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Thought the centuries there have been great Wizards and great Mind Mages & Mystics. However, there have been those that didn’t stand out even thou they did great things only to be promptly ignored because they were the crafters. That the great deeds couldn’t been done without their work was ether conveniently ignored or intentionally pushed aside by those grabbing the notoriety.

Even so in each generation there were those that would rather make the tools than fight the monsters, even if there were those that did both. Unless these abilities ran in families each of these psionic crafters had to reinvent how to make powered items by themselves. Even so, with most of these crafters most of the psionic powered items are used in their everyday life to make easier. There are those that use their abilities to make weapons and tools to go adventuring with.

Each of these crafters will have their own medium that they are interested in working with. Sometimes the material will be metal, wood, or stones & gems. While other will be even flexible materials like leather and paper. At the peek of their abilities, when they set out to make a work these crafter can make an utterly mundane object with other-worldly beauty or use them to make an item of mystical powers that even defy what magic it limited to is not out of the realm of their power. Even so, it is exceedingly rare that the same crafter to be able to embed the patterns needed for empowerment into an utterly beautiful mundane crafting.

It is more dependent on how they came about their training whether these crafters will lean more on being inspired by the universe through meditation that self trained rely on to divine the right patterns for their creations. Or if those crafters were brought up in a family of psionic crafters and will lean more on the teachings to calculate the patterns to use to empower their psionic items with.

However, it is not the material which is used that is the greatest determiner of the the difficulty of a crafting of psionic items is the type of Sigil to be made. There are three sigil forms: Single Line Sigils, Pattern Sigils, and Matrix Sigils.

Single Line Sigils are the easiest to make simple items out of. They are created out of a single line of text, symbols or runes that the crafter has discerned are the correct ones to use for the empowerment idea they wish to impart. However, they can only produce effects that target the item they are on. the most common use for SLS items are fire starter sticks (using the Fire Walker ‘Fire Bolt’ power as the core idea) and a ‘make object go farther/faster’ empowerment (using telekinesis as the core idea.) The Latter can be used to make arrows that fly further or do more damage. It is the narrowness of the idea used in these empowerments that make them the easiest to create. Using such an empowered object a smith-crafter could use telekinesis to make a ‘drop hammer’ that would reset it’s potential energy when the smith-crafter activated it.
Crafting Time: is normal for each object outside of the empowerment.
Empowering Time: 1D4+2 hours.
Costs: at the time of empowerment it costs 2 Semi-Prem. PPE per empowerment.
Activation Cost: half the IS point cost of the core idea power.
Note: Single use empowerments cost double the normal PPE, but costs only 1 IS point to use. But once they are used the psionic empowerments have been burnt out completely.

Pattern Sigils are are webs of pattern lines; the are sort of like combining a spider web’s pattern with the patterns of a dream-catcher; that carry the meaning of the power to be affixed to an object. However, even these are limited to powers that don’t connect the mind of the user to anything, and excluding all healing powers except detect psionics. (See BTS2 page 78 for list of examples.) Typically this is done by engraving or carving the pattern into the crafter’s chosen medium, and then filling the groves with silver or gold. (Any of the Palladium group metals will be needed for the empowerment to last more than a year, and they also needed for the powers to have a range more than touch.)
Minimum Sigil Size: 2 square inches per idea.
Crafting Time: is normal for each object outside of the empowerment.
Empowering Time: 2d4+40 hours. (Typically 10 hours per day, 16 hours normal max. More than this the crafter will start making mistakes that having to be fixed by repeating the hours that the empowerment roll was missed. Roll Once per hour after 16. A minimum of 7 hours of sleep is needed between days of work.)
Costs: at the time of empowerment it costs 1 Semi-Prem. PPE per Pattern Sigil.
Activation Cost: half the IS point cost of the core idea power.

Matrix Sigils are the most complex and the most flexible of the three Sigils types that are used to make psionic items. They are also the most difficult to create. Taking weeks, Months or even years just to plan out the patterns needed. Crafting these psionic items can take just as long, or longer, to make as to figure out the patters to be used. However, if the resulting effects wanted mirror those of magical items, this is the only Sigils that can produce them. Because of this psi-crafters that make these tend to be nobles that can afford to do apparently nothing for weeks on end or have a patron that can support them while crafting.

