APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Hey guys question: If a hero with APS Energy also has Energy Conversion can then convert their APS Energy into lets say APS Fire, or light? I know that while converting they have to use one of their attacks per melee round to keep it going normally, but could they convert their own APS Energy into another?
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Yukon »

Duskviper wrote:Hey guys question: If a hero with APS Energy also has Energy Conversion can then convert their APS Energy into lets say APS Fire, or light? I know that while converting they have to use one of their attacks per melee round to keep it going normally, but could they convert their own APS Energy into another?

What if someone had APS: Fire, but someone else used Energy Conversion on them and turned their fire form into electricity? Though i haven't read energy conversion lately, so maybe there is something in the write-up that precludes that use..
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

As a GM I would rule against it. That would basically be giving you a bunch of extra powers for free. I wwold be interested in hearing how you would limit it to make it playable in a game.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:As a GM I would rule against it. That would basically be giving you a bunch of extra powers for free. I wwold be interested in hearing how you would limit it to make it playable in a game.

I am not saying they are exactly the same as each APS. Each has their own SDC and most have different AR, I would have the SDC and AR remain unchanged, so with SDC if the APS Energy forms SDC has taken damage, the SDC of turning into lets say Fire, would be the same. Same goes with AR. Also remember that if the APS Energy were to be converted to APS Fire they now can be reverted back to human form if enough water is used against them. Remember that unless the character with the APS Energy + Energy Conversion combo has those powers as a natural ability (as with an Alien) they can be Negated, and Stolen via other powers and some Tech devices. There is many ways to shut down a character using that combo, Each APS has a Weakness. Also keep in mind that if a combatant steps up against the Combo character with Impervious to Energy, that Combo character cannot harm that enemy. Same holds true with other powers like Invulnerability. The GM knows exactly what each of his players are capable of and should design most battles that are meant to be tough with each players abilities in mind. Obviously If the players were up against a group of Color Gang members with no abilities of their own, the players with powers (no matter their combos or powers) should be able to defeat them with ease. Another thing to note is, if the person wants to change into another APS, they have to drop the Energy Conversion, and use another attack to convert into another energy. So they take one of their attacks to do essentially, nothing for one attack, allowing the opponent(s) time to attack, run, use powers, etc. Remember too that as the player with the combo gets known in the world, villains who might have to deal with said character will start bringing ways to combat them. A force field can contain and therefore negate an APS Energy character no matter what Energy form he is in. All his powers would be contained in the Force Field until it is destroyed or lifted.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Remember Mimic. If you had a group of players and opponents with APS powers, one hero with Mimic can drop and change into any power that is there. That is more versatile then the APS Energy + Energy Conversion combo as they are not losing a constant attack to maintain the powers, nor are limited to just energy APS. The GM with full knowledge of what his players can do, should be able to still create a tough encounter if he knows what he is doing.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

There would also have to be penalties for using a power you are unfamiliar with. Someone suddenly changing to APS Fire would not know how to fly using it for instance. Mimic is also one of those powers that can get out of hand fairly quickly.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:There would also have to be penalties for using a power you are unfamiliar with. Someone suddenly changing to APS Fire would not know how to fly using it for instance. Mimic is also one of those powers that can get out of hand fairly quickly.

Agreed, but that is something to work out between the player with the combo and the GM. Use me for an example. I have a character with those powers who was a scientist with pretty much every Science skill in the megaverse, and an IQ of 27. She knows about Energy in all it's forms intimately. Also had her in our Danger Room, work out each conversion for hours and hours in it's contained environment.
She was fully knowledgeable on what she can do with each APS change. Note that I did not start her being able to change into each APS Energy. She, through time and experimentation, learned what she could do.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

So you're really not finding out what other people think, you're trying to justify something you've already done. Pretty much anything is doable if you have GM permission.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:So you're really not finding out what other people think, you're trying to justify something you've already done. Pretty much anything is doable if you have GM permission.

I truly don't want other peoples opinions on how a power works or comboed. I want what the creators of this game meant. They created this game and it's mechanics with a certain mindset. They have played and tested those powers before printing them. I want the proper authorities to inform me on if and how a power would work within their Core Mechanics of this game they created. I know that some things are not defined well, and that is why I came to their website on Palladium Books forums to get the definitive answer, like their Q&A where they answer each persons question. No offense to you or anyone who wishes to debate or add their thoughts on my question. But I want a cannon answer if possible. If none can be gotten from the Creators of this game, I will leave it up to the GM, but show him each non-cannon reply so as to make a better decision.

