Fantasy timeline...?
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
- Braden Campbell
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 3744
- Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2000 1:01 am
- Location: The Free City of Worldgate
Fantasy timeline...?
I know there's the one in the Main Book, but has anyone put together an expanded version drawn from the entire line?
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.
If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
This would be awesome. I'd love to know the answer myself.
- Braden Campbell
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 3744
- Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2000 1:01 am
- Location: The Free City of Worldgate
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
It's lengthy, and doesn't contain EVERYTHING... but, here's a start.
Palladium World Timeline
100,000 years ago — The Age of Chaos ends and the Age of Light begins.
90,000 years ago — The Battle of Gods.
70,000 years ago — The Time of a Thousand Magicks.
50,000 years ago — The first appearance of the Tristine Chronicles. Therendil established in the Land of the Damned (?) Titans living on Griffin Island.
20,000 years ago — The emergence of humankind.
18,000 years ago — The Age of Elves begins in the "New" Kingdom.
15,000 years ago - Dragonwright pantheon united for a time.
14,000 years ago — Humans begin to have a world presence.
12,000 years ago — The Wolfen and other canine races emerge in the Great Northern Wilderness. City of Troker built.
10,000 years ago — The Elf-Dwarf War begins.”Someone” lives on Island of Y-Oda. The ancient Eoten inhabit the northern islands of Bizantium and are enslaved by elven sea-farers.
9700 years ago – The First Peace
9100 years ago – The Second Peace. Elven territory split into the Baalgor and “New” kingdoms.
8,700 years ago: The fighting of the Elf-Dwarf War spills into the Eastern Territory on the coast of the Inland Sea, the Great River and Bruu-Ga-Belimar mountains. The warring factions clash with the Danzi, a race of tattooed humanoids believed to have been extinct for at least 30,000 years.
8,600 years ago — The City of Baalgor is obliterated and the Wastelands are created. The third Peace agreed upon, but some minor actions continue to take place for centuries.
8,000 years ago — The Elf-Dwarf War & the Age of Elves ends!
7,600 years ago — The Baalgor Wastelands becomes the home of giants and other monster races.
7,000 years ago — The Prime Incunabula is destroyed by the Zealotry, a sub-sect of the Purifiers. The Millennium of Purification Ends.
6,920 years ago — The first Orc & Goblin Hordes invade the "New Kingdom."
6,300 year ago — If some ancient and rare myths are true, the Prestida Kings establish a powerful and expansive human kingdom in the Old Kingdom mountains called the Mountains of the Kings.
6,000 years ago: The Elves and Dwarves arrive on the shores of the Inland Sea as they retreat from the declining New Kingdom. Others migrate down the Old Kingdom River and arrive in Timiro. A few Elven colonists reinhabit the island of Phi after three centuries of neglect.
6,000 years ago — The Time of Man begins with the rise of the warlike civilization that would soon become the Western Empire. Led by the warrior-king Jonoro Kighfalton, these humans drive out all bands of marauding ores, ogres, and other monster races to establish a fledgling kingdom.
Human strongholds also begin to develop in parts of the crumbling Elven Empire and what will later become Timiro, Lopan, and the Eastern Territory.
5,880 years ago - Western sailors discover the Isle of the Cyclops (and are quickly destroyed). Meanwhile, miners led by Koerdi Greensleeves discover mineral riches in the southwestern mountains.
5,624 years ago — The Western Empire declares its sovereignty.
5200 years ago – The Library at Bletherad is established.
5100 years ago – The Zealotry assaults the Great library, and is thought to be finally defeated.
5000 years ago – Settlers come to Y-oda.
4500 years ago - Elven nobles move to Timiro to establish “the Little Kingdom.”
4,654 years ago: The Second Ogre War begins in what is today the Kighfalton Plains. The war is a five year stalemate that finally ends when a cabal of Western wizards arrives on the front (at the behest of the Emperor) and drives off the orcish hordes with a mix of spell magic and the aid of many summoned demons, deevils and other minions.
4,391 years ago: Alston Vequerrel founds the Vequerrel Woodlands region. He obtains imperial aid to harvest the local forests for their exotic hardwoods.