After the planing stage (in which the crafter calculates out the pattern or reads the Akashic Records through intense meditation) crafting with Matrix Sigils takes a solid medium into which hair fine holes are drilled within it with finely controlled Telekinesis to make the pattern within the medium. With some of the holes needing various thicknesses and even possibly differing channel shapes. It is the boring of these holes with just telekinesis that takes the majority of the time in the crafting of Matrix Sigil psionic items.

After this boring out the holes are filled with what metals (typically silver or gold) to fill out the pattern. With the more magic-like powers there will be magically active or reactive components that will be required to be included in the build. All this time the crafter is empowering the item bit by bit. Even with this concurrent fabrication and empowerment it still normally takes weeks or months to make a simple or lower level complexity psionic items. While simple powers can be crafted into small solid objects like rings, the more powerful or complex the power that is to be set in the psionic item the larger the object the larger the solid object needs to be. If multiple powers are to be set into the same object, then add the volumes together +10% to get the needed volume.

Matrix Sigil psionic items look like they have a star map combined with a spiders web; or how a map of space ley lines would look like; within the crystal where they were crafted in. The crystals that are usually used to create these matrix sigil psionic items tend to have flaws in them. So the first step is to ether cut the crystals or to fix the flaws. For larger items several crystals are ether linked together with cables or merged together into one large crystal. With the larger matrix sigil items, when active the crystals take on colorings based on the mind of the maker during the item’s making.

Minor Items (like finger rings):
Planing time: 2D6+8 days.
Crafting-Empowering time: two weeks.
Semi-Perm. PPE Cost: 3 points.

Lower Level Items (one & two power items):
Planing time: 1D4x10 days.
Crafting-Empowering time: 1D4+3 weeks.
Semi-Perm. PPE Cost: 4 points per power.

Mid-Range Items (three & four power items):
Planing time: 2D6+ 22 days.
Crafting-Empowering time: 1D4+1 months.
Semi-Perm. PPE Cost: 5 points per power.

Note 1: It is possible to make psionic items, however, they would take so long as to take the char out of the game more or less permanently. Because of this they will not be detailed here.
Note 2: The difference between rods, staffs and swords under these guidelines are only a matter of shape and what they are empowered with.

☒ The first time making any Sigil Pattern for psionic items the Semi-Prem. PPE cost are doubled.
☒ The standard difficulties for empowering multiple powers are for powers that are sympathetic with each other. Crossing sympathies will impose a 10% penalty for each that run counter to the majority of the powers within the item.
☒ For a psionic crafting to have a range better than touch, the pattern needs to be filled with a Palladium Group metal. Gold, Silver and palladium are three of the metals within these related metals.
☒ Sometimes there are different metals that are more potent for an applications and ones that are less potent. Even so any of the Palladium group metals will work to give the base results. If a sympathetic metal is used, the effects of the item can be increased by 25%, and using a un-sympathetic metal can decrease the effects by 25%.
☒ Like with metals the use of psychicly or magically active stone/gems can ether raise or decrease the effects of the power expressed through an item by 25%
☒ At level three the crafter can choose to burn off perm PPE to make the object fully permanent, with any psionic able to use the item. It will remain empowered even after the crafter’s death.
☒ At level 7 the crafter can use the freely given PPE to make an item that is solely for the giver of the semi-perm PPE.

Psionic Item Crafting skill: 30+5 per level.
When working on creating/empowering a psionic item they are crafting, this skill is rolled once every 4 hours of the normal working day and for each hour of work after 10 hours of work on a Pattern Sigil. A failed roll means the crafter made a mistake and will have to spend another hour to fix the mistake. A crafter will have a +15% to work when crafting Single Line Sigils and a -20% when working on Matrix Sigils, and another -10% to craft Matrix Sigils with more then one power.

PPE: 6D6+ PE.
A minimum of 6 must be reserved from being crafted into items.

Independent Powers: Total recall, object read. (one the crafter can use without a psionic item)
Telekinetic Crafting: touch, 5 IS points per hour of tunneling or 5 per minute of controlling liquified metal. This power allow the crafter to tunnel out the holes for making Matrix Sigils and to move/control the flow of small amounts (up to 1cc) of metal at one time.
Flow Metal power (new): touch, 10 IS points, 1 min per level, 1cc per level, none. This power liquifies one Cubic Centimeter of metal at room temperature. This power doesn’t work on iron alloys and enchanted metals.

