That and speaking of other lands in the "Landmarks of Palladium" thread inspired me to start this thread.
Since i have a mostly superficial familiarity with rules & setting of PF, i decided to start this thread for any input from other people in how "portable" might it be to Palladium - setting-wise should be a cakewalk. The Gods of Light & Darkness are pretty much the egyptian pantheon, so i can just insert "the Black Land" in some region like the Yin-Sloth jungles or a made up island or subcontinent depending on my preference.
The magic is where i would like help from people familiar with both games - how similar or divergent are their mechanics, could it fit one or more OCCs or would adapt VotP's magic system as a custom OCC, RCC or whatever be a better way to mix while keeping the book's particular flavor? Has anyone experimented with that?