4,200 years ago — 4,200 years ago: Imperial troops swiftly crush religious dissension in the newly formed Middle Kingdoms region. The reign of the mythical Prestida Kings ends.
4,150 years ago — The Changeling Inquisitions begin. They spread world-wide and last an estimated 200 years.
4,176 years ago - Settlers establish the Tarldet Plains and Old Kingdom Frontier regions.
4,100 years ago — The first ogres appear in the Old Kingdom as the elite leaders and clansmen of orc tribes. Many scholars believe they are mutant humans or human cousins originating from the Yin-Sloth Jungles.
4,000 years ago — The "New Kingdom" is dubbed the Old Kingdom: The Domain of Monsters'. The Great Exodus begins as the elves and dwarves give up their ancestral lands for new homes among the humans nations.
3700 years ago – The church of Light and Dark builds their massive temple in the capital of Timiro in an effort to establish themselves as the dominant religion.
3,505 years ago: Western merchant ships establish global overseas trade routes.
3500 years ago – Western Empire discovers Troker; nobles try to colonize it.
3,200 years ago — The Isle of the Cyclops declares sovereignty.
2,967 years ago: Western sailors establish diplomatic relations with the Timiro Kingdom.
2,800 years ago — The Timiro Kingdom rises to power.
2500 years ago – The cyclops try one last time to settle Faerie Island before giving up. They do manage to build a lighthouse though.
2,355 years ago — A trade fleet from the Western Empire, supposedly following ancient Elven maps, attempts to sail north, around the Great Northern Wilderness finds the Bizantium Iles instead. Timiran explorers arrive soon afterwards, apparently trying to circumnavigate the continent in a counter-clockwise direction.
2,354 years ago — The canine races of the North are discovered. A dozen Wolfen and a pair of Bearmen are brought back as attractions for the Empire's arenas.
2325 years ago – Modern Bizantium culture begins with the birth of Bizas.
2,311 years ago – The Downfall begins in the Western Empire.
2,100 years ago — The Land of the South Winds declares its sovereignty. Western military might considered “laughable.”
1,845 years ago – Western Empire looses control of OK Frontier (conjecture)
1792 years ago - Spatenrok finds the holy Sword of Light in an ancient tomb located in the Old Kingdom Mountains and begins a campaign to overthrow the elven rulers of Timiro.
1,782 years ago — The Royal Timiro Calendar is established.
1781 – The Timiro Kingdom now under human rule.
1,500 years ago — The Timiro Kingdom is at its peak of power. Western nobles give up on Troker.
1609 - A fleet of Demon Black Ships arrive to the coasts of Timiro, having fought their way through the navy of the Land of the South Winds. The western invaders land at the port city of Credia where they confront the Timiro military. The city tries to hold out, but eventually falls.
1607 years ago - Lady Delandor convinces the Land of the South Winds to come to Timiro’s aid. The united naval forces of Timiro and the forbidden magicks still practised by some influential cults within the Land of the South Winds become too much for the warships of the Western Empire who give up and go back home.
1,600 years ago — The Floenry Islands are discovered by a Timiro merchant ship.
1,200 years ago: A small settlement is established at the mouth of the Great River by followers of the Church of Light and Dark. It will eventually grow to become Haven.
1020 years ago - A fleet of Demon Black Ships and war galleys attempt to conquer Bizantium, but are utterly defeated by this now fully modern nation.
1000 years ago – Westerners resettle the OK Frontier region. Centaur city of Wildwind established (?)
994 years ago: Orcs drive west and invade the eastern border of the Timiro Kingdom. The Royal Timiro Army soundly defeats them.
950 years ago: Sir Aaron Penington takes over the Tegyn Peninsula and establishes an independent kingdom.
905 yeas ago – King Pennington dies, and his realm dissolves.
900 years ago — The settlement of the Eastern Territory begins in earnest as Westerners flee the declining Empire.
880 years ago – Timiran colonists leave the crowded realms to settle the Teygn Peninsula.
602 years ago – Civil war in the Western Empire.
600 years ago — The Island Kingdom of Bizantium declares its sovereignty. First contact with the wolfen results in the battle of the Frozen Plain. Elsewhere, Lintalt Grimheart nearly singlehandedly prevents the City of Timiro from falling to Ogre and Orc invaders.