IS Points: 2D6x10+ ME. +10 IS Points per additional level of experience.
Psi-Crafters are a rare in that they will recover all their Internal Str points with just a full night’s sleep.

01-25%: Comes from a family without any Artisan heritage
26-75%: Comes from a family with an Artisan heritage but not a psi-crafter family (+5% to chosen artisan skills.)
76-00%: Comes from a psi-crafter family. (will have hand to hand expert instead of basic and have general horsemanship and +5% to chosen artisan skills.)

Alignment: any.
Attribute Requirements: IQ & ME of 10 or greater.

PCC skills
Native language: 98%
Math: Basic: +5%
Art: +20%
choose one at +20%: Metalworking, carpentry, leather working, or jewelry making.
Carving/Engraving +10% (this skill is for the crafting skill chosen above. 35+5— )
Sewing +10%
General Repair +5%
Hand to Hand Basic (can be changed to h2h expert at the cost of one related skill or to h2h MA at the cost of 2 related skills.

Related skills: Select 8 skills at level one and +2 level 3, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 & 15.
Comm: any (+10%)
Domestic: any (+10%)
Espi: forgery only (+5%)
Horsemanship: general only,
Medical: Brewing & 1st aid only
Military: none
physical: any, except boxing, acrobatics and gymnastics.
Rouge: only locate secret compartments (+5%) and card shark(no bonus)
Science: Anthropology. (see page 57 of the PF RPG 2nd ed core book.)
Scholar/Technical: any (+5%)
Weapons prof.: any except blowgun, paired weapons and siege weapons,
Wilderness: Only Boat Building (+%), Wilderness survival, and ID Plants and Fruits.

Secondary skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills from the previous list at level one. Gaining +2 skills at levels 4, 7, and 12. The only bonuses these skills get are the IQ bonus and any skill specific bonus. None of the related skills bonuses are added to secondary skills, and start at the base skill level when they are gained.

Starting Equipment: Will have the tools of their artisan speciality, along with the equipment of the Artisan OCC.(Northern Hinterlands page 168.)

Starting Armor: Soft Leather (AR: 10, SDC: 20).
Money: The character starts with 200 in gold, which can be used right away to purchase more equipment or it can be saved for later. Any additional money will have to be found, earned, won, or stolen.

Starting Psionic Items: One “One Power” Pattern Sigil psionic item of their own design. Because their is their final work before going adventuring it will have been the 1st time they have crafter this Pattern Sigil.
(Writer Note to GMs: this is where the player should come up with an inventive idea for psi-item. To show they really want to Role-play. the powers should not be exact copies of the standard psi-powers. Example: Feathered Dragon’s Fang: long sword: 2d6 SD, Throw Static Shock (2 PPE): The sword when activated will shoot out an invisible bolt of electricity at a target within 10 feet (h2h&PP only) that will ether cause them to jump like shocked (1 IS point, no damage, spell caster will need to save vs 10 of have their spell disrupted) or they can be Zapped (2 IS points, 2D6 SD, save vs Electrocution (14) or be stunned for their next attack. { note that the power is based off the Electrokinesis Sub-power Electrical Discharge.})
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

Unread post by Hotrod »

Interesting idea! It reminds me somewhat of the Crystal Magic stuff in Island at the Edge of the World, but I like the flexibility you bring to it. Whenever Duty's Edge gets published, I think you'd like the bit on crafted trinitite items I put into the story; it explores something both like this and at the same time unlike it. I'd be curious to see some specific examples statted out.
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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This is the 2nd psi-builder template I've written up. The other one was influenced by the TW class' const. rules text. But the feedback I got from the first one that looked at it was that it was Clunky (I took it at 'too complicated.)

This one was more influenced by the three Psi-mechs out there and the Crystal mage classes. And the feedback from the 1st one. K.I.S.S.

It did take a char build to actually write this new one.