Again. I am not trying to throw anything in anyone's face. Just want a cannon answer if I can get it. But I do want to hear everyone's thoughts on it, because I am one mind and don't think of everything. The rest of the non-creators are a Think-Tank so to speak. And I take it all in.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

The writers of this particular game setting don't comment here, so you won't find an answer posting your question here. According to the rules though, you're not supposed to have more than one APS power. So good luck on getting them to tell you that you've come up with a way around that particular rule.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:The writers of this particular game setting don't comment here, so you won't find an answer posting your question here. According to the rules though, you're not supposed to have more than one APS power. So good luck on getting them to tell you that you've come up with a way around that particular rule.

That is incorrect, the rules state that a person can have multiple APS's but cannot USE them at the same time. Converting is not using both, you are turning one into another. That is not the same as using them at the same time.

HU2, pg. 74 Quote "Characters who might have two different Alter Physical
Structure powers cannot use them at the same time; pick one or
the other. Of course, the character can transform from one to the
other in a matter of seconds, switching back and forth as necessary."

But if the Creators do not answer questions on here, than as I said, I will show my GM everyone's thoughts on the matter, and let him make the final decision.

Note: I want to hear everyone's thoughts on my questions, I do. But please understand that I want more than anything the definitive answer as to how the Creator's mean/meant for such things to be handled as to keep with the mechanics of the game so that it runs properly. I am not trying to push away anyone's thoughts.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The writers of this particular game setting don't comment here, so you won't find an answer posting your question here. According to the rules though, you're not supposed to have more than one APS power. So good luck on getting them to tell you that you've come up with a way around that particular rule.

That is incorrect, the rules state that a person can have multiple APS's but cannot USE them at the same time. Converting is not using both, you are turning one into another. That is not the same as using them at the same time.

HU2, pg. 74 Quote "Characters who might have two different Alter Physical
Structure powers cannot use them at the same time; pick one or
the other. Of course, the character can transform from one to the
other in a matter of seconds, switching back and forth as necessary."
You would be having way more than just two though. You're basically trying to have more than the normal allotted number of powers by finding a loophole.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The writers of this particular game setting don't comment here, so you won't find an answer posting your question here. According to the rules though, you're not supposed to have more than one APS power. So good luck on getting them to tell you that you've come up with a way around that particular rule.

That is incorrect, the rules state that a person can have multiple APS's but cannot USE them at the same time. Converting is not using both, you are turning one into another. That is not the same as using them at the same time.

HU2, pg. 74 Quote "Characters who might have two different Alter Physical
Structure powers cannot use them at the same time; pick one or
the other. Of course, the character can transform from one to the
other in a matter of seconds, switching back and forth as necessary."
You would be having way more than just two though. You're basically trying to have more than the normal allotted number of powers by finding a loophole.

That is not a loophole. That is a Combo. Also Mimic, is a power that allows to have more than one, How about a character with Mimic and Multiple Selves... or Mimic and Swarm Selves... that is just to name a few. Keep in mind that while I convert my APS Energy into another, lets say Fire. I no longer have access to APS Energy Abilities, I only have Fire. And if my APS Energy lost enough SDC to drop it to lets say 20 SDC left, then the APS Fire would have 20 SDC. If I use my next attack to Convert into APS: Light, I would lose that attack for converting, and turn into APS: Light once again with 20 SDC, now it is the enemies go. Enemy one attacks, does 25 damage, now I revert back to Human, and I am in trouble. Remember that it takes time for the APS's SDC to heal, each has how fast they heal the APS SDC. Keep in mind that APS: Energy does not have SDC like others, therefore it uses the players SDC, which means so does every APS he turns into. That means that they are more in danger than a normal person with APS: Fire as an example. They do not get the SDC from any APS they turn into.
Last edited by Duskviper on Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You are citing combos which are blatantly overpowered and not allowed on most games. There was a thread not too long ago about combos that are disallowed. You might want to find it and read it.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:You are citing combos which are blatantly overpowered and not allowed on most games. There was a thread not too long ago about combos that are disallowed. You might want to find it and read it.

I totally forgot and should have said that APS: Energy does not have an AR or SDC, therefore all APS's that is converted to would be the same. Making the person way more vulnerable to damage and death, then someone with with the same APS that the comboer is converted to.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:You are citing combos which are blatantly overpowered and not allowed on most games. There was a thread not too long ago about combos that are disallowed. You might want to find it and read it.