580 years ago — The first Wolfen/Coyle hordes invade the Eastern Territories in a campaign of terror that lasts nearly four years and stretches as far as the northern tip of the Old Kingdom. Humankind is declared the mortal enemy of the 13 Wolfen Tribes.
572 years ago – Wolven attack Haven, but infighting eventually scatters the besiegers. Fortress at South Watch established.
420 years ago – Five years of plague begin in Timiro.
413 years ago - Fimosob’s Folly; WE tries to take over the world.
409 years ago – WE defeated by coalition of human nations. Bizantium expands its global outreach.
406 yeas ago – Sub-human barbarians cost the WE its OK Frontier colonies (again).
400 years ago – Collapse of the Western Empire, 41 civil wars. Most records lost. Pirates claim Troker which has sat empty for a thousand years.
340 years ago — The Eastern Territories are declared "The Dominion of Man."
300-200 years ago – Rise and exploits of The Defilers!
200 years ago — Lopan becomes an independent kingdom and signs the Charter of Dominion. Sunder Blackrock born into slavery in Western Empire. King Avramson rules the tiny Kingdom of Havea. The Western Empire claims South Bay in the Floenry chain.
145 years ago – The summoner Yisterwald takes over the Timiro Kingdom for thirteen years.
104 years ago – Bizantium establishes the Shadow Coast colonies.
100 years ago — Savage tribal wars among the 13 Wolfen tribes shatter the frozen Northlands. Sunder Blackrock escapes and forms a marauding war-band. The ogre warchief, Doragon, leads a slave rebellion that eventually births the Orcish Empire.
96 years ago – Fleeing religious persecution by Cardinal Wilka, settlers and explorers from the Timiro Kingdom establish independent colonies on the south-western shores of the Yin-Sloth Jungles.
88 years ago - Merkedi Leopold I, begins the reconstruction of the Western Empire.
72 years ago — The Kingdom of Phi is established and officially joins the Dominion of Man.
68 years ago — The Wolfen Algor Range Huntsmen tribe is exterminated in a senseless tribal war.
67 years ago — The 12 Wolfen tribes stop fighting to create a truly unified Wolfen Empire. Within a single generation, the Wolfen population (and its army) triples and its cities expand.
50 years ago – Kingdom of Giants established at Mount Nimro.
47 years ago – A pirate ship runs aground on South Bay Island. All Western settlers have long since fled or been killed by serpent rats.
45 years ago – Trade officially begins between Bizantium and the Wolfen Empire.
44 years ago - A large cult from the Old Kingdom inhabits a set of ruins rebuilt into the city of Terellia. Although the depraved rituals continue, the city prospers.
30 years ago – The first Bizantium attempt to circumnavigate the continent fails in the waters of the south. Sailors from the Western Empire and from Timiro each discover the existence of the Orcish Empire.
28 years ago – The various Western and Timiran expat colonies along the Yin-Sloth coast loosely unite into the Commonwealth.
25 years ago – King Kai takes over Troker.
23 years ago – The last organized “crusade” to wipe out southern piracy.
10 years ago – Emperor Itomas ascends the throne. Religious schism breaks out on Enry Isalnd.
5 years ago – Piracy in the south seas reaches a new high. A federation of captains take over the island of Totugo and make it a haven for buccaneers.
3 years ago — The Wolfen Empire brings many of the barbarian Coyle tribes into the Empire, but discord strains the young kingdom and the Empire begins to splinter along old tribal lines.
2 years ago — Hostility reaches new heights along the disputed border of the Eastern Territory and Great Northern Wilderness. The grand canal opens, linking the Great river to the Inland Sea.
Palladium World Timeline
100,000 years ago — The Age of Chaos ends and the Age of Light begins.
90,000 years ago — The Battle of Gods.
70,000 years ago — The Time of a Thousand Magicks.
50,000 years ago — The first appearance of the Tristine Chronicles. Therendil established in the Land of the Damned (?) Titans living on Griffin Island.
20,000 years ago — The emergence of humankind.
18,000 years ago — The Age of Elves begins in the "New" Kingdom.