Having looked up trinitite....I can guess it's a rifts book of some sort.
I would doubt how mystical trinitite would be.....and it's a bit more finite then most other 'resources'.....unless you are saying it can be made by any atmospheric nuclear blast.
To say more would be pure speculation.Therefor I will wait for it to come out.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:This is the 2nd psi-builder template I've written up. The other one was influenced by the TW class' const. rules text. But the feedback I got from the first one that looked at it was that it was Clunky (I took it at 'too complicated.)

This one was more influenced by the three Psi-mechs out there and the Crystal mage classes. And the feedback from the 1st one. K.I.S.S.

It did take a char build to actually write this new one.

Having looked up trinitite....I can guess it's a rifts book of some sort.
I would doubt how mystical trinitite would be.....and it's a bit more finite then most other 'resources'.....unless you are saying it can be made by any atmospheric nuclear blast.
To say more would be pure speculation.Therefor I will wait for it to come out.

It's actually more specific than that; trinitite is made where a nuclear fireball touches the ground, vaporizes the surface soil/rock, churns it up in the fireball, mixing with fission fragments and residue from the nuclear weapon until it condenses into liquid, and then rains down onto the ground, hardening into a glass. Airbursts like Hiroshima and Nagasaki don't produce trinitite; the explosion has to happen near the ground.

My version of the Middle East in Rifts has a lot of "trinitite lakes" from a nasty nuclear exchange at the outset of the Coming of the Rifts; the idea of having them be some sort of resource appealed to me, and that was the original premise for the story. I hope you get a chance to read it soon.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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It was nice to have my guess confirmed that you are saying that it can be made by any nuclear blast and not just those from the US testing.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:It was nice to have my guess confirmed that you are saying that it can be made by any nuclear blast and not just those from the US testing.

The entymology of the word is kind of interesting as well. Among countries that did their own nuclear testing, some have their own words for it. The Russians called it "Kharitonchiki." Even in the U.S., there's some disambiguation needed when talking about "original trinitite" from the Trinity Test site and trinitite from other nuclear tests. Still, most folks familiar with the stuff accept "trinitite" as the generic noun in the English-speaking world due to the fact that the UK and US developed nuclear weapons and did testing jointly.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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back to the class....well balanced? too much-to little crafting text? if so which Sigil text needs work?
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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These are some examples of psi-crafter Items. Note, these are in their base cost. Not their 1st time cost.

Pattern Sigils
Feathered Dragon’s Fang: long sword: 2d6 SD, Throw Static Shock (2 PPE): The sword when activated will shoot out an invisible bolt of electricity at a target within 10 feet (h2h&PP only) that will ether cause them to jump like shocked (1 IS point, no damage, spell caster will need to save vs 10 of have their spell disrupted) or they can be Zapped (2 IS points, 2D6 SD, save vs Electrocution (14) or be stunned for their next attack.
Physical requirement a lasting sigil empowerment: half a gold coin’s worth of gold.

Breath of the Dragon Sigil: (typically a living steel weapon sigil) This counts as four Patter Sigil for size and planing because it encompasses four different ideas. Fire bolt,Fuel Flame, Set SN Ablaze and Throw Fire. This is also considered to be a ‘master’s work’ from an experienced crafter, a 7th level or above. The following will be an example of a 7th level crater’s creation)
unique named Item: Gaurcrist: Sword: Quality Katzbalger; damage 2d6, +2 parry, +1 thrown,
◎Dragons Breath Sigil: creates a blast of fire that burns what ever the sword is pointed at out to a range of 70 feet. Doing fire damage to anything caught within the 5 foot across blast of fire. Further more, if the blast catches a supernatural being within its blast at range it will 20% chance of being set ablaze where it stands till the fire is put out. If the supernatural being happens to be impaled by the sword when its blast effects are unleashed they will be set ablaze. Fire Damage: 4d4 SD to mortals/mundanes & 7d6 SD to SN & Com, Set Ablaze Damage: 1d4x10 direct to HP & +2d6x10 to HP per melee round till the fire is extinguished.
Objects that house a SN force or objects that are cursed or empowered by the SN will also be set ablaze like the supernatural.
Physical requirement a lasting sigil empowerment: two gold coin’s worth of gold.