You Want a Combo that is overpower but totally legal in game?? How about Self-Explosion, Invisibility, Teleport, and un-trackable??

that is an Experiment, with 3 major and 1 minor, or an Imbued with the same, or an Immortal etc..

Or How about Swarm Selves, and Intangibility. It says that if you go tangible while in a victim you both would die a horrible painful death. Who cares if you lose a swarm self, it does next to nothing to you. Now add in Massive Damage Capacity and you have TONS of swarm selves and can one shot everyone with them.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Being overpowered is no biggie. A GOOD gm can work around it all. I can name hundreds of combo powers that just are mind boggling.
But that is the nature of a Super-Hero/Villain world. And the GM running the game should be prepared for such things to come up.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Remember that as the characters are out there using such powers, combos, technology etc. So are the Villains watching who they may have to contend with. A Smart villain will do as the players do. They will find out who they are up against, and plan ahead on how to best deal with each. If they cannot deal, they steal, buy, get help with items and people who can. Same as the players would gong against a group of Villains that they know and know their abilities and Tech. It is called Strategy and Tactics. Only low IQ characters would be not able to come up with sure plans.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:Or How about Swarm Selves, and Intangibility. It says that if you go tangible while in a victim you both would die a horrible painful death. Who cares if you lose a swarm self, it does next to nothing to you. Now add in Massive Damage Capacity and you have TONS of swarm selves and can one shot everyone with them.
I guess it's a pretty good thing I don't allow players to play evil characters then, huh? In the case of Swarm Selves, each of the members of the swarm share consciousness with the character, so if a part of the character's swarm dies he would have to roll for insanity at the very least.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:Or How about Swarm Selves, and Intangibility. It says that if you go tangible while in a victim you both would die a horrible painful death. Who cares if you lose a swarm self, it does next to nothing to you. Now add in Massive Damage Capacity and you have TONS of swarm selves and can one shot everyone with them.
I guess it's a pretty good thing I don't allow players to play evil characters then, huh?

A character with certain insanities, or anarchist alignment, could and would do the same under dire circumstances.. Take Hyper-aggressive insanity for an example. The player loses it and attacks with full force on someone who harms an innocent or has peoples lives in jeopardy. They will kill the villain because they have to. Same happens in real life, A man holds a knife to the throat of a woman (or gun to the head), the police try and talk the man down while snipers get in position. If they cannot calm him down and get him to release his hostage, the snipers will get the go to kill him. happens all the time. A Group of armed hostages take over a building with people. Swat, Marines and the like, will go in room to room and one shot anyone with a gun. PERIOD. they don't go into hurt, or shoot a leg. They (as trained for) go in all at once and head shot everyone with a firearm.
I don't know how old you are or hold long you been playing RPG's but there is many instances in both comics, (the Punisher), and real life where good people have to kill people to SAVE people.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:Or How about Swarm Selves, and Intangibility. It says that if you go tangible while in a victim you both would die a horrible painful death. Who cares if you lose a swarm self, it does next to nothing to you. Now add in Massive Damage Capacity and you have TONS of swarm selves and can one shot everyone with them.
I guess it's a pretty good thing I don't allow players to play evil characters then, huh? In the case of Swarm Selves, each of the members of the swarm share consciousness with the character, so if a part of the character's swarm dies he would have to roll for insanity at the very least.

There is some powers that make you immune to insanity. Remember that that combo is just 2 major.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Duskviper wrote:Remember that as the characters are out there using such powers, combos, technology etc. So are the Villains watching who they may have to contend with. A Smart villain will do as the players do. They will find out who they are up against, and plan ahead on how to best deal with each. If they cannot deal, they steal, buy, get help with items and people who can. Same as the players would going against a group of Villains that they know and know their abilities and Tech. It is called Strategy and Tactics. Only low IQ characters would be not able to come up with sure plans.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:There is some powers that make you immune to insanity. Remember that that combo is just 2 major.
Well, I suppose you have an answer for everything. Don't know why you even posed the question.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:There is some powers that make you immune to insanity. Remember that that combo is just 2 major.
Well, I suppose you have an answer for everything. Don't know why you even posed the question.