15,000 years ago - Dragonwright pantheon united for a time.
14,000 years ago — Humans begin to have a world presence.
12,000 years ago — The Wolfen and other canine races emerge in the Great Northern Wilderness. City of Troker built.
10,000 years ago — The Elf-Dwarf War begins.”Someone” lives on Island of Y-Oda. The ancient Eoten inhabit the northern islands of Bizantium and are enslaved by elven sea-farers.
9700 years ago – The First Peace
9100 years ago – The Second Peace. Elven territory split into the Baalgor and “New” kingdoms.
8,700 years ago: The fighting of the Elf-Dwarf War spills into the Eastern Territory on the coast of the Inland Sea, the Great River and Bruu-Ga-Belimar mountains. The warring factions clash with the Danzi, a race of tattooed humanoids believed to have been extinct for at least 30,000 years.
8,600 years ago — The City of Baalgor is obliterated and the Wastelands are created. The third Peace agreed upon, but some minor actions continue to take place for centuries.
8,000 years ago — The Elf-Dwarf War & the Age of Elves ends!
7,600 years ago — The Baalgor Wastelands becomes the home of giants and other monster races.
7,000 years ago — The Prime Incunabula is destroyed by the Zealotry, a sub-sect of the Purifiers. The Millennium of Purification Ends.
6,920 years ago — The first Orc & Goblin Hordes invade the "New Kingdom."
6,300 year ago — If some ancient and rare myths are true, the Prestida Kings establish a powerful and expansive human kingdom in the Old Kingdom mountains called the Mountains of the Kings.
6,000 years ago: The Elves and Dwarves arrive on the shores of the Inland Sea as they retreat from the declining New Kingdom. Others migrate down the Old Kingdom River and arrive in Timiro. A few Elven colonists reinhabit the island of Phi after three centuries of neglect.
6,000 years ago — The Time of Man begins with the rise of the warlike civilization that would soon become the Western Empire. Led by the warrior-king Jonoro Kighfalton, these humans drive out all bands of marauding ores, ogres, and other monster races to establish a fledgling kingdom.
Human strongholds also begin to develop in parts of the crumbling Elven Empire and what will later become Timiro, Lopan, and the Eastern Territory.
5,880 years ago - Western sailors discover the Isle of the Cyclops (and are quickly destroyed). Meanwhile, miners led by Koerdi Greensleeves discover mineral riches in the southwestern mountains.
5,624 years ago — The Western Empire declares its sovereignty.
5200 years ago – The Library at Bletherad is established.
5100 years ago – The Zealotry assaults the Great library, and is thought to be finally defeated.
5000 years ago – Settlers come to Y-oda.
4500 years ago - Elven nobles move to Timiro to establish “the Little Kingdom.”
4,654 years ago: The Second Ogre War begins in what is today the Kighfalton Plains. The war is a five year stalemate that finally ends when a cabal of Western wizards arrives on the front (at the behest of the Emperor) and drives off the orcish hordes with a mix of spell magic and the aid of many summoned demons, deevils and other minions.
4,391 years ago: Alston Vequerrel founds the Vequerrel Woodlands region. He obtains imperial aid to harvest the local forests for their exotic hardwoods.
4,200 years ago — 4,200 years ago: Imperial troops swiftly crush religious dissension in the newly formed Middle Kingdoms region. The reign of the mythical Prestida Kings ends.
4,150 years ago — The Changeling Inquisitions begin. They spread world-wide and last an estimated 200 years.
4,176 years ago - Settlers establish the Tarldet Plains and Old Kingdom Frontier regions.
4,100 years ago — The first ogres appear in the Old Kingdom as the elite leaders and clansmen of orc tribes. Many scholars believe they are mutant humans or human cousins originating from the Yin-Sloth Jungles.
4,000 years ago — The "New Kingdom" is dubbed the Old Kingdom: The Domain of Monsters'. The Great Exodus begins as the elves and dwarves give up their ancestral lands for new homes among the humans nations.
3700 years ago – The church of Light and Dark builds their massive temple in the capital of Timiro in an effort to establish themselves as the dominant religion.
3,505 years ago: Western merchant ships establish global overseas trade routes.