Line Sigils: single use
(Remember that line sigils are single use empowerments. And are totally discharged and the pattern is ruined after used. Because of this, they are typically set into the item with ink or light carving.)
ankamba arrows: +50 ft effective range (line sigil item)This use the TK power to boost the effective range of the using psychic. Semi-Perm PPE cost: 4, Activation cost: 1 ISP

Angrist Arrows: +1d4 SD, (single line sigil) This uses the power of TK to increases the damage done by the arrow.
Semi-Perm PPE cost: 4, Activation cost: 1 ISP.

Fire Starter Stick: Sets the stick on fire. Should be used to light a bigger fire before the stick is consumed.
Semi-Perm PPE cost: 4, Activation cost: 1 ISP.
Core ideas: Firewalker powers Create Fire or Spontaneous Combustion

Line Sigil Devices & Weapons
Weight of the giant’s Foot / Luin Dring : Uses three sigil lines to stimulate greater Telekinesis to move the shaft/mass up and down along the lines of the sigils. When used this way a metalsmith can used the mass of the shaft as a giant hammer to form the metal they are working on. The shaft of this shaft of this item should be at least 50 lb and caped with a metal head if not already metal.
Using a 50 lb. the empowerment will have 50 cycles of strikes drop hammer (giant foot) type. ( Luin Dring: if the hammer is powered in both lifting and strikes of the cycle then it will power just 25 cycles.)
Semi-Perm PPE cost: 6, Activation cost: 5 ISP.
Typical Construction is a 40 lb. debarked log with a 10 lb steel striking cap head. with a 10 or 3 foot running track. over an anvil.
Part of the use of logs are used is that they are easier to get & shape. The other is the empowerments are easier to ruin with just a few strike with a blade and the line sigils are ruined. Freeing the bound PPE from them.

linte Dring: these use a pair of curved line sigils use the TK idea to let the using psychic swing the hammer in arcs faster then she would normally would. This faster swing lets the user take one more APM with the hammer. However, once the swing is started it is harder to follow a target because the arcs in the line sigils define the ones the hammer goes though when activated. giving the attacked a +1 to dodge attacks done with this hammer.
Semi-Perm PPE cost: 4, Activation cost: 1 ISP.

Matrix Sigils
Someone Else’s Concern sigil: This is mostly made as a pendent that is worn openly touching the user’s skin This soft psionic influencing item to not pay attention to the area the sigil is in. To look into the area covered by this effect a person has to make a deliberate effort and save vs psionics -3. The side effect of this sigil is that even when not active the wearer tends to be overlooked. This can be good and bad depending on the situation. IS Points: 10 per 30 min activation & 4 per day.

Band of Bondage (slaps those with dirty minds) This neckless of 138 different wires woven together in a particular pattern that takes the empowerment for this odd matrix sigil. The wires varying metals related to silver and gold each having to be woven into the correct placement within the weave. The sigil drains the IS points from the wearer to render them unable to use their psionic powers. It uses the energy drawn from the wearer to empower a geas on the wearer that makes them not able to take the neckless off.

Ankamba: Long hand
Angrist: long cleave
luin dring: Blue hammer
linte dring: swift hammer
Gaurcrist: Werewolf cleaver

➣ Can a Psi-Crafter be a scribe, using inks to set their empowerments onto a page of paper or parchment? The simple answer is ‘Yes’. Thou GMs might want to look at the Tao Shih/Immortalist Class in the Mystic China Game book for paper, ink, writing style options for the char to follow.
➣ Which brings up…Can Psi-Crafters make the Chi patterns that a Geomancer and WuShih/Chi Arcanist can make? A qualified Yes. They would need some training into tapping their own Chi much like how the text on page 70 of the M.C. book says western mages need training to tp their own Chi to be able to use Chi Magic spells.
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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More Sigils

Single Use Line Sigils
Origami Fire Starters: These single use Line Sigils contain the essence of Fuel Flame. Written in red Cinnabar Ink and on Paper made with green leaves in the pulp. Then the paper is folded up to resemble a flame. SPPPE: 1 (the use of the special ink and paper reduces the cost) Activation cost: none, needs to be set alight to set free the energies. Duration: 5 minutes. (Better have the wood stacked up for the fire.)