I already explained why I ask. And I also explained that I want to hear other peoples thoughts. But always take my thoughts, beliefs, and the like out of the equation (thinking outside the box) and try to get in the mindset of the characters that I am running. And what would be the consequences of each. The APS: Energy + Conversion combo that was come up with has been game tested, and it is not that powerful if used properly. I have agreed with you totally that a person cannot just know what they can do if they turn into another APS energy type. 100%, But if as a GM (and I have been gming for years) the player can take the appropriate skills, background time etc. to say the reason why he can now know what he can do with APS: Fire, he can use it.

It seams you are more against the fact that the person gets to access so many APS powers (once they understand what they can do and have had experience trying) than anything else. Once again: Once the switch is made, they no longer have access to the APS: Before or even their own APS Energy. They take on an Enhanced weakness due to the SDC and AR not transferring (still wounded, no AR) and take on any weakness of the new APS, and have to use up an attack (leaving them open) to do so. They cannot Dodge the next attack because they are converting. They are totally defenseless until their next attack where the new APS has now been fully converted They can now make attacks (all though at minus 1 due to conversion needing to use up 1 attack per round). They if take too much damage or some other stunning attack they will lose that APS they are converted to (as per Energy Conversion Power). How is that anyway other than they have access too multiple energy forms, overpowered?
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I am against it due to the power creep that happens in Palladium games and the way some people want to max out their characters to Munchkin levels. Any power combo that grants you the ability to gain four or more powers for free is overpowered. Any power combo that lets you insta-kill is likewise overpowered. I'm talking in terms of game balance, whereas you simply seem to want to figure out powerful combos and be a rules lawyer. Yes, there are ways to make your character insanely powerful, but that likewise makes them unbalanced in game terms. There are insanities and alignments built into the game to restrict players from going crazy with their characters. Likewise their are power combos that have been recognized as so powerful they are not allowed in some people's games. That is why I asked you if you had limitations on the power combo so as to make it more limited so as to not break the game.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:Remember that as the characters are out there using such powers, combos, technology etc. So are the Villains watching who they may have to contend with. A Smart villain will do as the players do. They will find out who they are up against, and plan ahead on how to best deal with each. If they cannot deal, they steal, buy, get help with items and people who can. Same as the players would gong against a group of Villains that they know and know their abilities and Tech. It is called Strategy and Tactics. Only low IQ characters would be not able to come up with sure plans.
Most of the time in my games I have the villain so far in the shadows that the heroes don't know his abilities until the last minute. None of this "prep time" Batman fans are always going on about. And unless the characters trust some pretty shady government types who will probably screw them over later, they aren't going to have access to government databanks and equipment.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:A character with certain insanities, or anarchist alignment, could and would do the same under dire circumstances.. Take Hyper-aggressive insanity for an example. The player loses it and attacks with full force on someone who harms an innocent or has peoples lives in jeopardy. They will kill the villain because they have to. Same happens in real life, A man holds a knife to the throat of a woman (or gun to the head), the police try and talk the man down while snipers get in position. If they cannot calm him down and get him to release his hostage, the snipers will get the go to kill him. happens all the time. A Group of armed hostages take over a building with people. Swat, Marines and the like, will go in room to room and one shot anyone with a gun. PERIOD. they don't go into hurt, or shoot a leg. They (as trained for) go in all at once and head shot everyone with a firearm.
I don't know how old you are or hold long you been playing RPG's but there is many instances in both comics, (the Punisher), and real life where good people have to kill people to SAVE people.
I'm an aspiring comic book artist, so I am well familiar with comics and things that happen there. I'm not talking about comiic books though, I'm talking about an RPG game that requires checks and balances. I have been playing RPGs for over 30 years and have personally written over 800 superpowers for the New Powers thread at the top of this forum, which I collected along with those of other people and put them into the Black Vault Wiki (see the link in my signature below). So I know what I'm talking about.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am against it due to the power creep that happens in Palladium games and the way some people want to max out their characters to Munchkin levels. Any power combo that grants you the ability to gain four or more powers for free is overpowered. Any power combo that lets you insta-kill is likewise overpowered. I'm talking in terms of game balance, whereas you simply seem to want to figure out powerful combos and be a rules lawyer. Yes, there are ways to make your character insanely powerful, but that likewise makes them unbalanced in game terms. There are insanities and alignments built into the game to restrict players from going crazy with their characters. Likewise their are power combos that have been recognized as so powerful they are not allowed in some people's games. That is why I asked you if you had limitations on the power combo so as to make it more limited so as to not break the game.

