House rules...magic recharge for items.

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House rules...magic recharge for items.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

The world I'm in currently in is at a "pseudo Victorian era", as far as stem tech and clockwork stuff goes, but not too much else. Education is very restrictive in some parts of the world, not too much in others. Guilds are mostly in charge of education. Magic is mostly hidden from the general populous, only the nobles are taught to use it and the few peasant with high PPE usually make it either into the clergy or become the property of the nobility...Sorta like in the Bookworm Anime. The world has had it's PPE/mana drained during the "tower wars". So, the "web" of leylines is between that of BTS 1st ed and Nightbane in the power levels. The so the more powerful objects have to be recharged at super nexuses (nexi?). It work. And makes for great RP moments.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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Interesting world. Would what it is based on be "Ascendance of a Bookworm"? Seen the Light Novels in Amazon......and now found the anime on CR)

My house rule about recharging Talisman, which uses the numbers found in the canon spell but make it easier to use by PCs....
(has the PF2 core book in front of me while writing. using it as reference.)

There are three Steps.

1) Make object into a receptive vessel for the magic. Or to say create a 'blank talisman.'
Cast the spell using the 500 PPE cost to turn the object into a blank Talisman.
2) Make the Blank Talisman into a fully changed and specialized Talisman.
Cast the charging side of the spell for 50 PPE along with three times the PPE of the spell being imprinted into the 'blank' and the spell being imprinted to charge the blank talisman for the first time.
(note-thought: might be able to just use one time the spell cost to charge it. If the maker only wants ti limit the number of times it can be used. But this might make a perm. limited
3) When depleted recharge it.
Use the recharge side of the spell to recharge the

The PPE battery option just fills the Blank with 50 PPE.

example: Making a Luck curse
Make blank; costs 500 PPE and an object.
Change blank with LC spell: cost 170 PPE

As you can see that with being able to hold x3 base PPE (ether way it is calculated) the spell is now usable by level 5'ish chars. Opposed to the 620 PPE cost of paying the charging PPE at the same time as making object receptive to becoming a
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

Unread post by gaby »

Good idea,I be think about this for a BtS,s game,A Group of Rich people have magic weapons and Magic items,they use Human sacrifice to rechanged them.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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gaby wrote:Good idea,I be think about this for a BtS,s game,A Group of Rich people have magic weapons and Magic items,they use Human sacrifice to rechanged them.

Using PB terms, those would be magic blades that turn themselves into temporary minor rune weapons when they are charged. The harder part would to be how to define when they have been used enough to need a recharge.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Interesting world. Would what it is based on be "Ascendance of a Bookworm"? Seen the Light Novels in Amazon......and now found the anime on CR)

I would say the world is more "Inspired by" than based upon it, The 8th Son, Are You Kidding Me?, Pirates of Dark Water, and maybe a few other things.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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During a planetary alignment, we were able to use 4 wizards towers (and positioning 15 NPCs at towers) to restore some of the energy to the leylines. For right now, the power level is now somewhere between Nightbane and Heroes Unlimited. Think of towers as being pyramids...the larger the tower the more energy it can hold and area of weather control. We sorta surprised the GM just with our plan when we sprung it on him. We needed to see if we could reverse the flow into to flow out of.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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Bit of an update. We took over a mega tower on a superior super nexus a few games ago. How long we can hold it, ummm...remains to be seen. Oh boy, does it ever! But, my character will needs to meditate and commune with this tower to become the lord magus of the tower of Saigus Varday (Spelling?). This will take time to do...A week of fasting and meditation.

Oh, and also add in to the list of shows the concept of the snake men from Conan: The Adventurers cartoon but replace them with the ones in He-Man from the 2002 reboot character art and concept as the current bad guys, and the Gargoyles from the Disney's cartoon as the indifferent ones who we are trying to broker a deal with to assist us. And I am sure there have been more that I am not thinking of right now, but it's almost 1AM; so...yeah.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Interesting world. Would what it is based on be "Ascendance of a Bookworm"? Seen the Light Novels in Amazon......and now found the anime on CR)

My house rule about recharging Talisman, which uses the numbers found in the canon spell but make it easier to use by PCs....
(has the PF2 core book in front of me while writing. using it as reference.)

There are three Steps.

1) Make object into a receptive vessel for the magic. Or to say create a 'blank talisman.'
Cast the spell using the 500 PPE cost to turn the object into a blank Talisman.
2) Make the Blank Talisman into a fully changed and specialized Talisman.
Cast the charging side of the spell for 50 PPE along with three times the PPE of the spell being imprinted into the 'blank' and the spell being imprinted to charge the blank talisman for the first time.
(note-thought: might be able to just use one time the spell cost to charge it. If the maker only wants ti limit the number of times it can be used. But this might make a perm. limited
3) When depleted recharge it.
Use the recharge side of the spell to recharge the

The PPE battery option just fills the Blank with 50 PPE.

example: Making a Luck curse
Make blank; costs 500 PPE and an object.
Change blank with LC spell: cost 170 PPE

As you can see that with being able to hold x3 base PPE (ether way it is calculated) the spell is now usable by level 5'ish chars. Opposed to the 620 PPE cost of paying the charging PPE at the same time as making object receptive to becoming a
I agree with your interpretation of Talisman as it’s published. I have made a couple of house rule about Talisman. They hold any spell that costs 50 PPE or less to cast. Not really much of a change but much easier to work with as PPE cost is not totally consistent with level. The other thing that struck as very inconsistent with Talisman was the PPE battery version only holding 50 PPE. Never understood why 50 PPE couldn’t be put in three times like a spell can so in my game a PPE battery talisman can hold 150 PPE total. You have to draw the PPE 50 at a time just like each stored spell must be cast separately.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Mlp7029 wrote:...The other thing that struck as very inconsistent with Talisman was the PPE battery version only holding 50 PPE. Never understood why 50 PPE couldn’t be put in three times like a spell can so in my game a PPE battery talisman can hold 150 PPE total. You have to draw the PPE 50 at a time just like each stored spell must be cast separately.