Pattern sigils
Rock throwing Sigil (While these rock throwers use SLS as the basis of their empowerments, because they effect something else they are considered to be Pattern Sigils. Use the SLS time to Planing and empowerment times. But add 30 minutes per pair of SLS used.)
—this intertwining of pairs of lines of symbols down the length of a runner board (like the top of a crossbow), when activated throws shot or bolts from the base of the runner board outward.
1 pair: arrows sized: 1D4 SD per 2 levels of the creator. Activation cost: 1. S-P PPE cost: 4. (short bow ranges.
2 pair: Iron bolt sized: 1D6 SD per 2 levels of the creator. Activation cost: 2 IS points. S-P PPE cost: 8. Crossbow ranges.
3 pair: javelin/spear sized: +1D4 SD per 2 levels of the creator. Activation cost: 4 IS points. S-P PPE cost: 12. Short bow ranges vs moving, double that vs stationary.
5 pair: light siege sized: 1D4 SD per 2 levels of the creator. Activation cost: 10 IS points. S-P PPE cost: 20. range: 400 feet vs stationary targets only.
GM Note: The core idea contained in this is the TK acceleration Attack & take the Modern or Siege Weapons WP to have any bonuses to strike with these items.
Freshness Hold—this 6 sided pattern box hold the food inside will stay fresh…will not rot or spoil while in the sigil box. The sigil will also repel vermin from getting into the sigil box and for ten feet around it. Even so, the pattern does not block the drying out of things. This sigil pattern can be scaled up to fit the sides of box or repeated side by side mosaic-like. Or even embedded into a larger non-sigil decorating pattern. The laying in of the pattern will take longer the larger the box is and each side needs a separate sigil, thus costing six times as much as a single sigil.
Activation Cost: 20 IS points per week per cubic foot.

Unique Pattern Sigil: these are noting more than a targeting aim point for other sigils that project their powers somewhere. If the power is a type of far-sight and know the sigil’s shape, then the user will see the area around the Sigil, or if there is an object to be moved to a location using the match pair of unique sigils, One on the sending end and one of the receiving end, the movement can be done without error. Mystics and other psions can most of the time use them if the crafter trains them in their use. Wizards and other magic users are unlikely to be able to use them unless they are using a matching pair. Only 18% of non-psionic magic users will be able to use these items as just targets without a link between a paired set of patterns.
the creator can target any of the Unique Patterns He or She has made because a part of themselves are in the Sigil.
Unique patterns are just that Unique, and have to come to the Crafter through a meditative trance that connects the crafter to the ambient to come to know one that is unique.
Each unique pattern sigil cost one semi-perm PPE point. (One in each of a pair if paired.)
(these have do not activations cost because in effect they are always ‘on’.)

Matrix Sigil
Dislocation Sigil— this sigil, considered a Mid-Range item all in itself, will move an object in an instant to a place within the limits of its range and weight capacity. The base levels of these sigils are one pound and 50 feet away per Level of the creator. These can be changed once the crafter reaches Master level and can add an addition investment of PPE. Investing 3 semi-perm PPE will double ether the weight or distance limits. Investing 30 semi-perm PPE will let living things be moved. (These investments are halved if the creator permanently burns off PPE to make the item.) Typically these sigils are partnered with a Unique Pattern Sigil pairs for the movement to without error.
These craftings can take a year to create the core matrix, (life doesn’t stop just because the crafter is making something.) The targeting Unique Pattern Sigil can be created separately (having the Dislocation Matrix Sigil item imbedded into the Pattern Sigil afterwords) or the Unique Sigil can be embedded within the Matrix sigil itself. And even if the crafter knows how to make one they tend not to have more than one at any one time.
Base Crafting: Range: 50 feet per level of crafter. Weight Limit: 1 pound per level of crafter. S-P PPE cost: 5

Writer’s Note: It is hard to come up with new ideas when all the low hanging fruit has already been thought of already, and you are avoiding just putting just this or that psi power into the item as is. To you GM’s….you ought to make your players come up with one fresh idea if they want to play a crafting/builder character (TW, hardware, Operator, Psi-Mechanics, these psi-crafters, etc…etc…).
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

Unread post by Hotrod »

