifacts for people in the Enchanted Weapon/Object?
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: variant Power Cat....and writer's block

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

The Gizmoteer Racial CC in the RWB SA2 is like a TW, making psionic items out of tech parts.

Examples of magic augmentation abilities:
Nightvision goggles in which the added magic adds see the invisible to what the normal functions of the NV goggles.
A rifle scope that has magic added so it will display the information from See Aura also.
A car that has magic that allows it to be an atuotomomus vehicle that doesn't interfere with the normal driving functions, without replacing the normal motor with a magic motor.

The core ideas
✦That the magic added to a device does not "convert the device into a magic item" it just adds the magic function to an existing device. (yes, they could possible make an original device with magical functions to complement the mundane ones. But I doubt there many out there with that sort of immagination to ignore the typical tropes and come up with such a device.)
✦That they can make magic objects that give super powers to others. (I would keep this limitations pretty firm that only other people could use the magic super inventions, and unable to use them him-/her-self.)

Thinking about it yah,...but only sort of like the enchanted Object. (enchanted weapons are already equated to Rune weapons from PF. (which were translated into rifts with RWB2.)

However, more the power level &/or number of powers more like lesser and greater NB Artifacts from the Nightlands book. Or to say other super inventions.
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