Working on a mask hero game for PF.

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Working on a mask hero game for PF.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

What do you think of this primus?

The Queen's Court of Ivory and Shadows seeks to end the corruption and the cruelty of the nobility, corruption of SOME of the churches, take on the monster races, as well as the gangs of outlaws who have been plaguing the people for the last 9 years (because the former ruler simply didn't care about ruling, just about capturing more land, in his hast he left a bloody incompetent git in charge and disregarded all the reports about any of the lands that he had previously conquered.), put an end the raids on the port towns and cities, restore the guilds, reestablish several trade deals, etc.
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Re: Working on a mask hero game for PF.

Unread post by Hotrod »

It's a fun premise. I wonder, though, how such a masked vigilante group would evolve. Would this be a Lone Ranger/Zorro kind of thing, or would it devolve into the Sons of the Harpy/KKK with crimes and atrocities as its members begin to feel unaccountable for their actions?

My suggestion: give each member a distinct mask and single, recognizable alter ego. Thereby they remain anonymous, yet retain some measure of accountability.
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Re: Working on a mask hero game for PF.

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Well, if the former ruler is like described in the OP, i would imagine the kingdom to be rife with secret insurgency cells in some of the cities, not to mention groups of bandit-partisans hiding in woods or mountains, with or without support of some groups of disgruntled villagers, among other additional complications that might either fed on the corruption or be inflamed by the abuse of certain officials such corruption may inspire, depending on region.
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Re: Working on a mask hero game for PF.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

SolCannibal wrote:Well, if the former ruler is like described in the OP, i would imagine the kingdom to be rife with secret insurgency cells in some of the cities, not to mention groups of bandit-partisans hiding in woods or mountains, with or without support of some groups of disgruntled villagers, among other additional complications that might either fed on the corruption or be inflamed by the abuse of certain officials such corruption may inspire, depending on region.

Ankh, udja, seneb.
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