I never limit a combo unless it takes away from other players fun (as per the multiple selves taking all the turns when each other player only has one character). I also rule and run as a GM, to keep each players characters from taking the same MAJOR powers so each player can shine. The only thing I will do is ramp up the difficulty if I see that my players are running through what I put out for them. As a GM you have to constantly make adjustments throughout your campaign. As the characters level up and get more powerful (including continuous mutation giving more powers), and gain magic, tech and the like to make them more formidable, so should the adversaries they face and the tech, magic, powers, and level they will as villains have. Think of a video game RPG, as you level up the things you fought previously become a joke, but the game progresses you to face tougher and tougher opponents and things they will have. That is the literal nature of role playing games. If you start a new campaign with level one characters, you don't write up the things they will go against without knowing what your players can do. You have most the campaign thought out or done up. But, the level and such must be bumped up or down depending on the powers, items, and level of your group.

You wouldn't put a group of level 1 Minor heroes against 20 level 15 Mega-heroes. Same goes with your villains. you might start the super powered group going against gun and knife wielding Color Gangs at first, but once you see that type of encounter poses no threat to the group in anyway, you ditch them and pull out Super Humans, or Demons, or advanced hardware. The balance of what the players face is Totally the GM. You have the control and any means you want, to make things as challenging or not. Our GM right now has each Player running 3 characters each most are level 10, and he is still putting us through the ropes. We have Rune items, Super powers, amazing Technology, and amazing Tactics and strategy, yet he has made an Alien invasion come to invade earth with a fleet that consists of a 120 mile in diameter ship, with the alien force with Supernatural strength and Alien tech. 12 Characters have entered the mother ship and are trying to find a way to disrupt what is going on and hope to defeat the leader(s). That includes the APS: Energy + Energy Conversion character. And we are not , I repeat, NOT, having an easy time lol.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Please know that I am really enjoying our conversation on this topic. The more I talk with people, the more their own thoughts I take with me for games I run and characters I make. I hope that my texts don't come off as" I don't think you know what you are talking about! This guy is wrong!" I am just enjoying a debate with you. The problem with texting is that sometimes one person might take something the other said as an attack or something other than it is.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Duskviper wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:There is some powers that make you immune to insanity. Remember that that combo is just 2 major.
Well, I suppose you have an answer for everything. Don't know why you even posed the question.

I already explained why I ask. And I also explained that I want to hear other peoples thoughts. But always take my thoughts, beliefs, and the like out of the equation (thinking outside the box) and try to get in the mindset of the characters that I am running. And what would be the consequences of each. The APS: Energy + Conversion combo that was come up with has been game tested, and it is not that powerful if used properly. I have agreed with you totally that a person cannot just know what they can do if they turn into another APS energy type. 100%, But if as a GM (and I have been gming for years) the player can take the appropriate skills, background time etc. to say the reason why he can now know what he can do with APS: Fire, he can use it.

It seams you are more against the fact that the person gets to access so many APS powers (once they understand what they can do and have had experience trying) than anything else. Once again: Once the switch is made, they no longer have access to the APS: Before or even their own APS Energy. They take on an Enhanced weakness due to the SDC and AR not transferring (still wounded, no AR) and take on any weakness of the new APS, and have to use up an attack (leaving them open) to do so. They cannot Dodge the next attack because they are converting. They are totally defenseless until their next attack where the new APS has now been fully converted They can now make attacks (all though at minus 1 due to conversion needing to use up 1 attack per round). They if take too much damage or some other stunning attack they will lose that APS they are converted to (as per Energy Conversion Power). How is that anyway other than they have access too multiple energy forms, overpowered?

It all sound good to me my friend. I congratulate you on reading the text and inferring what the author and Kevin allowed the power to do BUT more importantly what is not
in the text BUT makes perfect sense to you as a player and GM. No super power should be ruled to death and put into a box. Its your game and you are free to cater it toward
however your group plays their games. I see no reason why a Power Combo involving APS-Energy and Energy Conversion could not function in a way that would allow you to
convert/alter your energy form into different forms of energy, however I would say all your stats and abilities STAY the same as your APS-Energy form as you are essentially using
the same power only altering the type of energy. This means APs-Energy powers #3,4,5 would remain unchanged. I would say kinetic energy (force energy), electromagnetism,
sound, and cold are the only energies you cannot transform as they cannot be converted. Power Combos, Power Merges, Power Inhibitors (vulnerabilities) and Double Powers all
have a place if your G.M. and players group allow it. If every is having fun, then that's all that matters.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Reagren Wright wrote:
Duskviper wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:There is some powers that make you immune to insanity. Remember that that combo is just 2 major.
Well, I suppose you have an answer for everything. Don't know why you even posed the question.

