Hardcover preordered

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Hardcover preordered

Unread post by Eric42 »

Well palladium gets enough for my money but they weren't happy enough I guess as Kevin just announced the publication of many hardcover core rule books. I have already pre-ordered my fantasy hardcover. Anyone else getting it?
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Re: Hardcover preordered

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Aww darn I was hoping they'd do limited edition style covers. :( probably still end up purchasing them.
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Re: Hardcover preordered

Unread post by Hotrod »

Weirdly, I'm not a huge collector; I prefer PDFs. That said, I certainly appreciate the look and feel of a good hardbound book.

You know what I'd really like, though? I'd love to see a Palladium Fantasy book bound and marked like a Rune book. Sure, it'd be a gimmick, but how cool would that be?
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Re: Hardcover preordered

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I won't decide until they actually make them available. I don't do pre-order.
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Zer0 Kay
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Re: Hardcover preordered

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Hotrod wrote:Weirdly, I'm not a huge collector; I prefer PDFs. That said, I certainly appreciate the look and feel of a good hardbound book.

You know what I'd really like, though? I'd love to see a Palladium Fantasy book bound and marked like a Rune book. Sure, it'd be a gimmick, but how cool would that be?

A rulebook for PFRPG
For BtS, Bound as a grimore with faux leather cover and uneven pages.

HU... dunnoh.

Rifts the cover looks metallic but in the middle is a plastic gem over a foil hologram so it shifts colors.

But yes, super gimmicky themed covers.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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