I love this idea, think I might use it. Having to take it out 50 at a time puts a limit on it. Do you let them absorb the PPE or do they have to use it on the spell and loose the excess?
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

Unread post by Mlp7029 »

I let them absorb it or use it for a spell being cast. If the mage is using PPE talismans they made themselves PPE can be drawn as needed from self made talismans vs a talisman made by someone else or in a TW factory, very common in my campaign, tapping releases the whole 50. You can draw from more than one talisman at a time, max number is your level number. In order to use PPE talismans at all you must be able to absorb PPE from an outside source like a ley line. PPE talisman mass production factories were the first true TW mass production in my campaign. The first factories were the size of well buildings while the most advanced Rifts Earth versions are the size of a band saw or drill press you could have in your garage. UWW sells a version the size of a nuclear e-clip charger aka a max Hand Carry sized piece of luggage. I like easy math when I am GMing so in locations where there is safe ready access to a ley line or a nexus costs 1 credit per PPE to create scrolls, talismans, and amulets. I used Arzno book guidelines for price that being 10s of credits per creation PPE around ley lines etc. rising to 100s per creation PPE away from a ley line. Long post I know but I thought you might be interested in these house rules since you like the logic of a talisman storing 150 PPE. I basically think of a PPE talisman as an e-clip for a mage so they go for 1000-1500 cr near production capacity rising to 5000-7500 cr away from production capacity.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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Another update. This could be it for us holding the tower. First off, the intel was lacking. So we decided to gave the titan and rahu-man giant sized scythes and asked them to "go play and have some fun" with the army that is converging in the borderlands, but not to try to be heroes and kill them all. So that my PC can gather info and try to get a better count...And to teleport back when they needs to. I astral projected there 2 minute later. To see what I could see. 10 minotaurs pulling an absolutely massive siege tower, 5 trebuchets through a massive gateway and they had no less than 50 REPEATING ballistas hooked to chariots and 4 battering ram there already, (Yes, they had constructed and linked 2 mystical stone gateways which had anti-scrying wards on it that were blocking my ability to scry...Even with the aid of the tower, I couldn't roll under the amount I needed to roll under.) Oh yeah, the minotaurs are taking orders from a Nimro, and there are figure about 30,000 +/- orcs gathered...not to mentions the 500 gromeks, and 50 goblins. And yeah, Rob and Henry's characters were a distraction. To keep their mages and psychics from noticing my character in astral form. While that was happening, I think of something and asked "what was the lunar phase", the GM rolled a D30, and said full...I said, the faerie court is in session tonight. The GM said "stay over for a bit and we will run that out." I, being linked to the tower, didn't want to loose it and have to redo the linking process by stepping out side of the tower...not a wise move considering all of the bonuses of the tower. I chose to again astral projected, this time to the faerie court in the woods near the tower and told them the numbers we were dealing with, and that I would need some help with them, considering they threaten everything they have built there and lived PEACEFULLY with regular gifts of honey, breads, and milk left in the woods as per our deal. I got 535 faeries on board. Which I plan to put to good use in the next game. Their flight speed, small size, fae twine that can only be described as extra fine saw wire, arrows, and their razor like swords will make them a MASSIVE HELP! But it will all depend on how much time we have before they attack. Things are currently in the air. The gm want to see what I can truly do with the power of the army that I did not have a chance to replenish after taking the tower we had opposition from the snake men, so we are struggling 2,500 and now 530 faeries. Um, also around 50 gargoyles, but they are only of use at night.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

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I gained about 13 levels sense the last post on here, after clearing it with Shawn, the GM, at max 15th level wizard, I went into summoner, and have ridiculously quickly leveled that up. I am not going into what all we did as some of it might offend some people. I will say this much, yes, some of it involved "necromancy", and is getting truly and totally brutal more and more each game section. However, yes, we still hold the tower, for now anyway. Plus we were finally successful in destroying the gateway like 2 games ago. But they have stone masters as well who have begun work on another gate faerie reported, ETUC is not known.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

Unread post by ShadowHawk »

You guys are doing alot better than I expected. I do give you kudos for that. HOWEVER, a bit of a heads up...Don't get too distracted by what's going to happen in the next game. The pressures is going to be on with the next game though. Your fellow players will need you especially to remain focused and will really be relying on it in this next game.

That said, I definitely wouldn't want you guys as my enemies. Hell, you guys operate too well as a well organized unit.
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Re: House rules...magic recharge for items.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

Am I ever too distracted to think when it comes down to it?
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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