Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

1st edition? 2nd edition? It doesnt matter! Let's just talk Palladium Fantasy.

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Do you have a favorite Wild Lord?

Gainim- Lord of Autumn - Warlock.
Isurron - Lord of Mercy - Psi-Healer.
Semotra - Lord of the Wood - Druid.
Eternus - Lord of Destiny - Psi-Mystic.
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Lashgan - Lord of Midnight - Knight.
Kuldun - Lord of Illusion - Illusionist.
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Haezor- Lord of Pain - Assassin.
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Total votes: 11

Ironpig II
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Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

Unread post by Ironpig II »

Has anyone explored this idea in regards to Wild Lords?
Surgana, Lord of Something I Forget, would she be able to have a statue in the garden of the gods? I know there are rules etc for how a god may/may not be able to have a statue. If not her, I could prob make up some others!!
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Re: Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

Unread post by Fenris2020 »

Lashgan and Gainim
You are a truly worthy foe! I shall howl a dirge in your honour and eat your heart with pride!
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Re: Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Pardon the ignorance, but is that related to the lost gods cited in the sneak preview?
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Re: Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

No, I don't have favorites. You didn't include that option though.
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Re: Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

SolCannibal wrote:Pardon the ignorance, but is that related to the lost gods cited in the sneak preview?

Wild Lords are found in the Northern Hinterlands sourcebook. Deities not affiliated with the Northern Pantheon. Nearly took out an Old One back in their heyday.
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Re: Garden of the Gods/ Wild Lords

Unread post by Hotrod »

Gainim is why we have Kadriel in the Hinterlands: the land of eternal harvest. That dude is why I had to change the color palette for the woods in that region of the Kiridin lands when I made my Bizantium and its colonies map. That's why he's my favorite.
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