3500 years ago – Western Empire discovers Troker; nobles try to colonize it.
3,200 years ago — The Isle of the Cyclops declares sovereignty.
2,967 years ago: Western sailors establish diplomatic relations with the Timiro Kingdom.
2,800 years ago — The Timiro Kingdom rises to power.
2500 years ago – The cyclops try one last time to settle Faerie Island before giving up. They do manage to build a lighthouse though.
2,355 years ago — A trade fleet from the Western Empire, supposedly following ancient Elven maps, attempts to sail north, around the Great Northern Wilderness finds the Bizantium Iles instead. Timiran explorers arrive soon afterwards, apparently trying to circumnavigate the continent in a counter-clockwise direction.
2,354 years ago — The canine races of the North are discovered. A dozen Wolfen and a pair of Bearmen are brought back as attractions for the Empire's arenas.
2325 years ago – Modern Bizantium culture begins with the birth of Bizas.
2,311 years ago – The Downfall begins in the Western Empire.
2,100 years ago — The Land of the South Winds declares its sovereignty. Western military might considered “laughable.”
1,845 years ago – Western Empire looses control of OK Frontier (conjecture)
1792 years ago - Spatenrok finds the holy Sword of Light in an ancient tomb located in the Old Kingdom Mountains and begins a campaign to overthrow the elven rulers of Timiro.
1,782 years ago — The Royal Timiro Calendar is established.
1781 – The Timiro Kingdom now under human rule.
1,500 years ago — The Timiro Kingdom is at its peak of power. Western nobles give up on Troker.
1609 - A fleet of Demon Black Ships arrive to the coasts of Timiro, having fought their way through the navy of the Land of the South Winds. The western invaders land at the port city of Credia where they confront the Timiro military. The city tries to hold out, but eventually falls.
1607 years ago - Lady Delandor convinces the Land of the South Winds to come to Timiro’s aid. The united naval forces of Timiro and the forbidden magicks still practised by some influential cults within the Land of the South Winds become too much for the warships of the Western Empire who give up and go back home.
1,600 years ago — The Floenry Islands are discovered by a Timiro merchant ship.
1,200 years ago: A small settlement is established at the mouth of the Great River by followers of the Church of Light and Dark. It will eventually grow to become Haven.
1020 years ago - A fleet of Demon Black Ships and war galleys attempt to conquer Bizantium, but are utterly defeated by this now fully modern nation.
1000 years ago – Westerners resettle the OK Frontier region. Centaur city of Wildwind established (?)
994 years ago: Orcs drive west and invade the eastern border of the Timiro Kingdom. The Royal Timiro Army soundly defeats them.
950 years ago: Sir Aaron Penington takes over the Tegyn Peninsula and establishes an independent kingdom.
905 yeas ago – King Pennington dies, and his realm dissolves.
900 years ago — The settlement of the Eastern Territory begins in earnest as Westerners flee the declining Empire.
880 years ago – Timiran colonists leave the crowded realms to settle the Teygn Peninsula.
602 years ago – Civil war in the Western Empire.
600 years ago — The Island Kingdom of Bizantium declares its sovereignty. First contact with the wolfen results in the battle of the Frozen Plain. Elsewhere, Lintalt Grimheart nearly singlehandedly prevents the City of Timiro from falling to Ogre and Orc invaders.
580 years ago — The first Wolfen/Coyle hordes invade the Eastern Territories in a campaign of terror that lasts nearly four years and stretches as far as the northern tip of the Old Kingdom. Humankind is declared the mortal enemy of the 13 Wolfen Tribes.
572 years ago – Wolven attack Haven, but infighting eventually scatters the besiegers. Fortress at South Watch established.
420 years ago – Five years of plague begin in Timiro.
413 years ago - Fimosob’s Folly; WE tries to take over the world.
409 years ago – WE defeated by coalition of human nations. Bizantium expands its global outreach.
406 yeas ago – Sub-human barbarians cost the WE its OK Frontier colonies (again).
400 years ago – Collapse of the Western Empire, 41 civil wars. Most records lost. Pirates claim Troker which has sat empty for a thousand years.
340 years ago — The Eastern Territories are declared "The Dominion of Man."