I already explained why I ask. And I also explained that I want to hear other peoples thoughts. But always take my thoughts, beliefs, and the like out of the equation (thinking outside the box) and try to get in the mindset of the characters that I am running. And what would be the consequences of each. The APS: Energy + Conversion combo that was come up with has been game tested, and it is not that powerful if used properly. I have agreed with you totally that a person cannot just know what they can do if they turn into another APS energy type. 100%, But if as a GM (and I have been gming for years) the player can take the appropriate skills, background time etc. to say the reason why he can now know what he can do with APS: Fire, he can use it.

It seams you are more against the fact that the person gets to access so many APS powers (once they understand what they can do and have had experience trying) than anything else. Once again: Once the switch is made, they no longer have access to the APS: Before or even their own APS Energy. They take on an Enhanced weakness due to the SDC and AR not transferring (still wounded, no AR) and take on any weakness of the new APS, and have to use up an attack (leaving them open) to do so. They cannot Dodge the next attack because they are converting. They are totally defenseless until their next attack where the new APS has now been fully converted They can now make attacks (all though at minus 1 due to conversion needing to use up 1 attack per round). They if take too much damage or some other stunning attack they will lose that APS they are converted to (as per Energy Conversion Power). How is that anyway other than they have access too multiple energy forms, overpowered?

It all sound good to me my friend. I congratulate you on reading the text and inferring what the author and Kevin allowed the power to do BUT more importantly what is not
in the text BUT makes perfect sense to you as a player and GM. No super power should be ruled to death and put into a box. Its your game and you are free to cater it toward
however your group plays their games. I see no reason why a Power Combo involving APS-Energy and Energy Conversion could not function in a way that would allow you to
convert/alter your energy form into different forms of energy, however I would say all your stats and abilities STAY the same as your APS-Energy form as you are essentially using
the same power only altering the type of energy. This means APs-Energy powers #3,4,5 would remain unchanged. I would say kinetic energy (force energy), electromagnetism,
sound, and cold are the only energies you cannot transform as they cannot be converted. Power Combos, Power Merges, Power Inhibitors (vulnerabilities) and Double Powers all
have a place if your G.M. and players group allow it. If every is having fun, then that's all that matters.

All Stats and such to stay the same. No changes other than can do the abilities can do. No bonuses, SDC, AR, extra attacks, etc. Just the straight use of what the power can do.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Duskviper wrote:I never limit a combo unless it takes away from other players fun (as per the multiple selves taking all the turns when each other player only has one character).
Yeah, you have to watch out for some powers that will bog down the game. And some are just difficult to play the way they are written.
Duskviper wrote:I also rule and run as a GM, to keep each players characters from taking the same MAJOR powers so each player can shine.
No, unless the characters form a gestalt or have a shared origin, everybody rolls up characters separately. They also have to random roll unless they have a specific character concept in mind.
Duskviper wrote:The only thing I will do is ramp up the difficulty if I see that my players are running through what I put out for them. As a GM you have to constantly make adjustments throughout your campaign. As the characters level up and get more powerful (including continuous mutation giving more powers), and gain magic, tech and the like to make them more formidable, so should the adversaries they face and the tech, magic, powers, and level they will as villains have. Think of a video game RPG, as you level up the things you fought previously become a joke, but the game progresses you to face tougher and tougher opponents and things they will have. That is the literal nature of role playing games. If you start a new campaign with level one characters, you don't write up the things they will go against without knowing what your players can do. You have most the campaign thought out or done up. But, the level and such must be bumped up or down depending on the powers, items, and level of your group.
I usually make the primary villain a few levels up from the players at first, but they don't go up against the villain right away anyhow. Most of the early sessions of the campaign are spent with the heroes thinking their intended allies are criminals.
Duskviper wrote:You wouldn't put a group of level 1 Minor heroes against 20 level 15 Mega-heroes. Same goes with your villains. you might start the super powered group going against gun and knife wielding Color Gangs at first, but once you see that type of encounter poses no threat to the group in anyway, you ditch them and pull out Super Humans, or Demons, or advanced hardware. The balance of what the players face is Totally the GM. You have the control and any means you want, to make things as challenging or not. Our GM right now has each Player running 3 characters each most are level 10, and he is still putting us through the ropes. We have Rune items, Super powers, amazing Technology, and amazing Tactics and strategy, yet he has made an Alien invasion come to invade earth with a fleet that consists of a 120 mile in diameter ship, with the alien force with Supernatural strength and Alien tech. 12 Characters have entered the mother ship and are trying to find a way to disrupt what is going on and hope to defeat the leader(s). That includes the APS: Energy + Energy Conversion character. And we are not , I repeat, NOT, having an easy time lol.
As long as your GM knows how to keep it balanced, that's fine. Sounds like he likes running a high powered game.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:Please know that I am really enjoying our conversation on this topic. The more I talk with people, the more their own thoughts I take with me for games I run and characters I make. I hope that my texts don't come off as" I don't think you know what you are talking about! This guy is wrong!" I am just enjoying a debate with you. The problem with texting is that sometimes one person might take something the other said as an attack or something other than it is.
I prefer to take the counter-argument approach. The more you insist something is one way, I try to show you the other side of the coin.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:Please know that I am really enjoying our conversation on this topic. The more I talk with people, the more their own thoughts I take with me for games I run and characters I make. I hope that my texts don't come off as" I don't think you know what you are talking about! This guy is wrong!" I am just enjoying a debate with you. The problem with texting is that sometimes one person might take something the other said as an attack or something other than it is.
I prefer to take the counter-argument approach. The more you insist something is one way, I try to show you the other side of the coin.