Overall, I like the class as a concept. I like the combination of ISP and PPE. A few specific thoughts
1. The crafting times make it impractical to use this skill within a single adventure. 3-6 hours for the simplest creations might create some ability to adapt to a situation within a single adventure. The longer times are long enough that they might interfere with "between adventure time" as well. This would make me want to use it more as an NPC class than a player class. This isn't a bad thing, just an observation.
2. You don't define what a semi-permanent PPE point means. I'm guessing that the creator of the item loses that PPE until the item is destroyed? If so, that would make each creation quite valuable to its creator, and not something they would sell or share lightly.
3. Gemology might be an appropriate skill to include with the O.C.C. skills, since crystals are a big part of the crafting. Literacy and writing might also be important, since they use text, symbols, or runes.
4. It's hard to form a mental picture of some of the devices you describe. A little supporting artwork would be helpful to understand the themes you're getting at.
5. The initial O.C.C. description doesn't give me a good understanding of what each level of sigil can actually do. The examples you provide later help, but I don't understand which kinds of powers one could use with the simpler type, and which powers would require a matrix.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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1 look at all the PB crafting/builder templates....they all take time to make things. Which also reflect the real world. Then again those Psi-Crafters that are going to go adventuring tend to make their items before hand.
➢I thought I balanced the power-time to draft ratios fairly well.
➣Yes, for the longer build times you are looking at them being NPCs, cause they have more time to make those items with longer build times. This also reflects how the Real World works.

2 This is already defined in the PB texts. (See BTS2 the psi-mechanic.) It is PPE that is invested into an item and locked there till the item is destroyed.

3 Gemology. not all psi-crafters use gems in their non-empowered items. So it is not really a part of the PCC as a whole. And since gems are "not required" to make psi-crafter items, it is also not a part of the PCC's class skills.
➣for a scribe psi-crafter, yes. but a wood worker of metal worker it is not necessary for literacy.

4 That is because most of them are just 'patterns' on 'items'. I do believe I only described one actual device in all of my examples. Maybe two if you could the juked up bread box.
I have to use my words cause I'm an only better then most people at drawing.

5 First, It is a PCC because it is a Psychic Character Class.
2nd, PF does not have any of the stupid mislabeling of PCCs as job or racial classes. (the annoyance is not directed at the poster)
➣Single line Sigil reproduce only one idea/power and in a very narrowly defined aspect of that power. Like with the TK power (which is the easiest to come up with ideas for use with SLSs) the movement is along the axis of the single line. Yes, I have some multiple line SLSs but the lines are in the same axis.

➢Pattern Sigils are patterns carved or etched into the item to produce one effect. To combine two or more ideas to produce that effect the pattern's mush be bigger than the minimum size x number of ideas to produce the effect.
Effects from "I'm here and unique" to " I use six of me to get the job done' to 'I use x different ideas to make one effect'.
Yes, these effects can be strait on copies of the standard psi powers, but where is the fun in that?

Matrix Sigils.....basically equivalent to a crystal mage but with some assigned crafting times.

If the GM wishes it then crafter could make a SLS in a meditative crafting in a few (10-60) minutes.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

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So a single line is like a simple function: you put I.S.P. in, and it produces a specific supernatural effect, providing two benefits: You don't have to actually have the power, and the effect costs you fewer I.S.P.'s than the magic or psychic power producing that effect ordinarily would.

A pattern sigil produces two effects that work together in some coordinated and tuned way, giving the additional benefit of them being simultaneous.

And matrix sigils are crystal magic items.
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Re: Psi-Crafters

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Hotrod wrote:So a single line is like a simple function: you put I.S.P. in, and it produces a specific supernatural effect, providing two benefits: You don't have to actually have the power, and the effect costs you fewer I.S.P.'s than the magic or psychic power producing that effect ordinarily would.

A pattern sigil produces two effects that work together in some coordinated and tuned way, giving the additional benefit of them being simultaneous.

And matrix sigils are crystal magic items.

(the the char doesn't need to have the power themselves mirrors the NB:BTS and BTS2 psi-Mechanics texts.)

Patterns and Matrix can blend multiple powers/ideas together to form a new power/effect. Nut still only one effect.

The crystal mage items can be called "magic" yes. And each item can have multiple powers.

Sort of like the SLS are the base layer, then the Pattern Sigils adds another layer of possible complexity/abilities, and then in the Matrix Sigils add to the total of abilities by having the possibility of having more than one effect that can be produced and (within reason) mimic some magics.

As with one of the examples, sometimes the effects can be a change of order of magnitude between ranged and touching.
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