300-200 years ago – Rise and exploits of The Defilers!
200 years ago — Lopan becomes an independent kingdom and signs the Charter of Dominion. Sunder Blackrock born into slavery in Western Empire. King Avramson rules the tiny Kingdom of Havea. The Western Empire claims South Bay in the Floenry chain.
145 years ago – The summoner Yisterwald takes over the Timiro Kingdom for thirteen years.
104 years ago – Bizantium establishes the Shadow Coast colonies.
100 years ago — Savage tribal wars among the 13 Wolfen tribes shatter the frozen Northlands. Sunder Blackrock escapes and forms a marauding war-band. The ogre warchief, Doragon, leads a slave rebellion that eventually births the Orcish Empire.
96 years ago – Fleeing religious persecution by Cardinal Wilka, settlers and explorers from the Timiro Kingdom establish independent colonies on the south-western shores of the Yin-Sloth Jungles.
88 years ago - Merkedi Leopold I, begins the reconstruction of the Western Empire.
72 years ago — The Kingdom of Phi is established and officially joins the Dominion of Man.
68 years ago — The Wolfen Algor Range Huntsmen tribe is exterminated in a senseless tribal war.
67 years ago — The 12 Wolfen tribes stop fighting to create a truly unified Wolfen Empire. Within a single generation, the Wolfen population (and its army) triples and its cities expand.
50 years ago – Kingdom of Giants established at Mount Nimro.
47 years ago – A pirate ship runs aground on South Bay Island. All Western settlers have long since fled or been killed by serpent rats.
45 years ago – Trade officially begins between Bizantium and the Wolfen Empire.
44 years ago - A large cult from the Old Kingdom inhabits a set of ruins rebuilt into the city of Terellia. Although the depraved rituals continue, the city prospers.
30 years ago – The first Bizantium attempt to circumnavigate the continent fails in the waters of the south. Sailors from the Western Empire and from Timiro each discover the existence of the Orcish Empire.
28 years ago – The various Western and Timiran expat colonies along the Yin-Sloth coast loosely unite into the Commonwealth.
25 years ago – King Kai takes over Troker.
23 years ago – The last organized “crusade” to wipe out southern piracy.
10 years ago – Emperor Itomas ascends the throne. Religious schism breaks out on Enry Isalnd.
5 years ago – Piracy in the south seas reaches a new high. A federation of captains take over the island of Totugo and make it a haven for buccaneers.
3 years ago — The Wolfen Empire brings many of the barbarian Coyle tribes into the Empire, but discord strains the young kingdom and the Empire begins to splinter along old tribal lines.
2 years ago — Hostility reaches new heights along the disputed border of the Eastern Territory and Great Northern Wilderness. The grand canal opens, linking the Great river to the Inland Sea.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.
If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
- Hero
- Posts: 1445
- Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:08 am
- Comment: They/Them
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
This seems like a good choice for a community project. The first step would be to just look for the literal timelines in all the books. I'll put some time in on that, at least. The annoying part would be to sift through the text, including Rifter articles, for mentions of events not found in a timeline. The tedious part would be to collate everything.
This seems like a good choice for a community project. The first step would be to just look for the literal timelines in all the books. I'll put some time in on that, at least. The annoying part would be to sift through the text, including Rifter articles, for mentions of events not found in a timeline. The tedious part would be to collate everything.
- Braden Campbell
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 3744
- Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2000 1:01 am
- Location: The Free City of Worldgate
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
this is mostly published timelines in books.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.
If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
- Hero
- Posts: 1445
- Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:08 am
- Comment: They/Them
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
Well, you've got the four I found in a first pass, if not more besides. Several books have history sections not reduced to summaries. If you could say which books you've gone through I can perhaps be of some help.
Book 1 pg 281
Book 8 pp 8-11
Book 11 pp 10-12
Book 16 pp 16-21
Book 1 pg 281
Book 8 pp 8-11
Book 11 pp 10-12
Book 16 pp 16-21
- Reagren Wright
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 3248
- Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
- Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
- Location: LaPorte, In USA
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
Rifter #63 has official cannon timeline of Timiro. Very impressive timeline. Looking forward to adding to it.
Re: Fantasy timeline...?
This is great guys - thanks