And I really like that. Sometimes I can have my blinders on (I am only human :)), and cannot see something. I do try all the time to think outside the box when it comes to non-defined game issues. But I always go with what the GM says. I would only want the same respect back. have been playing this character for years, and only twice has she done it. Also She is Principled. I just wanted to know more than anything if there was some Definitive answer. But, I do love a good debate on things I enjoy, and have been convinced many times through others thoughts and insights on the matter.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Duskviper wrote:Hey guys question: If a hero with APS Energy also has Energy Conversion can then convert their APS Energy into lets say APS Fire, or light?

However, they would be able to change their expulsions to other forms of energy attacks.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Duskviper wrote:Hey guys question: If a hero with APS Energy also has Energy Conversion can then convert their APS Energy into lets say APS Fire, or light?

However, they would be able to change their expulsions to other forms of energy attacks.

Duskviper wrote:I know that while converting they have to use one of their attacks per melee round to keep it going normally, but could they convert their own APS Energy into another?

Welcome to the discussion ;)
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:I just wanted to know more than anything if there was some Definitive answer. But, I do love a good debate on things I enjoy, and have been convinced many times through others thoughts and insights on the matter.
As I mentioned, rarely do writers come into this area of the forums. And there have been times when it is suspected they overstepped their bounds and used fan created materials in books without permission, so they tend to avoid this area of the forums for that reason.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:I just wanted to know more than anything if there was some Definitive answer. But, I do love a good debate on things I enjoy, and have been convinced many times through others thoughts and insights on the matter.
As I mentioned, rarely do writers come into this area of the forums. And there have been times when it is suspected they overstepped their bounds and used fan created materials in books without permission, so they tend to avoid this area of the forums for that reason.

So is there no way to get a answer from one of them? I see the Q&A on Powers, and spells and such that they have posted where they answer people questions and post their question and answer on their sight? Or is that just something they no longer do?
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

There is a FAQ section in another area of the forums, though I'm not sure if this question falls into that area.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:There is a FAQ section in another area of the forums, though I'm not sure if this question falls into that area.

Yeah I have posted another question on that section due to it being all settings but have not had an answer yet, some views. But no replies.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Duskviper wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:There is a FAQ section in another area of the forums, though I'm not sure if this question falls into that area.

Yeah I have posted another question on that section due to it being all settings but have not had an answer yet, some views. But no replies.

It sometimes takes a while for someone to answer. I've hardly ever used it.
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Re: APS Energy And Energy Conversion

Unread post by Duskviper »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Duskviper wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:There is a FAQ section in another area of the forums, though I'm not sure if this question falls into that area.

Yeah I have posted another question on that section due to it being all settings but have not had an answer yet, some views. But no replies.

It sometimes takes a while for someone to answer. I've hardly ever used it.

Pity. Oh well. what can ya do ya know.
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